#tony shielding clint
guest-1-2-3 · 6 months
so. never consumed any mcu content whatsoever. however i have recently stumbled upon peter parker/harley keener fanfics, went down a rabbit hole, and am now obsessed with their dynamic and i realized i have just fallen into the trap of another blond + southerner + sarcastic + calls-his-boyfriend-darlin’ + infinitely supportive + big fucking nerd x incredibly traumatized + sarcastic + italian + orphan + definitely-started-saving-the-world-too-young + big fucking nerd ship. i am nothing if not predictable
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randomstuffjustrandom · 10 months
Bruce: Guys! I just realised that’s Tony spelled backwards is Y not. Everyone: *looks at Tony* Rhodey: Fitting considering that is Tony’s answer to everything. Sam: If that’s the case then Natasha back wards is Ah Satan Everyone: *looks at Natasha* Clint: yeah that sounds about right.
Shield agents: mmhmm
everyone: *shudders* Natasha: *evil grin*
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idiotlosingsanity · 4 months
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Avengers Aesthetic
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Okay, people, i need help with fic-hunting.
Once upon a time, i read a Loki-centric fanfiction. It was basically about how his punishment after the New York attach was a sort of obidience curse and he was given to the avengers. They put him in a cell in the basement with pretty much nothing in it, before realising he need to be given permission to eat or drink too. Slowly each of the avengers warm up to him, i distinctly remember Natasha for example. Some avengers, Clint especially had a hard time but also got there slowly.
They were slowly building up his room, it had a mattress first, then a proper bed, books, clothes, plushes, etc.
It might have had a mutism or amnesia aspect, i don't quite remember, but Loki was struggling, and i think Shield had Loki first, then Avengers? But this part is hazy.
It was a really good, angsty hurt/comfort fic, and i canseem to find it for the life of me
Pls help!
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hainethehero · 10 months
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Fluffy hair, plush pink lips, a permanent pout, gorgeous tits and a peachy ass...
The first time he topped, he cried and made Bucky promise never to do it again!
He likes soft, cosy blankets, hot cocoa and snuggles dammit!
He likes when Bucky sings him to sleep!
Natasha holds his hands sometimes on missions when his anxiety gets too much!
Tony keeps lil Ty beanie boo plushies around Avengers tower just for Steve when he gets bored or lonely.
Bruce watches Bluey with him because he finds modern children's animation and TV MINDBLOWING!
Rumlow lets him doodle on his hand when they're being debriefed for missions at SHIELD.
Rollins lets him put his head on his lap during breaks on missions.
Thor answers all his questions about Asgard and takes him there to draw and paint!
Clint brings Steve along with his family when it's movie night!
Fury plays boardgames with him!
And Sam takes him for ice-cream and coffee and long walks in the park!
This man is soft! This man is adorable! And MCU has taken all that away from him. He is not always in charge, he does not like war, he hates the government and he just wants to be seen as a person.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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sjsmith56 · 4 months
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The Gilded Age, Part 1 - Introductions All Around
Summary: Miss Amelia Winston arrives at the building housing the Society of Heroic Individuals and Estimable Lofty Deeds (SHIELD), home of the famed Avengers, having accepted the position of librarian / curator for the organization. Of all the introductions made the one that affects her the most is that of Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes.
Length: 4.6 K
Characters: Named OFC (description scattered throughout the story), Virginia Stark, Morgan Stark, Anthony Stark, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Bruce Banner, James Buchanan Barnes.
Warnings: a reference to ritual cannibalism in passing.
Author notes: In this Avenger/ Bucky Barnes AU, there are elements of steampunk, but they have been used sparingly and only as a device to explain how things may have worked if the Avengers were a reality in that year. Some of the amenities or activities described in the story may have happened later in our reality but since it is an AU, anything is possible. Much of the official canon has been changed or modified starting with what the acronym SHIELD stands for, and the powers (or lack of) that the individual Avengers have. HYDRA will still be evil. Pepper Stark's given name in the MCU is Virginia so she will be referred to by that name in this story.  Given the setting of the story, most title boards will contain images generated by Microsoft Copilot in Designer mode, created by the author. Dividers from vecteezy.com.
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This is an alternate universe story set in 1899, near the end of the Gilded Age, in New York City. It is a time that appears to be prosperous, as economic expansion grows the economy, leading to better wages and a demand for skilled labourers, drawing immigrants from all over. But this time also has dark shadows. It is described by Mark Twain as an era of materialistic excess, combined with political corruption. Just as there are villains, there are heroes, the famed Avengers of the Society of Heroic Individuals and Estimable Lofty Deeds, or SHIELD.
Part 1 – Introductions all Around
The hansom cab pulled up in front of the large stone building in the heart of New York City, and a door attendant came straight over to it, opening the door then pulling out the fold out step. Inside the cab, Amelia Winston rose, then grasped the gloved hand of the door attendant, nodding at him as he helped her out onto the street.
"Go right on in, Miss Winston," he said calmly. "Mrs. Stark is waiting for you."
"Thank you," she replied as she turned towards the door while the door attendant called for another to help him with her luggage.
Inside, the ornate lobby of the Society of Heroic Individuals and Estimable Lofty Deeds, also known as SHIELD, drew Amelia's attention, as the gilded columns that surrounded the space seemed to reach high up into the heart of the building. The gold reflected the light that came through the almost cathedral-like windows, the beams of sunlight illuminating the mosaic marble tiled floor with a grandeur she had never seen before. The thought occurred to Amelia that surely this initial entry into the building would make anyone feel heroic and capable of great deeds, not just the individuals who resided here.
"It is impressive, is it not?" asked a female voice and she turned to see an elegant blonde woman approaching her.
Her fine state of dress was exquisitely made and obviously exclusive, but the manner in which Virginia Stark extended her bare hand was familiar and Amelia withdrew the glove from her right hand, extending it to Mrs. Stark. They stood together in the lobby, still gazing upwards as the two doormen brought in the last of Amelia's luggage. Mrs. Stark glanced at the one man, the one who had come out to greet the cab.
"Hogan, please make sure Miss Winston's luggage is taken to her suite on the 17th floor," she said. "I'll give her the tour." He touched his cap and directed the younger man with him to fetch a dolly. Mrs. Stark linked her arm with Amelia's then strode towards a more central location inside the building, where a large fountain, it's water streams caught in the beams of light from the windows, glistened. "Anthony installed this as a wedding present, to remind him of the day he proposed. We were on a mission in Chicago, when a bomb exploded on a water main, sending streams of water into the air. It was destructive in its beauty, and he just turned to ask if perhaps we should get married upon our return. I couldn't say no."
"Do you still go on missions?"
"Occasionally, when the situation warrants it, but Anthony requires someone he can trust to manage the affairs of the Society as well as his own personal empire in his absence. I'm it, but we have no rules about married woman resigning from active service so if you happen to find a connection with one of our gentlemen heroes that leads to matrimony, your future roll will be decided by you and him. They are used to having female colleagues in the field, so most should be amenable if you wish to continue your career as one of our heroic individuals."
"Even though my position is librarian?"
"You never know," smiled Mrs. Stark. "Sometimes we need someone that looks the part to play the part. Plus, it is in your contract that you may be required to perform other tasks as needed. We would never knowingly put you in danger, please be assured of that."
She showed Amelia the other parts of the lobby, the small kiosks that provided services, a shoeshine station, newspaper emporium, a small store that provided sundry needs and necessities, as well as a restaurant that seemed to have many people entering it from a separate street level door. Pausing at the elevator, she pressed the button to bring one of the cars down, then smiled at the elevator operator as he pulled the sliding grate out of the way. Mrs. Stark asked for the top floor, the 21st. Along the way up the car stopped several times, and Mrs. Stark greeted everyone who stepped on by name, proving her talent as a capable manager, as all seemed pleased at her notice. After the last of those individuals, including the elevator operator, stepped off before the 17th floor, she leaned closed and murmured into Amelia's ear.
"Only those in the Avenger service, and certain staff, are permitted beyond the 16th floor. Since many of our heroic individuals have unique abilities, we protect their privacy in the residential area. Anything you see, hear, or experience here is to be kept to yourself as part of your contract. Failure to do so can result in immediate dismissal."
When the elevator car opened on the 21st floor she opened the sliding grate herself, then the outer doors, allowing Amelia to exit first. Leaving the elevator as it was Mrs. Stark stepped forward and led the younger woman to a large open area, punctuated only by a few pillars. On one side was a doorway to another wing, containing the Stark residence, a fully self-contained suite. This side had a view of New York that was breathtaking, as one could see out over both the Hudson and East Rivers. Handsome leather club chairs and sofas punctuated the area, interspersed with small decorative palm plants, side tables, and off to the side a large billiard table. Along one wall was an impressive display of books, with several tables with bankers' lamps on them, presumably for someone to perform research at night. Another wall contained a large bar, backed with many bottles of fine liqueurs, wine, and even a beer dispenser. It was done in a most elegant and civilized way. A piano in another corner hinted at the possibility of performances. Next to it, a dart board promised some competitive activities.
