#tom holland spiderman oneshot
heliads · 2 years
i’m so glad your reqs are open again, i love your writing !! i had an idea for a peter parker x reader for nwh after he’s been erased from everyone’s mind where him and the reader used to be really close but now for some reason when they meet again the reader doesn’t really like him and he tries his best to change that.
kind of like a one sided enemies to lovers?
one sided enemies to lovers? anon you're going wild
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Peter Parker is staring at the ceiling and wishing he were somewhere else. This place is not his home. This apartment with its crumbling drywall and uncomfortable amount of black mold in the corners is not the place he grew up, it is not known by anyone Peter has ever cared for before, and it only serves to separate him even further from the life he once led.
All this is unavoidable, but if Peter slumps onto his bed (too small, too hard to be the one from before) and fixes his eyes up above, he can just pretend that he’s back there again. Back at home. Back where everything made sense, where his friends remembered who he was and he still had at least one family member still alive and breathing.
He’s better at excusing away the present moments on some days rather than others. The illusion’s slipping away for now; Peter squints one eye shut slowly, then the other, trying to get the world to lose just enough details so he won’t notice the fractures that could only belong to this apartment.
It’s not worth the effort, and soon enough Peter gives up, sitting up in a rush and swinging his legs over the side. There’s nothing he can do to pretend that he is back at home, that the life that had once seemed so certain isn’t locked away in the past, never to be his again. This is him now, a shadowed sort of existence full of people who have never so much as heard the name Peter Parker in their lives. There is nobody in this world who knows him. It is some of the worst solitude he has ever endured.
Peter hadn’t counted on how truly terrible the loneliness would be. Maybe he’s grown to rely on his usual support group a little too much, and that’s why he’s so beaten down by this latest turn of events. Even when the rest of the world hated him when he was revealed as Spider-Man, he could still go to his friends for solace. Now, they have no idea who he is. How splendid.
He’s missing his friends a little extra today. That would explain why Peter grabs his Spider-Man suit and throws himself out into the brisk air with the usual flourish, why he finds himself heading to one specific rooftop before he can stop himself. 
Only when Peter’s feet hit the ground and he catches himself in a tight somersault does he realize what he’s done. Peter stands up slowly, looking around. He hasn’t allowed himself to come back here, even after weeks of solitary patrols came and went. Peter pretends that he could reinvent himself whenever he wanted, but some part of him knows, has always known this:  the worst pain of all has been losing Y/N, and he will never get over that.
Y/N L/N is an honor student at Midtown. Y/N was Peter’s best friend. More than that, Y/N was Peter’s partner in patrols. They were an inhuman with enhanced abilities; faster and stronger than any human being. Better in every way too, but maybe that’s just Peter’s faulty memories glorifying them in his eyes, gilding their every edge, making him miss them even more than before.
Peter has yet to run into Y/N as Spider-Man. He did that on purpose; they met as regular people first, so he has no idea if they would have any memory of their patrols together whatsoever. Peter knows that he cannot bear looking at Y/N and seeing no sign of all the hours they’ve spent fighting and dying for each other, so he stays away. Y/N has yet to track him down, so clearly his presumption about their memories was right.
Still, Peter is here now, a mistake to be sure. Peter allows himself one final moment of pretending that they might be coming for him. He deludes himself into thinking that he can hear the pattern of their feet now, the swing of their arm reaching towards him, a smile on their face. The two of them have done this so many times. What’s one more evening together? What’s one more night? Peter wouldn’t risk his life for anyone else. He would give it freely, and he did, and that is exactly why he cannot have Y/N anymore.
A voice sounds from behind him. It’s far too cold and untrusting to ever be Y/N’s, but maybe that’s because he hasn’t experienced what it’s like to be a stranger to them in years. Regardless, he knows now that he wasn’t merely conjuring up the sound of them approaching, they’re actually here. 
“What are you doing here?”
The words, leveled at him like a blade, pierce through Peter’s best efforts at pretending this memory spell hasn’t affected him. He can practically feel the blood dripping out between his fingers. 
Trying not to choke on the overwhelming tang of copper, Peter swallows back his regrets and does his best to speak with a level tone. “I’m just patrolling. Same as you.”
Y/N’s in their uniform for patrols, mask and all. Even so, he can sense the way their eyes are narrowing, tightening with suspicion. “You never come over here, Spider-Man. What changed?”
“Crime,” Peter says pleasantly, “there’s a lot of it, in case you haven’t noticed. Figured this view was as good as any.”
“Yeah, that’s why I’m handling it,” Y/N’s voice remains hard. “Go back to your part of the city. This area is mine.”
Peter forces himself to laugh. It’s easier than despairing over how quick they try to get rid of him, certainly a far cry from how close they’d been before the spell. “Surely you wouldn’t mind an extra pair of eyes watching your back. It’s dangerous out there.”
Y/N shakes their head decisively. “I’m good, thanks. Always have been.”
Peter can’t help a quiet plea. “Always?”
Y/N hesitates a second, but their stony demeanor comes back up again in a flash. “Always. Now go back to your part of the streets. I’m fine by myself.”
Peter sighs, the ghost of his last promise to track them down and make them remember him disappearing into the wintry night air. “Alright, then. If you’re sure.”
Y/N doesn’t respond to that, and Peter allows himself one last moment of torment before jumping off the edge of the building and swinging into the endless black. Unable to stop himself, Peter glances over his shoulder as he goes. He notices that Y/N had walked to the edge of the skyscraper, staring out after him in surprise. Maybe they don’t remember Peter’s casual way of launching himself over the edge. Or maybe he’s just gotten more careless since he stopped having someone to look out for him.
Regardless, it’s not like it matters now. Peter’s last hope was that Y/N would remember their time together on patrols, even if they wouldn’t remember that it was Peter behind the mask, but it looks like that’s over. He does his best to distract himself from the aching hole in his heart, but it’s no good. Peter can hear Y/N’s voice whispering in the space between his eyes, calling out to him like the old days. He was always more attuned to them than anyone else. Even MJ.
The shriek of sirens drags his thoughts from the past. Distantly, Peter realizes that they’re headed in the direction of Y/N’s usual patrol spot. He panics for a moment, scrambling for his phone so he can check the police radio networks he hijacked. After listening for a few moments, Peter learns that some big showdown is going down between some unidentified inhuman and Y/N.
The situation is not great, to say the least. Judging by the amount of property damage, Y/N isn’t winning the fight. Peter may have lost his place in their heart, but he’s not willing to lose them, too. Without another thought, he throws himself into the air again, swinging from web to web as fast as he can. The only thing on his mind is making it to Y/N as soon as he can.
Sure enough, the scene is bad. Peter gives himself about half a second before launching himself into the thick of things. Some inhuman who seems to have super strength is throwing cars, lamps, and everything in sight towards Y/N. They’re doing a pretty good job of dodging so far, but Peter can tell that they’re getting tired. At some point, they’re going to be unable to move fast enough to miss a blow, and it appears that moment is coming right now.
The enemy inhuman hurls two cars Y/N’s way. They’re able to avoid one, but the second one is thrown too quickly and there’s no way they can escape in time. Peter launches a spiderweb towards the car, sending it spiraling down the street instead. Surprised, Y/N turns towards him in unison with the other inhuman.
Peter’s main focus is taking out the maniac, though. Shocked revelations are going to have to come later. He quickly shoots two webs at the inhuman’s hands, tying them down to the road. Peter adds layer after layer of web. Y/N quickly knocks the guy out while he’s distracted, and Peter ties him to the ground with another web for good measure.
Only then does Y/N stalk towards Peter. “Once again, what the hell are you doing here?”
“Saving your life,” Peter points out somewhat needlessly.
Y/N groans, aggravated. “I didn’t need your help.”
“Actually,” Peter counters, “you would have been pancaked by that Honda Civic if you hadn’t, so really, I feel like you should be thanking me instead of yelling at me again.”
Y/N folds their arms across their chest. “Really?”
“Really,” Peter says, “although if you aren’t into the whole gratitude thing, I will accept it if you stop hating me instead.”
Y/N scoffs. “I just met you. I can hate who I please.”
Peter feels his heart sink in his chest for the dozenth time today. “Of course. We just met.”
Y/N cocks their head to the side. “What’s that about? That attitude.”
“Nothing,” Peter denies frantically, “absolutely nothing. Anyways, see you around, new best friend.”
He isn’t sure about it, but he swears he hears Y/N laugh as he swings away. It could just be his overactive imagination, of course, but Peter is certain that they might not completely hate him anymore.
It takes a few more weeks for Peter to be sure of that. The first few times Peter tries showing up to their patrol spot again, Y/N forces him to leave. After the fifth time, Peter stopped rolling up with an expectation of conversation and just perched somewhere on the side of the skyscraper. That was allowed. Eventually, they gave in and let Peter stand on level ground, if only for the claim that it was freaking them out to see Peter sticking to a vertical surface.
It’s not the same, even after Y/N begrudgingly lets Peter tag along on patrols. Of course, it never could be. Peter doesn’t know why he keeps expecting something to change, it never will. That sort of memory spell isn’t the type to break. Still, he keeps hoping.
If there’s one thing Peter should know, though, it’s that hope has no place in a life like his. Every time Peter has dared to enjoy a dream, it is taken from him. This is no exception.
They’re back on that rooftop one moonless night, staring out over the never ending expanse of cars coming and going. Peter is bothering Y/N because he won’t stop pointing out all the purple cars to pass through the streets (Y/N swore they’d never seen one, Peter thought otherwise). Y/N’s been doing their best to pretend Peter isn’t funny at all, but he knows he’s wearing them down.
His point is proven when Peter triumphantly points out not one but two purple cars side by side. Y/N groans. “Okay, you were right. Happy?”
“Thrilled,” Peter calls back, “I may never top this moment. Maybe I’ll print out a certificate to tape on my wall. On this day, Spider-Man proved his favorite patrol partner wrong.”
Y/N makes a choking sound. Peter knows it for what it is, though, and he spins around, arms raised in victory. “Was that a laugh? Did you just laugh? After all this time, you’re laughing at my joke. Now that’s a real success.”
Y/N indulges this for a moment, then fixes him with a typical piercing stare. “Why are you so excited about this? Most people would have given up on trying to win me over by now. What’s keeping you around?”
Peter sighs. “I know how good it is to be your friend. Maybe I want to have that.”
“How would you know?” Y/N’s tone grows suspicious. “You know something about me that you refuse to share. What is it?”
Normally, Peter would deflect with a casual joke and let the past die just like it always has. He’s been faulty in his defense, though, and keeps slipping up. Y/N’s noticed it, of course they have. Peter hasn’t exactly been the best at concealing his feelings, either. He references things that Spider-Man shouldn’t know about Y/N. And then there was that one time he accidentally used their name instead of the code name Y/N uses on patrols. He immediately clammed up and pretended he misspoke, but Y/N knew.
So, Peter lets the anger and sadness and deep, deep regret out. It’s been bottled up for so long that it feels good to finally say everything that’s been on his chest.
“I know that I want to be your friend because I already was, Y/N. I was your friend for years, and they were the best damn years of my life. I thought that there would never be another person for me like you. We were friends outside of patrols and everything. I was happiest when I was with you. You don’t remember a single moment we shared because I had to get someone to cast a memory spell so everyone would forget me.”
Y/N’s brow is arched. “A memory spell?”
Peter nods, keeping his eyes firmly trained on the dark night so he doesn’t have to look at them. “The universe was getting messed up. It was the only way. You made me promise that I’d come back and make you remember anyway. We both knew it wasn’t going to work, but the thought of forgetting everything we did together was so horrible that we pretended otherwise.”
Y/N’s voice cuts through the midnight air like a blade. “Prove it. Prove this is real.”
“Alright,” Peter says, and he starts to speak. He pulls off his Spider-Man mask as he starts in the hope that maybe it’ll make some difference, but he knows even before Y/N looks at him that it won’t.
“Your name is Y/N L/N and you were my best friend until you forgot who I was. You started going on patrols when you were sixteen because you could do things no one else could and it made you sick to your stomach with guilt to think that people were getting hurt and you weren’t stopping it. Your first uniform was made out of supplies from the craft store down the block. We made the second one together. At one point, you wanted a cape but we saw The Incredibles after school one day and you decided it would never work out.”
Peter takes a deep breath and continues. “The first time you almost died, you were trying to save people from a burning building. It was that apartment four streets over from yours, for a moment you thought you knew someone in there but you went in even after you realized they were just strangers. You still have a scar on your right shoulder from a burning beam falling on you. I brought you food for two weeks afterwards because you swore you were too tired to cook. That didn’t stop you from trying to climb out your window every night for patrols, though. I had to web your window shut to stop you.”
Peter laughs bitterly at the memory, but it turns sour in his mouth when he looks over and realizes that Y/N is clearly recalling none of this.
They pull off their mask too. “I probably don’t need this if you know me so well,” they say, gesturing at it.
Peter dares to nurture even the smallest bit of hope. “Does that mean–”
Y/N cuts him off with a simple shake of their head. “I’m sorry. Really, I am, but whoever you knew, that isn’t me anymore. I’m just some person. I’m not your Y/N.”
Peter nods stoically. “And you never have been. Listen, I’m sorry for all this. I should have just let it go.”
It doesn’t matter that he never could. Peter shoves his mask back on his face and heads out. The  night air whips at him, threatening to send him spinning into the multitude of skyscrapers surrounding him on either side, but Peter keeps going. Anything is better than staying still and letting the pain overwhelm him. He really thought he could convince Y/N to remember him, but even his best efforts are worthless.
Peter settles on a tall roof of an office building. He lands in a contained roll but just stays there on the ground, chest heaving, staring up at stars that will never look back on him in quite the same way. He knew the spell was permanent, but he had hoped that somehow he would be able to change Fate’s mind and let this all work out.
