tojisun · 11 months
got it from his old man or smthn and he’s always been fixing that shit that his friends told him to just give it up because it’s so old that he can probably just save more if he buys a new one but he’s resolute!! and god what a beauty it was when he finally got it fixed.
price on a harley but he doesn’t look like a biker archetype. wears a boonie and flannel shirts and dark oil-stained jeans and some steel-toe lookin type of boots instead of all that leather. looks like a massive geek when you see him walk by only to watch, with mouth agape, as he strolls over his harley – vintage, you know at least – and drives off.
price on a harley who is flustered because of your attention. asks you why you want an old man like him and you coo, stepping into his space to whisper, “i don’t like guys my age.”
price on a harley who straps his helmet on your head and breaks the law by driving without one because he wants to fuck you bad and he wants to fuck you now.
price on a harley who, as you’re pressed up to him, smells like motor oil and ozone and burnt rubber but god you are so fucking horny for this man. you don’t want anyone else.
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toots-senpai · 2 years
Ghost and König X Afab! Reader Poly HC's
Authors Note: pure horny out of a writers block for military propaganda characters with masks. you betcha… whooooop
Author: @toots-senpai
Fandom: call of duty: modern warfare
Pairing: ghost x stoner! reader x könig
Rating: R 18+
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: weed/smoking, oral (both receiving), public! sex, car sex, dp, recording, intoxicated! sex, sex toys
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they pay attention to their schedules enough to make sure that you know when you’re alone and when both of them will be home and or one of them. it’s all estimates but it makes the three of you feel good to know that there’s always time in between. even if sometimes when one is home they have to wake you up and tell you that they have to leave at least it always within these estimates.
they are early morning birds most definitely. ghost sleeps in a bit longer and holds you closer to him in the morning after könig had you all night close to himself and ghost will never fail to put you back into his chest in the morning instead of having your face tucked into könig’s bicep. these two make for really warm nights and the mornings you all sleep in together simon usually complains that könig didn’t make breakfast. if it’s not you it’s always him designated for meals.
simon is the animal lover by default. immediately after settling down together you guys pick a pet for the home. könig got a snake and simon got a dog, pretty doodle for you to take on walks and the men train the dog vigorously before leaving you with it. most definitely rescued the dog and argued with könig about over population in animals on the way to the shelter. there’s a chance you ask simon for a cat instead and he’ll be a bit disappointed but won’t argue about and will most definitely end up with a bourbon in his hand and a cat tucked away on his gear.
if you like being held while they walk with you in public könig usually does it while simon holds the bags. könig always holds you chest to chest with his fingers laced underneath the fat of your ass and ghost prefers to hold you bridal style. simon doesn't like to hold you as much as könig but he holds you in private when könig isn't available for your koala desires.
they have assigned loveseats/single sofas and assigned places when you walk together both of them will usually always stand on the outside if two of you are together one on one but fully together könig usually stands on the inside unless there are alot of people then he’ll take the outside. könig sleeps on the left side of the bed though but simon likes sleeping close to the door. they don’t bicker about the left side at home and könig will always give up for anything simon wants because your wants is more of what he cares about but they do tend to bicker at hotels. even so simon has more of a heart for könig than he has for simon.
könig likes it more romantic and planned than simon but simon likes to detour and find love in hidden places.
they like to fish and you all own a summer house because of them. you find out that they've been using it as a safehouse as the expensive boat has been used on their missions you’ve collected from the bullet holes that you had to point out to them and had to get fixed by yourself.
they didn’t care when you ‘fessed up’ to them about smoking weed. könig cares about your eating habits but simon shrugged it off, he doesn't like your dealer though. he won't admit it but it him judging their lifestyle. they didn’t expect your collection though, they’ve never looked at you to be a collector of pieces and have an entire zip of weed hidden away. könig asked for a small sesh and the boys were honestly just infatuated with the smoke that left your lips and theirs. könig gets horny high and it made simon genuinely make fun of him for the first time on his tolerance. simon relaxes and likes to cuddle more when he's high but simon rarely gets high on purpose.
you and könig will most definitely force him to smoke along the journey but he denied for awhile until you brung up edibles that's when he smoked a little more with you. simon liked the eddies but könig had a panic attack. könig stopped smoking after that.
even with them not fucking with weed like that they do like to participate in whatever you wanna do. morning bong rip on the porch? könig has coffee for the two of you and tea for simon. hotboxing the car in an abandoned parking lot? könig likes to stay outside the car and enjoy the fresh air while being your lookout.
adventures with the two are very common and during hotboxes with simon, he loves to end your smoke seshes any way he can. he’ll make you moan loud enough for könig to finally come down from ontop the car as a lookout or will purposely rock the car with fake thrusts until könig complains about the sound of simon's shenanigans and would want to go home.
but car sex? oh my god! steamy windows and both of them moving around intensely to try to fit in the tiny car and thrust into the spots that make your vision swim and make you dizzy makes the boys buy a better car. a truck inspires the two of them into 'cinema' for some odd reason and the make make a number collection of ‘movies’ with pretty backdrops while you’re being fucked in the cargo bed with a couple of pretty blankets that compliment your skin. könig has the truck but simon and könig bickered about having another car so he got an suv and likes to tie you up and play with you in the backseat with his phone recording in front of you two. very good angles simon has a really good catch at getting your angles and lighting just right so that late night adventures with just simon usually ends up with you in his lap and his dick drilling into your dripping pussy and his fingers pulling at your nipples while he whispers to you about how pretty you look.
late nights after drinking könig will always be your carrier to the car allways so 9 times out of 10 after the pub könig always starts his shenanigans first. he’s holding your intoxicated form because it’s his job but with his hands are where they are supposed to be when he holds you and he’ll always dig to feel how the liquor dampens your panties and usually leads to the three of you in the alley with ghost’s hand on your mouth to stop you from whimpering or even gasping for air when they both penetrate your holes.
double penetration has admittedly gotten you to the point that they can just slide into you with ease. if the weeks are long away from you and they’re stuck in missions when they come back the prep for them will always be almost terrifying. if you ever tell them you'd be in for a day of being stuck between the two of the men who would release an entire month's worth of their sex drives into your system but you go out of your way to keep yourself stretched for them. your toy collection would be a waste if you didn't.
they live for oral and survive on it, experts at using their mouths. will both go out of their way to eat you out and love to bite and leave as many marks as they can on your skin and of course they eat ass they are not pussies by any means and if anything that stops the bicker between your thighs but instead leaves a burn as the two men wrap their arms around your thighs and hips. könig has bigger fingers and loves to tease you while simon will suck your clit until your squirting all over them.
simon likes fucking you from behind when you have könig lodged in your throat so he can make you gag with every thrust and könig likes to grab your hair in a makeshift pony and thrust inside your throat slowly. simon likes the way könig chokes and stutters as he's groaning when you gag him just right but he gets mad at simon if he’s pushing you too gag too hard while you’re sucking him off.
könig likes drunk sex and loves high sex, he's a power bottom but intoxicated he subs. even after könig stopped smoking he still wants you to blow it in his mouth. simon during drunk sex is a bit rough and uncoordinated but when he's high he also likes to power bottom and his voice get's raspy when he's high barking around orders to the two of you.
both have some wicked oral fixations and love to spit and cum where they want, they love it when they can use whatever spit or cum to make disgusting noises as they suck hickeys and squeeze and bite bruises into your skin to laugh as you whimper and jump against whoever is holding your wrists down.
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landofzero-archive · 9 months
Battle on the Sugoroku Board - Prologue
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(Location: ES Hallway)
(One day during the first thirds of February (1). Corridor in front of the NewDi office.)
Natsume: ……PheW, finally the chaos of the end-of-year and New Year period has calmed dowN.
It started with the SS Qualifiers, the new stage for the special program for the end-of-year and New Years SSVRS trial, Maizuru Manor (2)—thougH it feels we’ve been tooting our own horn.
I wondeR if we can finallY return to normal activities.
Now theN. I’ll go beat up the Senpai who is still breaking labor law (3) during the end-of-year and New Years period, and enjoy a belated vacation–
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(Location: NewDi Offices)
Tsumugi and Ibara: ………♪
Natsume: (“Viper”......!?(4) Why is he herE!?
CoulD it be that he’s trying to imprint something onto Senpai when I’m not therE—)
Ibara-kun. What do you neeD from NewDi?
Ibara: So you’ve returned, Natsume-kun ♪ 
I’m sorry to be bothering you! As the representative of CosPro, I’m currently talking to His Majesty the acting director of NewDi, so please don’t worry about it, Natsume-kun ♪ 
Natsume: ………!
Ibara: My my my! A snake glare! (5) Lately, I tend to be forgetful of the fact that I’m a ‘Viper’, so I’m greatly indebted to your consideration in reminding me of that!
Natsume: That isn’T what I’m trying to do. Can you not string me along at your pace like thaT?
Enough with this tedious talk, just say what you want tO say.
Tsumugi: Don’t be such a grouch~, Natsume-kun. You know, since another agency’s representative came all the way to NewDi~?
Come on, smile, smile ♪ 
Natsume: Shut up, workaholic. (6)
If you don’t rest already, you’re going tO end up in a hospital, you know.
Tsumugi: No way!?
Ibara: You seem to be quite irritated~ It looks like you’ve been equally busy!
Well, this isn’t something that needed to be kept a secret, so I’ll let you in on it. I was just thinking of enjoying seeing Natsume-kun being left out in the cold! (7)
Natsume: You’re a rotten character, huH.
Ibara: AHaHaHa☆ That’s a good look on your face!
Putting that aside. Are you familiar with “NETV (Netteibi)”, Natsume-kun?
Natsume: Net……What?
Ibara: “NETV” —A recently started streaming broadcasting service that’s aimed at overseas folk.
It can be said that unlike a streaming program that is enormously funded with investments of shares in large quantities, it’s a streaming service from a company from this country with a moderate budget.
While niche, there is a demand from overseas. An Idol programme—- or some such is what “NETV” is trying to produce.
As such, I’m simply here to inquire if NewDi would like to cooperate by arranging participants.
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Tsumugi: That’s right! Even though Saegusa-kun said it was a ‘moderate budget’ but, from my reading of the plans, the budget allocated is surprisingly quite substantial.
I was thinking that it’s a good chance for a new agency like NewDi.
Natsume: How suspiciouS……of this “Viper” to approacH us with talks of work.
There haS to be something else to it. OtherwisE, CosPro would surelY have exclusively monopolized this delicious project.
Ibara: What nonsense--- to say there is 'something else'. Just like divination, statistics and calculations are all there is to it.
I’m not trying to make a boring joke like “There is nothing hidden to 'fortune tellers'”— or something. (8) There are some things I haven’t explained, but it’s only because I’m unable to disclose everything.
The truth is, CosPro also has investments in this “NETV”.
It was an old connection from the time around when I was just starting out as a manager. Thanks to that, if the program is not a success, it’ll be a total loss.
In other words, this proposition is an idea meant to at least minimize losses. Because a cross-agency programme would be good publicity.
CosPro is extending the opportunity to participate to NewDi to push the program into success—
How about it? It’s not a bad proposition, right?
Natsume: ………
Tsumugi: As for me, I’m thinking positively about appearing on “NETV”.
I didn’t get any bad impressions from when I was looking at documents. It felt like it was influenced by a proper production company.
The only problem is, “NETV” is an online internet program, so not a lot of huge agency idols will participate.
……That said though, NewDi isn’t a huge agency.
This is a chance that won’t come again for us as we are right now. Net programs are still in its infancy stages right now, so long established agencies would not be expanding into it.
Natsume: ……I seE. ThougH there are undeniably fishy parts to it, it doeS stand to logic.
HoweveR. If you do anything suspicious, I won’T be silent about it.
Ibara: My my, please do not say that! Let us be mutually supportive of each other as coworkers in the same job!
Well then, I will be returning on a later date to explain the project! Take care until then!
TL Notes
上旬 - the first ten days of a month, or the first thirds of a month.
