#toilet bound hanako kun X male reader
fanon-canon-idfk · 2 years
Hello! Can I request Clingy Mitsuba x Tall male reader? (I can’t really think of any ideas for the story all I just want is something wholesome)
(Hope you’re having a good day!)
(Mitsuba <3)
(This is school wonder #3 Mitsuba btw!)
Mitsuba Sousuke X Male Reader
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You’d only been in the broadcasting group for a short while, making yourself only slightly familiar with your peers.
Nanamine Sakura, the girl who’d convinced you to join the group
Hyuuga Natsuhiko, the boy who wouldn’t stop flirting with Sakura
Yugi Tsukasa, the strange supernatural who keeps trying to lick your face when he hugs you
And Mitsuba Sousuke, the bratty but undeniably cute supernatural
While the only other students in the club rarely paid you any attention, both the supernaturals were always for some reason in your business.
Today was no different. You were sat at your desk like all the other students,
And then there’s the two supernaturals standing on either side of your desk talking to one another.
Tsukasa was practically sitting on your left shoulder and Mitsuba was using your right shoulder as an arm rest.
At this point you were getting used to them both, and you’d noticed that Mitsuba in particular was never actually one to hang around the group so you enjoyed the company you gave him.
Tsukasa seemed to have been bored of his conversation with Mitsuba already, as he started attempting to pester you for your attention.
“Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!” Tsukasa called out to you, he smacked his palm against your head with each call of your name as if that would help.
You were staying as still as possible, just doing your best to pull through these last 4 minutes of class before that bell rang and you could go home.
Mitsuba began nagging at you as well, also wanting your attention for some reason.
Tsukasa, you could understand, he’s like a little kid, he wants everyone’s attention.
But for Mituba, that was never the case for anyone but you.
“Y/N, you’re being super weird you know that? A cute boy like me is talking to a freaky giant like you and you don’t even respond?” He made comments such as those quite a lot.
For the next 3 minutes of class the two boys continued pestering you.
Tsukasa pulling your ear, pulling your hair, and still trying to lick your face for the same unknown reason.
Mitsuba poking your face, making jokes about your appearance, and getting in your face.
You were counting down the seconds in that very last minute of class, just begging the universe to make it go by so you could be free.
Until you were interrupted by Tsukasa not only shifting to sit on both your shoulders, but by him wrapping his hand underneath your chin and pulling your head up to look at him.
You didn’t react too much, he’s done way more concerning things for this to shock you.
However, Mitsuba was quite caught off guard.
He stared at you and Tsukasa with wide eyes.
Why did that bother him? Tsukasa has done weird stuff before, why does he suddenly feel so uncomfortable with the way Tsukasa held you?
Before Tsukasa could do anything else, the bell rang loudly, catching his attention.
He floated off of you, quickly moving out the door while saying something about hanging out with Sakura.
As soon as he was out the door a long with the teacher and all the other students, you sighed in relief.
It felt like you were holding in your breath for those last 5 minutes, you laid your head on the desk, you were so relieved they were over.
You then sat up, beginning to get up to grab your things, until your head was pulled into a tight embrace before you could even stand.
Mitsuba was practically cradling your head into his chest. You could feel the coldness of the clothes he wore, and how soft they were.
“Mitsuba-“ “Shut up.” you were cut off.
You slowly gazed up, trying to understand what he was doing.
His face was so red. You could tell he was trying to hide it by how he turned both his head and eyes away from you.
Mitsuba took in a deep breath, exhaling shakily before he turned his head back to you.
“A cute boy..is blessing you with his embrace s-so..you better appreciate it, freaky giant.” He scowled almost angrily as he spoke, still refusing to look you in the eye.
“Alright then, cute boy..” you smiled, easing into his cold chest as you lifted your arms to hold his thinner waist.
Maybe going home could wait just a few more minutes..
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nanqmies · 9 months
Venom || Tsuchigomori
cw: cnc , biting, slight blood, predator/prey, aphrodisiac, bondage ?, manhadling, sadism, anal, masterbation, no prep or lube, hallucinations, overstim, manhandling, creampie, amab!reader, very short, i think that's all?
wc: 0.5k
a/n: i researched different spiders and their venom just for this and i hate spiders!! theres basically ZERO fics about my man so i need to fix that.. anyways i'm writing my pantalone fic and i'm finishing up a quick lil drabble for zhongli.. but please enjoy my work!~
nsfw under the cut~
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Since Tsuchigomori is part spider we can assume he has spider-like tendencies too other than extra arms/teeth. Everyone knows how spiders catch their food, the insect gets trapped in the web and gets bitten and filled with venom. We don’t know what exact species Tsuchigomori is but I think he could be any different species if you write it correctly. The phoneutria spider has a hallucinogenic venom that slows their prey and causes them to hallucinate and sedate their movements, and we all know Tsuchigomori’s true nature is being very sadistic and teasing so I think that’d be a perfect spider for him.. listen…
Imagine Tsuchigomori sinking his sharp teeth into you and injecting a small amount of his venom into you, forcing you to run and escape from him, maybe in the woods or even in his huge library right, he gives you a head start to be just to make the chase more rewarding. your body is weak from the toxins in your bloodstream so you’re all dizzy and wobbly walking into walls and shelves of his boundary that he obviously knows like the back of his hand. he can hear how you pant as you run, sweat dripping down your brow while you sprint. The exit seems so close that you can feel it.. reaching out to the doorknob just for a sticky thread of web to wrap around your fingers, You’re pulling away trying to free yourself but of course, you don’t :( He knows you can barely think with the strong aphrodisiac flowing through you.
