#today she went on a rant about how school children will beat you up if you dont believe in god (???)
butch-chastity · 5 months
there's this lady from california in all of my classes and she talks to us like children cause she thinks we're poor and conservative lmao
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ashboy-3 · 1 year
It's Right in Front of You
Written for Dannymay 2023 Day 19 Prompt: No CTRL Z or Backspace Fandom: Danny Phantom Characters: Danny, Wes Weston, Dash, Paulina, Kwan, Star Words: 858 Summary: Takes place after Seance. The A-listers still don't know how to help Danny until one day they come across Wes Weston setting up a booth to expose their hero
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Wes was getting ready for his big event of the day. The event that he was planning since earlier the week and he had permission from the staff and teachers to put it on. He skipped his last class of the day to get his small booth set outside the school doors and started to get his handouts ready. Today is the day that everyone is going to know about Phantom and the secret that Genton was hiding.
At the same time, the A-listers had a free period, and perks of making sure their schedules lined up perfectly for the year. They didn’t really see a point in staying at the school so they were all making plans on what to do as they walked out, seeing Wes setting up his booth.
“So what is this?” Kwan asked, passing Wes.
“The truth is finally going to come out about Fenton. The world will believe me that he is Phantom,” Wes declared with a smile as the A-listers gave each other panicked looks.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Star asked.
“Why? Do you know something?” Wes accused glaring at the four.
“Nope just don't want you to be seen as a local loon. . .y’know like Fenton’s parents,” Paulina pretended to be more interested in her nails.
“Speaking of Fenton he’s in for a pounding!” Dash declared as they all saw Danny walking down the hall. “Hey, Fenton!” Dash yelled running after the smaller teen, Kwan following him.
“Why do you guys torture him?” Wes asked.
“Because he s a nerd,” Star stated as if it was obvious,” The girls decided to sit and wait for the boys to come back before they continued on their way to the Nasty Burger.
Meanwhile with the boys Dash and Kwan had chased Danny till they were far enough away from Wes for the A-listers to talk to the Nerd and resident Ghost boy privately.
“Okay, we can talk now,” Dash said once Kwan was done checking the bathroom stalls, making sure they were in private.
“So you guys aren’t here to beat me to a pulp?” Danny asked, confused.
“No. We told you when we discover your secret that we were going to help you. Wes is trying to reveal you to the world. He has handouts and everything!” Dash explained frantically, not expecting Danny to burst out laughing.
“You’re worried about Wes? He’s nothing but a parasite. No one believes him and no one ever does. You four didn’t believe him when he went off of rants in the locker rooms. The only reason you believe him now is because you summoned me. I can deal with Wes,” Danny assured them as he walked out of the boys' bathroom, the two A-listers giving each other worried looks before walking out, following behind Danny, mostly to see what happens and to meet back up with the girls.
“Aww, you didn’t beat up with the nerd for me,” Paulina complained as she saw Danny walk back, her boys following behind.
“We got distracted Polly,” Dash groaned, seeing Wes give the group a strange look.
“Wes,” Danny greeted, walking right up to the booth, and taking one of the handouts. It looked like a children’s drawing made with a pen that labeled all the reasons Danny was Phantom. At the top was the first reason: They had the same first name.
“Phantom,” Wes greeted back, knowing that Danny was going to prove him right, in front of the most popular kids no less.
“You know it’s rude to tell people that your classmate is dead?” Danny asked.
“You know it’s rude to lie to everyone about that you’re alive?” Wes pointed out. 
“But Wes! I am alive! If I wasn’t alive how could I still go to school?” FDaanny pointed out.
“Becasue you are a curse on this earth,” Wes pointed out.
“Or it’s because fact twelve of your sheet is wrong,” Danny pointed out, tapping to fact twelve out of thirty where it mentioned that Danny had a fire core.
“Like if you're going to spread misinformation about me at least do it right,” Danny rolled his eyes as he grabbed a random pen and scratched out the fire with Ice. And you think you know all of my secrets,” Danny rolled his eyes.
“Why aren’t you four doing anything?” Wes asked angrily at the group.
“It’s Fenton. You can say he’s a ghost all you want but I heard a rumor that he was actually ecto contaminated,” Star made a yuck face, trying to scooch further away from Danny, showing she doesn’t want to catch whatever he has.
“You guys are just ignoring the facts that are right in front of you!” Wes yelled right as Danny grabbed a glowing water bottle out of his backpack and started to drink from it. When no one was still giving a response Wes just toree down his booth and marched off angrily, leaving the five in the dust.
“Told you that you didn’t have anything to worry about,” Danny smiled, deciding that he should probably get back to his class by now.
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00katrinka00 · 2 years
Landcaster Legacy Gen 7 Update #21
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Dear Diary, Noah won't speak to me now and I have no clue why. If we could just sit down and talk, I'm sure we'd figure it out. I have to go to work now, another shift with Owen. Ugh, he's so annoying. -Violet
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After dropping Violet off at school, the following day, Mads got a visit from none other than Joyce Brooks herself, Noah's mother. "Hi, Joyce!" exclaimed Mads. "What brings you over today?"
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"What kind of parent are you?" Joyce yelled as soon as she stepped over the threshold. "Huh?" mads asked confused. "Teaching your children how to brawl, in the middle of school. How dare you!" The first thought that crossed Mads' mind was, 'what did Violet do this time?'
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"Is there any way we can take this into the other room?" Mads asked hesitantly. She was trying to get Joyce to calm down. "I can make some coffee and we can have a chat about all of this." "You need to learn how to control your children. Your daughter beat up my precious Noah."
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"How dare you insinuate I'm a bad mother!" exclaimed Mads and the two quickly began arguing about parenting. Ethan rushed down the stairs to find out what the commotion was about. "Hey!" He tried to but in, but it was no use.
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"And oh, my watcher," Joyce was yelling. "What kind of parent allows their child to dye their hair all kinds of hippie colors, I mean pink hair, really?" "Leave my child's hair alone," Mads yelled back and then it hit her. Pink hair. This wasn't something Violet did, it was Lacy.
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"HEY!" Ethan yelled a bit louder to get the attention of both women. "Can we talk about this like adults, please. Joyce, what happened?" "She broke my precious son's nose, shattered it. Do you know how much that's going to cost to fix it? I wanted to get the cops involved."
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"How about we pay for Noah to get his nose fixed, how does that sound?" Ethan asked. "I don't want the police involved." "I guess that will suffice, what will you do about your delinquent daughter?" "She'll do community service for a few weeks, that sound good?" "I suppose so."
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"And then he says he doesn't want to see me anymore, after saying that he loves me!" exclaimed Violet that evening at work. She needed someone to rant to, and Owen seemed as good as anybody. " I can't believe I ever fell for an asshole like that." "I can." Owen said quietly.
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"Excuse me?" Violet asked in defense. "I said what I said," Owen told her. "Also, maybe none of that personal crap in front of customers, they're the priority." "I keep forgetting how much of a jerk you are, I'm sorry that you aren't concerned about my life." "Whatever."
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Just then Owen's phone went off. "Give me a sec," he said before stepping away. "Jo," Owen said on the phone. "You need to slow down, what happened?" Violet found it hard not to eavesdrop. "When was the last time you saw him?" Owen asked. "And his teachers?"
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"Everything all good?" Violet asked. "No," Owen said breathlessly. "Look, I gotta go, family emergency, it hasn't been very busy so you should be fine by yourself. If not give Tiffany a call, I'm sure she'd come in for a few hours to help."
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"Well, do you want help. Maybe I can go with and assist with whatever is going on," Violet offered. "No," Owen said bluntly. "It'll be fine, and frankly I don't want your help."
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When Lacy got home from play practice, Mads and Ethan called her into the living room. "Want to explain to us what happened yesterday?" mads asked angerly. "You hit someone?" "Yeah," Lacy said unbothered. "Noah Brooks is a dick. Wanted to mess around with Violet then drop her."
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"I'm sorry," Ethan said angerly. "He, what? We are paying for shit now, absolutely not." "Ethan," Mads sighed. "We don't want cops involved though." "I don't care about cops," Lacy added. "That asshole," muttered Ethan.
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"Why don't I call just Joyce Brooks, and we can sit down and try to settle this a bit more now that we have mor information," Mads suggested. "We better because I'm not paying shit to that family anymore," Ethan said. "I can always beat Noah up again if needed," Lacy added.
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When she got done with work Violet headed upstairs to practice her signing. Lacy was busy working on her homework. "What were my parents talking to you about?" Violet asked. "Oh nothing," Lacy replied.
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"He just won't talk to me now," Violet complained later that evening. "How rude is that." "I did say he seemed like a jerk," Lacy pointed out. "I guess," Violet sighed. "I just, really thought that he loved me."
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"Guys like him make you feel special" Lacy explained. "And then they drop you, as soon as they're done with you" Violet sighed, "I guess you're right. Plus I think there are more important things to worry about. I really need to work on my skills more anyways" "That's the spirit"
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theficplug · 3 years
Taking Erik To The Beauty Supply Store 2 / Barber Shop With Erik
Erik Killmonger x Black Reader
Warnings : mature/sexual conversations?
it's a regular day in the stevens household. going to the beauty supply store again & the barber shop but hey it's fun cause it's you and your man.
First taking Erik to the beauty supply store fic:
“I could beat the brake off her lying ass. First of all, I should’ve known something was up cause she asked me if I’m natural. I said yes. She said well I normally do relaxed hair.. Then said you got to have your hair washed and blow dried already… Talking about she was going to have me serving 90s Nia Long. This bitch got me looking like big momma when she came home for that motherfucking party.” You continue your rant as Erik moves around the room looking for your body butter and your fluffy shoes to put on for the day.
You wanted a cute 90s pixie cut to go along with the theme of the maternity shoot which was like the cheesy 90s mall style set with the faded backdrop.
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180 dollars and a lopsided , almost a golden bob later and you are still thinking about snatching her out of that salon.
“I’m gonna try and trim it up myself and dye it before the maternity photos tomorrow. But I’mma get two wigs just in case I mess up.” You explain to Erik as he begins to spread the body butter up your legs leaving a golden glow on your skin.
“Not you down there cackling after getting some hang time on the locs you been growing since high school... It’s quiet, ain't no back talk.” You banter with him and he stops massaging your legs to give you a look and laughs softly before giving you a retort of his own.
“You got a lot to say for somebody that can’t even lotion they ashy lil knees.”
“Your daughter been pushing against my organs for 8 and a half months. I don’t wanna hear nothing unless its about my push present. You know that I like rings… My engagement ring looking reeeealll lonely.” you say to him as you dangle your hand in front of his face.
“You look so fucking good today baby… Say, Big Fine, lemme get your number… I’mma eat the f-” he trails off kissing your legs and letting his tongue trail up it and you grab his chin softly.
“Boy if you don’t come on before you be late for your appointment… Can I stop and get a blue raspberry slushie first though?” you ask him and he sighs softly before giving you a small smile and nodding.
“Yeah, hold on let me grab your shoes and purse and then we can go.”
“And obviously yes when we come back before I install that lace front you can beat, duh.” you reply to him before giving him a peck to his lips.
After he grabs everything and helps you down the stairs. And with his help of putting you into his big ass truck you two are on your way.
“We’re going to get my hair cut first cause I already know you’re going to want to go to 2 different stores and it’s only gon’ take him about 15 minutes at the most to line me up.”
He wasn’t lying with the way that you liked to scan every section of the store before you left because to be honest where else were you going to get a pair of skittle shorts, bomb ass lip glosses, and a cute little panda hand sanitizer holder all in one place?
“Okay, sounds like a plan.. The way that I was supposed to have a hot girl summer this year and ended up with a damn its too hot for me to even put my clothes on mom summer. You really were not playing about trying to start a family on your birthday.” you joke as you crunch on your goldfish and look over at Erik.
“I think you just got finer through this whole thing. Watching my baby grow my baby is something surreal. In the beginning watching you go through all of the morning sickness and the body aches and stuff. I felt so bad you know not being able to physically take on all that was going on with you. I aint gon’ never not be appreciative and awe of you.” Erik replies with a serious comment that you were not expecting and you’d be damned if the hormones aren’t doing their thing.
“I really did not expect you to say that. Baabbbee, come on. You know I cry about everything right now. Love you.” you lean over to wrap your arms around him gently and kiss the side of his face while he’s focusing on the road.
“I love you too…. I think I’mma get my locs cut off soon. I don’t know why I’m ready to get a fade and just call it a day.” he questions before looking over at you briefly
“Either way you still gonna look good. I knew you before you even got your locs so you’re gonna look even better now because you grew into your head. Dee be cutting the fuck outta your hair even though he been bald for a good 40 years.” you say and it causes Erik to let out a loud laugh and shake his head.
You eventually ended up ordering a blue raspberry lemonade slushie, a hotdog and fries because Sonic basically took all of Erik's money at this point in your pregnancy.
The rest of your ride was chill as you both swayed to the music or turned it down for a little chat every now and then.
In public was always very protective of you but especially since becoming pregnant he has been hovering over you like a lion waiting for someone to even look at you for too long.
He hops out of the sleek matte black truck first to help you out and sling his arm around your waist with a hand resting on your belly.
You feel some eyes on you as you walk through the door. Your multi-coloured sundress that showcased your back, flowing with you.
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Some of the men, new to the shop you assumed, were eyeing you down before Erik looked over their way and nods at them and they pretended to check their phones.
“What's up E? Damn lil sis look like she’s about to pop! How you feeling baby girl?” Dee greets you and Erik as you both walk in and some of the regulars in there say hey to the both of you.
“I’m alright Dee. Baby is just really ready to see the world. She has been kicking up a storm at times. I think we might have a little athlete here.” you reply and you watch as the greyed man with freckles across his cheeks and bridge of his nose eyes crinkle as he finishes cutting the man's hair sitting in the chair.
“I remember when I became a father for the first time. Shits wild because you think that you know everything there is to know and then when you actually see your baby take that first breath. It’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.” He continues as he shows you a photo of his 4 children and you give him a small smile.
“Ooh, they’re beautiful.” you compliment him as you settle into your seat and scroll on your phone on your phone waiting for Erik to be next.
Some time went by and the men seemed like they were trying to keep their conversation in a hush and you can see some eyes on you as they talked back and forth.
“I’m just saying if you want a threesome with your girl and you expect her to be okay with letting another woman into her bed. You need to match her energy. Could you imagine your girl asking you to bring a whole nother man into your room if that’s not what you’re into? Instead of asking for it. Maybe try bringing toys into the situation. Could spice it up a notch and be in both of your comfort zones. Personally, couples vibrators seem to do the trick just fine.” You advise as you look up from scrolling on your Pinterest feed.
The little huddle of them in front of you stopped talking and immediately looked up at you in silence before Dee’s laugh broke it.
“I don’t know about bringing another man in. That ain't my thing but I get what you're saying. Which ones would you recommend?” The one named Leron asked and you notice Erik is now paying attention , looking from you to them to make sure they stay respectful.
“You better let them know , baby girl! That’s how that baby popped into fruition. She got you with the tantric breathing, huh E?” he jokes and Erik cracks into a smile, his golds gleaming as he looks at you.
“She not wrong. Engage in what your woman like too. Yoga, talking during sex, giving as much as you receive from her, all that. ” He says casually and shrugging and you give him a small smile cause this man done come so far from when you met him.
After he finishes lining up his beard, Erik pays and you’re on your way to one of your favourite places.
“You look so sexy. Your beard is all lined up crisp and stuff. I told you that beard oil was gonna even it out.” you say to him and kiss him below his ear . His hand gripped your thigh gently and you repeated it again.
It didn’t take long before you were at one of your favourite places.
You turned to Erik and asked him to buy a stocking cap for you to try on the wigs that you liked and wanted to see before you purchased it.
You slid on the stocking cap over your hair before grabbing a cute little 27 piece pixie cut wig just to try it on and see what it was giving . You finger combed it and turned to Erik to ask him how it looks.
“Like you finna start singing “Truth is i’m tired. Take me to the king. Here’s my offering-” .” You hold in your laugh as you push Erik’s chest and he grabs your hands.
“I can’t stand your ass !” You say cracking up and Erik grabs the stocking cap from his pocket that he brought himself and slides it over his locs.
You watch as he grabs one of the bobs from the mannequin and sits it half cocked on his head before shaking it side to side.
“What’s cooler than being cool? Ice cold. You know what to do doooo. You know what to doooo.... This is your grand daddy. This is your grand daddy.” Erik starts acting like Andre 3000 and Mr. Brown. You swear this man was gonna make you push out this baby with how hard you were laughing at him.
“Why are you moving your lips like thaaat? What’s your name? B.O.B, so they calling you Bob? Stop playing nigga you know that I’m known for the bob.” you sing the nicki minaj lyrics to him and both of y’all get a good laugh before he takes off the wig and places it carefully back on the mannequin.
He looks over at the one that looked the most like your hair before you got it cut and slides it on.
His expressions changed and he narrowed his eyes at you before putting his hand on his stomach.
“Whew, my god E. You did this to me and for what? My ankles looking like cornbread huh? Look at this shit bae! If my nose swells for real in these next months, we fighting. Damn, I’m getting thick. I look like I'm pregnant in the front and the back. Can you get me two shrimp po’boys and some fries on the way home? ERIK, wake up- You our baby look like Stitch in this ultrasound? Stop playing , im for real.” he sounds exactly like you and mimicked your expressions to a t.
You giggled softly and snatched his wig off leaving him standing there looking crazy in the cap.
“You wanna fight?” You ask him before walking up on him like you’re on bad girls club and swinging the wig at him.
He helped you put the wig back on the mannequin and kissed both of your hands before continuing through the aisle with you.
You both ignored how many times the employee passed by or watched you as you grabbed some of the products from the shelf and put it into your little cart that you wanted to try.
“You wish this was you, huh? You wanted to be Future from 8 Mile so bad, huh? ” you ask Erik , laughing as you point to the full lace faux locs wig that’s in front of you and he shakes his head.
“She got you down bad. This you?” he asks you as he points to the lil gold church wig that’s sitting on the top shelf and you suck your teeth at him .
“You wanna dip dye your hair for tomorrow? A pretty auburn colour would look so good on you or even a baby blue?” You ask him as you move away from the wigs after deciding to put a off black lace front straight wig in your cart and another in sandy blonde with deep waves.
