#toby x sarah
raralabelle1studios · 5 months
I'd like you to meet Toby, Lilla's nephew.
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Toby was born months after the divorce of his mother and biological father.
Toby has an Australian accent since she and her sister are half-Australian.
He loves to spend time on shores, and he enjoys research about the ocean.
Edd enjoys spending time with Toby. This got Nat and Edd together because Nat and Chelsea frequently babysit Toby whenever his mother and grandfather were not home.
He of course lives with a single mother and grandfather. (He thinks of his grandfather like a father.)
Voice based on: Jack Russell (from Bluey)
Plot twist trivia: While Toby's grandmother was dying, his dad cheated on his mother with An's mother. That would mean Sammy is Toby's brother from his biological father's side.
Fun trivia:
• Toby and his mother's last name is based on Kevin and Luke Lerdwichagul. Luke created the popular YouTube channel SMG4, and he and his brother founded the company Glitch Productions.
• I named Toby after an Animal Crossing character because I wondered if Sarah would need a boyfriend that looked like Edd...
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the-slut-lestat · 2 months
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“Fear me. Love me. Do as I say and I will be your slave.”
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klutzyghost13 · 13 days
It's Meme Day again.
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catapparently · 3 months
What would Toby and Hannah's ship name (from the inheritance games) be ? (asking for a fic)
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youandmedead · 5 months
Jårê†h HêåТåñðñ§
Warnings: THEORIES, Not proof read properly
Notes: Whilst there is a comic out explaining how Jareth became King of the Labyrinth, I have decided to post this as I've had these theories wayyyyyyy before the comic was released and I wasn't aware there was one out explaining Jareth's plan till last night. Anywho, I'd love to hear everyone's ideas on this. Hope everyone is well 🖤
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⛦ He was kidnapped by the last Goblin Monarch (I believe that his parents wished him away).
⛦ Instead of being turned into a goblin, the last monarch passed down their powers to him and that's how he gained the shape shifting abilities. He then grew resentful towards humans because he found out where he came from and what his parents wished for. Jareth then assumed that all humans were selfish because of this, in addition to people entering the Labyrinth to look for things they were too selfish to accept and be grateful about or wishing people away
⛦ However he felt pity for Toby when he was wished away by Sarah and I believe that's why he became rather fond of the baby. He knew what it was like to be wished away for idiotic reasons and therefore felt guilty about not caring for the child. Yes he was going to turn him into a goblin but it would have meant that he would have been part of a "family" that accepted him
⛦ Jareth was kidnapped from birth (think of his kidnapping like how Pain and Panic kidnapped Hercules in the Disney film, except instead of Jareth becoming mortal he becomes a Fae).
⛦ The current goblin monarch cared for him and the magic within the labyrinth began to fuse into Jareth or the last monarch's abilities were passed onto Jareth after they died or were defeated.
⛦ Despite him still ruling over the kingdom and trying to keep things in order, Jareth disliked the goblins and still resented them for his kidnapping, however this hatred did ebb away and he realised not all of them were so bad
⛦ He was kidnapped at random by the goblins. He may have had some sort of attractive quality that intrigued the goblins (or something of the sort) and that may have been why he was chosen - or as mentioned he may have been chosen at random
⛦ The goblins need someone to keep watch and lead their kingdom, ordered needed to be restored
⛦ The goblins raised Jareth as a collective - there may have perhaps been a small group who mainly watched over him in more of a familial manner
⛦ Eventually Jareth was pushed into monarchy and he was clueless. The goblins had a few pin points for him, but other than that he had to figure it out all for himself
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mytvjunk · 10 months
Season 2 >>>>>> Season 1
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In My Sister’s Place (Part 2 of 2)
Here you are, lovelies! Part 2 of “In My Sister’s Place”. As always, familiar characters are NEVER mine!
Fandom: Labyrinth
Warnings: A bit of angst, but a happy ending. 
Pairings/Characters: Jareth the Goblin King x fem!reader, mentions of Sarah and Toby
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Your eyes burned with tears that you hastily wiped away. First the obelisk, then the ballroom, the fireys fiends, and the Bog of Eternal Stench. You were quickly becoming overwhelmed with the Goblin King's labyrinth. And yet, every time you saw said king, it sent pleasant shivers down your spine and your heart began racing. You weren't sure if it was your hopeless romantic self or if the labyrinth was messing with your mind and heart, but you could feel yourself coming to care for the Goblin King.
         Your mind raced every time you thought back to the ballroom and how he'd held you close to him. How he'd gazed into your eyes. If you hadn't known better, you'd say he cared for you as well. But then you recalled how he had your baby brother and how scared Toby must feel. It set you back on the path and, before you knew it, you had made it into the castle.
         The Goblin King appeared again just as you set eyes on Toby. He practically begged you not to take him. He toyed with you using a never-ending staircase. As you tried to figure out what to do, you came to a realization. Maybe…perhaps, the Goblin King was simply lonely. Maybe he longed for someone to love, just like you. And just maybe, you could be that person. You thought and thought, your mind and heart pulling you in separate directions. Eventually, you made up your mind to save Toby and, by extension, your sister's sanity and guilt.
         The ticking of the clock echoed in your ears as you raced to where you were certain the Goblin King and Toby would be. Your legs were shaking and your heart was doing flip-flops in your chest when the Goblin King reappeared yet again. "I've won. I beat the labyrinth," you stated. The king looked pained as he watched you watching him. "Then you know what must be said, precious." You nodded, but before you could speak again, he held up a crystal. "You can stay, you know. Stay and never be worried about your siblings again. They will be happy. Sarah at home with her costumes and toys. The baby here with me…and you. Just remain here with me. Love me and I shall be your slave."
         You shook your head. "I don't want that. I want Toby safe at home. I want Sarah to finish growing up knowing that someone is looking out for her. I w-want someone to love that loves me as much as I do them. An equal partner in all things.  If I stayed, you would change to what you think I want you to be, just as you change the labyrinth. I'd want the chance to l-love you as you are." The king looked hopeful for a moment.
         "But I can't. No until I know my siblings are safe and that what I'm feeling for you isn't simply a trick of this place," you concluded. With tears in your eyes, you stepped forward and placed a soft kiss to the Goblin King's cheek as you mumbled a soft apology. You then began reciting the speech you'd learned by heart long ago, noticing the Goblin King's pained expression deepen with every word.
Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered,
I have fought my way here, to the castle beyond the Goblin City,
To take back the child you have stolen,
For my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom is as great…
You have no power over me.
         No sooner did you finished speaking did you find yourself back in your home. You felt thin arms wrap around your middle and it took you a moment to realize that it was Sarah. A soft cooing caught your attention behind you. Toby. Safe in his crib. You breathed a sigh of relief just as an overwhelming sadness came over you. You helped Sarah settle Toby down to sleep and then lead her to her room and told her everything.
         "You must have been so frightened," she commented. You attempted to smile. "I suppose. I truly don’t believe the Goblin King was all that bad. He merely did what you asked of him. I think, in his own strange way, he was trying to show that he was lonely." Sarah huffed. "He deserves to be lonely. I bet you made more friends in the labyrinth than the Goblin King has ever had."
         "Sarah," you sighed, shaking your head. You knew she couldn't understand at this point. She was still so much a child. "Nevermind. How about I introduce you to some of the friends I made?" Her face lit up in excitement. "You can do that?!" You laughed and gave a little shrug. "They did say they would always be here if I needed them. And the magic of that place obviously works here as well." You glanced in the mirror and thought about the friends you'd made and how much you'd like to see them again as you closed your eyes. When you opened them at the sound of Sarah's laughter, the room was full of the people you'd met.
         After spending a little time with them all, you excused yourself to return to your own bedroom. Your heart was heavy. When you had opened your eyes, you had half-hoped that the Goblin King would be there as well. Of course he wasn't. You closed your door behind you, leaning against it. Your eyes traveled to the window and you froze.
         Perched on a branch just outside your window was a white and brown owl. Without hesitation, you threw open the window, inviting the owl inside. Tears began stream down your face when the owl flew in and instantly transformed into the very being you'd been thinking of. You hadn't even realized you'd moved until you hugged him close.
         "You came back," you said, your voice muffled by his vest. He stood slightly stiffly, as if your contact was unexpected, but after a moment, you felt his arms go around you. "You say that as though you missed me," he stated. You looked up at him with tears still running down your cheeks. "Why are you crying, precious?" he asked. "I'm so sorry," you replied, "I c-couldn't leave Toby there. I didn't want to hurt you, but I couldn’t leave him."