you’re stuck, tied up in a thick silk web not able to move yourself out, senses heightened at the lack of touch, your body covered in sweat. Tsuchigomori finally lining himself up at your rim, imagine him fucking you at a fast pace, the tip of his cock roughly hitting the sensitive spot inside, the harsh pleasure bringing tears to your eyes. His hand leading downwards to your abdomen to hold your throbbing length is his palm, stroking your dick to match his fast past. Sharply rutting his hips on your ass filling you with his thick sperm, your tummy feels full and warm, whining when he pulls out. tsuchigomori’s teeth sink into your shoulder, shuddering while you feel him inject you once again, the knot in your stomach finally bursting as you cum all over his thin fingers, cooing gently at the sight. ^^
he’ll keep fucking his seed into you filling your ass with his hot finish. slowly the toxins flowing through your veins are too much, you can barely move, barely able to run away til he just pins you to the hard floor and fucks you til you can't walk anymore, his name repeatedly leaving your lips. You’re too weak to push him off and you end up letting him have his fill with you until he feels you’ve taken enough.
the aftercare is amazing OBVIOUSLY!! he’ll hold your limp frame in his arms and kiss your cheek gently, whispering how good you were and that he’ll make it up to you tomorrow. For now, he’ll run you a warm bath and kiss every beautiful bruise he left on your skin, marks that show his love and adoration for you. Tsuchigomori certainly appreciates how much trust you have in him, allowing him to do such a scene that could end badly. He’ll end up putting you to bed, laying your head on his chest. He really couldn’t ask for more.
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© nanqmies 2023
please do not translate, steal or repost my work.
reblogs and feedback appreciated!
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toastermoth · 5 months
hellloooo~ could you possibly do a Teru Minamoto x male reader who gets rlly nervous when around anyone he doesn’t know well- but he only actually knows teru so he’s basically nervous all the time and teru is his comfort person-? I hope this isn’t too vague 🥲🥲🥲
Teru Minamoto x M!Reader
It's not to vague dwdw! Sorry if this isn't what you had in mind but I had fun writing this!
Saying you were a nervous person was an understatement. Yes you were able to make it through school and in public spaces on the outside but in the inside you were usually nervous. Even with friends by your side it was like the nervousness and overthinking never stopped. So when Teru Minamoto, literally the most popular and most liked guy in the school, was chosen to be your partner to sit by in class for the rest of the year, nervousness wasn't even a synonym for what you were feeling. Once you told your friends they were.. supportive in their own way. "Lucky!! You get to sit next to the Minamoto!!" *well get isn't really close to forced* So for the first month you maintained your distance and stayed quiet, talking when only you needed to and Teru (feeling a sense of rejection from his class partner) decided it is now his goal to get you to talk to him. It started off with saying hi whenever you came in the classroom with a smile beaming from ear to ear to sitting by you before class starts and just talking about the most randomest shit from homework to what his brother is doing. And eventually for the first time, you felt not forced to give an answer and even though he'd wait patiently for an answer he didn't seem to make you give one. It started from nodding to show you were listening to a few worded sentences to eventually you responding back in an engaged convo. He noticed even the smallest things about you from the way you write your letters to the way you have with words that makes him swoon. He also quickly notices how nervous you become with most things, how sometimes you bounce your leg to tangling your fingers when his friends are loud and boisterous talking to him.
"Hey, sorry if my friends are loud, but if you ever get too nervous don't feel bad to hold my hand alright?"
That's all you needed to fall for him even more. Truth be told, you were content with your sexuality and your friends knew. That's one thing you weren't worried about until Teru came around and then your brain went *You think he's your friend? Now how about CRUSH?* When you held his hand for the first time when the teacher was yelling at everybody to be quiet you noticed a small hue of pinkish red on his face and a genuine small creeping onto his face. He looked down at your hands and intertwines them and somehow you felt calmer and your breathing went back to normal rather than small fast breaths. Eventually he writes in your palm, which wasn't unusual but he wanted to make sure you were looking. Once he knew you were looking at your guys' hands he drew out "I <3 Y O U." He got worried that he overstepped his boundaries when your legs started bouncing up and down but quickly you opened his hand and drew "I <3 Y O U 2"
From that point on you and him were almost always seen together, not because you were always nervous and needed him around (though you wanted to say that-) but because HE wanted to be around you and make sure that you weren't nervous. From school, to him walking you home, to even going to public places with him whenever you were nervous. No matter what even in different classes than the ones you shared, he always texts you periodically and will drop everything to comfort you. Since the teachers love him, they wouldn't ever question it if he needed to go somewhere since he always got his work done.
His ways of comforting you can include, writing on your hands, holding your hands, letting you drum your fingers on his leg, laying on him, and hugging you when your nervousness gets exceptionally bad.
He loves you, and he needs you just as much as you need him.
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suzukis-posts · 1 year
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Advertencia: Este one-short contiene tendencias, comportamientos y acciones yanderes. (Male reader)
Teru podría ser un chico dulce, atractivo y muy responsable a la vista, pero por dentro era alguien obsesionado, loco y enamorado.
Por supuesto que al ser presidente del consejo estudiantil y hermano mayor tenía que guardarse estos impulsos oscuros.