Footsteps appear around the corner of the roof. It appears that Peter’s time of self-pity is over. He gets up without looking at the intruder, assuming it to be the owner of the office building. Peter opens his mouth to apologize for trespassing, but the words dry up in his throat when he realizes that it’s Y/N who’s followed him all this way instead.
Their eyes are wide, but their stature is as steady as ever. “I may not be your Y/N,” they repeat, “but I could be. I don’t have your memories, but I have mine. Maybe I don’t want to be alone anymore.”
“You never have been,” Peter says softly.
He slowly crosses the roof until he’s in front of them. Y/N’s breath is rough in their chest, but they still look at him like Peter is all they’ve ever needed. Peter forgot what that felt like, how it struck him to be this close. It appears time has its way of messing with him as well.
“Before the spell,” Y/N whisper hesitantly, “were you and I– were we just friends, or–”
They can’t manage to complete the sentence. Peter knows enough of their mind to guess at the rest.
“No,” he answers, “just friends. Nothing more.”
“What if I want to change that?” Y/N asks tentatively.
Peter stares at them, then damns the past to the past. It is dead and gone and buried, but the future is as alive as ever. For once, that doesn’t haunt him like it always has.
marvel tag list: @namoreno, @thatfangirl42, @rogueanschel, @mycosmicparadise, @ellobruv, @sher-lokid7, @amortensie, @with-inked-solace, @callsign-scully, @23victoria, @watchreadfangirlrepeat, @w1shes43, @deafsuperhero, @fadedver, @gods-fools-heroes
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sacharinee · 1 year
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pairing: bestfriend!peter parker x fem!reader
sypnosis: after peter misses his chance to ask you out to the homecoming dance, he has to suffer the consequences of his own actions
wc: 1200+
a/n: hiii!! i have the urge to write again bc im bored and i dont wanna do my summer course work. this prompt is based on this post and loosely based on that one scene in the movie ladybird when she gets picked up by her date. i wrote this super quickly so not the best but i hope u enjoy :)
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peter had it first. he had the idea, the flowers, the poster, your favorite chocolate strawberries all ready for you. until brad davis came in and stole everything. 
now he has nothing. he’s on your bed munching on the melty strawberries as he watches you get ready for the dance; you’ve asked for his help in choosing which dress you should go for. 
“okay how ‘bout this one, pete?” the boy glances up at you, mid-chew with his mouth open. 
his eyes snake over the outfit you’ve chosen. you do a swift twirl to show off the pretty soft blue satin dress that falls down to your mid-thigh with an open back. the skirt of your dress rides a bit high revealing a little too much. peter gulps, running his hands down his legs, immediately your sweet honey perfume floods his senses, his brain feels a little fuzzy, and he thinks the room gets smaller while his pants get a tiny bit tighter.
however, your eyes are what he takes in the most. you look eager, nervous about his approval, and hopeful for his admission.
his eyes widen as he gives you a soft nod and a pursed smile, “super pretty.”
you stare back at peter, his hair is flared, and you see chocolate smeared on his bottom lip. his posture looks defeated and you can’t help but wonder what’s wrong with him.
you give him a sour yet confused face, “why is your face like that?”
peter’s eyebrows furrow at your expression, “my face- why is my face like what?” 
“like…” you take a moment to think, “like- you look like that chef in that one movie with the rat, he’s got that same awkward funny looking face.”
peter barks out a laugh in disbelief, “alfredo linguini?? from ratatouille?!” “yea! that guy.” 
the boy in front of you offers you a pout and rubs his eyes, “thanks.”
“sure thing.” peter glazes over your seamless makeup when you take a seat next to him, “so, you’re really not coming? why not? it’ll be fun, plus all of our friends are going” you whine. 
peter kicks himself every day since you got asked out to homecoming by brad. he knows he should have made his proposal to you sooner, but now that he missed his chance, he feels like he’s lost you. 
“oh, so brad’s our friend now? and nah, it’s alright. i’m just gonna go patrolling tonight, might get some good action.” his eyebrows suggestively 
 you muster up a smirk and breathe out a laugh, “right. maybe you’ll find your own ‘cupid of crime’ that’ll show you a good time.” 
peter groans at you, “oh my god, margot robbie is so-”
“oh,” your ears perk up at the sudden interruption, “i guess that’s my date.” you quickly stand up and straighten your dress, taking nervous breaths. 
“i’m good right? my dress? face? hair?” your fingers run through your shiny locks, “its- i’m, i’m okay?”
peter has an indiscernible look plastered on his face as he gazes out the window and back at you. he’s shocked you’d settle for this, and even more appalled at you’re excitement to go with a douchebag who can’t even meet you at the front door. he knows you deserve better than this, and he knows he would treat you so much better with much less than your date. his stomach turns upside down and he feels his face get hot, breathing through his nostrils as he struggles to control his disbelief. he slowly stands up and meets your anxious expression peering up at him.
“you aren’t gonna get in a car with a guy who honks, are you?” 
it’s almost as if the entire atmosphere shifts. peter studies your appearance. your face shimmered sanguinely regardless, brighter than the glitter that sparkled atop your eyelids.
it was safe to say you were excited to go to the dance, even if your date wasn’t your first choice. you had been waiting endlessly for peter to ask you to homecoming. you were almost depressed at the thought thinking your crush didn’t like you back, but even more upset at the fact that your best friend didn’t even want to take you as his date, romantically or not. 
you remembered the feeling of delight swirling through your body as betty gushed about ned asking her to the dance, and mj agreeing to harry’s proposal. 
you only wanted the same for yourself. the same thrill and warm feeling of someone wanting to take you as their date. you wanted more than anything for it to be peter, but you figured he simply didn’t think of you like that as empty time and hopeless anticipation went by. so yes, you did settle for brad davis. he’s only ever been sweet to you, with harmless flirting and sultry smiles in the halls. plus you had a hunch about peter’s displeasing stance on the man, and presumed this may have tipped peter over just the right amount. 
you simply blink at his desperate eyes and nod, your adamant expression not wavering, “i think, yes, i am.”
you offer him a wistful smile when you brush past him, grabbing your purse on the way.
“y/n, stop.” peter’s finger’s wrap around your small wrist, your charm bracelet dangling against his hand.
“are you serious? what, the shithead can’t walk a few feet and knock on the door like a real man?”
“peter!” you snatch your wrist back and his hands rise.
you feel heat rushing up your neck and settling behind your ears. you had wanted a reaction out of peter when brad asked you out, yes, but the entitlement he has to mention about the manhood of brad angered you.
“i’m just saying,” he steps back from you, licking his dry lips while he chuckles back at you. “a guy who doesn’t have the balls to greet you at your doorstep isn’t worth falling for.” 
you scoff at him, he was so sweet and now he’s only taking his anger out on you. “well it’s a good thing that he’s just a friend then. what’s it to you anyways?”
peter disregards your last statement, “a friend?! y/n/n, listen to me. you’re being naive if you think he just wants to be your friend.”
another honk outside pierces your ears, yet you can’t seem to shake your stare on the boy before you. you narrow your eyes at him.
“you sound jealous.”
peter sputters nonsense out and breaks his eyesight away from you, nervously running his hands through his curls.
“jealous? me? pfft. never. i’m not jealous, i’m- i’m being absolutely reasonable.”
you keep your eyes on him as he looks down at the carpet floor. he sighs and drops down at your chair, scratching the wood on your desk. his head shakes and ever so softly murmurs, “seriously, why are you going out with him?”
peter continues to stare at the rotten wood he’s chipping, “brad asked me to be his date, so i’m going whether you like it or not. unless,” peter glances back up at you.
“there’s something you’re not telling me.”
hope bubbles down in your stomach, and you anticipate his confession, waiting to hear the words of his true feelings that you know for certain are deep down inside him.
except, he doesn’t.
the boy only blankly stares at your desk, clenching his jaw, and drowns everything inside, letting you down yet another time. you turn away, disappointed in peter, ready to leave him alone for all the false hope and hurt he has caused you. 
“right, well, when your balls finally drop, let me know. i’ll be at the dance with my date.” 
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whoreforpeterparker · 2 years
on my knees
Summary : Reader gives Peter head for the first time.
"fuck Peter" you whimpered as Peter kissed and sucked on your neck leaving many hickeys to deal with tomorrow but in the moment you dont care.  
This wasn't the first time that making out with Peter got so heated, this has become an everyday occurrence. Usually you two would try and study but you would always end up on his lap hungrily making out and grinding slowly on each other. 
That was the current situation. your grinding against Peters very apparent boner quietly moaning your hands tugging at his shirt silently asking him to take it off.  He got the hint and takes it off, the sight always makes you speechless even if you've seen him shirtless countless times the sight always turns you on. 
"quit staring Y/N" He says with a slight smirk your cheeks turn a bright shade of pink, you hadn't noticed you were staring "sorry" Peter gently grabs your face with one hand, other on your waist and kisses you, the kiss was sweet unlike the earlier kiss.
His kisses move to your neck he finds your spot easily making you moan. You grab at his hair and pull him closer, Peter groans when you grind down on him the pressure on his rock hard dick being so pleasurable he felt like he was about to cum right then and there.
Peters kisses made you feel like you were on fire every ounce of your body was burning up, you took off your shirt revealing your red bra that pushes your tits up perfectly. Peters eyes widen and cheeks redden "Fuck Y/n you are so beautiful" you gave him a smile and kiss him again sweetly as a thank you before it swiftly turned heated again.
Your hands wander all over his bare chest and down his abdomen Peters breath hitches when your hands reach the waistband of his grey sweatpants. You pull away from the kiss " is this okay?" Peter nods, you give him a nervous smile. You and Peter have never gone this far before and you wanted to be good. 
" y-you don't have to if you don't want to that's okay" Peter says while giving you a smile " I want to"  You said as you drop down on your knees in front of his bed and start pulling his pants and boxers down at the same time, Peter helps you by lifting his hips. 
You gasp when you see his dick he was big and thick leaking with pre cum, you are still nervous but exited at the same time, you have been wanting to do this for a while you even researched how to give good head in preparation. "Please do something baby" You look up to see Peter panting heavily, face redder than you have ever seen before but it only made you more exited and determined to make him feel good. 
You leaned down and grabbed his dick you then bent down and licked his tip tasting his pre cum. Looking up to see his reaction his head was thrown back mouth agape, he already looked fucked even if you barely touched him . without looking down you started sucking on his tip before slowly going further down Peter moaned loudly and looked down making eye contact. 
"shit y/n you're so good at that" His words spurred you on making you go faster you jerked off what you couldn't take in your mouth. You moan as you feel Peter thrust his hips further into your mouth making you slightly gag. Peter quickly takes himself out of you " I'm so sorry are you okay? did I hurt you?" He checks your face for any injuries you laugh" Peter its okay it was actually really hot you should do it again"
"o-okay" you give Peter a quick kiss before going back to his dick licking  from the base to the tip then spitting on it. You jerk him off a little pulling moans and whimpers from Peter you bent down and started bobbing your head on his dick drool slid down on his dick creating a wet slobbering sound. His hands went to your hair making a ponytail "fuck babe shit feels so good" Peters loud moans and groans motivating you to keep going despite the ache in your jaw.
Peter thrusts gently into your mouth, making sure he didn't hurt you. You could tell he was close to cuming when his dick twitched you quickened your movements moaning when his dick hit the back of your throat the vibrations from your moan pushed him to close the edge " I-im going to cum baby" his thrusts quickened and his grip on your hair tightened you made eye contact as he came down your throat with a loud moan. 
after swallowing his cum and recovering from his incredible high he looks at you with a shy smile  "t-that was amazing baby thank you" he says as he reaches for tissues on his nightstand you shot him a confused look his eyes widen with realization "wait did you um s-swallow?" you opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out showing that you did indeed swallow every drop he gave you. 
"fuck" He pulls you up and kiss you hard groping your ass. the kiss got heated your tongues fighting for dominance. Peter moves you down on the bed " Your turn" he smirks
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could you write something where peter and reader are having a study date, but peter falls asleep and reader just lets him be/tucks him in?? tysm
don’t want to miss a thing.
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synopsis : getting peter to sleep wasn’t going to be as difficult as you’d thought.
pairing : bf!peter parker x reader
wc : 490 +
warnings : none ! super fluffy sleepy!peter is all you need to worry about :) (normal sized text belowww + this is college!peter)
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a/n : hi nonnie !! thank you so so much for this request <3 i actually whipped this one up pretty quickly because of the rush of inspiration your request gave me hehe :) hope you enjoy it !
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it was nearly midnight when you started to notice peter’s eyelids practically begging to fall, his head was inching closer and closer to the surface of your desk. which, admittedly, was somewhat adorable. he’d been like this for the past hour, though it was getting progressively worse every passing minute.
you were in your room, catching up on some studies alongside peter. the boy found every single excuse to be with you, and when you said that you didn’t have time (due to your need to study), he came up with the perfect compromise. a study date.
though, by the time he’d come back from patrolling, it was already 10 pm, and naturally, he was exhausted. but you knew peter, therefore, you knew he was going to put up a fight rather than accepting defeat and falling asleep.
“pete, you look like you’re about to pass out.” you say softly, causing him to whip his head to your direction.
“no, no, no, no. i’m wide awake!” he shoots himself up, making you let out a small laugh, causing the tenseness of his body to disappear. your laugh comforted him.
“i think you need some rest. c’mon, this can wait.” you stood up and gestured for him to go to your bed, but he shakes his head.
“‘m okay, really.” his attempt to assure you was failing, given that he was falling asleep as he said that very sentence.