He’s listing past Switch events. Maizuru Manor is the orphanage from the 2023 MaM new year story; Poltergeist during the NEW COLOUR campaign.
He actually says ブラック労  (Black labour) here which is the term in Japan for worker exploitation in the form of extreme working hours, verbal abuse, or even power harassment/bullying. The companies using this form of employment are called ブラック企業 (Black Companies).
Technically, a 毒蛇 (Dokujya) is just a ‘venomous snake’; the term does not imply any specific venomous snake species but as the fandom usually knows this particular nickname of Ibara’s as ‘Viper’, Mod is following suit. Viperidae snakes are called クサリヘビ科 (Kusarihebika), and the viper itself is 鎖蛇 (Kusarihebi).
蛇睨み - literally, ‘snake glare’, is a reference to a Pokemon move. In the English version, this move is called ‘glare’. This move paralyzes the target. It can only be learned by snake Pokemon.
‘Workaholic’, written in katakana, is basically read the same way as the English word.
The JP text says Natsume was ‘left out of the mosquito net’, basically the equivalent of ‘left out in the cold’.
This is a pun. The beginning of the word for 'fortune teller' 占い師 (uranaishi) is phonetically similar to the word 裏 (ura) which can mean a lot of things such as 'opposite', 'hidden side', 'hidden shadows', 'more than meets the eye', 'rear'... to that effect. Mod has translated every instance of 'ura' in the lines leading to this bit as 'something else', to insinuate the pun.
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hellcatinnc · 8 months
Pet Names From Men Of Bungo Stray Dogs(SFW)
Warning This includes: SFW (Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, x Fem! Reader, pet names, head canon
Feature: x Fem! Reader
Pet Names you would call them and they would call you I had to think outside the box over your normal baby, love, bae etc however I did include them too. Its funny because this may be wrong but when I hear them call lovers I could so see them saying some of the things.
From Him: Bella, Bella Donna, Amore
From You: Boo Bear, Pooh Bear, Pookie, Boo Boo, Goober
From Him: Doll, Baby, Princess, Toots
From You: Love, Lover, Lovey, Hottie, Sexy, Naughty Boy, Lover Boy
From Him: Honey, Dear, Other Half, Dearest, Queen
From You: Pumpkin, Beloved, Dorkable, Adorkable, Love Poet
From Him: Sweetheart, Sweetie, Sugar Lips, Snuggle Bug, Snuggles
From You: Fuzzer, Fuz Muff, Fuzzy, Kitty, Kitty Cat, Cat, Tiger
From Him: Kitten, Kitty, Pet, Baby Girl
From You: Beast, Senpai, Master, Daddy
From Him: Cupcake, Sweetheart, Sugar, Sweets, Jellybean, Buttercup
From You: Cutie, Sweetie, Baby Boy, Pudding, Cookie, Babycakes
From Him: Candy, Eye Candy, Babe, Angel, Baby Doll, Queenie, Dove
From You: Bae, Partner In Crime, Sexy
From Him: Darling, Lovely, Better Half, Sunshine, Love Of My Life
From You: Charming, My Love, Other Half, Romeo, Papa Bear
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betterthanyalls · 1 year
AN- 12-10-2023 I made this sooo many months ago i forgot now but I was scrolling through my tumblr posts lost to history, I audibly gasped when I saw this. I hate and love myself for writing this.
Chugga Chug
Train!Bendy x Plane!Reader
“CHOO CHOO!” Bendy screamed as he was rushing down the tracks, he sped up even more. A child was playing on the railway and didn't notice Bendy nearing. Then a loud splat was heard, the child was run over by Bendy. He felt happy now, his kill count reaching 27. Bendy continued on his tracks, blood coating the front of his locomotive. Above him was y/n. She was a majestic plane that soared through the skies. Y/n zoomed through the skies as a passenger plane. At the moment she was carrying 53 passengers from New York City to London. Y/n flew smoothly then remembered she was flying people to Great Britain. She hated Great Britain after her last 7 husbands were british. Anger built up inside her as she decided that nobody was going to get to London on her flight. She started flying higher and higher, making all the passengers lose oxygen. She started doing loop-d-loops until everybody on her flight was dead from the great forces. She then started darting to the ground until she saw a locomotive with blood on its front. “Fwoosh foosh(Hello there!)” Y/n greeted the train. “Choo Choo(Hi toots, I’m Bendy)” Bendy replied back. “Woosh(I’m Y/n!)” Y/n spoke back. They conversed slightly until they got to the topic of deaths. “Chuga Chug(I killed 27 people so far)” Bendy bragged. “Woosh Woop(Only 27? Im at 53!)” Y/n retorted. “Chugga Choo(That’s really hot)” Bendy spoke while flabbergasted. “Fwoosh Fwoop(Have you seen yourself?)” Y/n winked. Then before Bendy could compliment her back, a car drove straight into Bendy. It resulted in Bendy being derailed with the car screaming “BEEP BEEP(STAY AWAY FROM MY FUTURE SENPAI)!” The car screamed at Bendy. Bendy tipped over and screamed in pain. The car stopped to address Y/n “Beep Honk!(Hello there y/n-san! I am Cuphead)!” Cuphead told Y/n. Y/n glared at Cuphead after he hurt her new hubby, she then nose dived at the car. Cuphead screamed in pain as he was crushed by baddie Y/n. Y/n then helped Bendy up and said “Fwoosh Whoosh(I love you Bendy, let's get married)!” Bendy was surprised but loved the idea “Choo Choo!(Yes let's do it!)” Y/n then asked one more thing “Woosh?(Are you british?)”. “Chug(Yes I am!)” Bendy responded to her. Y/n did a double take and then shot off to the sky. She wasn't going to marry another british guy.
The End!
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ouranbutworse · 1 year
It was late at night, and the room smelled of cheese. Haruhi had made the mistake of bringing 'commoner's cheesy snacks' and Tamaki had taken an immediate fancy to them, gobbling them down like there was no tomorrow.
"Uggghhhh," he groaned, rubbing his tummy. Said soft, slightly rounded belly was covered by a lacy silk nightgown, pale blossom-pink and edged with white lace at the hems and sleeves.
Haruhi thought it was quite pretty. So pretty, in fact, that she had to grip the carpet every time Tamaki looked at her with affection.
So, near-constantly.
Currently, the blonde boy was lounging on the ground, unsure whether to regret his life decisions. On one hand, the common folk had excellent taste in snacks, on the other hand...
He may end up making a most disgraceful noise from his gentlemanly rear end.
"Uh..." Haruhi started. "How 'bout we watch a movie, senpai?"
A great idea! Haruhi was just so clever, and never had any bad intentions!
"Ooh, yay!" Tamaki flipped onto his belly (oof) and scrambled over to the shelf. His nightgown, short as it was, rode up, lacy nightgown riding up to reveal something even lacier.
Haruhi choked, admiring the smooth curve of the soft, supple flesh, the slight pinkness, the small dimple and birthmark, heart-shaped.
As he scrunched himself to reach in to fetch the box of movies, something most undignified escaped him.
The stink hit Haruhi directly in the face, and had to stifle a laugh. Tamaki flushed pink, mortified that he'd had such a lapse of propriety, blissfully unaware that Haruhi did not mind in the slightest.
Well, not blissfully. He did just toot in front of his friend, after all.
"Oh- oh goodness gracious! I do apologize! Please know I- oh goodness! Such an affront to a lady such as yourself!"
Haruhi snickered. "It's fine, Tamaki-senpai. I thought it was cute."
Tamaki fluttered his eyelashes. "You... do?"
"Heh, yeah. And what it came out of wasn't too bad, either!"
Tamaki gasped. "H-haruhi! How inappropriate!"
"No, I'm being serious. It's by far the cutest in the Host Club." Unashamed, Haruhi reached forward and gave him a pat on the rump, delighting in the give of the sweet flesh underneath. The lace tickled, but that was bearable.
Oh, so bearable...
Tamaki squeaked, quivering, and didn't dare to move. He could feel Haruhi massaging his soft cheeks, pinching and pulling them slightly.
It felt... good? No, this was wrong, he shouldn't be letting Haruhi do this. He should push her off and tell her, "Not before marriage! We haven't even kissed yet!"
Would he... like a kiss from Haruhi? Maybe he would, she was just so cute and he'd never done that before...
Wait, if Haruhi thought that was cute... "I shall do another one for your entertainment, oh beloved Haruhi!"
He clenched his cheeks and concentrated...
Haruhi watched in anticipation...
Tamaki, horrified, realized he'd gone potty and leaked through his fancy undergarments. Undergarments he hadn't realized Haruhi could see, garments now stained in front of Haruhi's doelike eyes!
Haruhi only grinned wider. Tamaki felt his blood run cold.
sorry i forgot to post this earlier. we have all gambled on a fart and lost
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emotionalstressball · 2 years
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I posted 53 times in 2022
That's 39 more posts than 2021!
34 posts created (64%)
19 posts reblogged (36%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 52 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#meme - 20 posts
#creepypasta - 18 posts
#meirl - 13 posts
#eyeless jack - 13 posts
#fanfiction - 8 posts
#jeff the killer - 8 posts
#lol - 7 posts
#eyeless jack x reader - 7 posts
#creepypasta fanfics - 7 posts
#proxies - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 60 characters
#somebody with art skills better than me wanna draw please??
My Top Posts in 2022:
Daisy [E.J. x Reader
-got some horror coming up in this bitch-
[IIII] -Author Note: ooooh~-
Something I don’t really like expressing, ever. Whenever I had a cut as a kid I didn’t want to bother my parents so I’d suck it up try to get a band-aid. So now when I’m in this circle with a people I don’t know, I’m scared.
I’m in a feel circle. For the next five minutes or so we have to sit and talk about our feelings. Taking turns in a circle. “Y/N” my name is called. “Hm” I hum looking up. “Y/N. . .this is the third time, are you ok?” she asks. “yeah” I mutter. “How do you feel?” she asks. “fine” I mutter. “Y/N could you elaborate please?” she asks. I shake my head and go sit in one of the couches moved to the side. The lady sighs and moves on to the next person.
”You can’t run forever” A voice whispers. Well actually two, The Burrly Twins. I almost jump from my seat. “I can see things others don’t, I can see you running” they say leaning into my face. “We won’t tell anyone, as long as you promise to do what we say”. They’re practically breathing down my neck at this point. “U-um” I glance at McCathe who’s laughing with some kids. “Y/N~” they say in a sing-songy tone. “Rose, Elena! Leave the poor girl alone” the instructor says. My literal saving grace.
Rose and Elena sneer at the poor woman and walk away. I lay there for a moment in shock. Running? Running from what?
The circles break and McCathe saunters over to me. “Sooooo. . .what were you and the Twins talkin’ ‘bout?” she asks. Propping up her elbow on the arm of the couch. “I don’t know, if it was a talk. . .” I mutter. “Don’ worry she does that to all the newcomers. Ya know, threats and stuff”. “Yeah but. . .never mind, it’s fine” I say sitting up. Rubbing my temples with my middle and forefinger. “Well anyway, the rest of the day is free, wanna hang?” McCathe asks. “You mean like suicide or-“, “oh fuck no! I mean like hang out!” McCathe basically screeches. “haha yeah, right”.
Me and McCathe Geeror were more or less friends. I was surprised to find out she was very athletic, I guess I never paid attention to her. She was pretty basic, like her name could be Bethany and some common last name. She had a six pack, and her muscles rippled when she ran around the small track. Her hair was cut short, shoulder length. And she had round brown eyes that look like pure milk chocolate when the light hit them. We sat down in the grass. The sun was setting as we sipped on our water bottles.
“So basically,” I said. “Everybody has caught Roxanne and Michelle kissing?” I ask. “Yessss, there we go, my little gossip student!” McCathe exclaims. “‘Cathe you’re crazy” I mutter. A soft smile gracing my face as she stares down at me in awe. “Well, kinda the reason I’m here sweet pea” she laughs. Laying her head next to mine.