You scan the shelf of dye as Erik wraps his arm around your waist and takes a look.
“This one looks good right here.” He adds as he hands you a colour called Electric Blue.
“This is gonna look so good on you bae.” You compliment him and he leans down to kiss you softly.
“You only tryna compliment me cause you want me to help you install that wig. You think you slick bae.” he calls as he walks off towards the hair care products for his locs.
“Well, if I’m finna use the little energy I have to retwist your hair you could at least extend the helping hand!” You call after him.
“I haven’t tried peppermint oil yet but it should be good to add to my mix? Look, I found this small ass bonnet. She’s gonna be able to match us.” He says walking back to you and showing you the lilac bonnet in his hand and you swear you were about to tear up again cause all 3 of you were gonna have matching bonnets and durag.
“If she takes after both of us she’s gonna have a head full of hair. To cover that melon from your side.” You tease him
“Come on and grab your butterfly wings for your eyes so we can go home and finish our show. I’mma cook them snow crabs for you too.” he says to you and you can see him watching you like you hung the moon in the sky yourself as you venture off.
You grabbed the edge control, lashes, a new lipstick, earrings, glosses, Got2b spray, and some accessories for Erik’s hair before meeting him at the counter.
It took him all of two seconds to pay for your beauty supply store addiction and you were off on your way back to the crib to love on him.
Erik was currently standing behind you while you sat in the chair in his old large tshirt and held down the wig to the Ghost Bond glue.
You were talking him through helping you finish the install because you just didn't have the energy to do it.
“Okay you gon’ take a lil piece and wrap it around the wand. But please be careful baby. This one goes from like 0 to a 400 degrees so fast.” you warn and watch in the mirror as he takes the first piece and follows your instructions.
You watch him for a while focusing on your head and asking if you liked the way that it’s turning out. You smile softly at him and nod.
“I'm so grateful , you know. “ you say to him with a pout
“Damn, I was just about to send you a do you like me back yes or no text after this too.” he jokes and you shake your head.
“I’m tryna be serious and appreciate you-” you are cut off by him leaning down and pushing his plump lips out for a kiss from you
“I love you too. 2 more weeks and I get to have my two babies in my arms. What more could I want? ”
Tag list: @doublesidedscoobysnacks
(Long post. Sorry I'm still learning how to do the read more thing! Sorry for being gone from here for so long. This one really helped me ease back into writing especially after how much love the first one received!)
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ateezmakemeweep · 4 years
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richboy!yeosang (part 1)
word count: 5k
fluff, smut
(miniseries masterlist)
“if you don’t know the cranial nerves by now pretty boy, you might as well drop out.”
“fuck you! maybe my tutor just sucks and is the world’s biggest asshole!”
“maybe you’re the world’s biggest idiot and just wasting his time.”
“maybe he’s not teaching me properly because he’s an arrogant son of a bitch.”
“maybe you’re too distracted by your fiancé that you can’t even-”
a tray being slammed down on the table halts the boy’s incessant bickering, your harsh look staring between their two bodies making them point at each other immediately. 
“don’t look at me like that, y/n. he started it this time! dickhead told me i should just drop out!” 
“pretty boy said i’m the biggest asshole ever, baby. i think i should be the one who’s more-”
“just shut up! both of you!” you beg, plopping down in your seat next to your boyfriend and rubbing at your temples. “we’ve only been back for three weeks and you two are already like this. how could you possibly be this stressed and annoyed at each other already?”
yeosang looks at you with a smirk on his face but softness in his eyes, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as he pulls you close to him. 
his lips brush against your skin as they leave a chaste kiss on your temple; he’s seen you rub at your head like this far too many times during him and mingi’s tutoring sessions throughout the years.
“sorry, but i’m just trying to help him, love,” yeosang mumbles in your ear, suppressing a sigh when you feel his signature smirk against your skin. “poor guy’s in his third year of college and doesn’t know the cranial nerves.”
“i don’t know the cranial nerves. should i drop out too?” you quip, ripping yourself away from him and raising an eyebrow. 
but the boy doesn’t miss a beat, sending you a smile that still sends your stomach fluttering despite his unpleasant behavior.
“please. i’ve wanted nothing more than to support you this whole time.”
a deep chuckle leaves his mouth at the disgusted sneer that crosses your face, the familiar dinging of the coffee shop door welcoming none other than yunho as his eyes roam the store.
mingi’s eyes light up immediately upon seeing the boy, a bright smile on his face that makes you bite back one of your own. yunho finally spots you three and looks at mingi with the same amount of happiness in his eyes, ruffling his now black hair and placing a peck on his cheek when he arrives at the table. 
there’d been a lot of changes within the past three years, all of you moving to a different city and getting used to the changed pace of life. it was more chaotic and busy, for sure, with a lot more responsibilities than your teenage selves had had. 
but almost every moment of it has been fun. 
even through the cram sessions and disastrous drunken nights and fighting between mingi and yeosang, it’s been fun. exploring the city and meeting new people and doing everything you’re supposed to do when you’re young and carefree and finding yourself. 
you remember college had seemed terrifying for all of you back on the beach during senior year, when you hadn’t even told your parents about yeosang or going away to school and things were still up in there for mingi and yunho.
but it ended up being the best decision of your life. living and going to school with yeosang who, at one point, you convinced yourself you hated more than anyone on this earth. 
you were surprised, really, by how stable your relationship was despite the obvious rocky start. your mean, high school bully turned college boyfriend who you had a seemingly perfect relationship with. 
and freshmen year had been hard, you admit. getting used to sharing a space and living together and putting up with each other’s annoying habits. but really, after those first few weeks, the years following had been nothing but bliss. 
days full of studying and tests and internships that left you both beyond exhausted and ready to go home. 
it was the best feeling in the world to be able to go home to someone you loved and wanted to see, yeosang more often than not surprising you with dinner set on the coffee table and a movie paused on the tv. 
he had somewhat tricked you into getting your current apartment, a view far too nice and rooms far too big for just the two of you - but you couldn’t even pretend to be mad on nights when you’d lean on his shoulder and just look out the window at the city lights.
you were both now in your third year of college, only a few weeks into the first semester, which is what’s really making mingi and yeosang’s bickering already that much more concerning. 
usually it’d take until studying for midterms or finals for the boys to get like this. 
“what happened?” yunho’s sweet, calming voice asks, his eyes shifting from mingi to you with an obvious sense of compassion. you can only stare at the boy with a pained expression, mingi and yeosang talking and cursing over each other in the (luckily) empty coffee shop. 
you have to bite back a smile at the obvious change in mingi’s demeanor now, his eyes wide and deep voice softening that makes yeosang scoff in disgust. 
“oh get the fuck out of here. what happened to the mingi in high school who tried to crack my head open?” yeosang asks, taking his coffee off the tray and bringing it closer to himself. “now you’ve turned into a domesticated little bitch.”
“that’s what happens when you ask someone to marry them,” mingi bites back, yunho’s arm tightening on his shoulder so he doesn’t jump over the table. “but you wouldn’t know anything about that, now would you pussy boy? y/n’s gonna have to wait till she’s 50 and you finally grow a pair.”
“that’s funny, since you only asked yunho because you were shitfaced and he’s too damn nice to-”
“shut up!” 
your squeal cuts your boyfriend off immediately, a smirk on the other boy’s faces as they watch him get reprimanded. holding back their laughter and giggles as you threaten to never ever attend another study session with both of them again.
even though what yeosang was saying did hold some truth to it. 
mingi and yunho knew pretty much from the moment they met that they were gonna be together forever, something innate and deep within their souls just connected and meant to be. 
but it was after one too many shots for a lightweight mingi that he popped the question to the boy, all of you out one night and thinking it was just mingi being mingi who always went on about his feelings for yunho.
but you and yeosang nearly fell on your asses when you saw him reaching in his pocket for the ring, the boy saying that he saw it a few weeks ago and just felt the overwhelmingly need to buy it. 
it was cute and spontaneous and authentic in the sense that, even after all the alcohol mingi had ingested that night, it’s like yunho saying yes completely sobered him. 
though you all joke today that the now dark-haired boy only said yes because he felt bad for his drunken boyfriend’s proposal. 
“you know he felt bad for him,” yeosang says, his hand in yours as you guys walk back to your apartment. 
it’s only a four block walk, and a much needed one, after you and yunho couldn’t take the bickering any longer. 
you simply grabbed yeosang by the hand after they started up again ten minutes later and led him out of the coffee shop, your neck snapping back at mingi with squinted eyes when you heard him try to egg the boy on one last time. 
“i also know that they were gonna get married anyway,” you say, craning your neck to look over at your boyfriend challengingly. “so what does it really matter?”
he stops in the middle of the sidewalk to smile down at you, his hand coming up to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. there’s mirth in his eyes at your prickliness, biting down on his lip so he doesn’t ask if you need to be relieved some way in public. 
“what about us?” he mumbles, snaking his hands down your body to grasp your hand. “we’re gonna get married too, right?” 
you narrow your eyes at his teasing, tightening your hold on his hand just a little too tightly in a way that makes him wince. 
“baby, why are you so mad today?” yeosang whines as you walk into the building, greeting the doorman with a smile as you charge toward the elevator. 
the apartment building is just as ritzy as your home, tall glass windows and marble floors and the magnificent chandeliers you’ve come to learn are something the rich just love; you knew the moment you saw three hanging above the front desk that this was way out of your price range. 
but you’d grown used to the lifestyle and you’ve grown close with the doorman, a sweet older gentlemen who worked there since the early 90s. he’s kept an eye on you and yeosang throughout the years and can tell, right about now, you’ve had enough of him. 
he sends a smirk your way and you give him a knowing look, hearing his chuckle ring throughout the lobby.
“why am i mad? why am i mad?” you repeat, the splitting headache and irritation radiating off of you from hours of grown men bickering back and forth. you click on the elevator button repeatedly, yeosang holding back a smirk at your aggressiveness. 
“maybe i’m mad because, gee, i don’t know, you and mingi are like children and never stop fighting. or maybe because even though i’m supposed to finish work for my class tomorrow, i have a splitting headache and wasn’t able to get anything done.”
the elevator doors open and you step in as the words keep pouring from you, yeosang just watching as your mouth continues to move. he’s grateful you two are the only ones in here right now, solely for the purpose of saving other people from hearing this rant.
not because right now would be the perfect moment to relax you. catch up on old times and and techniques to shut you up the way he did the last time you two were fighting in an elevator. 
“and now you’re not even listening to me! i just don’t know why you have to constantly fight with him. it’s only the third week back, yeosang, and you’re already-”
your back hits the wall before you can even get the next words out, eyes flaring as you watch yeosang’s hand grip your chin. his hold is firm but gentle, the teasing that was once behind his eyes slowly transforming to something darker. 
more lustful and dominating and intense. 
“can you just shut up already,” he mumbles lowly, connecting your lips before you can even get a response out.
and similar to all the times you kiss, you can’t find it in yourself to push him away or not kiss back. instead, you find that the kiss ignites something in you, a passion and intensity as your hands move to curl through his hair. 
he grunts against your mouth when you pull at the strands of dark hair just a little too roughly, not being able to help the smirk on your face. he grips your hips harshly in return, pushing you back harder into the wall before he pulls back and stares down at you. 
his gaze is unwavering and harsh and you’re feeling something twinge in your lower stomach. 
“is this what all your frustrations have been about today?” he mumbles in your ear, his hand ghosting the top of your jeans but refusing to dip in the waistband. “is it because i left you hanging this morning?” 
the smirk against your skin makes you wanna scream almost more than he did this morning, edging you nonstop with his tongue and fingers for the sole purpose that he just wanted to keep you in bed all day and hear your moans of his name.
but then mingi’s fist pounding on the door 15 minutes early broke you two apart, his mouth wet and eyes hazy as he told you you guys would have to finish later. 
“need i remind you those sessions were your idea,” he says, his hand ghosting between your legs and over your jeans. he smirks again when he feels heat radiating from you, chuckling in a way that makes you bite back a growled comment of your own. 
“i was more than happy to eat your pussy all morning before fucking you like a good girl,” he says lowly in your ear, leaning his body into yours. 
you whimper when you feel his hard cock press against you, his words and his voice and everything about him right now quickly making your mind cloud with lust. 
“but you insisted i help him because he’s your best friend and i’ve helped him before. but now you’re the one mad at me?” he hums, a harsh sting on your scalp as he suddenly grips your hair and pulls your head back. “how’s that fair, baby?”
your chest is heaving and breaths are shaky, resisting the urge so badly to either curse him out or fall to your knees; luckily, you compose yourself and don’t do either. 
“it’s not,” you whine, the submissive part he always brings out in you breaking through. 
“i know it’s not,” he says, his eyes moving to the wall to see you’re only a few stops away from your floor. “that’s why when we get home, i’m gonna fuck your pretty mouth. do you understand me?” 
you only stare at him with wide, glossy eyes before you see his jaw tick. his fingers suddenly push into your mouth, the warm wetness making his cock twitch in his pants as you have to suppress your own moan.
“i said do you understand me?” 
“y-yes,” you mutter around his fingers, faintly hearing the ding of the elevator before he’s off your body and walking through the doors. 
the second you’re both inside the apartment, he’s against the door and your on your knees shoving down his pants and taking him in your mouth. you look up at him as you swirl your tongue around the tip playfully, slapping his cock against your mouth before he growls at you to stop playing. 
and when you don’t, just give gentle little sucks that you know are gonna bring him over the edge, he slams into your mouth causing you to gag around him. 
“i told you to stop fucking playing.” 
you wanna smirk at the deep growl in his voice but you can’t as his hips pick up speed and he starts fucking your mouth. 
he’s always the one that seems more composed, a wise ass, teasing boyfriend in public who just lives to get under his girlfriend’s skin - but the second you’re alone, that composure is gone. within a split second, his eyes change and you’re more often than not at his mercy all night. 
he’s so lost in the way your mouth feels around him, warm and wet and your tiny moans vibrating against him, that he doesn’t realize you’re mumbling words until you squeeze his thigh.
his eyes immediately flash with concern, pulling himself from your mouth when he spots your glassy ones. he bends down to meet your gaze, framing your face in his hands as he wipes at your wet, spit-covered mouth.
“you good?” 
your heart softens at how fast he’s able to come out of it, switch from hard to gentle in a matter of seconds when he thinks you’re in pain or not enjoying it. but you’re enjoying it a lot, if the growing ache between your legs isn’t evident of that. 
“yes,” you whine, pulling him up before you lead him over to the couch and push him down. his shirt’s the only thing on as he leans back against the couch, his eyes hazy and lustful as they wrack over your body. 
“i...wanted to ride you,” you tell him quietly, stripping off your pants and soaked thong as he watches you carefully. “didn’t want you to come in my mouth.”
your stomach flutters at the smirk that crosses his mouth, his cock hard and waiting to be relieved as he leans back and you stand before him. his tongue daps at his mouth as you stand there on shaky legs, his hand reaching out to pull you into him. 
you fall on his lap with a squeal before he cups your face, squeezing your cheeks together so your lips jut out. 
“well are you just gonna stand there like an idiot?” he mumbles lowly in your ear, his finger sliding in you. he wants to groan at how wet and ready you are, sticking another one as he teasingly moves his fingers inside of you. 
“or am i’m gonna get to fill this pretty pussy?” 
he feels you clench around his fingers and it’s all he needs to remove them, throwing his head back to rest on the couch when you finally sink down on him. you immediately moan at the feeling of him in you, moving your hips against him desperately. 
you think of how bothered he left you this morning, ripping orgasm after orgasm away from you for the sole purpose of him loving how pathetic you sounded. how teasing he was all the day, aggravating the shit out of you with his arguing and lingering hands. 
how he’d put his hand on your thigh or knee with little regard for how frustrated you were growing throughout the day.
“should’ve known this is what you wanted,” yeosang growls lowly, his hands on your hips as a way to guide your bouncing. “you finally feel good now baby? getting off on my cock?” 
words can’t even leave your mouth because of how overwhelmed you are, face falling in the crook of his neck as you whine into his skin. he feels himself close to coming so he snakes his hand between your bodies, circling your clit a few times before a loud moan leaves your mouth. 
he comes just a few seconds after you, his hot release shooting inside of you and making you whine a little bit more. you can feel his cock pulsing around you as you both try to catch your breath, pulling yourself off of him before collapsing onto the couch. 
you hear his soft chuckle as he takes off his shirt, wiping between your legs gently before gripping your hips. you groan tiredly as he lays back and brings you with him, your body moving against his until you’re comfortably sprawled out on top of him.
he closes his eyes as he feels your faint breathing against him, his hands gently working their way into your sweaty hair. there’s a comfortable silence in the room, the faint smell a pumpkin candle and sex in the air as you bury yourself further into him. 
“how do you feel now?” he mumbles knowingly in your ear, a smirk on his lips as you pinch him in the arm. 
“shut up,” you mumble into his neck, pulling back to look at him. his cheeks are flushed and eyes are soft as they look down at you, pulling at something in your chest that makes you pinch him again.
“why are you pinching me?” he chuckles, tightening his hold on you. 
“because you’re mean,” you whine to him, sitting up to straddle his naked waist. “you had me frustrated all morning and just made it worse throughout the day with your shit.”
“i’m sorry, baby, i really am,” he says, though there’s nothing apologetic about his tone or face. you narrow your eyes at him before slapping his chest lightly, about to get up before he grabs you around the waist.
“wait, wait, where are you going?” 
“i told you i had work to do,” you tell him, knowing your resolve to ditch the work and spend the rest of the night on the couch with him is already creeping up. 
“do it later,” he asks softly, spinning you around and pulling you into him again. “i wanna lay with you and watch tv.” 
you let out a huff as you look down at him, the uncharacteristic softness you were once shocked by something you always see now. 
you could feel insecure or unsure about everything else in the world, your own looks or your abilities at school or if you did the right thing at work, but you’re never not confident about yeosang’s love for you.
it’s obvious in his eyes and the way he touches you, soft and sweet and full of care even though in your steamier moments, he’s rough and very reminiscent of his old, harsher self. 
it’s what makes the aftercare that much more sweet, knowing this is how he is and that your wellbeing is always number one. it takes all of two-seconds for you to cave, cuddling against him as you ask what you guys are gonna eat for dinner. 
it’s over a buffet of chinese food later that night, you in yeosang’s lap and him pecking your neck playfully, that you hear him mumble words into your skin.
