#totally not because there's pink in those flags nope!
theboxfort · 2 years
🏳️‍⚧️ 🦚
🏳️‍⚧️ - What Flag do you think has the best color scheme?
Lesbian flag. I'm not biased. I just like warm colors and pinks LKASUHGDKASG and that flag just HAS ALL THE COLORS I LOVE
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LOOK. I love sunsets :)
Honorable mentions: The bi flag and the trans flag alskjdglsg OH YEAH AND THE ACE FLAG TOO
🦚 - Are there any queer books/shows/etc. that you would suggest?
To be honest, I don't really know laskjlasjkld
The Owl House I guess? The usual cartoons like that or SU or stuff laksgaljsg I don't usually watch shows because there are queer characters in it tbh
Slightly Damned maybe owo? The main character is ace/aro! Both the good guys and the bad guys are queer in some way LASDLGKJ
[LGBTQ+/Queer Themed Asks]
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My Roommate is an Apparition: An Apparition A-Pink-ciation of Culture
Based on characters created by @reddpenn
From the diary of Lily:
When I was little, I used to talk to my stuffed animals all the time.  They were my soft, cuddly friends who were always there for me, and even though they never spoke a word, I always imagined I could hear what they wanted to say.  Even as an adult, I still treat inanimate objects like they’re people too.  In fact, everyone does at some point or another in their adult life.  Anyone who has ever argued with their car that refused to start knows what I mean.
But recently, I realized that sometimes people can do... well the opposite. That sometimes we don’t treat people (who are actual, real people) like they’re people.  It’s not something we consciously think about, but it’s more like we forget that, well, people are people.  I know this sounds really dumb, but I felt like I needed to write about this after a... well after an “argument” I had with my roommate.
I’ve lived with my roommate for a few months now, and I thought I had gotten to know them pretty well.   They like to watch cartoons (like, seriously LOVES them) and we had worked out a TV viewing schedule to make sure that we got along together.  But the other day, I realized that I wasn’t necessarily treating them like they were their own person.  I didn’t mean to do that, but it just kind of happened, and...
...well it gets really complicated because, technically, they aren’t a person.
I mean, they aren’t human; they’re an apparition.
It made me think about all those stories about monsters and ghosts.  Like a ghost used to be human, but then they died, and their spirit became a ghost.  Do we still treat the ghost like the person they were when they were alive?  Outside of a few exceptions, the answer’s a definite yes.
But what about an apparition? It’s kind of like a ghost, but it’s not. I mean, it’s not the soul of someone who died or anything. They just sort of exist. (Would Slimer from Ghostbusters be an apparition or a ghost?).
So anyway, reason I’m bringing this all up is because of what happened last weekend. I was channel surfing through the Cable Guide and as I’m flipping through, I pass by Boomerang (you know, the cable channel that spun-off Cartoon Network to hold all the older cartoons?) and all of a sudden, my roommate appears out of nowhere (literally) and practically grabs the remote out from my hands.
“Hey! What gives!?” I say to them.
They immediately change over to Boomerang and my TV screen is suddenly filled up with the color pink. At the same time, my roommate starts “doot-ing” along with the song and goes, “Doo-Doot! Doo-Doot! Do-Doot-Do-Doot-Do-Doot Do-Doot-De-Dooooooooo-Doo-Doo-Doo-Doo-Doooot”. I have no idea what they’re doing, but then the cartoon starts up and it’s the Pink Panther.
Rhetorically, I go, “What’s this?”
“Pink... Panther...” my roomie says.
And then I make my first mistake by saying, “Huh. Never seen it before.”
Now if I had been paying attention to them, I probably would have seen the face of shock they were making. “You... NEVER... saw it!?” They gasped.
“Nope. Must have been before my time,” which was totally true. I mean, I later found out my Dad used to watch it when he was a kid. It wasn’t on TV when I was growing up. (Why am I defending myself for not watching a specific cartoon?)
Anyway, roomie asks, “Watch... with me?”
And then I, being a total dumbass, say, “Nah. Think I’ll get some dishes in,” before getting up and walking away.
If I had stayed put for just a few seconds longer, I would have heard them asking, “...please?” (In case you’re wondering, they told me about that later.)
Yes, I hurt its feelings.  Yes, it was insensitive.  Yes, I am sorry.  But like I said, the thought didn’t even cross my mind back then.  As far as I knew, as long as my roommate had their cartoons, they were happy.  It didn’t occur to me that they cared about anything other than the cartoons themselves.
For the next week, my roommate made sure I knew, now and forever, that this was not true.
My first clue that they were mad at me was later that evening when I went to the living room to watch my usual shows.   It was my turn on the TV, and usually I have to pry my roommate away so I can watch what I want to watch. But that night, the instant I walked into the room, they changed the channel to what I wanted, put the remote down on the couch, and left the room without saying a word.  I thanked them, plopped myself down, and went straight into couch potato mode.
This should have thrown so many red flags in my head, but for some reason, it didn’t.  Maybe I was being too self-absorbed at the time? Maybe I was just tired and thinking, “Aww man, I gotta work tomorrow!”?  No matter the excuse, mistakes were made, and I started paying for them the very next morning.
My “haunting” kicked off with waking up to find most of my rock collection missing.  I have a particular affinity for pretty rocks and gems (I’m kind of a rock nerd) and have my favorites out on display.  But that morning, the only rocks that I could see were the pink ones.  Someone had pilfered almost every pebble from every pedestal to perturb me.   (I saw a chance for alliteration and took it! So sue me!)  I was still waking up and too tired to care about it at the time (me making excuses again) and had work, so I got ready to go and left.
Now I’m not sure how they did it, but my roommate did something to my car radio.   I turn it on and all I get are tunes by Henry Mancini.  Fifty percent of the time, it was the Pink Panther theme, twenty-five percent was the theme from A Shot In The Dark (I had to use Soundhound to figure out that one), and the rest was a mix of some of his other work.   It didn’t matter what station I tried changing it to!  Although I did learn that Mancini composed Baby Elephant Walk, so that’s something.
By now, I’d already figured out what was going on (roommate did it), but couldn’t really do anything about it because I still had work to go to.   As if the daily grind working at an art supply store wasn’t hard enough, I had to work while having the dang Pink Panther theme stuck in my head all day.  Not even the music that played over the store radio could get rid of it.  (Given the quote un-quote “music” they play over the speaker system, I eventually considered it a good thing.)
Then I came home, and that’s when things REALLY escalated.  First words out of my mouth after I walked in was, “Hey, I’m hoooOOOOOLY~!”  Every single wall in the apartment, from the living room, to the kitchen, to the bedroom, and even the bathroom...
All of them were painted PINK!
Like strawberry frosted doughnut pink!
As I’m gawking at the interior design sugar rush nightmare, out walks my roommate from around the corner.  Immediately, the first thing I noticed was that they had feet. (Normally, they don’t have feet; they just kind of “hover” or “emerge from the ground” or something.) They had their eyes closed, head held up, and made a point of showing off these noodle legs they had constructed by skipping every other three steps.
They were doing the Pink Panther shuffle.
They walk out of my line of sight and I run over to have a word with them, but by then they disappeared.  I look around and all I see is more and more pink.  From behind me, I hear a mix of snickering slash wheezing.  Like you ever hear of this cartoon dog named Muttley?  They were laughing like him.  And of course, I turn around, and the only thing I see is more pink!
I knew that my roommate could be ornery at times, like that time I tried to get an idea of their daily routine by setting up a webcam, but this...
I mean, where did she even get the paint?  (Upon reading back here, I realized I referred to them as a ‘she’ even though I’m not sure if they are a ‘she’ or not.  Yeah, I can edit it to a more neutral pronoun, but something tells me I ought to point this out instead of editing it, for some reason.)
I was half tempted to get back at them by painting the walls back to their original color (they do sell paint by the gallon where I work, and I get the employee discount), but realized they’d just paint(?) the walls pink again.  Like I’d turn around after thinking I finished only to find the work I did completely undone.  I could just picture my roommate doing that and finding it hysterical.
Anyway, tacky as the pink walls were, I didn’t get too angry about them.  For starters, my lease agreement said that I couldn’t paint the walls without landlord approval.  But my lease agreement also acknowledges that my apartment may be haunted.  If the landlord ever brought it up, I’d just tell them the “ghost” did it.  Second, these pranks my roommate was pulling were kind of amusing and didn’t really bother me that much.  (I mean sure, I wanted my rock collection back but I doubted my roommate would have thrown them away.  They know how much they mean to me.)
The one thing I was putting my foot down on was that I wasn’t going to ask my roommate what was wrong.  I got the hint, sure, but I wanted them to know that if something is bothering them, they need to, y’know, actually say something instead of leaving spooky pink clues.  They were being a butt, and my hope was that when they saw how much the pink wasn’t bothering me, then they’d finally open up.  This went on for about a week with me going about my daily routine only to be surprised by the occasional pink interruption.
Like on Wednesday, I go to the fridge to get something to drink, and all I find in there is Pink Lemonade.  It actually wasn’t that bad, but I have no idea how my roommate actually got it given that they never leave the apartment.  Thursday, I get a notification saying a package arrived, and find my roommate used my debit card to order the entire Pink Panther cartoon series on DVD.  And earlier on Tuesday, I got a call from my landlord asking if I knew why someone had called in an order, in their name, to have Owens Corning insulation installed.  In case you weren’t aware, that’s the pink insulation who has “you can guess who” as their mascot.
So, Friday rolls around, and by now, the entire apartment is pink.  Like EVERYTHING.  The furniture, the electronics, the toilet, the sink, the appliances, the TV, and everything in between has been made pink somehow.  I’m not sure who out there still makes pink toilet paper, but apparently my roommate has either some special powers I don’t know about yet, or they got connections.
At this point, since my roommate had yet to approach me about “The Pink-ening”, I began playing the reverse-psychology card.  I came home and got to making dinner.  While some of this was a bit more expensive than what I usually spend on food, I figured it was worth it if it meant getting my roommate to talk to me.  My menu included delicious smoked pink salmon, some crab linguine with a nice amount of pink to it for a side dish, and some mashed red potatoes that turn out nice and pink if you got the right recipe.  To wash it down, I picked up a glass of pink lemonade from the fridge, and in the freezer, some strawberry sorbet.
I get down to eating at my pink table, with a pink wooden chair, pink napkins, pink silverware, pink glass of pink lemonade.  It took a little more effort to put this together, but I made an exaggerated point of showing off how good this pink meal was and how much I was just enjoying all this pink.
About halfway into my meal, I get a feeling that someone’s standing behind me.  It’s hard to put into words how you know someone’s there especially since my roommate doesn’t really eat or breath.  It’s like the hairs on the back of your neck become sensitive like cat whiskers and can just... feel that someone’s there.  Usually sends a chill down my spine when that happens, but this time, I was ready and waiting for it.
“Care to join me for dinner?” I say without turning around.  If I had, they probably would have vanished on me again like they had been doing all week.
“Looks... good...” they say in their ever so familiar by now raspy voice.
“Got something you want to talk about?” I ask between bites.  There’s a brief pause as my roommate thinks to themselves.
“...yes,” they finally answer.
“Okay.  Pull up a chair!  It’s been a while since we just, y’know, talked and stuff,” which was true.  
The instant I said that, I realized that even before the “week of pink” began, we hadn’t spent a whole lot of time together outside of our usual TV time.  I had long since figured out that my roommate wanted me to watch Pink Panther with them, but I just thought they wanted to show it to me to show off how (subjectively) good the cartoon was.  Only then did it hit me that they wanted me to watch it with them because they wanted to watch it together with me.  It was like they were hoping for some roommate bonding time or something like that.
Now, it wasn’t like we weren’t talking to each other before this.  I greeted them whenever I saw them, and let them know whenever I came home or was leaving. but we hadn’t actually talked, like... “talk-talk” in a few weeks.  Instead, the conversations over the last few weeks were like the kind of conversations a person would have with their pet cat or pet dog.  Like you’d talk to them, but not really expect an answer from them.
I had been treating her like a pet more than a person.  (Did it again!  I’m thinking I’ll ask them later what kind of pronouns they’d like me to use, or if they’ve even given any thought towards gender or anything).
My guess is that my roommate picked up on this themselves, and just like a disobedient pet who is bored, lonely, or other, they made a mess of the place.  Maybe they were thinking that if I was going to treat them like a pet, they would act like one too?
Of course, I didn’t mean to treat them like that.  I don’t think anyone really does mean it when they do.  It just kind of happens without thinking about it.  The whole reason I’m writing this down here in you, diary, is so that I can make a mental note slash reminder to be careful of doing that kind of thing.  It’s especially important to remember when interacting with other people, like my co-workers or the store customers.  (Unlike my roommate, they can’t get on my case by making my entire apartment pink.)
Now where was I?  Oh yeah, our talk.  I think I remember the most important bits of it.  It went something like:
“So, whaddya wanna talk about?” I ask between bites of food.
“Pink...” they say to me.  I wait a moment, expecting them to say “panther” after that, but it when it doesn’t arrive, I step in.
“Yeah!  Pretty amazing what you did with the place!  I didn’t know things could even get this pink!” which was one-hundred percent true.
“...Thank...you...” they say with a smile.  I can tell that was not the answer they were expecting as I could have swore they turned and blushed.  Although I couldn’t tell because of how pink everything else was.
“Although,” I add, “I don’t think the landlord is going to like the apartment being this pink.  If it stays like this, they might kick me out.  And we wouldn’t want that, right?”
Now my roommate, the apparition, actually looks shocked for a moment.  The thought hadn’t entered their head, and for a moment, they looked a little scared.  “N-n-n-no...” they stuttered.
“Well, I’m sure together, we can get this place back to the way it was before the next time they have an apartment inspection.  Whenever that is,” I reassure them.
“Yeah...” my roommate nods.
“Say I got some time off this upcoming weekend.  Want to watch some Pink Panther with me?”  (Oh my God, you should have seen the smile on my roommate’s face when I asked this.)  “I see I have the DVD collection now, apparently,” I say with a wink, “and we can even watch the movies together too.”
“...movies?” they ask.
“Yeah, the Pink Panther was a movie first before it became a cartoon.  It was a live-action movie, but... well some of it’s like a cartoon here and there.  Lots of slapstick comedy that I think you might like.”  They were practically beaming and agreed immediately.  
After Friday’s dinner, we watched some of the cartoons (which are actually pretty funny) and for the upcoming weekend, we’re doing a Pink Panther movie marathon with cartoons mixed in to spice it up.  I also found out that my roommate doesn’t just watch the cartoons, but actually knows a thing or two about them.  Like how Friz Freleng, one of the directors and creative minds behind the original Looney Tunes cartoons, was involved in the Pink Panther’s creation along with a new studio after he left Warner Brothers.  I don’t know how my roommate came to know so much, but it’s pretty cool.
Anyway, I got me some sweet, pink treats to snack on during the movie marathon.  The apartment is still pink as can be, but my roommate said they’ll take care of it once the marathon’s over.  Exactly HOW they plan to take care of it, I have no idea.  Oh well.  No use pinking too hard about it.
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atmilliways · 4 years
16 Murderface & Pickles; 19 Nathan & Toki! 🖤
I’ll probably write the Nathan and Toki one too, eventually, but for now here is some Pickleface for the prompt “defending each other.” This is set during Goingdownklok and, uh, probably the porniest thing I have ever written. 
Trans Pickles, Murderface’s internalized body issues, first time blow job, Pina Colada flavored lube because Pickles was drunk when he ordered it and thought he was asking Alexa for more drinks. 
If anyone can think of other tags that should be on this, or if it should be marked Explicit rather than just Mature, please let me know. I’ll reblog with the Ao3 link in a sec. 
This Might Just Stick
It had been hours. Maybe everybody had forgotten by now. . . . No, no one was going to forget that he’d tried to tackle and hump Toki in front of everybody. 
But he was getting hungry. . . . But what if he ran into any of his bandmates?
Murderface lurked in his quarters until the necessity of avoiding starvation drove him out and skulking towards the mess hall. By the time he arrived and saw from the hatch that someone was already in there, the lure of dinner was stronger than his shame. Maybe Pickles wouldn’t notice him. 
“Hey,” Pickles mumbled in greeting almost immediately. The drummer was presiding over a large plate piled high with iced cinnamon buns, glumly holding a half eaten one in his hand. 
“Uh . . . hey,” Murderface replied. Maybe if he kept walking the conversation would end there.
“I got shot down by Abigail,” Pickles continued, sounding positively morose. 
Murderface slowed, curious in spite of himself. He glanced towards the counter where a hooded servant waited to take his order, but hesitated. This was his chance to let the whole embarrassing incident start getting glossed over until no one ever brought it up again or even remembered it had ever happened. “. . . Schoundsch rough, pal.”
“I mean, I got all dressed up an’ everything, and nothin’.” With a sigh, Pickles took a bite of his cinnamon bun. He continued while chewing, “I figured she must be at least as hard up as the rest of us, y’know? Nope! Turns out, she thought to bring a vibrator!”
A vibrator. Huh. Now there was a thought. Murderface automatically pictured a naked female form, legs spread wantonly, a buzzing wand sinking into—
Well, this had been a mistake. He should’ve just kept walking and taken his food back to his room. Instead, before the sudden tent in his shorts had a chance to become too obvious, Murderface drifted casually over to Pickles’ table. It was one of those picnic style set-ups, except the benches weren’t bolted down, so there was a screech as he pulled it out to sit across from him. 
“Schuper rough! Schorry to hear that, pal. Hey, uh, mind if I eat one of thesche cshinnamon rollsch?” He didn’t wait for a reply, grabbing one and shoving half of it in his mouth. Maybe sugar and something to chew on would provide enough distraction to will his libido back to manageable levels. 
“Go ahead.” Pickles gave a deep sigh. “I thought I’d feel better if I had some rock n’ roll cinnamon buns, but I guess I’m not drunk enough for that yet.”
“Schorry man,” Murderface said again. “I don’t know why Nathan wasch scho bitchy about you going for her, it’sch not like we all wouldn’t hit that if we could.” He gulped down the second half of his cinnamon bun and reached for another. 
“I know, right?!” Pickles said, nodding. “And hey, for what it’s worth, I get why you went after Toki, too. I mean, your approach did lack some zazz, but I’m pretty sure we were all thinkin’ the same thing.”
They’d all taken part in mocking him after the incident, Pickles included, but Murderface still appreciated the small token of solidarity. His fingers already had a coating of sticky white icing on them which he was trying not to notice; the sight sent reflexive twinges of pain running up from his jerking-off wrist. But the mechanical motion of chewing and the fact that he was a born stress-eater just like his grandma made the texture of the bun richer, the nuance of spices more compelling, the fresh-out-of-the-oven warmth more soothing . . . so there was that. And anyway, he’d come here in the first place because he was hungry. 
“I can’t believe I didn’t think of bringin’ something,” Pickles continued, drifting back to his original train of thought. “I mean, I have tons of shit at home! But did I bring any of it? No, ‘cause Charles didn’t tell us about the no ladies thing until we’d already got here. I kinda want to break into her room and just use it, who fuckin’ cares if she catches me. Maybe she’ll see something she likes!”
“You could do that,” Murderface managed to say with his mouth full. God, he was lucky that Pickles was dressed in his usual black shirt and loose jeans, nothing tight or revealing like Toki, because all this talk about vibrators was really getting him going. Just the idea of turning the toy on and moving it teasingly against a stiff dick (he didn’t know what Pickles’ looked like so naturally he pictured his own)—
He stifled a whimper with yet another cinnamon roll. The pile on the plate was shrinking at an alarming rate. 
