#tomorrow.. i just needed to get this stuff of my chest bc i hardly have the energy to message my friends about this stuff anymore.
scuttling · 3 years
Trophy Husband
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairings: Aaron Hotchner/Female Reader Word Count: 2,188 Tags: 18+, NSFW, Dad bod Hotch, Insecure Hotch, Dry humping, Unprotected sex, a lil Daddy kink Summary: Requested by anon: “maybe some dad bod hotch smut? like where he’s newly retired and hasn’t been working out as much and the reader worships his body bc he’s been feeling a little insecure” I love some dad bod Hotch, so happy to fill this request! Link to A03 or read below!
“No, we’re not doing forced overtime again. If you want my team to put out more consults, then we need to hire more profilers.” You walk through your front door and into the kitchen, smiling when you see Aaron standing over the stove, holding a wooden spoon and stirring something that smells amazing. “With all due respect, I’m not concerned about the budget, sir; if my people are as valuable as you stated, then I expect them to be taken care of.”
Aaron looks back at you, wrinkles his nose, and you make a motion with your hands—blah, blah, blah—which makes him chuckle.
“I agree completely, sir. That’s a great idea. If you send down the requisitions tomorrow, I’ll start interviewing on Monday. No, thank you. Good night.” You lock your phone, set your bag on the stool closest to you, and sigh. “Was it this hard to get stuff done when you were the unit chief?”
“No, it’s definitely harder now, but you make it look easy. And sexy,” he says with a smirk, and you walk over to him; he offers a taste of what he’s making—it looks like paella, and your stomach rumbles—and you lean in to take a bite off of the spoon, looking up at him and flicking your tongue over your lips. His eyes get dark.
Even after ten years of marriage, he’s so easy to get going, it’s almost unfair.
“Delicious, daddy, thank you.” You stand up fully, and he turns back to the stove; your arms wrap easily around his waist, cheek pressed to the soft, worn t-shirt that covers his back. “How was your day? Are you still enjoying the life of a trophy husband?” He snorts, muscles tensing enough that you can feel it where you rest.
“Hardly.” He was in such a good mood a moment ago that this feels like a complete 180; profiler or not, you know your husband, and something’s on his mind. You tighten your embrace, and he shrugs you off a little, and that is practically unheard of. You stand, take a step back to look at him.
“What’s wrong? You aren’t getting bored of retirement already, are you? It’s only been six months.” He sighs, shakes his head. You’re sure you look confused.
“No, retirement is fine; it’s great, actually, it’s not that.” Typical Aaron, always making you drag this shit out of him. For being so sweet and kind, he’s still not that great at being open, even though you make every effort to encourage it.
“What is it, sweetheart? Something is obviously bothering you; we should talk about it.” Another deep exhale, and he turns off the burner, moves the pan of food off of the heat, and turns to face you fully.
“I imagine you already know.” You shake your head, shrug, and he gestures to himself, to his body. You feel stupid, like there’s something you’re missing.
“Aaron, love of my life, I don’t have any idea what this means.” You mimic his previous motion, and he rolls his eyes, which you can’t stand, and he’s well aware of that. “You’ve got to give me more than that, or I can’t help.”
“You can’t help, it just… is.” He sighs, and his shoulders deflate. You move closer, to touch him, comfort him, but he takes a step back. “I know I’m not the ‘trophy husband’ you probably expected me to be. I know this isn’t what you signed up for.”
You do your best to put together these cryptic sentences, the hand gesture, and when realization finally dawns on you, you can’t help it: you laugh.
Aaron turns away, and you know that was shitty, feel instantly terrible, so you reach out to put a gentle hand on his arm.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t laughing at you, it’s just… you don’t think you’re hot anymore?” He turns to face you, looking at you like he’s tired of your shenanigans, which… after this long, he should be plenty used to them, so the look does nothing for you.
“I’ve gotten… soft, I think that’s obvious.” At that, you smirk a little, move your hands to the button on his jeans.
“Oh, I don’t think there’s anything soft about you, Aaron. Why don’t you let me put your cock in my mouth, and we’ll check again.”
“You wanted me to talk, I’m talking.” His tone is a little admonishing, and you kind of deserve it, so you stop being horny for a second and take a deep breath.
“You’re right. Sorry. So… you’re exercising less, because obviously you don’t need to be as fit anymore, since you’re not working. Am I following?” He nods his head. “Okay, and you’re feeling… insecure about the way your body looks now, because of it.”
“Yes. Especially when you, Unit Chief Hotchner, are kicking ass and looking fucking delicious doing it, and then you have to come home to me.”
It’s like a switch is flipped in you, at those words. Oh hell no.
“Hold on here. I don’t have to come home to you, I get to come home to you; every night I do, it’s like a dream come true, and on the nights I don’t get to come home to you, I dream about it. I dream about being in your arms—strong arms, always, even if they’re less defined—and I dream about making love to you and fucking you and everything in between. You: not the Aaron of two months ago or six months ago or five years ago. You.”
He looks your face over—you’re getting fired up and you know it, and it turns him on and you also know that—and then the two of you come together for a deep, desperate kiss. Your hands fist in his hair, his roughly grab your ass, and when you pull back for air he turns you so you’re bent over the counter, searches for the zipper of your skirt.
“No!” He freezes, then steps back, and you stand up, flushed. “I’m sorry, not no—just, not here.” He blows out a breath, and you kiss him softly, sorry you scared him. “It’s just that… I want to lay you back on our bed, completely naked, and I want to put my mouth and my hands on you, everywhere. I want you to see what your body does to me, exactly as it is right now. I get that that might make you feel a little vulnerable, but will you let me?” You press your lips to his again, put your hands gently on his face. “Let me, baby.”
He nods, and you take his hand, take him to your bedroom. He’s visibly nervous, so you move his hands to your body, let him strip you naked first. He always takes pleasure in this, whether he is ripping the buttons off your favorite blouse or softly mouthing at your thighs while he drags your panties down your legs, and tonight is no exception.
“So beautiful, baby,” he murmurs as he finds that zip and drags it down, helping you step out of the skirt. You kick off your heels, and he unbuttons your top—carefully, tonight—then unhooks your bra, pulls you close and kisses your neck and chest so deliciously you almost forget what brought you here.
You lick your lips, shake yourself from the haze of submission you always feel when his mouth is at your throat, and your hands flick open the button of his jeans, tug down the zipper, guide his pants to the floor. He steps out of them, and you kiss his mouth.
Your hands move up, to the hem of his t-shirt, but you do nothing. He smirks, pulls it over his head, because he knows you love that hot guy way of pulling a t-shirt off with one hand, and he happens to be a master of it. You do your best not to drool.
“Mmm. You know exactly what I like, Aaron. There’s nobody in this world who could turn me on like you, who could get me off like you.” He licks his lips, and you get on your knees, running your hands down his body as you go. “Toes to nose, you are exactly who and what I want. Don’t ever forget that.”
You start low, press your lips to the tops of his feet, then his ankles, his calves, his knees. He takes a deep, shuddering breath, but you keep moving up, slowly, until your hands find the waistband of his underwear and you pull them down. His cock springs up—this in particular is never a problem, no matter his age—and you kiss up his thighs and then rise to stand.
“Baby,” he breathes, and you lean up for a kiss, drop your panties. He grabs a fistful of your hair, takes another, rougher kiss, then releases you; you’re panting hard, and your teeth sink into your bottom lip. God, he’s good. How could he ever doubt his sex appeal when he makes you this much of a horny, eager mess with just a kiss?
You guide him back to the bed because he’s too tall for you to reach everywhere standing up; you start at his right wrist, kiss your way to the crook of his elbow, over his biceps, to his shoulder. You trail your lips over his collarbone, his throat, pausing to nibble on his earlobes, to peck him on the tip of his nose.
“I love you so much, Aaron. You are and always will be perfect in my eyes. I barely even notice when you’re being a dick anymore,” you joke, and he laughs; steamy and sexy is really good, but it’s your favorite when he laughs.
You kiss down the other side of his neck, down his arm, but this time you bring his hand up and suck on his middle and ring fingers, taking them so deeply you can flick your tongue over his wedding ring. He groans, you groan, it’s really hot. Your pussy throbs.
“Fuck, baby.” You pull them out of your mouth with an innocent smile, and then straddle his legs, leaning forward to suck and bite kisses all over his stomach and hips, avoiding his cock altogether. “Oh, god, that feels so good,” he breathes, reaching for your hair, and you slide your arms up his chest, squeeze the muscles there that are softer, but still present, while you kiss wetly along his belly.
“Mmm,” you moan while you kiss, because you’re kind of… lined up tight against his thigh, and it feels really good.
You keep kissing, all over, sloppy, eager kisses, rubbing his chest and grinding against his thigh, and it’s a surprise to you both when you come, looking up at him with your mouth open and your nails digging into his skin.
“Holy fuck,” you sigh when you’re done—there’s no sugarcoating this—humping his leg, and he licks his lips, wraps his hands around your arms, and maneuvers you on onto your back, slides his cock easily inside you where you’re wet and warm. “Yes, Aaron.”
“Oh, baby. Fuck, I love you,” he groans, and he laces your fingers with his and tucks his face against your neck. You love when he gets like this, so desperate to come but so soft, so loving, and you squeeze him with your legs, push your body into his thrusts.
“Like that, honey, just like that,” you breathe, mouthing at his shoulder, your free hand clutching at his back. “Come inside me, daddy; pin me with your big body like you always do and come inside me. Love it, want it, need it.”
He moans into your throat, works his hips harder, faster, and you hold him when he comes, smoothing your palm over his skin. He looks down at you, and love shines in his eyes just like always; your heart melts a little. That’s something you’ll never get tired of seeing as long as you live.
He pulls out, replaces his cock with his fingers and brings you to orgasm again, still looking into your eyes, and he catches your last gasping moan with his lips.
You’re both tired after that, not as young as you used to be, and you pull him on top of your body again, a warm, reassuring weight; underneath him is your favorite place to be, always has been, always will be.
“Trophy husband,” you coo in his ear, scraping fingers through his hair. He chuckles softly, brushes his thumb over your lips.
“Badass wife.”
“Mm hmm, and don’t you forget it.” After a couple minutes, your stomach rumbles, and Aaron climbs off of you, returns with the whole pan of paella, two spoons, and a bottle of white wine. “No glasses?” you ask, teasing, sitting up against the pillows, and he shakes his head, wrinkles his nose.
“Nah, I like it better this way. My lips where your lips have been.” He leans in for a soft, slow, sultry kiss, and you sigh when it’s over, lean your head against his shoulder, and smile.
❤️ Taglist: @arsonhotchner @mrsh0tchner @ssahotchie @sleepyreaderreads @mintphoenix
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plaidbooks · 3 years
I saw something on Pinterest that Tinkerbell said: "If you have to choose between me and her, choose her. Because if you really loved me, there wouldn't be any other choice." I was wondering if reader could say that to barba bc he was choosing between her or yelina?
Too High of a Price
A/N: This fic takes place just after Rafael and reader graduate Harvard (so, they’re in their early/mid 20s). This is also an angst with no happy ending. But! I can be convinced to write a part 2 with a happier ending. I...may have thought about it already. Anyways, enjoy.
Tags: angst, fighting about expenses, cheating
Words: 1237
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @stardust-fray @permanentlydizzy @infiniteoddball @ben-c-group-therapy @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867 @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @shroomiehomie @glimmerglittergirl @alwaysachorusgirl @joanofarkansass @redlipstickandplaid @detective-giggles @prurientpuddlejumper @averyhotchner @mrsrafaelbarba @madamsnape921 @dianilaws @crowleysqueenofhell @dreamlover31
You had thought that cramming for Finals, preparing for the JD, and prepping for the bar put a serious strain on yours and Rafael’s relationship. And once you both passed, you were hoping that you could both move in together—start your lives. That everything would calm down. But oh, how wrong you were.
“Raf, what’s this charge for $1400?” you asked, furious.
He glanced at you. “I bought a new suit, since now I’m in the DA’s office in Brooklyn—”
“We don’t have the funds for that! We’re barely able to afford our apartment!”
“It was a necessary purchase! I have to dress for the job!”
You rolled your eyes. “You have three suits! We need to save—” “I know, okay! I know!” he roared back. You both stood, glaring at each other. Finally, Rafael sighed. “I’m sorry; I don’t mean to yell. Let’s just…. It’s late; let’s go to bed.”
“I-I can’t see you right now, Raf. I’m sleeping on the couch,” you replied, already exhausted. This wasn’t the first fight about money, and it probably wouldn’t be the last. After Harvard, you both found a cheap apartment. And while Rafael had found a job with the DA’s office, you were having a much harder time. Plus, the fact that he had struggled too; this DA’s job was a godsend.
“Fine, okay. I have work tomorrow morning; can we talk afterwards? Please?” he muttered, looking as tired as you felt.
“Yeah. Sure.” At this point, you just wanted to get to sleep. Rafael nodded, heading towards the bedroom. You grabbed the extra blanket you kept in the hall closet and made yourself comfortable on the couch. But you couldn’t sleep, the fight still fresh in your mind. So instead, you thought about your relationship with Rafael.
You had met in your second year at Harvard, both of you falling hard for each other. You had been in the honeymoon phase for so long, only snapping at each other when you were stressed with schoolwork. But you loved him deeply, and he loved you, too.
Ever since you started living together, though—outside of your separate dorm rooms and actually together—it seemed like nonstop fighting. Sure, you still loved each other, but with money being tight, and job hunting failing, your relationship was filled with stress and screaming. It didn’t help that Rafael still talked to his ex-girlfriend, Yelina. She had dumped him for his best friend about a year before he met you, and a small part of you thought that you were a rebound.
Rafael would take long breaks from talking to her—in fact, he never reached out. It was always Yelina that got into contact with him. But if her name flashed on his phone with an incoming call, he would always take it. And asking him about it just led to more fighting. Truth be told, you missed the “easy” days in college, back when you and Rafael were so enchanted with each other. Nowadays, you hardly touched each other outside of a quick peck goodbye, or cuddling in bed while you slept.
You woke up when you heard Rafael moving around the apartment, but you pretended to sleep through it. You could tell he was trying to keep quiet, his footsteps soft. You didn’t want to talk to him yet, though—you were still mad about him buying a new suit, especially without discussing it with you first. If he had been hiding that from you, what else could he be hiding?
The front door opened and closed, the lock turning from the outside. You waited for the footsteps to disappear down the hall before you sat up. You headed for the shower, letting the hot water run over you. And then, you hit the web, trying to find anyone hiring Harvard grads.
After sending off a few applications, you sat back, thinking about Rafael. Were you really mad at him for buying the suit? Or were you upset that he felt the need to hide it from you? Not discussing it with you beforehand. And was it really that big of a deal?
Sighing and feeling guilty, you decided to make and bring Rafael lunch—an olive branch. You didn’t plan on hashing things out at his work, but you thought it’d be nice to eat lunch together, to show him you weren’t mad anymore.
You showed up to the DA’s offices, a paper bag in hand. You hadn’t texted him beforehand, hoping to surprise Rafael. But his cubicle was empty. Leaving the bag on his desk, you asked the paralegal that sat next to him if she had seen him.
“Oh, Rafael? He went to the bathroom. Down that hall and to the left,” she replied happily. You thanked her and headed off in the direction she indicated. The bathroom was a single toilet, and the door was locked.
You were debating if you should knock or not when you heard a noise from inside. You froze; it sounded suspiciously like…. Placing your ear against the door, you heard it again, and this time, you knew exactly what it was. A muffled moan, and a shushing.
You knocked on the door, face burning. Don’t be Rafael, don’t be Rafael, you thought over and over again. There was silence from within, then a shuffling of clothes. Time seemed to slow as you waited. The heavy lock turned, then the door handle.
A very red-faced Rafael stood in the doorway, his hair mussed and his tie slightly crooked. Your heart stopped when his eyes locked to yours, filled with shame and remorse.
“Wh-what are you doing here?” he asked softly, eyes dropping to look at the floor.
“Who’s in there with you?”
He seemed to shrink in on himself. “N-no one—”
You pushed him out of your way and stuck your head in the bathroom. Yelina stood there, not looking in the least upset about being caught with your boyfriend. Her hair was a mess, and her dress was still hiked up on her hips.
“Oh,” you breathed, pulling your head back out of the bathroom. You wanted to rage, you wanted to rip Rafael apart. But instead, you felt nothing. A hollowness deep in your chest.
You turned to walk away, your mind shutting off, your body on autopilot. “Cariño, wait,” Rafael said, reaching out for you.
“I’m…going to my parent’s place. Don’t try and come over,” you mumbled. “I’ll come pick up my stuff later.”
He called your name, but you didn’t hear it. “Please! I-I made a mistake! Please can we talk about this?”
“If you have to choose between me and her, choose her. Because if you really loved me, there wouldn’t be any other choice,” you said, turning back to look at him. “Besides, it’s obvious that you choose her.”
Rafael had no response as you turned and left the building. Yelina came up behind him, kissing his cheek, and telling him that Alex was out of town, if Rafael wanted to stop by that night to finish what they started. But he didn’t hear her; all he heard was the sound of his relationship dying.
Shrugging Yelina off, he went back to his desk, ignoring the stares he received from his coworkers. But the tears started the moment he saw the paper bag, opening it to find a homemade lunch.
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seokoloqy · 4 years
The Ravenheart Manor | Yoongi’s Route
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➳ PAIRING: demon!yoongi x reader
➳ GENRE: smut, pwp, mythical creature!au
➳ WORD COUNT: 3.3k
➳ WARNINGS: teasing, alley sex, his dick has ridges bc why not, dirty talk, over stimulation
➳ SUMMARY: despite the powerful aphrodisiac working its way through you, Yoongi doesn’t seem to care much and forces you to finish your chores with him. Your frustrations bubble up during a shopping trip and he decides to punish you.
➳ A/N: this is Yoongi’s route in the Ravenheart Manor series! Pls read first part before this one! None of the other routes need to be read in order and they are all stand alones
“I want Yoongi,” your breathless voice manages to say. You’re unable to meet anyone’s curious gaze, mortified by how their stares make your body tense and shudder.
You’d feel more comfortable staying with Yoongi through this because you've spent so much time around him. He’ll probably make you work through this unexpected heat and you’ll be too distracted polishing dishes to notice the wetness soaking your panties and the desire to have him throw you on the kitchen counter and spread your legs.
