#oh yeah also apparently I have to say not to repost my art
ricky-mortis · 1 month
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I love playing dress up with the blorbo
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currytantou · 23 days
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[translation] Dear Vocalist Evolve Entry No 6 A’ – Animate track / CV: Kimura Ryohei
also x-posted on my wordpress blog / ko-fi page / commission me! as usual, do not repost or use!! :')
0:03 Hmm, it should be around here… Oh? Oh! Found it~! Extra large sunny side up! Yeah, apparently it’s an artwork slash bench! As you can see, it’s the shape of a freaking huge sunny side up! You don’t always get to sit on a sunny side up, do you? ‘Nuff said, we gotta take some photos!~
0:40 Here goes!~ First off, let’s strike a cool face. (camera snaps) Next, go all out and make a weird face. (camera snaps) Lastly, gimme a big smile! Honey, I love you!!! (camera snaps) Wait, wait!! It’s my duty to check the pictures~
Hmm, hm! These turned out nice! Pfft! Honey, that’s way too much effort on that weird face! But, but! Considering how you still looked cute despite the all-out weird face, I expect nothing less from my miraculous girl. What’s your deal, Honey? A’-tan is getting dizzy over your staggering cuteness attack! So, how’s the last picture look like? Whoa! This is bad!! It’s a problem if anyone approaches you! That’s not true! Your eyes weren’t half closed but you looked right into the camera- whoaa! Well, hmm, that’s true. It turned out nice. Actually, it turned out way too perfect that it captured Honey’s super angelic smile! If everyone sees that, they will fall for you! Therefore, I’m not showing these to anyone! But it’s our precious selfies so I should at least send it to Honey. When you’re at home, you can secretly take a peek and recall your Hakone day-trip memories with Darling all you want!
2:29 (phone vibrates) Alrighty! Let’s get going and move to the next place! This place is bigger than I expected and moving around takes so much time. Since we’re here, I wanna briefly check the whole place but they have an outdoor art gallery and indoor exhibition. So if we wanna see both, we gotta be quick. That said, we can’t stay still. Where to go next? Of course, I’m gonna prioritise where Honey wanna go, so don’t hold back and tell me~! Hm? Which is it? Huh? Soap bubble castle? We have no choice but to go! (clears throat) I shall lead the princess to the castle so your hands, please.
3:26 We are here!!~ Hmm? The princess’ castle is being occupied by all those kids? They seem to be having the time of their life, eh? It kinda looks like a damned stylish jungle gym. Now that we’re here, we too should aim for the summit and climb it! (Honey stops him) Huh? R-really?~ Seriously. No way I am stopped by the age limit after all the effort to reach here. But gentleman A’-tan doesn’t mind letting the kids have the castle if that means I can have the princess all to myself. I am way, way more content with this. (kisses)
Nah, this is basically how overseas people say hello. Besides, everyone’s attention is on the castle. So, no problem, no problem! Don’t mind that. You should tell me if there’s any place you wanna check out. Although I said we’re checking all places, of course I’m prioritising Honey’s requests!
4:48 It was long but I sure had fun!~ Makes this whole Hakone trip worth it. Hm? Huh? There’s no presence at the bus stop…Don’t tell me we missed it?! Ahh…Nah, it’s fine. I checked the schedule earlier and there’s no changes. If we get on this bus, we can easily ride the bullet train and go home. That said, let’s sit down. Honey, I’m sure you’re tired. Since we’ve been walking around the whole day.
I know right. We managed to look around but not take our time. Although, well, I came here knowing that. Yeah, let’s come again. How about we stay the night next time and make it a hot spring trip? After all, Hakone is all about hot springs! Doing it right away might be tough but a night stay might be possible after cd release. I know right! I wanna soak in a hot spring! Of course, with Honey~ No way, of course we should! After all this time, Honey?~
Ahh, a hot spring with Honey….Honey out of the bath…yukata…her nape..!! Ahh!! Ahhhh!!! Just imagining it makes me lose it!! That means I’m booking it on the bullet train ride!! Of course, it gotta be a room with a hot spring reserved in it! This will somehow work out if I put all my effort into it! Besides, I still hold a grudge over the jungle training camp the other day. I definitely won’t let ‘em take captive of me suddenly again!
