#traditional astrology ask
scorpihoe1111 · 6 months
Astrology Observations-Part 2🌙
Having both Taurus and Aries placements in a chart can indicate someone who enjoys pressuring/embarrassing people when underdeveloped. These people can be actual bullies towards others when they’re at their worst.
Gemini rising’s/Mercury in the 1H look younger than they actually are.
Scorpio rising women are sometimes shorter than average while Scorpio rising men are taller than average.
8H moon’s can have dreams about scenarios that end up happening IRL.
Capricorn Rising’s usually have a skinny/bony appearance.
Whatever sign and house Saturn is in your chart can tell you what other people’s karma is for messing with you. Ex: Taurus Saturn in 7H? Taurus is a Venusian sign so it rules over beauty/appearance as well as luxury and money and the 7H signifies relationships, partnerships and marriage etc. Their karma may be their physical appearance looking uglier, plus going broke as well as their relationships/love life going downhill.
People with Scorpio in the 6H may prone to UTI’s/yeast infections or very heavy and painful monthly periods.
Cancer Rising’s may attract a lot of jealousy because of how intelligent they are (Gemini 12H)
Aries Rising men are usually buff and naturally muscular in appearance.
Aquarius in the 11H can attract multiple friend groups from all walks of life way more easily than the average person.
Pisces Moon/Venus are a lot more skilled in manifesting the things they want than they think they are.
Venus/Libra in the 12H can signify a lot more people than you think having a crush on you/being attracted to you. Your secret admirers just keep it to themselves because they assume you already know and don’t wanna boost your ego.
Leo, Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn rising women consistently attract men who neg them as a way of trying to get them to notice them.
Sagittarius placements (esp mercury) are blunt and rude in their speech but they don’t mean any harm by it, they just say whatever they’re thinking.
Virgo placements on the other hand are also blunt, but they over analyze every encounter and conversation they have so they usually know what’s rude to say and what’s not. So if a Virgo’s saying shady things towards you, they mean it.
Libra Venus’ can not remain in a relationship if there isn’t constant flirting. It’s also important not to let yourself go if you’re in a relationship with them because they are visual asf.
12H sun’s rarely get acknowledgment for the good they do but get a lot of attention for the mistakes they make.
12H suns can also be kind of gullible and naive growing up.
Mercury in the 2H usually don’t like to talk about things that aren’t factual or don’t benefit them in some way.
Mars in the 12H can be prone to high blood pressure due to internalizing their anger most of the time.
Venus in the 1H are very attractive, even if not conventionally handsome/pretty there’s something very aesthetically pleasing about their facial features and their overall vibe.
Venus in 1H can also do no wrong in the eyes of the public. Basically pretty privilege.
Same goes for Pisces Risings ⬆️ they usually get away with a lot due to their innocent demeanor.
Your moon sign is usually a prominent sign in your mother’s chart.
Saturn in the 8H might not lose their virginity until later in life, or at least not as soon as their peers.
Your rising sign can tell you what everyone was feeling or what was going on during the time of your birth.
Leo women have this tendency of leaving or cheating on men who are good to them for guys who are terrible people. (Not all Leo women of course, but I’ve seen soooo many Leo girls do this)
Pisces men are very, very confusing. The type of person to be married for years with kids and still try to keep up with what you got going on in your life.
Cancer in the 12H usually have issues with women/mother in their life.
Aries Venus prefer the chase more than the actual relationship.
Scorpio/8H placements have an inherent fear of their spouse/loved ones dying.
Pisces mars are freakier in bed than most people think.
Moon sextile Neptune manifest through their dreams a lot.
Sun in the 5H is someone who doesn’t take life too seriously and prefers fun over responsibility a lot of the time.
Mars in Scorpio are more revengeful and unforgiving than any other Scorpio placement honestly. These people can get revenge and still not be happy.
Mars in Sagittarius usually have lots of flings and hookups throughout their life.
TW!: Some underdeveloped Virgo men have a weird tendency to actually want to harm women mentally and emotionally. They’re not the type to just break up with a partner and move on, they usually want to make the breakup as fucked up as possible so the thought of them remains in the persons mind forever. I’ve met over 6 Virgo men who’s admitted to this before and the girl didn’t even do anything wrong in the relationship, they just didn’t wanna be with her anymore but didn’t want her to forget them.
Capricorn women usually have very long, flowing luscious hair.
Part 3 coming soon 🌪️
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acrystalwitch · 10 days
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Mars Observations from people I know:
•Mars Leo 1H (Conjunct Ascendant) : This placement is someone who has gone through a lot of arguments and fights to protect their own self image. They can struggle to have the self that they want translate to the self that appears to others. Has undergone a major surgery recently, likely even due to something that was caused by overconfidence in lifting heavier things than they should have been at work.
•Mars Pisces 5H (Conjunct Sun): This placement is someone who has pursued a lot of different passions in life. Hobbies are frequent and immersive and range from spiritual to physical hobbies. But on the negative they often find themselves burning out easily from their creative passions, going too far in too fast and losing steam quickly. Also struggles to assert themselves to others.
•Mars Aries 10H: This placement has always had a lot of attention drawn to them in a negative way. Groups of gossipers targeting them. They’ve had at least one huge instance where a massive rumor has been spread about them, and for years of their life have had the rumor follow them around. They are a very physical person. They’ve done martial arts. And worked as a bouncer to a club at a point in their life.
•Mars Virgo 12H: A lot of mental health issues with this placement. While I don’t want to say the issues are fully the fault of the individual, this placement could indicate that the person has worried themselves into a rut any time their mental health issues flare up. It can be very difficult for them to pull themselves out of a funk, as they are incredibly self critical, even of their own thoughts.
