#to this song's 'I've never shown anyone ALL OF ME before'
mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
What Did You Do
pairing: tom riddle x female reader, voldemort x female reader
warnings: angst, tiny bit of fluff
summary: throughout your years at hogwarts, you and tom were inseparable, now as a professor you see what happened to him at the battle of hogwarts - requested by anon
a/n: i'm going to age down voldemort and the reader (meaning because mcgonagall is a little younger than voldemort, the reader would be so old lmao. so i'm just imagining the reader is like remus' age, it wont affect the time line, idk if that makes sense sorry)
song: the night we met - lord huron
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Tom was brilliant, so were you. You were both the top of your classes since your first year at Hogwarts.
That's how you two started talking. You would be partnered with each other in most of your classes, you made an excellent pair.
Throughout the years there, you two had grown a bond. Eventually, you both had feelings for each other.
You knew of your affections towards him, you didn't tell him because you didn't want to ruin your close friendship. But Tom had been in a sort of denial, seeing as how he was conceived under a love potion, he didn't think it was possible.
Around your sixth year, he had come to terms with how he felt. You two had confessed to each other after one of Slughorns dinner parties, he had attended as your date.
It came as a shock to most students when the news of you getting together spread.
They had know he had a soft spot for you, but he had never shown any romantic feelings towards anyone before.
It was seventh year and Tom had confessed to you of his plans and becoming Lord Voldemort.
He asked you to join him and be his partner but you couldn't. It was wrong and you knew it, he knew it deep down too.
You figured this was caused by his horrible childhood at the orphanage, he told you all about how he was treated.
He asked you one final time to join or he would have to continue without you.
You stood there in front of him with tears streaming down your face as you shook your head.
He wanted to wipe the tears from your beautiful face, but he knew it would make him tempted to give up the plans he worked so hard for.
So he turned his back on you and left you behind while you cried and begged him to stop what he was doing.
After that night, you hadn't seen him again.
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"Harry!" you call your student, a student who was like a son to you.
You knew of how he got his scar, as did everyone else. It broke your heart each time you thought of what had caused it.
"Harry, be safe, I'll be right behind you," you kiss his head. He goes and runs off to find Voldemort as students and staff start to fill the courtyard and go into a circle.
You quickly walked through the empty halls of Hogwarts, making sure there were no student that needed help.
You finally went outside and saw Harry and Voldemort in a duel.
You gasp at how he looks, this wasn't your Tom. You hadn't seen how he looked since that night so long ago.
You rush over ignoring the calls of people to stop.
"Tom! Stop this!" you yell with angry tears forming in your eyes.
Voldemort blocks Harry's spell and sends one to knock him out for a little while he drops his arm to look at you.
People watching were frozen in their places as they took in the scene in front of them. There were very few people who were aware of your past relationship with Tom.
"What did you do," you cry. He almost winces at the pain in your voice.
He slowly walks over to you and stops about three feet from you.
"I got the power I've always desired," he explains in a monotone voice.
"Tom... we could have had a future together, look what you've become," you whisper.
"You didn't wish to join me, you didn't expect me to drop everything I've worked for, did you?"
"Yes, I did, because you could have and I would have done the same for you," you try your best to keep your voice from cracking.
He knows you're right. He couldn't look you in your eyes. He looks around at the faces watching as he tries to not think about how beautiful you still are.
You had grown into a stunning woman, and well, he felt embarrassed by what he had come to.
"Stop!" Voldemort shouts, annoyed at his now conflicted emotions.
He feels tempted to stop and apparate you and him somewhere to stay, like how you always dreamed of.
He couldn't, not now. He decided an apology was the only thing he could do, as he went to apologize to you, he suddenly felt pain all over.
He turned his head to see Harry with his wand pointed at him. It was then you both realized he was truly gone.
As he starts to turn to stone, he uses all the energy left in him to look at you, in the eyes this time.
He watches as so many emotions flash through your eyes. He memorized your features in the few seconds he has.
You look at Voldemort on his knees, almost all stone. You see him mouth something, it looks like 'I'm sorry', but you can't be sure.
You watch as he looks you dead in the eye, finally turning completely to stone and dissolving into nothing.
People around you start cheering and hugging as they all celebrate.
Harry turns to you and sees the devastated look on your face.
"I'm sorry that you lost him," Harry says as he hugs you, "not Voldemort, but Tom," he continues.
"I'm sorry too, but you're safe, along with everyone else," you sigh, "that's all that matters," you kiss his forehead and hug him back.
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It took you a while to finally accept that Tom- Voldemort, was gone.
Things slowly got back to normal. Hogwarts was rebuilt and repaired. You continued your teaching career there.
You were sat in your room, in a cottage where you and Tom were supposed to be living.
You decided that if he couldn't be there to live life, you would do it for the both of you.
You pick up some letters he would send you when you were dating, you had saved them all. You look at the box and see one that hasn't been opened. Your eyebrows furrow as you open it. Then, a tear slides down your face as you read it.
My y/n,
If you are reading this, that means I have become Lord Voldemort, and am likely dead now.
I need you to understand that I am not the Tom you once knew. I also need you to understand that I have regretted walking away from you each and every day since I did so.
You were my family, my love, my everything.
I'm sorry I threw that away for power. I know now that it is far too late to go back.
I wish I could though, and spend life with you in that place you always use to tell me about. Unfortunately, it isn't possible. But know that if it was, I would take that opportunity in a heartbeat.
Stay true to yourself, don't turn your back on the people you love, I regrettably made that mistake.
You are a beautiful person, my love, I hope you accomplish all of the things you use to rant to me about.
Please forgive me.
Yours always,
Tom Riddle
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knickynoo · 2 months
You know, as I listened to the BTTF Minute podcast before, they got into a discussion about George and Lorraine's relationship in the Twin Pines timeline that I really liked.
In the episode, they're breaking down the McFly dinner scene and focusing in on when Lorraine is telling the story of how she and George met. And this is a scene I've mentioned in a post or two before, because it's just so sad. You can tell that Lorraine is still so in love with George—or at least in love with the version of him who kissed her on the dance floor that night. Her face brightens as she talks, and you can just hear the fondness in her voice. She's that young girl again, hopeful and in love and smitten with this guy who she helped care for when he was hurt.
But then the tone changes. She's brought back to reality—to a husband who is so wrapped in his own world that he doesn't even acknowledge her. He's facing away from her, eyes glued to the TV, unaware of the loving glance being directed his way. He doesn't even respond when she asks him if he remembers the night of that terrible thunderstorm.
All of a sudden, Lorraine is slapped in the face with reality. She's drained of that hope, and in its place is the realization that she's stuck with George. Stuck in a lonely marriage. Stuck in a life that young girl never would have pictured for herself.
Anyway, this is where I really liked the commentary the podcast hosts, Nick and Scott, gave regarding the scene.
In talking about George, they point out, "He never had to try. He never had to fight for her," and, "Literally, he got run over by love."
Which I think condenses the situation very well. George was hit by a car, carried into the Baines house, and all the groundwork was instantly laid for him. Lorraine fell head over heels for this poor, injured, awkward guy and established their relationship herself. George didn't have to fight; his dream girl was handed to him. And for someone like George, who is already very much a wallflower and doesn't stand up for himself or anyone else, it made it all that much easier to let his marriage go stale. Take Lorraine for granted, in a way.
Then, Scott got to talking about how George and Lorraine were brought together on accident and by an accident. It was George accidentally falling from the tree and then the literal being hit with a car accident that led him to Lorraine. And he goes on to say,
"Which, in a lot of ways, that's kind of what the movie's about, in that they fell in love with an accident, and it's just like, oh, love shouldn't be an accident. Love should be something that you earn and work for."
And like. Idk, I've been thinking about that all afternoon. Just. About the trilogy's whole message (to me, at least) boiling down to love, which I've made many a post about on this blog. But it's so true. Everything in these movies comes down to and is directed by love.
Marty's love for his parents. His love then helping to shape George and Lorraine's love. Marty's love for Doc, and Doc's love for Marty, and the way they are constantly saving each other and willing to sacrifice themselves. Doc's love for Clara. Marty's love for Jennifer. Marty's love for his siblings. The movie's "theme song" being "The Power of Love."
The movies wouldn't work if all these characters took the more passive approach. If they all grew comfortable and complacent like Twin Pines George is shown to be.
I dunno, it's just been ringing in my head for hours. Love shouldn't be an accident.
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taruruchi · 23 days
SR Taruchi [Music Week] Voice Lines - PASTEL BXMB!
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Thank you @raguiras for hosting this event!!!! Your idea is SOOO good and creative, I love all the groups and how much thought you put into it!! Tbh this is the first fan event I've officially participated in and it's all bc the concept is so fun HAHAHA ty again mionn <333
There are more voice lines + the non-pull looking card under the cut!
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Summon Line: Sometimes I forget this is just a short event thing. I'm having a lot more fun than I thought! Kinda makes me wish we could keep doing this.
Groovy: Is it time for our performance? All right, I'll give it everything I've got!
Set to Home: Shall we go practice?
Home Transition 1: I look so fire, right?! These clothes look so good! Though it's a little uncomfy, since it's not my usual style and all. I just gotta get used to it.
Home Transition 2: I won't lie, I'm… not so good at dancing. And my singing is kinda mid. Agh, I gotta practice more… Thank goodness Kalim is such a good leader! He's so understanding.
Home Transition 3: *sigh* I don't know if I'm cut out for all this. It sure drains someone's energy… But no way am I gonna drag down my group! I want us to win, after all!
Home Transition/Login: Hmhmhm~ Hmm~ Oh! Uhh… You heard nothing, all right?! Don't share that melody with anyone, please! It's supposed to be our group's song for the competition!
Home Transition/Groovy: Do you think I got better after all our practices? I sure don't feel as bad as before. Maybe I could become an idol one day… Haha, just kidding. No way.
Tap Home 1: This group is so cutesy. I like it a lot, but sometimes I get worried I don't really fit… Ah, what am I talking about? Idia and Sebek are here too, and they probably fit the concept less than I do.
Tap Home 2: I can't imagine Allen handling this entire event. But have you seen him while he's with his group? He's amazing! It makes sense he's supervising basically the whole thing, ‘cause he's 100% qualified!
Tap Home 3: Too bad the group doesn't use instruments. Maybe I could've shown off my crazy piano skills. Haha, I'm kidding! My skills aren't that good, trust me.an idol one day… Haha, just kidding. No way.
Tap Home 5: Hmm, I wonder who came up with the group's name? PASTEL BXMB! does seem very fitting, but it also reminds me of bath bombs… Wait, why am I talking about this? I don't even understand bath bombs.
Tap Home 1: This group is so cutesy. I like it a lot, but sometimes I get worried I don't really fit… Ah, what am I talking about? Idia and Sebek are here too, and they probably fit the concept less than I do.
Tap Home 2: I can't imagine Allen handling this entire event. But have you seen him while he's with his group? He's amazing! It makes sense he's supervising basically the whole thing, ‘cause he's 100% qualified!
Tap Home 3: Too bad the group doesn't use instruments. Maybe I could've shown off my crazy piano skills. Haha, I'm kidding! My skills aren't that good, trust me.
Tap Home 4: Have you seen Azul anywhere? He said he wanted to meet up after our individual practices with our groups so we can— Uh, ahem, you know what? Never mind. I'll go look for him myself.
Tap Home/Groovy: Performing like this is a lot harder than I thought. You have to be conscious of everything, from your expressions to your movements to your voice. Music artists, especially idols, must've had really rigorous training to get to where they are now…
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Taruchi's SR card w/o all the text stuff:
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Little rambles: I was initially just gonna make her mic sparkly, I've known that since the beginning, but. Idk there's something about me and glitters that makes it spread everywhere OAKSKDJSD also when I showed this to my sister, when she saw the stickers, she literally went "CUTIE MARKS??? SHE'S A PONY???" like girl 🧍‍♀️
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Credits: The event is Music Weeks at NRC! by @/raguiras, who also owns Allen who's mentioned in one of the voice lines. The dividers were made by @/firefly-graphics
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yunarim · 1 year
So I've been listening to a lot of Swan Lake lately (and I've recently been listening to the Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses theme on loop for the past half an hour) and this got me thinking.
What about the Pomefiore trio and a female ballerina!reader who was an accomplished ballerina back in her world?
Maybe they see her dancing in an empty classroom and then get shown recordings of her performances on her phone (that was transported with her) and they are just spellbound at the elegance of her dancing.
Thank you.
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── ⋅⋅⋅ FEEL MY RHYTHM | follow the song and dance in the moonlight
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♩ ⁺✧ fem!reader (she/her), ballerina!reader | vil schoenheit, rook hunt, epel felmier note — aahhh sorry for taking so long ;; i hope it's okay and you enjoyed the fic!
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VIL SCHOENHEIT sighs in disappointment when another student who tries passing a casting for a new project he assigned fails miserably. Rook beside him claps, blooming with ‘beauté!!’ nevertheless, while Epel who got dragged along sends mental signals to the failed student to cheer up. 
Vil thinks it’s easier to rewrite the whole plot of the play he’s preparing for the theatre club’s project or maybe make Rook or Epel learn ballet in a span of two months. He dismisses the casting and claims he needs some fresh air because it gets almost unbearable. 
