#tough labor tw
gracegrove · 9 months
TW 70s era use of the word "queer"
Neil Hargrove doing a very working-class thing by volun-telling Billy that he will be spending his summer as a 14-year-old doing hard manual labor on a job site with some random ass uncle he didn't even know he had until one morning over dry Cheerios.
Neil drops him off at Uncle Matt's in Anaheim with a backpack and a duffel bag. See ya in September. "Don't cause your uncle any trouble," he warned with a thick grip on the shoulder before he took off for the interstate.
Billy stared at the man with hard eyes, his arms crossed in defiance. "You're not my real Uncle..."
The man chortled, ash sprinkling from the thick cigar chomped in his teeth. "Ya think so, tough guy?" He chuckled some more, waving for Billy to come inside.
Uncle Matt was a large man, as wide as he was tall. The furniture groaned when he sat down, casually kicking off his work boots and shrugging out of his suspenders as he picked up the can of beer from the side table.
"So Willy..." "It's Billy." Uncle Matt gave him a toothy grin. "Billy," he corrected, "Ya ever work a day in yer life?"
Billy sat on the corner of the couch, as the man took a long sip from his Coors. "Kinda. I mow lawns n' stuff."
Matt chuckled, "Ya ain't gonna be mowing no fucking lawns here! This is gonna be hardass work kid. Best get some sleep now..."
Billy rolled his eyes and headed off to the bedroom he was given.
After the first month, Billy and Uncle Matt fell into a routine. Matt's wind-up alarm clock was grating and shrill enough to wake Billy before Matt got two extra snores in at sunrise. The pair shared toast, eggs, and Folger's instant before heading out to the job site.
Billy's hands had gotten rough and calloused. Blistered and scabbed over more times than he could count.
"Hey Billy!" Matt called out over the ending shift horn. Billy slung the hammer in his grip onto the loop of his jeans and began climbing down the ladder. "Yah?"
"We're gonna have some company over tonight for dinner. My bookkeeper, Dan. So play nice." Billy smiled wryly. "I always play nice."
Things seemed a bit odd when dinnertime began rolling around. Uncle Matt was combing and carefully parting his hair in the mirror and was that the stench of aftershave on his beard?
Also for the first time in his life, Billy discovered what a tablecloth looked like as Matt carefully smoothed it across the dining room table. Billy crinkled his nose in suspicion, "Dan's a woman."
Matt barked out a laughed. "You're a hoot kid! Wait till Dan hears that!"
The doorbell rang and Matt stood up straight, smoothing his shirt. "Billy, can you set the plates out while I get the door?" Billy squinted at him, as the man hurried out of the room.
Peeking his head around the corner Billy snuck a glance at their guest.
Dan was not what Billy was expecting and he certainly wasn't a woman either. Dan was an average man of average height. He had shaggy brown hair and a thick mustache to boot. His face was set with round thick-rimmed glasses. What was so special about Dan that they had to have dinner with him?
The men hugged at the door, the embrace uncharacteristic of how Billy believed men should act around each other. They regarded each other warmly. "I'm so glad you came," Matt said quietly. "Me too. I've missed you."
Scurrying back, Billy quickly set the table and sat down, his heart thundering. He suddenly felt like he shouldn't be here. Like he was now a part of a horrible secret.
"Billy, this is Dan." Matt introduced as they entered the room. Billy awkwardly rose from his chair, weakly shaking his hand. "H-hey."
"Why don't you two have a seat and I'll fetch the chow, huh?" Matt said happily, a hand on Dan's shoulder.
"Oh, I'll help!" Billy forcibly stated, rushing into the kitchen.
Matt raised an eyebrow, "Ok..."
In the kitchen, Billy was nervously wringing his hands around a hot pad as Matt entered. "Are you a queer?" he blurted out, regretting it in an instant.
Matt set down the crockery he had set to take in. "I am Billy. Does that make you uncomfortable?"
Billy twisted the hot pad back and forth in his hands, "I... – I don't know. It's like..." He was struggling, his nose scrunching and his eyes watering up. "You're... you're not supposed to."
Uncle Matt ripped a paper towel off the rack and handed it to Billy. "It's okay tough guy, you don't gotta figure it all out right now. If you wanna have dinner in your room you can."
Billy shook his head, blowing his nose loudly. "But you made all this, and... you're real nice, and... –"
"... a damned queer." Matt added with a deadpan delivery. "Just don't tell your father, he'd have a heart attack."
Billy laughed.
"Now c'mon. Chow's gettin' cold."
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firefly-sky · 1 year
I wanna request something.
Kyle from south Park comforting tiny y/n after a nightmare
Of course, friend!!
Giant!Kyle x Tiny!Reader- Nightmares.
(Note: All characters are aged up to sixteen or so. They are high school students)
I wasn’t sure if you wanted platonic or romantic so you choose lol
TW: nightmares, yelling, arguing
As a tiny, life could be hard.
Oftentimes you were busy just trying not to be trod upon or accidentally crushed by one of the giants around you, seeing as they were each at least 100 feet tall. It was scary, being almost twenty times smaller than them. But the one exception was Kyle.
Now Kyle was known to be one of the angrier giants of the bunch, often losing his temper if he were pushed hard enough, but he never acted out violently. He only really beat up one person in his lifetime, and it had been for a good reason.
Through all in all, Kyle was a real sweetheart. He could be oblivious at times, yes; but he was never cruel or mean to you. For you, he was all bark, no bite. Especially since you were so small.
After you had been found in South Park, kept as one of the ‘school pets’ for a bit. And though you were never treated like an animal, Kyle still felt it wasn’t right to keep you in some glass cage to be observed and looked at in such ways. So…he saved you. And while he’s, when he did it was terrifying to see a gloved hand the size of your own body and then some reaching in and grabbing you, he was nothing but soft and gentle.
After a while, you and Kyle began growing closer to each other, despite you being twenty or so times smaller than them. You celebrated Hanukkah with the Broflovskis as well, and any other holiday you celebrate in the winter and even then some. They were pretty tolerant of your religion. Eventually, Kyle began to carry you around everywhere he went. Mainly out of fear that you would get lost (not that he would admit that; he usually claimed you would ‘mess up his room while he was gone’) but also because he was afraid of what his friends would do. So, you two were attached at the hip. This included while you were sleeping.
You slept on his nightstand in a small matchbox bed he had made for you. It had a small piece of linen cloth as a blanket and even a tiny mattess made from a memory foam piece that he had cut out from one of the fidgets he owned (stress from school really got to him sometimes). There was a tiny pillow made of cotton as well. After Kyle had tucked you in, (as you begged hun to do) he hesitated before placing a kiss to your forehead. His lips were the size of your entire upper body, so it was tough. Afterwards, you just blushed a bit, flattered with the kiss. He backed up and soon went to bed. His glasses were right on the stand next to you. It was funny, seeing how big they were compared to you…not that you minded.
Eventually, Kyle began to snore gently. His breathing was labored with the hands of sleep as his huge chest rose up and down as he slept…his hand was outstretched as he turned in his sleep…and it all hit you just how…big…he was. He could crush you with one wrong move. That scared the shit out of you. But surely, he wouldn’t hurt you. Not intentionally, at least.
So, with that you drifted to sleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You awoke the next morning with a start, hearing Kyle’s door slam. You jolted up out of bed as he came into his room. He was fuming. Now this wasn’t unlike Kyle; he had some anger issues, even if he was mellowing out in his teenage years, he was known for his emotional outbursts. His face was almost as red as his hair as he threw his trapper hat down in a fit of rage. You felt your body calm up as you slowly got out of bed. You looked up at Kyle. He had blood dripping from his nose and a few cuts on his cheeks. He looked awful.
“Kyle..? Ky? Is everything okay?”
Your tone was shaking. Hell, you were shaking. You hated seeing Kyle this worked up. Kyle turned his rage onto you.
“Is everything okay?”
His tone was short, and almost eerily gentle. Like a snake lulling it’s prey into it’s opened jaws. He slammed his huge fist onto the nightstand, his eyes nearly glowing with rage. His fist was nearly the size of you, and the sheer force of which he slammed it down sent you toppling over. You scrambled back to not be squished before looking up at him in terror. He rose to his full height, looming above you. His gaze was dark as he scowled
He snapped, his breathing heavy and his lips curled into a sneer. You flinched back as Kyle continued to look at you as if you had killed Ike.
“Me..?Um…I didn’t…I…I err…” You stammered. Kyle just grew more irate.
“All you do say in and day out is ruin everything! I never wanted a pathetic brat like you!” he snapped, practically snarling. You tried running off, but he was much faster. You could feel the heavy booming of his steps as he made his way over to you.
“You RAN OFF AND I DELIBERATELY TOLD YOU NOT TO!” He screamed, fury in his voice as it ripped up his throat and tore it red raw.
“And now I had to save your sorry ass from fucking Cartman himself because you couldn’t stay here for FIVE GODDAMN MINUTES!” He angrily punched the nightstand again. You tried to speak.
“Kyle! I…I didn’t…I don’t…” You continued stammering.
Kyle looked down with an almost evil look. “Just get out of my life!” he snapped. He picked you up in his fist and you screamed and wailed in terror…and then you woke up.
You weren’t awaken by a huge fist squeezing your insides out, you weren’t woken up by the ginger snapping and screaming…you were awoken by a gentle shaking of your body. You only saw his finger…his finger that was about twice your size…and you jumped back, panic filling your expression. Your heart dropped to your stomach.
Kyle saw this reaction and immediately was confused. He quickly put two and two together though. You were crying in your sleep, twitching and muttering…and now you were afraid. He realized you were probably just having a nightmare.
He withdrew his finger, instead, sitting up in bed. He yawned, which only allowed you to see his teeth…his teeth which could aw easily kill you…and you flinched back again. Kyle saw this and put his fist over his mouth to hide it while he yawned. He rubbed his eyes blearily and reached for his glasses before putting them on. His hair was a mess of red curls, tangled and poofy looking. It looked soft.
Kyle looked at you with concerned green eyes.
“Woah, dude…are you okay?”
Genuine concern laced his voice. He wasn’t really good at showing comfort or concern. He was an awkward boy, but when he had to be, he knew just what to do. He held his hand out for you, his pale skin was slightly lit by the dim, silvery moonlight. His eyes were gentle and he had a small, somewhat encouraging smile resting on his lips. He looked almost like he was inviting you to cuddle…
And so, with your fear subsiding for the moment, you hesitantly reached for Kyle’s hand. You soon reached out and grabbed his finger. He reached out and gently cupped you in his hands; a stark difference from the nightmare-Kyle who practically just squeezed your insides until they came out. You nearly cried from relief as Kyle sat up and turned on his lamp. His eyes were droopy and he lofted one hand to his mouth to yawn into, not wanting to scare you anymore. He crossed his legs and tilted his head.
“What happened?”
His tone was soft and caring. Nightmares were something he could usually help with when it came to comfort. After all, Ike still had reoccurring nightmares about dead celebrities. He was good with helping others, just he could be awkward at times.
You looked up with wide (E/C) eyes and fiddled with your hair. You looked down.
“I…I um…had a night…a nightmare…” you stammered.
Kyle looked at you with sympathy.
“Would you like to talk about it?”
His voice was husky and deep from just having woken up, but it was a bit endearing. He waited for you to speak, and you did.
“I…I ran wway…from…uh…from you…Cartman found me…”
Kyle rolled his eyes a bit at the name ‘Cartman’ before nodding for you to continue.
“And…and I…you came home…you were pissed and angry and you…you hurt…”
You were working yourself up again. Kyle’s heart was torn in half as he gazed at you with sad eyes.
“Hey…hey, I would never hurt you, Y/N.” He said, his tone caring and genuine. It was true. While he did have a hard time controlling his emotions sometimes, he wouldn’t hurt you.
You looked up at him, still wary. He saw this and gently stroked your back with the tip of his index finger.
“Would some cuddling help, N/N?” he asked, looking genuinely worried and like he wanted to help. After a moment of thought, you nodded. With a smile, Kyle turned off the light.
“It’s settled then.”
He pulled his hat off his bed’s side and placed you inside of it. He gave your head a gentle kiss, a kiss which covered your face and torso entirely. His lips were soft and warm, and honestly reminded you of home. You were at home with him. He rested you against his chest, his heart pounding strongly, working to keep his body healthy. You felt the strong pulsing like a drum under your time form, the only barrier between you and the drum in his chest was his green, fluffy hat and his t-shirt. Before going to bef, he whispered one last thing.
“I love you, Y/N…”
And you both fell asleep to the rhythm of his heart and breathing, knowing everything was okay. You were at peace, and you could finally rest knowing you were safe here.
You were home.
Ah, sorry for that cheesy ending! I hope this is what you wanted. Sorry for the long wait, been awful busy; i’ll get back on track with the rest of all your requests soon!
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marbledmoonstone · 6 months
(tw for Abuse, Violence, and Furries)
- Bullfrog couldn't help but shift ever so slightly in his seat, his attention instantly caught by the tight grip Ramone kept on his shot glass. The ex-news reporter didn't even spare the assassin a single glance, eyes trained directly on the TV just meters from him, situated above the bar. Of course, Bullfrog wanted to ask what was wrong, what Ramone could be thinking... But instead, he held his tongue, and turned to the TV as well.
- Styx's paws shook as xy sat at the desk, xyr leg bouncing as xyr icy white eyes were wide and cautious... It was a tough challenge, pretending to be so professional after weeks on end of nothing but labor and being shit on. And Rayman certainly wasn't helping... Xyr gaze turned to the alien that sat beside xyr, reading away to the cameras with a wide grin plastered on his face without even so much of a care in the world... There was once a glimmer of life in his eyes, but now, it was like xy were staring at a doll. A prop. Just what had they done to him...?
- A loud shatter of glass startles Bullfrog out of his thoughts, as his attention is immediately turned back to Ramone, who now stood with his back to the assassin, body tense and hands clenched so tight his palms might as well have started bleeding. He was furious... And for good reason. There, sat a clone of himself, harping away the very propaganda he now fought against, with his best friend sitting right beside it with no way to stop it for fear of the backlash.
- "I can't take it anymore," Ramone snapped, his voice a low growl as his head tilted downward, before he turned to look up at Bullfrog, "I can't fucking sit around and watch this shit anymore."
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dulceteris · 11 months
So I had a thought.
Specifically involving Tank and Quinn.
CW/TW: Ab*se of power, human trafficking
Anyway, little PSA before I start (which likely won’t apply to most of you since I’ve seen how you all approach tough topics <3):
please please please please please don’t romanticize ab*se. Do your research if you’re gonna write about subjects you’re unfamiliar with. It’s okay to add some darker elements to stories as long as you do so in a respectful way, and the first way to start is by doing more than a surface level dive into themes you’re unfamiliar with :)
Okay, so while I was drawing Sam singing Claire a lullaby I finally listened to Olivia Rodrigo’s “Vampire” and I noticed that it gives Tank and Quinn vibes, especially seeing the power dynamics between them.