If you have similar placements and relate to these I’d love to hear! Send me an ask ❤️ or if you want to share about your own mars placement and how you feel it’s treated you in life id also be very curious to know ❤️
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ninelivesastrology · 3 months
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Asking the important questions, I see
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celestialsibyl · 5 months
Hi there!! I was wondering if you could shed some light on South Node Synastry in seventh house Scorpio. I barely see any information on this sadly. thank you so much for your time :)!
hello there! south node synastry in the 7H scorpio looks like a past life kind of love, a lover who may have returned to remind you of your path.
when the south nodes are in scorpio, the north node is inevitably in taurus where one’s destiny is to find peace and tranquillity in a chaotic world that scorpio is well familiar with. scorpio is the feminine manifestation of mars with the addition of pluto which is mars’ higher octave (mars rules bloodshed, passion, actions, and pluto rules power, transformation, death & rebirth), hence why scorpios are so tied to the occult and have such a heightened intuition.
when in the 7H, this means you both share taurus ascendants, with both north nodes as well. if the 1H is the house of self, our physical bodies and our worldview, the 7H is where self meets an other, where equal give and take in relationships occur, whether it’s platonic, romantic, business etc. its also where one meets enemies due to two selves mirroring each other, so disagreements can occur but they’re meant to be overcome.
id say south node scorpio synastry is quite significant, and can be healing for both parties if you integrate the lessons youve learned before meeting each other. its no coincidence that we meet people who share certain placements because theres always something to learn from one another, whether its long term or not. scorpio is a very magnetic and powerful archetype, and natively, they carry alot of pain from those who’ve crossed them, but its up to them to realize they can turn this pain into power and still be capable of trusting another despite how cruel the world can be.
the south node goes hand in hand with the north node meaning, we must learn how to balance both and not let one take over the other, which can look like being overly suspicious & jealous instead of secure in oneself and your worth & value. make sure to not forget where your north node is leading you towards and where you came from.
feel free to ask any further questions if i didnt answer what you were looking for <3 thank you again
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hi i've just calculated yunho birth chart and it says his scorpio mars is in 12th house not 1st house??? im confused???🤔
It's okay that you're confused!!!
Yunho's natal chart will show his Scorpio Mars in the 12th House if you're using the Placidus natal chart method which is the most common method of analysing house placements.
I use the Whole Signs natal chart method with my readings and use traditional astrology hence why in my natal chart, Yunho has his Mars in the 1st House.
The Placidus technique is for more 'intermediate' astrologists because it also analyses the 'degree' the planet was in at time of birth.
Whereas the Whole Sign technique is beginner-friendly because it focuses on just the planet and house placement.
Hope that helps!
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phoebosacerales · 2 years
I saw this tik tok and I wanted to know your thoughts on it. What do you think? https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRnBUCfj/
I'm on his side on the last of the last part: "It's a good reminder that ancient humans were'nt dumb, that's a colonization lie, and to not discount something just because you don't know why it works". But he doesn't really follow his own advice fully. Trying to make Astrology make sense from a "scientific standpoint" is really silly, anachronistic and an abomination. The lack of respect for Astrology is still there even if he's "trying to make sense of it". Modern science is just three hundred years old and Astrology has been around since time immemorial and its methods, philosophy and techniques are not supposed to bend themselves to fit in modern science.
Coincidentally, I was watching a lecture from a tarot teacher from my astro school today, and I don't really like tarot that much, but the theme was skepticism. He was talking about how skepticism is always saved for traditional/ancestral knowledge, even though scientist will always prove themselves to be as much biased, mistaken, simply wrong and acting in bad faith as much as we who work with traditional knowledge are. Even that research about kids in baseball that the tik tok guy is talking about is a little suspicious if it actually goes the way he's telling. How does the astrological explanation make less sense than that conclusion from that research? Kids are not all growing and developing the same way, you can't just say that this was happening just because the kids were 1 year older. But anyway, I haven't read it, so... But oh my god, why isn't everybody skeptical of both explanations??
But taking a step back from this tiktok... It's really amusing to me to see scientists talk shit about shit that they really don't know about. Most of them conflate explaining and detailing the world to infinity with explaining the why of things, they think because science explains mechanics it explains existence. Most will never question themselves or this idea because they don't even think about it. It's been the law since the Enlightenment movement and they don't have a strong opposition, so they function as if the scientific method has been a result of a long history of mistakes made by the dumb ancients and now they've arrived at the furthest point in an evolution of knowledge. That's not how History works. They'll never think about this if they keep othering other kinds of knowledge as simply irrational and never coming into contact with them. While trying to sound well researched they always prove the point that they're deeply prejudiced and know as much as everyone else, they're just human, or visor-using horses. And also that they don't know much about science or epistemological disccusion either, which is expected. Husserl and Feyerabend fought the loneliest battle and haven't yet been recognized.
They love to erase history as well, they'd hate to tell you that Newton was an astrologer, or that Galileo predicted his imprisonment by reading his own birth chart. They rather use him as their martir and act like if he was still around he'd be an astrology skeptic on youtube. The scientific method has always been used to enforce hegemonic power, they've always been wrong in countless occasions and ways, a lot of fields in science are not even tested by their own methods, but they're just very well accepted pseudosciences because they work to keep someone's pocket full and to keep hegemonic discourse (like psychiatry and some psychologies that are said to be more 'scientific' for example).
It's a delicate moment right now, when we have to defend science, vaccines and all, but you know, the more that academia distance themselves from other kinds of knowledge and try to hold on to their monopoly of power to dictate truth the more they're going to sound dumb af, the more they're going to be doubted, the more we're going to see a crisis in faith in science. Because they can't prove to have the biggest dick like they think they can, no type of knowledge is going to prove the other wrong, different methods stay in their own lanes.
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saturndivine · 2 years
I understand being ruled by a planet like sun, moon, mars, mercury, Venus—but how does it work when you’re ruled by a generational (?) planet like Neptune or Saturn?
Well, modern astrology says that the generational planets rule over the signs as well. But traditional astrology sticks to inner planet rulership. The choice is yours to make about whatever one feels more comfortable. But its really the same as being ruled by an inner planet, the generational planet does encompass more people so it may not feel as comfortable but I find that its useful. For example, I believe my scorpio sun can be indeed ruled by my sagittarius pluto because im often soul searching through solitude and independence and I want to discover my true self. I could also say my Scorpio sun is ruled by my libra mars because I dont enjoy conflict but I will defend myself and others if necessary.
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divinecreation · 3 months
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let’s get to know the person behind the blog! ❤️
Wow I feel like It's been so long since I've done ask games
I used to be an astrology hater until I realized I actually just hate modern astrology, but I love traditional astrology. Unfortunately now I have become pretentious about astrology of all things.