Su amor no era ni más ni menos que por su compañero de piso, al estar actualmente en la universidad le permitía compartir habitación con su amigo. Ese eras tú.
Eras un chico estresado por su bloqueo creativo, tenías que entregar un proyecto que implicaba escribir pero no tenías ideas. Eres poco atractivo según las chicas de la universidad, siempre la misma mirada de aburrimiento, ojos cansados y ojeras notables.
No te importaba la opinión de los que no conocías, después de todo no los conocías y no te debería de importar su opinión. Pero a Teru si le importaba su opinión.
Teru era alguien que conociste a la edad de doce años, ambos iban juntos a la misma secundaria, conocías a sus hermanos Tiara y Teru. Estabas algo confundido acerca de tus sentimientos y no sabías si lo que sentías por él era amor o una siempre amistad.
Era un sueño. Literalmente estabas soñando en este momento.
── Despierta, _______. Llegaremos tarde a clase. ── Teru movió tu hombro intentando despertarte, estabas cansado y harto de tu bloqueo creativo, no podías terminar tu historia por lo que la noche anterior habías dormido poco.
Por otro lado Teru estaba admirando tu rostro tranquilo al dormir, era todo lo que podía desear.
Bostezando abriste los ojos con enojo intentando ver quién te despertaba de tu hermosa siesta. Era Teru.
Sabiendo que era él, tomaste una almohada cercana y se la lanzaste a la cara. Lo hubieras callado pero estabas algo cansado y recién despierto para eso.
Teru se ríe sosteniendo la almohada ── Oh vamos. Mira la hora, ya es tarde. ── Teru a simple vista se veía algo cansado.
Notaste sus ojeras, preguntando algo curioso por su aspecto ── Oye... luces cansado, ¿haz dormido? ── Preguntas con curiosidad al verlo.
Teru se quedó un segundo callado intentando conseguir una excusa, no pudo dormir bien debido a cierto incidente que tuvo la noche anterior con alguien. Su ropa que usualmente utilizaba fue cambiada por el uniforme de repuesto ya que ese incidente lo llevó a manchar su ropa.
── No he dormido bien anoche, eso es todo. ── Mintió, hey pero después de todo no es tan mentira eso pensaba él. Te preocupas acercándote a su rostro. Tomando su rostro con tus manos, era algo que siempre haces con él ── ¿Dormiste? ── La cercanía lo sorprendió de repente impulsando uno de sus impulsos.
Teru anhelaba tu amor, desde que se conocieron, no supo borrarte de morbosa mente. Kou sabía de sus enfermizos sentimientos y aún así por miedo no se atrevía a reclamarle a su hermano mayor, o incluso decirle lo mal que estaba.
Teru se sonrojo, sonrió de forma cínica en su mente al pensar todo lo que podría hacerte si fueras de él y estuvieras solo con él, pero a diferencia de tí solo lo veías sonreir calidamente como siempre de alguna forma disfrutando el tacto.
Un pequeño impulso lo llevó a sostener tu mano en su mejilla sonriendo de forma coqueta acercándose peligrosamente a tu rostro, en cuestión de segundos estabas rodeado o incluso acorralado en la pared de la cama, algo que te sorprendió y asusto un poco. Nunca habías visto esta parte de él.
Teru no aguantaba más el sentimiento, tenía que de alguna forma explicarte lo que sentía, estaba confiado en que tu lo ibas a aceptar.
Si o si lo aceptarías ¿verdad? Pues claro, no tenías otra opción.
── ¿T-Teru...? ── Preguntas nervioso al ver la peligrosa cercanía. Sus rostros estaban a centímetros y podías oír su respiración algo agitada. Sus ojos estaban algo afilados, era una mirada sombría, una mirada que nunca habías visto en él.
── Sabes... realmente no puedo soportarlo más... ── Sus ojos estaban clavados en los tuyos, su rubor florecía al acercarse más y más. Podía escuchar tu respiración agitada y observar tu hermoso rostro más de cerca.
Tomó tu cintura, sus ojos reflejaban una mezcla de locura, amor y lujuria ── Te amo... me gustas mucho, _______... no tienes idea de lo que me haces sentir cuando estoy contigo. Quiero tenerte a mi lado y que nadie nos separe... ── Declaró sonriendo, no pudiste evitar sonrojarte más ante su declaración, estaba mal y lo sabias, estaba tan confundido y era algo obvio para Teru. Así que aprovecharía esto.
Crraste los ojos con fuerza esperando lo obvio, intentaste separarte, era imposible.
Sus labios se conectaron con los tuyos al sentir que no estabas más a la defensiva formando un tierno beso, después de todo al parecer sentías lo mismo por él. Si no fuera por el macabro plan que tenía planeado si era rechazado.
Tantas vidas que fueron arrebatadas por su impulso, todo un sótano lleno de cadáveres, unas pequeñas fotos tuyas guardadas en su teléfono y tantas personas que rechazó por su único amor lo llevaron a este hermoso regalo que estaba sucediendo ahora mismo.
¡Se estaban besando! un sueño hecho realidad a base de su esfuerzo, profundizó más el beso atrayendo te más a él. Luego de unos minutos se separaron del largo beso. ── Y-Yo... t-tú... ¿t-te gusto....? ── Respiraba agitado buscando aire, su rostro estaba fruncido y sonrojado.
Teru asintió sonriendo ── ¿Quieres que te lo vuelva a demostrar? ── El chico hervía, se negó entendiendo ── Yo te amo, eres muy especial para mí, no dejaré que nadie te haga daño, te protegeré. ── Susurró en su oído con un tono lleno de dulzura enfermiza.