Let me preface this by stating that I’ll be using she/her pronouns for Tank in this, since my version of Tank is biologically female and identifies as such. However, everything said can apply to anyone, and any pronouns used can be swapped to whatever your Tank uses <3
I personally imagine that Quinn is at the very least a couple of years older than my ver. of Tank (and at the very most, 10yrs, but I’m not too fond of the idea of that much of an age gap when Tank’s still in HS) which gives for an interesting dynamic for Tank seeing as I’ve imagined him meeting Tank when she’s in HS (granted, I’ve seen a lot of people say that so it may be canon idk. I’m just following some of the “general lore” I’ve seen). But there’s an imbalance of power there, being age and experience in life, which brings me to a specific line that stood out to me and sent me down this rabbit hole.
> “The way you sold me for parts as you sunk your teeth into me”
What if
And hear me out, what if Quinn trafficked Tank?
I wrote an entire paper on human trafficking a while back, where I spent months researching and conducting interviews, and given their relationship, it… unfortunately fits.
But let’s begin with some common misconceptions about human trafficking:
1) We don’t actually know the sheer number of people being trafficked, be it for labor, s*x, etc., so all statistics have to be taken with a grain of salt.
2) There doesn’t have to be movement. People tend to think of a Point A and Point B, but often times, the perpetrators and “Johns” (a person who pays/trades for s*xual acts) come to the victim. Victims can even be recruited and trafficked in their own towns- or even their own homes.
3) While high schoolers can be considered to be the general demographic, everyone is vulnerable to being trafficked. It’s more about vulnerabilities to victimization as opposed to a set demographic (ex: being a runaway/homeless youth, having an unstable living situation, history of domestic abuse, being impoverished/in economic need, substance use, etc.). Guys and girls can both get trafficked.
4) It’s not always a violent crime that leads to a person getting trafficked. In fact, most of the time traffickers use psychological means (such as manipulating, defrauding, and threatening victims) to get what they want.
5) It doesn’t have to be something physical that’s keeping a victim with their trafficker. Often times it’s far more complicated than that. According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, “Some (victims) lack the basic necessities to physically get out - such as transportation or a safe place to live. Some are afraid for their safety. Some have been so effectively manipulated that they do not identify at that point as being under the control of another person” (Myths & Facts).
6) Victims are not only targeted by strangers. It’s often a person they know.
Human trafficking can essentially boil down to two things: vulnerability and control. Quinn’s power over Tank as an older, more powerful and experienced vampire who used Tank’s vulnerabilities would be an example of an imbalance of power within their relationship.
Let’s get into some of Tank’s vulnerabilities.
Tank, at this point in time, isn’t tied down to any place. With the Shaw Pack, they were estranged, and their parents eventually move back to Washington, leaving them with relationships and connections that are strained or long-distance as is. That’s red flag number one, since people who are going through a difficult time or who lack strong support systems are often targeted and are more likely to get trafficked. Tank can also be seen as desperate, as seen by her vigor to track down Quinn. People who are more impressionable and desperate are also easier to traffic.
Number two is her age, since teenagers and young adults are at a higher risk- and especially those without a high school education. A lot of trafficking happens to minors who get groomed, which could unfortunately apply to Tank depending on how old Quinn is thought to be.
Also, as I mentioned, Tank likely would have met Quinn in HS at her lowest point. It’s more common for victims to be trafficked by people they know- be it bosses, coworkers, partners, family members, or friends. Quinn could have used this to his advantage, and through coercion (and maybe even force), profited from s*lling Tank out to others. Specifically, I’d imagine people using Tank as a “blood bag.”
One possible scenario would be that Quinn could have utilized all of Tank’s vulnerabilities, her insecurities, and how she was relying on him to manipulate and coerce her to stay with him. Under the guise of financial support (so Tank could “pay back” and support Quinn for everything he’s done for her), he could have sold her “services” (blood) to other vamps who prefer to drink from living beings as opposed to draining actual bags of blood.
To keep her with him, he could have further exploited her weaknesses and manipulated her- using the fact that she’s become a “blood bag” to keep her close to him, using the whole “sloppy seconds” line and asking her what the Shaw Pack and her parents would think of what she’s become, thus having her further depend on him.
And if the one person she didn’t push away got word of this.. well- you know what happens next in Tank’s canonical story.
All in all, it’s not an unfounded thought that Quinn *could* have trafficked Tank. I’m not saying that he canonically did, since I don’t think Erik would have written something that dark into Tank’s story- however, I do think it is within the realms of possibility of something that could happen, perhaps in a fanfic or something.
Everything which I stated above are factors that can unfortunately help lead to a person being trafficked, but it doesn’t necessarily mean someone will be. The #1 way you can prevent you or someone you love from being trafficked is to keep yourself informed and do your research on it!! Everything I stated is roughly on a surface level, and there’s so much more to learn (ex: Truckers Against Trafficking, how interstates, truck-stops, hotels, restaurants, sports games, etc. play into trafficking, the effects on victims following being separated from their ab*ser(s), victims’ legal standings, etc.). I implore you to do research on HT.
Keep your loved ones close, learn the indicators of human trafficking, and learn to recognize the tactics recruiters use.
Stay safe, y’all <3
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nellibarra · 3 months
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❝ but there's a person that you must be, just trust me... ❞
Age: 31
Gender & Pronouns: cis female & she/her
Neighborhood: South Addition
Occupation: chef at Lake Hood Lodge & Grill
Positive traits: passionate, selfless, & dedicated
Negative traits: indecisive, hot-tempered, & cynical 
Length of time in Anchorage: local
Faceclaim: Prscilla Quintana
smirking eyes that hold one too many secrets, a history of survival shining from dark eyes, postcards pinned to the wall from far away places
death tw, parkinson's disease tw
Born and raised in Anchorage meant that Antonella Ibarra was far removed from the places she wanted to and the person she dreamed of being one day. While the city was no small town it just wasn't where big life happened, at least in her opinion. So, Nell grew up a dreamer and little by little the older she got the more she saw each dream die off.
When she was 11 years old her mother passed away suddenly, the death was a mystery of what caused it but at least she went peacefully in her sleep, and that left Nell and her father all on their lonesome. He'd been out of work for some time by then, a back injury from a hard labor job, and tough times got even tougher when the family of two tried to live on a singular income. Nell's father received disability but it barely covered the bills.
As a teenager her distractions were boys and girls. Dating was fun and she felt carefree, it was an escape from the troubles of her day to day life. Especially when her father's health took an even further decline as Parkinson's began to set in. Often times she would pretend to be someone else, lie to those she was seeing about her life and where she came from, it was the ultimate escape.
The worry of keeping a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs, Nell had to take up a job at 13 years of age. She worked in a kitchen, just doing dishes and cleaning up after customers at the end of the day. It was tough but the tips the waitresses made were often shared with her. Which helped when it came to her father needing a home nurse to visit a few times a week.
Being that poor meant Nell either had to bring things home from the diner she worked at or make magic happen with the little groceries she could afford to buy. Thankfully the cooks at the diner showed her things and gave her tips over the years that propelled her into the career she possesses now as an adult.
It was a selfish move but for a couple of years Nell put her father into a nursing home and rented out their house so that she could attend culinary school. The promise was that she would come back and make everything right again. Nell kept her word even if it was heartbreaking to leave Los Angeles.
With culinary school and experience under her belt she took the position of chef at a popular downtown restaurant. Years of success and good reviews took her career even further and just a couple of years ago Nell accepted the position of head chef at Lake Hood Lodge & Grill, one of Anchorage's finest establishments.
Nothing else in her life may go right but Nell Ibarra sure can cook.
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
Because Kero gave me confidence 👉🏻👈🏻
tw/cw; pregnancy, giving birth, a baby
8 months, 3 weeks, 4 days and counting. Roese has been healthy so far through the pregnancy, mostly just hormonal, but nothing Law couldn’t handle. What worried the man was the delivery. Remembering the scene of Carmen unconscious and sick from fever, he didn’t want to think Roese would go through the same, he wouldn’t allow the woman to be in such a state, he couldn’t bare it.
Noticing the man’s stressed nature, his lover came to wrap her arms around his shoulders, leaning against him softly. “Are you worried about the pregnancy again, it’s going to be okay. I’m a lot stronger than I appear, you know.”
He only nodded, not feeling relieved by her words as a hand brought it’s way to her own. “I want you to stay close by me, you could go into labor any minute, I want to make sure everything goes according to plan.”
Giving the man a nod, she kissed his head before letting him go, situating herself to sit next to him at his desk. “I won’t leave Law, I’ll be right here with you.” She could feel the stress running off him, she only hoped staying by his side would be enough to relieve some of his stress.
It continued like this for the next week, Law having her follow him or vise versa, and if he couldn’t be there his crew was there, making sure she didn’t show any signs of discomfort or unusual symptoms. Eventually the blonde was growing anxious with the overprotectiveness her lover was showing, but knew fighting wouldn’t solve anything.
Taking a break from their room to feel the cool air of the night on her skin, she sighed under the stars, relaxing a bit from some much needed privacy. It didn’t take long though for her calm night to end with worry, her stomach already stinging in pain, as she crunched down. Damn, Law was going to be so angry with her. Doing her best to crawl back to the stairs, she bit her lip in pain, unable to move. “L-Law!”
She doubted he would be able to hear her, but it was worth a shot, the man proved many times before to have sonar hearing, maybe it would benefit her now? Much to her avail no one came as she sat down against the railing, trying to catch her breath, water now leaking from her entrance letting her know she was in trouble.
Noticing Umi making his way to do a surveillance check, she managed to call out to him and get his attention. The worried man, helped her stand, unsure what to do when he noticed the blood and water on her nightgown. Getting him to take her to Law was the longest journey of her life, mostly because she feared he would be angry at her for leaving the room, look where that got her. Sitting down on Law’s bed, Umi called for Bepo to get the captain, as soon as the words left the man’s mouth Law was there, panting from running.
About to ask what happened, he paused when he noticed the state Roese was in. So it was time, huh? Grabbing some latex gloves and calling for his operation gown, he got to work making sure the blonde was as comfortable as she could be on the bed. He preferred to be in the operating room, but moving her right now might cause more complications. Getting the gear he needed, Law leaned against the bed, helping the panting woman get lift her legs for him to check her dilation, used to seeing the blood and tears from his other patients. “It’s alright, Roese-ya, I’m right here,”
Giving him a nod, she felt a cool rag pressed to her head as Ikkaku came to crouch next to her. Smiling, the usual tough woman was being her emotional support through this, it was nice the blonde wouldn’t lie, having a female touch in her time of need. Letting out a whimper in pain, she finally voiced her concerns. “Sorry, I just wanted to go for a walk...”
Law couldn’t help but laugh at her words. “I honestly was expecting you to curse me out by now, and here you are apologizing. You really are something, Roese.” Checking her dilation, the man only hummed out a response. “3cm, we still have a long way to go, it’s going to hurt a lot, but I promise it will be worth it once it’s over, right?” Seeing her nod her head in agreement, the man only smiled down at her. It had been a hard pregnancy in general with her losing her magick and draining her energy, but she was adamently standing strong now, making the man proud of her even more than he could already be.
“Once you get through this contraction we are going for a walk, okay?” Getting another nod, he continued. “I rather deliver him in the operating room anyway, but it might be awhile before we get there..”
Finally feeling the pain subside, the gave him another nod as he and Ikkaku helped her in a standing stance. “When it gets too much just let me know, I managed to grab an epidural during our last stock.” As great as the thought was, Roese only shook her head, wanting to give birth as naturally as she could. Law only sighed, knowing how stubborn she was before taking her hand and walking out of the room.
“Umi, Hakugan, make sure everything is set up in the operating room,” Hearing a response, he continued making orders to his crew. “Jean Bart, Bepo, you two are in charge in case something happens while I’m busy. I don’t want to be disturbed unless it’s important.” Turning lastly to his closest human friends, the man sighed. “Penguin, Shachi, I’ll need your help to deliver Cora and making sure Roese stays safe.”
“Aye, Capt’! We won’t let you down!”
Making their way to the operating room, Roese pulled against Law’s arm, stopping the three from entering the room. Looking down at the woman, he noticed how pale she had gotten since they moved, her usual pink complexion now turned white. Before he could speak though, she beat him to it, feeling her legs give out underneath her. “Gonna pass out.”
Quick to pick her up, Law made his way inside the room, setting her on the medical cot as he rushed to grab the epidural. “Listen Roese, I know you want a natural pregnancy, but you lost a lot of stamina, you don’t have the strength.” Turning her on her side, he was quick to add the gel and insert the medicine. For now, they just need to wait until she was more dilated, no strenuous activities and no leaving the room. Law was hellbound if the blonde thought about even sitting up, she was to rest, doctor’s orders.
The rest of the night went as Law demanded, Roese stayed in bed, going through another contraction, but this time her body was able to handle it (much to the man’s relief). Penguin eventually knocked on the door, bringing some soup for both of them, letting Ikkaku also take a break to eat. “I can stay with Roese, Capt’, you should rest too, in case we need you and something happens.”
That was exactly his worry, taking the bowl of soup, the man only grumbled a “No” before sitting by Roese. Penguin only sighed before handing the woman her bowl as well, helping her to a sitting position to eat.
“I’m sorry I scared you, Law, but you have to sleep eventually. What if I give birth and you fall asleep-”
“I won’t, I’ve stayed up before, I can handle this.” Despite his grumpy words, he did care about her, which is why he was so adamant about staying up. He didn’t want to fall asleep and lose her, or lose Cora too. Despite his strong exterior, he was freaking out on the inside, worried about everything that could go wrong, just wanting to protect his loved ones and succeed this time.
Knowing nothing she says will change his mind, she only nodded, blowing on the soup before eating it, thanking Penguin for his work. Once he left and the two were alone for a bit, she reached out to the man, smiling softly when he didn’t flinch from her touch. “Everything is going to be okay, nothing is going to happen between me or the baby, I promise.”
As much as he wanted to bite back that she couldn’t, he only took her hand in his own bringing it back to his face, staying quiet while she ate. “I’m feeling better already, can I walk around?” Shaking his head, she only pouted softly as he took their bowls, setting them aside.
“I need to check your dilation, it’s been a few hours now.” Doing as she was told, he checked and sighed. “6cm, you're halfway there.” Feeling better by the news, they both sighed in relief, it was going well and soon the baby will be here, it was going to be okay.
“The drugs I gave you seem to be working, but eventually you’ll start having the contractions soon. I would say let me know, but I have a feeling I will know right away.” Giving her a smirk, he only got a pout in return.