My most prized possession is a full sized carousel horse replica. Yes you read that right I own a carousel horse and it's in my living room as decoration.
I've recently gotten into collecting perfume. I don't have the money to commit to any full sized bottles yet but the most recent samples I've gotten were Chandlery, Eldritch and Funerie by Pineward Perfumes.
Thank you for the ask thank youuu thank you I love youuu
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eatingfood · 2 years
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harmoonix · 10 months
🪸Song of the sea🪸
🐠 Astrology Observations 🐠
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🐚 - Pisces Degrees on your Pluto (12°, 24°) can show addiction/obsession to things you can't always control, for example you can eat a specific type of food and the you can become obsessed with it
🪸 - Sun in Earth/Water Signs love to eat, I swear they will eat 24/7 if they could but they also need to keep themselves healthy aswell so it can be promiscuous, Earth suns..👀
Harmony of the Sea
🐠 - Aquarius Placements can sometimes go into a stage of numbness when they're feeling sad, and i observed this mostly at Aquarius Moons they want to keep things private
⛵ - Pluto in Capricorn or in Capricorn Degrees (22°, 10°) can make the native obsessed with work, and they always make sure to keep themselves busy somehow like?? Remember to take a break when you are exhausted
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🐙 - One tning about Aries placements is that sometimes they don't have patience at all want to do things in a rush/fast way, and they can get a bit disappointed when things don't go as they wanted
💧 - I mentioned this in some of my posts but everytime the moon transits your 1st house it can make you more soft/sensbile and way more awaken, is very easy to check when moon is transitioning your 1st house, here are some steps:
Check your rising sign
And check the moon sign of the actual day, the moon change the constellation/signs every 2 days sometimes even 3 days
For example if you have Capricorn Rising you can feel these things when Moon will be in Capricorn because it will transition your 1st house
🐬 - Moon in Sagittarius or in Sagittarius Degrees (9°, 21°) natives are very attached to their roots/culture/traditions and everything related to their ancestry, they love to share these things with others too
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🦞 - Moon in Capricorn/Moon in the 10th house natives like to them themselves productive during the day because in a way that gives them satisfaction, in some days they can be lazy af too
🏝️ - Mars aspecting Uranus have a very unique dynamic of approaching things in their life, they can either be very chill or very nervous, sometimes there can be a chaos, these natives still manage to see the good things
🌊 - Mars/Moon in Gemini natives can ask you many questions about your life when they first met you, because they can be so curious of other people at the first sight so they want to know more and more about it
🧘🏼‍♀️ - Chiron and Mercury/Venus aspects can heal themselves by listening to music, it can help so much, if music doesn't help you try healing music or ASMR because it can work way better
🩵 - Everytime Jupiter transits your 7th house you can have luck at meeting good partners/people in your life, that's very beneficial for your 7H energy
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💙 - Sun/Pluto at Aquarius Degrees (11°, 23°) can make the native obsessed/attached to gaming/technology/robots/space/aliens, they can be interested or find satisfaction in those things
🌷 - Virgo Placements like to keep themselves healthy/in a good body position, they prioritize health a lot and always make sure to take care of themselves
🪂 - Sagittarius/Leo/Aries Placements are ride or die, you are with them or against them, no choice in between, you can try so many things activities especially if you are in a group
💃🏼 - Capricorn Venus/Venus in the 10th house give that vibe of classics from the 80's, 90's, they can often be dressed like that and can find inspiration looking back in the past
🐾 - 4°, 16°, 28° degrees on your Venus can make you very caring, when you're in a relationship you tend to be a lotttt, and mostly when your partner needs you the most
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🪴 - Venus aspecting Neptune or Mercury can like cinematography/films/movies a lot, the type of person who can finish a long serial in just 1 day and still be wanting to watch more 😴
🫂 - Groom asteroid (5129) if you are attracted to men and have this asteroid in your 6H or Virgo it can indicate that you'll have a very supportive spouse/caring/someone who can comfort you when you're low
😍 - Groom asteroid (5129) in 11th house/Aquarius can indicate that you'll have a spouse to be like your best friend, someone who can understand you completely and to give you the from you need
♥️ - Groom (5129) in Scorpio/8th house can indicate that you'll have a spouse that will bring some intensity in your life, they will appreciate you so much and share all their love
🫀 - Groom (5129) in Aries/1st house can indicate that you'll have a dominant spouse in your life, someone with a lot of confidence who will value you a lot, they will also have a lot in common with you
🫧 - 2 people with the same sun signs can be very different from one another, more applying if they are in different months for example September Libras can be very different from October Libras
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💅🏼 - Leo Moon is this type of placement who knows how to keep themselves happy, like there is always a reason, something that sparks for them and you can always see them happy
🐢 - Taurus placements can connect way more easily with people and create such a good bounding with them from the start
🎉 - Aquarius Venus/Venus in Aquarius Degrees (11°, 23°) can have a talent when it comes to making gifts for others, they always make for everything to be perfect
🌵 - Sometimes Pluto or Scorpio in your 11th house can attract possesive people in their life, and sometimes people who want to take control upon them, so be aware always
🤱🏼 - Men with Cancer placements can be mamas boys, like for real mamas boys that type of a strong connection with their mom, if they don't then they have mommy isuses (👿)
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😨 - People with a very strong Virgo in their chart can be very critical at some points, they can be very easily annoyed too
🏜️ - Sun aspecting Neptune or having both of these placements in the same house/ They can have sensbile skin, so irritations can appear fast on their body
Sea of Love
🤳🏼 - Chiron in the 11th house/Aquarius can be an influencer sharing their experiences about what friendship truly means, what they have learned about friendships, because most times this placement indicates a wound to friends
🌻 - Pluto aspecting your Sun or Moon can bring some intensity in your personality/behavior, you can feel things more deep than other people and that can make you to stand out of the crowd
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🪷🌌🪷 The Sea with within you and inside you, majestic and beautiful but mischievous 🪷🌌🪷
🫧 Have a very beautiful day full of blessings to everyone who reads my notes, may the sea bless us with her beauty today 🫧🩵
🦚 The Sea is full of untamed magic 🦚
H a r m o o n i x
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vivmaek · 10 months
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This was originally going to be another roast. But tbh, my heart has been feeling heavy the past few months. I'm sure some of you can relate, especially with all the events currently occurring in our world. So, I decided to focus on what I love most about certain placements in an effort to spread a little positivity.