“i wanna ask you something, baby.”
he says the words so sweetly and innocently that you can’t help but smile, scooting yourself off his lap so you can sit criss-crossed in front of him. 
“what?” you chirp, white rice in hand as you shovel pieces in your mouth.
he smiles at the way you so messily eat, wiping at the corner of your mouth affectionately. 
“when we were talking about mingi proposing to yunho before,” he begins, his voice uncharacteristically shy and almost hesitant. “and what mingi said about you needing to wait till you’re 50 for me to propose. is that...something you guys talked about?” 
you purse your lips together so you don’t burst out laughing at his cute blabbering, cocking your head to the side as you look at him. 
“are you asking if i wanna get married?” 
“i’m saying we can get married right now, if you want.”
you’d laugh if his face wasn’t so deadly serious, looking at you with soft awaiting eyes like he’s waiting for to say yes so he can run out and buy a ring. 
“i’m just saying, baby,” he says, cheeks the slightest pink that makes your heart soar in your chest. “i obviously wanna marry you but i was gonna wait till after we graduated. but if you wanna get the ball rolling, we can totally-”
the giggle you’ve been holding back finally bubbles out of your chest, your head thrown back and hands reaching down to hold his tightly. 
“stop laughing! what the fuck!” yeosang’s deep voice whines, the giggles leaving your mouth only becoming more prominent. 
“i’m sorry, you’re just so cute,” you tell him with a smile, your hand reaching out to smooth through his hair. 
your squealing and your touch only makes his cheeks turn pinker, a groan leaving his mouth as he pushes you to the side playfully. you crawl back to him undeterred before placing yourself in his lap, his face covered with mock annoyance as he wraps his arms around your waist. 
“you’re a little shit,” he mumbles shyly, another giggle leaving your mouth before you peck a kiss on his lips. 
“i have talked to mingi about that before,” you tell him honestly, not wanting him to think you were saying anything bad or hurtful. “just how...if we were to get married, i think it’d be nice. because sometimes i feel like we already are since we like... live together and stuff.”
“and stuff?” he smirks, his heart secretly fluttering at the cute way you stutter. 
he feels the same way too. coming home to you and being with you every night makes everything feel very real and serious. long gone was the couple that would fight and bicker in his pool house over issues that simple communication could’ve fix. 
now you were a couple who talked things out and made sure the other always knew what they were thinking or feeling. 
“yeah and stuff,” you say, poking him in the chest lightly. his deep chuckle sends butterflies through your stomach as you cuddle yourself further into him, resting your head on his shoulder. 
you sigh contently when he starts tracing shapes on your back, his warmth and the gentle lull of his fingers making your eyes close. he hums against your head when he feels you relax in his hold, his lips brushing against your hair in a way that makes you smile against him. 
“do you want kids?” he suddenly asks, lost in the contentment and warmth of the moment. 
it’s not something you’ve ever discussed with one another simply because the topic never came up. but he remembers the day of your first kiss, before the turmoil and the fighting and the kiss itself, the way he watched you with the little girl and felt his cold heart tug in his chest.
the way you bent down to her height and smiled softly at her, picked little rocks and twigs to make the snow girl’s face that he eventually deemed ugly even though you’d given her a talk about ‘beauty being in the eye of the beholder.’
he remembers laughing and smiling and feeling warm at the interaction, even though then he claimed to not like you; he knows now the same way he knew then that that was never the case, especially not when he was watching you with that child. 
“after we get married obviously,” he adds. not even needing to see him to know   there’s still a pink flush on his cheeks. 
“i do,” you mumble against him, your eyes closed with a smile still on your face. the question makes you happy, talk of a life with him always makes you happy. “i think you’d be a good dad. probably the mean parent but that’s okay.”
he pulls you out of his chest with a scoff, looking over your face with such a baffled expression, you can’t help but giggle.
“i’m kidding,” you tease, poking at his cheek lightly. “you’ll be like mingi by then, domesticated and sweet.”
your squeal fills the apartment when he gathers you in his arms, your legs wrapping around his waist as he picks you up like it’s nothing and throws you back on the couch. 
“am i not already domesticated?” he asks, his hands next to your head as he leans over you. you smile up at him and shrug your shoulders, his eyebrows raising playfully. 
“maybe a little bit,” you giggle, watching his eyes roll that only makes you smile more. you bring your hands up to brush through his hair gently, watching his eyes close as your nails scrape his scalp. “do you want a boy or a girl?”
his eyes open upon hearing your question, roaming over your face in a way that makes your stomach flutter; you’ll never get used to the way he looks at you or the way your body responds to him.
“hmm, a girl,” he confesses lowly, a smile on his face as he thinks of you with your small child. her hair in a clip and rosy cheeks, your hair color but his eye color with a perfect mix of both your facial features. 
“how many?” 
he smiles as you guys start to picture your imaginary little family, picking out fake names and personalities as well as what they would be like in school. if they’re gonna be well-behaved and smart like you or a conniving, trouble-maker like him. 
“all i know is mingi and yunho are probably gonna beat us, somehow,” yeosang growls lowly, his (mock) disdain for the taller pretty boy something that’s never worn out over the years. 
“that’ll be good then,” you giggle, taking his hand when he stands up and extends his own. “we’ll need all the practice we can get.”
“absolutely. we’ll probably need to wait even a few years after we got married.”
because, for right now, you guys have school to focus on. 
classes and internships and future careers that are waiting for both of you eagerly. 
this dream is something you definitely want but, perhaps, not yet. you guys have all the time in the world, enjoying the freedom and space that comes with just living together and getting through college and the early adulthood years. 
“probably,” you nod, stretching your arms above your head and squealing his name when he tickles your sides.
classes start to pick up over the next month, the weather turning colder, work becoming harder and the amount of sleep you were getting shorter. you’d only gotten a few hours each night this week, working late and hard on a group project for, both, school and work.
so you’re not surprised in the slightest when you wake up one morning feeling like death, nauseous and sweaty before your groan wakes up yeosang. the queasy feeling that rushed up your throat moments later is one you haven’t felt in a long time, not even remembering the last time you had a gross stomach virus. 
yeosang held your hair back as you threw up, rubbing your back gently as you gripped the toilet seat.
“this is reminding me of when you threw up on the ski trip,” he says quietly, humor laced in his tone. 
you can only find it in yourself to throw up your middle finger, collapsing against his chest and whining that you don’t feel good. 
“i know, baby, i’m sorry,” he says, brushing your knotty, sleep-crazed hair back down. “you want me to stay home today?” 
and that’s how you both spend the whole day in bed, you alternating between sleeping on his chest, waking up to puke and then attempting to get down water and soup with crackers.
the nausea goes away when you wake up from your third nap, still feeling tired and achey but nowhere near as bad as when you woke up.
but you’re both still grateful for the day off with one another, cuddled up under the couch with a blanket and his arms wound tightly around you. your eyes start closing again when he starts rubbing your back absentmindedly, eventually falling asleep to the sound of his soft, even breathing. 
he looks down when you don’t respond to his question about the movie, smiling softly at your sleeping face before he moves back a few strands of sweaty hair. 
and it’s at the moment he knows he has to be in love with you, so content and happy with the time he spent with you today, that he’s not even concerned in the slightest about getting your stomach virus. 
part 2
tag list: @mirror-juliet​ 
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buckyswheezes · 3 years
Perfectly Fine (Pt. 5)
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Premise: “You know why I don’t like you? It’s because you’re a natural. You’re naturally kind, naturally good-looking; you can wear trash bags and still look perfectly fine. You’re naturally intelligent and excellent in everything you do. It’s like you naturally get what you want, you don’t have to work hard for it. You don’t have to pretend because people naturally like you.”
Or Bucky found out that the new oh-so-perfect Junior Accountant of Stark Industries isn’t as perfect as everyone thinks.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
It was only eight in the morning, but you found yourself busy as a bee. You woke up early that Saturday to somewhat clean up your apartment because Wanda would drop William off before her flight to DC. You promised her you’d look after the boy while she was gone, and you meant it.
An hour and a half later, the doorbell rang, and you wasted no time opening the door, knowing who it was.
“Hey, co-“
“Mornin’ doll.”
Your smile immediately vanished at the person in front of you, turning into a scowl. “The fuck are you doing here, you peasant?”
Never mind that he looked hot as hell in that black shirt. You loathed it when he shows up unannounced.
“Can’t I visit my girlfriend on weekends?” James retorted with a smirk and pushed past you to get inside. You did not miss the way his eyes widened in surprise. “Wow, this place is pristine.”
“Shut up, James.” You said as your trailed behind him towards the living room, annoyed at the apparent jab at your moment of cleanliness. “First, I am not your girlfriend, and second, I don’t have time for your blackmail shitshow today because Wanda and William will be here soon.”
“I’m gonna let that first one slide, doll since I know how grumpy you can be in the morning.”
You decided to ignore his statement, content with shooting eye daggers towards the back of his head. He went straight to the kitchen to make coffee, you knew, because that’s what he always does when he shows up unannounced and pesters you in your house.
Minutes later, the doorbell rang again, and you briefly hoped that this time, it’s Wanda and William behind the door. You got up from where you were seated on the couch, but James beat you to the door.
“I’ll get it.”
Alarmed, you ran towards him before he could open it. “No!” You lowly hissed. “I don’t want Wanda to know you’re here. Go hide in the kitchen.”
He raised a brow at you. “Wanda already knows we’re dating. What I got to hide for?”
“Yes, but I don’t want her to think that we’re… you know.” You flushed at the thought. You’ve always known that couples who go to their partner’s houses are doing it -not that you think you and James are couples. You just didn’t want Wanda to have the impression that you two are having sex as well.
You dropped your gaze from his face, and it fell on his chest. You didn’t miss the way how the dark fabric clung to him. He was well-built, no doubt; it was the first time you’ve seen him wearing clothing other than his suit and tie. His usually sleek brunette hair is tousled, but he still looked handsome as hell. The image will be etched in your mind for a while, you know it.
Bucky saw your face heat up and instantly knew what you were referring to. “We’re what, doll?” He smirked as he leans closer to your face.
Your breath hitched. “Nothing, just get to the god damned kitchen, please.”
“As you wish, sweetheart.” He conceded, which actually surprised you.
When James finally disappeared into the kitchen, you tried to calm yourself down before opening the door, greeting Wanda with a sweet smile.
“Thanks again, y/n. I owe you.”
“You’re welcome, Wanda. And don’t worry, Will’s in good hands.” You assured her.
The redhead turned to her son, who now stood beside you, your arm draped over his shoulder. “Now, you be good, okay. Don’t give y/n a hard time.” She reminded before giving him a peck on the cheek. She bid the both of you goodbye, and you both watched as she hailed a cab and climbed as soon as she got one.
You led the boy inside, noting how he got excited at the sight of James. You weren’t aware that they know each other.
“Hey, Will. Wanna go biking today?” James asked as he walked towards you two.
Your jaw dropped. No, that wasn’t what you planned to do today. You and Will were gonna binge watch Paw Patrol on Netflix, maybe munch on some sweet snacks, play a little, then hit the sack when night came.
“I don’t think tha-“
“YES!” William yelled enthusiastically, then looked at you, eyes pleading. “Can we go biking, y/n?”
“Oh, sure, Will. If that’s what you want.”
“Yay! Thank you y/n!”
Once again, you turned to James with a scowl, but he only grinned at you. If looks could kill, this man would be dead. “Go and get dressed, doll. We’re gonna have so much fun today.”
Bucky cast a worried glance at you. “You okay, doll?” He asked. You’ve been unusually quiet since you got in the car. You weren’t blessing him with your curses, and he thought it was because you’re censoring your words because of William, but he noticed that you weren’t even shooting him your virtual daggers.
You just sat there on the passenger seat with a blank face, and it got him concerned.
“Doll?” He called again when you didn’t respond the first time, and you finally looked at him as if broken from a trance.
“You good?”
You bit your lip in trepidation as you recalled what James said earlier.
“We’re just like a family, bonding over the weekend. It’s gonna be fun.”
Family? Bonding? You sat there staring at his side profile but not really seeing him. You were lost in your thoughts. How do you bond with your family?
You were in second grade when you noticed that you were different from the other kids. You didn’t have a mother, and they did. And that’s what a family is, your teacher said. There’s a mother, a father, and their child or children. And the family has fun on the weekends, and they call it bonding.
You were shocked, scared, and you panicked. You didn’t have a family, and you certainly didn’t bond during weekends. No, what you did since you were six was helping around your father’s small repair shop after school. When the weekend came, he would spend the entire day drinking while you listen as he rants on about all his life’s problems.
You remembered asking yourself why? Why were you different? Maybe there’s something wrong with you? Maybe you didn’t really have a family, you didn’t have a mother, and you didn’t bond during weekends.
“I’m fine.” You finally said.
“You sure?”
“Yeah,” You squeaked. You know James wasn’t buying it, so you decided to change the subject instead. You turned to William, who sat in the back, seatbelt strapped on.
“What do you wanna do after biking, Will? Wanna go to the arcades?”
The boy’s eyes lit up at your suggestion. “Can we?”
“Of course! Then after that, we’ll grab pizza and ice cream. How’s that sound?”
“Can I have cotton candy too?”
You chuckled, a genuine smile finally gracing your lips. “Sure!”
True enough, the three of you went cycling by the park with rented bikes, after that, you rented rollerblades and went skating (you, failing miserably so while the two boys laughed at the way you fell on your butt cheeks but James was always there to help you out). Then you went and grabbed pizza and ice cream and cotton candy, and when you’re all full, you beelined for the arcades.
The night rolled in, Will is asleep on the back seat while you and James sat in front.
“Is this what you did with your family when you were a child?”
“Yes, my dad taught me how to ride a bike. Sometimes we’ll go to the movies, swimming, hiking. How about you?”
You shifted in your seat, heart beating loudly. You thought you’ve gotten over it, for fuck’s sake, it was a very long time ago! “No, we don’t… we didn’t do any of those things.” You glanced away.
You felt something warm envelope your hand. You turned and saw James leaning close. “It doesn’t really matter what you do, doll. It doesn’t matter if what you did was different; what’s important is you had a connection.”
You nodded at his comforting words.
“Now, let’s go home. I bet you’re tired.
Part 6
author's notes: This story's ending soon. Don't worry tho, if you want more AU Bucky, I have a couple stories lined up. I got you, fam.
Taglist: @crowleyqueenofhell
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seven-oomen · 4 years
Breaking the cycle | How Teen Wolf portrays its traumatized fathers
First of, I would like to say that the following words are my take on this. I am a 29 year old trans man of Caucasian descend who is an domestic violence and abuse survivor. I am diagnosed with ADHD since 12 and diagnosed with CPTSD since this year. I understand trauma and I understand what it does to people. But I am not a professional. I am a fan.
Secondly, the characters I’ll be talking about today are specifically the fathers of some of the main characters in Teen Wolf. Namely Chris Argent, Peter Hale, and Noah Stilinski. 
I realize there are many more traumatized parents who would fit well in this essay and while I thought about including them, I decided that for now, these are the three characters I’m focusing on.
I would love to hear your thoughts about some of the other parents and how their traumatizing pasts might have contributed to the way they raised their children.
Sources are listed under the read more. The gifs I’m using are from Google.
I will be focusing on these characters, discuss what sort of trauma they have, how it affects them and how it affects the way they then raised their children. And why their stories are important for trauma and abuse survivors.
Let’s start with Noah Stilinski.
From Episode 3, Season 6 Sundowning we know the following about Noah’s homelife:
Elias was known for being both emotionally and physically abusive, and on at least one occasion, Noah stepped in to protect his mother from his abuse, causing his father to inadvertently throw him into a glass coffee table; his shoulder was scarred, and tiny fragments of glass remain under the now-healed wound even in the present day.
He even tells Scott: (While talking about a memory of him and Claudia in College.) “The kind of father I wish I had. The kind I... I hope to be."
In the same episode Noah also refers to the incident above as “That time.” Indicating that it wasn’t the first time this happened and it wasn’t the last either.
Piecing all the information together we can conclude that Noah was emotionally, psychologically, and physically abused by his father. We can also conclude that this abuse extended to his mother. Meaning he was also a victim of domestic violence.
There is also evidence in the episode that Elias might have abused Stiles, or at the very least has a very negative opinion of his grandson.  “ That's right! Act like I'm not even here! Go crawling back to your dead wife and loser son!”
This scarred Noah, both physically and mentally. We see evidence of this in episodes where he reacts violently and explosively any time his son is hurt. He immediately blows up and threatens physical violence against the people who hurt his son. 
A part of that is parental protection, but imagine that someone beat the living crap out of you and those you love every day of your life. Once you’re free of that person it leaves a mark and a smoldering fear of seeing the people around you getting hurt. When it happens you get angry, at the people who hurt your loved one, and at yourself. You weren’t there to protect them, you were too late.
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Noah blames himself whenever Stiles gets hurt. I believe, based on his childhood home life that Noah corresponds his son getting hurt with failure as a parent. And knowing where he comes from, that’s an extra sore subject for him.
We have basis of it in canon.
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We can also see that Noah’s guilt tends to eat at him if he ever has to discipline Stiles or yell at him. As shown in the following scene.
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I believe that the abuse Noah endured makes him a very scared individual especially when it comes to raising his son. He’s constantly afraid he’s turning into his father, his afraid of making the same mistakes. He’s afraid he’ll scar and traumatize his own as he was traumatized himself.
The fact that Noah is aware of what he’s doing, that he stops when asked is enough of an indication to tell us, the audience, that he isn’t his father. Once Stiles indicates he’s okay, or simply tells his father to stop, Noah stops immediately. He usually hugs his son or initiates a kind physical contact right after. 
He stops, he reflects, realizes his mistake, and tries to do better.
This is one way to break the cycle. Noah’s not perfect at it, we can see him struggle many times. He insults Stiles or his intelligence without meaning to, passing it off as a joke, he’s constantly working and is not around as much as he should be. And those are valid criticisms of this character.
But deep at his core Noah’s trying to break a cycle of physical and emotional abuse, he’s trying to be there for Stiles. Tells him to go to school, tries to keep an eye on Stiles and tries to talk to him whenever he has the chance to explore Stiles’s wellbeing and feelings.