6:43 And that means, Honey, you should tell me when you’re free! But before that..! Bam! (A’ hugs Honey) Don’t worry ‘bout it~ The bus isn’t here yet and there’s no kids around either. I felt excited thinking about the hot spring trip, so I immediately need your lips, Honey~ (kisses) I’m confident I would enjoy myself wherever, as long as you’re with me. But having you all for myself gotta be the best when nobody’s looking. That’s how our next date plan should be. Look forward to it~ (kisses)
tysm for reading <3 ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
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onewingedsparrow · 1 year
8, 10, 12, 17, and 19 for the ask game!
(They’re all amazing; it was hard to narrow it down. 😂)
Thanks for the ask, Nova! <3 Lol yeah I loved all the questions too :D
From this ask game!
8. Which tf character has the most different personality from you? Uhhhhh that’s a good question. Maybe RiD’15 Drift? He’s very rigid and not likely to have fun for the sake of having fun. Also most iterations of Shockwave are far more logical than I like to be. Sure, logic is important, but Shockwave seems to go overboard in my book. 10. Which tf character do you think you’d get along with really badly? Probably Starscream, any continuity. He's such a backstabber and I value loyalty; he's super narcissistic and people like that are quite annoying to me. Plus he's generally not very fond of humans and talks down to them, and I'm very feisty so our interactions would probably go much like Miko's and his in TFP. Many insults, mutual disgust. I can appreciate his character in a show but I know I could not stand him in real life haha. 12. List a piece of art not from transformers that you think fits a tf character! Hmm this took me a bit of digging...there wasn't one that came to mind instantly, but it was interesting to consider! Reposting is BAD kids(TM) so here's direct links to artists’ works instead! ;)
First off: this beautiful ocean art by Kazami is really inspiring to me. Most people probably don’t think of the ocean when they think Transformers, but...put simply, it reminds me of the ’Waves ;) I have AU versions of Shockwave and Soundwave occupying my mind, their designs inspired by the sea. And the depth in this particular piece is absolutely gorgeous. The brighter colors are reminiscent of neon, which also makes me think Wavebros, and the darker colors add to the ominous, frightening feel of the deep ocean, ever fitting for those two Decepticons.  Oh! You’d probably like this as well! There’s a Fire Emblem character whose design I am absolutely in love with. He’s so spooky!!! His name is Líf and I haven’t reached his chapter in the story yet, but I’m so looking forward to that day because his design alone intrigues me. 💜 What does this have to do with Transformers? Well, he reminds me of Soundwave the most, but his “lightning antennae,” lol, remind me of both Soundwave and Optimus, which is a very interesting combination. Líf’s design gets me thinking about the uncanny ways Soundwave and Optimus are similar, something I hadn’t really considered in depth before. It’s quite fun. Here are some cool Líf fanarts so you can see his vibe! - By Lynarc (my absolute favorite that I’ve found so far) - By Bhai Kun - By Kalkkopf - Screenshots from a trailer (?)