“Hey.” Pickles looked at him with wide eyes, a strange glint in them. “You could come with me. Come on, dood, let’s do it. Let’s break into her room!”
“I. . . . I don’t know, Picklesch. . . .”
“No, in case she doesn’t catch me! We can both—there’s ways we can both use it at the same time, no waitin’!”
Heat rising to his face, Murderface shook his head and reached for the cup on the table to wash the latest mouthful of sticky, sugary bun down. He grabbed it and gulped from it—ah yes, straight vodka. The Pickles special. “I’m, uh, not going to do that with you, Picklesch.”
“Why naht?” Pickles all but whined. “Come on, we’re all in the same boat here. Literally. What’s Toki got that I ain’t got?”
Murderface’s first instinct, which he insta-repressed, was to say An ass. But on further reflection, that wasn’t exactly true, was it? While Toki’s toned rear end looked great in those shrunken pink shorts, Pickles had slightly more of a bubble butt, better for grabbing a handful and really, unf—
And now he was thinking about Pickles’ ass. Great. Super. That was totally helping with the boner that wouldn’t quit. Murderface wanted to bury his head in his hands, but they were too sticky for that so he crammed another half a cinnamon bun in his mouth instead. He was, distantly, starting to feel rather full. 
“Look, I’m juscht not doing it!” he burst out, bringing one fist down on the table so hard it rattled the now empty cup and nearly empty plate. “Chrischt, you guysch were ragging on me earlier for the whole Toki thing, and now you’re, what? Trying to jump on my dick?! Uh-uh, I don’t think scho!”
Pickles put both of his hands up. “Dood, calm down! Flag on the play, okie? I’m naht trying anything!” He paused, then grinned sheepishly. “Alright, I am. But look, I’m askin’ first, so . . . there’s that. And hey, no strings attached, I promise. It’s just, you got rejected, and, and I got rejected. . . . I jest think we can help each other out, y’know? It doesn’t have to be that big a deal.”
Murderface narrowed his eyes. “It’sch a very big deal, Picklesch.”
“It doesn’t have to be,” Pickles replied, leaning forward conspiratorially and dropping into a throaty whisper. “Dood, we could do it right here, nobody’d know. We’ve got this place to ourselves, all we gotta do is have the Klokateers shut things down for a while so we don’t get interrupted. And I could get you off first—fuck, I’ve been thinkin’ about going down on somebody ever since Abigail told me how she keeps from going crazy down here! Please?” Under the table, a sneakered foot bumped and rubbed suggestively up Murderface’s shin, making him shiver. “I’ll treat ya real nice.”
“Don’t talk to me like I’m a chick,” Murderface grumbled. 
“‘Kay.” Pickles smirked. “I’ll suck you off and make you come so hard you’ll be cross-eyed into next week.”
Biting his lip to stifle a groan, Murderface considered. 
. . . He picked up the last cinnamon bun and crammed it into his mouth, still considering. 
There were two options here. Option one: he could say fuck you, yell at the hood at the counter to send food to his quarters, and storm out with an angry boner to go hump his bedframe or some pillows or something until his meal arrived. His stomach was pretty full (he shifted slightly on the bench and let out a soft, cinnamon-scented burp in between chewing) but he knew how his body reacted to stress and depression, and knew he could eat again in maybe an hour. He’d need at least the next pants size up by the time they got back to the surface. Story of his fucking life. 
Or, option two: take Pickles’ offer. It wasn’t like it was any less gay for Pickles to offer than it was for him to accept, so they were both implicated here. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and he’d already passed desperate a few stops back. 
“Scho, it’sch come to thisch.” Murderface swallowed the last of his mouthful and sighed. He looked at the empty plate instead of his bandmate, because the longer he entertained the idea of actually doing this the more confining his shorts felt. “If you make fun of me for thisch I’ll fucking kill you.”
“Right back at ya, dood. So . . . is theat a yes?” 
“. . . . Yesch,” he whispered, and—he couldn’t help it—palmed himself through his shorts despite his sticky hand and the twinge of pain from his still-tender wrist. 
As soon as he said the word, Pickles leapt up, knocking his bench over with a clatter, and spun to yell towards the mess kitchen: “Hey, guys! Take a break for like, an hour or something! Lock it up and get outta here!!”
“Yes sire,” someone called back, and the confirmation was quickly echoed by the clangs and bangs of cookware being put in order for the coming downtime. 
An hour, Murderface thought, twitching in stunned anticipation. He fingered the button on his shorts but didn’t unbutton it until the shutter over the counter window had been pulled down and one of the hoods ran to close the mess hall hatch for them from the outside—their servants were nothing if not efficient. 
He could’ve done without his full stomach forcing the zipper all the way down as soon as he unbuttoned, but hey, pobody’s nerfect. Now that he was committed to doing this he was practically vibrating to get started, spreading his legs as wide as he could. 
“Scho, uh. . . . How are we doing thisch? Should I turn around or schomething?”
“No, stay right there.” Pickles grabbed at a random dreadlock and used it to tie the rest back.Then he winked and ducked under the table. 
“Oh fuck,” Murderface whispered, and leaned back to get a partial view of Pickles kneeling in front of him. 
With a mischievous grin, the drummer slipped his fingers up the legs of Murderface’s shorts, teasing the sensitive skin of his inner thighs. “It’s sexier if you don’t look, dood.”
“Right, okay. Schure.” He sat forward again hastily and his lip as he felt Pickles’ hands move to his stomach, palms warm through his t-shirt and against the sliver of exposed skin peeking out at the bottom, and then—
“Ow,” Pickles muttered. 
Murderface looked down, hoping against hope that he hadn’t somehow fucked this up already. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s my wrists, dood. I can’t . . . ugh.”
“Can’t what?” Murderface pressed. He felt bitter disappointment already welling up like bile in the back of his throat, and honestly if Pickles ditched him at this point he probably would throw up out of pure disgust and disappointment with himself for fucking up such a wonderful opportunity by being so utterly repugnant. 
Pickles groaned. “Fuck. Look, there’s no good way to say this, but you gotta hold yer stomach up outta the way. My wrists won’t bend that way right now and it’s kinda . . . blockin’ stuff.”
Murderface felt his face heat up to approximately one hundred degrees, but when he didn’t immediately reply Pickles gripped at his thighs and whined impatiently. With that encouragement, he slid his hands under his belly and hefted it up. At another wordless whine, he stood slightly so Pickles could tug them down to his ankles and plopped his bare ass back down on the warm metal bench. 
“Thanks for freeballing, dood,” Pickles commented, and Murderface felt delicious chills from the drummer’s breath ghosting over his eager cock. “Saves valuable seconds in a sex emergency.”
He couldn’t see through the table, but Pickles sounded downright hungry for it. Just imagining the guy staring intently at him under there, maybe licking his lips, maybe already touching himself through his jeans in anticipation—
Then Pickles shocked him by enveloping him all at once, tongue sliding down the underside of his cock and lips closing possessively around the base as the head hit the back of Pickles’ throat and holy fucking shit. Murderface moaned so loud that he was worried the entire submarine could hear, but it wasn’t like his hands were free to stifle himself. He’d hold his fat belly out of the way for a million years without complaint if it meant being enveloped like this. Hands grabbed at his ass and tried to drag him forward greedily as Pickles began to bob expertly up and down his length with the perfect amount of suction, going from nose-buried-in-pubes to kissing-the-already-leaking-tip and back again, repeat and repeat and repeat, with an eagerness that Murderface had never once experienced before and zero hint of gag reflex. It was all Murderface could do to sit still and keep holding himself, biting his lip for dear life to keep his ragged breathing from turning into the breathy moans of the thoroughly fucked. 
Goddamn, this was going to ruin him for groupie blowjobs, wasn’t it? Fucking Pickles and his oral fixation, and his warm, wet, tight, talented mouth. 
It had been way, way too long, and Murderface was so hard up that he came embarrassingly quickly. He didn’t even have time to give a warning, but Pickles seemed to know. One hand stopped fondling his ass long enough to fondle his balls instead, massaging encouragingly as they tightened and tightened and—
Murderface couldn’t contain the wordless gush of sound that accompanied his orgasm, milked out of him without complaint as he bent over the table. 
His face was all but touching the empty, sticky plate before him when he finally managed to open his eyes again. “Fuck,” he breathed shakily. “Pickles. . . . That wasch. . . . Fuck, I don’t think I can schtand.”
“Push the bench back, then,” Pickles said urgently. Whatever he was doing down there, Murderface could hear shuffling and felt bare skin bumping against his hairy legs.”Cahm ahn, dood!”
It made him grin lazily to realize that Pickles’ accent must get stronger when he was horny, just like it did when he was super pissed or super wasted. He obliged, scooting the bench with a brief screech of metal scraping metal, and Pickles popped out from under the table like Jack out of his box. Murderface was half expecting him to sit on the table edge in front of him so he could return the favor, but instead the smaller man settled in his naked lap. 
Apparently Pickles had been shedding layers under the table, because he was equally naked from the waist down and grinding eagerly, wetly against the bassist’s middle, pushing his vest further open and his t-shirt further up. He grabbed Murderface by the hair and rammed their mouths together, eagerly licking his way in, the taste of spend on his tongue mingling quickly with the sweetness of cinnamon bun icing still on Murderface’s. 
There was something very unexpected about this that Murderface was too dazed and into it to quite pinpoint, but holy shit what Pickles was doing felt amazing. Like, fucking against his stomach? Which was kind of weird, but the force and desperation of it was blowing him away. 
Pickles whined in his mouth as though all this wasn’t enough, as though he wanted, needed more. His legs wrapped around Murderface and crossed at the ankles for leverage to grind even harder. Automatically, Murderface reached to support him—one hand splayed against the freckled back and another on his ass, where the muscles were already trembling with effort and eagerness for the building climax. 
And he was so wet. Had the guy come once already just from sucking him off? Murderface felt briefly lightheaded at the thought. Felt his spent cock twitch too, for all that he was still recovering from the number Pickles had done on him already.
Really . . . really wet. Not exactly leaking-dick wet. Not that Murderface had a lot of experience identifying that sort of thing rubbing on him, but still. 
. . . Huh. 
Pickles was still kissing and clutching at him, and Murderface was drowning in this unprecedented desire for this stupid body he’d always kind of hated. But Pickles didn’t seem to mind, did he? Really made it feel like he wouldn't have offered this to just anyone. 
A moment later Pickles shuddered, going rigid and squeezing him tight before relaxing completely, Murderface’s arms around him the only thing keeping him from falling back against the mess hall table. 
“Woo-oo,” Pickles mumbled, eyes unfocused and heavy-lidded. He patted the arm supporting his back. “That was fucking great, man. Ten outta ten, would ride again.” His tongue peeked out and wetted his kiss-redden lips. “Was it good for you?”
“Huh?” Murderface blinked, shook himself a little. He’d been staring intently at the tip of Pickles’ tongue. “Yeah! Yeah, that wasch. . . . I, we could do that again schometime. If you want.”
Pickles patted his arm again, eyes drifting shut. “Mmm, yeah, that album ain’t getting finished any time soon. . . .”
“Uh, Picklesch? Can I ashk you a perschional queschtion?”
“Heh, you just came down my throat, dood, Pretty sure personal questions are fair game.”
Murderface glanced uncertainly down between them, but with their lower halves still pressed together all he could really see was a bright red trail of hair leading downward and his own belly button. “Is there a. . . . Do you have. . . . Are you okay down there?”
Pickles laughed. “I’m more’n fine, dood, I’m great.” Then he cracked an eye open to study the other man’s face, one double-pierced eyebrow slowly rising. “What?” He followed where Murderface’s eyes were aimed. “. . . Don’t tell me ya never fucked a trans dood before.”
“I’ve never fucked any dudesch before,” Murderface retorted defensively. “And schince when are you transch?!”
“Dood, everybody knows. I thought you knew!” 
“Well I didn’t! No one tellsch me anything,” he whined, and in the strange clarity of his relaxed, post-orgasm state was entirely aware that the not being told part bothered him more than the trans part. Not that he knew much about what being trans meant, but . . . probably better to google it later than ask while they were still sitting junk to junk. He reached down to self-consciously tug his t-shirt down and felt wetness on his fingertips. After a moment’s hesitation, he brought his hand up to his nose and sniffed. “. . . Why doesch thisch schmell like pina colada?”
“It’s lube,” Pickles said with a chuckle. “I always keep it—” he absently patted at his own ass, then snorted “—in my pants, under the table. Back pocket. I don’t gaht a lahtta ‘natural lubrication’ so, y’know. Always be prepared or whatever. . . . I dunno, I was never a boy scout.” Stretching, he sat up and leaned in, resting his arms languidly over Murderface’s shoulders. Noses about an inch apart, he stared probingly into his eyes. “You weirded out?”
“Uh . . . no, I guescch not,” Murderface mumbled, going cross-eyed trying to return the stare. 
He felt . . . okay, actually. Wasn’t having sex with a bandmate supposed to feel like a mistake? Wasn’t he supposed to be having some sort of crisis right now? Because he’d definitely just had sex with a guy—he’d known Pickles for years, he was definitely a dude, trying think of him as anything else just didn’t compute. 
Pickles darted forward and gave him a wet snack on the nose, then pulled back with a pleased smirk. “Cool. ‘Cause we’ve got about, uh. . . .” He looked for a clock, finding one once he’d twisted almost all the way around—which just made Murderface think, Bendy, and then his brain fizzled a little at the possibilities. “About forty-five minutes left before anyone comes back. Whaddaya say we get some drinks and fuck some more? I’ve got a couple months of fantasies I still wanna try out.”
“Fa, fantasies?” Murderface stammered as the drummer slid off his lap (oh sweet friction) and bounded over to the counter to rustle up some bottles. His eyes were glued to that pale, freckled ass. “About me?”
“Yeah,” Pickles called. Regrettably, he and his ass had ducked out of sight for a moment. “I mean, fer pretty much everyone down here who has a face, to be honest.”
Oh, Murderface thought with a sigh.
“But hey!” Grinning, Pickles popped back into sight with a fifth of Irish whiskey held triumphantly in each upstretched hand. “Ta be honest, I’m glad this happened with you, dood. The ones with you in ‘em were my favorites.”
Murderface brightened immediately. “Really?” It almost didn’t even matter if that was true, he just appreciated Pickles going out of his way to say it. “Like  . . . like what?”
“Well, what we just did, fer one.” 
This had all happened because of curiosity (and a background level of horniness that defied physics and shit); Murderface saw now reason to change things up now. He asked, even as he drank in the sight of Pickles sauntering back towards him half naked, whatever secrets were hidden between his legs obscured by a thick forest of bright red pubes, “What elsche?” The words came out sounding breathless, and his cock was already stiffening again. 
After all, he’d come here in the first place because he was hungry. 
Smirking, Pickles came back around, moved the empty cinnamon bun plate down the table, and hopped up to take its place, legs spread. He handed Murderface one of the whiskey bottles, cracked open his own, and in between drinking and wantonly touching himself started listing every last, filthy little detail of things they could do to each other. 
It was going to be a very good rest of the hour. 
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Your ex taps you on the shoulder and says, “I still love you.” You say?  I feel like I’ve answered a similar situation recently, but I would assume it was a drunk text or wrong text, inform them about it, and move on.
Do you play video games?  Nah. I do feel a sort of connection of video games since I grew up surrounded by them, though; but I’m more of a watcher than anything. I like watching playthroughs of video games I’ll never play. Do you spend a lot of time with family?  No. We used to, back when the quarantine was still a relatively new thing – we hung out in the living room all the time. But now that we’ve settled in this new normal, we’re back to our normal routines and I usually like staying in my room.
Is your house more than two stories tall?  Technically, yes. We have a rooftop that serves as the ‘third’ floor.
Have you ever hit your significant other? Has he/she ever hit you?  My ex and I never hit one another; that’s a gigantic red flag even I would notice, considering I ignored most of the ones I saw hahaha.
What makes you an attractive person? (Talk about your personality too!)  I’m not sure if I’ll be able to answer this question directly, but I like my generosity. I’m not sure if I can call it attractive, though. But if we were focusing on physical features, I like my smile.
What color is your hairbrush/comb?  Pink.
What snacks do you have available in your household atm?  My dad splurged on chips in his last grocery run so we actually have quite a lot of junk food in the pantry at the moment. He also bought several packs of cookie sandwiches, wafers, sunflower seeds, and garlic-flavored peanuts.
Has anyone recently told you that they like you, or find you attractive?  Neither.
Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged?  No, she’s just a good friend of mine.
Do you care about anyone that doesn’t care about you?  I guess I don’t, because I’m not even aware of them.
Was your last Facebook friend requests from a male or female?  Guy. It was another reporter, so I just ignored it and luckily he didn’t PM me just to ask to add him back, which others have already done. I really hate when work people try to make their way into my personal accounts.
Which one of your relatives is most likely to embarrass you?  My parents, especially when they are rude to service crew. Gen X-ers are impeccably talented at that, apparently.
When was the last time you ate a bar of chocolate?  Around two or three weeks ago when I had dinner at Angela’s. Her dad gave me a bar of Crunch so I can have something sweet after our meal.
Do you play any games on Facebook?  No, I never did hop on that trend.
What would you like to get a degree in?  I wanted a degree in journalism, and graduated with such. At the end of my college stint I didn’t want to pursue it anymore, but I pushed through with it anyway because it was too much of a hassle to shift and start all over.
Do you wake up a lot in the middle of the night? Technically not, because I stay up until the middle of the night anyway. It’s been a while since I fell asleep anywhere between 8 to 10 PM.
Would you prefer to read a book, watch a movie or TV show, or play a video game?  Watch a show.
Do you usually get popcorn or soda at the movie theater?  I don’t like either; I get fries instead.
What genre of films do you like the best?  Drama.
How many bank accounts do you have?  Two but I haven’t been using the other one in months. That was the bank account I initially opened when I first started ~adulting~ but when I got employed I was required to enroll in this other specific bank, so that’s what I mainly use now.
Have you ever had the flu?  Not really. I just get the occasional fever that pop out of nowhere.
What is your goal for the next few months?  Start saving FOR REAL, and also prioritizing furniture over merch for a while so I can finally fix up my room, which is quickly starting to look and feel like just a warehouse and not very homey at all.
Have you ever had some kind of sleep-disorder? How did it affect your life?  Nope.
Have you ever had food poisoning before? Describe the experience.  Yeah, it was from barbecue that apparently went bad, even though it tasted nothing of the sort. I woke up at 3 AM sweating profusely and with the most excruciating stomachache; I was feeling hot, cold, and nauseous all at the same time, and it probably lasted for like an hour or so.
What are two things that you have no problem paying full price for?  Sealed albums and my pets’ vet expenses.
Funny, charming, cute, romantic, smart - choose only 2 for the opposite sex.  Charming and smart.
Have you ever let somebody use you? Why did you do it?  It felt nice to help people.
You can go back in time & change something in your mom’s past - what is it? Good question; I’ve never encountered this before. I would let her live a more comfortable, privileged life, where she didn’t have to staple her shoes to keep them closed or have to choose between eating at a fast food restaurant or being able to commute back home.
Do you know anybody who is around the exact same size as you? Who? I’m not sure, actually. Everyone’s always slightly taller than me.