"This is where most of the Avengers come to relax after a mission or between missions," said Mrs. Stark. "It can get quite lively in here. Some are quite happy to quietly imbibe a spirit, gazing out the window at the landscape, while others seek something more active. Many undertake their own research, using the library here. You, being the librarian, will be responsible for the care of these books, as well as those on the 16th floor, a more extensive collection, which is why you have been given Avengers status for access to this floor."
"It seems to be very quiet right now," Amelia ventured.
"They are on a mission," answered Mrs. Stark. She checked a pocket watch that she pulled out of a small pocket in her skirt. "I expect their return after dark. Now, let me show you your apartment."
They re-entered the elevator, and Mrs. Stark, once again pulled the sliding grate back, then pressed the 17th floor button. When they exited the car, Amelia was surprised to see another open area immediately in front of the elevator core. There was a small kitchen area, as well as a dining room, sitting room, and a large room that seemed to have several projects going on at once.
"The Avengers have various personal interests," said Mrs. Stark. "Captain Rogers is an accomplished artist, while Dr. Banner has several different interests, including gardening, chemistry, and astronomy. Sergeant Barnes shares the astronomy space with him, but is also inclined to tinker with engines, although that is down in the basement due to the noise and smells. Anthony often joins him there. They can talk for hours on mechanical subjects. Miss Maximoff is a musician, while her beau Vision is attempting to learn the culinary arts. Mademoiselle Romanoff is a student of fashion and has worked on making appropriate attire for our female operatives that allows them greater freedom of movement in the field, while maintaining their femininity. If there is anything you are interested in, please pass it on to Jarvis, the concierge. He will go to the ends of the earth to acquire your needs."
"Those you just named are also residents on this floor?" asked Amelia.
"Yes, in fact, your apartment is between Sergeant Barnes and Captain Rogers." She stopped at a door, then showed how they didn't use a lock and key. Instead, there was a rolling dial, with three columns. Stark showed how the three numbers were selected then listened as the locks disengaged. "Only you, I and Hogan know the combination. I know it so that if there is ever an emergency we can enter. Whether you share that number with anyone else is your choice. We do respect your privacy and expect the same from you."
Pressing the door open, Amelia walked into a suite unlike any she had ever lived in. The furniture was well appointed, without appearing too opulent or gaudy. Her sitting room promised many hours of quiet reading, knitting, or crocheting, and she realized that she could even start some other hobbies that she had considered, like needlework, flower drying, and philately. Hogan had correctly determined which of her cases held her own personal book collection, as it was placed next to a sizeable bookshelf, positioned behind a wide desk. The rest of her luggage, containing her clothes was in her bedroom, placed beside the large wardrobe. The bathroom alone, comprised of a separate toilet in a small room, sink, large vanity and claw foot bathtub, that also contained a shower, was almost as large as Amelia's previous flat in Chicago.
"This is more than I anticipated," she exclaimed to Mrs. Stark. "Are you sure it isn't an imposition to have me live here?"
"No, it is more efficient, considering the nature of our vocations," said the blonde woman. "There may be times when you are roused from sleep to undertake some last-minute research on a location, or a certain segment of the population to prepare the Avengers for their mission. Having you on-site means you can dispense with having to get fully dressed." Amelia's eyes widened. "I meant that in the sense you wouldn't have to wear a corset or even a full sleeved blouse, which you don't have to anyway if you're more comfortable not wearing them. You can wear more practical clothing that takes moments to don and be at your desk quickly. Our society in this building is quite modern in temperament and liberated for 1899, Miss Winston. Suffragette is not an unpleasant word in these confines."
With that last pronouncement, Mrs. Stark left Amelia to commence unpacking, inviting the younger woman to join her for dinner at 7 pm, sharp. Putting her mind to the task, Amelia was fully unpacked well before 6 pm, leaving her enough time to bathe then dress appropriately for dinner. After summoning the elevator, she entered the empty car, copying the motions that Mrs. Stark had performed earlier, then pressed the button for the 21st floor. There was no one present but the door into the Stark residence was open, so Amelia walked towards it, only to be almost bowled over by a small dark-haired girl, running out without looking where she was going.
"Morgan H. Stark, you come back, please," called Mrs. Stark from within the apartment.
The little girl stopped suddenly in front of the visitor, who spoke first.
"Hello, my name is Amelia Winston and I've been invited for dinner. Who might you be?"
"Morgan Stark," she replied. "I live here. Are you the new librarian?"
"I am." She looked up at the doorway. "Perhaps, you could escort me in and announce my presence?"
A grin crossed Morgan's face and she held up her hand. "Okay." Leading her inside she took the young woman into the sitting room. "Mama, I am announcing Amelia Winston, the new librarian."
"You have met our little cyclone," smiled Mrs. Stark. "Thank you, Morgan, for your excellent introduction. Now, if you would be so kind as to wash your hands, I think you can join us, if you're on your best behaviour."
A maid appeared and escorted Morgan to perform her ablutions.
"She is very spirited," noted Amelia. "You have only the one child?"
"Yes, thus far," smiled Mrs. Stark. "Please come in."
They sat in the sitting room, chatting until the reappearance of Morgan, who had also had some repair work done to the ribbons in her hair. With her appearance, Mrs. Stark advised the maid to let the cook know they were ready to eat, and she led the way to the dining room. The grand room, with doors to both the apartment and shared common area, centred by a table large enough for twenty, was richly decorated, with paintings, small statuary and thick damask curtains on the windows. The table, set for three, was oak, stained almost black and buffed to a high shine. It was both impressive and its chairs comfortable to sit at, as Mrs. Stark kept up a commentary of the origins of much of the furniture while the entrée was served. It seemed that many countries and rulers were indebted to the society for their services, feeling the need to provide some recompense in the form of unique furniture or other gifts.
"Now mind you, the gifts we received from the head chief of a tribe in British New Guinea, aren't exactly meant for regular company. When you explore your domain, you will find the artifacts catalogued in the collection of religious icons." She leaned over and whispered. "Skulls, as the tribe were still engaging in ritual cannibalism at the time. They are probably our most unusual "payment," but they were appreciative of our work on their behalf."
The subsequent conversation was just as engaging as that fact shared with Amelia and she found herself enjoying the company immensely. When dinner was finished, and while Morgan was prepared for her bedtime, the two women sat in comfortable chairs, overlooking the south end of Manhattan. The view of the streets below, lit by a combination of gas and electric lamps was breathtaking. After they finished their tea, and Morgan came out to say goodnight to Amelia, Mrs. Stark also bid her goodnight, as she always read her daughter a story and tucked her in for bed. It was a genial way to end the evening.
Back in her suite, Amelia disrobed, then washed her face and neck in the bathroom. Her hair was let down, and she brushed its long length before plaiting it into a single braid. Slipping into a cotton nightgown, she then turned down the bed, and after making sure the door was locked and windows secure, got under the covers and turned off the electric lamp at the side of the bed. Her heart was full of both hope and ambition that this position would be fulfilling for a young woman graduate of Chicago's Armour Institute library program, completing her formal education just two years before. Now, here she was, on the cusp of the next century, the head researcher, curator, and librarian of the Society of Heroic Individuals and Estimable Lofty Deeds, along with other tasks not yet specified. Life was truly exciting.
A slip of paper placed under Amelia's door before she woke up in the morning, invited her to dine with the others for breakfast, in the large dining room on the 21st floor, at precisely 9 am. Wrapping her hair up in a turban, Amelia tried out the bathtub, amazed at the water pressure coming out of the tap at this high floor level. After bathing and putting on her undergarments she decided to take Mrs. Stark at her word, and dispensed with her strongest corset, instead using one that she often used when on vacation with her family. It didn't interfere with her breathing, and she had accomplished several hikes in the mountains of Colorado without difficulty. She put on a white blouse, cut in a close-fitting shirtwaist style, then draped her favourite necklace over it, a silver locket pendant given to her by her father when she graduated from high school. Her petticoats and skirt were stepped into, and she buttoned the opening then fastened a beaded belt at the waist. Twisting her hair into a loose chignon, and fastening it with several long hair pins, she pinched her cheeks and admired her figure in the mirror. Finally, she placed a small dab of her perfume, Cœur de Jeannette, behind her ears. At least she would look nice and smell good for this first meeting with the others.
When she stepped out of her apartment, she noticed several individuals were already gathered in the sitting area. They all rose when she made her exit out of her suite. One of them, a beautiful red-headed woman approached her eagerly.
"At last, you must be Miss Winston," smiled the woman. "I am Natasha Romanoff, code name Black Widow. Please call me by my first name, as I know we will be great friends."
"Very well, call me Amelia." She shook Natasha's hand, then looked past her to the others, who were approaching.
"Amelia Winston," repeated Natasha, "may I introduce you to Wanda Maximoff, code name Scarlet Witch, her beau, Vision, whose name is his code name, Captain Rogers, who everyone knows as Captain America, Samuel Wilson, known as The Falcon, and Clint Barton, known as Hawkeye, who is my fiancé. The others are still to appear."