✿ Aries Moons stand up and fight for the people they care about. They won’t let their friends be belittled within their presence, they have your back. They’re the first to speak out on injustice and will take action to make things right. 
❀ People who have Gemini in the 8th house ask questions that matter. They invoke deep thoughts within other people and are unafraid to explore topics that are uncomfortable or taboo. 
✿ Those who have a Moon Sextile Venus aspect know how to make others feel loved. They pay attention to their loved ones, and give each and every one of them the special attention that they deserve. These people are relationship builders. 
❀ Libra Venus, how does it feel to be god's favorite? These types invoke good feelings in other people. They’re so sweet and have hearts of gold. Good friends and romantic companionships are easy for them to find because their affection comes from a place of authenticity. 
✿ People with Saturn in the 7th house wait for what's right for them. They take their commitments seriously and don’t play around with people's feelings. They respect their romantic partners. Their firm boundaries lead to successful relationships. 
❀ Walking earth angels have a Sun trine Neptune aspect. They have a divine presence and they don’t get tied up within their own ego. People look to them for spiritual guidance. They uplift the souls of others. 
✿ Aquarius Mercurys aren’t afraid to evoke controversy. Sometimes this is needed in the world. If there's an elephant in the room, they’ll point out the obvious. They formulate their own unique thoughts, and are not easily influenced. 
❀ People who have their Moon placed within the 4th house know how to make a home. As someone who was raised by a person with this placement, I truly reaped the benefits of this. They keep family traditions alive, or even start new ones. They understand the importance of family and act as the glue that holds everything together. 
✿ Those who have a Uranus trine Ascendant aspect make life more interesting. Without them, the world would be a boring place. There is no one like them, and they cannot be replaced. Their quirky nature is endearing. They are such a breath of fresh air. 
❀ Taurus Mercurys are so level headed that it has a calming effect upon the people who surround them. They take things slow and are not quick to jump to conclusions. Within group projects or endeavors, they are at the heart of it. People can depend on them. 
✿ People who have Uranus in the 10th house prove to others that you can lead an unconventional life and still find success. They don’t follow the rules, and don’t rely on tradition for stability. They inspire others through their free spirit. 
❀ When someone has a Venus sextile Saturn aspect within their birth chart, they make relationships that last a lifetime. These people are loyal friends and they know how to maintain the longevity of a relationship. They show up for people when needed and they never make a promise that they can’t keep. 
✿ People with a Gemini Venus teach other people how to have fun within relationships. They love innocently and there are no strings attached. They make their friends and loved ones feel like a kid again when in their presence. Their lighthearted approach to love is comedic, they live life as if it were a rom-com. 
❀ Cancer 1st housers are quiet leaders. They approach life with a healthy level of confidence. As a leader, they still treat their subordinates with the respect they deserve. They don’t forget about the little people, and are attentive to people who are struggling. 
✿ A Saturn trine Neptune aspect allows the native to grow significantly when faced with opposition and challenge. They understand the importance of spiritual lessons, and go out of their way to right their wrongs. They don’t lose sight of what they’re working towards, and won’t lose their sense of morality once they achieve success. 
❀ Libra Moons remind people how important it is to incorporate pleasure into life. Working hard means nothing if you don’t stop and appreciate the benefits you’ve gained. Having an appreciation for the little things doesn't mean they’re materialistic. 
✿ Uranus 7th houses maintain independence within relationships and don’t lose sight of who they are. They are not going to change who they are just so a relationship can function. They march to the beat of their own drum, you can dance to the music or move along. 
❀ People with a Mercury trine Ascendant aspect bring humor into this world. Of course, they’re incredibly smart and their academic skills are impressive. However, they still don’t take themselves too seriously and are full of witty remarks. They share the best memes and are always in the know. 
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sxorpiomooon · 3 months
Astrology observations
paid readings 💐
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- your sun sign might be where people look up to you for example people with a Libra sun might have people asking them for relationship or connection advices or might look upto them in that aspect
- your 12th sign can also show what kind of birth your mother might have had while having you for example with scorpio it might have been very traumatic and possibly alot of things might have changed with your birth
- i always say this but if you want to know the environment of someone's home look at their 4th house but to know how THEY are treated in that environment you have to look at their sun and moon even saturn at times that will tell you more accurately about their relations. Bc I've seen in alot of charts and home's that the environment is generally pleasant but not for that person
- if there's an artist that you feel most connected to or with their music it's possible that you are share your big three placements with them lmao I've checked so many charts with my friends and all the artist he liked had placements in common with him
- people with a prominent venus might always have people taking advantage of them look at where exactly the venus is placed to see in which aspect someone with 1h venus might feel used bc of their looks it always reminds me of the lyric "but you don't feel pretty, you just feel used"
- people with jupiter in their 12h are straight up delusional and overconfident but guess what this also ends up making up excellent at manifestation lmao
- people with saturn in 5h might either get into relationships too late and if the ruler is in 11h or something they will be in frequent online relationships
- if you have a stellium in 5h and your partner has a good 5h house too you will see them being the artist and you being their muse(my boyf and I have this lmao)
- while determining your career make sure to check your 2h as well as it deals with finances for example I have my 2h ruler in 8h and I sure do earn from my paid astrology/tarot readings on tumblr (check them out btw)
- you can think of your 4th and 10th house as cause and effect like nature vs nurture or what happened and what you got out of it. for example you have taurus in your 4th house and scorpio in your 10th house this can show you coming from a extremely traditional and fixed value families which has made you yearn for change and it will directly manifest in your career
- tw// sa
I've seen alot of people with mars in their 8h being sexually assaulted by people in public? Especially men by men
- tw// death?
Mars in the 8h people tend to have this feeling that they're going to die an extreme violent death, I've never quite seen other people know this?