Ever been to a haunted house? How scared were you?  I haven’t.
Been on any websites today you wouldn’t want your parents to see?  Tumblr, I guess? My survey blog isn’t for any irls to see.
Which is worse: dusting or mopping?  I don’t really do either often, but I’ll go with mopping.
Would you marry somebody who was intensely religious?  Not for me.
Did you pull a senior prank?  No, that’s not a thing here. Did you graduate?  Yeah, elementary, high school, and college.
Have you ever been unfaithful in a serious relationship?  Nope.
What was the last song you listened to?  It’s a song called Epiphany.
Are you one of those lucky people with 20/20 vision?  Not ever since I was like 9 lol.
Is fashion one of your interests?  I’m way more interested in it now for sure, mostly because the celebrities I’m into these days put a lot of effort when it comes to their style; so it makes me more aware of the trends that come and go, as well.
Do you think you’ll eventually find that special someone?  I’m keeping it as a possibility, but it’s not a priority for me now.
Do you care what people think?  To an extent, I would say. My life doesn’t depend on it, though.
Is acting something you enjoy?  Never been.
What was the last thing you broke/sprained?  Do you mean a thing or a body part? Anyway, I’ll answer both. The last thing I broke was my BTS Mic Drop pen of V looooooooooool the figurine came off the pen :(( It was pretty cheap though so I’m fine with it; I can always get another one. Last body part I sprained was my ankle, when I had a bad fall a couple of years ago.
Have you ever fought with a friend because of their boyfriend/girlfriend? Because of yours?  Either hasn’t happened.
Has a stranger ever yelled at you for your language?  I don’t think so.
Whose house, other than yours and your families', are you most comfortable at?  Angela’s. Also JM’s, just because their family doesn’t hover and that vibe can sometimes be nice whenever I’m at someone else’s place.
Has any of your friends’ family ever yelled at you?  Never.
Did you ever play a sport as a little kid? Did you enjoy it? Not as a very young kid, but I took up table tennis starting when I was 12. Did you ever watch the show Full House?  Nope.
Is there a celebrity you are just DETERMINED to marry?  Now that’s just delusional haha. I’m pretty obsessed with some celebrities, that much I can admit; but thinking of them in the context of marriage is so many steps overboard.
Have you ever burned someone’s picture?  No. I could, but I am scared of fire and will probably just think of other ways to express my anger, like tearing up the photograph. What’s the longest hike you’ve ever been on?  Total length was probably like 3 hours. I haven’t gone too far when it comes to hiking.
Would you ever get a lip tattoo?  Not interested.
Who is the first person of the opposite sex that pops into your head? Hans.
Do your parents smoke cigarettes?  My mom tried it once in her life, I think. My dad has never smoked.
What does one of your T-shirts have written on it?  “Hope right here!”
Name a pet you definitely wouldn’t want.  Anything that’s supposed to roam freely in the wild, like squirrels.
Would you prefer your partner smaller or taller?  Taller, since I’m already quite pint-sized to begin with lol.
Do you enjoy going through old pictures? Sometimes. Other times, it's too painful. It also depends on the era of the pictures. < Agree, especially with the eras. Childhood photos are always fun to look at, but I have had to delete a CHUNK of photos from years ranging from 2014 to 2020 because I’ve lost a handful of friends from that period.
Do you believe people when they say they don’t judge people?  It’s hard to for the most part, but I’ve noticed very few people people really don’t. Most of the time it’s bullshit though.
What did you love the most about the town you grew up in?  That it’s pretty close to the metro.
What’s a movie that you laughed the hardest during?  Hmm, I prefer TV shows if I’m craving comedy.
What’s a movie you cried the hardest during?  Life Is Beautiful.
What’s your favorite restaurant?  Omakase for my sushi fix; School Tteokbokki if I want Korean; Yabu if I’m looking for a generous rice meal.
Is there a dessert you don’t like?  Anything with fruits.
Favorite album?  After Laughter by Paramore.
What’s a book that you read because everyone else was reading it?  I can name authors instead of books – John Green and Haruki Murakami.
Underwater or outer space?  Outer space.
Dogs or cats?  Dogs.
Kittens or puppies?  Puppies.
Bird watching or whale watching?  Whale watching. I don’t get to be in the water as much, so I would jump at the opportunity.
What is your spirit animal?  I dunno if I have one but let’s just go with dog and elephant, I guess? They’re my favorites.
What was your best subject in school?  History.
What was your worst subject in school?  Chemistry.
What is one thing you wish you knew in high school?  Don’t waste your time.
Who is your fashion icon?  Audrey Hepburn.
Diamonds or pearls?  Diamonds.
What color dress did you wear to prom?  For my own prom it was cream-colored/beige. When I went to Mike’s ball, I went with a royal blue gown.
What’s your favorite plot-twist?  I don’t think I’ve found my favorite yet.
Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?  Not actively.
Honestly, what’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad?  I dunno...road rage, maybe?
Honestly, ever made anyone cry when you were mad?  It’s very likely.
Honestly, when was the last time you REALLY cried your heart out?  Sometime in the last week.
Ever pop someone else’s pimple? No thanks.
Do you need to return anyone’s phone call?  Nope.
Who are you closest to?  Angela.
Have you ever had a bad concert experience?  No, all the ones I’ve been to have been amazing experiences.
Are you currently sad about anything?  Not really. I can’t complain.
Have you had any form of exercise today?  Nah.
Can you handle blood?  Nope, I will feel faint if I see it 100%.
Has any place hired you underage for a job?  No.
Have you ever carried a concealed weapon?  I haven’t.
Are you currently searching for a job?  No, I like the one I have.
Does eating breakfast make you sick?  No?
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shinneth · 4 years
SUF as a whole just left me with an empty feeling.
I feel you there, anon. In Dreams aside, I could take or leave the rest of this series (and in most cases, leaning well towards the latter sentiment). 
But I guess that’s to be expected when 90% of SUF focused squarely on Steven’s PTSD and need for therapy and the many, many red flags shown as early on as the beginning that signaled his eventual breakdown to where he ended up in the climax.
Especially with the fanbase itself constantly screeching that Steven needs therapy, Steven has PTSD, Steven’s gonna corrupt, et cetera�� like, it was all laid on far too thick. So when we got to Growing Pains, it really didn’t move me like it did so many others because it came off as such a “No shit, Sherlock” moment for me when Priyanka finally addressed the underlying issues the show itself really didn’t even bother trying to be subtle about.
Don’t get me wrong; a lot of people who have suffered (or are presently suffering) from the same problems as Steven irl have been helped a lot by these kinds of episodes, and I do appreciate that.
But from my personal standpoint, yeah… I knew from the start that Steven’s underlying issues alone were not gonna be enough to sustain a full series, and sure enough, it wasn’t. We got to see some bits here and there with the other characters, but we also had a few choice characters be really shitty people in season 5 that never got properly addressed before it concluded, and with the timeskip in SUF, all of that just got handwaved off as “dealt with offscreen”, which is the laziest BS ever. 
And worst of all, at the end, they really didn’t stick the landing well at all. I’ll at least say SUF’s resolution wasn’t the mega levels of offensively terrible as Change Your Mind - but then again, it’s hard to out-do giving totalitarian space dictators with countless lives lost under their watch a fucking FACE-TURN out of nowhere. 
Like, really, the Diamonds’ presence (White especially) in SUF actively made my viewing experience even worse towards the end. Yes, I should be glad they’re establishing that the Diamonds are at least starting to use their powers for good and rebuild some of the lives they ruined.
But, y’know… doesn’t change the fact that they’re all responsible for multiple counts of global genocide. Like, any living creatures native to their colony planets? They’re still fucking gone. And the Diamonds themselves just come off VERY unnatural as “nice” guys - and in many cases, they’re even creepier now than they were as villains. Good god, White’s blubbering in the climax was fucking insufferable, though. 
Partially I think this comes from SU being a “kids show” so there’s this pressing need to end things as cleanly as possible. I’m more miffed that in the end, Steven still got pretty much everything he wanted.
They had some admittedly good set-ups to Steven’s growth, like having him accept that people grow up, change, and move on with their lives. We see the clear evidence that Steven’s got an unhealthy clinginess towards his human friends - and Connie’s no exception. 
And considering they took the time to establish that:
Connie has friends other than Steven. She gets along with them just fine, so it’s not like she’s totally lonely or isolated without him.
Connie is ambitious with many goals and aspirations when it comes to her education and potential career paths. She’s shown to have put a lot of thought into her options and at no point comes off as feeling pressured by her parents or friends into this.
Connie knows she has to work hard and often to achieve her dreams, and despite that rigid lifestyle, it doesn’t seem to bother her in the least. That would imply she really wants to reach these goals she set for herself, whether or not Steven’s in the picture at all.
Connie and Steven’s dynamic is a far cry from how it was when they started out in the original series. You can tell Steven has no clue what Connie’s talking about when it comes to her goals and just plays along, pretending he understands anything coming out of her mouth.
Connie, despite what her speech would lead you to believe, has been every bit as insufferably dense as the gems in SUF when it comes to Steven’s issues. In Bismuth Casual, Steven’s very specifically-worded concerns were misconstrued as a fear of skating (or his inability to, whatever) - and in the end, they just became Stevonnie rather than properly talked things through. You know, something PERIDOT 100% did in the prior episode.
Connie is very firm about wanting to live her life as herself. She’s not against being Stevonnie from time to time, but like hell does she want to be Stevonnie for the long term. 
Connie knows marrying in general at her age is a stupid-stupid-stupid idea, even if it is Steven. And considering her well-established commitment to her studies and reaching her lofty goals, Connie - at least at the time - seemed to know a relationship with anyone just wasn’t in the cards for her at this point in her life. There’s no need to rush that shit, and she won’t compromise her life just to give her needy friend this thing he wants that he doesn’t even fully understand truly is. 
Or, you know… just have Connie backpedal hard on a good chunk of that and date Steven so that he won’t become a monster again. I’m mostly kidding with that - but by kissing his monstrous self and that triggering his restoration, then soon later we see that even though Steven and Connie can only have a long-distance relationship at best, she’s dating him right now anyway even though this needlessly makes her life way more complicated than it needed to be - like seriously, how can I not take that as Canon Connverse being founded on the condition of “Okay, if it’ll keep you from losing your shit, going pink, and turning into a monster, I’ll date you”?!
And in the end it yet again gives Steven more-or-less exactly what he wants, even if it isn’t something he really needs. 
I’m glad Rebecca clarified that Steven would still visit Beach City often, because I had a very hard time buying him just traveling by himself on the road. And maybe it would have worked better if he was just doing it short-term to “find himself” or something along those lines, but nope! They’re basically saying this is what Steven wants to do.
And honestly, even that is dampened with his clearly-stated intention of visiting Connie way more than he intends to visit the gems. Even though Connie’s gonna be busy. With college.
This just… wasn’t a good ending. It had plenty of good moments - his goodbye to Bismuth, Lapis, and Peridot especially was very well-executed and the closest this finale came to drawing out any real emotion out of me. I loved the scene of Steven giving Greg his room; that was adorable. The last meeting with Tsundere Jasper was amusing.
But everything else… ehhh.
I mean, what can we really take from this season that I haven’t already outlined? The biggest takeaways were the plot points everyone saw coming a mile away that weren’t even executed all that well. 
In Dreams, as great at is was, might as well have not even happened - because what really carried over from that episode through to the end? Even though Peridot was the only one who got through to Steven, legitimately comforted him and addressed his fears, and the episode for once ended with Steven being happy with no underlying concerns about his problems - immediately he’s back to being awkward and depressed and frustrated by Bismuth Casual.
And I get that shit like trauma shouldn’t be resolved so easily, but for what In Dreams accomplished, I expected there to at least be a semblance of progress. Steven’s known since that episode he can hang out with Peridot and talk to her about whatever without needing a reason to do it, but he never ever takes her up on that again. 
So again, what was the point? 
You really get the impression that the quality of writing took a backseat just to emphasize the symbolism of an issue people commonly have, but SUF’s execution stretched my suspension of disbelief far beyond its limits. 
And nothing stretched that farther than Connie’s insufferable fucking speech in I Am My Monster; that pretty much completely made In Dreams feel like it never really happened in SUF’s continuity. 
In some ways, I just prefer to believe In Dreams was just a dream itself. An AU offshoot in SUF itself. Considering it’s so ridiculously good compared to the other nineteen episodes and by far the most pure and wholesome, maybe that’s the best way to see it. 
In Dreams was too good for its own series. That’s literally the only thing I personally took from SUF as a whole (at least in terms of lasting impact). 
So yeah, I guess for only one episode of twenty to really hit me in the feels, “empty” is an apt way to describe the series, anon. 
Seriously, if I didn’t have my own massive SU-AU to mess around in and do things properly, this probably would have upset me more. 
Instead, I just chuckle at Rebecca’s Monster Steven and raise her to what I’m putting my version of Steven through in my current story. Where I’m pulling all the stops to make other characters matter even though the stars are undoubtedly Peridot and Steven. 
And I’m actually making actions yield serious, lasting consequences.
(yeah, part of me wishes Jasper wasn’t revived - or alternatively, have Steven accidentally shatter White Diamond instead of Jasper since he came awfully close in canon
or even better, shatter Jasper and revive her, then accidentally shatter White and not be able to revive her since Steven used up ALL that diamond essence on Jasper…
yeah I’m kind of a monster)
Your pain is mutually felt, anon. So I’ll prescribe you endless refills of better-written and better-executed SU fanon to heal the emptiness SUF left inside you.
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keichanz · 5 years
I’m not even kidding when I say this literally came out of absolutely freakin’ nowhere while I was at work today and I just had to write it sooo here, have this funny little oneshot that I had so much fun writing lol 
Smooth talking Inuyasha is smooth as fuck and honestly i want him to do naughty things to me lajdf;ajfi okay soRRY HERE’S THE STORY 
Tumblr media
“Hey there, gorgeous. How about a smile? Bet you’ll look even prettier.”
The familiar press of a hand against her scantily clad ass had Kagome freezing in her tracks and a force smile to spread across her face as she slowly turned to face the what seemed to be the nth pervert that night that couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
She was greeted with a wolfish smile and a suggestive leer coming from starling blue eyes that made her skin crawl. Wisely the man retracted his hand and gave her an obvious once over, male approval in his gaze as he took in the short leather skirt that barely covered her ass and the matching blank and red corset that she was forced to wear as part of her “uniform.”
It was the most ridiculous thing Kagome had ever been required to wear for a job, but her boss insisted on it, and she needed this job, so she sort of had no choice in the matter. Still, it was the number one reason why she’d been felt up so many times this night, as well as any other night she worked here at The Tipsy Monk, and she swore she was not going to be held responsible for her actions if some pervert grabbed her ass one more time...
“Can I get you anything?” Kagome managed to girt out through her forced smile and inconspicuously edged herself away from him. A brief flash of silver caught her peripheral and she flicked a curious glance toward at, but it was already gone so she tuned he attention back to what appeared to be the wolf demon in front of her.
Teeth flashed in a charming grin and Kagome mentally groaned. Oh god, here we go—
“For starters, sweet thing, you can get me your number.” He waggled his eyebrows at her like it was the most clever pick up line in the entire world.
Kagome had heard better lines from her cat.
Still keeping the fake smile pasted on her lips – luckily this guy looked dumb enough to fall for it – Kagome tittered and cooed, “Well, give me your phone, big guy.”
The wolf looked shocked for a minute, like he actually couldn’t believe that it had worked, before frantically searching in all of his pockets for the elusive device and then withdrawing it with a sound of triumph a full minutes later.
Tucking her server tray under an arm, Kagome wordlessly took the device from him, went into his contacts and added a number that consisted of all zeroes before handing it back to him with the same false, sugary sweet smile.
“I don’t get off until ten, though, so make sure to call me after that, yeah?” Kagome said, tipping a pink to the shell shocked wolf demon and then promptly turning around to continue her work, immediately dropping the smile and rolling her eyes so hard it hurt.
Determined to ignore the handsy wolf demon for the rest of the night – she heard a badly stifled “fuck yes” and had to refrain from rolling her eye again – Kagome sighed and tried not to look at the clock as she approached the nearest table and started piling empty glasses onto her tray.
She was exhausted, the leather was chafing uncomfortably against her skin, her feet were killing her in the only pair of heels she owned that went with her monotonicity of a uniform, and she was one badly timed grope away from fucking decking the next asshole that dared put his hand on her like she was a piece of meat.
“I need this job, I need this job, I need this job...” Kagome muttered to herself as she wiped down the polished wood then headed back to the counter to drop off the empties and get a fresh round for the table in the back that liked to tip in twenty’s.
Well, Kagome mused as Sango smiled sympathetically and prepared her order. At least that’s one good thing coming from such a crappy night.
A little ways down the bar, sitting on the bar stool and nursing a cold brew, amber eyes discreetly studied the black-haired bombshell with the great legs leaning over the counter and chatting with the tender as she waited for her order. He wasn’t blind; of course he noticed how it looked as if she’d been poured into that mini skirt and corset, the leather clinging to her figure in all the right places and showing off a generous amount of cleavage he wouldn’t mind getting closely acquainted with.
The thing was, though, Inuyasha wasn’t the only one who’d noticed and it was very obvious her patience was running thin. He’d noticed her the instant he’d walked into bar at around 6 pm and he’d been watching her get grabbed at and handled all night. Anger on her behalf always flared up whenever he spotted some asshat daring to put his dirty mitts on her, and he was relieved to see that she handled herself beautifully, always skirting away with a smile and a playful wag of a finger. He knew her smile was forced, though, and as the hours dragged on the strain was becoming that much more evident.
He suspected the next poor sod that made the unfortunate decision to grab that perfect ass was going to get throat punched. And Inuyasha was going to revel in it.
Frowning, the silver-haired hanyou tipped back the rest of his beer and fished out a twenty to pay for his tab. While it was hard for him to get truly drunk, he still wanted a clear head just in case he had to intervene if one of the aforementioned poor sods decided to ignore her chaste reprimand and get a little more than just handsy with the attractive waitress.
Bar brawls were uncommon in a place like The Tipsy Monk – Miroku had a very strict policy that all fights be taken outside or you were banned indefinitely – but Inuyasha had more than once had to step in before things got out of control between drunken patrons.
Disagreements between female employee and male customer were at a grand total of zero, and he’d like to keep it that way. He was sure Miroku felt similarly.
Preoccupied as she was avoiding grabby hands, delivering drinks, and keeping up a cheerful disposition while most likely trying to maintain a regular breathing pattern in that tight as fuck corset, his beautiful waitress failed to notice his blatant staring so Inuyasha continued to watch her, propping an elbow on the bar and resting his head in his hand. He made sure to pay special attention to the wolfshit that had so boldly asked for her number earlier, and though he doubted she’d put her actual number in her phone, he didn’t know that and as such he might think it was grounds to get a little more confident with his moves.
Keh. Inuyasha narrowed his eyes.
Not on his fucking watch.
The night dragged on until suddenly it was last call and thankfully his services hadn’t been needed. His little vixen in leather had successfully managed to dodge wandering hands for the remainder of the night, the wolf hadn’t approached again, apparently content with his perceived success, and Inuyasha felt confident in leaving the bar for the employees to start closing.
