#took a hot minute. thanks for ur patience!
alstroemerian-dragon · 11 months
Hi I saw your tags on that hajihiko art and that bit about your fic sounds really interesting if you don’t mind I kinda wanna hear more if not then I’ll happily wait for the fic!
youve activated my trap card aka asking me to explain my thoughts !!!! this might get long
my fic is basically a long form. uh. character study? relationship study? thats pretty much just hajime and fuyuhiko having Very Intimate And Personal Conversations (Five Times!) over the first. year? post wake up. and in one of them they have a lengthy discussion about the whole concept of any of them having kids
because hiko is like. hiko is the kind of person who is Very Practical And Realistic (though some may say Pessimistic). and he is of the opinion that things can only be calm and good for so long before shit hits the fan again right? so, in that case, having children with them is only going to make things worse. first, putting kids into an actively dangerous situation is pretty high up in his List Of Terrible Fucking Things Someone Can Do (which is fair, because it is, but also because. Yknow. Personal Experience). second, children being with them is, from a purely practical standpoint, going to be a Huge amount of baggage if they ever need to Leave Right Now Very Quickly. kids are also an ENORMOUS weakness if the enemy ever discovers their existence. so in his mind, theyre a huge disadvantage and just generally a Terrible Fucking Idea.
weirdly enough, though, in the conversation, this is not his argument. because in the circumstances, theyre both kind of in a very vulnerable and open place for this conversation, and so he comes at it from an emotional standpoint. and fuyuhikos emotions around them having kids are complicated.
theres the guilt, right? theyre all classified as war criminals, basically, and are guilty of some of the most heinous acts known to man. they may be being left alone, and they may be repentant and in recovery NOW, but the effects of their actions are gonna be felt for a long time, probably decades. do they even deserve the joy of childcare? of having their own children and raising them and seeing them grow? additionally, they have no idea how long theyre gonna be stuck on those islands. maybe even forever. keeping their kids trapped there when they did nothing wrong aside from. well. Being The Kids Of The Remnants. is almost cruel, right? but if they dont want that, they basically have to give their kids up at some point, maybe even to the future foundation to be integrated into the new world. but when do you do that? when theyre babies, so they never know who their real parents are and never have to reckon with the impact they had on the world? or when theyre young adults, with the full knowledge of what their parents did and who they are, and that the world, which will definitely be utterly fucked for a long time even after the tragedy is officially classified as ‘over’ (whatever that means), will despise them just by virtue of who gave birth to them?
either way, theyre gonna lose their kids at some point. and thats going to hurt. not just the kids themselves, being thrust into a world like that, but the remnants too. those are their children.
fuyuhiko also just… has a lot of guilt and fear around having kids because of his upbringing. you cant tell me he isnt so afraid of turning into his parents, of endangering his own kids, of being too angry and too volatile and too broken to care for them properly. so in his mind, the only real fix to the situation is to just never have them in the first place.
but hajime… hajimes situation is a lot different. first off, in my funny little brain space hajime is very very much a trans man, and though his relationship with identity and gender specifically is very messy due to The Horrors, he clings to his identity as a man in the same way he clings to the name hajime hinata, as an anchor to stability and purpose. if he is hajime hinata, then he is also a man, because hajime hinata was one. this is of course a huge simplification and i could make a whole other post about hajimes fucked up gender shit but its NOT THIS ONE so were moving on. anyway, his relationship with having his own kids therefore is very complicated, as many trans men will tell you, and this is… complicated by another thing i wont go into because its very sad and not really the point and also kind of a spoiler. anyway.
but aside from just himself, hajime is also extremely practical. the difference between his practicality and fuyuhikos is that while fuyuhiko’s practicality is rooted in a childhood of danger and violence and ruthlessness, hajimes is rooted in analytics, because thats just the way his brain works now. numbers and percentages and chance. on top of that, though, what balances out that practicality is that in hajimes brain, one of the most important things about Being Human is Having Human Connections. its how he fights the boredom, fights off the constantly encroaching emptiness in the back of his head. people are complicated and messy and a lot more unpredictable than his izuru conditioning would have had him believe, and he revels in that, in understanding that people have habits and recognizable traits while also doing the weirdest shit possible when you least expect it. having human connections helps him feel human, helps him feel his emotions the most strongly, and he clings to that.
so he understands, on a very base level, why some of them would want children. he understands that a lot of them probably will when they wake up. he understands that they will all adore those kids when theyre born, that the fifteen of them will be a village, will do everything in their power to make sure those kids are happy and safe and understand the dangers of the world while not being subjected to the worst of it until theyre ready.
but hajime also understands philosophy and psychology on a very high level. because you know. the horrors. so he also can reckon with the fact that its not an easy question to answer. should they have kids? would it be ethical to have kids? they dont have an answer thats going to satisfy everyone. some of them are going to stubbornly insist none of them should. some of them are going to be desperate for them. some of them arent going to care. hes skilled in medical knowledge (again, the horrors), and if there are accidents they can be dealt with, but some people arent going to want that. he and/or mikan could probably handle childbirth, as long as theyre not actively in danger, but again, theres the question of whether they even should.
thats. the basis of their conversation. they dont end up with an answer, and i dont think i honestly have one either. could they potentially have children at some point in their lives? probably, yeah. but the logistics of that, of when they would, when the kids would leave, how they would be raised, is a lot more complicated than just ‘cute domestic childcare.’
BUT THATS. yeah. its really funny that this ended up so long because that conversation is maybe a whole 18% of the total length of that chapter and thats. being lax on what constitutes as ‘part of that conversation’ fjshfjsjfjjsjs. the thing about me is that i can not shut the fuck up to save my life, so they discuss like. SIX different topics in that conversation. it makes me very afraid that people wont be able to follow it or will get tired of all the dialogue but. Thats Just Something I Will Have To Deal With.
someday ill post this fucking fanfiction. im trying to get at least. four? of the chapters done before i start posting because i have a long history of starting to post chapters/segments of a fic only for my fixation to crumble and then i never finish it. im hoping building up engagement w this blog will help so people will talk to me and keep my writing lmao. im glad youre interested though!!!!!! ive put a lot of love into all the writing ive done for dr so far
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lonelystarrs · 1 year
Beach Balls.
Barou Shouei x FemReader x Nagi Seishiro
What would it take to convince Barou Shouei to end up on a beach? It’s messy, sand gets everywhere, it’s unhygienic. Who knew it would be so simple —You, a bikini and Nagi Seishiro, the hassle man who didn’t seem to get the hint that you were the kings queen. He’d share this once but only to get his point across.
Kinda an extra spin off from this story: Pudding <linked
Warnings: 18+ MDNI • all aged up 23+• Smut • f/m only • Nagi watches/joins in • Establish relationship with Barou • public sex • beach/summer theme • Nagi and Barou bickering • reader oblivious to Nagi’s interest • size kink • praise / degradation kink • lazy 3some • Barou Doms • prone bone position • fluff with Barou at the end • funny plot twist ending as usual for my bllk fics lol THAT AINT SUNLOTION BRUH •
Hope it’s worth it guys! Took me so long to get this done! It was wayy longer than I planned but it’s so 🌶️ skip to the end of you don’t have patience cause it’s funny nagi is a lil shit💀
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Fuck it was hot. 
This temperature was ridiculous.
Everything was sticky and it made you lethargic.
Life was hard at the moment, seriously.
“Quit sighin’ will ya? You’re pissing me off.” 
The side eye you gave Barou was bombastic, unfazed as always, immune to your death glares he strode by in nothing but tiny ass man shorts that gripped his ass tighter with each stride.
Huge body rippling, sweat beads lightly down him dipping through the lines of his ridiculous muscles that your tongue knew so well. 
You groaned again and Barou threw a glare over his shoulder. 
“You deaf? Fuck off somewhere else.” 
“I was appreciating you so hard it made me groan actually, you dildo!” 
“Keep up the snark and I’ll buy you a box of them when I leave your ass,” 
“Single life doesn’t suit me, thanks for the offer though my best dildo ♡”
“Fucking brat.” 
You snickered as Barou left the living room and you watched his tight shorts hug his ass as he walked away. Your phone pinged, which you ignored because reaching for it on the glass table across from your sprawled out form on the sofa was simply too hard. The air con was on, blowing by occasionally and it kept the house cool, but moving soon took away the pleasure of coolness to break into a sweat.
Another couple pings echoed in the living room until your curiosity outweighed your pain of having to move. 
Bachira and I are heading to the beach, who’s coming? 
Let’s go! ;) I have a ball! :D
Busy, have a good time tho. 
Seems like a bother, it’s too hot I don’t wanna move. :x
No. Get rid of my number peasants. 
Sure! Can we volley ball? Where shall I meet you guys? ♡
Kay, I’ll come. 
Hahahahahaha cute Nagi! Yeeeees we can! I’ll be on ur team 😍
🤢 Nagi.
💀 meet at our usual cafe? Say 12pm? I haven’t played volleyball but I’ll give it a go!
I’ll show you boys how to handle balls in different ways, don’t worry. Best to be taught by a pro after all. 😜 
s’ that a promise? :x
I thought better of you Nagi. Girl, keep that shit between you and king asshole.
Sure @Nagi! I’ll teach you, aren’t you going to watch videos tho? How you usually learn? @Reo Hahahaha, he really is an asshole ♡
You locked your phone whilst you swung your feet from the sofa and checked the time, thirty minutes before you needed to leave. 
Barou wasn’t within your line of sight as you changed into a hot pink bikini that complimented your skin tone, sliding on some denim shorts that were truthfully a little on a short side and grabbing a white tank top. 
Packing a small bag of drinks, lotion and towels, spare pair of flip flops to avoid Barou screaming about sand in the house, you said bye to said man but had no response. 
Foolishly assuming that Barou had seen the group chat, knowing where you were going and what you were doing.
The man was in the garden working out, despite the radio active freaking heat —he was still as strict and dedicated rain or shine. His headphones in and the group chat turned to silent because such kings shouldn’t be associated with such peasants. 
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Isagi had set up your section impressively, making it as private as possible by hiring a location with a barrier around, you presumed to keep any media away or any on lookers who might recognise the boys. 
Apparently if you weren’t with them they’d be less bothered, but dragging you into their media frenzies were less preferable, Barou would have their heads after all. 
The section of the beach was fairly quiet despite the blaring heat, you pushed your hair back as you walked from the water, ends of your hair twisting around your hand as you drained the salt water from it. Eyes looking off to the side as you scanned the beach absentmindedly. 
Failing to notice the boys watching, Bachira elbowed Isagi who was watching with just as much interest as Nagi. 
“See Isagi? She’s pretty~!” His sing song voice, the teasing tone matched his current posture; legs crossed and his hands placed on the sand in the gap between them as he rocked his body slightly. 
Grey eyes peering over his phone, interest finally swayed by the dribblers words, he greedily drank you in and his lazy mind quickly forming ideas that didn’t seem so bothersome. Nagi watched your hands running through your hair before twisting it to the side, tits bouncing lightly in that skimpy pink bikini. He swore he could see each drop of water slide down your body, disappearing into your cleavage and bikini bottoms —both places he’d happily bury his face into. 
Seishiro swallowed thickly suddenly ripping from his daze only to notice they weren’t the only males on the beach staring at you. The odd girl slapping their boyfriends arms and one even pushing his face into the sand. 
Nagi I didn’t even hear you until you prodded his forehead, 
“Hey, earth to Sei!” 
“Uh - hi.” 
You blinked, head tilting as you looked him over sat under the shade of the umbrella. 
“You okay Sei?”
You crouched down to him, he swallowed thickly again when your fingers brushed his hair from his eyes and forehead, pressing the back of your hand to it. 
And he froze, training his eyes on your face and to not look down at your tits pressed together so close to his own face, barely covered in that bikini… if that strap came undone, god that’s all it would take for him to get an eyeful. Hell it was tempting -it would be easy, he’s so much taller than you all he’d need to do is stand next to you and pull on it without you even knowing. 
“Hmm, you’re not really hot but your cheeks are a little red. Make sure you keep drinking ‘kay?” 
He nodded completely dazed and doe eyed in his own lazy way, looking up at you like a child not really hearing a word you say because his eyes were hyper focused on those pretty plump lips moving.
“You haven’t taken your t-shirt off, did you put cream on?” 
Nagi shook his head whilst shrugging and turned his eyes back to his phone that had laid forgotten in his limp hands on his lap. 
You sat on the towel laid out for you, laying on your back you sighed in contentment and closed your eyes to enjoy the sun that beamed down to dry the water from your cooled skin. 
It was pleasant, listening to Nagi’s fingers tapping on his screen, the occasional noise from his game and his little noises to signal his progression. 
Until a shadow loomed over you, the heat from the sun disappearing instantly causing you to frown. 
You don’t recall seeing a cloud in the sky today, or anywhere nearby when you were in the water not ten minutes ago. 
You opened an eye to see none other than Barou stood over you blocking the mighty sun with his ridiculous body, looming over you as a shadow with red eyes glowing. 
“If you’re gonna say anything about chocolate melting in the sun-“
“Fuck you playing at?” 
“It’s the scene from white chicks?”
You sat up onto your elbows and looked at him in question as his gaze only got harsher on your attempt of humour to deflect his doom and gloom presence. His attitude and stare caused annoyance to bite at your skin, his tone carrying accusation like you’d done something wrong. 
“You didn’t think to ask or tell me you were leaving? Didn’t I tell you stay away from the louse?”
“I don’t have to ask you anything Barou, I thought you seen the chat and heard me say bye. Will you stop calling him a louse? He has a fucking name.” 
“Yeah, Nagi. Naaaa-gi. Say it.” 
Red eyes slid to said man, that was speaking in his lazy voice that made Barou’s teeth grind. Nagi was merely looking back at Barou with his usual bored gaze but the closer Barou looked the more he seen the fucking taunt glistening in those usual apathetic eyes. 
“You’re dead hassle man.” 
It took you a mere second to stand and press your finger into Barou’s chest, stepping forward into his space and getting up in his face. You didn’t expect him to step backwards and he didn’t, if you weren’t so annoyed you’d see his eyes soften, ever so slightly, when they met your own. 
“No. He isn’t, unless you want a fucking scene here Barou sort it out, I have no idea what the hell is going on with you two but I’m done with it.”  
You, Nagi and Barou were too absorbed in the moment to see blue and yellow eyes peering over the beach barrier set up around your spot, they were stood on the other side like spying teens with their fingers gripping the top.
“She’s -“ 
Isagi nodded as if he knew what Bachira was gonna say, really he didn’t, but he assumed it was to do with your feisty side that you hid so well. Really it wasn’t surprising —dealing with Barou wasn’t easy. It made sense that he liked someone who held their own. 
“Thing is, Barou likes it.” 
“Huh? What’cha mean Isagi?”
“Look at his cheeks!” 
Bachira turned his eyes back and saw the tinge that prickled across the kings cheeks, barely noticeable until Isagi had pointed it out. 
“Isagi the monster says we should leave now,”
“Yeah… she’ll handle it, right?”
You sighed as if relieving the annoyance and lowered your hand, finger tips brushing against Barou’s wrist as he glared off to the side. 
“Stay?” You lowered your voice so only he’d hear and you watched his frown deepen signalling he heard you, “-please? You know I’m happier when you’re around B.” 
“Buttering me up ain’t gonna do shit-“ 
“Fine, go sulk.” 
You waved over your shoulder and sat back on your towel, part of you was surprised he was even here —he didn’t like the sand because it was messy and got everywhere. But here he stood with his shoes in his hand and his toes buried in the pretty white grains. 
“Tch,” Barou sneered, eyes rolling he reached back and grabbed his t-shirt by the back of his neck, pulling it off in one motion and folding it neatly in your beach bag. 
His red eyes turned towards the water, rolling his neck and shoulder, that’s when you noticed Barou had his hair down, half up into a bun. And he looked freaking goooooood.
Nagi watched as love hearts formed in your eyes, pupils changing shape as you looked on dreamily at the man causing him to pout, his little famous x shape forming as he felt suddenly forgotten about. 
“Stupid king,” he mumbled, annoyed with the fact he finally had your attention getting you both alone for it only to be swiftly interrupted. He swore Barou had some kind of sixth sense when it came to you.
Barou looked over his shoulder at you, annoyance was still biting at him but he found it hard to keep it up with you —after all you weren’t the reason he was wound up. Not like he would admit in a thousand years that Nagi Seishiro was getting under his skin. 
Your name being called to your left took your attention from Barou, not noticing Nagi had stood to his full height and removed his shirt. Rubbing the back of his neck to express he was feeling somewhat awkward as he held a bottle of sun lotion out. 
You weren’t looking at that though, your mouth fell slack at the condition Nagi was in —shocked at what he hid under those baggy clothes. You knew his height matched Barou and sometimes when Nagi actually straightened you could have sworn he was slightly taller than the king himself.  He always looked so lean, so slender and it was a shock to see he was built like a freaking god under those clothes. 
Barou was big, the man was packing in every sense so you were hardly starved but this was surprising and you must have been gawking because you felt your jaw clack as you closed it. Nagi’s voice bringing you back to clarity as guilt surged through you —it made you worried about looking back at Barou stood behind you, hoping to the gods he didn’t see your jaw slacken.
“Can you put this on my back f’me? It’s such a hassle,” 
Barou’s eye twitched behind you, throbbing vein at his temple and his fists clenched. 
“Uh- sure Nagi, can you sit down?” 
“Like fuck yo-“ 
The smirk that twitched on Nagi’s mouth was aimed at Barou and he got the message, seeing nothing but red as your hands worked the lotion into Nagi’s back and shoulders. Sat on your knees cushioned by the sand, red eyes had to turn away, the boiling of his stomach acid churned him inside out.
He couldn’t show his jealousy, his ego far out weighing it in refusal on letting Nagi win this bullshit -it was not happening. 
If that’s how he wanted to play, Barou would play harder. But instead of making him jealous over you touching him, Barou was going to get across that he was the only one who could touch you. 
“All done Sei~!”
“Oi-“ you hummed at turned your attention to Barou who nodded his head, silently asking you to come near him, “-hand it over.”
He held his hand out for the lotion and you passed it to him as he told you to lay down on the towel again, straddling the backs of your thighs as he seated himself above you. 
Nagi’s head tilted as he watched the position, Barou ignoring his existence as he squirted cream onto your back, undoing your bikini straps so his large hands could work into your skin. 
“Ngh- B that feels s’ good.” 
Your airy moans were a fucking godsend, Seishiro watched intently as he stared from his position watching you turn into putty under Barou’s hands. 
“You got somewhere else to be, hassle man?”
“Not really.” 
Barou sneered, shifting his knees for his highs to spread further, from Nagi’s angle it looked like a mere shift of comfort. To you though it was Barou pressing his growing semi into your ass, spreading his legs to push his hips forward letting you know that your little feisty attitude wasn’t brushed under the rug. 
Your breath hitched in your throat, hands forming into fists as you tensed under him. 
“Whats up?” Barou’s voice carried amusement, that mocking tone was obvious to you but seemingly harmless to someone who had no idea he was pushing his hardening dick into the swell of your ass.
Oh fuck him. 
No- Sei was still beside you, you stole a glance only to see the white haired man had moved himself to squat next to Barou. His eyes watching your skin and drinking in whatever he could. Sei’s cock twitched, that hum of arousal shot through his body. 
“I wanna go-“ 
“Fuck off louse, go find something else better to do,” 
“Nah, I wanna do this.” 
Sei pressed his finger into your shoulder, running it up to your neck only for Barou to slap his hand away. 
“Don’t you get it? She’s not yours-“ 
“Can’t you just share?” 
For the second time in ten minutes your breath hitched in your throat, lifting yourself onto your elbows completely forgetting Barou had undone your bikini straps. 
The realisation hitting you like a fucking train. 
This was why they were fighting all the time? Because Nagi wanted to share you? 
Nagi Seishiro liked you?
“What the hell is going on?” 
“Uh- y/n.” 
You ignored Nagi’s attempt to speak, eyes widening, pink dusting across his cheeks as it crawled up his neck, his index finger pointing out which you didn’t follow due to being flustered by the sudden possibility that Nagi was interfering like this because he liked you. 
“Is this why you boys are constantly fighting? Holy, what the-“ 
“Your uh-, I can see them.” 
“What?” You blinked and Nagi blinked back at you, pointing you followed his finger to your exposed breasts, Barou all but slammed you down into the towel, your muffled umph as you almost got a mouthful of sand. 
“Looks like I gotta show ya-“ 
Barou’s voice darkened in a way that actually worried you, his ego clearly soaring over his common sense and his patience long gone. 
Barou shifted his hands, moving to your ass and grabbing it, spreading your cheeks for his thumbs to dip along the lines of your bikini bottoms pressing down on the lips of your pussy. 
“B-Barou no, we-“ 
“Shut it, you’re pissin’ me off, always sticking up for him and shithead isn’t getting the hint, it’ll be two birds with one stone.” 
An airy moan left you as one of his thumbs moved under the thin material and pressed against your hole, clenching around nothing in response at him pressing it into you. 
Your head dipped, forehead leaning into your clenched hands in front of you as your elbows held up your weight when his thumb slid in. 
Your eyes side glanced to Nagi who was watching Barou’s hands, his concentration on par with how he watched his soccer videos. Pink dusted his cheeks enough to compare with your own. 
Barou slid his thumb in to the knuckle, twisting his hand to run his index finger to your clit, pushing the slick that was starting to drool from his thumb buried in your pussy. 
“Tilt your hips up,” you did as he asked and moaned out at the pressure he applied to your clit, running hot circles around it making you buck backwards the best you could, Barou’s weight still holding your legs down as he rested on the backs of your thighs. 
“What a little whore, you’re a fucking mess already, not supposed to be enjoyin’ this.” 
“Ba- ngh - you need to stop,” 
“Nah keep going crappy king.”
“Shut it louse, think you are giving me orders huh?“ 
Your body running hot was enough to ignore the bickering, rotating your hips so Barou’s index finger moved with it was enough to draw their eyes and attention back to you. The airy little moan leaving your lips as your ass jiggled with movement.
“Shit, pretty thing you look good.” 
“Then listen to it hassle man, cause that’s as close as you’re ever gonna get.” 
