#toby ranting
princeyralsei · 4 months
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480pfootage · 9 months
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clearpilled and mentally sane
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hey there ;)
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necroromantics · 3 months
Hi Im gonna be petty again. But the fact that TicciWork fans had to deal with the ship and Clockwork being brutally hated on from as early as ~2013, and now theres so much misinformation rampant on TikTok about the ship, and when we try to speak up about it everyone throws a fit. It just baffles me how everyone is allowed to hate on and be passive aggressive about this ship but when we say someone about it or spread real canon information, we're too hostile or making a fuss. We've done nothing but let you guys have your ships, you are allowed to ship whatever you want, even if its not TicciWork.
I have never once seen a single TicciWork fan make a post where Nina or Jack or Tim is a bitchy evil villain antagonist who is Toby's ex or something getting in the way of his relationship with Clockwork. I have never once seen a TicciWork fan making rant posts about another character that gets shipped with Toby. But the amounts of times I have seen that exact thing be done for Clockwork is astounding. And if any of us speak up about the hypocrisy then everyone gets all mad and posts start being made.
I really dont care for all this drama, so this should be my last post on it. My initial posts about the misogyny with Clockwork was only directed towards the people who hate on Clockwork because shes shipped with Toby, because they want Toby to be shipped with their OC or them or another character. To hate on a woman over a man is absolutely cringe and nuts. And then to twist my words by saying "If you dont ship TicciWork you hate women" is really telling of you as a person and your reading comprehension skills. Also, if the shoe fits. If it doesnt apply to you, you dont gotta bend over backwards to make it apply just to be the victim cuz I hit a sore spot. And if it does apply, then ask yourself why are you so angry over a random ass female character.
Tldr; Ahhh you mad ahh you mad as hell
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mooniemilkieway · 23 days
the way people act towards her and her creator on the internet makes me so upset
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first off, IT IS COMPLETE OKAY TO NOT LIKE NINA THE KILLER !! i may love Nina but I do have a lot of problems with her but the hate for her was just literally insane.
im actually planning on making a post where i call out the misogyny in the creepypasta fandom because it’s just ridiculously bad. like seriously.
i was going through my deviantart page to look at some nina fanart to reference off of and I saw a stamp that was well… an “anti nina the wh0re stamp” which…UM I THINK NINA IS A MINOR HELLO??? And the only character she gets with is Eyeless Jack…she was a fan of Jeff but the author never said that they DATED. and even if they did WHOOOO CARESSS ITS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER!! ITS A FANTASY THE AUTHOR HAS!! that doesn’t make Nina nor the author a whore or a homewrecker.
also THE RACISM IVE WITNESS. okay so the author is latina if i am correct and ofc her english isn’t going to be perfect. but. oh. my. god. the way so many people were literally ripping apart Nina’s story because of it’s “bad english” instead of fucking HELPING THE AUTHOR just infuriates me to no end. and it bothers me that these are the same people who’s first language is English and would still fail their English classes like PLEASE HUMBLE YOURSELF OMGGG.
this reasoning isn’t as abhorrent as the other ones but the way people keep calling her a “Jeff Ripoff” when she’s…spoiler alert…A JEFF FANGIRL. NO SHIT SHE WOULD LOOK LIKE JEFF THE KILLER LIKE THATS HER WHOLE POINT
anyways sorry for this rant it just has been bothering my for like YEARS and I’m so glad that Nina is getting some love and appreciation but just knowing that the hate for her was so bad that it even negatively affected the creator of her makes me so so upset.
i PROMISE imma make fanart soon just lemme get through my college classes lol
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la-pheacienne · 3 months
People that still blame Ned for telling Cersei of his plans are the same people that say they wouldn't have turned if they were Orpheus, and the common denominator between these two categories of people is how fucking BORING they are. Imagine trying to analyze Oedipus Rex through the prism of how stupid Oedipus was. STOP for the love of god
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grvyrd-drms · 8 months
as someone thats been abused and has issues with mood and personality disorders, people who write all creepypasta characters as abusers irk me so badly. it's literally just feeding into the idea that people with mental illnesses are horrible little creatures who only care about themselves and can't handle relationships (platonic and not).
like yeah you can think whatever you want ig, but also at one point you gotta realize that if all of your writing consists of making these characters abusive rapists while you acknowledge their mental issues, it makes people with ptsd, schizophrenia, bpd, bipolar, did, all the shit creepypasta characters dealt with, all kinda look like unstable shallow abusers 💀.
like i had an abusive father, was bullied severely, and have bpd, but i wouldn't rape and abuse people, so why would toby????
does anyone get what i'm saying here cause i'm trying SO hard to get my message across lol.