It’s not like club members or just anyone in school needs to know how to dance ballet. It’s not like people who tried (and failed) are bad dancers either, they just lack the elegance and the right mood needed for the story. Vil sighs, stepping out of the building.
A light, gentle music plays somewhere. Vil heads out towards the sweet sound and hears someone counting beats. How curious, why would such majestic music play out of nowhere? Moreover, beats counting?
He then sees you. The shoes you usually wear are left all forgotten near the tree right next to your other belongings. Your gaze is full of concentration just for one mere moment before the look in your eyes changes drastically, a dreamy fleur blossoms instead. Vil’s breath hitches when he sees pointe shoes on your feet. Your legs are steady yet don’t lack spring ability, your every step is filled with grace and make your figure seem light and almost doll-like. The way you raise your hands, even no unnecessary angles in your finger joints, how your eyelashes flatter under the setting sun — you’re flawless. 
He watches you performing till the very end, you don’t even need music to express what the dance was supposed to be about — your every movement is filled with emotion. You blink your concentration and turn to Vil, finally noticing him. He explains to you there’s a project he’s arranging and whether or not you’re interested in taking part in. You accept his offer. 
Vil returns to the Pomefiore ballroom in a brilliant mood, surprising Rook and Epel and claiming he found a real gem. The next day you send him videos of your previous theatre plays you did back in your world, and he can’t help but save them all. 
When you finally perform on stage again, you feel alive and happy. Vil watches you backstage after playing his part, and tries to remain professional when Rook points out it’s his turn again and he needs to join you on the stage, because he gets bewitched by your dance every time he sees it.  Suggests you to continue your career in Twisted Wonderland and even says he would be happy to design outfits for your plays. Smirks proudly when hears students discussing your dance with ‘Did you know that Prefect is a ballerina?!’, ‘Sevens, I never knew she’s that elegant!’ and such.
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It is no wonder ROOK HUNT is interested in Art (capital letter is essential). His aesthetic appreciation scale was suffering a deficiency in something extraordinary, novel and totally unique, a 100% of pure Beauté in all its might. 
It is nice — to be able to sneak out from the campus to go on something people would call a stroll, but it is nothing else than an observational journey for Rook. Seeing city lights creating a certain atmosphere when entering a live theatre is magnificent and genuinely romantic. 
Rook’s smile is plastered on his face when he’s watching young people play, giving their everything, but something still tells Rook it’s not enough for him to return back home yet. The play ends, Rook congratulates actors by giving them splendid bouquets and goes outside. It’s strange — the stars are already glowing in a gorgeous magnificent night sky, but he almost feels with his own skin that somewhere nearby something’s radiating a warm light.
Indeed, he finds its source. A small park near the theatre is lightened up a bit, a flashlight’s ray in a fixed position. Rook chuckles, deciding to observe the place a little more, and then he gasps.
It’s you. How very interesting—what would you do in such a place outside of the campus late at night? A flashlight serving as a spotlight, and… Ah, what beautiful pointe shoes you’re wearing! Your lips let out a small exhale before you straighten up and take a position; a tender melody heard ever so slightly in the earphones you wear. 
You perform a bewitching pirouette, absence of heaviness in your tiptoes. You seem to soar like a graceful feather, and even despite the clothes not intended for ballet (except for pointe shoes), you demonstrate impressive marvels of refined technique and skill. Rook knows what it takes to dance so gracefully like you do. It’s not just the ingenuity you’ve certainly got, but also passion. It’s not the dance you perform, it’s life in all its finesse and sincerity. Rook doesn’t need a grand music to understand what you're saying through the little performance, he feels it. 
When the song ends, you change the pointe shoes you were wearing into your normal ones, and smile. 
“Mon cygne, could you please allow me to appreciate your gracefulness?”
You jolt, but giggle the second Rook takes your hand in his and presses a weightless kiss on your palm. 
“I don’t mind,” you answer. “I wanted to try applying in the theatre nearby but I haven’t practiced for a while…”
You then show him your previous performances back in your world, and he’s completely spellbound by your allure. Worry not, you’ll definitely get the role you want, and who knows, maybe an extremely loyal admirer as well? 
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Let’s be real, EPEL FELMIER hates Vil the second the dorm leader assigns him with a certain oh-so-important-task. Epel survived a strict diet (which was actually quite healthy but oh come on, Epel wanted those new chips which appeared in Sam’s shop so bad), but dancing? Hello?? He’s in a Magift club?? No?? Okay.
Epel’s furious. He doesn’t want to take extra dancing classes. Moreover huh, ballet out of dances! Breakdance sounds quite cool, why not that? Isn’t like, all dances are nice and all about technique and things? Epel sighs in frustration while heading out to the Pomefiore ballroom. He has no idea how in the world he would practice. Vil stated he should start by watching videos he sent, but what was with the smirk on the dorm leader’s face when Epel said he can watch videos in his room or literally anywhere else? 
“Stupid Vil,” Epel claims and doesn’t even notice music playing quietly in the ballroom he’s about to enter.
He opens the door, his gaze right on the floor even the second he closes the door, and the second he makes his way into the room, he suddenly screams.
“Woah,” Epel hears someone near him being surprised but somehow in a calm voice?
Epel shifts his gaze to what—or actually who—almost smashed him down to the floor, and gasps.
It’s you. You don’t seem really surprised, your lips parted just slightly, but… Hey, how did you manage to raise your leg so high?! Are you even human, like this flexibility is no joke at all! Epel notices your outfit and pointe shoes you’re wearing, and goes all awestruck and confused.
“Did you just,” he says, staring at you in shock. “Almost smashed me with your leg.”
“Yes,” you admit. “But thankfully I was quick on my reflexes to do a third arabesque just in time. How come you did not notice me?”
“Ergh, I was kinda lost in thoughts… But girl, you’re insane though. Never knew you could dodge so well just by dancing— Ah.”
You look at him in confusion when he gasps and suddenly laughs. So that was what Vil meant by smiling so suspiciously!! No wonder he told him to come here when you’re the one who dances. Who would have thought you can actually learn some helpful moves with a ballet out of all dances? 
Epel tells you about the whole plan Vil set for him, and when you agree to help, he shows you the video he sent and wonders why you're grinning so much.
“What’s the matter?”
“Have you not realized yet? It’s me. It’s my performance.”
Okay, he definitely underestimated ballet. And do you think he could actually accompany you one day?.. Well, at least you two may try fighting with all the pirouettes you want to teach him.
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© yunarim 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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justagalwhowrites · 3 months
Hi Kit 💜 Im most of the way through a Lavender re-read. They're on the road and Joel’s feelings for Ellie are surfacing. It got me thinking… how would he have reacted arriving to the QZ to find out he had a 5 year old? 💔
Hi Bestie!!
AHHHH A REREAD? OF MY LIL FIC??? Dying 😭 That anyone read it at all let alone wants to re-read it just blows my freaking mind.
I'd intended to write a lil fic of this at some point but the more I thought about it the more involved it got and, honestly, I don't want to dedicate that much time to that particular AU. But, because I've thought on it so much, here's some of what I see playing out. It's tucked below the cut (including a Drabble) because it's just so long and there's a scene as well as some bullet points for how I see things going for a while.
I hope you like it!
The Best of Us - Lavender AU
A/N: No real warnings, this is a Drabble. Lil baby Joel and Doc snack for you.
October 6, 2008
You couldn’t put it off any longer. 
You’d shown Joel and Tommy around the whole of the QZ and you’d tried to give Joel space while you did it. You weren’t sure where you really stood with him, what he would want from you. But he’d kept your fingers clutched tight in his grip the whole day, so often pulling you closer so your bodies were aligned and you could feel him beside you, still tall and broad and strong. He was still so substantial, still so… Joel. Still the man you loved more than almost anything else, still the man you’d planned to spend your life with once, still the man who had left you when you begged him to stay. Still the father of your child, something you were still afraid to tell him. 
He was still Joel and, while it felt like he was desperately keeping you close all day, you couldn’t be sure what that meant. It seemed like Joel and Tommy had been on their own for a while. You’d clung to Andrew, too, because he felt safe. You weren’t sure that Joel would want anything to do with you once he got settled in here. He hadn’t wanted anything to do with you before. 
And all that was before the Evie of it all. You hadn’t mentioned your daughter to him. He’d had no idea you were pregnant when the world ended and you had no idea how to bring it up now. Not that you hadn’t thought about it over the years but, for some reason, you’d thought you’d have some notice. You didn’t expect them to just turn up in Boston. You’d expected them to show up in Dallas or Atlanta and you’d hear about it on the radio, coordinate a time to talk to them and see how they were and if they’d even be willing to come to Boston at all. If they weren’t, you weren’t sure you’d even tell Joel about Evie. It seemed like an unnecessary risk because you knew - knew - as soon as you told Joel she existed, he would do everything he could to reach her. She was a child he didn’t plan for, one he didn’t want with you, but one he would do anything for all the same. You would see if they wanted to come to Boston and, if they did, plan to meet them and talk to her in advance so she knew what was going on. 
This had been so sudden. You’d told Evie precious little about her father. She’d asked about him, of course, when she learned that fathers were something children had but she didn’t. You explained that he was far away and that she may never get to meet him but that you knew he loved her very, very much. Because you knew that, if Joel was aware of her, he’d love her with everything he had. That’s who he was. You’d told her how much you loved her father and her big sister, that her father loved to play music and you found some of his favorite CDs at the black market so she could know his favorite songs, that her father used to build things. She didn’t know that he was here. You didn’t know how she would handle that and you didn’t have time to get her ready. 
All you could do now was hope that it went OK for both their sakes. 
“So,” you smiled a little, stopping in front of the apartment you’d helped secure for Joel and Tommy. “This is your place. I’m happy to help you get settled but there should be furniture and some of the basics inside, just whatever was left from people who were there before. FEDRA does a pretty good job of keeping the looting to a minimum in places they’re looking to house people and they check things over before someone moves in.” 
Joel’s grip on you tightened and you took a deep breath, stomach in knots. 
“I was hoping, though, that I might be able to steal Joel for a bit?” You looked between the two men. “Not that it hasn’t been great to see you, Tommy, and I’m so happy you’re here but…” 
“Nah, Kid, I get it,” he gave you one of his signature crooked smiles before clapping Joel on the shoulder. “You two have fun.” 
He got the key out of his pocket and headed up the stairs to his building, and you watched until he went inside. You turned to face Joel and found that he was staring at you, his deep brown eyes tracing over your face again and again. 
“If it’s OK with you,” you said, looking at him. “I’d like to take you to my place? It’s not far and there’s… there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” 
“Sure, yeah,” he said, lifting the hand that wasn’t holding yours but then seemingly thinking better of what he was going to do with it. “Whatever you want, that… We can do whatever you want.” 
You smiled tightly and led the way, clinging to his hand. Who knows if he’d want to keep holding it once he found out about Evie so you were going to touch him while you still could. 
“I’m up there,” you said, stopping at the base of the stairs up to your floor. “You… you should know that I don’t expect anything from you.” He looked confused but you pressed on. “It’s whatever you want to do, OK?” 
“Alright,” he said, brows knitted together. “Don’t much know what you’re talkin’ about but…” 
“It’ll make sense in a minute,” you said. “Just… Know that you don’t have to do anything.” 
You led the way up the stairs and dropped his hand before taking a deep breath and unlocking your front door. 
“…that’s against the rules though,” Andrew was saying as you came inside. He was sitting on the floor by your coffee table, a cracked version of Hungry Hungry Hippos sitting on the gouged wood and your daughter kneeling on a pillow across from him, her back to the door. Her dark curls hung to her hips and Andrew must have tied a ribbon in her half ponytail that morning that was now was hanging on for dear life. “You can’t just pick up the marbles, kiddo, that’s cheating.” 
“But they weren’t coming to my side!” She whined. “It’s not fair!” 
“Too bad for you,” he said, meeting your eyes and smiling a little before nodding in your direction. “Look who’s home!” 
She turned so fast that her hair twirled behind her, her eyes - warm and brown and deep, so like her father’s - wide and excited. 
“Mama!” She shot up from the table and rocketed for you and you caught her out of the air, picking her up and popping her on your hip. Her arms went around your neck and she buried herself in your shoulder for a moment before pulling back to look at you, a stern look on her small face. “Mama, you didn’t take me to school today, I missed you!” 
“I missed you too, baby girl,” you said, tugging her closer so you could kiss her cheek. “But I had something very important to do this morning and you like when Uncle Andrew walks you to school.” 
“I like when Uncle Andrew walks me AND you to school,” she corrected you. “It’s best when it’s both.” 
“I agree, it is best when it’s both,” you smiled a little and nuzzled into her, breathing in the sweet smell of her hair and skin. “But there’s someone I want you to meet. Evie, this is… this is my friend, his name is Joel. Joel, this… this is Evie. Short for Evelyn.” 
You looked away from your daughter, still holding her on your hip as you turned to fully face Joel. He was staring at her, his mouth slightly open, his eyes wet.
“Evelyn?” He asked softly, still watching her. 
“Evelyn,” you said, taking a deep breath. “Evelyn Miller.” 
“Hi!” She said brightly, starting to squirm in your hold. You set her down and she went to Joel, tilting her head all the way back to look up at him. “My mom doesn’t usually bring friends home, why haven’t I met you before?” 