Parecía estar bajo una manipulación, se sentía seguro bajo sus palabras a lo cuál declaró algo que a Teru lo hizo sonreír de manera enfermiza.
── Y-Yo... tu también me gustas, Teru... ── Había logrado su objetivo, ahora solo quedaba alejarte de todos los que te hacían daño.
Cada persona que se atreva a tocarte, hablarte, mirarte o admirarte que no sea él lo matará.
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veliamore · 1 year
tbhk natsuhiko, hanako, kou, nene, sakura, and tsukasa w a male s/o that dresses up in lolita fashion often - 🐝 (i hope studies arent stressing you out btw!)
i just need to do another req and im done RWAAAAAAH SORRY IF THIS TOOK SO LONG 😭
male s / o dresses up in a lolita fashion
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; hanako :
he will tease the shit out of you IM SORRY
but you genuinely look so cute and pretty in his eyes
he makes some suggestive comments on you but he doesn't mean to make you uncomfortable
if he does please tell him he will apologize and stop it
he secretly wants to try your clothes but he's too shy to admit it
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; yashiro :
she helps you decide what to buy and what would suit you the best
she obliges you to pose so that she can do photos of you
honestly the pics come out really nice ngl
don't get surprised if something in your closet magically disappears
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; kou :
he always blushes around you he can't help it
you dress him up
if he says no look at him with puppy eyes he can't resist
you : do you or do you not feel bonita ?
kou : i feel bonita ..
anyways ..
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; tsukasa :
bro will look better than you with your fits on him /hj
he wants to do challenges between you , him and natsuhiko to see who looks better
he tries to get sakura to do the judge
she refuses
the challenge ends with mistuba being the winner
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; sakura :
she always compliments you and your outfits
if you beg her enough she will try some clothes with you too
she gifts you some accessories to add on your fits
she actually helps you style your hair so that they match the clothes
this was like a mini shit post .. school is eating me alive send help
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As Pretty As the Devil And Just As Sweet
Minamoto Teru x male/gn!reader
(usage of the suffix -kun as well as a "sweet boy". For the -chan version please click here)
Advent Calender
Warnings: none
~500 words
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It was a cold November day at Kamome University. There was frost lining the hallways and the cold sting of ice lay in the air. Students – dressed in coats and protecting their necks with thick wool scarves – were hurrying through the University grounds, perhaps foolishly believing the lecture halls to be warmer.
“They really need to close the windows,” you told Yashiro and Akane. Akane nodded, pulling her scarf tighter around her body.
“I think it has to do with that ghost Hanako-kun mentioned not too long ago,” Yashiro explained. She pointed at a student close by, who was attempting to close a window, yet, it always flung open again. “He made Kou-kun look into it.”
“You think he´ll manage alone?” Akane asked softly, but her eyes were already set on Aoi, and she quickly waved you two goodbye to go and talk to him.
You turned to Yashiro and looked at her questioningly. She returned your gaze for a moment, and then her eyes widened.
“Do you think I should help him?”
You shrugged.
“Maybe. He´s not always the most careful. Besides, I think he´d be happy if you went with him.”
“You probably have a point there, thank you, (Y/N),” she smiled, before leaving.
Yashiro was right, you realised, as you yourself walked over to a window and tried to close it. It really must be some supernatural creature. No matter how often you tried, the windows always flung open again. You sighed and shook your head before heading towards your class.
“Ah, (Y/N)-kun, wait a second.”
You turned around. Slightly out of breath, Minamoto came to a halt before you. A grin was gracing his features.
“How are you doing? I was wondering if you could help me organise this year´s winter celebration?”
“Coming straight to the point, I see,” you teased.
He laughed sheepishly.
“Well, I know you´re pretty good at these types of things.”
“Uhu,” you said, amused.
“And…and, as both president of the student council as well as your boyfriend, I believe you to be the best choice for this role.”
“Let me guess, you´ve already roped Kou-kun in to bake treats?”
You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, I´ll help you.”
“Thank you,” he leaned forward, warm hand on your shoulder, his sweet smile morphing into a smirk, “You´re being such a sweet boy for me, baby.”
“Wha-“ you flinched back, eyes widened and heat rushing to your face.
A laugh escaped your boyfriend as he pulled away, gently caressing your shoulder before letting his hand fall beside him again.
“Really, you don´t know how much you´re helping me with this,” he smiled at you, before walking towards the student council room.
“Ah, before I forget.” He turned his head back to you. His eyes had darkened and there was a hint of a smirk back on his lips. “I expect results by the afternoon.”
You groaned, closing your eyes. That man would be the death of you someday.
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hyuugaalee · 2 years
Male!Reader × Teru Minamoto || Reader is a part of the Student Council in some way, Reader is friends with Nene in some way, and you're about Nene's age or older!
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― Nene didn't expect you to clean up so nicely! Sure, you were no Teru Minamoto, but you had your own charm to you and your attire can be charming to her!
Today, you had been inside the monitor room for announcements with a few of the upperclassmen Class Representatives discussing something about the standardized test scores of the classes all around the freshman classes. She will admit it's quite a rough winter with tests, but she's doing decently in her studies.