He didn’t go far, though, only going a few feet away and leaning against the brick wall of the neighboring building as he waited for his pretty waitress to leave. He knew Miroku was always the last one out, and he never let his female employees leave through back entrance at night.  Sure, he may be a pretty sketchy pervert, but he was a decent guy where it counted and he did care for the welfare of his employees. Knowing this, you’d think the guy would allow his waitresses to dress in a way that did not draw the male gaze.
So, decent guy? Yes. Smart?
The door opened and the bartender exited first, a tall brunette by the name of Sango who’d given him his beers with a friendly smile. She was fairly new and Inuyasha liked her. She waved at him, he waved back, and then his beautiful bombshell appeared right after her and his face lit up.
He watched as she bid a weary farewell to the tender and then walked in the opposite direction, away from him, and she appeared to be digging around in her purse for something as she walked down the street, distracted.
Pushing back from the wall Inuyasha followed after her, opening his mouth to call out for her to wait when he stepped on something with a slight give and he paused, looking down because that hadn’t been pavement.
Black brows popped up into the silver fringe of his bangs and Inuyasha knelt down to snatch up the rectangular object. It was one of those wallet phone case combo things, where one could slid their phone into the designated sleeve while the rest of it operated like a regular wallet, credit card slots and everything.
He opened it up and grinned. Staring back at him was his beautiful brown-eyed waitress, smiling from the photo on her license through the clear sleeve. Her phone was safely tucked away and secured in its own spot and when his thumb touched the screen, he chuckled when the screen came to life and he saw her lock screen was a picture of a very fat cat.
“Cute,” he mumbled before closing it up and making sure it was closed. Then he took off after her, glad he had the excuse to approach her now and not come off as some creeper waiting for her shift to end.
You know. Like what he was doing before she dropped her wallet.
Pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind, Inuyasha caught up with her just as she rounded the corner and reached out to stop her with a hand to her shoulder.
Throwing him completely by surprise, Kagome Higurashi swung around, balled her fist, and decked him right in the fucking face.
“I’ve had it with you grabby perverts!” she hollered before promptly turning on her heel with a huff and stomping off, deciding to hail a taxi instead of walking the block to her apartment. She flagged one down in short order and didn’t even look at the scumbag still lying on the ground as she climbed inside, muttered her address, and disappeared down the street.
Stunned, Inuyasha could do nothing but lie there and stare up at the dark sky as his mind slowly processed what had just happened.
Jesus Christ, she had just punched him. Hard. And it had actually knocked him off his feet.
Holy fuck, he was in love.
Sitting up onto his elbows, Inuyasha gingerly touched his jaw and stared down the road where she’d taken off, his face completely awestruck even as a smile slowly worked its way onto his lips.
Then he winced because his jaw protested the muscle use and then he had to chuckle despite the pain. In all of his thirty years of life, nobody, not a fully-grown demon or even his asshole of a half-brother, had managed to hit him hard enough where it actually knocked him on his ass.
And then this little slip of a woman wearing a fucking mini skirt and a corset comes along, gets harassed for a few hours by drunken men, and then easily sends him flying with one swing.
Inuyasha was not ashamed to admit that he was not fully and absolutely smitten and he had to make her his. Beautiful, wily, and gutsy—god, she was fucking perfect and he’d be damned if that was the last time he ever saw her.
Heaving himself to his feet with a grunt and ignoring the already fading pain in his jaw, Inuyasha opened up her wallet once again and quickly found what he was looking for. He grinned. Turned out she only lived about a block away from here so at least that was in his favor.
Chuckling, Inuyasha stashed the wallet combo in his jacket, gave one last look down the street where she disappeared, and turned around to head back home himself. He’d give it back tomorrow—tonight he figured she’d need time to cool off and it was late anyway. No doubt all she’d want to do is pass out after a long night of fending off creeps and he didn’t blame her one bit.
Smirking to himself, feeling proud and more than a little excited for what tomorrow would bring, Inuyasha shoved his hands in his pockets and strolled leisurely down the street, really looking forward to the next day for the first time in a long time.
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Standing outside the apartment complex, Inuyasha compared the address to the one printed on her license one last time and nodded to herself. This was it—Sakura Landing Apartment Houses. It was a nice little community, where all the buildings looked the same, with maybe two or three apartments in each one, and each apartment had its own parking place.
He approved of it. It was safe, quiet, and smelled nice, which was always a bonus for him.
Tucking Kagome’s wallet into his back pocket – he’d foregone a jacket today since it was warm out – Inuyasha strolled farther into the community and searched for the number he wanted, his ears detecting children’s laugher, the rumble of cars, and doors opening and closing. Kagome’s building should be somewhere in the middle, number six...ah, there it was.
He jogged up to the maroon door with the gold figures of 6B nailed onto the center, took a moment to admire the pretty flowers hanging from either side, before raising a hand and ringing the bell. It was a little after 10 am and he hoped she was awake—
His ears pricked forward at the sound of approaching footsteps on the other side of the door and he grinned, happy he was finally going to see her again after a long twelve hours. Would she remember him? Coo in sympathy when she saw the bruise on his jaw? Usher him inside with a kind smile and gently treat it—
The door swung open and big brown eyes blinked at him in utter bafflement.
“Who are you and what the hell happened to your face?”
Inuyasha balked. Blinked. And then cocked a brow. “What, you don’t remember?”
He received a blank stare.
“You did this to my face.”
Kagome blinked.
Inuyasha’s stare was deadpan. “Last night. 10 pm. The Tipsy Monk. You were leaving.”
Her eyes widened. “Oh.” The she frowned and narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Did you follow me, you—”
Inuyasha wordlessly held out her wallet case and all color drained from Kagome’s face.
Inuyasha lifted another brow. “You dropped this and I wanted to give it back.”
“Ohmigod I’m so sorry I thought you were--”
“Another pervert, I know.” At her surprised look he explained, “Couldn’t help but notice you were getting a lot of unwanted attention no thanks to that ridiculous uniform. The good for nothing you call your boss is a fucking pervert and it’s for his own selfish pleasure than anything else. Show up to work tonight in jeans and a t-shirt and when he asks why tell him Inuyasha says ‘fuck off.’“
Kagome blinked. “You know Miroku?”
“Unfortunately he’s my best friend. Clear lapse in sanity on my part fifteen years ago when I met the guy and now I can’t get rid of him. I’ve tried but he’s a cockroach. He won’t die and always come back.”
Kagome giggle-snorted despite herself before reaching out to finally take back her phone and wallet with an abashed smile.
“Thank you,” she breathed, flipping it open to see several missed calls and a few texts on he phone. “I was in such a hurry to go home last night that I didn’t even realize I dropped it.”
Inuyasha shrugged and put his hands in his pockets. “I’m just glad I was the one that found it instead of one of your creepy admirers.”
Her smile grew. “Me, too.”
He smirked at her and it just suddenly hit Kagome that this man was downright attractive. With eyes the color of golden whiskey, long silver hair that reached his waist and the most adorable ears that sat atop his head, she surmised that he must be a demon of some kind, maybe that of a canine variety judging by the sinful flash of fang and the claws tipping his fingers.
An answering pulse of purely feminine appreciation curled in her belly and Kagome bit her lip, aware that she was shamelessly gawking, but not particularly caring. The already fading bruise on his jaw didn’t subtract from his attractiveness at all and Kagome was suddenly very glad she’d dropped her wallet and phone last night.
“See somethin’ ya like?” his amused voice interrupted her shameless admiration.
“Mmhm,” Kagome answered without even thinking and it was only when he released a throaty chuckle did she realize what she said and she smacked a hand over her mouth with a gasp, dark eyes going very wide as she snapped them back to his face from where they’d been openly staring at his chest.
In an attempt to save face and unable to control the blush that heated her face, Kagome cleared her throat and laughed nervously, directing her gaze toward the bruise she’d given him instead of his eyes.
“Ah, um, listen, I’m so sorry for punching you last night,” she said and reached up to brush her fingers across his jaw, caught herself at the last minute and hastily brought her traitorous hand back down with another flush.
She cleared her throat again and forced herself to meet his eyes. “I’d, ah, really like to make it up to you, but I’m working the afternoon shift today and I don’t get off until six.” Her smile was equal parts shy and hopeful then as she tentatively queried, “Do you...have any plans after that?”
Amber eyes flashed and fangs were revealed as his mouth stretched into a wicked smirk. Bracing one arm on the doorjamb and leaning forward, Inuyasha looked directly into her eyes and liked the way her breath hitched in her throat, her already enticing scent darkening with a heady spice that elicited a pleased growl from his throat.
“If I’m being honest here,” he rumbled, eyes heavy-lidded, “with any luck, I’ll be getting off with you.”
It took Kagome a minute to process just what he said and coupled with that devastating smirk on his face Kagome’s brain was having difficulty computing. But when it finally registered her eyes went wide, her mouth dropped, and she could only gawk incredulously at him while he looked quite pleased with himself at her reaction.
“You smooth bastard,” Kagome finally breathed after she found her voice again and Inuyasha merely waggled his brows at her, his smirk turning into a shit-eating grin.
“Charmed the panties right off ya, didn’t I?” he cheeked, amber eyes glinting mischievously.
Kagome snickered and couldn’t contain her grin, dark eyes alight with amusement. “Oh, you know it. I’m feelin’ the breeze, baby.”
Inuyasha laughed and thought fuck, this was the girl for him. She was it. He had to have her. He had to.
“You know,” Kagome suddenly purred and Inuyasha was instantly alert, body responding to the rather provocative lilt to her voice and really liking that suggestive little curl to her lips as she stepped closer to him. “That does kinda looks like it hurts...and it is my fault...”
Inuyasha’s gaze went hooded when she placed her hands on his chest and he shifted a little closer, reaching down to rest his own hands on her hips.
“Yeah?” he husked, not about to admit that it would fade away within the hour. And he most definitely was not about to admit that he’d decked himself before coming over because the one she’d given him yesterday had already been long gone.
“Mmhm,” she hummed and tilted her head back as he slid her palms up his chest to grasp his shoulders. “Soo, why don’t you come inside and I can treat that for you while you show me what other things that slick mouth of yours can do, hmm?”
Inuyasha’s response to that was to give a heady growl, hook his hands beneath her thighs to lift her up against him, and then walk them into her apartment, leaning forward to capture her grinning mouth with his own as he reached back with a foot and kicked the door shut.
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Pausing on her way to wash off a few tables, Kagome turned toward her boss and tilted her head, expression inquisitive.
Miroku chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck as he eyed what she was wearing. Or moreover, the lack of uniform that he was seeing. “What are you wearing?”
She blinked. “Clothes?”
“Well, yes,” he said with a frown. “But where’s your uniform?” Forlornly he dropped his gaze to the long legs donned in blue jeans and stifled a whimper. He liked those legs...
Kagome blinked again and then a frown pulled her brows down over her eyes and she cocked a hip to the side as she tapped her lips with a finger, propping her free hand on her hip.
“Y’know, I think I was supposed to tell you something about that, but I can’t remember...oh, right! Miroku.” Kagome looked right at him and her boss balked.
Utterly perplexed, Miroku eyed her warily and ventured cautiously, “...Yes?”
She beamed brightly at him and said, “Inuyasha says, ‘fuck off.’”
Loud and boisterous laughter abruptly came from the bar and Miroku turned to gape at his best friend as he proceeded to lose his shit. Evidently having been in the middle of taking a drink of his beer, he’d ended up spewing his mouthful onto the bar top but he hardly noticed as he sat there laughing his ass off, one hand covering his face while the other loosely circled his pint glass.
Feeling quite proud of herself while her boss stood there and gawked at her lover, Kagome piped up, “Gotta get back to work, boss,” then cheerfully skipped off, humming a jaunty little tune under breath and unable to keep the grin from spreading across her face.
Realizing that his damned best friend had managed to snag his best – and most attractive – employee, Miroku scowled, flipped off the laughing hanyou and then promptly skulked away to see if he could entice the new girl Sango to wear the uniform. She had nice legs as well, but that ass...
His hand twitched and he walked a little faster.
About an hour or so later, during a lull in the evening where business was slow and the employees could take a short breather, Kagome snuck up behind the lone man sitting at the bar and slipped her arms around his waist from behind, pressing her hands to his stomach as she rested her chin on his shoulders.
“Well, hey there, handsome.”
Grinning, Inuyasha set down his beer and gently tapped the hands. They released him and he wasted no time in spinning around on his bar stool to face laughing brown eyes and full smiling lips.
“Fancy meetin’ you here,” he returned smoothly and snagged her hips, dragging her forward to stand between his spread knees.
“Must be fate.” With an impish curve to her mouth, Kagome looped her arms around his neck and smiled at him, her eyes going soft as she idly played with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“No doubt.”
He leaned forward and Kagome met him halfway, humming in appreciation as his mouth caught hers in a slow, lazy kiss that sent tingles of pleasure curling in her belly. It was amazing, how comfortable she felt already with this man she’d met only just that morning. Maybe it really was fate, but whatever it was, she wasn’t going to question it. Kagome was never one to question a good thing when it fell into her lap.
Or maybe in this instance, fell against her lips?
She grinned and she felt his lips curl upward in response, nipping gently at the soft skin before pulling back with a contented rumble. She sighed and melted against him, eyes fluttering open to find him staring down at her with an arrogant glint in his eyes.
“That good, huh?” he asked, not bothering to hide the hint of smugness lacing his tone.
“Oh, you know me,” Kagome murmured, reaching up to teasingly flick his ear. “Can’t resist a smooth talker.”
Inuyasha wiggled his eyebrows and shamelessly admitted, “I got more.”
Kagome huffed out a laugh and maneuvered herself to perch on his thigh, keeping her arms around his. In response he moved his arms to circle her waist in a loose embrace, reluctant to release her.
“Oh? Dare I ask?” Kagome teased and arched an expectant brow.
With a positively sinful smirk Inuyasha leaned forward to nip at her nose and then breath against her lips, “Are you a piece of art because I sure as hell nailed you against the wall earlier.”
Kagome gasped and then promptly dissolved into giggles, burying her face in he shoulder while Inuyasha sat there and grinned proudly.
“Okay,” Kagome managed through her mirth, lifting her head to reveal a flushed face and a wide smile. “I have to admit, that one was good.”
“A guarantee for at least some head,” Inuyasha lewdly remarked and Kagome’s loud snort didn’t even faze him.
“Oh, yeah,” Kagome agreed, the sarcasm heavy in her voice, but she was smiling broadly at him. “The urge to suddenly drop to my knees is positively staggering.”
“Carpet at my place is pretty soft,” he not so subtly hinted, grinning as he nipped at her jaw and pressed an open-mouthed kiss to her neck.
“Really, now,” Kagome murmured, her eyes fluttering close as he trailed hot kisses along the slender column of her throat. “But what about work? I still have two hours.”
Inuyasha grunted. “Tell Miroku I said—”
“‘Fuck off’?” Kagome supplied, opening her eyes and biting her lip to keep from grinning. She failed.
“No.” After sucking a bruise onto her neck, Inuyasha trailed his mouth back up to her lips and growled against them, “Tell him you need to leave because my dick is made of Skittles and you need to taste the rainbow.”
“Oh, be still my heart.”
“What can I say,” Inuyasha growled before pressing a brief kiss to her lips and then leaning back, heated amber eyes locking with impassioned brown as a hint of fang flashed from a wicked smirk.
“I’m a smooth talker.”
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shoutout to my discord ladies for giving me the idea of having Kagome give Kouga a number with all zeros and even though I didn’t write it, he totally called that number after 10 and wondered why it wasn’t working ahahah xD 
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Bubble Gum Pink Lollipops (Goro Akechi x Shy!Reader)
So an anon asked me todo this but somehow it was flagged? Prolly ‘cause of the gif, tho there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. (you know, I don’t do NSFW)
Your clumsiness is actually how the two of you met.
You were running to the train station from the anime figurine and manga store.
As usual, you lost track of time while you were sneakily reading the manga; without the intent to actually buy the book. You thief!
One text from your mom, wondering as to your whereabouts, was all it took for you to become sonic in a split second.
Unlike a normal person who would watch where they were going, you were basically running blind.
Then you met him.
Falling head over heels for him at first sight, quite literally in fact.
You sat on the ground, rubbing your head as you watched the blinding aura surrounding the man you just bumped into, fading away.
He was a tall, long-haired, brunette who looked like an angel (probably due to your blurring eyesight but eh, what do I know?)  
The boy turned over to you and lent down to help you get back onto your feet.
He said something but you couldn’t hear him; still in your daze.
Once you snapped out of it, you were back to your usual shy, clumsy, happy-go-lucky self.
“Oh! Er S-sorry for uhh..um b-bumping into you! I really didn’t mean to I just kinda-uh, well I was-”
The boy let out a chuckle with a radiant smile plastered to his face.
It was then you realized who he was.
Goro Akechi, you weren’t a big fan of him since you basically fangirled over the Phantom thieves.
But it wasn’t that you hated him at all, nope, the exact opposite in fact.
You really liked him, just too shy to admit it.
You didn’t care that the two of you had a difference of an opinion, It was his opinion after all.
“S-sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh at you. It was just your rambling.” He said, still holding your hand.
“Y-yea. I uh, do that a lot. S-sorry, I’m just really shy around others.” You turned your head the other way to avoid eye contact.
“That’s quite alright, I thought I might’ve been because of who I am”
“Oh no! I know who you are b-but I’m like this around everybody. P-personally I don’t really think of stars as gods..” You muttered that last part but somehow Goro’s hearing still caught onto it.
Those words touched him. He always longed to be treated as a person, not a toy, not an assassin, not an untouchable star.
Something told him that maybe you would finally be the one to treat him as such.  
“I’d love to help you out with social interaction issues.”
At his words you shot up startled, he let out another chuckle.
“A-are you s-sure?! I’ll just be a nuisance! D-don’t you already have a lot on your hands r-right now?” You rambled again
“Trust me, you’re no bother to me.”
Your cheeks were burning, so much so that you felt as if you might explode.
“S-so, w-will you let g-go of my um hand now?” 
Goro stumbled back in embarrassment for not noticing that he’d held onto your hand for so long.
Goro adored your carefree nature.
You were an air head for most of the time, forgetful, tripping over your own feet at times, forgiving people even if they did wrong.
You were someone who he couldn’t fully understand.
But then again, maybe that’s why he loved you so much.
Every single time the two of you would meet up to help you with your speech, at first the two of you would be practising but by the end, It would just transition to you going on and on about manga and animes you loved.
You could go on and on for days about how you loved this and that anime/manga.
When you felt more at ease around Goro, you opened up about your romance novel obsessions.
At first Goro was surprised at the revelation, but he realized that it made sense for you.
Although Goro isn’t much of a flirt, he’d give you presents as a way to show his love.
If there was a manga that you wanted, you already know what’s on the top of his shopping list. (It’s even above food and pancakes)
New anime merch you want?
Arrived the next day!
He would spend everything he has to see you blush when he gives you the gift.
You would continuously tell him to stop spoiling you but he can’t help it.
He enjoys seeing you fight with him, as he gives you a plethora of cute little trinkets he’d thought you’d like, and presents.
“G-goro!! I love you very much but, t-this is too much!!”
The flustered you is one of the best sights in his world.
(tbh, anything he’d do, made you blush and become flustered within minutes)
He always waits for you outside of your school, waiting for to run over to him and shower him with kisses.
You always seemed to shower him with an abundance of your unconditional love.
Anytime he’d show a sign of stress, even with all his might to hide it you’d find out.