         The Goblin King laughed softly. "Why are you laughing? And why aren't you angry with me? I-I bested you. I left you alone." He cocked his head to the side as if he were thinking. "Do you know what I am? What I truly am?" he asked in return. You thought a for a moment. "Fae? Is that right?" He nodded. "Yes. And Fae like myself, have one true, ever-lasting love in their lifetime. You, my precious thing, are mine. That is why I came back. That is why I cannot remain angry with you."
         "How do you know?" Your voice was barely above a whisper now. It was a lot to process, but you couldn't deny that you'd felt something powerful within you every time he was near you. "An unexplained connection. A pull and feeling we cannot place. The longing to be near each other without understanding the reason behind it. I know you felt it in the labyrinth and the ballroom. And even more so in the castle."
         You nodded. There was point in lying to him about it. "What happens now?" you asked. He cupped your cheek. "Now, you make a decision, Y/N. You may remain here or return with me. Be my queen." You bit your lip. "Will you love me?"
         "I already do. You are my Y/N. My precious love." You gazed into his eyes. They were light and bright with emotion as he waited for your answer. You weren't sure how you were going to explain things to your family, but you knew your choice within mere seconds. Your face drew closer to his. "You never did tell me your name," you said softly. "Jareth."
         "Jareth," you whispered back before finally pressing your lips to his, sealing your fate as his. His Y/N. His love. His queen.
(a/n: I hope you like it and that this part was worth the wait!)
Forever Tags: @fizzyxcustard​ @supernatural4life2022​
This Story Tags: @urlocalfanficwriter​ @bwila-bussy​ @evilunicorns4minions​ @princess-ofthe-pages​ @boofy1998​ @ultimatreality​ 
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winter-leftovers · 4 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter twenty five: As The World Caves In (25/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Merlin and the trollhunter team make Jim take a decision. Y/n and Douxie have their last night on earth.
Word count: 4150
Warnings: a lil of angst. +16 stuff, implied smut, nothing explicit
See episode ten of Trollhunters before reading for extra rage!
(Season 3 Episodes 9, 10)
Song?: As The World Caves In by Sarah Cothran
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“We’re home, mom! Y/n! Merlin?” Y/n heard the front door opening “Got the stuff you needed”
Her heart increased its already fast pace.
“He is going to kill me” she whispered as she looked up at the couple surviving pieces of Jim’s vespa laying on the garage’s table from her place on the floor.
“Ugh” Merlin rolled his eyes. The wizard was tired of the girl’s nervousness.
Y/n ignored him. She tried and tried to explain to him how important the vespa was but it didn’t seem to matter to him. It didn’t fit his logic, if it does fit what Merlin already believes, he won't try to do it any other way.
“What’s that smell?” Toby complained.
“Hell” Y/n screamed to the trollhunter team that were still at the door.
“We’re in the garage” Blinky announced.
Aaarrrgghh and Blinky were still impregnated by the horrid smell of the cave where Merlin sent them to look for something that he didn’t allow Y/n to see.
Jim followed the voice of the troll, opening the door followed by Toby and Claire carrying the trophies of their conquest.
“It appears your little excursion was just as fruitful as our own” Blinky pointed to the table.
“My vespa?” Jim screamed, only being able to focus on the remains of his bike.
“I’m so sorry, Jim” Y/n stood up.
“Aaah” he dropped to the floor in agony “what did you do?”
“I put it to much better use” Merlin nodded and Y/n pulled one of the covers “This one is for Tobias”
“What?! We got armors too?!” Toby screamed as the sheet fell to the ground revealing an orange suit of armor “I’ve been waiting my whole life for this! So cool! So cool!” He ran up to it to look it up closer. With one of his finger, he carefully caresed the metal “Look how shiny it is”
Y/n smiled, happy that her work with Jim’s bike had made him so happy. She took a step back and looked at her father before revealing the last one.
“And this one is for Lady Claire” Merlin said as the sheet fell revealing a purple set of armor.
“Oh. Wow” Claire breathed “Holy guacamole”
“Do you like it?” Y/n smiled “I used purple because is totally your color”
“Yes” the girl carefully touched the metal “You did this?”
“I like mine better” Toby stated.
“I’m glad. I did it thinking of you” Y/n chuckled, turning to Claire “Yeah. I’m going to have metal under my nails for a hundred years”
“Wow. Thanks. It’s amazing” Claire smiled.
Y/n blushed. She took a step back to observe the happiness her work has made.
“Good work” Merlin ruffled Y/n hair.
She smiled back to her father. Besides being forced to destroy her brother’s bike the afternoon was very tame, nice even. Merlin let her take the lead in the design and construction of the armors. Father and daughter working together side by side on the floor of the garage, recounting old memories in between the comfortable silence.
“That’s surprisingly nice of you, Merlin” Jim said.
“Quick query” Blinky wasn’t as trusty as his student “If we’ve been collecting items for a spell to thwart Gunmar, then why would they require armor?”
“A spell? You thought we would stop Gunmar and Angor Rot without going to war?” Merlin couldn't believe the ingenuity of the troll.
Y/n shifted in her place. They still haven’t recovered from the consequences from the last war but Merlin was right. There wasn’t any other way
“Do you have sand for brains?” The wizard started pacing.
“Wait, a war?” Jim asked.
“Once freed,” Merlin cracked his neck “Morgana will attempt to bring forth the Eternal Night”
“Free Morgana?” Y/n’s voice came out more hopeful than she wanted to.
“Sounds like you’re saying you’re not going to stop Gunmar from freeing that witch” Claire stopped playing with her new armor and turned to the wizard.
“Oh, did I not make myself clear? I’m not here to stop Gunmar” Merlin clenched his fists behind his back. Y/n frowned, she only saw him do this a couple of times: once when Douxie wouldn’t shut up about his staff after almost dying and a couple of times when discussing important matters with King Arthur “I’m here to kill Morgana”
Y/n felt her knees give out. She walked back until she found a solid surface, a wall to hold the weight of her soul. Maybe it was naive, childish even but all these years she hoped to bring back the Morgana she knew, that maybe, if they gave her enough time, Y/n could find a way to bring back the sister she once knew, but with this war, Merlin wouldn’t give her the time.
Her father’s possible words resonated in her mind “Grow up, Y/n! She’s a monster! She’s never going to change! We have to kill her, now!” She would cry and her father would mellow, he would understand the grief her daughter is going through and say “I’m sorry, Birdie but there is no other way”
“And maybe there’s no other way. Maybe I have to grow up. Maybe my sister has been dead this whole time” she thought.
“Jim. Jim. Jim!” Y/n was brought back by Claire’s screams.
“Want to weigh in here?” An irritated Toby asked the trollhunter “Merlin just dropped the bomb we have to let Morgana loose”
Y/n looked around, her father had walked to the other side of the room somehow. She walked by the entrance door where he was standing and sat down on the steps, her body still too shaky to stand.
“Wait, he destroyed my Vespa” Jim said.
Y/n chuckled, lowering her head, her shoes suddenly more calming. Looks like she wasn’t the only one at her limit.
“He what? See? Then you must listen to the voice of reason. Mine!” Blinky screamed.
“Gunmar has the staff of Avalon. Soon he will find a way to free her. This is when we will strike. Together, we’ll slay Morgana before the Eternal Night starts” Merlin explained.
“Woah woah woah” interrupted Toby “I’m sorry, you want Jim to go up against Gunmar and Angor Rot and Morgana?”
“Do you have any other idea?” Y/n asked, already disheartened by the circumstances.
“Now is the time to strike” Merlin didn’t let Toby answer “She’s been imprisoned for centuries and she will be at her weakest. This is our best chance”
“Wait” Claire stepped forward “If Jim defeats Morgana, you get your magic back”
Y/n lifted her head.
“That would be a pleasant bonus, yes” Merlin frowned.
“Oh, you only want your magic back!” Blinky said ironically “Aaarrrgghh, my friend, put your fist through the old man’s face”
“Well, that’s not fair” Y/n stood up, her face revealing the anger she felt at her friends.
“Mmm. Old man make sense. Stop witch forever” Aaarrrgghh shook his head.
“I’m with Blinky. Sounds like Merlin wants his magic back” Toby said.