She stood by the sliding door and rocked on her feet as she awaited her friend to leave the announcement room. The meeting had technically adjourned a good minute ago and the thin, oak sliding door was pulled back to allow your fellow students to calmly walk past her in the halls. All the students that passed her were taking off their armbands to head home for the day and unwind, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was up after you didn't come out even after Akane left…
She rounded the corner and peeked into the classroom to see only two figures sharing the space within. Teru Minamoto… ! And her dear friend, what were you doing after, just talking to Minamoto-senpai? 
She leaned in as your husky laugh was picked up. "Don't you see I'm getting tired of waiting, Teru…" You seemed to be teasing him, but there was a hint of a promise. Were you miffed? "You can't keep a guy waiting forever. When is your next day off?" 
Oh… You wanted some of Minamoto's time as well? … She felt a bit upset as she looked at you two in the room: your calm and laying back in your seat, while Minamoto looked almost amused. Amused you were even asking him such a thing. But something was up, it felt far different then when she saw other members of the club near you both.
"My… you're ever persistent, my friend." Teru answered you, and he rested his chin in his hands on the table you too shared. You seemed a bit miffed, and Minamoto simply smiled to your face. "Oh… something the matter, handsome?"
Nene froze in the doorway and stiffened as her thoughts started to come to her. You laugh at his tone, but it wasn't too aggressive on your end. "I think you mean boyfriend, Teru Minamoto."
"Oh, pulling out my full name…" Teru was extremely amused this time, and even laughed at your declaration. "Okay, okay, handsome… I won't tease you much more. Boyfriend, it feels strange to say out loud, but I'm not going to complain." 
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ten-shi-fandoms · 2 years
"Thank you.."
Hanako x Stressed Male reader
Okay everyone, I've been gone then back then gone again so this fic might be a surprise! Anyways this wasn't requested or anything this is purely self indulgent! I hope you guys like it anyway though!
Not proofread! Cringey!
Tw/CW: mentions of bullying and overworking
If any of you ever have something similar to this fic happen to you I want you to remember that you aren't alone! And to drink lots of water and rest. I won't say it will get better but I want you to be strong even if it's just for a while! Let loose, scream, yell, throw a fit it's okay! It's healthy for you and your mental health! Just remember I love you!
'When will this week finally end...'
That was the only thought going through the (h/c) haired boy's head as he walked along the halls in the Kamome Gakuen Highschool district. He was early.
He was alway early..
Barely anyone was in the school at this hour, the only ones roaming the school were mainly teachers, student council members such as himself, and of course supernaturals.
Most people couldn't see the creatures that lurked around the school and yet the (h/c) head was one of a few that could. He had always been able to see them. When he was younger this facg lead to alot of bullying, teasing and taunting from other students.
As he got older he got quieter.
More reserved.
More empty.
Although that wasn't all due to the bullying it also had to do with the amount of work he had to complete.
He was always working..
Not only did he had his school work, but he also had to deal with student council, work and the supernaturals around him.
He was tired...
So very tired and yet he couldn't rest. Whenever he tried he had more duties to fulfill.
More work to do.
More places to be. It was to much.
It was always to much...
There was one thing keeping him afloat.
A certain bathroom ghost he had met unexpectedly after following his friend Yashiro into the old building for a project.
It was weird at first.
Being friends with a ghost wasn't exactly his biggest priority and yet it turned out to be his favorite.
The (h/c) head often found himself sitting in the girlbathroom sitting on the window seal silently listening to Yashiro rant about the boys she liked while she cleaned, Kou chatting away about his day, or even listening to Hanako whine about losing cards to the mokke.
It was refreshing.
It was like a getaway when things got to stressful, but today was different..
This week had been so busy he hadn't had the chance to hang out with his friends. The student councils newest project, that big exam that worth 20% of his whole grade, helping to keep the rumors in check it was to much. He was so overwhelmed that he had even lashed out on Akane the day prior.
He hated this feeling..
He hated not being able to rest..
He hated it all..
He just wanted to rest.. He just wanted to-
"(Y/N)! I finally found you!"
A familiar high pitched voice quickly pulled him out of his thoughts as he looked up. (E/C) colored eyes looking back into bright, magenta ones.
It was Yashiro.
Oh how he'd missed her. How he missed her talking and ranting. He hadn't had the chance to talk to her all week so seeing her made his body relax a bit.
"Oh hey Yashiro. What's up?" his voice was quiet and cleared laced with drowsiness. As soon as he spoke he notice a look of worry quickly wash over Yashiro's face as she fanatically looked over his face.
"Oh geez (Y/N) what happened to your pretty face! You look awful! Are you okay?!" she particularly shrieked. She looked so concerned it made (Y/N) feel bad but he couldn't help but look as tired as he felt.
There was so much to do and so little time he just wanted the week to be over.
"Don't worry about me Yashiro, you came looking for me right? What did you need?
Yashiro looked over the (h/c) head's face one last time before nodding.
"Hanako told me to come find you, he wants to talk with you."
Wants to speak with him?
That can't be good...
"Alright I'll be right there." he sighed moving past Yashiro before she could say anything else.
Yashiro watched quietly as her (h/c) haired friend walked awa,y a small huff leaving her lips before she walked off to class.
As the (h/c) head made his way to the old school building he began wondering.
What does Hanako want with him..
Why does he want to talk with him..
Is he in some sort of trouble..
The longer he thought about it, the more he lost track of where he was going. Soon he found himself infront of the girlbathroom in the old school building.
He looked around quietly for a bit, quickly taking note that he didn't see any mokke around or anyone or thing for that matter. Sure it was early but there was always some type of supernatural lurking around or just hanging out, so why weren't there any around?