Another fhour or so passed when she reached out for him, holding his hand as she scruched up in pain. Wincing slightly from her grip, he yelled out for Ikkaku to come back in, being his and her wetnurse during this time. Letting out a quiet whimper, the blonde looked over at Law in pain as the man only wished he could swap places with her. “You’re doing fine, Roese, just push through this and you’ll make it.” After a few beats, it passed giving her a chance to catch her breathe.
The next few hours continued like this until it was finally time, she was at 10cm, the baby pushing it’s way through her birth canal. Law was finally getting things ready, Cora would be here soon and he wanted things to go perfect for both his lover and child. As for Roese, she panted softly as Ikkaku wiped the sweat from her face, discomfort was shown on her face as she did her best to get comfortable once more, her body aching all over. As much as Law would love to just “room” Cora out, he knew it could be dangerous and the baby needed to be born properly, besides if anything happened Roese would naturally kill him, that was for certain.
“You’re doing great, Roese, just a few more left and you can push, right Captain?” Hoping to reassure the blonde, Ikkaku faced Law while the man only checked and shook his head, Cora wasn’t showing yet, it wasn’t time.
Whimpering out once more, the woman couldn’t help but mutter out. “I don’t think I can do this.” Of course she wanted to see Cora and would do anything for him, but the pain was becoming unbearable, and Law wasn’t helping by not letting her push. Feeling him by her side this time, she turned to face him, almost pleading with the doctor. “Tell me when I can push.”
“I’ll let you know, just keep it up, I promise you can do this.”
Penguin and Shachi only looked just as worried as the blonde, maybe even more, not wanting to see their friend in so much pain and also such a vulnerable state, but they promised their captain to protect her and Cora, and they would. It was Shachi who noticed the crown of the head peaking out however. “Capt’! Cora, he’s coming!”
Law went back to position, giving Roese an okay finally. “Push.”
Crying could be heard as she finished her third push, her body feeling as though she was on fire, but could only hear Law telling her to continue. Between the sweat and tears, Roese couldn’t tell anymore where she was, only stopping when Cora was finally out. Law, doing his best, comforted the small infant as he cut the cord, getting a wet towel from Penguin to clean him up. Ikkaku did her best to wipe what she could off Roese too, wanting to give the woman some comfort as she rested. The room was silent, only Cora crying was heard, the rest of the crew looking from the door, wanting to see the little captain.
Bringing the baby to Roese, she smiled tiredly at the now quieted baby who seemed at peace now that he was in his mother’s arms. Law turned to see the sun poking out from the horizon, letting them know morning was here, 6 hours of long excruciating waiting and he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.
Cora was a healthy 6 pounds and 5 ounces, with a good pair of lungs from what Law could tell, though now it seemed he didn’t know what crying was, too busy warming up under his mother’s care. Sitting down finally, Bepo and the others rushed in, wanting to see the baby as well. Everything seemed so peaceful now, happy and right in the world. It was Roese who had frowned though that had broken him from his thoughts. About to ask her what was wrong, she beat him to it.
“Law? What’s wrong?” Realizing what she meant, the man wiped his face, not wanting to appear weak in front of the crew, her, or his baby. His, damn it, that was going to be hard to get used to. Feeling more and more tears fall down his face, the man let out a grunt as a reply. His crew and family was safe, he did it, that’s all that matters.
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infraaa · 1 year
『In reference to my upcoming SNOWY DRIVE project, I figured that I would make some family headcanons for Affogato Cookie so people won’t get confused.』
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Affogato Cookie — Family Headcanons
tw // domestic abuse, bullying, implied absentee parents
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Affogato is the eldest of three. Latte is his younger sister, the middle child, and Espresso is the youngest. The three of them grew up in the coffee village together in the Dark Cacao Kingdom.
Currently, Affogato is twenty nine. Latte is twenty six, and Espresso is twenty five.
All three of them are mixed, where Espresso is the only one that takes up after his father. Latte and Affogato on the other hand come off more with their mother, hence why they both have to do with either milk, cream, or ice cream.
Almost immediately after Espresso was born, their father had walked out on them due to lack of motivation to be a parent. Because of this, Affogato and Latte had taught Espresso that their father was a bad man, and gave him the same grudge that they both have over him, despite Espresso not even knowing their father that well compared to his older siblings.
Their mother was tough hearted, but paid more attention to Latte and Espresso growing up. Affogato had to try and shove himself into family events, make things up in an attempt to please his mother, and oftentimes he had to compete with Espresso for his mother’s love. Even with this in place, Affogato was severely bullied for being half ice cream, half coffee.
Latte was also a victim of this bullying, however Affogato would very frequently take up for her. If she went to her older brother crying, someone was getting their ass handed to them. However she never got it as bad as he’s older brother.
Affogato was often singled out by the other residents of the village, poked fun at, was often mocked and even beat up by others. Their mother then started to slowly believe the people around her and started dismissing Affogato, claiming that he would ruin her reputation.
Through his mother’s actions, Affogato had learned the art of manipulation. He coped through putting on a mask all the time, putting in a false impression of who he actually was just to get by. His siblings caught wind of this, and tried to help him by validating him for who he was, and loved him for who he was, despite their mother always telling Espresso and Latte not to associate with him.
When Affogato turned sixteen, he had decided that he had enough of all the bullying, the shaming, the constant withdrawal of love and acknowledgement from his mother. So he left. In order to do this and be successful at it, he started doing hard labor at the age of twelve, progressing up in jobs the more he aged. He would plow driveways in the winter, mow the grass if not only his own yard, but the neighbors’ yards, and he would make clothes out of the fabric of clothes that wouldn’t fit his younger siblings and sell those.
He got his first job at age fourteen as a cashier at a local supermarket. This was where he got some of his knowledge of witchcraft from. There was a coworker that he had that worked in a separate department, and they would speak to each other. And for a buck or two, this coworker would teach Affogato about black magic, witchcraft, and curses.
When he turned sixteen, he got his license, and had his mother’s boyfriend at the time co-sign him for a car, which is the same car that he’s had. After he left, he continued to expand his knowledge on magic, witchcraft, and expanded out to eastern medicine, voodoo, paganism, and wiccan practices.
He hasn’t contacted his family ever since then, but he did meet Espresso once after seven years.
He was strolling through Parfaedia, shopping for more gemstones and ingredients for medical potions. He ran into Espresso at a coffee shop on his way out. At first, the tension in the air was so thick, you couldn’t even cut it with a knife. But after a few minutes of catching up, it slowly dissipated, and they shared contact information. Affogato never asked about his mother or father.
Latte also met reunited with him when Espresso found out where Affogato was living. He was still living around the coffee village, more closer to the Licorice Sea. They all saw however they despite living around the Coffee Village, no one dared to try and poke at Affogato this time around. It only had to happen once. Someone recognized Affogato, now a fully grown adult, and attempted to poke fun at him. After a week, the same person had gotten severely sick. Everyone traced it back to Affogato once that person claimed that they saw voodoo dolls hidden away in his closet.
He was revered as a senior mage in the community, and would be faced often with women wanting their fortunes read. Affogato learned that he could do this as a side job and get a little cash out of it.
It took some time, but eventually, Espresso, Latte, and Affogato grew tight knit with each other once again, just like they were as children. They meet every other weekend to bond, taking turns on who would host each gathering. Espresso would eventually never hear the end of his older brother teasing him about Madeline Cookie, despite Espresso constantly telling him that he and Madeline were just acquainted.
Latte was also subjected to Affogato’s playful torment, in the way of playing matchmaker to find Latte someone. Through route of speed dating, Affogato would sit and laugh as Latte found disgust in the men he would pair her up with, sometimes even talking to her about getting with Almond Cookie or Eclair Cookie, despite one of them being a coworker to her at the University, and the other being twice her age with a daughter.
Overall, they have a very close relationship, despite their past, and Affogato wouldn’t trade anything out to not have them in his life. He hides his past from people because it makes him feel lowly as a person, claiming that he “doesn’t remember much.” But, in truth, he could recall things in detail from his youth, much like his siblings could.
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TW: Medical Abuse, Medical Misogyny, Graphic descriptions of surgical procedures.
“This past week, Redditor u/Ancient-Abs asked the question, "Why are many gynecological procedures done without pain medicine?" before discussing the discrimination women face in medical treatment and sharing their own experience having an IUD inserted.
1. "I started bleeding when pregnant with my first and went to see my OBGYN at the hospital. She looked and said there were polyps on my cervix. She then told me to just hold the nurse's hand and pick a spot on the ceiling, and she’ll cut them out real quick."
"I honestly never thought to ask for any kind of pain meds for any procedure like this before. WTF is wrong with me and other women? We’ve been so brainwashed to believe that 'it’s just a pinch' and now drive home and go make dinner.
I’m a medical professional and had to read a thread on Reddit to realize I need to advocate for myself, and I don’t need to be in pain during gyno procedures." —u/CanadaOD
2. "I had a cervical biopsy when I was 18, and the doctor was like, 'You’ll feel just a pinch.' Then I felt, well, a chunk of my cervix cut out and screamed. He was like, 'Shhh.' So I cried quietly, and he looked up at me and said, 'Why are you crying? There are no nerve endings on the cervix. I know you aren’t actually feeling pain.'"
"That was literal decades ago. I had hoped things had changed for women since then. Good to hear that old asshole doctor is still the norm. Cool. Real cool." —u/notthefakehigh5r
3. "I got a LEEP procedure, and that was more painful than drug-free childbirth. I can feel my cervix descend before my period and I can feel the penis on my cervix during sex. Still, the doctor told me I shouldn’t feel anything. I had no sexual desire for months after the LEEP, and I talked to a lot of women who had the same procedure and some said they’re like that after years, or they feel pain or bleed during sex."
"Why are they so set on 'the cervix has no pain receptors?'" —u/MarinaA19
4. "When I was 18, my gynecologist's office apparently forgot to tell me to take extra strength ibuprofen before my cervical biopsy — that's the recommendation they use. I got the same 'just a pinch' spiel, and they decided it was worth it to just go ahead and do it anyway. (Surely, they had some ibuprofen they could've given me.) The sample the doc took got stuck, and he was yanking on it while it was still attached. The nurse who was with him had to grab and hold my leg because she saw I was about to kick him in the head."
"I had done eight years of Tae Kwon Do at that point. I would have made an ass of myself. If doctors really think it doesn't hurt, perhaps they should just shut up and deal with however we choose to express our clearly fake pain." —u/asylum013
5. "When I had my first baby, I was very tiny, and the kiddo was a big, bouncing boy. I got snapped at by the first nurse for making a sound. This was long before maternity pain relief was really a thing. We got gas and pethidine/demerol. Fast forward, my then-husband had his vasectomy done eight weeks after my fourth baby. During 15 hours of labor, I had gas. For the excruciating pain after, I got OTC pain killers. For the raw, cracked bleeding nipples, I was told, 'You know how it goes, they’ll toughen up in a couple of weeks (of breastfeeding).' He was given Valium to take the night before, another one for that morning, and then pain relief for the duration of the five-minute procedure. He was given another script for afterward and told to go easy for a few days."
"Are women seen as tough or subhuman?" —u/MamaBear4485
6. "My hysteroscopy hurt so badly that they had to call extra people to hold me down on the table. I was screaming for help and ended up kicking my doctor in the face and breaking his nose — on accident of course, but honestly, he deserved it. He was literally torturing me and all he cared about was completing the procedure at any cost. I bled and was sore for nearly a month."
"Something was very, very wrong with what he did, but I could never tell you what. I cannot believe they do that procedure without sedation." —u/[deleted]
7. "I had no idea to expect pain for my colonoscopy. I thought that because they weren't numbing anything, it must not be bad. I started crying and screaming, and I couldn't keep my legs open. They ended up only doing a partial biopsy because I went hypotensive (blood pressure dropped). It angers me to this day."
"I have also had three IUDs, and my blood pressure tanks from the pain every time. I have to be monitored." —u/galumphingbanter
8. "I got put under to have wisdom teeth removed, but nothing when I got my IUD put in. I literally screamed when they inserted it."
"I've broken bones and have been in less pain." —u/MissAnthrope94
9. "I argued with a doctor who told me that there would be no pain management for my colposcopy — after I showed up for it. His reasoning was that 'it was only a five- to 10-minute procedure,' and I could have some ibuprofen(!) afterwards. When I told him that vasectomies were a five- to 10-minute procedure, too, but that I bet if he were having one, he'd want some anesthetic for his balls, he straight-up walked out on me."
10. "I had a procedure done a few months ago where they had to tear through my cervix to fill my uterus with fluid — something to do with fertility issues. The pain was unbearable, and I felt violated. I cried so hard and was furious they would let me go through that without any anesthesia or pain reliever."
"How is this so normal?" —u/Skorpionfrau
11. "I had both an HSG and a saline ultrasound. I have high pain tolerance, and I was sweating profusely and extremely nauseous. I have never needed a few minutes before getting up, but I did that time — and that was with 800 mg taken beforehand that I learned I should take from the internet, not my doctor, who never said a word about needing pain medication."
"I am absolutely blown away that a doctor can do that procedure hundreds of times a year — see hundreds of women crying, sweating, writhing in pain, and passing out from pain — yet no form of anesthesia is ever offered.
It’s fucking cruelty. They literally push a tube through your cervix. Why would they ever think this would be ok to do without pain control?" —u/birdieponderinglife
12. "I had a LEEP procedure fully awake. I remember I started shaking, and the doctor got on to me. It was a horrible experience. It frustrates me. We can get pain medicine for removals of moles, but fuck your cervix."
"That was just one of the many things they should have not have done." —u/Khalano
13. "The last time I had an endometrial biopsy attempted on me – my third one, my first two were done successfully but painfully — I could not handle it and asked to doctor to stop. I had to ask her again to stop because she ignored my first try. She became visibly agitated and started slamming things around the room, ripping her gloves off and mumbling that this was a waste of her time."
"This was nearly 10 years ago, and I have not been to a gynecologist since. Not only did she hurt me, but she also shamed me for being intolerant to the pain." —u/Psychological_Sail80
14. "So, I used to get ingrown toenails. I went to a doctor who numbed them, removed the edges, and then shoved a Q-tip of silver nitrate into my nail bed to kill the toenail to prevent it from growing back in there. I was numbed for it. But after having my son and a second-degree tear, I wasn't healing properly. My gyno told me there was a section where that wouldn't seal even after many stitches. He said, 'Don't worry, I'll take care of it.' Before I know it, I'm laying back, and he's prepping. He calmly asks if I'd ever heard of silver nitrate and explains that it'll seal the spot. It was the same as with my toenail — a Q-tip covered in the stuff. I was in so much pain, and I'd just pushed a giant baby out of there for 31+ hours! I was crying, and wanted to cuss him out and kick him in the head! The nurse then pipes up, 'Oh, I think we've got a numbing spray around here somewhere we could have used.'"