“you’re so cute when you’re tired.” you smile at him, he returned it with a lazy smile and continued to attempt answering a few practice questions on his worksheet.
“you think so?” he has a smug smirk on his face. gosh. you couldn’t help but giggle.
“just tell me when you wanna call it a day, okay?” you say as you sat back down beside him and continued your work. 
“talk to me? tell me about your day, that’ll help keep me up.” he asks, keeping himself focused on his work.
“oh! okay then! well, after class, while you were out, i ended up coming over and talking to may, and she showed me a bunch of your baby photos, which, might i say, were so cute.” peter sat closer to you, and you thought nothing of it as you continued talking.
“mhm…” his responses became increasingly incoherent as you continued talking about what aunt may had told you. he was falling asleep before he began to realize it.
“so then, i asked may- oh, you’re asleep.” your voice starts with its normal volume and you quiet down as you realize.
he’d found a comfortable spot on your shoulder as you were talking and slowly began to drift off. you observed a small, barely there smile that he had as he slept. his arms were rested around your waist and his face was buried into the crook of you neck. he was finally relaxed.
you found it increasingly difficult to move at all, in fear of him waking up, so you decided that it’d be good for you to get some rest as well.
you press a soft kiss on his cheek (and you may or may not have taken a quick photo of him for your wallpaper) before resting your head gently on his, but you felt him move ever so slightly, so you lift your head up, and so did he.
all he did was smile at you, and you did the same, right before he rubbed his eyes and rested himself onto your shoulder yet again.
work could wait, this, however, couldn’t.
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taglist : (send me an ask to be added hehe !) @live-laugh-lovejoy
a/n : thank you for reading loves !!!! requests are open, as per usual, pls just be patient w me, feel free to reblog as it is very important to support writers &lt;3
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kurogxrix · 1 year
omg stark!reader n Peter in stark tower flirting and tony teases them (hopefully mutual pining and like they haven’t confessed to each other yet)
Dedicate Your Heart
Peter Parker x Stark!reader
A/N: reader can be seen as Tony’s biological or adopted daughter :)
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“To your left Spider-Man!” had been the last thing that Peter had heard before getting shoved to the side, quite painfully so be the stack of boxes that you had been carrying. The tower of cardboard threatened you with a stagger as you bumped into Peter, before peacefully settling back in place. 
Despite it being a mid saturday morning, you found yourself in your father’s lab instead of in the comfort of your dear room. Though you’d already agreed to help him, so there was no way you could turn back on him now. Admitively you weren’t here totally by your own will, you’d solely done it because Tony had teased you about being some edgy teenager that sticks in her room all day. And while you were, admitting with no shame that staying slumped on your bed while blasting some old school rock through your headphones was definitely a vibe, you decided to prove to your dad that there were many other things that you could do to render that brain of yours utile.
It wasn’t like your father was a stranger to your accomplishments, far from that. 
Setting the boxes down on the countertop, you couldn’t help the heavy groan that escaped your mouth. You didn’t have super strength like most of the other people living in the tower, and damn could a few boxes make your backache go crazy. Nevertheless, throughout your struggle, you failed to notice the way that a certain curly haired brunette had his eyes stuck on you for the duration of your time here. 
Peter had not even said anything after you had brutally (in his dictionary. You’d argue and say that it was playfully) shoved him away with your boxes. Instead, his eyes lingered on your form. He nearly had to slap himself after his iris laid on your torso for a little too long, but could you blame him? 
The skin-tight black tank top that you often wore while working in the lab was just so attractive to Peter. 
He watched as the shirt slid up a couple of inches as you stretched, exposing a sliver of your stomach and rippling the muscles in your arms. Sure you weren’t as bulky as Thor yet alone Hulk, but fighting crime alongside the avengers and training with them did flatter your physique. God, Peter was sure that he must’ve been drooling by now. What a fool. 
“You want a picture too or are you too busy engraving the sight in your mind?” your voice shook Peter out of his stance, a bright red colour raising upon the back of his neck as you caught him checking you out red handed. The sole sound of your assertive tone had him doubling over, at least in his head, because he could avoid being humiliated furthermore. 
“Hey, wasn’t it you that chose my outfit for our last gala? Heard from a little birdie that it was because you thought i’d look handsome in it?” Peter retaliated, though his voice held more diffidence than yours did. You froze upon his admission, the metallic parts of the gadget that you were working on released a loud ‘thud’ as it came down to hit against the countertop. You winced at the sound, internally cursing your mother figure, Pepper, for exposing your secret. 
It was true though, and there was no point in denying it now that it was out in the open. You could still remember the exact moment that Tony had informed you all about some gala that you had to attend alongside him, some rich guy thing. Although you protested, he insisted. So that’s how you’d ended up in this position, having to choose a partner that was actually your age to accompany you there. It wasn’t that you necessarily needed one so badly, but every other avenger already had someone to accompany them, but the age gap between yourself and the rest of your team already made you feel sort of excluded in most things, so bringing a date it was. 
Beyond everyone else, your first thought was to ring Peter up and ask him about it. After all, he was perfect for the job. He already knew your father and he was always so enthusiastic for whatever journey you’d reserve for him. Only problem was, well…Peter was broke. So given that you were the daughter of a billionaire, you might’ve as well dressed him up. Though as soon as you thought about Peter in a specific suit, you felt your brain short circuiting in awe. 
It took you a moment to recover from your lone embarrassment. How could the mere thought of a man get you so riled up? It was those kinds of questions that you’d always bring up to yourself when it came to Peter, and on that night, you came to the fact that you might’ve had feelings for the boy. Naturally, as a teenage girl, you would’ve firstly ran to your phone to text your friends about it. Though you ran short on these, being a Stark, you knew how people could get once they indulged in another’s’ money and clout. The ideas of having friends apart from the avengers had completely been wiped clean out of your mind after a few failed attempts.  
You thought about telling Natasha, and as much as you loved the older woman, you dreaded the way  she’d tease you if you ever opened up about your feelings for a certain Spider-man. So, telling your mother it was. 
“My mom is such a snitch.” you mumbled under your breath, supposedly to yourself but the chuckle that escaped Peter told you that it came out a little  
louder than expected. The lab was relatively quiet after that, other than the sounds of you piecing things together and Peter’s loud thinking as he made a virtual maquette of what he was planning. To the both of you, the secret glances that you were exchanging might’ve gone over your heads, but not to a certain billionaire playboy that stood by the elevator door. Well scratch that, ex-playboy. 
Once again, the lab was quiet. Almost too quiet for it to be containing the both of you teens in there, Tony thought to himself. He was no stranger to Peter’s feelings towards you, neither were the other avengers, nor yourselves at that. The flirting was nothing new to the obscene things that the poor heros were bound to see, and it was almost too much for them to handle. It was like a constant war between teammates that was happening in the tower. One side would agree with the fact that you were both oblivious to each other’s feelings, while the other half believed that you were both very aware, but undeniable cowards when it came to outwardly confessing. 
Your dad fell in the team of people who believed that you both knew you liked each other. How could he not? He had to suffer through your endless flirting and playful banners everyday. Plus, he knew admiration when he saw it. He is Tony Stark after all, he’d received many lovestruck looks in his youth, and they’d only multiplied as he aged.
Amidst his work, Peter couldn’t concentrate for any longer with the amount of noise that you were causing. Your patience ran short as you tried to forcefully shove a metal piece against another, not understanding why it wasn’t fitting together. One look at you and he could tell that you were frustrated. Your creased eyebrows, that slightly disgusted look that you wore on your face, it all told the same exact story. Narrated through your eyes that were piercing daggers at the poor gadget before you, Peter knew better than to just leave you alone. Mainly because he feared for the poor object, a woman’s wrath is not to be played with. 
“I mean, kiss me if i’m right but, this piece most definitely goes here.” Peter took the piece from your hand, startling you slightly as he appeared out of thin air. His words rang inside your head for a second, the thoughts of kissing Peter making you feel dizzy after so long of chasing one another. The endless nights spent awake just to text Peter and the amount of time that you’d sneak out just to meet up with the curly haired boy. It all meant more than it would let off, and that was much considering nearly everyone thought you two were already dating. 
You allowed Peter to take the segment of your father’s work from your hands, placing it in a slot that was laid idiotically close to the one that you were trying to force it in. Without hesitation, you hurriedly plugged in the machine, and with enthusiasm, you watched as your father’s project lit up successfully. 
In the midst of everything, Peter could barely makeout that time that it had taken you to turn around and engulf him in your embrace. Warm and familiar arms welcoming him as they latched behind his neck, he nearly doubled back at your force. 
“I’d kiss you but that’d just destroy everything that we’ve built throughout these years now, wouldn’t it?” you bat your eyelashes up at him, the side of your face flushed against his chest as Peter looked down at you with those doe eyes of his. You could’ve sworn that it wasn’t you that was trying to soften him with that sweet look, but quite the inverse. 
You both indulged in the moment, guilty of relishing the other with nothing else but your eyes. Though what lied in your iris told another story than one that’s platonic, your mouths just couldn’t allow yourselves to confess. It wasn’t that you both were oblivious to the other’s feelings, you both just feared the change of dynamic that’d come with altering this relationship into a romantic one. 
You feared that your teasing texts would turn into unceasingly mushy ones. And Peter feared that if anything bad was to happen between you two, he’d lose you forever, even as a friend. Though you both were young and understanding, you set asid the thought of making anything official for now. 
As you continued to stare into Peter’s eyes, you couldn’t help but lean further into him, closer up. He reciprocated your motion, pupils never straying away from your own as his breath hitched under the circumstances. Sure you weren’t ready for a relationship with Peter now, but what harm was there with a little kiss? You could always be all up in eachothers faces one day and fist-bump like highschool best-friends on the other. 
“Oh and cut it to the wedding scene already, we’ve been through too much foreplay!” there came the clap of his hands before his words, and soon was your father’s cover blown. You both froze at the teasing tone of his voice, familiar so, it was impossible to escape the Stark banter. You almost scoffed audibly before remembering the position that you were currently in. Peter felt his heartstrings being tugged at once he felt you parting away from him, but yet again, you guys were nothing more than just friends. 
The rise of crimson colour upon Peter’s cheeks was a cute sight to see, and admitively you’d spend more time admiring him in his flustered state, but for now, you had an irritated attitude to put on for your father. 
“For how long have you been stalking us, old man?” you rolled your eyes at your father, crossing your arms above your torso as you stared him down. The smirk that played on Tony’s face irked you, and you wanted nothing more than Pepper walking in and telling him off. God only knows how much a husband fears his wife, and Tony more than feared his own. He laughed shortly, throwing his head back as though you had said the funniest thing ever heard by men. Peter just stood there in all of his awkwardness, moving his head to gaze at your father and you relentlessly like some cartoon character. 
“Long enough to know that your little flirting in my  lab is disgusting, get your own to do that crap over there.” he responded sarcastically, a Tony Stark trait. 
“I was not flirting with your daughter, Mr Stark!” Peter retaliated nervously, his words coming out faster than his mind could comprehend. He felt even more stressed as he watched his superior stare him down with an amused expression on, feigning comprehension before opening that mouth of his once more. 
“Right and that explains why you were just about to kiss her? Cmon kids, I was anything but born yesterday.” Tony laughed at you both once more, and clearly, he was enjoying this way more than the two of you. 
Before any of you have the time to respond, your father was already on his way out. With his back facing towards you, he plucked his iconic sunglasses from the pocket of pants, the arc reactor peeking through the fabric of his thin summer shirt. 
“Be sure to be safe, your kids could end up just like my lovely daughter, and I'm sure none of you guys are ready for this!” your father turned around swiftly  to wink playfully at you, sending the pair of you finger guns as he walked backwards towards the elevator. Lord, how much did you wish for him to slip and break his saunter, but a man such as Tony was too smooth in his ways. With the humiliation of his words running thick through your veins, and your head in your hands in shame, you’d promised yourself that you’d get your revenge on your dear father. Somewhat, someday.
The sound of the elevator’s ‘ting’ sent relief coursing throughout Peter and you, now that your father is gone, you’d have to deal with the other situation at hand. 
“We weren’t flirting right? Just talking as friends?” Peter nervously rambled as soon as you turned back around to face him. His words were the opposite of what he wanted, of course he wanted you both to flirt as more than friends, but he didn’t want to scare you if anything. His hand was itching a spot behind his neck, where nothing irritated him, it was just an anxious habit that he had. Trying to surpass a chuckle, you sauntered your way towards the brunette. 
Peter’s eyes widened comically as you raised a hand towards him, and his thoughts ran wild with anticipation. Was this it? Were you finally going to surpass this fear of commitment and just kiss him? His shoulders dropped visibly when your hand came to remove his own from his neck, saving him from the rash that he was bound to develop after itching the same spot repetitively like he always did. 
Peter’s heart did an nearly audible ‘oh’ in disappointment. Though on the outside, he was all shiny smiles and full set of teeth on display. He was ready to move past what you had, but if you couldn’t meet him halfway, how could he act on it? 
Peter observed with keen eyes as you walked back to your spot, sending a curt notice to F.R.I.D.A.Y, asking to press play on your playlist. 