”How ‘bout. . .we check out that forest?”.
9 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Daisy [E.J x Reader]
-chapter one because it doesn’t sit well with me leaving ya’ll with just a prologue-
[I] -author note: The chapters are numbered by Roman Numerals.-
We arrive at the destination.
A tall grey building with a flat roof. Surrounded by trees and trees. Pine and Oak being the prominent tall plants. There’s a woman out front. Her hair neatly tied up in bun, a dead look in her eyes as she stands and waits. How long has she been standing there? It’s in the middle of the night. The lights are on in some rooms up on the top floor. The building is looming and dark and. . . and scary.
I suppose you’d be confused as to why I’m being sent to Rosswells House for the Mentally Ill. (Pronounced: rose-wells. Stupid) Well I beat up this girl, bully. I think she’s still in the hospital. Anyway. It was turning cold, the leaves were already dying. This girl that is- that was in most of my classes (even though it didn’t matter if she wasn’t) made my life living hell. Her name was Annabelle Doobly. (Pronounced: Doo-ble. Stupid)
Tall with wavy blonde hair and and bubblegum pink strands of hair in the front. And she always wore these really tight crop tops with skirts, or shorts on the bottom. I won’t lie, she was hot. Like urban high school Regina George hot. And as much as she was pretty she was evil though. Because one day, on that cursed day, Annabelle The Asshole burned my schoolbooks, along with my homework (that was due that day), backpack, and toiletries. And if you’re wondering: How did she burn that shit without the sprinklers going off? She left her class, broke into my locker and burned it outside (Which is also bad for the environment so double fuck her). I met her in the hall when it was lunchtime. Well didn’t really meet her because I sort of, stomped up like a raging bull. I grabbed her by the hair and threw her down. Holding her down while everyone in school watched because I had nothing left to lose anyway I was gonna fail almost every class in one sitting.
It took one punch and then I couldn’t stop. I wasn’t just fed up with her BS, my parents just went through with divorce, my Aunt (who turned out to be my cousin) died two days ago. It was a lot, and now I hate myself more than I hate Annabelle The Astronomical Dumb Bitch (name created by my classmates) because I was no better than her. I took my feelings, my insecurities out on her. I blacked out. I only came back when three teachers and seven students who didn’t have their phones out pulled me off her. My knuckles were bloody and cut a little and I was still punching where her face would be. That’s when I saw my Mom, angry as fuck.
Anyway. That’s why I’m at Rosswells House for the Mentally Ill. Because I guess in some cases I am.
My mom grabbed my suitcase from the trunk as I reluctantly left the passenger side. It was like she was rushing me to leave, like she didn’t want me here. But I guess I should take in account her cousin dying and Dad filing for divorce. You know because he found another woman who was twenty-five and single like my mom. And you know, maybe she’s like this because I’m leaving. Maybe.
But I guess I’ll never know because by the time I feel like asking she’s driven off and this lady. This pencil thin lady with her dead stare and tight bun, leads me inside the building.
11 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
Daisy [E.J x Reader]
-i’m gonna put a link to chapters and a link to the one on Quotev-
[III] -Author Note: . . .enjoy.-
We go to sit down at table after getting our food. Mashed potatoes, peas or green beans, and what’s supposed to be steak. “. . .and that’s Josh and Amanda” she points discretely. “Hm” I hum. “Are you even listening?” McCathe asks. “Josh. . . Amanda” I mutter poking at my food. “AND Roxanne n’ Michelle who are totally into each other but don’ wanna say nothin’ because their parents are really stric’ Catholics” McCathe blurts out like it’s important. “And like, how the forest her is haunted, but nobody gives a fuck” she whispers. I lean in. “Haunted?” I asks. “Well, less haunted, and more. . . inhabited” she says. Her voice getting lower. “Anybody who’s ever gon’ into the forest has never not came out scared half to death, or, found dead”. McCathe says. Grinning creepily.
“wow” I mutter. “Yeah, it’s crazy” she says. Shoveling a spoon full of mashed potatoes in her mouth. “How come they don’t have breakfast food?” I ask eating some (peas/green beans). “I don’t know, it was like this when I got here” she says messing with her so-called-steak pieces with her spoon.
“I’m not eating this” she says dropping her spoon on her plate. “yeah” I mutter and do the same. The pencil thin lady from before, walks around the cafeteria picking up plates. “who’s she?” I whisper. Nodding my head over in the lady’s direction. “That’s Ms. Posherbumble” McCathe says. “We call her Miss Bumblebee for fun because she’s always hovering” she snickers. Ms. Posherbumble walks over to our table. “It seems you ladies have gotten along well, are you done eating” she says. A sort of, fake looking smile is on her face. She does not pass the vibe check.
“Yeah, we’re done” I say glancing at McCathe to confirm. “Mhm” she hums and nods her head. “Ok then, thank you and head towards the sitting area.” Ms. Posherbumble says gathering our cups and plates and walking off into the kitchen. “She is like a bumblebee” I say laughing lightly. “yeah. . .but anyway we nee’ to go to the sittin’ area”. McCathe says getting up out of her seat. I follow suit and we walk-well I follow her to the sitting room.
McCathe is strange. But she knows things, that might come in handy. And you know, she isn’t so bad.
12 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
Daisy [E.J x Reader]
-lil story from Quotev, I post chapters there first-
[Prologue] -Author note: start of a new series, deleteing some Tumblr posts. . .-
I sat in my garden. Butterflies, mainly Monarch, fluttering from flower to flower. The sun beaming onto my (skin color) skin. I lay there for god knows how long. This would be my calmest moment if it weren’t for my circumstances. The grueling and dark circumstances.
I sit up. Willing myself to hop on my feet. The grass tickling my toes as I walk to the sliding screen door. I open the door and walk inside the house. The aroma of flowers. Lily of the Valley, Hyacinth, and Lavender. My bare feet walk across the polished floorboards. Across the living room to the front door.
Maybe I shouldn’t be this calm?
My mom is sitting on the bench next to the front door. Her face dark and twisted with worry. “I’m ready.” I say. My voice quiet, barely audible. “Y/N you know I love you”. Mom says getting up to try and give me a hug. I take a step back. “Right.”, I respond. My tone cold and slightly harsh. I look away from her. Breaking her heart even more. “You need help, I’m getting you help”. she says her voice cracking, trying not to cry. I ignore her. “I’m getting in the car”. I grab my suitcase and walk out the door. My black suitcase with (favorite animal) stickers all over it bumps up and down over the gravel drive way. The tiny rocks dig into my skin as I walk.
I pop the trunk and press down the handle on my suitcase. Lifting it up and sliding it into the trunk before closing it. I walk around to the side and open the car door. Getting into the passenger side. The stars twinkle, and the moon shines brighter than usual. Illuminating the walk between the front door and the car. My gaze travels up to the porch steps. Expecting my mom to walk out any second.
But she doesn’t. Instead I wait fifteen long minutes. Either she’s punishing me before my “punishment” or she’s crying. I assume number two automatically when she walks out. Eyes puffy and red, nose twitching when she sniffles. Tears still falling out of her eyes every now and again.
Maybe in a different life, a different universe, a different timeline even, I wouldn’t have been sent away.  I wouldn’t be holding back tears. Tears of regret, tears from knowing the only person that took care of me all eighteen years of my life is crying, because I won’t see her again until they deem me stable.
Mom opens the driver door and slides inside. Closing the door with a pull. There’s silence. Suffocating silence, but I don’t want to be the one to break it. “I’m sorry. . .” she whispers. I turn in my seat so I don’t face her. Tears falling down my face. The salty waterfall staining my cheeks. My bottom lip quivering, I sniffle. Loud enough for her to hear and she tries to reach for me but takes her hand away. I shake and shiver as I silently cry.
As my mom, drives me straight to my impending doom.
16 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
TW: Cannabalism
Y/N sat on the couch. Watching TV as usual because Slenderman was busy. Jeff was on the couch also, unusually cheery. Sophia the First started playing. The intro going as usual until Y/N noticed something, Jeff was singing along. “I was girl in the village doing alright, then I became a princess overnight. Now I gotta figure out how to do it right, so much to learn and see”. Y/N hopped off the couch to go sit next to Jeff and sing. And that evening was spent watching Sophia the First, with Jeff.
In a house full of killers. You don’t necessarily have any good role models. Today was a great example.
It was noon, the warm sun a barely shone through the bare weaving tree branches. And drawn sheer curtains. Y/N was hungry. A common predicament when no one wants to take care of a child. Y/n sat there, hangry. Until Eyeless Jack walked in.
Jack, was calm and probably one of the most sensible out of the few she’s met so far. “Jackie!” Y/N exclaimed. Hopping off of the barstool and hugging the tall creature. “I’m hungy“ she whined into his hoodie. “Well, what I’m about to eat you probably shouldn’t“ Jack said. Prying the tiny human off of him. “Pleeaaassseeee” she pleaded with all her might. Puppy dog eye level ten.
”Fine” he sighed in defeat. Jack opened one of the many fridges and pull out a jar. A jar coated in red with organs inside. Y/N had always been fascinated as to why they had all those things in the fridge, she always wanted to try one. Jack, the laughing one, said it tasted almost like candy.
Jack, (no eyes man), opened the jar and the irony scent filled her nose. “It smells. . .” she paused. “Int-Int-teresting, yeah”. She nodded, content with her try at the word and sat back down on the bar stool.
”How do I eat it?” she asked suddenly. Rolling up her sweater sleeves and grabbing a few napkins. “You just grab it, and bite” Jack stated. “ok” Y/N muttered dipping her hands into the cold jar. “oh! It’s cold!” Y/N exclaimed pulling out a kidney hastily. Jack chuckled and pulled one of his own. “And just bite“ Y/N repeated to herself.
She opened her tiny mouth as much as she could and bit down. Blood dripping down the sides of her mouth as she pulled back and chewed. Jack watched her reaction first, surprised she actually went through with it. “mmmmm” Y/N hummed thinking. “7/10, needs salt“. She said hopping off the stool and climbing a counter. ”Dad- Slenderpman said salt is a seasoning, and seasoning makes things taste better so if it‘s gonna be nine or whatever comes after that, salt.”.
Y/N didn’t finish the kidney because mid-way she felt vomit traveling up her throat. Jack with his super speed, got her to a sink in time before her tiny cheeks exploded. Jack groaned, his heightened senses weren’t helping.
Y/N didn’t like the feeling of throwing up but she was gonna eat some more later. No matter what Jack told her.
(shit i did alot)
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
people are not elite without an egg sammy in the mornin
ur so right and u should say it again
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cinnamonshibabuns · 3 years
So I had an idea...like an expansion of my very first ask (whitty,ruv,senpai and pico all loving the reader) but what if... they all knew they had crushes on the reader? How would the act towards each other? What would that do to them? What would they do to try and with the reader over? Etc.
And if it’s not to much then could you also write a scenario where all five of them confess to the reader? And is it okay if you make an ending for each of them if we accepted their confession?👉🏻👈🏻
Make sure to drink water and take snacks I love you!!/p
今日は!💖I can write time all! Also tysm for caring for me, same goes for you also! Make sure to stay healthy and hydrated💖💖💖💖 also I’m so sorry for making ya’ll wait, I’m sorry if your frustrated by me-
NOTE- add tankman
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Fnf characters realizing they are in love with the reader - 🖤🧡Whitty🧡🖤 After about a month fo realizing I was in love with y/n I started to be more distant. I don’t want to break their heart, but what if they find out and hate me for it?.. O-or what if they cut all contact with me and never speak to me?! I hope y/n doesn’t hate me for it.. 