She looked at them in turn, the petite and incredibly beautiful Wanda seemed younger than her, while her beau Vision, a tall blond man with a serious air seemed older and more reserved by the formality of his greeting. Captain Rogers was everything she ever imagined from the drawn images of him in the newspapers; tall, handsome, broad-shouldered and sporting a short haircut that seemed to be somewhat unruly as a shock of it draped itself over his forehead. His blue eyes twinkled as he shook her hand.
"It's a pleasure, Miss Winston," he said. "I've been fortunate to see some of your published sketches of your hiking trip in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. You must be an accomplished hiker and mountaineer to have ascended the heights you did."
"Thank you, it was quite an accomplishment, considering I had been limiting myself to less extreme terrain before," she replied. "We had excellent guides and the presence of my father and brother added to the enjoyment."
Another handsome man stuck his hand out, repeating the introduction of himself as Sam Wilson. She detected an accent of the south in his speech and commented on it, to which he admitted coming from Louisiana.
"So, by your code name are you a falconer, Mr. Wilson?" she asked. "It is a noble profession with centuries of history behind it."
"I do have falcons," he admitted. "But I am also the person who wears one of Mr. Stark's newest inventions, a flying suit. So far, I haven't used it on missions, but I will soon, once I become more skilled at it."
Mr. Barton, or Hawkeye was also friendly, admitting that he acquired his archery skills in a circus, then spent several years portraying one of Sitting Bulls braves in a Wild West show. That was where he met Natasha, an aerialist originally, who picked up other skills such as trick shooting, and trick riding.
"I didn't feel right portraying one of the Sioux, since, let's face it, I don't exactly look the part, but my skill was archery and that is where the owner of the show wanted me. Then I met Natasha, and we learned of SHIELD recruiting skilled individuals as part of their operations. It seemed tailor-made for us. We've been with the society for five years now."
"I am just excited to be here, in New York, working and living in the same building," said Amelia. "Your exploits are in all the newspapers."
"Our very exaggerated exploits," joked Captain Rogers. He checked his pocket watch. "We should go on up otherwise we'll all be tardy."
He offered Amelia his arm and they stepped into the elevator together. The others joined them and within moments they were at the penthouse level. As they stepped out, Anthony Stark came forward, his eyes only on the librarian.
"Miss Winston, it is a great pleasure to finally make your acquaintance," he said, extending his hand to shake hers. "I've heard much about you from my daughter."
"All of it good, I hope, Mr. Stark," she replied, blushing.
"Very much so." He stepped aside then checked his pocket watch. "Come, we're still expecting Dr. Banner and Sergeant Barnes. The brothers have gone to see their father and will return later this afternoon."
"Parker?" asked Captain Rogers. "He was worried about his aunt when we arrived late last night."
"You're right, I believe he has taken the subway to Queens to be with her." He leaned towards Amelia. "I've offered her an apartment here many times so that Parker isn't so worried about her, but she insists she's fine there." He shrugged. "I won't stop asking but it isn't only his aunt who draws his attention away from our domicile."
The sound of the elevator doors opening, presaged the arrival of others. Since it was impolite for Amelia to turn, she waited until the late arrivals presented themselves. The first, a rather rumpled looking man with a thick shock of greying hair and glasses, introduced himself as Dr. Bruce Banner.
"You are the scientific and medical consultant for the society?" asked Amelia, as that is what she had read in the newspapers.
He nodded uneasily. "Partly. I also have another role that is kept secret from the public." He looked to Anthony Stark who raised his eyebrows as if to say it was the doctor's decision to elaborate. "Are you familiar with the tale The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?" Amelia nodded, slightly puzzled at the reference to the famous novel. "As part of my scientific endeavours I was exposed to a substance that turns me into another being, a frightening vision. You've no doubt heard of the rumours of a giant of a man, with green skin and a frightening personality who has appeared at several incidents where the Avengers are present. He is me and I am him. If you ever encounter him, I bid that you do not panic. He is fairly friendly with the others, and Mademoiselle Romanoff has been able to soothe the beast within me with her words so that he settles down."
"Is there no cure for your malady?" asked Amelia, her heart affected that this obviously gentle man was afflicted with such a fearsome condition.
"Alas, no, I have tried many times to develop a cure. I thank you for your concern."
He bowed and stepped away, having dealt with that pronouncement. It was then the last person who arrived stepped into view and Amelia thought her heart would stop at the sight of the tall, handsome man before her.
"Amelia Winston, may I present Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes," stated Captain Rogers. "He is my longest and closest friend as we have been like brothers since we were boys."
"Miss Winston," he stated, in a low melliferous voice that noticeably quickened her heartbeat. "A pleasure."
"For me also, Sergeant Barnes," she stammered, taken in by his blue eyes, dark hair and impressive physique.
It was only then she noticed she was still holding his right hand and let it go, blushing at the same time. A hint of a smile crossed his face as he gazed down at her, for truly his imposing height would have him looking down on most individuals. He bowed his head slightly and stepped aside, allowing Captain Rogers to escort her to the dining room. When everyone was seated, she was placed between Anthony Stark and Captain Rogers, with Mrs. Stark facing her. Sergeant Barnes was several seats down the table beside Samuel Wilson, who leaned towards his seat mate and murmured something before gesturing towards her. Barnes glanced at Amelia and smiled slightly, then placed his napkin on his lap, awaiting the service of the food.
The quality of the breakfast food was excellent, as it appeared that Mr. Stark was emphatic on providing a fine meal at his table. The conversation also flowed well, and many interesting topics of conversation were discussed, except for politics and religion. Partway through the meal a gentleman staff member, Jarvis, based on the whispers of his name when he appeared, dressed in full morning dress stood at Mr. Stark's side, presenting him with a slip of paper. He read the slip then nodded his head and continued to eat. Although the others looked at him questioningly it was obvious that he wasn't going to let anything interfere with his enjoyment of the meal. After what seemed like an interminable amount of time, Anthony Stark finally picked up his napkin, dabbed it to his lips and looked out over the assembled Avengers.
"It appears that HYDRA is up to their old tricks," he said. "Secretary Fury has advised me there are cryptographic messages between several of their operatives in several different New York newspapers. Miss Winston, how are your cryptographic skills?"
"A little rusty, sir, but I'm sure that I'll be up to speed in a short time. Do we have microfilm copies of the newspapers in our collection? I haven't had a chance to get acquainted with our library yet."
Stark smiled. "Of course, we have files for up to a week ago on microfilm, with paper copies since then. Is anyone free to assist Miss Winston in gathering the intelligence and decoding the cryptograms?"
"I can," stated Sergeant Barnes. "I cleaned my weapons on my return last night and need only 15 minutes to prepare to leave."
"Very well," stated Rogers. "Everyone else, check your weapons and supplies. We meet here in three hours for a briefing."
Captain Rogers pulled out Amelia's chair and she hurried to the elevator, accompanied by Sergeant Barnes. As he closed the doors and pressed the button for the 16th floor, he looked grimly at the young librarian.
"Sergeant Barnes, forgive my ignorance, but who is HYDRA?"
He breathed out sharply then studied her in that inscrutable way he had. "Trouble."
Part 2>>
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worstloki · 6 months
Age regression with characters of different backgrounds has so much potential. There is now a child and it is speaking a Different Language
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evamae-shieldoc · 6 days
I’m kinda new around here..
𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
Full Name: 𝐄𝐯𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧
Nicknames: 𝐄𝐯𝐞/𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐞
Age & Birthday: 𝟐𝟓 - 𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 𝟓𝐭𝐡 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟔
Place of Birth: 𝐏𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐚 𝐏𝐀
Place of Residence: 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐧, 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐤
Height: 𝟓’𝟎
Eye Colour: 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞
Skin: 𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫
Nationality: 𝐈𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧
Sexuality: 𝐀𝐜𝐞/𝐀𝐫𝐨
Marital Status: 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞
Affiliations: 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃, 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 (𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐥)
𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐬
𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐤’𝐬 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
Faceclaim: 𝐒𝐚𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫
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(reply for connection!)
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🤍 Eva’s been dancing since she was two and is very skilled in ballet, modern and a lot of other forms of dance.
🤍 Since it’s only Eva and her mom, she has grown very close to her over the years, despite her mom working long shifts at work.
🤍 Eva thinks about Philadelphia often, and though she may not have many memories. But the things she has been told, are often cool and she hopes to be able to visit the place she was born in soon
🤍 anxiety manages to follow Eva sometimes. She could get it at the worst times, particularly on a day where she’s doing something new or unexpected.
🤍 Eva has family in Ireland that she’s been told a lot about, but she hasn’t been able to go back yet.
🤍 Eva is an absolute sweetheart. If you’re ever looking for a good friend, Eva is the one for you. She is known to have friends everywhere and enjoys meeting new people and getting to know them.
🤍 Eva’s sense of style changes depending on her mood. She owns a lot of different items of clothing, but loves to wear something comfortable when she gets the chance.
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teddypines · 3 months
Backstory (part 1)
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Summary: How Cat met the Avengers, Loki and S.H.I.E.L.D.
Note: I tried to follow the timeline as much as i could, but i got a bit creative with it. Art/picture is from google, credits go to whoever made it.
somewhere in 2012, just after the incident with Loki when everyone was in the lobby of Stark tower. A little kitten walked through the rubble, past the broken glass and into the same lobby. There was a weird long man muzzled and chained up, while another lay on the floor with a lot of people around him. Looked a bit odd to the kitten because for some reason there were two of the same man at that moment. One letting out a weird gasp as another man gave him a little tap with his hammer and the other walking away with a briefcase and a little man following him. 