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This is a man who went through hell as a child, became a father, and decided to do better.
Noah is a character who effectively broke a viscous cycle and has a wonderful and strong relationship with his son as a result. It’s not without flaws and Noah’s not perfect. But he’s generally not abusive or an abuser. And that is a step in the right direction.
It also shows us, the audience, that no matter what home life you come from, you can arise above your own traumas and do better for the next generation.
Now Chris Argent is an interesting one. I already talked about Chris and trauma in my daddy’s little soldier meta.
Considering the type of person Gerard is, and how he treats several teenagers in the show. I believe Chris is also a victim of emotional, psychological, and physical abuse. We don’t know much about his home life with his mother, so that I can not speculate on.
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What we do know is, Gerard has no qualms about hurting children and teenagers. He’s admitted that he would kill his own son if it meant he survived. He’s raised his own son to be a weapon and to compartmentalize his emotions. I shudder to think as to what methods Gerard must have used on Chris. But as we never see them, I can only speculate.
So how did Chris break his cycle of abuse?
By not raising Allison to be a hunter. For the first seventeen years of her life, Allison didn’t know the Supernatural existed. She was kept out of her father’s life until it was no longer possible. She was never raised as a soldier, she wasn’t raised to hide her feelings. If anything, her father encouraged her and nurtured her to the best of his abilities. Chris tried to be there for his daughter. 
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He even moved her to France to get her away from their lives. He quit something he was raised to do and did it successfully, just to protect his daughter. He grew up to be everything his father wasn’t.
And while Chris, too, is not perfect at it, he does try and breaks the cycle.
He’s aware of their problems, addresses them, and tries to do better. He even extends this nurturing and protective side to Isaac later down the line. 
Chris, a victim of abuse, sees the signs of abuse in Isaac, and decides; this one, this one I will nurture and protect too. Which he eventually accomplishes by bringing him to France and away from the craziness that is Beacon Hills. (Would have been nice to get a good plot about Chris adopting Isaac, but well, that’s another rant.)
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Chris, like Noah, shows that even if you were raised in the worst circumstances, by being aware of your trauma and how that affects others, you can break the cycle and come out on top.
And last but not least we have someone who went through an horrific event and possibly emotional abuse from his family, discovered he was a father, and then had to adjust.
I’m talking about Peter Hale.
Now Peter is not a morally good character in general. He has no qualms about killing people who get in his way. From what we know about his childhood Peter also had anger issues as a small child and often broke his toys. 
However, the reason why I’m stating that Peter was most likely emotionally abused (I think by his sister Talia) is because we know that Talia, would not believe Peter about the fire and the Argents and waved his concerns away without considering them. She manipulated multiple of his memories and frequently hid the truth from him. And we know that their relationship from before the fire was strained.
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We also know that Peter does care about his family. He cared for Cora in the hospital and he does care about whether Derek lives or dies and tends to keep an eye out for his nephew. In later seasons we also see Peter caring about his only daughter Malia and even express fear for her wellbeing when they go up against the Anuk-Ite. 
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His love for Malia is eventually what frees him from the Ghost Riders control and his wish for her to live is what motivates his decisions in Season 6 to try and keep her safe, and when he can’t keep her away from the fight, he joins her and tries to protect her.
Now I believe that the Peter we see in S1,2, 3 and S6B are the real Peter Hale. A traumatized man who believes his only way to stay alive is through manipulation and careful planning. But he does genuinely seem to care about a few people, Cora, Derek, and Malia.
In Season 1 Peter is still coming out of his traumatic event (being burned alive and then being in a coma) and he has to navigate a new world. He kills Laura (or so it is speculated) for her Alpha power and to heal himself. Because to Peter, he is the only one who can avenge his family and resolve the traumatic event he went through.
Revenge, of course, is generally not a good way to resolve trauma and the plan doesn’t work. His trauma is not resolved by killing Kate and he dies that night.
When Peter comes back practically powerless he has to navigate carefully and he does so through manipulating the people around him. To Peter, manipulation is the only way to stay alive and get ahead. This idea of his, had to come from somewhere.
This is where my theory of emotional abuse kicks in. Because if Peter was emotionally abused by his sister (for which there is evidence in canon), he most likely picked up his tactic of manipulation as a survival tactic.
Now out of the list. Peter is the only person who doesn’t fully rise above his past. The past still haunts him as he becomes a protector of Beacon Hills in S6B. But I firmly think that if we got to see more of Peter past this point, we would have seen a man starting his journey to recognizing his toxic traits and trying to do better by them. But that of course, is just speculation.
Peter’s story teaches us that the road to healing and becoming a better person isn’t always linear. It’s not a given that you’ll heal if you aren’t ready to accept it. Or if you’re so focused on getting revenge that healing is impossible, it’s also not going to work. And usually, trying to heal requires a positive presence in your life (Malia), a support system (Malia and the pack), and a willingness to recognize what you’re doing wrong and to better yourself moving forward.
Breaking the Cycle of Child Abuse - Article written by a psychologist and peer reviewed by a psychiatrist
The cycles of violence - Article written for the WHO by the University of Birmingham
The Teen Wolf Wiki - for all information and episodes of these characters
Teen Wolf - MTV tv show that owns the characters.
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livlepretre · 3 years
You know what was wild about The Originals? In Mystic Falls, where most of the Originals’ adversaries were high schoolers, no one really cared that they were essentially kids. However, in the first season of TO, all the Originals made comments about how Davina was “only a child” as if she wasn’t the same age as the other kids they just got finished terrorizing. I think the strangest person to make comments like this is Rebekah since she is essentially mentally and physically the same age as Davina and she treated everyone in Mystic Falls as an equal. I think this stems from the Originals supposed to being a more “mature” show, and since the premise had to do with children, they tried to make the Originals more adult (adult as in all the characters are in their 20s). The same thing happened in late TVD- an example being in season eight they go to the Miss Mystic Falls pageant and Caroline looks and acts like she’s in her late twenties compared to all the high schoolers. She has a scene with a Fell girl who was turned into a vampire and Caroline gives her the “I went through this too speech.” It was so crazy though because Candice King was 30 and talking to this 21 year old actress. It just takes me out of it when I remember that Caroline is supposed to be a physical teen talking to another physical teen about being immortal at such a young age. The whole forever teenagers concept completely falls through when you’re eight seasons in and all the actors are in their 30s. Not to mention all the characters are living their lives in Mystic Falls like 7 or 8 (times jumps) years after they have graduated with no problems. It’s like other than the occasional villain, their lives are completely unaffected by vampirism. Despite just hating Legacies and not wanting it to taint my TVD memories, I hope Caroline (who is two of the protagonists’ mother) never shows up just because she would look 34 compared to her all the high school students at her boarding school. This ask doesn’t really have a point, I just wanted to rant about how jarring some of those little details are when it comes to narrative consistency and suspension of disbelief after supernatural shows are on for too long.
well, I ugly laughed when you got to the part about how they liked to dwell on Davina being “just a child” when they had just gotten through terrorizing a group of teenagers. 
I’m willing to forgive actors aging and just suspend my disbelief if, say, an actress who was 22 playing an 18 year old is like 30 by the end of the show’s run-- it happens-- but I agree, having them act like they’re not mentally teenagers is weird. Like, part of the tragedy for Caroline, for Stefan, for Rebekah, is that they’re never going to grow up. Not completely. They may accrue experience but they’ll never have the emotional/developmental capacity to take full advantage of that because yeah, they’re forever stuck with the minds and bodies of teenagers. I assume vampires still have hormones, in one form or another-- in tvd, their hearts beat, they can digest food, etc so long as they drink a steady supply of human blood... I bet they’re also hormone bombs without fully developed brains. (That actually explains so much.) Part of why I don’t find it squicky that Stefan would want to date a teenager. Like, of course he does. He’s a teenager. (But then, in general, I view characters like Damon or Klaus romantically pursuing teenagers as a very predatory thing-- part of their vampirism-- they’re intentionally pursuing young girls who are vulnerable, and it’s part of what makes them monstrous.) 
There is definitely a good deal of cognitive dissonance between the maturity of characters like Rebekah in TVD vs. TO. In TO, she really comes off like a whole adult, and yeah, it’s probably a matter of the actress aging/wanting to present the characters as more mature. But personally, I agree, I don’t like that not just because it undermines the idea that they’re frozen as unfortunate teenagers... but also because we’ve been shown time and time again that vampires are extremely slow to change. That’s why flashbacks to arguments they had six hundred years ago are relevant... because those moment still inform who they are today. The idea that Rebekah could spend 900 years as a selfish and immature teenaged girl and then grow up in the matter of 20 years is, of all things, one of the things that really breaks my suspension of disbelief. Same for all the Originals. The show set them up as mostly static, and while I can believe that huge events like Hope being born could cause some changes, I don’t think it could be radical (especially since Klaus already has a child-- Marcel). 
You’re killing me with this idea of Caroline giving that speech. Just killing me. 
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The time has come for me to tell the mayonnaise sandwich story.
Are you ready to know the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of high school football? Well this is even dumber and more unhinged than that. And also for some reason about basketball? Strap in.
Growing up, I went to the biggest of the bumpkin schools in my area. It was a college town in the middle of rural America, so we had a ton of socioeconomic diversity. Everything from professors to farmers. Every kind of white person. But if you went to my school, you’d mostly remember the staggering number of camouflage print hoddies, Drive Your Tractor to School Day, and the fact that we had to get the first day of deer season off every year because not enough students and teachers would show up to hold class. I say all this to let you know that the accusations leveled against us were only half exaggerated.
Our school was notably good at sports. Our main competiton was larger schools from the closest city, often private schools who could essentially recruit. I can not communicate to you, dear reader, how unfair people thought it was that private (often religious) schools could offer scholarships to the best child athletes in the county and we had to work with whoever stumbled out of the corn field and into a classroom. State sport championships were really all we had going for us, so I don’t begrudge people for getting way too proud of it. But still.
Of course the most important sport was football and our rival for the district title every year was the all boys Catholic school in the city. Their name ended with “Preparatory School” and we always referred to them as “Prep”. They thought we were losers from Nowheresville who rightly shouldn’t have been contenders and we thought they were arrogant trust fund babies with sticks up their flat, khaki-clad asses. All parties involved were correct.
We all grew to buy into this rivalry mostly because it was fun to roast the rich kids. When we played them, our student cheering section would wear Daisy Dukes and other back country costume pieces. (The straw hats had to be bought from a halloween store, but everyone already owned their own work boots.) It was fun, but exaggerated. It was also not helped by what happened next.
One day just before Christmas break, our basketball team beat their basketball team. This caused a man to snap.
A counselor at Prep who also coached track and cross country sent out a mass email to the entire student body and staff. It started off on a high note by making a really lame pun on our school’s name and then segued immediately into blaming the loss on their student cheering section. He said if more students were cheering, they would have won and any students who would rather sit with their parents should “cut the chord and grow a pair”. Furthermore if any student from this all boy’s school wanted to sit with a girlfriend, “she is a needy, selfish, high maintenance pig and you should dump her now.” Either that or transfer to the co-ed Catholic school along with a former student who he shouted out BY NAME. To finish out this section, he called any student who’d rather sit with friends “boy lovers” because this screed against his own mentees wouldn’t be complete without a dash of homophobia (immediately followed by an exaltation of brotherhood. Ironic.)
Then he stopped insulting his own children and turned to us. It was mostly one sentence, but he made it count.
The conclusion of this email was an explanation that the goal should be to make the opposing team and their families as uncomfortable as possible. And that, and I am once again quoting from memory here, they never should have lost to a bunch of “mayonnaise sandwich eating, sister loving, trailer park dwelling, back country clowns”.
We weren’t about to take that lying down.
Sure, our town had trailer parks, but that doesn’t mean we couldn’t own the joke.
Our cowboy costumed cheering section now brought mayonnaise sandwiches to eat loudly during the game.
Varsity team tee-shirts now printed the list of derogatory descriptors beside our school mascot.
And a restaurant in town put a sign in their window that said “Two-for-one mayonnaise sandwiches. Bring your sister!”
We’re humble people. We never pass up a good meme.
But what of the unhinged counselor who felt the need to gift his students a drunken rant for Christmas? He was suspended for two weeks and then brought back. I checked Prep’s staff directory before making this post to see if he’s still employed today.
He’s their Vice President of Equity and Inclusion.
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lostinfic · 4 years
Christmas Eve (stuck) in the Lab
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Chapters 1-7/10ish
Summary: Dr. John Smith and Rose Tyler both work at the Natural History Museum in London, he as a scientist in the labs, and she as a salesgirl in the gift shop. They are only friends, but the upcoming staff Christmas party promises developments they’ve both been longing for. But John and Rose end up stuck with Martha, Donna and Jack in the laboratory, and shenanigans ensue: decontamination showers, cocktails in beakers, a game of truth-or-dare and a Secret Santa rigged by meddling friends.
Tags: mutual pining, friends to lovers, fluff with light angst, found family
Rating: Teen (for now)
Many thanks to the lovely and generous @onthedriftinthetardis​ for the beta.
Prologue - May
Rose got off the bus in South Kensington and nearly ran into a passerby.
“Shareen?” She barely recognized her old friend, she looked so grown-up with her cinched trench coat and laptop bag. “How are you?”
“I’m great. I’m on my way to university. Last exam of the semester, and then graduation.” She crossed her fingers with a hopeful smile.
“Wow. Congratulations.”
“Thanks. You?”
“Oh, I’ve a job interview.”
One look at Rose’s jeans and hoodie told Shareen the kind of job it might be.
Rose lowered her head and bunched her sleeves over her hands.
You were right about Jimmy, Rose wanted to say, I shouldn’t have chosen him over my friends.
“We should do something, sometime,” Shareen said, her smile conveyed pity rather than affection.
Rose nodded, though she knew it wouldn’t happen. They wished each other good luck and went in opposite directions.
As soon as she had her back to Shareen, she lost her smile. That could’ve been me too, she thought. She shook her head; nah, I wasn’t made for university.
Around the corner, the Natural History Museum loomed, cathedral-like, with its two towers framing the main hall and the large arch above the entrance. On the East and West wings, two storeys of Romanesque windows reflected the grey sky. Lions, bats, wolves and pterodactyls carved in stone looked down at her from their perches on the facade.
Rose avoided their stony glares.
She was interviewing to work in the gift shop, no reason to feel intimidated by this great institution.
She took a deep breath, then entered the Museum.
In Hintze hall, the skeleton of a blue whale hung from the ceiling, suspended mid-swim, gigantic yet tranquil. Underneath, groups of school children walked single file, bumping into each other, distracted by the grandiose hall. Clusters of visitors, map in hand, planned their visit and photographed each other.
Something about the echo of footsteps and chatter, and the way sunlight streamed through the glass roof took her right back to her childhood. Even then, she knew Jackie brought her here so often because it was free. They would spend hours here in winter, leaving the flat unheated to save on electricity. But she didn’t care, she loved it.
Tears pricked her eyes as she remembered how curious and full of wonder she used to be as a child. She longed to be that girl again.
Oh, but she really wanted to get this job now.
Standing in a corner of the gift shop, Lilian, the manager, gave Rose’s resume a cursory look.
“Band manager? For three years?”
“Yes, I booked gigs in clubs, oversaw the budget of the tours, and managed the promotional merchandise.”
And did all the laundry and the cooking and the cleaning, turned a blind eye to his drugs and alcohol use, and believed him when he said the other girls didn’t mean anything to him. 
Three years of living for someone else’s dreams.
“Your last job was at Henrick’s. Only six months. Why did you stop working there?”
Rose mimed an explosion.
To be honest, she might have blown up the place herself if someone else hadn’t beat her to it. Bunch of snobs, they were.
“Oh, right.” Lilian laughed and placed a check mark on her form. “Now let’s see your customer service skills.”
Unbeknownst to Rose, the museum, a centuries-old, respected institution dedicated to science was home to one messy-haired, Converse-wearing, chaotic genius who loved a little shop.
“Oh no, not him,” Lilian said, but too late, Rose was already walking toward him with a big smile on.
“Hello—” she eyed the badge attached to the breast pocket of his lab coat— “Doctor. How may I help you today?”
He was scanning a display of rubber figurines. He grabbed two miniatures of prehistoric mammals.
“They’re two for one,” she tried.
“What was the smilodon doing on the territory of the diprotodon?”
He moved the tiger-like figurine toward the bear-like one. He stared at them as if they would talk to him and reveal their secrets.
Rose bit her thumbnail. Did he really expect an answer? Was this part of the interview?
“Maybe he was looking for food?” she ventured.
“Kilometres away from his home?”
“I’d walk miles for the best chips.”
He grinned and looked at her, properly, for the first time. There wasn’t a trace of mockery in his smile, only genuine delight. She found herself smiling back.
Suddenly, he gasped.
“Yes! Chips!”
He spun on his heels and rushed out of the shop.
Lilian patted Rose on the shoulder. “I don’t know how you did that, but you’re hired.”
“I think I just let him just steal those figurines.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll put it on his tab.”
Rose sighed with relief and thanked Lilian.
“So, who was that?”
“Doctor John Smith, he’s the research leader at the Ancient DNA lab. The youngest one in the lab’s history, I’m told, hired before he’d even finished his doctorate.”
“Really? He’s a nutter.”
“Oh yeah, but harmless overall.”
Over the months following Rose’s hiring, the frequency of the Doctor’s visits to the shop increased. Her coworkers even began to tease her about it.
He would show up and babble about multiplex sequencing of mitochondrial genomes or rant about sample degradation of human remains in the field.
Rose didn’t understand everything but got a kick out of his wild gesticulation and experiments with items from the shop. She would ask him questions, and sometimes they would be the right ones to help him out.
Although she was becoming fast friends with many museum employees, of all her new acquaintances, the Doctor was her favourite.
She didn’t know him — not really. But what she knew, she liked. She liked the way he treated everyone with respect, from the janitors to the curators. Although he had his moments of bad mood and anger, he found joy in every little thing. It was contagious. They spurred each other on, it seemed. They raced wind-up toys from the shop after hours, gave silly names to specimens in the exhibitions, pranked the tour guides and hid treats for the kids staying overnight for Dino-snores. But that’s the thing, they only ever saw each other at the museum. The closest thing to a date they had was attending the same lecture one night in November. His hand had brushed hers on the armrest.