Immediately you’d drop everything and rush to his side,
Dragging him to the couch,
Giving him a proper meal,
Throwing a blanket over him and beginning your cuddle session.
You were all he looked forward to.
To you, Goro was your knight in shining armor, keeping you far from anyone who even dared to hurt you in anyway.
To Goro, you were his sun, your warm rays chasing any saddening darkness surrounding him.
He hadn’t had a beautiful, loving and adorably flustered sun in his sky before you.
You being a total klutz never failed to allow Goro to show off his knightliness.
Falling off the ladder? He caught you in his strangely strong arms.
About to drop your prized, limited edition manga in the dirty water? He caught it and brought the waterproof case to protect it!
Left your project at your home? In lightning speed he’s at your home to get your project.
You’re his sun, he’d go above and beyond for his sun.   
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innerclouds · 5 years
This was requested of me, send me more! <3
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? More cereal then milk.
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? Yes.
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Strips of paper.
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? Coffee: Black. Tea: Plain.
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Yes.
6: do you keep plants? Yes.
7: do you name your plants? No.
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Digital/Paper.
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? No.
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? Sides, I shift constantly.
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? "Robush".
12: what’s your favorite planet? Neptune.
13: what’s something that made you smile today? Giant floofy chicken-gryphons.
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? Bed, couch, nice kitchen, tv, computers, consoles, tons of plants and pets.
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! Don't even need to google it, I know one. There are "clouds" in space that taste like raspberries and smell like rum.
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? Chicken alfredo.
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? Purple or blue.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. "Celtic Necklace".
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? No.
20: what’s your favorite eye color? Green/Hazel.
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. Don't have one.
22: are you a morning person? No.
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Nap.
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? Yes.
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? Cabin.
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? Don't have any of those.
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? Watermelon/Spearmint.
28: sunrise or sunset? Sunset.
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? We share a rather accurate hivemind.
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? Yes.
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. Socks are useful, I have a few myself including super fluffy, warm and fuzzy ones for winter.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. More closer to 2am then 3am, heli flew way lower then it should have and kept circling my place until after I turned off my computer screen and light, then it left.
33: what’s your fave pastry? Chocolate Éclair.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? Maggy. Cat. Yes.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? Stationary yes, but I loathe pens. No.
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? Weathers.
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? Clean.
38: tell us about your pet peeves! People who don't wash their hands after visiting the bathroom/before handling food.
39: what color do you wear the most? Black.
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? Necklace, onyx pendant of my zodiac animal. Someone very close to me gave me it, it's very special to me.
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? Raptor Red.
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! I do not.
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? Bae.
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? In the company of the bae.
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? Yep.
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. I honestly can't think of any off the top of my head.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Sharkfin soup.
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? That's a very long list and yes, more or less.
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? Not really. Don't recall.
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? Rocks and anything with a specific gay red headed reaper.
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? Studio Killers: Jenny.
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? Idk.
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? Rocky Horror: Yes. Amazing.
Heathers: No. No opinion.
Beetlejuice: Yes. Amazing.
Pulp Fiction: Yes. Amazing.
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? Bae.
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? Rather not say.
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? Amusing quirks.
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? Great song but no different. No.
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? Honestly never thought about that so I have no idea.
59: what’s your favorite myth? Cryptids.
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? Yes. Ones bae writes.
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? Game pixels. I was gifted a beer once.
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? Orange/Grapefruit.
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? I don't organize by titles or theme or anything, just keep them neat and clean.
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? Pitch black.
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? No.
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? Woven blue irises/purple roses.
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? Comfy.
68: what’s winter like where you live? Freezing and full of power outs.
69: what are your favorite board games? Balderdash.
70: have you ever used a ouija board? Nope.
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? Black/Earl.
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? Yes.
73: what are some of your worst habits? Pop all the joints.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. Adorable, fluffy sheep.
75: tell us about your pets! His name is Rune and he has atomic shits and giant paws, he's also very old and grouchy.
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? Sleeping.
77: pink or yellow lemonade? Arnold Palmer.
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? I'm assuming you mean the little yellow pill looking guys, they're pretty adorable.
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
Anything and everything bae has ever done for me.
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? Ugly wood paneling. No.
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. Idk.
82: are/were you good in school? Good as in what? Behavior? I was behaved sure, but I was also the person people forgot was even in the class/school because I didn't speak to anyone/make a sound/have friends.
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? I honestly don't recall off the top of my head.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? Possibly.
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? I read manga if that counts: Kuroshitsuji Berserk JoJo Beastars
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? What's a concept album?
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Not sure.
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? No.
89: are you close to your parents? Mother: Sorta. Father: Nope.
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. I only really know of one city enough to form an opinion on it and I wouldn't call it my favorite.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? New place and visit bae.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? Ocean of cheese.
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? Loose pony.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? Me.
95: what are your plans for this weekend? Work.
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? Update before log off.
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? Who? Rat. I don't know, I always get mixed results with that.
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? I honestly can't recall.
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. Delta Heavy: White Flag Korpiklaani: Keep On Galloping Two Steps From Hell: Black Blade
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? Neither.
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s-nebul0sa · 5 years
Just for that I have to work and can't go outside. Every even number 😄 have fun in the sun
🖕🏼🖕🏼😘😘 Thanks for asking
2. A picture of me:
You know it’s not gonna happen. So here is a very realistic and life-like drawing of me I totally did not make in 2 minutes time on my phone without any pencil thing or anything. My actual face is not as crooked I think. (And paler. I just compared and less reddish/pink)
Tumblr media
4. Last time I cried and why?
Err.. I think maybe Sunday? Because I was anxious and wouldn’t stop being anxious. Otherwise, definitely Friday because same reason plus I was reading a fic.
6. Favourite band:
Omg I know nothing of bands. What are bands? Uhhmm I’ll pick the first one that comes to mind. When I look at my spotify playlist because I can’t come up with anything. I’m terrible at this okay. Is pentatonix a band? If not, sucks for you cause I’m still picking them.
8. Top 5 candies:
Black liquorice (look, I’m Dutch, don’t blame me, this stuff is in my veins. And yes, I mean the salty versions because we ignore that fake ‘sweet’ shit (unless it’s the coins version))
Haribo apple rings
Haribo anything else really
Lion bars
Katja yoghurt gums 
10. Biggest turn ons:
As if I’m self aware enough to know this… Fine. I’ll try 😋
Geeking out over stuff. Being excited about ‘nerdy’ stuff. Red lipstick. Being interested in me. Breathing/being alive.
I think that’s some of them probably.
12. Ideas of a perfect date:
Something where you can talk or not have to sit still for hours. I’ve never been on a date actually so I don’t know what I like. But like, talking seems good. Getting to know each other. But on the other hand, laser gaming sounds fun too. So something that’s either fun like laser gaming or laid back like a picnic.
14. Piercings I want:
None. I have pierced ears and I don’t even want that anymore (got them pierced when I was a kid and really wanted it…)
16. Favourite movie:
I think I’ve said this before but I’m not good with ‘favourite’ anything. So err the parent trap? Because I think that’s the movie I’ve seen most and it does always manage to entertain me even though I know the plot by heart.
18. Phobia:
I’m not sure if these are phobias or fears but: the dark, heights, fire…. and probably some more vague/not as material shit like losing friends.
20. Height: 
167.5 cm (yes, very important that 0.5 cm)
22. What’s your shoe size?
24. Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?
26. What’s one thing you regret?
I don’t like to think about this stuff because I end up in a spiral of negative thoughts and memories I cannot change. So I’ll keep it simple. Not buying better ice cream when I went to the store the other day. 
28. Favourite ice cream?
Italian ice cream from the one ice cream place in the village my mom works. Specifically, cinnamon and stracciatella flavour.
30. What my last text message says:
“I think I’m getting a real bad cold. Or ill. I hope the first.” (This is a translation, also not a text but whatsapp is the European/Dutch equivalent of texting these days)
32. Have you ever painted your room?
Yes, I didn’t like the unpainted walls because that’s ugly so I didn’t really have another option. Also, I think it was one of the requirements for moving in here. 
34. Have you ever slept naked?
I have, when it was really really hot.
36. Have you ever had a crush?
Yes, I think. Okay, no. Yes, I’m pretty sure.
38. Have you ever stolen money from a friend?
No, never.
40. Have you ever been in a fist fight?
Not really. I’ve punched someone before but I don’t think they hit back (I punched her in the face and she had braces and apparently that hurt…)
42. Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
To be determined.
44. Have you ever made out with a stranger?
46. Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?
I do it all the time. Badass, huh. Or do you mean when I was a minor and living with them? In that case, no I didn’t dare.
48. Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?
No, I was too much of a goody-two-shoes.
50. Have you ever seen someone die?
No, thank Rao.
52. Have you ever kissed a picture?
I’m pretty sure I had to do that in play once (just a peck). Don’t think I ever did it myself ‘in real life’ though.
54. Have you ever love someone or miss someone right now?
That’s one weirdly worded question. At least, my brain thinks so. But I’m not currently missing someone and I don’t get the other half…
56. Have you ever made a snow angel?
Yes, many.
58. Have you ever cheated while playing a game?
I was the sorest loser you’ll ever meet when I was a kid and I cheated all the time to avoid losing. I’d be the bank in all the games that needed someone to take care of that and then slip myself money or resources. 😂😂 I don’t cheat anymore, I just don’t play to win and then I don’t mind not winning.
60. Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?
I’ve fallen asleep waiting for someone to come study while I was sitting at uni, but that was tucked away in a corner of a couch that was behind another couch with a super high back so no one saw me except my friend. Other than that, I don’t think I have.
62. Have you ever felt an earthquake?
I don’t think I have.
64. Have you ever ran a red light?
By bike, many a times. By car? Never.
66. Have you ever had detention?
Not a thing here, so no.
68. Have you ever hated the way you look?
Yes, often.
70. Have you ever pole danced?
Yes. I sucked. The muscles you need for that man… 
Want some context? It was during the introduction week for uni and we got to do some sports at the sports centre and every group was just assigned which sports they got to do. We got assigned pole dancing (and some others).
72. Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?
Depends on what you define as opposite. I have been to the opposite side of where I live now and I guess also kind of from my parents. But my country is super tiny so I’ve been in most (general) places….
74. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
I have
76. Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
78. Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?
80. Have you ever sang in the shower?
82. Have you ever dreamt that you married someone?
I once dreamt I had a husband who passed away (and woke up sobbing only to realise a solid 10 minutes later I had never even married someone, nor liked someone enough to want to). 
84. Have you ever gotten your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
Are flag poles so prevalent in the U.S. that you actually know where to find one to get your tongue stuck to? Also, did they never teach you about touching cold objects with bare skin, especially wet skin like the tongue?
86. Have you ever been a cheerleader?
Also not a thing here, so no. And if it were a thing here, it’d also be a no probably.
88. Have you ever brushed your teeth?
Rao, I hope no one ever answers ‘no’ to this question. (So that’s a ‘yes’ for me.)
90. Have you ever played chicken?
What is this? Just pretend that you’re a chicken? Or is this some game I don’t know? It’s no to either I guess.
92. Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?
I’ve probably been shouted at something along those lines. I mean, I’ve also been shouted at I got ‘nice tits’ whilst wearing a thick winter coat and a long scarf over it so I doubt it was even visible I had them in the first place…. Men… 🙄
94. Have you ever been easily amused?
I guess? 
96. Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?
I probably mooned my sister. But to be fair, someone allowed this Asian cartoon on a kids network and that boy mooned everyone so my sister started doing it too. I can only assume that if I ever mooned anyone myself, it was in this context and I did it to my sister. (That cartoon got banned and I watched some stuff on youtube the other day and damn what idiot thought that was appropriate for kids?!)
98. Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?
Yes, especially when being introduced to many new people. 
100. Give us one thing about you that no one knows.
I don’t know whether this exists (except if I don’t know this thing about me either). I talk about wanting a pet but I’m also kinda scared of animals?
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wordsinwinters · 6 years
Then Again, Part 22  Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: After an intense argument and a forced-to-share-the-bed situation during their junior year decathalon trip, Peter and the Reader examine their faults and failings. As they attempt to fix their mistakes and improve their friendship, that friendship quickly begins to evolve into something else.
Slow burn fic in which all characters are included and their dynamics explored; multiple character POVs. 
Betas: @fanboyswhereare-you and @girl-tips-from-satan
Masterlist (with AO3 links)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 23, 
Author’s Note:
Another quick Ned POV chapter, then we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled program. To the blogs who recently reblogged/suggested this fic, thank you so much, I appreciate it more than I can say!
Without further ado,
Then Again Part 22:
(Words: 1,740)
The gift shop is the smallest part of the hotel and it’s still the size of three classrooms smushed together. It’s stacked with trinkets, magnets, mugs, glass miniatures, and all the other usual sort of souvenirs that glitter back at the sunlight peeking through the windows. Near the front of the store, it smells like a grandmother’s laundry room... likely because the air conditioning is blowing right in my face, making my eyelids click when I blink.
I should get off my phone and go look around, rather than wait for the texting bubbles to pop up again. Oops.
Phone in my pocket, I take a moment to locate everyone. The team is dispersed throughout the aisles. Given how maze-ish the place is, it looks like everybody is in the middle of some slow-motion strategy game, related to either war or hunting.
On one side, near the stuffed donkeys and elephants, Cindy and Sally are flipping through postcards and travel guides. From here, I can’t hear what they’re whispering, but Cindy keeps glancing at Abe.
Abe is totally immersed in the stuffed animals a few feet away. He’s on FaceTime with his dad, holding up various stuffed animals, asking which his sister would like best or if she’s too young to align herself to a political party yet. His dad is laughing and shaking his head while Abe settles on, “I’ll get her the teddy bear with the top hat-- I think it looks pretty politically neutral.” After reminding his dad not to tell anyone about the gifts he’s getting the rest of their family, Abe says goodbye and walks over to show Cindy and Sally the stuffed bear.
MJ is in the middle of the shop. She must be in a hurry, since she buys a Notorious RBG sweatshirt, rips the plastic bit of the tag off with her teeth, and practically shoves herself into it headfirst within 50 seconds. Either she’s gone from mildly annoyed to seriously pissed or she’s wanted the meme-ed out Supreme Court Justice’s face on her clothing for a long time. Knowing MJ, it could totally be either option.
Flash is being an idiot, sulking in the corner. He’s leaning against an advertisement for some new wolf documentary stuck to the window, but his eyes are flickering back and forth from whatever app he’s scrolling through on his phone to Peter talking with Y/N, standing a couple rows up. Maybe he senses me noticing him because he glances suddenly in my direction. We make awkward eye contact before he stiffens and looks away.
He was probably eavesdropping on the two of them. But I don’t have the energy to confront him about it. Not after yesterday and this morning. Instead, I shift my focus to my friends. Peter, mostly.
Oh God, Peter. I can already tell he’s about to be at his utmost annoying the moment we get back to our room. (After we switch the rooms back to normal, at least.)
Standing beside her, he tries to juggle a bunch of keychains for no apparent reason, nearly knocking the shelf over when he fails; Y/N gives him a pitying laugh as she takes them from his hand and organizes them on the shelf where they belong. Her eyes stay on the small task, but Peter’s are practically glued to her face. I think he’s forgotten whatever conversation they were having because there’s a short pause and then the second she turns her head to ask him something, Peter does an odd hop thing like he’s been mildly shocked. Y/N tilts her head, squinting for a moment before moving on to the next overpriced item on the shelf. After a few seconds of finally paying attention, he follows her further down the row.
And I’m standing next to stacks of coffee mugs. I should probably rescue Peter now before he makes a fool of himself. Or a bigger one, I should say.
I pass Flash -- well, sort of, since he’s three rows away -- as I walk toward them. He ignores me like usual, so I ignore him too.
Neither Peter or Y/N notice me approach; they’re lightly arguing. She’s shaking her head and groaning in discontent. It seems playful, but there’s a real hesitance to whatever she’s resisting. Peter sounds like he’s trying to tone down his own grin and failing miserably.
“Nope, no way out of it. You have to choose,” Peter says, half smirking. “Necklace or bracelet?”
She shakes her head again, at a slight loss for words.
“What, so I can feel handcuffed to you? Those necklaces are practically chokers, they’re so short.”
Whatever they’re talking about, it’s definitely the perfect spot for me to jump in.
“Handcuffs and chokers?” I ask, mock shocked. “Kinky.”
They both turn at the same time. Y/N’s face lights up when she sees me. Her cheeks are a bit pink but there’s no doubt she knows I’m joking. Behind her, Peter gives me a Why are you always like this? exasperated look with a somewhat darker blush.
“Ned!” she says. “Christ, you scared me.”
“Too engrossed in handcuffs?”
There’s a grin on my face now and she returns a tired, close mouthed smile. It’s only at this point that I realize how exhausted she looks. The darkness under her eyes combined with her tense posture seems to cloak her whole body with a faintly haunted, paranoid even, halo.
Nonetheless, she seems tempted to laugh and hit me. Instead rolls her eyes and takes a step to the side.
“Peter, show Ned what you wanted to buy.”
Peter opens his hands. One has a short necklace, the other a bracelet. Both are fake gold and have half hearts with something written on each. It might be best friends?
Dear God. Way to be subtle, Peter, you idiot.
“Y/N and I agreed we need to work on our friendship,” he explains hesitantly, as if he’s just now realizing how fumblingly obvious he’s being. “So, friendship… stuff…?” He almost cringes at his own words.
Don’t laugh, Ned, I tell myself. Don’t you dare do it.
Before I can comment, MJ’s voice cuts in from the back of the shop and we all turn.
She’s standing in front of Flash, near the door, in a stance that suggests she wants to push him out of her way, or down to the ground. Man, he must be desperate or stupid to attempt to talk to her right now.
“Whatever it is, go tell her yourself!” she half shouts, hands reaching up to her hair. “Leave me out of it, I don’t care!”
MJ shoulders past him, not enough to knock him over, but certainly enough to leave him jostled and lost. His back rises and falls like he’s taking deep breaths. He turns to look directly at Y/N, expression somewhere between frustration and… sadness? That can’t be right.
As I try to riddle out whatever’s going on, replay the reasons why MJ would be this mad at him and what it has to do with Y/N, I hear Y/N make an almost silent strangled sound beside me. Knowing there’s no way to stop her from whatever she’s about to do, I shut my eyes and curse Flash for being born.
When I open them, I see that MJ has planted herself in a hotel lobby chair outside the shop with her hood pulled up, arms and legs crossed, sunk deep into the soft leather. Mr. Harrington, sitting in the seat adjacent, moves to ask her a question but she yanks the strings of the hoodie and it closes around her face like an annoyed collapsing black hole.
Y/N takes a quiet breath and Peter tenses on my right. Before he can open his mouth, Y/N says she’ll be right back with a tone that explains nothing and warns us both not to intervene.
I look at Peter, who looks at me, and we both watch her approach Flash. If I know Peter at all, I’m sure his feet are itching to race over to them too.
With her back to us, we can’t see her expression or hear anything she says. All we can do is catch glimpses of Flash, who keeps trying to interrupt her and losing. After about forty seconds they start to argue, or at least that’s what I’d guess from the angry gestures.
When she starts to leave, Flash grabs her hand. A red flag goes up in my head. That’s an idiotic move. Y/N smacks it off with the back of her other hand and leaves him struggling to say… something. I’m bad at reading lips.
Kinda looks like, Keanu just loves truly. Reeves? But I’m 98% certain that’s wrong.
Well, all the same, that clarifies nothing.