🖤- He’ll be more distant but will still talk to you because he doesn’t want his heart to me broken. :( 🖤- He’ll blush every time he sees you or every time you hug him, he loves the warmth of you it makes him feel safe. 🖤- If you confront him about why his so distant he’ll confess to you on accident because of nervousness. 🖤- You accepted his confession? He the most happy bomb boy ever. 🥺 🖤He’ll ducking cuddle you and purr sometimes, not to mention he can warm any part of his body. (That’s one of my head canons for him if it’s not confirmed-) 
🖤🧡Whitty x reader🧡🖤confession
I was standing in the alleyway minding my own business when I heard foot steps, I quickly turned my head around to be met with the one and only y/n, I took a few deep breathes to try and calm down while y/n walked up to me. “Hey whitts! I was wondering about something...” I gulped, “about?...” “Why did you grow distant with me, did I do something wrong?..” “no no no, it’s just.. I, I love you alright?!” I was about to leave, but I felt y/n grab my hand and blushed a bit. “Aw whitts, how come you didn’t tell me sooner?” They enveloped me in a tight hug as my fuse was glowing. I took deep breaths to calm me down and hugged them back. “L-Love you y/n.” “Love you too, whitts!”
I ruffled y/n’s hair as they pouted, they were so adorable I’ve never felt this way about somebody before. Despite me being a runaway criminal they still care about me, I sighed and let out a small smile while walking away.
💙- He will definitely flirt with you in Russian- 💙- He will lend you his soft warm jacket when ever you are cold. 💙- He will ruffle or pet your hair randomly. 💙- he confessed to you at a private place in the church, and when you accepted it he picked you up and cuddled you for the whole day- 💙-he give kiss 🥺 💙- he will literally trap you under his jacket and cuddle you- 💙- he lets you play with his messy blue and white hair at times.
💙🤍Ruv x Read🤍💙 confession
I took a deep breath waiting for y/n to come by, after about a few minutes I heard footsteps and turned my head to meet y/n’s beautiful e/c eyes. They walked up to me, “So, why’d you call me bud?” I took a deep breath and- “look, I have loved you ever sense we met, and I was wondering if we can be more than that?..” “wait what- really?!-“ “only if you want to of course!-“ “I would love to Ruv!” They trapped me in a tight hug, but it was gentle. I hugged them back and kissed the top of their head.
💖Senpai💖 I was crowded with a bunch of girls fangirling over me, I was the one who attracted all the girls but made the guys hate me. I never fell for anybody, but y/n changed that... I mean how could I not love them? They are so perfect and lovable! I blushed at the thought of them. Maybe I’ll write them a love letter...
💖- Senpai might seem like a fuckboy but trust me, his 10000000% loyal to his soon to be s/o ;) 💖- he will buy you some flowers or something you like and leave it at your locker. 🥺 💖- he will flirt with you- 💖- he confessed to you by letter and when you came up to him and confronted him, oh boy, he was a nervous reck. But when you returned the feeling he literally showered you in kisses and affection- 💖- he is a true gentle man I tell ya. 💖-he uses nicknames for you like love, sweetheart, dear, darling, and etc. 💖- he is definitely into PDA and show off your beauty.💞✨(if you deny you’re beautiful then I will eat you in your sleep-)
💖Senpai x reader💖 confession I was on the bench listening to the birds chirp cheerfully and the cold breeze hitting my face. I left a letter in y/n’s locker earlier and was waiting for them at the school yard. I then heard foot steps to end up turning my head to see y/n with the letter I wrote. I blushed a tint of red and gulped. They walked up to me and kissed me on the lips... I quickly kissed back without hesitating while caressing their face.
🧡💚Pico💚🧡 I sighed as I sat next to y/n smoking as usual, “Pico isn’t that bad for your health?-“ puffed out the smoke at y/n’s face, “yea and?” They coughed out and glared at me, I ruffled up their hair and got up leaving them dumbfounded.
💚- he will cuddle you if you’re cold. 💚- he will flirt with you at times and maybe even kiss your cheek- 💚- if you know how to use a weapon or a gun, he will let you handle his gun. 💚- If you flirt back he will be kinda flustered- 💚- he confessed to you while in a alleyway and when you accepted it, this mofo literally made out with you- 💚- he isn’t into PDA, but he will definitely cuddle you and show you affection in private. 💚-he also has nicknames for you like toots, doll, and sweetheart.
💚🧡Pico x reader🧡💚 I in a alleyway cleaning my gun and making sure it was full of ammo. Then I heard foot steps and quickly got ready to fire only to realize it was y/n, “oh- y/n sorry about that.” They walked over to me and ruffled my hair like I do to them, “Don’t worry about it carrot boy.” “You too with that nickname?!-“ They giggled, I couldn’t control myself anymore I quickly pecked them on the lips as they stood there dumbfounded by my action. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to-“ as I was about to finish my sentence until they kissed me on the lips. I quickly returned it hungrily exploring their little cave. We parted slowly trying to catch our breaths. “So uh, you feel the same?” “Of course I do dumbass!” They pecked me on the cheek as I smiled.
🖤🤍Tankman(John)🤍🖤 I smiled slapped y/n on the back gently congratulating them for hitting the target. They smiled up and me making me a little flustered. But I managed to cover up. I’ll tell them my feelings soon, but now is not the time.
🤍- he will make cock jokes every time around you- 🤍- he will ruffle up your hair when ever you have your helmet/mask off. 🤍- he will flirt with you at times because why not ;))) 🤍-he pulled you into his office and confessed, when you accepted it he gave you a lot of affection and kisses. 🤍- his not into PDA like Pico, and will show you affection at private places like him. 🤍- he will always be with you to make sure you’re not hurt.
🖤🤍Tankman(John) x reader🤍🖤 I leaned in my chair as I waited y/n to come by my office, I called them in to confess my feelings. I heard the door open and saw y/n come in, “Hi captain, I heard you called me in. What happened?” I motioned for y/n to come closer and sit. “First, you don’t have to be so formal sweetheart, and um, I uh, will I just Ed wanted to say I love you-“ “wait really?” I nodded my head, y/n came closer and pecked my cheek as I pecked them on the lips. “So we’re a thing now?..” “Yep!”
Like I said I’m so srry my peeps. I had to finish up some work I hope y’all aren’t mad-
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Thinking about how the octatrio was in a band in middle school, do you think whenever they put on a performance in the lounge the rest of the dorm would make up the rest of the house band? I bet Octa A-kun would rock the trumpet!
I’m sure Azul could pull some strings and convince some of his students to pitch in for the performances.
I know this ask wasn’t meant to be a writing request, but I felt inspired to make some mob student content, featuring Octavinelle A-kun, aka Kon~ and a Free! Iwatobi Swim Club reference
Imagine this...
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Octa A should have known that trouble would be afoot (... er, afin?) as soon as he was called to his dorm leader’s office. Nothing good usually came of such summons--they typically led to prepositions that Octa A would rather not get involved in... And as luck would have it, that was exactly the case.
“A-A live musical performance? H-Here, in the Mostro Lounge?”
“Precisely.” Azul rose from his desk and clapped his hands together. “Customers are willing to pay for not only food, but for the experience that comes with their meals. Fear of missing out on these limited time offers will drive sales up. That is why we offer seasonal menu items--and that is also why I intend to hold a live musical performance.”
The octopus bore a deceptively sweet smile. “Of course, you will assist us... Won’t you, Kon-san?”
“W-With all due respect, dorm leader... W-Why me? I’m... I’m not r-remarkable in any way... I-I’m pretty much just a nobody, a background character...”
“On the contrary, my dear background character,” Azul chuckled, pulling open a drawer and fishing out a folder secured with a paperclip. He slid it toward Octa A, who nervously picked the folder up. “I had Jade do a bit of digging into your background, you see.”
Octa A blanched, his hands going clammy.
“I hear that you are proficient in the trumpet. Back in middle school, you played for the band--first chair. You will find the full collection of pieces you have performed, in chronological order, in that folder if you don’t believe me.”
“It would be a shame if you didn’t put that talent of yours to some good use. Squandered!” Azul paused dramatically, then added, “Ah, and of course, there will be a cash incentive if you lend us your aid.”
“A cash... incentive?”
“I imagine that you would tire eventually of the cup ramen that you constantly dine on,” Azul spoke lightly, his blue-grey eyes glimmering. “30k Madol for a few hours of your time. That is more than generous, yes?”
He hesitated. “N-No strings attached?”
“No strings attached. Just play your heart out alongside us--that is all that I ask of you.” Azul extended a hand and a warm smile. “So... do we have a deal?”
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Octa A perched on a slightly raised platform--the area that would soon be his stage--as he polished up his old trumpet. Its brassy shine was finally starting to return.
He had done it; he had accepted the gig--but his stomach still roiled with unease. Rather than feeling like an old friend had returned, Octa A only felt as though he were holding a lump of cold metal in his hands.
He glanced out into a sea of tables and chairs, only to be met with a single golden eye in the darkness.
“Konbu-chan,” Floyd drawled, “Are you practicing your trumpet?”
“S-Something like that.”
“Ne, ne, if you need to practice, play a song for me!! It’s boring cleaning up all these tables without something to listen to!”
“F-Floyd-senpai, it’s been a while, so I’m rusty... P-Please give me some time to get used to it.”
“Mmm? What, you can’t just blow into it?” The eel tilted his head to one side. “Aaah, that’s so different from playing the drums. Ehehe. It’s so easy to just belt out a tune on those!”
“... Not all of us are gifted,” Octa A mumbled under his breath.
When you're ten, they call you a prodigy. When you're fifteen, they call you a genius. Once you hit twenty, you're just an ordinary person.
Octa A had always been ordinary.
He stared down at the instrument in his hands. As a child, he had adored the glisten of the trumpet, the bold sounds that came out with each breath he passed through. He had loved it so, so much--had put his soul into each piece that he played... Until, one day, he realized.
He would never be remarkable.
And so, he had faded into the shadows and embraced normalcy.
“... Hey, Floyd-senpai.”
“D-Do you think I deserve... all of this?” Octa A gestured vaguely to the lights overhead. “Th-This role... this attention... being at NRC... sh-sharing a stage with you, my talented senpai...”
A brief silence followed his question, punctured only by Floyd’s exasperated sigh.
“Eeeeh? I don’t understand you at all, Konbu-chan. If Azul picked ya, then that’s that. You’re thinkin’ way too hard about these things.” Floyd picked up a fork and lightly tapped it on the rim of a glass. A small chime rang out. “Just cut loose and enjoy making music!”
Cut loose and enjoy making music...
Octa A’s brows furrowed as he considered the words, turned them over in his head. The image of his younger self, happily blowing into a glass jar to produce breathy notes, resurfaced. His music was clumsy, still finding its footing--but each step was one made with joy in stride.
He lifted the trumpet to his mouth and blew.
The note that resounded was clear as a bell.
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Violet liner glided across Octa A’s upper lash line, flared out into a wing, then tucked under his lower lashes. He flinched at the unfamiliar feeling and balked away from his makeup artist’s touch.
“Do hold still--or I may very well poke your eyeball out with the pencil,” Jade warned, though the curve to his lips suggested that he would not mind at all if that were to happen.
“Y-Yes, Jade-senpai!”
“That’s what I like to hear.” He set down the eyeliner and peeled off his gloves, dipping his digits into an open tub of a gelatinous substance. “Now then, tilt your head up and close your eyes.”
Octa A obeyed.
Robbed of his vision, he was left to rely on his remaining senses to piece together his surroundings and experienced sensations. The distant footsteps of clamoring customers being seated for the big show, the muted strums and toots of instruments being tuned, the hammering of his own heart...
Cool, near wet fingers deftly weaved through Octa A’s hair, pushing his locks back. Stray strands fell at his temples, framing his eyes.
Then came a spritz of cologne at the nape of his neck, under his chin, and on each of his wrists. It smelled of the sea and salt and sorrow, bundled in sandalwood.
“There. All done,” Jade announced, prompting the mob student’s sight to snap back to him. He handed Octa A a handheld mirror with a polite smile. “Fufu. A rather cohesive look, if I do say so myself.”
Fitted in a crisp white suit, black dress shirt, and a lilac bowtie, the young man in the mirror looked ready to tackle the world. His makeup was impeccable--and with his hair parted back, his maroon irises shone like jewels.