Suddenly, Peter’s disappointment was replaced with something else. With dedication, perhaps. He vowed to make a change in what you had by the end of this year, promising himself to prove to you that maybe a relationship with him wasn’t so bad. That you could work things out like two responsible people if anything were to happen. He just urged to get a taste of you, of what it was like to wake up and be more than just your best bud. 
i wrote this with a swollen thumb and i half-asleep mind so please don’t judge😭
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mellowmadds · 2 months
Casual Study Dates | Peter Parker
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(MCU) Peter Parker/Fem Stark Reader
Warnings - slightly suggestive
Summary - Avenger’s compound a usually busy place hustling with activity seems unusually quiet for the day. leaving y/n and Peter in a sticky situation (pun intended)
Word Count: 1,237
Avenger’s Compound, a place that’s usually bustling with activities and combat training sometime’s has quiet days like this where super-powered humans who have insanely intense hearing can hear a pin drop from across campus. For you though being one of the youngest on the team you hated those days because it seemed as if everybody always wanted to see what you were up to. You weren’t necessarily an avenger but you were extremely smart and helped out around the lab and worked on some Stark Industries projects with your dad every once and a while. And that’s how you met Peter Parker and during those first two years of awkward conversations and study dates you two seemed to find some comfort in all that awkwardness.
“Are you nervous about MIT sending out their decisions soon?” Peter asked while getting comfortable on your bed while staring out at the beautiful city view.
“Why would I be nervous Peter? Most of my family are MIT Alumni.” You said a bit cocky if you really think about it.
“I- know it’s just I figured maybe you’d be experiencing the same nerves I was. It was a stupid question nevermind sorry” Peter stuttered out.
“You don’t have to be sorry Peter and you definitely don’t have to worry my dad put in a good word about you. You’re one hundred percent getting into MIT” You told him confidently.
You knew Peter was an anxious person and you’d do anything to take his nerves away.
“Now are we going to keep stressing about MIT or are we going to figure out these formulas that Bruce gave us to solve?” You asked while holding up the stack of papers labeled ‘Top Secret Formulas’.
Peter nodded his head yes while lifting his body off your bed to instead sit on the edge of the bed closer to your desk where all of your work was scattered across your laptop.
“But first I need to put some music on or else I won’t be able to focus” You said before sliding the miscellaneous papers off your laptop.
“That’s the Stark in you talking, how can you focus better with music blasting in your ears?” Peter asked while laughing.
“I guess you are right, that is a classic trait of my dads. But it just helps me focus better. I don't know, I can't explain it.” You turned on your playlist before flipping to the first page of the stack of formulas Bruce assigned you to solve.
Your speaker was loud but who cares it’s not like anyone cared or was listening everyone was off doing their own things. The first few songs were upbeat and fun but the farther you got into your playlist the more guilty pleasure songs started playing, but Peter didn’t mind he was blocking out the music anyways so he could focus better on the formulas in front of him. What you didn’t know was that Steve and Nat were standing outside your room listening.
“Knee deep where? doing what?” Steve said worriedly looking over at Nat.
“It’s just a song Steve stop being so old-school” Nat smirked back at him.
“But Peter’s in there with her, what if they aren’t actually studying?” Steve asked as any worried uncle would.
“The song is talking about having relations in the bathroom during dinner time, that’s not appropriate Nat” Steve said firmly not accepting any excuse now.
Nat wasn’t interested in continuing this conversation any further and started walking toward the living quarters where there sat Bucky, Clint, Bruce and of course Tony.
“What’s got you so tense Cap? Your boyfriends right here if you have to relieve some tension” Tony laughed making fun of Steve and Bucky’s unusual bromance.
“I think you should worry more about what your daughter and Peter are doing upstairs” Steve said, crossing his arms.
“What? What are you talking about Cap? His vigilant ass better not be corrupting my innocent perfect daughter” Tony angrily stated as his face turned a shade of red nobody expected.
“They are listening to a song about having relations in the car and bathroom” Steve said pointing upstairs to your room.
“And you didn’t shut it down the moment you heard that? What kind of uncle are you?” Tony asked running up the stairs to take a listen for himself.
“Oh my gosh the lyrics are filthy but it sounds so calming, how does an artist achieve that?” Tony muttered under his breath before harshly knocking on your bedroom door and bursting in unannounced.
“What’s going on here?” Tony yelled loudly only to be met with a view of you sitting at your desk and Peter sitting on your bed leaning against the headboard with a textbook and stack of papers sitting on his lap.
“What dad? We are busy figuring out the formulas Bruce gave us. Why the hell is everyone crowding outside my room?” You asked, pointing towards Steve, Bucky, Nat, Clint and Bruce all huddling in a circle outside your bedroom door.
“Well we heard the song you guys were listening to and were a bit concerned. You guys aren’t acting on those lyrics are you? You guys better not be under my roof” Tony questioned with a look of disgust on his face.
“What the hell are you going on about dad?” You asked looking over at Peter who looked like he'd seen a ghost.
“Are you guys having sexual relations?” Tony asked in disgust as your playlist suddenly skipped to the next song which would make your case even worse.
“Head so good, she's an honor roll she’ll ride your what like a carnival?” Tony repeated the lyrics.
“I am on the honor roll though, so it’s not entirely a lie” You replied back smirking like a smartass.
“This is not a laughing matter young lady, we are talking about something serious here, answer my question right now” Tony stated with a straight face not joking around anymore.
“Yeah we are and what about it?” You said, shrugging your shoulders.
“Y/n not in front of everybody” Peter said shyly.
“Who cares Peter they were going to find out sooner or later anyways, might as well just tell them now” You said looking back at everyone’s shocked faces. As you looked past your father behind him stood Bucky handing Clint a ten dollar bill.
“You guys had a bet going on about us?” Peter asked, looking back and forth between them but also keeping one eye on Tony just in case he might try to kill him.
“This conversation is not over and from now on this door stays open” Tony said sternly ignoring all the giggles and snarky remarks coming from his fellow avengers. Your playlist then starts playing a different song which lightens up the mood just a little.
“This one has a dance to go along with it, watch H-O-T-T-O-G-O it’s like the YMCA'' You said while doing the dance.
“I like doing the YMCA” Steve said, smiling now entering your room.
“Of course you do because you're ancient” Peter said jokingly.
As you can expect you didn’t think you’d be ending your day teaching Steve Rogers the Hot To Go dance however you wouldn’t trade the quiet days at the compound for anything because at the end of the day you’re just one big family and you wouldn’t trade them for the world.
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tomholland1996simp · 2 years
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Snap || Peter Parker
Summary: It’s been a long stressful day for Peter, so when you come over he can’t help but get mad at certain things you do. Leading to him snapping at his girlfriend.
Haven’t read over so sorry if there’s mistakes.
Being spider-man could be such a stressful Job for Peter, patrolling late at night, trying to juggle with school work and saving the city all made him tired. He felt drained, not just physically but mentally too. That’s why today he wanted to relax in his and his aunts apartment, alone.
However, Peter had forgot that a couple of days ago he asked his girlfriend, y/n, to come over to hang as the apartment would be free. So instantly when he opened the door after he heard a knock, his face dropped slightly when he saw her bright smile. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see her, he just wanted to be alone and be by himself for the day. Normally when Peter is stressed or tired he snaps out at people and gets angry very easily.
“Heyy, Petey” You smiled at your boyfriend, noticing the black bags under his eyes which you would ask about later if he had been getting sleep. You know that Peter is spider-man, you found out when you two were best friends, after the day he told you, you both confessed that you were in love with each other.
“Oh, y/n? Hi” He rubbed the back of his neck, letting you walk into his apartment. Now he regrets asking you to come over, knowing he just wanted to go bed and sleep.
“Did you forget that I was coming?” You let out a little chuckle, placing the two plastic bags on the counter. Before going to Peters, you decided to buy his favourite sandwich from his favourite sandwich shop, Delmars. Then you stopped at another store to get your favourite snacks and drinks for you’re movie marathon that you had planned to do tonight.
“N-no, just didn’t realise the time” He lied, taking your bag from you’re shoulder and putting it into his room. You followed him behind asking him if he wanted his sandwich. “Maybe later, I just ate not long ago” He lied yet again, laying on his bed.
“You okay, baby?” You noticed his mood, normally your boyfriend was excited to see you, he would greet you with a big hug and a kiss. Then he would ramble on about his day or his patrols late at night.
“Y-yeah” He faked smiled as you crawled onto the bed leaning over to peck his lips, him not kissing back.
You raise your eyebrow, thinking he’s playing with you. “Peterrr give me a kiss” You whine as he ignored you looking at his phone. You then decided to straddle his legs, taking his phone from his hands and giving him a kiss. This time he did kiss back but he pulled away quickly.
“Give my phone back, please” He tiredly asked.
“No” You jokingly smile at him, but your smile dropped when you realised he wasn’t joking the whole time.
“Give my fucking phone y/n!” He snapped, snatching the phone from your hands and pushing you off him. He then turned his back from you, going back on his phone.
“m’ sorry” You mutter that feeling sinking in, deciding to go into the kitchen and help May by cleaning the apartment up a little. You hoped that after you was done that Peter would be out of his ‘mood’ or whatever was going on with him.
After an hour the dishes were finally washed and cleaned so you decided to go back into Peters room to check on him. Now he was sitting at his desk doing his homework that was due for Monday, maths. Luckily for him you were quite good at maths, that’s why he would always ask you for help.
“Want some help?” You asked, your voice coming out more quiet than usual.
He just nodded his head as he moved to the bed so you could both sit together. You then explained to him how to solve some problems, basically doing the homework for him as he laid there. You didn’t mind that though, you were happy to help him.
Your talking, however, was making Peter lose his mind, he just wanted silence but you kept rambling on about how to do his homework.
“Ahh shit, the pencil is blunt. Do you have a sharpener?” You look at the blunt pencil and then at him.
He then pointed over to his desk top draw, implying that it was in there. You nodded your head, standing up and going over to the draw looking through it to find the sharpener. “I don’t see it” Turning to look at him, seeing him roll his eyes making you gulp.
“It’s in there, look properly” He said, watching you struggle to find it, the noise making his head hurt.
“I don’t think it’s-“ You was cut off by hearing him get up from his bed, stomping over to you and moving you out of the way. He went through the draw and fount it in a old pencil case.
“It’s right here! Open your fucking eyes next time! Fuck sakes, your making my head hurt!” He snapped at you, shouting. He had never ever shouted at you, nor sworn at you before. He then grabbed the pencil sharpening it a bit too hard making it break.
“Sorry” You stand up fiddling with you’re fingers looking into his eyes but not finding any regret in them.
“Stop fucking apologising y/n, that’s all you fucking do. ‘I’m sorry’ just shut up and leave me the fuck alone!” He shouted stepping towards you making you flinch a little as he yelled. You know Peter would never lay a hand on you, but seeing him right now made you scared.
You didn’t want to cry in front of him but you couldn’t help letting a little sob escape your mouth. His angry expression fell a little, now realising what he had said and how scared you looked.
You then pulled out your phone acting as if you had received a message. “Oh, I-I got to g-go, my uhh my mum messaged saying I can’t stay tonight, got plans” You wiped your eyes with yours Peters hoodie, grabbing your bag and throwing it over your shoulder, not daring to meet his eyes.
“y/n, no please don’t go. I’m sorry, Angel.” He grabbed your arm softly, not wanting you to leave, now regretting the way he had just shouted at you. Your his girlfriend, he shouldn’t ever raise his voice at you. He loves you.
“No, just don’t, Peter” He let go of your arm, hating the way you said his name. You never call him by his name, you always use nick names or cute pet names for him.
“I’m so sorry, baby. Please” He pleaded as you ran to his front door, opening it and slamming it behind you as tears fell down your face. He didn’t run after you, no. But he couldn’t help but feel guilty, looking at the clean apartment that you had cleaned up for him and May. Opening the two plastic bags that had his favourite sandwich in and all your favourite drinks + snacks.
Tears fell down his face, he told you he would never treat you like how he just did. He wishes he could give you the world and beat up everyone who makes you cry, not to be the reason you cry.
At school
You hadn’t answered any of Peters messages or calls. After he had snapped at you, you decided to let him be alone not wanting to be around him when he was like that. Annoyingly, Peter and you went to the same school, so you knew you would see him on Monday.
Now you’re walking to chemistry, which you shared with Peter. Your running a bit late though, due to not feeling the best today. Maybe it was because you didn’t want to face Peter again, you didn’t know.
“Miss Y/L/N, your late” You’re teacher told you as you walked in, everyone’s eyes on you, but you didn’t want to meet a certain pair. You didn’t apologies or neither answer, your voice would sound too weak as you had already locked eyes with him.
You sat down in your seat, your leg bouncing up and down, wanting the lesson to be over with. Peter sat two rows in front of you, you just kept staring at his figure. He looked better than before, earlier when you saw him his bags were gone and his hair was less messy.
“Y/N since you were late, you can clean the rest of the equipment up” Your teacher told you as she packed her things up, making you sigh.
Once everyone left, you started putting the equipment away, like the test tubes and all the other things. All you could think about is Peter.
You hadn’t realised but you had dropped one of the test tubes, the glass shattering everywhere. “Fuck, sakes” Tears pricked you’re eyes, you were so tired and you kept thinking of the fight with Peter. Did he not love you anymore? Are you both broken up? Maybe you really are annoying and you should leave him alone.
Picking up the glass, you didn’t care if you were cutting yourself, you were just upset. “Let me help you” You heard from the door as someone came to help you, picking the rest of the glass up and grabbing your hand.
This voice made your heart skip a beat.
“Shit your bleeding, here sit on the table” Peter helped you to sit on the table, grabbing the first aid kit and cleaning the cuts. You both stayed in silence in the classroom as he wrapped your hand with the hand wraps, making sure it’s not on too tight.
“Thanks” You mutter, keeping your head down, you was about to get up but he stopped you. “I-I uhh I’m sorry, y/n/n. I was just stressed with school and saving the city. I was doing too much and I was so tired, I know it’s not an excuse at all but I love you, baby. I’m so fucking sorry that I said all them things, I didn’t mean it, I swear.” He said truthfully, tears welling in his eyes making you smile a little.
“No, I’m sorry, I was being annoying..”
