#too lazy to tag the ships lol this is just for you anon
neighboringheart · 9 months
I'm an absolute simp for Bumblebee so any ship with him as the prey is perfect in my eyes.
The 3 ships that comes to mind immediately are BlitzBee, StarBee and MegaBee.
The Megabee scenario about a concerned Megatron worrying that Bee is distrustful of him while in reality the autobot is having the most insane thoughts were really funny lol.
So I'm curious in how you would go about the other two ships, if in all cases Bee is already into the idea and find it hot or if it's a life or death scenario as he is being hunted down by various deceptions ?
I'm rambling here, but all Im saying is that I need to hear more from you about this specific Predator/Prey dynamic bc I CRAVE MORE.
(also maybe a crossover with Bee ending up in the shattered glass universe to throw in some twisted autobots into the mix too 🫡)
ough ough ough okay I am home from work and have a keyboard to properly go buckwild with and yeah there's not gonna be much punctuation happening sorry but I'm feral and I am politely grabbing you by the collar to keep you here
adding a read more bc this got a lot longer than I thought it would but I hope you enjoy my brainworms
okay so for BlitzBee it would absolutely be something that Blitzwing brought up first and you might think "oh was it Random joking about it or something?" no it was Icy looking Bee right in the eyes and just going "I want to hunt you for sport. would that interest you?" and at first Bee did not get it at all and was unsettled but he ends up getting curious which is how the first occurrence of them disappearing into the woods for a week happened
Bee would end up finding out that oh it actually is kinda hot to have all that adrenaline going kinda like right after a really tough race except the bit of fear tingling up his spine makes it interesting and then being caught and having Blitzwing roughly fuck into him with barely any prep at all hurt but still felt so so good and after waking up the next morning and thinking for a bit yeah he got it he got exactly why Blitzwing was interested in that and it ends up becoming a regular thing for the two of them where they just disappear and then show back up again like a week later Bee looking like he went through a wood chipper and his abdomen a bit bloated from all the transfluid he's been stuffed with the last week but his field brimming so brightly with a fuzzy happiness that no one wants to bring up that he needs to stop whatever he's been doing
aside from Ratchet that is lol he makes it very clear how much he dislikes having to do a full systems check on him but also does NOT want to know who he's been fucking bc he knows it would have to be a decepticon and he doesn't wanna know a damn thing about it
as for StarBee tbh I really couldn't see either of them being interested in it or bringing it up aside from like...rid15 StarBee bc rid15 Starscream is feral in a very specific way and yeah I could see him wanting to hunt Bumblebee down and then claim him once he's victorious
idk how Bee would feel about it tho I feel like he'd try it just the one time bc Starscream keeps suggesting they try something more adventurous and Bee would much rather one of them gets tied up instead of being forced to go galivanting through the woods at the behest of his—frankly deranged—boyfriend but he goes with it just to try it once and afterwards they'd discuss it and Bee didn't hate it but again he'd rather that Starscream just tie him up next time which Starscream would be happy to do so they just stick to berth activities that involve less of bee ending up facedown in the dirt...took a while to get everything out of his seams lol
and then idw StarBee it would never happen bc Starscream would be too busy trying to convince Bee to put him on a leash (which Bee is so tired of this conversation he doesn't wanna do petplay) to think about predator/prey shit lmao
and then MegaBee...oh MegaBee my beloved...this could work for so many continuities in my head but yeah earthspark would be the funniest but the extra size difference in tfa is also very sexy I would imagine in either scenario the seed would be planted in Bee's mind after either getting chased by Megatron for real at some point or in a dream and then the image just sticks there for a while
in earthspark it would be easier ofc since they're allies so eventually Bee would get the courage to bring it up to Megatron who would just be bewildered beyond all belief like "you want me to what??? why would you want that?? I've hurt you before!" and it would take a lot of convincing on Bee's part to get Megatron to agree especially bc he'd be like "but aren't you and Breakdown an item? I could have sworn he mentioned it last we spoke" and Bee would just be like "yeah we are but like you know how some humans have an agreement with their significant other about like having one other person that their partner would give them a pass about fragging? mine was you...and his was Knockout but I won't give you the details...he's got some interesting kinks that I don't have the literal claws for"
anyways Megatron would eventually relent in that scenario and agree to it bc he does find the idea of fucking Bee to be much more appealing than he'd expected and he wants to try something new but as soon as he's actually caught Bee and starts to manhandle him a bit Bee would start struggling and begging him to let him go or something and Megatron would definitely end up using their safeword he just wouldn't be able to do it
they'd have to sit down somewhere Megatron shaking a bit bc even tho he knew it was just a scene and that Bee was just playing the part the thought of him returning to how he once was terrifies him and they'd end up having a long conversation that ends with the decision that if they were to try something like that again they'd change it to be more lighthearted bc Megatron did enjoy the chase and doesn't mind getting a bit rough with his partners but even Bee pretending that he's scared and trying to get away is too much but yeah they'd figure it out and have a lot of steamy fun
tfa MegaBee would be wayyyy different tho Megatron would be so into it and Bee would be so in over his head but he'd be wobbling back to the autobot base later looking like he'd been in a ten car pile up but feeling more blissed out than he'd ever been lmao he'd think about it on and on for weeks hoping to get to do it again
as for if he ended up in shattered glass? oh primus help any poor Bumblebee who ends up in that situation and lets hope any of them would already be a little bit of a freak otherwise that would not be a fun trip for him lol
oh boy I ended up rambling a lot more than I thought I would lmao but I hope you're seeing my vision here there are so many Bumblebees and so many of them deserve to get chased through the woods and then bent over and getting their cute little valves stuffed until the only thing they can ever think about is getting to experience that thrill again
ough even just the thought of earthspark Bumblebee with his doorwings twitching and thick transfluid dribbling from his gaping valve after Megatron pulls out makes me feel so so insane I need to do unthinkable things to him
so yeah the individual scenarios would vary a lot but I feel like in most instances it wouldn't be Bumblebee who thinks of it unless there was some kind of inciting incident whether irl or some kind of strange dream but most people who get together with him end up wanting to hunt him for sport bc he's just so cute and even tho he's certainly not helpless he can play that act very well and look real cute while doing it and he's usually enough of a freak that he'd want to try it
...now that I think about it...tfa ProwlBee would also be interesting as I'm sure Prowl would love to finally shut that brat up and chasing him down to stuff him with a spike sure is one way to do it but I've prattled on long enough this post is getting wayyy too long lmao I am nothing if not a passionate man 😂
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sothischickshe · 5 months
I was tagged by @bourbon-ontherocks (ty! 💛💛💛) to answer 20 questions for writers:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The only fandom I've ever published fic for is good girls
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Bringing down the neighbourhood
waiting for someone who needs me🧞
What a sight to see🧛🏻
(a) time to kill
yourself and others
I'm not sure the middle 3 would def be there were it not for the anon kudos bombing but w/e it's nice having some single chapter fics in the top 5 🤘
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! 🥺🥺🥺
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
A time to refrain (from embracing) methinks!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Both installments of the Are you afraid or is it true series are pretty fluffy. Maybe the second part (Through the park and by the tree) wins out? 🤔
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not generally. There was someone in the gg fandom leaving mean bookmark notes tho 🙄🗑️
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. What are the kinds? 👀
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't, and I don't imagine I would?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, not that I'm aware of. It could be interesting to see how it would go!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes actually, as kids me and a friend co-wrote a tortall 'verse crackfic.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Ooof. Maybe spuffy? That met me at a very formative time of my life, and I didn't expect it to become so canon (as opposed to like under a spell etc) and I think that experience really reshaped my brain 🤯🤯🤯 but fundamentally faves questions are immoral thus this is a very rude question.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I hope I'll finish all of them, and do intend to! I'm not sure I'll ever write the hilarious abortion fic tho.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Mm, a love of language/interesting prose. A love of brevity/somewhat chiselled sentences. A love of editing/willingness to improve. Interesting stories. Dialogue, tho brio get little bc theyre annoying. Characterisation!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Well I violently dislike plot. I don't feel super strong on creating original characters. I'm slow! I'd rather let things be confusing than beat readers over the head with info, which I think can be detrimental. I wouldnt say my descriptions are super strong, though I think they've improved a lil. Sometimes there's too much internal monologue at a go which breaks up the pacing of an eg dialogue scene (though again think that's improved somewhat). My love of planning and love of pantsing are at constant war lol, I get grumpiest abt stuff not having been established earlier and thus needing to state things which couldve been well demonstrated. Blocking, sometimes. I love short stories and oneshots but I'm apparently prone to writing long fics & continuing things into series which I consider a real weakness, lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm not against it in principle, I've read a lot of books which contain a lot of eg French or Spanish (often untranslated). We've got access to Google translate or w/e right? I do appreciate it when translations are provided bc lazy (and I think Ao3 does poss let you do hyperlinked superscript?). I feel the same way abt it in fic as in other media I think -- if you're happy for it to be a bonus to those that understand and everyone else needs to work to figure it out, I concur. If you think it needs to be understood, then providing translations (even if just as notes @ the end) makes sense.