Barou shifted his hands and you whine from the feel of him leaving you, only to freeze when he lifted himself slightly from your hips, his shorts rustling behind you and his cock slapping against his stomach as he released it. 
Reaching down he gripped the base, lowering it to slap on your ass a few times, his spare hand landed by your shoulder as he tilted over you pressing the head of his dick between the dip in your ass, sliding it down to your hole. 
“Fuck -Barou we can’t-“ 
“Says who huh?”
“The fucking law, what if someone sees us? You guys are fucking famous it’s-“ 
“Quit whinin’ just have to keep it down won’t you?” 
You cursed under your breath, hitching then in your throat as he started to push into you and it hurt. The angle was tight, Barou was massive —both girth and length gifting him to go with that ridiculous, unearthly body he had.
Your legs pressed together, his weight on the back of your thighs holding you down as he leaned into you, you didn’t know how well you’d take him like this —he was too big for the prone bone position.
“Fuck you’re tight-“ 
“You’re-I can’t take you like this-“ you whined under him, pussy throbbing to have him fill you so well like he always done, but struggling to take his cock as you were. 
“Tch,” Barou shifted, leaning into his hand by your shoulder, lifting his hips slightly from you allowing you to shift your own position and slapping your ass cheek watching it jiggle, “-get that fat fuckin’ ass up, yeah like that -push up with your just hips, off your elbows head down.” 
You moved whilst he instructed, your cheek pressing into the towel covering the sand and hips managing to push up a little from it. 
Barou’s hand gripped your ass cheek and spread it watching the head of his dick ease into your hole, feeling that pop as the thick head pushed through the right ring. 
“Yeahhh, s’fucking it. You gonna swallow this dick?” 
You almost forgot Nagi was even there, moaning in response as Barou slowly started to sink into you, bullying that thick dick through your tight hole. 
It was a struggle taking him like this, tears pricking at your eyes, teeth clenching and drool starting to spill from your mouth onto the towel. 
You felt impossibly full, he was already rubbing against your g-spot that heat building in your pussy making you clench around him, hips wiggling against him to try encourage something. 
“Pretty thing, you gonna answer?” 
As if suddenly snapping back to reality and Nagi reminding you he was there, you shifted —or went to, Barou reacted to take your attention from Nagi and forcefully snapped his hips forward, driving the rest of his cock until his balls pressed against your thighs . 
And you screamed. 
Nagi’s hand shot out, shoving three fingers knuckle deep into your mouth to muffle your noise. 
“You gotta be quiet pretty, thought you didn’t want anyone knowing?“ 
Your gummy walls distracted Barou to the point his mouth fell open slightly, dick flexing in you as his eyes unfocused into a daze, absentmindedly staring at Nagi’s fingers in your mouth, effectively gagging you —those little muffled noises, watching you struggle in this position to take him, how fucking tight you felt around his cock. 
Fuuuuckkkk. He wasn’t gonna last two minutes unless he calmed himself down. His heart was thumping in his ribs, arousal shooting through his body and rushing to his cock, that pleasurable wave rushing through his lower stomach. He moved his hands to place just above his knees still bent at your sides as he sat on the back of your thighs. 
His hips tilted forward enough to get himself balls deep into you, enough to push the fat and muscle of your ass up when his hips met yours.
You whimpered when he moved, testing your tolerance and seeing how uncomfortable you really were. 
As much as he liked to push you actually hurting you in any way, emotionally or physically, was off the cards for Shouei. Sharing you like this was only to make a point, to show you and hassle man that he wasn’t just king on the pitch —he had a queen off it and she was his alone. 
This was just a method that boosted his ego, just a way to do something outta spite. 
He might feel guilt ping at him later but right now he was stopping himself from cumming and stuffing you with cum fifteen seconds after bullying his cock into you. 
This was new —his ego and adrenaline mixing, seeing you get gagged by Nagi whilst full of your lovers cock in public?
Fuck, it mixed into some foreign feeling that was making him fucking feral. He never wanted to let loose on you like this, fighting the urge to pin you to the towel and fuck you until you were both raw. That racing heart elevated his breathing, starting to pant through his nose as he watched the side of your face. 
You were so pretty, so fucking beautiful… so perfect for him. 
Nagi felt your moaning vibrate against his fingers, as Barou started to move dragging himself from you slowly only to harshly punch his cock back in that tight squeeze. It made Nagi’s cock uncomfortably hard in his swim trunks, he could see you physically struggling in this position. He felt his dick leaking at the slit, throbbing and flexing at your attempt to take Barou like this. 
Nagi wasn’t anything to shy away from, his length being his winner, but even he’d admit Barou Shouei was packing a cock. Not like it was a surprise seeing it again today, Barou strode around blue lock’s baths enough back in the day, but seeing it in action like this kinda made it look more daunting. But the white haired genius didn’t feel sorry for you, he just wished he could see more of your drooling hole swallowing it up. 
Nagi pressed his finger tips to your tongue and your lips closed around his fingers, tongue rising to slide between his digits as his eyes watched yours glass over into some dazed, fucked dumb expression. 
Barou’s hips hitting you with a slower pace but it was rough and consistent, punching his cock into you so deeply and hitting that sweet spot almost instantly. 
Nagi watched your fingers dig into the towel, sinking into the sand under it and he fell to his knees, the sand was scratchy against his skin but it was easily forgotten when he pulled the top of his trunks, his long cock slapping his stomach. 
He exhaled heavily at the relief, spare hand wrapping around his length as his lazy gaze turned half hooded, glassy on the scene of Barou’s thick cock disappearing into the dip between your ass cheeks and thighs. He could see your slick coating Barou’s dick, he’d rather have better view of your pussy —seeing it stretched out and drooling but this would do for now. 
The skin slapping, the squelching made it easy to time his fist to fuck his cock into his hand. 
Barou’s gaze from you didn’t falter, completely fixated on your face that he could see, drool starting to spill down the side of his mouth as he kept his slow, hard pace, his hips cushioned by your ass every time they met. 
Nagi’s fingers moved around your tongue, spreading them to let you suck on them. Rolling his palm over the head of his dick smearing pre that leaked from the slit and his hips bucked up into his hand. 
“Damn woman, you’re sucking my dick in, let it go. Can’t fuck you faster if you keep squeezing like that.” 
That deep voice of your lover brought you some clarity, his order filtering through the daze his dick put you in. 
You arched back more for him, arms stretched out in front of you like a cat, ass moving up into the air and you felt the restriction instantly free up. 
“Risking breaking your back to get fucked good?” His hand slapped across your ass so harshly you jolted, hissing as the sting spread across your cheek. 
Barou leaned over you, his hands sliding around to cup your neck and under your jaw locking his fingers together at the front bring you back up with him. Nagi’s fingers falling from your mouth, spit covered he used it to rub over his cock, now fisting his dick with both. 
“S-Shit,” Nagi’s mouth fell open slightly, smacking his jaw as he watched your body arch beautifully. Back curving and ass back against Barou, he was using your neck as leverage to fuck you. His hands felt good, using two was better as he could overstimulate himself but rolling his palm across his head, “-lemme use her hand, I don’t wanna do it m’self.” 
Nagi’s lazy drawl did nothing to waiver Barou, or his attention.
Instead your hands flew to Barou’s waist behind you for support to balance yourself and he pressed his lips to your temple, peppering kisses down the side to your ear, biting on the lobe before sucking, his thumbs rubbing circles on the base of your neck, fingers still locked on your throat. His hot breath fanning across his wet trail of kisses, his deep moan and rough voice right in your ear as goosebumps spread over your skin. 
“Oi louse, touch her clit. Get her to cum.” 
Nagi pouted, side eying Barou as he felt torn on his choices.. doing as Barou says only to watch you cum over his dick or finally get a feel and taste of you? 
Was it worth it, would his ego- 
“N-Nagi please,” 
Yeah, it’s totally worth it. Nagi would just his own cards, use this to his advantage. 
Your eyes met his finally, a side look only but enough to make his dick throb in his hand. Your pretty glassy eyes, pink tinged across your cheeks and drool lining from one corner to your chin, loose strands of hair sticking to your forehead, lightly choked by your lover behind you, tits bouncing with each thrust from Barou as you panted in air. 
His head tilted as if to act oblivious to your needs, playing his poker face at his usual master level. 
“You need something pretty?” 
You nodded and he let out an airy moan as he slowed his hand, finger tips grazing over his tip. 
He knew his pre cum was smeared over his fingers as he reached forward to press against your clit clumsily, using it to aid the small circles he started to rub, feeling it stretched out from Barou bullying himself into you. 
“Ah -here? Does it feel good?” 
You released a breathy fuck yessss, hips jolting with each punch of Barou’s hips. 
“M’close Bar-Nag-ngh. Oh fucck-“
Nagi’s posture changed, his slouched position straightened those grey, slated brown eyes darkening as his ego took advantage of the situation. Shifting to be in front of you, his long, thick thighs resting either side of Barou’s, one hand fisting his dick and the other rolling across your clit, he wanted you to watch him to see him.
And you did, eyes focusing on his long dick being stroked just under you, those little pink tinged cheeks of his and that darkening look in his eyes. Strands of white hair sticking to his face as beads of sweat started to dribble down his chest.
It was enough to tip you over, the surge suddenly hitting you off guard. 
“I’m cumming - I’m cumming!” 
“Yeah-“ Nagi didn’t let up, his finger picking up a pace over your hardened clit helping on sending you over the edge, “-I’ll help you cum, pretty, kings not enough huh?” 
“You fucking- fuck-“ Barou’s attempt to sneer was cut off as your hips pushed back into his, your pussy clenching down on his dick swallowing him and you went so tight he couldn’t pull back. 
“You’re dead,” the breathy gruffness carried threat, but those glazed red eyes showed Barou was enjoying it far more than he was willing to let off.
“I done what you asked, king. You wanted me to help her cum on you right? Don’t you know her well enough?” 
Nagi could have sworn he seen red flash across his eyes, Barou’s gaze darkening more than he’d seen on the pitch. 
“Thanks for warming her up, she’s drooling over my dick now. Time I show you how she likes to be fucked, how a king fucks.” 
Barou released your neck, your body weight falling forward and your hands pressing into Nagi’s chest to catch yourself, your lips a mere breath from his, eyes meeting he fell back onto his elbows when Barou pushed your shoulders down. 
It made you lower on Nagi, tits pressing up against his cock and your face into his six pack. 
“Ass up, woman-“ 
Barou gripped the back of your neck pushing you down and forcing you to stay fixed, your ass arched back still in prone bone and Nagi was literally held under you, Barou using your body weight and his strength to keep him there. 
It was fucking mean, cruel even, how he left you moaning and whining, drooling onto Nagi’s chest as Barou started to fuck you and it was nasty. 
Your ass rippling with each time his hips met it, your tits bouncing against Nagi’s dick making his hips roll up in time with it. His head tilting back, white hair falling with him as his glassy eyes went half hooded, it felt good -too fucking good. He was leaking pre everywhere, cock flexing under the weight of your tits. 
Barou used fucking you as a way to tit fuck Nagi and the lazy genius wasn’t sure how long he was gonna last. 
“Ngh, you’re so deep Barou- gonna cum again-!” 
“Yeah? Give it up then whore, s’feel you try push me out.” 
Barou’s pace was brutal, you felt slick and cum running down your inner thighs still press together and legs between his. Keeping you in this prone bone position was keeping you stuffed in a way you felt full of dick. 
He was fucking you so deep your eyes started to cross before rolling back into your skull, your nails raked down Nagi’s sides, teeth biting into his stomach to muffle the moan that was crawling up your throat. 
His dick hit that soft spot one more time, building that burning heat and you released clear fluid. Your body convulsing under him as another orgasm tore through you. 
“You’re fucking filthy. Messy cunts slobberin’ you cummin’? Say my fucking name-“ 
“Barou! Barou -fuck s’good, m’cummin don’t stop -m’cummin! Yes yes yes!” Your slurring only aided his bullying, thick, long cock flexing in you as he groaned listening to you babbling and clenching around him. 
His hand moved from the back of your neck to pull you up by your hair, your tongue lolled out, drool spilled down your chin and Nagi drank the image in. Tits smushed up against his dick on his stomach, sweat beading down your collar bone and shimmering on your skin. You looked fucking stupid, dumb even, cock drunk of getting fucked like this in public. 
And it was all happening on Nagi’s stomach.
“S-Shit pretty m’gonna cum- you look so fucking good-“ 
“Take a good look hassle man, s’how she gets fucked. I don’t need your shitty help, asking you was taking pity. She needs to be soaked before I can fuck her like this.”
Barou became white noise as Nagi focused on you, eyes switching between your fucked out expression and his dick disappearing between your tits as Barou kept a harsh pace. 
His hips started to buck the best he could given the weight above him, causing tight friction over his cock, the end of it burning with arousal as he watched himself being brought over the edge. 
“Ngh- make me cum pretty, please? I wanna cum now.” 
Whatever Nagi said worked in bringing you back from dazing, you managed to tilt your head slightly and gather spit in your mouth, slowly releases it to dribble onto the head of his dick between being thrusted forward. 
“Shit, s-shit pretty yeah -gonna m’cummin” 
“Tch, looks like I’m doin’ all the fucking work.” 
“Shut it, king- you’re boring me.” 
Nagi suddenly let himself fall back to the sand, hands rising to press your tits tighter together and he started to rut his hips up into you. That sudden burst of energy to carry him over the edge, he kept thrusting even when he came, shooting hot white ropes out thickly covering his stomach and chest, his messy thrusting even making it hit his chin. 
He was whiney when he came, but it still carried that lazy drawl. He glanced down as his hips started to stutter, head of his dick covered in cum and still drooling out the slit. 
“Feel good Sei?” 
He nodded dumbly, eyes fixed on his dick in your tits and listening to your honey voice finally gracing his ears with his name. 
“You did so good, Sei, you taste so good.” 
That caught his attention, half hooded grey eyes turned up to you, watching your tongue lapping up his cum that had landed on your chin and lips, you stuck it out showing the white melting on your tongue.
“You’re so pretty- s’not fair.” 
You laughed lightly at his childish pout, swallowing whatever you could collect on your tongue left from him and he tasted fucking good. 
“I like you-“ 
Only Nagi Seishiro could blurt out something like that without changing his lazy tone, without sounding like there was anything behind it and it being believed. Sei had this way of just saying things without any weight but the way his face would light up, his eyes would brighten that’s how you knew he meant something. 
And he was looking at you like that. 
The words were enough to stutter Barou behind you, he sneered at Nagi’s open admission pissed off he finally had the balls to fucking say it. 
Barou knew longer than you did that the lazy genius was into you, how you’d not picked it up was beyond the egotistical striker. It wasn’t the first time someone took interest in you, it wouldn’t be the last, but Barou was sure he was the only one who actually got under his skin. 
It actually made him paranoid. Barou knew he wasn’t easy to be around, normally he didn’t give a shit about it either —people adapting to him, end of, but you were different. The those words from Snuffy still haunted him; how he’d said how much would he love himself if he was no longer view as a genius.
It was hard to not let it drift into how you’d see him if you found someone more… tolerable.
That’s why he stormed here after reading the group chat —he seen Nagi change his mind because of you and you’d be wearing barely anything. It would be over his dead body before he allowed you to be left anywhere alone with Nagi.
The thought of the fucking sand everywhere made his skin crawl, knowing he’d be finding it around the house for days after this. 
But his ego far outweighed his ocd in this case.
Sex with you to start used to be clean and fairly organised, because he couldn’t take the mess —now he didn’t think twice about it, he let himself get lost in it with you. 
But this was filthy sex, sharing you like this, everyone sweating you’d cum so much it was dribbling down your legs and covering his thighs. 
But it was fucking hot, it sent him feral but his drop from his high happened when Nagi just admitted he liked you. 
Barou shifted, disliking the feeling of being left out like this —by you. He hadn’t faced you this whole time, letting Nagi see everything. 
Barou never came until he was facing you, he couldn’t, seeing your dumb expression and that love for him always helped him over the edge. 
So he shifted you, pulling his dick out for the first time and leaning back on his legs, ordering you to get up and turn around, legs too wobbly to stand you managed to turn your back to Nagi.
Barou rolled his eyes, muttering how weak you were as he grabbed your hips and lifted you up to him, keeping back on his legs he had you higher than him now. 
“Arms around my neck-“ 
He softened now he could see you, now he had you back, his natural gruffness always there but it was different in a way only you knew. His arm wrapped around your waist to keep you steady, other hand lining his dick back up with your swollen hole. 
You hissed when he lowered you, burying your face into his hair and tightening your arms. His lips pressed to your collar bone as he eased you down, a deep sigh leaving him as your cunt swallowed him again. 
“Need you lookin’ at me to cum, I’m nearly there.” 
You nodded against him and he let you adjust, your hips wiggled and he shifted his hands, gripping your ass with them he lifted you. 
“Look at me-“ 
Shakily you pulled back, hands gripping his shoulders and leaning back slightly to watch him looking up at you as he started to lift you up and down his cock. Veins popping on his arms and wrists, biceps bulging from using you as a weight. 
Fuck he was huge, damn it all he said was so handsome, his cheeks were dusted pink from the heat and effort he was putting his body through. Covered in sweat and strands of loose hair sticking to his face, his hair looked hot like that —half up into a man bun the rest down. 
“Feels good yeah? Taking this dick so well today, been a good girl for me huh?” 
You nodded dumbly as he started building you to another orgasm you didn’t think you’d be able to have, but this soft praise and pace of his dick was different. 
It made your heart swell for him, nerves buzzing and your lips tingling to press against his. 
Christ, had he even kissed you today? You needed-
“Use your words, wanna - fuck- hear how dumb you fucking sound over this.” 
“Feels g-good B-Barou,” 
“S’Pussy is made for me, god dam’it you feel so fucking good-“ 
“Y’dick i-is f’m-me, y-yeah?” 
“You sound dumb being fucked like this,” 
He chuckled at your small pout, not answering your question like you had for him. His lips twitching into a small smirk, those red eyes filling with something only you knew. His thumbs rubbing circles around your skin and his hands squeezing your ass.
“Yeah, dicks made for you, gonna cum again? Feels like it,” 
You nodded saying if he keeps talking like that you’re going to, so Barou did, lips brushing against yours he gave you soft praises mixed with degrading in his own unique way until you came around him again. It felt more numb compared to the previous but it rocked your body slowly… it felt right with how you felt for him at the moment. 
“Gonna fill you up, you gonna take it?” 
“Yeah inside- wan’it all Barou-“ 
He leaned forward into you, muffling against your skin, you just caught what he said and guilt surges through your veins on it all coming together, it made sense now. The arguing, his ridiculous sulking and lack of ability to leave you alone when Nagi was around. You should have seen it sooner and you felt like an idiot for not noticing, how could you though? Nagi did things in the same monotone manner, it wasn’t exactly easy to tell what the man really thought.. 
Say it, woman. 
Muffled and breathy, but you heard him. 
It didn’t take a genius to work out what he wanted nor why he was needing to hear it. Nagi was making him doubt, it was simple as that. You’d known Barou too long, he really was that over confident dude with an ego but there was also someone else buried under it. 
Someone not so confident in areas he had no control over, someone who was simply a normal guy when off the pitch and behind closed doors.
Your hands moved from his shoulders to cup his face, pulling him back from you, pressing your forehead against his you started to roll your hips in time with him. Eyes meeting those beautiful red ones as you looked down at him.
“I love you, Barou Shouei.”
It was whispered but he heard it, arms wrapping around your waist he brought you down on his dick in short punches, barely leaving your pussy. 
His moaning was music to your ears, hips stuttering and jolting as he came in you, shooting cum and filling you so much it started leaking past his dick to aid his sloppy thrusting. 
His body shook, nails biting into your skin as he held onto you like a life line. Your lips pressed to his tongue running over his bottom lip as he moaned out, unable to respond as his orgasm hit him hard. 
He slurred out words you couldn’t make out, between heavy pants as he finally exhaled his grip on you slacking as you both sat there panting, eyes locked and glassy. 
Nagi was still on his back behind you both, arms spread either side and his legs stretched out either side of Barou. 
A beached starfish, pouting at two lovers.
He turned his eyes from you both to look up to the blue sky, suddenly feeling so empty about the situation. He didn’t like it, he didn’t know what it was but he didn’t like it. It felt like losing, it reminded him of his parents just leaving him at home by himself when he was a teenager. 
The only thing storming around his mind that was causing it -Barou really did like you huh? 
He didn’t understand the depth of feelings all that much, he’d never really got himself involved because it was a hassle to use his spare time on things he didn’t wanna do. 
He’s seen Barou riled up, it was hardly uncommon but he’d not really paid attention to how different he actually was around you —still a stupid king like he was in Blue Lock but it was softer, more lenient. 
“No fair.” He mumbled, sighing heavily and closing his eyes to bask in that afterglow of orgasm, “m’tired.” 
Barou had already tied up your bikini and stood you up with him, straightening out your clothes and keeping you stood on wobbly legs. 
“Water, now, you’re disgusting.” 
“I can’t walk,” 
“I gotta do everything around here, such a weak ass.” 
“I’d say I’m pretty tough putting up with that shit you just pulled.” 
Red eyes rolled and he hauled you over his shoulder before turning to walk towards the sea with you moaning how he could have carried you better, it didn’t do you any favours when the man dropped you in the water. 
“Shut up whining, don’t get yourself into shit if you’re not gonna deal with the consequences. Hurry up and wash off, I wanna get off this shitty beach and get back, it’s disgusting.” 
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Back at the little set up where Nagi started to doze off, on the other side of the barrier Isagi sat against it, knees bent up and elbows resting on them. 
Dick rock hard in his swimming trunks and unable to stand because of it, he frowned at the sand, moving his toes between the grains in a way to try distract himself. Bachira was some distance away collecting shells for his sand castle. 
Isagi had come over to try see if you guys wanted a round of volley ball but once again he got caught in the rough sex of you and Barou, only Nagi got to join in on the chaos. 
“I need new friends,” 
Isagi sighed out, looking up to the sky and resting his head against the barrier behind him. 
