#toilet racer
tinycartridge · 1 year
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The wait for Gekisou! Benza Race - Toilet Shooting Star is almost over
After learning about this game, a toilet racer, I am now retroactively spending the last year anticipating its May 15 release.
An exciting toilet racing game that lets you experience a toilet revolution. Many circuits and toilet racers are waiting for your challenge. After customizing the toilet and getting your stomach ready, it's time to start the race!
Can you seriously read the words "toilet revolution" without being overcome by curiosity? And that screenshot with the amazing "weird arcade game" or even "weird WiiWare game that would never be localized" vibes!
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kawaii-sugarii · 1 year
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Jibaku Shounen Gloyd-Kun.
Or in other words...a Sugar Rush x Hanako-Kun crossover.
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samuelr123411 · 6 months
Sugar Rush Racers In Skibidi Toilet
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rebelxr · 10 months
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"I am not!" - Lando Norris
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summary; Lando Norris x f! reader
It's the first time Lando gets jealous, his dramatic moves can be very entertaining
warning(s); none, maybe grammar errors
author's note; requested. It was an honor to write it!
"hello, can you tell me where the hotel is?", a tall good looking man stands in front of you. He's taller than Lando. "Of course", you smirk, typical tourists. "thank you, your boyfriend looks familiar", the man stares at Lando. "He's famous ", you giggle, "formula one racer". The man laughs with you, "Lando Norris? Lucky girl", his shoulder flirts with yours. You can see Lando in the background, he hides that he's looking at you.
"We're in hurry, sorry. Have fun!", you wink at him and walk back to Lando. He looks up from his phone, sunglasses on. "hey love", you kiss his lips quickly and twist your hands together. Usually Lando would mock you for this nickname, but now he just nods. "I love you", you tell him whilst walking through the park. "until you have his number", his british accent gets sarcastic. "Are you jealous because I talked to a tourist?", you laugh out. Lando touches his forearm, straight poker face. "I am not jealous", he shakes his head, until he sees your smirk, "I am not!", he gets a dramatic move. "sure, you're not", you giggle. "Why would I? I'm a millionaire and I please you in every single way", he talks in a bittersweet voice. "mh", you mumble. "What the heck means mh?", Lando stops your weekly walk, completely outraged. It's just hilarious, like donald duck.
"Nothing ", you grin at him. He huffs, it's making him jealous. Of course he is. You know all bad sides about him. He loves you and doesn't want to lose this relationship.
"Are you telling me, I'm not the best boyfriend ever?", lando's voice gets higher and higher. "this man could be the one, too", you laugh tears. He should know you're just teasing.
"I can't live like that!", he is pissed and stops holding hands, walking back to this guy. "Lando -", you run after him. "Lando!-", you yell even more, your lungs are burning. You didn't know Lando is this athletic. "Land-", you finally grabbing his arm, but too late. The unknown man looks down to Lando, "hi man!". Lando's face looks not friendly. "stop flirting with my girlfriend!", he points at him. The unknown man looks confused, "what do you mean?", "stop flirting with her or I'll run over you with my car!", he growls. "dude you have serious problems. I'm taken, my wife is on toilet". Lando breathes out, "oh okay. Have a nice day mate", touching your shoulders with him to turn around. After a minute walking without any word, you can't hold back anymore. "Lando you're jealous!", you laugh so loud, the neighbors will hear you, for sure.
"Shut up", he is embarrassed. You hug him tight, "I only love you".
"I hope so, because I'm the best boyfriend ever"
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incorrectbatfam · 10 months
Help I'm writing a fic and I need ideas for a Z-list Rogue. Smth bad but gimmicky
Chalkduster, the Crime Alley nuisance who runs around pounding erasers in people's faces
Sparklewolf, the person who got stuck in their fursuit and turned to a life of crime to survive
Captain Gender Essentialism, the Republican who thinks men will grow ovaries if they use toilet paper
Stickytoes, the thief with sticky toes
Dr. Needler, a mad acupuncturist
The Arborist, a Poison Ivy copycat who plants trees in potholes
Mother Crunchy, the woman who uses her unvaccinated kids as bioweapons
Chewer, a guy who chews with his mouth open
Four-Eyes, a kid with indestructible glasses and appetite for burning anthills
The Radium Girls, an all-female gang of radium dealers
Light Yagami, a teenager who's weirdly obsessed with his notebook
Gerbil, the street racer in a giant plastic ball
Redditor, the dude whose opinion no one asked for
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hi. alot is happening. bumming off wifi rn. i'm copy/pasting someone from a doc i started in libra office with no internet.
The landlady has made excuses to not give us back the security deposit. She keeps having Dave’s boss call him in a foul mood will all kind of threats and accusations of things we supposedly broke/ruined.
1.) On our first night out of there she has already threatened to call the cops on us by claiming that we filled the house with perfume before we left so it’ll hurt her. What happened was we cleaned it because she demanded that it was clean like it supposedly was when we moved in(it wasn’t clean when we moved in). We used that Meyers shit, which has a pretty muted scent and is supposed to be safe for the environment. And it was just basic sweeping, dusting, and then doing up the ktichen and bathroom just to be safe.
2.) Today she has claimed that we filled the washing machine with motor oil to ruin it as punishment before we left. She swears the whole house smells of oil, after screaming about it smelling like too much perfume that was supposedly used to hurt her breathing. Mind you, mom is an asthmatic so we can’t use things with strong scents because it will fuck her up. If we bought oil, it would be for the van cuz that shit is expensive and we wouldn’t be wasting it on HER of all people.
By now, Dave’s boss is aware that she cannot legally withold the deposit and that she’s trying to use the fact that Dave is a dumbass, against him. Mom however, knows the laws, and the lease said nothing about not using scented cleaners OR perfumes, and she does not have a legit reason to not give us the $1600 back. If she took it to court it would not hold. She has to make an itemized list of her claims, Dave has to acknowledge whether or not they are true, and then it goes to court.
fyi I took videos of everything in the house. Bethy’s Room, Mom’s Room, Bathroom, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen. All items that were hers, such as the Oven, Fridge, Washer, Dryer, Toilet, Sinks,Tub/Shower, random Recycle Bin, and Wall Hangings. Inside and Out. All details were recorded before we left. I even recorded us leaving at exactly 11:23 PM Feb 15th 2024, and recorded turning the light off.
Let’s see if she comes up with something else tomorrow. ~5:22 PM Feb, 17th 2024
Feb, 21st 2024:
I’ve just been informed by Bethy that Dave has gone on to further embarrass us. He insists that he’s got all these racing friends(and tbf they promised to help fund a big event to raise money for us 2 years ago, and then ghosted him AND Bethy when they asked what they had to do to help) who will help and has been harassing them for money.
One of them, an active dirt racer, posted a screenshot with Dave’s full name in a text convo begging for cash. And then half a dozen other dirt racers, active and retired, shared that he’s been hitting them up for money too. How he was in people’s posts about random shit beggn for money and then how he got swindled under his own comment by someone mocking him and posting the same thing he did with a small wording change about leaving an abusive house and Dave not only fell for it but then said he’d try to help them.
And now the greater dirt racing community is aware of this and are mocking him and us and some are making inquiries about Bethy’s well-being in connection to Dave. And their wives are having things to say about how he’s a bad parent and she should be taken away from him.
And I need to remind everyone that this is to pay off a blackmailer who is demanding $300 a week now. Bethy got a bit more info out of him on that and it apparently involves a photo. And there are only 2 types of photos that can get him in legal trouble(since he believes he CAN go to jail over this). So either he sent an unsolicited dick pic, which won’t receive much punishment cuz he’s a man who LOOKS white enough. OR it’s child p0rn, and he’s never given that vibe out of everything fucked up with him so I’m not exactly sure.
But he walks around demanding to know ‘did anyone give us money yet’ and people have donated to the GFM and Mealtrain, and I’ve earned about $100 on Ko-Fi recently, and we haven’t told him cuz he won’t use it for anything good.