But I also think pls don't write it via Google translate... If u don't speak the language/don't have someone who can help u translate it, don't write dodgy shite Spanish or w/e 🙈 not everything needs to be literal dialogue u can just say 'he explained to his grandmother abt the change in plans' or w/e I swear
...o wait I'm guessing the q meant me as a writer not reader 🤦 I don't think I've done much of it? Altho I do always seem to imply that every character speaks French, a language I don't really speak so who the hell knows 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Published for: good girls. Wrote for hmmm I guess tortall books maybe? 🧓🤷🏼‍♀️
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Ooof, immoral question! Let's say upon your ignorance (and the gray despair) of your ugly life tho bc every time I remember I wrote a fic where rio & Dean swap bodies I giggle 😂 there's so much abt this fic which is very funny to specifically me teehee
Tagging🔖🔖🔖🔖🔖: @hereliesbb @nakedmonkey @nottonyharrison @inyoursheets @bensonstablers @blizabrth @delicatelingon & U right in the middle of your forehead if u wanna play 😚🎯
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ezralva · 11 months
I've been following you for a coupla years now ever since your xicheng era. It's interesting to see whenever you get into new fixations, it introduces me to lesser animes or BLs or new ships that otherwise I would never think of and more often than not I got hooked to them thanks to you 😁 I'm very shy and awkward so mostly in fandoms I'm in im just a silent enjoyer and follower. I'm so happy when you started posting and reblogging jjk because it's a fandom I've been silently lurking for years and moreover because you like stsg and also chousou because they are one of my favorites too. I pretty much enjoy reading your posts and your reblog tags, they are funny! May you share how you got into that? Because you mention one time that you regret those who drew you into jjk 😅 is it something to do with big fandom?
Ps. I like your fic so much, it's like a healing session after chapter 236, I thought i'd let you know here because i'm too shy to comment directly on the fic
Omg this is so sweet of you, anon, thank you! I hope y'know your kind words just made my whole day <3. Wow if you've been following me that long then you shud go off anon so I wud know who you are ^^ but I get it! I enjoy being silent lurker and follower too from times to times.
Also wow I'm amazed you've put up with my everchanging fixations that long lol I know I'm annoying that whenever I'm into new fixation then I wudn't shut up abt it for a while and too lazy to ever make sideblogs. Anw, I don't really remember when I said that ahaha I'd most likely just joked or be sarcastic when I wrote that. I did feel so much pain knowing my otp is a doomed ship but it's nothing I didn't know before I even started jjk. Moreover it ended in a good note for me what with the latest chapters of them so it's all good now. The abundant loveable characters of jjk making it easy to explore other dynamics and ships too. Even dynamics I'd usually nvr entertain so it's been an eye opener experience! I don't regret a thing. Glad to know we share similar tastes :)
but yea I'm really not good with big fandoms overall and am usually content with the tiny corner of my own. My last experience with big fandoms, before I switched completely to obscure fandoms, were too unpleasant that I didn't wish to ever repeat it. But I'm more adept with curating what I wanna see now so I won't get put-off or get bored quickly. Tiny fandoms are nice and comfy but they were oftentimes unsustainable for me due to the lack of interactions. Still, I'm so happy to hear my shitposts could actually introduce you to new fixations!
Abt how I get into jjk. Well, unlike any other animes mangas I'm into, I actually have irl friends and coworkers that are fans of jjk. 3 of them are close to me (one of them is my spouse lol) and had literally pestered me to try it for long so they'd have someone to talk with. So I'd known about it since around 2 years ago when the movie came out. I was curious bcs it was such a hype around me even though they were all adults who usually didn't even watch anime so there must be sth different abt it. Yet I kept putting it off cz I was just not into supernatural fantasy shounen. I decided this year would be a good time to start since with season 2 the hype around me was too high that I just got swept in it, naturally. I cudn't tamp down my curiosity any longer plus I got time now during this break so why not, right? The thing is my irl friends arent into simping let alone shipping (at least not that I know in public, who knows what they might be doing in private) so I keep that side here ofc!
Awwwh thank you so much for letting me know you like my fic! Ch 236 was indeed devastating for a while tho it was still a HE in some aspects (for me). It's an outlet for me to pour my HCs for the characters that stuck with me. I hope you know that even if it's just excited emojis, a comment in the fic worths a lot for authors cz it let them know not just abt whether their fics are being read and liked, but how their works actually affect the readers, it's a potent drive for authors and feedbacks are helping authors so you don't need to be shy 😉
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laminy · 7 months
I was tagged by @onehelluvamarine. I’ve done this before but I’m too lazy to go see what my answers were so if you’ve already read this before oh well lol.
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. I'm breathing in the chemicals (Teen Wolf)
2. and you know you don't have to go (Ted Lasso)
3. Fear and Self-Loathing in Beacon Hills (Teen Wolf)
4. you're the sunflower (Ted Lasso)
5. into the blue and sunny morn' (BoRhap Actor RPF)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
For sure! People took the time to comment and I really appreciate it so I always reply.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
None of my fics have angsty endings! I’ll do all the angst in the story itself, I’ll make them cry and be angry and break up and whatever but there’s gotta be a happy ending.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
When all the endings are happy, it’s kind of hard to compare, but probably a new life grows. It was the last part of ITBASM so its ending had to some up years of me writing and years of their fictional lives and put them all in a fantastic place.
Do you write crossovers?
I wrote a couple Midsomer Murders x 6 Underground fics.
Have you received hate on a fic?
I’ve gotten some rude anons. I didn’t realize until I was almost done posting ITBASM (the original story) that I didn’t have asks open on here. I imagine I would’ve gotten a lot of hate about one chapter if I had. Back when I was first posting fanfic (like, almost twenty years ago) I found out that people in some private group were making fun of a fic that I’d posted. that was great.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I certainly do. For the longest time, just m/m, and that’s all I’ve ever posted. But for my original novel I’m working on now, it’s my first m/f and it is an experience lol I find it more awkward to write at times but it’s fun too. I’ve had to get used to writing wet a lot. And clit. And cunt. A whole new world!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also not that I know of.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I find it hard to comprehend writing as a team event.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I genuinely don’t think I could ever pick. There are so many I’ve read over the years. Some I will never touch again, some I will probably still be reading on my death bed lol. Favourite ever??? No way.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I wrote a 6 Underground fic with Four and Seven that had a couple parts. I intended it to have another, but I don’t think that’s going to happen.
Same with the Midsomer Murders x 6 Underground fic (I guess I gave up on Four lol), I still have the exact scene that I want to write in my mind, I picture it, but I doubt it will ever go anywhere. Unless I just write that one scene.