"You knew what that'd do and feel like, and you're just now mentioning anything for the pain?! The stuff literally kills fingernails! I think it's used in photography! And y'all are just slathering it on an open wound on my most tender area to cauterize it with ZERO pain meds and minimal warning!?! Burn the whole system down!" —u/roxannearcia
15. "Just the other week, I had a vulvar biopsy on the very delicate, sensitive tissue on the inner part of my vulva. My gynecologist assured me that I wouldn’t feel a thing after she injected some local anesthetic. Well, that clown fucked up the anesthetic, because I felt EVERYTHING. It was horrible. I literally had tears pouring out of my squeezed-shut eyes as I threw my hand over my mouth and stifled a scream. She said, 'Oh, you felt that? You weren’t supposed to feel that!' Then, she kept going — gouging into my delicate bits with her medieval tool — and I kept crying and shaking. She then commented to the nurse, 'Oh, she must be nervous.' It took me a few hours to stop shaking due to the intense pain put my body in such a panic mode."
"I had a few panic attacks for the next three days, kept obsessively thinking about the procedure, and would just randomly start crying. Don't Google what a vulvar biopsy is if you're squeamish." —u/Moal
16. "I had a cystoscopy with no pain meds, and it was so fucking traumatizing. There I am, sitting and acting like everything’s okay and like it wasn’t the worst pain in the world. After, I go home and have to pee. I went into the shower to relax my body, and I couldn't fucking pee. The pain was insane. I sobbed for hours. They ended up prescribing something extra to help, but in the end, that single event of trying to pee left me so traumatized. It hurt to pee for a week. The initial shock, sitting there awake while they do it, and the, 'You may feel slight discomfort after' — after shoving a metal rod thicker than a pencil in my urethra — and I was trying to figure out why my bladder is so sensitive."
"I hate doctors so much." —u/sammmythegr8
17. "I recently had an endometrial (uterine) biopsy. The doctor told me it would hurt, but it would be over in ten seconds. I started counting out loud, 'One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three...' then I started screaming. After, I was crying and hyperventilating. The doctor told me my reaction was normal."
"It was so painful that I can't really tell you how it was painful. My brain just won't go there. Years ago, I had, had cold cauterization done on my cervix — twice. Again, no pain meds. That was bad. The endometrial biopsy was worse." —u/trekbette
18. "I hadn't had any other form of birth control and got an IUD placed. I had asked my doctor before the appointment if it was okay to drive myself home, and if there were any pain meds I could get. She told me all I would need was over-the-counter stuff. I nearly passed out during the insert from the pain. Once my head stopped spinning, I very carefully got myself to my car and started to drive home. It was incredibly painful. Our roads are shit here, and every single bump I hit had me screaming in pain while trying to keep focus. I made it home and basically couldn't leave my bed for two days."
"Moral of the story, no, it's NOT okay to be told you can drive yourself home after your first IUD placement.
It's also completely ridiculous that we are given no numbing or pain meds for a procedure that puts a foreign object in the most sensitive part of our bodies. Our bodies literally fight back against it being there." —u/Valkyry
19. "I had a polyp removed from my cervix. They told me I'd have some cramping and that I'd be ok. I walked out of there straight to the bathroom and almost fainted. My mom looked for me for 15 minutes until she started knocking on the door. I was able to get up and walk out. Everyone was super concerned, but no pain medicine or post-care. Nothing."
"I could have busted my head on the sink locked in the bathroom." —u/KnightBustonowhere
20. "I had an HSG done — they basically insert a tube into the vagina/cervix/uterus, inject dye, and see if your fallopian tubes are blocked and the shape of the uterus. It was the fucking worst. I was literally in agony and opted for exploratory surgery after they injected the dye for the third or fourth time. After uterine surgery, I had a balloon catheter in my uterus for two weeks. My body started having literal contractions to try to force it out. The doctor said I didn't need to be out of work."
"It was fucking hell. They told me to use ibuprofen and Tylenol at the max dose. It's insane how horrible pain care for women is." —u/PansyAttack
21. "After having my third kid via C-section, they refused to give me any pain meds except two regular strength Tylenol every few hours. My baby was in the NICU for a few nights, too. So when I wanted to see or hold him, I had to grind my teeth and get there through sheer willpower. However, my husband got put on morphine for kidney stones at this same hospital."
"For the record, I wasn't breastfeeding. It was in my chart. So it's not like they were trying to get around accidentally dosing the baby. I'm also not saying my husband's pain wasn't great but that there is a glaringly obvious bias. I filed a complaint, but nothing happened." —u/1thruZero
22. "I had a cervical biopsy done. I am a candidate for endometrial ablation, and my insurance company required the biopsy. I didn’t know it was going to happen until 30 seconds after my ultrasound. My OBGYN requested that I take my mask off (COVID) to 'help with breathing' because it was going to hurt so much. I put my hands behind my head since I didn’t know what to do with them. I have what I consider to be a very high pain tolerance. During the procedure — I didn’t even realize I was doing it — I used my own nails to cut into the top of my other hand. The nurse actually had to bandage my hand before I left."
"I now have four U-shaped scars on the top of my hand. That was six months ago, and I haven’t scheduled my ablation because that situation fucked me up in the head." —u/Victim_Kin_Seek_Suit
23. "Five years ago, I had my first IUD inserted. I lucked out with a physician who insisted on the local anesthetic for insertion and made me lay on the exam table for 30 minutes afterward for monitoring. They've moved on to another state so I had to find a new physician for my replacement IUD. When I scheduled the replacement, I specifically asked for the anesthetic, and they stated they would make sure it was prepped for me. When I got there for the appointment, they told me that the anesthetic was not prepared and it would 'take longer to prep and numb you than to just insert the new device.' Already strained, I buckled and allowed them to do removal and replacement without the anesthetic. It was agonizing. I complained with the office manager and asked to have my physician changed, but I was bullied out of that, too."
"I had first asked after tubal ligation instead of an IUD and — though my physician was a woman, and I'm 37 with a 17-year-old child and no interest in more children — I got so bullied by her that I settled for another IUD. I'm autistic, so it's incredibly hard for me to initiate care in the first place, and it's harder to stand up for myself. It sucks.
When I went for the ultrasound follow-up two weeks after the replacement, the tech laughed and said, 'They placed the IUD too low.' When I asked what that meant, she said I'd have to talk to the doctor. Sobbing and horrified that I might have to go through this shit a second time, I demanded a doctor look at the images there-and-then. A much younger doctor examined my images and gave me the OK after advising that while the placement was lower than was common, my particular IUD doesn't come with as long of an insertion rod. She explained that so long as the device was not in the cervix, and I was not bleeding or cramping or the device was expelled, I was protected. I hope to fuck she's right, but as soon as I get past the trauma of the whole affair, I'm finding a new GYN and getting a second opinion.
Women are discriminated against to a revolting degree; disabled women are abused outright. It's easy for people who are not me to say things like, 'You should have said no,' but I'm inherently conflict-averse and anxious to the point of nausea at pushing back against authority figures, especially doctors. It's really hard to self-advocate when you're on the spectrum, and most people are confused about what that means." —u/PansyAttack”
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fab-fan-fable-ocs · 3 years
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Willow and Lion :)
Willow is the wind, Lion is the rock.
Willow floats freely, keeping them in the sky, and Lion ensures they’re anchored together, as they work to create a sky island.
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dissociativesworld · 2 years
stupid, random headcanons that no one asked for #1
501st as to-be dads in the delivery room
TW: pregnancy
(this isn't everyone in the 501st - I apologize ahead of time; I plan on eventually doing other clone groups/battalions/teams/etc.)
Rex -
Paces the room while his partner is in labor. Will totally faint if anything goes wrong in the slightest. He'll definitely get teary-eyed when holding his child for the first time.
Fives -
Cracking jokes but has the anxious bouncing knee action going on. Is in awe when handed his child for the first time. Would absolutely do daddy-baby skin time while you got cleaned up.
Jesse -
Quietly panicking but putting on a tough face. Uses whatever knowledge he found on the interwebs to try to be helpful. Is hesitant to hold his child because he's still in shock that they're finally in the world. Once he does the child is either in his arms or yours, rarely in its crib.
Tup -
Asking you constantly if you're okay or if he can get you anything. You end up having to comfort him instead of the other way around. Once holding his child, he's reluctant to let go.
Kix -
Most hands-on though also most annoying to the nurses & doctor. He's thrilled to hold his little one but also encourages you to do skin time with them as well.
Dogma -
Most level-headed. Has a cup of ice chips ready for you and for the most part sits quietly other than the occasional encouragement or praise. You have to encourage him to hold his child, once he does he's in awe of how tiny they are.
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stardewsweethearts · 3 years
Could you maybe do a one shot of Shane x F!Farmer not long after the 6 star cliff scene where he's close to relapsing but goes to the Farmer instead of drinking and realises how much he cares about her?
I hope you enjoy!! I had a bit of difficulty with this one, but I really enjoyed it and I hope you do too!
Shane x Female Farmer
TW: mentions of the 6 heart event, mentions of alcoholism
Shane knew it would never be as easy as it sounded. Quitting cold turkey after years of drinking would be a struggle for him. His therapist- the one Harvey had helped him find- had prepared him for all the possible symptoms he would face- nausea, headaches, anxiety- they had listed off every possible symptom in preparation for this. He was ready, he could get through this just fine!
Or so he thought.
This past week at work had probably been the most stressful one in years. Morris had been worried about that abandoned community center again, and had decide to personally take it out on Shane, as usual. His workload had almost been doubled, and he had nearly missed his therapy appointment because of it. Everything was too much. His body felt like it was on fire, his head hurt- he couldn't help thinking a drink would've made it better. After work that day, his brain had turned on autopilot, and he didn't notice until he was standing in front of the saloon, one hand on the door handle. Yoba, it would've been so easy- and no one would have known any different. Maybe Gus, but the man wouldn't say anything.. It wouldn't matter to anyone if he just had one, no one but the farmer-
The farmer...
His shoulders slump, and he pulls his hand away from the door, stuffing both of them both in his pockets. She would've been so disappointed in him, if he came this far only to give up now, because of one shitty week... She had been the one to quite literally carry him off the cliffs that day, the one to push him in the right direction- it wouldn't be fair to her to push all of that away, now. He promised her he would take things seriously!
Maybe it was the thought of her that brought him all the way past his own home and instead to hers, taking in the familiar sight of the farm. It had only been a couple weeks ago that he had dragged himself up here to thank her for her help.. He debates back and forth in his head as he walks up the steps to her house- would he just be bothering her? Would she even want to see him? Maybe this was a bad idea, he should just turn around and-
"Hey, Shane!" The happy voice from behind him drags him out of his own head, and he turns to look. There's the farmer, smiling happily.
"Good timing, I was just finishing up with my chores for the day!" She pulls off her gardening gloves, wiping the sweat from her brow as she walks closer to him. "What brings you here today??"
"Oh, uh- I was just-" Shane rubs the back of his neck nervously, almost embarrassed of the answer. But he's honest with her- he owes her at least that. "I was... trying to stay away from the bar tonight... Wasn’t sure where else to go, I guess.."
"Oh, Shane...."
He stares at the ground, waiting for her to go off on him- about him being weak, or something like that.. But instead, he's pulled into a hug.
"I'm so proud of you for coming here instead of going to the bar, that must have taken a lot of strength!"
"I-" Whatever he expected her response to be, it sure as hell wasn't that. Then again, the farmer was always surprising him with just how kind she was. The fact that she had even stuck around him this long was insane. "...Thanks. I guess it was.."
She pulls away- almost too soon, he catches himself thinking- and pushes open the door to her home.
"Do you wanna come inside and hang out? I harvested some peppers today, so I could make us pepper poppers! And I picked up a case of sparkling water from Gus- he mentioned you've been drinking it recently!"
That pulls a smile from his face as he steps in, shutting the door behind them as she heads into the kitchen. God, he was glad he had such a sweet, kind woman. He took a moment to think back- he had done everything in his power to push her away when they had first met, and yet she had always stuck by him, giving gifts and making small talk until it had become just another part of his morning routine to chat with her as he passed by Pierre's on his way to work, as she was waiting to buy seeds. He almost laughs a bit to himself, thinking about how she had forced her way into his heart- and then it shocks him. Oh shit. It had been a long time since someone had tried to break down his walls, and even longer since someone was successful at it. As terrifying as it was.. he was glad he met her.
"Hey, do you wanna help me cook? It could take your mind off of everything!"
"Sounds like you're just trying to get free labor out of me!" He smiles when he hears her laugh, heading into the kitchen. It was tough, but with her, he was sure he'd be okay.