Namjoon nods, “very well. Dinner will be cut short tonight. Everyone will finish up in their own rooms. ___ and Yoongi can remain here.”
Despite the whines from Taehyung and Jimin about wanting to stay with you, one by one each of the residents take their plates from the table and disappear into their respective rooms to finish dinner on their own. You’re almost glad they’re all gone because you were very close to putting Taehyung’s hand exactly where you needed them.
You’re sitting very still in your chair, too sensitive to move from the heat crawling over your thighs or too nervous. Yoongi still has his eyes trained on you and the coffee pitcher steadily cradled in his hands.
Unbeknownst to you, he’s focused on the lust surrounding you, it’s so palpable he can taste the sweetness of it on his tongue.
As a demon, he’d prefer fear. That bitter flavor is so addicting to him. He wonders if your lust will taste just as intoxicating. If it does, he’s not sure he’d be able to restrain himself from devouring you completely. His hands tighten around the coffee pitcher when the nagging feeling of an insatiable hunger bites at him.
You cross your legs and turn away from his intense stare. You know you've messed up by drinking Jimin’s aphrodisiac. Yoongi must be thinking of all the chores he’s going to make you do for the next month or the rest of your human life.
“Have I been working you too hard, ___?” Yoongi’s voice cuts through the silence.
“N-No,” you shake your head, curling your hands around your knee to stop them from trembling.
“Then why would Jungkook say you were stressed?”
“I don’t know,” you squeak when Yoongi sets the coffee pitcher down. In the silent dining room the sound of it hitting the table seems booming in your ears.
“I don’t tolerate liars, ___, and as long as I am your superior,” you listen to his clipped footsteps as he approaches you. A hand comes beneath your chin, tilting your head up to meet his face. His hands are just as cold as they were when you first met. There’s a dark, threatening glow in his eyes. Even though it’s intimidating you’re still breathless looking at him. “You will never lie to me.”
You swallow the lump in your throat and force a weak response, “y-yes, sir.”
Yoongi watches your wavering expression while a mischievous grin forms. He leans down at eye level to your heated face. “Your lust smells so intoxicating,” he whispers, just a breath away from your lips. “If I were a desperate man, I’d devour you—mind, body, and soul. Consider yourself lucky I’m not some lower level demon picking for scraps.”
The dark allure of his eyes enchants you and you’re almost compelled to lean forward and kiss him, just to see if it’ll quell the fire blazing in your core.
He releases your face, the traces of his cold touch still lingering on your skin like frostbite, and turns on his heel to resume his duties clearing the table.
“Just because you’re under the effects of an aphrodisiac doesn’t mean you get to slack off. We still have to go into town tonight for tomorrow’s ingredients.”
You want to groan. Of course he’d make you go out as punishment. Sadistic bastard.
“Get yourself together,” he says, picking up Namjoon’s bloody napkin. “We’re leaving as soon as we finish cleaning the table.”
Even though the temperature drops at night, leaving most to bundle themselves up in a coat, you picked a sundress because everything else you tried on just felt too suffocating.
Yoongi doesn’t seem to care about your predicament, just as you thought. You regret choosing him now. If you knew how desperate you would feel walking in the streets so close to Yoongi who pretends to be oblivious to your needs, you would’ve chosen Taehyung or Jimin to satisfy you instead. They probably would have been all over you by now.
You didn’t even get the chance to touch yourself when you were in your room changing before Yoongi barged in and claimed the shops would close soon. You get the feeling he only said it so you couldn’t relieve yourself of the aching between your legs.
A thin layer of sweat has already built up across your skin as you walk into the butchers shop. Your hands feel clammy, swinging at your side loosely, so close to Yoongi’s. He hasn’t made any indication he’s going to help you with the aphrodisiac. His only focus is on getting all the ingredients for tomorrow’s breakfast and reminding you not to trip over yourself when your knees get too weak and threaten to buckle.
“Yoongi,” you whine, tugging lightly on his coat, “I can’t take this anymore.”
Every step you take just reminds you of the growing wetness pooling in your panties. You swear you can almost hear a squelch whenever you shift your legs to ease the throbbing of your core. It must be the effects of the aphrodisiac that are making you so uncomfortably wet.
He hums, peering into the glass shielding an array of animal hearts; they’d be for Taehyung’s breakfast. “Maybe you should have thought twice before drinking mysterious alcohol then.”
“I didn’t think it’d be an aphrodisiac!” You whisper, tugging harder on his dark coat. The butcher gives you an odd look but doesn’t say anything. “Please, Yoongi. I need to go back to the manor.”
“What you need to do is carry these bags.” He ignores your pleas and shoves two bags filled with produce into your trembling hands. He speaks to the butcher and orders two pig hearts which are put into a bag and handed to Yoongi. You have half a mind to throw all his groceries to the floor and walk to the manor yourself.
When you’re both out of the shop and on the nearly empty streets, your legs grow weaker with each step and you nearly stumble if it weren’t for Yoongi’s arm wrapping around your hip. You involuntarily moan when he pulls you to his chest. The bags you were holding accidentally slip through your weak fingers. Luckily none of its contents spill out onto the street.
“What do you think you’re doing making such lewd noises in public?” He chides, clicking his tongue when you bury your face in his chest. You cling to the lapels of his coat, trying to pull him impossibly close.
“Please, Yoongi, I need…” You’re so breathless you can hardly finish your sentence, letting it taper off into a groan. You quiver in his arms. It’s so hard to gather yourself back together when his hands glide over your waist to steady you. The material of your sundress is so thin; it feels like he’s touching your bare skin. That’s exactly what you want, no, it’s what you need.
“Need what?” He asks, dipping his head low so only you can hear his words brush across your ear. “To be punished? You embarrassed yourself in front of our masters, ___. You need to be taught a lesson so this doesn’t happen again.”
You whimper in his arms, feeling your body react desperately to his words. You press yourself closer to him, weakly rubbing yourself against him to ease your tension.
“Look at yourself,” he mocks, “do you want to put on a show for these people?”
You pry your face out of his chest to glance at your surroundings. Although there are hardly any people wandering the town square, the few who are out glance at you curiously and try not to stare too long. When you meet eyes with one of them, they turn away flustered and walk off quickly. You bury your face back into Yoongi.
If stripping off all your clothes right now means this incessant throbbing between your legs will go away, you don’t mind putting on a show for everyone. You bet Yoongi wouldn't mind it either if it weren't for his desire to maintain a respectable reputation as the Ravenheart Manor’s butler. You wish he was some lowly demon, intent of satisfying his own selfish needs and indulging in your overflowing lust.
“I don’t care. I don’t care at all! Please I just need you to fuck me!” You cry, muffled by his coat. Maybe you didn’t mean to let the last part slip out, but it’s the truth. There’s no point in hiding your needs anymore. You feel like dying.
Your plea doesn’t fall of deaf ears. Yoongi can taste your lust again. It’s so powerful it practically stuffs itself down his throat, screaming to be devoured.
“I only take orders from my masters. You’re in no position to demand anything from me.”
He’s not enticing you to make a deal with him. Although savoring your tainted soul after ten years is an attractive trade, he plans to keep you as a maid at the manor for much longer. He just wants to torment you longer. He wants to know how long you can last writhing and crying out for him without breaking.
You let out a frustrated grunt, forcing both hands between your bodies and pushing yourself away. Yoongi lets you go without a fight and watches in amusement, a small smile on his face, when you clench the hem of your dress and press your shaking legs together. Behind your gritted teeth, your breathing has turned ragged.
“Whatever then,” you hiss, “I’ll just go back to the manor myself.”
“It’s late,” he says, running his eyes down your figure, drinking up your curves in that sundress. You look delectable like a gift waiting and willing to be devoured by him. “What kind of butler would I be if I had to explain to our masters that you became someone else’s dinner?”
There are plenty of beastly characters lurking around the town who’d catch a whiff of your scent and immediately pounce given the chance, no doubt. You’re like walking meat to them. The lust on top of that makes you irresistible. He can’t have anyone else claiming you before him.
“I think that’d make you a lousy butler.” You take a step back despite your challenging glare, wobbling slightly because of your weak legs. A burning feeling begins to crawl over your skin. This time it actually hurts. You hide your wince when your stomach begins to twist.
Yoongi smirks, “I can’t have that then.”
He gathers all the bags into one hand with a strength you envy and holds out his hand.
You shamelessly lunge for it, despite being upset with him two seconds ago—the aphrodisiac being stronger than your frustrations—and embrace any bit of contact he has to offer. You mewl into his hand that you’ve now nuzzled against your cheek. That burning is cooled when Yoongi’s hands glide over your skin.
“My kitten is so needy,” he teases. “Do you really need me that badly?”
Without even realizing, Yoongi guides you towards an alley and lets you both become drowned by darkness so any passerby will assume nothing of your mingled shadows intimately pressed together. You only notice the new change of scenery when your back is against the harsh brick wall and Yoongi presses a finger against your lips and the other hand busies itself under your dress, gliding up your sensitive stomach to fondle your breasts. The groceries left abandoned to the side.
“I need you to keep quiet, alright, kitten?” He whispers, pressing his own lips right against his finger. He’s just a breath away from kissing you and you had no idea you could want something this bad until now. You’re eager to kiss him, taste him.
You feel his hand slip beneath your bra and his thumb run over your pert nipples that have been starving for attention since the night began. He plays with your nipple between two fingers while his other hand leaves your lips and glides along the nape of your neck down to the zipper of your dress. Slowly, almost agonizingly, he drags the zipper down, letting the straps slide naturally down your arms and the rest of the dress falling to the ground.
Once the dress is completely off, it begins a catalyst of you letting out all your pent up arousal. You throw your arms around Yoongi’s neck and pull him down to your lips, letting your tongues meet in a frenzied, heated match.
You moan, savoring his honeyed taste while you pull him closer. “Want you,” you manage to slip past your entwined mouths.
Yoongi manages to unclasp your bra and it falls to the floor along with your discarded dress. The air nips at your bare upper half and you embrace the cold against your burning skin.
He pulls his lips away from yours to focus them down your chest, licking and sucking over your sensitive skin, enjoying the small noises you make. If you were back at the manor, he’d love to make you scream louder. So every layer of hell may hear your pleasure.
He blows on the areas he’s coated with his saliva, causing you to shiver.
“You don’t deserve anything after the show you put on at dinner tonight. Why should I reward bad behavior?”
“B-Because,” You say breathlessly, feeling almost delirious and lightheaded. How is it possible? He hasn’t even touched your soaked cunt once, yet it feels like you’re being touched all over at the same time.
“I’m going to need a good reason, kitten.” His hand moves faster than you can react, yanking off your panties, exposing all of you for him to devour. He tosses the article aside and cups your heat, teasing your slick folds with his middle finger. You mewl and shudder in his hands, clutching his bicep. “Tell me why I should fuck you right now.”
His thumb presses against your clit, harshly rubbing, making you quiver in his arms.
“I’m a good maid,” you whine, attempting to grind your hip against his hand.
“Not tonight,” he reminds, slipping one finger past your folds. You’re so wet it makes it easy for him.
You groan, screwing your eyes shut as you lean your head against the wall. “Before tonight. I did everything,” you whimper when he inserts a second finger easily and begins slowly dragging them in and out of you. It’s almost torturous. “Everything you asked of me. I think all of that makes up for my mistake tonight.”
His fingers move faster now, curling against your walls and drawing out your moans. “It’s true you’ve been very useful,” he considers. With you around, his work has been considerably easier, but he’d never admit that to you.
You clench around his fingers, feeling yourself approaching your well needed climax when he removes his fingers despite your whining protests.
“Please,” you groan, threading your fingers through his hair. Your legs are so weak, if it weren’t for his arm around you and the wall you’re leaning on, you’d collapse in a horny mess on the floor begging for some sort of release.
Your arousal glistens on his fingers as he raises them up to your mouth. The look in his eyes is absolutely devilish, almost black. You’re mesmerized by the void, willingly letting yourself get lost in it.
“Shh, don’t whine, kitten,” he teases his finger against your lips, smearing your arousal over the bottom, “a good maid cleans up after herself. Now open.”
You obediently part your lips to allow him to stuff his fingers into your mouth. Closing your lips around his fingers and sucking off your own arousal, your eyes flutter shut, swirling your tongue around his digits the same way you would with his cock.
“Are you ready for your reward?”
He unzips his pants, freeing his erection finally. You try not to react surprised when you finally get to see his unholy cock for the time. In the faint light, you can see that he has ridges around his cock like rings. You nearly faint.
“Oh god,” you groan, stomach fluttering with excitement. You throw one leg around his waist to bring him closer and to give him easier access to your pussy.
Yoongi grips your chin, dragging your face back up to his. “I want you saying my name only while I fuck you, kitten, got it?”
You bite your lip and nod. At this point you’d do anything for him to just plunge his cock into you. “Yes, Yoongi.”
Satisfied, Yoongi aligns his cock with your entrance, rubbing the length along your slit to coat it in your arousal. In one quick thrust, buries himself in your drenched pussy with a satisfied groan in your ear.
You have to cover your mouth to prevent the scream that would have escaped and alerted everyone walking by about your elicit activities.
His pace is anything but gentle as he hammers into your cunt and you take it all so eagerly. You choke back your moans behind your hand, feeling your eyes begin to water from the pleasure building up in your core. His hands find their place on your ass, controlling every movement of your hips against his.
It’s not possible to feel this good, is it? Whether it’s the power of the aphrodisiac or just Yoongi’s strong thrusts into your fluttering walls, you feel like you’re in paradise.
“You’re taking my cock so well, kitten,” Yoongi rasps, “what would our masters think of you like this, huh? Being fucked against the wall in an alley. I bet they’d like to watch you fall apart, but you’re mine now.”
“Mmph!” All you can do is whimper into your hands as a weak response. You can feel the ridges you’d seen on his cock every time they slide against your contracting walls.
“Your mind, body, and soul are all mine to devour.”
You helplessly cling to him, his shoulders, his hair, gripping the lapels of his coat as you pull him into a desperate kiss. Now both of your legs wrap around his waist, allowing his demonic strength to hold you up.
His hand wanders from your ass to rub your clit, edging you closer to your sweet release. You moan into his mouth and he swallows each of your cries greedily. His finger relentlessly attacks your clit, and it finally brings you to your orgasm.
Your walls clench around his cock as you come undone. He continues his rough assault on your cunt, not entirely done with you yet. This was supposed to be your punishment after all.
Your over stimulated pussy convulses around him as he ravages you. “Ah, Yoongi!” You cry helplessly, clinging to his shoulders.
“A couple more times ought to teach you,” he grunts.
You’re not sure how long you spent in the alley or how many orgasms Yoongi ended up giving you, but by the end of it, you had collapsed into Yoongi and the effects of the aphrodisiac long gone. He helped you get dressed with surprising ease and collected the groceries off the ground.
Yoongi surprises you by holding his hand out when you’re both out of the shadows. You look at him dumbly before slipping your hand in his. You’re a little glad he’s given you his hand because your legs are still wobbling.
“You can have the rest of the night off,” Yoongi says as you curl your body closer to him. Instead of holding his hand, you’ve managed to cling onto his arm, seeking warmth and comfort.
You're about to thank Yoongi for finally giving you a night off when he says, “but I expect you to be up earlier than usual to finish your chores.”
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perksofbeingaharrie · 4 years
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Hello everyone!
Heeeere is the new fic as requested by:
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So this was requested really really long back and I had promised @wonderland-ish that I would start writing it as soon as I was ready. So here we are, I hope you stuck around love!
Enjoy my first ever fic. It’ll be a 5 part one - fluff and angst (ig you can now tell its my favourite genre) and a little seeexx bc we love mmhmm.
Keep safe my dear people and enjoy the fics at home, in your safe haven with some tea and biscuits. Keep warm too!
Like/rebolg and write to me as to how you liked my work! I’ll be posting part 2 tomorrow so look out for it! Lesss gooooo
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut
Life has been surreal since what she can remember. It began with how her father agreed to send to study photography which for years he had thrashed her about as being just a mere hobby. 3 years in college and now here at the O2 and shooting for the worldwide sensation – Harry Styles. Was she even allowed to feel this content with life ever? What was to go wrong?
She often hitched her breath thinking of such questions. But here she was, previewing her pictures on slide show mode to Helene, who sat beside her on the couch at the corner of the backstage room.
She blinks twice, thrice looking at Helene going through her pictures so concentratedly. It was all here before her in the present, truly.
“I think we can select a few from here.” Helene pops her bubble of thought that very instance. “I like this one a lot. Harry could use this for his Instagram.”
“His Instagram?” She gulps, pulling her laptop to her lap.
Helene looks up at her and smiles, matching eyes who know the feeling. “Yes. You are very good, darling. I am glad to have you on the team.”
Shuffling to pack her stuff and head home, she gets up from the couch and pulls her bag to her.
“You should come to this party Harry’s having for us.” Helene says as she gets up to her feet.
Still trying to put away her things quickly and leaving to be in the warmth of her home, Y/N looks up absolutely unprepared for such a proposal.
“Yeah, you should.” Helene insists.
“Uh, but, I don’t have an invite or anything-“
“Oh, no. Harry’s actually been wanting to meet the new photographer anyway. And it’s a small gathering, you’ll get to network well.”
Her chest swells up on hearing Helene’s words. She thinks she has some time to contemplate and then answer but Helene’s already putting away her stuff in haste and has grabbed her wrist, dragging her out of the room.
And it was indeed a small gathering. In fact, it was something more better termed as an ‘intimate gathering’.  The terrace top of the most expensive hotels spanning the skyline of the city hosted tonight just for the 10-15 people of the close-knit Harry Styles’s team. She definitely felt out of place a little.
Conversations died down a few drinks later and presently everybody had found each other hip to hip, swaying to the light music in the background. There were laughs and giggle around, but none of them were sincere and all in lieu of the alcohol coursing through the air.
She smiled about a little here and there, and finally with a little resolute, found her place by the bar on one of the stools, watching everyone from a distance. The one drink in her hand stayed whirling in the glass itself only. At one point she felt that the alcohol in it must have evaporated into air because she just could not feel its effect. She just could not feel its effect enough to want to let loose and join them.