As she quickly starts walking back over to me and Peter, I turn my head to ask what he thinks just happened, but he isn’t there. Well, he is, he’s just further down the aisle, where he nearly knocked everything down a few minutes ago. He grabs something and heads toward the cash register without a word.
“He’s not buying those bracelets, is he?” Y/N asks, slightly out of breath. Standing beside me, we both watch him set something small down on the counter.
“I don’t think so,” I say. 
Really, I have no idea. I couldn’t see what he took, but I’d like to offer her some comfort in whichever ways are currently available.
She bites at a nail.
“Good.” I realize she isn’t meeting my eyes. “It would’ve been… awkward, if he had gotten a pair for the two of us and not you and MJ, right?”
I pause.
Until now, I hadn’t really considered what might happen if Y/N doesn’t like Peter back. I mean, I have reasons to think she does, but I didn’t exactly notice those reasons until I began to look for them. Oh shit, what if she doesn’t?
Still, “awkward” doesn’t have to mean anything significant, right?
I hope not.
“Plus,” she continues, biting her lip for a split second as she watches Peter, “I really don’t want to give Flash any new material to bully him with, you know? Middle school friendship bracelets would be more than enough.”
I nod as Peter finishes his purchase. He turns around, smiling at us, lifting a small plastic shopping bag like a greeting.
Man, I hope this is the end of the mess and not the beginning.
Part 23
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literaticat · 2 years
I appreciate your time and effort in reviewing my inquiry. My YA fantasy novel was published by a small press back in 2019--the publisher's marketing resources are extremely limited. I'm finishing up the second book in the series and would like a larger publisher to take on both books (rights for the first book revert back to me in March 2023). What is your advice in terms of querying agents--pitch both books equally, the series? Thank you.
Oof. You are not going to like my answer here but I feel compelled to honesty: This is going to be tough. Agents are not generally keen to re-sell books that were already published, and publishers are generally not keen to buy them.
It would be GREAT if you could query agents with a book that has NO BAGGAGE. That has never been published before and that is not a sequel to an unavailable book. Then once you are TALKING to an agent, bring up the possibility of also selling this duology someplace new. If they are excited about you as an author and the books, etc -- who knows, they might be able to make it happen! But I, personally, would not LEAD with either the previously published book OR the sequel to the unavailable book. It's just a lot to explain in a query letter and seems like, if not an insurmountable obstacle with RED flags on it, at least... like... a big speed bump with PINK flags on it. And that might be an automatic "nope" before an agent has even given it a chance.
Alternatively -- is it possible that you can make this second book a total stand-alone? In other words -- it CAN go with the first book, but it doesn't NEED to in order to make sense? Because then maybe you can pitch it as an all-new book (yay!) -- and also mention in the query, "I have a book set in the same world that was published by a small press, but I have the rights back -- if a publisher was interested in THE GLORIOUS SPACE-BOOK, this might be offered as a companion book."
If you can't do either of those -- you don't have a totally separate book in the hopper, and it's impossible to make "book 2" into a stand-alone, it has to be a series, and it has to come second -- then I guess you have to lead with the first book, be honest about the history, and say you have a second book as well. You never know -- maybe some agents will be into it enough that the previous history won't matter to them. I hope so!
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hulahoopingholt · 6 years
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Live - Philly
Okay, so I was writing this mainly to share the full scoop with my frenemy @msjessicaday, but then I figured there might be some other people interested in hearing about it, so I’m posting it publicly for all to hear about the most amazing time I had on April 7, 2018 at the Trocadero Theatre in Philadelphia. This is MEGA comprehensive, so cutting for extreme length, but do read on if you want a play by play of the show, or if you want to hear how Smash Mouth and Sugar Ray made surprise guest appearances. 
Doors opened at 7PM, and we showed up around 5PM. There were probably about 20 people in front of us at that point. We were surrounded by a really great group of people who were SUPER entertaining and made time fly, thank god, because it was COLD and there wasn’t much to do, haha. People walking by seemed REALLY confused by why there was such a crazy (punny!) line, and when we said we were there for CXGF, most said they’d never heard of it. But then at one point a city tour bus drove by, and the guide looked over at us and said into his mic, “it’s a lot more nuanced than that!” It was fab.
It was general admission seating, and we managed to get 2nd row center seats, thankfully. (I say thankfully bc the theater frisks people as they enter, and so ladies had to line up on the left and guys on the right, which wouldn’t normally be a big deal but since this audience skewed so heavily female, guys from way back toward the end of the line were being allowed in before women who had been in the front of the line which feels like a MIGHTY PAINFUL BIT OF SYMBOLISM WHOLLY INAPPROPRIATE FOR THIS SHOW but I digress, because fortunately we had a guy in our group and we sent him ahead to grab our seats, haha.)
Okay I do have the set list so from here on out that’s what I’m going to refer to, but some of the asides/ad libs I may not have in exactly the right order because there was just a lot going on and my memory isn’t the best.
First off, you can see the first 10-15 mins of this show on Rachel’s Facebook Live but I’m still going to paraphrase what happened.
They started with Where’s Rebecca Bunch? Everybody except for Rachel came out and dramatically looked for where Rebecca could be! Gabrielle had Rachel’s phone out and was filming the crowd. She came around the front during the “the town is all atwitter ‘cause the whole town is on Twitter,” and that + the phone got a really loud cheer from the audience. Then Rachel popped out and was like “um, guys, I’m right here, I was just taking a dump in the scary bathrooms.” (Okay so I gather this whole bathroom bit is scripted but this theater REALLY DID have murder bathrooms, the ladies’ room was ALL this Pepto-Bismol pink, the stalls were a) made of what felt like plywood and b) were REALLY short, like I’m only 5′6″ and my head was WELL above the stall wow.) And then Scott was like “that’s just the song we sing whenever we can’t find you” and Rachel goes “um so you just burst into full band and choreo whenever you can’t find me?” So then they all agreed to start with the REAL opener, West Covina. It was really short, but fab. Highlights included Rachel singing “my life’s about to change...oh my fucking gosh,” and then when she got to “because I’m hopelessly, desperately in love with...” and then Vinnie stepped forward and just PREENED. Our audience LOVED him and cheered for him for a really long time. It actually seemed like they were ready to move on but we were all NOPE, WE ARE HERE FOR JOSHUA FELIX CHAN LET US HAVE THIS MOMENT. But then Rachel finished and instead of saying “West Covinaaaaaa” she sang “PHILADELPHIAAAAA.” And Donna Lynne just casually brought up that final note an octave or two and DAMN that is a talented woman. 
Then the rest of the cast left and Rachel did a welcome and said how excited they were to be in this historic city. The Trocadero is a rock theater, so she asked how many people in the audience were musical theater nerds and thus this was their first time in a rock theater. Only a few people cheered, so she said “ohhh, this is a pretty cool crowd. If it had been me, I would have [raised hand]. My first concert was Bette Midler at the Staples Center.” She introduced the band, which included Adam Schlesinger on piano and Jack Dolgen on guitar/bass. She said that women have been known to throw their underwear at Adam...and in fact, somebody in Boston had given them their dirty underwear, so we just had to be trashier than Boston. She then said women have been known to throw their tampons at him and mimed removing a tampon from her vagina and throwing it at him. She then said “that is terrible and classless, do not laugh at that joke.” Obviously we all laughed. Then she said “speaking of classless, let’s do a song.”
Song was Sex with a Stranger! Dance moves were appropriately raunchy. Girl was feeling herself, as she should. Highlights included “My name’s Jason.” “Shut the fuck up, Jason, I don’t care about your fucking name.” 
She then came back and asked if there were any children in the audience, because it was going to be on a full on sex show. (There was, in fact, one child in the audience, she was behind us in line, haha.) She brought out Vinnie (who walked out with TP on his shoe, oops?) and said “Vinnie...have you ever hooked up with someone in your life...I mean, have you ever hooked up with someone in your life...Vinnie are you a virgin?!” and then got back on track and clarified hooked up with someone you SHOULDN’T have, which then led into We Should Definitely Not Have Sex Right Now. Yup, full on sex show. Lots of thrusting. It was fab and awkward and anything. Honestly, just watch the Facebook Live. It’s about 16 mins in. 
Vinnie then wanted to show off his West Covina hoodie that you can buy at merch. Rachel said he’s a really big fan of capitalism and therefore you should buy his hoodie. FUN FACT in the Facebook live when you hear Rachel say “and that gentleman is holding up a t-shirt,” that was my friend holding up the CXGF he had bought before the concert, BOOM RECOGNITION.
So then apparently Boston had an ASL interpreter, and they shared that Period Sex basically looks like holding up a pager to your face, then two bunnies fucking. So she then demonstrated “paging all bunnies...time to fuck.” Oh Rachel. 
Rachel then exited and left Vinnie on stage. He said he wanted to share something really personal with us, and when he was little he was super into martial arts and thought that was all he wanted to do, but then he saw a Gene Kelly film and that transformed him, and then he went from wanting to do this [martial arts move] to this [fancy Gene Kelly-esque dance moves]. And he talked about how excited he was to have this number in S3...yes, of course, I’ve Got My Head in the Clouds. Oh, but a great moment was before he started he took off his hoodie, and the audience went wild, and you could just hear Rachel from backstage go, “You all are thirsty. He just took off his hoodie.” LMAO WE HAVE NO SHAME IN OUR THIRST. But the number was great, and the HOLY GHOST came out and was AMAZING and sparkly. And then Vinnie said “let’s see who the Holy Ghost is tonight!” and it was GABRIELLE, who did a high kick and smiled and waved goodbye. (Sidenote, can’t remember when this happened, but Gabrielle was all about the high kicks and Jack would always do a drum hit when she did, and at one point made a crack about how Gabrielle never leaves the house w/o a drum set...to which she responded with another high kick.)
So then Rachel came back out and asked who was single, and made all singletons stand up and lock eye contact with someone, and then said “there, you know each other. Now go meet up for drinks afterward.” She then went into this whole bit about how, and she was totally serious, if anybody met their sig other at this concert, she would marry them at their wedding...but don’t think you could cheat the system, bc she would check up on you. She’d go through social media, interview you both, probably watch you have sex to see if you had chemistry...so honestly, is it really worth it? But then that led into Fuckton of Cats, which was amazing, and the whole cast came out with cat ears and they each had their own kitty personalities and it was just the cutest thing ever. 
Then at this point (I’m pretty sure at least) they said how they’d love to meet fans at the stage door, but their schedule is so tight they don’t have time to, so this was time for everyone to get their selfies. So then they posed facing each direction of the theater, like “okay, now this pose is how you’d look when the Eagles won! And now this is how you’d look if someone told you the Eagles suck.” NGL I got some pretty amazing pictures...
Also I can’t remember if this is actually when it happened, but I know the whole cast was on stage for it and it was toward the beginning, so I might be right...there was a center row reserved for cast comp tickets, and there were 3 empty seats. Rachel went “whoa, whose comps didn’t show?” And everybody was mumbling to themselves like “well my people are here.” So Rachel said “actually, those seats are reserved for our founding fathers. That one is Thomas Jefferson... and that one is Benjamin Franklin...and that one.....is Betsy Fucking Ross. Because everybody else is out there with their quills, and she’s like, you know what? I’m gonna sew a GIANT FUCKING FLAG.” 
Next up was The Math of Love Triangles. Rachel segued into it by saying she writes with two guys, so sometimes it feels like she’s in a love triangle. She was going back to flirt with the guys in the band...and when she was by Jack, COMPLETELY wiped out, fell right on her ass. But she kept going, so at first we weren’t actually sure if it was an accident or not. Still amazing. But then she got to the end and she couldn’t hit the high note...just raspy air. We cheered anyway. And she then said the cast has been getting really run down with the tour, and in other shows they’d been telling the audience that, but then Jack said it was a real downer, so she decided not to that night...and LOOK what happened. And Jack goes “yeah, well I also say things like...don’t fall.” ASJDKASLFJASLFD They just roasted each other CONSTANTLY it was amazing and honestly Jack is my new fave. 
Pete came out next, and Jack stood next to him on guitar as they did I Love My Daughter But Not in a Creepy Way. Pete was super earnest and made a lot of uncomfortable eye contact, and all the while Jack was making these “wtf this is so creepy” faces. ALSO there was a guy in the balcony right by the theater who dressed up like Darryl in Getting Bi, right down to the ‘stache, and Pete pointed him out and you could tell he genuinely loved it and said it was his favorite venue just because of that. OH BUT ALSO when Pete came out, he said “wow, Rachel, you’re looking very rock and roll tonight, all that leather.” She thanked him, and then he said “now you’re supposed to say something about me.” So she said “you look....exactly the same as you always do. It’s like the TV show Doug...you know when he opens his closet and it’s just all green sweater vest? Hmmm, which green sweater vest should I wear today? That’s like Pete...but with yacht clothes.” ASDJLKFNASFAK
Next up was Donna Lynne doing Maybe This Dream, and omg, that woman is a goddess. Seriously. That’s all there is to it. On a really shallow/superficial note, it became really clear to me that they frump her up on the show, because she is GORGEOUS IRL, and also a lot thinner than she looks on TV. But her voice...goddamn. She just makes it seem so effortless. Audience adored her and gave her a standing ovation because she’s magnificent and that’s just what you do in the presence of magnificence. But her niece was there and had just gotten engaged so she congratulated her and said “yay love!” before starting, it was so cute. (Jack, being a snarkosaurus, was like “oh they got engaged? And Donna Lynne said yes, and he goes “I don’t know those people.” AJSDKLASDNA)
Then was Women Gotta Stick Together. Gabrielle referred to it as “remember in S1 when Valencia was just always hangry...let’s go back to that.” Apparently normally during this song she comes into the audience and twirls people, but this stage didn’t have steps so she said “if I point at you, you better fucking dance.” Some people were a bit hesitant but overall people were into it and it was fab. Oh and when Gabrielle got to the line “so if some weird troll named Rebecca moves here from New York and is all up on my boyfrienddd” she turned to Rachel, who gave a tiny wave and said “hiiiiii” in that little voice, you know the one I’m talking about. It was adorable.
Back to the sex with Let’s Have Intercourse. Again, nice and raunchy. At the end Scott handed Rachel the condom and walked off stage, and Rachel asked who wanted it. Crowd obviously went wild, which led to her asking “you DO know it’s not a used condom, right? You’re acting like he personally used this condom...to be clear, this is an unused condom, still in its wrapper.” People STILL cheered, but then one woman in that balcony near the stage by Fake!Darryl shouted “I lost my job three months ago!” Rachel looked taken aback and was just like “whoa, okay, well ifI don’t give you this then I’m the asshole, here you go, take your unused condom.” There was a bit of an exchange trying to get the condom to the woman because it kept falling back down to the stage and Rachel joked about stopping the show so we could get this woman her condom, but alas, had to move on.
Rachel brought out Kabir Akhtar, who is an editor for the show and is from Philly. They talked about Philly for a bit (here). Rachel was also giving him props for being so great at editing and said how he fixes their acting and is so nice about it, because she’ll say “do we have a take like this?” and he’ll say “no, the actress was not in the mood that day,” or she’ll say “oh do we have a shot of my dancing from this angle?” and he’ll say “well the actress had some trouble with this choreography.” And he said “well it’s better than saying ‘ya did it wrong, bitch.” WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT THEM CONSTANTLY ROASTING EACH OTHER?! and then Rachel said since he’s from Philly, she told him he could perform any song he wanted...he chose Where’s the Bathroom (here). Then Rachel said she forgot a prop so he had to kill some time...so he talked some more about Philly and then led the crowd in the Eagles chant. Jack was SUPER judgey and was like “I cannot believe a bunch of CXGF fans know ANYTHING about sports let alone care enough about them to know the Eagles chant” LMAO.
Rachel came back out and said “let’s do a song that makes me feel the opposite of how I feel about sports...which is interested,” which of course led into Strip Away My Conscience. Gabrielle and Vinnie joined her and it was appropriately sexy. Rachel tossed a thong out into the audience at the end. Alas, just slightly too far to the right for me to grab.
Then Rachel said there are really three types of guys...there are the Josh Chans, the Nathaniels, and the Gregs. And the problem with loving a Greg is how hard it is to have a relationship when they don’t love themselves. So then Jack came out and did I Could If I Wanted To. He changed a verse to be all about Philly, and it was HILARIOUS. It sounds like he changes a verse at most, if not all, venues to be about their current city, but at least some of this HAD to be improv, which made it even more impressing. He went on a rant about how everybody from Philly has to tell you that they’re from Philly, all you ever hear is that they’re from Philly, if he knows where a person is from they’re from Philly bc it’s all they can talk about, he doesn’t even know where his own family is from except for his Uncle Joe, who’s from Philly. And THEN he went off about how he STILL can’t believe a bunch of musical theater nerds care anything at all about sports or the Eagles or the Flyers, our faves are Miss Saigon, and honestly, I’m SO upset it wasn’t recorded because it was ACCURATE and hilarious and I’m in love. (Seriously Jack, please marry me, bye.)
Then everyone came out and Gabrielle announced it was the intermission and time to stretch, so we all stood up and did I’m So Good at Yoga. At first people weren’t really joining in and she said “no, this is no good,” and insisted we do the yoga moves. (But honestly it was really hard, there wasn’t much space.) Rachel was hilarious in this, basically reenacting the scene from the show. And then at the end the whole cast circled her mockingly while she was on the floor, and Scott ended his post basically thrusting his crotch in her face? And the entire cast burst out laughing and Rachel afterward was like “wow, if I had a nickel for every time Scott’s dick was in my face...I’d have one nickel because that has NEVER happened before.”
Oh also after this Rachel was like “you know, that line ‘I come vaginally...’” and went off on her PSA about how most women can’t climax from vaginal penetration alone and gave us extensive details about the wonders of the clitoris. But she acknowledged there were still going to be some guys in the audience going “no, my dick’s so good,” lmao. It was amazing and Jack was amusing here as well but I can’t quite recall what he said, except he expressed wonderment that nerve endings from the clit extend toward the anus in some women.
That led into the Horny Angry Tango. So they were using handheld mics the entire show, and at one point Vinnie and Pete came out to hold the mics in front of their faces so Scott and Rachel could do the dance and still sing. It was oddly comical. Also at some point here, can’t remember if it was before or after, someone in the audience shouted out “SCOTT I LOVED YOU IN ONCE UPON A TIME” and he seemed startled and said thank you. Rachel said “wow, that was like the equivalent of YouTube comment,” and Scott said “yeah, and I think I did the equivalent of liking it.” Then somebody called out “Rachel, they did a musical episode in S6, you should check it out, I think you’d like it.” Rachel said “okay, and that was an Instagram comment.” They then joked that they just needed someone to say “Come to Brazil!” to make it complete.
Then Adam did What’ll It Be and it was lovely and beautiful but honestly I miss Santino sigh.
Next was First Penis I Saw and i was a fucking delight. Donna Lynne is the cutest, Gabrielle and Rachel doing backup were delightful, and seriously, that song is just so much fun and seeing it live made my life complete.
Then, of course, we had Getting Bi. Pete came out and gave it his all, and the cast joined in with inflatable musical instruments. Scott did the sax solo on a kazoo held up to a mic. Digging it.
This is a random aside because I can’t remember exactly when it was said or why but I need to call it out. At some point Rachel was talking (honestly can’t remember to whom or what about, which is making me sad) and it was going on for a while, but then heckler Jack called out “what are we doing, recording a podcast?” And it was LOL seriously this man is my hero can he be onscreen in S4?