- if you know someone with moon conjunct saturn in their 12h, you need to know that all you can do is TRY to help them you cannot save them no matter how hard you try. Alot of things mostly everything honestly is hidden from them by their own subconscious you can tell it to them 1000 times and they still will be on the level one
thankyou so much<3
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caturnmoon · 28 days
Saturn & Pluto: Their Similarities and Differences 🪐
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🪐I thought I’d take this opportunity to chat a little bit about Saturn and Pluto; and what makes them similar and different from each other. 🪐
Cold giant planet ruling time (represents Kronos the Greek god of time) fathers, traditions, hierarchies, hard work, aging, old people, isolation (to an extent), refinement, and lessons. Saturn traditionally rules the zodiac signs Capricorn and Aquarius and the 10th house of public image, legacy, and career. Saturn rules aging and lessons so wherever Saturn is placed or emphasized in your chart will illuminate where this process will take place for you. It requires us to own our karmic lessons, learn them through taking ownership, and then we reap the rewards of that effort. If we are still repeating unhealthy patterns and not making the necessary steps forward to grow and learn from them, Saturn will restrict and make life uncomfortable. In order to challenge us to leave these themes behind to step into a more evolved “adult” role in our lives. We normally experience this more acutely during the transit of our Saturn returns starting around 27 and ending around 30. Whatever isn’t learned from this astrological coming of age is rolled over into our karmic debt and the lesson will be enhanced during your second Saturn return somewhere in your 50’s. Saturn rewards hard work and patience. So it’s not all restriction and loss only if these traits are acknowledged. Dramatic changes can occur within the house and placements in your chart because Saturn is the teacher wanting to give a lesson for you to learn so you can mature and grow. Once these are learned, the effects of these lessons lessen. Lean into this time and reflect inward. Saturn loves responsibility and ownership.
Pluto is the tiny dwarf ice planet furthest from the sun in our solar system. In modern astrology Pluto represents the sign Scorpio, which is ruled also by mars. Pluto is associated with Hades, the Greek god of the underworld and death/the afterlife. Themes associated with Pluto and the 8th house are death and rebirth, sex, intimacy, joint assets, taxes, debts, inheritance, power, transformation, desire, drive, psychology, trauma, and the occult. Wherever Scorpio or Pluto is in your chart tells you how you can embrace your inner power in powerless situations and the subconscious as well. Through burning to ashes, the phoenix rises again, better than ever and wiser. Pluto will initiate dramatic change(s) that asks you to grow and make you more resilient than before. Pluto can shake us up and ask us to get in touch with our inner power and subconscious fears. How we observe our relationship with control and fear. Only through facing these fears and uncomfortable emotions, can we transform the negative into a positive. Only through being victimized can we be survivors and thrive. Tap into the inner victim and touch the shadows. Pluto demands that you FEEL the uncomfortable and embrace the darkness. It’s part of the process to finding the light again. Pluto is associated with shadow work and themes associated with great potential for healing and dark psychology. The 8th house also rules trauma and violence to an extent. The ugly horrors that the human experience has to offer and isn’t often talked about openly. You can’t have the light without also having the darker nuances of life. The duality that’s to be respected within ourselves and others. Pluto doesn’t ask you to completely eradicate the darkness, but to become one with it through the light. Merging. Intimacy with self in order to embrace true vulnerability and intimacy with others. True union. Pluto rules this as well.
Saturn & Pluto: Similarities/Differences
These two entities are similar to each other in that they both require us to “own our shit” so to speak. Saturn asks us to grow up through responsibility and work through restrictions and hard work to accomplish our goals. Pluto asks us to grow through dramatic changes/shifts of power and shadow work. Confronting the subconscious fears in order to grow and become more resilient and empowered. Their differences lie in outward influence vs. inward. Since Saturn rules the 10th house, these changes and lessons normally affect our public image and drive to meet goals through taking personal responsibility. Pluto asks us to take the external and go into the depths of what makes us tick with these factors. Flip them inside out. How can we rise above the tumultuous change and get to know ourselves better from the process. To feel more intimately empowered as a result. How we can utilize healthy control to prevent it become obsession and compulsion.
🪐Saturn and Pluto both are wonderful tools to acknowledge in our charts/lives if we let them. I don’t like ruling by fear when utilizing astrology because that isn’t what astrology is about in my opinion; it’s facing the realities of life and how it impacts us, and then using the information it provides for improvement and discernment. Only through acknowledging the shadow can we appreciate the light. ☯️
Until next time!! 🖖🏼👽
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kpoptarotastrology009 · 4 months
Unpopular fame indicators in natal chart
1- Venus in the 9th house : I always see Venus in the 9th house in a lot of celebrities charts and I always ask myself why people don't consider it as a fame indicator ? For example: Maryline Monroe with Aries Venus in the 9th house/ Jeon Jungkook  with Libra Venus in the 9th house/ Jennifer Lopez with Gemini Venus in the 9th house/ Eminem and Kim Kardashian with Virgo Venus in the 9th house /Christina Aguilera and  Billie eilish with Sagittarius Venus in the 9th house/ Megan Thee Stallion with Capricorn Venus in the 9th house... And others but those are what people know worldwide
2- Virgo moon : is it just me that I always find people with Virgo moon have an  attractive AURA ???  They are sooo magnetic their aura just pulls you in even without them trying like HOW ??? You may heard that Leo moon is better than a Virgo moon/ people with Virgo moon are boring ect... But I always notice that people are always attracted to a person that has a Virgo moon more than a person with Leo moon , all the people with Virgo moon have that attractive aura that everyone wish they have. exp :Madonna ( Queen)/ Nicki Minaj ( if you love Nicki or not you can't lie about the aura that she has buddy) /Zayn Malik ( do I have to even talk about the aura that Zayn has ?!!!!?? 🥹)/ duke Dennis ( which is known for his aura , they always asking how I get the duke Dennis aura 😭 ) / jeon Jungkook  and min yoongi aka suga from BTS you can't lie about those two's auras broo ( I saw them on stage together in yoongi's concert and that was FIRE 🔥) /Bella Hadid ( her aura OMG 😳) /Gordon Ramsay ( gordan always has that aura about him that everyone will notice) /Doja Cat ( do I need to say something? I guess we all know doja's Aura ?) /Dolly Parton ( I love dolly so much 😭) / jack harlow ( jack is not even playing with his aura man 😭)
3- Saturn conjunct the ASC/ MC : those people are Born leaders and They are meant for success ONLY if they work for it . If you have this aspect and you want success you need to work hard for it because if you did before your saturn return work hard on yourself (ASC) or on your career ( MC ) saturn return will come with a lot of rewards for you
4 - Uranus in the 5th House: This placement can suggest unique, creative talents that garner attention. Innovations or unconventional approaches in creative endeavors can lead to fame.