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remmysbounty · 3 years
joaquin torres masterlist
the moon and the ocean (aka analyst/shield!reader)
calling to you (gn!reader; fluff; meet cute; request)
don’t go (gn!reader; soft angst; joaquin’s deployment drabble; request)
welcome home (gn!reader; fluff; Joaquin’s back home; there’s a puppy now; request)
rough tide (gn!reader; tough of angst with fluff)
vitamin sea (gn!reader; fluff; sort of a part 2 to rough tide; request)
dark nights (gn!reader; angst, hurt/comfort; nightmares; soft!Reader; Fish watches over them; request)
arriba, mi amor (gn!reader; fluff; morning wake up drabble; request)
on speaker (gn!reader; fluff and funny; secret relationship revealed; Fish introduced; Bucky and reader moment; request)
you and me (gn!reader; fluff and funny; drunk!Joaquin; Joaquin and Bucky moment; request)
enough (gn!reader; emotional hurt/comfort; insecurities and doubts; love strengthened; request)
like it rough (gn!reader; remmy’s first try at smut; 18+ only; not explicit or descriptive but still; angry!Joaquin; request)
amor? (gn!reader; ANGST; request)
perdoname? (gn!reader; part 2 to amor?; happy ending; jealous!Joaquin; reader and him make up; request)
family recipes (gn!reader; Joaquin and reader baking; lazy day; request)
need you (gn!reader; 18+ only; Joaquin has baby fever; needy!Joaquin; grabby hands all throughout; request)
our chiquitin (afab!reader; pregnant!reader; tiny bit of angst but mostly fluff; protective!Joaquin; request)
come home (afab!reader; pregnant!reader; ANGST but fluff at end; Joaquin is deployed; request)
welcome to the world (afab!reader; tw: pregnancy; tw: labor complications; stressed! Joaquin; Joaquin falling in love with his daughter; request)
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angel and flyboy (superpowered reader)
dinner? (gn!reader; fluff; cute drabble; request)
just admiring (gn!reader; fluff; tea scene in ep 1; request)
see you soon, flyboy (gn!reader; fluff; cute drabble; references to ep. 2; request)
devil came out to play (gn!reader; Reader gets captured; inspiration from ep. 3; request)
angel falling (gn!reader; aftermath of capture; request)
got your back (gn!reader; Joaquin is Falcon; request)
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date me? (gn!reader; best friends to lovers trope; request)
new muse (f!Wilson!reader aka Sam’s younger sister; artist; Sam’s sets up Joaquin and his sister; Sam is the best brother; request)
simple families (f!Stark!reader; Stark daughter!; reader talks about her father; supportive!Joaquin; soft and feels; request)
brotherly love (gn!reader; Zemo is like a brother to the reader; soft!Joaquin, feels, forehead touches; request)
kiss me (gn!reader; short!reader; we are fighting and fall on top of one another; request)
take me home (afab!reader; co-write with @pascalpanic; allusions to sex; horny; request)
they were roommates (gn!reader; roommates; that picture on Danny’s story the other day; request)
breathtaking (gn!reader; superpower!reader; imagine Airbender from Avatar: the last Airbender; request)
trip of magic (gn!reader; HC; car trip to Disney; family trip with Sam and Bucky and Sam’s fam; request)
lifeline (gn!reader; anxious!reader; tw: panic attack; tw: anxiety attack; Joaquin is reader’s lifeline; request)
3 knocks (gn!reader; 2 times you patch Joaquin up and the one time he patches you up; I try to do concussed flirting; request)
meeting you (afab!reader; like Natasha, Bucky’s like a big brother; request)
careful hands (afab!reader; 3a/3b curly hair; curly hair representation; request)
sunrise picnics (gn!reader; sunrise picnic; request)
flowing through (gn!reader; ATLA!Inspired; Airbender!reader; request)
dancing in your arms (gn!reader; dancing bachata with Joaquin; request)
papa bear (gn!reader; protective!Bucky; dad!Bucky; found family; request)
papa bear pt. 2 (gn!reader; protective!Bucky; dad!Bucky; tw nightmare; tw Hydra days; tw Winter Soldier; found family; request)
masterpiece (gn!reader; tattooed!reader; Joaquin loves his partner’s tattoos; body admiration; request)
you’re the one for me (gn!reader; reader meeting Joaquin’s ex; high school reunion, ex identifies as bisexual; request)
our hat (gn!reader; inspired by that selfie that Danny posted on his story; if you know the one you know; request)
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choose your own adventure fic (gn!reader)
prologue (prompt #5 & roommates)
chapter 1 (scenario #2)
chapter 2 (scenario #2)
chapter 3 (scenario #2)
chapter 4 (scenario #2)
chapter 5 (scenario #2)
chapter 6 (Joaquin & Reader reveal feelings)
chapter 7 (KISS)
chapter 8 (THE END)
409 notes · View notes
animeyanderelover · 3 years
Can I request Soma, Edward, Madara, Kiba, Shu, Subaru, Yuma, Joker, Bard, and Agni with their s/o going into labor for the first time and getting surprised with twins? Lol you know it was more than a surprise in the Black Butler universe
Let’s surprise them with twins then!
Tw: Yandere themes, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, unhealthy relationship, unhealthy mindset, pregnancy, labor pains, manipulation
And suddenly there are three
Madara Uchiha
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🌑Well...basically all of the fandom agreed that he has a breeding kink and I agree. I just think the circumstances under which he grew up at were the reason. That guy had a lot of siblings, who in the end all died, but he was just so used to this whole big family thing. And of course he would want a family with his s/o, for rather selfish reasons. Next to it being some sort of possession mark, he also needs a heir and in a really, really twisted way wants also for more sincere reasons a family.
🌑Somewhat cocky when discovering that you are carrying and gosh, he would become so overbearing the moment he gets you knocked up. Would be very reluctant to let you out and whilst not being clingy, he would never be very far away from you either. He’s just always somewhere near you, lingering around you and if someone approaches you will instantly tower over you. Has also this weird habit for absolutely refusing to let anyone else touch your stomach. He doesn’t like the thought very much and feels like he is the only one who has the right touch your stomach and the more you start showing, the more often his hand would just lay on your stomach.
🌑He wouldn’t really show it, but he’s so excited to finally meet the kiddo. He would prepare a lot more for this then some people might think since he comes over as rather harsh. But he knows that during birth something can go wrong and for that would search for some good medics who will help you through this, most likely women since he won’t have any male creature anywhere near you.
🌑And he will be in his core nervous and a bit anxious the moment you finally get into labor and it will be kind of obvious. Because if he’s anxious and/or nervous, he tends to lose his temper a lot more quicker than he already does normally. He will just hiss at everyone who comes near him and it is kind of obvious for everyone who assists you during your birth, that they better do not mess anything up because having glaring the head of the Uchiha clan holes in the back of your head is not very calming. Madara himself would stay out, he isn’t the best in comforting someone and also actually doesn’t even know what he can do to help you. So as mean as it may sound, he just stays away. If you should yell at him that he at least should support you during your painful contractions, he might come closer and try to somehow help you. But he’s just very awkward with it.
🌑Would be a surprise for both of you to have twins, but for Madara a pleasant one. He would be softer after you gave birth because even he understands that this was just very tiring. Totally proud that you gave him not only one, but two kids and would definitely praise you for doing well. It would somehow feed his ego a lot when seeing you cradling the two babies and I guess the whole clan would somehow celebrate the birthday of the children since one of them is going to be the next heir, or possibly even both.
🌑Madara is rather tough to have as a father, he isn’t abusive, but he has a lot of expectations on his children. This can be pressuring for the children, but Madara himself was raised with the tough kind of love and will raise his children the same way. He has rather tender moments too when he feels in the mood. Would just play around or just let the twins do their stuff, similar to a lion with the small kittens.
Kiba Inuzuka
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🐕Kiba feels like a family man too, but not for any selfish reasons. He just enjoys the thought of a small family after he’s grownup and him and you have established a good relationship. Wouldn’t force you of course, but he would with time definitely start talking about this topic more often with you and I feel like his family would love one or two children from you two too. All would be very keen of a little toddler and welcome them openly in the family.
🐕For someone who’s usually loud-mouthed he became rather quiet after finding out that you were indeed pregnant. He most likely needed to lean on something to not lose strength in his legs. He would stay like this for the rest of the day, he’s just so flustered now. But afterwards he would just literally howl out of happiness and become even more your personal guardian dog, growling and barking at everyone who comes too close. Let’s just say that he would become very overprotective and his whole clan will congratulate him. Hana might even check on you, she might be a animal doctor, but she also knows a lot more about the human biology and around her Kiba isn’t all that tensed up.
🐕He would be so impatient since he really wants to meet his child. Would almost everyday ask his sister when the baby is supposed to come and totally whiny when his sitter tells him he has to wait that and that long which is too long for him. I feel like you might give birth in the four walls of the Inuzuka clan, I just can picture them somehow as a clan who would like to keep such things rather under themselves. That does not mean that if something should happen, they won’t bring you into a hospital.
🐕A total mess when you got your contractions, he is really not useful in this situation. Would just enter straight panic mode and his mother had to give him a good punch so he would at least calm down a bit. Since you’re most likely give birth with Hana and other members of his clan assisting, he wouldn’t be all that growling and threatening like he would be with strangers. He trusts his clan. But he’s just so scared right now that he doesn’t even know what to do. Should he hold your hand? Say everything will be fine? His thoughts are racing right now through his head and in the end he might do some breathing exercises too so he won’t have a panic attack.
🐕He might have just really just collapsed when you gave birth to twins. That would be a bit too much for him in that moment and so he might have just fainted which would be hilarious to his clan members and would earn a flabbergasted expression from you. But as soon as he’s back on his feet, he would just be totally excited about all of this and be all over you and the babies. He wants to hold one! Or maybe even both! Yeah, he’ll just beam with happiness.
🐕The stricter part of the parenting will either fall to you or, which is more likely, his mother. Because Kiba is way too doting and adoring with his children. That guy can’t get angry at all and even if he does, he would instantly go back to being dorky and sweet when he sees that his children are hurt because he got mad at them. This definitely earns him scolding from his mother since he needs to show a bit more strictness or else the children will get too full of themselves. Overall just a sucker for the twins. Also, Akamaru would be in love with those kids too and often just play around with them.
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🚬Bardroy went through some trauma in his past, saw a lot of people die which left an impact on him, a rather traumatic one. I can see him as rather hesitant to start a family with his s/o since he is unsure whether he would be a good father or not. That does not mean that he doesn’t like the thought of having a small kid hanging on his hip. But he would talk with you about it beforehand to make sure you would be fine with having a small family.
🚬He would definitely ask Ciel for allowance to make more time for you since he knows that during the following months you will need him a lot more than usually. Similar to Kiba he would be totally flustered when you tell him that there’s a chance that you’re pregnant. He would be speechless before stuttering somehow out that he’s so happy with this whilst giving you a hug. He might get a bit stressed out with his work and making time for you which is why Finny and Mey-Rin will offer to do his tasks so he can spend more time with you.
🚬Bardroy wouldn’t really show you how nervous he is about all of this really. He isn’t really the most informed about all of this which is why he will start reading books about this or even awkwardly trying to ask Sebastian for some advice since that guy apparently knows everything. Finny and Mey-Rin are pretty excited too to become aunt and uncle and would constantly bug him with questions about you and how close you are to giving birth. Would also offer him really every help they can somehow possibly give him.
🚬He’s completely stressed out the moment your water breaks and would just instantly abandon whatever he was doing and rush with you to the hospital. I think that the whole Phantomhive manor might come to pay a visit to the hospital when hearing the news, Finny and Mey-Rin trying to help Bard who’s on completel edge by now, afraid that something might go wrong and you or the baby might take damage. He will try about everything to help you through all of your pain and if that means having his hand broken because of you squeezing it too tight than so be it.
🚬Might at first not even believe that he got twins and just kind of stand there and stare at the two small bundles in your arms. Finny and Mey-Rin will have to push him closer so he can take a close look at the children. His children. And he would just stand there in total awe, to say the least. Is a bit more doubtful about holding one of the babies since he’s scared of hurting them or anything in this regard. But would have one of the softest look when finally gathering the courage to hold one of the babies.
🚬You might come over and visit the manor often after giving birth and will always bring the children with you. And that’s when uncle Finny and aunt Mey-Rin will be all over them and coo and play with them. Bardroy is a really caring father and would be really overprotective over his children, no matter how old they are. I can actually picture him with twins, a girl and a boy. Ciel might be a lot more awkward with the children and being called uncle Ciel.
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🤡Joker is really hesitant to start a family and have children since he constantly kidnaps them and helps them getting killed. He’s just insecure about himself and doesn’t think he has the right to have children of his own whilst constantly taking children from parents away who love them with all their hearts. He would also not talk about it and so it might happen more on an accident.
🤡He would be not really sure about how to feel. Living in the circus means moving around a lot and being pregnant means you need your peace right now. In his circus there are also not really that many persons who are experts in this area, the only person who has some medic knowledge is Doctor. I think during the first few months he would be very hesitant, torn between shame of his past crimes and joy that you’re carrying his child. He needs a bit of time before learning to appreciate fatherhood and start to look a bit more positive towards this. He’ll just see it as a chance to ensure that at least his child will have a good future and for that will absolutely not let Baron Kelvin find ever out about this. He has also the whole troupe behind him to help him to protect you.
🤡He is anxious about all of this, but would never let it show when he’s with you, always making sure to act as the solid rock in the ocean because you yourself might be very nervous. And Joker wants you to feel safe and sound with him, always reassuring you that nothing will happen to you. Behind this calm mask he is however very nervous and uncertain about a lot of things. He would talk with the troupe and the Doctor a lot about this, planning out on how to ensure that nothing bad will happen to you.
🤡I feel like a few weeks before you were supposed to give birth, Joker made the circus retire for a short while to spend all of his time with you and be there for you. He has prepared quite a lot for this, but that really won’t help him freaking out on the inside when your water breaks down. Of course he will try to stay calm for you, being there for you during the whole process. The whole troupe will linger around, being obviously tensed and stressed out about all of this.
🤡Joker warmed over these past months up to having a small child running around in the circus and probably never gave the thought that there’s a chance that you might have more than one child that much care. He would be stunned as well as all the members of the group. It might be the first time that they see him after a long time truly that happy, he might even tear up a bit when finally holding one of his twins in his arms whilst also watching you holding the other one. It’s in that moment just so much for him to see that he actually managed to create something so innocent and lovely.
🤡The babies will be totally pampered from the whole troupe, I feel like especially Beast, Doll, Dagger and Wendy would be totally spoiling with affection and give the children whatever they can get them. Joker would be very soft with the small ones too, but also very overprotective over them and can and will scold them, most likely when they got into troubles. He’s a bit paranoid since his children constantly remind him of all the ones he killed and he would feel even more guilty than he already did before when chasing children down since he can now imagine how painful it must be for the parents to lose their small one. That will lead him to being paranoid when it comes to his children’s safety.
Prince Soma
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🍛I guess the thought of a family would not cross Soma’s mind for a very long time since he’s just happy with you and doesn’t think that he needs anyone else besides you and Agni in his life. The thought might start coming into his mind once he sees you interacting with children. Soma really adores children and is gushing over every small toddler he happens to see. So at one point he might start thinking that having a baby of his own would be really cute.
🍛 This night have happened on accident since Soma wouldn’t force you into having a child even though he would talk about it a lot after some time. But he would be certainly beyond overjoyed when hearing that you are pregnant, in the very next second all over you with sparkles in his eyes. He would definitely spoil you even more than he usually did and wants to help you however he can. Given the fact that he’s rather clueless about the whole pregnancy thing, Agni will have to guide him a bit through the following months so he can help you properly since Soma wants to help. Would also become like a leech, he won’t leave you alone at all.
🍛Hate to say it, but he might get a bit too caught up in the process of doting and gushing over you and your growing belly to even consider the fact that he should start planning for your birth. But luckily he has Agni who will point this out to him and help him with planning. Agni knows a lot about this all and will help organizing things and search for some good doctors who can assist you through the birth when your water breaks.
🍛Soma definitely wasn’t prepared for your labor pains and all the screams and agony following it. He kind of forgot that women are in incredible pain when giving birth and he never saw it before so he is thrown into the cold water with it. He would be totally over worried, he can’t stay still and keeps trying to demand Agni to make your pain stop before Agni explains that this is normal for a woman when giving birth. He might start crying with you since it pains him to see you suffering so much, but would also be encouraging and support you through the following hours, remembering what Agni told him.
🍛Soma loves children, just keep that in mind. Because that’s what has him having hearts in his eyes when he finally takes a glance at his twins, completely in love with them. Would be all smothering to you whilst already gushing over the two little babies. He already plans to spoil them beyond rotten.
🍛And that’s exactly how things will be with him as a father. He will just spoil his children beyond rotten, totally pampering them. So all strict parenting will have to go to you or else the children become really spoiled little brats, just like their father. Soma just totally adores his children and will never get mad at them. Agni would be most likely act as a uncle figure and is very protective over his prince’s children.