She is happy anyway, watching and indulging for a while tonight amongst people she doesn’t think she’ll meet any before a year from now. She is content with the fact that after tonight she’ll be back to her daily routine, from going back and forth to her daily tid bit photography to editing and blogging and everything that she has been doing for what seems like forever.
Her mind is distant in thoughts of her home and known and she never notices when he – he, Harry Styles – comes up to stand beside her at the bar.
His deep voice drops the loudest rung in her ear as he orders his drink, and she looks up, flushed, half from the alcohol and half from an unknown embarrassment.
“You are the new photographer, aren’t you?” He says, at the same time accepting his drink from the bartender with his signature smile.
She nods, unsure of what else she could reply with so somehow they get to conversing more.
“Well, you’ve done a really good work. I liked the pictures from your camera.”
She gives a genuine smile for his genuine compliment. “Thank you. These two days have been really really wonderful for me too. I am glad I could do my work nicely.”
They silently enjoy their drinks for a while, looking across them at the night and nobody intends to break the silence. It’s awkward, but somehow, nobody says a word. She gulps the last sip of her drink not a moment later and feels the need to break away from the proximity they both stand at.
As she slides out of her seat and stands to her feet, he turns to her abruptly and gulps away the reminder of his own drink harshly.
“Do you feel like getting away from here?” He says, looking at her. “Because I really need to.”
She parts her mouth, breathing out in astonishment. “Uhm, but, this is your party? How can you leave like that?”
He points his finger towards his group at a distance. “It clearly is not the party for me. I just needed something to fill up the loneliness I feel after every concert.”
She dares to make an eye contact with him; and his green eyes look the prettiest when honest.
He leans in closer and completes his line against her ear. “And honestly, this scene just does not do.”
He begins walking backward towards the exit, his eyebrows shooting up at her as if challenging her to give in. She feels this exhilarating rush at his nab. Looking around, she does not have time to think twice or thrice and she eventually does give in.
She jogs down the stairs in a child-like haste, a sudden fear erupting in her heart that she has missed him. But as she reaches the end of the staircase, she finds him putting on a grey beanie over his lousy hair and a coat that almost covers up his chin.
“Can’t let nobody know I’m wilding out tonight.” He chuckles at his own words. She smiles, pleased, grabbing her coat from the hanger as well.
He is trudging away even before she has tied the coat around her waist and she is on the run after him.
“What are we even doing by the way?” She asks over his shoulder.
“I was thinking of some ice-cream? Let’s start from there.”
She nods earnestly, following his lead. Her clock tells her that it is almost 12 and so she doubts if there would be any ice-cream outlets open nearby. But the way his broad shoulders and long legs take on the road so knowingly, she cannot think about hesitating now.
They arrive at a cross section and wait for the signals to turn red so they can walk over to the other side. In a blink, the lights do change and she jumps forward to cross the road. A hand comes clasping around her wrist and pulls her back.
“Careful.” He says, entwining their fingers together. “Just so we are safer.”
The giddy smiles they share lightens up the night like no other.
They are walking for a long time, careful of the crowd, traffic and recognizable faces. Harry walks majority of the while with his head ducked low. He keeps a tight grip around her fingers nevertheless, tugging at places where he wants her to walk fast and constantly squeezing it too to remind her of their interlocked hands. It’s good it has happened to be winter in London or she would have sweaty palms by now and that would have been embarrassing.
They finally stop by a little tucked in shop by the roadside, and they have walked quite some distance now. She hardly looks around to be able to recognize the place before he pulls her into the shop. The little wooden doors are shut and they enter a warm, little cafeteria scarcely littered with tables and small chairs.
“I’ll take my usual, please.” His voice comes distinct in the peaceful room that she is still scanning around. “And, she would like to select.”
She looks up at him and then at the man behind the ice-cream counter. “And what is the usual?”
“Mint and chocolate.” Harry tells her, leaning his body against the cold screen.
“I think I’d like that too.”
“Right away.” The ice-cream man smiles. “Waffle cone or a cup?”
“Cone.” They say in unison.
“So, why photography?”
They are sitting on cold railings by a quiet parking lot, hardly any cars seen nearby. She feels like the reckless teenager again with him, running about in the city at midnight, eating ice cream when it is about to snow and hanging out in parking lots. She feels younger and much calmer than she ever would have.
She chuckles lowly, looking at her feet. “I think my answer would be the same to yours if I asked you – ‘why music?’”
He looks at her longingly for a moment, then nods and chuckles like her before. “Right.” He finishes the last of his cone and brushes his hands against his pants. “You do not enjoy talking as much, I see.”
She shakes her head, finishing her bite as well. “Not really. I just do not like making small talk. That’s the lousiest concept ever. It even more awkward than just staying quiet.”
He nods again, agreeing. “Right. I feel the same way too.”
They breathe deeply the cold air in through their nostrils.
“It kind of gets too loud sometimes where I am, you know? Even I like some silence sometimes.”
She nods, smiling. “You mean, your friends?”
He makes a face as if taking some time to think before answer. Only at the end, he chuckles and shakes his head. “Everything actually. Even the music I make.”
“I understand. Even my eyes hurt sometimes from looking at the same thing, trying to find inspiration.  I think it’s common for the creative brains.”
“True.” He nods. “But I don’t think you’ll disagree with me when I say that my friends and team are pretty loud. I mean, you didn’t look pretty interested in knowing them either. I needed a little break from that too.”
She hides her mouth as she gives a suppressed chuckle. “I am sure your friends aren’t that bad. In fact, they are really nice – they let me into the group even for a while. I just thought it might be useless to try to fit in if I am only going to be seeing them the last time tonight.”
“Oh, yeah, right.” He sighs. “But what if you were to see them more often?”
“Then, I might take some time but I’ll blend in too I guess.”
They look at one another and smile with their eyes.
“And what about the loneliness you talked about earlier? Why is that?”
He bites his lower lip, looking away in a distance. “I feel the fullest and at my best on stage. I am so energetic, so careless, so carefree performing. There’s people just loving how I am, accepting me as I am and just letting me be. When it’s all over, I am back with people who will tell me what I did, how I performed; they’ll tell me if I was good, if I was bad. I just miss being that free in real life too, y’know. I miss that feeling with all the people around. I feel-“
“-lonely in a room full of people.” She completes for him.
They share knowing smiles. His heart feels full looking over at her lips curve up. She feels the familiar warmth spread inside her.
“How about some nice hot-pot dinner to end the night?” He gets up to his full height.
She nods.
“And I think we can talk some more too.”
She is called in for work early the next morning. Still gorgy with sleeping only after 3 last night, she could not bother to go through the trouble to making breakfast and only grabs a bagel from the cafeteria downstairs.
She walks into the studio she was called in for, and is greeted with Helene standing at one corner setting up her camera on the pod.
“Oh, hey. Come on in.” She smiles, pulling out a folder from the corner desk and walks over to her.
“Hi, yeah, you called in so suddenly?”
“So, uhm,” She opens the folder and flips through a few pages. “We were hoping if you would like to join us for the tour?”
“Wha-“ She feels the folder on her palms. It is a contract that would sign in her in as Harry’s team for the entirety of the year round tour. She looks up from the contract at Helene and then back at the contract.
The door behind her chimes again and enters Harry, rubbing his palms together for warmth.
“So,” he says. “Is she joining us for the tour or not?”
Her eyes widen. He grins at her reaction, raising his eyebrows at her in the challenging stance he would do. She bites her lower lip and suppresses a grin but it is hard when she feels her heart could burst at the very moment.
PART 2   o    MASTERLIST   o  PART 3  o  PART 4
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promptis-imagines · 4 years
Maybe Promptis comfort like one of them is having a rough day. I hope this is ok and not too sad T-T
What are you talking about that’s literally half of my fics. That’s what I live for, babes. Y’all should read Expectations of Promises bc they’re both sad and I never really got recognition on it
Okay first off I’m just writing a little thing where Noct is having a rough time, but if you want it the opposite, I highly suggest Down Day by EyePhoenix! Prom comfort over there. 
Prompto leaned back in his swivel chair with a drawn-out yawn, stretching his arms high above his head. His assigned pages for the school yearbook were coming along nicely, he thought, so he was officially giving himself a break for the day. 
Lazily spinning around, it became clear that he had been the last one to think that. The only other person in the room was closing the door just as he saw them walk out.
With a sigh, Prompto let his head fall back for a few moments. Might as well text Noctis, tell him that he was finished.
They had started dating a few months back after Prompto had kicked enough courage into himself to confess. Coincidentally, Noctis had the same burst of motivation that exact day. It had been really cute and utterly stupid, and if they had been close before, now they were practically inseparable. 
Prompto smiled faintly to himself as he held his phone above his face and opened his messages to his boyfriend. 
Still on campus? Just finished yearbook stuff if u wanna walk to ur place together
He hit send and stretched once more, sighing loudly and moving to put away his camera equipment. The teacher had allowed him to use his personal camera, and there was no way he was going to leave that unattended in a highschool classroom. 
It took a few moments to gather his belongings and shut down the computer, but he had the lights off and was out the door soon enough. Camera bag slung over his shoulder, his phone in the other hand, he started towards the entrance of the school while keeping his eyes fixated on his phone screen, waiting for a return message.
When he still didn’t get anything once he was outside, a slight pout formed on his face. He had wanted to walk with Noctis to his apartment. Maybe the prince was already there, snoozing the afternoon away. It wouldn’t have been the first time.
So he sighed and pocketed the phone, then pushed open the doors to step into the fresh air. It was such a nice day out, a bit breezy and hardly a cloud in the sky. 
Just then, his phone buzzed. Prompto excitedly rushed to check it, stopping a few feet outside the doors. It was from Noctis.
Nice. Sorry, don’t think we can go together today, read the words on his screen.
That made his smile fall. “Huh?” he voiced to himself. Did that mean that Noctis was still on campus? What was he up to? There was hardly ever a reason for him to stay after classes ended, save for when he lazed around waiting for Prompto to finish yearbook things.
Biting his cheek, Prompto rapidly drummed on his phone case with a finger as he thought up how to respond to that. He started typing a few times before settling on a message.
You sure? I don’t mind waiting if you’re busy or something
He would be lying if he said worry wasn’t building up in his chest. Sure, sometimes Noctis was busy, but he usually offered up an explanation. He wouldn’t be this cryptic about it unless there was something wrong.
It’s really fine. You don’t gotta wait for me
Prompto took in a deep breath and held it for five, ten seconds. Then he exhaled and pressed the call button.
The phone rang on and on to the point where Prompto didn’t think he would answer, but the call connected right before he gave up hope. “Noct?” he blurted out. “Are you okay? Where are you at right now?” 
A shaky sigh crackled through the speaker. “Prom, I don’t want you to worry about it.” Noctis sniffled, and Prompto’s worry did the exact opposite—it skyrocketed. “It’s really okay. Igs is coming to get me soon, so you should go on home. We can hang out tomorrow, I promise,” he spoke over the phone. His voice sounded weak and strained, as quiet as it was.
“What? No way,” Prompto countered. “Something is obviously up, and I’m really kinda freaking out right now. Please tell me where you’re at? I promise that you’re more important than just hanging out. I want to help,” he pleaded.
There was a pause. “Noct?” 
“Behind the science building.”
Noctis hung up, and Prompto was left to stare at his phone screen. A few moments later, he had his camera bag hiked up on his shoulder and was dashing over to the science wing.
It was a few minutes’ jog, and his camera bouncing against his hip over and over slowed him down somewhat, but Prompto hardly cared. Noctis needed him.
He nearly fell over when he rounded the corner of the science building. The back area was all overgrown grass and wildflowers, trampled flat where students would sneak here to cut class and make out. Nestled against the brick, knees up to his chest, was the dark shape that was undoubtedly his Noctis.
As Prompto slowed his approach, he noted the way Noctis was settled. His face was buried in his arms, and his knuckles were white where they gripped the fabric of his school jacket. To his side, his bag and phone were haphazardly discarded into the overgrown grass. He looked small and pathetic, sitting there like that.
Something was most definitely plaguing his mind. As calmly as he could muster, Prompto set down his things and got on his hands and knees beside his boyfriend. “Hey, Noct,” he began, making Noctis jump slightly, but he didn’t look up. “Had a rough day? What are you doing back here?” Prompto continued.
The sniffling he had heard over the phone started up again, muffled by his clothes. Noctis gave a small nod, but that was it. 
“Okay. Do you want to talk about it?”
There was a waver in the conversation, if it could be called a conversation, and Prompto took the opportunity to instead sit beside Noctis. Experience had taught him that when he was upset, Noctis needed some kind of physical touch to ground him. He gave him that by resting his hand on his shoulder and letting that travel around his back in a slow and smooth motion while he waited for him to respond.
Finally, Prompto heard what sounded like a small hum followed by a few more sniffles. “Don’t want you to see me cry like this,” he mumbled.
Prompto leaned a little more into Noctis’ side. “It’s okay, I promise. You see me cry all the time, yeah? I won’t see you as lesser if you cry, dude.” While it was true that Noctis rarely shed these kinds of tears in front of him, he wasn’t going to let that deter him. “I want to wipe your tears and listen to your problems just like you’ve done for me. Okay?”
This time, there was less of a pause. Albeit a bit slowly, Noctis lifted his head from his arms and went right to rubbing his eyes with a sleeve. “Okay,” he whispered weakly.
Next thing he knew, Prompto had an armful of Noctis, as the prince had leaned most of his weight against his boyfriend. Prompto wrapped his other arm around him, holding him around the shoulders against his chest. “There you go. You can stay like that as long as you need,” he told him.
Noctis made that slight nod again. It was obvious that he needed some time to regain his bearings, so they sat and listened to the breeze rustle the grasses for a short time. He could talk when he was ready.
After a few minutes, Noctis’ breathing grew less ragged. He took a deep breath. “I’m just really...overwhelmed today.”
Prompto rubbed slow circles into Noctis’ shoulder. “Yeah? School stuff or prince stuff?” he questioned.
“Bit of both. I don’t really know.” He sighed. “Started thinking about the future too hard, I guess. There’s so much I don’t know about. And I know that everyone goes through this, and there’s no real certainty about stuff, but...fuck, I have to be the king someday. Normal people get to screw up. If I do, it screws over everyone in the country,” he stressed. His shoulders tensed up, and though he wasn’t looking at him, Prompto could imagine his eyes were screwed shut.
He bit his lip briefly. This kind of issue was entirely unique, and one that Prompto had never even thought of from his own upbringing, so he couldn’t exactly relate to that specific anxiety. But Noctis needed him right now; he had to try.
Prompto mimicked his sigh. “Yeah, that’s...that’s tough,” he said. “I can’t imagine how that feels growing up. I’m really sorry that you’re going through this, babe.”
A sniffle. “I mean, it’s okay. Just a mood I’m in.”
“No, no, you don’t have to do all that,” Prompto interjected. “It’s not okay right now if you’re feeling this bad about it. You’re allowed to be upset, you know.”
Noctis groaned. “But I shouldn’t be. I can’t be upset about what I have to do,” he countered.
Prompto pouted. “Maybe not on live television.” He nestled his cheek against Noctis’ hair. “But you can with me. I’m here to listen, and I promise I won’t tell a soul. Boyfriend honor.”
That ended up getting a faint chuckle from Noctis. “Okay, okay. Fine, yeah, I’m upset. I don’t want to mess things up.” The tension from his shoulders started to fade, and he melted further against Prompto.
With a hum, Prompto closed his eyes. “But you don’t have to do everything alone, Noct. You have Ignis and Gladio, a whole bunch of council members, your dad, and countless other things to guide you. They’ll help you do what’s best,” he reasoned.
Something warm covered his hand, and he realized that Noctis had put his own over it. “You’re right. I know you’re right. It’s just stressful to think about the burden of everything.”
“That’s understandable. But hey, you’re still in highschool. There’s so much time to prepare yourself, babe. You’re not ruling right now for a reason,” he stated.
“Mh-hm. Thank Six for that,” Noctis murmured.
Tilting his head, Prompto pressed a soft kiss to Noctis’ cheek. “Mh-hm,” he repeated. “And there’s one thing you actually do know about the future,” he stated.
Noctis leaned back, craning his neck around to look Prompto in the eye for the first time. “What’s that?”
A smile touched Prompto’s face. “I’ll be right there with you the whole time.”
It took a few moments, but Noctis started to smile as well. “You’re right. What am I even worried about?” he said softly, getting somewhat misty-eyed again. “I’ve got you.”
Prompto nodded and placed another kiss on Noctis’ cheek. “Yep. I’m not going anywhere unless you kick me out of your life,” he joked.
Noctis’ smile grew, paired with an eye-roll. “As if I’d get rid of the best part of my life? No way. Honestly, how did I even get the best boyfriend in the world?” he questioned.
“A very funny double-confession, that’s how. Thought you’d remember that.”
Another eye-roll. “Right, ‘course. Couldn’t forget that.”
The two shared a quiet laugh, and Prompto hugged Noctis a little closer. He sighed, looking around. “So when Igs comes to get you, are you going back to your apartment?” Noctis nodded. “Can I come with? I think you need some serious cheering up this afternoon. We can eat that ice cream we just bought, and you can pick movies to watch,” he suggested.
Noctis gave Prompto’s hand a squeeze. “Only if you tell me how yearbook stuff went.”
“Cool. Then can we just sit here until we have to go?” he asked.
Prompto leaned back against the building. “Absolutely. Let’s just relax until we can’t.”
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thegrandromantic · 4 years
ok so i wrote an usagi x ami one shot fic bc sailor moon is grossly heteronormative and They’re Perfect For Each Other Your Honor. i haven’t written literally anything in absolutely ages so you’ll have to excuse it if it’s not very good, i’m honestly just doing it to practice but i hope someone on here enjoys it :) also if any of the science/baking shit in this is inaccurate it’s because it’s entirely based on my memory of middle school science classes and a very cursory glance at a bread making recipe online lmaooo i just thought the scenario was cute.
Usagi sat cross-legged on the floor of Ami’s room, Ami was a few feet away rifling through some flash cards they’d been using to study for the past few hours.
“Ughhh I’m NEVER going to get this stuff! I’m just going to fail the test tomorrow like I always do,” Usagi flailed out onto her back in frustration and stared at the ceiling.
“Usagi...” Ami began, reaching out to comfort the other girl but withdrawing her hand nervously, “You’re going to be fine! You’ve made it through school this far haven’t you? Besides, now you at least have someone to study with.”