He’s been bumming extra money off his boss despite knowing that the van need fixing, we need hot water and heat, and several other problems that need fixing ASAP. And his boss is asking questions and is getting nastier and nastier cuz he doesn’t trust Dave’s intentions and shitty lying.
There is no lease. The owner of this house knows Dave's boss and they supposedly came to an agreement that so long as Dave fixes up this house, we can stay here in the mean time for free. They supposedly made an agreement that Dave's boss will buy everything we need to fix the house up and then send all the receipts to the friend who will then pay him back.
And now Dave's boss is getting so fed up with Dave and his wishy-washy behavior and begging for all this money all the time that he does not earn, that he is now saying he never made any such promises. And he refuses to contact the owner of this house at all. There is no recording. No contract. No signatures. No proof that such a discussion went down at all. It is Dave’s word(unreliable) against the boss’(the one with money and power here) word.
Dave has no way to contact the owner either. Cuz he didn’t think that was necessary apparently. He was perfectly fine making his boss the go-between until his boss got angry.
So our ability to even stay here is hanging in the balance.
Can’t wait to see what other bad news I’m gonna find out.
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kaistarus · 8 months
My Fic Recs
South Park
Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space (gremlinteeth)–(Creek-complete(137k)–this is quite literally the greatest fic in existence. ‘but South Park is cring–’ shut your mouth, get over it, and read this masterpiece. The character/relationship development, worldbuilding, symbolism, characterization?? I still get emotional listening to “Wouldn’t It Be Nice.” by The Beach Boys.... Like what?!? I cannot wait for the day that I have forgotten enough of this fic that I can reread it again properly. IDC what fandom you’re from read this fic.
Me, You, And Time(HelplessRomantic_2)--(Creek-complete(13k))--There are a lot of fics on Craig and Tweek’s development using canon moments in the show and I think this one does it best. Characterization, realism, character/relationship development, friend group dynamics. It’s just a great fic overall. Love it
Family Is What You Make Of It(Mareepysheepy)--Creek-complete(17k))--This fic is unbelievable. It’s an absolute masterpiece of a take on the Tucker family dynamic and how Tweek has fit into their lives. The unconditional love they have for each other and Tweek’s support for Craig. It’s one of my favorite Tucker family fics and the writing itself is phenomenal
Life In Color (BlameCanada)-@blame-canada-Creek-Complete(2k)--This is so artistically written and underappreciated. It’s a shorter one-shot, but their ability to take Craig’s monotonous descriptions to show how his worldview and outlook literally change with Tweek around is beautiful. Gives me that chest achy lovey feel and cannot get enough
Your Eyes, My Nose (PinkFan_Gurl)-@pinkfan-gurl-Creek-Incomplete(75k)-I admit, I was a little hesitant at first because babies, but I gave it a chance and OH my god I’m so glad. The writing style is fantastic, the characterization is phenomenal, there are unique relationship dynamics, and most importantly we get dopey Craig who is so in love with Tweek it’s embarrassing. I flip out when I see there's an update in my inbox. Not complete, but still updates 🙂
A Beautiful Sight, We’re Happy Tonight (@tlinrookie)-Creek-Complete(13k)--I am so obsessed with this fic, it's just so fucking good and one of my favs. Post-high school hook-up into insecure/awkward flirting? It’s so well done and realistic as a concept that if someone told me this actually happened to them in college I’d believe it. I love that in my fics. And once again, awkward blushy Craig <3
press pause (pink2d)--Creek-complete(13k)--Just Craig overwhelmed with his newly developing feelings through fantastic writing and emotional description. He just wants to kiss his boyfriend but can’t stop overthinking literally everything. I LOVE the author’s use of little details and actions to show love and build up on Craig’s end, gives you a chest achy emotion
Anyone Else But You(@fruitloopzed)-Creek-Complete(3k)--One of my fav meet cutes. I’m always a sucker for love at first sight, but Craig seeing a cute boy at five-years-old and his first instinct being to rizz them up with red racer? What a concept. Genius. It’s so cute and actually writes them in character for their age which is well done
Nervous young inhumans(tweakers)-Creek-Incomplete(136k)@tweakerist--Have you ever wanted Craig to be hopelessly in love, but literally everyone and their grandma knows except him? Well, I have the fic for you! lmao seriously tho Craig is an idiot. but his and Tweek’s relationship dynamic/development is so good. I will reread some interactions like ten times cause they’re so cute and funny. So if you also like dialogue/interactions sign yourself up. It’s incomplete, but author updates regularly!
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
More Trouble Than You’re Worth(@voidjelli)–Amanene-Complete(183k)- Have you ever wanted as many fanfic tropes as possible shoved into one beautifully written fic? Well I've got the story for you! lol I’m personally obsessed with ‘he’s so in love with her it’s pathetic’ so this fic kills me. The writing is phenomenal and the characterization/relationship buildings are amazing. I’m a sucker for good friendships and fun group dynamics which this fic is filled with AND there’s  a prequel Last Call(7k)
Undertow(Kawffee)-@kawff33-Amanene-Complete(96k)--The amount of effort and research that must have gone into this fic astounds me. Like a mystery/romance with a small-town island setting, Nene doing Orca research? I learned so much. The writing is astounding, the concept is fantastic, it was so fun to read, and I’m amazed it exists as just a fanfic tbh
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p0ltergeistinyourroom · 7 months
South Park Headcanons :))
Kenny McCormick ;)
- sells magazines as a black market business at school and has Clyde as his best buyer
- Listens to hyper pop
- has a dirty blonde mullet
- cannot afford a haircut so cuts his own hair
- has a massive crush on Marjorine and flirts with her a lot even though she is clueless
- shortest out of his friends
- any pronouns
- would do ANYTHING for 10 dollars
- really close to his siblings and very protective of them
- drummer of the band
- not popular but well liked
- not good at school but surprisingly smart
- Probably high most of the time
- most popular band fandom ship is kenjorine
- always breaks his bones and saves his casts
Marjorine <3
- transfem
- deals with cartman’s crap but in the end stands up
for herself
- best friends with Kenny mccormick
- likes reading and hello kitty
- favourite colours are blue and pink
- wears light makeup
- good at drawing
- her mother divorced her father and Linda became a better person
- taller than Kenny
- works at Claire’s
- probably autistic
- listens to Mitski
- follows back everyone
- band Artist
Kyle :)
- germaphobe
- slightly paranoid
- has a complex hair routine and spends an hour trying to flatten it down
- supports his friends and is the most responsible in the group
- first to get his driver��s license
- transmasc
- still close to his brother Ike
- Still Stan’s sbf
- has matching profile pictures with Stan and has friendship bracelets
- band bassist
- writes some songs
- has freckles on his nose
- has a crush on his sbf but will not confess (or will he?)
- dry humor and is extremely funny to his friends
- got a growth spurt over the summer and is really tall
Stan marsh :)
- still depressed but goes to therapy
- band guitarist, lead singer and writes most songs
- dyes his hair a LOT
- Campaigns for causes on his instagram
- probably a vegan
- responds to fan mail a lot
- has a large crush on his sbf but doesn’t know what to do about it
- openly bisexual
- has a good fashion sense
- still good friends with Wendy
- wears nail polish
Eric Cartman
- still bigoted and an asshole (unfortunately)
- still bitter about Heidi
- smells of cheesy poofs and Mountain Dew
- never got his drivers license and begs people to give him rides
- second tallest in the group
- has a lot of acne
- online troll
- getting banned is his hobby
Jimmy Valmer <3
- Has braces
- shaggy hair
- Does comedy shows for charity
- backup singer in the band and plays the drums with Kenny
- sometimes looks on Pinterest for interesting costume ideas to make an entrance to his shows
- dramatic and likeable
- loves his band
- will become a comedian
Clyde Donovan
- good friends with Kenny
- dumb but funny
- great at football and basketball
- wears baseball jackets all the time
- sends dumb memes all the time
- fan of skibidi toilet (this pains me so much)
- Friends with Scott malkinson
- flunked math
- surprising rizz
- always buys magazines from Kenny
Wendy testaburger
- raging feminist
- still wears berets but adds pins to them
- leader of the debate club
- cheer captain
- works at a fancy restaurant
- good friends with Stan
- buys band merchandise to support the band
- donates to charity a lot
- has a tiny crush on Bebe
Bebe Stevens
- has amazing wavy blonde hair
- spends loads of time on TikTok and Pinterest
- watches loads of hair, nails and makeup tutorials
- tans easily
- best friends with Wendy testaburger
- likes Wendy a teensy- weensy- eensy bit
- kind of a feminist
- has 40 k instagram followers
- good cheerleader
- likes red racer
- is dating Kevin stoley
- skater
- has long hair
- wears beanies
- usually nice person
- uses 💀 as a laughing emoji
- Craig tucker’s cousin
Craig tucker
- autistic
- loves space and red racer
- watches red racer with Red
- has red racer merch
- dating Tweek
- has shoulder length fluffy hair
- usually calls Tweek honey, mi amor , etc
- still flips people off a lot and has a shirt of a middle finger that Tweek got him
- has braces
- really empathetic towards Tweek
- dry af texter
- Works at the coffee shop with Tweek
- trying not to drink coffee (hard challenge though!)