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🤜He has definitely a huge soft spot for children and seems like he would be up for a domestic life with his darling. But it’s his past that makes him feel bad. He used to be a criminal before being saved and forgiven by his prince who gave him a new life. You were the person who gave this life a real meaning and Agni feels indebted to both, Soma and you. But he would just be a bit too ashamed of starting a family, thinking that having a former criminal as a father isn’t exactly the dream of a child.
🤜I think he might even sense it before you that you're pregnant since he is observant and has for a human rather keen senses who are on point. And he will tell you about this, nervous on how you'll react to this. For him it would be a mix out of happiness and insecurities. He has no doubt that he can treat the child very good, but he's somewhat worried what they will think if they should find out about his terrifying past. But he would push all this worries temporarily away and focus solely on you. Agni is a rather good person to deal with everything during your pregnancy, enduring your mood swings without complaining, not judging your cravings and also massaging you if the additional weight of the baby growing should make your shoulders or some other body part hurt. Soma is certainly excited for being an uncle and all hyped up.
🤜Agni is very well informed and knows a lot about contractions, how the body of a woman works when pushing the baby outside and everything involving this. I feel like he would want to help and guide you through the birth, meaning he wants to directly help you when your water breaks. But he also isn't that careless to do everything on himself, Soma being very ready to help him with paying some good and trustworthy doctors to assist Agni.
🤜His nerves would be on edge, but he also knows that panicking won't be from any use in here. He knows that he prepared a long time for this and went over everything a couple of times to be reassured that he really reconsidered everything. To a certain degree this gives him peace. But the nagging thoughts in his head that something might go wrong will never really leave him. So Agni would be deep down anxious that something might happen, but will stay focused.
🤜He will get very emotional when he sees his babies for the first time and will definitely cry a bit, he had a huge spot for the children the moment he found out that he would have them and had nine months to grow a huge love for them even though he only interacted with them through your belly. But holding them now in his arms really brings the most tender feelings in him out, even more since there are now two additional small treasures in his life. And he had already decided the moment he knew they existed that he would protect them. But holding them and seeing them in real life makes this once more painfully clear for him.
🤜Agni would be such a great dad to be honest. He is definitely the housewife type and will do everything, especially after you gave birth since he knows that you're still tired out from hours of labor pains. And he has definitely problems with getting angry with his children because he has too much of a soft heart for the kids. And Soma would be totally in love with his children too, that guy could play and cuddle with those tiny babies for hours if he could. Agni himself would do a lot for his children and with his children and he is for sure someone who will become so mellow whenever he catches you spending time with your children because in his opinion you're a great mother.
Edward Midford
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🎩I think it would be his family who would talk to him about it for the first time, especially his mother who is the stricter parent. Edward never gave a family with you that much thought since he has really other things on his mind, trying to not let himself get caught with those unhealthy feelings of his for example. But I can see his mother being very fond of thr thought of a few grandchildren from him and you. And it will be this talk with his mother that will have him thinking about how it would be to have a small family with you. But he would be way too embarassed to talk to you about it at first. He doesn't want to make you feel pressured after all. So he'll be left alone in his own little fantasies.
🎩You just made him completely speechless, he would just stare at you, not sure if he just heard that right. That would last for a few moments which might make you think that he doesn't want a family. And that's when Edward will regain his composure all of a sudden, literally giving you the sweetest smile ever and embracing you in a hug. He would lie if he would say that he didn't hope for this to happen. Would be really proud when telling his family about this who will all be very happy for him. Lizzy would most likely instantly be totally excited about becoming an aunt. Frances, his mother, will most likely also have a few talks with you, understanding that you are most likely nervous about all of this and would be in the coming months always there if you want to talk. Would also absolutely hold a grand speech to her son about how he should treat you now, what he should do and shouldn't.
🎩Edward and his family will plan very thoroughly for your birth, his mother most likely being extremely strict and perfect about it since she cares for her daughter-in-law and her little and unborn grandchild. Lizzy would much rather have a talk with you during a small tea party and talk with you about what she will buy the child, what she will do if it's a girl and what she will do if it's a boy. She is definitely all thrilled about being an aunt. Edward over time will however grow totally into babying you the more you start showing until he's reached the point of not letting you do anything by yourself anymore. He will grow significantly clingy and has a doctor checking on you daily.
🎩Edward really does try to stay cool when your water breaks down, but it will be noticeable from his rather rapid way of moving and acting that his nerves are jittery in this very moment, leading to his mother scolding him. Just standing there whilst you are currently suffering under contractions. What kind of gentleman is he? I feel like Frances would be during this whole time somewhat of an instructor for her son, telling him what he can do to at least help you like you aren't all alone, and for you, explaining to you what you have to do since she already experienced all of this twice.
🎩After over nine months finding out that you were actually carrying twins this whole time would be a bit surprising for the whole family, but everyone will be happy about this, especially Edward. He would just be very sweet and doting to you after everything is over, smothering you a bit more than usual since you are completely worn out after hours of pushing and pushing. Is also very doting to the small infants, feeling the pride of a father when seeing his two children in your arms.
🎩I can see him, similar to Bardroy, as someone who would have twins, boy and girl. And one thing straight, expect Lizzy to be the cutest aunt possible. She constantly steals you and the children away from Edward, somewhat abandoning him for you three which will make Edward jealous. Edward would be a rather sweet father to have, even though he does tend to get a bit stricter with his son and his daughter when they don't behave. His mother and father would be really fond of the twins too, with Frances being once again a very strict grandmother. But she only means the best though.
Shu Sakamaki
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🎵Shu would definitely need time to even warm up to the thought of starting a family with his darling. He doesn't see them on the same level as him to start with, they are just a lost kitten needing his protection, that's how he sees it. Not only that, but he knows that you would be targeted even more from his brothers than you are already, next to the fact that he is a bit iffy about whether he would be a good father or not. But I can see him as someone who would start dreaming about a family with you after he's reached the point of painful infatuation, certain thought starting to plague his mind which will make him scoff at first. But the more he will get caught up in them, the more desperate he will become.
🎵He would, given the fact that he's a vampire, know that you're pregnant before you will even suspect it. He can smell it and whilst not telling you directly about it, he would start giving you hints, wanting you to figure out on your own. A lot of things will happen after this. The first and important thing is that he will move you out of the mansion, anxious that his brothers will try something whilst you're pregnant and even the thought of you or the child getting hurt makes Shu terrified. He has most likely searched for a nice and cozy house far away from the manor where he wants to live with you and his small future family. He will also stop drinking your blood, not wanting to risk a miscarriage. He will definitely mellow out a lot during the whole pregnancy, enjoying the feeling of movements in your stomach the more you start showing.
🎵But there are also a lot of worries, especially if you're a human. The child would be in that case a half-vampire and Shu can only suspect from the biology of humans and vampires what might happen. The child could have a huge strain on your body, weaken you, there are just so many unknown things for him. That makes him nervous, if worse comes to worse he will have to transform you into a vampire during the birth.
🎵He did prepare a lot for this moment when your water breaks down and is not willing to let anyone else in this vulnerable moment of yours anywhere near you. He's a bit paranoid and also wants this moment to only belong to you, him and your child. He knows a lot about the human biology, he read a lot of books about it these past few months and has confidence in what he's doing.He also doesn't want to show how nervous he really is in this moment and has also no time for it, needing to stay focused to pull the child out and being careful with not hurting it the moment you pushed it out enough.
🎵He grew all too fond of a small family with you and will be certainly a bit surprised when after giving birth to the first child, you still have your labor pains. But he is a vampire after all, a pure blooded one too, so there is a certain chance that he might have suspected that you were carrying more than one child. So different from some others, it might not even be that shocking for him. Might try to act like he is annoyed because now he has two crybabies in the house, but he is honestly just denying to reveal at first his completely soft side which won't last long though. Then he would just act very tender with you and his now small family.
🎵I can see Shu as someone who would discover that he really likes the domestic lifestyle a lot, just away from all of his brothers and with you and his two children. There's a chance that he will never introduce the twins to all their uncles and their grandpa since Shu is afraid that they will be mistreated since they are only half vampires. Despite his worries of not being a good father, Shu will be a good parent to have. He will try to get out of his more lazy zone and interact actively with his children even though he does prefer to just lay with them in bed and read them some fairytales. He will also really love it to see you together with the children, sometimes even starting to think back to his own childhood and thinking that this is how Beatrix should have been to him and Reiji.
Subaru Sakamaki
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⬜️I feel like Subaru despised the thought of a family at first given his own childhood. He still hasn't gotten over the fact that his mother treated him like a failure, something she just wanted to get rid of. It left traumatic memories and Subaru doesn't think that he would be a good father. In fact he thinks he would be a terrible father to have and doesn't wish his child to suffer just like he did. He would need an incredible long time to even warm up to the thought, just too low-thinking of himself. Subaru can't deny that with time he will start loving the thought of you being pregnant with his child and having a family, but there is just so much self-doubt in him.
⬜️That would make him so incredibly quiet and conflicted when he sensed that he had indeed gotten you pregnant. On the one and he's only in the positive ways possible flustered. But he's also so incredibly unsure about so many things. Will he be a good father? He really doesn't want his child to endure everyting he had to go through. And of course there is the fact that you are most likely a human and the child a halfbreed, making everything even more complicated. But just like Shu, he would definitely bring you somewhere else, not trusting his brothers the least bit. He will stop drinking your blood, knowing that this can affect the child's and your health and would be extremely careful around you since he tends to have a bad temper. He will also become a lot more clingier than he is already normally, especially when you start showing.
⬜️He needs reassurance from you a lot, often doubting if he can treat your child like a parent should treat their child. He will also stress himself out a lot because he doesn't know really much about the whole topic of pregnancy and doesn't have much time to learn about it either. And with asking for help he's rather reluctant, having grown beyond overprotective over you by now. That said, he will threaten for advice if he feels too much pressure by doing it on his own.
⬜️He is, to put it frankly, horrified the moment your water breaks. He just feels like he's too uninformed about all of this and there are so many possibilities that something might go wrong and you and the child might die in the process. You will most likely somehow have to wake him up from his frozen state and remind him that he has to do something. He is right now scared and for that reason rather short-tempered, most likely shouting at you because he's so terrified right now.
⬜️The whole event will be really stressful for him, having to endure all your painful screams and the growing doubts in his mind that something will happen. So it will be a relief for both of you when after a straining span of time the babies are finally out and healthy. Subaru will at first just be so glad that everything went fine and all three of you are unharmed that it will hit him a bit too late that he is father of two children. This will make him flustered once again, but put also a lot of pressure onto him since two kids at once are a lot of responsibility. He is way to scared to hold one of them in his arms at first, worried that he might somehow hurt him since he has troubles controlling his strength.
⬜️But he would be a good father despite his constant worries. He doesn't want his children to suffer like he did which is why he shields them from everything and is extremely overprotective of his children. I can see him having two girls which will make him from time to time really flustered since he sees girls as very fragile, making him afraid that he'll shatter his daughters if he's too rough or loud with them. Having daughters would honestly pour every bit of softness out in him since he is really careful around them. Will also never, NEVER, let his daughters anywhere near his other brothers.
Yuma Mukami
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🌱It's a bit tricky with Yuma since he tends to be very harsh with his darling. Yuma is not all that fond of children either given his own childhood. The idea of children just annoys him greatly, especially at the very beginning of this very forced relationship he has with his darling. He would have to establish a somewhat good relationship with his darling before that thought would even cross his mind. The problem he has is that he forgot the first few years of his own childhood, meaning he holds no memories of his parents and for that doesn't really know how to act around a small and fragile child. He does know how he is supposed to act, but holds no memories of his own.
🌱He would have a visible reaction, being somewhat frustrated with this situation since he wasn't prepared for this. He's a halfblood, but will still sense the change in your body and scent, but it would most likely be Ruki who told him what's wrong since Yuma didn't know what was going on with you. And he will get angry, not necessarily at you since he does know that this isn't entirely your fault, but at something he will let his emotions out. He just wasn't expecting this to happen and Ruki will most likely scold him for not using protection to prevent this from happening.Yuma would somewhat start to avoid you a bit after this, needing to sort his emotions out. He would be still afterwards very cautious, still not knowing how to feel about this. He needs a few weeks to appreciate the thought of his fatherhood.
🌱But once he does learn to be fine with this all, there will be a sudden switch in his way of acting. Suddenly he will be constantly towering over you, carry everything for you and somewhat baby you. Even around his brothers he would be a bit tense and the more you start showing, the more intense this all will become. That guy would be totally fascinated once you get your baby bump and would constantly rub his large hands over your enlarged stomach. Planning for the birth isn't exactly his special area and it will most likely be Ruki's job to plan it out, even though the oldest expects Yuma to at least help him a bit since the child there is his. And here again, the question about what the baby will be exactly will come up since they're halfblooded vampires and you're a human.
🌱You will give birth in the mansion of the Mukami's, all brothers most likely in the same room as you. It's most likely Ruki who instructs you about what to do and is also the one who will act as the doctor and check on the babies are born. Azusa and Kou are just there to watch and see the babies and Yuma is there because he did learn to love the babies over those nine months and he also loves you. Ruki most likely didn't allow him to help him since that guy could snap the baby's neck if he isn't careful enough.
🌱Yuma would be amused that there are two of those tiny babies instead of one, Ruki most likely acting annoyed that he has to deal with two brats in the future. But Yuma will be proud of his twins, having learned over the span of these last few months to gain confidence in being a good father. He wouldn't get his peace with you at first, all of his brothers just wanting to look and hold the babies which will lead to him shoving them out the door so he can finally have his tranquility with his family.
🌱Over time he would become a decent father, I suppose. He will learn to control his temper around the kiddos and to not let his anger out on them. Also, don't mess with Yuma's children or else he'll see red and will rip someone apart. And different from with the Sakamaki's, the kids will meet all their uncles, even though Yuma has his worries with each of his brothers. But he would definitely soften up a lot during all this time where he really learns to treasure his family and will prove to have good patience since the children are constantly climbing all over him without him saying anything against it. But there are certain events uncle Ruki has to step in or else Yuma will feed his children with too much sugar cubes. Healthy food is important too.
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kozisjournal · 3 years
𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒈𝒐- 𝑡𝑜𝑢𝑦𝑎 𝑡𝑜𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑖
first piece ! this one has a massive tw
reader tries to unalive themselves, vomit mention, cursing as well, but its touya so do we expect anything else
1.9k words all together, and there's an alt ending too hahah.
it wasn’t always like this. touya started to notice his partner’s downward spiral pretty quickly. he didn’t want to admit he was worried. he couldn’t show anyone he was worried. even them. but he couldn’t ignore the pure panic starting to build in his chest. it sat on his chest like a white rage, making his limbs tremble a bit.
they're fine. If they needed something, I would’ve been there.
he began to repeat this like a mantra, a deep breath pulled in every so often to hopefully shake off whatever this was. was this a panic attack? last time he’d had one, he stood in front of his father, pulling out fistfuls of hair with his small and already scarring hands. no. it’s not that. then what is it?