“I-I don’t... even look like myself.” Octa A cautiously put a hand on his cheek--just to make sure that the stranger in the looking glass was, indeed, the plain old Kon that he had always known. “D-Did I become a prince or something?”
“I have merely transformed your appearance into something befitting the band’s aesthetic.” Jade adjusted his own lilac tie and passed a glance at the clock. “The magic only lasts until midnight, Kon-san. Do take care to not ruin your ensemble until the show is over.”
“Y-Yessir!” Octa A abruptly stood, trumpet in hand, and bowed in deference.
“Jade. Kon-san.”
Octa A raised his head to find Azul and the other Leech twin approaching, dressed in a similar attire as he and Jade were. Floyd expertly twirled around two drumsticks in his hands, while their dorm leader carried a folder of piano sheet music under his arm.
“There you are. The show is about to start. Are you ready?”
“Once I procure my bass, yes.”
“A-As ready as I’ll ever be...”
“Excellent. Then, let us make this live performance a memorable one for our dear customers. Come! It’s showtime.”
“Y-Yes! I’ll... I’ll do my best! I won’t disappoint you, D-Dorm Leader!!”
Octa A stepped onto the stage, embracing the lights, and the audience that awaited him.
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tojisun · 11 months
but also on that note i would curl into myself if men like him rode harleys… ITS FICTIONAL so… ik sorry for ruining the vision besties my bad fr
i sat here trying to make sense why i envisioned simon specifically in harley and it clicked to me – i was envisioning a dilf 😭
in the past, ive dabbled into the idea of toji fushiguro (a certified dilf; man is so cunty ughh i need him) owning a bike and the only thing i knew in my heart of hearts that suit him is a harley. BUT SIMON IS YOUNGER THAN TOJI! OFC HE DESERVES A PRETTY BIKE
therefore, im debuting simon in a pure black yamaha. bye bye harley </3
…if u want a cod man in a harley, i think capn john price is the perfect candidate <333 like just imagine dbf!price in a harley hdhhehhhhhhh oh wow its warm here all of a sudden
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toots-senpai · 1 year
cod landlords: drabble series { price.one }
Author:@toots-senpai (☆MY MASTERPLAN☆) Fandom: cod::mw2 Pairing: JOHN PRICE X READER Rating/Warnings: nothing too nsfw, drugs/smoking, daydreaming and looking at john price a beautiful apartment in your area owned by john price himself. Word Count: 4.6k A/n:lemme know if there's errors please, thank you <3. also will prob make a smutty pt 2, good enough to not be put in just one fic
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When you first see him, it isn't intended. The burly man standing over his mailbox and preoccupied, not staring at you yet. Your glance at him moves to the apartment before you even bother to ogle, the chandelier in the lobby and nice warm temperature a vast difference from the winter storm blowing outside this afternoon. An apartment viewing you scheduled after your terrible day at work and having to shovel out your car this morning and after work has you a bit sweaty beneath the layers. Working out your sore muscles and walking in a little further, your warm coat rustling as you pulled it off your shoulders. The man finishes up looking at the mail from his mailbox and he does a double take looking towards the sound of your coat rustling. He's clearly warm compared to your cold flushed form, only sporting a long sleeved grey tee compared to your layers, holsters sitting on his hip and uniform jacket in his arm. There's a small second of a connected glance and his eyes lowers down your form and you can't even register where's his stare is going before the door opens on the second floor and another man has both of your glances flicking away from each other. The man profusely apologizes to you for making you wait and the barrel chested man in front of you starts up a small conversation of their to-do's.
It's a short conversation they have, seeming to be close friends and co-joined partners in owning the complex. You could ogle at the apartment around you, take notice of the two floors of apartments and count the amount of mailboxes that the complex has that's much more than your current apartment but the way the solider shifts in front of you leaves you time to concentrate on him instead. He's probably only as comfortable as he is due to the heavy storm outside, probably being able to come home from work early but he's clearly tired, shifting on sore muscles that flex and convulse in discomfort as he crosses his arms over his broad chest and talks about some sort of maintenance needing to be done in some apartments. He doesn't spare you a glance when he walks away but the other owner does tease you about your lingering stare, nothing but friendly and probably trying to rush the viewing but the statement does make you blush.
It honestly doesn't matter to you, he opens the doors to the upstairs and to the apartment he's showing and lets you walk around without lingering himself, waiting at the doorframe. The place would be dumb to not get, a better study room and a bigger kitchen and then to close the deal, you're exchanging lease information and wishing off small goodbyes, the same soldier opens the door at the end of the hall and is too busy shuffling to many things in his arms but, looking up to his keyframe and seeing you in his peripheral has him looking at you and letting out a small chuckle before opening the door to his apartment, just across the hall. Definitely a gift hidden in the deal.
You did mind wander and imagine scenarios of what if's and whatever but once you've been moving your stuff in, two weeks of heavy snow, tables and dressers, you honestly don't think there's a chance that you'd see him again. Lack of judgement of course but the warmth of the thought of the bulky man carrying up your boxes and helping you move in was something that could make your nerves set a fire and give up the tough woman act. Yet everything's done now, crushed dreams of having the fine older man carry your things without struggle blowing out of your mind with the flurry of snow hitting your face. The weather has only gotten worse, no matter how much salt being placed down the icy path has still built up making the ground in general overly slippery. Your scarf is pulled up past your lips yet your breath still condensates the air in warm clouds of air past your face. These last three boxes full of your kitchen supplies being able to be carried with ease if the ice wasn't your arch nemesis that already bruised the hell out of your entire thigh while you were just trying to take your blankets in on the extremely clear and cold day yesterday. You're fighting with yourself at your open trunk if you are willing to fight the ice today with a slower stride, after all it was reasonable why you slipped. Maybe it's not the best idea but it's too light to not do it, careful strides against the pathway of the sidewalk to the backdoor, trying to look down at the ground as your feet slightly slip on the ice as you walk.
You truly aren't even slipping when you fully slip, stumbling a bit with the boxes when another gush of wind pushes the lighter top boxes from your stack and their slipping a little bit off the stack faster than you can get a solid grip on the ground. You don't even fully fall with his chest to brace as he quickly comes behind you. He's come up behind you before you even slip, holding the grasp of the box you lost and letting your hand brace on his chest for a second before looking down at you while you stare up at the six foot man with shock. The exchanged stare is interrupted by another flurried gust of wind that makes you close your eyes and his grip to become a little more firm on the boxes, other hand pulling you closer by your waist to block you from the flurries of snow and when you open your eyes, flurries on your eyelashes and his dripping a little, he's got the prettiest smile a man could have. Pearly straight teeth and another one of his deep gruff chuckles slipping from his throat. You're a little embarrassed and have a wild blush rising to your face on top of your already cold flushed cheeks. Your dreams have come true but not fully, he takes only one of your boxes but he does open the outside door for you and even walks up the stairs to open the door that connects to the second floor for you. You mumble out a thank you the first time and stumble up the stairs as he holds the door open for you, laughing a little as you stumble and chuckling when you huffed out another annoyed thank you from his teasing laugh. It's silent though as he walks behind you, standing by your door with the box in his hands as you walk down the hallway and then struggle a bit to open your door. He's even silent as he waits at your door with a questioned look because you didn't invite him inside for him to put down the box, you just wanting to put the boxes on the floor. You honestly thought he was just going to follow you but it does make sense why he standing there, box in his hands with a small chuckle of nervousness and unfamiliarity with your presence to even try to walk in your house.
You laugh just as nervously and give him another thank you and he hands the box over and he just nods his head as a formal goodbye and goes to open his door while you shut yours. Your headspace is just a little bubbly and the box in your hands almost slip from your grip, so lost in thought while staring at your closed door. Your dreams are slowly coming true like a sitcom with you as the main character. Just when you think the dreamy sitcom is over, stirring over a pot of stroganoff you've been been itching to cook since you moved in later in the night. You have to let it sit for awhile and you just can't stand to sit in the kitchen this whole time. Your apartment is much larger now and honestly, it's a bit too big for your taste, kitchen empty and the bubbling stroganoff in the pot bouncing off the walls. Long hallway that you have to walk down to get to the bedrooms of the apartment. You have to walk past the boxes piled up against the walls from not being able to move in all the way and get the pleasure to walk past your coffee and snack mess from the sudden amount of zoom meetings you've had to attend from work. The sight makes you stop in your tracks, disappointment settling in your frayed nerves. It's makes you stressed once again, your weed pen just calling for your euphoric release from the desk. You snatch it up from the desk and you don't want to put your whole setup to help mask the odor right now, stepping over the blankets and instead just going in the bathroom, closing the door and blowing the smoke into the sink.
A blinker or two later a knock on your door has you stunned, coughing and almost dropping your pen. Running hot water and washing your hands with your fragranced hand soap and closing the bathroom door before throwing the pen on the carpeted floor of your study and closing that door too. You make your way to the living room trudging over to the door curious to who's knocking and opening the door before looking through the peephole, not to bad of an action when face to face with the solider standing in front of you with a little flush to his cheeks, a little snow on his shoulders as he stands in fron of the doorframe. It's silent for a moment, you absentmindedly brush off the snow from his shoulders with a smile of hospitality and you can tell he doesn't think he'd get this far. Coming in from the cold winter night after restocking his favorite scotch from the liquor store down the street, alcohol in his other hand, slightly dranken out of. He gulps and extends his hand, layers of clothes rustling as he moves.
"John, John Price." He says, the alcohol on his breath pungent with a bit of a cigar lingering in his breath. His grumbly voice makes your legs shake and it makes you feel a bit exposed under his stare, skimpy bedwear hanging off your shoulders and high on your thighs. You smile at his friendliness and push away the unholy thoughts, giving him a lazy shake back, his grip firmer against your smaller hands. You hum your name to him and he smiles back, mutters something about your food smelling up the hallway and offers to pay you for some jokingly. It would be a crime to not let the solider in for some of the food, a little disrespectful even more that you were making so much anyways and wouldn't offer him some. You let him in of course, closing the door behind him and letting him take a good look at his property, newly furnished with your personal furniture. He asks where to put his jacket and you tell him to put it where he likes. He sits down and his sprawls his body out on the chair a little after placing his double layered jacket on the chair of the dining room next to him.
You plate him and he almost moans when he smells it up close before placing the scotch down and asking if you'd wanna drink some with him. This is becoming a problem to quickly, letting basically this stranger in for dinner and drinking with him despite knowing his real intentions. It's not like he truly has any, joking about you almost falling that morning and telling you a couple of military stories and his rank when you ask about his job. The brown liquor is swirling in your system and soon the food is gone and the conversation has slowed, you two enjoying each others company for a moment as you watch him gulp down another cup of scotch. You have to stop staring, even if you're tipsy you can recognize that, standing up and moving the plates off the table and putting them in the sink. He excuses himself, thanks you for dinner and inviting him over to eat at the door and walks out, coat tucked in his arm.
The next time you see him is when you pay your rent for the month, handing his partner the check from the door and seeing price sprawled out on his couch in his partners apartment, filling out some paperwork, hunched over and stressed out as he wipes his face in distress. You almost have to physically pull yourself away from staring at him, mentally moving your body and giving a curt nod to his partner after handing over the envelope. The burly man has you internally kicking your feet and mentally dropping to your knees with shaky legs as you hear the door close behind you as you walk down the hallway. Then, you don't see him for awhile. The winter storm passing and the temperature warming, your house fully unpacked and everything clean. Your window of your study is slightly open as you take a rip of the dab you've collected, stick decorated with a favorite cartoon on the handle. Your sitcom feels over and suddenly cancelled from the lack of audience, days go by of you hoping to see him next to his mailbox or even in the parking lot hopefully today after you do groceries later today. You only have a couple of minutes for lunch and honestly you've been snacking the whole meeting anyway. Smoke bubbling into your mouth and flying out of the window, you look out on a nearby gas station and the trees are slightly growing now as spring nears. Busy traffic filled streets pulling into the gas station and speeding across the streets. Regardless of the ache in your shoulder from sitting in your office chair you still bend down for another hit, too lazy to pull the glass into your hands.