“What if Merlin’s right? He’s been right about everything else” Claire frowned, scared of making the wrong choice.
“Thank you” Merlin bowed.
“Claire” Toby chuckled “Gunmar and Morgana wants to destroy the world” he turned to Merlin “We live in this world!”
“Yet, this world is protected by the trollhunter. What say he?” Merlin turned to Jim
“Uuh” Jim looked back at the expecting eyes “I need to think”
“Then, I await your decision” Merlin bowed.
“Jim” Y/n walked up to him with a soft smile in her face, she grabbed his hands “The decision you make is the one I’ll be happy to fight for”
Jim nodded, returning the smile with difficulty, the nervousness creeping into his spine.
Y/n turned back to leave.
“Whatever you choose, if we are to fight, we’ll need an army. Aaaarrrgghh and I will see what we can do. As to whom we are fighting. I’ll leave that to master Jim” Blinky said.
Merlin and Y/n shared a look and rolled their eyes.
“She’s not receiving my texts” Y/n tipped with one hand and bitted her other index fingernail.
“Thanks. Call me if you do” Claire says to her phone “My mom hasn’t seen her either”
“She’s not at the hospital” added Toby.
Jim and Y/n looked at eachother, hoping that the other had news they hadn’t shared.
“Asking for mommy’s permission?” Merlin mocked from behind the fridge.
“Shut up” Y/n turned, pointing Merlin with her phone “I used to ask for permission to breathe. There’s no need to be an ass”
Merlin raised his eyebrows, a half smile in his face.
“You’re asking us to wage a war. It’s only fair to have everyone weigh in” Jim explained, calmer than Y/n.
“I’m feeling a bit peckish. Where do you keep your fresh haggis?” Merlin looked through the fridge.
“What sort of cannibal wizard hungers for boiled meat in a sheep’s stomach? Ugh” Toby turned to the door “I’ll see if anyone at the school has seen her”
“What kind of sixteen year old knows what a haggis is?” Y/n frowned.
Before Toby could open the door he was tackled by Nomura.
“Jeez, lady, don’t you knock?” He complained.
“Nomura!” Jim ran to aid his friend and the changeling.
“Blood! There’s blood on the rug and it’s purple!” Toby screamed.
“What happened?” Y/n walked up to the changeling.
“Usurna tried to capture me at the museum” Nomura stood up with difficulty “Gunmar needs a changeling to activate the staff of Avalon”
“So he found a way around my safeguard. He needs human hands who can speak in troll tongue. If they fail to take her, they’ll look for others” Merlin looked at Jim.
“Strickler” he said.
“Mom” Y/n said.
“Do you think she’s with him?” Claire asked.
Jim quickly pulled out his phone and called Strickler only to be sent to voicemail.
“We don’t know for sure she was with him” Toby tried to be positive.
“Don’t be naive” Y/n burst his bubble.
“Split up and search everywhere! Find my mother!” Desperation irradiated from Jim’s plea.
“It’s okay. We’ll find them, Jim” Claire smiled.
Y/n turned to Merlin her eyes full of tears:
“Please, let me go with them” she grabbed his arm.
“Of course, Birdie. What kind of man wouldn’t let her daughter look for her mother?” He smiled, wiping with his thumb the tear that had fallen.
“Thank you, father” she hugged him, her cheek hitting the cold metal of the armor.
“Go” he kissed her head.
Y/n ran to the center of Arcadia looking in every corner hoping to find her mother’s red hair but only finding empty spaces. She walked and walked, praying that she was wrong, that she didn’t send Claire and Toby to a dangerous fight. She imagined Strickler and her mother having a date in a remote corner of Arcadia and for the first time she didn’t want to pull her hair out.
Y/n feet stopped. She looked down, tears falling down from her face, she chuckled.
“Hi, Al”
“Meow” he repeated, rubbing himself between her legs.
Y/n kept looking at the cat with amusement. The way his skinny body moved in circles between her legs, his soft fur felt against his shaky body, how his tail, that seemed burnt at the tip, tickled when it disconnected from her body. Her brain was so filled with tragedy that looking at her cat felt like a religious experience.
“Y/n?” The familiar voice sounded so distant yet so close.
She looked up, finding in the distance the boy, the man which she was hoping to see all day. A smile formed in her face washing away all the tears that were burning her eyes.
“Doux?” she asked, well aware of the answer.
The blue haired guy shifted his broom from hand to hand and waved. His hand stopped in the middle of the air but quickly resumed the greeting.
Y/n laughed at the young wizard, her heart filling with the warmth she craved.
“Doux!” She screamed as she ran to the man’s arms.
“Y/n!” He screamed, dropping the broom to catch her before both of them could fall.
She snaked her legs around his waist, pulling her head away from his neck.
“Hi!” She said with a gigantic smile.
“Hello?” Douxie frowned, his cheeks flushed “are you okay?”
Y/n squinted.
“Were you crying?” Tried to get closer to her eyes.
The sudden happiness that had invaded her body disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Y/n dropped her legs, her eyes filling up once more.
“I’ve been an idiot” she looked deeply into his hazel eyes.
“I really don’t follow” he chuckled, disappointed at the loss of touch.
“Can we talk inside” she points to the library.
Douxie nodded.
Y/n looks at the sky and can’t help to, once again, pray for everyone’s safety.
Y/n followed Douxie to his apartment, to her favourite place in this town: the brown leather couch. She sat down, closing her eyes when her head hit the back. With her eyes closed, she wished she could be more selfish and leave this war to someone else, to go back to her house and say to everyone “hey! We don’t have to do this! Someone else can! Let’s hide at Doux until it’s over!” But she can’t. She couldn’t.
“Do you want something to drink?”
Y/n opened her eyes and found Douxie looking down at her.
“No. No” she grabbed his wrist “Come sit” she pushed him close to her.
“Love, what’s going on? Should I be worried?” Douxie lifted his arms as Y/n finded a comfortable position in his chest.
“I’m sorry for not telling you about everything but I can’t tell you exactly what’s going on” she crossed her arms behind his back “Don’t be mad”
Douxie sighed:
“I’m not mad” he lowered his arms, hugging her back “You said you wanted to talk?”
“I know” her voice trembled.
Douxie looked down at Y/n. Her eyes were lost in whatever was the whole issue at hand. He knew the situation well. Back in Camelot, when Merlin used to make her keep secrets, useless or not so useless secrets that would fill her up, to eat her up, she would shut down like this. Now, she was trying to compartmentalize the secret to tell Douxie what she could without getting into trouble with her father.
“They’re going to free Morgana” Y/n said, tears falling down unapologetically.
“Oh. How…”
“And they’re going to kill her” she sobbed, hiding her face into his chest “I know is the only way…”
“But you hoped it wasn’t” Douxie hugged her tighter.
“Why do we have to do this all over again?” She sat up “Maybe there is another way? I mean…there is a human trollhunter…” she stopped when she saw Douxie’s look.
“I’m sorry” he whispered.
“I know. She doomed and she did it to herself” she lowered her head in Douxie’s shoulder “Maybe in another life”
He hugged her closer trying to absorb the grief from the tragedy that has been following them since they were children. Y/n closed her eyes, melting in his touch.
“Doux” she whispered.
“The world may be ending in a couple of hours…” she looked up.
He looked down at her, his eyes full of curiosity.
She lifted her hands placing it in his cheek, the little stubble prickling her palm. He gave into the warmth of her movement.
“I don’t want it to end without being yours” she whispered, her face red as the roses Douxie had brought for her.
“We don’t have time to get married besides Master…” he rambled, too nervous to answer.
Y/n chuckled:
“No, dumbass” her hand falling to his chest as her face got redder by the second.
“Oh. Oh” he face relaxed and tensed back.
“Oh” Y/n mocked with a smile.
Douxie smiled at the girl's attempt to lighten up the mood. He grabbed her face and got closer to her:
“We don’t have to” he whispered.
“I want to” she grabbed the collar of his shirt and kissed with the passion of a woman with no future.
Douxie quickly returned the kiss, his hungry hands wandering Y/n’s torso, finding the hem of the shirt and discarding it easily.
Y/n panted as she felt Douxie’s penetrating gaze on her. The flush traveled to her chest as his glossy eyes moved up and down.
“You’re even more beautiful than the first time I saw you” he said, his cheeks as crimson as hers.