- Bonus: Official art from the wiki because they’re all just so cool
I really like this dude in case it wasn’t obvious by how many of these I’m sharing 17. Which piece of music from a tf media is your favorite? I'm so glad you asked this question!!! I was hoping someone would 😊 This would have to be, hands down, "Did You Forget Who I Am" from The Last Knight. The Bayverse is full of terrible, terrible elements, but Steve Jablonsky’s score is not one of those. All the soundtracks are incredible. And this scene from TLK is so iconic that, every time I listen to the music, I can hear Optimus' voice fill in that beat of silence with the mighty, chilling line that Peter Cullen delivered so well. 💙 It also has a special place in my heart because...I can’t help but see a connection to my faith :) This scene and therefore this song are good reminders for me when I’m having a bad day. Side note: The fact that this song surpassed the TFP theme to become my favorite Transformers piece of music really says a lot about its impact. 19. Which depiction of cybertron in a tf media do you most want to live in? Does the answer vary depending on if you’re human or cybertronian? Lol okay so gut reaction would say "G1 Cybertron" because 1) humans can apparently breathe up there without issue (and not be harmed by acid rain, so that's a huge plus), and 2) while the Autobots and Decepticons were bickering on earth I could just go hang out with Shockwave, who's all alone just chilling 😂 But if oxygen wasn't an issue? Definitely post-Predacons-Rising Cybertron. I would love to rebuild the planet along with Team Prime and listen to their stories as they began to heal emotionally from the long conflict. I would also love to see what elements of the planet they repaired true to the original design, and which elements they rebuilt completely to start off on a blank slate, and the implications of each decision. It would be cool to live in a revitalized Cybertron and watch refugees return and new sparks be forged gradually over time until the planet was bustling again. And if I could show up a bit earlier and be present for Bumblebee's Warrior knighting ceremony that would be pretty cool too. 💛
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kaissauce · 3 years
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okay, phucker, do it
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ok let's do this @rolli-zolli @ninikins
Horrortale: technically an alternate timeline instead of au. after a neutral run where undyne's queen the core malfunctions and food becomes scarce and people resort to eating humans because sans suggested it. Aliza is the protag. latest thing that happened in the ongoing comic was Aliza agreeing to go with Papyrus to solve his last puzzle. as for the appearance of sans he has a HUGE hole on his head and a red eye. he got the hole from undyne when she got his magic eye which was going to be used to power the core. sans didnt die tho and killed the guards holding him down and just took whatever eye was on the ground and used it as a replacement for his magic eye that's powering the core. i quote first words he said after putting the eye in his socket "who the fuck took my phone?". then the magic eye went apeshit and broke the core again. oh and also he made alphys braindead by quite literally scrambling her brain. yeah this au is rough sans hasn't really eaten anything since the core was destroyed since he decided not to eat any humans.
Dusttale: i think this was originally a korean au? basic rundown: too many genocide runs sans goes apeshit and tries to get his Lv up by killing monsters himself man went fuckin insane kills his brother blah blah blah edgy angsty au the ghost of papyrus haunts him n stuff. sans literally just looks the same except he has his hood on and sometimes artists draw him with papyrus's scarf. the cool artists draw him with his hood on and has the hood completely cover his face so u can only see his glowing pupils. although people call him dust sans he's actually named murder sans
Killer: so frickin similar to dusttale except sans goes apeshit because of the human being like "join me lmao". three different outcomes come from this. i think it was 1 sans joins human 2 sans joins human kills human later on 3 kills human or something. friends with color sans who is basically his impulse control. pretty sure his soul's fucked up and Color sans tries to make his soul un-fucked but Nightmare comes in and fucks up the progress. he has white shorts, his eye sockets are constantly pitch black and leaking tar or something also has a weird target thingy on his chest. OH YEAH ALSO HE HAS BEEF WITH UNDERSWAP SANS ALMOST FORGOT. basically swap sans tried to make killer good and then they had a fight, swap sans lost and was on the verge of dying thankfully swap papyrus was able to save him in time i think
Dreamtale: Dream isn't in the drawing but his brother, Nightmare is. Sooo he used to not look all goooy and have tentacles n stuff but then he ate a couple hundred apples and yeah. he's six years old apparently. Nightmare and Dream are supposed to be guardians of a tree that has 500 golden apples and 500 black n goopy apples. the golden aples are positive and the goop ones are negative. you're not supposed to eat either of them cus bad shit happens. Dream and Nightmare live in a village and for whatever reason they're all dicks to Nightmare because ooughh he's the guardian of negativity that's not baller. he also goes apeshit (do u see a pattern here) and eats a goopy apple n then becomes the goop man he is today. he fuckin eats 999 apples jesus christ. and the last one is eaten by Dream because if u eat all 1000 apples u become unstoppable and immortal. so that would be a bad thing if nightmare got the last one. wop wop wop these dude aren't sanses they only have the body of one if that makes sanse.