The moment got even more chaotic when a big green guy bursted through a door out of nowhere. The briefcase guy fell and dropped the briefcase only for the long man to pick it up momentarily. He disappeared and then it was like time stopped for everyone once again. The kitten looked around at the frozen people and the people in black gear. She saw them before but it was weird to see them now. The kitten walked up to the one she knew, one with D-90 on his back, and meowed up at him. “Hey, are you here again, little one? You know you are not supposed to see us. Come on, get back to your previous spot, you know the rules by now. Until next time, okay?” The guard said. The kitten meowed up at him and watched him walk into an orange square.
Only the tall man wasn’t back in his place this time like the rest. Everything went crazy and people started to panic even more. The kitten got scared and ran around trying not to be hurt by all the big people. She ran past the little man and looked at him, she could feel he was like the briefcase man. Future Scot looked at the kitten and gave her a small pet. “Don’t tell anyone okay? We were never here.” He said before running off after Tony.
The kitten found a hiding place near the unconscious green guy and stayed there until some people in suites found her near him and picked her up. She protested and started talking to men who picked her up. Quickly after she got taken out of the suited mens hands and was met with big blue eyes. “What a little fighter Freyja would be proud of you.” The kitten blinked at the men and then got distracted by his hair. Fighting with the long blond locks which made the man laugh. “Thor? What the hell are you doing? We need to find Loki! We can’t just let Capsicale do all the work” The weird heart attack man said to Thor. “Well this is a kitten, one of the greatest gifts in the universe. And as for my brother and Steve, they will figure it out themselves. Not like Loki can do much with a muzzle and handcuffs.” Thor answered.
Moments later, said mentioned Steve came into the lobby with the tall man, who is now known as Loki to the kitten. She looked at both men and then back at Thor and the weird heart attack men. They were weird, like her, she liked it. Everything went pretty fast after this. The big green man woke up, but he wasn't so big and green anymore. A different man and woman joined the group again. They all talked too much and too fast for the kitten to understand. The people in suits took Loki for a while, he looked angry, but the kitten didn’t know why. The others just walked out of the lobby and down the street.
“Thor? Why are you holding a kitten?” The new man in purple asked as he looked at the kitten. “I found her in the lobby, she looks cute don’t you think?” Thor answered the man in purple. “She does look cute,” The woman answered. “see, Natasha argees” Thor boomed at the man in purple. “You are not keeping her” The weird heart attack man said to Thor. Steve and the man in purple both rolled their eyes. “Like Thor would listen to you Tony.” Natasha said as she stopped at a shop and opened the door for everyone. 
“Table for 6 please” Tony said to the staff, who were still cleaning the rubble in the shop. “7, we are with 7” Thor corrected Tony before helping the not so big green guy push more chairs to a table. The kitten was still in his arms, still looking around her and taking in the shop. Everyone sat down after a while and someone asked for their order before disappearing. “Sooo, we are keeping the kitten?” The not so big green guy asked. “Yes” Thor answered as Tony answered with “No” 
“We are not keeping the kitten Bruce. Thor can bring her to the nearest shelter and they will find her a home.” Tony said to Bruce. This upset Thor a bit. “Then she’ll just go to Asgard with me. She is not leaving my side” He said before putting the kitten on the table. The kitten wobbled a bit before walking around the table. She felt a hand run over her head and back as she walked past the purple man. She meowed at him and jumped into his lap. He groaned which made the others laugh. 
“Don’t laugh!" I am hurting and the kitten just jumped me! She’s a loving little monster” The man in purple said. “Owh stop whining Clint. She just wants to show you love” Natasha said to Clint before the food was placed on the table. Everyone distributed the food and drinks before eating in silence. The kitten is just laying on Clint’s lap, getting a small bite of meat every once in a while. She liked this, she wanted to stay with them, even if it was at a weird moment in time when she met them. Even when Tony said they could not keep her, they all knew the kitten was going to stay with them for the rest of their lives.
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poisonousmoonfics · 4 months
Chapter II: Sombra witch
tw: mentions of alcohol
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As the Quinjet touched down on the landing pad atop the Avengers Tower, the team emerged, weary but victorious, from their latest mission. Lola stood waiting at the entrance, flanked by Agent Hill, her eyes bright with anticipation as she greeted the returning heroes.
"Welcome back, Avengers," Lola said with a warm smile, her voice tinged with relief. "How did the mission go?"
“How do you think?,” Clint manages to reply sarcastically while being taken by Dr. Cho to have his wounds tended to.
“I’ll pray for you Clint!,” Lola shouts jokingly.
Steve, his suit slightly scuffed from battle, stepped forward, his expression grave. “Mission was a success," he replied. "We managed to retrieve Loki's scepter from the HYDRA base in Sokovia.” Thor, his hammer slung across his back, nodded in agreement.
“What about Strucker?,” the girl questioned.
"Strucker's in NATO custody," Agent Maria Hill said, approaching the team.
"And like you realized, we ran into some trouble with two enhanced individuals," she said, her voice tight with frustration.
At the mention of the word ‘enhanced', Lola's curiosity was piqued. “Do you have any information abut them?" she asked, her eyes widening with interest.
Agent Hill stepped forward once again, a tablet in hand, and started to read from the files. “Wanda and Pietro Maximoff,” she began, her voice steady. “Twins. Orphaned at ten when a shell collapsed their apartment building. Sokovia's had a rough history."
“Their abilities?”, questions Steve with arms crossed.
"He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Her thing is neural electric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation.”, Agent Hill explained the twins’ powers. Lola listened intently. She glanced at Steve who had a clueless expression at the agent’s words.
"He's fast and she's weird.”, Lola rephrases Hill’s statement so he can understand. He nods intrigued.
As Agent Hill continued to recount the twins' origins and abilities, Lola listened intently, her mind whirling with questions. These new adversaries presented a formidable challenge for the Avengers, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension at the thought of facing them in battle.
“They're probably going to show up again, guys.”, Lola points out, a concerned sight escaping her lips.
"Agreed. File says they volunteered for Strucker's experiments. It's nuts.”,
"Yes, what madman would voluntarily surrender himself to an unknown power to avenge his family?”, Lola playfully mentions.
"Right. And what kind of monster would let a German scientist experiment on them to protect their country?”, adds Steve.
Agent Hill rolls her eyes. “Damn, I’m sorry. Didn't mean to offend everyone.”
“All good,” Steve says. “And Lola is right. We need to keep an eye on them."
As Agent Hill continued to recount the twins’ files and other details of the previous mission, to Steve and Natasha, Lola could accept that this new adversaries presented a formidable challenge for the team, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension at the thought of the possibility facing them in battle. The twins abilities seemed incredibly volatile.
Nonetheless she was curious and strangely felt a sense of empathy for them both. Maybe it was because they were young like her. Perhaps she saw resemblance in the twins initial motives to acquire more power; loss, pain and the sense of justice. She took a look at the pictures of the Maximoff's shown on the projection of Hill’s tablet. Again, feeling drawn to something about the enhanced.
Lola suddenly didn’t feel the presence of her follow teammates she she snapped out her thoughts and teleported to the lab. She emerged in the room from the shadows making Bruce slightly jump from the scare.
“For fucks sake, Lola!”, cusses the doctor’s as he composes himself.
The girl laughs at him but directs an apologetic look. “Sorry. How’s he doing?", she asks referring to Clint.
"Oh, unfortunately, he's still Barton.”, Tony jokes.
Lola covers her mouth in fake shock. “That's terrible!”, she replies teasing. Clint rolls his eyes at his teammates comments.
“He's fine. He's just thirsty.”, tells the billionaire without concern. “Alright. Look alive, JARVIS. It's play time. We've only got a couple days with this joystick so let's make the most of it. Update me on the structural and compositional analysis.”, Tony commands while walking over to the computers.
JARVIS begins his task, then proceeds to explain the results of his research. “The scepter is alien. The jewel appears to be a protective housing for something inside. Something powerful. Like a computer. I believe I'm deciphering code.” Tony continues to work along the AI and Lola walks closer to Dr. Cho as she tends to Clint’s wounds.
“You sure he's going to be okay? Pretending to need this guy really brings the team together.”, the black-haired girl questions with slight concern.
“There's no possibility of deterioration. The nano-molecular functionality is instantaneous. His cells don't know they're bonding with simulacrum.”, clarifies the woman.
“She's creating tissue.”, Bruce tells Lola, she nods understandingly.
“I'm gonna be made of plastic.”, Clint reproaches.
Dr. Cho contradicts him. “You'll be made of you, Mr. Barton. Your own girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference.”
“Well, I don't have a girlfriend.”, he answers.
Lola laughs. “That can't any of us fix.” The other three scientists agree with her mocking Clint.
“This is the next thing, Tony.”, says Cho referring to the new technology. “Your clunky metal suits are going to be left in the dust.”