“Thank you” Y/n smiled.
Douxie smiled back and kissed Y/n nose making her giggle.
“Should I?” Y/n gently pulled Douxie’s black shirt.
“Do you want to?” He raised his brow “Scandalous”
“Please, don’t tell the ladies of the court” Y/n laughed as she took out Douxie’s shirt.
Y/n was mesmerized. She probably had the same face he had seconds ago. She stretched her hand, with her fingers caressing his chests, his stomach. Obsessing how Douxie would twitch under her touch.
“Now I get all the teenagers” she pressed her palm on his chest “you’re hot”
“Now you get them?” Douxie pretended to be offended.
Y/n nodded with a big smile as she got closer to his neck, biting the place where his shoulder and neck met.
“Ah” he moaned, pulling Y/n away softly by the hair “What was that?”
“In case we survive. I don’t like sharing” she laughed.
“I don’t like sharing either” Douxie lifted Y/n from the couch and disappeared into the bedroom.
Y/n closed her eyes, Douxie’s limbs and hers tangled with each other, outside the birds sang and the wind ruffled the trees. For a moment, the world is not ending, nobody is dying, she’s not losing a part of herself. She wishes she could live in this moment but she knows that her wishes always fall on deaf ears, that the god that was assigned to her has left the building long ago. She was granted one wish, one good thing for eternity and she was sharing a bed with him.
She felt Douxie shift so she turned to face him.
“I can’t believe I slept with Douxie from Ash Dispersal Pattern” she joked.
Douxie laughed and lifted his head from the pillow. “Good for you love but you better leave before my girlfriend gets here” he said putting on a raspy voice.
“I’ll kill you” Y/n bitted Douxie’s bicep. “That’s an awful Ozzy by the way”
“I do what I can” he dropped back to the pillow, dragging himself to be closer to Y/n.
“What now?” She buried her hand in Douxie’s hair.
“We wait until you have to go or I’ll have to go to the battle of the bands” Douxie’s hand found a place in Y/n waist.
“No! The battle of the bands! I completely forgot” Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose “How do I still have a job is beyond me” Y/n sighed, her job was at the bottom of her list of priorities right now.
“Shh�� Douxie pulled her closer “Let’s just lay here. Let’s wait for the end”
“Thank you” Y/n kissed Douxie's forehead.
“Why?” He whispered.
“For going along” Y/n closed her eyes.
“Til the end of eternity” Douxie kissed her cheek, closing his eyes.
Y/n laid there pretending to be in the woods of her childhood, back where her problems were less smothering, back when she could still dream to run away with the errand boy without hurting anybody. Now, she loved more people than the three she had back then. She couldn’t abandon the world without consequences. She had to fight and fighting was going to cost her ever more than last time.
Something turned in Y/n’s stomach.
“Did you feel that?” She sat up, starting to dress up.
“No, I was falling asleep” Douxie muttered.
Something had just happened that was going to change the balance in the world.
“I have to go” Y/n kissed Douxie.
“Should I go with you?” Douxie sat up once the urgency woke him up.
“No, be normal” she screamed from the living room as she looked for her bag.
Y/n moved her wrist making her staff appear in her hand. She took a deep breath and pointed the staff to the door, focussing to make a portal appear. Her staff shot a dark mass that quickly stabilized. Y/n sighed and crossed it, appearing in her house.
She wanted to shout, she hadn't used dark magic in years but the sense of darkness killed all her joy.
The house was a mess. Furniture thrown around everywhere, the tv was on on a random channel, all of the books where in the floor.
“Jim? Father?” Y/n screamed as she walked on top of a broken vase.
“Birdie! Have you found your mother?” Merlin walked out of the kitchen, unfazed by the mess.
“What happened?” Y/n clenched her staff.
“What had to happen” he walked forward with his hands behind his back “I talked to Jim”
“What did you tell him?” Y/n frowned, the feeling was growing stronger.
“I shared with him a vision I had while I rested” Merlin put a hand on Y/n’s shoulder “I saw a way to finally end this stalemate. To win this war, I must have a champion with a foot in both worlds”
“No” Y/n whispered, shaking her head. She looked up at her father with her eyes full of tear “You didn’t” she pushing his hand away.
“It’s his destiny” Merlin said like it would suffice.
“He is a child!” Y/n screamed “Sixteen. A baby”
“It’s the only way!”
“I don’t care!”
Y/n felt the atmosphere dropping, everything was heavy to be quickly lifted from her shoulders. She looked around, everything seemed similar except her father’s concerned face.
“You’re bleeding” he pointed to her face.
She lifted her hand to her nose and cleaned the blood from under it. She looked at it and looked back at her father.
“I don’t…” she couldn’t finish the phrase, a gigantic explosion in her mind interrupted her. She took her hands to her temples trying to quiet down the sound.
“The Eternal Night is here” Morgana’s voice proclaimed and everything was quiet once more.
Y/n looked up at her father, cleaning up the new blood coming out from her nose:
“She’s out”
Y/n heard the faucet turned on and ran up stairs ignoring the rest of blood in her hands and face.
“Jim” she screamed “Please! Let me find another way!” She screamed and kicked the door.
“Y/n Ambrosius do not interviene. It’s his choice” Merlin warned from the living room.
“Jim! Please!” She cried and knocked on the door until her knuckles bleeded.
Y/n sat by the door in silence as she heard the tub filled up. She screamed and kicked and knocked, he wasn’t coming out.
“I guess I’m staying until you come out” Y/n chuckled “He’s right. It’s your choice and I already told you the decision you make is the one I’ll be happy to fight for. I guess this still applies”
The faucet stopped.
Y/n stood up.
“I love you, Jim” She whispered to the door “I’ll see you on the other side”
Y/n walked down the stairs and sat on the floor looking at her father walking around the room.
“There really wasn’t any other way?” She asked one last time trying to kill her guilt. She already knew if it was in his father’s vision it was probably the only way.
“No” he shook his head.
She nodded. Lowering her head, waiting for Jim to come out. Y/n smiled when she noticed she had accidentally put on Douxie’s shirt.
“Jim” Toby screamed.
Y/n looked at the door. Claire and Toby had brought her mother and Stickler back in one piece.
“Where’s Jim?” Barbara screamed at the wizard that was playing with the tv.
“Finally becoming a true trollhunter” Merlin said.
“You never” Strickler stepped forward.
The house shook, making Barbara follow the sounds.
“Jim! “She screamed “are you in there?”
They screamed and kicked and knocked but Jim wouldn’t answer.
Y/n stood up and walked to her father, like a child who's afraid would do when she can’t tolerate the dark anymore. She pressed her forehead on his back, closing her eyes with force, trying to block out the screams and then the silence.
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A/n: every time I see a cat is a religious experience.
I’m back with more!!! I think 4150 words is the longest I ever written in this series I honestly don’t know what happened but I’m happy with this chapter ☺️ sorry for the delay but THEY CUT MY POWER AGAIN FOR THREE DAYS dont get me started you’ll read my manifesto soon. Also my silly course is over friday 🙏🏻 if I pass it would mean extra credit so pray for me
remember to leave love letters and death threats!! 💖
<Taglist: @douxiesaurus @fandomobbsessedb @queteimporta-99 @castle-archives If your url is crossed it means tumblr didn’t let me tag you> want to be tagged next update? Let me know! 📩
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justagalwhowrites · 9 months
Hi! Just wanted to say that I love you writing, and love how you write angst !!
Asking this anonymously because, I found out I need a third open heart surgery.
I was wondering if you still take request how would Joel feel about his significant other having a third heart surgery and finding him not being able Toby e kids because of it.
As much angst as you want.
Btw, I’ll be fine, it’s the third time they are doing it, im schedule for 5 surgeries! It’s all good, cardiomyopathy is chill when the doctors know what they are doing! 😅
OMG Hi Bestie!
I am so honored that you'd reach out about such an intimate ask. I hope your surgery goes/went well and that you're doing great!
Hopefully, this is something like what you're looking for!
Joel looks out for you as you're treated for cardiomyopathy.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader with Cardiomyopathy
Warnings: Medical stuff! Light smut. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only
Length: 2.5k
If there was one thing Joel hated, it was not having control. 
He’d never really been happy at a job site until he was a manager, the one running SOMETHING. That way, he knew it was done right. 
It had made life with Sarah’s mom difficult, back when she was at all in the picture, because when she actually took charge of anything, it ended up being a mess Joel had to clean up. 