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reallapiscake12 · 2 months
Okay does anyone else have the issue of getting flashbanged by porn bots literally EVERY TIME you search up ANY CREEPYPASTAS TAG, like i swear every time i want to look at art of Jeff,Toby,Ben,LJ,ETC there's always a post by a pornbot on the very top.
I get Tumblr's bot issue is horrific but why is this so consistent with the creepypastas tags, is anybody else dealing with this issue or is tumblr just out to get me with bot attacks-
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insomniac-shado · 3 months
A rant about Clockwork, Nina, and basically all the fem creeps.
I’m so tired of seeing people saying that Clockwork and Nina are mary sues to make fun of them/bring them down.
Because you know what? ALMOST EVERY POPULAR CREEPYPASTA IS A MARY SUE. There. I SAID IT. Toby, Jeff, both Jacks, Clocky, Nina, Jane, Liu, ALL OF THEM. And that’s what makes them FUN.
You cannot say Nina is a shitty mary sue and hate her but then love Jeff the Killer. You can’t say Clocky is a badly written character and then love Ticci Toby. Because they’re all badly written characters !! And they’re all very similar in the ways that they are badly written. Yet JUST the girls get overhated to death? It’s just fucking misogyny. Sorry to break it to you.
The treatment of the fem creeps in this fandom is fucking sad. For most of the fandom’s lifetime they’ve all been beaten down and hated and had their creators sent death threats and been harassed. Yet all the male creeps (some of which ARE MUCH WORSE) get treated like gods gift to mankind.
Im so happy that characters like Clocky and Nina are getting more love now. It warms my heart considering everything them and their creators were put through. But I’m still sick of seeing people hating on them, spreading misinformation, and mischaracterizing them simply for existing. It’s stupid and it makes me so fucking pissed.
Almost every character in this fandom is a bad character. They were all written by 12-14 year olds with little to no experience writing horror or even just writing in general. It’s not fair to push the girls down for this reason while lifting the men up when they all have almost the exact same flaws in their story.
They all have very traumatic backstories, usually not well written. Their mental illnesses are not portrayed realistically. The stories have bad grammar and spelling. They all succeed way too easily for their ages and situations. THESE ARE THE COMMON THEMES ALMOST EVERY STORY. YOU CANNOT SAY THAT CLOCKWORK’S INSANITY IS HORRIBLY WRITTEN AND THEN SAY TOBY’S IS AMAZING.
It’s honestly so fucking stupid and I’m tired of seeing it everywhere. You don’t have to like all the creeps obviously, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But when it comes to this kind of hate and mistreatment I’m so done.
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bruhstation · 10 months
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casa tidmouth celebrates its one year anniversary..... 2 days ago! but hey, it's the thought that matters! thank you very much for everything -- the support, the fanarts, the asks..... I truly appreciate them all!!!
truth to be told, when I first started this blog, I never thought it would grow to such lengths like this. I wasn't good at drawing engines (and I still am. but hey at least I'm learning! >:]) so what did I draw first? the engines as pokemon for my old pmd AU XD it was what started everything, but then I tried my hand at turning the engines into humans and voila. casa tidmouth is born. I grew alongside it, developed the story and characters as time went by, and garnered an audience, even friends!
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(they'll be back. if the public demands. someday.)
I'm eternally grateful to those who stuck around this entire year. I know I'll be busier than ever as I'm starting med school and life will get tougher from here on out, but knowing that I have people who got my back uplifts me. thank you for support!
and look!!!! in a year, we managed to reach 850 followers! and it's all thanks to you! I hope you look forward to what this blog will bring in the future!
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wanna know a fun fact? the reason why I revisited this childhood show of mine is because the twitter account sexymanotd posted a pic of duck the great western engine. then I talked about it in my priv, then a friend sent a couple of gijinkas from various people (mainly asktrio156). I decided to look more into it in tumblr….. the rest is history!