“It’s just not working!” Usagi snapped back up into a sitting position, “No matter what I do I’m always late to class which gets me in trouble which gets me sent out of class and I miss the lessons and that means I don’t understand the material and I fail the test!”
“Well it sounds like what you really need to work on is your sleep schedule, but that can be a problem for another day,” Ami looked thoughtfully at the girl across from her.
They’d been doing this for a few weeks now, even though Ami was always busy with cram school she had noticed how much Usagi struggled in her classes and had tried to take up a hobby of tutoring her. After all, they were best friends and it was the least she could do for her. Ami sometimes wished she had more time to spend on her own studies, but for some reason it was worth it just to see Usagi more often.
After a long silence between the two girls Ami caught herself staring and stopped herself, shifting her gaze back to the cards in front of her, “I think we need to try a different tactic, the flashcards seem to be too frustrating. You seem pretty energetic... Let’s try to get you moving while we do this!” She stood up and offered both hands to the other girl to help pull her off the floor.
Usagi dramatically rolled onto her back again momentarily, “I don’t know why you don’t just give up on me Ami...” before she sat up and took the girl’s hands, hoisting herself into standing up.
“Of course I don’t give up on you! No one’s a lost cause, least of all you,” Ami said, a bit of color rising in her cheeks, “Besides, I really enjoy spending time with you.”
“I thought I was just being a pain to teach this whole time, it’s good to know you enjoy this though,” Usagi blushed a bit as well.
“I absolutely do, now come on!” Ami eagerly tugged the blonde out of her room and down the stairs to the kitchen, “Have you ever tried baking?” she asked on the way down.
“Not much... I’m a bit too clumsy to be allowed in the kitchen very often at home,” Usagi admitted sheepishly.
“Well we’re going to fix that. The science test you’re studying for tomorrow is about chemical reactions and stuff anyway, and that’s all baking really is! We’ll just get you some hands-on experience and maybe it’ll stick better in your mind!” Ami said excitedly, her volume slowly increased the longer she rambled on and she paled a bit when she realized. She called to her mom in the other room, “Hey mom! Do you mind if Usagi and I use the kitchen for a while?”
“Of course not honey, just be careful,” her mom called back.
“Thank you Mrs. Mizuno!” Usagi called into the other room.
Ami started rifling through various cabinets, pulling down the different tools and ingredients they’d need to bake some bread. Ami had spent a fair amount of her free time baking so the process to prepare for it was almost mechanical for her.
Usagi hoisted herself onto a counter, swinging her legs as she watched the other girl go about her work. She watched closely, admiring how methodical Ami seemed about what she was doing but she also noticed a certain excitement about it. Usagi rarely got to see Ami get this passionate about something, since most of the time Ami had a bit of a hard time expressing her emotions. She heard Ami muttering her way through a list of the items she needed in an almost sing-songy voice and grinned when she heard it. It was the first time she’d ever even heard Ami’s singing voice. It wasn’t particularly impressive but there was something so sincere in it, a happiness that Usagi rarely got to hear. The only other time Ami got this excited was when she had aced a test in cram school or something.
“Great! So what’s the first step then? I’m still not sure how this is going to help me pass my science test but I’ll give anything a try at this point,” Usagi giggled and hopped off the counter, approaching the area where Ami had laid out all the supplies.
“Well we start out by making the dough, which is really just a mixture of all the ingredients here,” Ami instructed, waving to the ingredients.
Usagi nodded and grabbed the first ingredient, allowing Ami to explain how much of each one to add to the mixing bowl as she went.
“So now you’ve made the raw dough, and since we haven’t made any chemical reactions yet this is still just a...” she trailed off hoping Usagi would fill in the blank.
“A... uh... a mixture, right?” Usagi offered hesitantly.
“Exactly! I told you you could get this stuff down,” Ami jumped up and down a bit, excited that she had helped Usagi learn something already, “So the next step is called proofing, which is more of a baking term than anything but we’re going to add lukewarm water to the dough in order to activate the yeast, which should start to make the dough puff up,” Ami rambled on.
“Wait! Since it’s changing shape after we apply heat... does that mean we’re doing a chemical reaction to it?” Usagi attempted to make the connection on her own this time.
“Absolutely right! Do you remember what we call a mixture that’s been bound through chemical reactions?”
“It becomes a um... a compound, right?”
“Exactly!” Ami was practically giddy with joy and flung her arms around Usagi, “See, you knew this stuff all along! You just needed to see how it works in real life!”
Usagi blushed at all of the sudden affection from Ami, “Th-thanks for showing me all this, it’s really helped so far! Let’s keep going!”
The two girls worked hard at the bread they were making, Ami occasionally jumping in to quiz Usagi on the different chemical reactions that were happening as they made the bread. It came time to knead. Ami explained the process but when Usagi started doing it she noticed that she was getting the dough a bit thin in places.
“Here, let me help,” Ami offered, gently walking up behind Usagi and wrapping her arms around Usagi’s waist. She placed her hands on top of the other girl’s nervously and guided Usagi’s hands through the kneading process. It was a good thing Usagi was so intent on the bread, if she had turned around she would have seen just how red Ami had become at the intimacy she had accidentally created.
Usagi was surprised at first and stiffened before she eased into it, allowing Ami’s hands to guide her own. The slow rhythmic methodical movements of the other girl lulled Usagi into an almost hypnotic state. She felt nothing in the world except the dough between her fingers, Ami’s hands pressing gently down on her own, and the soft warmth of the other girl’s breath on the back of her neck which was enough to make her hair stand on end. There was an electricity about it all and Usagi felt her heart thumping hard in her chest. She never wanted this moment to end.
At last, Ami sheepishly pulled her hands away and said, “That should be good enough now,” her voice cracked awkwardly on the first word.
“R-right, and now we just... bake it, right?”
“Y-yeah... let’s put it in together?” Ami grabbed one side of the pan and Usagi grabbed the other. They knelt down across from each other in front of the oven and shared a long lingering stare as they pushed the pan in. Ami fumbled with the handle on the oven and pushed it closed. Her breath quickened when there were no longer any obstructions between her and the other girl’s face.
Usagi felt herself leaning in, closing the distance between the two of them almost on instinct. After the experience of kneading the bread with Ami something inside her wanted... NEEDED to be closer to her.
Ami leaned in as well, now visibly reddening again. She had never quite felt this way before, it was new and thrilling and she was terrified but comforted all the same.
Before they knew it, their lips had collided. It was short, both girls taken aback by the kiss. Their lips had hardly brushed and yet it felt to them both as if their lives had changed forever. There was a long silence as they stared intently into one another’s eyes, entranced.
“I’m s-“
“Did we j-“
Both girls had started talking at exactly the same moment. The little awkward foible managed to get a giggle out of Usagi and a weak laugh out of Ami.
“Do you want to...” they both began, again speaking simultaneously.
“Yes.” Ami replied, grabbing Usagi by the shoulders and pulling her into another, deeper kiss.
When they pulled apart both girls were breathless. All Usagi could think to say was, “Well... that was a pretty productive study session.”
Both girls laughed and in that moment, they knew something truly special had begun.
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lavenderlattaes · 5 years
call me babe. | hwang hyunjin
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⇒ summary: you’ve had this thing going on with hyunjin; you called each other babe and acted like a couple for fun. but what happens when he starts liking someone else?
⇒ [college! au, idiots to lovers! au, friends to lovers! au]
⇒ pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader
⇒ word count: 4.4k words (woAh)
⇒ genre:  fluff, with a smidge of angst, i guess
⇒ warnings: swear words, plus clingy and flirty hyunjin and reader lmao
⇒ note:  ajxbwjsk this is lit rally based off my best friend’s friendship with another one of our guy friends but i tweaked it a bit so now it’s purely self-indulgent bc HWANG  H Y U N J I N. honestly this is total word vomit and a complete mess — it’s just random moments of my self-indulgence for hyunjin (i need help) so ignore mistakes bc im a bit of a blind bat and enjoy!  \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
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“I’m gonna go ahead, see you guys tomorrow,” Hyunjin bids all of you good bye, slinging his duffel bag over his shoulder. Everyone momentarily looks up, saying good byes to him. 
Locking class had just ended, but Hyunjin was already in a rush to leave. You stop fixing and put your hands on your hips, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Running off again, I see. Where are you off to, Hwang?” You demand, your chin held up high.
He rolls his eyes, walking closer to you.
“I’m meeting up with Yeji,” he answers and you huff. You push him away, turning around to continue fixing your things.
“Hmm, yeah sure. You’re probably just too lazy to bring me home,” You scoff. You hear Hyunjin sigh behind you and seconds later, his arms are wrapped around your waist, his cheek resting on your back.
“Please don’t be mad, babe. And I’m not being lazy! I really do have something to do with Yeji. We need to finish our choreo for the showcase. If you want, you can wait for me and I’ll bring you home later, yeah?” he answers you, making you smile while rolling your eyes. You turn around in his arms, seeing him pout at you with those pleading, puppy dog eyes of his.
“Nah, it’s okay. I can go with Jisung. Just, stay safe okay? Don’t go home late, I’m going to call Felix and make sure you’re home on time. If not, Felix won’t be able to dab again,” You threaten and he lets out a hearty chuckle, his eyes crinkling.
“Yes, ma’am.” He hugs you tight and you return with equal enthusiasm. You break the hug and he says his final goodbyes to everyone, jogging out of the studio.
Once he’s out, Jisung speaks up. “Why don’t you just date already? I’m tired of you guys calling each other babe and shit.” He complains.
You roll your eyes at him as he comes closer to you. “Why don’t you go date Minho then?” You retort and Jisung huffs.
“Shut up, we’re just friends,” Jisung pokes your cheek. 
“Hmm, okay,” you shake your head at him, and he grins, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
“I’m going to go write lyrics with Chan and Changbin. You wanna come with?” Jisung asks as he leads you outside.
You shake your head and smile. “That’s fine, I should probably go check on my essay that I sent in for Mr. Kim’s class last week,” you reply.
“Okay, but don’t tell Hyunjin I didn’t bring you home alright? He might beat my ass up,” Jisung pouts and you laugh, hugging him. 
“Don’t worry about him. He’s just being over dramatic,” you reassure him and he laughs. “Okay, gotta go now! Bye, Y/N!” 
You wave good bye and as Jisung’s form becomes smaller the farther away he is from the building, the more you wished you had gone with Hyunjin.
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A few days have passed, and Hyunjin’s been spending less and less time with you. Ever since he told you about the dance he’s working on with Yeji, he’s hardly been spending time with you. 
Truth be told, even if you wanted to call him out for it, you can’t. Because honestly, wouldn’t that make you seem clingy? It’s not as if you and Hyunjin are dating anyway. You just had this habit of calling each other ‘babe’ with a lot of flirting involved.
It started off as a simple joke; you accidentally called him babe, since you used to call your girl friends that way back in high school. He laughed it off, saying you could never resist his charms — you probably really couldn’t, but you wouldn’t let him know that. Another time came when you needed to get out of a sticky situation with a guy who just couldn’t understand that you didn’t like him, so when you saw Hyunjin pass by, you called him babe and he helped pretend to be your boyfriend for five minutes.
“Come on, Y/N. Just one date,” the guy who’s name you didn’t even know asks you, stepping closer as you stepped away.
“I’m sorry, but no. I don’t even know you that much and I really can’t,” you try again and he steps closer, taking your hand in his as you try to get away. 
“Why? It’s not as if you’re already taken,” he reasons and at that moment, you see Hyunjin pass by. You pull your hand back and smile.
“Babe, Hyunjin!” You call out and Hyunjin turns to you. He sees the pleading look in your eyes and the way you subtly glance at the stubborn boy beside you. 
Hyunjin winks, letting you know he got the message. He jogs up to you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he kisses your cheek. 
Okay that wasn’t necessary but, thank you.
“What’s up? I was just looking for you,” Hyunjin pokes the tip of your nose, side-eyeing the guy.
“I’m… gonna go now. Forget what I said, Y/N,” the guy awkwardly coughs, walking away, stealing small glances at you and Hyunjin. Hyunjin pulls you closer and watches the guy walk away. 
The guy turns around the corner and Hyunjin snorts, letting his head fall on his shoulder as his cheeks burned red. “You’re lucky I love you, Y/L/N. I wouldn’t have done something like that if it was Jisung,” Hyunjin giggles as you laugh at him.
The whole babe thing just kind of stuck, and while most people thought you two were dating, only your friends knew that you were just playing around. You and Hyunjin sort of used that tactic to “ward off” — his words, not yours — those people who wanted to get into relationships with either of you that you didn’t want. You weren’t up for a relationship yet, seeing as you both were working hard in college to get into a really good company after graduating. You had to fight off any potential distractions and helping each other out by pretending to be a couple seemed like the best option. You both had this joke that the whole calling each other babe thing would end once the both of you started seeing someone officially. 
Currently, dance classes have just ended and you look around to see that everyone’s already left. 
Except for Hyunjin.
“Jinnie.” You call out, walking over to him. Hyunjin opens his arms for you and you step into his embrace. 
“Hi, babe, what’s up ?” He says, grinning. 
You pout at him. “Where do you run off to these days? I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever,” you whine. Hyunjin laughs, making you laugh as well. You sounded so clingy but you didn’t care. Hyunjin’s even worse.
“I, uh, meet up with Yeji to practice our dance.” He replies and you raise an eyebrow.
“Are you really practicing for the showcase?” you ask, stepping away from him, raising your eyebrow playfully and he grins sheepishly. You keep teasing Hyunjin about Yeji, the pretty girl in his other advanced hiphop class, telling him that soon enough, he’d drop the babe on you once he finally gets the balls to ask her out. The poor boy just whined at you.
“Well...” he trails off, scratching the back of his head.
“Aish, whatever. Go to your woman,” you say, sounding like a mom. He grins, hugging and kissing your face. You scrunch up your face, swatting him away.
“Ew, Hyunjin stop,” you whine and he laughs at you. He stops pestering you and he fixes himself up like a little kid would on his first day of school.
“How do I look?” He asks you, and you looked him up and down.
“Like an idiot,” you deadpan. He pouts and you laugh, ruffling his hair.
“You go on and have fun, yeah? Don’t go home too late,” You tell him as he picks up his stuff.
“Yes, mommy.” He mock salutes you, walking out.
“If shit doesn’t work out with Yeji, don’t whine and ask me to come pick you up! Take care, oh and don’t be an idiot, okay?” You call after him and he raises his thumbs up.
“Whatever you say, ma’am!” He calls out. 
Looking out the window, you soon see Hyunjin walking out of the building. He breaks into a jog once you see Yeji standing a few feet away. There’s a smile on her face and she grins, giving him a hug which he reciprocates. Sighing, you lean against the wall and slide down, bringing your legs up to your chest.
You look up and start talking to yourself.
“You’re such an idiot, Y/N”
“Do you really have zero feelings for him?”
“If I did, you think I’d be pushing him towards Yeji?”
“But isn’t that what main protagonists do in films? If they like a person and can’t risk the friendship they push them towards other people?”
You purse your lips, resting your cheek on your knee.
Do you really like Hyunjin? Or are you just bothered by the fact that his attention is on someone else that isn’t you? Didn’t you initiate the entire thing with Yeji, anyway? Do you want Hyunjin, or do you just want the attention that Hyunjin gives you? 
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Weeks after that encounter with Hyunjin, he’s been spending ZERO time with you. You were looking for someone to hang out with, since your rehearsals just ended and you had about three hours to kill before your next class. But Hyunjin’s busy practicing with Yeji, and it didn’t help that Jisung’s busy too with his final showcase with Chan and Changbin. All of your friends, Woojin, Seungmin, and Jeongin were all busy rehearsing for their showcase too. Felix and Minho were your only hope since they didn’t have their rehearsals until later, but they weren’t answering their phones. 
“Why buy phones when you won’t answer them,” you mutter, slowly walking away from the auditorium. “Hyunjin would probably try and find some way to hang out with me,” you whine and stop in your tracks.
Damn it.
You do like him. 
“Y/N!” Fuck, speak of the devil. You don’t turn around and speed-walk, trying your best to pretend you didn’t hear him.
“Y/N! Hey, wait up!” Shit, shit, shit. At that moment, the doors to the lecture hall a few steps away open and a crowd of students file out. You walk faster and slide in the huge crowd, losing Hyunjin. His voice drowns out and you soon find yourself in an empty room, locking the door behind you. Looking around, you survey the area and realize it’s the photography room. The photography majors didn’t use the room around this time, so hopefully no one will scold you for being there.
You like Hyunjin. You actually like the idiot. Why else would you compare him to the other guys? Why else would you try and avoid him like the plague like you’re hiding something? You were an open book around him, so he’d definitely see right through you. You’d blow your cover and ruin the best friendship you’ve ever had with anyone.
You flop down onto one of the chairs, running a hand through your hair. Whipping your phone out, you type a message to Jisung.
you: i know u’re probs still w chan and changbin, but what time do rehearsals end?
jisung: i was just about to text you, hyunjin came in looking for you. Where are you?
you: dont tell hyunjin anything. can you come over to the dorms now? 
jisung: i have about fifteen minutes more with chan and changbin. Is that okay?
you: yeah, just. Don’t tell hyunjin or chan or changbin anything. Or any of the guys.
jisung: okay 
You exhale shakily, standing up to leave. You quickly make your way to the dorms, hoping Hyunjin didn’t see you.
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“What’s up? Spill.” Jisung says the moment you open the door for him. You lock the door behind him and pull him to sit on your roommate Ryujin’s bed. 
You stare intently at Jisung, trying to find out how you’re going to tell your loudmouth friend. You’d much rather tell Woojin since he definitely wouldn’t tell anyone, but he was unavailable at the moment and Jisung was actually really trustworthy if he wasn’t so loud all the time.
Deciding to just go with it, you blurt out, “I like Hyunjin.”
Jisung smirks, “I knew it.” He’s about to say more, but then pauses, suddenly confused. “So, what’s the problem?”
“He likes Yeji and I can’t risk our friendship. We both agreed to drop the babe thing once we found someone we genuinely liked, and he’s found Yeji. Soon enough, he’s going to tell me he’s dropping the babe and I’m not going to be selfish and admit that I like him. That’ll just ruin everything and I don’t want to ruin the best friendship I’ve ever had with anyone; not that I don’t have great friendships with you guys too, but you know what I mean.” You say all in one breath, Jisung looking at you in awe.