- dating Craig tucker
- trembles a lot
- bites his nails and stationary
(In the canon he has ADHD so it’s not really a headcanon(
- wears Craig’s hoodies
- surprisingly tough but anxious and paranoid
- does boxing 🥊
- never brushes his hair so it’s really knotty
- works at the coffee shop
- usually calls Craig dude, man, bro , etc
- known for hosting all the parties (classic teen au)
- calm mom friend
- normal person
- voice of reason
- will probably become a lawyer
Scott Malkinson
- Has a crush on Clyde
- Stands up for himself
- has fluffy hair
- Friends with Clyde
- wants to become a filmmaker
- gets beat up a lot
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angelicsjn · 1 year
Hey; can we maybe get Roman how we first met? If we're just some person, i wonder how we caught a famous racer's attention... he also gives me butterflies ///
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You're just an average person, you aren't famous. You work a normal job, live in a normal house, and you're generally just the average person.
Roman, on the other hand, a star, a famous racer, known not only for his skills but also his looks.
You met on an average day in Paris, he was at home during a break and you were travelling with friends.
You can't really remember how you met him. You remember being at a bar with friends, a handsome (familiar) stranger bumps into you and then you went though the "I'm so sorry, let me help you clean up" x "no no, it's fine, seriously!!"
Due to the dim lighting and the alcohol in your system, you were bubbly and forgetful of who he was. Roman is amused by this when you ask, "Have I ever met you before?" He simply says no, not bothering to tell you who he was.
Roman continues onward with the night, his friends mingle with yours, and he lets loose. Enjoying speaking to someone who 'doesn't know him'. He likes you automatically, it doesn't take him long at all to have that side of his brain click in, which is odd considering who he is and how he is as a person.
But this helps him believe its fate that brought you both together. He doesn't question these odd and fast feelings. It's all in God's plan. Obviously!
Soon enough, he is stalking your social media's. He's a smart man, watched you enter your pin on your phone. He's a gentleman and took care of your purse while you used the toilet, he checked through everything. Didn't take him long at all to find out a lot.
After taking you back to your hotel, such a gentleman, he continued stalking. Looking through everything and within 20 minutes, he finds out about you, your family, friends, exes, home life, and everything else.
It's actually scary how good this man is at stalking. He didn't even need to hack into anything, and he knows your history online, even the secret accounts and deleted things.
He took your number that night before helping you into your room, so you both naturally begin to speak and he set his name as 'Roman Beauregard' in your phone, so you pretty much freak out once you realise it was actually him, what the fuck?
You play it off and keep speaking to him generally, and you wonder if he knows that you know.
He does. He saw your friends that don't follow - or anything F1 related - saw all his recent stories. After a few days, he then followed you on social media, and it then became a thing with you both.
Roman is a sweetheart, but a controlled and silently strong one. When you meet him face to face, you realise all those interviews you watched in one night were actually just him, not his media personality.
At first, you believe he doesn't actually like you. But his little actions of presents he somehow knew you'd love, even though you never told him that and the fact he always knows how to say the right things.
It's almost like he's stalked you!
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heysawbones · 2 years
Please tell me about the dumb and harmless pranks you like(d) to pull on people. I’ll go first
1.) put life size speed racer cutout in the doorway when I expected guests. When they knock, open the door and hide behind it
2.) I had the phone number of a guy who bullied the shit out of me as a kid. Call their number, wait for someone to pick up. Flush toilet into mouthpiece. Hang up
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lgcseojin · 5 months
✱ SEOJIN'S JOURNAL ( 2006 - current )
This journal is property of Park Seojin. It contains sensitive topics and precious thoughts. If you find this, don't open it or else he'll come find you and take you to Suplex City! Go away.
Septembur September, 2006 The therapy lady said if I pretend I'm talking to God then I can write eeeasier. I dunno. Don't wanna talk to you right now buddy. Cuz somtymes sometimes I kinda wish you didn't make me so I'm upset at you. And I hate cake and I don't wanna blow out anymore stupid candelsles. It just makes me feel real mad. Speshully Especially when Miss Heejung tries to give me hugs. I don't want none of that I just wanna go back to my friends somtimes.
November 30th, 2006 Mr Dongwoo Dad said that the baby is gonna come any day now. I'm gonna be mad if the kid is born on my birthday no way am I gonna share. It's my day!! I want somethin that's mine.
December 25th, 2006 Didn't write in this thing cuz I forgot. Anyway. Christmas is real fun. I got an RC racer thing!!!!! It goes so fast hahahah!!
January 15th, 2007 The baby was really late. They called her Dahye. She looked at me kinda funny but she didn't cry when I hugged her.
September 3rd, 2007 I got moved to a different class and stuff. I wanna throw books cuz now I'm not with my friends. But the teach said we were dissruptin class or whatever. I get to sit next to a girl now and she stuck her tongue out at me so I stuck out my middle finger. Her name is Boram.
March 14th, 2008 Girls are weird. I gave Boram my chocolates cuz she gave me some and then she said she was gonna throw em in the toilet. Whatever. I didn't like her anyways.
May 21st, 2009 Hahahah!!! Jaehyuk hyung came to school today and brought a real lizard. Yep it was real I checked and everything. Haesung said we should dissect it but we were like no way. I wanna make it my pet. It looks so sick! Not sick sick but cool
June 17th, 2009 I bought a guitar!!!
November 27th, 2009 A weird lady said hi to me when I was walking home. She had really long hair and a funny smile. She looked real sick (the real kind) and said my name. Maybe she's one of them no homes people or a ghost or somethin
November 29th, 2009 The weird lady tried to give me a bag of chips and grab my hand. Did she think I was 5 years old or somethin. That shit don't work on 11 year olds. So I ran away real fast. Skinned my knee. It fuckin hurt.
December 1st, 2009 Stuff sucks real bad right now. I'm real sorry God. I don't wanna go back no more. I just wanna stay here now. I'm sorry.
December 1st, 2010 She called again. I can't have one day.
December 1st, 2011 Sorry I keep ignoring you. Lotsa shit is happening lately. That lady hasn't even read this since like 2 years ago. Why do I even bother? How did I do it again? Hi, God? Haha. I'm good, I guess. Bored right now. Eating some kinda bread dad bought in Japan. Way too sweet but whatever. Birthday went okay. They gave me a party and it wasn't anything special I guess.
January 20th, 2013 Got nothing else to do so I'm gonna write in this again. Fuck this city. Fuck everything. I don't wanna move and leave everyone behind. This sucks so fucking much. Seoul seems like it sucks anyway. But at least Jaehyuk is there... Ugh nevermind. It makes feel sick to write while the car's moving all over the place, and Dahye won't stop pinching me. I'm gonna give this kid a headlock.
April 30th, 2013 Some kid almost ran me over with his bike so I grabbed it and he fell on me. Buncha stolen shit fell outta his jacket and everything. Hahaha. He begged me not to tell anyone. I think he's a grade below me even though he said he's like 13 I think. Seems real smart. Name is Cheol... something. I guess he's ok when we started to talk but if he runs me over again I'm gonna pummel him for sure.