“I’m not a pervert,” he pouted, as if trying to convince himself that these situations seemed to find him, only this time he didn’t have the distraction of pudding to take his mind off it. 
Chigiri turning up was a god send, Bachira bounding over with the pretty red head following behind. Isagi trying to fight the heat crawling up his neck. 
“Isagi, idiot, you’re supposed to be on the other side.”
“It’s cooler here,” 
“Cooler than under the umbrellas?” Bachira tilted his head, yellow eyes scanning over Isagi suspiciously. Isagi’s eyes closing, jaw clenching hoping he’d didn’t look too damn close and see his hard on. 
Chigiri wasted no time in walking around the corner into the set up, seeing Nagi still sprawled out on the sand under the umbrella, sorting to doze off. 
“Nagi, you got sunscreen on your chest you’re supposed to rub it in. You’re that lazy?” 
Isagi sputtered, coughing on his own spit behind the barrier. 
“Huh?” Nagi’s eyes tiredly opened lifting his head down to look at the cum still on his chest sighing heavily he let his head fall back, “-ah, what a pain.” 
“Oh? Barou’s here?” Chigiri turned to look at you kicking water up at the giant grump only for him to swipe your feet from under you causing you to fall back again in the water and he laughed.
Lips moving in some kind of insult most likely. 
Red hair falling as he tilted his head watching you both, a weird chill running through his body watching Barou somewhat amused. 
“I didn’t even know he could laugh, it’s kinda creepy.” 
“Creepy king,” Nagi mumbled, hand reaching out to grab his phone, tilting it landscape and reopening his game “-I died, such a hassle.”
“Lovesick king more like,” Chigiri turned his attention to Nagi, eyes falling on the white splattered across his stomach and chest “-if you don’t rub that in you’re gonna tan like that.” 
Nagi’s eyes looked down past his phone, to his chest, to Chigiri then to your beach bag. 
Barou left his shirt in your bag didn’t he?
Sitting up Nagi reached for it, Chigiri not paying much attention as he started rubbing lotion into himself. 
Grabbing Barou’s shirt he used that to clean the cum off his chest, actually folding it back up and placing it back in your bag. 
Crawling back to his towel he lifted his phone, frowning with a pout. 
“Stupid king,”
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© pharix 2023 permission is not given to repost, translate or post anywhere else.
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neet-elite · 25 days
↳ EVENT 25. Alex SDV (Gridball Pro AU)
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Pairing: GridballPro!Alex / Trainer!F!Reader Genre: Smut 18+ WC: 2,985 Warnings: Gridball Pro AU, hook up, fuck buddies, drool/saliva, kissing, caught trope, public sex, exhibitionism, boys being boys (you know the banter), creampie Prompt(s): 20 — AU of your choice! Event Masterlist: CLICK HERE!!
A/N: yes yes yes i looooove the AU where alex attains his dreams and becomes a pro gridball player!!! let my boy succeed <3 and the workplace setting is so sexy ughh thank u for sending this event request in!!! alex? more like loml.....
also!!! this is the half way point!!! good job everyone it took me a MONTH to get here, so at the very most, it'll take me another month to finish this event up LOL. ty all for ur love, support, and patience <3 sending kisses MWAH !!
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Before the closet door is even locked behind you, his lips are back on yours. A veritable frenzy of greedy hands tugging at your waist, quickly digging under your shirt to tug on your tits for only a few seconds before frustration settles thick on his tongue that's currently down your throat. Fuckin' bra in the way, he seethes to himself, brows knitting together in an attempt to remain focused enough to bring his attention to unclasping your bra, and not on the way his hard cock rubs so nicely against your front, his knees bending a little behind every thrust as if he were actually inside that warm little cunt he loves oh so dearly. Soon, he reasons with his cock, but first things first.
Pumped up from your practice session mere minutes ago, the veins in his arms pop from the amount of strain he has to exert in taking his time with you, to fully enjoy the small slice of time between now and someone questioning his disappearance. There's a small thrill in being somewhere you ought not to be though, right? Tucked away in a secluded corner for only the most nefarious of reasons, his cock already wet enough just from a little dry humping. Working his hands around to your back, still yet kissing and sucking on your tongue, a couple drops of saliva dripping from his chin from how fervent his efforts are. It's just that he can't help himself when it comes to you, a cheeky smirk on his face at the way you struggle to breathe even now; can't handle a little heated kiss, baby? Not that he's any better, humping his fat cock against your tummy out of sheer desperation, an instinctual need to be inside of you as soon as possible; lest he wastes a load all inside his pants. It wouldn't be the first time, anyway.
Only, it's a little difficult to unhook your bra with the way you're squirming against him, but he gets there. Eventually. Immediately pulling your shirt up once your bra falls from your back, begrudgingly withdrawing his tongue from your mouth to help drag your top over your head. You're not left lonely for long, though. Returning as soon as he can to suck on your tongue when you're left bare, allowing you just enough space and no more to wiggle your bra completely off your arms before his big open palm is grabbing at your tits. Squeezing and tugging, rolling a nipple between his fingers just to have you moaning down his throat. He's almost territorial with his touch, heart hurting at the pretty mewls his fingers pinch out of you. He can barely catch a breath himself from how eagerly he makes out with you too, spit pooling in his mouth as he presses his body closer to yours, accidentally knocking your head against the closet door in the process— but there's no time to apologise. Not when the hand on your hip pulls you towards him, allowing him greater surface to hump his precum coated cock on, the fabric of his shorts surely see through by now from how much he wants you; how much he needs you, evident from how messily and loudly he kisses you. Relentless, he is. So easy for you, so completely fraught with insatiable hunger to make you his that he doesn't have time to do anything other than show you.
And it's so incredibly hot, he thinks. How only recently he was laughing and joking with his teammates, doing his best to take part in your rigorous training regime to the best of his ability. You always work him so hard, don't you? Harder than the rest he muses to himself, because you know just how badly he wants to prove himself to you. Both on and off field, fuck, it's so hot to him that unbeknownst to those very same men you just trained, you picked him. It's him that's about to mark your insides as his, pulling you away from the crowd and into relative privacy to thank you personally for all the hard work you offer him and his boys. Leaving you gasping for air as he moves his mouth down to your tits, easily lifting you mid air so that you're forced to wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, allowing him to buck his needy cock against your hidden cunt a little easier. Sucking and lapping at your pinched nipple, readily supporting your weight with two hands cupping your ass. Which he doesn't miss the opportunity to squeeze at, angling his hips so that his cock head ruts right against your hole despite the cloth barrier.
"Fuck," He curses low, mindful of his volume so as to not get caught with his pants down soon enough. "Been waitin' all day fr'this." He huffs against your tits, hiding his face in the fat of them to keep his voice muffled, drooling all over your nipple before moving to the other one to suckle on. He wants to treat you so well in the short amount of time he has with you tonight, because you deserve it and more; especially considering that you've picked him to treat you well like this. He intends on not taking you for granted, offering you all of himself to try and convince you of his worth. Every flick of his tongue over your nipple communicates see me more, please. Every hump of his tip mimicking the act of sex itself against your clothed cunt is his way of begging just one chance, promise it's all it'd take. Seeking your comfort outside of the barren four walls the practice room provides, his chest tight at the thought of taking you out on a date; cock twitching at the realisation that he's went about this whole situationship in the wrong order. Date, then fuck, right? And yet here he is, popping off of your tits only to give you a quick peck on the lips, expression almost pained from how difficult it is for him to hold back for you. Would that he could pound you right against the closet door, so hard that it shakes under the weight of his thrusts, but he'd like to remain as anonymous as possible. If only so that you can both keep your jobs, knowing that workplace relations are strictly off limits.
But fuck, can anyone blame him when he eagerly lets you down, helping you tug your sticky shorts and panties off only so that he can swiftly follow and match you in your state of undress, clothes haphazardly thrown... somewhere, shit, he can't think straight when your pretty body is right fucking there. Your chest heaving for him, little cunt hidden between your thighs until he lifts you up again, the throb of his cock pressed against your slit coaxing you into bucking his hips towards him in such a honest way that a moan involuntarily slips from his kiss bruised lips. Surely, everyone would understand, right? They'd get why he can't help but to grope at the fat of your ass, sinking his greedy fingers into the plush beneath, keeping his cock dangerously close to entering your hole only to tease you the same way you so easily rile him up. If he has to suffer, then so do you; time be damned. Hiding his face in the crook of your neck as he bends over you, placing you in a more laid down position mid air as he takes a few careful steps back, not wanting to bump into anything himself, or accidentally knock you around. He may be big— in all respects, yeah?— but he's not so clumsy. Not yet, doing his best to keep his wits about him. Letting his tip drool all over your pretty cunt anyway, catching a glimpse of it as he hovers over you, the feeling of your nails digging into his back as your arms tighten his neck for stability has him choking on thin fucking air in desperation. A quick peek down at your pretty face in a seeking of consent is all it takes before he prepares to shove his full fat cock into your tight little hole and— yeah...
Ain't no one would blame him for indulging in you, right? The pretty fitness trainer who pushes everyone to their limits, tight fucking body between his big hands for him to play with. Anyone would be champing at the bit to even have a chance with you, never mind to be rubbing noses with you in an abandoned closet, skin on skin contact driving him near breaking point when you writhe in his hold so cutely.
"May I?" He whispers, cocky smirk on his lips when he already knows your answer, but it's so fucking hot seeing you meekly nod back at him like that. Stroking his ego just so well, dragging your ass up a little so that his leaking tip can catch on your twitchy hole and— ah, fuck... He's lost count of how many times he's fucked you in private like this, but every single time feels like the first again. Fighting with his inner wants to immediately rut into you, chewing on his bottom lip to suppress all the filthy praise he wants to spill for you; gotta be quiet, remember?
Though, even as he slowly glides his cock into your slicked up hole, stretching you out to fit his shape, making you feel every inch of his girth as lazily as possible— little cunt already squelching around his fat intrusion, huh?— it's already difficult to remain quiet. It's like you want to be caught, fuck, wouldn't that be so hot? To be balls deep in your sought after hole, fucking out every moan that falls from your pretty lips for everyone to hear? It's a fantasy he fucks his fist to late at night when you're not around, to claim you so publicly, let everyone know that he's taken. God, with every inch he fucks into you, he hopes that you feel the same way. Did you know that you're the only girl he fucks around with? Can't stand the thought of anyone else squirming on his tip, the thought of some stranger moaning his name filling him with distaste. Only you. Especially when you're clinging to him so much, relying on the strength that you've trained into him to keep you steady.
And he doesn't intend on letting you down. Huffing in your scent when he's finally fully sheathed, balls resting against your sticky ass as he wraps the arm around your upper back tighter, keeping you safe and sound, and most importantly— impaled on his cock. He knows how big he is, not wanting to hurt you as much as possible; but he's limited to what he can do before his secret session becomes known.
"'M sorry..." He grunts against you, wincing at the tight suck of your cunt along his length as he draws his hips back, enough to leave just the tip inside before thrusting forward unfairly. Not all the way, making sure his balls don't slap back against you despite knowing that you love that sound, he just doesn't want to make it easy for others to find you looking so pretty under him like that. A primal urge building in his tummy to keep you as his own. Keeping that brutal pace up with consistent fast thrusts, never fully filling you up despite his urgent want to do just that— he cares too much for you and your career to sabotage it with his selfish lust fueled needs.
The power imbalance, he assumes. That's why it'd be such an issue if he was found buried deep in your perfect pussy, drooling all over your neck from how fucking good you feel wrapped around him like that, the suck of your cunt every time he pulls his hips back just coaxing him closer, begging to be fucked deeper. And oh, pretty girl, he so badly wishes he could. Wants more than anything to leave you sobbing on his lap.
Who holds the power, do you think? You, with authority over him in a professional sense, or him, driving his cock into your wet little cunt over and over again, causing your slick to gush out with every thrust around his sheer girth and down your ass cheeks— who is more in control? Who would get more in trouble, your muted moans begging for his rough treatment, of which he willingly gives in to. Perhaps a bit more than what you're asking for, if he's honest with himself. Hunched over you like a fucking dog, driving his hips against your own at such a pace that he struggles to keep up with himself, sweat trickling on his forehead like in practice to drip down to your cheeks. To place blame on you would be a shame, he thinks, considering the way you're biting on his shoulder right now to withhold your moans, legs trembling around his waist when he fucks you firmly to his pelvis, holding you there to selfishly circle his cock inside of you in an effort to praise. Doing so good, you feel so good around me baby, it's not your fault. You shouldn't get in trouble for feeling good, I promise. You're not doing anything wrong.
"C'mon," He coaxes you, knowing smile pressed against your neck as he helps you grind against him, puffy little clit treated to his torso to hump against, muscles taut and trained under your warm heat for your enjoyment. "Make me proud, yeah? Wanna feel y'cream, been so long, babe—" He moans a little more openly, just a little louder, hoping to encourage you into making him feel good with your squishy little cunt convulsing around his throbbing cock. S'all he ever wants, really. If he's not inside of you, he's thinking about fucking you into next week, balls full of seed just for you. And even if he's lying about how long it's been, recalling how he was filling you up just a couple days ago after his teams big win; it feels like for fucking ever ago— how badly he wants to be buried balls deep in your warm cunt always.
Doubling his efforts, still squeezing your body to his about as well as your cunt squeezes his cock, he offers you miniscule little humps. Attempting to fuck his drooling tip deeper if it were at all possible, seeking only to make you feel as good as you make him feel. But he accidentally knocks something over in his overzealous actions, fuck— he doesn't know what, too busy humping you against his fit body faster now in fear of getting caught— someone surely heard that bang, right? Jaw tight, panting against your neck, doing all the work for you, he figures fuck it, right? If he's already been found out, he might as well go all the way. Slamming his hips into your with such fervour that a couple more items fall around him, fucking into you like his life depends on it, like he'll never be able to feel that tight fucking cunt spasm around him ever again as his instincts take over with the way he intends to mark your insides white; a ward against others from touching you. Wet skin on skin slaps around the tiny space he's got you cramped in, thrusting selfishly enough to feel your insides wrap ever tighter around him, milking your pretty pussy for his own selfish gain when the growing tight fit prompts his own orgasm to follow. Dumping a fat load as deep as he can when he can't seem to stop fucking himself stupid through the good feeling. Dumb smile plastered on his face as his nails dig into you for purchase, an innate need to remind you of who makes you feel like this, yeah? Of who's filling you up right now, keeping you in place to make sure that your little cunt takes all of his affections, mumbling a repeat of your name to let you know that he's thankful to be given this opportunity with you. Holding you close to squeeze lovingly at.
And even as the closet door swings open— he's at least got you pressed so tight against him that all your sensitive parts are hidden to all but him. Partly because he doesn't want to embarrass you, but also because he's selfish, and he's determined to make you solely his. Willing to throw away all that he's tried to strive for for so long if he can't talk his way out of manhandling you right now, blurry eyes blinking a few times to meet the eyes of his voyeur.
"Wow... No way, man! Alex!" Oh, it's just a teammate, his fucked out expression turning to a soft smile at the familiar voice. Though he doesn't dare respond back right now, shifting your weight around in his hands now that he's completely spent, a few drops of cum trickling down his length for him to wince at. Familiarity is good, he knows how much the boys want you, too. "Wondered where ya went," his teammate laughs, and Alex nods his thanks towards him when he gently closes the door, leaving just a crack open for some final words before the familiar lock rings in his ears.
"So fuckin' lucky, man. Have your fun, I'll tell the boys you've gone home or something."
All things considered, things could have went worse, right? Letting out a light chuckle when he's left alone with you again, instinctively nuzzle against your cheek as thanks.
"Bout time we found somewhere else to meet, dont'cha think?" He hums idly, helping you off his cock to sort yourself out.
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venusiangguk · 2 years
did u miss my reviews :3
to start i CANT BELIEVE U DROPPED THIS OUT OF THE BLUE LIKE I CANT EXPLAIN HOW LOUD I GASPED, had my coworkers confused. alr i made a list of what to touch on so let’s starttt !!
NARI’S SPEECH DEVELOPMENT. i cried. i fucking missed that pudgy baby more than oc & jk ngl !! she is so so precious i love her i will forever protect her… her asking abt oc. what The fuck is wrong with you. my baby misses her friend 😔
jk not going to buy groceries is so real like i Have Done this. avoiding is my coping !!
friends being true friends. the way they all check up on him in different ways is so 🫶 heart fluttering feelings are so fragile rn ..
WHEN HE CLOSED HIS EYES TO HEAR HIS BABY GIRL GIGGLING…. people cried. we cried stellaur !!
before i get into taekook heart to heart… the image of dilf taekook sitting drinking wine is so sexy let me get spit roasted rn i beg ..
taehyung calling dasom a manipulator is so hot cause YES !! she does it for a living let’s not be reminded that dasom is such a bad bitch but also a Bitch yk? he knows her better than us i fear.. she’s just protecting her baby tis all :(
“was having a baby to save your marriage apart of your plan?” people GASPED. KIM TAEHYUNG ?? no but u made him intellectual and intricate in this convo i loved it. he really told it to jk straight and let him recognize his faults instead of having a pity party & it was so so needed.
OC’S INSTA. give me a minute. the spa day. kill me. burn me. what the. no i’m teary eyed ?!? that woman LOVED nari and vice versa i need them back.
ok let me finish on the taekook heart to heart. i loved and enjoyed v much. hearing jk’s intricate thoughts was so nice and although made me very sad a few times, i appreciated it more than anything. tae we love u. jk we love u. stella we love u.
i Ache when you say his cock is hot and Heavy cause it IS !! Yes. hot and very heavy and leaking precum fUck.
sub jk. sub jk. we are summoning you… we yearn for u more than u yearn for oc… too far? we are all just horny mfs yearning for sub jk :(
he came !! a lot. and i digested. let me stop too much.
well stella. blown away as always. i missed your writing MORE than you could ever comprehend. please know you are truly one of the most talented writers on here i’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing. the way you explain things and the way you Write is so captivating and beautiful and and. i love this and i love YOU. never stop. thank you for this. ur amazing <33
love yaz !! 🫶
yazzzz <3 yes i have missed ur reviews they are always so in depth n ur always so kind to me, i am so thankful for u i love u dearly <33
yes miss nari is slowly but surely expanding her vocab!! she still does Not like talking tho >:( n her finally being able to say oc's name AFTER she's gone?? a specific kind of pain 😭 she does miss her v much </3 (they both miss each other :( )
bts best friends in all the multiverses and all the aus 😤
im glad you took tae talking about dasom like that in a Not bad way!! i was worried about dasom coming off as a villain, when she is not, and him coming off as a hater, when he's not and is just jk's bestie <3
tae absolutley obliterating jungkook with his words like SIR?? can he take a breath??? but yes it was very needed, and it the end it was very helpful. thank god tae is a twin boy dad n has acquired superhuman patience <3
the insta </3 i loved incorportaing that!! im glad it's been well received so far~~
we all love u dilf jk pls get ur shit together <33
aur was very nervous about debuting dilf jks subby interest bc he has been very Soft Dom n thats it the whole time... but u do have a point... we all love a sub jk moment 🥴
and once again yaz <3 i cannot tell you how much ur reviews like this mean to me, i read them over n over they make me feel v happy n loved <3 hope u know i luv u <33 thank u <33
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tomhollandisabae · 3 years
Part 2 of baby making sex with Tom please?maybe trying again or smut after they find out they’re having a baby or after the baby’s birth ???❤️❤️
thank you so much for ur request luvv!! and sorry for taking so long to answer!!😭💗💗
Baby- Tom Holland x Reader Pt.2
Part 1
Summary; After your daughter is born, you decide to reward your husband for his patience.
warnings; fluff, smut (choking,spanking, daddy!kink, oral (male receiving) unprotected sex)
words; 1.8k
Tumblr media
It had been almost a month since your little baby girl had been born. You and tom couldn't have been more grateful about her. She was the missing piece in yours and tom's relationship. She was your happiness , your light, your joy and the only thing that was keeping you both sane in this crazy world.
However , lately tom had been acting weird. He was always getting touchy with you and he couldn't be last a second away from you. He was constantly trying to start something, but always failed as a matter of fact that you were still not in the right condition for sex and you were also pretty tired. You were feeling bad for him though because he had lasted almost three months without doing something with you and you wanted to make him feel more secure and confident about himself. You wanted him to know that you loved him and that you were not doing that because you didn't want him anymore. He was your husband and the love of your life so you couldn't stand watching him like that.
Finally you decided to put on his favorite lingerie and put out a show for him. When you did so , you had first make sure that your daughter was asleep and then waited for him to come into your bedroom. A few minutes passed by and he opened the door. He immediately froze in his position and was just looking at you with wide eyes.
“hey babe…” you exclaimed while twirling your hair between your fingers.
“y-y/n…” he gulped.
“hiii” you said happily and sat up from the bed approaching him.
You took his hand in yours and closed the door before wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him towards you.
“I thought that i should reward you for being such a good boy all those months.” You said teasingly in his ear.
“fuck…” he breathed out and you just giggled.
Once you made eye contact with him, you crushed your lips with his, in a kiss that you had so many months to experience. He placed his hands gently on your waist pulling you even closer, gaining more confidence and biting your lower lip asking for entrance. You of course granted it to him and he slipped his tongue into your mouth starting to exploring it. Then his hands made their way south grabbing your hips and after squeezing your ass making you gasps into the kiss. Moments later he placed his one hand on your neck putting a little more pressure. That was indeed a huge turn on for both of you, as you moaned. In the end you pulled away trying to catch your breaths, before he attacked your jaw leaving open mouthed kissed and then moving downwards towards your neck. He nibbled and sucked your sweet spot, resulting in you releasing small pornographic sounds. Afterwards his hands found their way to your back unclasping your bra and throwing it away, admiring the view with hungry eyes.
“damn baby, I wish you could breastfeed forever.” He said and you rolled your eyes.
“alright if you can handle and the back pain and so on…” you told him before crushing your lips again with his.
“fuck… you're so hot.” he moaned as you grabbed his manhood.
“mhhmm… is that what daddy thinks?” you winked as you saw him looking at you in awe while you got down on your knees in front of him.
“fuck baby…” he gasped once again as you proceed to unzip his pants, pulling them down alongside with his boxers.