“Do you wanna, maybe join 3RACHA? We can be 4RACHA,” Jisung says.
You stare at him. “Jisung.”
Jisung shrugs, then sighs. “No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t see Yeji that way. Besides, they’re both Hwangs. Wouldn’t that be weird?”
You give him a look. “Jisung, you and I both know that last names don’t matter. I mean, look at Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo,” you point out. 
“Didn’t they get divorced around like, August or something?” Jisung looks up in thought.
“Han Jisung!” You whine.
“Okay, sorry, we’re getting off topic. Anyway. Hyunjin doesn’t like Yeji.” Jisung reassures you, leaning back on the wall.
“Well, even if he doesn’t, he’ll never feel the same way for me.” You look out the window, seeing all your friends running around the field, minus you and Jisung. Hyunjin was there too.
“I want to avoid him.” You turn back to Jisung. He looks perplexed at this point.
“And why? Are you insane? You know that avoiding your problems never help, Y/N.”
You sigh. “I can’t let him know I like him, Ji. It will make things worse.”
“Please trust me on this. I’ll ignore him only for as long as my feelings are here. I’ll talk to him when I’ve completely moved on. It won’t affect my relationships with you guys. I promise.” You plead, clasping onto Jisung’s hands.
Jisung looks defeated. “I won’t trust you on this one, but I’ll respect your decision. If this is what you want, I’ll go with it. I’ll always be here, okay?”
You give him a grateful smile and he pulls you into a hug. 
“Please don’t get your heart broken, Y/N,” Jisung sighs, and you can only squeeze him tighter.
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A month passes by and you’ve been ignoring Hyunjin. During the first week that you didn’t greet him when he entered class, he brushed it off as you not having a good day. However, Hyunjin knew that even if you weren’t in a good mood, you’d come to him all the more. You once told him his hugs made your day better, so the fact that you were ignoring him and not asking for his hugs left him confused. He just let it go, thinking that maybe it’s something really serious. You’d tell him eventually.
The second week that you still didn’t talk to him, he tried asking the guys about it, but none of them knew what was going on with you. You still talked to all of them, except for him. Hyunjin however, did notice you hanging out with Jisung a lot more than you usually did, so he tried asking Jisung, but the boy refused to say anything. 
By the third week, Hyunjin soon thinks that maybe he did something wrong. But every time he tried to think of all the possibilities, he couldn’t come up with anything at all. Did he forget a promise he made with you? Did he say something wrong? Did he borrow your favorite book and lose it or forget to return it or something? Did he eat your secret stash of M n M’s in your dorms? Hyunjin’s sure he’s done none of those.
By the fourth week, Hyunjin gives up when he sees you hugging Jisung. Maybe you had feelings for Jisung and you didn’t know how to confront Hyunjin about the babe thing. Maybe you think it would be weird to continue being so touchy and flirty with Hyunjin now that you’re dating Jisung. 
Your last class had ended for the day, and you’re now just waiting for Jisung and Felix. Jisung had invited you to hang out with him and Felix, since they were going to go relax a bit before facing the showcase which was scheduled to happen next week. 
You’re too lazy to take your backpack off, so you’re just sitting cross-legged on a bench, your backpack still on your shoulders. Your earphones are in, playing really sad Day6 songs you didn’t realize Woojin and Seungmin snuck into your playlist while you read some underrated angsty teen novel you found at a random bottom shelf in the library. It’s around 4pm, so the sun is still high up in the sky, giving you enough light to read. Suddenly, your source of light is blocked and you frown, trying to make out the words. You look up and lock eyes with the one person you’ve been avoiding this whole time.
You gasp and try to stand up, but realize that someone’s tied the ends of your backpack straps to the bench. Fuck. You pull your earphones out and take your backpack off, deciding right there that you can be a total idiot and just abandon your bag there and get it later. 
Yes, you were that desperate to get away from Hwang Hyunjin.
“Y/N, wait.” Hyunjin’s hand shoots out to wrap around your wrist. You freeze and look down at his hand resting on your wrist. His grip is firm, but gentle.
You gulp and slowly turn around. Your eyes meet his hurt and confused ones, your heart aching at the sight.
“Are you dating Jisung?” Hyunjin asks softly and you frown at him.
“Are you dating Yeji?” You answer back with your own question.
“Answer my question first,” Hyunjin sighs and you purse your lips. You shake your head and Hyunjin lets go of your wrist, visibly relaxing,
“I’m not dating Yeji either.” He says. Although you didn’t want to know that, because your stupid, stubborn self refuses to believe that he likes you, you still find yourself feeling relieved.
Hyunjin steps closer to you. 
“What wrong did I do for you to avoid me this long? How big was it that you’d willingly leave your backpack here, when I know that you’d never ever leave it behind even if a zombie apocalypse would suddenly happen because you told me that one time? You even told me you’d leave Felix behind, or maybe sacrifice Changbin, but never your bag. So, what did I do wrong, Y/N? Why have you been avoiding me? It’s driving me crazy,” Hyunjin bombards you with questions.
You purse your lips and shake your head. “I’m not avoiding you. I’ve just been really busy.” You lie right through your teeth.
Hyunjin chuckles humorlessly. “So busy is sitting down on a bench, listening to music and reading books now? You’ve been avoiding me for an entire month, Y/N. Like, blatantly avoiding me!” He snaps. 
That escalated quickly. You’re getting tired of this. The more you look at him, the more it’s getting hard for you too look away. Even with his face in a frown, his eyes filled with frustration and maybe even anger, Hyunjin still looked beautiful to you.
Fuck him and his genes.
You take a huge step back from him, crossing your arms over your chest. “What’s it to you, huh, Hyunjin?!” You glare.
“I just wanted to know why you’re avoiding me, Y/N! What did I even do? Please do enlighten me,” He shouts, frustrated. You’re glad everyone’s either gone home already or still in classes, so no one’s there to witness your fight.
“Can’t I just ignore you because I just don’t want to talk to you?” You say, anger bubbling up inside of you. Or is it your feelings, already on the verge of spilling out of you like vomit? 
“No, Y/N! I know you well enough to know that if you avoid people it’s not because you just don’t feel like it— there’s a reason behind it.” Hyunjin replies, exasperated. 
“Why do you want to know so badly? Why do you care?!” You shout back. You’re tired of this; you’re tired of staying away from him, hoping it’ll get rid of your feelings for him. But the more you stayed away from him, the more your heart yearned for him. You just wanted the words to leave your lips already.
I love you. 
You’d only realized it recently; you don’t just like Hyunjin— you love him. You love the way his eyes crinkle into small crescent moons when he’s genuinely happy. You love his loud, infectious laugh that you can pinpoint even if you were a mile away. You love his hugs, you love how he dances with so much passion because it’s something he loves to do. You love everything about him and it’s driving you insane too. It’s driving you insane that you keep wanting someone who can’t love you back in the same way.
“Because I’m your friend, Y/N! I worry about you, okay? Can I do something to help you? Why don’t you share your problems with me? Please tell me!” Hyunjin pleads with you, his hands coming up to grip your shoulders desperately.
Uh oh.
“No, Hyunjin! You can’t do fucking anything to help me because you’re the reason why I’m doing this, why I’m avoiding you! I love you, I’ve fallen in love with you, and it’s scary. It’s scaring me, okay? I’m scared that you don’t feel the same and it will change everything! You have Yeji now, don’t you? I can’t be selfish and ask you to return my feelings when you’ve already found the one for you,” you blurt everything out, feeling out of breath afterwards. The tears you didn’t know you were holding in start falling freely down your cheeks now. 
You didn’t care anymore. Hyunjin at least deserved to know. You feel better though, because everything that’s been bottled up inside of you is now out in the open. 
Hyunjin stands still in front of you, his face holding an unreadable expression. You’ve always been able to read Hyunjin like an open book, but you can’t decipher what’s going on in that pretty head of his. Every second that passes by that he doesn’t say anything, makes you feel more and more of an idiot for saying anything at all. You sigh, wiping the tears away hastily, but there’s still more. 
“Forget it. Forget I said anything.” You whisper, your voice rough and raspy. You turn around to get your things and get the fuck out of there when Hyunjin suddenly holds you back. 
You sigh. You turn around to face him, “Hyunjin, what—” he cuts you off mid-sentence when his lips crash against yours roughly. The kiss catches you off guard and you almost stumble, but his arms quickly wound around your waist, holding you in place. You’re surprised, but you kiss him back, and he tilts his head to the side to kiss you better. Your tears are still flowing freely, and his arms leave your waist to cup your cheeks, as his thumbs wipe away the tears. Your arms go around his neck, pulling him in closer. He pulls away slightly, before going back in to kiss you again, this time, softer and gentler. The second kiss leaves you lightheaded and you clasp your hands tighter around his neck. Hyunjin’s lips, his oh, so soft and plump lips feel so perfect as they mould against yours. His lips taste like vanilla, and you’re guessing he just ate vanilla ice cream because he knew you liked vanilla and he once told you he’d eat the things you loved — even if he didn’t like it that much, if he missed you.
And you’re just realizing this now, too, that Hyunjin does so many things for you, and because of you. On days when the winter air is particularly cold, he’d bring you an extra pair of gloves because he knows you keep forgetting yours. He buys you hot packs because you easily get cold. You’re always trapped in his hugs because he knows how much you need his body warmth. In the summer, no matter how hot it is, if you want to go out for ice cream, he’d willingly go with you, if it means seeing you all smiley and happy. He always seems to know what you need, whenever you need it.  You realize now that Hyunjin lives for your happiness and he cares about you way too much. 
Maybe he’s always felt the same way for you and you were just too dense and too stubborn to realize that.
When you both pull away for air, he looks at you, your heart beating loudly in your chest. He kisses your forehead as he pulls you in for a hug, his arms going around your shoulders as yours wrap around his waist. You bury your head in his chest and listen to the fast beating of his heart.
Hyunjin suddenly laughs, causing you to snort.
“How’s Yeji doing?” You joke, your hands playing with the ends of his hoodie. Hyunjin chuckles, his chest vibrating as he kisses the crown of your head.
“You know I only have eyes for you, babe.”
“Glad to know we don’t have to drop the babe thing and it’s finally official,” I laugh.
“True. Oh, and by the way?” Hyunjin pulls you back so he can look at you properly. He cups your jaw and tilts your head up, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. He smiles when you pull away and he looks in adoration at the expectant look on your face.
He rests his forehead against yours and nuzzles your nose, making you giggle. “I love you too, Y/N.”
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⇒ let me know what you think or hmu with anything under the sun here!
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bennifits · 5 years
Undercover Martyn (2/???)
Summary: The avengers all coincidentally go to one bar to talk about their emotions and problems to one barmaid with too much time on her hands
 - In this installment, peter parker falls into a dumpster.
Characters: Peter Parker, Original Character (Daisy)
Tags: peter parker is fucking dumb but that’s okay bc we love him
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The last thing Peter Parker AKA Spiderman wanted tonight was to end up in a dumpster in the middle of somewhere in New York, on the night before his history assignment is due, it’s due tomorrow and he hates his life decisions full heartedly, to make matters worth he’s hardly done anything with it. It’s meant to be a PowerPoint on his chosen subject of the Industrial Revolution, nothing hard but he’d been putting it off for weeks and now it’s finally come back to bite him in the ass.
To make matters worse, he smashed his phone screen beyond repair and the communication system got damaged in the fall, so he can’t call anyone to at least get him.
He might just lay there for a few more minutes instead of getting up and out of the dumpster amongst his brothers and sisters, the trash bag and the smell of liquor stronger than any millennial self-deprecating joke.
Maybe he can just do it without the PowerPoint, have a few sheets on A4 paper filled with endless information. Stick a few pictures on the white board and point to them as he talks from the sheet he hasn’t memorised. He can read it the entire 15 minutes of the train ride to school, maybe he can even convince Ned to feed him the information through a wireless headset.
Suddenly the wind got knocked out of him. Whatever collided with his chest was heavy and smelled, mainly of food and wet paper towels. It also was very dark.
“Holy shit! I’m so sorry!”
Peter pushed the trash bag off him and sits up, going to rip off his mask only to shove it back down over his face as the culprit, a young woman leans over the side in distress, Peter could see her legs dangling over the other side of the bin.
“Oh shit, you’re Spiderman, I didn’t see you there, I’m sorry” she says rather quickly, tucking some strand of hair behind her ear. “Need help getting out?”
“Uh yeah actually”
She had a strong grip for a girl, it sounded bad in theory, but he was kind of surprised on how she found it easy to practically drag him out of the bin to plant his two feet back on the cold ground. She was considerably taller than him, mainly because of the heels she was wearing that clicked with the ground.
“Soooo….” He drags out “Thanks” he reads her name tag “Daisy”
“Why were you in a dumpster?” she asks with a chuckle, her shoulders bopping up and down as she laughed.
“I fell” he states, embarrassed slightly with an awkward laugh.
“You fell?” she giggles
“Yeah” Peter laughs nervously, scratching the back of his head. “Hey, not to sound weird or anything but, do you have a phone or something?”
“Yeah, it’s inside” She takes a few steps back, the light coming through the back door illuminating her features. “come in, I’ll give you my phone and fix you a drink”
And that’s how he ended up in a bar, drinking orange juice from a cocktail glass with an umbrella on the edge of it. After his call with a tired and frustrated Mr Stark, he handed back her phone with the little skeleton head charm. The girl unties her hair nonchalantly and wears the yellow scrunchie on her wrist, sliding her phone into her back pocket.
Peter had only known her for around 10 minutes, but she was warm, it was a nice feeling to know that a total stranger (who was considered adorable in his eyes and down right pretty, even with a small stain of red wine at the bottom of her shirt) who he had never met or seen before could be considered warm in his eyes. He honestly wanted to stay a little longer, out of the cold air and in an air-conditioned pub down near the wrong side of town.
His face turns red from under his mask.
“Someone coming to get you?” she asks “You know, since your communication thingy got wrecked and stuff”
“Uh yeah” he nervously laughs “Someone’s coming to get me”
“Alright then Spiderman” she smirks, fixing her suspenders to be more properly sitting on her shoulders. “I assume you were in that dumpster from drinking too much orange juice? You’re underage and shouldn’t be drinking” she jokes
“No, my uh-” he twists his arm to show his web shooters. “I ran out of web and fell. I must have broken something in the fall”
“Funny, I thought cardboard and broken bottles would be like landing on a bouncy castle” she replies sarcastically before making her way to the register, a satisfying ka-ching reaching his ears as she opens it like in the movies when the bad guys rob a cashier. He chuckles, lifting his mask slightly to his nose to take a sip of the orange juice, and doesn’t put it back down over his mouth.
“I really need to get home” he says
“Why? Got a girl waiting?” she side eyes him with a devilish smirk to match the whole theme of the bar.
“No!” he cries, startled. “I mean, I don’t think she likes me back anyway so- “
“Girls dig it when the guy acts first, gets the gossip train going with their friends” she interrupts, starting to organise the money and a mocking motion with her hand like she is pulling a whistle on a train. “Just try spidey” she pulls out a dollar and puts it into a different section of the register. “plus, who wouldn’t wanna date a superhero?”
Peter chuckles.
“I actually have an assignment I need to do” he admits with a groan. “It’s due tomorrow and I’ve been ignoring it”
“What’s it on?” she asks curiously, not looking up from the register.
“The Industrial Revolution”
“Oh dude, I love that time period” she shuts the register. “What do you need to know?”
“Wait seriously?” he asks, raising an eyebrow and drinking the last of his orange juice and placing it on the devil’s coaster. “I need to know everything”
“Watch the Assassin’s Creed Syndicate cutscenes, got everything you need to know in like, 5 hours. Add some smaller details about the pollution in the UK, child labour and you’ll get an easy A”
“It’s that easy?” he asks
“Yep” she pops the ‘p’ at the end of the word. “And it’ll impress your girl as well” she winks at him. “From one ex-teenager to teenager, balance Spiderman time with class time okay? Or you’ll end up at a bar serving superheroes for the rest of your life with strangers hitting on you to try and get a free drink.”
He laughs a little, that put his mind at ease even a little.
“Thanks” he says “You know, for the drink and talking”
“Anytime Spiderman” she salutes as car outside honks its horn. “That’s your queue kiddo, good luck on your assignment.”
Peter nods and does a slight wave, saying goodbye but secretly he knew that he’d see her again.
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hahcatallena · 6 years
ukiyo | heechul | 4
(n.) living in the moment, detached from the bothers of life
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pairing: kim heechul x reader (ft. bestfriend!taehyung)
genre: age difference, brothers best friend, smut
word count: 1689k
warnings: okay so I have no idea if I could get in trouble for this since the reader is yet to turn legal and there’s smut so… but y'all know what you’re getting yourself into everyone knows that heechul is an oldie lmao (tho I made him 7 years younger, meaning he’s 27… just to make sure eehhh)
PART 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 coming soon!
2:13am and he texted you, saying that he was standing outside your house now and that you should hurry.
You opened the door and before any of you could say a word, you signalled him to not say a word with your finger on your lip. He stood there for a moment, his eyes proudly locked on your neck that was still covered in the traces of his lips.
You let him in and the both of you silently walked up the stairs to your room so that Leeteuk wouldn't notice you secretly inviting someone.
Opening the door to your room, you told him to rush inside. You closed the door and locked it and just when you wanted to turn around to face him, he pushed you against the wood, connecting your lips. You went through his hair with one hand, while the other was placed around the back of his neck. His body was pressed against yours and when his left hand slipped under your shirt, you gasped. He hasn't done that before so it was a bit weird at first, but you let him. His hand drove over the skin of your body until it came to a stop when he found out that you weren't wearing a bra underneath, so of course he smiled into the kiss because he liked that. He started massaging your breast and played around with your hardened nipple.
Flashbacks to yesterday flashed through your mind, when you felt his erection pressed against you once again, feeling even more uncomfortable considering how hard you were pushed against the door.
Heechul disconnected his hands from your body to open his tracksuits jacket and took it off, leaving him in a simple white shirt. Shortly after he placed his hands on your hips and slid your panties off until they were hanging on your knees. From there on you slipped out of them yourself.
Not even ten seconds later he pushed down his own track pants and you were not even surprised by him not wearing anything underneath. Seems like he's always prepared for this stuff.