“No, you wasn’t not at all. I made you cry, you’re my girlfriend and I should never treat you like that because i’m stressed. I know you would never. I’m sorry” He apologised yet again, grabbing the sides of your face.
“It’s okay, Pete. Don’t cry” You smile wiping a tear that fell from his face.
“I love you so fucking much, baby” He smiled leaning in to kiss you.
“I love you so much, Spidey” You chuckle grabbing his face and smashing your lips together.
“Y/L/N, Parker, Hands off each other in the classroom!”
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thollandneedy · 2 months
Don't you know- Peter Parker
A/n: Nah 'cause that fucking happened to me last week and i HAD TO write about it (Ofc with very different context and description). Btw, i listened to "Don't you know" by James Young while writing it, in case someone likes to listen to music while reading
Warnings: Swearing and smut
Summary: Peter and Y/n get stuck on traffic, but that doesn't mean that it have to be boring...
Don’t forget to share, like, comment and leave your ideas here
Bellah’s Masterlist 🪻
"Shut up" Y/n exclaims, smiling at her boyfriend.
"I told you May, would get me one," Peter comments, crossing his arms and looking sideways at the girl next to him, who seems to be enchanted by the small black car the boy had gotten for his eighteenth birthday.
"It's so cute! I love it." The girl laughs, walking a few steps forward and leaning her weight on the open window, so that she can see the details of the car her boyfriend had won.
"Say goodbye to meters and borrowed cars. Now I'm a new man." Peter walked to the front door, opened it and sat down in the driver's seat. His body slouches forward, reaching out and pulling the door open so that his girlfriend can get into the car too. "And I'm going to take my dear lady for a ride in this little beauty here" The brunette put both hands on the steering wheel.
May had always been a hard-working woman, and supporting her nephew when the boy's parents died had become a kind of livelihood so that she could have the energy to work. Due to financial difficulties, Peter didn't have anything above his aunt's budget, but after a promotion, she had finally managed to scrape together enough to give her nephew a car. Stark had also helped with some of the finances and to make the car more powerful than it already was, so it was a gift from both of them to the hero.
Y/n put on her seatbelt, pulling one of its sides until she could feel the pressure against her body. The girl slipped one of her free hands over Peter's hand, which was on the automatic gearshift, allowing him to give it to her after shifting into gear and continuing his journey. Late evening in New York was slowly falling, as the orange light from the buildings reflected off the crowded streets during rush hour. A few bars and restaurants were starting to open, and Peter had his plan to take his girlfriend out for a bite to eat and then park their conversations in an empty parking lot so that they could also get some alone time. The girl took off her two shoes, crossed her legs covered by jeans, and opened Spotify on her transparent cell phone with a Polaroid photo of the two of them.
"Can I put on a song?" The girl asks.
"Sure, love." Peter updates the car's multimedia while his girlfriend searches for something to listen to. 
"So, tell me. Who chose the car? Did you know you'd win?" The girl rests her hands on her lap.
"May had commented that one day she would give me everything I asked for, but it was never something I cared much about. She got a promotion at the hospital, and consequently her salary increased. Ever since I turned 16, she was raking it in." Peter comments without taking his eyes off the street.
"So you're going to be my private driver?" Y/n asked jokingly, causing the brunette to check his eyes in response.
"As far as I know, you have a driver's license." The hero laughs.
"Why would I drive if now you can take me wherever I want? I thought that was the definition of a passanger princess." The girl put her hand to her chest in an attempt to express surprise.
"Oh yes! Of course." Peter laughs.
"I'm literally going to explode," Peter says, opening the restaurant door so that his girlfriend can get out first. 
"Tell me about it." The girl says, putting her hand on her stomach and then looking at the time on her cell phone. "Fuck, we've got to get going. My parents will kill me if I'm late on a weekday."
"I thought they'd take it easy on you after eighteen." Peter takes the car key out of his pocket.
"They trust me, but still, we live in New York and they're worried." The girl shrugged, unable to contradict her parents.
"I'll take care of you, kitten. You're safe from the dangers of the night when you walk with me." Peter says proudly, causing a low chuckle from his girlfriend who was walking with her arms crossed.
"Of course! Let's pull you out of the superhero closet and tell my parents that I'm dating a guy who could have an accident at any moment in a fight with evil, technological villains." Y/n opens the car door, then sits down again.
"I think it's a great idea. We can let them know that you'll be moving in with me when I pass MIT, and we'll live in a house in the country with two kids and a dog." Peter comments, closing the car door and continuing his journey.
The white lights of the streets, together with the moon, gave the teenagers an unreal feeling. That feeling that the world isn't real, and their existence is just another speck in the middle of several grains of sand on a beach called the universe. The car drove slowly, on purpose, as Peter didn't want his girlfriend to leave. A slow song was playing on Y/n's Bluetooth, which responded to the music by diverting its eyes from the multimedia system implanted in the center of the car's dashboard. 
Peter laughed out loud when he read the name of the playlist the song was part of
"Really? Sexy guilty pleasure? That's the name of your sex playlist?" Peter makes fun of his girlfriend, who stares at him while holding in her laughter.
"In my defense, I started it when I was 16 and I haven't changed it because I find the name comical." The girl smiles as she says it, remembering when she had started exploring the literary universe of hot scenes in books that seemed innocent.
"Your sex life is comical, Y/n." Peter laughs, but then realizes what he's just said, and also jokes about himself without realizing it.
Y/n laughs out loud
"You're terrible at insults." The girl nods, looking at the passing streets like a drawing blurred by the speed of the car.
"Why haven't I ever heard that playlist?" The brunette lowered his eyes again to the name of the playlist playing in his car.
"I use it from time to time to read, or even when I... well... you know." Peter feels the blush rising to his cheeks.
His sex life with Y/n was almost restricted, and could even be considered for those over 14 if they were to classify it. Peter and Y/n hadn't had sex yet, let alone talked about it openly since their time together was considerably short. Even when they were friends, the subject of sex had never come up, unless they were in a circle of older friends and both were drunk. But even in this state, it seemed like a great sin to talk about sex. 
"Really?" Peter swallows dryly, stopping at a red light and running both hands down his dark-wash jeans.  "And what's that like?"
Y/n sucks in a breath when she hears her boyfriend's question. Their eyes meet, then dart away again in an attempt to make the conversation as awkward as possible. Y/n never had a problem talking about sex, but when it came to Peter, even his presence made her nervous.
"When I..." The girl tries to finish the sentence, really being precise in asking if he was asking about what she does in the long hours alone at night while Peter is asleep.
The boy can hear his girlfriend's heartbeat increasing and her throat swallowing. 
"That's it." He cuts her off.
The light turns green, and the blaring horn of a car cuts through the tension created between the two. Peter turns his eyes to the busy streets, while Y/n searches for confidence in herself. 
She looks at him out of the corner of her eye.
Gray shirt clinging to her toned muscles
Tight pants drawing her ass in perfectly
Puffed-out chest
Perfectly wavy hair
Her legs cross over each other, shrinking her body.
“Holy fuck” Peter thinks when he saw his girlfriend crossing her legs 
"It's nice. I like listening to music and closing my eyes, because I seem to get lost in time and sensation." The girl says, still silently watching hers boyfriend's reaction. "I like being without anything on my body. Just the cold sheets because of the air conditioning I turn on, so I don't sweat so much."
Peter pressed the steering wheel against his hands
"And what do you think about?" The boy asks as if his words were sailing over brittle ice.
Y/n takes a deep breath, turning half her torso towards her boyfriend.
What was she thinking?
Perhaps the times her parents went out on business, and the couple found themselves on the sofa taking off only their blouses. Or when she first felt Peter hard while she was on his lap kissing him
When he came out of the shower with just a towel tied around his waist, and his hair dripping with cold water. 
When he used his index finger to touch her chin, and pull her into a kiss
Those same fingers that could touch you so deeply that your legs would collapse without the strength to stand up, and he would pick you up to use you once again as whatever he wanted you to be. Only he could make you feel so wet that you didn't want his touch so close for fear of losing the track.
Peter feels his cock against the factory of his underpants.
"Tell me about what." His voice comes out sultry, as if for a few seconds, he had put his shame aside. "I want to hear you, love," the brunette asked, taking one of his hands off the gearshift and slowly reaching for Y/n's hand, which was resting on his thigh with the cell phone.
Peter had never acted or spoken like that, but he couldn't deny to himself that he wanted more. He always wanted more, not even if he had to imagine tasting his girlfriend's sweetness. His cock was throbbing against his pants, and he could feel it twitching inside them, while his breathing made a point of being nervous. Feeling Y/n on his fingers, wrinkling them with the groove of his cum, or even thinking about the sensation of his walls meeting his cock, made him lose his shame in seconds. 
When he thought about it, it was something extremely out of touch with reality, but everything he wanted to do, fortunately the initiative had to come from him. Hearing from his own girlfriend that she masturbated thinking about what he was doing was like raising the hackles of a king
The car seemed to get smaller and smaller, and not even the wind in the air could stop them both wanting to take off their clothes. The leather seat seemed to cling to their sweaty skins, searching for something to hold them inside the car. For Y/n, she couldn't describe whether the situation was good or bad, as her sexual experiences had not been very positive during her teenage years.
"I think of your touch. That time we kissed, and I could feel you brushing past my thigh and slowly trying to find my clit." The girl adjusted her posture in the chair, letting her legs relax as well as her posture.
Peter, for his part, could feel everything she was feeling. His powers allowed him to see that she was getting more and more comfortable in the seat because her hard-on was increasing with every double entendre word that was directed at her, and it was a very interesting game to play in the car during a post-work commute in New York. The cars moved slowly, and even if the clock asked them to go faster, they didn't want to. 
"Did you like it?" One of Peter's fingers slid down, tracing a straight line between the upper part of Y/n's thigh.
"Uh-huh." The girl commented, seeing that her hand had now lost the warmth of his touch, so that her body could feel it. 
"Me too." Peter comments, allowing his whole hand to touch Y/n's thigh, squeezing it briefly as a silent sign of confirmation that everything was okay. Then, his middle finger traced a line down the middle of her legs, causing a low moan to escape Y/n's mouth, who, still embarrassed, allowed her legs to spread further apart. The hero's cock was begging to be touched, but this wasn't the first time he'd thought of doing it. His plan had always been to let things happen naturally, but he was also smart enough to know that now with a car, he had more freedom.
"Peter." Y/n's hand finds his fist. "And if anyone sees. There are traffic cameras that can...
"The windows are tinted." Parker comments, looking directly at his girlfriend's breasts which were becoming more and more exposed against her clingy blouse. " Are you okay?"
"Please." Y/n begs in a sly request, drawing a naughty smile from the brunette. 
His index finger fingered his girlfriend's wet spot against the factory of her pants, putting pressure on the girl who relaxed her body against the seat. With one hand on the steering wheel and the other between his girlfriend's legs, Peter grunts to himself.
"Fuck, Y/n. You... you have no idea how much I've wanted to touch you for months." Peter confesses, biting his lip as he feels the girl roll against his fingers and lay her head back on the bench. 
"You have?" The girl gasps.
"We've never been able to spend much time alone, and I've always refused to do anything because... fuck... I can't want to fuck you," Parker confesses, trying to balance the car, his hard-on and his girlfriend at the same time.
Y/n feels her feet fall from the stereotypical virgin pedestal she has built for herself. Peter had never been a saint, and as hard as it was to believe because of his cute face and lack of girl-talking skills, he was still a male teenager who had desires and wishes repressed by shame. 
"Peter." Y/n groans lowly, gripping the hero's wrist tightly as he manages to find her weak spot.
A satisfied smile came from his lips as he began to make circular movements, causing the girl to moan a little louder. Y/n lowered her eyes to the pants that suddenly seemed to be tighter than usual on hers boyfriend. His decency as a person had gone, and all she could think about was tasting him and making him feel so good that he spoke his name out loud without caring if anyone heard.
"Yes. Speak my name, Y/n." The brunette asked, continuing his movements, but increasing the speed.
The friction was intense, and it would have been easy for her to finish right where she started, but her sense of justice and pity tried to speak louder.
"I wanted to touch you." Y/n exposed, staring shamelessly at the bulge in Peter's pants. 
"You talk so innocently as if you didn't want me to be fucking you with my fingers on this very bench." Peter lets out a sarcastic laugh, denying it to himself, and casting a longing glance at him.
Y/n's walls contract as he speaks, as if his body had a will of its own and felt empty when he had nothing to satisfy his carnal desires. 
"I can hear your heart racing, darling." Peter takes his hand off the wheel for a moment, squeezing his hard cock as a form of relief.
Removing the hand that was between his girlfriend's legs, he adjusts the rearview mirror and looks both ways down the avenue. 
"Why did you stop?" The girl straightens her posture in concern.
"I need you now."
"What?" Y/n swallows dryly.
"I want to have sex with you now. Do you?" Parker asks angrily.
Without thinking, Y/n replies:
"I want to" 
"Okay." The boy shifts into gear so that he can change lanes and find another road that leads further away. In a moment of anxiety, the car dies. "Fuck!" Peter curses, drawing a nervous smile from his girlfriend.
"Let's get out of here, Parker. I'm dying to get a taste of you."
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ruewrote · 8 months
𝑠𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢.