What are your writing strengths?
I love writing dialogue so I hope it’s a strength. Also, way too much research and detail and background stuff that will never make it onto the page, it’s just for me.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Overwriting, and flat description, A couple years ago I took a writing course and I submitted the first chapter of a fic I had written (one name changed lol), and they really hated it and it was really demoralizing. They said it read more like a screenplay instead of a book because there was no emotion, no thought, it was just “he did this and this and this.” I’ve tried improving since then, I hope I have.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I have done it! to varying levels of success. I wish I knew Egyptian Arabic so I could have included it more in ITBASM. I only ever include small bits in other languages, and I don’t bother to translate. I assume based on context people can figure it out or check for themselves.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Friends, in the fifth grade. it was handwritten in a notebook, which is possibly still somewhere in my parents’ house, but not with me.
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I would still like to finish one of my Gran Turismo fics but I don’t know if that will happen.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
ITBASM as a whole. I know that by the end I was pretty much doing it for me and a handful of other people and I don’t know if it’s as good as it could’ve been but I felt really proud of it and what I did manage to accomplish. It felt more mine than other fics I’ve written.
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arsenalgbt · 1 year
can i ask you your top 5 arsenal ship? 👀
(love your blog and works btw!)
it's so long grab a snack~
1.a. Aaron/Martin like, sorry I coined 'martindale' you saw it you heard it here on my tumblr FIRST. writing martindale? will be there. reading martindale? I will be there. screaming crying at their interactions caught in 4k? will be there. discussing with my fellow martindale believers? I'm in.
blame everything on Aaron mucking about Martin being the el parchio of the squad and my gunnerinnas' tags whenever Aaron says sth about Martin.
and how we all are a bit 👁👄👁 about our captain's behaviour around men 😋😋😋
1.b. Benjamin/Willo. anon I can write an essay........... but long story short, it's cuz they're such opposites!!!! visual wise and personality wise they're sooo chef's kiss.
this ship is just so VIVID in my fucking mind. older, kinda bitchy, secretly funny, definitely slutty, very cool benjamin/scary, menacing aura but looks about 5 y/o when smiling, actually younger, hilarious willo? obsessed!!! 🥰🥰🥰
(also I'll just say it again with my whole chest; I hailed willo as a babie way way before gunnerinnas began gushing about him. it was me and the thirsty twitter men. I did it. I love that now my gunnerinnas have come out supporting the babieliba agenda!!)
2. sakanelli 😭😭😭 ik I'm not too vocal about them but I rly rly rly like them, they're so precious to me hence they're second on my list. two starboys?????? imagine such iconic power couple, giggling, cuddling, nelli improving his English picking up Londoner accent because of his bestie B???---except I can and will only write G rated fics about them. sometimes soon, I hope. I remember one of my moots' tags, something along these lines; "it's so important to me that they both actually like each other" under a sakanelli post AND TRUST ME. oh the possibility. oh the 'started from the bottom now we're here' trope. they're my babies. I read a sakanelli fic on ao3 but it was so sad 😭
3. reiss/either Aaron or Jorginho....... I know. I KNOW IM SO QUIRKYYY CRIES. listen; aaron/reiss size difference? DELISH. jorginho/reiss being opposites (infuriating old man/calm, confused boy toy) PLUS reiss' babygirlism from one (1) video
Tumblr media
literally I haven't stopped recycling this gif as my motivation to continue writing sugar daddy jorgi/confused reiss lol
tldr; it's reiss' face tbfh. he's so pretty... like... i CAN'T let such a pretty face go to waste (not writing fics about him lol).
fuck I think that's it?? cuz I like these three equally:
xhakarteta; BUT eye think eye am just a reader. it's so hard to get their characterisations right (for the standard I set for myself lol). thus, I'm afraid/lazy to get my hands on writing actual plot for them 🫡
Aaron/benjamin; again, amazing, time proven, OG friends to lovers trope, etc etc but I'm just a reader for them I guess!!!?????? same excuse with my view regarding xhakarteta. them fics I read??? LOVE THEM. Aaron is soooooooooo whipped, so golden retriever coded. spoiler alert; I'm writing an Aaron/Benjamin/Martin threesome as we speak :O
ZINNY/GABBY OH GOSH!! Zinny is clearly so into gabby but gabby is this sexy workaholic who is never aware of the attention he gets from men (multiple). iktr.
honorary mention, I used to and still have a soft spot for giroud/ramsey. like... goddamn rambo was thirsty... and granit/ramsey as well ngl... OH ALSO; nelli/fabio lmaooo gawd these twinks...
PSA; in my hc, Aaron Ramsdale had a crush on Leno 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 OKAY NOW TELL ME YOURS! thank you for reading thanks for liking my works!!!!
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lucithornz · 11 months
Tagged by two amazing people @amoxilwrites and @scoops404 I love you both <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Under my main and pseud 12 (35 if we are counting my other account)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
I am about to expose myself . . . Under LuciThornz it's 495,611 Combined with my other account it's . . . . 2,205,774 . . . .(don't ask lol)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
DNF and the Aurelian Cycle, a few other niche fandoms but those are the main two(other account is all Supernatural baby)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm doing top 3 because I am lazy.
I'd Lie
2. Unsought is Better
3. Suffer Love
I'm so happy the series is together here!!!!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I love responding. People take the time to say something and I love talking about my work and stuff. It's fun and I think makes the reading experience a lot more dynamic if that makes sense. As a commenter I also really like hearing back from authors, it's a lot of fun!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
. . . . Oh we all know. Haunted Deep (iykyk) I never link that fic so if you wanna find it you have to go digging :P
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Umm probably Suffer Love, that or One Fated Thread(soulmates will make for a pretty sappy ending)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Had one person take personal issue with George's characterization in Unsought is Better, but they still demanded updates ahead of schedule(blocked). Seen a few things on Twitter and one anon, but I really don't care.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do. I have written omegaverse and monster smut. It's a work in progress I'd say, I like to try to ruin smut with emotions that's my M.O lol
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No, but one day I'll write a dnf Supernatural crossover fic
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, and it better stay that way. There's a very good reason I'm good at writing enemies to lovers.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship
Destiel until the end of time!!! Sorry I love dnf too but the angel that changed the course of the entire universe for one man is more important. But yeah DNF, also Samifer, Daemon/Rhaenyra, Power/Annie(my beloved Aurelian Cycle ship) also Will/Emma Swan(literally never gets old)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
None, I am a completionist to a fault. Now you have to be nice to me if you want to see the finished work, but I finish all my shit.
16. What are your writing strengths?
You all better tell me, the only thing I know I'm good at is angst.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Smut, sometimes I feel very shaky on characterization for some characters, and fluff(I am trying my best here people I promise)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Don't see the point, unless the character can't speak the language and doesn't understand also, but then just say they can't understand. I don't see the point unless it's elvish in LOTR I need that shit.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Wheel of Time/Supernatural. It was almost simultaneous. I gained access to Tumblr and went wild.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I hate it till it's done, but it will be I'd Lie, until then Suffer Love gets the top spot
Thanks for tagging me, Scoops and Vesp! This was fun! Scoops tagged most people I would have, and I am very tired, so if you see this and want to play consider yourself tagged!
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doobnnoob-tf2 · 2 years
( pinned )
Daniel / Aster
he/vamp/bat, gay-ace transman
28, ( 6 Oct. )
TF2-centric & headcanon blog
Ask the Mercs sideblog: @ask-the-tf2-mercs
(for app users trying to view tag / anon links, use the links in my bio)
may update more in the future.  would prefer not to be reblogged.