5-quintiles and bi-quintiles to the Midheaven (MC) : These minor aspects, often overlooked in traditional astrology, carry significant weight when it comes to unique talents and creative expression.A quintile, which is an aspect of 72 degrees, and a bi-quintile, at 144 degrees, are linked to the number 5. This number represents creativity, harmony, and the ability to bring artistic visions into reality. When these aspects involve the Midheaven, the point in your chart associated with career, public life, and reputation, it suggests a special blend of talents that can shine in the professional sphere.Imagine someone with a quintile between Venus and the MC. Venus, the planet of beauty, art, and harmony, infuses their career path with an inherent knack for aesthetics and diplomacy. This person might excel in careers related to design, fashion, or any field that requires a refined artistic sense. They might find that their natural creativity helps them stand out and gain recognition.Now, consider a bi-quintile involving Mercury and the MC. Mercury governs communication, intellect, and versatility. This aspect suggests a unique ability to convey ideas and information in innovative ways. Such a person might be a brilliant writer, speaker, or educator, using their exceptional communication skills to captivate and influence their audience. Their career success comes from their innovative approach to sharing knowledge.These aspects indicate not just talent, but a rare and often effortless ability to use those talents in ways that are highly valued in their profession. The creativity and originality they bring can lead to groundbreaking work that garners public acclaim. It's like having a secret superpower that propels you to the forefront of your career, often through avenues that others might not even consider.So, if you find quintiles or bi-quintiles to your MC in your chart, pay close attention. These aspects could be the key to unlocking your unique potential and achieving the kind of career success that feels not only fulfilling but also genuinely expressive of your inner gifts
6- Erigone (163) in the 10th House : Erigone , a minor asteroid, is associated with themes of dedication, sacrifice, and a deep sense of duty. When Erigone finds itself in the 10th House, which governs career, public life, and reputation, it brings a unique flavor to one’s path to success.Picture someone with Erigone in the 10th House. This person is likely to approach their career with an unwavering sense of responsibility and commitment. They might find themselves driven by a profound inner calling to serve or contribute to a cause greater than themselves. Unlike more traditional markers of success, Erigone’s influence suggests that this individual’s achievements are often the result of consistent hard work and perseverance, rather than quick or easy wins.For example, consider a person working in a demanding profession like healthcare, social work, or education. With Erigone in the 10th House, their career journey is marked by a willingness to endure hardships and make personal sacrifices for the benefit of others. This could mean long hours, emotional labor, or going above and beyond the call of duty. Their sense of fulfillment and recognition comes not just from external rewards, but from knowing they have made a meaningful impact.Erigone here also indicates that this person might face significant challenges or periods of hardship in their professional life. However, these trials are met with resilience and an unwavering dedication to their goals. It’s through overcoming these obstacles that they build a reputation for reliability and strength, earning the respect and admiration of their peers and superiors.Imagine an individual in the corporate world with this placement. Their career might involve taking on tough projects, navigating complex organizational dynamics, or making difficult decisions that require personal sacrifice. Yet, it’s precisely these qualities that set them apart as a leader who can be trusted to handle crises with grace and resolve.In essence, Erigone in the 10th House bestows a kind of quiet heroism. Success achieved under this influence isn’t about the loud applause or flashy accolades, but rather the deep, enduring respect earned through steadfast dedication and a willingness to make sacrifices for the greater good. If you have Erigone in your 10th House, know that your path to success is likely paved with moments of quiet strength and profound contributions that leave a lasting legacy.
7-Ceres in the 10th House : this aspect signifies a career path focused on nurturing and caregiving. This placement suggests that professions involving support and care for others—such as healthcare, education, or social services—are likely avenues for achieving public recognition and success.For example, someone with this placement might be a dedicated nurse, gaining respect for their compassionate care, or a teacher known for fostering a supportive learning environment. Their professional achievements often come from their genuine desire to help others, making a lasting positive impact.generally if you have Ceres in the 10th House, your career success is closely linked to your ability to nurture and support those around you. Public recognition often follows your heartfelt contributions and dedication to the well-being of others.
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𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐬 (𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 & 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐅𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝)
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ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1K
ᴅɪꜱᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀ: Think about it. Write about it. Have hard thoughts. Do not take it seriously. None of this information is confirmed and all theoretical. If you want to read more, I have further analysis in my 'Lee Know As Your Late Bloomer Bf' post.
ᴍᴇᴛʜᴏᴅᴏʟᴏɢʏ: Traditional Astrology & Whole Sign
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Rising is in Gemini (Suspected)
Scorpio Sun (6th House)
Sagittarius Moon (7th House)
Scorpio Mercury (6th House)
Scorpio Venus (6th House)
Virgo Mars (4th House)
ꜰᴜᴄᴋʙᴏɪ ʀᴀᴛɪɴɢ:
Lee Know's fuckboi radar is a strong medium energy because his Sagittarius Moon makes him naturally impulsive and prone to boredom but his Scorpio stellium indicates he values a deep soul to soul connection.
So while he can detach sex and feelings, casual/one night stands wouldn't satisfy him and he's more likely to enter into FWB/situationships.
He also forms attachment easily, although you wouldn't know it because he can mask very...VERY well.
His Virgo Mars in 4th House also makes him pedantic with hygiene, he COULD...could view anonymous/casual encounters as 'dirty' or 'unclean' and have concern about infection and/or disease.
(No..I'm not personally judging hook-up culture but I included this because Virgo/6th House rules over health and wellness so they prioritise sexual hygiene more so than other Mars Signs.)
And there's loads of evidence with the SKZ episodes of Lee Know valuing cleanliness and tidiness so I'm certain that would transfer to sex and foreplay.
ʀᴇᴅ & ɢʀᴇᴇɴ ꜰʟᴀɢꜱ:
His Scorpio Mercury gives him a wicked tongue and his Sagittarius Moon means he has no impulse control which =
His Mercury rulership indicates he's thoroughly observant, analytical and has a great memory, the type to remember little details about something that happened 11 months ago.