Hell, even just letting Tommy man the grill at family cookouts grated on him. He seemed to love to turn steaks too frequently, never giving them the time they needed on any one side. Joel had to grit his teeth and tried not to watch Tommy fuck up perfectly good cuts of meat. 
But at least then you would slip your hand into his, lacing your fingers through his own, and kiss his shoulder, whispering “You know it’ll be fine, Babe” under your breath. You tried not to giggle when you said it, Joel could hear it in your voice. 
You couldn’t do that now. Not when you were under anesthesia and he was stuck, sitting in a waiting room, waiting to hear that you were OK. 
No, this kind of out of control, Joel had learned, he was especially bad at. 
It started a few years earlier, not all that long after meeting you, really. 
Joel had first bumped into you - literally - at a park. Sarah was playing, showing off some variation of a cartwheel she’d invented, when Joel saw a dog - a big dog - running right for her. He didn’t think about how to react, he just did, racing to put himself between his daughter and the unknown animal, only watching her and the dog when you ran smack into is side, sending you both sprawling to the ground. 
“Ow, shit,” you groaned, sitting up and clutching your head. Joel turned only to see Sarah, flopped on the ground as the dog licked all over her face, tail wagging. Joel sighed in relief, going back to figuring out how to untangle his legs from yours. 
“I’m so sorry, he’s usually better behaved than this but he’s all keyed up because we were at the vet earlier,” you said, tugging your leg back into yourself and looking at your knee. “I didn’t have as good a hold on his lead as I should have, he saw a rabbit and took off…” 
“S’fine,” Joel said quickly, noticing you properly for the first time. You were in a little dress that showed off your legs, your eyes still bright and beautiful as you watched your dog play with his daughter. You were pretty. Really, really fucking pretty. He cleared his throat awkwardly. “No harm done.” 
“Yeah, he’s a gentle giant,” you smiled, getting up. “He looks scary but, since I live alone, definitely more of a feature than a bug. He’s really just a big teddy bear.” 
You called the dog over and looped the end of his leash around your wrist before you introduced yourself and Joel did the same, not able to take his eyes off you and your warm smile. 
“Hey Dad!” Sarah ran over, some of her curls pulled free from her springy pigtails and wild around her face. “Dad, did you see? Did you see me with the dog?” 
“Yeah, Baby Girl,” he laughed a little. “I saw.” 
Your dog licked her hand, wagging happily. 
“He likes you,” you smiled, squatting down to be on Sarah’s level as you gave the dog a scratch. “His name is Pluto!” 
Sarah’s eyes got big. 
“You mean like the dog from the cartoons?” 
“Exactly,” you smiled. “He’s my best friend and he’s got very good taste, so if he likes you that means you must be pretty great.” 
“Dad!” Sarah turned to Joel, her eyes still big. “Can Pluto come over to play?” 
“Kiddo…” he sighed. 
“Please?” She pouted. “You never let me get a dog, I want to play with a dog and he likes me and…” 
You caught Joel’s attention over his daughter’s shoulder as you mouthed “it’s OK with me” at him. He smiled a little at that, you giving him an out so he wouldn’t have to be the bad guy with his daughter if he said no. 
And he knew he probably should say no. The reason he said no dogs was because he worked too much and he didn’t want to leave a dog, alone and neglected, at home all day. Giving his six-year-old daughter ideas about a pet probably wasn’t the best idea. 
And then there was you. 
You were so pretty and so obviously good with Sarah you were practically temptation on legs. Invite you over and he’d be asking for trouble. 
But Sarah loved your dog. 
And Joel sure as hell wanted to see more of you.
“Want to come over for dinner?” Joel asked. “I’m just makin’ burgers but…” 
You smiled, wide and bright and beautiful. 
“Yeah,” you said. “Yeah, I’d love that.” 
You came over that night and, in a way, you never really left. He watched you play with his daughter and your dog and put potato chips on your burger and find new music to add to his playlist once you heard what he liked to listen to, taking Sarah’s hands and dancing with her on the grass. It was the most fun Joel had had in years. 
It was a year and a half later, when you fainted at work. 
Joel was frantic when he got the call from your boss. You’d moved in just a few months earlier and Joel was almost waiting for something to go wrong. He’d never had anything go so right for so long in his entire life. Something going wrong was inevitable. 
It didn’t seem right that it should go wrong for you. 
“Joel,” you said, a wan smile on your face as you sat up in your hospital bed when he ran in. You looked so small and pale and he all but ran to you, sitting on the edge of your bed and taking your hand. “I’m fine, I’m OK, it’s OK.” 
“Shouldn’t I be comfortin’ you?” He asked, smiling just a little even though he was having a hard time focusing on anything but the monitors that were attached to you. 
“You look more upset than me right now,” you said, giving his hand a squeeze. “Really, babe, I’m fine. I just didn’t have enough to eat today and I got up too fast, that’s all.” 
That’s not all it was. 
It took them some time to figure out - and Joel pointing out that you seemed tired and lightheaded and your pulse felt strange below his fingers sometimes - but you had cardiomyopathy. 
He was with you when the doctor handed down the diagnosis and you frowned, your eyebrows knitting together. 
“What does that mean?” You asked. “It sounds serious….” 
“It is,” the doctor nodded. “It’s a disease of the heart muscle, it makes it harder for the blood to pump through the body. It can even lead to heart failure. The good news is, we have treatment options…” 
You sat there, eyes wide, clutching your purse on your lap. Joel took your hand and tried to take in every word the doctor said. He was going to do this with you. In you he’d found the one person he wanted to do everything with, the only person besides Sarah he wanted to see every day for the rest of his life. He might not understand what was wrong with you but he was going to figure it out. 
When the two of you got home that afternoon, you were still in a state of shock. Joel walked with you to the kitchen table and got you a glass of water, sliding it in front of you. You just stared at it, your eyes a little wide. 
“Honey,” Joel said, his voice calm. “It’s OK…” 
You shook your head a little and drank the water before you set the glass back down, putting your hands in your lap and meeting his gaze from across the table. 
“I understand that this was a lot more than you bargained for,” you said, your voice steady. “I don’t expect you to take care of me through all this, I can call my mom, I’m sure she would let me move in…” 
“Why are you talkin’ about movin’?” He frowned, cutting you off. 
“I mean, you heard the doctor,” you said. “There are surgeries and…” 
“Joel,” you shook your head and smiled a little. “You have a daughter and a demanding job and…” 
“And I love you,” he said. “Not gonna let you do this without me.” 
It was rough at the start. He went to all your appointments with you. The doctors decided surgery was the best route and Joel spent hours researching everything he could. It felt like he’d be able to do it himself by the time you went under the knife the first time. 
He didn’t think that made him any less anxious about it, though. 
It was at a follow up appointment that the two of you got more bad news. 
“Wait,” you said, cutting your doctor off. “I’m sorry, I just… You’re making it sound like I won’t be able to have children. Is… is that true?” 
“Unfortunately,” the doctor sighed heavily. “Yes, that’s true. There was just too much damage to the tissue and even with the work we’re doing, it wouldn’t be safe to put your body under the strain that pregnancy demands…” 
You held it together until the two of you were in the truck, the floodgates breaking the second the door was closed. Joel tugged you against him, stroking your hair, kissing your forehead. 
The two of you had talked about children, of course, but you were both undecided. You were both still young, you thought you had time to figure that out later. 
“I’m so sorry, Joel,” your voice was wet. “I know we didn’t know what we wanted yet but… I thought I’d still get to choose and not have something else choose for me. I understand if this changes…” 
“Marry me,” he said. 
You sat up from him and sniffed, wiping your eyes. 
“Marry me.” 
You just looked at him, frozen and blinking for a moment. 
“No,” you shook your head. “No, you don’t mean…” 
“Yes, I do,” he said. “Marry me.” 
“Only way I want more kids is if they’re your kids, Baby,” he said. “Whether they’re ones we made or ones we adopted, I wouldn’t care, as long as it’s with you. You not being able to have kids doesn’t make a damn difference to me, I love you. Marry me.” 
You smiled a little through your tears and leaned over to kiss him gently. 
“Let’s talk about that when we’re a little less emotional,” you said. 
He brought it up again that night. 
The two of you had gone to bed and Joel had fully intended to keep his hands to himself. You, however, had other ideas. 