Another knock on your front apartment door makes you cough terribly, disrupting your hit. You quickly blow out the smoke from your mouth out the window and don't bother to move out of your study. You don't truly have to answer the door, even if there's another knock, that comes a couple minutes after the first one you have to get into your meeting session anyway. The next time you see him, is a week later he's coming out of his apartment same time as you, you're freshly baked from your morning sesh and honestly this isn't where you'd want to see him after all this time. Nothing against him but you were kinda in your own zone today, no work meant for some good personal time and right now you just wanted to head out for the afternoon with some friends. Keys and accessories jangling causing him to look at you.
"Knocked the other morning. Couldn't have answered?" He states dull and questioning. Interrogating in his own tone. You don't have any fear about the solider following you down the hallway ratting or even pushing you out. There aren't any rules about smoking in the complex but yet you still feel like you're being ratted on in a way, self consciously paranoid about why he was knocking.
"Sorry John, I had a meeting to attend. Online of course." You add walking out of the door that leads downstairs and leaving it open for him. He walks out and walks down a couple of the stairs, slightly waiting for you to walk down with him. "Is there a problem sir?" You ask softly as you walk beside him. These random silences make for an interesting tension to build between the two of you, you can see him scratching his beard out of discomfort as he walks down the stairs, clearly something he's not bothering to say out of your peripheral. He doesn't say anything as the two of you walk. You separate ways when he walks to his mailbox with a grumbled huff and you go out to the parking lot.
It doesn't take long to come back from your afternoon out. The evening is nice after having such a shitty winter and the soft breeze is cool against your skin, the air chilled and humid, icicles falling off of trees. The atmosphere is perfect, your usual smoke spot on your trunk tempting you to roll a joint on your lap as you come out of your drivers seat. Closing the door behind you and making your way around your car to sit on your trunk, enjoying the peaceful spring sounds of birds and running water. You've had something tucked away that you wanted to smoke with your friends but everyone had separated to early. Now you're halfway through your joint when John stuns you once more for the day, he's taking it out of your hand, soft enough to not ash on you or let a cherry fall but surprising you enough for a blush to rise on your face and to almost smack him out of reflex if it wasn't for his other hand grabbing your wrist.
"You know this stuff is illegal right?" He asks voice grumbly, leaving you stunned at the man above you. Even sitting on your trunk he's so tall, broad frame shadowing the small amount of sun comign from the evening sunset. Your knees are spread as you had your feet up on the bumper but you close your legs to distance yourself from him, knees right by the front of his hips.
"What ya going to do solider boy.. nark?" You ask, a little shaky in the tone from being so stunned but you take the joint back from his fingers before he lets it die out, his doesn't barter but just watches you in disbelief. You're dragging another hit and blowing it where the winds going before looking back at him. He's got his arm crossed now, he's taken a little offense to your snarky statement. "Would you rather have it reek the hallways?"
"I can smell it from when I pulled in the parking lot." He mutters and you look over to the other entrance of the parking lot, a woman smoking a cigarette leaning on the brick wall.
"Can't smell the cigarette?" You state pointing to the woman leaning on the brick wall of the complex and he just scoffs and shakes his head.
"You reek more." He simply responds, checking you back with the same 'cocky' attitude you have. It makes you giggle and then there's another one of those comfortable silences. You're licking your lips and taking in this captain standing over you as you sit on the trunk, blocking your sun with his strong arms crossed over each other. You lean back a little so the sun hits your face better and you hand back out the joint to pass to him. He stares at you with the same disbelief but he backs down after another silent moment, motioning you to scoot over on your trunk and sitting next you, bumping the car down a little with his weight. He only takes a singular hit before passing it to you, you don't need to explain how to him how to correctly smokes it. A deep inhale and he leans back next to you, blowing the smoke behind you. There's another comfortable silence as you take another drag, his eyes locked on yours for a moment before he stands up, muttering a small thank you before walking off towards the backdoor. His hands pushed in his pockets as he walks away. It makes you wonder if he did that just to see you reaction.
The next time you see Price is after you get his number from the other owner another week later. Something wrong with your in unit laundry and his partner says that he's the guy to talk to about it, not being so good on mechanics himself. His partner texts you something about Price being busy all day and telling you to text him later, you look at the message with his number for far too long. Eating and watching tv with the phone screen on and even plugging in your phone by the living room sofa where you're watching tv to keep the phone screen open. There's a knock at your door before you even manage to send a text. The weed pen on your table slipping into your pocket with your other hand you're not using to get up to stand. Through the peep hole is John, leaning on your doorframe, clearly tired with some oil on his cheek. Broad body in a tight tee and muscles flexing as he leans against the door and knocks again, tired.
You jiggle the door knob and play with the lock for him to have enough time to get off the door so you can open it. He takes in your form, the last piece of clean laundry on your skin being just black leggings and a loose crop top. You can see a small dust of a flush on his cheeks but he's speaking before either of you can acknowledge it.
"Heard something's wrong with your washer.." He mumbles and you nod and let him in. He follows you down the hallway and thankfully your study is already closed but you do have to take your clothes out of the washer for him. He leans against the wall where he can see you in the doorway and he tries not to watch you take out your clothes and pretty undergarments but he really wanted to just look at you. Enjoying your company as you're kneeling on the floor and putting your clothes into the hamper, hair falling off your shoulders as you crouch and bend over to take your wash out. He smirks slightly when you look at him from where you sit with your knees on the floor but you stand up before he's able to see the flush on your cheeks from his small action and walk away, letting him do his job. You sit on the couch as you wait for him, looking at that text from the other owner one last time and finally shutting it off before he sees it open on your phone.
You watch a couple of episodes of your show before you get curious as to why it's taking so long, why he hasn't moved from the bathroom. As you round the hallway, he's using your small garbage can in the bathroom to clean up some gunk from the bottom of your washer. Your dryer in the hallway and his body laying completely on the floor, lower half peeking out from behind the dryer as he fiddles with the washer. You slowly walk over, small steps to sneak up on the solider. You can see his happy trail and his pants low on his hips and shirt raked up a little bit to see a bit of his toned hips. You let out a small shaky breath and he perks up at the sound, looking straight at you while sitting up.
"Sorry, I was wondering what you were doing.. did I scare you?" You ask with a small laugh and he just smiles and scoffs and lays back down, not even bothering to fix his shirt or his pants, too focused on whatever he's doing. You honestly don't know what's coming over you as you walk past him, looking down at his exposed skin and making a small show for him of walking over that makes him let out a small chuckle that he doesn't intend for you to catch when you walk in your room. You do though as your going in, bedroom door closing leaving his laugh a little muffled. His laugh makes you a little giddy about the burly captain in your house, heart beating fast with a little nervousness. You flop on your bed and crawl over a bit to your bedside drawer, small snacks and candy in there and a couple of books on the shelf above the drawer. You slip a small candy into your mouth and bring out another one for the man on the floor and a small pillow for his head but when you finally come back out of your room you bump into his back in the hallway and he has to spin around to look at you. He's on the move to put the dryer back up after moving around the washer but because you bumped into him he's turning around to look at you.
Broad chest towering over you as you roll the candy in your mouth nervously. He's got a better view of you, looking at your pen hanging a bit loose from your pocket and down the valley of your smooth chest before locking eyes with you. He's so close, you want to wipe off the grunge from his face and pull him down to you, wanting to be truly face to face almost like sitting on the trunk of your car. You roll the candy again, tongue lolling around the candy, that he lets the connected stare break to look down at your lips to flick back to your eyes faster. "Sorry." You mutter out after the long silence and the connected stare that doesn't falter anymore as he softly chews at his tongue in his mouth. You're holding the pillow in your arm and the wrapper of the hard candy in your fingers catches his attention to break the stare.
"Alright." He mutters, voice gruff and blunt. HIs eyes flick from yours down your body, seeing the tiny wrapper tucked between your fingers. "Is that an apology?" He asks while his rough hands are taking the candy from your fingers, plastic crinkling as he puts it in his palm. He only looks at it a second before slipping it in his back pocket and looking back down at you before moving out of the way from the middle of the hallway. "I accept it, thank you." He coos teasingly make you smile as you walk past, small pillow in your arms as you walk down the hallway and let him go back to work on the washer. It's halfway through another episode when you hear your washer on and you look over your couch to hear better, he wouldn't have just started it without clothes, right? Your basket is empty as he holds it walking out of your bathroom and humming in approval.
"Did you just throw back in my wash?" You ask accusingly from your spot and he snaps his neck to look at you, like he's been caught but he shrugs it off as he places the basket by the bathroom and walks down the hallway.
"Sorry, wanted to see if it'll run. Not like you have tons of natural detergents with specific instructions." You scoff at his response and he laughs, as he stands in the doorway of the hallway a second. Then his broad body is leaning over the back of the couch and his arm is dropping down your front to pull at the pen on your hip falling out a little from your pocket with an accusing coo and a chuckle that makes you blush and look up at him, holding a firm grasp at your pen at your hip with a your hand on your pocket so he couldn't keep tugging at the mouthpiece to pull it out. You turn to glare at him and he has a cocky smile as he leans over your shoulder, bringing his other hand to your chin to keep your stares locked and pulling you closer, his fingers letting go of your pen and instead moving his large hands up to the under your chin to make you keep your eyes locked on his. "What are you doing tonight luv?"
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flyhighest · 2 years
[HUG] kunimi and oikawa. bond with him senpai
    “  good job,  kunimi  -  chan!  ”   he gives a wide smile,  lightly slapping him on the back with great enthusiasm.   “  your spikes still need some polishing but you’ve greatly improved since last week!   keep it up,  okay?   with some more practice and improvements of techniques,  you can be a real force to be reckoned with.  ”   upon ending his third year,  there’s only limited things he can say or do to help keep up motivations for the next years to come.   with the loss of the spring nationals to karasuno,  the presence in the gym has been less and less prevalent   (  you can’t really take him away from the one place that keeps those thoughts at bay;  a comfort zone,  however.   you’re going to have to pry him away until the day he graduates  ).
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and he really means it,  these aren’t empty words to help from the guilt that still sinks into the depths of his soul.   what has happened,  happened and only these first and second years can really carry forward.   with a bag tossed over his shoulder,  he blinks when a hug is brought forth.   don’t cry,  don’t cry,  don’t cry.   “  now,  where did this come from?   i—  ”   now,  not to toot his own horn but he believes he’s become a real stepping stool for future captains.   still,  maybe he didn’t get these emotions out beforehand,  sobbing with his team and thanking them for everything for having the greatest years of high school volleyball.
okay,  he’s totally tearing up,  lips wobbling and cheeks flushed slightly.   it’s rare enough to get anything like this but damn this weight is really heavy upon his shoulders.   hands come up to ruffle kunimi’s hair,  lines of tears running down his cheeks.   his voice shakes but stays firm:  strong.   
“  keep the other first years in line,  you hear me?   to the next year and the next!    —  take them to nationals.  ”   @diutive,   action meme.
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spurnedadulthood · 3 years
What's a small white lie for a greater good? Miniscule, she hopes, while bursts of vibrant paper-mache decorate his entrance into her small corner office, warm vanilla blended amongst the scent of fresh acrylic paint. The tapestry above her is adorned in festive lettering with his name at the end (maybe he'll miss the way she squeezed the last few letters in). " Happy almost birthday! " She places a kazoo between her lips, tooting in a loose rendition of a birthday jingle, bright laugher following the announcement. " I figured you might be busy the day of your birthday, so I hope you don't mind a teeny tiny lie about having an extra check for you the evening before. I mean, if you are mad about it, I did get you a cake! " She gestures to the dessert sitting squarely on her table, an assortment of colorful candles lit in its center, " ...So how about you make a wish? "
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╰  – — ♬. BIRTHDAY ASKS┊always accepting!
