lejeunelouis · 8 months
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FELIX LEE? não! é apenas LOUIS BLANCHARD, ele é filho de HEBE do chalé DEZOITO e tem VINTE E DOIS ANOS. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ele está no NÍVEL TRÊS por estar no acampamento há TREZE ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, LOUIE é bastante ALEGRE mas também dizem que ele é NOSTÁLGICO. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
[ MANIPULAÇÃO DE JUVENTUDE ] — Louis é capaz de absorver para si a juventude de um alvo, envelhecendo a vítima com apenas com um toque; ou dar juventude, permitindo que o estado físico de uma pessoa retorne temporária ou permanentemente ao seu estado mais jovem e vital. Costuma se dar bem com quantidades pequenas, mas se abusa do poder pode ficar visivelmente mais velho e cansado se não repor a juventude que perdeu.
Agilidade sobre-humana e sentidos aguçados.
[ LUMINEUSE ] — Um sabre francês de bronze celestial, tem mais ou menos 85 centímetros no total, contando com a lâmina e o punho. A espada foi forjada por um filho de Hefesto nos primeiros anos de Louis no acampamento, e o seu guarda-mão decorado com um pássaro é a demonstração de maestria do ferreiro. A Luminosa tem esse nome por servir de condutor para os poderes do semideus: ele pode usá-la para sugar a juventude de sua vítima e piorar um ferimento, algo que faz a lâmina brilhar em bronze. Consegue levar Lumineuse por aí com facilidade, já que se transforma num adornado bracelete de bronze com pingente de pássaro e permanece em seu braço enquanto não a usa.
[ BÊNÇÃO DE APOLO ] — Algo conhecido por qualquer pessoa que cruze os caminhos com Pierre é seu… charme fora do comum. Louis não sabe como o pai conseguiu encontrar outro Deus durante suas saídas, muito menos como haviam se dado tão bem, mas a visão do homem loiro nunca iria sair da mente infantil de Louie… que, sem nenhum aviso prévio, falou para o Deus que também queria ser um loiro natural bonito assim. Blanchard então foi tocado pelos raios de sol e, enquanto Apolo ria e bagunçava seus cabelos, ganhou uma descoloração mágica instantânea. Com o passar dos anos, a criança cresceu e finalmente entendeu o que tinha acontecido: havia presenciado um momento quase humano do Deus, que, de boníssimo humor, lhe concedeu uma bênção do Sol. Além dos fios loiros, também consegue se curar mais rápido do que o normal e fazer com que flores possam ter capacidades curativas para outras pessoas. Não é capaz de controlar raios de sol, mas sua pele é mais quente do que o normal e passa uma sensação de conforto para as pessoas que estão ao seu lado por conta disso.
Louis era um espírito livre desde que nasceu, mesmo não tendo muita escolha quanto a isso de qualquer maneira. Seu pai era o que podia ser chamado de bon-vivant: com um sorriso charmoso e pronto para aproveitar cada segundo de sua vida, era sempre visto pelas noites boêmias de Paris e fugia de qualquer tipo de responsabilidade, mas não fugia de uma boa história para contar. Pierre lembrava perfeitamente da garota dançando sem qualquer preocupação no meio de uma festa e como ficou totalmente sem chão ao encará-la, encantado de verdade com a sua presença. Se apaixonou tão rápido quanto teve seu coração quebrado, pois depois de uma semana com a garota, nunca mais a viu em sua vizinhança — ou em qualquer outro lugar além de seus sonhos.
Surpreendendo exatamente ninguém, é claro que não ficou muito feliz vendo a cesta com um bebezinho em sua porta, até entender direito o que aquilo significava. Conseguia ver alguns detalhes que tinha gostado tanto no rosto do menininho, principalmente as sardas e os olhos da mulher que sumiu. Bem, se não tinha a sua amante, certamente tinha um presentinho para lembrar dos bons dias que viveu intensamente. Prometeu que iria encontrá-la e iriam cuidar do bebê, nem que fizesse isso pelo resto da vida.
Ao ficar anos procurando por seu amor, esqueceu de ser um pai presente para Louis. Certamente o ensinava que a vida era curta demais para não fazer as coisas, que deveria ir atrás dos seus sonhos e fazer do mundo a sua casa, mas faltava as reuniões de pais e a maior parte dos aniversários. Enquanto mudava de país em país, um histórico de acidentes os perseguiam: casas assaltadas, carros quebrados, algumas expulsões de escola. Quando um lugar já não era mais interessante para Pierre, era colocar as poucas coisas que tinham numa mala e partir para outra aventura. Foi assim que parou em Nova York, tão movimentada quanto a capital francesa.