“Well, that is exactly the plan.”, he agrees. “And Helen, I expect to see you at the party on Saturday.”
“Unlike you, I don't have a lot of time for parties.”, the woman tells him responsibly.
Lola slightly nudges the doctor. “Come on Helen, it will be fun!”, she says trying to convince her.
Cho hesitates a moment before asking: “Will Thor be there?”
“Oh, he will.”, Lola confirms with certainty.
Bruce notices Tony checking some analysis and plans on the computer, so he approaches the man. “What's the matter?” he asks.
“Well, the scepter. You see, we were wondering how Strucker got so inventive.”, Tony begins to narrate. "So, I've been analyzing the gem inside-- You may recognize,” he brings up a 3D image of Jarvis's consciousness.
“Jarvis...”, Bruce says.
Tony nods and then he brings up another 3D image of what’s inside the scepter “Meet the competition.”
Bruce eyes widened and an amazed expression was written al over his face. “It's beautiful!”, he exclaims. Lola walks up to them, also with an astonished expression.
"It looks like it's thinking. I mean this could be a... it's not a human mind, it...”, Bruce tries to form words but his mind was erratic. “I mean, look at this! They're like neurons firing.”, he exclaims exited.
Tony continues to explain. “Down in Strucker's lab I saw some fairly advanced robotics work. I gotta guess he was knocking on a very particular door.”
“Artificial intelligence.”, Bruce catches up to Tony’s superstition.
"This could be it, Bruce. This could be the key to creating Ultron.”, the billionaire tells thrilled.
Lola snaps out of her trance. She looks up at him with a raised brow “I thought Ultron was a fantasy, Tony.”
The man shakes his head and replies “Yesterday it was. If we can harness this power, apply it to my Iron Legion protocol.”
“That's a mad-sized if.”, she comments concerned about Tony’s ambition
“Our job is ‘if’.”, he justifies. “What if next time aliens roll up to the club, and they will, they couldn't get past the bouncer?”
“The only people threatening the planet would be people?”, Bruce ask not aware of being sure of what Tony is implying.
“I want to apply this to the Ultron program. But JARVIS can't download a data schematic this dense. We can only do it while we have the scepter here, that's three days, give me three days.”, Tony pleads.
Bruce crosses his arm and gives him a stern look. “So you're going for artificial intelligence and you don't want to tell the rest of the team.”
“Right. That's right, you know why, because we don't have time for a city hall debate. I don't want to hear the "man was not meant to meddle" medley.”, Tony says. “I see a suit of armor around the world.”
Lola shakes her head in disappointment at Tonys words. “The more you try to justify your experiment, the more I want to call Steve to organize one of his boring team meetings.”, she threatens.
Bruce lets up a deep sigh. “She right. Sounds like a cold world, Tony.”, he tries to convince him to forget his plan.
“I've seen colder. This one, this very vulnerable blue one? It needs Ultron.” Tony answers firmly. “Peace in our time.”
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The following Saturday, Avengers Tower buzzed with laughter and conversation as the team and their friends enjoyed a rare moment of relaxation. Lola stood by the window, watching the city lights twinkle below. She turned around, getting a glimpse of the team having fun. Her mind struck peace all over her body, and her lips formed a warm smile. She marveled at how different her life had become since joining the team and how she could never have imagined finding a new family.
In the middle of the room, Rhodey animatedly recounted one of his War Machine adventures. “Well, you know, the suit can take the weight, right? So, I take the tank, fly it right up to the General’s palace, drop it at his feet, and I’m like, ‘Boom! You looking for this?’” Rhodes paused, waiting for the reaction. Tony and Thor just stared at him blankly. “Boom! Are you looking… Why do I even talk to you guys? Everywhere else, that story kills.”
“That’s the whole story?” Thor asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, it’s a War Machine story,” Rhodey answered proudly.
“Well, it’s very good then,” Thor said, laughing heartily. “It’s impressive.”
Lola joined them, chuckling softly. “Quality save,” she replied to Thor. Rhodey rolled his eyes.
Maria Hill also joined them. “So, no Pepper? She’s not coming? What about Jane?”
Both men shook their heads in denial.
"Where are the ladies, gentlemen?” Maria teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
“Miss Potts has a company to run,” Tony explained, a touch of pride in his voice.
Thor nodded. “Yes, I’m not even sure what country Jane’s in. Her work on the convergence has made her the world’s foremost astronomer,” he bragged.
“And the company that Pepper runs is the largest tech conglomerate on Earth. It’s exciting,” Tony added, a grin spreading across his face.
“There’s even talk of Jane getting a... um, uh...” Thor struggled to remember.
“Nobel Prize, Thor,” Lola helped him.
“Yeah! A Nobel Prize,” Thor said proudly.
“Yeah, they must be busy because they’d hate missing you guys get together,” Maria mock coughed. “Testosterone! Oh, excuse me.”
Rhodes chuckled. “Want a lozenge?”
Maria nodded, walking away with Rhodes.
“What about you, Lady Lola?” Thor asked. “No special gentleman in your life?” the girl shifted uncomfortably.
She had zero dating experience. She hadn’t even had a crush in her 22 years. She felt like a complete virgin in every sense of the word. But how could people blame her? She didn’t care about romantic relationships when she was a kid and then was held captive for the rest of her teenage years. The closest to a committed relationship she’d ever was with the scientists in the HYDRA labs. Besides, now that she was older, she never cared about boyfriends either, and finding a balance between love and saving people was something she never thought about. And she’d probably scare the first man who ever decided to approach her anyway, so she was kind of a lost case in that area.
“What? No, no...” she murmured nervously. “I’ve never dated anyone before.” Thor and Tony blinked in genuine surprise. The three didn’t speak for a few moments, making Lola want to die of embarrassment.
Tony finally broke the silence. “You’re still too young for boyfriends anyway.” She rolled her eyes, annoyed.
“It’s not because I don’t have options!” Thor and Tony raised their eyebrows doubtfully. Lola’s cheeks turned red as she tried to justify her loneliness awkwardly. “No, no, no... It’s mainly because of work. Yup. You guys know, being an Avenger is time-consuming. So yeah, no boyfriend.”
“Mhm, I see. None of them must be worthy!” Thor exclaimed with disappointment.
“I agree with Goldilocks. And don’t worry, kid. You’re not missing out on anything. Men suck!” Tony exclaimed, and Thor nodded in confirmation. Lola chuckled at the protectiveness of her teammates and agreed.
At the bar, Natasha was pouring a drink when Bruce approached, his usual awkwardness softened by the friendly atmosphere. They started to chat, and Lola noticed Natasha’s flirting. She always saw the tension between the two heroes. But Lola was sure that neither of them acted on their feelings either out of professionalism, fear of rejection, or because they feared hurting each other.
After a few minutes of conversation, Natasha walked away, and Lola gravitated towards her. “It’s nice,” she commented, nodding towards Bruce.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Natasha raised an eyebrow teasingly.
“You and Bruce,” Lola insisted.
“Work comes first,” Natasha mentioned firmly but with a sad smile creeping on her face.
“I think it’s okay. You guys aren't breaking any laws,” Lola showed her support. “Like me, you’re not the most... open person in the world. But with him, you seem very relaxed,” she mentioned genuinely, happy for her friend.
“You know I like to flirt,” the spy replied nonchalantly.
“I’ve seen you flirt, Nat. This isn’t just that.” Lola paused. “Look, I just think you should talk things out. You don’t want to wait till it’s too late. You both deserve love,” she suggested calmly.
“We’ll see,” the spy said. “You give good relationship advice for someone who hasn’t even given her first kiss."
Lola glares at Natasha offended. “What’s up with you guys reminding me that I’m single as fuck?” she reproached walking off. Natasha just laughed at the girl.
Later, as the party wound down, only the Avengers, Dr. Cho, Maria Hill, and Lola remained. Thor’s hammer sat on the table between them.
“But it’s a trick!” Clint insisted, pointing at the hammer.
“Oh, no. It’s much more than that,” Thor replied.
“Uh, ‘Whosoever be he worthy shall have the power!’ Whatever man! It’s a trick.”, mocked the archer. 
“Well please, be my guest,” Thor said, gesturing to the hammer.
Tony grinned. “Come on.”
“Really?” Clint asked, getting up.
“Oh, this is gonna be beautiful,” Lola said, settling in for the show.
“Clint, you’ve had a tough week, we won’t hold it against you if you can’t get it up,” Tony joked, making the others laugh.
“You know I’ve seen this before, right?” Clint said, grabbing Thor’s hammer and failing to lift it. “I still don’t know how you do it.”
“Smell the silent judgment?” Tony teased.
“Please, Stark, by all means,” Clint retorted.
Tony got up. “Never one to shrink from an honest challenge.” Tony said, grasping the hammer. “It’s physics,” Tony said, grasping the hammer. “So, if I lift it, I... I then rule Asgard?” Tony asked.
“Yes, of course,” Thor replied.
“I will be re-instituting Prima Nocta,” Tony quipped, trying to lift the hammer but failing. “I’ll be right back.” Wearing his armored hand, he tried again and failed.
Both Tony and Rhodey then tried together, each wearing their armored hands.