She would be lying if she said she wasn’t disappointed on days he didn’t show up. But Rose refused to read more into his behaviour than there was. She had made that mistake before, seeing love where it wasn’t, and stayed in an unhealthy relationship. So, until proven otherwise, the Doctor was just an eccentric bloke who came to her when he was bored or stuck.
Read more on Ao3
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crimehathnofury · 3 years
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Today’s crime is a doozie. I heard this story from Bailey Sarian. If you haven’t seen her youtube channel you should. Murder and make up is her thing, and she is fabulous. I was just appalled when I heard this story. It’s about Sylvia Likens and Gertrude Baniszweski. Be prepared this is marked the worst case of torture and abuse. Let’s start, shall we?
So we start this off with a little backstory on Gertrude. Born on September 19, 1928. She was the 3rd of 6 kids. She had a close relationship with her father but not so much with her mother. When her father had died, the relationship grew even more distant. Gertrude dropped out of highschool when she was 16 and got married to her first husband, John Baniszweski. They had 4 children together. John had a violent temper and was abusive. Even though he was abusive they stayed together for 10 years. Gertrude had also gained custody of her children. Within the year of the divorce Gertrude remarried. Though it didn’t even last 3 months. Shortly after that, she remarried her first husband John. They had 2 more children and then again divorced after 7 years. Around this time, Gertrude had been dating and moved in with a man named Dennis Wright.  He abused her. She did however get pregnant twice by him. One of which was a miscarrige(probably caused because of the abuse). The other pregnancy stuck though and gave her one last child named Dennis jr. SHortly after the birth of his son. Dennis sr. abandoned Gertrude. She was left alone to raise 7 children. Her first husband somewhat helped her though checks from him were sporadic. She also suffered depression
Now a little background on Sylvia. Slyvia was born on January 3rd, 1949 in between 2 sets of fraternal twins, Daniel and Dianna (2 years older), and Benny and Jenny (1 year younger). Jenny suffered from polio causing one of her legs to be weaker and a limp. Both of her parents and all 3 brothers traveled around and sold things at carnivals, like soda and snacks. This was a very unstable life moving frequently which the parents didn’t approve of their daughters travelling with them. So they would stay with relatives, often their grandmother. Once Sylvia was a teenager she would babysit to earn some money, part of which she would send to her mother. She would also do odd jobs around the neighborhood. June 1965 Jenny and Sylvia had been staying with their parents in Indianapolis. July 3rd, their mother was arrested and put in jail for shoplifting. So when their father had a new opportunity with the carnival he made a deal with the mother of Paula, Sylvia's new friend. Paula’s mother was Gertrude. Sylvia’s father and Gertrude had made an arrangement where Jenny and Sylvia would stay with Gertrude for a 20 dollar fee and Gertrude would take care of them like they were her own children. However after a couple of weeks the payment that Gertrude was promised failed to come.  This enraged her to the point where she beat them saying “I took care of you bitches for a week for nothing.” It went from 0 to 100 am I right? Total personality change. Anyways, the abuse only got worse from there. If the Likens girls did anything Gertrude didn’t approve of like exchange glass bottles at the grocery store, she would beat them with a wooden paddle. Sadly Gertrude would then turn most of her rage towards Sylvia. It’s said that Gertrude was jealous of Sylvia’s looks and potential. This was mid August. Some of the initial abuse was starvation, beatings, and sometimes eating leftover or spoiled food from the trash. In late August Sylvia had said she had a boyfriend in Long Beach who she met in the spring of 1965. Once this was said Gertrude had asked if Sylvia had ever done anything with a boy.  When she said she had shared a bed with her boyfriend Gertrude  asked ‘why did you do that Sylvia?’ to which Sylvia said ‘I don’t know.’ 
Several days later Gertrude told Sylvia that she looked like she was getting big in the stomach and that she was pregnant. SYlvia thought she was only joking and said back that she might need to go on a diet. Gertrude then told her and the other girls in the house that if they did something with a boy they were sure to get pregnant and then kicked Sylvia in the genitals. Later during dinner Paula, who was overweight and 3 months pregnant herself, joined in abusing Sylvia by kicking her off of a chair saying ‘You’re not fit to sit in a chair.’ Also Gertrude Paula and a neighborhood boy named Randy Gordan Lepper force fed Sylvia a hot dog over done with condiments. When she vomited that up she was forced to eat that as well. Sylvia, in retaliation to being picked on she started a rumor that Paula and her sister Stephanie were prostitutes. However after a boy at school jokingly propositioned Stephanie, she came home and confronted Sylvia. Sylvia admitted to starting the rumor which prompted Stephanie to punch her. Sylvia then cried and apologized to which Stephanie also cried. But that didn’t stop her boyfriend Coy Hubbard from beating Sylvia, Slapping her and banging her head against the wall. When Gertrude found out she took her paddle and also beat Sylvia. On another occasion Paula beat Sylvia so bad she broke her wrist over Sylvia’s teeth and eyes. Gertrude would also force Jenny to hit Sylvia. Jenny of course didn’t want to but she also didn’t want to suffer either. Gertrude then would repeatedly accuse Sylvia of being promiscuous and being a prostitute.  Coy Hubbard and a few classmates would frequently visit and brutally abuse Sylvia, physically and verbally. With encouragement from Gertrude the neighborhood kids would torment Sylvia and use her for judo practices, and burn her 100 times with cigarettes. There was one time that Gertrude forced Sylvia to strip and masturbate using a coke bottle in the living room and stated that she should show her sister what she really was. Then Gertrude had forbidden Sylvia from going to school cause she had stolen a gym uniform. I mean if Gertrude had just bought her clothes maybe she wouldn’t have to steal. Gertrude then beat Sylvia for this. She also went on a rant of the evils of premarital sex and repeatedly kicked Sylvia in the genitals. Stephanie stepped in and said she didn’t do anything. Gertrude still whipped her as well as burned her fingertips with matches. A few days later, because of a stolen tennis shoe, Gertrude beat Jenny. Jenny wanted to wear that shoe on her strong foot. 
I bet you guys are wondering why the sisters didn’t try to reach out to family members. I got the answer. They were afraid. They feared that Gertrude would just make their situation worse. Their parents, whenever they could afford it, would go down and visit them. But in late August of their last visit neither girl showed any distress because they were in front of Gertrude and her kids. Once Sylvia’s parents left Gertrude just turned to Sylvia and said ‘What are you going to do Sylvia? They’re gone.’ In mid September the girls encountered their older sister Dianna. They had tried to tell her the abuse they were forced to endure, especially Sylvia, but not knowing the actual address their sister thought they were exaggerating. Weeks prior to that, Jenny and Sylvia had seen Dianna at the park. 11 year old Marie Bansizweski was also there. Sylvia had mentioned to her sister she was hungry and was given a sandwich. When the Likens sisters and Marie got home, Marie told her family about the sandwich and Gretrude and Paula proceeded to beat Sylvia for engaging in gluttony. Both then also started a scalding bath and shoved Sylvia in it to cleanse her of her sin. When Sylvia fainted Gertrude would beat her head on the bathtub to revive her. Shortly after the father of one of the neighborhood kids told the school she was attending that there was a girl with open sores living at the Baniszewski house. A nurse noting that Sylvia hadn’t been at school in a while went to check it out. Once there Gertrude claimed that she didn’t know where Sylvia was and that she was out of control. She told the nurse that Sylvia had just run away and was a bad influence on her children . Because of this the school made no  further investigations into Sylvia’s welfare. They had no idea what was happening. Dianna finally found out that her sisters were staying at the Baniszewski house she went to try and make regular contact. Gertrude told her that by permission of their parents Gertrude was allowed to not let Dianna see her sisters. By chance though she ran into little Jenny. When Dianna asked about Sylvia, Jenny said ‘I can’t tell you or I’ll get in trouble.’  Due to the increasing brutal and frequent abuse, Sylvia became incontinet. She was denied the use of the bathroom being forced to wet herself. Gertrude punished her incontinence by locking her in the basement. Sometimes Sylvia would be tied to the railing of the stairs with her feet barely touching the ground, She was also kept naked, rarely fed, and dehydrated. That was on October 6th. In weeks prior to being locked up Gertrude would falsely accuse Sylvia of insulting everyone in the family. She did this to try and goad her children into attacking Sylvia. One occasion Gertrude took a knife and told Sylvia to try and fight her. Sylvia replied saying she didn’t know how to fight. In response Gertrude would cut Sylvia’s leg. Neighborhood children were paid 5 cents to mutilate Sylvia. 5 cents? Really? Gertrude also with the help of some neighborhood kids would fill the bathtub with scalding hot water and place her in it, then would take her out and rub salt in her wounds. Also Gertrude and her 12 year old son John jr would rub feces and urine from her 1 year old son's diaper in her mouth. Then they gave her half a cup of water and said that was all she would get for the rest of the day. 
On October 22nd John jr tormented Sylvia by giving her a bowl of soup to eat. She was only allowed to eat with her hands and anytime she would try and eat it he would take it away. Gertrude said that Sylvia could start sleeping up stairs again if she had learned to not wet herself. But Gertrude whispered to Jenny to secretly give Sylvia a glass of water before bed. So when morning came and Gertrude saw that Slyvia had wet herself, Gertrude forced her to insert a glass coke bottle into her vagina in the presence of her children and was forced back into the basement. Shortly after Gertrude ordered that Sylvia go to the kitchen and then strip. Stating that Sylvia had branded her daughters and now she was to be branded. Gertrude then took a heated needle and carved I’m a prostitute and proud of it into Sylvia’s stomach. When Gertrude couldn’t finish the branding she had one of the present neighborhood children Richard Hobbs finish it for her. Then both Hobbs and 10 year old Shirely Baniszewski led Sylvia to the basement and took turns using an anchor bolt to burn the letter S under her left breast. However it looked like the number 3. Gertrude later then proceeded to taunt Sylvia saying that she’ll never get married with that brand. Then Sylvia was forced to show the carving to some neighborhood children with Gertrude saying she got it at a sex party. Later that night Sylvia had told her sister that even though Jenny didn’t want her to die, she was going to die. She could tell. The next day Gertrude forced Sylvia to write a letter to mislead her parents. Telling them that she ran away. The letter was meant to frame local boys for her murder. Gertrude then planned that she, John jr, and Jenny would blindfold Sylvia and then leave her in the forest to die. After Sylvia was done with the letter Gertrude tied her back up on the stairs in the basement. 
October 25th, Sylvia attempts to escape from the basement. She makes it to the door before Gertrude catches her. Gertrude gave Sylvia a piece of toast but due to her state of dehydration Sylvia couldn’t eat it. Then Gertrude then forced the toast into Sylvia’s mouth while beating her with a shower curtain rod till it was bent out of place. Coy Hubbard was there and took the curtain rod from Gertrude and beat Sylvia unconscious. A witness heard a commotion but when it stopped  at 3 am she didn’t call the cops. On the morning of October 26, Sylvia couldn’t speak or control her limbs. She was delirious. She tried again to escape the basement but collapsed on the stairs. Gertrude stamped on Sylvia’s head and just stared at her for a moment. Richard Hobbs came by and immediately went to the basement. He slipped on the wet stairs and fell hard to the basement where he was confronted with the sight of Stephanie crying over Sylvia’s emaciated and lacerated body. They gave her a warm bath, got her all cleaned up and took her upstairs to a bedroom. They rested her on a mattress. Stephanie turned to her little sister Shirley. Shirley said ‘Oh she’ll be alright.’  When Stephanie realized that Sylvia wasn’t breathing she tried mouth to mouth resuscitation. Sadly Sylvia had finally succumbed to her injuries. She died at 16 years old. Gertrude kept hitting Sylvia saying she was faking it; Kept calling her a faker. However she started to panic when Sylvia wasn't waking up. The police were called and at 6:30 they arrived on the scene. Gertrude had given them the note that was written by Sylvia. However Jenny whispered to them that if they could get her out of there she would tell them everything. The trial lasted 17 days but Gertrude was found guilty of 1st degree murder, Paula was found guilty of 2nd degree murder, and John jr Hobbs and Hubbard were found guilty of manslaughter. Gertrud and Paula got life imprisonment. Hobbs, Hubbard, and John jr got sentenced 2 to 21 years. This crime was marked the most horrible. I can see why. I just don’t understand how this could have happened. I wonder if they’re even sorry for what they did. 
What do you guys think? Let me know. Message me or leave a comment. Like and reblog. And if you want to continue to read the cases I go through just follow my blog. Till next time.
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multifics-canary · 5 years
Random nanowrimo daminette fic
A/n: this is my random pitch to nanowrimo. And it also includes the adventures of ruby culpa so ye ye. Uhhhh enjoy!
Dupont decided to hold a fashion for all school in the area to participate. A certain class sat around an Italian girl with sausage looking hair, who was the center of attention.
"I would love to join the school event, but my arm hurts really bad from pulling a lot of boxes for charity with Prince Ali. The most I can do is take notes." Lila says sheepishly, looking at her classmates.
"No worries, girl! At least can you watch with us?" Alya says excitedly, leaning forward to her best friend. Lila smiled, her eyes narrowing a little.
"Of course! We can can meet up before the viewing starts."
With that the rest of the class talked, mostly hearing what Lila had to say about something. Adrian ignored his class, focusing on the person he was texting instead.
The night of the event, Dupont was crowded. Lila and her possy lingered around, commenting in each outfit shown.
There was one display that had a cover over it, with the initials on the sign of MDC. No one in Mme. Bustier's class knew why the name sounded familiar, and Lila took advantage of the mystery designer. All she knew MDC was a famous aspiring designer working for Jagged Stone.
"MDC is such a darling," she starts, grabbing their attention. "He's in love with me, but I'm with Damian Wayne. But I gave him the design for tonight's event!" She says, looking at everyone's excited face. Alya frowns a bit, unsure why the name sounded so familiar.
Lila looks to Adrian, only to see him waiting by the front doors. She scowls, even after 3 years, he doesn't fall into her web.
Just as she's about to spin another lie, people begin to crowd around the doors at the front.
The class was curious to the gathering. Lila heads first, managing to squeeze through and nearly shrieked at what she saw.
Adrian was smiling cheekily at a very familiar person, holding her hand after placing a kiss on it. Next to her, a very handsome young man, glaring playfully at Adrian. The infamous Kagami stood next to them, smiling at them as juleka's older brother held her.
The familiar blue eyes shined brightly, causing Lila to sneer.
"How's the lovely couple doing? Am I going to be the best man at your wedding?"
"You wish, Agreste. You'll have to beat my brothers." The black haired man said. Lila was vaguely aware that the class finally pushed their way to the front. Chloe was among them, holding an unknown blonde in her arms.
"Guys come on. As much as I want to talk about when the wedding is, we have to get our grade for this first." Marinette was different, confident, not the clumsy girl that Lila bullied. A group was gathered. Much larger than Lila's as people took pictures of them.
"Is that--?"
"Oh my God it is!"
"Chloe?!" Various reactions were given to the group. The main ones were aimed at Marinette. Alya stared as her former friend laughed lightly, going over to where the MDC display was.
"Marinette, what are you doing?" Lila says, and the group freezes upon hearing her voice. She tries to look innocent, but got a bit unnerved at everyone's gaze on her.
Alya watches as Marinette's face lost all emotion, as did everyone else, including Adrian. She noticed Adrian look actually a little angry at Lila.
"I'm competing. It is a fashion event. This is also a grade for me to graduate." Marinette replied, and Alya flinched . Her voice held nothing. There was no warmth in her eyes. She looked at her best friend, and saw anger, of what, she didn't know.
"I meant what are you doing near my friend's display. MDC worked so hard and you're going to claim his work?" Lila supplies, everyone's eyes on them. There's tension growing, students from other school's looking between the students of Dupont and the students of the private school of arts.
The unknown blonde in Chloe's arms cracks first, covering her mouth to laugh, only to fail when Chloe joined in as well. Marinette and the others looked at them in amusement, as Lila and her group stared offended.
"Oh man. Last time I heard something this ridiculous was when I told uncle Gabriel I was bisexual." The blonde said, and Chloe laughed harder, this time Adrian joining.
"Father's look when that happened was the best. Rubes you really went for it. " Adrian states happily and his classmates look at him like he grew a second head.
"Chloe??" Everyone turned to the the meek voice of Sabrina, who was staring at the two blonde's. Lila stared Marinette, angry that she wasn't getting the attention.
"Who is this?"
"Really, Sabrina? I've gossiped and ranted about this girl since we were younger and you're basically telling you pretended to listen to me?" Chloe states, glaring at the orange haired girl, who flinched severely.
"Love, relax. Remember we're here for marinette and that grade. But mostly Marinette." The blonde says calmly, and Chloe visibly relaxes under her voice.
"Of course, my rose."
"Ok, what is going on?!" Alya yells out. Everyone turns to her, and Lila is somewhat grateful for her 'best friend'. "Marinette, they said you were expelled after bullying Lila, with no chance of rejoining any school." At the words, students looked to see Marinette stare unimpressed at her former friend.
"Honestly Alya, this shows you aren't the reporter I thought you were." Everyone turned to Adrian who had said that, his eyes an unusual cold green. Marinette just sighed and pulled the cover back.
The crowd gasped at the hero themed dress. It wasn't a Ladybug OR Chat Noir theme, but a Robin themed dress. One of the heroes of Gotham.
"MDC did so well with my des--"
"Say one more word about my fiance like you know her, I will personally see to it that you lose everything. " Damian spoke dangerously low, glaring at Lila as she paled drastically.
"I-I don't know--"
"Who do you think you are?!" Alya spoke up, standing between Lila and the group. The look on the man's face grew colder.
"Be glad I am not sueing you for using my name. Not yet anyways."
"Name? What name? Lila isn't lying!" Alya insisted.
"Damian, love, just forget it. We're here for the grade, not drama." Lila pales considerably at the the name.
"Damian?? As in the Damian Wayne!?" Alix spoke up, looking at all of them. The short girl turned to Marinette, showing nothing but excitement and shock. "You're engaged to Damian freaking Wayne!!"