“He just got here,” you said, coming up behind her and resting your hands on her small shoulders, watching as Joel took her in. His eyes lingered on her eyes and lips and hair. You knew he was finding all the parts of him that existed in her - she had so much of him in her - and that he was coming to grips with it all. “He was outside for a long time.” 
“Outside?” Her nose crinkled and she looked over to you. “But you said it’s dangerous out there.” 
“It is,” you said. “That’s why he came here. I knew him a long time ago, before you were born.” 
“Oh,” she said, turning back to Joel. “So did you come here to find my mom? Where did you come here from? Why didn’t you get here sooner? What…” 
“Why don’t we give Joel a minute,” Andrew said, coming over and taking her little hand. “It’s almost bedtime, yeah? Think there’s a little girl here who needs to start thinking about pajamas…” 
“Just getting changed,” he said. “Then you can say hi to Mommy’s friend again and you can drive him crazy with all the questions instead of just me, c’mon.” 
He scooped her up and mouthed ‘you OK?’ once she couldn’t see. You just nodded and he carried her back to her room. You watched them go before turning to Joel who was just staring at the hall they’d disappeared down. 
“I have a fire escape, out the kitchen window,” you said, nodding to it. “It’s pretty private. We can go there and talk.” 
“Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, OK.” 
You opened the window and clambered out of it, Joel following behind you. You took a deep breath, looking up at the moon, giving Joel a second to process everything. 
After a moment of silence, he spoke. 
“You have a daughter,” he said it so quietly. 
You nodded slowly. 
“I do,” you said. “She’s four and a half today, she’s very excited about the half. Apparently those six months are vital at this age…” 
“She…” he leaned on the creaking metal of the fire escape, his fingers clenched tight on the railing. “She was born… April then?” 
“April 6th,” you nodded. 
“Which…” he was fumbling for the words. 
You helped him out. 
“We made her my last trip to Texas,” you said quietly. You leaned back against the railing so you were looking at Joel instead of out to the other side of your apartment complex. 
“Jesus,” he breathed, looking back over his shoulder toward your apartment for a moment. 
“I know this is…” you took a deep breath. “It’s a lot. She doesn’t know that you’re her father and she doesn’t need to know. I know this wasn’t the plan before let alone now, especially not since…” You couldn’t bring yourself to say Sarah’s name. Especially not when you’d told Evie so much about her big sister through the years. “I don’t expect anything from you, Joel. You don’t need to be anything for either of us and I promise you I will take care of her. She’s my whole world, I’ll do everything I can to take care of her and she’s doing OK. Great, under the circumstances. There’s a preschool that some of the moms set up, she hangs out at the clinic with me in the evenings, Andrew does so much for her… I think she might like him better than me some days. I’ve taken care of her without you her whole life and I can just… I can keep doing that, it’s OK. You don’t need to do anything but I… I don’t know. I wanted you to know that she existed. That she has your hair and your eyes and sometimes she frowns like you which is so funny to me since she didn’t learn that, she couldn’t have, she just knows it…” 
“You were pregnant,” he said softly. “During the outbreak, when everything… you were pregnant?” 
You nodded, watching him. 
“And you… you were alone,” he said. “You did all that… you made it here alone, when you were pregnant.” 
“Not alone,” you said. “I found Andrew a few days in…” 
“And he was, what, 12?” He asked, voice sharp. You flinched a little. 
“He was 18 then,” you said. “But we took care of each other…” You watched Joel, his grip on the railing tightening. “What are you thinking?” 
“That I fuckin’ left you to do this on your own,” he snapped. “That I’ve been out there while you were here with our fuckin’ kid! I should have been here this whole time, I should have been there, with you then instead of…” 
“Joel,” you said gently, resting your hand in the middle of his back. He was so large next to you, the span of his shoulders so broad. “It’s OK. You didn’t know, it wouldn’t have been any different and she and I… we’re OK. We made it here, she’s got a roof over her head and food to eat and she’s loved, she’s so loved. She’s doing good.” 
He was quiet for a moment but he didn’t pull away from you. 
“Tell me about her,” he said, his voice pained. “What is she like?” 
“She’s very smart,” you smiled. “She reads very well, she started reading on her own about a year ago. She loves games and she’s very invested in things being fair. She loves animals, we look at old National Geographics all the time, she’s obsessed with giraffes at the moment but she’s also completely blown away by the fact that people had pets before. She desperately wishes she could have a dog in the QZ.” 
You looked at Joel, until his eyes met yours. 
“She’s really the very best of us,” you said quietly. “She’s smart and she’s strong and she’s driven and she cares so deeply. When she loves something she just hangs on so tight, she’s so… She’s doing well and it’s OK if you can’t do this. I know it’s not what you wanted and it’s OK if you can’t or just don’t want to, I don’t expect…” 
“I want to be there,” he cut you off. “She’s… she’s my… I need to be there for her. For her and… and for you. If you’ll let me, I don’t want to blow your lives up, baby, but let me be there for you and her, please.” 
There was a knot in your throat that you couldn’t speak around so you just nodded quickly, feeling Joel’s eyes on you. His large hand found your face, cupping your cheek as his other arm wrapped around you, his fingers spreading wide over your lower back to cradle you to him. 
“Please,” he said again, his eyes searching yours.
You put your arms around his neck and kissed him then, the feel of his lips on yours familiar and comforting, even after so many years. He held you close and tight and, for the first time since before the outbreak, you felt the heat of want flare in your stomach, the drive to feel him as close as possible strong. 
“Let’s go find Mama!” Andrew said loudly from inside and you pulled back from Joel, his hands still on you. 
“I don’t want to tell her who you are just yet,” you said quietly. “I want to ease her into it without it being too confusing but… want to come inside? Get to know your daughter?” 
“Yeah,” he said. “I do.” 
You smiled and took his hand, leading him back into your life. 
Other moments that stand out to me in this AU
It takes Joel and Doc longer to fully get back together, she's very cautious because Evie is involved. She doesn't want to send her mixed signals or confuse her.
Doc and Andrew lived together for the first two years of Evie's life. Joel very much resents that she had her early childhood years with another man and not him as her father figure.
Andrew was there when Doc gave birth. He held her through it and was one of the first people to ever hold Evie. It was love at first sight for him, she basically became his whole baby in that moment.
Joel and Andrew's relationship is even more tense in this version. Andrew is SO protective of Evie and Joel wants to be the man Evie looks to but that takes time. There is far more direct competition here.
Joel and Doc still split when he finds out the details of the pregnancy (namely that she knew about it well before the outbreak and just didn't tell him.) He still blows up at her and blames her for Sarah's death.
They can't stay apart nearly as long, though, as Joel might leave Doc, he cannot leave his daughter. They have to see each other regularly to play pass the kiddo. This leads to a lot more sex and off/on periods between the two of them over the years.
Doc and Tommy's love affair either a) never happens or b) is VERY short-lived. She's the mother of his niece, the relationship is different even though his feelings are the same.
Tommy is far harder on Joel about Doc in this universe because that's the mother of his whole kid right there. Tommy never had much patience for Joel treating doc poorly to begin with but that patience is even more limited in this reality.
Doc stays fully on the hook for Joel more in this fic because they never really have distance. She never dates Derek because she can't ever move enough past Joel to be with anyone else.
I THINK they'd get back together in this version a lot sooner (I'm thinking post McCarthy? They'd sleep together after and Joel would, at that point, I think understand that this isn't going anywhere in a way he doesn't in the OG version) but it's not easy. Joel is still trauma brain Joel in a state of constant retraumatization. They'd fight a lot. He'd still subconsciously try to distance himself from her. It'd be rough.
He's SO protective of Evie. So so SO protective of her. She pushes back against him a ton in her teens because she desperately wants some for of independence and Joel will not let her have it. She sneaks out a lot. Given what happened to Ellie, it's low key a miracle she's not bitten in the QZ.
I'm not sure Joel would take Ellie in this reality. Since he has someone to live for besides Tommy I don't think he'd be as desperate to go on a suicide mission searching for him. But let's say he does, it would mean either a) also bringing Evie along or b) leaving Evie with Andrew and Jess. It would be ROUGH.
I think they would still have Sylvie in Jackson. I think Doc would have always wanted another baby but neither of them wanted to bring a child into the QZ. Jackson - and the person Joel becomes on the way there - makes that possible. This might be the only version of the story that has both Evie and Sylvie in it.
So yeah! I hope that's some insight into this version of the story.
Thank you for asking, Bestie! Love you!!
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demonic-ninja-cat · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel Criticism - Heaven, Hell, & 'Rehabilitation'
I'm gonna make a disclaimer that I haven't seen the show in full, but i have listened to a bunch of the songs and watched some clips and read/watched a lot of things about it.
Also, tbh, I'm against the idea of eternal torture afterlives in general, even if it is only horrible bad abhorrent people who are sent there, so that probably gives me some bias about this show.
I also have a bunch of christianity-specific religious trauma, so I'll be talking about Hazbin from that perspective. I'm gonna be very negative about christianity and it's afterlife system, so christians don't read or interact with this post!
I've seen tons of very valid criticisms on Hazbin Hotel, and I wanted to add my own to the table; especially since I haven't seen some of what I'm about to talk about, actually talked about before.
In this post I'm mainly gonna be talking about how it's main premise fails, and how there's some issues with it that I'm pretty sure aren't addressed at all in the show, and a bit on how some of the issues add fuel to the theory that Vivziepop isn't really wanting to critique christianity at all.
Onto the premise: the 'redemption' of 'Sinners' so they can get to Heaven. Even the premise itself is very pro-Christian, other than the edgy demon/hell coat of paint that turns Christians off. If it was about humans while they were still alive, instead of demons, the Christians would love it. This(and the fact that she refuses to have God in the show) is why i agree with the idea that Vivziepop isn't try to critique christianity really.
She might be trying to critique the specific flavor of christianity that believes in predestination(as some other posters have said), because in Hazbin she shows that she thinks people should be allowed to change and work to gain entrance to Heaven, but that Heaven & Hell should still exist. However, that doesn't critique all of christianity, and it shows that she likely doesn't think that christianity itself is bad and flawed and in need of real critique.
And even that aside, there are parts of the plot that don't work, especially if the intention is to show that Heaven and it's requirements to enter are flawed. Which it seemed that she was trying to do with the “nobody really knows what gets a human soul into heaven!” twist in the show.
For example, if they really wanted to show that Heaven's entry system is flawed/biased/rigged/unfair, they should have shown more 'sinner' demons in hell who were genuinely good people but were sent to hell for stupid and/or unknown reasons. Like, all the main characters who are 'sinners' are bad people(serial killers, cannibals, mafia members, abusers, etc.), so if you think that there should be an eternal punishment afterlife, these are exactly the kind of people who should be there and the system isn't as unfair as they claim.
In order to fix this, and really show that the system is flawed and unfair, they need to have actually good 'sinners'. People who were nice people in life(and maybe even are still nice), but who were sent to Hell because they broke one of Heaven's bullshit old testament-type rules(eg. killed someone in self-defense and/or accidentally, or did intoxicating substances but never hurt anyone, or was sexually active outside of marriage, or was gay/trans if you want to go that way with it).
They would also need to change the main characters' goal from "getting 'sinners' to Heaven", into something like "change the system" or "topple the angelic government" or "stop the exterminations and make hell a better place to live". They could have Charlie want to do the 'redemption hotel' thing at first, but learn that Heaven is fucked-up and unfair, and that she should be more proactive about bettering things for demonkind in hell and fighting the system made by heaven, instead of just working within the system to 'save' individual demons by sending them to Heaven.
Also, another flaw with the 'redemption to Heaven as the end goal' thing is that not all demons would want to go to heaven, even to escape the exterminations. And i'm not just talking about the ones who are fucked up assholes who want to keep the power they have in hell either. I'm talking about actual good-person demons, who would still choose not to go to the hotel or try for heaven, simply because they don't want to live with and as the species that has been trying to wipe their kind out for thousands of years.
And like, i know i'm white so i should leave most of the discussions about this to the actual POC, so i'll keep this segment short, but i agree with what i've seen in other posts about Charlie/the plot being very white savior-y. Yes Charlie is still a demon, but she's both a Hellborn(and thus not the main target of the exterminations) and is the Princess Of Hell(and is thus on the top of Hell's hierarchy/social classes). And the whole thing with wanting to 'rehabilitate' Demons so they are sent to Heaven and turned into Angels, also gives me icky "saving the backwards evil people by teaching them to be like the advanced good people and taking them away from their horrible scary homes!" style white savior narrative vibes(think “Willy Wonka with the Oompa Loompas” type shit).
I have no problem with people who were once bad people becoming better and going through redemption arcs and such, and i am very pro-therapy and rehabilitation(though i do think that abusers and r*pists and such should not just be allowed to walk around scot-free and able to hurt more victims). However, the way it's done in Hazbin Hotel and the reasoning behind it(mostly to escape being genocided by the very people they have to join if their rehabilitation is 'successful'), makes it come off more like conversion 'therapy' or forced cultural assimilation, rather than than actual rehabilitation, at least to me.