He shook his head quietly trying to rid any unnecessary thoughts as he grabbed the door handle, turning it to open the door. When he opened it, everything seemed normal, expect...
Where's Hanako?
(E/C) eyes scanned the bathroom searching for the pretty amber ones he grew you adore until they finally settled on them.
"Where have you been all week?" the sharp voice of Hanako broke through the quiet morning and for some reason the tone in his voice made (Y/N) uncomfortable.
"I was busy and-" before the (h/c) head could get any more words out, he felt a something crash into before falling backwards onto the tile floor.
Two cold arms wrapped tightly around his shoulder, legs wrapped around his waist, and cold cheeks smushed against his warm neck.
"You've been gone to long! I thought you got bored of me!" a almost childish whine left Hanako's lips as he spoke clinging tightly onto the high uniform the other male was wearing.
"Your so mean! Maybe you should-" Hanako cut himself off mid sentence at the feeling of something wet dripping onto his shoulder. Hanako leaned his clear amber ones catching sight of usually crystal clear (e/c) eyes glossed over and full of tears.
Hanako's eyes widened at the sight. It wasn't completely unusual for him to see people cry but to see such a head strong person break out in tears had Hanako baffled. His amber eyes softened slightly before moving his hand to gently wipe his tears away.
"Hey.. Why are you crying?" his voice was soft, just loud enough to hear but not enough to scare the sobbing (h/c) head.
"I.. It's been such a hard week... I can't take it.." all the emotion that had been building up the week burst open as he cried. No matter how many times he seemed to wipe the tears away from his (e/c) eyes they just kept coming.
Soft cold arms pulled the weeping (h/c) into a cold, firm chest holding him close. There was no heartbeat and yet he felt comforted at the closeness. He needed it after such a long week of work and stress he just needed to be held.
No more words were spoken that day, just a gentle amber eyed ghost boy cradling a (e/c) eyed overwhelmed one. (Y/N) didn't care if he was late, or if he skipped class he needed the comfort Hanako was giving him, and Hanako was more than willing to keep the (h/c) head from leaving until he was done crying.
Soon the (h/c) head's eyes begun to droop, his body getting heavier as he leaned closer into the old school uniform of the other. His eyes felt so heavy as he closed them with one last sleepy breath before he dozed off he spoke the two words that made Hanako's day:
"Thank you.."
"Hey Senpai have you seen (Y/n)? Teru needs him in the meeting room." a blonde, spikey haired boy walked over to Yashiro who was quietly peeking inside the girlbathroom.
Yashiro turned her head towards Kou a large smile on her face as she waved him over to come closer. Kou tilted his head in confusion until he looked inside the bathroom. There he saw Hanako and (Y/N) sleeping particularly curled closely into each other. Legs intertwined, arms wrapped around each other, (Y/N)'s head on Hanako's chest, fingers intertwined. But the thing thay caught Kou's attention the most was how at peace (Y/N) looked.
Over the course of the week he noticed (Y/N) looking so tired, irritated and overall like he was having a bad time. He even heard the (e/c) eyed male snap at Akane while he was bringing Teru his lunch, so seeing him so at peace made him happy.
"I'll go tell Teru I couldn't find him."
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mrn4m3l3ss · 5 months
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( Por favor leia tudo antes de fazer o seu pedido! )
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
⌗ Olá, meu nome é ■■, mas você pode me chamar de Mr. Nameless. Uso os pronomes tanto femininos quanto masculinos. Mas prefiro que se refira a mim como ele / dele.
⌗ Criei esse post porque eu sempre li aqui no Tumblr, aqueles one-shots em inglês dos meus personagens favoritos.
⌗ O problema era que eu tinha que entrar no Tumblr pelo Google e traduzir a página para o português, para que eu pudesse ler.
E nunca vi nenhuma dessas histórias escritas em português. Então cheguei a decisão de fazer isso eu mesmo, depois de virar a madrugada toda no celular.
⌗ Eu não sei ao certo como se mexe no Tumblr, mas irei aprender aos poucos com o passar do tempo. Então peço que tenham paciência comigo. ‹𝟹
୭🧷✧˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
✮⋆˙ Fandons e personagens que irei escrever:
( Posso colocar mais depois. )
「 Omniscient Reader Viewpoint 」
Kim Dokja
「 Omori 」
「 Toilet-bound Hanako-kun 」
Hanako / Amane
「 To Your Eternity 」
The Nameless Boy ( O garoto do episódio 1 )
Fushi ( 1 temporada )
「 Heaven's Official Blessing 」
Xie Lian
Hua Cheng / San Lang
「 Solo Leveling 」
Sung Jin-Woo
✮⋆˙ Gêneros que eu vou fazer:
Fofo / conforto. ( Fluff / Comfort )
Angústia. ( Angst )
Ambos ao mesmo tempo.
✮⋆˙ Quais eu não vou fazer:
Histórias picantes / +18 ( Smut )
( Eu não me sinto confortável escrevendo histórias nesse gênero. )
୭🧷✧˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
✮⋆˙ Explicações ˙⋆✮
⌗ Eu posso escrever a história tanto em um tema romântico quanto platônico [ Não tem nenhuma relação romântica entre você e o personagem que você escolheu. Ex: Kim Dokja x Child! Male reader ( platonic ) ]
⌗ Você pode pedir vários personagens do mesmo fandom ou de fandons diferentes.