Everyone whispers amongst themselves, Lila's group slowly paling at the realization. "MDC... m-marinette was the one who made Jagged's glasses." Mylene said softly, holding herself.
Alya stares at the dress intensely, as if trying to find something. Which she was, because Lila had to be telling the truth. Her best friend wouldn't lie about Damian and knowing MDC. But what--
Around the collar of the dress, a gold pattern sewed on. Normally, it looks like a beautifully crafted design that contrasts well with the colors of the dress. Alya titled her head a little and gasped, dread and horror creeping in her stomach.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
"Marinette, I'm so glad you've joined us today." Principal Damocles stated, walking through the group of students. You could see how nervous he was to see the former student, and miserably tried to hide his shame. After all, Marinette was one of the brightest students in the school and they wrongly accused her.
"I'm here for my grade. Nothing else."
"O-of course. Mlle. Bourgeois, I believe that your mother is a judge, correct?" He turned his attention to the blonde, flinching a little at her stare.
Lila looked around and saw her possy pale considerably at something on the dress when Alya pointed out to them. It was bad enough damian Wayne was here, but now something bout the dress? How she prayed hawkmoth was still active.
The italian felt eyes on her and turned to see the unnamed blonde, staring at right her. "You know, when my brother told me some girl had tried to ruin marigold's life by lying, I thought she would at least be pretty."
"Mlle. Culpa!" Damocles yelled, Lila practically seeing red as Chloe laughed and the lied group stared in horror.
"Can it, Damocles. The girl can Express how she feels, especially if it involves this cheaply dressed model." Everyone turned and saw Chloe's mother-- fashion queen Audrey-- walk up as the sea of students parted like the red sea.
She looked at the dress and inspected it, writing down things on a paper she had. It only took a few more minutes before she turned to Marinette. "Well Mari dear, you surpass my expectations as always. Your grade will be given to your school. Chloe and chloe's rose, I want you both tomorrow with this childs information." And with she walked off, leaving the gaping class.
"Culpa? As in Felix Culpa? Adrian's cousin?" Rose stepped forward, staring excitedly at the couple. "You helped prince Ali with one of his many children's hospital!"
"C-children hosptial?" Lila didn't know that. Especially the fact that Felix Culpa's little sister was apart of it.
"Oh, Lila. I thought you had some little random boy toy to pretend was in love with you. Like my brother, my cousin, Damian-- oh wait, they never talked to you." Ruby glared at the Italian, smiling viciously at her.
Slowly, Alya turned to Lila, seeing her trying to struggle to come up with another lie. "Let's not forget how you've willingly worked with a powered terrorist, and use that to try and murder Jagged Stone's honorary niece."
Gasps were heard when Ruby said that out loud. Everyone could see Lila turn sickly green as she began to back away.
"You lied about everything!" Alya snapped first, followed by everyone else. Marinette just stared, shaking her head before turning and walking out with her friends in tow.
"Its over, angel. Its over." Damian whispers to her, holding her close when they were outside. After years of the torment of Lila, and the threat of Hawkmoth as well, it was all over.
Finally. Paris is safe.
General tags: @the-wlw-cafe @natu123 @mcgrathandwives @imagine-lcorp @baked-bean-bekah @miraculous-of-salt
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secret-ssociety · 5 years
Pairing: college!Peter Parker x Reader Warnings: Harassment, cursing, a little angst, a liiiittle violence, fluff Summary: Girl meets boy. Girl goes on a date with boy. Girl tells boy to be just friends at the end of the date. Boy spreads rumors about girl. Girl gets harassed in campus. Girl has a conversation with best friend about dating and soulmates. Fluff follows. A/N: not like a trigger warning but there is a some God-related talk in the following lines and if that makes you uncomfortable don’t bother reading because I don’t want complaints
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When Peter graduated high school he made a vow to himself to no more silent crushes. His days of stealing glances and staring in awe from across the hall were over. Of course he hadn’t met you yet.
Right into his first day in his dorm, his roommates had started ranting about a girl, a freshman like himself, that was absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. She came from California, they only knew that much about her, even her name was a mystery.
The next day, at his first class, he saw you enter to his same class room and instantly knew you were her. He didn’t even need you to introduce yourself, you were exactly what everyone had described and he immediately understood why everyone was head over heels for you.
You were shyly looking for a place to seat before the class started and Peter didn’t know what had taken over himself when he pointed to the sit next to him and said “this seat is empty” but you looked at him with the most beautiful smile he had ever seen and he didn’t regretted it.
One could say things moved on pretty fast from that moment on between the two of you, you gave him your number at the end of the class and had lunch together the next day, started studying together which led to you meeting his roommates (and befriending them easily now that you were more comfortable in college) and basically spending any free moment together. He even adjusted Spider-Man’s schedule to be able to hang out with you. 
In no time, you were best friends and he knew from good source (Aunt May) that college friendships were known to be more lasting, which would’ve been great if a friendship was all he wanted with you. To say that he liked you was an understatement, he loved you, he wanted to marry you and be the father of your children. Not that he was going to say anything any time soon, though.
You were at the beginning of fifth semester and he still hadn’t said anything.
Silent crush.
But now it was march and the new year was just picking up. That particular day was sunny, the air smelled like spring, classes had ended early and it was the easiest part of the semester anyway. Everything was great, right?
Because you were at a date with some frat douche at that very moment. Therefore Peter was laying face down on his bed, windows closed, lights shut and not making the slightest human interaction. His roommates had been trying to get him out of bed for the past hour and, seeing that none of their efforts paid off, they decided a more intense approach was needed.
They turned him around violently, two grabbed his legs, one grabbed his arms and he was dragged (thrown) to the shower under the threat that they wouldn’t let him get out of the bathroom until he got his shit together. By that moment, he already knew his friends pretty well and he knew they were absolutely capable of starving him and using the bathroom of a gas station if they had to, so cooperating was his best option.
Once he was clean and dressed, he was dragged to a party he didn’t even know was happening. None of his friends left his side, which he deep down appreciated, and tried vigorously to cheer him up, trying to tell him that you were not the only girl out there and pointing at many others present at the party. But none of them were his Y/N.
It was probably eleven o’clock when he was able to go back to the apartment he shared with his three friends. He threw the keys over the coffee table and made his way towards his room, where he plopped on his bed sticking his face between his hands.
A slight knock on his window startled him and when he turned around he saw you standing on the fire exit with half a smile, he quickly opened the window and greeted you, instantly noticing that you weren’t as happy and cheerful as you usually were.
“How was your date?” he risked to ask, feeling his heart clench, you just shrugged sitting on his bed, your back turned to him “not that great, I don’t think there will be another one” you answered playing with your fingers. Don’t smile don’t smile don’t smile he thought. You had picked your hair in a ponytail and were wearing a short pink dress, you were looking so cute it almost hurt. 
He opened his mouth to ask but you talked first “I really don’t want to talk about it. I came here as soon as he dropped me off, I hope you don’t mind” he quickly shook his head no and you sighed, facing him for the first time “can I stay over? The girls will want to interrogate me and I don’t feel like it,” Peter nodded with a sweet smile caressing your cheek.
A small smile cracked in your lips, just to fade when you turned around to take off your shoes and free your hair from the hair tie, you had already wiped your make up off with some baby wipes you kept at your purse so you just proceeded to lay on the bed, your head finding your rightful place in Peter’s chest.
“Were you drinking? You smell like rum” you said after a few seconds and felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled.
“Well, I had to do something while you ditched me” he joked, feeling your smile before falling sleep.
Peter caressed your hair absently, making you crack a small smile in your sleep. You had already slept together, no big deal, specially at finals each semester where you took any moment you could and napped together, but his heart still fluttered when you cuddled against him. It was beating so fast, he couldn’t understand how it hadn’t woken you up.
He knew very little about your date, he only knew he was an economics major, his name was Michael and how did he land a spot at the MIT remained a mystery. If he had landed a spot in the University of Arizona, it would remain a mystery. How he graduated high school remained a mystery.
... okay, maybe he didn’t know that much.
But he hated that guy’s guts for the only reason of having the courage to ask you on a date and the luck to have you say yes. When you told him, he couldn’t believe it. In your three years of college you had never went on a date and not for lack of suitors. Eventually your singleness prompted dozens of myths among freshmen.
You were a lesbian. You were asexual. You were a virgin with vaginismus. You were an alien and whoever attempted to get you laid would see the tentacles you tried so hard to hide. You were part of a cult that forbid you from fancying anyone. You were part of a cult that encouraged you to fancy people and lure them into a cave where you had to sacrifice them to pagan gods, but you didn’t since your affiliation to said cult came only from your parents being founders of it so it was easier to not see anyone.
Freshmen’s creativity could be terrifying.
But somehow this asshole, with nothing that made him somehow more special than any of the dozens of idiots that had asked you out before, had landed a date.
Lucky for Peter, you didn’t want to got on a second date with the lucky bastard and now he could go right back into silently planning the rest of your lives together in peace. Or so he thought.
It was about two in the morning when you slowly started to get up form the bed, trying not to wake Peter up. “Where’re you going?” you heard his sleepy voice when you were slowly opening the door, you turned “I have a two hour lecture in half an hour” you replied vaguely, your cold tone almost hurt but Peter understood that you weren’t in a good mode, “why?” was all he could manage to say.
You smiled fondly looking at Peter’s sleepy and confused self, you walked over him and laid him down gently, running your fingers through his hair “I arrived to inscription late” you explained making Peter laugh “idiot” he mumbled and you rolled your eyes “good night, loser.”
You were at the door when, again, his voice stopped you, “you sure you’re okay?” he asked shyly and you smiled at him “yeah, I mean it’s over.”
Little did you know it was still far from over.
Apparently Michael didn’t like being rejected and within twelve hours he managed to have the whole campus talking about how you were ungrateful, a tease and a prude, among other things. Turn the other cheek you kept telling to yourself, but it continued getting harder and harder.
Guys walked next to you with a mocking smirk, subtly mumbling something about you being a bitch that thought she was better than them and leading poor Michael on when finding out he had a massive crush on you. Girls gave you the side eye while, not so subtly, calling you a slutty prude —if that makes any sense— and how Michael was so handsome they would have “finished what you started.”
Now, Peter had never been one to start a fight, he was rather pacific, but when a group of you date’s classmates whispered the words “fucking tease” when passing you through the hall, he snapped. His sight blurred and suddenly everything he could see was red. He had been hearing comments about you all the fucking day and just couldn’t take him anymore.
He wasn’t very tall or overly muscly, but he pushed that guy with an unreasonable amount of strength. Everyone stood there in absolute shock, even the guy, who was obviously a jock, but as soon as Peter took another step towards him you grabbed him by the arm and dragged him to his apartment before he caused more of a scene.
“What the fuck is wrong with everyone today?” he asked as soon as the entered the living room, you sat on the couch, clearly tired, and he sat down in front of you on the coffee table grabbing your hands tenderly, the softness of his touch almost made you cry after the day you’d had, “what happened on that date?”
You sighed “I just told him I wanted to be friends” you whispered glancing at the floor “I never knew how curious people could be about me not wanting to go on dates. Michael asked and I wasn’t sure how to explain him that when he asked me it felt different.
“Different?” he asked.
“It felt right” you answered and couldn’t ignore the way his jaw clenched.
“I don’t want to be like the people here, Peter” you explained quietly “people like to just see people to keep themselves entertained, that’s not what I want. What do you want?” you asked him. “I guess...” he started thinking “I want someone who’s going to make me feel that I have everything in the world, who sets a before and after in my life.”
You crossed your legs in butterfly, leaning a little into him and not letting go of his hands “I know what everyone says about not overthinking the future and living in the moment, but I feel like if you’re not dating for marriage, you’re dating for heartbreak. Maybe not even marriage, but a lifetime commitment” you explained gently playing with his fingers, he decided to return the touch “you want to get married?” he asked cautiously.
“Yeah. Someday” you replied.
The Sun had started to fall pretty quickly, leaving you in darkness except for the soft light of the lamp pole outside the window, since neither of you had turned the lights on on your way in.
“And you want that to be with the one” he continued. He didn’t know what he was doing. Maybe he was doing what he thought he was doing. Maybe he was doing something completely different.
“I know it sounds dumb, childish” you sighed “but I believe that God created each and one of us for someone else, that there is a particular person out there that is meant to fit us. I know that’s part of the plan He has for every one of us.”
Until this day, Peter had never really heard you talk about God, conversations simply never led to that topic, but know he just couldn’t take his eyes off of you, he couldn’t stop dreaming about what you were saying. You were practically whispering, so he leaned into your voice.
“And when I pray for love” you proceeded “I don’t pray for Him to send me someone. Michael is someone, the guys on the hall were someone, Mark, John and Carlos are someone. I don’t want someone. I want not a boyfriend but a life-mate. I want the love of my life.”
The two had, unconsciously, leaned into each other, your faces inches away, your slow breathing hitting each other’s face.
“How will you know when you find the right person?” you were still playing with each other’s fingers.
“Maybe I won’t right away” you said after a couple seconds, looking at the mess of your fingers in his while his eyes lingered on your face “that happens to a lot of people, but I don’t know if it will be the same for me. I don’t expect to be love at first sight, but maybe familiarity. One day looking into their eyes and seeing everything you want in life, feeling the hand your meant to hold the rest of your days” slowly, you intertwined his fingers with yours.
You looked at him, despite the darkness in the room, gazing into his lips, his jaw, his nose, his cheeks, his eyes... You thought about him in the last couple of years, how he had cared for you, opened you to his life, how you almost looked for him after a test, a hard lecture or simply a bad day, longing for his embrace, how you had went to his place as soon as your date was over, the way you always seemed to gravitate towards him...
Haltingly you leaned into each other, almost as if physically pulled. Your lips where slightly parted as his own brushed the tip of them softly, your own breath got stucked in your chest at the feeling of his touch but that didn’t stop you from ending the gap and meeting his kiss.
It was slow, caring, even careful, completely unhurried as you felt a complete fulfillness wash over you, fitting perfectly on his soft lips and feeling something similar to when you’re putting together a puzzle and one of the pieces falls right into place. His hand found a place in the back of your neck to sweetly pull you closer, if possible, and your hand cupped his cheek.
“I think it’s you, Peter Parker” you whispered “It’s going to be you.”
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babyleclerc · 5 years
Tequila Sunrise
Pairings: Chris Evans x Fem Reader
Style: One-Shot
Request?: No, but 100% inspired by that stupid Shawn Mendes/Camila Cabello song I will never get out of my head
Warnings: Language. Smut. Unprotected sex (woops, wrap it before you tap it, kids). NSFW. Slight dom!Chris.
Word count: 4.5K 
Summary: You’ve known Chris since you were twelve. He’s always been a constant for you, never a romantic interest. But will the summer heatwave, humidity and pool time get to your head and change the way you feel about each other? Includes Anthony Mackie!
A/N: Holy shit, you guys. I’ve been working on this one all week. I won’t lie, I’m attached to this one and really hope you guys like it. :3 I’m considering doing a series tied to this -- more of what happens with Reader/Chris & potentially with Ava (bc I love her personality and modeled her off Blake Lively, if you couldn’t tell). If you liked this/would be interested in reading more in this world please comment and let me know!! Your support helps me write :))
This story truly feels like my baby so please do leave it some love/review if you liked it. Sorry if the smut sucked I hate writing it but felt like it was essential to the story jfdlakflds;akf;dsaf. Don’t hate me. ALSO, huge thank you to my #1 @deartomhardy. She helped me through this in so many ways. Hyped me up when parts of this fic made me sweaty, yelled at me when I whined about the smut. Supported me literally through it all. I love u my baby angel. <3 (Gif not mine!)
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You say we’re just friends,
But friends don’t know the way you taste.
‘Cause you know it’s been a long time coming,
Don’t you let me fall.
It was hotter than all hell, and you were starting to get sick of the dry heat that was coursing it’s way through the city the past few days. Your hometown used to be so enjoyable; better weather, less traffic, less people, less lines, less noise. Now, everything was popular - and not in a cute way. The donut shop down the street you had been going to since you were five was now considered a collectible. You saw tourists at the airport with the stupid blue boxes everywhere. The quaint coffee shop that was next to a questionable Chinese restaurant had now multiplied where you could find one on almost every street corner. Even down to the people - one in particular - who used to just be a regular Joe Schmoe was now a celebrity in his (also your) hometown. Wild.
“Find any hotties out there?” You turned your head to the edge of the pool to peer through your circular sunglasses at the voice. Mackie was leaned against the cool tiles surrounding the edge of the pool, the bottom of his body enveloped in water. He turned to look at Chris who had just entered the gated pool area.
“I just went to get some beers, Mack. Chill.” Chris replied, and you couldn’t help the small smile that formed on your lips at his response.
Local-theatre-geek-turned-celebrity did have its perks, though. For one, you were able to enjoy a private pool on a 97 degree day, well, privately. Chris’s summer home was nothing short of a resort; food at any and all hours of the day, a pool, hot tub, and theater room. The best part about the pool was that there were no kids screaming and running around, wreaking havoc. You had a barbecue all to yourself, you could blast music and no one would complain. Plus, you found yourself suddenly surrounded by far better and more interesting company.
You and Chris had always been close. That was clear to everyone around you. You went to his premieres, supported him on Broadway, stayed up with him late into the night over the phone when his anxiety got the best of him, and he was a full Country away from you. Assured him that he would have the family he’s always wanted one day. And he supported you through all your endeavors. Helped you pay your way through grad school (I have so much money, Y/N, I literally don’t know what to do with it. Let me do something good for you, just this once he’d said to you late that night on the floor of your college dorm). Listened to you when you ranted about your parents and how the planet alignment was throwing off your mood. Was a shoulder to cry on when you went through breakups. There were no secrets between you, and there was no drama.
You knew this was because the only rule you had with Chris was the one that had stood the test of time: no sex. Period. No matter how drunk you got in the college dorms or at Marvel premieres. Even if you didn’t have someone to kiss at midnight on New Year’s Eve. Even if you were vulnerable, heart aching for some affection and non-romantic sex after your ex cheated on you. Even if you were just plain horny. No. Sex. Your 20+ year friendship had lasted this long because one person in the relationship had always stood that ground no matter the circumstances. And for that, you were so thankful. Thankful for the lack of complications and strings; thankful you had someone in your life you could be you around. It was a rarity these days.