Your mouthed water in an instant as you watched his member bouncing on his stomach before taking him softly in your hands.
“fuck, I had missed that…” you exclaimed and then started stroking him.
you saw his eyes rolling in the back of his head. Finally you licked his tip, teasing him, as he grabbed your hair. At last you decided to get into the point and took him all in your mouth, hearing him moaning loudly. You started bobbing up and and down your head giving him the pleasure he desired. One of your hands made contact with his balls, squeezing them a little bit while you kept on working on his shaft. Then you took him even deeper, feeling him reaching the back of your neck as you hollowed you mouth around him jerking of the part you couldn't fit.
“fuck, if you keep on doing that babygirl I won't last long.” He informed you.
“maybe that's what I want.” You took a breath before continuing sucking him off.
“fuck baby.” He moaned and pulled your hair before thrusting into your mouth with such force that made you scream, but you liked it. Then he started fucking you while tears started streaming down on your cheeks. Moments later you felt him twitching while he emptied his load in you as you swallowed all of it. When he finally pulled away from your mouth, you put your tongue out showing him that you swallow all of it, while you saw him smirking, pulling you up on your feet.
“I love you so much.” He exclaimed and connected your lips in a more slow, yet passionate kiss, although it didn’t last long as he pulled away to get rid of his shirt, before throwing you onto your bed and spreading your legs, making eye contact with your heat.
“i'd missed this so bad.” He said looking at you in between your legs.
“I love you tommy.” You said as you grabbed his hair softly.
Then he started leaving kiss on your thighs, making sure to leave a few marks here and there. He would kiss and suck every part of your body, around the place where you needed him the most.
“please tommy.” You pleaded.
“what did you say?” he asked in a stern voice.
“fuck I didn—” he interrupted you as he yanked your hand from his hair and turning you around on the bed placing you on your hands and knees.
“what is it baby? You forgot my name or something? Shall I remind you who I am?” he said in a husky voice while he hit your ass with force making you scream in pain but pleasure too.
“i'm s-sorry” you cried out as he pulled your panties down and threw them away.
“sorry baby girl but it is too late to apologize. So i'm thinking about 15, what do you thing?” you knew that he was smirking .
“bet be worth my time then…” you challenged him. He immediately storks your ass cheek once again making you fall onto your pillow.
“twenty then. Start counting… and these two doesn't count.” He said and started stroking your ass.
A few minutes later you were exhausted and had tears in your eyes, yet you were feeling so good.
“te-twenty…” you cried out as you felt him caressing softly both your ass cheeks before turning you back around.
“so… do you want to call me the right way now?” he said.
“i'm sorry daddy…” you said in a low tone.
“what I can't hear you.” He smirked.
“i'm sorry daddy.” You said loudly this time.
“that's my girl.” He said proudly and kissed you.
His hands found their way immediately on your breasts as he squeezed them.
“please daddy…” you gasped.
“mhmm what do you want baby girl?” he asked in a cocky way and you rolled your eyes.
“please daddy I need you.” You begged.
“you mean my pussy needs me…” he emphasized the word ‘my’ as his hand circled your clit making you moan loudly.
“fuck daddy, please fuck me.” You cried out.
“as you wish…” he winked at you and positioned his member in your entrance before entering you slowly.
He knew that he had to take it slow at first as you were not used to it due to the long time that you had to do something like that, yet he felt as he could cum at the same moment.
“fuck you're so tight baby.” You whispered in your ear.
“mhhmm please daddy move.” You said wrapping your hands around his shoulders.
“fuck baby girl your too good. Fuck…” he gasped as he started pounding slowly inside you.
He placed his one hand besides your head and the other one around your neck making you roll your eyes back in pleasure ashe was thrusting in you even faster and harder now.
“oh yesss fuck daddy!! Just like that!!” you screamed.
He connected your lips once again as you started feeling you climax approaching both of you.
“you want to cut baby?” he said as he pulled out, leaving only his tip inside you.
“please daddy, please let me cum i'll be a good girl.” You begged looking at him with doe eyes.
“you are a good girl darling.” He said more softly now as he slowly re-entered you before picking up his pace once more.
His thump started stimulating your clit as you felt him twitching inside you.
“please daddy cum inside me.” You said and he dropped his head in your neck while you heard him moaning slowly.
“fuck… cum for me baby girl.” He said and that was it before your high took over you as you came all around him him before feeling him cumming in you.
“fuck…” he moaned trying to catch his breath as he was kissing softly your neck.
“you alright?” he asked after a while looking at you.
“yeah…” you smiled before he pulled out dropping next to you in the bed pulling you on his chest, stroking your hair softly.
“are you… you know…” he said nervously.
“what?” you asked confused looking up at him.
“you know… on the pill.” He said and you chuckled .
“of course I am, what do you think I am insane.” You told him placing your head back on his chest.
“we just had a baby tom, I mean we can of course have another one…” you said.
“really?” he exclaimed happily.
“of course… if you can carry it for nine moths in your stomach and then give birth to it.” You laugh.
“you are the worst you know that.” He shook his head smiling and you pecked his lips softly.
“yeah, but you love me.” You giggled.
“ugh of course I do , I would be crazy if I didn't.” he smiled and hugged you tightly.
“I love you too tommy.” You smiled into his chest before drifting away.
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years
i just read your fenrys fic and omg it’s so so good!!! i love your writing so much!! i was wondering if you could write a fenrys smut? ur smut pieces always hit different and ur one of the only people that i’ve found that writes for him
pairing: Fenrys x reader (throne of glass)
warnings: lots of smut, like this is filthy, lil bit ddlg dynamic but defo dom/sub overtones, daddy kink, spit kink, creampie, size kink, praise kink, degredation, bulge kink, overstimulation, not proof read so may have grammar errors sorry :))
a/n: okay my kinks rlly jumped out phew. this is pure filth but I hope you enjoy!! also thank you, fenrys is my fave and I think you can tell <33 (also Fenrys is the only character I would let baby me the rest can choke) (jkjk love them but still)
“Gods you smell so good,” Fenrys breathed in your ear, his voice rough and deep as his hands circled around your waist.
“Daddy, we’re in public,” you complained leaning back into his arms as he pressed dizzying kisses into your neck.
“I know baby, we should get home soon. I can smell your panties getting wet, what are you thinking about huh?” you whined as he pulled away, his bulking size no longer pressed against your back as he pulled you away from the stall of rings you had been looking at. You grabbed his hand in both of yours and followed, tugging his hand so he would slow his pace, your legs not keeping up with his long strides.
“You daddy,” you answered meekly, and he grinned down at you, the sight of his canines making you whimper as you thought of the bite marks trailing your inner thighs.
“Good girl,” he whispered into your hair as he tugged you into his side, pressing a kiss to your head and keeping you tucked in tight as the two of you walked home.
The house you lived in was a sharp contrast to the palaces your friends lived in. It was a small stone cottage with a thatched roof and big garden, filled with vegetables, plants and flowers. Along with the cherry blossom tree the two of you had planted after the war, the sight always making you smile. Inside the cottage was the soft, book-filled, and blanket covered interior of your dreams. Everything was in shades of baby pink, sage green or brown, with hand knitted, crème-coloured blankets and homemade scented candles. There were also many crystals dotted about the house, your wolf an avid believer in the power of the moon, while you simply turned to them for comfort and strength.
Today as you entered your haven however you didn’t get a chance to breathe in the rustic, flowery smell, barely finding time to pull off your boots and long coat before Fenrys was throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you through to the bedroom.
You were thrown on your bed, landing on the plush pink cushions with a squeal and a laugh when the bed springs squeaked. Fenrys was quick to climb over you, covering your body with his as he kissed you deeply, his right thigh pushing between yours. You mewled and started rutting into his thigh, desperate for some relief, barely able to go a day without touching your mate anymore.
Fenrys cooed at you, “So desperate for me aren’t you baby, do you need daddy to help you?”
You nodded, crying out as he pressed his thigh harder against your covered cunt. “Need you so bad daddy!” you whined, and he chuckle, kissing away your pout as you clung to his neck.
“Patience little one, let’s get you undressed first,” he pulled off you abruptly and you whined as he picked you up, so you were standing, and began unbuttoning his shirt. You were quick to pull off you clothes, hands fumbling with the back of your dress until Fenrys unzipped it for you, when you were just in your bra and panties he pulled you onto his lap, kissing you deeply again. You trailed your hands over his expansive chest, feeling his impressive muscles and rutting in his lap slightly as you moved to straddle him. You kissed for a few more minutes, Fenrys tongue completely dominating your own as he groped your ass greedily with one hand and tangled the other in your hair, tugging lightly when you moved too much.
“Lie down baby, daddy’s gonna eat that sweet pussy now,” he said, and you moaned into his mouth, hastily moving back, and lying on top of the white blanket you had knitted pink hearts into. He smiled at you as he moved between your legs, slowly pulling your panties down and bringing them to his nose, inhaling your scent.
“Daddy don’t its embarrassing!” you exclaimed but he silenced you with a look,
“You never need to be embarrassed in front of me bunny, you know this,” he told you off and you frowned, nodding as he threw the panties away. He spread your legs for him, hooking the left over his shoulder as he moved in closer and smiled at the sight of your glistening pussy on display for him.
“So pretty baby,” he cooed, and you smiled, not forgetting your manners.
“Thank you daddy.” He smiled up at you before leaning in a licking a stripe up your pussy with a flat tongue making you squeal. He started sucking on your clit gently, easing you into it as he kept your legs spread with huge hands. His teeth ran over your clit gently and you moaned loudly, knowing he liked it when you were responsive for him and made the sounds he wished he could lap up.
Your hands fisted the soft bedsheets as he moved down, his tongue probing into your tight hole as his index finger came up and started rubbing soft circles on your clit. His thick tongue worked into you and he moaned at your taste, wishing he could bottle it and get drunk of you every night. The vibrations went through you like shock waves, and you cried out, grabbing his golden hair in your fist as your hips bucked up, legs shaking.
He pulled back, pressing kisses into your thighs, his lips and chin glistening with your essence, but he was soon diving back in and eating you like a man starved. He went back in with increased vigour, slurping at your folds and trying to drink from your endless supply of nectar. The thumb that had been making soft circles on your clit moved down and he pressed a finger into you, his cold hands creating a sharp contrast with your hot core. He slowly started pumping it in and out of you with a distinctive squelching sound.  
“Daddy!” you cried out as he pushed in a second finger, the stretch hurting only for a second or two until pleasure took over your body, “Daddy, I’m going to come, please please can I come?” you begged, hips jolting as he dragged your clit between his teeth.
“Mmm wait baby,” he commanded, and you gripped the sheets tighter under your hand, your head thrashing from side to side as you held back from cumming. Fenrys added a third finger making you scream as he pumped them harshly in and out of your pussy, lips never releasing your clit from it’s beautiful torment.
You could feel your body heating up and you got nervous, never liking to come until you were allowed, Fenrys made it very clear that you weren’t allowed to do that, but you were struggling to hold on.
“Daddy! I need to come please! I can’t hold it,” you sobbed as he pulled his lips from your clit, replacing them with the rough pad of his thumb.
“Cum then baby, I wanna taste you,” he smirked as you mewled, legs shaking as you clenched around his fingers, cumming all over his hand with a silent scream. Fenrys pulled his fingers from you but continued to lap at your abused pussy until you were pushing his head away, too overstimulated.
When Fenrys sat up he smiled down at your worn out form, cock hard and straining against his boxers as he licked your essence clean from his fingers. He pulled his boxers down and discarded them, gaining your attention as you reached a small hand to his cock, wrapping your dainty fingers around it and pumping slowly. He moaned and enjoyed your touch for a few minutes before he was pulling back, settling between your legs and pushing into your tight hole, the two of you groaning as he slid to the base.
You felt so full, his huge cock pushing just right against your walls, your pussy hugging him so tightly as he began rutting into you.
“Fuck, I forgot how good you were for daddy. Hmm? Just his little slut, his little baby, you’ll let me take you whenever won’t you.” You babbled out pleas, unable to form a thought as he started pounding you into the mattress, “Look at you, such a good baby, so good for me. Always hug me just right, keep me so warm babygirl.”
“Daddy I need…” you cried but Fenrys cut you off.
“I know what you need and right now it’s to take my cock like the good little girl you are.” His hips were hitting your at a bruising pace while one hand came to tug your tits out of your bra, pulling it down just enough to free them to him as he reached down and wrapped his lips around your nipple, tugging at it with his teeth. Your legs were wrapped around his lean waist and with every thrust his pubic bone rutted against your clit making you cry out.
“Are you going to come already baby? Can feel you clenching around me, so needy just a cock drunk slut,” he pounded into you and you sobbed, pleasure taking over your body.
“I’m going to come daddy!” you cried out.
“Do it baby, let go. I want to feel you soak me,” he demanded, and you fell apart around him. your back arched of the bed and your hands clawed at him back as you released over his dick, cunt pulsing around him and tightening even more than it already was.
He slowed his thrusts but didn’t pull out as you came down from your high, rolling over onto his back so you were sat on his cock. You looked at him with wide eyes at the change in position, his cock being pushed impossibly deeper into you and making you mewl.
His gaze trailed down your body as he removed your bra, stopping when he saw a bulge in your stomach, cooing at you. “Oh baby, you poor thing, I’m all the way in you, can you feel me that deep bunny?”
You nodded at him, unable to form coherent sentences as you struggled to stay upright on his cock. “C’mon baby, bounce for me hmm? Ride me baby I know you can.”
You tried to lift your hips, only pulling halfway up before you sank back down, crying out from the overstimulation.
“You can do better than that baby,” he urged you on and you tried again, pushing up with your hands splayed on his chest, tits in his face. This time you managed a few more thrusts before you were practically collapsing onto his chest.
“Such a dumb baby, so cock drunk can’t do anything without daddy’s help.” Fenrys was smiling at your worn out form as he bent his knees, digging his heels into the mattress and wrapping his huge arms around your form, holding you close as he started fucking into you roughly.
The constant pounding of his hips was all you could think of, your mind completely blank. You were completely consumed by him, his smell, the taste of his sweat on your tongue, the feel of his rough, callused hands rubbing over your back and the fullness that came from being stuffed with his cock. You were soaking wet, dripping down his cock and balls, onto the bed and the smell of your essence was everywhere, driving Fenrys insane as he forced your body up and down his cock.
Your body had turned to putty as he used you as he pleased, his thrusts getting sloppy as he got nearer his release, the clenching of your pussy giving away that you were just as close.
“I’m gonna come baby, gonna fill you up till I’m leaking out of you, I wanna watch you leak me, wanna feel it.” you moaned into his ear at his crude words.
“Do it daddy! Fill me up please!” you sobbed out as you came around his cock, crying out as he slammed into you one final time. You felt his cum fill you, leaking out of you and down his cock as the two of you tried to catch your breaths after your powerful, bone shaking orgasms.
You looked up from your place on Fenrys chest and smiled softly at him as you leaned up to kiss him sweetly in thanks.
“Such a good girl,” he whispered against your lips and you giggled. He shifted and slowly pulled out of you, making you whine at the loss of contact. He stood and walked to the bathroom, grabbing a washcloth and wiping himself down before kneeling in front of you and wiping you down too. He pressed a final peck to your pussy and you let out a breathy whimper, reaching out to him with grabby hands as he pulled on a pair of boxers before climbing back into bed, falling asleep with your head on his chest, content.
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h34rtizuku · 3 years
𝔭𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔶
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i hate angst without happy endings, but i’m also self-destructive. therapy is expensive, but ripping your own heart out and bearing your insecurities into a full-fledged story for you and others to read? free.
warnings : angst without a happy ending, insecurities, jealousy, mayhaps toxic behavior?? idk if ur looking for a good time, this isn’t for you bestie <3 also i might misspell uraraka’s name wrong a few times, i’ll fix them later :*
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being quirkless had its advantages. with such a small number of us being born without powers, it left a lot of the mundane jobs open.
which is why, as soon as pro-hero deku opened his agency, i came to him with the request to be his assistant.
on the daily, he had people coming up to him asking for internships or to be his sidekick. but he never had anyone ask to be his assistant.
being the number one hero often meant that every day things, things one may take for granted or deem insignificant became just another list of things on the busy man’s to-do list.
therefore the appeal of having someone file his paper work and run to get him coffee in the morning was great enough to hire me.
and i was glad he did.
this is what i have been working for since i was a first year in high school. after watching the freckled boy break limb after limb to defeat his opponent.
yeah, i saw it as irresponsible and stupid that he had to break his own body to save others. but i was willing to overlook it.
my one goal during my remaining years of high school and up to college was that wherever that little green haired boy went, i would follow.
and that reigned true as his assistant. i would shuffle after him like a duckling following it’s mother, wherever he needed me.
if he needed me in a briefing to take notes for him, i was there. if he needed me to put in overtime to help him file the last minute paperwork, i was there. if he wanted a particular pastry from a specific bakery half way across town, i was there.
izuku was never mean, or demanding. always thanking me profusely for anything i ever did for him. leaving me to remind him that this was my job, and any way to make his life easier was good enough for me.
but maybe i should have held onto those blushed cheeks and crinkled eyes as he thanked me for the coffee that he didn’t even know he needed, for a just a little bit longer.
you know how a child will open a new toy on christmas and it quickly becomes their new favorite toy? playing with it non-stop, taking it wherever they go. until one day, they grow bored of it and never touch it again as it grows dusty at the bottom of their toy bin.
i know izuku wasn’t doing it on purpose, he didn’t have an intentionally mean bone in his body. i guess you could say, some other toys came around and took his attention away.
and that toy, was a particularly difficult mission in collaboration with uravity’s agency.
the two spent long hours cooped in his office as they went over notes, plans, intel, etc. until the conversation melted into talk about the old days and the wonderful memories they had together in high school.
i went to work the following days with absolutely no energy to handle whatever would be thrown at me. i hadn’t been able to get much sleep, as when i closed my eyes the only thing i could see was the look in his eyes when he saw her.
my patience was already thin given the events of the most recent week, but when the printer started malfunctioning leaving me unable to fax the papers izuku wanted me send, you could say that was the first domino.
i swatted and kicked and pressed any button on the stupid machine. telling myself i was merely trying to get to stupid thing to work, but deep down i knew that the printer was just my temporary punching bag. an outlet to unleash my anger and emotions onto something instead of letting them fester inside me.
so when one of izuku’s sidekicks came by, giving a snarky comment about my behavior, i was able to brush it off with a roll of my eyes and an equally snippy comment back.
but as the hunk of plastic remained steady in its plan to ruin my day, the lack of sleep and lingering resentment started to bubble within me once more.
i heard footsteps behind me and a joking voice say, “having a bit of trouble are we?”
if it weren’t for the white hot anger buzzing in my ears i may have been able to identify the voice before i lashed out on them. but we already established this was not my day.
so as my hands moved to clutch the machine below me, most likely to restrain my abuse to merely verbal instead of physical. i spit out, “listen i’m fucking trying okay? so how about you get off my ass and do something useful.”
i turned around to face who i thought would be another sidekick sent to push my buttons. but i instead came face-to-face with the green haired man himself.
eyes blown wide, mouth agape in shock, a light blush dusted under his freckles as he fought to handle the situation the best way he could.
but i beat him to it with a deep bow and an endless flow of apologies, opting to only blame my anger on the malfunctioning piece of junk behind me and not the several other reasons i was plotting murder in my head.
with a gentle smile and a soft chuckle he placed his hand to the back of his head, rubbing at the baby jade hairs of his undercut. “i see. bad days happen to the best of us.” he replied, his voice like honey.
i became drunk on the minor interaction he was giving me, bringing me back to the beginning days at this job where we would spend late nights trying to keep each other awake under the only singular yellow light as we finished paperwork. or where sometimes he’d invite me to spend lunch with him as he felt he’d enjoy the company.
i got lost in the intricacies of his face as he tampered with the printer. thin eyebrows furrowed in concentration, bottom lip captured between his thick scarred fingers as he muttered to himself.
i fell in a trance, locked on the slope of his button nose, his gemstone eyes, and chubby caramel cheeks dusted in freckles.
he looked essentially like the same boy i saw on the screen all those years ago, yet matured and hardened by the realities of life.
i wanted nothing more than to reach out and protect him any way my small quirkless body could. to be there for him the same way he was for everyone else.
he eventually got the printer to work with a boyish smile on his face as he told me that despite the good roughing up i gave the machine, he was able to locate and handle the issue. “next time, skip the punching and come find me, yeah? i’ll help with any problems you face.” he joked as he made his way into his office to resume his work.
i didn’t know it was possible to fall harder for that man, but he proved with every day of his existence that the impossible didn’t apply to him.
i was finally able to get some sleep the next few nights as my eyelids filled with the blush on his cheekbones and his gaze of concentration.
but my trip to cloud 9 didn’t last very long as the occasional meeting with uraraka became trips to her agency, and occasional meetings in civilian clothes to civilian places, like coffee shops and corner stores.
to anyone else, those would read as dates. to me, they read as dates. but izuku assured the gossiping sidekicks that it was strictly professional ~ nothing more, nothing less.
i knew that i would end up with more fits of restlessness and sleepless nights as i pictured the two of them laughing over a cup of coffee. so i sought out a replacement.
a moment. a look. a sentence.
anything directed at me that would choke out the ugly thoughts and images my brain would show me of the two of them together.
so that afternoon as i brought him his lunch, i placed the box safely onto the table beside him as he continued skimming through the papers littered across the desk.
he muttered a small ‘thank you’ but it wasn’t enough. as my hand moved to place his drink that i held in my other hand next to his food, a different idea popped in my head.
my hand moved faster than my brain could register what it had just planned to do. squeezing just enough for the lid to pop off and slip from my fingers to tumble into his lap.
as soon as the liquid and ice hit his lap he flew up from his seat and away from his desk.
my hands flew up to my mouth as a string of apologies fell from my lips. eyes watering in guilt as they moved around the room trying to locate something to soak up the mess with.
“i am so sorry, my fingers slipped and before i knew it i had lost control of the cup. i-i can’t tell you how sorry i am.” i rambled as i took my blazer off to wipe at the wet stains starting to form at the bottom of his teal suit.