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mellowwillowy · 2 years
- Specimen Girl -
Yan!Dottore×Fem Reader
Dead Dove : Do Not Eat
Yes, it's all based off the lyrics to Specimen Girl's song lol. Also I aint a medical student so let's just pretend what Dottore does is scientifically true lol
Gore description (maybe), delusional Dottore, reader got kidnapped and 'operated' by Dottore (eyes gouged, arms and legs numbed down), necrophilia but you can almost ignore it if you stick with Dottore's delusions, cannibalism (eating your heart), suicide (you and Dottore)
some comfort: Sandrone tried to avenge you but Dottore said bye-bye first lol (don't worry she'll dishonor Dottore's death with Columbina for you instead). I've also toned down lots of things and scenes so yeah, I've warned you so don't come at me
Will mention reader's past a bit near the end of the story.
Word Counts 4.1k
01・Let’s gouge out your eyes
00・that way, you won’t look at anyone else
Dottore's finger dances on your face, his thumb slowly caressing the skin around your left eye. You try to break free from your restraint but fail nonetheless. Bruises formed on both your wrist and ankle, burning from the friction of the restraints whenever you struggle. Your eyes dilate in fear and pain as Dottore presses his scalpel on your lower eyelid.
"Say, Senior, why did you stare at that bastard so lovingly?"
He presses the blade even deeper now, drawing out blood from the cut. You scream from the burning sensation, writhing under his restraint which earns a chiding from Dottore.
"Ah ah ah. If you won't stop wriggling, the operation will not be neat anymore" he chides you as he brings his palm to your tear-stained cheek, blowing wind to your eyes as though he's mocking your pitiful state.
"W-why, wh-why me? Lo-lord Ha-Ha-Harb-Harbinger, I-I have ne-never even o-once shown a-any-"
Dottore shushes you down. He knows what you were trying to say. That you have been nothing but a good citizen. That you have never even once disregarded Tsaritsa nor opposed her rule.
"Like I said earlier, this," Dottore presses the scalpel inside your eye socket, cutting down the nerves of your eyes as you scream in pain "is only your punishment because you've been giving your attention to someone that's not me"
Each second feels like you are being skinned alive, flapping like how a fish would be on the ground. Dottore slowly circles the scalpel around your eyeball, cutting every nerves it can find. Your left eye has already lost its sight the moment the blade cuts one of the nerves, blood flowing out like a waterfall.
"Aw! Don't leave me just yet! What's the point of this punishment if you are not here with me?" Dottore bites your lip, drawing out blood from it. You can feel the steel taste of it and it makes you feel sick. Your stomach can't even tie any knots anymore at this rate.
Dottore humms down a tune as though he is trying to calm you down. It's the tune you used to hum during your study in ʏɿoƚimɿob and almost everyone knows that it's your little song that you'll use to ease people down.
And not for a maniac humming it.
Dottore pulls out your left eyeball easily, observing it closely before he kisses it and shoves it for you to see. Better remember how it looks like before you can no longer see anymore right?
"Go on, observe how beautiful your eye is Senior. Oh? Maybe you should also..." Dottore places your eyeball right next to his beautiful ruby eyes "remember how your Junior's eyes look like" Dottore grins maniacally.
Without being said, you've long memorized your captor's appearance. Ruby eyes, teal hair, and visible sharp pointed teeth whenever he talks or grins.
And how red his tongue is as he licks your eyeball.
Time's up and all you see next is how Dottore places your eyeball into a container with fluids in it. Probably to preserve your eyeball. And what about the other jars? Oh god no. Why did you think about the other jar when you were trying to-
"I won't allow you to avert your thoughts away, Senior" Dottore kisses your right eye, slightly licking it as though your eyes are nothing but sweet candies for him. Again, the scalpel comes into sight and
"So please bear with it, Senior ♡"
The last thing you tried to focus on was his pointed teeth that were revealed as he grinned.
You scream atop of your lungs and drowned into oblivion after that.
04・Let’s cut off your hands and feet
00・that way, you won’t touch anyone else
You might not be able to see anymore but even you can make out where you are right now. A bed. You can feel something tight wrapping around your eyes. Bringing your shaky hands toward your eyes, you can feel just how empty your eye sockets are now.
It hurts.
You cry out but what comes out was not crystal clear tears but instead, blood.
Why must you feel this pain again even in this world?
What had you done wrong to him? You knew he was a harbinger and you had never even once insulted him, right? You cry to yourself before realizing that you are no longer restrained. Run.
And so you run, bumping toward everything but still manage to reach the door. You frantically turn the door knob and swing the door open, running toward the empty hall despite bumping into lots of things.
And you bump into a man. It's not him right? Judging from their groans, it's probably someone else.
"H-help! Help me! P-pl-please! I- I, so-someone" your hands frantically try to find their way toward the man's, looking for support.
Oh if only you were still able to see, you could have seen how the pale the man was as he shook in fear. Even so, the man stayed silent and
You feel something... gushes toward your face. Some kind of fluid. It doesn't take long for you to identify what it was after the fluids find their way toward your tongue.
The man's body slumped down and you threw yourself backward. What just happened? You don't know, you can't see anything!
Losing your own balance, you fell down on your butt. Still in shock, you frantically feel the blood on your face. Realization hits you and you realize, the man has been killed in front of you. You scream in horror as you wipe your face frantically, smearing the blood even more. It's getting harder to distinguish which is yours and which is his.
Dottore's voice cut your mind in half immediately. You twitch in fear, this man is still here with you. You can feel him walking toward you, his footsteps are not heavy but sharp nonetheless. He stops in front of you, crouching down, he yanks you by your ankle toward him.
"Come to think of it..." his fingers slowly caressing your ankle "I haven't punished your feet too hm?" Horrors shot inside your body. No no no. You have enough of being blind, now to become an immobile porcelain doll altogether? You shook your head vigorously, a bunch of incoherent babbles of begging won't stop him.
"And this hand..." you cry even louder as he yanks you up to your feet "I shouldn't allow it to touch anybody else anymore right?" He gives the back of your palm a kiss "Mmh, let's proceed with it now"
He drags you toward somewhere you don't even wish to know. Smells of antiseptics and blood invade your nose. It's your biggest nightmare now. You thrash under his grip but it barely does anything, especially with how weak your pitiful state is now.
He lays you down on a chair this time, your hands and legs taped onto something plushy. Dottore hums the tune again. Instead of making you feel better, it only makes your stomach churn in fear again. Clinking noises, pokings, and pricking your skin, you feel how the foreign fluids enter your body.
It's not anesthesia to your demise.
Left wrist, right wrist, left ankle, right ankle.
You feel your whole body boiling in pain. Your scream never bothers him as it's much more regarded as music for his ear instead. Your eyes wound reopen as you cry, blood flowing out like a waterfall.
It didn't take long for you to finally choke on your own sobs, how you can no longer feel your arms and legs.
How you no longer wriggle in pain and fear.
Dottore kisses your sweating forehead as he wipes all the blood off your face.
"You did great, Senior ♡"
01・Why did you, although I am here,
00・sleep with other men?
Dottore's eyes did not leave your side even once. Watching every movement like how a predator would. His gaze lingered on your half-exposed chest. Dottore didn't like you showing your skin but he had to admit that your dress did a great job with it.
Your face remained beautiful in his eyes even with the mask covering half of it. You did notice how he was gazing over you despite having his eyes covered by his mask but you brushed it off. Besides, you had a better thing to care for, which was the company in front of you. Oh, how his arm found its way to your waist, pulling you closer to him as you two whispered to each other seductively.
The alcohol definitely helps you two loosen up to each other, sharing kisses before making your way to any chamber available.
What you thought to be a private moment with the man was shattered down. Dottore was in fact, there, inside the room. His eyes were redder than usual, watching you two in fuming rage. Where he was is none of your concern, what matters is that he was there.
A few days after that, the man was announced missing. His mutilated remnants were soon found floating by the river.
03・That’s the punishment for the crime you committed
00・I’m not letting you go anywhere anymore
But he can't do that to you. Instead, he'll break down anything of yours instead of blowing a death to you directly. Yes, your punishment would be way easier than theirs. He wants you to be with him after all.
― ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵗᵒᵈᵃʸ, ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ ᵐʸ ˢᵖᵉᶜⁱᵐᵉⁿ ―
00・I'll drive a picket into your chest
00・and put you inside a case with a glass door
But, even so, the temptation to learn your heart remains there. No matter how many years it has been, he still wishes to learn how your heart works. What makes you skip? What makes it beat so fast? How does it pump your blood? You wouldn't mind him poking it every now and then right? He'll just pull your heart out and learn it for a moment before returning it back to its respective place.
00・I’ll place that in my room
00・and observe you every day
There has never been a moment where no one sees him without you next to him. Either on a wheelchair or carried by him or his clones. Isn't that nice? This way, you two will never be separated anymore!
He will never be bored observing you who was sitting motionless. Oh, you are the most beautiful doll he has ever seen! Even Sandrone furrowed her eyebrows as though envying his precious creation while Columbina spins out curses toward him because of how she would never be able to match your beauty.
03・Each time I look at you, I feel shivers
00・and the blood in this body boils
Even today too, you can feel Dottore's gazes linger all over you. How he loves to move your hands or legs, how he loves to kiss your cheek while lightly biting it with his sharp teeth. To draw out noises from you, that's all he's asking for. For someone who can't move or see, you surely survived longer than he expected to.
Not like you can do anything after all
04・You are already only mine
06・Yes, you are my Specimen Girl
On some occasions, Dottore will cover your face with a veil, only allowing him to lift it and observe your eternal beauty. Your bandages used to be drenched in red wine but it seems like you have finally accepted everything.
The bandage is pristine white, meaning you are no longer dwelling on your past traumas, reopening the wounds with your tears.
00・That’s right, I’ll preserve you in that liquid
11・That way, you won’t rot away
But this is weird, you've been awfully quiet recently. It's not weird for you to stay silent for almost a whole day but even so, he would never fail in earning a groan from you. He also notices how your skin started to crack up like how an old porcelain doll would.
He places his head on your chest, listening to any kind of heartbeats or it pumping blood. Not a single beat was heard. And you, on the other hand, start to crack even more. Are you a human, or a doll?
Have you ever been a human in the first place?
No human would have their skin cracking like this, and yet your flesh and heart are real. What and who are you? Dottore ponders to himself before deciding to craft some kind of potion for you. One that a living one should never be exposed to.
"Don't worry Senior, this will help you"
00・Silent as the grave, that unique scent
00・arouses me once more
You are as silent as a porcelain doll would be. Some kind of sick, familiar scent is now all over you. And yet, he does not make any complaints at all, instead, he... loves it. The mixture of something rotten and the foreign fluids inside your guts and on your skin, he never has enough of it. It's sickening as much as it is addicting. Sandrone and Columbina's distaste grows more and more even though they can't do anything about it.
As much as they hate his treatment toward you, they have to agree that your beauty was in fact, preserved as how it used to be. Flawless if they discount the small cracks on your skin.
They hate him but what can they do? They have promised you and one should never break their promise. Never.
00・Your now unmoving body
00・I defile without paying any price
You didn't move but he could hear you coming to life again. Has he succeeded in bringing you back to life? Have you finally found your will to live again? Countless nights of learning your heart and brain are finally paid off.
The blood doesn't taste like it used to anymore but who is he to judge? As long as it's you...
Dottore hugs you tightly, his hands traveling to somewhere he shouldn't be. His kisses are greedy and rough, teeth ripping your lip as he tastes your blood in his mouth.
He intertwines his fingers with yours as he pushes his kisses deeper into you. His tongue explores your mouth, clashing with something familiar. Has your tongue always been like this?
―ₐₐₕ, ₙₒw ᵢ fₑₑₗ ₗᵢₖₑ ₑₐₜᵢₙg yₒᵤ ᵤₚ―
The frilly dress is ripped open as his eyes won't stop devouring every inch of your body. Your heart is beating, for him, for him, for him!
Angelic moans can be heard as his finger traces your delicate skin before resting inside your lacy panties. Just because you have found your will to live again doesn't mean you have also gotten yourself a new body. In fact, you still couldn't move at all. Even so, Dottore still tries his best to earn any kind of reaction from you, how your head twitches in pleasure as he teases that one spongy spot inside you.
Oh if only you still have control of your arms and legs, you would probably trap him with your leg and choke him to death.
He has to feel what you felt and yet to your own dismay, all he's doing right now is pleasuring you. Hell knows you wouldn't want him to feel the same pleasure.
His lips found their way again, to your cold lips, neck, shoulder, chest, tummy, and...
"The night is still long Senior, so please bear with it okay?"
00・Your body gone cold
00・when I touch it with my hands I feel shivers
You lay there next to him with the moonlight illuminating all the bruises he made. He can't help it, to pull you closer and closer to him as he pumps himself in and out inside of you. He will always love the sensation of adjusting your limbs to him, giving him a sense of control toward you as he brings your hand to his neck. He knew you wanted to choke him. Judging by you would occasionally clench your jaw and brought your head close to his neck, trying your best to bite the spot where his vein is connected. You wanted to kill him.
And that is your new resolve to live again.
10・I cut open your chest with a knife
00・I take out your heart and eat it
But this is getting into nerves more than he thought it would.