So then Rachel did I’m a Good Person and honestly, what else is there to say? It’s an amazing song, Rachel killed it, she made someone in the audience tell her she was a good person...god I just love this concert take me back please?
Then Rachel came out and said in a stage whisper “okay, I just don’t want the band to hear this. But we’re going to do what’s known in rock venues as an encore. So since for a lot of you this is your first time at a rock venue, an encore is when the band, let’s say Smash Mouth (here we all laughed bc wtf Smash Mouth? And she said it was the only rock band she could think of) finishes their set and they walk offstage to go shoot heroin up their eyeballs, and everybody in the audience goes NOOOO WE NEED MORE SMASH MOUTH and starts chanting SMASH MOUTH SMASH MOUTH, and so then the band goes okay we’ll stop shooting up heroin and do one more song, and so they close on All Star instead of Walking on the Sun. Okay, we’re gonna do that.” 
And then Donna Lynne came out to do Face Your Fears and did I mention this woman is a goddess????? Seriously her RANGE is phenomenal, she didn’t even break a sweat hitting any of those notes, her voice is just FLAWLESS and SHE IS A FLAWLESS QUEEN. She started off solo and then the whole cast came out wearing white choir robes to do backup behind her. And when she finished she got another standing ovation (of COURSE, Philly may be obnoxious but we know a little thing called RESPECT) and the cast literally got down on their knees and bowed to her AS THEY SHOULD.
Then there was an empty stage....oh no! But we know to do what we’re told! And started chanting... SMASH MOUTH. SMASH MOUTH. And we had a view of Rachel backstage then and she LOST IT, literally bent over at the waist laughing hysterically at us chanting for Smash Mouth. 
So Smash Mouth didn’t come out, BUT Vinnie and Scott did! They performed Fit Hot Guys. They stripped off their shirts to reveal t-shirts w/super ripped bodies drawn on them. They were doing their thing, and then who appears but PETE, wearing only fireman’s pants and a cap, his torso completely slicked up with what he told us later was Pam cooking spray. Vinnie and Scott were all “whoa what are you doing, have you even seen the show?” and Pete’s like “um YEAH HERE I AM” and got SUPER into it, and when they sang “without these pants” he stripped off his pants to dance in his American flag boxers. Anyway Pete is as pure as Darryl and I will protect him with my life. He also proudly stated at the end that he had just started working out this morning. LOVE.
We had the guys, so next up were the ladies doing Let’s Generalize about Men. The crowd just loved it, it’s such a fun song, and you could tell they were having a blast doing it, but I missed Vella. :( 
Then there was just Rachel. She spoke to us first (I think? I might be getting my order mixed up slightly here) and said how she had chills hearing us chant Smash Mouth, that it was the perfect mix of improv and flash mobs. So then some girl called out “Rachel, I have a question.” And she went “Wow, okay, that was so polite and direct, okay, what’s your question?” The girl then asked if they could do a song from Rachel’s Sugar Ray Jukebox Musical. She said no, they weren’t remotely prepared to do that...but then Adam started puttering around on the piano and Rachel was like “wow, you know some Sugar Ray?” Soooo that’s the story of how we had a brief singalong with Rachel Bloom to Fly by Sugar Ray, and yes, she did the dance moves she did in the video.
 Then we got to Stupid Bitch, which she said she knew everyone could relate to at some point in their lives. Right before the final note, she stopped, walked over to her water bottle, played up taking a looooooong drink of water, and then came back to center stage to hit that final high note. We were proud of her.
And then FINALLY, we closed out the night with Heavy Boobs. Rachel stripped off her shirt (she said we had earned it) and showed off her bra, which she said was a Natori. My friend shouted out that it was a great brand and Rachel nodded and agreed that it was a great brand. The entire cast came out midway with bras over their clothing to dance along with her...and that’s it! That’s the show!
Seriously it was beyond amazing. I didn’t take any photos/video other than the selfie moment since I was so close to the stage I thought it would be really obvious/obnoxious...I KIND of regret that just because I want to LIVE IN THE MOMENT FOREVER, but honestly, it was just SO MUCH FUN that I wouldn’t change a thing. It was more than 2 hours long and it felt like 10 minutes. I laughed SO much, and was blown away by all the crazy talent on stage. And I need them all to be my best friends. 
I know the tour’s winding down now, and tickets are all sold out, but seriously, if they do this again? Do NOT hesitate. Go. Just go. (Also maybe have a guy in your group if it’s general admission, really my best tip.)
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kaitlynabdou · 6 years
Let me start this off by apologizing! I had intended on writing this blog ON Saturday after the Pride Festival but got into a car accident (mild fender bender!) on my way home. After that my whole evening was shot, and Sami and I opted to drop in on my parents’ house to use their hot tub (which was awesome!) to soothe our aching legs. After that, I got caught up in sewing commissions, and writing Chapter 11 of The Daffodil Witch! (It’s here, go read it!! But after you read this haha.)
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ANYWAY, Boston Pride! Let me tell you all about it and how AMAZING it was!
Leading up to pride, I knew that I didn’t want to just show up, watch the parade, and be done with it! I wanted to leave an impact somehow, even if it was only on a few people. A few years ago my father took me to NYC for New York Pride while on a business trip and I had dyed a rainbow streak into my hair in anticipation of it!
This year, I wanted to do something more and really make an effort. I wanted to be involved somehow, but it was too late to organize anything big!
I ordered myself an awesome ace pride pin (which I have been wearing every day since), did my nails in the ace flag colors, and made a rainbow flower crown to start!
Was that enough? Nope! I also ordered a bunch of mini rainbow flags and a roll of 500 heart pride stickers to hand out to people! THOSE were a huge hit! You would be amazed at how excited people got over the stickers. Even on the train into the city before Pride started, I ended up hanging out stickers!
Look at Sami, isn’t she cute? That brings me to our awesome outfits. Sami is a huge Star Wars nerd and had only JUST come out as a demisexual lesbian after a long time of questioning. She decided to rock her pride and ended up buying a really awesome pin while we were there!
I went into the city with Sami and Brendan, who is part of what I refer to affectionately as my ‘game night crew,’ a tight-knit group of friends who I see weekly for games and what we deem real-talks (I’ll talk more about that in another blog post! But we talk about some pretty serious topics and are all very close.) Brendan is not queer, but he was the one who wanted most to go to Boston Pride. He’s the best sort of ally you could want!
How fabulous are we?! And yes, Brendan IS doing the same pose in both photos. He’s a great ally and a great friend, but also a huge dork. See my skirt?! I struggled at first with the decision on my skirt. I knew I would make something festive, but I originally figured I would make a rainbow skirt to be super festive! Then it dawned on me that I could actually represent MYSELF as an ace at Boston Pride instead of just going in with the classic rainbow. I took to Facebook, and overwhelmingly, my friends suggested I go with the ace colors.
You can’t tell here, but each fabric is SUPER glittery, and Sami’s fishnets are covered in rhinestones. We like to be seen from space. If you ask either of us what our favorite color is, the answer will be, without hesitation: glitter!
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OKAY so, on to the parade itself!
Once we got into the city, it was a sea of rainbows, pink and glitter! We really couldn’t stop smiling and looking around. Rainbows were plastered in business windows, and flags were EVERYWHERE. It was an amazing feeling for me, as someone who has been out as queer almost my entire life–a feeling of being at home, of being safe, of being loved and included: a feeling of recognition. I can’t even imagine what Sami was feeling. Up until that moment, she had really only come out to maybe one or two people, and even when she came out to me it had been with the question of “am I allowed to identify as a lesbian if I dated a guy for so long?”
We ran into lots of awesome people we know, which was great! Took plenty of selfies. The first person we saw was our friend Danielle. Danielle is a wonderful specimen who somehow manages to show up everywhere at everything, and I run into her no matter where I go–EVEN IF IT IS IN A DIFFERENT STATE. We also saw my friend Lyndsey, who was representing fabulously in a Katsuki Yuri from YURI ON ICE! cosplay. Both of them walked in the parade (which we had planned to do until we got distracted by the lure of Starbucks coffee! Whoops!) Shortly after the parade started, we were joined by my friend Emmy, her younger sister and her friend Jennifer, who twinned with her in Wonder Woman regalia! (Don’t they look great?!)
The parade was amazing, of course! There was lots of free swag! Sami even got me this AWESOME Aladdin magnet, which I adore with every fiber of my being. (In case you don’t know, Aladdin is my FAVORITE Disney movie and always has been!)
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The parade itself was LONG, as to be expected. I tried to take as many photos as I possibly could (I am not a photographer, and am used to not taking photos ever at events because I get immersed in them.) My phone died after a few hours and I wasn’t able to take as many as I would have liked, but here is just a bunch of them in a slideshow for you:
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Yes, I had a BLAST. I loved the parade. I screamed so much I was sure I would lose my voice. I saw SO many flags and so much diversity… but I noticed that ONE thing was missing: I didn’t see a single ace flag in the entire parade. Did this ruin my experience? Not at all, I still had an amazing time–but it did stick with me that I didn’t see Black, Grey, White, Purple anywhere in the parade, and it made it that much more poignant that I had decided to wear my own flag to proudly represent asexuals.
The whole day, my companions and I were inactively on the lookout for more ace flags. We saw maybe three total the whole day, and I’m sure those people bought them ahead of time and brought them with them.  This is why I am so happy I wore my ace colors rather than only rainbow.
I had at least fifteen instances where someone came up to me and thanked me for wearing the ace colors, or complimented me on my skirt and pointed out that they, too, were ace! I WISH my phone had not died, for I would have taken a selfie with every one of them to share with you. Alas, all I can do is share those moments that stuck out to me the most.
One girl I had noticed was lingering with her friends behind us outside of Starbucks as we watched the parade. They weren’t standing WITH the parade onlookers, but up against the building. I had noticed a few times that they were looking at me, and thought maybe they wanted a sticker. Before I could offer one, I was distracted by friends joining us.
Maybe a half hour into the parade, one of the girls stepped over and tapped my shoulder.
“I love your skirt,” she said. Her voice was weak and quiet, and I could tell she was shy.
I offered her a big smile and thanked her. Then she showed me the small, ace-flag earrings she wore and the ace-flag nail polish she had done and smiled shyly at me. I think she was probably in her teens. She was small, shy, and intimidated looking. I told her they were awesome, gave her and all her friends stickers. Then I saw a look in her eye and knew that she was going to cry. I hugged her tightly, and she held on for a while.
Even as I’m writing this, I’m tearing up myself. I don’t think she expected to see ace representation at the parade. Asexual erasure is a real problem–with the queer AND straight community. I touched on this before in my Pride Month post. We are made to feel like we don’t exist like we aren’t valid. I hope that this moment, for her, was an eye-opener. I hope she feels valid now, because I am sure by the way she cried and was afraid at first to look me in the eye that she was not at all confident in herself.
This happened over and over throughout the day. I got hugs, I was thanked, I had people scream “I LOVE YOUR SKIRT!” over the crowds of people when they couldn’t get close enough. People showed me their small, and sometimes hidden, ace memorabilia. One girl who had to have been 13 if she was a day ran up to me with wide eyes, took my hands and said. “You are beautiful!”
I was overwhelmed by her.
Next year, I am already planning to attend pride again, but I want to REALLY make a difference this time. I want to register in the parade and form a group of asexual and demisexual people to walk with. I want us to fly our flags proudly, to wear our flags, to carry signs that remind everyone that WE EXIST and WE ARE VALID.
Sami was also inspired by pride. She wants to organize a cosplay group to walk in the parade for next year–and has even made a group on Facebook (a global group) for LGBTQ+ Cosplayers! She wanted to create a safe place for queer cosplayers to gather, network, chat and share! Check it out!
Thank you to everyone who came to me to show their appreciation for my representation. Thank you for making my Boston Pride experience so memorable!
Sami’s Links Tumblr Facebook LGBTQ+ Cosplayers
Lyndsey’s Links Website Facebook Twitter
    Boston Pride Festival and Representation Let me start this off by apologizing! I had intended on writing this blog ON Saturday after the Pride Festival but got into a car accident (mild fender bender!) on my way home.
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fanficimagery · 7 years
Anonymous said: Can you do an imagine where the reader shows signs of being suicidal like how Alex was. Like saying "no one would care if I died" or "so what if I kill myself?" And no one notices before it's too late and Alex visits her in the hospital?
Author's Note: So suicide is a very touchy subject and something I wasn't sure I was comfortable enough with writing. As it turns out, I'm kind of on the fence about it. With that said.. this Imagine probably isn't what you were hoping for, but I did my best to get as close as possible to what you hopefully wanted.
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Alex X Reader
High school sucks.
It's not the education part that bothers you, but rather the teasing and bullying that makes you dislike getting up five days out of the week. And then add the fact that things at home aren't going as smoothly as they could be, and it just makes you dislike existing even more.
If you're not listening to raised voices or are the target of said raised voices, then you're the bystander to the petty antics of teenagers at school and you're.. you're tired of it.
You have a small select group of friends, but they don't comment on your quiet personality and let you exist in peace alongside them. Tony looks like he always wants to ask you something, but never does and offers you a kind smile whenever you meet his gaze. Monty just talks and talks, and doesn't really understand that your personal space is your personal space so you always end up with his arm resting on your shoulders. And Alex.. Alex watches you all the time, a frown always present while he watches you go through the everyday motions of living as if on autopilot.
"I'm just saying," Justin mumbles around a mouth full of food. "It's getting hotter and hotter each year. Isn't that supposed to mean like.. the end of days or something?"
You're sitting outside for lunch at one of the concrete tables. Monty is next to you on one side of the bench, and Justin and Zach sit across from you with Alex sitting in the corner further-est away from Monty.
"What are you, a conspiracy theorist now?" Alex huffs.
Zach chuckles as Justin continues to go on and on about how times are changing, and you can't help but blurt out, "We all have to die someday. The most you can do is live life and embrace death with open arms when the time comes." You continue to push around the food on your tray, noticing a moment later that those around you have gone quiet. Looking up, your brow furrows. "What?"
"N-nothing," Zach stammers.
Taking note of their rather freaked out expressions, you roll your eyes. "Don't look at me like that. I'm just stating a fact and passing on a piece of wisdom. If you prefer to freak out and have panic attacks about our inevitable deaths, be my guest."
Monty laughs, breaking some of the tension. "Wisdom passed and wisdom accepted. I will live each day as if it's my last."
Forcing a smirk, you glance at Monty and lean in to bump his shoulder with yours. "Of course you will."
The rest of the lunch period passes with Justin offering up his most outlandish theories about how the world will end and you only listen with half an ear. Concentrating on trying to trick your mind into thinking you're hungry so you can at least eat half of what's on your tray, you don't see Alex staring at you with a calculating gaze.
The rest of the day passes, and by the end of the day you're totally exhausted and done with dealing with people. So when you spot Bryce and his lackey's, Monty and Justin included, picking on yet another innocent person.. you heave a sigh of annoyance and turn back around. Only then you bump into Zach who had been directly behind you.
"Whoa, hey," he muses, his hands resting on your shoulders where he had caught you. "Not so fast." You merely blink at him before trying to go around him, but he grips your shoulders a tad bit tighter. "Not so fast. I wanted to talk to you about something."
You immediately bite the tip of your tongue to keep from lashing out. Seconds pass and then you ask, "What?"
"I, uh, are you okay?"
"Peachy," you deadpan. "Why?"
Zach shrugs after he removes his hands, he then tucking them into the pockets of his jeans. "You just seemed a little off at lunch today," he says. "That dying comment you mentioned just raised all the wrong flags." You tense, your eyes narrowing in agitation. "Are you okay? Like really okay?"
There's a lot of things on the tip of your tongue, but instead of prolonging this talk you force a shaky grin. "Fine. Just tired," you say. "I have a lot on my plate and I'm already done for the week."
He snorts. "But it's only Tuesday."
"Exactly. I'm just so done already and I really want to get home."
"Okay. But only if you're-"
"Fine. I know. I'm good, Zach."
"Well.. alright. Do you.. do you need a ride home?"
"Nope. I'm covered."
Thankfully Zach doesn't press you anymore and goes on his way, and the second he's out of sight your shoulders and grin drop. You hoist your backpack’s straps up higher on your shoulders, take a deep breath and start walking towards another exit so you can get home.
You're just.. so totally done. With everything.
The next time your eyes blink open, you frown in confusion and glance around the suspiciously sterile room. Body and throat aching, you try to sit up only to realize your wrists and ankles are restrained to the bed.
"What the..?"
The door opens and in walks a graying female Doctor who smiles kindly at you before she glances between you and the clipboard in hand. "It's good to see you awake, Miss Y/L/N. Do you know why you're currently here in the hospital?" You clench your jaw and she smiles as if she'd known you wouldn't utter a peep. "You're here because you took a handful of sleeping pills.
"We successfully pumped your stomach and the restraints are only temporary. It's mandatory you stay in isolation for twenty-four hours before we allow you any visitors or freedom."
You huff, but don't argue and after checking a few readings on the machines around your bed the doctor leaves you alone.
Throughout the day you're brought your meals which the nurses feed you, another doctor comes in to see where exactly you're at mental-wise and deems you safe later that night when you give decent answers.
The following day your parents are first to visit and it's a sob fest. You didn't expect to be so affected by their reactions, but you are and after opening up to tell them about how mentally and physically exhausted you are of everything.. they promise that things are going to be different.
Your mom then stays in the room with you and makes small talk, and your dad leaves only to come back later to smuggle in fast food instead of the bland stuff the hospital is serving. Then when things quiet down and your parents are sure you're in a good head space, they leave to go take care of things at home but not before announcing they'll be back as soon as possible.
You get up to use the bathroom and exit to find a panicked nurse, but after assuring her you only had to use the facilities she calms down. You know everyone is cautious with you because of your attempted suicide, but it's still slightly annoying to have everyone questioning your every move.
Some time after lunch there's a knock on your door and lazily glancing to the opened doorway, you're surprised to see Alex standing there with his hands tucked in his pockets. "Monty's really pissed at you."
Weakly grinning, you beckon him in. "Hello to you too, Alex."
He grins back and takes a seat next to your bed. "You look like hell."
"Feel like it too. Perks of trying to kill myself, I guess." Alex's grin falls and you grimace. "Too soon?"
"Well you're still in the hospital, so yeah. I'd definitely say too soon." Alex sighs and you shift in bed. You'd always had a soft spot for Alex, especially since he'd been one of the ones to be bullied for no reason and because of the crush you once had on him. But sitting here with him being your only visitor besides your family, you can feel that crush slowly rekindling and making him upset doesn't sit right with you. "Why'd you do it?" He eventually asks. "Was your life really that shitty that you decided to just end it?"
"You know me, Alex. I bottle everything up until it explodes and it just so happens I couldn't handle this particular explosion," you shrug. "It's not like I hadn't thought about it before. I just- I finally spiraled too far."
"I knew this was coming," he mumbles. "You'd been acting off for quite a while now. I'm just pissed I did't realize it sooner."
You roll your eyes. "It's not your fault, Standall. Don't beat yourself up."
"That's Monty's job. Remember?" He smirks at you, tension dissipating. "And speaking of, he and the other guys are pretty worried about you. A few others too, but they didn't want to bother you."
"So they sent you instead?"