Louis não passava dos nove anos quando um garoto não muito mais alto o encurralou na rua, completamente desesperado. Bem, garoto era modo de falar, já que a grande maioria dos adolescentes não tem pernas de bode e chifres — mas quem era ele para julgar, não é mesmo? Algumas peças começaram a se juntar e, depois de dias turbulentos e complicados, conseguiu chegar no Acampamento Meio Sangue. Pierre não se surpreendeu muito quando recebeu uma chamada de telefone do filho, já que sequer deu falta do menino.
Desde então, viveu sozinho no Acampamento, dedicando seu tempo para os Campos de Morango, as aulas intermináveis e, se tivesse que ganhar um centavo por cada guerra que participou, teria dois centavos — o que não é muito, mas é certamente mais do que gostaria. Foi no aniversário de onze anos nas colinas que juntou as suas coisas para se mudar, se inscrevendo na Universidade de Nova Roma e começando um capítulo novo em sua vida… que acabou muito rápido, diga-se de passagem. Ao receber a mensagem do Sr. D enquanto seu ano letivo sequer tinha acabado, soltou um suspiro longo e, ao voltar e questionar o diretor se tinha sentido saudades enquanto estava fora, recebeu um “Sai fora, Lucio” que lembra até hoje.
O que restou foi voltar à rotina de sempre, sozinho como de costume. Mesmo sendo alegre e brilhante, está sempre olhando pela janela pensando em sua faculdade e como queria estar respirando novos ares, mas gostava demais de viver para estar passando risco em Nova Roma. Quer dizer, o que seu pai falaria se o visse assim, escondendo-se e não vivendo o que queria? Era melhor ficar vivo para descobrir.
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that article going around abt firefox's new ad program is annoying bc it's phrased as though "mozilla has finally TURNED on its people and is SELLING YOU OUT for cold hard cash!!" when. that's not what's happening. it is specifically being implemented to discourage tracking behavior, and literally all the data they are giving to advertisers is aggregate and anonymized, which is like, the opposite of what that post wants you to worry about, lol
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walnutsupreme · 2 months
well. hm
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jodielandons · 3 months
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NOAH LYLES pulls out the Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Exodia the Forbidden One Yu-Gi-Oh! cards before winning all of his 100m races at the 2024 Olympic trials
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sirfrogsworth · 2 months
How do you take a photo of time?
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I've been watching the track events at the Olympics since I was a wee lad. It was a tradition in our family. We'd gather around our ancient low-definition 19 inch CRT television and watch tiny blobs compete against other tiny blobs and root for our country.
It was a bit like watching YouTube on your phone in 144p.
Several heroes emerged.
Jackie Joyner-Kersee was amazing.
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You can't forget about Flo-Jo.
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And then the Olympics decided NBA players were allowed in the competition.
Which formed... The Dream Team.
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Was this fair?
Well... they won each game by an average of 44 points.
So... no. It was not fair.
Though it became more fair as time went on.
But, umm... yeah. The other teams looked like the Washington Generals and the US looked like the Harlem Globetrotters if they stopped screwing around half of the game.
But my absolute favorite Olympian was a runner named Michael Johnson.
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He was cool as heck.
For one thing... gold shoes.
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But he also had this crazy, upright, Tom Cruise-ish sprinting style that just made him look like a running robot on the track.
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And in the 1996 Atlanta games he just trounced EVERYONE. I mean, it wasn't even close.
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Yikes. Those losing blobs are probably really embarrassed.
Last night I decided to invigorate my nostalgia and watch the track events again. And I got to see one of the wildest races in history.
It didn't even last 10 seconds but it was one of the most exciting sporting events I've ever witnessed. Almost every runner won the race.
After I saw that initially, I was like... who the heck won???
Even in slow motion I wasn't sure.
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This was one of the closest finishes in history. There has never been a race where all 8 runners were within this margin.
The arena was silent as the winner was being confirmed. The runners just kind of paced around waiting for official word. My best guess was the Jamaican runner, Kishane Thompson. But then the loudspeaker announced Noah Lyles.
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The last tiny morsel of American pride burst out of me with a big "Wooooo!"
I forgot what it was like to be proud of my country. I wish it happened more often. But this young man, despite being last place in the first 3rd of the race, turned on the afterburners and won in a photo finish.
And that's when my inner nerd took over.
Because when they showed the photo finish image, it looked super weird.
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Why is the track white?
Why do all of the runners look all warpy like that QWOP game?
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So I went down a research rabbit hole to figure this out.
Photo finishes are actually fascinating. The first photo finish captured the end of a horse race in 1890. But that was mostly luck and timing. The actual photo finish mechanisms weren't used until 1937.
Originally they would film the finish line through a physical slit.
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And the first horsie head that appeared in that slit would be the winner. This technology ended a huge aspect of corruption in horse race fixing almost overnight.