# Só irei escrever para o público masculino [ posso tentar escrever para o público não-binário, mas eu nunca escrevi algo do tipo e tenho medo de desrespeitar a pessoa. ] Não me importo do público feminino curtir e interagir com minhas publicações. Sejam muito bem-vindas!
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
✮⋆˙ Sinta se livre para me enviar o seu pedido ‹𝟹 ˙⋆✮
⌗ Até logo!‹𝟹
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weebnotheree · 8 months
♥ Tbhk x M! Reader ♥♡ Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun ♡ CH3
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Ch. 03 - The beginning of: Meeting you again (pt. 1)
Yashiro's pov
[shes walking rn btw while thinking]
I was on my way to the girls' bathroom thinking about what I just did. That boy..he's not like the rumors at all. Well, at least he granted me a wish. [tell me why I JUST noticed I forgot to make m/n grant her wish. THE WISH PART I forgot. Nvm just imaging the wish you gave her and ill go back and edit..maybe tomorrow or Monday.]¨I need to tell Hanako. . . . .HANAKO?! OH NO I FORGOT I HAD TO CLEAN THE BATHROOM TODAY. 。゚・(>﹏<)・゚。
I was rushing in a hurry to get to the girls' bathroom. Until I made it. Before I opened the door I was thinking why do I have to clean the girls' bathroom it's gross...'I feel more like a maid than a paranormal apprentice.' I soon opened the door and walked in. ¨Hanako, Hanako, Hanako...CAN I PLEASE GO HOME THESE TOILETS ARE GROSSING ME OUUUT!!¨
¨Not yet!¨ he responded back happily as he came out of the stall.
¨Please, there's just something I have to get done today?!¨
¨mmm no. I've also got something important I need to you to do when you're finished. Sounds like your only option is to clean faster.¨ He said smiling
¨Not faiRrrr! [Shakes him]You may be eternally young but I'm not! I'm at the price of my life right now and I could be missing my big chance today because of youUu!¨
[dizzy] (@□@)
¨Chance for what?¨
[stops shaking him]¨Not trying to brag but I got asked out on the second date by fuji the coolest guy in class.¨ I said happily smiling with my eyes closed while holding up the number two. {¨Are you free after school today?¨} ¨He really wants to meet me alone in our classroom later and i really don't want to stand him up.¨ I said still in the same pose smiling.
¨A date?!!¨ Hanako said. ¨What exactly are you expected to do with this kid?¨ Hakano asked floating close to me in mid-air.
¨If you really wanna know I guess I have to tell youu~¨ I said with hearts above my head smiling with a tent of blush on my cheeks.
. . . . . . . ¨Were meeting in an empty classroom to organize paperwork for student council. Fuji said he has to leave right away though so I told him id finish up. He's so shyy.¨ (ᓀ ᓀ||||)
¨If he's leaving than does that count as a date?¨ (O O)
¨Sure. I may just be a woman of convenience for now. But eventually, he'll I'm a catch.¨ I say trying to reassure myself, crouching down.
¨Well that's one way to look at it. But there's a fine line between optimistic and naive. Sounds to me like he's using you.¨ He says and I feel him behind me. ¨Stay. Don't go on this date.¨ He then puts his hands on mine, closing them together while saying ¨Ill show you a better time than that guy will.¨ I gasps and look back at him and he's looking at me. ¨And I won't leave you alone.¨[now she holding the mop and lets out a weird sound which idk wut to call it.] . . . . .I clench the broom ¨Thank you Hanako but if my choices are to clean bathrooms with you or sort paperwork alone, then please hand me all the stacks.¨
{difeated shocked noises-hanako} ¨Uh??!!¨ Σ(□△□|||)
¨Okay that's fine. You must really miss breathing through your gills. Guess I better go shopping. What's your favorite fish food?¨
¨✨Nothing brings me more joy than a sparkling clean bathroom!✨¨ I said happily mopping.
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hearts4mitsuba · 2 years
Fandoms and characters I write for :D
Sally Face
Blooming Panic
John Doe
•John Doe
•Micah Yujin
The Goldfinch
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
•Glam Freddy
•Glam Chica
The Owl House
Stardew Valley
Genshin Impact
•any Adult/Teen(raiden+yae only /p)
Helluva Boss
• Stolas
Metal Family
•Red guy
•yellow guy (p)
•probably will do other characters that I don’t remember as well
Saiki K
•Nendou (p)
Don’t fall for flint
Things that I will and won’t write for ^^!
Will do:
• male reader
•character x reader x character
•character x character
Won’t Do:
•anything proshipping related
•fem reader
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fanon-canon-idfk · 2 years
Kou x Music Shop Owner Male Reader? Do whatever you want with this idea, I just need fluff/lh
I. Love. This. Idea. SO. MUCH.
(Ok if you’ve watched Spy X Family get prepared bc I’m definitely using “second son” as a name for Kou)
Innovation: the introduction of something new
Kou Minamoto X Male Reader
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Kou Minamoto is known for many things. His optimism, his determination, his weird moments where he’s talking to the walls.. (the ghosts)
Among those things, he’s also known for never hesitating to start a change in his life.
Today whilst he was walking through the halls of school he heard some guys talking about a new music shop that had recently opened down the street.
How convenient! The middle child Minamoto had just been pondering the idea of learning how to play guitar.
And right after school, he took his first steps to do just that.
He walked into the shop, the pleasant bell on the door announcing his presence.