“hey, bacon bitch. we have to go over the mission for tomorrow. will you go find l/n?”
shigaraki. with a sigh, touya’s arms uncrossed from his chest, and he nodded before making his way back into the base. the walk from the bar to their shared room wasn’t long at all, yet the door was closed.
that’s weird, they usually keep the door open.
a swift knock replaced the silence in the air, the odd feeling in touya’s chest dropping to his stomach as no answer came. again, he knocked on the bedroom door, a bit more urgency within his movements now.
“babe? are you in there? shiggy called a meeting.”
silence. his breathing became heavy, taking in large gulps of air to fill the sudden emptiness he felt. his head shook and a stapled hand around the door knob, his wrist tilting to turn it.
he was half expecting to see his significant other asleep, but the bed was empty, and felt cold against the palm of his hand. bright blue eyes scanned across the bedroom, falling on the open closet, a few articles of clothing laying on the floor in front of it. it was like someone had looked through their belongings. it may explain the closed door. one of the members had come in to snoop, probably toga. no, that wasn’t it either. toga would’ve mentioned something she’d found on her hunt. upon further inspection of the pile of clothes that had been looked through, it seemed like there was something missing. a small box, maybe? if it was something like that, touya had never seen anything of it, or what was inside of it.
“touya~ ya coming? the meeting is about to start.”
“i told you not to call me that.”
“but you let y/n call you that.”
“that’s different. they're— ”
“speaking of, have you seen them anywhere? I haven’t laid my eyes on them all day!”
another shock wave of worry rushed through touya. he stuttered a bit as he spoke.
“Y-You haven’t s-seen them?”
“nope, not once today. i’m sure they're around somewhere. i’ll see you at the meeting.”
and with that, the young blonde basically skipped away, calling out for twice on her way down the hall. did they go out? no, no. they would’ve at least told someone they were leaving the base. touya slid his hands in his pockets, abandoning his now very lonely bedroom to look through the others. with each room, he came up empty handed, finding not even a trace of his love. shit… wait, was that—?
a soft, familiar sound wrapped around his waist and pulled him from jin’s room and to the bathroom door. humming? y/n only does that in the comfort of their room. only after tough missions, or when touya relives the terror of his childhood in his dreams. so, why? before he can even think, his fist pounded against the slab of wood.
“doll? are you okay?”
the voice that followed sent a chill through his warmed body.
“baby, you sound sick. i’m coming in.”
“you can’t.”
“what do you mean i can’t”
“i don’t... want you to… see me like this..”
like what? touya didn’t understand. he couldn't understand. he’d seen his partner through plenty of lows before, but this felt different. were they trying to—?
his hand wrapped around the door knob, but unlike any of the doors he’d opened before, this one was locked. touya figured his mind was just playing tricks on him, and that this wasn’t actually happening. the door in front of him wasn’t really locked, right? however, when he tried to open the door again, it remained sealed.
“y/n. open the door. now.”
only an airy giggle followed his demand. was this a joke? were the events of today all a part of an elaborate, sick prank the league pulled together without him knowing? touya, again, shook his head, pressing his ear up to the door as if that would give him some kind of clue. it didn’t. he kept his hand wrapped around the locked piece of metal keeping him from his beloved, the almost comforting feeling of his quirk completely engulfing his palm. as the metal starts to melt, he threw his body against the wood, finally gaining access to the small room.
in the bathtub was where he found his darling, their head leaning lazily against the wall behind them as eyes fought to stay open. an empty pill bottle and it’s cap laid idly on the tiled floor next to the overflowing tub.
“get out.”
“no. what did you take?”
“it doesn’t matter.”
y/n’s words were slurred as they spoke, and touya paid no mind to their protests as he reached forward to grab the bottle on the ground.
“morphine? how much was in here? when did you take this?”
“touya. i love you.”
“answer my question.”
“i’m sorry…”
his eyes moved from the bottle to his significant other in the tub, as they began to sink into the water. the empty bottle was thrown to the floor, wrapping his arms under y/n’s to pull them up. their head rolled back, eyes following suit as their breathing became almost nonexistent.
“shit. no, no. y/n? baby, answer me!”
nothing came from them, remaining unresponsive in touya’s arms. against his better judgement, a hand moved to land a harsh slap across the unconscious one in his arms face. no reaction.
touya dragged them from the bathtub and moved himself and his partner in front of the toilet, quickly supporting their head with the palm of one of his hands. he sat himself beside his love, keeping them up as he pulled their jaw open. a grimace sat across his face as touya’s first two fingers pushed themselves down the other's throat, only to pull his hand away when he felt a gag. bile and the previously swallowed pills pushed their way up from y/n’s stomach and into the toilet with a harsh cough following. two cold, wet hands braced themselves on the sides of the bowl, another gag pushing what was left of the medication out of y/n’s body. their voice was hoarse as they spoke.
“why didn’t you just leave me there?”
“you were going to fuckin’ die.”
“that was kinda the point, touya.”
blue eyes widened at those words, his breath catching in his throat as the two looked at each other. y/n’s breathing was labored, still fighting against the sleep that was trying to pull them away from touya. a very careful, scarred hand moved to rest against the cheek of the other.
“you can’t leave me.”
“shut up. you’re not allowed to just leave after everything. what am i supposed to do without my butterfly?”
no words followed, yet the smaller one in touya’s arms remained awake against their own will. good. arms moved to wrap around y/n’s waist, tugging them closer as he stood. a grunt pushed past his lips as touya hoisted them up from the ground.
“what are you—”
“hush, i’m just taking you to our room.”
as if they had accepted defeat, y/n’s weight rested against touya’s body. an arm hooked under their knees, the other staying around their waist as the taller male lifted them and started carrying them to their room. y/n shifted a bit, resting their head against touya’s shoulder, eyes fighting to stay open with each passing second.
“baby, can you stay awake? please? for me?”
the smaller one in touya’s arms only groaned in response, their head again rolling forward as they started to cave under the heavy weight of exhaustion. touya could only panic, his steady hands now trembling as he lightly nudged the door to their room open with his shoulder. he made his way over to their bed, sitting the other on the edge. y/n didn’t support themselves like touya was expecting, but as he started to move from the bed, he felt the weight of the other move with him.
“shit. hey, y/n. c’mon, let me see those pretty eyes.”
another groan filled the air, and touya felt a sigh of relief rush past his lips. dull eyes pushed open to look back up at touya, their normal brightness now dark with the come down of whatever high had been chased. cold, damp arms snaked around touya’s neck, a steady breath fanning across the burned skin,
“why can’t i just take a little nap?”
“because you could slip into a coma. i’m not letting that happen. sit still, I’m getting you warm clothes.”
he didn’t mean for it to come out like an order, expression flattening while cold hands moved to rest on his shoulders.
“can i have a hug instead?”
touya hesitated, breath pausing for a moment before ultimately shaking his head.
“let's get you dry clothes first… just work with me. please.”
y/n could hear the desperation in his voice, nodding slowly as their hands removed themselves from his shoulder, pulling the sheets into their hold.
touya slowly pulled away, eyes glued to his lover as he did so. hurried movements carried him through the room, his eyes darting to y/n while he filtered through the closet for clothes. finally, a sigh of relief passed through his lips as he returned to them with a set of dry, warm garments. his of course, y/n wouldn't have it any other way. he stood in front of them, their head tilted down, eyes almost losing the battle to stay open. his hands felt more steady now, motions flowing easily through them when he captured their chin in a loose grip, kneeling down to make eye contact.
“hey, angel. think you can stand for me?”
they, of course only nodded in response, the weight of today's events slowing their body. changing was quick, touya’s hands doing most of the work while also managing to hold them up. the wet clothes were discarded, thrown to the side, but a mental note was made to take care of them later.
“i love you, touya.. i'm sor—”
“no, baby. don't apologize. you're safe now, that's all that matters.”
his hands warmed, taking their chilled face into them with the most reassuring smile he could conjure up.
“how about that nap, y/n? still tired?”
“absolutely fucking exhausted.”
“yeah, i thought so.”
he pulled them into bed, tucking their head into his chest as his breathing became more steady. y/n was out like a light, he was certain of that once slow breathes sent a chill down his spine. his head dipped down, pressing a feather light kiss to the crown of theirs.
“i’ll keep you safe from now on… i promise.”
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eliemo · 3 years
Secrets and Lies
Summary: Patton is terrified Janus is cheating on him. He didn't think the reality would be so much worse.
TWs: mentions of/aftermath of sexual assault
Notes: human au, established romantic moceit
Janus was capable of a lot.
He was, without a doubt, the best thing that had ever happened to Patton. His tough exterior melted away every time he looked at Pat, his words sweet and gentle, eyes shining with so much love it left Patton breathless.
Janus made Patton smile, made him laugh, made him feel safe. There wasn’t a day that went by where Patton didn’t think about their first date, when Janus had shrugged off his leather jacket and draped it over the younger boy’s shoulders, winking when Patton’s face went bright red.
He still liked to wrap himself in the jacket sometimes, months and months later. It was heavy, comfortably warm, and it smelled like his boyfriend even now.
The only thing that could top the feeling of the jacket was Janus himself, tall and warm and strong, wrapping his arms around Patton and pulling him to his chest. Patton would never feel safer than he did in Janus’s arms.
Janus had been the first good boyfriend Patton had ever had. The first one to be patient and gentle with him, to be open and honest, to feel like home.
Janus was capable of making Patton happy. He was capable of making him feel safe, like he belonged. Patton knew he would keep his heart safe.
He never thought Janus could be capable of cheating on him.
And maybe… maybe he wasn’t. Maybe Patton was misreading the situation completely, paranoid from past experiences, plagued with memories of past relationships.
Janus wouldn’t do something like that. Patton was jumping to conclusions.
But… but Patton had seen it. He’d seen the mark on Janus’s neck, not even close to faded, only visible for a second when his shirt collar slipped down when he leaned forward to kiss Patton.
The mark had been there, clear as day, and Patton knew for a fact he hadn’t been the one to put it there. Not when he’d barely seen Janus the last two days.
Patton hadn’t been mad about Janus being distant. He’d texted and said he’d be busy for a bit, apologizing profusely and promising to make it up with a movie date as soon as he could, and Patton had of course understood.
But now here they were, cuddled up on the couch after almost two days of not seeing each other, and Janus had a hickey on his neck he was clearly trying to hide with a long sleeved shirt.
Patton hadn’t said a thing. He didn’t know how, forcing back tears and ducking his head as his vision blurred. He rested his forehead on Janus’s chest so he wouldn’t have to see the mark again, squeezing his eyes shut as Janus held him.
Patton proceeded to spend the rest of the week crying.
Everything suddenly looked like a red flag, the crushing realization that Janus could be cheating, sending him into sobs. He’d had to leave class once, locking himself in a bathroom stall when the thought had been too much to bear.
He was being paranoid. He knew he was. This wasn’t fair to Janus.
But Janus had just… been so distant. He’d disappeared for almost two days, came back with a hickey on his neck, and now it was like he was barely there.
He was as sweet as ever, smiling at Patton and holding his hand, but he was around noticeably less. He kept canceling plans, skipping class, putting off dates.
He was only wearing long sleeves now, and when he and Patton had gone out to lunch the other day he’d been wearing a turtleneck, despite the heat outside.
And he looked… exhausted. Like he wasn’t getting any sleep.
Like he’d been up all night.
Well, that made two of them. It was hard to fall asleep when Patton had spent every night sobbing into his pillow until his alarm broke through the hazy fog settling around his mind.
When the weekend finally came, and Patton found himself lying against Janus’s chest on the couch in his dorm like every Saturday night, he decided he couldn’t put it off any longer.
He’d seen a couple more marks while they were getting settled, covered up and faded enough that Patton would never have noticed them if he hadn’t actively been looking. He felt sick to his stomach.
“Can I ask you something?” Patton blurted, stiffening at his own words. “Just real quick.”
Janus immediately turned off the show they were watching, and Patton’s heart caught in his throat. He knew it wasn’t true. He knew Janus would never. He was just being paranoid, and asking something like this would just upset his boyfriend- his boyfriend who was endlessly wonderful and loving and loyal.
He just needed to hear it. He needed an explanation for this week or he’d never be able to relax.
“Yeah,” Janus said, quickly sitting up and giving his boyfriend his full attention, smiling brightly like he always did when he looked at Patton. “What’s up, Pat?”
“Uhm.” He hesitated, clasping his shaking hands together, willing himself to just calm down and get this over with. “Are you… I’m really sorry for asking this. Please don’t be offended.”
Janus just blinked at him, smile dropping slightly. “Okay…?”
“You’re not… cheating on me,” Patton finally managed. “Right?”
Janus froze, and Patton forced himself not to take the question back. “I… what?”
“You’ve just… got a few hickeys,” Patton explained. “And you were gone for those couple days and you’ve been so distant and you just… you look so tired.”
Janus’s expression morphed into one of panic, eyes widening as he pulled at his shirt to try to hide any visible marks, and Patton’s heart started to sink.
“I…” Janus hesitated, and he looked terrified. “I- I just… I’m sorry—”
“Please don’t,” Patton said, voice barely a whisper. “Please don’t do that.”
“Pat, I’m—”
“I thought I was just being paranoid.” Patton’s chest hurt, like his heart was breaking apart piece by piece, the world crashing down around him. “I thought you were different.”
Janus was scooting away from Patton, eyes wide and welling up with tears. Patton didn’t understand why he was the one who looked so upset, like he expected Patton to lunge forward and throw a punch. He wouldn’t. Even after this, he’d never even think about hurting Janus.
Besides, he didn’t even have the energy to cry.
“I’m- I’m so sorry,” Janus stammered out, and the words made Patton’s heart twist painfully. “I’m… I can explain. Please just let me explain.”
Patton sighed, frozen where he was, staring down at his lap. He just wanted to go to bed.
“Ok,” he said instead. “Go ahead.”
Janus’s breath caught in surprise, like he hadn’t expected Patton to actually hear him out. Patton wasn’t even sure why he was. Maybe he just wanted to know why. He wanted to know if there was something he could have done for Janus to stay.
“I—” Janus took a breath, trembling and unsure. Patton could hear him crying. “There isn’t an excuse.”
“No, there’s not.”
“I’m… I’m so sorry, I’m—”
“I can just go,” Patton cut in, his voice empty and hurt. “If you’re not gonna explain. It's fine.”
Patton felt the couch dip, listening as Janus moved even further away to press himself into the far corner of the cushions. Patton felt cold, his heart crumbling right in his chest.