“Are you even pulling?” Tony asked.
“Are you on my team?” Rhodes countered.
“Alright, let’s go!” they both pulled as hard as they could but to no avail.
Bruce then tried, pretending to change into the Hulk and roaring, causing everyone to look at him warily or grin.
“Widow?” Tony asked Natasha.
“Oh, no, no. That’s not a question I need answered,” she replied.
“Lady Sombra*?”, Thor asked Lola. 
“I'll just lift the scythe,” Lola passed the challenge.
“All deference to the man who wouldn’t be king, but it’s rigged,” Tony said.
“You bet your ass,” Clint agreed.
“Steve, he said a bad language word,” Maria teased.
“Did you tell everyone about that?” Steve asked Tony.
“The handle’s imprinted, right? Like a security code. ‘Whosoever is carrying Thor’s fingerprints’ is, I think, the literal translation?”
“Yes, well that’s, uh, that’s a very, very interesting theory. I have a simpler one,” Thor said, getting up and lifting his hammer easily. “You’re all not worthy.” There was a chorus of disagreement from the others.
A loud screeching noise, like microphone feedback, suddenly filled the room. Everyone covered their ears. As the noise faded, Tony pulled out his device. One of the Iron Legion suits, heavily damaged and housing Ultron’s consciousness, stumbled into the room.
“Worthy... No, how could you be worthy? You’re all killers,” Ultron said, his voice a haunting mix of distortion and clarity.
“Stark,” Steve called, alerting Tony.
“JARVIS,” Tony called, tapping his device in vain.
“I’m sorry, I was asleep. Or... I was a-dream?” Ultron continued, his voice dripping with malice.
“Reboot, Legionnaire OS, we got a buggy suit,” Tony said, frustration seeping into his tone.
“There was a terrible noise... and I was tangled in... in... strings. Had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy,” Ultron said, his head jerking unnaturally.
“You killed someone?” Lola asked with a stern voice. Although she was firm in front of the android, inside she was confused. How could she not sense the death of someone in the building?
“Wouldn’t have been my first call. But, down in the real world we’re faced with ugly choices.”
“Who sent you?” Thor demanded, his eyes narrowing.
Ultron replayed a recording of Tony’s voice: “I see a suit of armor around the world.”
“Ultron...” Bruce says, stepping forward.
“In the flesh. Or, no, not yet. Not this... chrysalis. But I’m ready. I’m on a mission.”
“What mission?” Natasha asked, her eyes narrowing.
“Peace in our time,” Ultron declared.
Abruptly the walls exploded, and several Iron Legion bots barged into the room. They began attacking the team, who all went on the defensive. Lola, startled by the sudden chaos, quickly assessed the situation, and joined the fray.
Bruce climbed over the bar to avoid fire from the bots. Natasha grabbed him and dragged him down, and he landed on top of her.
“Sorry!” Bruce said, his face inches from hers.
“Don’t turn green!” Natasha warned, her voice urgent.
“I won’t!” Bruce replied, his breath quickening.
The Avengers continued fighting the bots. Lola, using her agility and abilities, dodged the bot's attack and destroyed them. 
One of the Iron Legion bots lunged at Steve, who deftly dodged and slammed his shield into it, causing it to short-circuit and collapse. “We need to contain them!” he shouted, directing the team.
Thor swung his hammer, sending bots flying in all directions. “They’re endless!” he roared. 
Lola emerged from the shadows beside him. “Don’t worry. So is death,” she mentioned and continued to help him destroy the robots.
Tony, still tapping furiously on his device, growled in frustration. “JARVIS, do you copy? JARVIS!”
Ultron, amidst the chaos, laughed maniacally. “This is the end, the end of the path I started us on.”
“Everything has an end,” Lola shot back, as she ripped a bot from the inside with her powers. Seeing an opportunity, she shouted, “Tony, if we can hack into one of them, we might be able to shut them all down!”
Tony nodded, his eyes sharp. “Rhodey, cover me!” He sprinted toward a fallen bot, dodging blasts, and debris.
Rhodey, back in action, provided cover fire, his War Machine suit roaring to life. “On it!”
As Tony worked, Ultron’s voice echoed. “I know it is dramatic. I'm sorry, I know you mean well! You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to...evolve?”, The android picks up one of the dismembered Iron Legion bots. "With these? These puppets?” he crushes the Iron Legion bot's head. “There's only one path to peace: The Avengers' extinction.”
“Shut up party pooper!”, Thor exclaimed resented. He gets flustered and throws his hammer, shattering Ultron’s body. 
As the dust settled, Lola looked around at her teammates. They were bruised and battered, no one was really prepared for such a fight. 
“Well, that was unexpected.”, Tony chimed in. 
"Sometimes I forget it's always like this with you, guys.”, Lola said as she dusted off her dress. 
*sombra (Spanish) = shadow
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inneedofsupervision · 9 months
An Enemy? A Friend? No, just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman.
Chapter 1: Intro
"Come on, Parker, say something. But don't make it embarrassing," thinks Peter. "Those are your childhood heroes, and they want something from you. Just say hi like a normal person." "Good evening, Mr. Barton, Sir. Mr. Wilson, Sir." "How do you know our names," asks Clint, sounding genuinely curious. "You have a Wikipedia page!" blurts Peter out before wincing inwardly. There goes his plan for a non-embarrassing first impression. "You've read our Wikipedia pages?" asks Sam slowly, as if saying the words slowly would let them make more sense. "Twice, actually." ________________________________ Are the Avengers a Team? Yes. Are they on good terms? Not necessarily. Has the public caught up on that? Maybe a little. When Fury sends the team on the mission to investigate the identity of New York's favorite vigilante, they have to learn to work as a team and not damage their already battered image. Or, the story of how the Avengers have to earn the public's trust back with the help of a certain crime fighting Spider.
Chapter Summary: Intro
Chapter: 2, 3, 4, 5
Read on Ao3
"This better be important, Fury. I'll need to catch a flight to Japan in about forty minutes."
Heads turn towards Tony Stark, who strode through the door, clad in a beige three-piece suit, the tinted sunglasses hindering anyone from knowing the man's current mood. The man doesn't acknowledge the rest of the Avengers on his way to the last available seat, except for Banner, who receives a curt nod from the billionaire before Stark sits down with his usual relaxed composure while placing the portable cup of coffee onto the table. Steve keeps from rolling his eyes at Stark's behavior. You would expect him to have gotten used to it by now, but Steve had respect for his superiors drilled into every cell of his body. Every cell of his body wanted to turn out off him when he caught sight of Stark's blatant display of disinterest and disrespect.
"This would be over quicker if you cut the chatter, Stark." Fury doesn't bother even glancing at the man as he catches the attention of the other heroes around the room. He places his hands on the table and pins them with his gaze before going to business.
"To get the right to the point, we need you to investigate someone."
Stark crosses his legs as he leans back into his seat, quirking an eyebrow, the hand holding the coffee stopping on his way to his lips. "You are sending the Avengers out for an investigation? Found something too big for your agents to handle?"
"Can you stay professional for two minutes, Stark?" snaps Steve, earning him a slight curl of lips upwards from the latter. It feels like the man lives to get a raise out of everybody who has the misfortune of working with him. 
"Don't bother, Rogers." Fury takes a deep breath. He focuses his glare on the billionaire.
"We do since the government won't stop breathing down my neck because of a vigilante in spandex swinging unhindered through New York."
Romanoff raises an eyebrow, the first genuine reaction Steve had picked up from the spy since she had entered the conference room.
"This is about Spider-Man." The men in the room turn their heads towards her. "You know him?" asks Steve, surprise drawn onto his face. 
The spy merely shrugs her shoulders. "You should know who strolls around in front of your doorstep." she cooly adds. 
Steve knew various vigilantes roamed around New York to follow through their ideas of justice in sometimes questionable ways, but those were matters that SHIELD was dealing with on their own. There had never been a case where the Avengers had to step in. He had heard the name Spider-Man once or twice, maybe caught it while reading the news, but never paid the vigilante more attention than that.
"Why does SHIELD show interest in him now?"
If anyone was surprised about Banner speaking up out of all people, none of them let it show on their faces. The scientist mostly keeps to himself, Stark being the only one to carry a conversation with the man outside of a mission. It was unusual for him to ask for further information, even more, to show interest in their missions, if it didn't involve some scientific aspect. Steve watched the modest doctor with mild interest.
"Now?" repeats Sam, tilting his head in question. "When did the Spider-Guy first show up?" he asks no one in particular.
Steve felt a bit of shame creeping up for being moderately relieved he wasn't the only one in the room who was well-informed about the vigilante. 
"The first eyewitness reports from the public came out ten months ago. One of our agents confirmed the sightening shortly after. Spider-Man has been seen regularly since then." answers Fury calmly.
"But why the sudden interest in Spidey? If he had been around for nearly a year without raising any suspicion, something must have happened that you want to investigate him now."
"Spidey?" mouths Sam with a shake of his head, completely hung up on the nickname Clint threw into the room.
"He got too popular, didn't he?"
All heads turn to Stark, who puts his glasses down, sliding them into the breast pocket of his suit. He receives some questioning glances but doesn't bother elaborating as he smugly looks at Fury, the latter giving a short nod in confirmation.