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seireitonin · 5 months
Rant about Creepypasta Ages/ misinformation
(istg this is the first and last time I’ll mention this on tumblr)
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“Toby’s a minor🤡” Since when is 19 a minor? He’s not even 19 anymore he’s 29 almost 30. Begging you guys to think before you open your mouths. Same w Jeff that man is literally 29-40. Even in the Woods story where he was 13 it literally says “it’s unknown how old he is now” because he’s on the run and has been for years. No ones keeping track of the man’s birthdays bc he’s a criminal but it’s implied he’s a grown ass man bc literal years pass. The stories where they’re 17 and 13 are called origin stories. That means it explains how they got the way they are and why they behave the way they do. Not that they’re age locked at 13 and 17. Especially Toby bc kastoway said multiple times that he’s in his 20s and even drew him as such. There’s literally a whole age chart for Toby. This is all literally surface level information. You guys are showing me every day that you guys don’t actually read or research the characters you claim to love sm. Especially with BEN who’s literally evil computer code. Not Ben the 12 year old boy. The only minors are Sally who passed at 8 so she’s permanently 8. Ben the 12 year old boy who passed at 12 so he’s 12. Not BEN, the evil entity. Lulu who’s age locked at 15 and Lazari if you wanna count them. Everyone else is in their late 20s-early 30s. Or like Bloody Painter and Jane in their 40s/almost 40. Again begging yall to do research before you speak. The misinformation is crazy. (Again idc if you hc them as minors hcs don’t bother me at all!! The only reason I bring it up is bc ppl get mad at ppl for shipping certain characters together or call them awful things bc they think nsfw content of certain characters is sexualizing minors when it’s not. Bc they’re not minors. I just want the fandom to be as peaceful and unproblematic as possible. (Impossible ask, ik) and try to use my platform for good. But if you are gonna make Creepypasta nsfw art/content make sure you use the adult designs. Also if you are sexualizing minors/ proshipping you need to be in jail and shamed.Idc. It’s literally not hard to do research and be a normal human especially if you’re an adult like me.)
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bysaber · 7 months
my life’s a MESS right now and I barely have time to breathe but at the same time I can’t stop thinking about fic ideas and I have a few I’m really looking forward to write. I’m not going to give any dates but just to name the game there’ll be:
Obito Uchiha x f!Reader + free use kink
The Infinite Tsukuyomi Project is all Obito knows. Motivated by nihilist ideals, he moves forward and will destroy whoever gets in his way - and is willing to die to fulfill his plan. That is, until he meets you.
You, who loves him more than the world itself.
Ryomen Sukuna x f!Reader + noncon
After killing Satoru Gojo, Sukuna retreats. He then goes looking for Satoru’s wife, for you, who’s still mourning the man you loved.
What you didn’t know is that you were Sukuna’s woman first, and that many years ago he had made a pact with a witch for you to reincarnate time after time. And the King of Curses would always come for you.
these are up to changes, of course! I only wrote it quickly so y’all could see what was on my mind.
about the obito one, the kink will be widely explored i hope. i’m really into free use, i just wanted to set the bg.
ABOUT THE SUKUNA’S ONE— it’s going to be a MESS. heheh
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alttheloco · 3 months
Guys, we gotta stop leaving Becky out of the bitb polycule. Kian’s got six hands, dammit!!
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cw: rant, caps lock
“🤓erm,why do you want them? They’re a horrible person! you know in real life you wouldn’t be able to fix them.🤓” GOOD! I DONT WANNA FIX THEM! I WANNA BE BROKEN FOOLS TOGETHER! I WANT THEM TO MAKE ME FEEL OK ABOUT NOT BEING PERFECT! I WANT THEM TO COMFORT ME AS I RANT ABOUT NEVER FEELING GOOD ENOUGH TO MEET THE UNFAIR STANDARDS OF A “LOVING” GOD! I WANT THEM TO HOLD ME AS I CRY BECAUSE I SELF SABOTAGE EVERY RELATIONSHIP IM IN! I WANT THEM TO NOT SUGARCOAT THEIR WORDS WHEN THEY TELL ME “No, you’re not perfect. You’re an asshole and people think you’re a freak. But I’m an asshole and a freak too, so let’s just stay together and ride it out till one of us dies.”
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into-the-clintoris · 1 year
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riddles-n-games · 7 months
Spoiler Warning: The Brothers Hawthorne Character Discussion
Ok, this might be a bit of a bonkers theory but hear me out; what if Phone Girl has some kind of relation to the other boy that died on Hawthorne Island? David Golding, that is our last victim that we never discussed in detail or had a full on dive into his past from when he was mentioned in The Hawthorne Legacy. I know we had a look into Thomas Thomas's file but given the set up in the story and this girl clearly being a mysterious figure, there's a lot more to her, of course. All three of the other characters that had to do with the Hawthorne Island fire were discussed at length and they all have some sort of ties, most of them familial ones, to our main cast and one with a romantic liaison. What if there is something about this David that somehow also ties into Phone Girl's father's suicide? Most of our main characters' opponents have had grudges and issues with the Hawthorne family or just Tobias Hawthorne specifically circa the time of the fire and Grayson's birth so it would tie in almost perfectly. If Phone Girl is around the age of our main characters this could have been a trigger only a few years after the incident and set up this coming plot that we may get in The Grandest Game.
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lunityviruz · 3 months
U guys (creepypasta fans) suck so bad at writing the pastas. To avoid being the "cringe" 2011-2015 fanon y'all write like edgelords and think that the characters would be abusive to the reader and think it's more "realistic" because they're mental ill and obviously every mental ill person is mean and abusive!!!!!/s.
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