“hey, hey, hey.” he said softly, taking my tinier hands into his large and battered ones. warmth enveloped my clutched sticky hands as he gently urged me to stand from my crouching position in front of him.
“it was an accident. no harm, no foul.” he said with a soft smile.
i should feel bad, as it wasn’t entirely an accident. but the warm and gentle look in his eyes made what little guilt i felt crumble away.
his thumbs rubbing soft circles to my skin as he worked to get the tears to stop streaming from my eyes was enough to get me to sleep like a baby for a good 2 weeks.
until it became a cycle. he would spend too much time around uraraka, and then i would do something all in the name of garnering his attention back on me.
was it wrong of me to do, to take advantage of his kindness? to take advantage of the fact that he was naive to my true intentions? maybe.
but i felt i deserved it. i felt i deserved to be looked at the same way he looked at her.
i wasn’t any different than she was. with the way she used her big brown eyes to pull him in. or the way her cute behavior made him blush. or the way her sweet way of talking made him laugh.
i can’t be her, or compare to her. so i found my own way around it. and no one could fault me for doing so. they just couldn’t.
at the end of the mission, uravity decided to throw a party in celebration of their win. a nice formal gathering, with everyone she had involved.
when izuku pulled me aside one late night to tell me that he was extending the invitation to me felt akin to a marriage proposal.
i wasn’t involved much in the case, merely being used as the one who provided them their lunch on their long meeting days. or filing and organizing the paperwork and notes that they would compile. i wasn’t out in the field, breaking bones like izuku or saving lives like uraraka.
i didn’t deserve to go, but i didn’t care. izuku had invited me personally and damn it, i was gonna be there.
yet, i shouldn’t have gone.
i shouldn’t have spent the hours on my makeup. i shouldn’t have enlisted the help of my best friend to do my hair as i gushed about how izuku had personally invited me, how he was the most perfect man ever, and how i was undoubtedly in love with him.
i shouldn’t have spent the week leading up to the event going from shop to shop trying to find the prettiest dress that was just the exact color of his eyes. i shouldn’t have spent about half my paycheck on said dress when i found it.
i shouldn’t have decided to face my fears and step out of my comfort zone to join a group of heroes that i knew were old classmates of izuku’s as they whispered about something that clearly was a raving topic.
because then i wouldn’t have heard how izuku was planning on confessing to uraraka. i wouldn’t have heard how this mission caused old high school feelings to rekindle. i should have known my place.
and that was far away from here, from the hero scene. i should have grown up to be an accountant or a chef.
when my father took me to get that checkup when i was 5, to confirm that there truly resides no quirk inside me.
i should have left it at that.
when i was riding my bike that day as a first year and i saw the group of boys huddled around a screen as they tuned into the u-a sports festival, i should have kept riding.
as maybe it would have saved me a lot of pain.
i backed away slowly, heels tapping against the tile floor as i hurried out of the building.
i didn’t realize how suffocated i felt until the chilly autumn hair brushed my face and into my lungs.
my whole body felt hot, i felt numb. i stumbled onto the sidewalk as i looked into the dark azure sky glittered with stars.
the tears finally spilled from my eyes as the stars muddled together into a messy blur. my stomach swirled and tensed as pit of nausea sunk in my stomach.
my chest heaved as it tried to process the crisp cold air into oxygen, but my throat was too tight to let much in.
i gasped and sobbed as my back hit the brick behind me, my legs wobbling unable to carry my weight much longer.
i slid into a crouched position as my tears mixed with the black of my mascara. streaming in pools down my cheeks, neck, and chest.
in the midst of my sobbing and heaving, i called my friend who was still at my apartment awaiting details of that night when i came home.
knowing it was far too early for me to be calling her she picked up the phone with confusion. it didn’t take much words from me, not like i gave her much, to convince her that she needed to come pick me up.
as she hung up the phone, my hand slipped from my ear, falling limp to my side as i placed my head into my other arm resting atop my knees.
this was inevitable and i knew it. no matter how many ways i was able to manipulate a sweet glance from him, it didn’t mean anything.
izuku was nice to everybody. sweet to everyone. kind to anyone.
but with her, it was different. he treated her that way, not because he had to, but because he wanted to.
they had years of memories, of laughs. they were perfect for each other, both smart, and kind, and always looking to help others. never acting selfishly or for personal gain.
they shared soft touches like they did old stories. they looked at each other with the same respect and admiration.
i was wrong. uraraka and i are nothing alike. she didn’t have to beg izuku to look at her like she hung the moon, he did so without asking.
unbeknownst to me, as i was manipulating izuku into these fabricated moments of gentle gazes and kind words, i was manipulating myself.
lying to the deepest parts of me that knew that this wasn’t real. that i wasn’t her. that he didn’t think of us the same way.
to him, uraraka is an old friend, who views the world the same way he does, who shares his same passions, who built her quirk to do some good within this world.
to him, i was a coffee-getter, the girl who knew his lunch orders like the back of her hand, the girl who filed his papers. the quirkless little fangirl who practically begged him to give her a job under him.
i heard the metal door open and snap shut announcing that someone was now outside with me. however, i just assumed it was a party-goer stepping outside for a smoke or a phone call so i didn’t bother to look up.
i also wasn’t in the mood for if the person happened to be a drunk girl who was ready to become my therapist as she saw me crouched on the sidewalk wishing to become one with the cement and simply cease to exist.
“there you are, i was wondering where you went?”
i would have taken the amateur therapist over this.
the voice belonged to izuku, dripping with sugar and default kindness.
if i could become one with the bricks just a little bit faster that would be great.
“hey, are you alright?” his tone became worried but i still didn’t dare to look up from my arms.
“do you feel sick? did something happen? do i need to take you home?” there he goes, into hero mode. ready to drop anything to help anyone facing the slightest of inconveniences.
“please just leave me alone.” i mumbled, throat tight and voice wavering as i try to hold the tears that still remain to fall.
“what did you say? i didn’t quite hear you.” he said softly, gently setting his large hands onto my exposed shoulder.
they should feel like welcoming warmth, but instead they felt blistering hot as i shoved them away as quickly as i could.
“i said leave me alone.” i said, slightly louder as i no longer was stuffed in my arms and knees.
he immediately saw the mess my face was in, i could tell by the way he quickly reverted fully into deku.
“hey, what’s wrong? whatever it is, i can help. didn’t i say you could come to me whenever you ne-“
“oh my god just stop! i can’t take it anymore.” i snapped, finally able to look him in the face.
but not for long as i saw the same look on his complexion as the first time i snapped at him.
“you’re too fucking nice. leaving you vulnerable for people to take advantage of you. giving them a reason to be selfish.”
“i dont-“ he tried to start but i cut him off.
“i don’t need a hero, izuku. there are people you just can’t save.”
as he worked to wrap his head around what was happening, my friend pulled up in my getaway car.
i bent down and grabbed my purse, but before i could fully escape this night, izuku grabbed my wrist causing me to stare into his eyes.
now lit aflame with desperation, “please just tell me what’s wrong. let me help you.” he encouraged softly.
but i wasn’t going to fall for it, not again.
i wasn’t gonna be played for the fool as i took the soft look in his eyes for anything but the gaze of a hero hoping to add another save to their statistics.
“god you never know when to quit!” i yelled as i yanked my wrist back. “and i hate that i-“
loved that about you?
no, love that about you.
i shook my head, thankful that for once my brain caught my actions before i spilled and made a mess again.
i walked quickly to the car, opening the passenger door almost as fast in hopes that within its metal sanctuary i could finally escape this hell.
“y/n- i-“
“mr. midoriya.” i just about whispered, my energy long since drained.
he laughed gently and i cursed the way my heart squeezed a little at the sound.
still head over heels for the angelic sound.
“you haven’t called me that in a long-“
“i quit.”
“w-what?” he muttered in disbelief.
i wouldn’t believe it either, not after the way i came to him nearly 4 years ago saying i would even be willing to clean toilets if he asked me to, so long as i got to work for him.
“i quit.” i repeated.
“you don’t mean that.”
he’s right i didn’t, not really.
hot tears started to dribble as my lower lip puckered in a sour quiver.
“no i do, sir.” i shook. “i will send someone to collect my things on monday.”
and with that i closed the door.
“drive.” i whispered to my friend who after a moment of looking at me, trying to read me, silently put the car into drive and started forward.
leaving izuku behind to stumble after the car, mouth muttering, trying to form any sort of sentence or sense.
but i couldn’t see him, knowing not to look at the mirrors situated on the side of the vehicle.
for they too are liars, as objects in the mirror are farther than they appear.
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*** my little blue bitch working overtime
🧼 also mayhaps “soap” by melanie martinez fits this story… unintentionally ~ but if i’m wrong it’s cuz i haven’t listened to it in a while
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leejungchans · 3 years
— dance with me?
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word count: 1.7k
pairing: dino (svt) x ateez oc (juliet)
warning(s): none!!
genre: an overwhelming amount of fluff bc i love lee chan
set on february 11, 2021
summary: during a late-night date on dino’s birthday, he asks juliet a special question.
juliet’s masterlist
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minnie 🐭❤️ [22:16] i’m heading down now!! (◕‿◕) don’t drive off without me please ur so sexc 😩😩
From where he is, parked a street down from the building where ATEEZ’s dorm is in, Chan shakes his head fondly, looking out the window from the driver’s seat for any sign of his girlfriend.
Sure enough, just a few minutes later, Juliet emerges from the building’s entrance, glancing down the mostly empty street before spotting the familiar car.
Under the light of the street lamps, he can see that she’s wearing a huge puffer jacket with a scarf wrapped around her neck, purple hair stuffed under her beanie to avoid catching the attention of prying eyes. With all the layers she has on, she reminds him of a waddling penguin as she speed-walks towards the car.
Chan unlocks the door as Juliet approaches, her eyes smiling while she settles into the passenger’s seat before leaning over the console to hug him. “Happy birthday, Channie,” she beams, taking off her mask to nuzzle the bottom half of her face into the thick material of her scarf.
“You already said that,” Chan teases, also smiling as he watches her fumble with the seatbelt for a bit.
“That was from almost twelve hours ago at 12 am! I think it’s illegal if I didn’t wish you a happy birthday again,” Juliet protests. “Sorry for being late, by the way. Have you been waiting long?”
“It’s only a few minutes, don’t sweat it.”
“Okay, but there’s actually a good reason! I was about to leave the building when Mingi-oppa called me because I left your present on the table, and I had to go back up to grab it! So you have him to thank that you have a birthday present.”
Juliet takes out a small gift bag, its handles tied together with ribbon so he can’t look into it, and hands it to him with a sweet grin. “Don’t open it now, though,” she warns half-jokingly.
“What? Why?” Chan whines. “I can’t even open my own present on my birthday?”
“No, because if you open it now then I’ll have to explain the meaning behind your gift, and if I do that I might actually cry. There’s a card inside explaining it.”
“What if I want to hear it from you?”
“Then you can call me when you get home,” she responds cheekily.
Chan relents. “Fine, you win. But you didn’t have to get me anything, I hope you know that,” he adds the last part seriously.
Juliet smiles reassuringly. “I know, but I wanted to. I hope you’ll like it, though.”
“I know I will.” It’s at that moment when he finally gets a good look at her face, the light from the street lamps hitting it just enough for him to note the dark circles under her eyes. “You look tired, baby. Don’t get me wrong, you’re beautiful no matter what, but is everything okay?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah.” As though on cue, Juliet brings a hand up to cover her mouth as she yawns. “Just a little tired from comeback preparations and practising for Kingdom. I’ll be fine, though, don’t worry.”
“I’ll always worry about you,” Chan admits. “You shouldn’t have come so you can rest.”
Juliet frowns. “No, I wanted to see you. Plus, it’s your birthday.”
“Okay, but you have to promise that you’ll take care of yourself.”
“I always do!” A pause. “Okay, sometimes I don’t, but I’ll try,” she promises genuinely.
Chan smiles. “Good. Let’s go, then. Seatbelt on?”
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“Um, where exactly are you taking me?” Juliet asks suspiciously, noting that they’re currently driving up a hill away from central Seoul.
“Patience, Minnie. You’ll find out soon,” Chan says with a mischievous smirk. “We’re almost there.”
She feigns an offended gasp. “I am always patient! I’m just asking because I’m too pretty to meet my end now.”
“If something happens, I’ll protect you.”
“Nice try, but don’t think I haven’t watched that episode of GOING SEVENTEEN with you guys in the haunted house,” Juliet teases with a raised brow. “If anything, we probably need to call Wonwoo-ssi or Minghao-ssi.”
Chan groans. “Can we not talk about my members when we’re on a date?”
This only earns a laugh from Juliet. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”
“You’re going to tease me even on my birthday?”
“It’s how I show affection!” she defends while the car comes to a stop at the side of a dimly lit road. “Are we here?”
Upon his nod, she unbuckles her seatbelt to hop out the car, snow crunching under her boots. Immediately, harsh winds whip at her face and she shivers, the temperature even lower due to the higher elevation.
She hears a lighthearted tsk from behind her before feeling her jacket being draped over her shoulders. “You left it in the backseat, silly,” Chan says softly while he helps her into it, referring to when she took it off during the car ride. “You’re going to catch a cold.”
“No, I won’t. I have you to remind me,” Juliet says cheekily, earning herself a light flick on the forehead. She follows Chan to a clearing a few paces away from where they parked and immediately realises why he took her here.
Seoul, with its sparkling lights, is captivating at night when you’re in the heart of the city, but perhaps even more so when you’re looking at it from afar. She can’t help but admire the stark contrast between the tranquil hillside they’re at that compared to the vibrant city centre it overlooks.
“I sometimes come here with the members when we want to be away from... the loudness of it all,” Chan explains quietly as they move closer to the railing. “To think. Or just to take our mind off certain things.”
Juliet leans closer to his side to link their arms, her head coming to rest on his shoulder. “It’s beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here.”
“Don’t come to places like here often?”
She snorts. “I don’t just let anyone drive me to a dark hill in the middle of the night.”
Chan laughs, gently resting his head on hers. “You have a point. Does this mean I’m the only person allowed to take you here?”
“I’d like that. I also have a horrible sense of direction, so I don’t think I can remember the way here even if I tried.” Despite her quip, something in Juliet feels fuzzy and warm at the thought of this place being one only they know of.
It brings a sense of giddiness, the same one she felt when she was much, much younger; when she and her friends first decided on a secret hideout at their school back home in Sydney. Only this time, there’s more to it than just childhood innocence.
Juliet doesn’t know much about love. She’s had crushes here and there throughout her life, but none of them ever developed into something further. Of course, until she met Chan.
She doesn’t know much about love. But this feels like it.
And that’s more than enough for her.
His voice cuts through her thoughts. “I actually have something to ask you.”
At her hum, he continues.
“I was wondering if you’d want to be on Danceology. You know, like for a collaboration. We can choreograph and dance it together... anything you want, really.”
Juliet looks up at the boy with wide eyes, not knowing if she heard him correctly. “You’re sure?”
“You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. Or you don’t have to decide now, I know you’re really busy these days. No pressure at all.”
“No, no,” she clarifies. “I meant if you’re sure you want to do one with me?”
The look in his eyes is so tender that she feels like crying. “I wouldn’t want anyone else.”
Something tells her he’s not only referring to Danceology.
Juliet leans her forehead on Chan’s shoulder to hide her face from him. “You’re going to make me cry on your own birthday,” she mutters.
“Is that a yes?”
She nods against him while blinking away the hot tears prickling at her eyes, feeling his lips press against her temple.
“That’s the best present you could’ve given me.”
“Yah, you can’t say that!” Juliet says, somehow finding it in her to crack a joke. What can she say? Humour is one of her many coping mechanisms. “You’re only supposed to say that if I didn’t give you anything! What does that make the gift I got you?”
“Best of the best?” At her laugh, Chan presses again, “am I still not allowed to open it?”
“No, you’re not.”
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[00:05—Outside ATEEZ’s dorm]
“Okay, fine, you can open it.”
“What made you change your mind?” Chan grins, already reaching for the small bag in the backseat.
“Honestly, I don’t know,” Juliet admits, smiling as she uses the dimmest setting of her phone’s flashlight to illuminate the dark interior, the overhead light being too risky to turn on at this hour lest they want to draw unwanted attention to themselves. “I guess I want to see your reaction.”
She stares quietly as he undos the ribbon tying the handles together before looking into the bag and taking out a small box. Despite her shyness and the sudden urge to jump out of the car and run back up to the dorm, Juliet continues to hold up her phone as he takes out the silver band within it.
It’s simple, minimalist, inconspicuous enough to wear during the day but at the same time uniquely his due to the custom engraving on the outside of the band. A snowflake.
She bites the inside of her cheek from nervousness as Chan silently reads the small card that came along in the bag, subconsciously tracing over her neat handwriting with his finger.
“Like a snowflake, I fell for you hahahaha (´。• ᵕ •。`) You asked me to be yours during the first snow of the year. I hope that is only the start of many more years to come. Happy Birthday, always be happy and healthy ❤️ And don’t forget to take care of yourself!! (♡`Д´) If you forget I’ll come over and nag you, but maybe you’d like that more than not ㅋㅋㅋ — 🐭❤️”
Chan’s eyes are glossy when he finally meets her curious and worried gaze, trying to gauge his reaction. He beams brightly.
“Told you I’d like it.”
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find their collaboration here!! 😼
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a/n: blessing you guys with this gif bc look at him go!! ;-; stream dino’s dancelogy to be sexcie 😼 pls don’t let juno flop </3 also i thought it’d be too mean if i didn’t tell you what the present was bc i definitely considered not saying anything about it 👀👀 anyways let me know what you think about this chapter 🥺 personally i am <///3 bc bwhehwhs i want what they have but also i’m not very good at writing fluff whjehdhw i cringe at myself sm when writing it 🤡
thank you so much for reading 💕 please do consider leaving feedback whether it’s a reblog, a reply or an ask, it would mean the absolute world to me as feedback really motivates and supports creators 🥺 and feel free to chat with me about juliet or anything else through my asks!! as always, take care and have a good day!!
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hey dils!! was listening to sunshine riptide and thought of u so i wanted to say i hope ur taking care and also ask if u have any favorite fob videos/interviews?? lately i have been obsessed w the promo video patrick did for the honda civic tour where he drove around LA and said the only reason they got the tour was because he already drove a civic ahsjdbd
first of all it is SO flattering that listening to sunshine riptide made you think of me 🥺
secondly i was molded out of clay to answer this question, 100% i have a lot that i think about like way too often
the one where petes giving a tour of his parents house where he lived at the time and was showing off his stuff and was particularly very excited about the fact that his band was turned into action figures and then half way through andy shows up and is like "were best friends forever!" and petes like "yeah andy comes over for sleepovers a lot, we hang out in my basement and make zines and stuff" and then at the end he gets all excited cuz he hears his moms car pull up and he goes out and shes coming out of the car and then patrick gets out of the car carrying groceries and petes like "here mom me and patrick can put the groceries away you finish the interview" and shes like "no- pete i just got home from work im a mess" and hes like "what? no! no mom you look great, you can finish the interview well take in the groceries" and then she did and the camera crew came back to the two of them messing around and putting groceries away.
"pete wentz is honestly the only way to describe pete wentz. hes the most complicated guy i know." [cut to] "if anyone can make a strike without touching the lane i will pay you $300" *throws bowling balls straight into the air* *runs down the lane*
ok but in all seriousness i love that interview not only for that iconic moment but because later the footage is like blaring i dont care and pete goes and grabs a stuffed giraffe out of the prize thingie and hes like "what do you mean :)? we bought this with our tickets!!" and the editors are very much trying to make it a bad boy rebel without a cause moment except if you looked the woman behind the counter had a smile on her face and was laughing and then afterwards he gave it back and said "we werent really gonna steal it" but it really seemed like she knew that already
and then at a different point a couple fans showed up and they were all shy and excited to meet him and he was just like "hey are you guys coming to the show later" and they were like "yeah" and he was like "cool! thanks for coming out :) do you want a picture?" and they took a picture and it seemed like he was still kinda excited that people were excited to meet him. marcus (their bodyguard) was like trailing behind him and smiling and laughing throughout most of these antics and i just think thats sweet.
later in this same interview once again as they were on the ride back to their hotel or whatever theyd brought back a fake moustache and patrick put it on and did a bunch of dumb impressions.
patrick: if i wasnt doing music i think id be like a music critic or music journalist or something
andy:...i thought you said youd work at walmart
theres this one srar era interview thats just joe and patrick riffing for like 15 minutes. like it looks like they just straight up forgot the interviewer was there its so funny theyre such good friends.
this one joe and pete interview where i dont even really remember what they were talking about but theres a moment where joes talking about music with this intense passion and pete just kinda looks at him with this level of brotherly pride that keeps me going
this one andy and pete interview where 1) there were waterfowl chillin behind them which was deeply fascinating to andy and 2) they took a moment to swivel their chairs and hug each other bc theyre besties
band superlatives, specifically the moment where theyre all separately like "technically marcus isnt in the band but like. its marcus." bc that was sweet, unofficial 5th member of fob. and also "whos the most talented" "patrick. patrick. its patrick, hands down." "hm. petes like a really good soccer player" like thats a moment out of a fucking sitcom
halloween asmr with pete wentz. the man cant act but god can he commit to a bit.
there was this like live text chat that they all were in with fans on some radio station website. there were a lot of very fun moments, including joe saying "this is very current technology." as a comment on how very dated the live chat was and andy being like "can we set an icon i wanna change mine to an XVX" and pete and joe being like "oh are you vegan straight edge? we had no idea." and then pete was like "actually i wanna change my icon to andy hurley" and andy was like "no pete im not gonna send you a picture of me" and he was like :( and then a minute later he changed it to andy and he was like, and i swear this is almost a direct quote "BOOM! i love my life haha" and andy was like "goddammit" like i have no idea where to find this but it was so good.
theres this one "this or that" interview with joe and andy wherein the interviewer was a woman and like she seemed pretty at ease around them and got to the last question and imo seemed kinda uncomfortable and kind of established (in a way that seemed like she didnt usually do that) that it was a gross question, which was "would you have sex with a super hot celebrity but shes just died" and both of them were like "hey. what the fuck. absolutely not." and shes like "oh thats a first" and they are both like "do people say yes to that????????" and shes like "youre literally the first people to say no haha" in a way that made it seem that she did not find it funny and i just find that to be an interesting moment and i hope shes doing well and has a better producer now.
theres this one interview w andy on a hardcore podcast where the interviewer asks andy "do you every wish fall out boy were more political?" and he said (paraphrasing) "fall out boy is political, in its own way. we may not be as explicit with our politics as my other stuff, but kids find fall out boy, and through me, with all my other bands, or through joe, since he does a lot of metal, find heavier stuff, and are introduced to this stuff and to being vegan straight edge or anarchist or just more radical politics, and i dont think that just because we arent being super political in our music we arent a political band" which was really something to me bc i had just been thinking about that as a concept i call "gateway punk"
theres this one interview i recently found of a very small chicago music news outlet where a young lady interviewed pete and asked far more interesting questions than any other interviewer id ever seen and one such question was how he felt about the legalization of marijuana in illinois and he said that it was cool that it was legal but everyone locked up for it right now should be released and i like that he got to be political
theres a moment on the badass jew podcast episode joe was on where the interviewer whomst i do not recall was espousing some veiled antiblack sentiments wrt some antisemitic comments some famous black people had made and joe just completely rebutted it immediately and pointed out that black people not only are not a monolith bht are at a greater disadvantage
and also he made a joke that i could never make and cant fully get bc im not jewish but it was very funny and i love hearing people make jokes that arent for me.
this one interview before patrick had kids where he was saying how everyone kept asking him and elisa when theyd have kids and he was like "you cant just make that happen yknow? how do you just do that?" and pete immediately grinned and leaned over and mock whispered "you have sex" and patrick punched the air and was like "i hate you so much"
that one interview about abap where pete was like "we actually got the guy who did the whistles on patience by guns n roses to do it on this" and then he looks over at patrick and patrick shakes his head and petes like "you couldnt let me have this?" and he was like "i was gonna but then you looked at me and i just couldnt."