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PAIRING: peter parker x gn!reader WARNINGS: arguing, strong language GENRE: angst SONG INSPIRATION: naked by james arthur WORD COUNT: 440 PARTS: one, two, three
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you couldn't keep doing this with him. finally coming to the terms that peter would never truly choose you. him being out every night without fail proved that.
today everything changes, you choose yourself instead of him.
there had been one too many date nights cancelled, one too many times that he'd slip into bed with you, not knowing that you were still wide awake with tear stained cheeks.
what was the point anymore? you barely saw him as it is.
loving him with all your might to only get little to nothing in return was draining.
if it wasn't the relationship or lack there of, it was your job. your boss asking too much, too late, your family were there for you, but you could feel their constant worry.
dark circles started to form under your eyes from the little to no sleep you were getting, hair almost always a mess since when you did sleep you would wake up late and had to rush out of the door.
now back to laying in your shared bed alone for what felt like the millionth time.
you couldn't take it anymore and why should you?
that lead to you hurriedly packing your bags, already calling your sister and letting her know what was happening and she welcomed you into her home with open arms.
it was late when you arrived, so you quietly moved your stuff into her guest room, her bidding you a goodnight as the door closes. you were left alone again with your thoughts.
phone vibrating in your hand as pete's texts rolled in. asking where you were and if you were okay, you ended up leaving him on read before completely turning off your phone.
you don't owe him an explanation, you didn't owe him jackshit. not for the way he treats you.
flopping down onto the bed, rolling yourself up into the covers not bothering to change.
tears fill your eyes when you think about how different he used to be, just your cute nerdy boyfriend. the one that would facetime you when he was building his new lego set, the one that would drop everything that he had going on to look after you when you were sick.
the same guy who was too shy to ask you out so he wrote little love notes and only up until you caught him in the act, only then was when he confessed his feelings for you.
it all changed when he got bit by that stupid spider, as much as you love spiderman, you loved peter parker more.
you just wanted your boyfriend back. was that too much to ask for?
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comments and reblogs are appreciated ♡
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© ruewrote 2024.
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loverwebs · 2 years
It's Supposed to be Fun, Turning 21
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Your boyfriend, Peter, doesn't make it to your birthday dinner. So you walk home alone, only to run into the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
Warnings: Slight angst & mentions of alcohol
Word count: 1,700
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A very tired Y/n stumbled over the bumpy sidewalk of New York, cursing under her breath whenever she nearly stepped in a puddle. Her purse was crossed along her body and a bottle of wine swung from her hand.
She made her way home quickly and in annoyance, not wanting to be out any longer than she had to. With that in mind, she took a shortcut through an alleyway.
"Ma'am, stop right there!" A voice behind her shouted. She hesitantly turned, about to blow the person off, before she saw the city's masked hero within a few feet's distance.
"Holy shit! Oh, fuck did I do something? If it's the wine— I'm legally allowed to own it! And I have my ID, so please don't arrest me. I'm not even drunk!” a startled Y/n shouted.
"No, no! It’s okay," The vigilante approached her.
"Oh, okay," She said, touching her heart and sighing in relief. "Sorry for getting all jumpy there. It’s been a long day."
"No, you're fine! I didn't mean to scare you. I was just gonna say, you really shouldn't be walking home by yourself. It's not exactly safe, especially at night," He explained through an overly deepened voice.
"I know it's not," Sighed the girl. "My friends tried to get me to walk home with them, but my place isn't that far. And I'm really not in the mood to talk to anyone."
She continued her path, glancing back at him to add a quick, "No offense."
"None taken," He replied through a jog, catching up to her. "Did you just happen to be carrying around a bottle of wine with you, though?" He softly laughed at her antics.
"Uhh, yeah, just tonight." She returned a weak one.
"What's the occasion?" He asked, though he already knew the answer.
"It's my birthday. I'm 21 now and I wanna have my first drink with my boyfriend. He couldn't make it to my party and the restaurant let me bring one home with me."
She smiled sadly, lifting the bottle up so he could see the written For the birthday girl, enjoy! that a waitress had signed in permanent marker.
Peter felt guilty hearing this. Not only because he didn't make it to her birthday, but because she still waited for him. Wanting to share the special moment— despite him having missed it entirely.
"Happy birthday, then." The masked boy spoke, voice cracking as he said it. "I hope you spent it well."
"It was... eh. But thank you."
"Why was it 'eh'?" He asked, holding his breath.
"It's just, I don't know." She shrugged, not wanting to get into it.
She pondered for a moment, then, "I'm not trying to be rude or like, ungrateful, but don't you have actual Spider-Man stuff to do?"
He shook his head, "Making sure you get home safely is just as important as any other mission to me... plus, I wanted to make sure you were okay."
"That's nice, but I wouldn't want you to stop helping someone who actually needs it because of me."
"It's fine," He waved a hand in dismissal. "Don't even worry about it. I was pretty much done for the night anyway."
All she did was nod, not entirely convinced, then he spoke again.
"Sooo.. your birthday," He started.
"Right, yeah. It was fine, I guess."
"How come?"
"You're already walking me home, the last thing I want is for you to be my therapist too." She joked.
"Well, maybe I could help cheer you up... I like to help people. It's what I do."
"My friends already tried.. and failed. What makes you think you can?"
"I'd try my luck," He suggested. "Or we could walk in awkward silence."
She laughed at that, to which he said, "So what's got you down?"
"Okay, I mean.. like I said, my boyfriend didn't show up at the restaurant, soo I kinda spent the whole night staring at the door in case he did."
"Oh." He mumbled. "Sounds like a shitty boyfriend," He whispered, a little more to himself.
"He isn't," She shook her head a few too many times.
"He's naturally late to things, yeah. And he can't always make it to stuff. But when he is there.. His presence makes everything so much better." She said truthfully.
Peter hummed in understanding, his heart feeling heavy at her defending words. Here he was in a Spider-Man suit, meanwhile she wore her best party outfit. Not even cursing at the boy for his absence.
He didn't deserve her, he thought.
"Did he at least call? You know, saying he couldn't make it?"
Silence filled the air momentarily, which was enough of an answer. Still, she said, "He usually does..."
"Yeah?" He swallowed the forming lump in his throat.
"He— he always lets me know if he can't. And he did wish me a Happy Birthday! It's just— he's— I don't know what's going on with him anymore." She gave a teary laugh.
"Sometimes, it just feels like he's gonna break up with me. I feel like he wants to do it, but he's waiting around for the perfect opportunity, y'know?" She quickly wiped her now forming tears. "Sorry, I sound really pathetic."
"What?! No. No... You don't." He paused. "You— you really think he's gonna break up with you?" He dreadfully asked.
"I don't know," She gave a weak shrug. "He's like, distant lately."
"Have you.. Have you tried talking to him about it?"
"I've tried, yeah." She chewed on her lip nervously, thinking of the many instances where he canceled at the last minute when she intended on speaking with him.
"Like just this week, I asked to meet up after his afternoon class because I wanted to know if something was wrong, but..." She trailed off, holding back more tears.
"He canceled," He finished her sentence, wincing at her confirming nod.
"Right, and it's like, what am I doing wrong?" She added helplessly.
"Nothing! You're not doing anything wrong," He said through an interior panic.
"Doesn't feel like it."
They continued walking as Peter thought of the correct words to say. She'd laid her thoughts right there at his feet and he didn't know what the right move was.
He gave a desperate sigh, then proceeded to say, "I don't think he wants to break up with you."
"Seriously? That's what you're gonna tell me? You don't know that—"
"Hear me out... It's just, you know. Maybe he has a lot going on and.." He started, feeling overwhelmed.
"And maybe he hasn't been able to really tell you everything he wants you to know because he's scared. Scared to lose you. Or scared that you're already slipping away from him." He rambled on.
She slowed down her pace, tilting her head at him as a sense of familiarity within his words settled in.
He wasn't faking his tone anymore, and she wasn't as in her head as she was when he first found her.
"But you're not doing anything wrong, okay, Y/n?" He continued, voice breaking as he stepped closer to her. "I can promise you that."
She looked around to make sure the streets were empty before abruptly stopping in her tracks, eyeing him, when it finally clicked for her. She inched closer to him, while her shaky fingers tentatively reached towards the bottom of his mask.
She did so slowly, making sure he had time to stop her if he wanted to.
"Wait," He put his hand over hers. "It's not really.. It's not safe to do that here."
She understood and immediately withdrew her hand, taking a few steps back.
"Do you trust me?" He walked towards her, carefully placing his hands on her hips. With a nod, she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Just like that, he aimed at a nearby building and shot a web, swinging with her in his arms. Her body tightly hugged him as they made their way to the rooftop of Peter's old apartment building. The same place they had their first date.
A sloppy "Happy Birthday" was webbed above the projector that was setup, along with blankets on an old couch that they’d made out on several times.. A few of her favorite drinks and snacks placed there as well. She noticed them as he gently put her down.
She once again turned to look at him, but his mask was already off.
"I'm sorry I missed your birthday, Princess."
"Oh, Peter," She frowned and went to cup his face. "Who did this to you?"
"It doesn't matter," He said softly, leaning into her hands.
"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I really wanted to... But I never knew when or how to do it. And tonight, I wanted to be there." His lips trembled.
"You have no idea how much I wanted to be there. But some guy had this really wonderful idea to rob a bank on your day, which caused a lockdown and eventually it led to a car pileup—"
She placed a kiss on his lips, shutting him up while holding onto the back of his neck in order to keep him close.
"I saw the news, Pete." She said once they parted and hugged him tightly, body shaking as she did so.
"Are you crying?" He asked through furrowed brows. "I'm so sorry I upset you, I—"
"I'm not upset with you. You don't have to apologize."
"You're not?"
"I mean, I was upset when I thought you were preparing some 'it's not you, it's me' speech on my birthday. And the thought of that hurts a lot more than knowing you kept this from me."
"I shouldn't have ever made you feel like we were gonna breakup, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to give you that impression. You have every right to be upset at me for it." He hung his head low in shame.
"Thank you for owning up to it, but it's okay now, love. I'm okay now that you're here," She reassured him. "And I'm really glad you trusted me enough to share this with me."
"Of course I trust you. I had it all planned out.. We were supposed to go to dinner first and then come here. I was gonna explain everything up here, but things just got all messy, as always."
"I just said it's okay," She giggled, tracing the spider on his chest. "Besides, I can't complain when you look this good in your suit."
She smiled at his forming blush and messed up hair, then leaned in to kiss him once again.
"I love you," He whispered against her lips.
"I love you too, Spider-Man."
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deartomholland · 6 months
Peter Parker BF texts!
I've seen this a lot in the K-pop fandom (though this sms au exists way back then) and thought I'd do one for my boi!
Warnings: swear words, terms of endearment such as babe, baby and sweetheart, mentions of period, mentions of tony stark
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heliads · 2 years
Tom!peter x make reader with powers of blue marvel, just regular dating headcanon or so with some inclusion of them patrolling together and maybe them just doing sweet things for each other 💖😍
had to google blue marvel bc i don't remember who any characters are ever but bless you for letting me do headcanons
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Peter Parker has never been more grateful to have a partner for patrols
Being Spider-Man is great, obviously, but having someone else out there to watch his back is really, really nice
Factor in the fact that his partner in anti-crime is you, and, well, Peter doesn’t think life could possibly get any better
You and Peter just click, that’s all
You have the same sense of humor, the same fierce protective spirit about the city, the same curious spark
Any day that Peter gets to spend by your side is a good one in his eyes, and the nights spent watching over the streets don’t feel as hard if he’s got you there too
It makes fighting crime a lot more fun when someone else is there to make the same bad jokes and witty comments that he would
The two of you are well known (by your hero aliases, of course) across the city for your dynamic, with newspapers and magazines swearing by your obvious bond
One of your favorite blog headlines puts it more succinctly: ‘Just Two Guys Being Dudes, But They’re Also Saving Us All?’
That one made you two laugh for days
Peter’s also totally obsessed with your powers, and he’s definitely pretended to complain about how cool they are on multiple occasions
“Super speed is one thing, and super strength, but energy manipulation too? Jeez, Y/N, you have to pick one. It’s making the rest of us look almost normal.”
“You swing from buildings on spiderwebs, Peter, you’ll never look normal.”
That earned you at least fifteen seconds of the silent treatment, but it didn’t last too long– your fights never do
After all, how could you possibly fight with someone who’d save your life over his own, who’d help patch you up after a tough night under the unspoken promise that you’ll do the same for him?
At the end of the day, it’s you and Peter against the world
Nothing could make you happier
requested by @fadedver, i hope you enjoy!
marvel tag list: @namoreno, @thatfangirl42, @rogueanschel, @mycosmicparadise, @ellobruv, @callsign-scully, @with-inked-solace, @sher-lokid7, @amortensie, @23victoria, @watchreadfangirlrepeat, @gods-fools-heroes, @w1shes43, @deafsuperhero, @/fadedver
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sacharinee · 1 year
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pairing: bf!peter x fem!reader
synopsis: you tend to peter’s needs with your friends down the hall**
w/c: 1k+
warnings: smut! hj + grinding, cursing, sneaky sex?? minors dni X
a/n: this is my first smut so pls bare w me. like two office references. this wasnt meant to be that smutty but here we are. i hope u like it - feedback always appreciated!
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peter is really testing your patience.
he’s been restless the entire evening, shifting and fidgeting on the couch with you. he’s tried laying his head on your lap, tried leaning against the arm of the sofa with his heavy legs on top of you, then decided against everything and sat up straight beside you. 
the only thing keeping peter from his ultimate desires was the splatter film rolling on harry’s massive flat screen tv that entertained you and your friends. 
harry and mj are cuddled on the loveseat together, fully engrossed in the movie as ned and betty make comfortable on the makeshift bed scattered on the floor in front of you.
it was peter’s idea to have a movie night with his girlfriend and closest friends, but it certainly wasn’t his idea to have the most unbearable boner, right now, at the worst time possible. 
“this movie is so gross, who chose this bag of ass?” ned quips. 
“i think it was mj, babe” betty whispers.
“yup, it was me.” 
“i don’t know what you’re talking about, this movie is amazing,” harry shoves a handful of popcorn into his mouth as yet another character screams and dies an excruciating death on the screen.
ned rolls his eyes at him, “you two deserve each other.”