The both of you moved two meters to the wall next to your door, since it could've been heard if you continued this against the wood. You could feel Heechul pushing his tongue inside your mouth so you gave him access and it felt amazing.
"Do you have condoms?"
"What?" you shrieked. "I thought you-"
Why would you have condoms? When would you even have the chance to buy them and even if you did, you didn't even know which ones to get.
He looked at you in disbelief, slamming his forehead against the wall right next to your head in frustration, mubling something that sounded like fuck.
You couldn't help but feel bad now. He didn't tell you to get some but then again maybe you should keep some at home in the future. For your own safety.
"I'm s-sorry I, I didn't know." your gaze drops to the ground. You were ashamed. Should you feel this way? No idea, but it was not your fault only. "What now?"
Heechul pushed his head back to look at your lips, coming closer to softly kiss them in a gentleman kind of way. You felt your whole body shivering at the gentle gesture and drove your hands through his thic hair, pulling at the strands.
"You know," he said in between kisses. You started breathing heavily at how good he made you feel. He made his way to your ear and softly bit down on the earlobe. "we can be careful." he whispered seductively.
You gasped. Did he mean that? Was he serious about this? He must've been joking because everyone knows how we can be careful ends.
You stopped breathing and when he noticed that, he disconnected your bodies, looking at you awaiting an answer. He must've definitely noticed your nervousness so he placed his hands on both sides of your waist, smirking right into your eyes with a deep stare. "Nothing will happen, I promise."
It was wrong, so fucking wrong and you shouldn't even think about going with this bullshit but something told you that if you said no, it would be over. Over as in not only tonight, but you were sure that he wouldn't ask you ever again, which would be selfish, but you knew how he was like. You knew his character and this was definitely what he would do so what else was there for you to do but to say... "Okay."
Heechul bit his bottom lip, satisfied with your decision and harshly connected your lips with his again, only that this time it seemed more passionate. He moved his right hand down to your lower region and spread your juices all over your folds. "So wet for me." he said in between soft kisses against the angles of your mouth. Hearing him say that made your whole face heated up and you could feel the butterflies in your stomach once again.
He started stroking his dick and placed it in front of your entrance. "Do you want this?" Without hesitation you nodded giving him a yes, so he pushed in.
Other than last time, he pushed in completely this time, filling you up all at once. It was different. You didn't know if it was better or just about the same but you liked it. When he started moving, there was no pain anymore so when he asked if it hurt, you were kind of glad to say that it didn't.
You have to admit that it's weird, having sex against the wall, but this way there was so much more pressure. Good pressure as in you could feel him inside of you even better and god you loved the feeling.
It was only yesterday when he fucked you in the parking lot at the backseat of his car and thinking back on how yesterday you used a condom, you definitely liked feeling him so much more. It felt twice, no thrice as good to have his dick like this rather than some latex in between you two.
Heechuls hands wandered down to your buttcheeks and he squeezed them hardly. It didn't hurt, it felt amazing. He could do whatever he wanted and you swear that you'd let him. No matter what it was.
He kept on fucking you hard against the wall and you had no idea if it could be heard but even if it was, you wouldn't stop. "Fuck baby you're so tight."
Your heart almost sprang out of your chest at his words. You smiled against his neck, your arms wrapped around his head to steady yourself somehow, while he grabbed your right leg to hold it up for better access and to push in even further. As he did so, you let out some quiet moans and so did he.
"I'm going to c-come soon." Heechul announced and it was not only him who was close to the edge. You could already feel your orgasm building itself up in your stomach. "Fuck, fuck I'm so close." he added.
One last time, he sped up and that's all you needed for the sensation to take you over completely. You hid your head in Heechuls neck and tried your best to hold in your moans while he was riding out your orgasm. Only seconds later his movements became sloppier "Call me o-oppa!" he literally begged and that's what you did. That's everything he needed to come. And he came so hard, spilling his cum inside of you, which felt so! good!!!
You stood there, still pressed against the wall, when suddenly, reality hit you and you jumped away from him.
"Fuck, fuck!!" you started to panick! "Heechul what the fuck!! You said you'd be careful!!" You sat down at the edge of your bed, tears starting to appear in the edges of your eyes. Your hands found the strands of your hair and out of frustration you pulled at them.
Heechul composedly slammed his head against the wall next to him, until he turned around to face a crying you. "Yah stop crying."
It was so obvious! So obvious that this would happen but no, you had to agree on this.
"What am I supposed to do now?" you asked the older, with your eyes still watering. He looked around, not really seeming to take all of this serious.
"We will just get you this morning after pill." he shrugged as if it was nothing.
"Tomorrow is Sunday there won't be any opened pharmacies." you drop your head into your palms. What are you going to do? This must be a joke.
"We can get it on Monday." he convinced you, still standing in the middle of the room, not even a bit nervous when he slid into his tracksuit pants.
Some part of you wanted him to sit down next to you and maybe, pull you into a hug or something. But he didn't do that. He was not the type of person to comfort someone so you didn't expect it anyway.
After some minutes of silence, he was completely dressed again and then picked up your shorts to hand them to you.
It was shortly past 3 in the morning. "I should be going." he said, looking like he'd do anything not to be here right now, maybe even annoyed. You just nodded, disappointed at his action and tried to form a smile.
You followed him downstairs and stopped when he turned around one last time. "Don't freak out this can happen."
That's all he's said after patting your head with a smile which you worriedly returned. Then he left and you closed the door.
Was tonight real? Did you really trust him with your body only for him not to keep his promise? He didn't even say sorry nor frraked out with you.
So why on earth were you still not mad at him?
a/n: sorry it's a short one but this must be my favorite so far bc smut huhuhu ^^
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markhycks · 7 years
markhyuck au where
mark is a real estate agent trying to sell a house that has been unoccupied for years but donghyuck (the ghost who haunts it) won’t let him. warning: very long post / aged up!markhyuck 
—- i wrote this bc i had to get this out of my system - yall can keep scrolling if u dont like markhyuck !! ALSO i have z e r o clue how the real estate industry works so this is probably super inaccurate
ok so:
no one wants to buy this property bc its apparently haunted by a ghost
mark thinks thats just stupid
hes just trying his very best n rly wants a promotion !!
so his boss (obviously taeil bc we love a moon taeil managing a real estate business) offers to give a raise n promotion to anyone that can sell the house bc the last dude that tried to got so close but the couple pulled out last min after hearing abt the rumours
mark thinks he is aBSOLUTELY FULLY CAPABLE of selling this house so he tells his boss he wants to give it a shot
taeils like r u sure you’ve only been working here for 6 months
n mark lee’s all hell yea i got this thats why rumours around the world are saying mark is abs-
so boss man’s like aight ill leave this task to you 
everyone else in the office is all :000000
sicheng the cute intern is all ARE YOU SURE ABT THIS MARK in his broken chinese n he’s all cute and worried and its the first time the others have heard him speak this much
jaehyun his bff in the office is like good luck man bc he once tried selling it too but whimped out after encountering so called ghost
so anyways mark has to go inspect the property the next day
he gets given the keys yadda yadda
when he turns up to the house (which, mind you, is a very nice house located on the outskirts of town by a little lake) and opens the door he hears a loud “WHO GOES THERE”
like he legit jumps n he’s pretty sure he almost peed himself n hes sso oso scared but then he remembers his mission and that he’s not going to turn out like the rest and he w I L L sell this house 
so he loosens his tie with a d e t er m i n e d face and enters the home
“whos there!! show yourself!” 
he thinks he sounds pretty fierce but it actually came out a quiet squeak
anyways it’s silent for a bit and mark’s like super wary as he closes the door behind him
“LEAVE THIS HOUSE IMMEDIATELY!!!” and suddenly theres a picture frame thrown at the wall
mark panics again and he’s so close to running out but he stays determined!!! bc!! fully capable mark!!
“no i have to sell this house and i won’t leave until i do so!!”
and it just goes silent again until the voice speaks up again
“who are you”
“i, um. mark?”
“you sound unsure”
“well. i mean, would you kill me for being a little nervous? jheesh”
he looks around. where is the voice even coming from? it projects through the entire house like its on speaker
mark’s not sure where he got this sudden confidence from but he feels a lot less scared than before so he just loosens his tie and walks around the house with his clipboard, doing his lil inspection
the ghost? spirit? whatever it is doesn’t say anything and mark just shrugs and carries on with his business and before he knows it an hour has already passed
“hey spirit” he calls out
and it’s like silent for ages
so he just shrugs and he’s about to leave when
“you can’t sell this house. it’s mine”
and mark just stops at the door and he can’t help but feel a lil sad at the spirit’s sad tone bc it probably has like so many memories in the house and it probably hasn’t crossed over or whatever (he’s not sure how the whole supernatural thing works but he’s watched ghost whisperer before)
the last thing mark says before he leaves is “i’ll be back tomorrow and you better be gone”
he thinks he hears the spirit scoff but maybe its just his ears
honestly mark has a hard time believing all of this and he goes to bed that night wondering h o w he’s going to deal with this situation
anyway mark turns up the next day and this time the spirit doesn’t seem as hostile 
that being said it continues to threaten mark and starts moving objects around
but honestly mark (and his newfound confidence) only rolls his eyes as makes a list of the repairs that need to be done (bc deep down he doesnt believe any of this is actually happening)
so they fall into a routine
mark keeps coming back and the spirit keeps threatening him
sometimes it tries to sabotage his work by moving things around 
mark’s gotten so used to it that he literally just sighs like “give it back”
the spirit actually listens to him and does
eventually they start talking more 
mark’s found out the spirit’s name is donghyuck but that’s all the information he knows 
he thinks it’d be inappropriate to ask stuff like “oh so how did u die” so they just end up having the most random conversations
“make sure you paint the hallway walls blue. the mustard yellow is so outdated”
“you’ll leave and let me sell the house if i paint them blue?”
“i never said that”
and mark ends up spending more time at the house than necessary
so one day jaehyun pulls him aside at work n he’s all “dude??? are u ok? you’re hardly in the office these days”
and mark’s like “yeah man u know its just the repairs for the house they’re taking ages”
jaehyun is suspicious but shrugs it off and tells him to be careful
taeil asks how the task is going and mark suddenly gets all nervous for no reason bc HOW IS THE TASK GOING??? he doesnt even know

he just gives another casual response n says the house should be ready soon for him to start bringing in clients
taeil just pats his back and wishes him good luck
when mark finishes work that evening he literally feels so down bc he literally had one j o b but here he is being all chummy with a ghost that haunts this house and its all just so messed up in his head
he doesnt know what makes him do it but that evening he ends up going to the house
“someone’s working the night shift”
mark just blinks in confusion at the words because what the heck. he’s meant to be here for work and this isn’t work so w h y is he here at 7pm on a friday???
instead he just takes a seat on the floor by the wall in the empty living area and sighs like a sad puppy
“what’s the matter?” donghyuck asks and his voice sounds genuinely concerned??? if anything it scares mark a bit
“who - no. what are you?” he finally asks
and then there’s silence
it’s literally like that for almost an hour before mark asks again
“are you like some kind of ghost? spirit? do you need help crossing over? i just. i really need you to leave and you’re not making my job any easier and i’m so confused and half of me doesn’t even believe any of this is real”
it almost convinces mark that he really is going mad because there’s no such thing as ghosts and he’s just talking to an empty house
until a quiet voice says
“i’m neither of those”
mark feels so, so confused and he just ruffles his hair in frustration
“then what are you?”
“what’s your favorite color?”
he’s taken aback by the question 
nonetheless, he responds with a quiet “green”
“green is disgusting. red is better”
“red is literally the color of the devil i’m guessing thats what you are”
he’s expecting an angry remark but instead he’s met with soft laughter and all mark can do is smile in return
he ends up spending the night at the house talking to donghyuck all night
it’s a saturday the next day and mark is so co n f u s  e d when he wakes up to the smell of pancakes?
he follows the smell and finds a plate of pancakes sitting at the table with a note “i’m assuming you never ate dinner last night. eat up - D”
mark thinks he’s living in a dream bc did a ghost just?? COOK for him??
reality at this point has become so warped in his mind that he doesn’t care anymore and he starts eating
he hears laughter 
“calm down youre eating as if its your last day on earth” 
he sticks up a middle finger at no one in particular, hoping donghyuck will see it from wherever he is, and he’s only met with more laughter
when he’s finished eating and rinses his plate (which he has no idea where it came from) he’s thinking about what donghyuck said to him last night about not being a ghost
for a brief moment he’s startled. it’s the first time donghyuck’s said his name and he’s not sure how he feels about it. if anything, the tips of his ears growing red must indicate a positive sign 
“what ar- i mean. how do yo- no. what do you look like?”
he runs a hand through his hair with a frustrated sigh before leaving the house again
he doesn’t return for another week
when mark comes back, he’s with a client
mr johnny seo and his boyfriend chittaphon seem extremely keen in the property and want to move in despite hearing rumors about a ghost
mark doesn’t know whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing
johnny and chittaphon are into that buzzfeed unsolved kind of shit and run their own vlog series on youtube and theyre just e c s t a t i c that they might be moving into a haunted house
mark thinks theyre weird as shit but he wants that promo
donghyuck probably doesn’t mind sharing anyway
when he thinks back to donghyuck he feels a pang in his chest and dare he say it, he misses them? 
mark takes the couple back to the house and he feels weird
he can’t pinpoint what’s wrong but he just feels strange inside his chest
there are two things he’s learnt about johnny and chittapon:
one, they cant keep their hands off each other
and two, they can’t stop filming every waking moment of their lives
so when they’re following him to the house with their giant ass camera and chittaphon’s giggles, mark can only roll his eyes as he inserts the key 
but the door won’t open
mark’s confused - he hadn’t come back to change the locks so why won’t the key fit?
he feels slightly flustered in the presence of the couple and their camera and he laughs nervously
they must feel pretty bad for him because they laugh nervously too
mark tries again but to no avail and sighs in frustration when it hits him: donghyuck - this was clearly his doing 
mark clears his throat awkwardly before turning back to the couple “i’m sor-”
johnny and chittaphon jump back, eyes wider than saucers while mark has to c o n t a i n himself from rolling his eyes at donghyuck’s ~scary voice~
he half expects the couple to run away but instead johnny only begins to roll the camera once again and there’s a look of nervous excitement on chittaphon’s face
mark turns to the door once again and hisses “donghyuck open the door”
he hopes the couple haven’t heard him but judging by the looks on their faces, they have
and mark can only snort
johnny looks absolutely f a s c i nat e d by this point and mark groans internally before beginning to knock on the door
“donghyuck not cool just open the damn d o o r before i break it down”
there’s silence and mark takes it as his cue to try unlocking the door with his set of keys again 
it works and he allows the couple to enter
donghyuck attempts to scare the trio a few times during mark’s tour of the house by moving things around - causing johnny to drop his camera at one point and chittaphon to curse at him for bringing it because its probably broken now
anyway the tour goes t e rr i b ly 
mark is pissed
he’s not sure what johnny and chittaphon are feeling
when he sees the couple off he just shuts the door angrily and donghyuck just g i g g le s 
“what the fuck man did u have to do that?”
“i told you to leave”
“and i told you to leave. what is even your problem???” 
at this point mark’s just yelling and donghyuck doesnt seem to care tbh
there are a few more clients he tries to bring that week and the week after
they all go awfully thanks to donghyuck and by the end of the fourth week mark is on the verge of giving up
donghyuck on the other hand seems to be having way too much fun 
“can you just like, stop?” mark sighs 
he’s very very tired at this point and he’s considering giving the keys back to taeil and telling him he can’t do it
he’s picks up his blazer that he’d taken off earlier and is about to leave when he hears a 
“where are you going?”
mark just releases the loudest snort before turning to the empty walls of the house and raising a brow at nothing in particular
“are you kidding me? i’m done. congrats donghyuck you get to keep your damn house”
donghyuck doesn’t say anything 
- when mark shakes his head and turns to open the front door 
it won’t open
“very funny, donghyuck. open it so i can leave”
he’s met with silence a g a i n so he pulls the keys out of his pocket 
he whips his head around in confusion bc its the first time he’s heard donghyuck speak in such a desperate tone
he feels his ears growing red again
“uh.. yes?”
there’s a couple seconds of silence before donghyuck speaks in a quiet voice
“you asked me what i was right?”
mark just scoffs bc why is he even having this conversation at this point
he decides to answer anyway 
“like every day but sure”
“go to the loft” 
mark spends a few seconds contemplating whether he really should or not
he follows his gut instinct and makes his way to the loft
he’s only actually been up to the loft once just because it takes forever to get up there 
when he climbs up the ladder and looks around at the empty space he shrugs
“go up to the bookshelf on the far left”
mark feels like a child being directed right now but he follows the instructions anyway
he feels slightly nervous and a part of him wants to escape
its congested up here and he can feel the back of his neck grow sweaty like he’s been waiting for this moment for ages!!!
a part of him wants to run out of the house as quick as possible he’s not even sure what hes expecting
“now um.. move that red book on the end”
mark’s hand is s h a k i ng at this point and he slowly does what hes been told
suddenly????? the bookshelf starts moving 
and then it hits mark
its a fake bookshelf thats actually meant to be a revolving door
mark is literally about to collapse bc he doesnt know whats waiting for him on the other side 
when the door finally reaches the other side all he can do is stare
he feels like he’s in a different world, standing in the loft which resembles an open space apartment, with a tiny window and a mini kitchen on the side, a door which leads to what he assumes is a bathroom and a small bed
but that’s not what catches mark’s attention
standing in front of him is the most b e a u t i f u l boy he’s ever seen in his entire life
he doesn’t look much younger than mark himself, slightly shorter with dark red hair, golden skin and the biggest chocolate brown eyes he’s seen on a person
mark doesn’t know how to react 
his mouth goes dry and the boy looks so frightened standing there in his own vicinity that mark’s afraid he’ll disappear if he touches him
clearing his throat in an all too familiar voice, the boy speaks
“that would be me”
mark passes out
when he wakes up a while later, he’s on an unfamiliar bed and he looks around with narrowed eyes - realising that it wasn’t a dream and donghyuck is in fact a human living in a loft
mark looks around at the place and his jaw drops when he sees the wall opposite the bed is fULL of screens capturing cctv like images of almost every corner of the house
there are about three computer screens at the desk and mark is baffled
it looks like the bedroom of a teenage hacker 
“oh good you’re up. i thought you were dead” donghyuck says, walking over to him from the kitchen with a plate of food
mark sits up slowly, his head is aching and hearing donghyuck’s voice like this, so clear, so close to him, so soft - he thinks he’ll pass out again
he feels himself growing warm when donghyuck takes a seat beside him on the bed, putting the plate on his lap before getting up
before he can, mark grabs his wrist “wait”
“you probably have a lot of questions” donghyuck speaks over him
“well, yeah”
“eat up we’ve got all night” donghyuck says
mark hasn’t even made eye contact with the other boy yet because he can’t bring himself to
donghyuck is intimidatingly beautiful 
“i- what time is it?”