You kissed him and moaned against his lips and he gave into you, pulling your nightie over your head and slipping your panties down your legs before slipping inside of your tight, wet heat with a satisfied groan. 
He worked your body, knowing you so well after almost two years together, pressing deep as you tightened around him, sucking your nipple into his mouth, stroking your clit as you got closer and closer to coming around him. 
“Let go for me,” he sucked at the vulnerable skin of your throat, pressing so deep inside you as he did. “Come for me, come all over me, give it all to me…” 
You obeyed, coming hard around him, your hand flying to his back to clutch him close as he worked you through your orgasm, too. 
After, he pulled you on top of him as he lay flat on his back, your soft body spread over his and you sighed contentedly. 
“Marry me,” he said again, brushing your hair back. 
You laughed and shook your head. 
“You really don’t have to…”
“I know,” he cut you off, reaching blindly into the top drawer of his bedside table. He fumbled blindly through it until he found the small, velvet box at the back. He pulled it out and pried the lid open with his nose before turning the box so you could see it. Your eyes went wide, a single diamond almost watching you from its place in the box. “Not just sayin’ it, Baby. Had this for a few weeks. Planned to take you somewhere special to ask once we had the chance but… seemed like this might be the right time.” 
“Joel,” you breathed, taking the box, your hand trembling. “This is… I…” 
“Marry me,” he said again. “Love you, more than anything. I want to do everything in life with you, the good stuff, the bad stuff, doesn’t matter. It all means more with you. Marry me.” 
“Yes,” you said quickly, looking from the box to his eyes, smiling broadly. “Yes yes yes yes yes!” 
Joel smiled. 
“Oh, is that a yes?” He teased a little. “Just wanted to make sure…” 
You rolled your eyes and laughed, burying your face in his chest. He just held you close as you looked back at him, stretching up his body to kiss him. 
“That’s a yes,” you whispered. 
“Good,” he said, taking the ring from the box and sliding it on your finger. “Because I love you. Love you so damn much.” 
“I love you, too,” you smiled against his lips as you kissed him. 
You got married just a few months later. 
“Mr. Miller?” The doctor came out from the operating room and he all but jumped up to meet him, his stomach in knots. It felt like he’d been sitting there for days, stuck in a state of limbo where he had no control. 
“That’s me,” Joel said quickly. “How’s she doin’? How’d it go?” 
“Everything went great, Mr. Miller,” the doctor smiled broadly and Joel relaxed a bit. “Your wife is doing very well, you can head back and see her in just a minute…” 
Joel nodded along as the doctor filled him in on everything and he did his best to pay attention. But it was hard. All he really cared about was getting back to see you. Everything else seemed like it could wait. 
After what felt like a small eternity - but could only have been a few minutes - Joel was led back to your room, where you were just coming out of the anesthesia, still groggy but you smiled at him all the same.
“Hey babe,” you smiled, reaching for him. 
He smiled back, taking your hand before leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead. 
“Hey Baby,” he took your face in his hand. “How’s that heart of yours?” 
“All yours, Joel,” you smiled a little, settling back into your pillow. “All yours.”
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kaihyperglitch · 8 months
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Kiss kiss
Toby x Sarah
cannon x oc
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yazthebansheek · 2 months
Some basic things about my Creepypasta au!
Ask me or the creepypastas anything! PLEASSEEE I NEED SOMETHING TO DO WITH MY LIFE 😭💀
Jeff the killer x Eyeless Jack
Candy Pop x Jason the Toymaker
Jane the Killer x Mary Vaughn
Bloody Painter x Puppeteer
Nathan the Nobody x Ciara
Suicide Sadie x Roadwalker
Clockwork x Nina the killer
Nurse Ann x Dr. smiley
Pinkamena x Rainbow factory
lulu x the skroll
Homicidal liu x Hannah the killer?
Ben drowned x Lost silver
Luring Lyra x Kate the chaser
Candy Cane x April fools?
Masky x hoodie?
Weeping Forest x Ally SlenderDoll
I don’t know a lot about marble hornets btw so…. :’)
Pasta groups:
circus pastas: Papa Grande, Jason the Toymaker, Candy Pop, Candy Cane, Laughing Jack, Laughing Jill, Puppeteer, Nathan the nobody.
The killerz: Jeff the killer, Homicidal Liu, Asylum Nancy, Nina the killer, Clockwork
The girls: Jane the killer, Nina the killer, Clockwork, Sally, Suicide Sadie
These people idk what to call them: puppeteer, Bloody painter, Zero, Nurse Ann, Judge Angel
Slender family: slenderman, Splendorman, Trenderman, Offenderman, Surrender, Slendrina.
The monochrome crew: Zero, Laughing Jack, Puppeteer, Kagekao, Hobo heart.
The doctors: Nurse Ann, Doctor smiley, Doctor pain, EJ.
The dumbass trio: Jeff the killer, Ticci-Toby, Ben drowned.
Slendrina is Slenderman’s daughter. Lazari lives with Sadiya and Puppeteer.
Puppeteer doesn’t really work for slenderman nor Zalgo. He’s just there honestly lol
Homicidal liu lives by himself in a cabin in the woods.
Jane and Mary live together
Slender’s main proxies:
Masky, Hoodie, Ticci-Toby, Weeping Forest, Kate the chaser, Ally SlenderDoll, Rogue.
Zalgo’s main proxies:
Sonic.exe, Dr. locklear, Mr. Wide mouth, Stripes, Dark link, The Skroll, glitchy red, Jane Arkensaw
Jeff the killer (Jeffery Woods)
Ben drowned (Benjamin Lawman)
ticci-Toby (Tobias Rodgers)
masky (Tim Wright)
hoodie (Brian Thomas)
eyeless jack (Jack Nyras)
laughing jack
Lost silver (Gold)
Papa grande
Homicidal Liu (Liu Woods)
hobo heart
Jason the toymaker (Jason Meyers)
Vine the dollmaker
julius the dressmaker
Candy Pop / Night terrors
X-virus (Cody)
Smile dog
Nathan the nobody (Nathan Lux)
Puppeteer (Jonathan Blake)
Bloody Painter (Helen Otis)
Wilson the Basher
Jane the killer (Jane Richardson)
Sally Williams (Sally Maryam Williams)
Nina the killer (Nina Hopkins)
Judge Angels (Dina Angela Clark)
Lulu (Lucile Tiffany gracefield)
Nurse Ann (Ann Lusen Mia)
Clockwork (Natalie Ouellette)
Laughing Jill
Candy Cane
Zero (Alice Marie Jackson)
Suicide Sadie (Sadie Marie Bennett
Roadwalker (Zayner Nanook)
Jane Arkensaw
Mary Vaughn
Ally the Slenderdoll (Adeline Abendroth)
Weeping forest (Jennifer Ryhnes)
Rouge (Heather Marshall)
Lilly the Jester
Ms. P (Ms. Pencilneck)
Stripes (Eloise Sarah Bellarose)
Lazari (Lazari Natalie Swann)
Lifeless Lucy (Lucy Jones)
Lily Kennett
Ellison Burns (Ellison Wright)
Rose (Rose Fairen)
Elizabeth Vazquez
Anna (Anna Schurks)
Kate the chaser (Kate Milens/Hayes)
April Fools
I feel fantastic / Tara
Sadako (Samara Morgan)
Beings of the forest… (That hold a lot of power)
Candy Pop (Mostly Night Terrors)
Zalgo’s Family:
Cynthia Ezelle (My oc)
Realms (Within the slender forest and such)
The Slender Forest Itself
The slendermansion
Homicidal Liu’s Cabin (In the slenderforest)
Granny’s house
Slendrina’s Mansion
Zalgo’s territory and base.
Roadwalker’s clearing
Sadiya’s house (Puppeteer, Sadiya, and Lazari)
The old abandoned Hospital
Jason the toymaker’s realm
The Abyss (Candy Pop’s realm)
The Mindscape
The lake
Cynthia Ezelle’s house
The old abandoned treehouse (Slender proxy Base)
The Circus Realm
Please dear god ask me something😭 I’m too lonely and bored man 💀💀💀
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alpacahat67 · 8 months
Jareth x Sarah - How It's Worse Than the Age Gap.