( more under cut )
I have no preference on what you call me.  Aster, Daniel, Dan, Danny - all are perfectly acceptable
I’m a freelance furry artist
my fursona is a cheetah with a hat too big for his damn head
my TF2 OC is a RED Sniper named Mike (his profile is incomplete but I’m too lazy to update it)
please don’t refer to me as girl/queen/babygirl/whatever.  I know people see “gay man” and think that stuff is okay, but I’m also a TRANSman and that stuff is not okay and very much is misgendering
I am open to RP tho only with people 18+ bc I’m an adult myself and it’s just more comfortable for me that way
I REALLY love Team Fortress 2, I’ve had a major hyperfixation for this game since it’s initial release, it’s a huge comfort thing for me
Sniper is my favorite, I love him, he’s my husband, but I also just wanna be him so SHRUGS
SniperSpy is my biggest ship, my OTP, if I’m gonna get gay and talk about two men being in love it’s gonna be about them 90% of the time
SniperSpy is the only one I’ll go absolutely feral over, but I also really love HeavyMedic and Engineer/Soldier/Demoman, I actually have very few ships I don’t like
I really would prefer people DON’T tag my headcanons with things like “me” or “kin” or “self ship”. it just kinda makes me uncomfortable to have people do that with my headcanons
I don’t answer asks pertaining to Merc x OC / Reader / generic S/O sorta stuff, I’ll consider doing ficlets with those topics however I’d prefer to be paid for those since there’s a lot more involved with making them
"//mundeez nuts" is my non-tf2/general tag
I am free to pick and choose what I want to answer.  sometimes I read something, and while I like the concept I just don’t think I’ll have the words to answer it so I’ll delete it.  this is to keep myself from getting overwhelmed trying to answer things I genuinely can’t, thus causing myself to stress out and be unable to answer other asks
I used to have a headcanon blog, so if some posts seem familiar it’s because I’ve resposted them here
I’m very dyslexic so don’t expect my text posts to be perfect
for personal reasons, I don’t do genderbent asks
I don’t really answer asks pertaining to kids, the reason being I don’t have much of an interest in them and therefore I’m just not the best person to ask
if you’re gonna reblog one of my headcanon posts to “correct” it, just make your own post.  it’s weird and rude and I certainly did not ask for your opinion, especially if someone was asking for MINE
chances are if I post anything focused on Sniper and Scout, it’s NOT a ship thing.  I would prefer people not tag it as shipping but I know people probably won’t see this / won’t care lol.  but if you see your reblog has been hidden from the post, know that that’s probably why
I don’t really want my blog/headcanons/asks/etc associated with TF2 Twitter.  they make me EXTREMELY uncomfortable with the way they treat transmen as fet/ishes
I personally cannot get into most 10th class / fem merc things, I won’t shit on people who do enjoy it.  it’s just I’ve had the concepts for both ruined for me and I can’t separate the bad feelings from them anymore.  there are VERY specific scenarios where I can find myself enjoying either
I don’t actually dislike SniperScout as a ship.  I just tend to veer away from it these days because the people who do ship those two are super fucking toxic towards others who ship Sniper with anyone else
also if you’re gonna send anon hate over me shipping SniperSpy, don’t waste your own time and instead do something productive with it.  I’m just gonna delete it anyway
I do not under any circumstances ship Spy and Scout, not even if you claim it’s “not canon”, not even if you use OCs (bc it feels too close to the “but it’s not canon” excuse)
if you’re a proshipper: you’re disgusting, and I do not and will NEVER like you.  stay the fuck away from me and my posts, they are not for people like you.
I block transphobes who f..eti..shize transmen by only portraying us as s/ubm/ssive b/ttoms and don’t see transmen any other way
in general, I block pretty freely.  I’m here to enjoy MY experience and I’m tired of putting others first when they hurt me or make me uncomfortable.  TF2 is a huge comfort thing for me and makes me happy and I’m not gonna let people ruin more aspects about it for me than already have been
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I'm really not sure why anyone's surprised Im/odna wasn't The BeauJes Apology(TM) people were hoping for. Anything remotely resembling an apology would be an admission of the fuck-up and the cast has proven they're incapable of doing that. And Marisha is incapable of acting like an adult about queer characters.
Even if it does take a turn for the romantic, to harken back to another anon you got, there's no reason to trust them with it. Even a couple years after the fact, the BeauJes fiasco has only proven that they're all-too happy to throw a character-dynamic away the moment it's inconvenient to some unrelated 3rd party (whether they're at the table or not), no matter how good or fun it is.
and really, ships like im/odna or beaujes would do just fine in any fandom where the creators don't show such disdain for people who don't worship the canon, and said disdain gets carried into the fandom. Where you have an entire subset who have no qualms about going into the tags of a ship they don't like just to bully people. I've moved onto other fandoms that basic bit of fandom-etiquette is so much less common in so many other communities. They say "don't bully people" and their sycophants take it as "don't bully us :)))" (something something don't forget to love each other repeatedly gets turned into a blunt weapon to shut down criticism) cuz they've always actively mocked anyone who criticizes them, or doesn't uncritically eat up whatever story-beat they add, no matter how lazy it is. No wonder fanfic writers are made into a joke whenever they're mentioned: fanfic can and sometimes does challenge the canon of a given story.
“Marisha is incapable of acting like an adult about queer characters.” This very succinctly sums it up.
Though I will say, early on (from the confession and forward, pre-hiatus), she did a good job. There were tons of fans that identified with the way she was playing Beau in that moment; how scary it is to admit you have feelings for a (presumed straight) friend, having to keep that to yourself, the little bit of yearning mixed with anguish that comes with it, and how you wanna distance yourself but then if you do, your friend is gonna be really sad. (Like in ep88)
I genuinely think that she did actually play those aspects of it very well.
And I guess that’s also part of the disappointment over why Beaujester fell away and we got stuck with BY. Around the time of the confession, Beau had been growing as a person. She was less juvenile, more articulate, and in a sense, more genuine than she used to be. Of course she still had her goofy moments but it felt like she was maturing. Then post-hiatus reared it ugly head and she was back to acting like a horny teenager. It was like everybody reverted back to their original selves, devoid of growth. The shallowness was back, the one-liners were back, the “That’s hot.” “You’re so hot.” “Let’s make-out.” shit was back. That was all she had to contribute. It was ridiculous, bland, and try-hard.
Where the fuck did all the maturity go?
Pre-hiatus Beau and post-hiatus Beau really do feel like two different people.
I like that you said ‘worship the canon’. And, you’re right. I also think ships like Beaujester and Im/odna would be allowed to thrive in a fandom that didn’t worship canon. Problem is, I personally don’t know of any fandom that didn’t/doesn’t worship canon. Maybe Ag/ent Carter would be the only exception. But I think that’s only because it didn’t exist long enough for the fandom to devolve into a toxic space. The show was cancelled a few episodes into its second season lol
Other than that, every other fandom experience I’ve had (both on here and on twitter) has been pretty fucking horrendous. And it is mostly because of canon worship and just general shipper entitlement. (Mainly m/f shipper entitlement.)
I won’t go into that here though. I’ve already started writing up something about this and it’s gonna be very long. It needs to be its own post.
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ryuichirou · 4 years
Yo I will throw hands with anyone who disrespects Ryu and Katsu and their ships. Like dude they’re fictional characters being drawn together, just like.. Block the tag and move on. Why do people have have to get salty in the asks, the only person they’re humiliating are themselves.
With that rant out of the way, your Pieck x Hange art is adorable, I love them! Do you have any HCs?
Ahhh Anon you’re so protective and supportive, thank you very much 💕 Don’t worry about it. Like I said, it doesn’t bother us much, we mostly wanted to show how sudden and unprovoked some of these comments are sometimes. We do want to just delete them and not give them attention, but at the same time I want people to see what kind of treatment innocent (since I don’t even interact with the fandom in any way) artists can get. No personal drama, no shitting on other people, not bothering a single soul, no nothing – and yet I get these comments and asks.
Thank you for liking Pikuhan!! <3 Here are some HCs for you ~
Hange has the biggest crush on Pieck and tries very hard to act cool in front of her. Which is never successful, but Hange doesn’t give up.