But we have come a long way since then. And I'd like to introduce you to the Omega Scan 'O' Vision Ultimate.
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This slow motion camera sits fixed on the finish line of every race. The concept of the photo finish has remained remarkably similar to the 1930s approach. The camera sensor is specially designed to only record a vertical slit.
Only the finish line itself is actually captured.
And because it limits what it records to only that slit, it can capture 40,000 frames per second to get amazing temporal resolution.
So why don't the photo finishes just look like, well... this?
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That is because the camera takes a picture of time more-so than dimensional space. I guess it would be more accurate to say it *assembles* a picture of time.
As the runners cross the finish line, the camera combines all of the little strips of pictures into a single image.
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It's almost like if you tried to reassemble a piece of paper after it had been shredded.
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Imagine each strip of paper is a picture of ONLY the finish line, just at a slightly different point in time.
What if someone stopped on the finish line and didn't move... what would that look like?
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Once they got there, the same part of their body would just be repeated.
So the right side of the photo finish picture represents earlier in time and it just assembles the image strip by strip as time passes and you literally get a picture of time itself.
Okay, but how do they determine the winner from the photo finish?
I mean, that shoe looks like it is ahead of Noah Lyles!
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The IAFF rules state the foremost part of the torso must cross the finish line first. And the endpoint of the torso is the outer end of the clavicle.
So if you get this bone across the finish line first, you win the race.
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Two more fun facts!
The start of the race is actually just as carefully timed as the end of the race. There are sensors in the starting blocks of each runner.
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The starting gun also has an electronic sensor.
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They have determined the fastest a human can react to the sound of a gun is roughly 100 milliseconds. So if you start running before 100 milliseconds they know you didn't actually hear the gun, you just got antsy and started running too early.
And the final fun fact...
Did you notice the Omega logo at the top of the photo finish?
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That isn't superimposed or added after the fact. That is captured by the camera.
But if this image is composed only of tiny little slivers, how did they get the Omega logo to show up?
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That is a little display. And it is synchronized with the Scan 'O' Vision Ultimate to show a little sliver of the Omega logo for each frame captured.
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So when the final image is stitched together, it looks like a cohesive logo at the top of the photo.
Pretty clever, Omega!
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odinsblog · 2 months
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dendrochronologies · 8 months
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maya angelou saying the funniest thing anyone has ever said about editing, which i can never let myself forget EVER AGAIN [x]
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alasse-earfalas · 4 months
Critical PSA for anyone with Android devices!
I got the following email this morning:
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Basically Google is rolling out the ability to track you via your android devices even when you're offline and you have to manually opt out of it. Many android devices no longer come with a wired headphone jack, so if you have Bluetooth headphones or a keyboard or anything, your location will be tracked and stored by your device unless you opt out of this.
I tried using the link they gave me in the email to opt out of it, but it didn't really seem to do anything. So I looked up how to opt out and found the following steps, which worked for my phone:
Opting out from the Find My Device network is as simple as tapping a toggle in your phone's settings. 1. On your Android device, go to Settings. 2. Tap the Google setting. 3. Tap the Find My Device setting. 4. Tap the toggle to off next to "Use Find My Device." 5. Confirm with pin, pattern, or biometrics. That's it. Your device is no longer participating in the Find My Device network. To rejoin, just flip the toggle back on.
Please reblog to spread awareness. My husband has the same phone as me and he didn't get any emails about this.
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manhattan-gamestop · 3 months
Me explaining why my grades were/are shit
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spyglassrealms · 2 years
had a fucking hilarious dream that tumblr replaced the "block" function with the far funnier "glock" function, which did the exact same thing except whenever anyone blocked you a random bullet hole, like a png of a bullet hole, would appear on your blog. discourse blogs were unreadable bc you'd go to the page and the sheer amount of bullet hole pngs stacked over the blogs obscured everything. I woke myself up laughing
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podcastwizard · 4 months
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this will not be a bridgerton blog but for the foreseeable future i will not be thinking about anything other than bridgerton
(original post @romanceyourdemons)
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chibanova · 3 months
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How are we doing today spirit tracks fans
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evkso · 1 year
wait wtf is cream soda
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
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spacedoutsheepy · 5 months
Some disses are made for clout, or industry drama, or to further a career, build a rep, or promote an upcoming project. Others are made because you deadass fucking HATE a man. Drake is turning to the crowd for approval after every bar, Kendrick is holding direct eye contact and not blinking.
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woozymitts · 2 months
"I hate when I try to identify a cool bug I found and all I see are pest control sites :("
"I saw this cool bug/bird/whatever but Idk what it is"
"I want to learn more about the animals/plants around me but Idk where to start"
"I wish I could do something to help scientists/biologists with research and conservation but Idk how"
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