“9. you were out for hours”
“it’s been a long day” mark shrugs, taking a bite of the surprisingly good food donghyuck managed to cook up
so it turns out donghyuck’s family were the owners of the house but he’d been left an orphan as a teenager
in order to avoid being taken into social care, he made his own living space up in the loft so no one would find him - once he’d turned 18 they stopped looking for him and using his intelligent brain, he’d conjured up all the right devices to make it seem like the home was haunted by the ghosts of his family members
mark is baffled by the end of the explanation
“but the things moving around the house..”
“ever heard of remote controlled toys and simple physics?”
mark nods slowly and donghyuck just shrugs casually 
later on donghyuck shows mark how he’d managed to keep up this strange lifestyle of his
he also finds out that donghyuck is not much younger than himself like he’d predicted - there are only a few months separating them
mark ends up spending the weekend at donghyuck’s place
when it’s sunday night and mark’s getting ready to leave, donghyuck actually walks him up the front door
it feels weird to say the least - hearing donghyuck’s voice like this and not projecting through the speakers he had hidden behind the walls
he doesn’t want to admit it to himself, but donghyuck’s voice is sweeter than honey and he feels like melting every time the younger speaks to him in a quieter tone
“hey donghyuck” he says, once he reaches the door and turns to the younger
“you ever thought about just.. buying the house?”
donghyuck lets out a laugh
mark finds it condescending
“do you think i have the money to do that?”
“well since you’ve managed to maintain it so well - yeah” it turns out donghyuck does weird internet jobs from home where he gets paid a shit ton of cash through his online services - mark thinks its illegal but doesn’t want to say anything
donghyuck shoots him an amused smile and shakes his head 
just as mark pulls the handle of the door, there’s a warm hand on his and all he can do is gulp as he meets donghyuck’s nervous eyes
“you won’t still try to sell it.. right?”
mark remembers his outburst a few days ago and he sends the younger a sympathetic smile, shaking his head slowly “i won’t”
“thanks” and then donghyuck’s hand is gone
mark lowkey feels sad at the loss of warmth but it returns when donghyuck asks him in the most v u l ne r a b l e voice
“will you be back?”
“i don’t know”
mark tries to ignore the heartbroken expression on donghyuck’s face while he’s driving home that night
the next morning at work mark feels miserable 
mainly because it’s a monday but also bc of donghyuck
he’s just so conflicted and he doesnt know what to do
when he’s on his break and passes by taeil’s office, he hears taeil talking to one of his co-workers nakamoto yuta, a guy who transferred to the company a few months before mark joined
they’re talking about the house and most importantly they’re talking about mark
“boss just give me the house i’ll do it - i’ve already got a couple people i know who would be willing it purchase it despite the current situation”
“yuta you very well know this is mark’s-”
“boss it’s been over a month now and he’s scared off all his clients. please?”
there’s a pause before he hears a “alright. i’ll talk to mark tomorrow”
mark just p a n i c s because all he can think about is donghyuck
that night mark drives back to donghyuck’s place and the door is already open for him
“you came back” donghyuck sounds breathless - like he just ran down from the loft 
- mark sees sparkles in his eyes and his stomach does a backflip
“i came back” he repeats, the smile on his face growing
when he’s later sat down on donghyuck’s bed, eating the leftovers from the dinner donghyuck’s just made, mark explains his work situation to him
the younger boy nods, trying desperately not to let the sadness show on his face but fails
“hey” mark says, bringing a hand to the younger’s cheek
it’s weird but neither of them say anything
donghyuck thinks mark has the softest!! hands
“i won’t let them sell it” he says in the s o f t e s t voice and donghyuck wants to melt
instead he just scoffs and shrugs mark’s hand away
“if anything, i won’t let them sell it” he says and mark laughs
deep down they both know it’s not selling the house that’s the issue at hand; it’s mark not having an excuse to keep coming back
the atmosphere is weird and tense when mark leaves that evening
donghyuck walks him down to the door again and mark has the urge to hold has hand and tell him it’ll b ok 
just as mark’s about to get into his car donghyuck calls for him 
when mark turns around donghyuck is suddenly !! in his arms!! and wow! soft and warm donghyuck!! 
about a hundred alarm bells go off in mark’s head and his heart is POUNDING but all he does is bring his arms around the younger boy and tighten the hug
when mark arrives at his own place he thinks that donghyuck doesn’t just sound like honey, but smells sweet like it too
he decides honey is his favorite smell
the next day at work mark isn’t surprised when yuta greets him enthusiastically in the morning
he also isn’t surprised when both he and yuta are called into taeil’s office
mark has to act fast - he can’t let yuta take this from him
he’s been up all night thinking about this, thinking about donghyuck
so when taeil’s about to speak up, mark cuts him off:
“boss i want to purchase the property for myself”
both taeil and yuta’s jaws drop and he’s pretty sure he hears jaehyun gasp from outside the door - the office wasn’t exactly a large place
 “you want to do what”
“yes. i’ve thought this through and yeah. as a customer, i want to buy it. i’ve already spent so much time at it it practically already feels like home” donghyuck feels like home
“i’ve already thought about selling my place for a while now anyway - and i don’t think anyone else would be more willing to buy this house more than i am”
taeil and yuta stay silent 
eventually taeil agrees but hands over the property to yuta to sell to mark
when they all come to a deal or whatever mark is dragged aside by jaehyun
“is this why you spent so long there? you wanted it for yourself?” poor bb he is so confused 
mark just smiles and nods “yeah, guess i did”
mark doesn’t return to the house for another few days - he’s gotta tell his parents about his abrupt decision to sell his place and purchase a new one
since he lives in a different town from his parents, they offer to come with his younger brother jisung to help with the move out - he tells them its ok and that he has lots of helping hands here and he’ll call them over when he’s settled in
mark heads to the house towards the end of the week, the contract behind his back as he unlocks the door with his keys
“hey spirit - come out wherever you are!” he calls out playfully
to his surprise donghyuck’s already on his way down - trying not to smile at the sight of the man in front of him
“mark lee”
“donghyuck” he says, unable to contain his excitement as he holds up the paper in front of the younger 
donghyuck squints at it, confused for a moment before his eyes widen
“YOU DID WHAT?????////”
“i bought this house!” 
donghyuck doesn’t know whether he should laugh or cry
“what the hell you just bought my house?!”
mark’s slightly confused bc he thought donghyuck would be happy
donghyuck looks like he’s abt to burst into tears and mark the awkward turtle starts panicking again
“i - i thought it would be better than a random person buying it??” 
“nO because a random person would never buy this house for as long as im alive and now yOU just came out of nowhere and TOOK POSSESSION OF IT??!?!?” 
donghyuck’s a lil mad bc he feels like the house is all he’s got and now its gone and he’s mad at himself for letting his guard down in front of mark and getting so attached to mark and falling for mark and he doesn’t even realise he’s saying this all aloud until mark stares at him with wide eyes
“you what?”
“you do realise not saying anything won’t work anymore since i can actually see you now, right?” 
there’s a quiet mumble “sowhatifilikeyou”
mark feels like he’s about to comBUST
donghyuck’s face is literally the color of a tomato and he just shrinks and he’s so cute mark wants to kiss him
so he does
donghyuck’s lips taste like the warmth of the summer, the confused and nervousness of their feelings, but most importantly they taste sweet - just like honey, just like donghyuck
when mark parts from the kiss first, donghyuck’s fingers curl softly into the material of his shirt, he presses his forehead against the younger’s 
“i’m sorry i did this all without telling you - i just. i did what i felt was right. this feels right, donghyuck. being with you feels right.” mark’s just so nERVOUS and half of what he says comes out so shaky until donghyuck responds quietly
“i want to be with you”
mark wants to pass out
this time however, he doesn’t
time skip a couple of weeks 
donghyuck moves out from the loft and they settle into the house properly
after much insistence donghyuck removes the cameras from around the house except for the exterior and they turn one of the spare bedrooms into a little study for donghyuck where he can do his “illegal business” 
mark suggests him getting out a bit more and donghyuck reluctantly agrees 
mark takes donghyuck out on dates to the movie theatre and out for breakfast
donghyuck is so nervous in public and is practically glued to mark’s side the whole time it’s adorable
they’re both living so d om e s t i ca l ly its sickening
at mark’s housewarming he tells his family and friends that he met donghyuck through tinder
jaehyun doesn’t believe him bc donghyuck’s voice sounds so familiar but he doesn’t know where from - he chooses to drop it though bc the couple in front of him look so happy so he goes to bother sicheng
“hey loser” donghyuck walks out from his study room one sunday afternoon when mark’s on the couch watching tv
“yeah??” mark lowers the volume
“cough up your rent for the month - we gotta pay the water bill cause your fatass won’t stop showering every two minutes”
mark almost chokes on his spit
donghyuck nods, flopping down to take a seat beside him
“idk if you’ve noticed but im the owner of this house if anything you should be coughing up rent”
donghyuck snorts “owner in name. we all know who this house rly belongs to”
mark gives him the stink eye “listen you little shi-mph”
before he can begin his string of insults donghyuck’s already climbed onto his lap and his lips are on mark’s
and they live happily ever after !!!!
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ok what if when Matt got taken by the rebels or pirates or whatever they were they went after him because they believe he can help them with something.
So Matt who’s been in prison for what feels like a lifetime by himself and has given up on everything so now he just goes with the motions and is suddenly surprised bc there’s not only a explosion but it’s a rescue and IT’S FOR HIM. Turns out to be a kidnapping but same thing to Matt. They give him a choice to help them willingly or they’ll force him and keep him a prisoner forever, so naturally he’s like anything’s better than what I’ve just gone through sure I’ll help you. 
So he’s with them on their ship or planet or wherever they needed him and they treat him and the other prisoners they have as a normal person and as one of them and it’s such a sharp contrast to Galra imprisonment it takes some getting use to (He can go where he wants and eat when he wants and have more than one blanket, it’s a bit overwhelming). They have him doing computer and mechanical stuff but he also becomes a pretty good medic once he figures out their biology and he ends up making some improvements bc he knows what substance is in what and what their bodies can take and need. They need more help with the machines though so he’s down working on those. At this point he’s so focused on himself, what to do, how to do it, helping people, and learning their language he just sorta forgets to think about Earth, his family and Shiro. He already mourned all that in prison. He’s just focusing on himself now and today, maybe tomorrow if he lets himself have down time. He understands he has PTSD and scars and he’ll never recover but he is MOVING ON. He doesn’t know how long he’s been on this planet, just that he can now talk to people, has immersed himself in their culture (and avoids anything space related), and compared to space it’s hot here so he’s taking to not wearing sleeves (they get caught in the machines anyways) and pulling his now long hair back, so when everyone gets all exited bc a holiday is coming up it kinda hits him like slap to the face bc time still exists? By the time the Castle pays a visit, for either supplies (maybe one of Matt’s medical inventions?), a alliance, or bc Pidge finally tracked them down, it’s been nearly one of the planet’s years.
Matt knows by now there’s several different kinds of humanoid aliens and since he avoids all space talk he just ignores it and goes to work. The team or just a few of the paladins or maybe just Shiro and/or Pidge see him while walking through or follow him in. He doesn’t even notice the staring because he becomes so engrossed with his work. Shiro and Pidge hardly recognize him. He’s got a mask covering the lower half of his face and goggles on with his hair in a ponytail, a tear in one of his ears, not scrawny but healthy and slightly muscular with gloves and bare arms covered in some kind of grease, and is speaking in another language. It’s not till he laughs that recognition happened. They watch but before they can come closer they get pulled into a meeting and just decide to keep tabs on him. Pidge taps into cameras and sets it up to alert her if he does anything. It pings eventually and everyone clusters around Pidge when she pulls up the cameras and facial rec gets like a 80% match (he’s got a streak of grease on his face and a very tiny white scar shaped like a V at the bottom of his jaw) goes off when he pushes the mask to the top of his head to drink some water. Everyone sits there in shock and Pidge doesn’t even realize she’s crying till she croaks out “i found him.” And Shiro just kinda leans on a table or chair before he has to sit down bc THEY FOUND HIM. THEY FOUND MATT. Someone eventually is like “well let’s go get him” but Pidge sits there a moment longer staring at the live video stream watching Matt help a child before registering the sentence and wiping her tears while standing. Someone has to pull Shiro up but then they’re on their way. Before they go in someone not emotionally compromised suggests that all of them going in at once might overwhelm him. Pidge is adment about being the one to see him first but it’s decided it should be Shiro, as he’s the only one Matt knows is in space. So they send Shiro in without his helmet on and he marches right up behind Matt and just stands there for two minutes. Pidge has to be restrained bc she thinks Shiro isn’t moving fast enough and they could lose Matt again any second now. Shiro just decides to clear his throat and make it up as he goes along but Matt can’t hear him. Shiro’s been clearing his throat for another four awkward minutes now so he switches to saying Matt’s name. It starts off quiet but gets louder and by the the sixth time Matt hears him and just yells back in the native language (even though most of the locals gave him a new name easier for them too pronounce they and the other prisoners occasionally call him “Matt”) without turning around. So Shiro is just like ‘i give up’ and pulls on his arm while saying “Matthew Holt. Matt is that you?” And Matt is a bit annoyed now but turns around while simultaneously realizing that was English and a familiar voice. Naturally Matt just stares at a sheepishly smiling Shiro before going “great, more hallucinations” and turns back around muttering about medications or that someone thought itd be fun to spike his food again. So Shiro tries again. Pulling Matt back around to him he goes slowly “i’m not a hallucination” and Matt tries to go back to work saying “yeah right”. Poor Shiro is still 75% sure this is all a dream but he’s not letting dream Matt get away so this time he holds onto Matt and goes “i’m not a hallucination. I'm real” while squeezing him and Matt, who has been avoiding looking at him, looks up at his face and into his eyes. Shiro smiles and sees Matt’s brain click as Matt starts taking him in, his face, the white hair, the scar, his smile, the armor Matt has most definitely never seen before. Matt slowly brings his hands up and softly pushes against Shiro’s shoulders and chest while saying “you’re real?” Shiro just nods “yeah” “you sure?” “Yeah, yeah I’m sure” “well in that case: when did you get old?” And Shiro just blinks a few times before he notices Matt’s smile and Shiro just laughs and pulls Matt into a crushing hug. There is crying going on on both sides before they pull away and they just kinda hold onto each other and stare at the other a while bc HE’S ALIVE. I’M ALIVE. WE’RE ALIVE. WE’RE FREE AND WE’RE SAFE AND WE’RE TOGETHER.
Pidge is dying bc this is taking too long Shiro hasn’t even gotten to telling Matt she’s in standing a few feet away. “What happened to you?” “Huh” “the armor” “oh” “yeah I don’t need to know about the rest” “it’s a long story” and he finally breaks the news to Matt and he does not take it well. There is yelling from Matt but then Pidge breaks free and races to Matt screaming his name. They collapse on the floor in a hug and both sobbing. Matt is later introduced to the rest of the team, and after days of persuasion agrees to join them (”I cant just leave. I'm probably helping more people here than I will just sitting around watching you guys anyways” “there’s plenty of things you can do to help!” “yeah we’re fighting a war how is that not helping more people?” “I can always use help modifying and updating the Castle” “Didn’t you just complain about how awful the food was for 40 straight minutes, adjusting to the food here was hard enough. And I doubt any of this will help my new vast amount of mental problems” “Matt, I’ve lost my family and I can never get the chance to see them again. Please do not throw away this opportunity.”).
210 notes · View notes
phatjosh180 · 6 years
RACE RECAP: Revel Big Cottonwood Half Marathon
I love this race. Absolutely love it. That shouldn’t be much of a surprise. I kinda talk about it year round. Between this, Nebo and Run Elevated this pretty much is the heart of my race schedule each year. These are my three “A” races. It doesn’t hurt that I absolutely love each canyon as well.
Going into the Revel Big Cottonwood Half Marathon I was feeling pretty good. Over the previous month I hit my two fastest half marathons over the past 18 months. I felt confident that I could hit a year best time at Revel, especially a sub-2:40 time goal. Especially since I knew the course so well.
And, as much as I would love to say that I hit that benchmark — I didn’t. And, there were a number of factors for that. For one, going into the race I was simply sick. I had a chest cold that got the best of me that week. It was weird because it was only focused within my chest, otherwise I felt fine. So I still felt that I’d be okay.
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  A post shared by I’m Josher … (@josherwalla) on Sep 7, 2018 at 10:36pm PDT
I probably shouldn’t have gone into the race with such expectations, but I knew I had it within me. Plus, Jill was going to be running it with me and I always run better when I run with others. I wanted it, bad.
The day before the race I felt pretty good. My legs felt fresh and I wasn’t coughing as much as I was earlier in the week. The discomfort in my lungs were there, but I wasn’t too worried. I was too worried about my pace once I got to mile 10 and outside of the canyon. I knew miles 10-12 were going to be on me — there’s a deceiving gradual uphill that’ll kill ya.
The night before a bunch of us from the Trails & Pavement group met up for a pre-race dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. It’s always fun to socialize out of a running atmosphere. It’s also a great reminder that we all wear things other than running clothes. It was just a fun evening of a lot of laughs and fun times — it helped me get even more excited for the race the following day.
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  Pre-Revel Dinner! @trailsandpavement #thisiswhereweeat
A post shared by I’m Josher … (@josherwalla) on Sep 7, 2018 at 9:27pm PDT
Race morning was pretty typical. I got my drop bag of stuff ready — which was pretty much my race fuel, hoodie and breakfast. I didn’t eat anything out of the usual from the past few months. My typical race morning meal consists of one or two chicken bacon sausage links, some brie cheese and a handful of pecans — a great ration of fat, protein and carbs. It’s not too heavy on the stomach, but it’s sustainable enough to give me enough energy fro the run.