Hange is very obvious and Pieck is very perceptive and reads people very well, but sometimes she still doesn’t fully understand what Hange’s thinking.
Hange’s awkward way of flirting works but for all the wrong reasons: it’s so awkward that there is some charm to it. Pieck appreciates it more and more with time, even time it was just cringey at first.
Sometimes Pieck complains about Hange being too much, but she doesn’t really mind it. It’s an interesting change of pace for her, plus she really appreciates how honest and passionate about science Hange is.
Hange loves Pieck’s demeanor, Pieck’s mysteriousness and Pieck’s intelligence. The fact that Pieck can actually help Hange with experiments even if it’s not her area of expertise is one of the most amazing things about her.
They’re a perfect “stuck at home” duo: with Hange being too preoccupied with experiments and other interesting stuff to take a bath and Pieck being too tired and lazy to even move. If they lived together, they’d probably stay in their room for weeks. They’d just sleep, have sex, eat something they ordered yesterday but didn’t finish, do their own thing, then have sex again, order pizza and sleep. On loop.
Hange is pretty much the only person who can make Pieck feel flustered. She’s usually very chill and nothing really shocks or embarrasses her, but Hange is an unpredictable creature.
Hange’s usually the one who starts everything, but Pieck knows how to provoke and make Hange make the first move. Pieck is a pillow princess for the most part, but when the mood is right she’s very eager to make her partner feel good.
And I must mention the one I tweeted under the last drawing yesterday: Pieck got tons of medical weed, and this is one of the reasons Hange hangs out with her a lot lol
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usuallydeepcoffee · 3 years
Is the ex-stony support group still open? I used to write for that ship, and looking back it sucked?? I joined late and lots of fics were bashing or Steve was like this prop toy thing ugh. I remember getting comments on my fics that my Tony wasn't "accurate". He was "too childish" (??), and there was this person saying "good that Steve loves him here because no one does in canon" and I was like ??
The best thing tho, was when I got an angry Tonky in my comments about something Tony said in my fic bc he "would never say that!!" And I remember staring at that comment because the thing they got angry about was something Stark said IN THE MOVIE. Like I QUOTED a thing and they deadass got mad at me because Tony "isn't like that"😀
And also, it was super weird that people thanked me for not bashing Pepper. Like. H U H? Tf they all doing over there honestly😭
There’s no limit to the group! Welcome!
Lol I have my lazy, procrastinating ass to thank for never actually publishing any st0ny fics before my interest on the pairing evaporated, but I almost wish I could’ve gotten some passive-aggressive, whiny comment about me actually liking (or god forbid, preferring) Steve, because, lol. If someone tried to complain to me about being too nice to Steve or not nice enough to T0ny I would’ve pulled out all the fucking stops and slammed a 100 slide PowerPoint presentation in their face of how that side of the fandom perceives Steve.
(like, just look at how many St0ny fics are tagged with “T0ny needs a hug” vs “Steve needs a hug”. Look at how many “Team Ir0n Man” fics are out there vs the team america ones. And that’s not even counting all the untagged ones who are blatantly getting off on the idea of Steve begging T0ny for forgiveness.)
Also, I know everyone’s experience in fandom is different, but it’s ridicolous how skewed reality becomes when fanon interpretations become more accepted than canon. Then you get things like “this canon thing T0ny does is OoC!” and “Steve needs to be socked for not considering T0ny a friend on the same level as Bucky!” on your writing because people look to other well liked fics instead of the source material. 
So yeah, that’s what they’re doing. Better tiptoe out and close the door behind yourself, anon
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✨ Personal ramble time, please feel free to ignore this lol... Please don’t reblog. This is just me getting this off my chest.
I have spoken a little about it but I think I got so unhappy writing for The Old Guard fandom that I stuck with it because I couldn’t believe that something that brought me so much joy could make me feel so miserable. Like, how could this happen? I love this thing so. Much. And how could I not feel happy writing for it? But it started to feel performative. It felt like I was putting out content just for the sake of content. It drained me. It felt like I was no longer in love but I couldn’t leave, that I had to stay for some reason.
Friends urged me to go. Real life and online both. I kept making up excuses, kept putting it off, kept saying I still had things to do, I still had fics to write, prompts to fill.
I’m not gonna say I lost inspiration for it. Looking at my work count for The Old Guard on AO3 would quickly dispel that. But I wasn’t happy anymore. And many who were reading my works then could definitely tell. And it wasn’t just the inspiration part, but also the drama as well? I don’t think I have ever been in a fandom so divided amongst itself. Every time I got a comment, I had to wonder if this was a comment given in good faith or is this someone who has some bad intentions. I had to second guess every single anon, I second guessed every reblog, like, comment from accounts that I wasn’t familiar with.
I know people won’t remember it, but those who do will know of the “catfish anon” incident. It took me months to process the shit that was done to me. The level of gaslighting and borderline stalker behaviour done on me were stuff I had to untangle. And just when I thought it was something I could put behind me, they come back like a persistent pest. I’m truly blessed to have people around me that genuinely support and care to sit with me as I did it. In this period of time, I definitely grew a little more and learnt a lot more about boundaries and how I need to reinforce them especially with people who clearly aren’t going to respect them even if they pay lip service to doing so.
There are people in this fandom who really need help and I hope they get it. Straight up, the itch to name names is strong in me but I won’t. Not because I respect the person, but because what good would that do? I am not aiming to be the better person here because Lord knows this person and their cronies have been running their mouths vague shading me on Discord thinking it won’t come back to me, going up on people’s DMs spreading lies about me. If I name them and share my screenshots of their lies, coupled with what people have already learnt about their bad behaviour, it would come as no surprise that this person’s name will be the one I bring up. Even now, the mild paranoia that this person and their cronies could still be somehow reading this is a presence in my head. But I am honestly done being mad. I am done being scared of these people with nothing but hate and pain in their hearts. It’s so exhausting.
This is hopefully the first and last time I have to talk about this. I don’t want to address this anymore, I want to slough it off like dead skin because scum like these don’t have any place in my life. I had thought of making a whole post and shit but like I said, what good would that do? Wouldn’t it only affect the happiness I have already achieved? I built the Booker x Joe x Nicky tag and I have been and am so happy to see others come in and write for the tag. That is one sliver of joy that has not faded for me. Even if I never write for this ship again, the time I spent there was never wasted.
I have decided that I won’t delete my Booker x Joe x Nicky fics off AO3 or Tumblr. I do take and will take immense pride in the journey I’ve gone through with my writing. Since many of my fics are pretty short, I may collate them into a multi-chaptered fic or something. We shall see. This may be something that I undertake in the future, maybe I get too lazy and I abandon the thought lol
But yes. I am doing better than I ever was. I am happier than I have been in a very long time and it feels lovely to feel this way 😊 Please do stay tuned for all the WenZhou fics I have ready for you and I thank you all for your support in every and all fandoms we may or may not share 😂🌸
/okay ramble over hehe
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bwoahtastic · 3 years
Same anon as before, please don’t take this as hate but do you think you could try to tag Mindo a bit more? 😅 I would like to filter it as I find it triggering. I really love your writing, that particular ship is just something I would like to filter out.
I really do try to tag as much as I can but honestly I'm already happy I remember to tag the verses and 'nsfw' when appropriate lol.
I'll try to tag pairings more but it sometimes just gets complicated and tbh I'm sometimes just too lazy, so I can't promise it will always work
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franeridart · 4 years
Tumblr media
Anon said: How are you just like "Oh these are just some warm up sketches" and post a full finished piece, while I'm over here sketching a triangle person and calling it a finished piece.