"Not.. exactly." Alex twiddles his thumbs in his lap, his gaze downward as he answers you. The tips of his ears tinge pink and you mentally laugh at the effect you have on him. "I just- I wanted to come. Unlike most of the people we choose to hang out with, I actually like you. You scared me when you didn't show up to school and then when I dropped by your house only to find out what happened? It sucked."
"Well would you look at that," you tiredly drawl. "I like you too."
Alex finally glances at you, his lips twitching in amusement, but neither of you say anything else. You know you like him and it looks like he might like you back, but now is not the time for any of that. Maybe after you get your shit together, then the two of you can revisit these fluttering feelings you're starting to feel once again.
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mandssisters · 7 years
Laditude - GOTR takeover Latitude 15th July 2017
The road to Latitude was a long road, the 8 hour drive made me feel like I should have been in the states travelling to a local gig!  Whereas in the UK…… a LONG DRIVE!
Arriving Thursday for the weekend, we set up basecamp amongst Waitrose shoppers! (Personally I am more Lidls)  (more Waitrose later)  A great pitch location within short walking distance for the Sausage Pork Shack (that’s breakfast sorted) and loo’s…. close but not too close!  Despite packing lite the load was indeed heavy!
Off to the main festival site for the afternoon evening.  Latitude had a character all of its own.  Delightful wooded areas, the river, the waterfront stage, comedy arena, lake stage, theatre and other music zones.  The main stage Obelisk Arena was set at the bottom of a natural hill so made a great arena, unlike other festivals at the back was a GA set of tiered seats.  Great idea.  
Lots of quirky stalls to spend one’s hard earned cash.  Merchandise purchased.    Finally I get my hands on a Garratt Tee shirt.  Can you ever have too many t-shirts?  We found a tasty food stall making great Tibetan cuisine, a real treat.  
The lockers.  When booking we selected the option of a secure locker, in the mind you see a gym locker, the reality was quite different.  All very organised and secure, but only the size of first edition Harry Potter!  The struggle was real to get all the newly purchased merch inside!  At the cost of the camera, latitude pint glass and knitted cactus…… cannot have everything in life.
Being a tad tired we head back to camp and attempt to sleep……….. The hours between midnight and 7 am can be long can’t they!!!!!    At least I rested!!!!  Such a relief the Scousers next door had a great time……festival life.  
Friday, exploring day.  Pink Sheep, Lakes, river banks, gondola rides, comedy, ballet, music.  We saw and heard it all.  Went to see Charlie Fink in the theatre a very touching play.  Another highlight being the BalletBoyz.
Demonstrating the high end nature of this festival, we browse a “living jewellery gemstone stall” tempted by the lapis necklace should or shouldn’t I spend money…. the lady next to me spots an amethyst lazer cut silver ring, the stall holder points out that it is indeed to most expensive item on the stand, her friend, what £200…. errrr no £2000.  Lady next to me, places it on the hand stares at it for around 30 seconds and says, I’ll take it.  The stall holder close to tears of joy can’t quite #believe.  She pays on her credit card saying I’ll tell the husband later he just bought me a pressie.  When in Rome the Lapis is indeed purchased!  Bargain.
The 1975 were headlining so we decided to sit on the back row, what a great view and great set.  This was the last date of the current tour, hardcore fans had been barriering it all day.  An emotional good bye until October 2018!  We’ve all been there.  It was a chilly evening many layers were on, I was as usual rocking the homeless look.  Back to basecamp to “warm up”.  #fail.
A much better nights sleep, the ear plugs working their magic.  Must have got at least a 6 hour snooze.  The weather looked ok for the day,  warm, but not hot, sunny but not on fire, but maybe light showers in the afternoon.  
Pack a sweater and poncho, don the wellies.
Mixing up the day with a cheese and baked bean toastie for breakfast.  Every night the festival ground itself is vacated and you camped off site.  Festival Gates open around 10am, so we head back down and wander to the Obelisk Arena.  The arena is taped off until the site is declared ready.  It is has been transformed overnight into a GOTR stopover/takeover.  With Willis flags flying proudly around the arena and new stage surround added.  We meet a Nanny that is paid to sit on site over the weekend to make sure her crew are behaving!  This was her 10th year!  Tempted by the offer of a £70k a year job in Dubai we refused!
B, G, S, and F arrive!  Yay!  The gang are here.   A very causal dropping on the tape and the cruise to the barrier is easy. Wot no bag search, hole punching of tickets, queueing for wrist bands, and steps, front row and never had been such a breeze!  
The stage is very high, I guess because of the hill,  also down the front there is an uneven layer of sand/gravel which makes for a messy seat!  Hiding cables I guess but ruining the arse of the trouser!
The very best sound check for a good 30 mins prior to their opening set.  Seye is working with Gorillaz on the Humanz tour.  I think his absence was definitely noted.  Wot no WE OK in Sight! They had a tough crowd, first up, early in the afternoon and to a bit of a lame crowd.  Maybe the Waitrose crowd don’t wake up until after the sun passes the yard arm.  Good set none the less.  
Ben appears on stage to announce Lucy Rose, this was indeed the largest audience she had ever played in front of.  I can’t remember much of her set as I was “struggling”, all I can say is thank god for Tang Tastics.  Never have I needed you more!  Lucy I am sure did a great acoustic set.  #tired.com
It suddenly gets really crushed and tightly packed down the front, all exit plans are now waived from the mind.  Milky chance, nope I hadn’t heard of them, but clearly Waitrose Kid shoppers had.  It was rammed down there with mosh pit circle dances gaps and barrier ramming being undertaken.  Oh it was fun!  They were very good.  Just what the soul need post L.R.
Glass Animals next,  again, crush fest, the stage dressing was a large golden pineapple, this brought a smile to my face…… party like a 🍍 #fondmemories they were really good, a great tonic.  Bashing out tune after tune.  Clearly they were having a great time as well.  The fan base of course bringing inflatable pineapples and pineapple sunglasses, said pair live on in DDD thanks to the careless actions of a fan!  But the careful squirrelling of said DDD fan!  
More peeps than ever now down the front for Two Door Cinema club.  Great stage graphics, great tunes, saw them at Glastonbury last month and they never disappoint.  Surviving all three of the last acts was a bit of a feat of endurance, but we did it.  
The teenage Waitrose shoppers had now dispersed by around 20% so we now had room to dance around again.  Leon Bridges was totally awesome and oh so talented, he had all the moves, very 50s rockabilly but with a modern twist.  Great soul in his voice.  It’s not every one who can carry off the cricket whites look!  He did a blinding set.  
By now it was 2045 hours and only 45 mins until Mumford!  
Throughout the day the stopover was old Skool and used linen fabric backdrops to showcase the artist.  Mumford indeed went old skool and had the same stylish graphic set up.  I don’t think we will see the May pyro stage set again.  
2130 and OMG the boys were right on the button.  They blew me away from the start. Opening with Snake Eyes,   I’m not sure where the bounce came from, (hula hoops) (Capri sun) (Tang tastics) (sesame bars), but it was there from the first chord. Loved this show.  
The tunes flowed, the chaps clearly having a blast and enjoying it as well.  Very much a festival set, mixing it up.  Hearing the songs from Johannesburg again, Baaba Maal throwing his shapes and the beauty that is Si tu Veux, Marcus taking lead on Wona, it was a real carnival set.  I will never tire of hearing those songs.  Love love love.  
Up and coming artist Maggie Rogers and fellow takeover artist joined them for Awake My soul.  Sounding beautiful.  
Too soon it was Ditmas, will he or won’t he risk the Waitrose run…. of course he did!  We did worry about the quantity of inflatable sofas, picnic blankets, camping chairs in the arena! NO one got hurt!  He made it back to the stage!  
Encore to Blind Leading the blind.  Then the gathering of friends and fellow performers for “With a little help from my friends”.  Another classic, spotting JQ, Leon Bridges, Maggie Rogers, The Very Best, Gill Landry. Marcus shaking the life out of a tambourine never fails to make one smile.  What a great takeover.  Latitude loves the Sons.
As per Marcus’s instructions we took the aftershow party to Jack Garratt.  That boy was at the top of his game.  It’s not many that can pull of a matching shirt and shorts combo, but he wore it with pride.  We sang, we laughed,  we dance the sole out of our wellies.  What an atmosphere.  Epic. Blinding. Outstanding!  Can’t wait for his formal return with album two.  I think it’s fair to say Jack loved it as well, doing his mini “celebratory Ditmas” run around the front pit hi fiving everyone.  
Still buzzing from Mumford and Jack, we head onwards to the GOTR bar and the Sunset Arena for a spot of chilling and lounging with HBOV.  It’s a lovely area to chill on a log and to reflect on a great weekend, well done chaps, you pulled off another blinder. High five. 🍹😎🌲🌳
Now nearly 3am we decide to call it quits for the day and head back to the comfort of the tent……. nope we didn’t find it.
Sunday… sorry to have missed you Fleet Foxes 🦊 but homelands beckons.  Thanks to the person who donated the freecycle tent ⛺️ other people’s waste! 🤓
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kdfrqqg · 7 years
Heaven’s Comfort: Part 2
Cas x Reader; with Dean & Sam Word Count: 2310 Fluff Part 2
Catch up: Part 1
Summary: Cas comforts you after hunt, bonding with Sam and Dean.
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It was about five hour drive from Fort Dodge, Iowa to Lawrence, Kansas.   Dean stopped at a little diner outside of town, where you all fueled up for the day.  Of course Dean ordered double bacon it was his treat for a successful hunt.  Back in the Impala, you had made a little home for yourself in the backseat behind Sam.  You had hummed to every Led Zeppelin, AC/DC or Metallica song on the radio for the last two hours.  You were bored and you could tell that Sam was too.   You piped up, “Alright Deano, I am requesting a radio change.” “Oh no, driver picks the music!” Dean gripped. “Yeah, yeah but since I never get to drive, I am requesting a change in music.” You snipped back.
“It’s still no!” Dean protested. “Daddy, please change the channel!” You said in your most annoying baby voice you could do.  You knew he hated it when you whined. “No, nope, no. I am not doing it.” Dean once again replied. Sam joined you in the baby voice bombardment, “Please change the channel, Daddy!”   Your voices were really irritating but now you had back up so you two continued for the next fifteen seconds then a deep voice cut through the classic rock and baby voices, “Dean, Change the channel!” Cas told him. “Alright! Alright! I have been over ridden.” Dean said giving up.  “What do you want?” You replied, “Something poppy, I want to sing!” as you made a dramatic gesture with your hands. The first few songs weren’t anything fun, and then The Chainsmokers “Closer” came on. “Come on Sammy!” you exclaimed.  You two knew this song very well from too many nights in bars. You heard Sam’s deep voice start to sing as you snap you fingers.
Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you I drink too much and that’s an issue but I’m okay Hey, you tell your friends it was nice to meet them But I hope I never see them again
“Oh yeah!” you excitedly say continuing to snap your fingers.  He continues to the next verse. Sam and you sing the chorus as a duet together: So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover That I know you can’t afford Bite that tattoo on your shoulder Pull the sheets right off the corner Of the mattress that you stole From your roommate back in Boulder We ain’t ever getting older We ain’t ever getting older We ain’t ever getting older
“Your turn!” Sam says.  You start to sing out as you gyrate in your seat.  This earned you a smile from Dean in the rearview mirror.
You looked at both Cas and Sam as you sang the first line of the verse. You look as good as the day I met you
I forget just why I left you, I was insane Stay and play that Blink-182 song
You continued to shimmy your shoulders and sing in your seat.
That we beat to death in Tuscon, okay I know it breaks your heart
Your hands cover your heart as you pump with the rhythm of the song.
Moved to the city in a broke down car And four years, no call Now I’m looking pretty in a hotel bar
You belt out and all of the boys turned to look at you, for a moment, you guess they forgot how well you sing.
And I can’t stop No, I can’t stop
Sam and you continue to sing the rest of the song as duet
So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover That I know you can’t afford Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Both of you point to your anti-possession tattoos, Sam’s was on his chest and yours was actually on your shoulder, which you found funny.
Pull the sheets right off the corner Of the mattress that you stole From your roommate back in Boulder We ain’t ever getting older
Once the song was over, you sang along to a Rihanna, and Ed Sheeran song, then old school Spice Girls came on, it was “Wannabe”.
“Don’t you dare, Dean Winchester!” you scolded as he tried to change the station.  You didn’t care for the song but it reminded you of college.  You remembered one night in particular, when your suite mates all went out and got totally wasted and sang this doing really awful karaoke. You started to sing in a kind of an annoying high voice.
Yo, I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want, So tell me what you want, what you really really want, I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want, So tell me what you want, what you really really want, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ha.
You danced as much of the choreography that you could remember from high school.  Sam joined you dancing and singing, on the next part.
If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends Make it last forever friendship never ends, If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give, Taking is too easy, but that’s the way it is.
Dean started to laugh so hard at the two of you making complete fools of yourself that he almost drove off the road. “Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” the whole car said. When the chorus came back around, Dean in his best falsetto sang with you two.  Even stoic Cas was smiling and moving with the song.  You giggled and laughed so much, that you messed up half of the words as you sang. No one cared it was the most fun the four of you had enjoyed in while. When the song was over, Sam laughed so much that he got choked up, “OK ok, I am done! My sides hurt from laughing too much!” You wrap your arms around Sam’s neck and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. “Thanks Sammy!” You say. You relinquished control of the radio back to Dean.  He changed the channel and turned it down low.  Cas took your hand softly and laced your fingers with his, while whispering in your ear, “A voice like yours puts most angels to shame, me included.”  You smiled, looking​ down at your hands because those blue eyes of his had magical powers all their own. You placed your head on Cas’ shoulder and Dean smiled at you in the rearview mirror.  You closed your eyes and fell asleep on his shoulder.  Somewhere on the drive, you laid down on the black leather back seat of the Impala, you rested your head on Cas’ lap.  You slept pretty much the rest of the way home.   You heard Dean’s deep voice wake you up, “Hey! Sweetheart!” “Yeah!” You reply in a sleepy hazy. “We are about 30 minutes from home, you wanna call our normal Chinese order in?” he asked. “Ummm… Chinese.” You moaned. “Yeah, I can do that.” you answer still kind of asleep, as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes.  You called the Chinese Kitchen, “Good Evening, Mrs. Phan! I would like to place a to-go order.  One large vegetable lo mein, one large Hunan chicken, extra spicy, like insane hot.  Yes, ma’am that one is for me. One large General Tso’s chicken, and one large beef and broccoli.” You ordered.  “Ah. Yeah, two large orders of fried rice.  Thanks for reminding me.” You replied. “Guys, ya’ll want anything else?” Sam replied, “Oh… I want pot stickers!” “One order of steamed pot stickers.” You continue to order.  You already knew how Sam wanted them cooked. “Come on Sammy! Steamed! I wanted fried.” Dean said a little upset. “Mrs. Phan, so we need two orders of pot stickers, one steamed and one deep fried.”  You continued to listen to Mrs. Phan repeat your order. “Yes, ma’am.  Ok so it will be ready in 20 minutes.  Thanks!  See you soon!” You picked up your take out order and returned​ back to the bunker.  The four of your ate dinner and drank a couple of beers before bed.
Back at the bunker, things were calm. It was still relatively early when you all got back.  You should have been sleepy after eating all of that Chinese and beer but you had slept half the day in the Impala so you were wide awake. The boys on the other hand were falling asleep at the table.  You and Cas helped Sam and Dean to their bedrooms.  You retired to your room and settled in to read for the next few hours. After about fifteen minutes of reading, the door to your room opened slightly while someone lightly knocked on the other side. “Can I join you tonight?” Cas asked shyly with his eyes fixed on the floor, as always. You gestured for him to come in, “Sure, but you have to get comfortable,” as you pointed to his clothes. You reminded him that beds are for rest and relaxation. He knew the drill this time; he removed his outer clothing and shoes and joined you under the covers. “Do you want me to read to you?” He asked. You followed a question with a question. “Um… Can I read to you?” He agreed. You opened your arms for him and he rested his head on the top part of your chest where the strap of your pink PJ tank top laid. You both tangled yourselves in each other’s arms and legs. You started to read out loud, changing your voice to a British accent when you read the dialog. “What are you doing?” He questioned. “Oh. This makes it more fun and animated. You don’t like it?” You asked back. You used to change your voice all the time when you read to the kids at the library.  His restful deep voice, asked you to continue. You read for the next hour and half until Cas noticed you yawning. He promptly removed the book from your hands, flagged the page you were on, and got up to turn off the light. You sunk back in the bed; he joined you and curled up into your arms while you stroked his jet black hair. The bunker was peaceful, and nothing could harm you as long as Cas was there to protect you. The next morning, your room was cold but the bunker normally was.  Cas realized that you were shivering and pulled the covers up over your shoulders and pulled you into him once more.  You looked at the clock on the bedside table.  “I have to get up and make breakfast.” You told him. “Don’t leave!” he said.  His voice was so needy, you had never heard him like that.  You really didn’t want to disappoint him.   “Five more minutes.” you promised. “Ok” he agreed. “What are you going to make for breakfast?” he asked. “Well… Bacon definitely. Um. Maybe biscuits and eggs.” “Do you have any of those cinnamon rolls with the icing?” Cas asked.  Normally, Cas didn’t request anything special but a few weeks ago you bought a few packs of cinnamon rolls because they were on sale.  He seemed to enjoy them.  You assumed that it was because they were super sweet.  You remembered Sam telling you that Gabriel had a sweet tooth and ate candy all the time.  Maybe now that Cas was an angel again his taste buds could only pick up really sweet, or really salty flavors without them tasting like molecules. “I think we have a can or two of those left.” You replied.   Once again the five minutes, went by too fast.  If you stayed in bed any longer you would have never left your angel’s side and then you would have to have that conversation with Sam and Dean and you just didn’t want to have that talk today.  You put your slippers on and a robe.  You notice that Cas is putting on his suit pants.  You walked to your dresser and found a pair of Dean’s red plaid pajama bottoms that you stole from his laundry because they were really soft and handed them to Cas.  “Here put these on,” You commanded “oh and these.” You remembered that Sam left a pair of slippers in your room by your bed from the last movie night a few weeks ago.  He looks so cute with his bed head and sleepy outfit.   The two of you moved to the kitchen.  Cas sat down at the table and started to read yesterday’s paper while you started the coffee, turned on the oven and opened the package of bacon. A few minutes past, when down the hallway you heard Sam waking Dean by knocking on his bedroom door.  The boys swaggered into the kitchen. “Good morning Boys!” you greeted them cheerfully. “Hey.” Sam said still groggy, he didn’t function without his coffee.  He moved towards the coffee pot and poured two large cups of black coffee for him and Dean. “Good morning Mom!  Good morning Dad!” Dean teased you and Cas.  Dean was in a good mood probably because he smelled bacon and he planted a wet kiss you on the cheek as you were flipping eggs in the pan. Cas ignored Dean’s smart comments.  “Don’t make fun of your parents, Dean” you responded with sort of a giggle.  “Now, do you want bacon?” you asked, already knowing the answer. “Does he want bacon?” Sam chimed in.  “It’s Dean!” “Yeah, I want bacon!” Dean agreed shaking his head like he was a little kid.  Those bright green eyes were so energetic; you couldn’t help but smile at him.   The four of you enjoyed a lazy Sunday afternoon around the bunker just reading, watching TV and eating.  Sam and you would wait until Monday before the two of you tried to find another case.
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“Give it to me! You know you want to!” Writer winks at reader.
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Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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