Error: manlet. he's literally an error and that's why he's like that. also he's technically not a sans now, the redesign for him was so that he could be in the creator's webcomic named Lucidia. Error sans, aka the destroyer of aus, finds aus to be mistakes so he tries to get rid of them. his process of doing this is simple: get the human soul to the void so that they can't reset, destroy the au. he primarily attacks using his strings which can wrap around one's soul and control them. he like some aus like outertale because of how open and empty it is. he likes to be alone and has haphephobia. if u touch him he'll glitch out and possibly crash. he crashes whenever gets overwhelmed. said crashing causes him to shut down and reboot and he's powerless while doing so. he's actually pretty easy to beat if you know how to push his buttons the right way. in the og ask error blog made by his creator Loverofpiggies he kidnaps Swap sans who tries to help Error become a better person. this ends horribly as error leaves Swap sans in the void who then becomes an error aswell due to being alone in the void too long. Error actually regrets doing that to swap sans
Aftertale: OK FUN FACT THE SANS OF THIS AU, WHO'S NICKNAMED "Geno" IS ERROR. aftertale is a comic made by LoverofPiggies it's been SOOOO long since i last read it so i cant really give a good summary. but anyways Geno is trapped in the loading screen with the human and will die if he leaves the loading screen. eventually from being in the loading screen for too long after the events of aftertale he becomes Error.
Underfresh: he's not even a sans either. "Fresh" is a parasite inhabiting a skeleton. his birthday is on 4/20 which is ironic cus he doesn't like drugs. he censors swears. he speaks 90's lingo and dresses like a neon sign. for some reason he has eyebrows and a gold tooth. the glasses he has can change text but normally defaults to "YOLO". he can't feel anything since he has no soul of his own and just latches onto the host's. instead he learns how to act from the people around him. not being able to feel actually bothers him a LOT
Echotale: Aka Gaster sans. uhhh this one was also a comic if i remember correctly. basically Frisk and G!Sans are the only ones in the au and they're trying to find the core to fix the fucked up timeline that they're in but the core keeps changing positions so that sucks.
Swapfell: originally made by Khhoppang who left social media. Started out as an Alphys x Undyne au so only those two were designed but Kh was planning to design more of the characters. before they could people had a field day with the idea of mashing two aus together and SO many people came up with their own designs for sans and papyrus. Khhoppang left social media because they got overwhelmed with all the art reposters and stuff, pretty sad. the appearance of the sans in that au is the purple one with a scythe (i dont think he has a scythe in the og design).
Swapfell Red: so basically this is the swapfell made by people that isn't Khhoppang. community made per se. Sans's appearance changes constantly because as said before many people made many different designs. typically he just looks like Swap sans but with red high heel boots and his color scheme fits underfell
Fellswap (gold): Au made by blackggggum. so swapfell is underswap turned fell, fell swap is underfell swapped it takes a bit to understand that. his appearance is somewhat similar to Swapfell red. He's kind to his friends but if ur his enemy he'll fucking deck you. he's blind in his left eye, the leader of the royal guard, and secretly into dressmaking. fun fact in this au Papyrus has autism
Xtale: uuuuhhhh so Cross is a complicated one. he's part of the royal guard along with papyrus. has beef with xgaster. responsible for the downfall of his au and then Underverse happens and Ink is all "oh cool someone to mess with" and they became friends for a bit then shit hit the fan
Underfell: OOOOO YES UNIRONICALLY ONE OF MY FAVORITES. So Underfell sans is actually a very powerful mf and constantly has his magic eye activated because he has so much magic. This au is also technically an alternate timeline where monsters "lost their humanity" as the creator put it. so basically trust in the underground is scarce. Sans and papyrus, contrary to many interpretations i fucking hate, are actually on good terms (and no sans doesn't call papyrus "boss" the creator said if he does he'd do it ironically and papyrus would hate it). Fun facts he pays Grillby in socks (grillby accepts the socks as payment and wears them), if u make grillby laugh he gives u a jacket that looks like his and it's heavily implied that sans made him laugh because their jackets are similar
Underswap: ah yes another classic that i love as well. originally made by PopcornPr1nce who fled social media because they hated how the majority fandom treated Underswap (Blueberry and Carrot were popular names for the fanon swap papyrus and sans). Swap sans is constantly infantilized by the community which sucks and i hate it so i draw my own very super cool version of him whom i kin because i am also very super cool.