Who Kou expected to be at the counter would be someone in their 20’s or 30’s, an adult at least.
He certainly didn’t expect the familiar face of one of his classmates standing behind the counter.
“Oh hey!” He greeted the taller male “L/N right?” He eagerly asked. Kou was a bit relieved to see a somewhat familiar face.
“Yes sir, and you’re the younger Minamoto right?” The taller boy questioned, his tone slightly playful as he leaned onto the counter, head in hand.
Kou chuckled a bit at the other male’s words, he only got more comfortable with this boy by the second.
After his short laugh, Kou found himself aimlessly locking eye contact with the boy for a few seconds- in pure silence- until the other male spoke up.
“So, second son, how may I help you?” L/N stands up straight, smiling at the young exorcist.
“Oh! Right!” He exclaimed, remembering he wasn’t exactly here to make new friends.
“You guys got any starter guitars?” He asked, a bit embarrassed to say he was a newbie.
“Of course!” L/N replied, “right this way Minamoto.” He led him farther in the store into the section filled with different types of guitars.
Kou looked at the assortment of guitars in amazement, each just as cool to him as the last.
“So second son, what shall it be” he spoke in a tone mocking that of a formal one
“How ‘bout..” he gazed over all the different guitars once again then caught the one for him.
“That one?” He answered, his words sounding more like a question than a statement.
L/N lightly chuckled at the shorter boy’s hesitation. “That one it is.” L/N carefully grabbed the guitar from its holding to bring it to the front counter.
Kou followed eagerly, excited for this new chapter, to try something new!
“That’ll be $46.95 Sir Minamoto.” L/N stated.
Quickly Kou went reaching for his wallet in his pocket, the excitement practically eating at him.
Not there.
He checked inside his bag next, surely it’s there!
Not there.
Kou froze. Remembering just why he didn’t have it.
He didn’t plan to buy anything, especially not a guitar of all things, today! So of course he didn’t have it!
He mentally slapped himself in the face for forgetting that.
“Crap..don’t have my wallet with me. Sorry I wasted your time man..” Kou admitted in a defeated tone.
L/N was quiet. Then suddenly spoke up, an idea seeming to have entered his mind.
“Minamoto,” he called for his attention, the smaller boy looking up at him to show he was listening.
“You’re just starting right?” L/N asked, same gentle smile on his face.
“Uh..yeah?” Kou replied, L/N wanted to laugh at his face, it reminded him of a confused puppy.
“So how about instead of buying the guitar now..” he began “I give you some lessons on how to play? That way you can figure out if you’re really into the whole thing?”
Kou’s eyes widened, the excitement returned tenfold along with a slight bit of admiration for L/N’s kindness.
“Really?!” His smile was so wide. That confused puppy expression quickly turning to that of a happy one.
“Mhm! I’ll be sure to become a great mentor for you young Minamoto, free of charge of course.” He simply smiled at him once more as he spoke.
From then on Kou’s lessons began, every day after school he’d rush into the shop and even help L/N around the shop to show gratitude.
Kou first entered the shop in search of something new in his life.
And boy did he get it.
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purestofeuthymias · 1 year
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‎ ‎‎‎‎‎                     let's all meet again inside the next ecosystem.
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euthymia.  ♪  he/him.  ♪  multifandom writer .
⁺   .     ✦  asian . intp-t . 9w1 / 9w4 . melancholic [ dominant ] .
                       <     bsd  ,  cats  ,  rain ,  cold drinks  .  3
                                             ⁺   .     ✦  requests are open 
                                                      ↳    click here to visit euthymia’s cafe ✧
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All rights reserved © 2023 purestofeuthymias. Please do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my works on any platform.
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toastermoth · 5 months
hi! This isn’t exactly a request but I noticed you do toilet bound characters but didn’t have a link to a list… does this mean any character is okay or did you just forget the list? 😰 this sounds weirdly passive aggressive but I don’t mean it in that way
TBHK Characters
I apologize I haven't made the list yet </333 I'll just make the list here, again I apologize for not making the list because I am lazy- BUT HERE IS THE LIST (P.S. I also haven't read the manga so pls no spoilers!!)
Romantic/Anything Below:
Mitsuba Sousuke
Kou Minamoto
Teru Minamoto
Akane (with glasses)
Nene Yashiro
Aoi Akane
Won't Write For:
Anybody not mentioned.
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catlover34 · 1 year
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I only take 4 requests when all slots are free. If you request while the four spots are already filled your request will be put on hold until i finish my other two. You will be notified when I begin writing your request.
Request status: Closed
It should take me about 1-2 weeks to complete your request depending on how busy I am in that week. If your request is expected to take longer, I will let you know beforehand of the delay. I may message you throughout the week in my process of writing, just to confirm that I have written about the correct topic you have requested. If you request a one-shot for a character I have no knowledge of/don’t know well then I request that you give me some information on them to help make them as in character as possible.
To clear any confusion you may have, once you make a request I will let you know of your place in my waitlist. Once I have posted my previous request then you will know that I have begun yours.
Fandoms I know well: Sk8 the infinity, Genshin Impact, Honkai star rail, Toilet-Bound Hanako Kun, Kiznaiver, Demon slayer, Oshi no Ko, Resident Evil 4 remake, Obey me, Seraph of the End, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Hunter x Hunter (Not Gon or Killua),
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hanakoenjoyer · 2 years
Sorry for my random hiatus :3 I was very busy but I’m happy to be posting again
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