“Beer?” Said friend asked you, sunglasses adorned his tanning face. You looked up from Mackie and nodded, stretching out a hand to reach for the refreshing drink Chris was offering your way.
“Please,” You respond, waiting for Chris to pad his way over to you across the massive outdoor patio.
Had Chris not had his sunglasses on, you would have noticed the way he was eyeing your outstretched body, clad only in a thin, navy blue bikini on the poolside chair. Your bottoms hugged your hips as if made just for you; your tousled hair touching just beneath your shoulders; stray strands innocently snuggled beneath your breasts.
He took a breath, willing himself to look away as he handed you the cool drink. You noticed the way his obliques twitched with his arm movement, and how massive his biceps were after coming off of Endgame. You had, of course, noticed your best friend’s looks before - you weren’t blind - but the heat was making you see him in a different light. You took a swig of your beer, hoping the distraction would take you away from the way a bead of sweat was falling just along his torso towards the top of his swim trunks...
“I’d love one, Chris, thanks for asking.” Your best friend, Ava, spoke out next to you.
“Did you have to bring her?” Chris teased, grabbing another beer and gently tossing it towards Ava, who lay sprawled out on a lounge chair next to you in a stunning red one piece that hugged her cleavage just right.
Ava was the quintessential best friend whose kindness and selflessness made up for the fact that any woman next to her would otherwise feel inadequate.
She had long, slender legs, carved after years of soccer, tennis, biking, and basically any sport she could get her hands on. The constant need for an adrenaline rush made her tanned skin stay year-round, which was accompanied by a moderate four pack, large natural breasts, and wavy, thick blonde hair that always fell just right. Add her bright emerald eyes and a contagious laugh that lit up any room, and she was a heartbreaker to any man that was lucky enough to be in the same room as her.
But Ava didn’t care about that stuff, and that’s what made her so special. She was selfless. She put everyone else’s needs above her own, and had kindness oozing out of her, no matter the circumstances. She went to Mexico on a UNICEF trip on a whim after reading an article about children in need on a random Tuesday morning. She put her younger brother through medical school when both of her parents passed away unexpectedly (still a mystery to everyone else how she ever managed it). She was a perfect blend of compassion and enthusiasm that attracted men who wanted to get in bed with her and women who wanted to be associated with her. And it was effortless; as if it came to her like breathing.
“They’re kind of a package deal, those two.” Mackie piped up from the pool, grinning as he unashamedly drank Ava in. He had been trying to get with her all summer, but Ava stood her ground. She wasn’t one for summer flings.
But Chris knew this already; in fact it was Ava and Chris’s friendship that had gotten you to know Chris to begin with. Your mom had forced you into 6th grade soccer (hoping you would show some sort of athletic talent in your childhood) where you had met Ava on the very first day. Chris had been on the boys team at your middle school, and Ava being, well, Ava, had already made friends with the entire team within days. Your practices were on separate fields, separated only by a goal post but always ended at the same time. You would frequently all walk home together after practice, stopping for a smoothie, donuts, or ice cream along the way depending on the weather and talking about everything under the sun. Those walks were the reason you stuck with soccer for all those years (sorry, Mom).
“I already know what you’re going to say,” Ava started, lowering her voice and leaning towards you so the boys couldn’t hear. “But if I didn’t know any better, I’d say a certain someone was checking you out today.”
You rolled your eyes, but felt your heart skip a beat at the insinuation. “Don’t go starting shit, Ave. He’s seen me in a bikini a million times.”
“Yeah, and you’ve seen him shirtless a million times, too, and yet here you are gawking at him like he’s some Sports Illustrated model.”
“Am not!” You laughed, taking a drink of your beer. You noticed the way Chris’s eyebrows raised at the sound of you from across the patio; he was always in tune with you even from a thousand miles away.
“Prove it.” Ava deadpanned, swinging her legs over her chair to sit up and face you.
“What?” You asked, exhausted by your best friend’s antics.
“Prove it.” She repeated, setting her beer down on the cement. “If it’s no big deal, and you feel the same way about him you always have and nothing’s changed-” She used air quotations, referring to the thousands of conversations you’d had about Chris since you were both back visiting your hometown and hanging out with Ava, “-then swimming and playing around in the pool should be no big deal. Just another swim with your best buds.”
She had a wicked grin on her face, and you knew you were in trouble. When Ava set her mind to something, she always saw it through. No matter what.
“Please don’t do this.” You pouted, though your best friend was already standing, waiting to make her move. The pitied look on your face didn’t fool her, and you found she was ignoring you as she dramatically fanned herself, heading towards the pool.
“It’s getting a bit toasty. I think I’ll take a dip to cool off.” She announced, “Y/N, you coming?”
“I think I’m good, thanks.” You glared at her, unamused. She shot you a wink in response.
“Man, I was really hoping we could chicken fight. Evans!” Chris jumped at the sudden inclusion from the loud blonde. “You in?”
He looked up from the edge of the pool where he had been leaning against one of the railings. Him and Mackie had been discussing some latest sports announcement at length, since you had been too bored earlier to listen out at lunch.
“Mhm?” Chris asked, clearly not paying attention to Ava’s antics and shooting a look over to the both of you. You noticed the beer in his hand was nearly empty.
“Chicken fight!” Ava said enthusiastically, “Me ‘n Mack vs you two losers.”
“Alright!” Mackie shouted happily, “Now things are getting interesting. Finally.”
Chris sighed, not near excited for the fight as the other two. “You in, partner?”
“I guess.” You groaned, knowing you had no way out of both Anthony and Ava’s persistence. You pulled yourself up off the chair and stood, stretching and rolling your neck, which had been stiff from the CrossFit class Ava had forced you to earlier in the week. Your muscles still ached from the fifty minute torture session you cursed your best friend all the way through, and though you’d never admit it - a dip in the pool sounded so refreshing after nearly 45 minutes in the heat.
Chris’s eyes never left you, or the way your body was glistening in the sunlight. The summer heat was leaving your cheeks just flushed, and he noticed how the thin swim material hugged your plump ass seductively. You were oblivious. Oblivious to the beauty and perfection Chris saw in you, how your right dimple surfaced when you laughed, and your eyelashes fluttered when you slept deeply. He felt a small pang of jealousy in his gut at the thought of all the guys who had seen you that way, and wondered if they noticed all those things about you that he did.
Throughout high school and through adulthood, people had always assumed Chris was dating Ava. Whether it was friends, family, or tabloids - people always gushed over what a “beautiful couple” he and Ava made. Maybe it was because of the stark blond hair, or maybe that she was almost taller than Chris, and they appeared to be “perfectly matched”. To Chris, she was just Ava. A close, and dear friend, but no one he would ever be romantically interested in. 
She wasn’t you.
Much to your annoyance (and to Ava’s pleasure), chicken fighting with Chris had been just as awkward as you had expected. You were acutely aware of every touch - the way his strong hands gripped your thighs when you were straddled on top of his shoulders, desperately trying to shove your best friend off Anthony’s. She was stronger than you; that much was obvious. But having Chris at the base gave you an edge, and you ended up winning more than the other pair thanks to his cheating swipes at Mackie from under the water.
While the game was innocent enough, you heart drummed loudly in your chest every time his skin made contact with yours. Several times as you fell, shoved off by Ava’s very aggressive pushes, you’d feel Chris’s strong arms envelope you, laughing and crashing into the water with you. His arm stayed wrapped around your torso, holding you easily against his hip as you pushed up for air. Water droplets danced along your shoulders as you laughed, easily wrapping your legs around Chris as an excuse for support.
Finally, after several hours of Marco/Polo, ring tossing, and shark and minnows, Anthony and Ava had tired themselves out and retired to their respective homes. You and Chris had moved to the hot tub, tucked deep into the corner of the house, where you could still see the stars. The heatwave had finally burnt off, and you felt a cool breeze rolling through the property, sending a slight shiver down your spine. You leaned your head back onto the cool, diamond tiles that lined the tub, your legs peacefully resting on Chris’s lap across from you as the jets made water bubbles all around you. You sighed, blissfully happy - nothing was better than a long, warm day at the pool with your best friends.
“What’s goin’ on in that head of yours?” Chris asked softly. His fingers danced across your legs like a whisper, his warm blues matching the color of the water just beneath his sturdy chest. 
“I’ve just missed this,” You reply, raising your eyes to meet his. “Life should always be this simple.”
“It can be.” Chris retaliated, thumb now making small circles just above your ankle. You smiled softly.
“Sometimes. But other times I remember that there’s reality, and we have to work and pay bills and like... be an adult.” You sighed again, “It’s just not the same as...” You trailed off, not having the balls to finish your sentence. You awkwardly broke eye contact with him, looking down at your hands in the water.
“Not the same as what?” He pressed, hand now gripping your ankle gently. He tugged just enough to force you to make eye contact with him again. 
“Real life just isn’t the same as being here with you,” You finished out awkwardly. This was uncharted territory - you’d never talked about this kind of stuff with Chris. You were always just friends, and that was the extent of it. Nothing more; and there was never really an opportunity to be more than that because both of you had never let it. 
But now... now he was here. And he was so... perfect. And caring. And kind. And he listened to your ideas, beyond just wanting to get into your pants. And he knew you so intimately, it was hard to think about being with anyone else. It made you wonder if all of your past relationships had failed for a reason, maybe there was someone else you were supposed to be with, and he had been right in front of you this entire time?
Chris tugged on your leg, a little stronger this time, willing you towards him as the water bounced between you guys softly. He was closing the gap between the both of you, but the pace in which he was taking was painfully slow. You felt every second, as if it had been slowed down five times, as you inched towards him slowly.
“Chris, I...” You whispered, as his hands enveloped you, gripping your waist and maneuvering you so that you straddled his lap.
“What?” He asked breathlessly, drunk on your smell, and the way your ass was settling on his groin. His eyes still haven’t left yours, he’s testing you - daring you to be the one to pull away first. 
“I don’t trust myself right now.” You reply, eyes boring into his. Your face was millimeters away from his, and you so desperately wanted to reach out and taste him; know what it would feel like to kiss those soft, pink lips. 
“Just one kiss.” He breathed. His tone was more of a request than it was statement, he was begging you to give in just this once. You lifted your hands and rested them on the sides of his face, feeling his slight stubble against the palms of your hands.In the decades of knowing him, you had never been this close. You breathed in deeply, taking in his scent. You felt as though you were home. And although it was likely only seconds that passed by, it felt like it had been a million minutes all smashed into one, and you finally leaned in, closing the fraction of space between your lips.
And suddenly, you were falling. Falling so deep into Chris and your feelings it was indescribable. He tasted like a perfect blend of vanilla, honey and strawberries; likely from the massive bowl he had eaten just hours before. 
His arms wrapped around you, pulling you as close into him as he could. This was more than just one kiss, and both of you knew it. There was no going back now.
After a few breathy moments, Chris pulled back for air, immediately relocating his lips onto the crook of your neck, kissing every inch of your skin from your jawline down to your shoulder. Your skin felt as though it was on fire, and it had nothing to do with the temperature of the water. You leaned into him, a soft moan escaping your lips as you let your eyes flutter closed. His hands roamed up your spine, tugging at the spandex material that was barricading him from access to your breasts.
“Not here,” You murmured, letting your head fall against his shoulder. As warm and sexy as the hot tub was, you weren’t interested in your first time with Chris being messy and wet in his outdoor hot tub. Plus, the cool breeze was starting to give you goosebumps.
He pulled away from the hickey he was working on just above your right breast. “Hold onto my neck.” He said against your skin. Wrapping your legs around his waist he easily stood, carefully maneuvering the both of you out of the hot tub and towards one of the guest bedrooms just a few feet from the hot tub. All the while his lips continued his assault on any part of you that he could, stumbling in the dark towards the massive queen bed that was enveloped in snow white sheets.
A small giggle escaped from your lips as he tripped slightly, dropping you backwards and onto the soft mattress.
“Think that’s funny?” He asked, grinning as he took in the sight of you; eyes sparkling and hair wet and wild, soaking the cotton sheets beneath you. Nothing separated him from you other than your skimpy bikini, which he was determined to pull off within minutes of having you on the bed.
“I mean, it was a little dramatic,” You teased, reaching out to grab his left arm, and interlacing your fingers easily as he leaned over, hovering over top of you. No part of you were touching just yet, other than his hand in yours. “I do have working legs, ya know.”
“Well, yes, but where’s the fun in that?” He teased, allowing himself to settle on top of you easily. He was grinning from ear to ear, and you weren’t sure if it was your ego or the heat of the moment - but you could have sown you’d never seen him this happy.
“Are we really gonna do this?” You asked softly, reaching your hand to stroke the side of his face, your eyes searching his.
“Do you want to?” He asked, ever the gentleman. Your heart was ringing in your ears, aware of the hard erection Chris was sporting through his swim trunks. It pressed against your right thigh gently. You squirmed beneath him.
“I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.” You murmured, and that was the final confirmation Chris needed to close the gap between you two once more.
And this time was different from the hot tub. In the water you were slow, deliberate, wanting every nerve in your body to feel him against you. This was different; he was hungry for you. His hands made quick work of your bikini top, tossing it onto the floor as your lips parted to make room for his tongue.
His right hand massaged your left breast, pinching and flicking your nipple every so often. The sensation made you moan, and you arched your back in response. You could feel your pussy throbbing for him, begging him to please you, touch you.
Needing air, you pulled away from him, placing kisses along his chin and down his jawline.
“Chris,” You moaned into his ear, slightly tugging on his long, wet hair as his thumb padded your tout nipple.
“Mhm,” You were quickly realizing that Chris was going to make you beg him for this one. After years and years of waiting, he wanted to hear exactly what you wanted him to do to you. He wasn’t going to give you an easy out. Not tonight anyway.
“Please,” You begged, as his right hand moved slowly, torturously from your breast and across your tummy, running a finger along your slit over top your bottoms.
“What do you want?” He asked, nose nuzzling your neck before biting you gently.
You groaned, annoyed at the teasing. “We’ve had twenty years of foreplay, Evans. You know what I want.”
He chuckled against your skin, palming your pussy in response.
“Don’t be a smartass.” He bit your earlobe gently, running his tongue along your neck. “All you have to do is ask.”
You weren’t used to such a dominant side of Chris, but the rate in which it was turning you on was unbelievable. He was confident and sexy in the bedroom - a side of him you weren’t used to seeing. It was a relief to feel like you were being taken care of, and that your needs were coming before his. Even if he was making you beg.
Deciding that being blunt was the only way to get what you want you pushed him away from your neck gently, meeting his warm blues. There was a quick beat.
“I want you to fuck me, Chris.” It was so vulgar you felt your cheeks go warm. But if Chris was turned on before, it was nothing like the look of desperation and hunger he had in his eyes now.
He shoved  his swim trunks off, freeing his cock that was standing at attention. You craned your neck to get a look, mouth practically watering at the sight. Chris yanked off your bottoms next and paused for a minute, drinking you in.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” He breathed, his hands running down your sides. His hand stopped just above your folds, locating your wild eyes and watching your face as he slipped in one, two, then three fingers, testing your readiness.
You hissed, writhing at the feeling and pulled at the sheets in a death grip. After a few pumps he pulled out of you, but not after sliding his index finger once across your clit. The feeling made you shutter, and your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
He aligned himself, pausing to soak you in. After all these years of wondering, wishing, hoping; you were all his. He didn’t have to worry about anybody or anything else. You were here, and this was perfect.
Your eyes fluttered open, wondering what the hesitation was. You knew immediately he was silently asking for permission one more time. Once you crossed this line, there was no going back. Your hand found his and you intertwined your fingers once more.
“I want this.” You whispered reassuringly.
That was the confirmation Chris needed to settle himself above you, and slide into your pussy slowly. Inch by inch you felt yourself filled up by his impressive length, and you squeezed his hand, moaning loudly.
“Jesus,” He moaned, allowing your body to adjust before beginning to fuck you slowly. “So wet.”
His mouth latched onto one your breasts, licking and nipping at your sensitive nipple as he began slamming into you with more speed. His thumb was still making fast work of your clit, and the triple combination was making it hard for you to not cum quickly.
“Chris,” You breathed, reveling in the way his cock felt inside of you. You bucked your hips hoping to allow him to penetrate you deeper.
“So absolutely perfect.” Chris kept murmuring against your skin, over and over as he kissed, licked, and squeezed every inch of you he could. He picked up the pace, feeling your walls tightening around his cock. You were dangerously close to release.
You tried to form words but couldn’t think coherently. Everything was a blur, and every nerve was on edge as you felt yourself inching quickly toward orgasm. One more thrust from Chris and you let go, crying out as your walls clenched down on his cock without mercy.
Squeezing your breast, he found your mouth and kissed you as if his life depended on it. After a few more thrusts, he, too, let out a loud groan as you felt him finish inside you.
Still seeing stars you blinked a few times, your brain trying to catch up to the scene unfolding in front of you. You had just had sex with Chris Evans. Best friend of over 20 years. Man you shared every intimate secret with. He’s seen you naked. Touched you everywhere. Came inside you. Holy shit.
Chris was still lost in his orgasm, panting slightly. He pulled out of you, rolling over to his side.
“Wow,” He breathed. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. “That was…”
“Amazing?” You offered, snuggling into his chest and letting a hand dance along his skin. Your heart still hadn’t recovered from the previous cardio session, and you could feel Chris’s still racing also.
“I was gonna say mind blowing.” His chest rippled in your hand from a laugh. “But amazing works too.”
Permanent Tag list: @markusstraya, @punkin-pie-mofo, @hazohazahazbro, @irishprincess9, @jedionironthrone, @aclutteredheadspace, @proud-of-being-me, @disneymarina, @dolangram, @nightcrawler0213, @thejemersoninferno, @xlemon-limex, @sadsmilesforstyles, @sleepylunarwolf, @tomssweetbouquet, @thehotstrangeryoullneverseeagain. @unfortunatelyymuggle, @knockbeforeyouspeak, @jordysgirl87, @fluasch, @tumultuous-love, @sadsmilesforstyles, @taeeemin, @taylorsreputationn, @queenmira29, @esoltis280, @dottirose, @captainrogerrsbeard, @xolilyxo, @cannonindeez, @castellandiangelo, @swimmingnacholover, @ssweet-empowerment, @notmyfault404, @taylorsreputationn, @queenmira29, @esoltis280, @dottirose, @milkshakeslou, @buckybarneshairpullingkink, @thisismysecrethappyplace, @patzammit, @captainrogerrsbeard, @notmyfault404,  @coffeebooksandfandom, @laufeysonprince.