Outertale: mainly an aesthetic au pretty sure there's no comic of it. basically, instead of underground they in space. outer sans dies in underverse after like minutes of screentime lmao
Epictale: a comic made by Yugogeer. the og comic was retconned and the creator loathes the original version and made a reboot that's much better. Sans actually dies very early in it because Yugo hates how Sans is almost always focused on in aus. also the creator hates how meme-y their sans has become (like him saying bruh every single sentence, using a rubber chicken as a weapon, cookies, etc.) he's friends with Cross but not in canon. He has a purple magic eye that makes him immortal and i think only epic gaster could remove it which is how sans was able to be killed when he fought gaster.
Temmietale: it's undertale but everyone is temmie, don't question it
Trainertale: it's undertale but it's Pokemon, don't question it
Dancetale: it's undertale but you dance instead of fight, don't
Mobtale/Mafiatale: im unsure if mobtale and mafiatale are separate or not but they are very similar. basically undertale but mafia it's self explanatory
Undertale: no clue which au is this one, nope not at all/j
Bittytale or whatever idk: so take sans, make him small. boom. never understood this au
THAT BASTARD INK: HOOO BOY SAVED THE WORST FOR LAST. FUCK THIS GUY/j. THIS DUDE. IS THE REASON IM STILL INTO UNDERTALE AUS. I LOVE EM SO MUCH. also technically not a sans. He comes from an unfinished au and ripped his own soul to escape said au and became an outcode. for so long he was just a soulless husk until someone drew him and he got splashed with paint which let him feel. soon he learned to keep the paint in vials so that he can be able to feel 24/7. And then he learned how to create things with a paintbrush and the paint and spent time alone drawing up his own world until a portal appeared and took him to the multiverse. now he encourages artists to keep creating aus. he's the protector of aus in the sense that he keeps other outcodes from disrupting the script of the au, so if it's pacifist and an outcode tries to kill people he'd stop them, if it's genocide and an outcode tried to help them he'd stop them. no matter what he wants the au to stay on script. fun fact the creator of ink and the creator of error never had them interact with each other in canon, that was all the fandom's doing. Contrary to popular belief he's not really considered "good" his alignment is officially "Chaotic neutral". I personally interpret him a lot more chaotic than in canon because it's fun but he's a pretty chill guy actually. he can just be a bit of an ass sometimes. According to the creator of Ink (who is Comyet) his interpretation in Underverse is not canon compliant. one of the biggest canon things that underverse contradicts is Ink deliberately not taking his vials. if he were to do that in canon he'd become a husk again which is the equivalent of him "dying". he was described as a walking corpse by Comyet, without the vials he can't function anymore. Like Error he's pretty easy to beat if you know his weaknesses. also he has fears of empty spaces and being alone
off topic kinda but i very much love how Error and Ink are opposites yet parallel even though they were completely written without the other in mind. Error believes getting rid of aus is getting rid of anomalies. Ink believes people interfering with aus are anomalies. Error loves emptiness, Ink hates emptiness. list goes on it's funky fresh.
also uhhh sanses missing from that drawing that i can name from the top of my head
Seraphim sans, Insans, Dusttrust, He who shall not be named because he's from an 18+ au, Swapswap (yes. that exists), Storyshift, Inverted Fate (very good au i suggest checking it out), Negatale, Oceantale, Template, Pale, Mafiafell, Farmtale
my phone is at 9% y'all are spared from me going on
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I Know Places
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 12
"And everyone was watching"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 5,106
Warnings: an intense game of Uno, angst, fluff, Odin, and one perfect punch. Not in that order.