August 2nd, 2013 Mom had the baby today. The kid is real cute and she grabbed my finger super tight. I'm gonna be honest. I kinda felt like crying and stuff. She's real cute, Dasom. I wanna protect her.
October 12th, 2013 Jaehyuk wants to start a band or whatever. Know I never mentioned it before but I kinda like to sing and I know how to play guitar. I'll give it a shot. He introduced me to some guy named Taewoo from another school and I asked Cheol if he wanted to join, too. Here goes nothing I guess.
February 23rd, 2015 I asked Minkyung out. I know you don't know who that is yet, God. Sorry about that. I was being an idiot just being in my head instead. She's in the same class as me. She's got short hair like to her neck kinda length. It's really funny. The class was playing soccer and she kicked the ball at my head. She seemed real scared about it and she came over to check on me and grabbed my face. That's what it's like to fall in love right??
July 9th, 2016 Long time no see, huh? Lots of good news happened so far. Well, kinda. First, I'm still going out with Minkyung. :) Second, I entered a singing contest and I got 3rd place, so a guy with a card came up to us and all. He was from a company... entertainment company. Legacy or something. Well, I auditioned and made it. Cool, right? Weird, though... Didn't think this could be a thing for me. Well, I'm gonna mooch these vocal lessons and see what happens I guess. Taewoo won't stop calling me a fucking sell-out though. Bastard. Anyway... the next news is awkward kinda. Mom and dad decided to foster this kid. He's like 12 or 13 or something and he's already getting on my nerves... Feel bad for him though. I know what it's like.
June 14th, 2017 Shit sucks. What a joke. See if those fuckers mess with Hyunseung again. I'd kick their asses all over again until they leave him alone.
December 2nd, 2017 She called me again. I don't get why she just won't leave me the hell alone. I can't do this shit. I don't care if I'm her "real son". Why did she have to find me? You left me there for like almost 7 years and now you wanna keep trying.
March 1st, 2018 I decided to start over. It's for the best, probably. Dim is over. I left the company. Me and Minkyung decided it would be better if we broke up. I couldn't even look at her anymore after I went off the deep end and didn't wanna be around anybody for a while. It was like shit was falling apart and I didn't wanna be like that and hurt her. Then have to leave her. And the guys. I feel like shit. I don't even know if this is the right choice. I'm taking you with me. There's still a lot of space to fill.
March 28th, 2018 It's the fifth day of basics. A week in and I've got some smart idea to start a journal. Apparently it's supposed to be "good" for me as an outlet but like... For all I know, some guy will take it, read it, and make fun of me. Whatever. This is stupid. The food sucks.
March 30th, 2018 Guy named Jung Woobin joined today. Kind of a nerd, but he's in my temporary unit and the bed next to mine. Might as well make friends. He keeps talking about random shit. Maybe I can see if he likes Slam Dunk. Well, I'm not here to make friends anyways, am I? Nothing else interesting happened. Entries are gonna be short till something interesting happens.
April 5th, 2018 Week two. Not hype. Hate waking up fucking early. This sucks ass. Some guy lost his shit and ran off in some random direction. They labeled him as a deserter. Feel kinda bad for him. Just glad he wasn't in my unit.
April 8th, 2018 New recruits came. There was overflow in bunking so they stuck a guy with us. I get a chaebol smell off of him but he seems alright so far. Let's see how he does during the first week.
April 21st, 2018 I'm tired of this Kang dude. Nearly kicked his ass before we got stopped. What a prick. He snores when he sleeps, too. I'm gonna plug his nostrils.
May 1st, 2018 Transfer to marines unit today. Off to Pohang. Wish me luck.
July 30th, 2018 Finally got time to sit down and write. Shit's been intense. The C.O. is no fucking stickler. He makes our squad wake up up to an hour earlier than the others. Set our alarms as the wake up song that blasts outside. Today, I swear we got to bed at midnight and got up at 3:30am. Wanted us to get our rounds done early so we can get a head start into the MMA training so we're in top shape. Tomorrow, our platoon is supposed to meet with the American marines that are stationed here, too.
October 10th, 2018 My English isn't that great but I kinda talked to this guy and we became friends. Tall, wavy hair, super ripped. Said his name is Andreas like the fault line but I dunno what that means, really. I can just call him Andy, he calls me Jin. His Korean is pretty good, actually. Hahaha.
October 11th, 2018 We sat by the river when everything is done and he and his friend taught me how to skin a rabbit. Then, the guy said he was gonna go rock fishing ( I think, I couldn't get his accent but I think he was from Australia or something ) and pulled a catfish with his bare hands. I'm serious! Wish I coulda taken a picture...
October 14th, 2018 It's the last day of the collab camp thing. Andy gave me a book. D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths. I guess I should get better at English... But he said he's staying in Seoul after this. And his dad's got a boxing gym or something. Once I'm out, I'll check it out.
December 1st, 2018 They remembered my birthday. Never thought I'd get a Chocopie with a candle sticking out of it. Whatever works. I don't like sweets anyway and it's cold as balls.
February 13th, 2019 I'm on break for seollal! Came back home for a bit to see everyone. I know I saw them in between but still... This is nice. Chan must've gotten real tall over the summer. Dasom ran up to me and hugged me real tight. As for Dahye, she shook my hand. What a weird kid. I missed them so much. Gonna go spend time with them now. I won't forget you at home. Promise.
March 26th, 2019 A new guy joined us today. Real jumpy, that one. Said he got transferred to our unit for some reason he won't say. Rumor is that he tried to kill some guy and he's in a gang back in Daejeon. I don't believe it for a second. What a stupid story.
April 3rd, 2019 Caught Lcpl. Shin creeping around the place after dark not in his bunk. I got up to take a piss and he almost scared it right outta me. This is like the 2nd time this happened. Since our ranks are the same there's not much I can do. Should I tell the C.O.? Shit, why am I asking you? I don't think you would know what to do either.
April 17th, 2019 Fuck it, we finally ratted on the guy. The hell is he doing lurking around the latrines all the time... Must be some kinda weirdo. I guess that's why he was transferred. Shoulda kicked him out instead. Woobin said he saw him with a knife when he got out so I dunno what to think anymore. Lt said it isn't a big deal. That the guy's gotta be touched in the head, whatever that means.
April 22nd, 2019 Something or some dipshit keeps knocking on the barracks again. Can't fucking sleep. Shit sucks.
May 24th, 2019 Things were quiet for a while. There was a weird smell coming from the latrines and it wasn't cause of the crap they serves us. Found a dead bird strung up with shoelaces. Can't eat tonight.
May 28th, 2019 Can't sleep. Knocking again. The alarms went off. Glitch, I guess.
May 31st, 2019 Some shit went down. Two of the guys started wailing on each other outta nowhere. Screaming real loud about something. I didn't really bother trying to figure it out when we got them off each other. They were reprimanded. Only 9 of us, so this shit really stirred things up. Must have been some kinda disagreement. But everyone's fucking tired. Climbing drills are tomorrow.
June 1st, 2019 The ropes were cut. Or frayed. Or old, or something. It's my fault, isn't it? If I didn't pull so hard then Hwang wouldn't have fallen. Everything's okay. He said it wasn't cause of me. They took him out for a short medical leave. Hope he's okay. But I'm still shaking. I'd only tell you this kinda stuff, God.
June 5th, 2019 There's only 6 of us right now in the unit right now until the others get back. Feels real quiet right about now. No one really wanted to talk. Least, not to me. I still got Woobin but he seems like something's real wrong. Shin's got the world under his feet, though, the way he's strutting everywhere. Kept trying to show me his rabbit pelt. Freak.
July 7th, 2019 That fucking knocking again. A slam. Piss off so I can sleep already.
July 19th, 2019 It's raining. Real hard. Had to go fix something and found Shin out there doing... something. Whatever it is, he didn't like that I caught him and fuck I don't know what to do. It can't have been something bad, right? I didn't really see. It was dark.