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106 and 95 please amy dear ❤️
95. “Is that a promise?”  & 106. “Did you just look me up and down and bite your lip? Because if you did we’re having sex. Right now.”
(Notsfw) - Merry Christmas Eve, have some smut! 
* * * * *
Eddie loved weddings. There was just something about the atmosphere that surrounded the place when two people were joining together for the rest of their lives. Everything was all so…warm and loving and Eddie just revelled in it all. It was all the more exciting when it was two of his long term best friends that were tying the knot.
Ben Hanscom and Beverly Marsh, two members of the losers club, have been childhood sweethearts. So when Ben had finally got down on one knee and asked Bev to marry him, everyone in their little friend group couldn’t be happier for them, especially Eddie. There was just something about love that made Eddie go all mushy inside.
The only thing was, Eddie wasn’t in a relationship of his own, and probably wouldn’t be for a long time considering the guy he was hopelessly in love with was his best friend, Richie. He and Richie had been close as close could be ever since they were children. Richie’s dad was best friends with Eddie’s dad, which made them automatic best friends.
Richie was crude, loud, talked all the time and told some really bad jokes…and each of those components was a reason Eddie was so far gone for him. Normally, if Richie went too far, someone in their group would shut him up with the phrase, ‘beep beep Richie’, but those words had never left Eddie’s lips. Not once. He would use the excuse to his friends that they beat him to it, but in reality, he just liked listening to Richie talk.
Sometimes, when Richie went on one of his enthusiastic rants, Eddie would just watch his mouth. Richie had red, plump lips and Eddie had spent many nights wondering what they would feel like pressed against his own…or wrapped around his cock. Would they taste like the strawberry lollipops he was always sucking on to stop him from grabbing a cigarette?
As the years passed and they moved from High School to College and then into the adult world of work, Eddie’s infatuation and love for Richie never faded. Of course, he tried his hand at a few relationships and even a few one night stands, but none of them ever compared to Richie…to the thought of what he wanted but would probably never have. He knew it was unhealthy, but he couldn’t help it. He was in love.
Now here he was, all dressed up in a suit and tie at Ben and Bev’s wedding, the first of their group to get married off. Even if it was to each other. The ceremony had gone off without a hitch, as had the photographs and meal, and now they were in the stage of the ‘getting drunk and partying’ part of the evening. It was an open bar, and yes, Eddie did plan on being very drunk by the end of the night.
His eyes scanned the room, looking out for Richie who had rushed off to his hotel room to change out of the really fancy ‘best man’ outfit and into something more comfortable. Unorthodox as it was, Richie had been Bev’s best man, as he was her closest friend out of all seven of them, other than Ben of course. It was almost time for the first dance, and Eddie wanted to surge in there and be Richie’s partner before one of Ben’s cousins who has been eyeing up Richie all day, could snatch him.
“Looking for someone?” The very person Eddie was on the hunt for asked, and he turned around to face Richie, who was leaning against the bar with a smirk on his face. Eddie had to stop himself from letting his jaw drop as he took his best friend in. The blazer and bowtie he had to wear during the ceremony were gone and in their place a white shirt with a few buttons undone and a tie which hung loosely around his neck.
Before Eddie could say anything, the lead singing of the band Ben and Bev had hired announced the first dance, and the happy couple took to the floor. Eddie looked at Richie for a second before holding out his hand. “Want to dance?” He asked and Richie grinned brightly, nodding his head as they took to the floor with everyone else.
Eddie didn’t know the song that they had chosen, but it was slow and very loving. He couldn’t help but rest his head on Richie’s shoulder as they swayed from side to side to the beat of the music. When he opened his eyes, they met Stan’s gaze from across the room, where he was dancing with Mike and his eyebrows raised. In reply, Eddie shook his head and Stan rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to Mike.
“Hey, Eds?” Richie mumbled, just loud enough for Eddie to hear over the music. He looked up and swallowed, staring into Richie’s eyes. “You look great, today. I’ve been trying to get the chance to tell you how amazing you look.”
That took Eddie by surprise and he bit his lip, looking Richie up and down to appreciate the sight that was in front of him. If Richie thought Eddie looked amazing, then Richie looked phenomenal. “You- you look amazing too, Rich.” He looked back up to meet Richie’s eyes, but the warmth was gone and it was replaced with…something else. “Rich?”
“Did you just look me up and down and bite your lip? Because if you did we’re having sex. Right now.” Richie blurted out, his face deadly serious and Eddie choked on his own saliva.
“W-What?” He stammered, his cheeks bright red as he thought maybe he had misheard part of that sentence. There was no way Richie just suggested that they have sex. There was no way. “You- what?”
Now Richie was smirking again, and he stepped back to cross his arms, “You heard me, Eds. Come on, don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it?” He took a step forward and leaned down to whisper into Eddie’s ear. “Me, kissing you all over, pounding you into the mattress as you moan my name. Making you come over and over again. I know I have. I’ve wanted you under me for so fucking long Eds.”
“Oh my god,” Eddie breathed, his head spinning, and not because of the alcohol. He hadn’t had nearly as much as he wanted to have that night. “Richie- fuck…are you serious right now? Because if you’re not I’m going to punch you so hard it’ll be a trip to the emergency room.”
Richie cackled, “Kinky, Eds. I like it.” He winked. “I’m serious. Deadly serious. Come on. Let me blow your mind.” He offered out his hand and Eddie stared at it, going over the whole thing in his head until he looked back up at Richie.
“Is that a promise?” He asked, biting his lips once more, making Richie’s eyes go dark with what he now knew was lust.
Suddenly an arm wrapped around Eddie’s waist and pulled him firm against Richie’s body. A whine left Eddie’s lips as Richie moved back down to his ear, breath sending shivers down Eddie’s spine. “Oh baby, that’s a pinkie promise.”
* * * * *
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nosybookworm · 3 years
Ninja Academy vs Hero School Rant
Naruto was my jam back in the day. I stayed up late to watch the new episodes, bought the dvd box sets and manga volumes, collected toys and cards just to stare at adoringly, even pretended to be sick so that I could stay home and watch a Naruto marathon. Point is, I LOVED Naruto.
I was invested in the characters. My heart ached for every single character that gave me a backstory. I ugly cried on more than ten occasions.
The action and moral dilemmas sucked me in and spit me out, made me the person I am today thinking critically about the stuff I love because wow that universe is in no way safe or sane for the people living in it lol.
The villains absolutely TERRIFIED me DESPITE STILL WANTING TO SEE MORE OF THEM, Orochimaru alone had me sleeping with the lights on and ripping the arms off his action figure just to be safe.
When I started watching My Hero Academia those old happy feelings started slapping me in the face drawing me in. MHA hits a lot of the same points that Naruto had and I didn’t really notice until the end of season 3 because those points weren’t as in-your-face or emotionally impactful as it was in Naruto I guess. Not to say it didn’t have an impact! Just that it rolled off me a lot easier which might just be a me problem.
I Mean:
The main character getting bullied/excluded because of something he can’t control. 
Underdog character then meeting or making an emotional connection with a mentor figure truly feeling “acceptance” for maybe the first time and taking that all important first step toward their life long dream. 
A teacher willing to sacrifice himself to protect the students. 
A school training teens to protect/serve. 
Rivalry that may or may not be actual friendship.
Students fighting against each other to “rank up” by showing how capable they are to their superiors.
Enemies invading to terrorize the kids and escaping to terrorize another day.
Traumatic family backstories that child will now attempt to seek justice through own power.
Previous underdog character actually having a secret power that no one knows about but a select few and that he has to train to learn how to use, but it makes him a powerhouse that is always surprising the enemy and inspiring his fellows.
Sure all that can be tied to any story when generalized like this, but the way MHA presents them is pretty similar to Naruto.
(Okay, ALL OF THIS is going to be my personal opinion. Things I want to say to get out of my system so that I can move on. It’s long too. So, now that you’ve been warned continue on.)
The more I got into it the stranger it felt because despite hitting those same points I loved they hit in a different way that....well... made me a little uncomfortable to sit through.
Like Aizawa
Very clearly the Kakashi in MHA. He’s sly hardly ever telling his students the truth but has incredibly high expectations of them, has been known to expel students left and right until his most recent batch of kids, is ready and willing to throw himself in harms way for them, and surprisingly competent despite his exhausted persona/personality. However the way these two teachers act get two very different results from me. Naruto got a chance to introduce Kakashi in a way that endeared him to me, the bell test was more than just showcasing the kids current abilities it was introducing Kakashi (the Jounin that is a kind of jack of all trades, the known perv that will publicly read porn, the guy that will happily mess with a bunch of kids to “teach them a lesson” and because its funny, the guy that requires the students under his care to care about each other because caring for his team matters to him more than any mission, that guy). MHA gave the quirk test. Aizawa mostly in the background taking notes and jotting down scores after his speech about expelling whoever comes last. We didn’t get to hear Aizawa’s thoughts until the very end when Izuku surprised him. 
I didn’t really feel any connection toward Aizawa until I stumbled across fanfics that wrote him more involved with the students and I think that’s the problem. Aizawa is dedicated to his student’s education, he believes they will all be amazing heroes one day, but he hardly ever interacts with them. He can be seen watching their training from afar, sleeping in a corner as another teacher takes over for a bit, protecting them from danger or fighting along side them, and proudly declaring that Bakugo would never turn villain but all of that means very little emotionally when I can’t see him making connections with these students to make this standoffish confidence understandable. He comes off as one of those super smart teachers that have undecipherable lessons because he has no idea how to connect with his students enough to explain in way they understand. Similarly, he like jots down that he’s taking note of Bakugo and might need to step in before he goes down the wrong path but then does nothing and confidently tells the press Bakugo would never be a villain.
Kakashi was pretty standoffish too, no denying that, and the little episodes when the kids conspire to try to see him without his mask are the kind of outside interactions that would be weird for a modern teacher-student relationship like in MHA, so I get why Aizawa doesn’t really have that with any of the kids. However, Kakashi saw the path Sasuke was going down and spent time with him and confronted him about it (it did nothing to stop him but he tried). He took time to find a teacher for Naruto. He was present and awake for just about every milestone in there education with him. He told them when he was proud of them not other people. He involved himself in some of their high jinks to measure their growth and as such was able to have confidence in them when they went off on their own.
The Villains
And My Hero Academia villains, namely All For One. 
I felt nothing when he showed up. I was all caught up in All Might and his passing of the torch. The guy without eyes didn’t feel threatening, didn’t feel like the big bad he was suppose to be. The League of Villains really didn’t feel like “serious enemies” either cause I actually really enjoyed them when they were on screen for their dynamics with each other. Similar to how I liked the Akatsuki in their more light-hearted scenes when they where super strong idiots banded together by sheer force of will and explosive personalities that refuse to leave a job half finished. With the League I would be just as entertained (probably more so) if they were in a slice of life anime just being terrible people together.
I get the feeling All For One was supposed to be MHA’s Orochimaru. (And I say this despite knowing Orochimaru’s introduction is probably a lot closer to Stain what with the confrontation and all, but his whole “the world is corrupt, I will cut out the wrong and remake it into the pure world it should have always been” aligned more with Pain especially with his quick turnabout saving Izuku.) 
Orochimaru always felt in control even when he was in hiding or on the run, he felt like he had more up his sleeve which is the only thing I got from All For One when he was imprisoned. Both Orochimaru and All For One showed up out of nowhere, very obviously in a class of their own that the teenage main characters had no hope of beating, and a mysterious backstory that clearly put all the adults in the know on edge. But I just don’t see All For One as a villain. Nothing about him screamed “Run for your lives this man will smile as he tears you apart!” like Orochimaru. Nothing about All For One’s secret Mad Scientist lab gave me creepy vibes that left me on the edge of my seat clutching at the nearest pillow the way the Sound Village that practically worshiped Orochimaru and the many base of operations he had did.
Terrible Parents
The Todoroki family. 
Look. The world of Naruto has terrible parenting, but they also live in a dictator/military run nation where kids can be a front-line defense or key players in a war zone so it’s hard to measure how to view these people. Cause a father that beats his kid and yells at him to get stronger has genuine reasons to rightfully freak out when children as young as 8 get sent to ninja academy. Families that have a rare genetic trait like the Hyuga or Uchiha have every right to be tough and stern if they feel that will protect their kids when they know putting them out into the world makes them an easier target for enemies that would rip out their eyes. 
I can judge their actions based on their consequences. Like the Uchiha clan planning a revolt forcing their eldest to massacre them to keep the peace and their youngest to live with a crazy amount of trauma. Like the Hyuga clan branding their branch members to protect family eyes, but forcing them into being lesser than the main branch and all the trauma that forced on Neji’s poor head. The stupid level of expectation set on Hinata’s young shoulders that she couldn’t meet in the way her clan wanted that made her self-confidence practically non existent. The Hokage leaving Naruto mostly alone for his entire childhood in a village that openly hated him. The Kazekage trying to have his lonely three-year-old assassinated multiple times once by his beloved uncle - the only person that was kind and loved him - that scarred him so entirely that he carved “love” into his forehead and rampaged around the village and did casual murder intentionally for years before meeting Naruto. 
All that... I can get behind as abuse. I want those sad kids to be happy. They deserved better and I will happily lose myself in a fix-it fic where they get that.
MHA gives me similar scenarios but without the clear-cut consequences that shows when parenting for that world is abuse. 
Endeavor is not a good husband. He is emotionally abusive to his wife to the point she has a mental break and attacks a child. 
However, in a world of heroes, in a world where high school students are trained to protect and serve and that self sacrifice is a noble heroic trait. How do I compare such a society to my own? They put children in harms way with hero internships yet don’t allow them to defend themselves if they don’t have a hero license, that would be like getting a learners permit but not being allowed to practice driving.
All this to say I have a hard time telling when bad parenting falls into abuse when it comes to MHA. Endeavor is not a good parent, he is an abusive husband, but is he an abusive parent? As a hero training up the next generation of heroes can it be argued that he is pretty okay even if his methods are a little harsh? None of his children fear him from what I’ve seen. Shouto happily tells him his plans to never use his fire and all the reasons why without fearing he might be punished for it. The other kids seem to be pretty okay going on with their lives. Toya being the exception but again I don’t know what happened to him and he’s a follower of Stain so did he have a falling out with heroes or did his father push too hard?
Nighteye & Tsunade
Okay so this is where I get super rant-y. I have feelings on Nighteye and none of them good.
Nighteye being the estranged comrade of All Might the underdog’s teacher, Tsunade being the estranged comrade of Jiraiya Naruto’s teacher.
Tsunade has been hurt deeply. She ran because she felt that was the only way to save herself from more pain. Here comes Jiraiya with his new little tag along demanding she come back home, she gets appropriately angry and tries everything she can to get them to leave her alone. Naruto being the special little underdog that he is immediately gets under her skin reminding her of all the loved ones she lost bringing back all of that old pain back, so she gets even. She beats him down and challenges him to an impossible challenge to show him how small he really is and get out of her own responsibilities. But he wins. He wins, and shows Tsunade how closed off she’s become forcing her to face reality head on and face her fears at last. He changes her whole world view through action.
Nighteye has been hurt deeply. He sees the future for every person he touches and as such sees futures in which people he loves get hurt and sometimes die. He believes there is nothing he or anyone can do to change these visions. All Might is his hero, His friend and mentor, his comrade. His friend gets hurt in a way he can never fully recover from and he sees a vision where his friend dies on the battle field. He then tells All Might who refuses to retire and leaves without a backward glance. They don’t speak until years later when Nighteye picks out a successor for One For All, but Toshi chooses Izuku and never meets Nighteye’s pick.
Izuku, needing an internship not Gran Torino, goes to Sir Nighteye All Might’s old side kick. He gets tested, told he’s not worthy of One For All, and has to work under this man as he tries to get Izuku to see how Mirio is more worthy of All Might’s quirk. Facing off against Overhaul when they are at their most desperate Nighteye uses his quirk to see what will happen and sees the worst possible scenario. They lose. Then Izuku flies in sweeps Eri into his arms and fights Overhaul saving the day. Izuku proved, unknowingly, that the future Nighteye sees is not set in stone with his actions and on his death bed Nighteye acknowledges that without acknowledging it.
Nighteye’s treatment toward Izuku makes me uncomfortable. This is a man in a position of power over this student telling him that he is not enough, will never be enough, and that he is a disappointment.
His glorifying of All Might makes me uncomfortable. He was All Might’s partner and yet he practically had a shrine of the man in his office. He made him more than just a man, built him up as The Symbol of Peace and kept him there (as many of Toshi’s friends seem to do except for Nedzu and Naomasa) despite getting close enough trusted enough to learn about One For All. And despite all that “love” and “devotion” he left Toshinori alone to deal with his new normal of a permanently damaged system alone for years then takes out all that frustration and grief out on his friends chosen successor.
Then when all is said and done and he’s dying and he’s confronted by Toshinori and Izuku what happens? Does he apologize? Explain his actions? Get closure in his final moments?
No. Well, Toshinori got some measure of closure. Izuku got a few words that essentially boiled down to “Good job, your better than I thought.” without talking about the newfound hope Izuku’s action gave him that his visions are only possibilities not absolute. All of his attention then goes to his choice for One For All, Mirio. 
He’s dying and Mirio was always his main priority as a mentor, and you know who Mirio looks like? All Might. He’s blonde, buff, blue-eyed, cheerfully friendly, and with a happy-go-lucky persona about him. Sir Nighteye taught him to smile. Chose him to be the new wielder of One For All and without telling him anything planned to introduce him to Toshinori to make his choice reality. Doesn’t that sound... I don’t know... uncomfortably close to manipulation? Grooming? To taking this child under his wing and molding him to be pretty close to a new version of All Might?
I don’t know. Maybe if Sir Nighteye had lived this uncomfortable impression I have of him would be lessened as he began to internalize the full extent of possibilities for the future that he never thought possible before and acted more hopeful, more willing to take gambles because his visions were no longer a guarantee of what will happen. 
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