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     It may have just been four months since he had first started composing synthetic tracks for the gallery, but overtime, Kensuke came to realize he actually enjoyed it. Not only did this job give him extra cash to buy expensive textbooks, he also had his own work space, which enabled him to utilize his talents to the fullest and make μ or Aria’s voice truly shine through his songs.
    Why, Ryu telling him he was going to be receiving an extra pay check made Kensuke so ecstatic that he even considered working there full time after he graduated. The moment he finally steps through his coworker’s door, however, what he saw left him speechless, to the point where he’ll pause, allowing dumbfounded surprise to wash over his features.
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      Was that a tapestry, emblazoned with the words ‘Happy Birthday Kensuke!’, hanging above her head? Furthermore, did she actually prepare a cake for him? Admittedly, it was quite over the top... and yet, he couldn’t bring himself to hate it - not when everything about this surprise proved so very endearing beyond words.
     ...Well, regardless, it’s only until after Ryu speaks does his eyes begin gleaming with barely contained amusement and a grin of disbelief tugs his lips upwards. “You truly are unbelievable, senpai... honestly, at this point, I’m starting to think it’s impossible for me to even get angry at you.” Kensuke finally proceeds to shake his head.
     “Yes, I can clearly see that. Your little musical rendition, though, left a lot to be desired. Still, I suppose it’s charming in it’s own way.” Sure enough, he’ll bring himself to saunter forward before promptly seating himself across from her on the chair she conveniently left unoccupied. ”Alright... but you’ll have to share this cake with me. Ryu-senpai. There’s no way I could possibly finish it all by myself.”
     Upon giving her this ultimatum, Kensuke then proceeds to leisurely blow out the candles while wishing his days working alongside Ryu could continue being so quaint and relaxing. For the time being, though, he won’t be telling her what it was he wished for, if only to tease her a bit with the excuse he’ll use being that it would not come true, were he to suddenly disclose it.
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seiin-translations · 4 years
2.43 S1 Chapter 2.2 - Dracula and Princess Briar Rose
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Where’s Yorimichi’s moped
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Let’s go back a little. It happened last September after summer vacation, so was that already nine months ago? It was at a time when I lived in a much more stubborn, headstrong and serious way than I did now.
The real boundary line between middle school and high school was unmistakably the summer vacation of the first year of high school. That was what I was convinced of after looking over the girls in my class, who were slightly more refined and stylish compared to the first semester. Starting with the sudden increase in the number of girls who shortened their skirts—which had been in line with school rules during the first semester—they pierced their ears, hairstyles were no longer only unsophisticated bobs or long hair, but, I’m not sure, somehow the cut of their hair ends was stylish and their bangs fell diagonally across their face, and I kept hearing them talk about stuff like going to the pool with their boyfriends or their first times, whether I liked or not.
On the other hand, as for me and my teammate Ayano, we were immersed in club activities almost everyday during summer vacation, so we had nothing to do with those kinds of flighty summer experiences. Therefore, our topics after summer vacation were…
“By the way, did you go cheer for the middle school prefecturals?”
And other such dull subjects.
“Mm, no.”
“You didn’t go with the other kids from your middle school? For us, it’s like a duty for the previous graduates to bring refreshments for us.”
“We’re not that friendly with our advisor.”
I answered, while opening the cleaning locker with a mop in one hand. A step ahead, Ayano, who had finished cleaning the hallway, was carrying baggage for two people and waiting. I carried my school bag and enamel sports bag separately, but Ayano packed all of her stuff into her polka-dotted backpack.
“I only heard the results. They lost in the first round.”
My alma mater, the Monshiro Middle girls’ volleyball team, had advanced to the Hokushin’etsu Tournament for two years in a row since the year before last, but I heard that this year, they were miserably defeated in the first match. Well, I wouldn’t say that the strength of last year and the year before was because of me, but I was tooting my own horn on the inside.
“Ibara-chan, the boys at your school are strong this year.”
“Our boys? They aren’t any good, though? I mean, are there even enough members for an official game?”
“I don’t know, but they’re fourth this year.”
“Fourth!? You’re kidding, right!?”
I wildly threw the mop into the locker without thinking and a high-pitched sound pierced the steel walls. Ayano, ducked her head as she said with her cheeks puffing out, “I’m not lying! A girl from my middle school went to the boys’ game.” I was even more shocked that there were girls who turned out to the boys’ game venue.
“Apparently, they have an incredible setter. I heard he was a third-year, so he should be there last year, but do you know him? If there was such a great player, you would think that they could have done better last year too.”
“Wha…I really don’t know. Did we have someone like that?”
This year’s third years were a grade lower than me, but was there an excellent setter there? I had zero impressions of that. I was pretty sure there weren’t any outstandingly tall boys. I remembered that the Kuroba house’s Bon was a bit big in that year, but he wasn’t skilled at all.
“Well, boys can get good all of a sudden.”
Ayano murmured with an absentminded look on her face. I didn’t know why, but…I didn’t like that remark and said, “The cleaning’s done. Let’s go,” and snatched my things from Ayano’s hands a little too roughly.
“Ibara-chan, you’re heading to practice now?”
“Do your best!”
A pair of girls from the neighbouring class called out to me when I went out into the hallway. Both of them were around one-fifty centimeters tall and compact. Their club must be some cultural club.
“Thanks. Take care on your way home.”
After I patted their heads and passed them, they squealed with joy and jumped up and down with their hands joined together (A little bit, really, not even five centimeters off the floor).
“Ibara-chan, you’re naturally scattering pheromones again doing that… They say that the percentage of boy-girl couples in our grade is low because of you.”
Ayano said with a wry smile.
I had been on the taller side since elementary school, so I had always been treated as the “handsome” type of girl rather than “cute.” I was the ace of the volleyball team from my second to third year of middle school, and on February fourteenth, the bag I used for club activities would be filled with chocolates in cute wrapping. I had been wearing my hair short for a long time now. After a long holiday in my first year of middle school, it grew out a little, I was innocently told by the smallest and frailest kid in class at the time, “Long hair doesn’t suit Ibara-chan. You look more handsome when it’s shorter.” I cut my hair in my room that day with a pair of scissors. It was then that I realized clearly the character I was looking for, and since then I had come to discover my identity as a “cool and handsome” girl.
When I joined the Seiin girls’ volleyball team with a lot of fanfare as an ace candidate, I was 173 centimeters. It was a height comparable to the average boy. However, right now I still wasn’t even on the bench because there were so many second- and third-years.
What I wanted most right now was a bench member uniform, a height of 180 centimeters, legs for jumping even just a centimeter higher than other people, not pierced ears or a haircut with a bit of work on the ends. Breasts were a hindrance, so smaller ones were better. I honestly wanted to stop having periods because I didn’t want to have kids in the future.
The two-story row house beside the fence of the first sports ground was the club room building for the sports clubs. The first floor was mainly for the clubs that used the outdoors, and the second floor was for the clubs that used the indoors. The girls’ volleyball team’s club room was up the outside stairs and second from the front.
In front of the club rooms for the baseball and soccer clubs that were next to each other on the first floor, the first-year boys who had been locked out by their senpais were sluggishly changing their clothes. It was a common sight, so we passed by without paying attention to it. Half naked or in just their boxers, the physiques of the first-years still weren’t that much different from those of middle school kids.
“I can see your undies!”
Ayano teased, peeking through the gaps in the steps as we climbed the outer stairs.
“Go away, pervert!”
Saying stuff like that, the boys wiggled around and laughed.
“We let you see them for free, so show us your panties back!”
“Sorry, but I’m wearing shorts.”
Ayano purposely picked up her uniform skirt between her fingers towards the idiot boys who gathered under the stairs while half-dressed in their pants. I left Ayano behind without following her lead.
There was some booing. “What, shorts are the devil!” “What the hell do you think a man’s romance is?” But I could also hear some of them whispering, “Did you see? Suemori’s not wearing shorts.” “They were white, white!”
I was so indignant about the stupid boys who were crowing about something so ridiculous that I stomped up the stairs like I was trying to step through the steel steps and drop kick those empty heads, if luck was on my side.
“Excuse me,” I said, forcefully opening the door to the room.
It was the girls’ volleyball team’s custom to have the first years change first after school and then go and set up, and then the second and third-years would change more slowly afterwards. So, right now, there would only be first-year girls changing in the room—at least, that was what I thought.
There was a foreign element. There was a single different creature standing in the middle of the room, surrounded by female team members.
“…Why is Kanno here?”
I said in a sharp voice. From behind, Ayano impulsively peeked inside.
“Oh, Dracky got abducted!” She cackled.
Kanno’s enamel bag was at his feet, as though it had been roughly thrown in. The female members had all changed into the summer-like practice clothes of T-shirts and shorts, but Kanno was still in his uniform. The Seiin High School uniforms had black blazers and reddish neckties for both boys and girls, but due to the season, we were of course wearing the summer uniforms, the boys wore shirts without jackets, and the girls just wore blouses. However, only Kanno was wearing a long-sleeved hoodie on top of his shirt, his hood worn deep over his eyes and the zipper zipped all the way up to his chin, and what’s more, his hands were completely tucked into his sleeves. It was a getup that screamed unseasonable.
“Okay, we captured Dracky!”
“I think it makes sense that since you’re practicing with girls’ volleyball, you should change in the girls’ club room.”
“If you don’t hurry up and change, our senpais will come.”
“Or maybe you wanna change with our senpais? You’re surprisingly gloomy.”
Surrounded by jeering voices, Kanno shook his head with his head still hanging down. “Then hurry up and change,” one of them said and reached her hand out for his hoodie before he said “Stop” in a voice that was as tiny as the sound of a mosquito buzzing. He tried to shake them off, his long sleeves cutting through the air. This feeble attempt at resistance was amusing everyone more and more. He desperately pulled back his hoodie that was being tugged in all directions and curled his back.
His face, peeking out from behind his hood, was morbidly pale, but only his lips were exceedingly red. Together with the thinly scattered freckles on his cheeks, his vaguely Western features gave him the appearance of a vampire who was afraid of sunlight, so his nickname was undeniably right on the mark.
Glaring at the racket with my eyes half-closed, I stepped in and loudly tossed my things into my locker on purpose.
“You’re cutting into your practice time, so why don’t you change as soon as possible? I’m not interested in watching you change, and I don’t care if I’m seen either. If the rest of the girls are done changing, why don’t you all get going?”
I said in a stern tone, not only to Kanno but also to the girls surrounding him, and the girls obeyed me with embarrassed faces while saying, “Yes—” and “We’re no match for Ibara.”
I turned towards my locker again and quickly changed. I undid my necktie and unbuttoned my blouse, exposing my back. “I’ll change too,” Ayano said brightly, then slipped under my armpit and shoved her backpack into her own locker.
Feeling eyes on me, I looked over my shoulder and saw Kanno jump before turning around and starting to change his clothes. He took off his hoodie that he had been preciously wearing like a turtle’s shell and squirmed out of his shirt. When he curled his back and pulled off his T-shirt from his head, I was surprised. Huh…wasn’t his body thicker than it had been before summer vacation? On his upper body, which was so weak and thin that it could be called a washboard, there was a thin but definite layer of muscle added, it looked like… He changed into a black long-sleeved T-shirt from his white short-sleeved T-shirt (so there’s ultimately not much difference from the hoodie…), undid his belt and took off his pants. I saw his boxers peeking out beneath the bottom of his T-shirt,
Snapping myself out of it, I turned my face back to my locker. I was staring at Kanno changing while saying I had no interest in him. Weirdly flustered, I pulled up my shorts beneath my skirt while…I should have worn a T-shirt…before that… I think I felt Kanno’s gaze on my back again when I was only wearing my sports bra. I casually looked sideways, but Kanno had his back turned and was about to put one foot into his long pants. He also seemed to have gained a hint of muscle on his thighs.