July 23rd, 2019 I'm gonna kill that piece of shit. What kinda asshole takes a picture of my mom and just. He's dead. Next week. Mark my words, God. I'm confessing ahead of time if something happens. I'm kicking his ass when he comes around.
July 29th, 2019 The fucker still lives. Unfortunately. Opened my eyes and saw him hovering over my bunk. I swear. I saw it. How long was he standing there? How many days? Shouldn't think too much of it...
August 2nd, 2019 I looked over and he was just sitting up in bed like that. Awake. I don't think he ever sleeps, come to think of it. Woobin said the same thing. I started to keep my knife with my under my pillow.
September 6th, 2019 We woke up and Shin was gone from his bed. Nothing from the usual. C.O. came in and told us the military officers came and got him. Said what happened stays with us. They're making Woobin testify but he won't tell me what happened. Guess I'll never really find out. Gotta keep an eye on the news maybe later. Feel like I need to take 8 showers though. Maybe 10. Hopefully there won't be too much to write about now.
September 30th, 2019 Holy shit. Just a little bit longer and I'll be outta here. Sgt. Park speaking. Cool, right? I should have something positive here after all that. Everything seems like it's okay again. I think. I guess I thought about it a little more... All sorta guys come through here and you never know who's gonna end up being totally insane. I left out some details but, God, I'm sure you saw what happened anyways.
October 15th, 2019 One more month! I get to lead new recruits today. I asked Woobin to help and he still almost passed out running with us. Guess some guys really don't get that fit here, haha. Here's hoping we can still be friends when we leave. He's outta here next week... Gonna miss him something awful.
November 10th, 2019 I'm free!!! Gonna stay with the family again for a bit until we get my place figured out. Don't really plan on going to school or anything, but dad helped me find a job at some restaurant. I gotta go to Gangnam for it since it's all ritzy but it pays well. I'm kinda excited. Really feels like I started over again... Also, went to the bar still in my fatigues ( yeah, I know, I was lazy ). Craziest thing, the people you meet again. Some guy in uniform, another in a sparkly jacket. Funny where we end up.
December 2nd, 2019 Saw the guys yesterday. We got super smashed and they said I climbed a tree. Wait. Why am I still writing? Nothing interesting is going on. Let's not make this a habit.
January 8th, 2020 Nevermind. Something kinda crazy happened. Went to Vampire Den for the open mic night again. Just to sing. I got that card again. This shiny one. I guess I must have been outta my mind and had it in me to go for an audition. It was worth a shot. I'm almost at the limit they accept trainees. Fuck what am I doing? Shit.
January 9th, 2020 The call came. I made it. They said I gotta move into the dorms now. At least I got a couple months to myself.
January 20th, 2020 Shit man. So many kids around... This kid ( had a real unique name ) I'm roommates with said that he's graduating high school soon. Crazy... I think I'm in way over my head if this is how things are gonna be, but fuck it, right? At least I can still keep my job. Guess I'll just start making some friends around here. There's plenty of guys my age. Yushin's even here, too. Well, anyway. I don't gotta keep writing in this right now so see you later.
July 24th, 2020 Hey guess who's gonna be in a band again? Well kinda. It's still a bunch of practicing. We'll see what happens but I'm feeling optimistic, I think.
April 21st, 2021 This just in for another episode of Shit Sucks... They pulled the band stuff. I guess there weren't gonna be enough resources for it. Dunno what to do now. Feels like everything's crumbling apart around me. I can just hide away in my room for the rest of the year, right? Just not sure what they're gonna do with me now. Gotta get better at dancing. I'll do it later.
May 23rd, 2021 Shit just keeps happening. I saw her with someone else. I don't want an explanation. I'm tired of this push and pull shit. Going here and there without saying much. She lit my heart on fire and put it out with her fucking shoe. I loved her. At least, I think I did. I guess that doesn't matter now. Nothing should have come from that day and why did I even bother going through with it. Over and over again. Wasted my own heart. Nothing matters anymore, does it? Fuck it all. I should go somewhere. Don't look now, God.
August 17th, 2021 I guess some okay things can happen. But these blind dates the guys keep trying to set me up on are a waste of time. Better to not put in effort like that. Anyway, dad's heart thing has gotten better, too. He wanted me to start picking up his new medicine after practice every day.
September 19th, 2021 It's hard to want to sing again. Or want to do much of anything again. Maybe I'll get better by next year.
September 25th, 2021 Met this girl. Well, already did. Sometimes, she'd be at the pharmacy when I picked things up. There's dimples in her cheeks when she smiles at me. I mentioned I was interested in producing music and she asked me for some pointers. We're meeting next week so I can help her, I guess. Worth a shot. Come to think of it, I think we went to the same high school.
October 18th, 2021 She's cute. Fuck, I'm so screwed. I remember now. I sneezed on her in the hallway once. She said it was two times, but I don't remember the first one. We already talked a lot. It's weird. Something dangerous about her. I'll watch my step...
October 31st, 2021 I feel drunk even though I'm not. She said she liked me and I wanted to run. I think I already like her, too. I just can't be what she needs right now. I shouldn't be writing this stuff down. I'll save it for songs. My own head. See you.
December 5th, 2021 She said there's a beauty in being impulsive. She is coy and bold. She wants to kiss my cheek because something compels her to. She yearns to see me. I can't forget anything she says. She speaks in poetry and laughs in music. I don't flinch when she reaches out to touch me. So.. What now...? I kissed her on the shores of some snowy Sokcho beach. When she says now that there's nothing innocent about the way I kiss her with that smirk of hers. When she said she's looking for someone to break her heart because she's just being realistic. Not to feel burdened because I make her happy. She'll be patient for me. I think I might be going a little crazy. Emotionally, spiritually. She makes me want to sing again.
December 1st, 2022 Aside from one good thing, this year was kind of a bust. Hoping for a better one next year. Fuck, I'm getting old. Did they forget about me?
March 20th, 2023 Finally got a project! With actual songs. Not sure what it's gonna entail but ... here goes nothing, as usual. :)
March 30th, 2023 And when it comes to spring, I learned that it's made of heartbreak and not love.
August 12th, 2023 Fuck, what am I doing with my life? It's so close I can taste it but I can't help but feel like there's so much missing.
October 30th, 2023 What am I doing? Part two. Everything is all jumbled up. There's nowhere to put that anger brewing in my head. I almost messed up my hand because of it and ruined everything for myself. Might start writing some songs again...
December 1st, 2023 The first birthday I really felt like I deserved. I guess I made it this far, huh? And there are people who care about me, love me. It's still really overwhelming to think about, but looking back, this is what I always needed. And I should have been more grateful for what I have around me in the form of other people.
January 1st, 2024 I think it's gonna be a great year. Love is real.
January 14th, 2024 Oh. Fuck.
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moneymasnn · 2 years
The holiday fling| Mason Mount Part 1/2
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Notes: To start this off THERE WILL BE A PART TWO!! lol it will be posted on Saturday, so only two days! This has been sat in the drafts for so long until I though it was good enough to post lmao. I hope you all enjoy the fic, I haven't written in literal months, but I'm really happy to be back on mason Tumblr again!!! Ive missed u all, thank you for all the kind messages I love every single one of you! And also I wanna say another thank you for 1k!!! When I saw it I was so shocked I honestly cried lol... but anyways enjoy the fic my lovelies🤍 gif credits too @goalkepa
Blurb: One where y/n meets a stranger outside of a bar and they both decide to be someone else for the night, until this backfires on them.
Warnings: Just mild swearing!
The request
Fancy holidays weren't your thing. You didn't really fit in with what people call the ‘riches’. The constant cameras, lack of privacy. It was honestly the last thing you ever wanted to experience. But with your brother in constant limelight, you almost were forced into that way of life.
You had just finished your degree in journalism in London, and right now was a better time than ever to have a well deserved break. 
Your brother had willingly been on the other end of all of the phone calls you had made. Crying in your university's toilets, telling him you were homesick and couldn't deal with the stress. 
You loved your brother, and you knew he only ever wanted the best for you. But what you needed was words of encouragement, not “drop out and come say with me.”