You've been sitting quietly with an unhinged smile plastered on your face. You who didn't really care for your appearance ask him to dress you up beautifully every day now. How you want to wear frilly puffy dresses, how you want a beautiful lacy blindfold instead of plain white bandages, how you want to wear a long white stocking with frills and bows, how you want him to ornate your head with accessories.
And how you ask him to eat your heart out so that he can just kill you right then and there.
"Cut my chest open and eat my heart out" you lean toward Dottore's ears, whispering of what he had long wanted to do to you.
This is in fact, nothing but just a green light for him to pluck your heart out and eat it on a silver platter now.
Eating it all up as though it's his last meal, drinking up all the blood like it's the world's finest wine to ever exist. Oh how Sandrone and Columbina wished they could just behead Dottore's head and offer it to you.
In the end, not a single bits of your heart remained on the plate. It's all in his guts now.
00・With this, your heart is now mine
06・you won’t be able to love anyone but me
He has done it. He has taken your most important thing which is your heart. Your heart is all his now. Without your heart, you can no longer love anyone nor see the truth. Without your heart, you can no longer feel what it's like to be alive.
Your heart is inside his guts now. The feeling of your heart being one with him is addicting. It's proof that you now are only able to love him and him alone. No one will be able to take your heart away anymore, be it literally or figuratively.
00・I return the rest to the case
00・I place it again by my side
Your heartless body remains beautiful. While you start to crack more and more, he'll always know a way to put a stop to it. But even so, he starts to feel paranoid about you.
Every now and then, he can see you strolling with those flimsy long white gowns around the palace all by yourself, humming the old tune from the Akademiya days.
No matter how many times he breaks your leg, you'll always be seen strolling around the palace.
No matter how many times he cut your vocal chord, you won't stop humming the same tune for others to hear.
He hates it. Your voice is only for him to hear. It's reserved for him and him only. Even so, whenever you lay on the operation table while having your vocal chord destroyed by him, you could still chuckle at him creepily. Sometimes, strings of curses can be heard as well.
Dottore will always receive complaints from the other fellow harbingers, about how the maniacal laughter and curses never end. How footsteps can be heard ringing in the middle of the night, how the tune will be hummed in an eerie way, and how the trickle of blood won't stop dirtying the floor.
And so, he sealed your body inside a crystal glass box. This way, you can no longer roam freely and will forever be sealed next to him, for him to be the only one to see you.
00・I won’t let you go for as long as I live
00・after all, you are my
"Senior," Dottore's fingers dances on your glass box, "You will always be my Senior no matter what"
→・―It’s unforgivable―・→
00・From inside the case
06・Look only at me
00・until I die
No matter how tight he ties your blindfold, he will always feel as though it's loosening up. What will happen if the blindfold is taken off? Will you be looking at someone else with that empty eye socket of yours? He can't allow you to look at anyone else other than him! You are only entitled to look at him until he dies.
No, even after he dies, he will never allow you to look at anyone else. Dottore who feels the knot in his stomach tied even tighter than ever decides to untie it. To untie your blindfold and
00・Aah, but you
00・no longer have eyes
02・After all, that is
―because I gouged them out...―
Therefore, he is greeted by your empty eye sockets. Is it delusion? Dottore slowly inserts his finger inside your eye socket as much as he wishes he doesn't want to. Empty. Ah, he really did gouge it out. The proofs are still in his chamber, placed on his nightstand. That way, he can just take the jar and observe it as he tries to drift himself to sleep. Your beautiful eyes never fail to mesmerize him.
B̶̨̨̳̭͎̝́̒̅̂̄͐͠͝u̷̢͉̼̭̗̎̐͒́̓̍̈̎̽͝ț̶̫̬͓̌̽̀̏̍̓͑̿̉͝ ̴̗̯͇̗̜̟̙͇̗̄́̃ȟ̶̯͐̀̎o̵̻̺̬̦͙̘͑͆͌̅̑̒̔́͘͘w̷̱̗͂̉́͊̎͝ ̶̳̹͕͖͎͖͉̩̱̎̽̈́͛ả̴̝͇͇͍͍̙͇̩͙̯́̋̔̽́̔̚͝b̴̨̛̦̲̩̰̣̲̦̻̆̉̀̀͊̊̎͐̽ọ̸̢̨̡͔͔̮̜͖̀̄́̈́̕ͅu̵̡͖̥̬̤͕̺̓̓͋̈̌͆͋͑̐̚ͅẗ̴͉͚́͐̄ ̶̡̢͉̪͕̥̝͐̄͐͜a̴̛̳̭͔̰̠̎̄̑͛̏͑͝͠ ̵̭͆͑̍ṕ̴̧̥̥̜͖̭̞͇͉̾̀̿̉͐͗͂̒ą̷̨̲̱͈̹̣̘͈͗̔̎͋̀͠i̴͚̜̎͆ŗ̴͙͈͖̝͉͔͙̭̲̀͐̉́ ̶̢͓͍͙̩̺͍͊̈͛̅o̴͈͕̞̩͓͑͒̈́̊͋̓͐͌̏̕͜f̶͔̜̫͔͍̥̓̑̋͘ ̴̧̧͕̞̮̭̠͐͌͆̽̇̍̒̈́͊ȅ̵̤͔̘̥̳̤͓̘̇̋͠y̵̨̱͒̇̍̾è̷̠͉͋́̏̆́̽s̶̹͚̟͕̣̓̑̐́̀̓̏͋͝ ̵̢͕̜͓̩̠̠͙̆͗̈́́͑͂̀̀̒̕ṫ̸̙̣̫̪̜̫͊̌̓h̵̩͊͂a̴̟̯̤̣̼̪͎̠͆̋́̇t̶̨̞͓̤̮̀̽̾̊ ̵̗̜̹̱͔̲͖̙̼̗̆́̅̒͠͠ĺ̴͉͙̀͘o̶̥̟̦͖̯̱͖͌̍̑͐̅ǒ̸̢̞͎̹̜̗̥̱̰͌͌k̸̡̹̮̀s̷̡̪͕͖̭͉͉͈̞̀̀̔̈́̎̾́͋̉̋ ̴̨͍͙̥̰̮̂̃͋̆̕͝ͅļ̶̛͌͌͗̉̄͌̒͜ị̷͚̫̈̕ķ̶̛̳̠̹̳̯̣͙̤̰́̑̓̒͆́̓͝͠ê̷͉̺̘͓̻̜͖͜ͅ ̴̺̳̭̳̫̱̌̓̌̌̃͜ͅh̷̛͚̜̞̬̲̥̪̅̄i̷͎̿̀̆̔̚͜͝͝s̸̜̩̞̣̝̓͆̑̌̄̚͜͠͝?̸̹̲̝͙̞̝̟̌͜
00・I’ll put glass beads in your eyes
02・Let’s make you new eyes
09・What eye color should I choose?
02・That’s right, a red like blood would be fine
But to use some kind of fake eyes would be boring no? And so, a clone of his was burnt down in the incinerator with empty eye sockets.
01・With those beautiful eyes
00・look only at me always
This way, he can feel you staring at him again. No, he will never recreate your eyes even though he can. It'll never be able to match the real one after all. He won't even bother looking for someone to take their eyes because he doesn't want someone else's eyes staring at him and even worse, inside your eye sockets.
04・Only you from now on and always
01・I won’t let you go from my side
He won't repeat the same mistake anymore. To be weak and hopeless as he watched you leave the Akademiya in humiliation, all to the way of being exiled out of Sumeru without anyone protecting you.
You didn't do it. He knew you didn't do it. And yet, no one would believe in you two as though they had been blinded by something. To make things even worse, your little friend was absent during your exile. If only she was there, perhaps she could shield you from the crazy citizens throwing you pebbles and rocks. Maybe that way, you wouldn't trip down from the cliff and be pronounced dead from concussion.
Maybe people wouldn't gawk at your dead body and broken limbs as though you were nothing but an animal. For them to step on your off-positioned limbs, your splattered brains, and your body altogether.
How did you come back to life? He'll never know it. Maybe Sandrone truly had something to do with it after all.
But for now, what matters is that you are here with him.
07・After all, you are mine
09・From now on and always mine
02・Until this body rots away
00・Yes, you are my
『Specimen Girl』
Sandrone's voice rings.
―Only mine―
―Only mine―
Sandrone places the gun on the back of Dottore's head. She had had enough of this farce already. She no longer cares about the promise she made to you. She wouldn't mind being selfish for this is her only wish. She will avenge your death by shooting his brains out.
『Only mine』
What she didn't expect is that Dottore would be the one shooting his own jaw, splattering his brains all over Sandrone's pristine dress. His body slumped forward with a thud. He ends his own farce in the end. Is it out of guilt or realization? Did his madness and delusions finally swallow him whole? Even so, Sandrone wastes no time in spitting Dottore's body before stomping and dragging his body to be experimented on in the most inhumane way possible. Columbina too will be there to lend Sandrone her hand.
𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬
There is another fic (and possibly more in the future) about Dottore x Senior but it might be different than what's mentioned in reader's past
Zandik's Memories, Dormitory (TBA, WIP)
Zandik's Diaries (TBA)
Senior (different but similar nonetheless)
As if for Sandrone's and Columbina's, I don't think I'll be writing for them until there's a request coming in for them lol
Inhumane (TBA)
Dormitory's Lullaby (TBA)
All these fics will be extreme OOC in both lore-wise and characters so proceed with caution.
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acidheaddd · 4 months
On Repeat - an oc tag
Thank you to @elderwisp for tagging me!! As usual, I got too excited to do this, so I only picked out two characters to do it for -- Ian and Sebastian. I didn't wanna take more time to come up with more. 😂 So without further adieu--
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Make sure you kiss your knuckles before you punch me in the face There are lessons to be learned and consequences for all the stupid things I say And it is no big surprise you turned out this way The spark in your eyes, the look on your face
Though this song is more about someone dealing with a friend that has an addiction -- I've always taken it to be more someone dealing with a friend that's in any sort of shitty situation. A friend with family trauma, a friend with mental health issues, a friend with an addiction -- any one of these things. And Ian definitely has a lot of experience with that sort of thing. As Clover came from a bad home where she was abused in multiple ways, Ian's first instinct was to help her out and offer himself and his apartment to her. Besides them being insanely attracted to each other anyways. 😂 But for Ian it's much more than that. He is the kind of person willing to put up with a beating in order to help a friend. He has more patience than most would when dealing with people that see themselves as broken. But maybe that's 'cause he views himself as broken too.
↬ Twin Size Mattress - The Front Bottoms
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It's not that complicated No matter what they say You'll never meet another me It's not that difficult To get your head around You'll never meet another me
This song is exactly what the title says. The lyrics are simple, but the way Jody Gadsden repeats "love me love me love me" screams obsession and that's basically what Sebastian is made up of. Pure obsession. He isn't close to many and those few he is close to are shown varying degrees of his vulnerabilities, but never the full extent of them. He finds it impossible to tell others he loves them due to trauma he faced growing up, but a part of him does desperately want to be loved. Mainly by Clover more than anyone, but that only ties back to his obsessive personality. He's stuck on her and nothing can pull his focus away -- especially after learning she had his child. Even though Clover doesn't want much to do with him anymore, he is determined to keep himself in her life in any way possible. It could be argued that he loves Clover -- in his own fucked up way.
↬ Stalker's Tango - Autoheart
As for tagging -- I choose @tau1tvec, @sugarios, @mexipoopy, @thebramblewood, and anyone else that feels like giving this a try!
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polina-tvorozhok · 2 months
U say we can vent to you, right?
Well...it was quite shocking, and yet I was devastatingly...numb? I was supposed to cry; why am I numb?!
Maybe it was because my grandma (dad's mom specifically) also died this year, in July. Maybe it was because despite us trying to nuture her to full health, she still died.
Maybe it was because of just being too familiar with being near some concept of mortality (I...won't elaborate on that.). Maybe it was because of the knowledge that I could die one day and it would be unexpected, even if it was from a disease I could inherit from either side of the family, and even worse—none of you will know because nobody in my place knows about this account, or will ever respect what comes from it if they know of it.
Maybe it was because of the fact I've already contemplated the fear and implications of literal death to a creative person, or anyone in general—even myself: what stories have they not tell, what ideas were never written out, what interests never shared, what secrets never shown—although if it was really meant to be there, it's better for secrets to be six feet under the grave.
I have no idea if this is selfish because...you know...things in my life fucked me up and my perception to myself and every aspect of life like, I dunno, DEATH?!
My religion doesn't believe that the dead become ghosts who either goes to heaven or hell, or anything about ghosts. Being an SDA will make you inevitably know about that part of our beliefs, where instead of such scenarios, the body was in a deep sleep until Jesus Christ comes. But at the same time, we can never tell what happens after—if it was an eternal slumber until the end comes, if we were just left...on Earth...and never wake up or be revived, if we reincarnate into other realities, if our ghosts roam in our own homes and cry over everything, if....anything happens.
Fuck...there goes the tears now...maybe writing does triggee the emotionsof the soul.
I believe that parallel realities and the multiverse can be possible in a separates way, because we live in a timeline where many things could have happen—for the better, for the worse, for everything that may or may not be mournable. But we indeed live in a timeline where misopportunities lead the evil keep on living, and misfortune for the good to fail so. The best thing we can do is to honor the stories and memories we have with Carla Carolina, to respect everything we know about her.