“hey, you know what? if you don’t like it, there’s the door,” the brunette responds, “i don’t know what’s the cause of all this attitude.” 
“it’s be-cause i hate you right now” ned fires back.
“oh, so our entire friendship is a lie, i see how it is.”
“you guys wanna hear another lie?” you chirp, both turning to your attention, “i think you’re both great. seriously. you guys are my best friends and not annoying at all.” 
harry crosses his arms and shakes his head in disbelief, “wow.”
“now shut up and watch the movie.”
your attempts are rendered futile, ned and harry continue to argue while mj watches the gory film with contentment and betty covers her eyes.
your attention turns to peter when he’s tugging on your sleeve. “yes, baby?” you peer down at him with sweet eyes, your pretty face makes his crotch ache. 
he can’t help but look away, “i need help.” he answers your confusion  by bringing your hand down to feel his hard length through his sweatpants.
“are you kidding me, peter?” you whisper. his forehead drops to your shoulder defeated, “i can’t help it, you’re hot when you’re mean, and it really hurts”
peter’s begging makes you feel for him, and you consider your options, “please?”
he’s giving you desperate eyes, and you decide you can’t focus on the movie with your friend’s bickering anyways, so you stand abruptly.
“i’m gonna use the bathroom.”
peter watched you make your way out of the living room, following suit, “m-me too.”
nobody hears or pays attention to the both of you, unaware of the risky events that are to take place down the hall. 
your boyfriend catches you slipping into the nearest bedroom, which he realizes is harry’s. he goes to protest on entering but is dismissed when your soft lips passionately capture his by surprise. peter stumbles to kick the door shut as you bring him closer by his shirt, walking him backward till his leg meets the bed. you’re on top of him, lips sliding over each other as you lay him down.
he feels your hot heat press against his crotch and over his throbbing cock. 
“y/n/n,” peter whines, “holy shit.” his head tips, and his eyes roll back when he feels you grind on his thick length. he grabs your hips, helping you move fervently against him. 
your lips attach to his neck and suck, pleased with your effect on him. peter is so easy to please. you’re glad you wore a skirt tonight, your arousal floods his senses and it’s all he can think about. he’s high on you, and only ever wants to be intoxicated by you. 
“s’it feel good, baby?” peter’s heavy breathing and rushed nod gives you your answer when he fails to give you a more coherent response.
you decide to tease, gently grabbing his hands and bringing them beside him. you push your weight further onto his hard on but move languidly; you enjoy torturing peter.
“god, baby, please.” he’s desperate for more. “what’s that, petey?” 
“i need,” his eyes are screwed tight, he loses his train of thought when you particularly grind on him roughly.
“use your words, pete. you can do it,” you encourage. 
“i- i need more, need to cum.” his raspy whine is what gets you. 
you lift yourself further down a bit, eyes fixated on peter as his eyes follow your hands. you slowly undress his bottoms to reveal his pulsating cock, it’s flushed a bright red, almost painful-like.
you don’t do much right away. you glaze your fingers over his member, tracing the prominent veins that run up and down the shaft.
“y/n,” he begs, “do something.”
your fingers slide to the red tip, circling it. peter shudders against your cool touch. his eyes make contact with yours and he leans up to give you a long tender kiss. your hand wraps around his cock, jerking him off.
peter breaks from your sweet lips, “oh fuck.” 
you don’t pull back from him. his face, centimeters from yours, looks so pretty, clearly entranced by your magic. you’re breathing into each other’s mouth, and his needy hands pull at your bare thighs. he’s desperate to cum after an evening full of uncomfortable fidgeting and hiding his hard-on from everyone. 
he’s lucky to have you, he doesn’t know what he did to deserve an angel sent from heaven, giving him a handjob, in someone else’s bedroom, while his friends are sitting down the hall, unbeknownst to your secret rendezvous. 
he’s panting against you, watching your face while you’re watching his cock, twitching under your hand, ready to spill. it’s almost like he’s asking for your approval. “baby? baby, im- im gonna-”
“yo, parker! y/n! did you get lost on your way to the bath-”
unfortunately, you and peter aren’t quick enough to conceal the mess you’ve made on his very bed when he swings the door open.
“are you fucking shitting me?!” and harry’s running down the hall gagging and clawing at his face.
“ugh he’s so dramatic. you know how many times i’ve walked in on him-”
“god, my fucking eyes!”
“he’ll be fine.”
“you’re lying again!”
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whoreforpeterparker · 2 years
The Unknown
Summary: Peter and reader make out for the first time ;)
Requests are open : )
You and Peter haven't done anything more than kiss but it isn't because you guys don't want to go further its simply hard to find a time to be alone. Peter is always busy with being Spider-man which you don't mind at all but it gets frustrating when all you want to do is make out with him until you get lightheaded. Thats all you think about in class and you were determined that today was the day. 
When you and Pater arrived to his apartment you find out that May isn't home. "What do you wanna do?"Peter ask while opening his bedroom door "umm I don't know maybe watch a movie?" u say while sitting down on his bed and smiling widely. You don't realise that you've been staring at Peter the whole time that the movie has been playing until he laughs and ask "what?" while giving you the dorkiest smile ever you don't answer instead you lean in and kiss him. 
Peter holds your face gently with one hand, the other on your waist you are both smiling into the kiss until you grab and tug at his hair that makes him groan. He kisses you harder moving his hand under your shirt you keep playing with his hair and tugging at it, you love the sounds Peter makes. His hands move to your thighs you whimper when he gets dangerously close to your core.
  Peter pulls you into his lap you moan quietly when you feel him already hard from your actions he takes the opportunity to stick his tongue in your mouth. His hands wander on your lower back instead of where you desperately want him to touch you "Peter" you whisper making him stop his movements to looks at you blushing and panting "touch me". His eyes widen as his blush deepens he kisses you with all his strength and lets his hands wander to your ass you moan and grab the hairs on the back of his neck.
You feel hot and sweaty so you quickly take your shirt of revealing your lace bra Peters eyes go wide and you feel his dick twitch in his pants. "fuck" Peter whispers never taking his eyes off of your tits he's embarrassed of how many times he has imagined you in situations like this that he can't believe that it is happening and how gorgeous you are. 
He moves his kisses to your jaw then neck trying to find your soft spot "fuck Peter right there" you moan when he finds that delicious spot of yours. Peter swears he has never heard anything hotter then your moaning and panting he makes it his mission to get you to make those sounds as many times as he can. He sucks and bites at your spot making you move in his lap you both groan when you rub against his hard dick. He moves his lips to your chest his mouth sucks on the exposed skin of your left boob while his hand fondled with the other." fuck baby feels so good" you say out of breath this was way better than you imagined.
Peter helps you move on his lap you both gasp and moan at the incredible sensation. Peter stops to look at you as you move yourself on him "fuck you're so beautiful" you kiss him in response never stopping your movements the kiss is sloppy and hot your both panting and moaning into each others mouth.
You kiss down his jaw to his neck sucking and licking desperately your hands go under his shirt his skin is hot and sweaty. Peter whimpers and pulls you even closer to him when you find his spot. You move faster in his lap nothing but whimpers and gasps coming from your mouth. 
"Fuck this feels amazing" Peter moans throwing his head back, your hands are all over his chest you feel like you are going to explode any minute but that all stops when you hear the front door open.
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sweet dreams.
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synopsis : it was yet another sleepless night for you— peter, of course, wasn't going to allow that.
pairing : bf!peter parker x reader
wc : 502
warnings : nothing worth warning <3 unless you’re against tooth rotting fluff !!!!! it’s all FLUFF FLUFF FLUFFF !! a comfort fic for my night owls out there who refuse to sleep (mutuals… go to bed)
‎‎ ୨ masterlist | request | navigation ୧
a/n : hi ! sooo this is a rewrite of an old one, i feel like this is an improvement so i’m pretty proud of that !!! <3 hope you guys enjoy this lil fic, it’ll bring you sm joy, i promise !!!! comments, asks, reblogs, are greatly all appreciated :)
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brring! brring! brring!
a smile forms on your face as you look at your phone to see the caller id: ‘lovebug’ alongside a plethora of heart emojis. you always loved hearing from him, no matter the context, and of course you would never complain. only question was, why exactly was he calling you at 3 a.m. in the morning? 
“pete?” you answer, turning on your camera. your hair is an absolute mess, but you hardly care at this point. besides, it was peter you were talking to, he thought you were beautiful no matter how you looked.
“hi gorgeous.” just as expected. he’s predictable like that.
“my hair’s a mess, pete.” you chuckle, trying to fix it as much as you possibly could.
“i think it makes you look cute.” he’s grinning sweetly, only to see you roll your eyes in response.
“whaaaat? it’s true!”
“yeah, right.” you respond, the sarcasm clear in your voice.
“i’m serious.” his tone deepens, though it’s paired with an odd look— one that you assume was supposed to be an intimidating scowl, but it just made him look utterly adorable.
“you’re the cute one.” his grin only widens at your compliment.
“thanks, but i already know that.” he flips his (imaginary) hair, making you giggle. he can’t help but do the same once he hears you.
“anyways, why’d you call?” you ask.
“well, i swung past your window on the way home from patrol and i noticed that you weren’t asleep yet,” he pouts. oh. “i wanted to tell you to go to bed, you know you need it.”
“technically, i’m already in bed,” you quip, lying down to prove a point. he could only roll his eyes in response.
“i meant sleep, missy.” his voice was slightly stern, mimicking a mother’s voice.
“no, thank you.” you grin cheekily, though you talk in the same tone as he did, he sighs in disappointment.
“please!” he’s pleading now, using your known weakness, his ‘puppy eyes’. clearly, that wasn’t fair.
“i’m busy though!” no you weren’t, you were simply watching tv all night, or at least you were planning to.
“lovie, you’ve gotta get your beauty sleep.” he’s serious this time. you just looked at him and pouted, you did not want to sleep, despite the fact that your eyelids were beginning to feel heavier by the second.
“hm, okay, i’ll make you a deal.” that piqued your interest.
“okay, tell me.” you lean closer to your phone, peter notices that he’s got your full attention.
“maybe i could swing over for a sleepover?” he suggests, the smile on his face never leaving, “we could cuddle? i know you love those.” that was a well known fact between the two of you, it was also peter’s way to get you to fall asleep, a method that never fails.
“hm,” you mulled over the offer, but peter knew what you’d say, “okay, deal.” you say dryly in an attempt to mask your excitement.
“alright, beautiful, be there in ten.”
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a/n : hope you loved it <3 thank you for reading !!! please leave feedback, comments, and reblogs 🥰
taglist : (okay so, i’m tagging my old taglist in hopes to see if you’re still interested ! i was previously @/darling-im-moonstruck so yeah !) @cagethemunson, @tfatwsparker, @jaydannyyy, @hallecarey1, @live-laugh-lovejoy, @parkerpeter24, @saturnpeter, @poemsforparker, @hllandvibbes, @herpeanutzombie
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kurogxrix · 1 year
Hallway Runaways
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Peter Parker x Stark!reader
IN WHICH you are on the verge of taking Peter’s virginity on your 18th birthday, but god forbid your father and teammates just have to interrupt the moment.
WC: 3.6k
Warnings: Mentions of sex, tony stark is a warning of his own, making out, reader is Tony’s adopted daughter, getting caught, semi-public sexual encounters, grinding.
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The sound of your heels clicking against the cold tiled floor was all that could be heard resonating around the vacant hallway. Well that apart from the few sounds of complaint that’s left Peter’s mouth, as well as the muffled laughter that escaped yourself. You were more than done with this chase, the hallways were dark and you knew that Peter had a better advantage than you in this situation because of his enhanced senses.
Why was Peter Parker chasing you exactly? Well it had all started while the both of you were just a few floors below with the rest of the avengers, where you should’ve been right now. Today was finally your 18th birthday, and having Tony Stark as a father meant no little celebration. Even if it was just with the people that you considered family, he’d find a way to make everything extravagant and boujee. 
Though you had to admit as you looked past the overdoing of your father, it truly was an enjoyable evening in the company of the people you loved, a certain spiderman a little more than the others. Dinner was passed by a wonderful meal and a few dirty jokes made by none other than your father, making a reddish colour rise on Peter’s neck. You found his ability to get flustered by little to nothing so adorable, the cutest virgin that you knew, there was no doubt in that. 
Everyone was finally settled, apart from the constantly arguing Asgardian brothers, one of which Tony had begrudgingly invited. The sight of the innocent Peter trailing around with his eyes glued to his phone aroused an idea from the corners of your mind. He was most probably scrolling on some news report about Spiderman, given the goofy smile on his face, and he could most probably feel you sneaking up to him because of his spidey senses. Though he played into your game, allowing you to rip the phone from his oddly loose grip and run away from him, not without throwing in a tentative sentence to get him going. 
It wasn’t anything weird to Peter, although it should be. Two 18 year olds chasing one another like children down the halls of your father’s tower. It was even more absurd as you both got onto the tower's elevator, standing beside each other quietly like you both hadn’t been in a friendly chase. He wasn’t even sure that those stilettos of yours were meant for this chase, but he’d always be there to catch you heroically if you ever did fall back. 
Peter couldn’t help a smile from forming on his face as he watched your figure stagger before him, managing to catch yourself before slipping embarrassingly on your face. He observed the way you bent your knees slightly before turning to the curve, running straight as though you had a clear idea of where you wanted to go.
To be honest with himself, Peter had developed feelings for you ever since Tony had introduced the both of you. 
The smirk on your father’s face went unnoticed as you both stared at each other upon first meeting, unspeaking as you took in every single feature of the other in. His feelings only continued to grow for you as time went by, having his heart race manically against his ribcage as you treated his wounds with such intense care and a delicacy that he ignored you could hold, being a Stark and all. 
