#trans jean
jeanmarcoroni · 2 days
for pride month, i wanted to explore trans headcanons with JeanMarco! vote what headcanon you think would be the most accurate 🏳️‍⚧️
link to Marco's active poll part 2!
link to Marco's past poll results
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akaaesir · 2 years
i love having a less known platform so i can talk abt shipping jeanluc in a very specific way without kids jumping me for it so i give you two scenarios. it's long, bear with me, i've got a lot of thoughts.
diluc and jean dated in their teens in both of them, things didn't work out but they still cared a lot about each other and assumed they were better as just friends. (+transmasc kaeya, trans woman lisa, and rosaria being surprisingly helpful)
diluc assumes they're gay for the longest time. they just never get the same feelings for women as guys do, but they do get some sort of feelings and assume that it's platonic. they just... never actually find their relationships with men working out. something goes wrong, they get icked by random things that don't even make sense to be icked by. it's not even the guy, he could be the perfect man for him, but he'll get to a certain point and just be uncomfortable, even just the thought of being someone's boyfriend gives them the ick. they just end up complaining to kaeya when they figure he's drunk enough to not get it. kaeya drops that it sounds a little like dysphoria. diluc initially denies it because they don't really care about their body, it's just a few phrases that make them uncomfortable. but something about the conversation sticks with them, and they keep thinking about it. kaeya asks a few days later if they'd like to try new pronouns/titles, and they pretend to have no idea what he's talking about. but it still stuck. rosaria's in the bar that night fixing her eyeliner, and on a whim, diluc asks if she'd mind trying something on them. and when she hands them the mirror... something just felt right. it wasn't heavy makeup, just some light eyeliner, but they look really pretty and actually enjoy looking rather than just tolerating their appearance. they get adelinde to help them out a bit more and experiment with gender, eventually figure out they aren't super comfortable with being addressed as a woman or presenting fully femininely either, but prefer that to being seen as a man all the time and don't mind she/her pronouns. they eventually come out to a few people close to them, jean included. they end up talking more - it's not weird for jean, lisa, and diluc to all show up together to girl's night (non-gendered - half the people at girl's night aren't even girls). but with this bit of self-discovery comes a new resurgence of feelings. diluc isn't exactly the lovey type, but he finds himself inviting jean to hang out sometimes, even if they just hang out in the same place for a while. it gets jean out of her office and work for a quick rest, and it gets diluc out of their head for a while. they realize that things didn't work out because they didn't know who they were yet. they always tied their identity to external things, and it's easy to lose yourself when you lose those. one night, they finally get up the nerve to test the waters and find out that jean has been considering similar things on her end. they end up giving it another try, and it doesn't even feel like things have changed, per se. they've just got a label on it now.
jean didn't really try to figure out their gender. it was actually a complete accident. men's clothing was often just more practical. he never saw a need to correct people who called him "sir" or thought he was a guy from a distance. they just... never really cared. and honestly, who did it hurt if kaeya sometimes came over to play dress-up and jean tended to go for more masculine looks? it was all just for fun, right?... until it wasn't. it was time for a banquet, and he was expected to be wearing a dress. but something about it didn't fit them right. not physically. he just looked... wrong in the mirror. and of course, lisa came in with kaeya to see what was wrong. jean looked great, what was wrong? a few more outfits had the same issue - he looked fine, the dresses were quite lovely and some of their favourites, but the thought of being in them for hours and being expected to just... perform being a woman just felt wrong. lisa looked a bit confused and asked offhandedly if jean felt like being a woman was a performance. but that's how everyone felt about gender, right?... apparently not, lisa really did feel like a woman deep down. but of course lisa would, after the work she went through to transition. kaeya mentions that's how he felt about gender before he figured out the nuances, and while gender does still feel more like a performance to him, he just feels like kaeya. he explains that especially before, he always saw it more as pretending to be a woman or pretending to be a man. it's easier for people to see him as a guy, and he far prefers that to his other options. otherwise, people ask too many questions he can only answer in abstract concepts. and something about that resonates with jean. they don't push it immediately, but do decide to try on a blazer, and that odd feeling is gone. the banquet is fun, and he catches diluc staring more than once. and lisa and kaeya help him figure things out. this wasn't meant to bring them closer to diluc, but they end up hanging out more regardless. after dropping off kaeya one night because "he's too drunk to be left alone, and i can't find rosaria or the alchemist," he ends up inviting diluc in. they talk a while. then they talk more. mid-conversation one day, diluc drops that he thinks he likes jean. jean doesn't process it for a few seconds, continuing to ponder what food to order from good hunter, but when it sets in, he isn't opposed. they do both care for each other, after all, never hurts to give it another try.