He's learnt your sore spots, your insecurities and your anxieties and he might just use them against you in moments of conflict.
Inherently stubborn so wouldn't be the type to apologise after an argument but would make you a meal, buy you something, run you a bath as a way of calling truce.
He probably has an avoidant-attachment style and is the type to 'freeze' or ice you out if he's annoyed or irritated...could even go as far as giving the 'silent treatment' as a way of asserting control.
When Lee Know has been recorded feeling hurt, upset or frustrated he becomes really quiet and his posture shifts into a more defensive stance...this is really evident in the infamous SKZ Room episode where Chris says 'you don't care about me' and you can literally SEE his entire body change at that remark.
Honesty is a strong value and trait of Lee Know so outside of conflict...you would never feel like he's hiding something from you or second-guessing his actions...what you see is what you get with Lee Know- even to a fault.
A good example of this was Lee Know's ending-ment and he says 'I have been having a lot of thoughts and I'm organising my feelings' (which is so Mercury coded to rationalise your feelings by 'organising' them).
Routine, stability and consistency are HUGE traits and values that Lee Know will contribute to the relationship and this is reaffirmed countless of times with his Bubble messages.
He always sends you a 'morning' message and asks if you've eaten lunch or dinner every day, he's consistent at going live on YouTube every Saturday and he's endlessly sending through photos of food and his cats on Bubble which means Lee Know is not a man prone to 'flakiness'- it's all or nothing for Lee Know and he will stick with you through to the end.
And this is not even natal chart based, this is just my opinion- there is something about Lee Know's personality that is incredibly wholesome for a man his age...in his spare time he likes night-time walks and plays with his cats which to me is someone who enjoys the little things in life and a lavish and excessive lifestyle is not a priority for him.
He's not shallow and therefore he's not going to give you a shallow relationship.
ɪᴅᴇᴀʟ ᴛʏᴘᴇ…ɪꜰ ʜᴇ'ꜱ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴡᴏᴍᴇɴ
Lee Know's sexual orientation is unknown so I don't know if he's into women but if he is...these are the physical and personality traits he would find attractive.
Physical Traits
(Focus on his Libra 5th House, Scorpio Venus and Virgo Mars)
Has to smell nice because Virgo & Scorpio are sensory motivated and would SIMP over a person with a signature scent...probably would like a floral and clean, fresh smell.
Scorpio's go for other Scorpio's so his ideal type probably would have Scorpio placements (Sun,Rising or Venus) and have a dark feminine aesthetic but still kinda coquetteish with the Libra influence.
Someone who has the duality of looking sexy in a black, skimpy dress with stiletto heels but also looks cute wearing an oversized t-shirt with no make-up and a messy bun.
Definitely a waist,arse and thighs kind of man is totally the type to get hot and heavy if you wear a sundress.
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Personality Traits
A tsundere to the absolute max, you cannot get more tsundere than Lee Know so his partner has to be okay with his 'quiet love' style of showing affection and care.
Intelligence is a strong turn-on for Lee Know so his partner has to be smart and worldly, would be attracted to someone who has a degree or a type of tertiary education.
Lee Know was accepted into university for computer programming prior to graduating high school so he could find people with careers in STEM, engineering, environment, sociology etc quite alluring and attractive.
Preferable love languages to be acts of service, gifts and quality time...words of affirmation and physical touch are not a strong suit of his.
ᴅᴏᴍ, ꜱᴜʙ ᴏʀ ꜱᴡɪᴛᴄʜ?
Lee Know is a switch with a heavy dominant preference and would prefer to be dominant 80% of the time.
I think even if he was in a more submissive mood...it would be more 'I'm yours and you can do whatever you want' energy rather than a complete release of control.
6th House Stellium= service/pleasure dom preference
Lee Know in-person has a very gentle and stoic presence (I've seen him live) and that would transfer to the bedroom so a SOFT DOM and much more soft and tender than the aggressively harsh sadistic dom persona Stays give him.
Whilst Lee Know can and likes being 'rough' in the bedroom, there is a difference in being rough and painful versus rough passionate.
Lee Know wouldn't be into the rough and painful 'you're just a hole for me to fuck' degrading type of sex.
Lee Know would be into the rough and passionate 'how many times can we go before we fall unconscious' type of sex.
There's a difference.
ᴋ!ɴᴋꜱ...ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴀ ꜰᴇᴡ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇᴍ
The scent kink is WILDIN with this man and would be addicted by your natural scent and smell. Scorpio placements are primal in general and is the type to lick the sweat when making love and for his cock to ache as he inhales the sweet scent of your panties.
I can't get enough of your sweet pussy kitten, could bury my face here all day.
Would smell your shirt after wearing it at the gym as he doing laundry because you're his favourite fragrance.
If Lee Know didn't see you for a few days, he would spray your perfume on his clothes and wear your scented body lotion because the smell carries the very essence of who you are, who he loves, who he yearns for.
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Clothed Sex
Buttons ripped, stockings torn, skirt tattered at the seam, smeared lipstick, heels on, the desperation and the need to fuck you so badly that he doesn't have the patience to take your clothes off.
That would drive Lee Know insane with desire.
Bend over kitten...fuck your legs look so good in these heels...I can't wait, need to feel how tight you are now.
Bonus points if you allow him to take photos of your ruined state afterwards.
You being naked whilst Lee Know is entirely clothed and the power imbalance and the DOMINANCE he would feel in that moment of you just being so submissive and vulnerable and trusting under his hands and body...
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Taglist: @hipster-shiz @creativechaoticloner @cherry-0420 @scuzmunkie @marievllr-abg @umbralhelwolf @starsareseen @lino-jagiyaa @mischiefsmind @junieshohoho @mrcarrots @partywithgyu @whatsk-poppinhomies @craxy-person @hologramhoneymoon @gyuhanniescarat @staytinyinmybpack @necessiteez @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @berryberrytan @laylasbunbunny @bangchanbabygirlx @i-love-ateez @anyamaris @shinestarhwaa @hexheathen @northerngalxy @michel-angelhoe @youre-alittle-taste-of-hell @justaaveragereader @shroomoth @marykpoppin @joonyoonjinnie @ja3hwa @leomggg
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loveemagicpeace · 7 months
✨Planets & Energy✨
🐚On the 19th, the sun passes into the sign of pisces.