I dunno if this was a legit question asking for a legit answer, but I do happen to have a legit answer so I might as well give it! If I wanted to go into detals with it it’d take me forever though, so allow me to separate it into two points to make it easier
I learnt how to be very fast in putting down my lines and trained myself into not overthinking every single dot I put down. This took about five or six years of drawing daily and a whole life of drawing occasionally before then, because to do so you need to reach a point where you’re drawing something you’ve drawn so many times that by now your hand sort of goes without you needing to think about it much, so it’s not a fast process, but boy is it worth it. Mostly learning how to not overthink it, overthinking it used to be 90% of my time spent on a drawing and dear god did it suck the joy out of everything I drew
I have two very distinctive ways of approaching a drawing, one where I actually put effort in it and the other where I just want to let the squiggles out of my pen, and warm ups are the second one - the lack of effort I’m putting in can have different forms and show in different ways, so a warm up could be a fully colored piece as it could be just a pencil doodle, depending on where and on what exactly I’m being lazy: it could be the type of tool I’m using that allows me to draw without having to line, it could be a very tiny canvas that lets me avoid a ton of details a big canvas would demand. I might be cutting the time I usually put in making sure my anatomy is correct, I might be using a shading technique that takes a tenth of the time my usual one would, I might be using a style that’s just easier and faster to draw, or drawing characters I’ve drawn a trillion times in extremely generic poses and clothes. There’s a lot of things that I can do to make things faster for me! It’s skills you gain as you draw a lot - you learn how to draw things the hard way, and then you realize that along the way you learnt how to do them the easy way too
hope this actually answers your question! If it was a question at all lol if it wasn’t then sorry for rambling, please pretend I didn’t say anything hahaha
Anon said: I love your newest comic!!! So adorable!! I noticed Bakugou's mom does the affectionate hair rustle thing to him in the manga/anime, do you think Bakugou subconsciously does the same to show affection cause of it? I love the way you draw faces and poses, it's so expressive!!
Ahhhhh thank you so much!!! And yeah, it might be! After all we do take a lot from the people we live with even without realizing, and he’s already so similar to his mom!
Anon said: I saw your bakushima comic from October 9th (2019) where Bakugo falls asleep studying and Kirishima sets him down on the table properly and it was so soft my heart is crying
;;;;; !!!!!!!! I’m glad you liked it!! <3<3
Anon said: If it not to much, could I possibly get a Ochamina doodle pls? I just love some sweet lesbeans 👉👈
Awww I’m not taking requests right now, but I’ll keep it in mind for next time I want to doodle and don’t know what!
Anon said: I love your art! I envy you.
Please don’t! There’s a lot of reasons why being me isn’t a lot of fun - if it’s just my skill you envy, then all you gotta do is draw a lot! 
Anon said: i just went through your entire kiribaku tag and omg it was beautiful seeing the progression in your art skills but still keeping the same funny/cute/heartwarming/etc traits you thought up for their dynamic!! i hope that makes sense haha !! love your art keep it up
It does make sense!!! Thank you so much both for looking through the whole tag and for thinking so, it means a lot to me!! ;;; <3<3
Anon said: Hey fran! I hope you're doing well(especially with quarantine and all)!! I really love your anatomy and how fluid and stylistic it can be! It's super fun to look at! I wanted to ask you if you ever did any in depth studies on anatomy? Like muscles and bones. I've heard a lot of artists mention the necessity of studying bones/muscles, i'd really like to know your opinion on the subject
Ahhh god thank you so much!! And... hmm let’s see if I can word this properly and have it make sense - always keeping in mind that this is just my opinion, of course!
If all you want to do is to draw, then all you need to do is to pick up your pencil and draw - it’s really that easy as far as I’m concerned. You don’t need to know anatomy in depth to just draw, everyone has seen a person, everyone knows how a person looks. That is, if all you want to do is to draw for the sake of drawing. If you want to draw an anatomically correct looking human being, though, you do need to know how anatomy works - and the deeper you’ll go into studying it the more correct your people will look. It’s kind how everyone can draw a bicycle, but if you want to draw a realistic bicycle you’re gonna need to look up references for it, you know? It’s all on the level at which you’re interested in drawing, the more technically skilled you want to be the more you’ll have to study
As for my personal experience with this, I hate studying with a passion. Studying puts a damper on my enjoyement of everything, and drawing isn’t excluded from this - you put a book in front of me expecting me to study it and suddenly I never want to pick up a pencil again. This means that I never sat down and studied anatomy in depth and all in one go just to learn how to draw a human being, but it doesn’t mean that I didn’t, slowly and now and again and in bits and pieces, study parts of the body to get a better understanding of it. I know better about the skeleton than I do about muscles, and I still have enough to learn about everything that anyone who’s studied anatomy properly would find a trillion mistakes in everything I draw, but my way of going about drawing has always been and always will be putting my enjoyement of it first and foremost, so I’m not interested in putting myself through a tour-de-force to learn everything there is to know about anatomy just to make my doodles look appealing to someone with a medical degree haha I’m just doing me, and when the mood is right I look up how to properly draw something, but until then I just do it as best as I can with my limited knowledge, being fully aware that what I’m producing is far from accurate but being willing to make that compromise for my own comfort
So that’s my opinion on it lol it all boils down to how important it is for you to know how to properly draw the human body - of course it’s gonna look more professional and better if you’ve studied it, but everyone has their own priorities, you know?
Anon said: Thank you for your hard work, seeing an upload from you is so nice, and the colors are so pretty
Thank you so muuuuccchhhhh!!!! TTATT <3<3<3
Anon said: Opinions on Tokoyami Fumikage 💕
One of my top faves in the whole manga, actually! I have a drawing in the making of him, I should get back to it..........
Thank you!!!!!!!! So pretty much my way of learning this specific skill was being obsessed with elves when I was fifteen and wanting to draw them all the time  and also for whatever reason being convinced that they were not supposed to wear shoes so I just drew a lot of feet with references and tutorials and stuff till I could draw my elves properly. Which isn’t necessarily what you need to do to learn how to draw feet, but, I mean, it worked for me lol
Anon said: I love ur Bnha ships and all but what would u do if some of them didn’t become canon??
Oh, I actually don’t care about that at all? I don’t expect most of them to become canon anyway - like, ochadeku sounds reasonable and kamijirou seems to be getting there, but everything else I never even considered it as an actual possibilily. I don’t really ship because I want to see my ships become canon, I just like the potential in what I can make with them? If that makes sense? They’re just fun to think about and I like making fancontent, that’s all there is to it really haha honestly if I had my way no ship would ever be canon ever ha ha ha
Anon said: Slep is for the wek
No actually sleep is for Frans who want a chance at getting up tomorrow morning without an headache for once, so I should do that and go to sleep already lmao
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or-ng-c-ss-dy · 4 years
Hello I'm kind of craving Chuck/OC content atm so if you wouldn't mind sharing do you have any headcanons/booking fantasies/general thoughts about them?
im always craving content for them. i don’t think i’ve ever made a headcanon post before, but here goes nothing. have a mix of all three.
i’m gonna put it under a cut to not bother folks. also, some of it trends nsfw.
- chuck never makes oc drive and people have called him out on it. because he’s always like “okay, i’ll drive there and you can drive back” and the other person is like “we did that last time, make him drive”. chuck never has an excuse either, he just says no and that’s that.
- i dunno much about love languages and they kinda seem like nonsense, like the mbti thing for people who are getting some, but i just get the vibe that chuck’s is acts of service. like the aforementioned driving thing, but he also does whatever orange asks of him but also things he doesn’t have to ask cause they know each other.
- of course, they could both be touch considering how much they touch each other lol. 
- chuck is always thinking about their size difference, whenever he has to reach for something on a higher shelf or when he catches oc swimming in one of his hoodies.
- speaking of size differences, chuck usually leans down to kiss orange but he’ll sometimes no-sell his “i want a kiss” face just because it’s cute to see him get up on his toes to try and get that kiss he wants.