"Although he keeps a low profile, Spider-Man's popularity keeps growing, and the public shares his appearances as eagerly as if he were an Avenger. With his rise in popularity, it was only a matter of time until the government wanted to know more about him. The lack of information about him is concerning. There are only speculations about what exactly he is capable of."
"They are afraid. To them, Spider-Man is an unknown variable," concludes Banner.
Steve noticed Fury not denying Banner's claim as the director let his eye wander from one person to the next, his expression stern. "We need all the information on Spider-Man. What are his abilities, and where are his limits? What are his motives? You will find out everything."
"You want us to catch and interrogate him?" asks Clint, not seeming bothered by the idea of causing bodily harm but more curious above everything else. Fury shakes his head. 
"The crime rate in and around New York has dropped about 65% since he began to operate last year. We cannot wipe Spider-Man from people's minds after leaving an impact to this extent. He's currently the most liked hero, but without knowing what he's capable of, he is a ticking time bomb."
"We aren't allowed to catch him, but you want us to gather information about him? What are we supposed to do? Invite him for dinner?" asks Stark with a raised eyebrow. 
"Work together." 
Fury straightens up, pointedly ignoring the perplexed stares he's receiving from the people in the room before settling his sharp gaze on Stark. 
"The images of the Avengers have hit its lowest point. The public trusts a green behind-the-ears guy in spandex more with their safety than a team of experienced heroes. This mission isn't only beneficial to SHIELD."
"You want us to team up with him?" asks Steve, bewildered at the sudden turn of events. Fury looks unimpressed at the questions he's receiving from all over the room. "I don't care how you do it, as long as Spider-Man won't stop showing himself to the public, preferably unharmed and not speaking ill of the Avengers. We cannot have your image trashed more than it already is."
Stark sighs as he stands up, ignoring Steve's scowl and the impassive expression on the spies' faces as he walks past Fury. 
"Now, that was a waste of my time. I leave the part of befriending with the neighborhood Spider to the social butterflies over here. If you'll excuse me, I'm running late," says the man as he's about to pass the door. 
"You let the team handle this on their own? Is this mission too big to handle for Tony Stark?"
Steve tenses as he watches Stark turning sharply at Fury's open provocation, anticipating sharp insults and venomous words thrown at the impassive director. It turns out to be challenging to school his expression as the surprise overtakes him when Stark's lip twitches upwards before he slips the tinted sunglasses into place. Steve feels the deep bubbling of anger at how Stark never takes matters seriously.
"Five minutes left until my jet goes off, with or without me. Happy sadly doesn't care much about which is the case, so I'd better be on my merry way. It was a pleasure talking, as always, Nick."
He leaves behind the group of heroes, putting his half-empty coffee cup on top of the counter of the administration desk at the entrance of the floor, earning a confused and star-struck look from the young woman behind the desk. 
"Mr. Stark-"
"Friday, I want all of the information on Spider-Man by the end of the meeting today."
"Very well, Sir."
Tony Stark steps out of the elevator, straightening the jacket of his suit, determination playing on his face.
How hard could it be to catch a Spider?
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jackiequick · 1 year
The Avengers Initiative | Early 2010s [Marvel Phase 1 Fanfic]
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Summary: Putting a team together isn’t always easy, but it’s always good to have a few helping hands. But the real question is, will this actually come?
Pairing: Jason UnderWood & Darcy Lewis, Rick Banner x Luna Marsh
Established relationship uncle and nephew: Tony Stark and Jason Underwood
Characters mentioned: Phil Coulson, Pepper Potts, Melissa Wallace, Rei Stark, Rochelle Romanoff and etc.
It was a pair of months back to backs. Fury saw something shift in the air, he felt like time was running and the future needed heroes. Young and old. Ones to learn from one another and grow together as a team.
Nick felt a threat was coming soon.
But he also knew his so called heroes wouldn’t come falling out of the sky or so he thought?
He opened a cabinet and pulled out a stack of signed paperwork. One file said it all.
The Avengers Initiative.
The man held a small smirk behind his eyes. Danvers was already in space, and he knew she had a daughter. Michelle Danvers. She will be coming soon for sure. So that was off the hook, but he needed more players.
Rogers. Stark. Banner. Romanoff. Thor. Barton. His so called main players.
But it didn’t stop there. He needed the younger links there as well.
Any extra players he can get.
He had Agent Coulson and Agent May gather another list of people that SHIELD kept tags on. Theses teens and young adults came from different backgrounds and plenty of fields. But he knew they would be fit to rise up when needed.
Coulson had scouted the fields across the country, finding a pair of unlikely characters. A couple. Instead of distributing them, he slides the file underneath their door and walked out. He waited outside the apartment across the street at a cafe, with agents secretly surrounding the area for the pair to arrive home.
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Rick Davidson. Last name Banner. He opened the door with his shy girlfriend Luna Marsh. They just did their small job downtown, finished getting groceries for the weekend and entered their home.
Luna was playing with her hair, removing her jacket but kept her sweater on due to the weather being a little chilly. She was chatting with her boyfriend. Suddenly her eyes narrowed downwards to the floor, seeing a file and raised an eyebrow.
She gently flipped it open very slowly and being rather confused.
“Uh, Rick?” She asked looking up at him, placing the file on the table.
“Yeah, lovey?” He replied, looking over his shoulder almost done, putting the stuff away.
“What’s this? I feel like I heard of it..”
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Luna looked over the logo, feeling like she heard of it. Remembering her mother, who was Jersey getting her life together for them, telling her that SHIELD was a strong place. A protective order of people, if you were found, it meant luck.
Rick turned around to face Luna in confusion, before looking at the familiar sight of the file. SHIELD headquarters paperwork was in his hands. His father Bruce Banner, who was working across the world, told him about it.
He looked up at his girlfriend, telling her everything he knew about it. She nodded listening to him.
There was a chance for something new..
Fury already sent Romanoff to keep an eye on the older Banner, meanwhile she was also keeping focus on her own daughter. Rochelle Romanoff, who was adopted by The Feltons. Along with her cousin, Liane Felton. She always knew something would go down soon.
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A fallout for The Felton family.
Liane Felton didn’t have a true care in world, however she knew she was different. A mutant. She knew about an organization built for people like her. The women deep down a broken soul who needed a true perspective in life. A purpose.
Same things goes for Rochelle Romanoff, she was the black sheep of the family and she knew, but a part of secretly felt that there was a guardian angel looking after her. Secretly it was her own biological mother.
Knowing one day she will break out and make a stand.
And that day just so happens to be the day her family was destroyed. Sitting in the rumble of the house with shock and tears threatening to show, she found a folder with information beside her.
She opened it gasping, seeing locked information of who she truly was. And she was right, she did a guardian angel. There was hope.
She just needed to wait now…
Up in Stark Tower, days past. It felt like weeks since the party. But luckily they were home.
The view of Stark Tower was shining. The flooring was designed perfectly. But most of all, it was quiet.
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Tony was building shipments for he can start creating new toys with his kid. Pepper was shopping downtown in the glitzy stores a few blocks away.
Jason sat in the living room with his grandnephew, Rei, watching a movie and eating popcorn. However the boy was more paying attention to the toolset in his hands. He was always in his little world.
The young teen was smart for his age, hell he had a freaking suit he started wearing to fly around in practice for gods sake!
Like father, like son. History repeats itself very well in that department. It made him proud honestly, but it also scared the shit out of him, Pepper and Winter. Two Starks flying around. Wow.
Rei snapped him out of his thoughts without looking up from the spot on the couch.
“Pops! Hello?! Your laptop is making noise again. Answer it!” Yelled Rei, rolling his eyes and glances at the movie.
“Huh? Yeah, thanks kiddo!” He replies, rushing over to his laptop that sat across from the couch.
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The second Jason opened up his emails as he he raised an eyebrow. SHIELD. Don’t they know he’s trying to stay retired?! Hell, he was supposed to meet Darcy this weekend.
He stop to read the folder. It said The Avengers Initiative. He heard Tony mention it. Hell, Rei mentioned it plenty of times!
This time Nick Fury wants to push it further into their minds. He didn’t mind it too much, thinking it was actually a good thing. A band of heroes young and old to keep the future alive.
But what made him almost choke on his drink was the list.
It read from Stark to to Felton to Bishop and beyond!
His eyes did a double take reading the line. Steve Rogers—Captain FREAKING America—on the list?! Mother-trucker was alive?!
Hell there were rumors that even his best friend, Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes is alive?!
Oh god, Coulson is going to have a field day about this…
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“What is it?” Rei asked, looking over his shoulder, “No that a care too much but still.”
“Nothing. Just work.” Jason repiled, keeping himself relaxed about.
“I told you not to say that word.”
“But you use it and so does my mom, so I can use it. What’s the plan?”
He knew the could would figure it out eventually, so he flipped the laptop over to him. Rei’s eyes doubled in size and blinked at the words in front of him, you couldn’t tell if he was in shock or kinda excited. He’s wanted by SHIELD.
“So. Does Dad know that he’s being officially recruited?” Said the teen.