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Now, from what I can tell, no sane person in the Tumblr Labyrinth fandom ships Jareth x Sarah. Most people who do ship it are either insanely out of the loop, or are middle-aged women who think David Bowie is hot (who could blame them.) It's not something I see that's a problem often. Because as we all grew older, we gained this thing called hindsight. And we were able to realize that, hey, maybe an immortal fae king chasing after a 16-year-old girl is... a bit creepy! This is completely valid, and I agree!
But I often think about how it's a common experience to only be hit with that realization when entering adulthood or teenage years. Why didn't we realize it sooner? And I think I have the answer.
It was about Sarah's desire for Jareth. Not Jareth's desire for Sarah. And it always has been.
Which is why people still actively pushing the ship is not only weird, but it completely negates the entire purpose of Sarah going into Jareth's labyrinth to find her baby brother! And erases all of the character growth she endured!
Now, in order to explain this, we need to take a more allegorical approach to "Labyrinth" as a whole. More specifically, "Labyrinth" as an allegory for growing up, Sarah's transition from girlhood to womanhood. Of course, many people have pointed out the allegories within the film, but we really need to dig in deep here.
"Labyrinth" is a coming-of-age film for Sarah (and, arguably, Jareth, but this isn't about him), she starts the movie as a spoiled, unlikable brat who has to leave behind her selfishness to save someone she loves. She loves all these little insignificant things at the beginning of the film, perhaps more than her brother from an audience's perspective! One look around her bedroom shows that, despite her being a teenage girl, she's stuck in her childhood.
When she wishes Toby away, she has to leave that behind. Because the labyrinth is an unforgiving place and nothing is fair, and Sarah is used to getting what she wants. Who's the person standing most in her way? Jareth. He's older, he's sexy, he's dangerous, he's charming, and he looks like the rockstars Sarah loves. He even looks like the man her mother seems to have run off with, based on the photos in her room! (I have some theories about him too but no matter.) All these factors lead to Sarah being attracted to Jareth. Because, well, what nerdy teenage girl wouldn't be!
Except, Jareth's entire purpose is to keep Sarah from reaching her goal, getting her brother back. His purpose is to, in essence, allow her to give into what she wants, to remain a kid forever. To play with her toys and costumes and "forget about the baby", if you will. At the end of the film, he practically asks for her entire livelihood and says he's asking for little because he's done so much to keep her happy. And while that may be true, he has done a lot, happiness isn't what she needs to grow or what she needs to get her brother back, so she rejects him.
Jareth is the physical embodiment of Sarah's dreams, and that is intentional! Again, going back to the allegory sense, I believe that Jareth is representative of that urge to remain young. Which is why Sarah's rejection of his advances is so crucial, and why her attraction to him is important to her character's growth.
By rejecting Jareth, Sarah is allowing herself to grow up, because she's rejecting her childish, selfish, stubborn ways.
Feeling drawn to Jareth shows Sarah being drawn to the simplicity of childhood. Yet she's growing up against her will, because it's something we all go through, and perhaps this could be represented in Toby being taken by the goblins. And when she says that Jareth has no power over her, that's when she comes to terms with growing up and becoming a woman. It's something we all do. Her past has no power over her.
And with Jareth representative of these things, it dampens how weird that age gap feels. It never focuses on Jareth's attraction to Sarah, because the character growth he experienced would have happened whether or not he loved her romantically, and he objectively is not the protagonist, we aren't supposed to like him. But if Sarah had no feelings for Jareth, she might not have ever changed. And she is also the protagonist, she's supposed to be somewhat likable by the end of the film. By not paying much attention to the adult's attraction to the minor, "Labyrinth" deals with a situation such as this one... very well, in my opinion. Even if maybe the adult never should've reciprocated in the first place.
...All of this is why I find it more weird than others when I see ship content of these two, I think, even with Sarah aged up as an adult. By creating a universe where Sarah never went after Toby or stayed with Jareth, one is... practically killing all her growth throughout the movie. Allowing her to remain selfish and ignorant. Which would be letting Jareth "win" in a sense. Hence why Jareth x Sarah is worse than just the age gap.
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sunshine-on-marz · 10 months
foolish x reader with younger siblings? like they were/are a mother figure to their siblings and they finally introduce them to foolish? it can be hcs or an imagine, up to you! love u, don't overwork yourself!! <333
Omg I love you sm- ugh this ask is so cute and the idea is amazing!!!
Ok I’d like to point out I am an only child and I’m usually the youngest in any sort of sibling like dynamic im in, so I’ll try here but if it sucks im sooooo sorry
“Babe I’m so sorry if they like- jump on you or something, Sarah is more shy but the boys are really really rowdy” you sigh as you knock on the door of your childhood home. Foolish just kisses your temple and smile “it’ll be fine! I’m sure they’re angels” you took your eyes and hum “mhmm, sure they are” you say sarcastically as your mom opens the door. Noah’s met your parents a few times so he hugs and greets your mom like he always has, then, he sees that you’re already been tackled by children. You’re laughing as you throw one of your brothers, Dylan, over your shoulder while the other, Toby, clings to your leg. You toss Dylan onto the sofa and pick up Toby to do the same to him. You kiss them both on the forehead before hugging your sister and hoisting her up on your hip. “Boys, why don’t you go say hi to Noah?” You say as the two kids run up to your boyfriend. Foolish laughs and crouches down to the boys’ level. “Ok so you’re, Toby” he points to Dylan “and Dylan?” He points to Toby. The boys both bust out laughing as they correct him, but the smile on Foolish’s face tells you that he was joking.
The boys warm up to him rather quick, they like that they have someone new to roughhouse with, and foolish is loving every second of it. But Sarah is a whole new battle. After a few minutes the sweet little girl, decides to be brave. “Can I say hi to him?” She asks you as she points to Noah, you smile at her and silently awe. “Of course you can!” You pick the girl up and walk her over to where Noah was getting water. You tap him to turn around and he does, quickly planting a kiss on your lips before turning his attention to the little girl in your arms. “Hi Sarah” he says to her, she looks to you and you smile. “Tell him what you wanted to say” you encourage her. And she smiles a bit before quietly saying “hi”. Both you and foolish almost melt but he pulls himself together to say “hello!” back. It takes a bit of pushing from you but eventually she’s talking to foolish all on her own. And god does this man love the kids. You talk to your parents while he sits on the floor and plays with toys with them. You take a few (a lot) pictures of him and your siblings.
Later, when you eventually have to leave, the boys are sad, but Sarah cries. You and your parents saw it coming so you immediately scooped her up and started trying to calm her down. “Can I see her?” Noah asks from next to you and the little girl immediately reaches for him, so you hand her over. He bounces her on his side and talks to her, promising to visit again and that he’ll say hi next time you talk to your family on the phone. It only take a few minutes for the girl to be all smiles. It’s practically magic. But once you’re in the car he looks like he deflated. The poor man hasn’t been around that many kids for that long without breaks in a very long time. You laugh and kiss his cheek. He looks at you “they’re angels, I was right” and you just laugh.
Side note: your mom texts you that the kids didn’t stop talking about seeing foolish again for days
Oh I love foolish so bad
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nathantheauthor · 1 month
So since I'll be talking about slender and a lot of his proxy than former proxies very soon, I think it's a good idea to get some of the major ground rules I have for that stuff in this universe.
In fact, probably the biggest rule, with the exception of three characters all proxies included must have been made as or intended to be proxies, because there is no Creepypasta family, this does mean it's quite stricter. The three exceptions to this rule are Masky, Hoodie and Nurse Ann.
I think the most interesting concept I'm playing around with is that the Mansion itself is another famous pasta, it's another entrance and part of the No End House, and Slender is able to completely bend it to his will, allowing his proxies to leave without the usual outcomes. This explains how there's always a room for a new proxy, how no matter how far you wander you never get lost.... The mansion is adjusting and restructuring itself to aid it's denizens.
I'm not going to talk about them here, but I do offer the official so far so Canon list of proxies within this universe:
Charlie Matheson Jr.
Ashlie (kinda)
Kate The Chaser
Persolus (died of old age)
Wildcard (oc)
Mr. Scars (deceased)
Rouge (formerly)
The Red Artist
Nightmare Ally
Nurse Ann (formerly)
(Ticci) Toby (formerly)
Psycho Sam
Chris Meyers
Cat Hunter
Weeping Forest
Loup Noir
Zora R. Hertz
Copper / Melodi
Archive (oc)
Kaleidoscope Circe
Adrenaline (oc)
Lure (oc)
Ace (oc)
This list is subject to constant change and updating, and a good chunk of these are still actively being rewritten for this universe. If you want to know more, you're going to have to stick around and see what I'm doing with each of them because it is gonna be a fun surprise.