"whats the most important thing to you right now?"
patrick: star wars
joe: my daughter.
patrick: ...my son?
the puppy interview. everyone involved including the puppies was having the time of their goddamn life.
i have to stop this is too much its been like an hour
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shozaii · 4 years
So I have a request for the main three + Kiri of you still accepting requests. So how about s/o is on her period and she wasn't prepared and bleed a lot and the boys have get her pads after they got over the shock of so much blood in the bed and just cuddle with her cause she feels horrible because of the cramps and stuff, if you want uwu cause my period always kills me huhhh also ur writing is so good im in love, keep it up love 🥰🙌🏾💕
(a/n):hello! i’m very sorry this took very long to complete as i wasn’t feeling well argh!! thank you so much for your kind words hdgh i might cry :’((, anyway, enjoy!
requests are still open!!
what would they do when their s/o has their period?
warnings: none! except for blood
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izuku is the person who notes everything down. he had a personal journal for you, and a part of it was about the situations he might need to face and solve during your period
so you two were on the bed, really, really tired after a long day of training. 
he noticed earlier that you were stressing out even more than usual.
perhaps....maybe not, he thought.
you felt light-headed, so you told him that you needed a drink. he let you go from the cuddled position that you were in.
and only then was he shook
“um, y-y/n? don’t freak out, okay?”
“what’s wrong?”
he pointed to your blood on his sheets, and your shorts.
cue yourself freaking out so bad
he freaks out too, but he retains himself. he needs to stay strong for you.
“i...i stained your sheets a-and i don’t kn-know what to d-do! i’m sorry, izuku! i just-,”
“no, no, no! wait, calm down. this is nothing, okay? i can help you. we’ll clean you up first. i’ll head over to your room and grab your stuff.”
he rushes to your room as promised, and just shoved everything into his backpack (he got to know from you that pads should be hidden)
he waits for you outside the bathroom, checking in every 5 minutes.
minutes later and you came out refreshed, but another problem was already there, once you entered his room.
your cramps
he’d be so sad. why should his s/o go through this?
he grabbed his stained sheets and tossed them aside; replacing them with new ones. proceeds to soak the old ones. insists on washing your clothes as well, even though you said no 8377291 times
a gentleman
all that mattered was you and you only
he laid you down, placing your hot pack he got on your stomach. also gave you painkillers (told you- he noted down everything you needed)
once you were slowly getting comfortable, he decided to join you.
“i’m sorry izuku, i wish i knew when it was coming and it’s just unpredictable sometimes. i’ll wash your sheets for you.”
“y/n, what are you talking about? you don’t have to worry about the sheets. i can handle them myself. right now, let’s just focus on making you feel better.”
you fall asleep in his arms. which, you will admit, is the best thing ever.
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boom boom boi? now i’d like to think that he’s really, really soft when the two of you are alone. doesn’t rage, doesn’t go off. soft bakubabe. imagine the patience he would have to just handling you during your period T_T
you were in his room, on his couch.you laid on his lap, something he didn’t mind at all. he was checking his phone.
it was a long day. you felt more exhausted than usual.
“where do you keep your chips? i’m starving,” you stood up, stretching. your back hurt.
he looks away from his phone.
“babe, you’re bleeding.”
“what...?” you said no more, eyes widening at the sight of his cushion stained with your blood.
“oh. my. god.”
you just stood there, tearing up. “i- god i wish i knew! i’ll go wash this up real quick. why am i like this?! i’m sorry, katsuki-,”
“oi, what about you? you’re not leaving like this. this is normal, right?”
you sniffled, nodding.
“okay. deep breaths. let’s get you cleaned up.”
“where a-are you going?”
“your room.”
he takes your bag, placing in your items. doesn’t forget the pads, of course!
once, he noticed you taking painkillers. he found those too, they should be useful. 
only then did he realize how unpredictable those periods are.
when he came back, he checked on you. 
“you doing all right in there, y/n?”
he hands you the essentials you needed, waiting patiently.he then grabs the cushion and your stained clothing, reminding himself to clean them up well. 
he was never going to allow you to clean them up.
knocking the door to make sure you didn’t faint. because the next thing that came were the cramps.
oh boy, he was right. you were in pain. he gives you the painkiller, and settled you in. he lays next to you, using a little bit of his quirk on your stomach, since it’s warm.
“feeling better now?” he asked, his other palm on your cheek.
“i’m sorry, katsuki.”
“stop that. it’s what you go through monthly and there’s no blocking it. i’ve never said this before, but you’re really strong.”
“so you finally admit it.”
“haha, yeah. only for now.”
a literal angel. i wouldn’t see him angry for that whatsoever.
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third gentleman of the day!
you two were in his room. it was the weekend tomorrow, so you two loved hanging out with each other till late night. sometimes in your room, sometimes in his. so you guessed it - this week was in his.
your stomach had this weird feeling already.
“are you okay? you look pale,” shoto asked, placing a hand on your back. 
“yeah, maybe i need a glass of water,” you said, getting up from his bed.
he was so confused when he saw blood on his sheets. 
and it was from where you were resting.
he was right. your shorts were stained.
“y/n, love. i think i may know why you don’t feel so good.”
you turned to him.
you looked at your shorts, your face flushing with the darkest shade of red. right here? now? really? in your boyfriend’s sheets?
“i’m so sorry, sho! argh, what have i done? i understand if you’re mad but please, let me clean them up for you!”
“what? no, i’m not mad. i have to admit, i am really inexperienced with this, but that’s not going to stop me.”
“are you s-sure?”
“i am. now tell me, how can i help you?”
you still had a heavy heart, but you knew he wasn’t about to budge. with enough information, he set off to your room. drawer after drawer, he finally found pads. new clothes. a fresh towel. some essentials.
you also told him about painkillers, but he had those in case if anybody needed it. looks like his s/o did.
he also made sure to soak the stained clothing and sheets. he may have hid them from you,,,he knows you well.
when you came out, you were already groaning in pain. watching you like that only made his heart sink.
dude, he would’ve cried.
with newly replaced sheets, and a painkiller taken, he carried you bridal style and snuggled in with you. like katsuki, he could use his left hand to warm up your lil belly <3
“do you need anything else, love?”
“sho, how can i ever thank you...? you’ve done more than enough.”
“really?” he smiled. “well, i’m glad. get some rest. you’ll be better soon.”
literally crying in the club look how soft
bonus! kirishima
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ksks these boys give me the feels
he starts to notice you complaining about how you felt uncomfortable. being the manly man that he is, he wants to help
you were walking around, trying to forget the pain
but that was after you were sitting on his bed, talking to him.
“what did you have for dinner? the same as us, right?”
“yeah! it doesn’t hurt. it’s just this lingering feeling that it’s about to come soon.”
sounds familiar, he thought.
he was thinking real hard, noticing the red dye on his bed.
wait. red dye? but he hasn’t dyed his hair for a while!
“babe, turn around for me.”
“what’s wrong, eiji?”
you did, only to receive a shocked expression on his face.
“y/n! is it that time of the month for you?”
you freaked out, seconds after realization. saw the bed, freaked out again. “i forgot! i forgot, but how?! eiji, i didn’t mean it! now your bed is stained, it looks so bad! okay, so give me those sheets, i’ll have them cleaned up for you. say no more.”
“y/n! i know you didn’t. let’s not panic, okay? i’m gonna go to your room, grab your stuff, and get back here. meanwhile, i’ll need you to clean yourself up. i can’t send you back like this. that ain’t manly of me.”
“eiji, but-,”
“no, babe. i’m here for you. let’s do this. together.”
as told, he went to your room. while you were in his, cleaning up after yourself, keeping your tears from flowing
he came back very soon than expected. patience was his key!
makes sure you did not get the chance to take any of the stained clothing.
“okay, here’s your hot pack! and take these. i found your emergency pills in the jar.”
“eiji,” you said.
“yeah? what’s up?”
“i wanna cuddle.”
“anything for you, my love!”
you two fall asleep after the pain went down. cuties
you’ll never feel down with him around.
(a/n): fun fact! my cramps get the best of me, too. god, how i wish i could cuddle with someone. :( ehem, anyway! i tried my best! i apologize for any typing errors :/
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gyll-yee-haw · 4 years
can u do a one shot where jake fucks the living shit out of the reader at a red carpet event cause the way she looks gets him hot and bothered? love ur writing queen🥺💅🏻❤️
Hi, baby! Thanks for the request, I got a bit too carried away as usual...
Warnings: mean!daddy Jake, slapping, spitting, lots of dirty talk, degradation and a little praising... I think thats it!
The look on Jake's face when he saw you in that dress said what his lips couldn't cause you were in public
The minute you got in the car, he whispered in your ear: "It's gonna be fun showing off how beautiful my girl is, but I just can't wait to take you home."
And it was true, he didn't wait
They got as many pictures of the two of you as they could during the 20 minutes that Jake's patience lasted
But you looked even more beautiful under that light
That fancy dress
Those diamonds he bought you
That red lipstick he wanted to see all over your face
You were his, and that feeling alone already turned him on
But you enjoyed the opportunity to tease his a little too
Standing really close for the pics, his hand placed on your lower back and sliding to your ass "by accident" once of twice
Just like your butt or your thigh brushed his dick by accident a few times
All that in 20 minutes
That's the time it took for him to guide you backstage, and straight to the nearest bathroom
Let's say it just wasn't the easiest thing in the world to fuck someone who was sitting on a sink while wearing a long dress
But Jake was desperate like that
All you could do was hold on to the walls and pray for the best
Hot open mouthed kisses and he pulled your dress up
"What the fuck…" He said all hot and bothered trying to undo his pants. "No panties?"
"Of course not, they would mark the dress…" You chuckled at his state
"Well, I prefer you like this anyway." He said after he could finally free his throbbing cock. "Spready your legs for me, my beautiful princess…"
Luckily you were dripping wet, cause he shoved himself inside you without a warning
"FUCK, BABY." He moaned loudly. "My babygirl is so fucking beautiful and so fucking tight, I fucking love you…"
"Oh fuck, Jake" You tried to speak, which was a little hard when he was balls deep inside you already. "Someone's gonna hear us…"
"I don't care." He chuckled. "They know you're mine. Tell me, princess, who's pussy is this?"
He held tightly to your legs as he fucking pounded you
"Y-yours, daddy" You gasped as he started circling your clit with his thumb, like that was necessary with all that was going on
"Then I get to fuck it whenever I want, right?" He asked
You couldn't reply, you were too much of a mess at the moment
He grabbed your face, forcing your mouth open
Then he spit
And you were so fucked up that you would have thanked him for it if you could speak
"I asked you a question." He insisted
"Yes, daddy!" You replied, even though you didn't remember what was it
"Good girl." He said and you noticed by his thrusts that he was getting close. "Are you gonna cum for me, princess? Wanna feel you clenching my cock before I fill you up, come on…"
"Yes, daddy, don't stop, don't stop…" you begged
He started absolutely ABUSING your clit
And you came hard
Your shaking body made that weird position you were in even more difficult
But he still managed to continue until he finally came deep inside you, with an animalistic moan
When he removed himself from you, you were pretty sure you wouldn't be able to leave that place walking
And when you turned to look at yourself in the mirror, you wanted to kill him
You had lipstick all over, your pleasure tears ruined your make up
"Fuck, Y/N." He said as he tried to fix his clothes. "You look so beautiful right now that I'm already getting hard again."
"You're not touching me until we get home, I swear." You sighed.
"Stop pretending you didn't love this." He said against your ear, then started spreading kisses on your neck. "That you aren't thrilled to go out there and let everyone know I fucking destroyed your pussy."
"Daddy…" You said, feeling your pussy clenching around nothing. You couldn't believe how horny he could make you with his words only…
"Calling me daddy in that angelic voice won't help you now, baby." He said, wrapping his fingers around your neck. "You were an ungrateful little slut and you will be punished as soon as we get home."
For the rest of that evening you were at your WORST behavior
Sulking, pouting, ignoring him
Cause the angrier he got, the sooner you would get home
It was a silent ride home on the taxi
He was angry and you were excited
The minute you walked through the door, he said: "Take your pretty dress off before I rip it."
That specific tone…
You would often disobey him in public, but you weren't crazy enough to do that at home
So you left your dress fall on the floor
He grabbed you by the arm and pulled you across the living room
Then he sat on the sofa and forced you to bend over on his lap
He gave you 20 good loud slaps, until you were crying out
Then he shoved his finger inside your underwear
"You're fucking soaked, you little slut." He told you. "But first I fuck you real good and cum deep inside you, just like you love it and you don't thank me for it… then you disrespect me in front of other people…"
"I'm so sorry, daddy!" You sobbed.
"Yeah, I hope you are." He shrugged. "But you're not getting anything else from me tonight…"
"But daddy!" You protested
"And if you complain, you're getting 20 more slaps."
"You're mean." You frowned
"To bad girls only." He sighed. "Now we're going to sleep, cause daddy is really tired from your bullshit. And if I wake up in a good mood tomorrow, I'll solve your problem."
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samiwok · 4 years
Hi I love ur blog 🥺🥺🥺 could u write a HC on how Tanaka, Noya, and Bokuto react when they see guys trying to hit on their girlfriend during a tournament? They’d be so hot when they’re jealous I’m sorry I don’t make the rules
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-> Tanaka, Nishinoya and Bokuto getting jealous during a tournament
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— [ TANAKA ]
You attented to Karasuno’s match against Johzenji and you were so proud of your boyfriend’s team when they won
He told you to wait for him outside and so you went sitting on a bench right in front of the gym
You saw that some guys were staring at you and probably whispering things about you but you did not especially cared about this so you let them
« Hi » one of the two guys said this and sat next to you
You answered and looked away to be sure he does not think he got any chances with you (you knew how Tanaka would react otherwise)
« You know I do not want to bother you but I just wanted to tell you I found you really pretty » he said so kindly
« Oh thanks you have a nice.. jacket » you answered not knowing what to say other because he was really not your type and in fact you just didn’t want to make him sad by answering coldly
« Really ? I am happy you like it » you smiled and sighed internally because this guy was really exaggerating
« Sooo.. do you want to hang out with me ? I have a match but right after I could offer you a drink and we could talk maybe ? » he asked
You heard Tanaka’s voice as if he was right in front of both of you but when you raised your head you saw him walking toward you
You were praying for him to not go crazy and you stood up really fast saying to him that you needed to leave quickly to go eat because you were starving
He looked at you and agreed when the poor boy stood up and grabbed your arm « wait ! you did not answer to me ! » he said
« She did not answer to what question ? » Tanaka asked coming closer to him
« Who the fuck are you to get involved in my business ? » he answered coldly
Tanaka repeated his question and he was looking at him as if he was going to kill him « I’m this girl’s boyfriend so you better get away from her »
The boy seemed surprised but he didn’t insist seeing how savage was your boyfriend but he didn’t know that it was actually what you loved the most about Tanaka
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(not mine took it here)
You were attending Karasuno’s match when this guy came to talk to you
At first you did not see what was wrong until he opened his mouth to ask you your number
« I am sorry but I’m not single and my boyfriend’s currently playing sooo.. » you said
« Oh really ? Who is it ? » he asked
Deep down you knew you probably should have answered that it was none of his business but for a minute you thought he would leave you alone
So you told him that your boyfriend was the Libero of the team, showing him Nishinoya with your finger
What a mistake you made 💀
« Hey Karasuno’s number 4 » he yelled
Nishinoya turned to you frowning but he smiled when he saw you until the boy opened his mouth again
« Your girlfriend is hot, don’t you think she would be happier with a man like me and not a primary school student like you ? » he said smirking
Nishinoya tilted his head to the side, frowning and then he screamed « HUUUUH? » and he started walking towards you
Daichi took his arm « Nishinoya, we are still playing you’ll deal with it later »
He turned and he got rid of daichi’s grip « have you heard this mf ? And you think I’m going to let my girl for a match we are going to win ? »
« Listen to me you son of a bitch, I want you to leave right now. And if I see you around my girl again I won’t fucking care about being disqualified »
Actually he did not mean it, Noya loved volleyball almost as much as he loved you and he was only reacting impulsively
Noya was so angry so you just went far away from the guy
Karasuno won and Noya screamed before running to you « I had to finish the match but if I see this mf I swear I’m going to.. » you cut him in his sentence, putting your soft lips against his
« You just won, and I’m with you. Just think about this, babe » you said to calm him down
« You’re mine okay ? » he said holding your head between his hands, still angry
« I’m yours »
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— [ BOKUTO ]
Fukurodani was playing today and you went with Bokuto to see him play as usual
When you entered the gym, a guy came to sit next to you and you were like : « who the fuck is that? » but you let him
« Babe, look at me while I’m playing I’ll score at least 50 points for you » Bokuto screamed at you
« Of course, my eyes are always on you Bokuto-san » you answered to him
He seemed not having noticed the dude who was almost stucked to you
The match finished with Fukurodani’s loss
You saw Bokuto was kinda sad but anyway he was still going to the nationals so he would probably feel better in a few hours
« We join outside y/n, we’re gonna eat somethin with Akaashi just wait for us » he said to you
He left with all the team and the guy who seemed too shy to talk to you finally spoke
« Fukurodani’s number four, is he your boyfriend ? » he asked to you suddenly
« Uhm, excuse me but we do not know each other I think. And he has a name to the latest so news » you responded quite pissed off
« Oh.. sorry i did not want to seem rude ! In fact I found you pretty but I did not know what to say to you to begin the conversation » he said shyly
You felt bad for him and you just told him Bokuto was your boyfriend
Speaking of the wolf; he came
« HEY HEY HEY WHAT DO WE HAVE THERE ? » he exclaimed
You turned to him and saw in his eyes that he was not in the mood to joke
You went to reassure him but he did not even listen to you and just looked at the guy you were talking with, with a bad look
« I think she told you I was her boyfriend so why are you still here ? » he asked with an aggressive tone and the guy did not give way
« I think she would have told me to leave if she did not want to talk with me »
« What is it you do not understand when she tells you she isn’t single ? » he asked, losing his patience
You took his hand to calm him down « come on baby, let’s go »
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hey there! could i request a yandere dragon bakugou (hcs or scenario, ur choice!) where he comes back to his den to find his darling missing? he leaves to go look for her and finds her on her way back to the den with a bag in tow, full of shiny objects for his hoard. she went back to her home, perhaps it was a cabin of sorts where she was keeping the items should she need to sell them for money, (1/2)
abbut now that she’s with him she doesn’t exactly need them anymore and decides he would appreciate having it more? for the plot (and angst) maybe she got a little scratched up during the trek and is sporting a few cuts or bruises when he finds her. i absolutely love your writing, and if this is too much i totally understand, you can ignore it! hope you’re doing alright!!! (2/2) 
Thank you so much! And thank you for your patience im sorry this took me forever ToT
I did a little bit of both! I hope you dont mind. 
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-When Bakugou comes back to the den from a hunt and finds you gone he is going to be p i s s e d
-He thought the two of you had finally gotten past this little game where you would run away and make him have to come chase you down, but clearly he hadn’t nailed it into that stupid brain of yours enough
-Don’t you know how dangerous it is out in those woods without him to protect you? A fragile little thing like you would get squashed in seconds without him there to protect you from everything...including youself in some cases
-Originally he is stewing as he abandons his kill to stalk out into the forest to find you, already thinking of punishments to unleash on you once he drags your ass back to the den, stewing about ways to make sure they stick this time
-All that melts away after about 10 minutes
-In the past he has always immediately been able to find you, your clumsy human foot steps or scent always immediately alerting him to where you went and where you are. Even when he plays with you and lets you run longer to get that energy out and show you how hopeless it really is to run for him he’s never had you out of his sight for more than 5 minutes during any escape attempt
-But this time you’re /gone/  you must have left near immediately after he had left you, curled up and sleeping peacefully in his nest, he couldn’t hear or smell you anywhere near by
-Throws this boy into a complete panic when he realizes that you could be anywhere you could be hurt or bleeding or dead for all he knew! 
-Normally he likes to hunt you down in his fully human or only partially shifted forms, to really show off and rub it in your face how he doesnt even need to be at his best to hunt your wimpy ass down
-This time though he is fully shifted in seconds, taking to the sky, scanning desperately for any sign of you
-It may take a little bit with how small you are in comparison to the forest but he will find you no matter what it takes. 