If the ghosts thing is true, maybe she can smile this way. If my religion's belief is true, maybe she would be told of how people reacted to her being lost from us. But whatever other things that could possibly happen...
I so sorry for the lost. Deepest condolences.
~✴️ (hope you know who is behind this)
I'm not sure who's behind the message, but it doesn't really matter. What matters is your experience. I'm so sorry for all of your losses.
Don't worry about the crying thing. I woke up to the news and still haven't shed a tear. Maybe it's because I wasn't as close to her as sime of you. Or maybe because I have already experienced a similar kind of grief (when my great grandma died in Ukraine, I won't be able to visit her grave in a good while) but the point is, everyone grieves different. Yet the thought that she a child still breaks my heart.
We both got in the hospital at the same time. Yet for some reason it was her who had two go. For some reason I felt guilty lying in the hospital while knowing that someone out there had it much worse than me. For a moment I believed that her getting hit by a car was some sort of a twisted way God used to send her to hospital and heal her.
Then again, she may not have survived but she hopefully had a painless death. I like to believe that her saying she was better was a swan song, a last boost of happiness the organism produces to comfort itself before passing. I'm sure she had people by her side to hold her hand. I'm sure she was loved till the very end and after it, because she is.
If you, as you say, are a religious or spiritual person, then pray for her and her family. Remember, Carla would want you to be healthy and happy so please take care of yourself.
Stay strong 🤍
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epickiya722 · 7 months
I do not know if it was you, or another blogger that made a character analysis of Gojo that made me like the character and discover more about him through the manga.
While I never read the manga before or watched the anime, I had been exposed to it by my friends and some BNHA bloggers. Back then, I found Gojo to be overhyped (discount Kakashi) while liking the animation(?) style, bit still no interest.
BNHA and its Endeavour Redemption arc in the doing was tiring me to the point that I stopped reading it and manga altogether. For mayne six months or so, until now, at least. I randomly found your blog last week , and it got me a new hyper fixation 😃. You got me to start reading JJK (Megan cos playing also helps).
I bought Number 0 and Number 1 of the mangas. Only to remember midway in Number 0 that Walmart Kakashi will be snapped in two like a Kit Kat🥲. I saw that leak in one of the BNHA blogs, and I didn't mind it back then since I wasn't in the fandom, but Lord, now it sucks.
Anyways, all this long rant to say that I like reading your posts.
Gojo, rest in pain, I guess?
Probably was someone else, I don't write much analysis posts about Gojo. I think once or twice I did, I can't recall. Probably reblogged one though you saw!
I don't know, they're really just two different characters to me. Also... I was never really an active reader or watcher of Naruto like that (just very familiar) so when I first saw Gojo, Kakashi didn't register to me at all.
Like, I did not get similar vibes at all. And it actually annoys me that people will be like "He copied Kakashi's flow"! Kakashi ain't the only white haired, face covering character out there with magical eyes, y'all stop. 😆
Even funnier when, by this point, Gojo has probably been unmasked more than he has been wearing something on his face and switches up what he puts on his face. Kakashi been wearing the same mask for...? Also, didn't it take years for Kakashi's whole face to be shown or something? Took like seven episodes for Gojo to show that face.
I always been a fan of Megan's music and then when I found out she was into anime I was like "YYYYYEEEEEAAAAH". She cosplayed as Miruko one Halloween and it made my year. I am a former believer that Miruko would vibe to her music.
Just seeing other Black women being unapologetic fans of anime (or anything) does wonders for me and I hate it when people act as if it's such a foreign idea to understand. Honey, we can have interests, too, like everyone else. It's normal.
I always try to be careful about spoilers for anything I'm into. Like, I can talk about a chapter that happened two years ago, but I'll still mark as a spoiler because I know some people don't read Mangas or even if they do haven't caught up to that specific part.
That actually what set me off when Usher cosplayed as Gojo because he literally put "rest in peace, Gojo" or something along those lines and the amount of people who weren't even aware of 236... like bro, come on.
I knew it just had to be a marketing tactic because I know damn well Usher ain't seen JJK a day in his life and how convenient it is he comes out with that cosplay around the time when "Daddy's Home" becomes a fairly popular song used in Gojo's edits. I can't go watching one video on YouTube without hearing that song play when Gojo pops up. And even if he has... WHY WOULD YOU TAG IT LIKE THAT?!
Oh, but Megan definitely doesn't know any of the characters she be cosplaying, alright... okay... 🙄
I'm just going off on a whole tangent here, I apologize for that. I've been sick for like three days and just woke up from a nap. 😅
Also, thank you! Glad you enjoy my posts!! Anytime anyone says they like reading my posts, I still get shocked. They're really are just random thoughts I been having and really I'm still learning grasping the characters and story myself. And this is just for any. I don't even for them to get read, let alone for anyone to actually agree with me. I guess because, at the end of the day, I really just needed to throw a thought out there before I lose it or keep rethinking about it over and over.
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glindaupland · 9 months
The Phantom of the Opera | Seoul, South Korea | October 8-14th, 2023 [REVIEWS]
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Wow it's about time I posted these reviews that I kept lying about (this week! tomorrow! in 10 years!) Better late than never?
In this post I'll drop a few general things about the production, but the performances are analyzed in my reviews linked here. I recommend reading those all in order since I revisit points about actors I've made previously along the way to avoid repeating myself. Also leaving a disclaimer that these performances are from October so there are some changes in what the actors are doing now (with the exception of Jeon Dong-seok since he left in November) Apologies in advance for my wordiness, but this is more of a "release my feelings for my sake and if anyone else likes it that's cool too" kind of thing? Listen - I wrote a lot of notes on my performances there. So just go in knowing this is the more coherent version of my insane looking notes app!
Before I start I want to thank a few lovely friends who helped me out with this trip because it wouldn't have gone as well as it did without them!
Thank you to @lucygold95 for helping me so much with planning over the past months and for giving me the best time in Busan. Thank you @capitanogiorgio for all the shenanigans we went through and the most special time going to the 1500th and meeting Yoon Young-seok. Thank you to @fadinglandtragedy for the fun talks and the good advice before my trip! The best part of things like this is making friends of course! : )
| October 8, 2023 | October 11, 2023 | October 12, 2023 | | October 13, 2023 (M) | October 13, 2023 (E) | October 14, 2023 |
This was as close to the original staging as possible. So I was able to take it in one more (or I guess 6 more?) times post-Broadway closing. The Charlotte Theater is a lot smaller than the Majestic so every view was pretty solid in my opinion, even the second to last row. I took a video of my view from 4th row under the chandelier during the exit music on October 11th so you can see! The angel and chandelier are shown halfway through. I'd say 5th row was almost the cut off for the chandelier drop (that was my spot next day) Broadway seats in this area were always too expensive for me so I'm glad I was able to grab these spots for this production
There were photo zones you can take pics at which you've probably seen. One was a large rose wall, the other was the cute statue of their mascot 오유령. People also take forever lining up for the cast boards for photos and yes I was one of those people. Here's a comparison of the cast boards from the second season (pictures I found when reading old reviews on Naver) and the cast boards now (I forgot to take a photo of one on the top floor though)
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I found this review where someone took more detailed clean photos than I did if you're curious about the layout and decorations!
The tickets had these designs! If you booked on Yes24, you received a special envelope and a ticket holder with the face of the Phantom performing for that show
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I only didn't receive a second Ju-taek because that was booked on another site - Interpark (bottom middle ticket). I also received paper masks with printed autographs every day I went to commemorate the 200th performance of the run/100th for Seoul and the 1500th overall Korean performance. We used them for the curtain call photos on those two dates (with Jeon Dong-seok then Kim Ju-taek). There are multiple versions of the program book and at the time of writing this I have all except the Daegu one. The first Busan program book was pretty bare and only had the teaser pictures - the same was the case for my Les Mis program book in Busan. -There are different photos in each one, so to me it was worth grabbing them all. My third version signed by Kim Ju-taek is currently on display as you can see below! (The writing says "내 노래를 날게 해 주오 - Make my song take flight") Once again thank you to Lucy for this! 🥹❤️
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Here's some of my POTO merch (including a spare cupsleeve from the coffee shop next door, I also had a keyring, but I forgot to show it) RIP to the second program book I sacrificed for scans I still have the pages stored/displayed though! I'm not wasteful! I'll have more to post soon after sharing these reviews
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Let me emphasize this: my Korean abilities are limited, so don't look to me as the expert on this at all. But I'll still share my notes and perspective as an outsider who's studying The lyrics have changed quite a bit since 2001-2. There are still lines kept or songs that are mostly similar. MOTN had a lot of similarity to 2009-11 even with its changes, STYDI was identical to 2009-11, but Angel of Music was pretty different from even the last season, etc etc. The Phantoms all have unique lines sprinkled here and there, mainly in MOTN (this happens sometimes in Korean musicals). You get some things like random single line changes in some parts depending on the actor or different order/wording of the same lines as well. Just tiny diversions from the script. This is the case for the Christines and Raoul to a lesser extent. Additionally, actors are often permitted to do some occasional improvisation/ad libs. Some unique lines are pretty normal parts of their interpretations now, some appear depending on the feeling of the performance, some are one time only events. I'll mention some of the actor-specific ones and such in their actual reviews, but I have been trying to mark down all of the differences like these for example
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Of course, some things obviously have to be adjusted to make sense because of cultural / linguistic reasons. So one example would be the "Wrote...written" line in Notes I. Firmin speaks rudely and informally, but quickly tries adding a more respectful ending particle 요 after Raoul and André give him a shocked 'what did you just say?' kind of look. So "대체 뭘 썼다고 하는 건데...요!" is pretty much like "What the hell are you saying I wrote?" André would look so embarrassed by this each time 🫣
Stage door doesn't really work the same as it does in places like New York, London, etc. Most of the time if an actor comes out it's more like a quick greeting or chat with the fans. Some actors (not in this case) might sign or take photos in designated spots, but it really depends and it's not so common. It's gotten more restricted ever since COVID as well. 퇴근길 -> "way home from work" is literally what this is called. Dong-seok did wave at us a few times happily after the 200th performance, Gun-ha briefly came out to thank fans after the 1500th while Ceci and I waited to meet Young-seok who had agreed to meet us. I did not have the time (or strength) for the Seung-woo mob, but he usually greets fans after shows.
I literally asked Yoon Young-seok directly on Instagram if Ceci and I could meet him and give him gifts because I figured it didn't hurt to try! When he agreed, my anxiety was not necessarily about meeting an actor, but more about my ability to express my thoughts in another language. But he was truly the sweetest guy and incredibly patient. I think he got that I understood everything he said, but that replying was a whole other challenge. I'm glad I was making enough sense that he was able to get my points and helped me finish sentences if I looked stressed about it 😂 I basically told him I had been planning this trip since the cast announcement because it was too perfect to miss and that I came for 6 shows. I really like to listen to his Phantom on the cast recordings and I thought he made the shows I had seen so far so much fun.
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We both said where we were from (the US and France) and he was amazed. He was also shocked when I pulled out my original Korean cast recording (I still laugh thinking about the way he said "와, 세상에!" like "Wow, oh my god!" and enthusiastically took it agreeing to sign when I was mid-way asking him haha) I also thought it was funny when he asked Ceci if she saw his Phantom last season. We wish! But she mentioned she had gone to Busan a few times and he looked very touched and appreciative that we went to multiple performances 🥹 This poor man was tired he signed our things with November (11.13) though and he also spelled Ceci's name wrong first time, but it was the 1500th show though okay. And if he says it's November...who are we to question him? Ceci should also legally change names so he isn't wrong. Anyway, ramble over you can find the art we made for him in this post
Here's just bonus fun I had that I will manage to connect to POTO despite it not being POTO because I love doing that. I mean I went because I like these musicals as well (otherwise I would've been foolish enough to go see Ben-Hur but I have, uh, standards for my plots sorry to Park Eun-tae 😭), but it's fun to point out these things. I'm happy to share my show experiences in a different post if anyone's interested in my thoughts on those
I went to see Rebecca, mainly focused on seeing a scheduled date for 이지혜 Lee Ji-hye (Ich) and 장은아 Jang Eun-ah (Mrs Danvers). The whole cast was fantastic. Some Korean musicals have special encore bits they do where the leads sing a part of a song from the show during bows so that was really fun. Unfortunately, we don't get to have fun at POTO like that haha
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Lee Ji-hye was in Y&K Phantom as Christine in the same cast as Jeon Dong-seok (Erik), Yoon Young-seok (Gérard Carrière), and Lee Sang-jun (Cholet). Two other cast members in Rebecca were in Y&K as well - 에녹 Enoch (Maxim) who was Philippe and 신영숙 Shin Young-sook (Mrs Danvers) who was Carlotta. Sadly, they had such few shows this season due to a busy schedule, so I couldn't see them (when will trot give Enoch back to musicals). Original Korean ALW Raoul and Y&K Erik 류정한 Ryu Jeong-han was also on rotation as Maxim, but I picked another day for my show so I didn't see him either
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Les Misérables
I went to opening night of Les Mis in Busan! It was the Dream Theater, same place POTO played at before. As many of you already know, Choi Jae-rim is playing Jean Valjean at the same time as the Phantom.