- moving off of that, i think chuck wasn’t much of a kisser. but orange really likes it and could do it for hours, so chuck obliged but...as it turns out, he likes kissing just fine if he’s kissing orange.
- chuck’s favorite thing is when orange gets on top and rides him. of course, orange is usually too lazy for that, so it doesn’t happen often but, man, when it does...chuck’s riding (lol) that high for weeks.
- are they dating? who knows......chuck would say no, they’re just...friends. with benefits. who don’t see other people. and go out to restaurants and movies and other places, without other people, and they tend to switch off on paying for each other without splitting the bill...
- chuck’s definitely full blown, messy, awful, terribly in love with him though. even if he’s terrified of being Seen. 
- speaking of dates, the waiter always puts the bill down in front of chuck. assigned top by the waitstaff.
booking fantasies:
> i mean....tag titles? hah, i dunno, i wouldn’t really want best friends to stop tagging together but i don’t think the bucks stole trent away from new japan for him to not have a solo career in aew. give me tag champion gentleman’s club and aew champ trent, why the hell not?
> not really a booking fantasy, but i love how aew leans into how he’s the pretty blond of the trio, like penelope to the gamer squad and allie to the butcher and the blade. and chuck’s more comparable to kip than miro so.....
> it’s just my favorite thing...pretty blonds...let them fight tho.
some general thoughts:
i’ve been in a lot of fandoms in my day but this has definitely been one of my favorites. i love writing these two, chuck is so much fun to write and orange can be such an enigma. plus, because of it, i’ve made a lot of really cool friends, and it’s been awesome to see the ship grow because of my friends (as well as people who i don’t personally know). i loved that i got this message because it makes me really happy that people are interested in this ship. 
also, what the fuck did chuck mean in that video when he says that things would get ugly between them? there’s really only one meaning that could have, chuck told the world about how him and oc would get drunk together, get turned down by girls at bars, get take-out, and then fuck on oc’s couch.
i dunno...things would just get Ugly.....
hope these scratched your itch, anon! 
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inkforhumanhands · 4 years
Oooo, is this an ask meme I see? Answer all of them >:). Lol, but in all seriousness, 1-10
Anon, you are terribleeeeeeee.
What’s your personal favourite thing you wrote this year? If WIPs count, You Would Never Call Me Baby (if you search my blog for that tag the small bits I’ve posted should show up).
What’s your least favourite thing you wrote this year? lmaoo a ficlet called Moonlighting that I’m just about to post to AO3 after I make some small edits to it. I don’t like it because I was lazy since it was for a prompt and just stuck to a sexist trope that this world probably doesn’t need any more of. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Which of your fics was most different from what you usually write? Probably Escapees just by virtue of being a pet shop AU. I don’t usually write AUs, or if I do they’re very close to the world of canon, so pet shop was definitely different. Also honestly most of the ficlets that came out of Writer’s Month 2020 are not my usual jam, so if you know me only from ficlets get prepared for when I post stuff that actually came 100% from my own brain. ;D
Which of your fics this year was most successful? Going by kudos, Sniffer Dog ended up tied with Bess. Going by comment threads, A Learning Experience.
Which of your fics do you wish was more successful? Friendly Competition featuring Brett, which only has 7 kudos of shame lol (I think it was bad timing and lack of a ship that killed it.) also Cartography. I know prose poems aren’t that popular but I like this one.
What’s your favourite piece of dialogue you wrote this year? Okay I don’t know if this is cheating since I can’t really give away the whole conversation for spoiler reasons, but I think You Would Never Call Me Baby (still a WIP, I am SORRY) has some choice responses from Foggy. The first one is a chopped up bit of dialogue (as in part of Matt’s and some narration is missing). The second one is just Foggy’s response because Matt’s part is huge spoiler. ① Matt shook his head. “A sacrifice requires net loss. You’re not taking into account what I gained when I did all that stuff. I did it because I wanted you to like me, to– to ingratiate myself with you.” He shuddered in revulsion, hands coming unclasped to rub agitatedly at the back of his neck. “I’m looking at you in dismay, Matty.” ②“That’s a lot of F bombs for Matt Murdock,” Foggy observed.
What’s your favourite piece of description or narration? I suppose it’s a good thing that I’m having a really hard time choosing, but since most of my favorite parts are from Baby (the WIP) there are some I simply cannot show and therefore this excerpt isn’t my Favorite favorite, but I like it a lot nonetheless. The thing was, Matt had already relied too often on this story that made him a martyr, used it to prop himself up in his lowest moments until it had lost its potency. He’d had too many chances to revisit it, to revise the memory from his current standpoint. Too many opportunities to ransack it of all his agency. Matt had remade himself into less a hero and more a boy caught up in heroics. His accident could no longer be the proof Foggy thought it was—the proof Matt, too, longed for it to be.
Which fic this year was most fun to write? Hmm maybe A Learning Experience (linked above) because it was short and sweet and cracky.
If you could go back and change something about one of the fics you wrote this year, what would it be? Ties into my answer for #2, but I’m going to change Moonlighting to be slightly less sexist (hopefully?).
What, if anything, are you going to try to do differently in your writing in the new year? Write faster? (lol)
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jinxofthedesert · 4 years
Hi there! Annoying anon that loves rambling about the Valeska twins is here again 🤣 Let the discussion continue! 😂 Yeah, I totally get your point of writing such stories as a means of fulfilling wishes. I guess it makes sense from the writer's pov that they want to give these characters a different (better) treatment. Valid point, but still, they don't feel real to me.
(Below this is the rest of the messages, put together. Farther down, below the line, are my responses)
It's like I'm reading a story with a character that's called Jerome/Jeremiah Valeska and looks exactly like him, but it's not truly him (just like you said, at their cores they are bad guys). But it's perfectly understandable and all right that people want to give them a rest from their chaotic lives haha 😊 everybody’s got their cup of tea ☕
Damn, yes, these stories are so hard to find! I imagine that writing something of the sort and investing so much in such complex characters can be draining and daunting, so yeah I get the reason why there are not so many fics out there... and OCs are so difficult to write haha you are right. They take too much time and effort 🤣
Yeah, I guess Ecco was not the best example. It's very true what you say about Jeremiah's and Ecco's relationship. In the show it was portrayed as a professional one. So we don't really know if there's anything else beyond that, save for some level of concern. So I guess I should have gone with Bruce instead because, just like you said, Jeremiah went totally bonkers when he realized that Bruce was the only one who saw past his resemblance to Jerome.
Basically, what I was trying to say is that in these fics there's not really that same vibe of evil obsession and lunacy from the twin's side. Maybe just some sort of heightened jealousy when their partner is addressed by other characters, but not in a really "Valeska" way. In fact, it is also strange when Bruce is completely absent in these stories when the twins' obsession revolves around him.
Yeah, there is sooo much to explore, so that is why I am very curious to see how people construe their backgrounds, but usually it's just the repetition of the show with some added scenes and dialogues here and there 😅 I would love to see something a bit different, but well, I guess I am being very demanding 🤣 Don't worry about it and thanks so much for replying! 😘 I am now doing some research in different sites 🤣
It's a bit weird because even though I enjoyed the show, I have to say I merely watched it to see ma broski boys in action 🤣 so If I wasn't so lazy (and didn't have other unfinished projects) I would try to write something (my mind is already full of vague ideas OMGGG 😏🤔😂), but I don't really know much about other characters or subplots, so I would not be sure how to tackle it 🤔 Thanks again for the lovely discussion! 😊
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Hi anon! Don’t you worry about your rambles, they’re not at all annoying! I find it rather fun to discuss the twins. 
I’m sorry you’ve not been able to find the content you’re looking for; usually, I always run into comments on Tumblr or Pinterest about how you look for certain fics and when you can’t find them, then it’s time to try a hand at writing it yourself. I’ve done that and, even though I enjoy writing, it’s still pretty hard, especially to find a drive to do it when I really am not feeling it.  With the twins not feeling real, I understand, ‘course I now think I’m at the point where I might read anything if I’m gifted with more content lol (though there are some tags that, if I see them, I don’t touch if I can help it). 