mix and matchable as well i just think theyre cute scenarios
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boytransmission · 4 months
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Hello denim dykes, special treat for y’all <3
Please consider helping this butch get top surgery
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ricky-mortis · 8 days
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I love playing dress up with the blorbo
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diybabe666 · 2 months
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My black levis, omg it seems I gained a a few pounds (yay, something I've been trying to do in a healthy way, reaching a healthy weight) because these are def a bit more snug 😅👖🖤
What do you think of my ass in jeans? Brand new videos and photo sets as usual, on all my sites this week 🎬
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transfembeauty · 2 months
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viciouslyrobotic · 22 days
Seeing people Ik know better falling into the practice of implying masculinity as suffering and the transition to femininity as the only route to healing is so. Ugh.
Like its proto-terf ideology to imply Masculinity as suffering/violent/wrong and Femininity as healing/good/correct. It's the foundation of treating bi identity as traitorous which is covered in Sharon Dale Stone's "Bisexual Women and the "Threat" To Lesbian Space: Or What If All The Lesbians Leave?" That lead to the same transphobia that caused Sandy Stone to lose her job with Olivia Records, that threatened her life, that harmed Nancy Jean Burkholder at the 1991 Michigan's Women's Musical Festival, continues to harm trans women to this day and trans men who are frequently left out or entirely forgotten about in these discussions just like nonbinary people who are forced into a binary.
Like Idk think for two seconds how that implication paints trans mascs because we're choosing the identity that is being described as suffering, freakish and wrong rather than remaining feminine which is described as liberating and good. Its one thing to celebrate femininity and another to re-enforce the very narrative that harms all trans, gnc and nonbinary people.
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magnetic-rose · 2 months
something something about how wolverine and gambit are broadcasting to the whole world their moping over the women they love being with other men VERRRRSUS morph just hiding their love for wolverine through jokes.
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overallsonfrogs · 2 months
My favorite thing about TSC is that this alternate version of 2007 has boba tea
Edit: okay so I’ve been told that there was boba in SoCal in the 2000s but there definitely wasn’t in rural PA (my hometown just got a boba place like 6 months ago) (also I was 8 in 2007)
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that-vampire-loser · 1 month
Jeremy: *passes out right after Neil and Jean leave*
Laila: JEREMY! What’s wrong?
Jeremy, delirious: two of them, hot, so so hot, sexy men, I’m so gay, French, beautiful men
Jeremy: *passes out again*
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moonstreak · 2 months
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This scene... my gods. This pretty much sums up what being queer, but especially being trans, means to me, and why the X-Men resonate so hard with that for me, so well.
I wonder, sometimes, what it would be like to be cis. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be if I'd never figured out I was trans, or I just flat-out wasn't, and still identified as a cis man. Sometimes I wonder where I'd be if I were a cis woman. Sometimes I think my life would be so much simpler, maybe significantly "better" in some ways. But, no matter what, I'd never wish for those scenarios to be real. Because then I wouldn't be me. Being trans has shaped the way I experience the world, who I've befriended, how my relationships have developed and deepened, how I see myself, my values, and my very concept of what it means to be a person. Being trans has, in a twist I'd have never believed for most of my life before now, managed to make me love being myself. I would never trade that for a simpler life, because then it wouldn't be mine.
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boytransmission · 7 months
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oh how i love denim….. 🧎‍♂️
please help me afford top surgery
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diybabe666 · 6 months
Just being my hot artsy gothy slut self 🫦🖤
I think my panties are visible through my jeans but you guys like that right? 🤔
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transfembeauty · 4 days
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artofmimi · 1 year
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jean and barbara
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justdavina · 7 months
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I love this wonderful transgender woman dressed comfortably for a weekend afternoon at the coffee shop or just around the house.
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