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mrbottomhat69 · 6 months
Evidence as to why I think Sarah x Jareth is one-sided (movie and novelization)
Addressing the massive elephant in the room, I know this is coming out later than I said it would. This semester was full of work and no time to actually sit down and watch the movie, since the only way I could access the movie is through my DVD edition.
Some of the evidence I have overlaps with the movie and novelization, so I'll start with the movie and continue with the novelization
The movie
.whether or not the events of the movie was a dream, Sarah clearly didn't expect anything to happen when she wished Toby away. Once it happened, righting her wrong became the main thing on her mind
.Sarah's stepmom mentions that Sarah should have dates at her age, implying either that Sarah doesn't have a lot of people she's close with besides her family or she's not interested in that kind of stuff
. A lot of the interactions between Sarah and Jareth carry this specific vibe that Sarah is less attracted to him and more trying to impress him like he's some sort of cool, older friend and she needs to prove to him that she's nonchalant and means what she says. The novelization leans into this a little more.
. Exception to the previous is the ballroom scene, where Sarah seems more dazed and confused than anything. She's just kind of going along with wherever and whatever the movement of the crowd leads her to until she realizes what's going on and breaks free.
The novelization
.The first chapter not only adds lore to Sarah's bio mom that was regulated to background details in the movie, but also gives Sarah the characterization of being fascinated by the idea of fame. Also in the first chapter, Jeremy is introduced via flashback/exposition. Who's Jeremy? The guy Sarah's mom left her dad for and Jareth's "real-world counterpart" (though more on that later). He seems aware of Sarah's fascination with fame (both in general and her mother's fame), with it being mentioned within the flashback to Sarah's 15th birthday that "he kidded her that a flashbulb meant they'd be all over the gossip columns the next morning, and all the way home he drove fast, to shake off the photographers, he claimed, grinning" (page 18). Both him and her mom are used to similar kind of stuff, so it makes sense that Sarah would admire having that kind of attention and that her mom would give her the chance to feel like a celebrity for a day as a gift.
.Going off of the above, this passage from page 16:
"Perhaps I will have a date, she thought, perhaps I will, but you will not like it, not one bit, when you see who's dating me. I doubt you will see him. All you will know about it is hearing the front door shut behind me, and you will sneak to the window, as you always do, and poke your nose between those horrid phony-lace curtains you put up there, and you will see the taillights of a wicked dove-gray limousine vanishing around the corner. And after that, you will keep seeing pictures in the magazines of the two of us together in Bermuda, and St. Tropez, and Benares. And there will be nothing at all you can possibly do about it, for all your firm views on bedtimes and developmental psychology and my duties and rolling up the toothpaste tube from the bottom. Oh, stepmother, are you going to be sorry when you read in Vogue about the cosmic cash that Hollywood producers are offering us for-"
She doesn't mention an actual thing about her fantasy boyfriend other than being a celebrity and them becoming the new couple everyone obsesses over (*cough cough* like the way Sarah's mom and Jeremy are described together *cough*)
.On page 65, at the point of the story where Sarah ends up in the oubliette, Jareth reminisces about Sarah and how she's "too young to be kept". Sarah, on the other hand, has no mentioned opinion on him.
.Close to the end of chapter 5, it's noted that Sarah only says "it's a piece of cake" to Jareth's question about how she was enjoying the labyrinth because she's trying to come off as nonchalant and not intimidated
.Honestly, the way the ballroom scene is described in the novelization makes me kind of uncomfortable. The other dancers leer at Sarah in a way that could be interpreted as sexual and one even makes a comment about her beauty after looking at her breasts and hips. She feels dizzy, but it goes away once her and Jareth are dancing together. He leans in to kiss her and she initially embraces it until she notices the room is silent and sees that the other dancers are around the two of them, attempting to hold back laughter. She tries to leave, but she can't and he kisses her in spite of her now being aware of what's going on. Only then does she break the bubble she's in and exits the ballroom scene. The whole point is that Sarah is uncomfortable with a capital U.
Extra point that @thehumantrampoline mentioned that I feel like should be mentioned:
"[Jareth's] an archetypal oxymoron. He's both the dastardly baby-stealing villain and the royal love interest trying to relieve the heroine's suffering, Cinderella-style. He's fucked either way by being both. [Sarah] doesn't know if SHE wants to be the villain or the heroine until he shows up and then she decides on the heroine... [Jareth's] just a story for a teen girl to grow up in, and as the villain [he has] to be defeated. He's so complex because his tropes contradict themselves, and he doesn't understand why he has to lose when he was only doing the job he was given."
(check out their post, it goes into a lot more detail than what I quoted)
Ultimately, this sums up what could be concluded from everything. Jareth isn't a reflection of love or someone she aspired to be with, he's a reflection of her desire of fame and the stories she caught herself up in. She doesn't love him, she loves the story he's a part of.
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creepywrites · 9 months
Jeff the Killer- Swedish, Italian, Västergötland
Liu- Swedish, Chinese, Västergötland
Ben- American, Alaska
Sally Dawn- Canadian, Ontario
Sam Williams- Canadian, American, Ontario
Milo the Electrocuted- Italian, Lombardy
Lulu- Vietnamese, Vĩnh Phúc
Clockwork- French, Normandy
Zero- British, American, New Jersey
Jane the killer- American, California
Jane Arkensaw- British, Lincolnshire
Vailly Evans- Chilean, Los Lagos
Nathan the nobody- Filipino, British, Berkshire
Crystal- Filipino, British, Berkshire
Eyeless Jack- Uganda, Kampala
Kate the chaser- Australian, Perth
Rouge- Canadian, Alberta
Wilson the basher- welsh, Conwy
X-virus- American, New Jersey
Lazari- Ukrainian, Kharkiv Oblast
Kaidy- French, Corsica
Stripes- American, Alabama
Senora- Spanish, Girona
Nina the killer- Mexican, American, Louisiana
Puppeteer- American, Mexican, California
Zachary- American, Colorado
Rosemary- American, Maine
Emra- Italian, American, sicilia
Bloody painter- Japanese, Chinese, Guangdong
Suicide Sadie- British, London
Judge angel- Chinese, Filipino, Guangdong
Nurse Ann- Taiwanese, taipei
Randy- Spanish, Álava
Sully- Indian, Tamil Nadu
Keith- Australian, Queensland
Troy- American, Louisiana
Dollmaker- Russian, Moscow
Svetlana- Russian, Siberia
Vicky genocidal- Canadian, Ontario
Hannah the killer- German, American, East Berlin
Lily Kennett- Ireland, Connacht
Hung iris- American, Illinois
Lifeless Lucy- British, Yorkshire
Legless Eliza- Portuguese, Évora
Mucky Child- American, Colorado
Lacy Morgan- British, American, Arizona
Asylum Nancy- American, Maine
Chris the revenant- German, American, Hessen
Monday child- Ukrainian, poltava
Laughing Jill- British, London
Laughing Jack- British, London
Toby- German, Bavaria
Lurking Lyra- German, Bavaria
Killing Kate- Costa Rican, Alajuela
Lost Silver- Japanese, Hokkaido
Cata the Killer- Polish, Lodz
Rotten Abigail- American, North Carolina
The Hare- American, Arizona
The Doll- Mexican, Hidalgo
Raven- French, Île-de
Anna schurks- Romanian, Bucharest
Weeping forest- Puerto Rico, Adjuntas
Nightmare Ally- German, East Berlin
Red Death- German, Greek, Saxony
Gas mask maid- El Salvador, Cuscatlan
Tim- American, Georgia
Jessica- American, polish, Arizona
Taylor- Native American, Maine
Ellie- Japanese, Canadian, Chubu
Labrador- Romanian, Arad
Moth boy- American, Louisiana
Starved angel- Irish, American, Texas
Sketcher- Indonesian, Russian, Ural
Sarah Erickson- Chinese, Canadian, Nova Scotia
Hannya- Japanese, Tokyo
Rosie- British. Coventry
Hunter the proxy- American, Texas
Doctor Irina- British, Devon
Deborah- American, California
Lucy the cannibal- American, Ohio
Andie Rosslyn- American, Iowa
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