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I could recognize him easily as the Phantom, but honestly when he appeared at the very start of Les Mis it took me a minute to process that it was him! While I did enjoy his Phantom a lot, I think I enjoyed his Valjean performance a little more. It was only opening night, so curious to see how things develop!
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The actor who played Javert that night, 카이 Kai (stage name), was a former Y&K Erik for two seasons too. So many Phantoms!
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On the last day I got to see Dong-seok and Ji-hye once more in a concert for the musical Frankenstein which they have been in together. So have some pics I took without a mask blocking his face!
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Ending Note
Thinking back to December 2022 when I said: "Maybe I'll go to Seoul and see Dong-seok once or twice and that's it, I can have my first international POTO" That was funny. That was really very very funny and silly of me to say. 9 performances and 6 of those were POTO! But I'm so grateful and I have zero regrets about it. This is one of the best experiences I've had even if it might look ridiculous to some people to do something like this...I don't care! I hope my crazy essays can help paint a good picture for you!
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去り人達のワルツ:悪ノ大罪 SEKAI Edition -Album-
Waltz of the Deceased: The Deadly Sins of Evil, SEKAI Edition album booklet content
At the death of the sinful world, the people's souls decided to leave this land behind.
Once they passed through the enormous gate, they would lose all of their memories in exchange for a new life.
"The memories of those who are reborn will be reformatted"
That was a rule of this world.
What if, for example, the Daughter of Evil hadn't been a princess?
What if it had been her burdened with a curse, instead of her father?
All people had possibilities like that.
The Evil Food Eater resolved to set out on a new journey to learn them all.
But she still didn't yet know.
That her soul, just like her body, wasn't something that would last forever.
If only I could do it over again.
Someone, no, everyone has thought that at least once.
She couldn't just give up on this world.
If she could just return back to the outset, maybe it would turn out better this time.
With those thoughts in her mind, perhaps the Sleep Princess loved this world more than anyone.
Each time she repeated, it would scrape away at her soul,
Guiding her to yet further madness.
Punishment was handed down.
And so in that case, accepting that punishment was in itself another answer.
"Are you not going?"
At the tailor's question, the mud king laughed and replied:
"Kids tend to dislike having their parents looking in on their room."
The judge listening in next to him nodded in understanding, and returned a smile.
We are all free.
No matter what world we choose.
There is no distinction between good and evil there.
But we can be sure that we lived here on this land.
Even if we forget about it, that fact can never be erased.
For those who will set out on their journey.
Before they lose their memories.
Let's throw them a final dinner party at least.
Come, let's dance
This Waltz of the Deceased.
[Blurb after Waltz of the Deceased and before Rilia-renee]
He heard tell that he'd had an impostor,
Who had shown up and just gone around doing whatever he liked.
The great merchant was a bit sullen on finding this out,
And so his beloved daughter, eager to cheer him up, had made this suggestion:
"Have you thought about holding an entertainment banquet?"
Certainly, that was one of the great merchants' specialties.
Yes, perhaps this place...could use a song.
He would need someone to sing to set the stage for a ball.
The great merchant reached out to his favorite diva,
But she quietly shook her head.
"I've already finished my final song. You should ask someone else."
But could there possibly be another diva better than her out there?
After asking around, the great merchant finally arrived at a certain girl.
He'd heard that she'd been a diva of great renown in the Republic of Lucifenia,
Around the beginning of Evillious' sixth century.
A little doubtful, the great merchant spoke up to this girl
Whose appearance was far plainer than rumor would suggest.
"Do you think you could sing a little for me?"
A few seconds after hearing her voice as she timidly broke into song,
The great merchant decided to hire her for the job.
[Blurb after Rilia-renee and before Outlaw and Marionette]
This world still had several problems left in it to worry about,
And those had needed to be addressed before the banquet.
There were those who tried to continue fighting after they had died.
They were the living dead who wandered the wasteland.
Thanks to the actions of those who had worked under the mud king's orders,
This saw a decisive resolution.
But at the same time, it revealed a new cause for concern.
The king made of mud called out to the witch who had once been his subordinate.
Her form had by then completely changed from the one that he knew,
But that particular discussion wasn't what he wanted to ask her about then.
"Just what in the world is this 'Punishment'?"
That was what he asked her.
"...A 'doll'. Just like you and I."
The mud king had been created by a black bird.
The Clockworker's Doll had been created by a red cat.
And the boy of Punishment had been created by...
"The root of all malice"
But a doll doesn't necessarily have to move according to the intentions of their creator.
Just as had been the case with the king made of mud and the Clockworker's Doll.
The boy of Punishment had begun to move by his own will...and left this world behind.
"Amostia...That was that boy's name,"
That was what the witch told him, moon-eyed.
"There's nothing we can do about it now.
I have no idea where he or her have gone off to."
Would the boy of Punishment bring yet another world to destruction?
Or perhaps...
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i don't really wanna do much today so...
what about an analysis of I've Got You, Brother because i wanna rant about it >:3
(i've been thinking about all this a lot since I wrote it lol)
huge spoilers under the cut so please i beg you don't read it till you've finished the fic ;w;
probably the first scene of this fic i thought while knowing i wanted it to appear in it, was the scene after lucas' funeral. a while before that i already had the headcanon of kevin giving kenny that red scarf of his, but that scene, unlike this one, wasn't fully developed when i daydreamed it.
my kenny, slv kenny, has a lot of trauma as a kid, trauma that shapes his personality later on. yet, he's learned he needs to suck it up, not tell anyone - mainly because his uncle taught him so. lucas was gay indeed, stuart got that one right at least, but after he did what he did to kevin, he decided it was too dangerous. kevin would snitch, surely, he was old enough to know it was wrong, he had proven this. kenny was not.
"never tell anyone about this", he had promised, and so kenny never really specified it - loyalty, fear, who knew. but he couldn't help to take kevin's word that lucas was gone, and maybe that's why he slipped. kevin never asked any more questions, kenny never gave him any more answers.
(Brother by Kodaline - the song this fic took its title from - just started playing, and that is incredibly fitting XD)
"“You look like shit” Kenny pointed out. “You should see the other guy” Kevin smiled, sitting next to Kenny."
a fun fact about this scene, is that i thought of it before anything else in this fanfic, yet with a different theme. i was feeling pretty dysphoric, my parents were being transphobic assholes, nothing new, and i said "why not project this onto kenny?". in the original scenario, kenny would come out to his father, or maybe he'd be outed by some reason, and stuart would be no good about it, so kevin would jump in and defend his brother. then, everything would turn out as it does in the fic.
but slv kenny's agab is left ambiguous, and it will stay that way, which makes the original idea lose all its sense. yet, as i wanted to write it and add it to the story, i figured out another thing the fight could've stemmed from, and rolled with it. it being kenny's birthday was just something that came to me as i wrote, but it makes a sensing way for him to receive his parka so all good XD
next scene is probably the closest these two ever went to talking about their feelings. "He wanted me to go with his friends, he didn't want to hang out with me." was a typical occurence by the time they were twelve/thirteen, which is when that happens. kenny had gone to that type of hang outs a few times already, and always felt as if he wasn't welcome there, his presence and his exit equally unnoticed. butters had always the best intention, but are good intentions ever enough? the spot at the rooftop became kenny's favorite place since that night.
kevin isn't too talkative, or at least not slv kevin, but he knows his brother all too well, as shown in the next scene.
i needed it to be from kenny's pov, even if just to show the shock at "Kevin had never hit him sober." - because kevin had hit him drunk, not even just that, but typically kevin was at least a bit tipsy. him being violent yet sober showed the importance of the situation - and also showed how easily kenny would accept kevin becoming stuart 2.0.
it was short before butters ran away from home, and kenny was going through possibly the worst moments of his life till then. it was also the time in which he would kill himself every other day, trying to find a way that stuck. the broship had broken, kenny's home life was as shitty as always, what was the point? "But- Kenny, I can't let you waste your life like that. I'm probably gonna become a poor drunk guy like mom and dad, but you're smart dude. You have a future. Don't throw it away". those words likely saved kenny's life. kevin knows him, but he's too quiet to show it. yet, when he sees his brother in that state? he can't help but try and pull him out of it.
"This was the first time Kevin had seen his brother in weeks" says a lot about the mccormicks, actually. kenny, spending his days out with his friends or stuck in his room. kevin, not coming home until he has to. they had lost each other, grown up enough to stop needing the other as much. yet, kevin's always up to helping kenny out.
their conversation on the couch, just proves how much they really love each other. kenny doesn't really cuddle with anyone besides butters and his siblings, and kevin isn't much of the type to be physically affectionate with pretty much anyone. yet they enjoy being in each other's company, and they trust each other enough for it. "“Fucked him yet?” Kevin half joked." also shows how much kevin really knows his brother - even after they're not that in touch, he's noticed how close butters and kenny really are. he's also proving to kenny how he will not judge, allowing him to open up if he ever wants to, without fearing a reaction like the one their parents would likely have.
("“I love you”, is what Kevin would've said were he more vocal about his feelings. But he wasn't, so he took a sip of his beer and turned up the volume.". fun fact, they never said they love each other, and now you're forced to live with this information :3)
"“Showed up when I died, haven't left ever since” Kenny nonchalantly said, and Kevin shrugged it off". I don't have much to say about this scene, but fuck me if kenny isn't like this. he's sincere with kevin, yet aware he won't be believed, so he doesn't really press it. kevin, meanwhile, is used to his brother saying stuff like that. if kenny had ever told kevin about his curse? i like to believe kevin wouldn't have hesitated to believe everything about it.
aaand we're at the final arc of igyb!!
(after i took a tiny doomscrolling break bc fingers hurt smh)
i think i should first talk about why i did what i did. and that is, killing kevin off.
you see, in most stories and universes where kevin dies, he does it heroically. saving his siblings from their parents' wrath, getting in the way of a gunshot, taking part in a fight - he dies a hero. that's not how real life works. people just... die. without a warning. without a reason. one day they're there, the next they're gone forever.
kenny thought he understood death, mostly after having died so often, but he didn't. kevin's death, it made him realize people just leave forever, not giving any warning, not saying goodbye. human life is such a fragile thing, and he won't waste his stuck in the shithole of a town south park is. he's terrified of losing his friends the way he lost kevin, he's terrified of permanently dying with nobody to remember him.
he was lucky laura offered to take karen in, because otherwise, he probably would have stayed. but he knows, she'd be kept safe, and most importantly, away from their parents.
and, kenny?
he is going to live.
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Ok so, as I said yesterday I'm rereading Sea of Monsters and I've gotta admit, there are a lot of parts that I didn't remember from it that deserve more appreciation.
(Long post incoming! 😅)
One of them that I really want to talk about is after Annabeth listens to the siren song and learns that her fatal flaw is hubris. When she was listening to the sirens, she saw a scene of her father and Athena happily together, along with Luke all sitting in central park. Surrounding them is a new Manhattan that Annabeth has built and it looks so much better than the western civilization that the gods have built.
When she's telling Percy about her fatal flaw, she talks about how the west represents a lot of the greatest things to ever come from mankind, but how your view starts to change when all you can see are the bad things. She says that would make someone start to think more like Luke. That if she could tear everything down and start everything a new, that she would be able to run and build things better. That if she could rebuild it, the world wouldn't be as messed up. There would be no more war, nobody homeless and left on the streets to fend for themselves.
And this is absolutely correct, this is essentially why Luke is doing this all to begin with. This is his core goal (purely Luke's and not Kronos). To make a better world for everyone. Where no one would have to go what he and countless others had been through. So that maybe others would be able to see the good in the world after all his life he had only been shown the bad.
But then there are these couple paragraphs after that. Those are super interesting to me and it gives so much insight on the universe and how certain people think.
"She (Annabeth) gazed into the distance. 'I'm not sure. But we have to save camp. If we don't stop Luke...'
She didn't need to finish. If Luke's way of thinking could even tempt Annabeth, there was no telling how many other half-bloods might join him."
First thing to remember, this is all from Percy's perspective. These are all his own thoughts and how he thinks about things. So I think the way Percy speaking about Annabeth in the last paragraph kinda shows how he tends to think of her as strong for not thinking like Luke. Like Luke is kind of weak for thinking the way he does about things needing to change and rebelling against the gods. But also like Luke's way of thinking of his envisioning of a better world without the gods in control is, in itself, something dangerous.
Now, to the other demigods, if the gods were to fall and those demigods were to join Luke's/ Kronos's side, then... It really wouldn't be that dangerous for them. At least not much more dangerous than it is for them now with the gods ruling over everything. Because the gods and Titans are very much the same.
But ultimately, my main point is, Percy seems to have this underlying fear and aversion to anyone doing anything to go against the gods. But why? Why when we see that he is to his core, more on the rebellious side? Much like the ocean, Percy doesn't like to be restrained.
Because, he's been influenced by the gods and camp (especially Chiron). He's been steered to believe that even the thought of going against the gods is wrong and shouldn't be done. He's had Chiron who's been telling him that the gods falling out of power would be the worst thing to ever happen. One god in particular (ahem, Hermes) has used Percy's strong sense of loyalty and family to lead him, to manipulate him farther and put in his head that turning his back on his family (in this case the gods) is something that you should never do.