Now, to anyone, yes I get it. That does sound like the life, am I right?
Traveling around with your brother, he's a F1 racer, so the traveling would be set to a maximum, amazing views, beautiful cities, everything paid for. Yeah it was very appealing, but you weren't going to settle for that. You wanted to do it on your own.
So let's say hypothetically you did go travel the world with your brother, you wouldn't have anything for yourself other than following his career and you don't think you could deal with another phone call from your parents asking you what you were going to do with your life.
But now that you have finished university, you have some jobs on hold. But for the time being you decided to join your brother on his lads holiday to mykonos, fun. 
That's also how you ended up in the situation you were currently enduring. You and Lando had left the villa a while ago to go have some well needed drinks, and to celebrate the fact you actually managed to graduate.
But long story short, like everyone else in your life, Lando had brought up the dreaded question, “what are you doing with your life now you have finished uni?”
A question you couldn't exactly answer...yet.
“All i'm saying is-” 
“I get what you're saying, lando, but I want to do something for myself.” You couldn't help but let out a sigh of desperation, fiddling with the black straw in your drink.
“I could get you a job with mclaren? You could be an interviewer or something, and on the plus side you'll be with me for a year, traveling the world.” He smirks at you, bumping your shoulder.
He would love that, for him to be the hero. He's had everything handed to him on a silver plate, and you hated that. For once in your life you just wanted to be your own person.
“Oh because mum and dad would love that.” You mumble rolling your eyes.
“I'm sure they would, finally being able to see their child with a stable job, and maybe a stable life.” He snaps back at you.
You let out a breathy laugh. You might not be stable, but who is after they've just finished uni?
“You're being unreasonable? I don't want to live in your shadow, lando.”
“And you're being ungrateful.”
His words hit hard. You hated passing up his incredible opportunity, but you just wished he understood why you were doing it.
“I'm not being ungrateful, but you making one or two phone calls to get me this job defeats the point of what I'm trying to tell you. I want to get a good job because I'm talented and smart, not because Lando Norris is my brother.”
You watch as Lando rolls his eyes at you before he waved over the bartender to probably order another drink in hopes it kills the tension.
A silence loomed as you sat back in your chair, playing with the rings on your fingers.
The thing is, he doesn't get it. You love that he wants to help, but he needs to let you figure things out on your own.
You watch as some of landos friends start to approach him from the entrance,all dressed in fancy over-priced shirts, crisp white shoes and embarrassingly sunglasses on in the club. 
You eye up the men that only acknowledge your brother, ignoring your presence completely, and you suddenly think that going for a walk and getting drunk by the beach sounds like a good idea.
Lando wasn't paying any attention to you as his back was now turned, greeting the young boys that had just walked over.
You grab your drink, smiling at the bartender before swiftly getting out your chair and walking out of the bar, leaving Lando with his friends. He was too distracted to notice you had gone anyway.
You really should keep your head up when you're walking, fiddling with the black straw in your drink, it becomes a slight distraction as you go to make it to the exit door. Although, for you it wasn't only the cold mykonos air that hit your body.
Your body collided with another that was also trying to make it out of the door, you smiled up at the young boy, he looked about in his twenties, gorgeous brown eyes, eyes that complemented his dark brown hair and his short, stubbley, beard.
“Sorry, you go.” he said. 
“No, it's fine you go.” You ushered him with a quick smile.
“No honestly, you can go first.”
Your eyes narrow at the man, he swiftly smirks, scratching the back of his neck as you take up his offer and walk through the door first, smiling as you soak up the warm fresh air from outside.
“Sorry, about that.” he catches up to you, deciding to stand next to you. 
It took you a moment to catch what he was on about but then you realized that your drink had split when he bumped into you, luckily missing your outfit, but your toes looked kinda sticky.
“Wait here?”
“What?” You look up at the odd stranger in disbelief, before he takes the now empty drink from your hand, pointing to the concrete slab that was made to look like a bench by the door.
“Just sit and wait, please.” Honestly, your day had been awful, and I don't think Satan could say no to his eyes.
He goes to push the door to the club before he turns around again, “Vodka lemonade?” You silently nodded before he wisped around the door.
You stood for a second before deciding to actually sit and wait.
The back of your legs hit the cold concrete slab as you sat, crossing your legs staring at the palm tree that calmly swayed above you.
You didn't have a moment to contemplate what the hell just happened with the stranger when your phone dings in your pocket.
Where did you go? Sent 22:15
Y/n???????? Sent 22:16
Did you go back to the villa? Sent 22:17
I'm sorry if i've upset you i was just trying to help Sent 22:17
I'm fine, don't worry. Gone back to the villa i wasn't feeling too good talk 2 u tomo. Sent 22:20
Get back safe x sent 22:20
You couldn't help but roll your eyes, but you knew you needed to get out of here in case Lando notices you haven't actually gone back to the villa, but your trail of thought crashed when an almost familiar body was lingering over you.
It was the guy from earlier.
But this time he was holding a black round tray with a set of drinks on it, a wide grin plastered on his face as he placed the tray down next to you with what looked like two vodka lemonades, and two shots of tequila.
“Drink?” He asks you with a smile. “The least I can do after I practically spilled yours.”
“How do I know you won't spike me?” You squint at him, he didn't seem like the type to be honest, but what do you know, he's a stranger.
He furrows his brows before placing a hand on his heart, before smirking and picking up one of the drinks, he sips from the straw, before taking a dramatic gulp. He lets out a breathy laugh before passing the glass to you.
You tried not to giggle at the stranger's antics, but the couple drinks you had with Lando earlier were already doing you dirty as you quietly slipped the drink the stranger had bought you.
“Also the ice is floating.” He added, taking a sip of his own vodka lemonade.
You turned to face him, his cheeks tint a pink shade before he pointed to your glass, “When a drinks been spiked the ice usually sinks.”
You stare at your floating ice for a moment, if he is a serial killer he's pretty damn good at luring in his victims, because it's been roughly six minutes and this boy has you captivated.
“So what's your name?” he smiles, passing you a shot.
The smell of strong tequila invades your nose as you watch him lift up his shot to cling it with yours.
He can sense your closed off demeanor as he sighs, but his smile never fades, “Fine, okay then, maya.” He winks at you with his shot in the air as you copy his actions in swallowing the tequila, the sensation burning your throat.
You winced slightly at the taste, before slamming the shot back down on the tray.
“Maya?” You question him, wiping the dribble from your bottom lip.
“Maya… Everdeen? Yep, you definitely look like Maya Everdeen.” He nodded to himself as he placed his shot glass back on the tray.
“Been watching the hunger games have you?” You smirked at him, picking your drink back up to fiddle with the straw.
He smiled before his cheeks turned pink again, he was kinda cute when he blushed.
“Hmh, if we're being serious, you definitely look like a charles.” You added, gazing over his long brown hair and his gorgeously glossy brown eyes. Your gaze linkers around his neck for a little while, noticing the small chain loosely hanging down the tip of his chest.
“I don't think I grew up posh enough for my mum to call me charles.” He smiled down at you.
“Where did you grow up?” Your eyes were watching your floating ice, as he giggled at your question.
“Trying to get to know your victims?” 
“Simply making conversation.” The corners of your mouth slightly moved upwards.
“Portsmouth.” He replied, he did have a south east england kinda accent. “You?”
“You don't have a bristolian accent though?” He questioned.
“I did a lot of traveling growing up, I live in London now so it's not like I'm around the accent a lot, it really pops out when i'm with my parents though.” You smile up at him, but when your eyes meet he was already looking at you, the silent moment of eye contact was cut off when your phone screen lit up.
Did you get back to the villa alright? Sent 22:41
“Hey Charles, fancy getting out of here?” You quickly stand up, brushing off the dirt from the back of your thighs.
“Go where? Somewhere quiet so you can murder me, i dont think so.” He smiles, you roll your eyes at his attitude before looking at the glistening reflection from the moon on the sea.
“Exactly that, the beach will do perfectly.” You smile already making way to cross the road.