-When he finally spots you, stumbling through the forest with a dumb little bag that was clearly too heavy for your fragile little arms to be carrying by the way you kept stumbling around was any indication. 
-He immediately nosedives down towards you, a terrifying sight to see, even when you do know exactly who the dragon is and that he probably isnt trying to eat you
-He shifts in the arm, damn near toppling you over as he lands right next to you just to immediately scoop you up in his arms, clutching you like a life line as he immediately starts rubbing up against you
-He is not crying, damn it
-It only takes him a moment or two rubbing against you, covering you with his scent again before he realizes that you are scratched up and dirty, causing him to bristle in even more anger than he already had been in
-Immediately chews you out, lecturing you as he takes the bag from you, carrying both you and the bag back to his den, ranting and lecturing you the whole way, pretending like you both don’t notice how he is still shaking
-”What the fuck were you thinking, dumbass?! You could’ve gotten hurt! I don’t have time to look after your pathetic little human ass!” 
-He’ll turn bright red when you tell him whats in the bag and why you risked getting in trouble with him to go fetch it. Immediately your lecturing angry dragon boyfriend will be a blushing pouting mess as he takes you into his den
-”You should’ve told me...Idiot. I could’ve taken you.”
-He stares longingly at the bag as he sets it down, his instincts clearly calling for him to root through the bag and add the collection to his horde, to make sure to put his mates gifts in plain sight so everyone will see how much his mate cares for him, how perfect and beautiful his mate is
-His mate was so perfect she brought him more stuff for his horde, perfect stuff, and he was going to show that off
-He needed to return the favor for his mate, get them shiney things to cover their body in to show that he owns them, to show off that they had taken the first step in courting him and he had returned the favor they wanted him just as much as he wanted them 
-But he knows that his mate was injured in their travels and first and foremost he needed to take care of that
-He’s surprisingly tender as he scoops you up, tsking in annoyance at how filthy you were
-for someone who lives in the forest the man sure doesn’t like dirt, especially on you
-he’ll wrap you up tight in his arms and carry you to the nearby hotspring, demanding to clean you and take care of you instead of hovering annoyingly close like he usually does
-You better get use to it he is going to be clingy as hell for awhile, if not indefinitely now that you had taken the final step in courting him
-You had gone out of your way to court him in the dragon way (it doesn’t even cross his mind it was an accident and you didn’t know you were just being thoughtful) half of him wonders if he should wonder down to a human village and learn how to court you in the human way too, just to be fair
-Or he could just ask you. That would be less fun though. You surprised him it was only fair he showed he was just as good (if not better) of a mate as you were. 
“K-katsuki!” You flushed squirming on his lap as the dragon growled down at you, easily holding you still with one hand as the other slid down your calf, cleaning off the dirt and scowling at the scratches and bruises that littered that area. It had been a slow process, the dragon insisting on inspecting you from top to bottom, starting with your head and working his way down, scowling and grumbling as he spent extra time at each and every little scrape or bruise he discovered as if they had personally insulted him. “This is why you should never leave anywhere without me, stupid. You’re too fragile to wonder off on your own.” he growled and grumbled as he moved to the other leg, being remarkably gentle and careful with his grip and touch on your wounds as he washed that leg too. “I know...I just wanted to surprise you.” You pouted back down at him, biting down any argument over tiny cuts and being able to take care of yourself since you knew the dragon was still on very volatile ground. He may have chosen to forgive you thanks to your surprise gift but that could change at any moment if you made the wrong move. “Yeah well...” he huffed pouting slightly in response, grumbling to himself as he finally set down your leg his hand moving to rest back on your hips, lifting you up with ease, ignoring your flustered squealing as your bare form was lifted out of the water. “Quiet down.” he huffed rolling his eyes as he turned you around, grabbing your legs and forcing them around his torso as he pulled you close, hands sliding down to hold your ass as he held you up, pushing you against his chest as he relaxed in the hot water. “Honestly I’ll never understand you humans and your insistence at being covered. I know what you look like anyway.” He huffed softly leaning his head back against the rocks that lined the spring, tension relaxing from his body. He finally had you here tucked into his arms, safe and sound, and he could relax as hot water lapped away any knots and tension that still clung to his body.  
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thecrystalquill · 5 years
The Pretty French Girl
Albus Potter x Beauxbatons!Reader
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A/N: Hey hey!! Thanks to @foolish-dragon for requesting this! I know this is waayy overdue and I'm so sorry it's taken me so long! I was so busy with college but thankfully now it's the holidays I have some free time. So thank you so much for your patience. I hope it was worth the wait :) Also, because of the stupid 100 block rule, I've had to do this is a couple of parts, so click the link for the next part when you’re done👍🏻
Part 2
"Albus, I told you to tidy your room! We've got guests coming." Harry called, honestly how is his room this messy?
Footsteps were heard coming up the stairs and Harry turned to see Albus stomping his way up. "Dad, stay out of my room - and it's not messy, it's set up so I know exactly we're everything is. If I tidied it up, how would I ever find anything?" He huffed, and besides, why did he need his room to be tidied for guests? Why should they care how his room looks?
"Just clean it up, will you?" Harry replied, shoving a basket into his son's arms for the mounds of dirty clothes. "And I need you to clear up the spare room too. Get all your things out and put the bedding on, your Mum and I already have enough to do."
"Wait, who's staying in the spare room?" Albus asked, Harry was already halfway down the stairs when he threw his hands up, exasperated.
"I told you last week - Fleur's daughter is staying for the rest of the summer."
"What? Why?"
"She's transferring, stop stalling and tidy your room."
After cleaning his room and getting the spare room ready, Albus went about the rest of the day wondering about their new guest and slowly building up his nerves.
The next day, Albus came down the stairs having just thrown on sweats and a jumper. It was almost noon and he'd clearly just woken up; he still had a bed-head and was stumbling down the stairs only half-awake. Only when he was about to enter their dining room did he hear new voices.
As he walked in, he found that the seats at the table were almost full, the usually empty seats take up by new faces; and sat in his spot was a girl who looked to be about his age. She had beautiful (y/h/l) (y/h/c) hair and amazing (y/e/c) eyes, she was smiling as she made conversation with his family and she looked absolutely stunning - he hated her already.
"There you are, Albus," his Mum beckoned him over, "I hope you slept well dear." She said as he grumpily sat down in the chair next to the girl.
"Well I should think so," his Dad commented, "it's half-passed eleven!"
James Sirius slung an arm around his younger brother and smirked, "Aw go easy on him Dad, I'm just glad we had some peace down here. Maybe next time we should bolt the door closed." He jones as Albus threw his arms off and grabbed the left-over breakfast on the table and dumped it on his plate.
"Y'know what James, maybe I will." Harry replied, earning a slap up the head from his wife.
Fleur entered from the kitchen holding two glasses of fruit juice, "Good morning, Albus," she greeted as she placed a glass down in front of the girl, "I 'ave not seen you een so long, 'ow you 'ave grown!"
He smiled at her in return, not entirely sure how he's supposed to respond to that ('Thank you'? 'You too'?), he just nodded and shovelled some jams toast into his mouth.
"I do not zink you 'ave met my daughter," she continued, gesturing to the girl next to him. "Mon chéri, vhy don't you eentroduce yourself?"
The girl turned to face him fully and smiled politely. "Hello, Albus," she said, and he could instantly tell that her accent was much more practiced than her mother's, "nice to finally meet you."
Albus nodded, seeing the glare from his parents in the corner of his eye, he faked a smile back. "Yeah, nice to meet you too..."
"(Y/N)," he cleared his throat, glancing back to his parents. "So... er, how long are you staying?" He asked as he finished his breakfast and took a sip of orange juice.
"Just until you go back to Hogwarts," Ginny answered, sending him a stern look when he was about to protest - successfully shutting him up. "She and Fleur are moving to England and there's no room at your Grandparents' right now, so we offered for her to stay here for the rest of the holidays. Hopefully, Fleur will find somewhere soon."
"Oui, zank you for letting 'ur stay, vee really appreciate eet." Fleur thanked, her daughter nodding in agreement.
Harry waved a hand, "Oh, it's no problem Fleur, really. You're welcome here anytime."
The night after Fleur left, Albus was sat it their living room watching reruns of Friends on TV, when (Y/N)
Decided to join him on the sofa. "Hello Albus," she greeted calmly as she crossed her legs and placed her hands neatly on her lap.
He grunted in reply - Merlin, he couldn't believe he had to spend the next two weeks with her, a whole third of his summer holiday!
"What are you watching?" She asked, curiously staring at the screen.
"Friends." He replied shortly, "it's a TV show, from the 90's."
"Oh," she said, "I don't think I have heard of it."
They sat in silence for a while as they enjoyed the show, an occasional question from (Y/N) when she didn't understand a muggle-related thing.
Soon, they were watching one of Albus' favourite episodes; Monica came into Chandler's apartment with a turkey on her head - you know the one. As Joey came in and was almost frightened to death, (Y/N) started to giggle, which Albus decowas very annoying. 'Is she actually giggling?' He thought, 'Why can't she just laugh like a normal person instead of cute little giggles?'
As he rolled his eyes, James decided to intrude. "Sup little bro," he teased as he plonked himself between the two, "Whatcha watchin'?" Albus nodded his head in the direction of the Tv as if the answer was the most obvious thing in the world - which it probably should be. "Oooh, Friends eh? Good choice - great show. Rachel's hot."
"Really James?" Albus commented, "That's why you watch it? Y'can't just completely ignore the beauty of the show! Six friends from different backgrounds sharing their lives and experiences and supporti--"
"I think you might like this show a bit too much, Al." James interrupted with a smirk; Albus only brought his hand to his chest and gasped in an overly-dramatic manner, an offended look on his face. Standing to leave, James grinned as he called back, "Get a life, little bro!" Albus hated when he called him that.
A few episodes later, (Y/N) had decided that it was a good time to ask questions. "So Albus, what is t like at Hogwarts?"
Shrugging, he only gave a short answer, "S'alright."
(Y/N) nodded - still feeling unsatisfied, she decided to ask another. "And you get sorted into houses, yes?"
"Oui," he replied in a slightly condescending tone.
Ignoring it, (Y/N) tried again, "And what house are you in?"
"And what qualities does Slytherin have?"
Albus shrugged, "Y'know, ambition and stuff." He mumbled, sneakily turning up the volume on the TV.
Seeing as she was getting nowhere, (Y/N) nodded and decided she'd rather ask James about her new school.
As the days passed, Albus had decided that he definitely didn't like (Y/N) at all - one-hundred percent dislike. Nothing else. She was so annoying, with her questions and her studying and her stupid French novels; he hated how she sat with her ankles crossed, and stood straight when she walked like she was better than anyone else. He hated how she smiled at everyone she saw every morning, he hated that she was so tidy and polite, he hated her elegance and her grace and the way she spoke - but most of all, he hated how bloody perfect she was. And he found it infuriating.
Shuffling into their dining room with his hair a mess and twisted pyjamas, the boy was met with the sight of (Y/N) sat at the table, with a charms book in one hand and a slice of toast in the other. As she turned to the next page, (Y/N) looked up and met his eyes. "Good morning, Albus." She smiled cheerily, irritating him further; how can someone be so awake at nine in the morning?
"Mornin'," he replied tiredly, sitting across from her just as Lily came through and happily helped herself to the food laid out. Albus had just finished spreading marmalade on his toast when James came from behind, grabbing it from Albus' hand just and inch from his mouth l, and took a bite; messing his little brother's already un-brushed hair before swaggering to his seat with a grin.
Albus grumpily grabbed another piece of toast, glaring intensely at James, as his father grossed in - his hair sticking up in every direction and glasses lazily put on. "Mornin'," he yawned and rubbed his eyes, (Y/N) smirking at how alike he and Albus were.
Ginny entered from the kitchen, holding two mugs of tea as she made her way to her husband. Handing him a cup, Harry took a sip and wrapped an arm around her. "Is everyone ready for Hogwarts then?" Ginny asked, tired murmurs, nods, and shrugs in response. She drank some of her tea and eyed her sons. "All packed then? Got everything, have you? Clothes, robes, equipment...?" There was a pause where the boys' eyes widened almost comically. "Maybe you should check - you won't be having any time tomorrow, will you?"
The brothers made eye-contact, then seemingly came up with the same conclusion, before running upstairs at impressive speeds - beginning to pack for school.
"Right, have you all got everything? Robes? Wands? Books? James, please tell me you packed your toothbrush this time..." Albus' mind drifted as his Mum continued - they still had fifteen minutes until the train set off, but he didn't see the point in her asking now; they weee already at the station.
Feeling a tap on his shoulder, Albus swivelled around to see his father slightly lean down to him. "Look, Albus," he began seriously, "I know you don't particularly like (Y/N), but would you just look out for her a bit? Be her friend, help her out; it's not easy going to a new school, in a new country, where she doesn't know anyone. Just... be nice, okay?"
He looked over to the girl, she was staring at the crowds of people around them, her arms folded around herself nervously as a few students kept glancing her way. Sighing, Albus nodded to his Dad. "Yeah, okay. I'll keep an eye out for her."
Harry pulled his son into a hug as Ginny hit their attention. "Come on the , the train leaves any minute now! Off you go, and for Merlin's sake be good!"
The group made their way on the train and split up to find their friends; but, remembering his father's words, Albus turned back to (Y/N). He awkwardly cleared his threat and beckoned her along with his head, "You coming?"
She smiled gratefully and nodded before trailing behind him to the first empty compartment they could find. They say across from each other, sitting rather awkwardly as the train set off. The silence prolonged as the Potter thought of something to say. 'What the hell am I supposed to say to her?' Albus thought to himself, 'Its not like we have anything in common.'
Just as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by the compartment door bursting open to reveal a head of platinum blond hair. "Hey Albus," he greeted as he sat next to the brunet boy, "and who might this be?" He asked about the girl.
"(Y/N) Delacour." She revealed, accepting the hand he offered.
"Scorpius Malfoy, pleasure to meet you (Y/N)." He smiled as he shook her hand.
Albus cleared his throat suddenly, drawing both pairs of eyes to him. "(Y/N) was staying with us over the summer. She's coming from Beauxbatons."
"Beauxbatons, eh?" Scorpius repeated in a somewhat impressed time. "I heard it's nice there."
"It is." The girl confirmed with a nod if their head. "My mother tells me of her visits to Hogwarts in her school years, she says it is very unique."
"Who's your mother?" Scorpius asked, a little confused at why she'd have visited Hogwarts in her school years.
"Fleur Delacour," (Y/N) responded with subtle pride, "she was a Triwizard Champion when Hogwarts was the host."
Scorpius' mouth formed an 'O' shape as he realised who she was talking about. "Oh yeah. She's part veela, isn't she?"
The girl nodded shyly and he smirked. "Well, that would explain why you're so beautiful." He responded smoothly, prompting (Y/N) to giggle at his compliment.
Albus frowned at his friend's behaviour; but perhaps the veela gene just makes people react differently to her.
As the older students were waiting for the firsts years to arrive, (Y/N) was brought into another room in the hall for a private sorting with Headmistress McGonnagal. Albus and Scorpius were waiting at the Slytherin table, betting on which house (Y/N) would be sorted into - which seemed to be taking a while.
She finally exited the room and made her way to the tables, however, she started to get further from the Slytherin table and neared the Gryffindors. Both boys sighed in disappointment as James Sirius stood up to greet her and moved aside so she could sit with him as Lily waved cheerily.
"Well... at least we'll have some classes with her, right?" Scorpius said, trying to hide his disappointment; it would have been nice to have a girl in their little group.
"What? I-I don't know, why should I care anyway?" Albus responded defensively.
Scorpius frowned at his friend, as if he knew something that the other boy didn't. "Well, you like her, don't you?" He asked (it would explain his behaviour towards Scorpius' mild flirting on the train, after all), Albus' almost horrified face only confirmed his suspicions.
"No I don't!" He barked.
The young Malfoy only smirked. "Yeah you do," he answered casually, as if it were so obvious.
"No! I don't!" But the more angry he got, the more Scorpius knew he was right.
Part 2
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moiraineswife · 6 years
Alone With You, Part 1: Cold Comfort
For @widomauk​ sorry this took 16 years but as u are well aware by now I Suck, and hey! This meant I could add in New Molly Stuff, so u know, swings and roundabouts..I hope you enjoy it though, gray!!!! Thank u for ur prompt and also ur patience. 
Title: Cold Comfort 
Summary: Prompt: Molly and Caleb: Scared/Ashamed to sleep because of their nightmares.  Caleb wakes up intending to relieve Molly of the guard duty for the night, but the tiefling insists on staying awake and the two end up sharing the watch.
Teaser:  “Caleb,” Molly said, in that way where he caused his voice to drip with a saccharine sweetness that made Caleb simultaneously fight the mad, battling desires to punch and kiss his stupid, smug mouth.
Link: AO3 
The fire had burned down to embers by the time Caleb awoke.
As he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, the image the world chose to present to his slightly blurry vision was the slender outline of Mollymauk silhouetted by the ghost of the flames that had filled their campsite when he had dropped off to sleep.
He was rocking absently where he sat, sitting with his legs crossed, his head slightly bowed, though he glanced up every now and then. His tail was waving idly back and forth over one shoulder in the way it moved when he wanted to try and tease Frumpkin. The firelight gilded the honed edges of his scimitars, placed deliberately at his back within easy reach if he needed them.
There was a strange, ethereal beauty to the tiefling framed by the fire as he was now, and Caleb found himself sitting still and silent for almost a full minute, just watching the hypnotic rhythm of Molly’s tail, before he came to himself with a start.
Pushing himself up he picked his way through the hunched shapes of his friends. Nott was curled into her usual tight ball, her knees almost in her mouth. Beau curled up on her side, completely covered by blankets. Fjord lay on his back, one hand behind his head, while Jester sprawled like a starburst, limbs, and hair, and tail everywhere, taking up far more room than she should have been able to with her size.
Molly glanced over his shoulder as Caleb approached. The last light of their dying fire made his red eyes burn. Caleb knew full-well that most people would have been scared senseless by the sight of those eyes looming at them from the darkness of the night. He knew that many would have seen the demons that Molly’s ancestors had hailed from. But he…He found comfort in them, now.
Molly had overwhelmed him when they had first met, and for some time afterwards. With his red eyes, and lavender skin, deep purple hair, and patterned rainbow silk cloak, the tiefling seemed a deliberate walking assault to the senses. The red of those eyes had burst with fire, and heat, and passion, and lust. Strong, raging, sharp emotions that drew the eyes and demanded attention.
Now he realised that, much like the glowing embers, that red and those eyes could contain a gentle, soothing warmth, which was more a comfort to wake up to on a cold, dark night than he could ever explain.
Molly smiled as Caleb stood over him, but made no move to get up. Frowning slightly, Caleb settled himself down on the soft, cold grass beside him and, keeping his voice low so as to avoid waking the others, he said, softly, “Your watch is up, it’s my turn until dawn, you can go and get some sleep, now.”
“Tempting as that is,” Molly said, rolling his shoulders idly, “I’ll do you a favour and just keep going.” He patted Caleb’s hand where it was braced on the ground beside him and added, “You can go back to bed, get your beauty rest,” he winked.
“That is...Generous of you,” Caleb said, frowning slightly, since it didn’t particularly seem generous at all, but he couldn’t identify what else it could be at the moment, and that seemed like the right thing to say. “But, really, you need to get your sleep. We swap people out for a reason, Molly, no-one can stay alert for an entire night alone.”
“Caleb,” Molly said, in that way where he caused his voice to drip with a saccharine sweetness that made Caleb simultaneously fight the mad, battling desires to punch and kiss his stupid, smug mouth.
“Yes, Molly?” he sighed, when it became apparent as Molly remained with that ridiculous grin on his face, tail lashing playfully back and forth behind him, that he wasn’t going to spit out whatever it was he wanted to say unless Caleb indulged him.
“You fuss too much,” Molly informed him, the tail arcing out like a long, thin lavender snake and tapping him lightly in the small of the back. “Now, off to bed with you,” he said in a brisk, commanding tone, “There’s no reason the two of us should be freezing our tails-“ he raised a finger in Caleb’s direction in a hushing motion, obviously noting him opening his mouth to challenge this, and amended irritably, “metaphorical tails off. Go back to the warm, and have sweet dreams of me.”
He fluttered his eyelashes at Caleb who cleared his throat and pointedly looked away so he couldn’t see him anymore.
“I think there is no reason you should continue freezing your literal tail off when you could go back to bed and let me take the watch as I’m supposed to,” he said, unable to understand the ulterior motive behind Molly wanting to remain awake and on watch. Because he was Molly, so of course there was an ulterior motive.
“You’re a very strange soul, Caleb, have I ever told you that?” Molly said, conversationally, bracing his palms behind him and lolling back, leaning his weight on them and extending his long, slender body in an irritatingly distracting way, with very clearly no intention of getting up to go to bed any time soon.
“I believe you have, yes, several times if my memory serves me, and it usually does,” he replied, stiffly.
He’d had nice, sensible, orderly plans for this quiet time alone. They had included a lot of reading, perhaps some transcribing of spells, and approximately no flirtatious, irritating, impossible tieflings who refused to surrender the watch.
“Well I’ll say it again now,” Molly replied smoothly. He was always so quick. Every reply and retort seemed to have formed in his head before Caleb had even finished stuttering out his own words. He felt clunky, and awkward, and even more socially useless than usual around Molly, and it was not a pleasant experience. “You’re a strange soul, Caleb. If I’d offered this to Fjord he’d have chewed my hand off at the chance of a few extra hours of sleep, but you want to fight me on it.” He mock-pouted, pushing his lip out like a child denied sweets, and making his large red eyes even larger in an attempt to inspire pity, “Why do you want to fight me?”
“I do not want to fight you,” Caleb protested, wondering how this conversation had managed to turn around on him already. “But I don’t feel entirely safe leaving you on watch for another four hours when you’re bound to be exhausted.”
“Do I look exhausted?” Molly demanded, one eyebrow raised.