Now as he ran with you idiotically, the suit that he had borrowed from your father swaying with the speed, he couldn’t help but feel an intense feeling of ecstasy. You both rounded the corner before Peter had spotted it, the familiar view of your room door. He was no stranger to your intentions, hiding away behind your closed door with his unlocked phone in hand. Not like he had much to hide, just the thousand word essay of confessions that he sent to Ned about his feelings towards you, nothing to fret about. 
You let out a sound of surprise once you felt a pair of arms wrapping around your midsection, trapping you against a chiselled chest that you knew much of. It seemed like Peter’s mind had finally caught up on the fact that you could discover his very badly hidden feelings towards you as you held his phone in your hand.
“Thought you could get away from me? Must I remind you that I’m piderman?” Peter breathed out, his warm breath fanning your neck as he spoke. His hands were still gripping onto your hips unrelentlessly, making the option of you ripping away from his hold completely futile. Instead you opted with thrashing around in his arms, though the pair of you burst out laughing as you realised that your strength really was nothing compared to Peter’s. 
The fabric of your dress scrunched up around your middle as you struggled in his embrace, riding up your thighs as you felt the cool air hitting the previously covered area. Finally, the thrashing stopped as you gave up, leaning your whole body against Peter as you craned your neck back so that the top of your head was flushed against him. 
Peter gulped as he tried to ignore the feeling of you being so pressed up against him, in certain areas more than others. He closed his eyes for a second, head tilting upwards towards the ceiling as he audibly gulped. Aunt May had taught him to be a gentleman and to respect women, but god was it hard to retain the rush of blood ploughing towards his nethers as the girl of his dreams was literally  pushed up on him. 
Peter brought a hand up towards his head of curls, running a hand through them as he tried to soothe his nerves. God forbid he popped a boner right there against you, in the middle of the fucking hallways. He wasn’t sure that he’d ever mentally recover if it did happen, or even worse, if you reacted badly to it. Who was he kidding, of course you’d react badly to your best friend being completely bricked up from just playing fight with yo-
“Peter…” the whisper of his name brought him back to the current moment, his mind hesitating at your tone. You moved your body slightly to meet his gaze, and at that moment Peter had understood why you had called out for him. 
He nearly let out a satisfied groan as your hips brushed against his, but he managed to save himself from further embarrassment. He was frozen in fear, unwilling to believe that his body had betrayed him in such a way. Though Peter was able to keep his spiderman secret away from many people, the evident tent in his pants was much harder to hide. Especially when you had already seen it, yet even felt it. 
Oh and how much he wished for the floor to open up and swallow him whole at the moment, until the soft touch of your hand on his arm woke him up from his pity party. 
“Hey, what’s going on in that little brain of yours?” you attempted to joke, bringing a closed fist up towards his head as you knocked on it. Peter tried to stifle a tiny laugh as you joked about the size of his brain, that for sure was anything but little. “You don’t have to be ashamed Peter, I-I mean things like this are natural and you can’t control it at times.” 
You tried to reassure him, bringing a hand to caress the man’s cheek softly. Though his eyes were still full of humiliation and discomfort, looking for some sort of exit that he could run off to if anything went bad. 
“If anything I apologise, I shouldn't have been all pressed up against you like this..” you knew that it was stupid of you to apologise, given that you had nothing to be sorry for, but you weren’t about to let your bestfriend drown in embarrassment any longer. 
“No-no I mean, I'm the one that pulled you in and everything…” he looked away, avoiding your gaze at all cost as he spoke slowly. “Look, I’m so-so sorr-“ 
You cut off the rambling boy with the smooth slip of your lips against his, knocking him back slightly as he nearly stumbled from shock. He looked like the cutest idiot like this, his eyes wide open as he stared down at you to confirm if this was all real, though your eyes were closed, he reckoned that he should be doing the same. Once the initial surprise had passed him, Peter allowed himself to lean into the kiss more. His hands hesitantly but firmly regained their position onto your hips as he squeezed the flesh there, scrunching the already out-of-place, heightened fabric of your dress. 
Your lips were so soft and they moved fluidly against his own, like they were meant to be together. Peter couldn’t help himself but pull you flush against him once he felt your arms wrapping against his neck, pulling out an audible gasp out of you as his little problem resurfaced once more. 
Breaking the kiss, you both couldn’t help but burst out laughing for whatever reason. Maybe from the stupid flow of events, or most probably because Thor had slipped (with much consent) some of his Asgardian alcohol into your drinks. Whatever, it helped cease the previous tension that was drowning you both, now reduced to dust as you both stared into each other’s eyes so tenderly. 
“I always knew you had a little something for me, Spider-man.” you teased Peter, bringing your other hand up to caress the soft skin of his cheeks. Holding back the urge to giggle at the rise of pinkish colour along his neck, you leaned impossibly closer to him. 
“Oh and please, if by little you mean enormous, then sure u do!” Peter joked, making the both of you double over with laughter. Somewhat his joke was not even close to being funny, but something about this moment made everything that came out of Peter’s mouth so amusing to you. 
Suddenly, Peter’s laughter was cut short as he felt your hand dip from his cheeks and onto the area at the back of his neck. He suppressed a shudder as you ran your fingers up and down across the shorter hairs at the back of his head, and his smile dropped completely as his eyes crossed your own. God, that extreme feeling of nervousness was resurfacing and suddenly, the tightness in his pants was made 100x more aware. 
“I can help you with that, if you want me to.” you whispered quietly as if you were talking to yourself, but Peter had heard you as clear as day. The hairs on his arms raised at your choice of words, he knew exactly what you meant, and damn was he ready for it. The look in your eyes just screamed ‘desire’ to Peter, and he’d be lying if he said his didn’t reflect the same feeling. The shy little nod of his head made you chuckle slightly to yourself. 
His chest tightened as one of your hands lowered towards his abdomen, caressing your way down his body. You maintained eye contact with him all the way down his stomach, searching in them if this was okay for you to do. His eyes were unrelenting, swirling with passion as he gave you the go to continue your hand’s trail. 
Your left hand ended up on his upper thigh, teasing Peter as you were millimetres away from relieving the ache in his pants. You couldn’t help but admit that the fine material of your father’s pants (Tony had passed them to Peter because let’s be real, he was too broke to afford his own) felt uncomfortable under your own fingertips. You wanted to feel skin, raw, naked skin belonging to the boy that was currently looming over you. 
Your other hand was still busy playing with Peter’s hair as his were still glued to your hips. Without any type of warning, Peter pursued your lips in a bruising kiss. The sheer force of the kiss nearly sent you tumbling back, but his strong grip kept you grounded. Peter kissed you with a passion that you ignored a virgin boy could hold, you could only imagine the things that he was going to do to you. Or the things that he wishes you would do to him.
Top or bottom tonight, it didn’t matter to you. As long as you got to spend the night with the boy that haunted your feelings, then you’d be able to die happy. 
You both kissed until you felt your lungs yelling at you for air, breaking away reluctantly from each other to breathe in loudly. His lips didn’t stray much further as they were back on yours just as quickly as they left. Unexpectedly, you dipped your hand a little lower to cup the bulge in Peter’s pants, urging for any type of reaction from him. His first instinct was to gasp, the feeling of your touch felt so gratifying after the minutes spent ignoring his little problem. 
You wasted no time to take advantage of his newfound pleasured state, slipping your tongue into his mouth as you led the kiss. Peter was quick to recover after that, his tongue fighting against yours for dominance. He was a little sloppy, and you could tell that he had kissed before but never to this extent. You weren’t complaining though, his eagerness sent a sharp tingly feeling towards your core. 
The hushed groans and moan that left Peter’s mouth as you continuously rubbed him felt like music to your ears. He was definitely a very vocal man in that domain, and you were going to enjoy every single second of it. It was your turn to groan as you felt Peter’s hands pushing you towards the walls of the hallway, trapping you between his arms as you continued your assault in each other’s mouth. 
When your lungs began to burn once more, your mouth left the man’s to rest your face in between the crook of his neck. He was so close to you, close enough that you could feel his hardened cock brushing against your lower stomach. You could hear his laboured breathing picking up the pace as you rubbed him faster, getting enough of the pieces of fabric that was separating you both. 
Your hand rushed towards the buckle of his belt, only to stutter halfway as you wondered if he was actually ready for all of this. You didn’t want Peter to wake up tomorrow regretting everything that had happened between you two, you weren’t sure that your heart could handle the heartbreak. Though at the feeling of Peter’s lips leaving slobbery kisses against your neck, you knew that he was more than ready for it. 
Without further hesitation, his buckle fell easily under your skilled fingers. Pulling the leather stripe from the belt loops made Peter’s hips collide with yours once more, making your movements rush with anticipation. Oh and you were so close to finally touching him, giving the man the release that he desired and deserved so much. Your hand pulled as his zipper, dipping into his pants just when-
“Wow-“ the familiar booming voice had you both freezing for a second, before you quickly rushed off each other. Peter was sure that his cheeks must’ve been beet red, not only from the previous rush of hands and feelings, but from the fact that you had both been caught by no other than your father. 
You brushed your dress down, fixing the fabric that had scrunched up under his grip. You were burning with embarrassment, and as much as you wished that you didn’t need to face your father, you knew that you had to be the first one to do it. Peter was still busy fumbling with his belt, the leathery fabric slipping under his sweaty, anxious fingers. 
As you turned around to see the probably disgusted face of your father, you were met with the sight of not one, but two other Avengers. Thor, that was probably too shit-faced to even remember this event by tomorrow morning, and the poor bruce that had most probably been dragged here against his will. If you didn’t wanna kill yourself before, this definitely made you want to start digging your own grave. 
“I see that you two have found each other, given that we were all searching for you both earlier.” Tony teased, as per usual. Even after finding his daughter in such a compromising position with his intern, his first instinct was to tease you both about it. Sure enough, the disgusted expression did come afterwards.  
“I’m sure they found waaaay more than just each other!” Thor laughed loudly, patting your father harshly amongst the bag with those huge arms. You watched as your dad threw the Asgardian man a look while Bruce simply smiled sympathetically at you both. Now that Peter had finally been able to fasten his belt, he was now standing besides you with a mirroring guilty expression. Maybe, making out as two horny young-adults in the middle of the hallways was not the ideal thing to do after all. 
You both snapped your heads back towards Tony as he cleared his throat. Now that he had stopped moving weirdly to retain Thor from hitting him on the back once more, you noticed the cold bottle of champagne that was gripped tightly between his fingers. The expensive bottle cost nearly nothing to the billionaire, he lifted it in the air for you both to see, unafraid of it falling to its peril. 
“We came looking for you both to cut the cake and have a drink, but it seems like you two were a little busy,” Tony raised his eyebrows at Peter, his eyes shaded by his dark glasses. You could hear a slight tone of irritation in his voice, but after all what dad wouldn't be after catching his daughter fondling with some guy in plain air. He sighed at both of your silences, clearly too embarrassed to even form the words. 
After a few seconds of further awkward silence, you watched as your father tumbled through his pocket in the search of something. Checking every single of his suit pockets, he finally found what he was looking for. 
“That’s for you, boy.” was all that came out from Tony’s mouth as he pulled out a piece of square packaging from his pocket, throwing it towards Peter, who caught it square with the help of his abilities. His eyes widened at the packaged condom that now sat flat on his hands, fumbling to put it in his pocket as he tried to mutter something back to your father, although he was quicker than Peter. He always was. 
“Don’t need no lil’ Parker’s runnin’ wild round this tower anytime soon, one’s already enough,” he teased, whispering the last part to himself. “Now, I'm gonna call you both in around 10 minutes for all of us to gather. No Fonduing with my daughter in that time-range, got it Underoos?” 
Although your father’s tone was playful at the start of his sentence, you could see his stare harden as he finished. You were drowning in embarrassment from the moment that they had walked in on you both, and your father running his mouth just made you sink further down the waters of shame. Finally, after what felt like hours, you were rejoiced to see the backs of your father and teammates as they walked back towards the elevator. 
You heard Peter release a loud breath of relief once the elevator tinged, shoving your hands towards your face as you tried to shove the embarrassment away. Great, you were most likely sure that this whole thing had killed Peter’s boner. You wanted nothing more than to give him a memorable moment for his first time, but it seemed like life was really against you. 
“Hey…” you flinched as you felt Peter’s hand upon your shoulder, suddenly turning around to meet his face. There was guilt swirling all up in his beautiful brown iris, even though none of this was his fault. 
“I’m sorry for…all of this,” you mention towards the area where the 3 Avengers previously were, making Peter chuckle. “It’s a mood killer I know, I just wanted you to have a good time.” you looked down, all the previous feelings catching up to you. 
“Aye, aye, aye. None of that!” Peter urged forward, gripping your jaw gently into his hand, the other resting softly on your cheek. You couldn’t help the smile that drew itself on your face at his actions, always such a gentleman despite the situation. He smiled right back at you, and you felt your heart race at the view. Nobody could lie and say that Peter wasn’t an attractive man, everything about him was desirable and you wanted to prove that to him. 
“If anything, the mood is definitely not killed.” he muttered, making you tilt your head to the side in confusion of his words before he pulled you in again by the hips. You gasped as you felt it, his arousal that poked you once more by the lower stomach. Peter chuckled at your expression, feeling the newfound confidence radiating off his body. 
“We can't fondue right now, but there’s a whole world of other things that I can show you in under 10 minutes.” Peter looked down into your list filled eyes as you sunk onto your knees. He gulped and damn if you didn’t show him a whole new world tonight, you offered him the whole galaxy. 
this didn’t take the romantic turn that i was expecting it to but oh well.
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