This was very out of character for you. You don't do one night stands, not that this was a one night stand, or even anything close, but you knew it wasn't the safest of situations to have put yourself in. And the fact your brother would be pissed if he could see what you were doing right now. 
You pulled your heels off on the side of the road, watching ‘charles’ pull off his socks and shoes as you both took a stroll along the beach.
You spent the long walk talking about everything and nothing, it was nice, talking to a stranger. You and the boy never once spoke about your own life or its problems. You just spoke about the world and had an odd conversation about planes. He told you about his fear of heights while you compared it to your fear of spiders. You spoke about the future and how one day he hopes to have a family, you couldn't say the same, sure you would love to have a family, but you wouldn't do that with just anyone. After the conversations died down, ‘charles’ had suggested a game he liked to call ‘rapid questions’.
“Summer or winter?” he asked you.
“Autumn.” You quickly say.
“Good answer.” He smirked as he looked down at you.
“Okay I have one, are you a cat or dog person?” You asked him.
“What do you think?”
“You look like a dog person.” You bump his shoulder, smiling up at him, watching how his eyes lightley shone from the reflection of the sea..
“Correct. One place in the world you would love to visit?” He asks you.
“New york. You?”
“Vegas.” He sheepishly smiles.
“Best present you've ever received?” You asked him, he smiled as he thought about his answer.
“Hmh, my great nan she knits jumpers for all the grandkids every year at christmas.”
“That's your best gift you've ever gotten?” You question him, trying to suppress your smile from his answer.
“It's the same routine every year, but the best part is the smile on her face when she sees you wear it on christmas day.”
“That's cute.” You bump his shoulder as you continue to walk along the sandy beach.
“What about you?”
“The best gift I've ever received… probably flowers.”
“Yeah, I love getting fresh flowers.” You shrug.
There was something about you that the boy couldn't help but be captivated by, he wanted to walk along this beach all night and ask you questions.
“Something you hate?” You said, interrupting his thoughts.
“Competitive are we?” You smirked at him, your eyebrow furred as you watched him scoff slightly.
“Very.” He winked.
“Not a sore loser are you?”
He laughs, “I try not to be.”
“What about you? what's something you hate.”
“Expectations.” You shrugged, facing forward as you threw your head back slightly, feeling the sea breeze on your neck.
He looked at you confused, you took note of the expression so you decided to elaborate on your answer.
“There's nothing worse when you try your hardest and someone still expects more of you.”
“Yeah, that sucks.” he smiled down at you, but his smile widened as he thought of another question.
“Favorite swear word?”
“Bolacks.” You said with a confidant smile.
“Really?” He laughs,
“It can mean so many different things, good food, it was the bollocks, just kicked you in the nuts, sorry about your bollocks?” The stranger couldn't help but laugh at your answer.
“Mines definitely bastard.” He said.
“Bastard?” You repeated back to him.
“No, you've got to say it with sass, like bastard.” 
You both walked along the sand for a while longer, giggling as you both kept repeating the word bastard.
Your empty glass was still clutched in your hand as you both continued to slowly walk, you had no idea how far you had both walked, but judging by the complaining from Charles it was probably quite far. 
You turned around at the noise of Charles groaning, he fumbled down on one of the sunbeds laying across it as he looked up at you.
“I don't really drink a lot, so I'm basically a light weight. I just need to sit down for a moment.” 
You can't help but giggle at him as he sprawls out along the sandy sunbed.
You situate yourself at the bottom of the sun bed, your eyes focused on the view of the sea and moon rather than the clearly drunk man whose head was now placed on your leg.
“Yes charlie.”
“I thought my name was charles?” He smirked, his eyes never leaving yours.
“It is, but charlies a cute nickname.” You had to take a second to look away, even with the alcohol his stare was intense to you.
He turned his head so he could look into your eyes better. But you broke eye contact again by pulling out your phone, you checked the time and it was currently one am. You knew you should probably get back to the villa soon, really risking it with Lando going home and not finding you all tucked up in your room.
“Tell me about maya.”
You smiled down at the boy, fiddling with your fingers for a moment, as you leant forward, gently leaning on his thigh.
“Well for starters, she loves books. Oh, she's a dog person. Her favorite color changes every week.” You pause for a second to think about what else you could say, but your mystery man was just soaking it all up.
“And she can't tell you what her job is or she will get assassinated, and so will you.”
The stranger fake gasps at your words.
“Tell me more.” He sits up, cross legged as he faces you.
“Hmh, she works for the FBI.” Your heart melted at the boyish smile plastered on ‘Charles' face.
“I've already said too much.” You say dramatically, hiding your face on his leg before you look up again.
“What about you, what does Charlie do?”
“Okay, but you've got to promise not to tell.” You silently nodded before taking his pinky finger in yours, he leans forward to whisper in your ear.
“I'm spiderman.” He smirks.
You pull away and gasp slightly, trying to keep it serious before you burst out in giggles. 
“Why are you laughing?” He frowns at you, but you can see the smile behind his eyes.
“Shoot a web.” You demande though your laughs.
“I cant.”
“But your spiderman?” You whine at him.
Charles huffs as he sits up more, “It's the suit, it doesn't come out of me, duh.” 
Your initial thoughts to this man was that he looked kinda sporty, like an athlete, a little bit cocky too, but the more time you spend with him the more you realize he's a literal nerd.
Your heart swelled as you wanted to spend more time with him, but you knew you had to get back to the villa soon.
“Thank you for trusting me with your secret Charles, but duty calls, i've just been made aware of a threat against the queen, i have to leave mykonos as soon as i can.”
You sit up but the boy gently grazes your legs.
“Wait, Maya.”
You stand up in the sand, looking down at the boy, especially his hand that was clutched around your knee.
“Meet me again tomorrow, please.” You thought about it for a moment, you leave in two days, and his company had made you smile more in the last few hours than you have in months.
“I can't make any promises, the jet leaves in an hour.”
“Well, the queen can wait, she's about to kick the bucket anyway. Tomorrow, should we say six?” You can't help but laugh at his comment.
“Where?” You ask him, watching how he lets out a sigh of relief at your answer.
“The caster hotel.”
“I'll see what i can do, spiderman.”
“But you were fine this morning?” Lando questions as he follows you through the hallway.
“That's because I didn't feel sick this morning, and now I do.” You huff.
“Why don't you want to come?” He leans in the doorway to the room you were staying at, he knew you weren't ill, but he would never suspect you sneaking out to meet a man whose name you still don't know.
“I just don't.” You sat on the bed, your arms folded as your dressing gown was tightly wrapped around you, hiding the dress you had on underneath.
“Are you depressed?” He cocked his head to the side, a questionable look on his face.
“Lando, for fuck sake, i have a headach, and your making it worse!”
“You left the bar early yesterday y/n, and you don't want to come again today? After everything you've put me through, sorry that I'm worried about you.” His words hurt, but not as much as the time on your phone that read 5:46.
“You don't need to worry about me.” You mumbled.
“But I do, I'm your older brother?”
You sigh before raising your head to look at your brother. 
“I'm fine, just please let me have the night to myself.”
It was times like this where you felt like just crying, crying until the floor swallowed you up. It was currently 6:22, you were sitting in bed with lando. You were both watching old love island episodes with some snacks that were left in the fridge. Lando canceled on his mates for dinner, meaning you couldn't sneak out and see charles. You were going home tomorrow, and the chances of bumping into your mystery man were slim, but you let it go. Guess it wasn't meant to be.
Part two will be posted on 16/7/22
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bigmack2go · 3 months
Their apartment is small. But it’s cozy and, honestly, they don’t need more. They’re on the second floor and when you come into theres the kitchen to your left and to your right there’s a little door in the wall to a sort of storrage room and next to it the entrance to the living room. Up ahead are two doors to the bedroom and the office. In between there’s the toilet and the bathroom. The hallway has a wooden drawer with a mirror above and the living room and the bedroom are connected by a little balcony with a door on each end.
Albert got to furnish it all. They agreed he has the best taste. Basically, Spot keeps it clean, Al keeps it pretty and Race keeps it existing.