With no place to look, when I let my gaze wander, I caught sight of Ayano’s cleavage as she was humming and changing clothes. It had gotten a lot deeper in the short time we didn’t see each other, and the bra that encased her breasts that were growing heavy were now made of the same smooth and shining material like those worn by adult women, with larger cups. It appeared that Ayano had also stepped over that “boundary line” during summer vacation, leaving only me behind.
I should add some things about Kanno.
Kanno Akito was a member of the boys’ volleyball team who practiced with the girls’ team for half of the week. …I know that didn’t make sense, but there’s nothing I can do about that. Due to health reasons, he couldn’t exercise for a long time outdoors, so he was allowed the special treatment of joining the girls’ team practice in the gym. This measure had been in effect since the Monshiro Middle School volleyball team days, and I, who was from the same middle school, had been “half” teammates with Kanno since our first year of middle school.
For example, if Kanno was an easily flattered idiot boy who was quick to say dirty things, or if he was an incredibly masculine muscular man, the way he would have been treated in girls’ volleyball would probably different. But you could tell from a glance that the actual Kanno was weak with a gloomy and withdrawn personality, a boy who couldn’t stand up to being made fun of with a firm attitude, so he had been a suitable toy for the female members since middle school. I think he was less than 170 centimeters tall when we entered high school. He wasn’t big for a male volleyball player, but more than that, he was too thin.
Getting club chores forced on him was cute—in middle school, he was pretty much lynched by getting balls thrown at him by a group in the name of individual practice. In high school, in place of the disappearance of this kind of physical bullying, being made the target of sexual teasing like today had increased.
There was one baffling thing—even though he was being subjected to things where normally it wouldn’t strange if he quit, but rather than quitting, Kanno never missed a practice unless for good reason. He had school-approved circumstances, and I think it was okay to show up to the boys’ team practice as much as possible without having to seriously participate in the girls’ team practice, but…
“Um, Ibara-chan, thanks for earlier.”
Kanno said in a small voice during passing practice. Passing practice was basically done in groups of two, but when Kanno practiced with the girls’ team for the first time in our first year of middle school, I invited him to join me after I couldn’t stand watching him standing there by himself as a leftover. So even now, three years later, Kanno still happily joined the pair I was in. Ever since I became friends with Ayano in high school, it had always been me, Ayano, and Kanno as a three-person group.
“I don’t want your thanks. I just wanted to change my clothes, I wasn’t looking to stand up for you.”
I wasn’t one of the members who bullied Kanno, but I wasn’t necessarily nice to him. In fact, I’ve never gone out of my way to stand up for him. Even if I happened to be present at situations like before, I would leave it alone as long as it wasn’t blocking my way. And yet somehow, he had been strangely attached to me since middle school.
Thanks for always helping me, Ibara-chan. Ibara-chan, you’re so cool… I wanna be like Ibara-chan too… With his pale face dusted red and some kind of enraptured look in his eyes, he had said stuff like that dozens of times until now.
When I was in middle school, I wasn’t uncomfortable with being branded as “Ibara-chan.” I was called that on the team, so Kanno just naturally came to call me by the same way. However, what about a high school boy adding “-chan” to a girl’s first name…? As for me, when I suddenly realized how embarrassing it was to call him by “Akkun,” my old nickname for him, I changed how I called his name.
“Ibara-chan is Dracky’s knight, eh?”
I gave a side-eye glare at and silenced Ayano, who had been smirking and teasing me. On the edge of the opposite side of my vision, Kanno was nodding repeatedly, looking shy. Wasn’t it usually the other way around? Why was he being so happy and bashful when a girl acted as his knight…
The ball passed between the triangle we made. We passed it around with overhand passes and underhand passes for a few moments, and then spikes were added, and we rotated the setter, spiker, and receiver roles in order.
Every time Kanno spiked to me, the swing of his arm would stop for a moment before he hit the ball. There was a break like he was looking at my face before smacking the ball.
This late summer heat was relentless, and even worse, the windows had to be closed because the badminton club was in the next court over today. Even though the gym had turned into a steam bath, Kanno, who was the only one out of place of a long-sleeved T-shirt and long pants, looked unruffled. I felt hot and dizzy just looking at him.
Everyone had somehow been told that Kanno’s “health condition” was that he must not be exposed to sunlight or something like that. Not only outdoors, but he also persisted with dressing to cover his exposed skin as much as possible indoors as well, so Kanno’s bare skin was a rare occurrence which also became a thing. There was even a time when some girls got fired up about the “mission to take a picture of Dracky’s bare skin.”
“Hey, putting that aside, do you know about the middle school prefecturals thing? Did our boys really get fourth place?”
“Oh, yeah. I went to watch it. They really got fourth.”
“Who’s that incredible setter? Did we have a kid like that?”
“Oh, that’s the transfer student who came during the third semester. I’ve never met him so I don’t know though…sorry.”
While feeling a bit irritated at Kanno meaninglessly being sorry, I was convinced, thinking, So that’s how it is. If it was the third semester, then our grade would have retired a long time ago, so it was no wonder I didn’t know.
“Heh, he’s pretty amazing. It’d be nice if he came to us next year.”
Ayano carefreely cut in, and Kanno nodded with a “Yeah.” I frankly didn’t care about the assets and talents of our high school boys’ team, but I couldn’t help but be intrigued by that setter dragged that weak and puny Monshiro Middle boys’ team all the way to fourth place in the prefecture.
When Kanno was active, the Monshiro Middle boys’ team had a chronic lack of members, so they couldn’t participate in official games, putting unofficial competitions like inter-city friendly matches aside. Since the boys’ team wasn’t going to compete anyways, the girls from the girls’ team put him in the girls’ uniform and tried to drag him to the girls’ competition, but the advisor got angry as expected. But even if it had happened, the other team unexpectedly might not have found out. However, we probably wouldn’t have been allowed to participate even if our advisor hadn’t stopped us. The reason was plain and simple. Before the problem of gender, he was not up to the level of the regulars. Even in the girls’ team, Kanno was on the small side and he didn’t have the power.
This was a story from middle school. If the current Kanno dressed like a girl, he would definitely be found out immediately.
What about…his level then…?
My receive was deflected high up in the air, and Kanno jumped and knocked down the ball with one hand. It looked like his arms grew by about 1.5 times. I caught a glimpse of his navel from beneath the hem of his t-shirt that rose. The “rare bare skin.”
With a “Hoy,” Ayano sidestepped and went into cover. I couldn’t help but notice that her chest swayed with each action. Not just her chest, but she had also put on some meat on her upper arms and waist as well over the summer break. Ayano seemed to be the type to get fat easily, and when you took your eyes her for a second, she got rounder.
While Ayano was doing her best to chase after the ball with her short limbs, every single one of Kanno’s movements were relaxed and he seemed to be able to pull them off with ease. Since a while ago, I’ve been accumulating a noisy, scratchy something inside my body, something I didn’t even know what it was.
“Hey, hey, Ibara-chan, let’s put the middle school prefecturals aside. Dracky, I heard you were chosen as a starting member for Akitai?”
Even I was shocked at how loud my voice was reacting to the topic Ayano brought up. Kanno’s overhand serve slipped and he got a ball to his face. “Sorry!” Uselessly apologizing once again while pressing down his nose, he went to pick up the ball that had rolled away.
Akitai, a.k.a. the Autumn Tournament, was a prefectural tournament in early August, right in the middle of summer break even though it had “autumn” in its name. It was a one-off tournament, so the ticket to Nationals wasn’t hanging in the balance or anything, but it would be a big official summer game.
As mentioned before, the Monshiro Middle boy’s team was a tiny team that couldn’t participate in official matches properly. For Kanno, the days where he practiced with the girls’ team were probably more fulfilling than with his original boys’ team. Even without being in outside games, he acquired game experience from joining intra-team games (it goes without saying that the boys’ team didn’t even have enough people for intra-team games). In other words, Kanno was finally able to make his official game debut when he became a high school student.
I was going to congratulate him with a “Heh, congrats,” but,
“…Why didn’t you tell me?”
For some reason, what came out of my mouth was a biting and low voice.
“I’m, I’m sorry. There’s not a lot of people on the boys’ team…”
“Why are you making excuses for that?”
“I’m sorry…”
Kanno’s voice got smaller and smaller. He hung his head down so low that his forehead was touching the ball he was holding in front of his chest and peeked upwards to see my face. “Did, did I bring up an awkward topic?” Ayano’s face grew tight.
“Hey, I don’t want an apology. I’m asking you why you didn’t tell me. Don’t tell me you were trying to be considerate of me?”
The girls also had regular games in June and August, but I wasn’t even on the bench, much less a starting member. The girls’ team was a large group with thirty members, so it wasn’t surprising that the first-years couldn’t make the bench, since the second and third-years could fully cover the bench. However—at the August tournament, a first-year from another middle school was selected to be a bench member, which hurt my pride exceedingly. In middle school, I had participated in the Hokushin’etsu Tournament twice, so I was supposed to be the one who joined the team as the head of the rookies.
Beep, the manager senpai blew her whistle. Spiking practice was after passing practice. The team divided into two groups and scattered to both ends of the court.
“Oh, we have to move. Let’s go, Dracky, Ibara-chan.”
Ayano said, as if to mediate, then twined her arm around mine and pushed Kanno on the back. It grated on my nerves that Kanno blatantly let out a sigh of relief, but our senpai was glaring at our group who had stopped passing practice before the whistle blew, so we ran to the end of the line.
One by one, the first person in line passed the ball to the setter to have it set to them, and then ran in to spike it. After I ended one turn, I stared at Kanno’s form as he spiked after me while I returned to the back of the line again.
It wasn’t like he jumped very high, or that he had a lot of power. I just realized it again when I observed him. He wasn’t using his full power at all. The set was too low for Kanno, so he couldn’t swing his arm with all his strength. He could play at the boys’ height in an official game, so he should be able to jump even higher if he wanted to.
The height difference between the men’s and women’s nets was nineteen centimeters. While watching Ayano hit the ball next, I imagined another nineteen-centimeters of netting on top of the current net. Ayano’s butt, which had increased in mass than before summer vacation, swayed and dragged her body downwards. In my imagination, Ayano’s spike was completely blocked by the net.
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finalskies · 5 years
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...heh, what else is there to say? I created Final Skies so many years ago, and thanks to aaaall of you, it truly became a dream come true for me. Now, I can never, ever give myself a compliment, pat myself on the back, or toot my own horn. It’s just not in my nature. But even I can’t deny: I did it, you guys. I made my dream come true. 
I made comics, so many comics, like my old webcomic heroes. I helped make a bonafide animated music video. I made up my own original characters, and people liked them. I signed autographs. I’ve met every senpai I had. I cheered up so many people. I’ve inspired stories, songs, and fan art. I added light to this bleak world in my own very small, tiny way. The only thing I think I still wanted to do, was create something truly beautiful. Something... breathtaking. And I don’t think I ever drew something like that. No, not as much.
But! I think I helped create something truly beautiful: the community we all built together. I have witness acts of kindness some people would think could only happen in a movie. But it’s real. We’re real. There is goodness in this world, and I think we’ve all helped people realize it’s not so unbelievable after all. All of us: The Pony Staff and Crew, the fan artists, the musicians, singers, sculptors, PMV-makers, writers, proof-readers, voice talents, plushie-makers, web designers, video game developers, moderators, Con organizers, commenters, rebloggers, like-ers, and so many more. We made the magic of friendship real. Yanked it right out of a children’s cartoon show and made it ours. We did it, you guys. We did it.
And now... the only thing I have left to do is say goodbye. 
For now, anyway. I’ve been needing a break for a long time now, and, with all these crazy leaks, ha, I think it might be a sign from the Universe: get off the Internet! But I’ll be back. This is it though, for now. It’s funny. When I first discovered My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, I didn’t know about bronies. I hadn’t seen any of the memes or art or anything. I just stumbled upon this sincerely heartfelt cartoon and fell in love. That was back in February, 2011. I marathon’d every episode available, and it was only when I finished the latest episode, Sonic Rainboom, did I think to myself; “Okay... I can’t be the only one.”
And I have never been more right.
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