Caleb squinted at him, trying to decide. The tiefling was notoriously difficult to read. He hid almost everything behind that smile that seemed to be perpetually tugging at the corners of lips. Caleb was quite certain he’d manage to look idle and nonchalant with one foot through death’s door. It was infuriating.
“It doesn’t matter how you look,” he said, finally, after he realised he’d been staring at Molly a little too long since the asking of his question, “It matters that you’ve had no sleep, and you will be tired. I can’t just leave you alone when it might result in us all getting eaten by a dragon or some such because you were too tired to notice.”
Molly snorted at that, “Caleb, I think I might have to be dead to not notice a giant dragon eating our companions, not just a little drowsy.”
They stared at each other for a long moment like a weathered cliff-face and the relentless tide, both of them utterly convinced of the rightness of their own existence, neither willing to yield an inch to the other.
Finally, Molly broke the silence, and the slight tension, between them with a soft laugh and an uncaring shrug. “Have it your way, then,” he said, “Two pairs of eyes are better than one, we’ll both keep watch, and when you’re complaining about your pinky toe falling off due to frostbite tomorrow I promise not to say ‘I told you so’ too often.”
Caleb frowned yet again. It was amazing how often Molly could coax that expression from him, in a myriad of different ways, no less.
“Aren’t you concerned about your pinky toes?” he asked, doing a slight double-take a second after the words left his lips as he realised exactly how ridiculous the conversation they were currently having was.
Molly smirked, cocked his head to one side, and let his voice drop to a low purr as he said, “Save your fussing for something else, sweetheart, I run hot.”
“I’ve noticed,” he muttered, without thinking.
Molly’s grin became razor-edged and near-feral, his red eyes sparkling as his tail lashed back and forth.
Caleb felt his face burn and sincerely hoped it was either too dark for Molly to see, or that he’d assume it was a reflection of the dying fire. Judging by his satisfied smirk, however, Caleb was fairly certain he could see, and was under no illusions whatsoever about the cause of his flushed cheeks.
Molly, still leaning back on his elbows, tilted his head towards the sky and closed his eyes, humming softly in contentment as a light breeze ran its fingers through his hair. He inhaled deeply, a soft, relaxed smile settling over his face.
Caleb drank in the sight of him greedily. It was rare to see him in these moments, relaxed, almost vulnerable. There was a strange intimacy to it, to watching the softness of his face, the gentle lines it fell into when he relaxed and let his guard down. He felt both privileged, and also as though he was staring at something sacred, something divine, that was not meant for his mortal, unworthy eyes.
Molly played a good game. He came across as always at his ease, unconcerned about everything, but Caleb knew that was a front, a mask he donned to hide whatever truths would otherwise be revealed. No-one looked too closely at someone like that, at someone who didn’t seem to care about anything, and who was freely open about how much bullshit they regularly spilled for little more than their own entertainment.
But Caleb knew the cost of such a front, the effort it took to maintain it, the constant tension that filled the body of a person who was forcing themselves at every turn to edit their responses and maintain this carefully crafted persona.
Watching it drop, now, as Molly’s eyes were closed, and the smile on his face was not broad, or smug, or sarcastic, but soft, barely there, and slightly crooked, with one side higher than the other, was a strange experience. It made Molly look younger, and so different, as though another person entirely was sitting in this quiet, grassy field with their face tipped up bask in the gentle gilding glow from the stars in the heavens above.
And it made Caleb feel as though he knew him better in this singular moment with the two of them alone together in the darkness than he had in all the time they’d been travelling together.
He had opened his mouth to push further but...really, what did it matter if they both sat up? What did it matter why Molly wanted to remain on watch? Maybe he, like Caleb, simply enjoyed the peace and solace that could only be found in the quiet, peaceful nights spent alone with no-one to speak at you but the soft voice of the wind, and no touch but the kiss of the cold against your skin, with no-one watching you but the thousands of glittering eyes in the distant darkness above.
He liked everyone that he was travelling with, was perhaps even fond of them, at this point, and would miss not travelling with them. But he still enjoyed the quiet, still enjoyed the peace, and privacy, and relaxed solace that only came with solitude, that could never be found by day while travelling with a group the way that they were.
“Do you mind if I summon a few lights so I can read my books?” Caleb asked, “I can’t see in the dark the way you can.”
Molly smiled, his tail lazily swaying back and forth, like a snake before a charmer. He leaned forwards, smiling, “What if your lights draw some fell beast down upon us? Perhaps I should just read it to you instead.”
Caleb opened his mouth to protest that he had to copy the spells over, and that Molly likely wouldn’t be able to make sense of it, anyway, then he closed it.
“Alright,” he said, relishing the small blink of surprise that slipped through Molly’s idle composure.
He handed over the book he was working on, opened at the last page he had left off, then balanced his spell book open on his knee, dipped his pen in an inkpot and looked up expectantly at the tiefling.
Molly was moving the book, which he had balanced open in one long-fingered hand, closer and further from his nose, as though this might help him decipher it. His eyebrows knit together, and Caleb had to bite his lip to stop himself laughing at him.
Finally, Molly cleared his throat, straightened his back officially, and proceeded to announce as though he was doing a dramatic reading for a tavern full of half-drunk folks he was hoping would toss a few silver his way, “This is complete and utter gibberish.”
Caleb smiled and gently took his book back, stating primly, “No, it is just Zemnian.”
“Isn’t that what I said?” Molly asked, waving an elegant hand as he lounged back, propping himself up on an elbow, “Gibberish, Zemnian, six and half a dozen, isn’t it?”
“Not really, no,” Caleb said, frowning. Then he smiled, “It was amusing to watch you struggle, though.” He jolted slightly as Molly whacked him lightly on the back with his tail, scowling slightly. He huffed out a soft laugh, “You can’t be the only one who gets to have fun around here, you know,” he said, his smile growing more broad.
Molly held his hands up in a gesture of mock-surrender, “You’re right, you’re right, it was very amusing.” He waved his hand idly and said, “Light up the whole campsite if you like, I don’t care, I’m staying up either way.”
Caleb nodded vaguely then summoned his dancing lights, smothering them with a rag to make a hooded lantern which he could use to read by, but which wouldn’t disturb his sleeping companions.
Molly managed to maintain the silence for all of ten second before he was peering over Caleb’s shoulder at the scrawls of Zemnian notes and magical script and symbols that were indecipherable to him. Then he laid his chin on Caleb’s shoulder and said conversationally, “You should teach me, one day.”
Caleb blinked over at him, rolling his shoulder gently to dislodge Molly, who obligingly withdrew, “Teach you what? Magic?”
“Well, if you really want,” Molly shrugged, “But I was more meaning Zemnian.”
Caleb frowned again, “Really?”
“Sure,” Molly said lazily, plucking up a long blade of grass and plaiting it seemingly effortlessly with his long, dextrous fingers, which entirely consumed Caleb’s attention for a moment before Molly’s voice jolted him back to reality, “I figure I should at least be able to say the important things in every language.”
“That is...A good policy,” Caleb said, unable to keep a note of caution and suspicion from his tone, since this seemed entirely too....Reasonable for Molly.
This feeling was confirmed a moment later when Molly rolled onto his stomach, smirking up at Caleb and said, with a distinct purr in his voice, “I feel the important things to be able to say in any language are ‘fuck you’ and ‘fuck me’. If I can do that, I’m golden.”
Caleb flushed again, cleared his throat, and pointedly returned to his book.
Molly crawled a little closer and opened his mouth again but Caleb, growing a little impatient, said, “Mollymauk, I appreciate a conversation with you sometimes.  This is not one of those times. I would like it if you would just let me get on with my work, please?”
Molly pushed himself up, eyed Caleb for a long moment with his head cocked to one side like a confused puppy, then he gave a little half-shrug and nodded, “Of course,” he replied evenly, “Whatever you like.”
The tiefling then promptly flopped onto his back, gazing up at the expansive heavens spread above them and spattered by stars. Caleb gave him another moment of consideration as he realised he had never really seen the tiefling get angry, or even mildly frustrated, by anything the others did.
Then, savouring the peace and quiet at last, he dedicated himself to his book.
A few minutes later he was jolted out of his focused study by the grating sound of metal rasping against stone.
Suddenly painfully alert, he allowed his palm to blacken with fire, feeling the scalding through his veins, ready to use it, ready to-
Molly’s soft, dark laughter made him turn his head, looking down to see him, realising he had stood up without realising it.
“Relax,” Molly said, smiling, “We’re not in danger, which you’d know if you were actually paying attention.” He gave him a broad, lazy smirk, fangs exposed, “Good thing I stayed up after all, eh?”
Caleb pursed his lips and said, “If I was alone I would be paying less attention to this,” he held his book up, “And more attention to this,” he gestured around at the dark night around them.
Molly laughed softly, “I thought you didn’t want me to stay up,” he said, cocking his head slightly to one side.
“I said it was unnecessary, and that you should get to sleep. I did not say that I didn’t want you to stay up.”
“Well that’s good to know,” Molly replied mildly, “I was almost insulted you thought so little of my company.” Caleb opened and closed his mouth several times, not sure how to respond. Molly huffed impatiently and tugged at his hand, “Sit down,” he urged him, “You’re making me nervous with your hovering.”
Caleb settled himself on the ground once more, then glanced back at Molly, frowning slightly, “What was that noise?”
“You mean this noise?” Molly smirked. From the ground he picked up one of his scimitars and a small, palm sized whetstone which he drew along the curved blade, replicating the rasping sound that had startled Caleb earlier.
Molly laughed again at Caleb’s reaction, then tossed down the stone, and delicately laid the scimitar beside its fellow with a shrug. “I can stop if it bothers you,” he said, “Though it’d probably benefit you if my swords were sharp.”
“It doesn’t bother me,” Caleb murmured.
“Good,” Molly chirped brightly, promptly picking up the scimitar and whetstone once again.
As Molly returned to his work, he found that, now anticipated, the rhythmic sound was actually quite soothing. He also found that his attention began to wander from his book to the light gilded form of Mollymauk sitting beside him. His hands were deft and sure in the practiced way they moved along the blade, pausing the rhythm of his strokes every few minutes to check the edge.
Caleb felt Molly’s red eyes on him as the rasping of the whetstone stopped for longer than it typically did. He cleared his throat, trying to ignore the pleased smirk that spread across the tiefling’s face, as if he knew exactly what Caleb had been thinking, and exactly why those scarred, long-fingered lavender hands of his were capturing his imagination, and returned to his book.
It was incredible, truly. He had sat in leaking inns with wind whistling between cracks in the wooden walls, rain battering the windows, as the storm made the very foundations creak, the roof leaking, and had found it almost no trouble to concentrate on his studies. Yet all it took was one flamboyantly dressed, ostentatious tiefling sitting so close Caleb could feel the inviting heat seeping from his skin to make it almost impossible to write more than a few words at a time.
He gripped the pen more tightly and, frowning, forced himself to focus. He needed to get this spell done some time before dawn and-
A sharp hiss and curse from Molly had him sitting up, the nib of the pen snapping as he pressed it down too hard onto the page. Looking over he saw blood welling on the ball of Molly’s thumb. Glancing down, his own fingers were stained with the dark liquid of the ink that oozed from the pen in a similar way the blood wept from Molly’s skin.
“Sorry,” Molly offered, looking down at the now ruined page in Caleb’s book.
“It is alright,” Caleb said, and it was, mostly, thanks to Molly’s distracting presence he had made barely any headway at all with the spell. A dedicated five minutes without the intrusion of purple tieflings would catch him up. “Are you?” he found himself asking.
“Mm?” Molly replied, absently, now sucking on his cut thumb.
“Alright, I meant,” Caleb pressed.  
Molly smirked, his fangs tinted faintly red, “Caleb,” he said, smiling and cocking his head to one side, “It’s very sweet of you, but you should have noticed by now I’m not very easily bothered by pain.”
Covered in scars as he was, this assertion should have made Caleb feel foolish for asking after him. Instead he felt a strange, soft tinge of sadness.
“Still,” Caleb murmured, “I thought I should at least ask.”
Molly opened his mouth, no doubt to toss out one of his frequent quick quips, then he closed it again, studying Caleb. He fiddled idly with a loose thread in his trousers for a moment then, without looking up, said softly, “Thank you.”
There was a pregnant silence, in which neither of them seemed to know what to say. Molly broke it with a bright, “Well, I’d definitely say this one is sharp enough now,” he laid the first scimitar down and picked up the second, allowing them both to relax in the wake of the rhythm of stone against steel.
A breeze picked up, making the grass around them ripple in waves, as though it had been transformed to a pond of star-dappled emeralds and a stone had been tossed into it. Caleb shifted a little, cursing quietly in Zemnian and tugging his coat more tightly around himself.
There was a soft clink of metal on metal as Molly set down his second sword and said, “Problem?”
Caleb shrugged his shoulders noncommittally and muttered, “Just cold.”
Molly snorted softly in reply and Caleb blinked up at him, frowning slightly, “Is that all?” he said, mildly.
Caleb opened his mouth irritably to point out that some of them might be tieflings with fire in their blood and the ability to stay warm while encased in an ice cube, but others were only human, and weren’t accustomed to sleeping outdoors as Winter drew in- But he had barely opened his mouth when Molly had scooted right next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, coiling his tail around his waist, and tossing a blanket around them both.
“You should voice your problems more often, you know,” Molly told him conversationally, as though completely unaffected by their proximity, while Caleb struggled to remember how to breathe, “Especially when they have such simple solutions.”
“I, I- Molly, this is really not necessary, I-“ he began, torn between the comforting warmth of Molly that was already seeping into him and relaxing his cold-stiff muscles, and the rush of heat in his core that had nothing to do with shared body heat, and everything to do with his aching awareness of how close Molly was.
“’Course it is!” Molly said, brightly, “Can’t have our wizard freezing to death when it’s so easily prevented.” He squinted to the side and withdrew slightly, pulling his upper body away, though his tail remained curled around his waist, “Although,” he added, “If it’s a problem, I can-“
He made to pull further away and Caleb found himself reacting a little too quickly, “No, no it is not a problem, I-“ he broke off, cleared his throat, and said as composedly as he could, “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” Molly replied, winking at him.
Silence claimed the camp once again and Caleb returned to his books. Molly’s warmth and the softness of his body against his was oddly comforting and he found himself relaxing, savouring the warmth and the contact from the tiefling.
Molly seemed to sway beside him, his head nodding, blinking rapidly and giving himself little shakes. Caleb noted this, but chose not to comment on it. If it was selfish, that he didn’t want Molly to leave him alone in the cold for his bedroom, then he couldn’t be blamed for that, surely?
After a long while, Caleb oddly finding that he focused better with Molly right beside him, leaning heavily against him, worked on his notes, scrapping the ruined page and starting afresh, feeling the tiefling’s red eyes following the rhythmic progress of his pen.
There was a strange beauty in it, Caleb had found, a hypnotic quality to the flow of smooth black ink on the rough pale parchment, and he could feel Molly being drawn into it. It gave him a strange sense of heady power, to have him so close, so focused on his movements, on his study, on the thing he had dedicated his life to.
A half hour later, however, Molly had rested his head against Caleb’s shoulder, letting him take almost his full weight, which he was happy enough to do. He had rarely seen Molly this truly comfortable. Oh the tiefling acted it well, he seemed not to care about anything or anyone, but there was always at least a part of him that remained switched on and alert. All of that was gone now.
A while later, still, Caleb realised that Molly’s breathing had deepened and, with a start, he glanced up and realised he had fallen asleep.
A small smile tugging at the corners of his lips, Caleb gently rearranged the blanket around his shoulders to make sure he was completely covered, then returned to his reading.
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cadaverchoir · 6 years
i got enabled and spent two hours on a list of serin/bihyung hcs cause they’re my favorite rarepair in existence. Also Like. i Trust bihyung to treat Serin with the mutual respect and patience she deserves (looking @ u nex Ur On THIN Fucking Ice For Ur Past BS).
inital dating
gonna say it right now it took Forever for Bihyung to let his feelings for Serin be revealed and even when they were it was during a less than ideal argument over her needing to take better care of herself and her not getting why he's so concerned over her. needless to say once he did give the reason they were both so stunned they spent a good five to eight minutes frozen. trying to think of what to say. not coming up with much. really just thankful that no one was in the same room as them when it happened.
perhaps the funniest thing abt them as a couple is that most ppl can't tell they're romantically involved unless they catch them during a private moment or date. they aren't the kind of people to have others rlly know they're together. they're very lowkey. Also Cause Their Respective Clans Are Still Bitter At Each Other.
though they do keep knowledge that they're a thing to a select few it's still hard to Not notice how they light up when seeing the other or even just having their name mentioned when apart. for Serin it's an easy feat to hide any expression change, but her eyes will seem less unreadable and indifferent. Bihyung doesn't have the same skill at hiding expressions like Serin, acting a certain way is more his thing. Specifically acting like he dislikes her. Which is something he got good at during their years spent at the academy and having to force himself to ignore his crush as much as possible when seeing her do something cool. But one day his usual sneer like smile seems less smug and more like a friendly mocking one, he also cuts down on the condescending attitude when talking to her.
They can play the frenemies card well but the second they can be alone the act falls apart. they still keep any extra lovey dovey stuff for dates or when they Know it's just the two of them, but they can make just sitting in silence or casual conversation about their day seem really soft and romantic. Especially if they feel comfortable enough to hold hands or place soft and short kisses on the other's cheek. They're very cavity inducing to watch.
their dates are often spent in the more casual, less nobility filled parts of chaos. simple outings to town markets and restaurants. sometimes whenever there's a meeting or formal engagement being held in their respective houses can also end in them disappearing when they aren't needed to the gardens or any quiet place. at some point Serin's father and Bihyung's sister begin to get suspicions about them, but Rain assures Navarus that they're just friends, he's never convinced though. and the ensuring reveal that his daughter IS involved with one of the Serpent's princes does leave him conflicted. But He'd Still Prefer The Serpent Than The Undead.
as a married couple
when it was announced that they were engaged it received unexpected joy from both clans. it was a very sudden and unseen development, shocking especially the higher members of both societies and even angering some, but more than anyone the people were happy to learn about it.
the marriage ceremony had been a very small and secret event with only family and close friends present. it was a traditional Serpent marriage.
even when they are married and everyone knew it they still kept a very professional relationship when carrying out their duties. with the exception of not being afraid anymore to kiss the other or tease each other in public.
Bihyung is noticeably the more willing to be affectionate when around others. it's usually limited to just hand holding or leaning against her, gently placing his head atop her's. Serin is more likely to tease or otherwise poke fun at him when given the chance. Really goes for the embarrassing stuff. He'll usually get his revenge in some form or another later on.
Did you know Serin is strong enough to carry a full grown man??? if you doubt her and her sheer strength we can't be friends.
In context, Bihyung is actually a surprisingly affectionate person and loves showing as much love and care to Serin as much as possible. even if that means sticking to her hip and wrapping his arms around her like a sloth when they're alone. She'll feign annoyance but finds it very cute. He also enjoys her (fake) irritated noises as she tries to do anything in the house with him glued to her back. occasionally she'll straight up give him a piggy back ride. He's always a mix between being embarrassed or really impressed at her strength.
They're a very soft and good couple that are the epitome of both a power couple AND a super hot one please think abt it for a second.
They both get ungodly long and beautiful hair as they grow older. Bihyung plays it cool any time Serin says he copied her by saying he actually copied his brother. Both are kind of a lie cause the truth is he just liked having Serin brush his hair so he grew it out so she could spend a bit more time brushing it. They both actually help each other with their hair in the morning.
As much as they enjoy being a lovey dovey couple they're still rivals who can be seen practicing every now and then. Not only does it keep them at the top of the game but it also gives them an excuse to stay in bed the next day. They really don't hold it back when it comes to their supposed practice fights. They don't hold back when it comes to A Lot of things actually. interpret that as you will.
bonus What If They Had Kids
i WAS gonna go with Siana and Nin but i already have some hcs abt Bihyung being their adoptive dad in an au where Serin just says Fuck It and seeks asylum in Serpent that i'll talk abt One Day/probably soon.
Serin is all for kids but Bihyung takes a while to warm up to the idea. Not because he doesn't want any but rather cause he's. Unsure he'd be a good parent. Even when it does happen he still remains nervous.
As corny as it is though the second he holds their child for the first time he can't bring himself to let go of them, all unease or nerves he had moments prior seemingly gone. even when Serin asks to hold them too he says no softly. She can't bring herself to get mad cause between the way he said no and just the sight of him holding their child he’s actually super cute in that moment.
Can you imagine the sort of kid they'd have. Can you imagine just how much potential and power a kid between them would have. Can You.
For such dreary people they sure do light up when they start their own little family. If they seemed content before as just a couple then they're the definition of happiness when seen with their child.
They're both equal parts strict parent and fun parent. Even when they're strict though it comes off very guiding like and very soft. Child neglect and yelling/criticizing a child?? Not in this household.
Within the first year they both commission a plethora of family photos. a photo for each month. It quickly becomes something of a tradition.
One Time when their child was four they Demanded to go help Bihyung with his duties. He spent a good five minutes trying to convince them that being the substitute leader of a clan is boring and that they'd have more fun visting grandpa Navarus with Serin but got done in the second he thought he heard a soft sniffle.
The sight of him walking around the main castle and ordering people around with a four year old held in one arm was quite the sight. especially when he'd go from cutesy dad to stoic hardass.
Serin really wishes she could have been there to see it all. Luckily Rain was there and documented Everything.
It's common knowledge Serin likes dressing up so it's also common knowledge her child is the best dressed baby in both the Demon and Serpent clans. She also greatly enjoys having them all match during family outings. even when he's royalty Bihyung strays from wearing such eye catching clothing and only does it cause Serin's smile is nice, as well as her comments about how handsome he looks, doesn't quite get how a color can bring out his eyes more, but her smile is nice. The only time it wasn't as nice was that time when she made him wear pants with a slit in the sides and the shirt was a bit lower than he was use to. The Demons have an odd taste in clothing.
Serin's that scary looking but actually super soft and loving goth mom i can't get the picture of her kissing her child on the cheek as she says bye cause it's their first day of school but she's wearing dark lipstick so they're just stuck with this kiss imprint on their cheek for the rest of the day cause Serin couldn't wipe it off completely out of my head it’s too cute.
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