After commuting to bus pick up I walked over to the Maverik to grab a Smart Water as well while waiting to meet up with Jill and Mark to take the bus up the canyon with them. I started munching on my breakfast during the ride up and while waiting up in the canyon for the race to start. It was a good morning and I was really feeling good.
Which was a total flip from the year before when I (stupidly) ate a salad right before the race — which ended up all over a Honey Bucket when I try to slip into one after the gun went off. I have a very low tolerant gag reflex. Something that you’ll want to keep in mind for later in my race story.
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  Checklist for tomorrow’s pre-race food — ✅ Bacon Sausage ✅ Brie Cheese ✅ Pecans All ready to run @runrevel BC in the morning! #half152 #revelbigcottonwood @josherwalla.run
A post shared by JosherDoes Keto (@josherwalla.fit) on Sep 7, 2018 at 10:40pm PDT
The race started at 6:45am and Jill and my goal was to stick together as much as we could and go for that sub-2:40 — and for Jill this would be a PR attempt. We wanted to help pace each other along. We inched our way across the starter’s mat about 12 minutes after the gun sounded and soon the shuffle turned into a jog, run and then sprint.
But, that sprint didn’t last long as we tried to consciously calm our excitement and nerves. Plus, starting a goal race like this TOO fast is one of the biggest cardinal sins of running. So we slowed down and let the crowd pace us for a bit.
The first few miles were not only fast, but absolutely gorgeous. The sun was rising over the mountains and gave the canyon a feel that not only autumn was almost here, but like you were almost running in a Bob Ross painting. There were literally happy little trees everywhere.
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  A post shared by I’m Josher … (@josherwalla) on Sep 8, 2018 at 3:12pm PDT
Around mile 4-5 I started feeling fatigue inch into my legs and lungs. I wasn’t too surprised by that because I wasn’t running intervals — I was just keeping up with Jill. But, at the Mile 5 aid station we ran into Amanda, Mike and Brandy — who were running intervals. I told Jill to go ahead so I could stay back with them. I wanted Jill to get her PR.
Intervals were a welcome change of pace. They allowed my legs a small reprieve from the steep decent and having trained mostly in intervals (and fartleks) it was something my body was used to and happy about doing at that point of the race. And, quite honestly, I probably should have been doing since I crossed the starting mat.
But, that’s a story for another day.
I had a blast running with the Bjarnsons and Brandy. It’s always fun running with those three. We posed for a couple of pictures. Mainly at the S curve with my Hokas and then when we were running down ‘the fastest mile’ like Phoebe Bufay. Like I said, we had a blast!
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  A post shared by JosherDoes Keto (@josherwalla.fit) on Sep 8, 2018 at 3:36pm PDT
It was right after ‘the fastest mile’ when we ran past the electrical plant that my body just started wanting — well — more like needing to slow down. I let the Bjarnsons and Brandy go ahead. At this point I just kind of conceded my race because my chest cold cough decided to make an appearance.
By Mile 8 I started cough a bit uncontrollably and without much effort — I threw up. Usually after I throw up … I’m fine, if not better. But, I wasn’t. My stomach soon got the message that it needed to get rid of EVERYTHING in my stomach. That included my breakfast and dinner from the previous night.
Not fun.
I got to the Mile 10 aid station and knew I needed rid more of my stomach contents. Not wanting to barf in front of volunteers and runners I grabbed a trash can and went behind the row of Honey Buckets to spew. It was less graceful than my upheaval at Mile 8, but definitely not the worst at the end of the day.
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  A post shared by I’m Josher … (@josherwalla) on Sep 9, 2018 at 6:34pm PDT
I carried on and just focused on the last three miles in front of me. By this time I knew I was well past my sub-2:40 time and more than likely past a sub-2:50 time. I still wanted a sub-3 time, but at the same time — I just didn’t want to die. Not only wasn’t my stomach stable, but being out of the canyon exposed me to the sun. There were no happy little trees to give me shade.
The weather was doing me dirty. Those last three miles went from a hot clear sky to overcast in what seemed like every half mile. It was horrible. As soon as I got used to the shade of the clouds BAM there was the sun. This just seemed to make things worse for me.
At Mile 12, I was done. I knew I had nothing left in me and I tried to walk. But, I couldn’t. The simple act of walking made me cramp — yet — running didn’t?! It was a cruel punishment, because I really didn’t want to run. And, while I was in that moment lamentation — I threw up again.
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  A post shared by I’m Josher … (@josherwalla) on Sep 8, 2018 at 3:57pm PDT
At this point that last mile seemed like an eternity. My focus now was to simply not pass out. I was worried about that, because I could feel that my body was dehydrated. I couldn’t stomach hardly any water as evidenced by my last aid station stop. I just wanted to stay up on my feet, finish the race and then die.
I kept shuffling along and by complete surprise from me — I was passing people. It really didn’t have much to do with my athletic ability or speed. It was probably a combination of other runner’s struggles and the fact that if I stopped to walk I would have cramped.
I got to the finish line and as my friend Nick gave me my finisher’s medal I immediately felt a familiar feeling — the brewing of another stomach eruption. I desperately looked for a trash can. Nick pointed me toward the medical tent. But, within two steps toward the tent everything came out all over.
All over.
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  A post shared by JosherDoes Keto (@josherwalla.fit) on Sep 9, 2018 at 10:39am PDT
I made this desperate attempt to catch the vomit with two of my cupped hands. That was a joke. After I deposited my load a medical volunteer handed me a vomit bag and pointed me toward the tent and a cot.
To my surprise Jill was laying next to me with taped up calves sipping on water. After throwing up again — this time in my vomit bag — I asked Jill how her race went. Obviously, she got in before me, but I wanted to know if she got a new PR. Which she did! She came in at 2:34 — an eight minute PR!
While reveling in that accomplishment for her the nurses were assessing my situation. They gave me an anti-nausea pill — which helped. But, I still couldn’t really stomach water — which I needed. Knowing this I asked for an IV.
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  A post shared by I’m Josher … (@josherwalla) on Sep 8, 2018 at 4:18pm PDT
An IV is usually a last resort, but I could feel my body’s need for hydration — fast. And, I’ve had IVs after a couple other races in the past. They can really turn the tide after a hot depleted race. And, this IV did the trick.
After hanging out in the med tent with the IV and sipping water afterwards for about an hour I hobbled over to the Run4fun tent to continue my post-race rehab. Once I got my legs back underneath me I made the long — yet short — walk back to my car for the ride home.
I was exhausted, but much better than when I crossed that finish line. I just needed a nap. And, a few more hours before thinking about food. But, more than that a nap. So, when I got home and collapsed for a couple hours. It was perfection.
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  A post shared by I’m Josher … (@josherwalla) on Sep 8, 2018 at 4:30pm PDT
In retrospect, I know what went wrong. I know what I need to do to avoid this kind of outcome again. I need to stick with intervals — or at the very least race the way I train. I got overeager with my goals and wanting to stick with Jill. I needed to run my race and let Jill run her race.
I also should have put into account that I was sick that previous week when making race plans. That really was just dumb. I tried to mentally avoid that key fact of reality. Should I have not raced at all — no, of course not. I am not going to miss this race. I am a Legacy Runner and I take pride in that. But, I should have slowed down and been more conservative.
But, the good that came out of all of this I guess is that I finished under three hours (2:56:46) — and it really could have been much, much worse. There were a number of runners that didn’t make it to the finish line and that just wasn’t going to happen to me.
And, it didn’t.
Revel Big Cottonwood Half Marathon Times
2013 – 2:12:37 (42) 2017 – 3:10:21 (128) 2018 – 2:56:46 (152)
Revel Big Cottonwood Marathon Times
2012 – 5:39:09 (2) (PR) 2014 – 6:42:21 (6) 2015 – Swept (8) 2016 – Swept (9)
Join the Trails & Pavement Revel Big Cottonwood 2019 Team
Registration is now open for the 2019 Revel Big Cottonwood Full & Half Marathon — happening next year on September 14th! For many runners here along the Wasatch Back this is THE race of the year. It’s not only fast, beautiful and well organized — it’s a full out party!
The Trails & Pavement Facebook Group will have a team at next year’s race! Being a part of the team comes with some perks — you get a $5 off discount for joining, we have special bibs with our team name on it and we’ll have a canopy tent at the finish line of the race.
With registration open for 2019 if you join our team AND use the code GOBIG at checkout, you’ll get $15 off your registration. That’s the lowest price you’re going to get for next year’s race! Just sign up using this link >>> https://bit.ly/2wYxsNS or search for trailsandpavement when registering at www.runrevel.com/bcm.
My Next Five Races
Moonlight Half Marathon; September 21 Ragnar Sunset Relay; October 6 The Haunted Half: Salt Lake City; October 20 The Haunted Half: Provo; October 27 Holiday Hero 5K; November 3
A post shared by Trails & Pavement (@trailsandpavement) on Aug 30, 2018 at 7:04am PDT
RACE RECAP: Revel Big Cottonwood Half Marathon was originally published on PhatJosh | My Life Running.
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coloredgayngels · 7 years
1-8, 10, 13-17, 19-29, 31-43, 45-63, 65-85, 87-147, 149.
i hate u so much
Everything under the cut bc this is gonna be long and you guys are gonna know so much more about me than you probably ever wanted to.
Ask sent on August 4, 2015; Finished answering 42-150 on March 5, 2017. Bolded portion of answers 1-41 is the current answer.
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
I think it was my friend Madison idk Lexy probably
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
I’m relatively outgoing I guess, just introverted. Ambiverted, so it depends on the situation and what I’m doing
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
School starts on Wednesday so I’m looking forward to seeing Selena, Eric, Liam, sparklebattle​, and vivid-living-color​. We got tech tomorrow, so Lexy, Allison, Brittany, and a few others
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I dunno really. Kinda? Depends on if I like you or not.
5.  If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Of course. They’ve said they would before. Most definitely
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Nerdy and cute, similar to myself, preferably a girl, really nice but not afraid to speak her mind. Always ready to hit a dude. So basically I want Charlie Bradbury. This still reigns true but also Anna Kendrick or Rey 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
Probably not. Well I sure hope so.
8. Who from the opposite another gender is on your mind?
Quite a few boys actually, a girl or two, and one other (I’m nb so there is no “opposite”, not that there is in the first place). I’m not naming names for reasons. Um, Kai, Vine, someone else
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
A bit
10.  Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
I think it was probably spoopycena​ but I don’t remember it well Kai ?? I think ???? @unlxckiest​
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“Carl said yesterday 9:30”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
How Far I’ll Go - Moana/Auli’i CravalhoIcarus (Born on Wings of Steel) - KansasSeven Nation Army - Melanie Martinez Voice PerformanceFreaks (ft. Savage) - Timmy TrumpetHow Far We’ve Come - Matchbox Twenty
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Only if they have permission first, but absolutely Heck yeah
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
I don’t know. If anything like that has happened to me, I wouldn’t know. A little bit
15. What good thing happened this summer?
Good things have happened? I suppose. I got to do VBS with a bunch of my friends, went on retreat with the greatest group of people (including said friends), and then spent nearly 12 hours with that same group on Sunday, so those were all really good. I also changed my name twice and I feel good about that. There was a lot of stuff but all in all it wasn’t really great (i dont remember lmao)
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
404 Answer Not Found
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
I wouldn’t doubt it. space mermaids on jupiter
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
19. Do you like bubble baths?
Yeah. Don’t ever take them tho
20. Do you like your neighbors?
John’s cool, I don’t know the other people, the girls across the street are adorable. Heck yeah
21. What are your bad habits?
I bite my lip when scared/nervous, I scratch at my wrists a lot, I stick out my tongue when focused. I pull my hair when anxious or angry, I click my pens, I tap my fingers and bounce my leg
22. Where would you like to travel?
Anywhere really.
23. Do you have trust issues?
Define trust issues, because I’m 95-100% open to a few people but then 0-5% with other despite how close we may be.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Leaving the house, on a good day (school year)
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My stomach and my chest
26. What do you do when you wake up?
When I don’t have anywhere to be, I hit snooze, sleep a few hours and then do social media rounds. On school days, I sit up right away so I don’t fall back asleep, do a quick check of emails, facebook messages, and instagram, and then get up. After five alarms, I check Q, delete other notifications, get dressed, and leave the house
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
This is a lil bit of a dangerous question, bc I’m already pale af, but I like it the way it is. Skin color is beautiful no matter what shade it is and nobody should feel the need to change it. A little darker
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
Like, talking, it’s nonrelativistic, shampoovevo, and probably insanity-universe but since they all live a bajillion miles away, I’m presence-wise most comfortable around Liam and Selena. HA @ all of those. Brittany, Allison, Ms. Taylor, Kai, Vine, Basil, KR, Riley, Dawn
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
In a way, yes, I suppose. Both will absolutely see this, so I’m a lil afraid to give a definitive answer.
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Heck yeah
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
It is, thankfully, but that’s about the limit of what it can do. I cut it from mid-back to my collarbone in January, and now it’s around the top of my chest. I do regret that cut tho… It’s long again !!! It’s up right now, and I love it
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
I could go on, but I’ll stick with Brendon and Sarah Urie for now. Anna Kendrick and Daisy Ridley
33. Spell your name with your chin.
jesus christ my entire family is in here teagan did i mention i hate you Once again, my mother and grandmother are in the room fuck
jhasmnerswa (James) jascer (Jace)
34.  Do you play sports? What sports?
To quote Patrick Stump, “I don’t sport.”
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
TV. I hardly watch it anyway. Besides, it’s all on Netflix anyway.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
All the time these last few years.  holy shit
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Nothing if I can help it.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
See #6 above.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
I don’t really have favorite stores…. i go to target a lot does that count
40. What do you want to do after high school?
No idea tbh, but kinda-ish. I want to work with kids but not teach.  I’m headed to college for ECE in the fall so uh, this answer has changed a bunch
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
I believe in second chances based on initial insult. I’m pretty forgiving, but do something bad enough and I won’t let you have that second chance (or third or seventeenth in one case).
42. If you’re being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I’m probably zoned out, anxious, depressed, dissociating, thinking, or angry. Either way, don’t talk to me.
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Yes, albeit awkwardly.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Jesus Christ neither
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
I’m not sure actually
46. What are you paranoid about?
Being murdered, being broken up with, adulthood, financial stability, failing school, being too anxious to teach
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
See #47
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
I don’t think so?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Quite often
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My body
53. Favourite makeup brand?
54. Favourite store?
See #39
55. Favourite blog?
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food?
Lo Mein with orange chicken
58. Last thing you ate?
Part of a vanilla frosted long john donut
59. First thing you ate this morning?
Jelly donut wholes
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
I’ve won a couple Kahoots…. (Disney, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Africa)
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
I punched a kid in the stomach in the fourth grade and got suspended for three days
62. Been arrested? For what?
Nope, nothing
63. Ever been in love?
A few times
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
See #16
65. Are you hungry right now?
Not particularly? I might grab some leftover lo mein soon tho
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Nah, I don’t have really any tumblr friends with the exception of Elaina
67. Facebook or Twitter?
Twitter hands down
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
Both? I go on both equally
69. Are you watching tv right now?
Yupper, watching Worst Cooks in America
70. Names of your bestfriends?
Elliot, Allison, Kai, Vine, Riley, Basil
71. Craving something? What?
Lo Mein
72. What colour are your towels?
I use a white one with blue rain drops and a yellow duck for my hair, and my other is either blue, tan, or grey depending on what’s clean
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
*quietly counts* 12
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Oh boy, 20-ish
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
Pale pink
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
Katniss Everdeen green
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
The 100 or Timeless
82. Favourite movie?
Captain America: Civil War, Captain America: Winter Soldier, or Moana
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Mean Girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
See #83
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
Janis Ian
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
My grandma
88. Last person you talked to today?
My grandma
89. Name a person you hate?
matt delli
90. Name a person you love?
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Matt Delli or like Selena
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Six or Seven
95. Last movie you watched?
Finding Dory
96. Favourite actress?
Daisy Ridley or Anna Kendrick
97. Favourite actor?
Jensen Ackles or Bob Morley
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
We have two betta fish, a frog, a leopard gecko, two cats, and a dog
100. How are you feeling?
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
y e a h
103. Can you spell well?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
A few
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
Yes. Never again.
108. What should you be doing?
An English project
109. Is something irritating you right now?
My mom’s presence
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
christ almighty yes
111. Do you have trust issues?
See #23
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
Yes! I’ve gone to or driven through Washington state, California, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois (live here), Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Michigan, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, Mexico, and Haiti.
115. Do you play the Wii?
I used to
116. Are you listening to music right now?
Unfortunately no
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
It’s my favorite
119. Favourite book?
Oh jeez this is a hard one. Probably Blood of Olympus or Deathly Hallows
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
Holy shit. Deathly.
121. Are you mean?
122. Is cheating ever okay?
On a test in a boring class off a friend who may or may not be helping you? Maybe. On a person, ever? Never.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Kind of
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
A little bit
127. What makes you happy?
Kai, reading, writing, music, Chipotle, Starbucks, The 100, Timeless, Rey
128. Would you change your name?
I already have multiple times, but right now, no, I’m content.
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
131. Your best friend of the opposite sex another gender likes you, what do you do?
I’m in a relationship, but we can remain friends
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
See #10
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
"I'd die for you," that's easy to sayWe have a list of people that we would takeA bullet for them, a bullet for youA bullet for everybody in this roomBut I don't seem to see many bullets coming throughSee many bullets coming throughMetaphorically, I'm the manBut literally, I don't know what I'd do"I'd live for you," and that's hard to doEven harder to say when you know it's not trueEven harder to write when you know that tonightThere were people back home who tried talking to youBut then you ignored them stillAll these questions they're for realLike "Who would you live for?","Who would you die for?"And "Would you ever kill?"
-Ride, Twenty One Pilots
134. Can you count to one million?
I could but I’m not gonna
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
I lie about taking food all the time
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
Closed and locked
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
(treating 138-139 as preferences) Curly
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
Been there, done that, didn’t agree with me
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Dark or milk
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
“Stay afraid. Do it anyway. What’s important is this action. You don’t have to be confident. Just do it, and eventually the confidence will follow.” -Carrie Fisher
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“Circe,” (From my journal)
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