And it's not just Percy who has been raised to think this way, it's a lot of the other demigods at camp who stay loyal to the gods until their final breaths. Who stay loyal to them even as they watch their siblings die left and right before their eyes.
And Kronos is doing this exact same thing to Luke. It's the same thing that Kronos would've done to his subjects if he would've won the war. There is no difference between the gods and the Titans and, once again, Percy and Luke showcase that perfectly.
And people who believe that the gods are better than the Titans like to bring up the line from TLT when Luke says something along the lines of "the ones who serve Kronos will be treated well and be powerful, the others who don't will be killed."
Yeah, the gods do the exact same thing. They kill or torture anyone who defies them, and gives power to the ones who serve them. We have plenty of examples of this, two major ones are right in the last chapters of The Last Olympian. Luke rebelled against the gods, as he was fated to, and he died as he was fated to, along with most of the other traitors. And Percy, the one who had served the gods the most, he was offered godhood. Power. So yeah, there really is no difference between them.
But I just think it's so interesting how those two paragraphs can give so much insight into how Percy views things. And this is just from the second book. And the book that tends to be most people's least favorite book in the series.
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My newest thoughts...
I've been doing some intense thinking while I've been away. While watching Jk's lastest live, everything got connected inside my brain.
So back on 7/7, I had some sort of epiphany while answering an ask and I came up with the following theory.
(I deleted the post because damn Dewunkim has gotten on my nerves and I saw her reblog it. So if anyone has this in their reblogs, could you all send it to me? Thaaanks!)
Anyway, this is what I remember thinking:
If Jikook is together, they were told to lay low because they don't want it to be known that Jk is gay. That would ruin his chance to become a superstar.
It wasn't for military enlistment purposes.
Jikook continues to be spotted in Korea but is not seen by international fans.
Jimin is queer but also Jk. Is it possible that the company retaliated because Jimin's album was queer coded and he has been queer coding his stuff since a while back?
I feel like the stuff that's been happening lately has been confirming my theory:
•Portrayal of Jk as a straight male in Seven mv.
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Not much happening in that mv. Boring, tbh. No chemistry although I do think that Jk and Sohee are friends now but the romantic chemistry isn't there.
There is that also that disconnect where the more explicit lyrics dont match the mv.
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"It's the way that we can ride" and it shows a spaghetti plate? I could have shown...other things.
The song has a funeral scene with Jk being funny in a coffin. Be for real.
With lyrics like that you could have a really sensual and sexual fun mv. Pillowtalk meets Butter. But we got a comedic mv instead.
So maybe Jk is has no problem singing sex songs and pronouns but he draws the line at physical contact?
And for the love of the gods, I can't possibly see a connection between this mv/song and Jimin. That's insulting to me.
A song about a straight guy singing to a girl is for Jimin? Not for me. Never. Don't insult jikook or Jimin like that. Not everything has to be connected.
•Jk's Weverse Interview
He states:
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I saw sooo many jikookers saying that the company was imposing this image on Jk and poor Jk blah blah and a few days before his weverse interview, I told a friend "Maybe this is how he wants to be seen. As a het male."
And there is nothing wrong with that! He can be seen as straight cool sexy Jk. Let him be and stop making excuses for normal things.
But the main point to take from this is that he is on his way to being a superstar. Being boyffie to Jimin does not help so they had to hide that. Lay low.
Knowing what we know about Jimin and how private he is, I imagine he was totally on board with laying low for the eyes of international fans. He is also selfless to a fault and he would like to see Jk achieve his dreams. This I strongly believe.
And also, a real couple doesn't need an audience. They are not a spectacle. So laying low is a win win.
•Jk's weverse live on 21/7
Basically telling the fans that he will do as he pleases so get ready because he has grown.
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He wants to be the superstar Jk and for people to recognize it. Being baby star candy will not get him the recognition.
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I feel like Jk knows quite well of his popularity outside of Korea. Even if the stuff he releases is not liked in Korea, international fans will support it.
International fans need the provocative. They won't judge and scrutinize the way Korean fans do. In fact, he will be embraced and loved the more sex he sells.
He will up the fan service. Y/n rejoice!
And it's obvious that the main focus of his promo was not Korea.
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The target is a western market where not being queer is more profitable. Where soft masculinity is laughed at.
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He's letting the softies know. Take it as a warning, softies lol
People think that his tattoo doesn't fit with his words now but Jk has always been like this. He just wasn't vocal about it.
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While his tattoo says that he rather be dead than cool, I feel Jk hasn't quite found himself yet and tries the things that he thinks will make him look cool while still remaining unbothered about being cool. But we know that's not true.
So for me, all of this also confirms that Jk knows exactly what he is doing. He knows how this looks and how this is playing out.
He knows about the business, even if he stated in his weverse interview that he leaves that to the pros. A guy thats been in this 10 years and he doesn't look into how his promo will play out? Not believable.
That sounded like damage control by the company to meeeeeee....
In terms of jikook: They seem to be fine. Jimin went to NY to support Jk but not Seven. He "forgot" his password. He was also letting the softies know that he won't post.
I cannot for the love of the gods come up with a theory on why Jk is ok with getting all this nice promo while Jimin got nothing.
The whole "he is doing it for both of them" doesn't really make sense to me. Maybe I'll get the answer to this in a dream or while answering a random post.
So obviously, the whole "they are laying low for military enlistment" never made sense to me. Who even came up with that?
And why are we repeating theories with absolutely nothing to back them up like the common taekooker?
Anyways, hope I made sense!
Ah, if you happen to find a blog out there in the wild where it sounds like me, that's because it is me. My thoughts are looser there. Don't say hi if you are going to bother me.
Oh, and hello. I guess I'm back.
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milkybonya · 2 years
digital lover ☆ haknyeon
order 067, @sickvision : large milk tea with regular and banana tapioca pearls for tbz Haknyeon
! : mentions of a psycho ex and Hak has a restraining order on them (pls never be obsessive/toxic in ur relationships), Hak called reader 'pretty'
#: best friend!Haknyeon x gn reader, friends to lovers! , fake dating!
another day, another (fake) date with Haknyeon.
[💌: my love, i'm so sorry this took so. damn. long :( especially since it was your first request :< i hope you still enjoy it ee >_< i had fun slowly writing it bit by bit ! also tbz's comeback slays omg i'm so ?!?!]
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"when you get married, i'll pay you to let me sing at your wedding," Hak says before sticking his lollipop back in his mouth.
the two of you are sat in your bedroom, just hanging out as you always do.
he removes it again to use it as a microphone while singing the most horrendous cover of a song with too many high notes to count. Haknyeon is a gorgeous singer, he just purposely sings bad sometimes to make you laugh.
he continues to bounce around your bed while singing until you speak.
"not like that, hell no," you reply but unable to hold back a smile.
you think about his words. when you get married? did he want you to get married off already? why would he be singing... wouldn't he be the groom?
you've liked your best friend, Hak, for a year now, and you've only been falling deeper and deeper. somehow, everything he does makes your heart flutter. if he's a little too close, if he wraps an arm around you, if he waits for you after your night class on campus... you're flooded with butterflies.
you're almost sure he doesn't feel the same way, though. that's why you haven't even thought about confessing. as selfish as it is, you'd rather be close to Haknyeon through this friendship than ruin it completely just to tell him your feelings.
"hey.. why are you so lost in your thoughts. don't be so boring!" Haknyeon whines, snapping you back to reality. he gently takes hold of your shoulders and shakes, filling you with giggles.
then, his phone buzzes next to your legs, entangled from Haknyeon trying to tickle you.
when he picks up to check it, you watch as his face darkens before he tosses his phone to the side.
"what happened, Hak? everything okay?"
"yeah," he mumbles.
but you know he's not okay. you don't press him further, though. instead, you tell him that if he ever wants to tell you, you'll be ready to listen.
even though a week ends up passing before he tells you, you're still ready to listen.
he asks you to meet him at a café and you find him with dark circles under his eyes, messy hair hidden under a beanie and his leg shaking up and down with how nervous he is.
"hey Hak, what's up? are you okay?"
"no, i'm not," Haknyeon tells you, frankly.
he pushes a drink towards you. of course, he knows you so well that he was able to order your favourite drink for you in advance.
"i... keep getting texts from someone and it's been bothering me. they keep calling me, too, and i'm going insane."
your heart drops. Haknyeon doesn't even have to explain. you already know who he's talking about: his psycho ex.
they broke up almost a year ago, yet Hak still keeps receiving calls and texts from them. they've even shown up to his house, followed him around. they're a complete stalker.
everything had died down for a few months after Haknyeon went to the police, but now they're back again?
"i've contacted the police and they've said that the texts and calls pose no threat, that i should just block them. i do, i keep blocking them but they keep calling with different numbers. i don't even know whose calls to answer anymore, y/n, i'm going insane."
"show me," you say, gesturing for Haknyeon's phone.
with a pout and quivering lips, he hands it to you. you scroll through the messages, filled with anger. all of them talk about how Hak will never be able to find anyone as good as them, his ex. they tell him his life is over without him, that he'll die alone.
suddenly, you have an idea.
"Hak... i know what to do. you said they stalk your instagram too, right? but you have a restraining order on them so they can't see you in person?"
Haknyeon nods along to your words.
"okay... what do you think about being digital lovers? how about we post as if we're dating and show your ex that you can be happy without them?"
your heart races as you explain your idea, and honestly you don't even expect Haknyeon to agree. you're also mad at yourself because... are you just taking advantage of the situation to act on your feelings for Hak?
despite it all, Haknyeon, with red ears, nods at you.
"let's do it. and let's start right now," he says.
"no, what the hell, this angle is so ugly?" you whine as Haknyeon attempts to take a photo of your drinks.
"i'll do it," you snap before snatching the phone out of his hands. the boy is left pouting as you do all the work.
"okay, now put your hand in and complete the heart i'm making," you say.
even feeling Haknyeon's fingers touching yours makes your heart race, but you quickly tell yourself to shut up.
"there. now post this with the caption: 'first date... already so in love'," you say.
Haknyeon scoffs. "how do you come up with the most absurd ideas?"
you stick your tongue out at him.
he shakes his head but still posts and yep, before even a minute has passed, his ex is sending him messages again.
who's that? first date with who? you're lying. you're lying i know you are. you think this will get me to leave you? you need me, Hak. you need me.
"more like they need you. how pathetic. it's okay, Hak. the more we post, the more it'll convince them. just give it time and ignore them, okay? block this new number again. and if you're ever scared or can't sleep, just come to me. it's okay," you say, patting Haknyeon's shoulder.
the look he gives you is unlike anything you've seen before. his eyes are all watery and star-filled, and he looks at you as if you're someone else. his ears are red, too.
"everything okay?" you ask, your hand on his shoulder.
"y-yeah.. just fine," he replies.
this is the first time Haknyeon starts to suspect he has feelings for you.
a few days later, the two of you go to an art gallery. there, you take plenty of cringey but cute couple-shots, none of them showing your faces. though, it's very obvious that Haknyeon is in every photo.
"y/n, this is so pretty.. it's almost as pretty as you," Haknyeon says, giggling to himself while he shows you a painting of a flower garden.
"hey, now. you don't have to act like my boyfriend in real life, too," you say, feeling flustered.
"but.. you're pretty! it's true.." Haknyeon trails off and you clear your throat, unconsciously taking his hand as you guide him to the next painting.
Haknyeon's heart races and so does yours.
it's the second time Haknyeon realizes he's falling for you.
another day, another (fake) date with Haknyeon. the two of you walk hand-in-hand through the downtown streets while you snap pictures of your interlocked fingers. Haknyeon keeps fidgeting, not knowing what to do with his free hand and constantly worrying that he'll start sweating and you'll be grossed out by his wet palms.
"Hak, your hand looks weird... like, too stiff? just relax!" you say.
he clears his throat and nods with a small small. despite trying his best, he still looks too stiff and you decide to just head into a café to rest.
"you know what, i think your ex is still being annoying because they haven't seen your s/o's face.. maybe we should show our faces this time?" you point out.
"ah, but then.. all our friends will think we're for real, too," Haknyeon says, sadly.
and... so what? wouldn't that be good, too?
you nod your head, pointing your phone at the cake/drinks and Haknyeon who sits across from you. though, he stops you. he takes the phone out of your hands and takes a deep breath in through his nose.
he knows it. he knows it, now. he likes you.
"what if.. what if we do post a photo of our faces... as a real couple?" he asks, only meeting your eyes after he's done speaking.
Haknyeon clears his throat and tries again. "y/n.. what if we date for real?"
your heart starts racing as you take in the sincerity in his eyes.
"do you.. like me?" you ask.
Haknyeon slowly nods and you're filled with butterflies.
"i like you too, Hak... l-let's take a selfie this time, then," you say, grinning as Haknyeon quickly gets up to sit beside you instead of across from you.
he carefully wraps an arm around you as you take the photo. the second the shutter goes off, he turns and gently presses his lips to your cheek.
"i've always wanted to do that," he says, cheekily.
"but Hak. how can you sing at my wedding if you're my husband?" you ask, reminding Hak of when his ex first started texting him while the two of you were together at your place.
he grins, poking your cheek.
"i can sing and marry you, y/n. all for free!"
you smile back at him and rest your head on his chest.
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