“Nope, but he will find out soon I bet.” He replied with a sigh.
“Finally something i know before he does. Oh I’m gonna love seeing this surprise him..”
“Oh brother..”
The Lehnsherr siblings had it clear in their face. Meira was already off in her own world, working for SHIELD with her friends Melissa, Mia and Ji-Hoon. But Ethan and Cole were a whole different story.
Each found out there own way. Cole after a accident happened in front of his face thinking he screwed up huge.
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Meanwhile, Ethan was at a cafe on the upper east coast when he landed in his face.
As if both brother could’ve been more right in that moment. Since the first words that came out of their mouths afterwards were..
They were in for a wildcard of a ride.
But little did this knew this ride would lead to them working side by side, along with a group of future friends…
When the trio found out, it was an unusual idea. Leo was out of his wheelchair taking class to help with his back with Thiego teaching him. Stella was frustrated watching her brothers, which was new to her, handle the whole situation smoother than she was.
It was crazy founding out that there was 3 of them?! But it was a honest joyful sigh of tears and soft smiles. It a magic number!
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Leo was handing the rest and classes a bit better than she was. But can blame her? She felt bad about herself, a little jealous of them.
However Thiego encouraged his big brother and baby sister, even going as far to teach them magic to heal, with Wong’s help.
So it they felt the love all around.
One day after the classes and conversation, a stack of paperwork came in. All 3 siblings looked at one another confused, having a small short discussion about it after finding out what it was.
They were in sight of something bigger than they expected…
It list was long. So many of them found out different ways.
The young group consisted of Rei, Rick, Rochelle, Luna, Cole, Liane and Ethan.
The older group consisted of Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner and Clint Barton. The Strange Siblings included.
Once everything was settled into place. They all came one by one. Most importantly the younger generation of future avengers arrived.
It was a long winded conversation full of shouts, confusion, glances and some laughter. A lot of them knew of or met each other on various occasions.
The organization took the decision to make it a different path. Having rented out a small hotel for all of them with separate rooms, places to shop, food to eat and most importantly to get to know one another.
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The Young Avengers stood outside their rooms looking at the agents that were placed in front of them. All wearing causal outfits, but their IDs in their pockets.
Meira Lehnsherr, Amelia Parker, Melissa Wallace and Cho Ji-Hoon. There were other agents downstairs as well, but they seemed like they were the main four.
Mia cleared her throat awkwardly, “Hello everyone! Uh, um I’m Amelia and we’ll like to welcome you to um..ah shit i thought i had this rehearsed...”
Some of the Young Avengers chuckled and snorted at her fumbling over her words.
Meira chuckled, “What she meant to say, is that welcome to The Sandbox, people! Here you will have everything you need from beds to TV to food.”
“Exactly! We want all of you to be comfortable and get to know one another. I bet it will be rather fun.” Melissa added, going on to explain everything in full.
Ji-Hoon spoke up, “What she said! We will help you with everything you need here and so much more.”
Cole, Rick and Luna shared a small smile. Ethan leaned against the wall with his arms across and raising his hand, “Um, where would you guys be staying? And where the hell are the adults?”
Liane smiled and lightly scoffed, “We are all sorta adults here!”
Rick added, “You know what he meant. But where will you guys be staying?”
Melissa gladly answered, “Some of us are cross the hall from you guys and downstairs are the other half. As for the adults, they’re nearby so don’t worry.”
Ethan nodded and Rick shrugged, both finding it alright. Rei just shrugged as well. Rochelle smiled, walking over to Luna to start off a little conversation. The others either went to their rooms or started talking with one another.
It was hilarious really. Teens and young adults all stuck in a motel together, you can only imagine what happened that night!
Some found themselves sneaking into one another’s rooms to hang out and sleep. Meanwhile others bumped into each other in the hallway, getting lunch or dinner, some climbed to the roof to see the stars and it felt oddly enjoyable.
What happened next? You may wonder, that’s up for them to figure out.
Thanks for reading! What did y’all think?
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Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @meiramel @msrochelleromanofffelton @parisparker269 @mandylove1000 @gcthvile @blackheart-beauty @hanlueluver @sherloquestea @rooster-84 @blueboirick and etc
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vicontheinternet · 2 days
Just thinking back to the fact Tony the hero outed Clint’s family to the government and Loki the villain who tortured and under the control of thanos did not
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sergeantrosabellaswan · 4 months
SUMMARY: King Steven of Brooklyn discovers a secret that his gruff father kept from the world. Now with the older king long dead, Steve wants to introduce Johanna Swan to the royal court. What happens when spies, poison and secrets meets them at every turn?
CHAPTER WARNING: mention of death (nothing graphic) mentions of infidelity (nothing graphic) mentions of a child born out of wedlock
Hey there everyone! This is yet another little writing project that I had abandoned in the past. It is heavily inspired by Pseudo Princess, a MCU royalty AU as brilliantly imagined and written by @shreddedparchment. So please do give them some love!
LINE BREAKS BY @firefly-graphics
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Steven Grant Rogers, the newly minted king of Brooklyn, only felt rage- pure, unbridled, raw rage as he stared down at the small chest that he had found while in his late father’s study. It had been hidden underneath a floorboard, and the curious young man could not help himself and opened it, revealing letters, a rendering of a young girl, withered flowers and a feather from some unknown bird.
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The dread and anger only grew more pronounced as he read though each letter- professing a certain never ending love to the stoic ruler, talking about secret meetings, thanks for gifts in the form of a small house, goats and books…
And the king’s illegitimate daughter, a fiery tempered girl with her father’s brilliant red curls and freckles and her mother’s petite build and sense of wild adventure.
She is so beautiful, read one such letter to the king. She thanks you for the new set of quills, ink pot and bottle of ink that you sent her for her birthday last month. I swear, her fingers are now permanently stained with ink, and she is set on writing a book and publishing it when she is of an older age.
Steve gritted his teeth, anger painfully clenching at his heart.
“How could you do this to mom?” he muttered angrily. “I thought you loved her- why would you do this to her?”
He collapsed into the grand throne like chair that stood neck to his father’s desk, overwhelmed at the other side to the king that he had grown up calling father. He rifled through the letters, unsure of what he was looking for. He plucked a random envelope and opened it to find shaky penmanship.
Johanna has been asking questions about you- about her father… what should I tell her? That her father is of noble blood, a member of the royal family, the ruler of this kingdom… read one of the letters that had been addressed to the late king.
And just like that, the letters ended.
The letters ended three years ago, right around the time of the Great Grass Sickness, and Steve knew without a doubt that his father’s springtime fling had died during the plague.
“Johanna…” murmured Steve, closing his eyes and taking a deep shuddering breath of air, trying to calm his temper as he did the math in his head a few times, realizing that Johanna would be around eighteen years of age now, not even ten years younger than he was.
A slip of parchment, folded into quarters, fell out of the bundle, Steve managing to intercept it before it could land. He opened it and smiled at the sketching of a child- Johanna, as he took the main focus of the rendering to be.
He squinted, bringing the sketching up closer so that he could peer at the careful charcoal markings. She looked to be around ten or eleven years old, with long curls that caped out behind her as she stood in a field of flowers with a brisk wind whistling through her loose curls and making her kirtle flutter around her ankles. She wore a straw hat to protect her face and the back of her neck from the cheerful sun, and was holding onto her headwear with a single hand while laugher danced across her face. Her other hand clutched at a gathering of bright blooms and her feet were bare of shoes or stockings. The careful charcoal markings showcased perfectly deep dimples imprinted in her chubby cheeks. But what really caught his attention, was a purple and red stain that covered the left side of her face. He recognized it almost immediately- it was a birthmark that popped up every few generations in the royal lineage. Steve had the same marking, only it spanned the entirety of his left shoulder.
Something was stirring inside of Steve’s chest- an unfamiliar feeling that he couldn’t quite put a name to.
I have a little sister, he realized, a small smile growing on his face. I have a little sister.
A little sister.
He looked up from the letters to see his wife, Duchess Margaret Carter, with one hand cupping her swollen stomach. She smiled softly at him as she waddled her way across to him. He reached out blindly, clasping one of her hands in his as she ran her fingers through his blond locks.
“What is troubling you?” she murmured softly, coming to stand in between his legs, one hand on his shoulder for balance.
“Dad had an affair,” he blurted out. “And I have a sister- well, a half-sister.”
“Oh, Stevie,” she sighed, hugging his head close to her chest.
“I don’t wanna be like him,” he mumbled from in between her bosom, pulp with motherly milk. “I’m not gonna raise taxes, or imprison innocent civilians. None of that. He was my father, but he wasn’t the father I strive to be one day. And in order to achieve that, some things need to change- starting with Johanna.”
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE it only costs $3!!!
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zephyrmonkey · 2 years
Thanksgiving with Marvel
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I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving with their family and friends!
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ice-eise-babyy · 4 months
hey there! im a writer and this is my first time posting my work here on tumblr— or in general cause i haven't really published any of my work in other platforms, the sole reason is because im too scared that it'd suck and people would hate it but i think it's time to share some of the stuff i've written and free up some space in my notes app. Hopefully it's worth the shot :))
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