Pisces is a sign of spirituality, subconsciousness, dreaming, being in your own world, following the unknown and unconscious. Positive qualities: tender, emotional, loving,compassionate, kind, helpful, caring, sensitive, passive, indulgent, portly, creative, artistic, imaginative, dreamy, surreal,receptive, spiritual, pious, visionary. If Aries is the moment when we burst into the world, Pisces is the turning point, the sign with which we return to the eternal waters from which we came. Persons with an emphasis on Pisces in their birth chart can seem like old souls who have seen everything under the sun. They feel their way and may not always know where they are going, nor do they remember the journey. In the end, though they always find themselves in the right place! People born under this sign do not focus on something specific, but they perceive everything at the same time.
🦋The planetary rulers are assigned to Pisces Jupiter and Neptunes are concerned with finding meaning in the world and exploring the important questions of who we are and where we come from. During this time, we can learn about things that help us live better, meet people who show us the way and find something to which we are more emotionally committed. During this time, nature can change more and things become more dreamy or unrealistic.
🫧Mutable energy is adaptive energy. This energy helps you refine, improve, and adjust. Pisces season is an excellent time to meditate and connect with your inner guidance system to identify what is ready for adjustment. Pisces season brings us to the end of the astrological year. Celestial Pisces holds the wisdom of all the twelve signs and is ready to ascend to the next phase. This sign has full understanding of the earthly planes and can teach as abour the other realms the mystical, emotional, creative and intuitive, Throughout this Pisces season, ask yourself:What do you believe in? Do you give your physical body time to restore? Do you feel connected to your intuition?
🪐Sun Conjunction Saturn-This can be a time of great satisfaction, with achievements, recognition, and promotion.This can be a time of great satisfaction, with achievements, recognition, and promotion.So this is a good time to simplify and bring efficiency to your life. Unclutter your life and remove the deadwood to make your goals less complicated and easier to achieve.
🌬️Mercury , Venus & Mars are in Aquarius -so the energy will still be unpredictable and unexpected. Aquarius is a sign of innovation, sociability, vision, goals, dreams, friends, rebellion, doing things that are different, uniqueness. Connection with water is said to originate from the fact that in the ancient Mesopotamia The Sun traveled through Aquarius during the rainy season. Aquarius is known for doing things their own way. Although Aquarius respects the old traditions, wants to update them and bring about changes where they are needed. They may have trouble finding a company that really suits them. But when they find a community that advocates the same ideas as them, they bond strongly and get the feeling that they have finally arrived home.
Find your unique path. Show sides of yourself that are different from others. How are you different? Where you can find your uniqueness? Who you want to be?
Venus can bring new and unpredictable love. You can look for more uniqueness in love and actually spend time with people close to you. U can also meet someone new through you friends. Mars can bring more unique way of how u express yourself.
⚡️Sun Conj Mercury-puts the focus on your thinking and communications, and short-distance travel. It brings mental alertness, quick thinking, adaptability, and curiosity. Expect increased personal interaction in your neighborhood, with siblings, at schools, and over the internet.This is a good time for sharing ideas, making plans, buying and selling, negotiating, and meeting new people.
💘Venus conjunct Pluto transit dramatically increases your need for love and affection. You want to experience companionship at a deeper, more intense level. Other behaviors to beware of, not just in you but others, are possessiveness and jealousy. Infatuation is fine, and you may fall deeply in love now. A lot of transformation in relationships. If single, instant attraction could lead to a profound and karmic relationship. In both cases, openly giving love and affection without catches is the key to satisfaction.
🫧Mars Conjuction Pluto-This is an excellent time to work independently on something you are passionate about. You will have the endurance and strength to succeed at complex tasks. A burst of creativity can be used to make significant transformations in your life.
💕On February 23 Mercury moves into Pisces-this means that the communication will be more dreamy, confused and watery. You will feel things intuitively much more. Mercury in Pisces will make you find solutions from ends that you never thought of and regarded as a medium for solution. This can bring up thoughts that are beyond words, and the transmission of these ideas can result in a muddled expression, which increases the likelihood of miscommunication with others, difficulty staying in touch with the concerned topic, and the tendency to forget essential information or say things that do not connect well with the main topic. U can manifest more easily.
🌙On February 24 there will be a full moon in virgo-The full moon is associated with the celebration of events, successes that have been achieved so far. In addition shows what we have to let go of and what we no longer need in our lives. Moon in Virgo will oppose the Sun in Pisces. Virgo teaches us that we are each here to give our talents in some way. The full moon in Virgo marks the full expression of your intuitive and spiritual journey. Take stock of your progress in this moon cycle or over the past year. If there is room for more growth, take action on it!
✨Now is the time to expand your mind. The Full Moon may bring up emotions that were not processed when they were first felt. Now is an opportunity to sit with these feelings and know that you don’t have to be perfect to be loved. As you journey through the full Moon in Virgo, ask yourself what you need to forgive. Do you need to forgive yourself for something or do you need to forgive someone else? Know that forgiving someone else doesn’t mean you have to let this person back into your life. We forgive other people for ourselves, not for them. Forgiveness is about you and your vibration—no one else.
🌙☀️Moon will be in opposition to the Sun- Virgo and Pisces offer us two different portals to the same energy of spirituality, healing, and service. Whereas Virgo is form, order, and refinement, Pisces is formless, chaotic, and all-encompassing. Pisces teaches us that we are all connected through consciousness. Virgo, however, demands that we stay within the boundaries of space, time, and our bodies. It asks us to define our energy and our world.Pisces teaches us that we are all connected through consciousness. Virgo reminds us that while trust and surrender are important, so are direction and guidance. The full Moon in Virgo is the perfect time to see yourself in a new light, one that recognizes your innate talents and knows they are enough. It’s also a time to receive praise for your work and know you deserve it. You do not need to compare your life to anyone else’s. Harness the energy of the full Moon in Virgo to forgive yourself, trust your path, and know that you are always co-creating your reality with the Universe.
If you want to know how Pluto in Aquarius and other Aquarius transits will affect you, you can book a reading with me🍀
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