The living room is cozy. Its small and full of pillows. And stuff. Next to the entry a the dinnertable is set into the room with the short side at the wall. They barely use it because its allways full of paperwork. Race’s paperwork because he’s the one who handles their finances since he’s the only one who’s sort of good with maths. It usually has a pink rose in a vase on it. They have a tiny, blue couch that barely fits a person, a cozy corner with one of those hanging thingys and a little wooden rustical table which is where they eat instead. Theres a lot of fairylights and hanging plants in that room. Spots electric guitar is in the corner that he doesn’t even know how to play. Its white. They have a little liquor cabinet with fancy glasses and a carafe. However they mostly use it for cofee and stuff. The second part is full of discs for the recordplayer thats on a little white chair on the opposite of the room. Speaking of chairs; they are very mismatched. Race uses a barstool, Albert has an office chair and Spot has a folding chair. They also have a hamburger “pillow” for Race and an armchair that only Spot is allowed to use. Albert has a beanbag. Theres also a little yellow pillow chair in the corner. A lamp stands next to the sofa and there’s a cat-tree behind it. They also have a little birdcage hanging around there but it’s always open so the bird can fly out whenever it wants. It’s not actually their bird but it flew in there one day and completely freaked then out. It took them a while to get it back out and it just showed up on their balcony again the next day. It kept coming back and they’ve grown quite fond of it. The cat and the dig get along with it too. They call it tweety because they don’t own a single creative cell in their body. They have a lot of candles and the three bigger christals that don’t fot in the shelf are on the windowsill, the dinnertable and the drawer that the TV stands on. Above the TV theres a little ikea shelf with another plant on top. Thats also where the rest of Racer’s christal-collection is. A little salt lamp accenting it. On top of the shelf there’s each of their childhood stuffed animal: Race had a simple teddy bear, Alberts was a bunny and Spot had a little spotted dog. Albert also has his guitar on the wall here.
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Their kitchen is something else. Spots coffee machine is his whole pride and joy and its also the only place in there thats sort if clean around. You can barely move in there and no one knows how they find stuff in there, but they somehow do. Davey fainted the first time he saw it. That place is fucking loaded. With the most random stuff too. And when i say random i mean random. Most of they stuff they don’t even know where they got it from or, honestly, that they even have. That may or may not be related to the fact that half of it isn’t even theirs. It sort of replaces a storage room. Dont get me wrong; they have a storage room. Right next to their door to be exactly. But they also have a kitchen so theres that. They have two refrigerators for whatever reason. Both are always either so full they barely close or empty to the last crumb. The only thing thats never missing is grapes. They love grapes. And they always have grapes at all costs. Their toaster is really fancy and their microwave is one of those that looks like an old TV. They have a sort of concerning mug collection. Albert is only allowed to use the kitchen when they’re having chilli and Race is banned completely. It took them two years of procrastinating to clean it until they cave up and just accepted that this is just how it is. They have one of those old stoves that works with gas and actual flames.
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They haven’t even installed a lamb in their office. Its just a single light bulb. They have a wall with fairy lights and photos, polaroids and memories. On another walk the have their future plans; a world map with all the cities they wanna travel to ine day and a globus on the drawer at that wall with little flags on it, possible baby-names, designs for a house to move in, rings they would want should Poly-Marrige become legal one day and hotels to stay at for their next vaccination. Their office is also where the rats live, the cat and the dog also each have their bed there and the cat has another (bigger) cat-tree.
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Their bedroom is a bit more modern compared to the livingroom. At the corner to the window they have a little piano with a little soft chair. Albert loves watching Race and/or Spot play. Above the piano is another shelf with one part full of perfumes, bodysprays and Deodorants. Underneath is a big canvas of a coffee bean and the dresser next to it. The bed is opposite that wall; the far wall to the door on the windows side. Two nightstands that you may or may jot find their three champagne classes on in the morning infront theres a ting white polstererd bank. Above the bed is an LED sign reading “sex” in plain letters, they generally have a lot of led’s. A standing shelf parts their bed from a little sofa sort of thing thats right opposite the door. They have a hanging chair and some more beanbags and pillowchairs in there. The wall that’s on the end to the office has a mirror and a little table for them to get ready. Between the piano and the bed, under the window theres the cats bed and Alberts longboard hangs above the couch like a trophy. The room has a lot of plants because let me tell you, three men sleeping in one room starts to smell fast. They also have a little wooden table with a single candle on it that they never lit once because its really fancy. That table also has lights in it as to make the rustical look maych the rest if the room.
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The balcony is small, even smaller than the bathroom. Its full of fairylights and they somehow made it into a little lounge. There’s another place for tweety to sit and kets be honest, Race probably hang up a “Jazz Cafe” sign. It’s perfect to view mannhattan and the brooklyn bridge.
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nita-nebula · 5 months
I remembered to call it scribidi toilet this time. We're on the home stretch for the main quest! Join me for Scrib Saturday :3
5pm PST/8pm EST start time!
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somedayonbroadway · 2 years
Henris getting found out by Jack?
For sure! Here’s the first Henris scene I wrote too!
Jack had had a rough day. He’d accidentally eaten something with dairy in it and had been leaning over the toilet in the boy’s locker room, throwing up since third period. He looked pale when he walked through the door, finally. He left before the last period had started. He was supposed to meet Katherine at her doctor’s appointment later, but he wasn’t sure he’d be able to get back up if he laid down now.
No one else should’ve been home. Jack had a schedule for all the kids in the house. It was currently 1:30 in the afternoon. School for the older kids let out at 2:45 and the younger kids were supposed to be picked up at 3. No one came home until 3:12.
So when Jack heard someone giggling in the kitchen, he was taken aback. He was hunched over a bit and he slowly put his bag down on the ground so he could shuffle in to see who was breaking the rules. He wasn’t prepared for what he saw. “Get the hell off of my little brother!” he cried.
Morris jumped up immediately from where he’d been sitting on the ground in a pile of loose flour, hands up Henry’s shirt and their lips locked. Henry quickly followed suit. “Jack, it ain’t what it looks like— whoa, are you okay?”
Jack lunged at Morris who immediately rushed to get out of the house. He ran out the backdoor and Jack chased him. “Get back here, you coward!” He watched Delancey jump the fence so he stopped. “Stupid, stupid, kid,” he growled as Henry grabbed his arm.
“Don’t chase him!” Henry insisted. “Jackie, he wasn’t hurting me. He loves me, I love him, Jack, I love him.”
Jack stared at Henry for a long time. Then he shook his head. “Henry, you don’t know what that means,” he insisted, walking back to the house and reaching for the phone. Trespassing is a felony. He could get Morris in trouble for that.
“Jack, I love him, he’s not a bad person—“
“You’re being stupid, Henry!” Jack hissed. “He’s not in love with you and you are just so lovesick, you’re letting yourself fall right into this! He’s the reason Racer’s been to the hospital twice in the past three months! He’s the reason I almost died last year! He’s a psychopath! Not to mention, homophobic—“
“It was an act, Jack! It’s internalized homophobia!” Henry cried, grabbing the phone out of Jack’s hand. “His uncle is awful to him! He’s just as fucked up as we are—“
“No! We don’t hurt other people for fun!” Jack growled. “We are nothing alike—“
“He reminds me so much of you, actually. You’re both too stupid to see past any little incident that happens!” Henry growled.
Jack scoffed. “Incident? That’s what you call him literally poisoning me?” he hissed.
“He didn’t know it could kill you—“
“Fuck off, Hen. You can’t see him no more. This is not love. You don’t know what love is!” Jack spat.
“And you do? You knocked up some girl, so what?! You don’t love her! We all see the way you look at Davey!” Henry shot.
And Jack froze.
It was then that Henry knew he’d taken it too far. He looked down. Jack was having a horrible time trying to navigate this with no real parents to help him. Katherine was pregnant. They hadn’t meant for it to happen. And Henry knew how sensitive this subject was.
But before he could apologize, Jack was storming away and slamming the door to his room.
Henry didn’t follow him. Jack’s definitely did not want to see him right now.
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