I think, usually, with most writers, it’s easier to take a character like Jerome/Jeremiah and, instead of doing the tremendous work that comes with trying (emphasis trying) to change them, they do a few things and that’s enough for a road to recovery. Because, most of the time, they’re not writing to change the character, or even to make it realistic; sometimes they’re just writing, or they wanted to try a different aspect. There can be so many reasons and sometimes digging deep and getting a character 100% correct isn’t at the top of the list of what you want in that story. Personally, I’ve learned to broaden my sense of disbelief with characters and just enjoy what I manage to find, especially since the Gotham fic-oriented content is sooooo small 😢
After reading your last message, I actually went onto Ao3 and searched ‘character studies’ under the characters and yeah, there’s not much, I read a few and I honestly wasn’t sure what to think (not to call anyone out). It reminded me a lot of my years reading batjokes on fanfiction or, again, Ao3 where, if you search long enough, there’s a fic for almost all your needs. There have been some good gems in there that delve into character studies and helping these characters try and become better. Comparing that to Gotham’s arrangement of fics is sad, to say the least, but batjokes in all media have a lottttt of years to have such a collection of wonderful content. (Even if you’re only a Gotham fan, stretching out into the actual Batman fandom can be very rewarding, even if your next step is into the Nolan movies or even Batman in general cause you can replace the characters in your head if you really want too)  I think one big problem with Oc’s is that, in a way, they’re easy to make, but in the worst way. You can create a character to put in the place you want, a blank space and they’re just nothing. This comes up a lot in anime type works, where the main character is so blah for the purpose of the audience (reader in our other case) to put themselves in the place of the main character. This also happens in a lot of movies as well, instead of fleshing the character out and allowing them to move and breathe the way THEY would and not how the audience thinks they themselves would. Because of this, oc’s can be very flat. There are the exception, of course although I have no examples since I don’t remember the last Oc story I read . . .  *wracks brain* yeah no idea. Though I’m sure it’s somewhere in my saves.
Even if one doesn’t ship Jeremiah with Bruce, it’s very difficult to ignore/brush under the rug that there was definitely an obsession and that originally, during their weeks of spending time together, building the generator, there started a friendship. The first is very obvious, show-wise (and friendship kinda came with the territory) and the gay subtext can be there if you look at it that way. As much as an interesting character Ecco is, she’s both not important enough in the show (sorry Ecco lovers) or to Jeremiah or to anyone for that matter. While with Bruce and Jeremiah, with how their first meeting go’s and all the meetings that follow after (very willingly on Jeremiah’s part even though I’m sure before this NO ONE was allowed in the inner parts of his bunker for long periods. Probably not even Ecco) the relationship is much more pronounced than anything we’re given prior.  I like to think that even though Bruce was manipulating Jeremiah when they first met, he actually did see him as his own person. Even though he, like Jim and Harvey, have personally bore witness to Jerome’s tyranny. (And that only twists the knife harder when Jeremiah eventually loses his mind because both him and Jeremiah saw him as his own person and in a way Jeremiah doesn’t become like Jerome, he becomes worse)
One could argue that since we didn’t see a ‘true’ way the Valeska’s love that any type of them showing affection might never seem very Valeska. Unless one looks at their reactions and interactions with Bruce as something more than just ‘wanting to kill him’ or ‘obsession’. This would be another reason I’m don’t read much in the oc-area or out of the romantic’s lol mainly because the moment they take Bruce out of the picture, everything seems off. Jerome, while willing to divide his attention, only does it with specific people, who are: Jim, Bruce, Jeremiah, and, on occasion, Oswald (though he’s much less in comparison to the ‘big three’). Other then them, we don’t see him hyper-focus on anyone else in the show, and if he does, it’s for a second and to simply kill them after. If these three aren’t integral to his behavior and actions then things feel flat and out-right ignoring his obsession with Bruce and his inner darkness can be unrealistic. With Jeremiah, this is much worse because in canon, once No Man’s Land starts, all he can think about is Bruce. Everything he does in that setting and before this even started was for Bruce. This type of obsession is . . . well, something that can’t simply be ignored, it’s a big part of his character and also very integral to just who he is after the spray. It may not be as bad at the start of the spray (because he’s too busy rebuilding Gotham in his image) but literally second to that desire is his connection with Bruce. If there were a summary of Jeremiah as a character it would be IMPOSSIBLE to write it without Bruce (same with Jerome though his might be a footnote, depending). So him suddenly focusing on someone else is . . . odd (even with Jim he doesn’t give his full attention too and, in the finale, Jeremiah only starts moving around and doing shit when he realizes that Bruce has come home early and that it’s time to finally come back to the spotlight). Especially since he’s supposed to be the ‘Joker’ in the Gotham world, which, technically speaking, means this obsession with the Bat (a.k.a Bruce) will only ever get worse from here (not to mention the fact he knows Batman is Bruce because he remembers the prophecy Ra’s told him, which we’re shown in the finale when he first sees the Bat and comment’s ‘you’ in a knowing way; this can be argued he’s just recognizing that this is what the prophecy was talking about or that it’s Bruce but personally I think both cause the prophecy was about both of them.).
It’s hard not to repeat things in canon though, believe me, I know and if you ever try writing a time travel story, it’s much worse cause then you have to change literally everything if you’re doing it that way.  Nah, you know what you like; the only problem with that is it’ll be hard to find it most of the time. I wish you luck in searching! Hopefully, you’ll find something.
Same. My older brother introduced me to the show and his way of doing so was first telling me it was a batman show, that I would LOVE Oswald’s aesthetic and that there was a Joker-type character just introduced. I was sold lol. There’s been a lot of drama with the show though, concerning the twins and I honestly wish they’d just stuck with Jerome or if they did still use Jeremiah that he wasn't just . . . a backup plan for killing Jerome off. And, if they’d been allowed to go on for a few more seasons, I wouldn’t have been surprised if they would have also killed Jeremiah and a third (never heard of) Valeska twin (triplet) would show up, playing into the overall Joker lore about there having been three. 😒🤨😑 Which I find humorous because they did so well with Jerome, he was a well-rounded, fleshed out character and, as much as I love Jeremiah, it’s hard not to consider what we could have gotten if Jerome had lived *wistful sigh* I won’t lie that the drama hasn’t affected how I watch it too these days, or at least left me with a lasting impression.  I was very invested in the first few seasons, it was a good show, minus the plot-holes and annoying characters (yes, some annoy me and there are some I can’t stand) but when the twins were on screen, it was probably the show at its best. If they had implicated them more so into the main story I probably would have watched all the way to the end (I can admit, I’ve never seen season five, but I saw many clips, have been completely spoiled and DID watch the finale lol and . . . I think I saw some of season four? Maybe, not sure anymore.) because when they’re also interacting with Bruce, perfection. I could watch that shit for days. 
Also, if you did write it, it wouldn’t have to be about other characters if you don’t want it to be. You’re talking to me, who has never seen the last few seasons and when I wrote my first fic ‘Blindly Evident’ literally all my scenes I had to LOOK UP because I only knew the base of what the scene was even about lol. So sometimes, you can totally bullshit your way lol and somehow it turns out to be really good and you like it. Or it’s just snippets of small scenes with your characters (I’ve been writing a fic like that for awhile because it’s fun and easy and yet you can make it so thought provoking because these snippets are so smallll.) I would implore you to give it a go. Even if you have no idea what the other characters are doing or even what their names are. 
I feel like this has just become me rambling about Gotham and writing tips at this point lol but you’re welcome~ I am here to try and help and always willing to listen about Gotham and talk (or rant, I’m not picky lol). Thanks again for your ask, anon! Hope you find that content you’re looking for 🥰🧡💛
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