“No, I just… I know you’re mad,” Janus said, and Patton scoffed. “And I’m not, I- I wasn’t… I promise I tried to say no. I promise I tried. I’m… I am so sorry, Patton.”
“What?” Patton’s head snapped up. “You what?”
Janus wouldn’t look at him, curled in on himself, breathing labored as he trembled and fought to catch his breath. “I’m sorry. I’m- I’m not trying to make excuses, I swear.”
Patton’s heart was pounding in his ears, panic rising for a whole new reason this time. “You tried to say no?”
“I know I should have tried harder,” Janus said, words coming out in a desperate rush. “I know I should have and I’m sorry. I know… I know I ruined this, I’m so sorry.”
Patton couldn’t breathe, frozen where he was on the other end of the couch. “Jan, that’s not...you didn’t want it?”
Janus finally glanced at him, eyes fearful and unsure. “Of course I didn’t want it,” he said, but it sounded resigned and defeated. Like it didn’t matter. Like it didn’t make a difference. “I’m… I was dating you, I- I wouldn’t… I tried to say no.”
Oh. Oh.
Oh no.
“Oh my god.” Patton didn’t know what to do, realization dawning and bringing blinding dread along with it. “That’s… that’s not cheating, honey oh my god. I had no idea, I… that’s horrible!”
Janus flinched, squeezing his eyes shut, but he was talking again before Patton could continue. “I’m sorry. I’m- I’m sorry I cheated and I’m sorry I kept it from you, I just didn’t—”
“I know you’re mad,” Janus said again. “And that I can’t- I can’t fix it. I’m not trying to make excuses but I didn’t want it. I… I guess that doesn’t… make a difference. I’m so sorry.”
“No, no I’m not mad at you! That’s not cheating, baby. I’m so sorry, I had no idea.”
Janus warily glanced up, holding himself in a shaky death grip. “I… I cheated on you. Why are you apologizing?”
“No you didn’t,” Patton argued. “You were forced into something you didn’t want. What if someone did that to me?”
Janus dropped his gaze, tears streaming down his face. Patton had never seen his boyfriend cry before, and now he couldn’t seem to stop. “That’s different.”
“I didn’t… I didn’t try hard enough,” Janus said, quiet and so broken. “I could have tried harder to stop it.”
“Oh, honey that’s not… you didn’t cheat on me, Jan. You were assaulted.”
Janus didn’t move, looking small and miserable, hunched over himself. “But I kept it from you.”
“That’s not something you just say at breakfast,” Patton said, forcing himself not to reach out despite how badly he wanted to. “And you never had to tell me if you really didn’t want to. I shouldn’t have assumed the worst.”
Janus just looked impossibly confused, and it was slowly breaking Patton’s heart all over again. “I don’t… I’m still sorry.”
“It’s ok,” Patton assured. “I didn’t know, I’m- I’m so sorry that happened.”
“It’s my fault.”
“No, baby,” Patton said. “It isn’t. It’s never the victim's fault. Have you...told anyone else?”
Janus shook his head, holding himself impossibly tighter. “No. He… he said you would leave if you found out. He said it was cheating.”
Patton felt something cold settle in his gut, anger he wasn’t used to threatening to spill over. He carefully pushed it back down, taking in a shaky breath.
“He? He… who, Jan?” He’d asked it as gently as he could, but Patton quickly backtracked when Janus tensed, eyes widening in panic, his breathing hitching and picking up faster than before. “Alright, that’s ok. You don’t have to tell me right now.”
Janus was shaking, still refusing to meet his boyfriend’s eyes. “He… he said you—”
“You were being manipulated, Jan,” Patton said, quickly wiping away his own gathering tears. He could mourn for Janus later. “It’s not cheating, he lied to you. He's manipulating you into keeping quiet, honey.”
Janus shook his head, horribly unsteady hands moving up to run through and pull at his hair. “No it… I was with someone else and I hid it from you.”
“Someone assaulted you,” Patton carefully corrected him. “And you were scared to tell me. There’s a big difference.”
“But what if I could have gotten away,” Janus argued, desperate and scared. “If I- if I had just tried harder I could have. I was just… I panicked and I couldn’t—”
“Honey,” Patton cut in, as gentle and steady as he could manage. “I promise I'm not upset. Not with you. You didn’t do a thing wrong.”
He was upset that it happened, of course. He was furious, a deep protective rage settling in his chest. He’d give anything for a name, for a way to hunt down whoever had done this and wipe that manipulative smirk off their face.
But he wasn’t going to push Janus to tell him who it was. That could wait until after they’d both calmed down and talked it out.
When Janus spoke again, it was so quiet that Patton almost missed it. “Are you going to leave?”
“No,” Patton said. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Janus’s breathing was still fast and uneven, but it was starting to slow back down just a bit. “I don’t… understand.”
“You did not cheat on me,” Patton said firmly. “You didn’t want it, and it wasn’t your fault that it happened. I’m not upset with you.”
“I- I tried to say no,” he said, like he still needed to explain himself. His breath caught again, released this time in a broken, terrified sob. “I wouldn’t do this to you on purpose but I still did, I… I thought…”
He trailed off, the rest of his words indecipherable around the ragged sobs clawing their way up his throat, Janus left to choke on his words and bury his face in his hands.
“Oh, baby.” Patton scooted closer, pausing when Janus froze, wide eyes flying to Patton’s hands. “Is it alright if I touch you? I promise I’m not angry.”
Janus still hesitated, struggling to breathe around his crying, eyes still glossed over with fear like he thought Patton could be lying, burying his anger until he was close enough to take it out on him.
Patton didn’t push, waiting patiently with a sad smile until Janus finally nodded. He closed the distance between them, slowly leaning against Janus’s side and carefully cupping his boyfriend’s face in his hands.
“I’m here,” he said, brushing away his tears as they fell. “It’s ok. I’m so, so sorry that happened to you, baby.”
Janus closed his eyes, face falling at Patton’s gentle words. “It’s… it’s going to happen again.”
Patton froze, the cold dread back with a vengeance.
“No it won’t,” he said. “We’re… we’re gonna keep you safe, ok? I’m gonna make sure this never happens again.”
“You can’t,” Janus choked out, and he sounded so small. “You can’t you- you won’t… you won’t be able to, I’m… I’m really sorry.”
“It's not your fault,” Patton promised. “We’ll figure it out. The teachers will listen to me, we can go to administration.”
Janus scoffed in between sobs, shuddering under Patton’s hands. “Nobody will believe me, Pat.”
“I believe you.”
“And you’re the first.” The tears didn’t slow, and Janus’s breathing only picked up as he talked. “It’s fair, I don’t… exactly have a good reputation. Nobody’s ever believed me and nobody ever will. I gave up trying.”
Patton’s throat felt tight, suddenly wondering how many other situations like this Janus had been put in with no one to turn to. Was this not the first time? Had someone not believed him before?
“Well, you have me now,” Patton said. “And I believe you. We’re gonna get you help, ok?”
Janus didn’t look at him, exhausted and almost limp, the dark circles under his eyes even more prominent now that Patton could look at him closely. “I… alright. I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok.” Patton hesitated, hating himself for even considering his next words. But Janus would have to go back to his dorm eventually, and Patton needed to know it was safe to send him there. “Jan? It… it’s not Remus, is it?”
Janus’s head jerked up, eyes flying open as he pulled back, more shocked than afraid this time. “What? No, I- Remus is our friend. He wouldn’t- he would never—”
“I know,” Patton said, and he did. The idea had been ridiculous, stemmed from paranoia and overprotectiveness, but it was worth asking to know Janus would be safe in his own room. “I just want to make sure you’re safe, baby.”
Janus relaxed slowly, still rubbing his face with his sleeves, and Patton gradually gathered him back into his arms, shushing him gently, wiping his tears.
“It wasn’t Remus,” Janus clarified after a moment. “Remus would… he’d freak out and kill someone if he knew. You- you can’t tell him.”
“I won’t tell anyone you don’t want me to,” Patton said. “But we can’t just let this go, Jan. Especially not if you’re still in danger.”
Janus shuddered again, crying against Patton’s shoulder. “I don’t… I don’t want to keep doing this to you. I don’t know what to do.”
“It’s not about me, honey. It’s about you. You don’t deserve this.”
“I didn’t want to hurt you,” Janus said, cautiously reaching up to clutch at Patton’s back. “It was… I know it was selfish to keep it from you but I- I thought you’d leave and I couldn’t… I was so scared.”
“Oh, honey.” Patton held him, painfully gentle like Janus could shatter like glass. “You didn’t have to tell me. It was personal. I’m sorry I forced it out of you before you were ready.”
“He said I was cheating on you, I… I thought you’d hate me.”
“I don’t,” Patton said, running his fingers through Janus’s hair. “He was lying. I promise I don’t hate you, baby.”
He felt Janus tighten his hold, his boyfriend still trembling against his side. “Are we… still together? I understand if you—”
“Yes,” Patton interrupted before Janus could even finish that thought. “We are. I love you, Janus. Nothing has changed.”
“Oh,” Janus said, breathless. “I just- I thought… I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
Janus’s breathing eventually slowed, his sobs dying down as Patton held him, rocking him gently on the couch as the dorm gradually fell silent.
“I might skip tomorrow,” Janus muttered after a few moments. “I feel sick.”
“I’ll skip with you,” Patton declared. “Virgil’s out for the night, you can stay here. I’ll take care of you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive,” Patton said. “You can rest, baby.”
“I love you,” Janus suddenly blurted out, like he’d been working up the courage. “I can… can I still say that?”
“You can,” Patton said, moving to take Janus’s hand in his own. “I love you too.”
Patton went back to cupping Janus’s face, frowning as he gently wiped away lingering tears with his thumbs, lightly brushing the bags under his eyes. He kept one hand under Janus’s jaw, the other moving to run through his hair, moving it out of his face.
“You look so tired, baby,” Patton said, and Janus’s eyes slipped shut for a moment, his eyelids heavy. “Have you slept at all this week?”
Janus shook his head, and Patton leaned in to kiss his forehead when his eyes welled up with tears again. “I tried. I couldn’t get to sleep. Being alone wasn’t… helping.”
“Oh, baby.” Patton pulled back, reaching instead for Janus’s hands. “You can stay the night. I’ll help you get some rest, okay? We both need it.”
“You sure you’re okay with me staying?”
“Of course,” Patton said. “I want you to. Come on, let me help you to bed.”
Janus practically collapsed on top of his boyfriend by the time Patton guided them both under the covers, wrapping his arms around Janus’s back and letting him rest his head on Patton’s chest.
“I’ve got you,” Patton whispered, freeing one hand to play with Janus’s hair. “You’re safe. Go to sleep, baby.”
Janus was holding onto Patton like a lifeline, but he was sound asleep in minutes, his frantic grip loosening as he finally drifted off to sleep.
Patton’s own exhaustion from sleepless, stressful nights finally weighed down. Everything ached, panic and uncertainty lingering, everything dragging him down to sleep, begging him to just close his eyes and leave it behind.
He would fix this, he could promise himself that. He owed it to Janus to set everything right.
But he could do that in the morning. Right now, he could pretend everything was back to normal. He could hold his boyfriend, his wonderful, loving, loyal, boyfriend, and finally let himself sleep.
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shadamyheadcanons · 3 years
Headcanon #214
Sister headcanon to #213.
tw: gore
In all the time Shadow knew her, Maria was never one to complain. She saw how much it hurt Gerald and Shadow to be reminded of her illness, so she put on a brave face to try and provide whatever light she could on the ARK. Shadow didn’t fully grasp how serious it was until the day he found her lying facedown on the floor next to her bed. Terror gripped him as he lifted her motionless body and rushed her to Gerald.
The two of them saved her just in time. When checking Maria’s room for any signs of what had happened, Shadow found crimson-stained tissues. She’d been coughing up blood. She claimed she hadn’t wanted anyone to worry, but he begged her to tell him next time before things got worse, as her silence made him worry far more. She hesitated, then agreed. He relaxed, secure in the thought that he’d be able to protect her...until he couldn’t.
Over fifty years later, Shadow met a girl who radiated compassion and light the same way Maria had. Right off the bat, the protectiveness Gerald had wired him for kicked in, and Shadow instinctively defended her whenever he could. He helped her find missing friends so she wouldn’t be alone in dangerous places. He watched her back in every fight. He stood up for her when others talked badly about her behind her back, though he knew she’d never know. He even risked his life to save the planet she called home.
Throughout this, Shadow was reassured by how open Amy was about everything, from feelings to concerns to even minor scrapes. He truly didn’t mind the complaints if it meant he never had to worry about any hidden threats.
That is, until she hid a cold from him. He visited her at work to find she was trying to tough her way through her shift while ill. He knew he was overreacting, but something about seeing another source of light in his life trying to hide coughs from him made his stomach turn. He snapped at her in a way he never had before. His temper clashed with her stubbornness, leading to a bitter fight.
He stormed off, hoping that would be the end of it. It wasn’t. She’d pretend to be fast enough for something she couldn’t handle, then hide her labored breathing from her friends. She’d pretend to be strong enough to lift something too heavy for her, then whimper quietly from the strain. Shadow’s natural concern for Amy’s wellbeing let him spot her weaknesses better than anyone, and he cursed himself for not noticing earlier. His frustration with her led to many arguments, and he privately feared he was failing to fulfill his purpose of protecting others.
When Shadow joined Amy and their friends on a hike, it proved to be one of the worst days of his life. He usually brought up the rear in situations like these so he could keep an eye on everyone, but Amy was there, and she shot him a glare that said she didn’t want to be around him. He reluctantly led the group instead. He glanced back to check on everyone, only to notice the group was short a member. He instantly knew which one.
A deep sense of wrongness twisted in his gut. He instinctively sprinted back, ignoring his friends’ questions. Panic gripped him when he just barely heard a quiet voice cry out weakly for help.
Shadow felt his blood turn cold as ice when he saw Amy’s unconscious body slumped over a tree. His breath caught painfully in his chest when he saw the deep wound on her leg. He scrambled down the slope with shaking muscles and just barely held it together long enough to warp her to the hospital, terrified he’d lose her, too.
Guilt tore him apart from the inside out for the next hour or two. He ran through everything he could have done: being more patient instead of antagonizing her, explaining himself better, keeping a closer eye on her during the hike, trying to compromise--until a restless sleep took him.
He awoke later to a sweet sound he’d feared he would never hear again: Amy’s voice. When her first worry was not about her health, but rather that she was a burden, Shadow promptly broke down. He usually felt comfortable crying in front of Amy due to their history, but he hid his face in her shoulder this time, too ashamed and overwhelmed to deal with it. He tried to keep his voice from cracking while he sobbed and apologized over and over.
He finally calmed down when she promised, just as Maria had, to be honest with him about her limitations. His fears quieted as Amy held him and gently scratched his scalp, physically there and safe in his arms.
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