A/N: we are so close to the end! Thank you @chrissquares for the beautiful dividers! And thank you so much for @nacho-bucky for beta reading this for me!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
Song on Spotify and YouTube
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His hands were on your waistline yet again when you woke up. It has been this way ever since Bruce cleared you from the med bay. Loki refused to leave your side. Every time as you fell asleep you felt the tingles of Loki's magic, helping you calm your mind and dream peacefully. Loki had told you all about what happened, so once he managed to get through your powers he took it upon himself to make sure you sleep safe and sound. You didn't remember your dreams, yet whenever you woke up you could not feel more at peace. It had been far too long without Loki for you- it always was.
You slowly cracked your eyes open through the daylight, coming face to face with the trickster god sound asleep. You couldn't help the smile that took over you- he looked so young, so innocent, here sleeping next to you with a soft light casting shadows on his long lashes. You brushed a strand of hair from his face and when he stirred you turned around and backed into his embrace.
"Good morning, darling."
"Good morning, Loki." You hid your head into the soft pillow loving how it now smelt of him, taking his hand that was draped over you and lacing your fingers with his, tightening his hold on you.
Opening your eyes you looked at the small blaze that stayed seated on your bedside drawer.
"Oh shoot, we forgot to put the candles out last night." You looked around the room where candles were still lit up, giving the room a warm light besides the illumination from outside.
"Leave it, darling. Let's go back to sleep." He kissed the side of your neck, grunting when you got out of the bed, leaving him in the warm sheets. "You don't need to put them out."
"It's dangerous, Loki, it'll take just a moment."
You went around the room and put out the small fires along the way, one by one. You got to your dresser and blew on the candle softly before stepping away, and then you noticed it didn't die out. You blew on it again and yet it only swayed.
"I can't put this one out." You tried again.
"Maybe it doesn't want to, just leave it be." Loki groaned as he stretched in bed. "Leave it lit."
You huffed and blew on it again with more force, and the fragile little flame burnt out, leaving the room lit only by the outside rising sun.
Satisfied with yourself, you went back to the bed, and fell on top of Loki with a giggle.
"Okay, now we can rest."
The walls were filled with hushed chatter as Thor passed the gold filled halls. He went through the familiar corridors with his head held up high until the guards pushed open the door for him and he entered the throne room.
"My son, what have you come here to inform me?" Odin looked down upon the golden haired prince as he walked towards the stairs of the Allfather.
"Well Father, I'm sure you will be glad to hear that we managed to find Y/N and she is all better now." Thor smiled at his father before continuing, "We also found the missing weapons, but I'm afraid there are some bad news as well…"
"Well, get on with it."
"We figured out who was responsible for the missing weapons- apparently it was Lady Iyllir, Father."
"What? How preposterous. You can't expect me to believe that! The lady and her family are very well respected, and the young lady is to marry your brother soon!"
"During the battle we saw her there- she was threatening Y/N and others. Loki had to take her down." Thor tried explaining to his father, but it was of no use. "I saw it."
"You saw it? Are you certain Loki didn't just act without thinking?" Odin questioned his son, Thor just nodded, remembering how Loki had looked at you when you laid motionless as they took you back from the warehouse.
"I have no doubt that he thought it though, what was done was necessary and just."
Odin only hummed, considering his son's claims.
"It ended as it should have, and besides- we got everything back!" Thor laughed lightly, smiling at his father but it didn't last long.
"Not everything."
"As much as I love having you back, kid, I will have Steve ground you to your room if you do what you're about to do!" Tony threatened you and you bit your lip to hide your smile. You looked to Natasha in front of you, and to Loki next to you, before laying the card on the center of the table.
"Take four, Uno." You let the smirk take over your face.
"Gosh-darn it- fucking hell-" Tony grumbled as he took cards from the pile.
"Come on Tony leave her alone, her cards were just better than yours." Steve chuckled and looked over at you.
"Yeah Tony, I won fair and square." Loki smirked besides you and put a hand around your waist.
"No, I don't trust it." Tony pointed at Loki and then at you. "You helped her cheat, didn't you?"
"I don't know what you mean, Stark." Loki tilted his head a bit in a show of innocence, but Tony didn't have any of it. "Why would I interfere in the game?"
"You kids are in love, that gives you motive!"
"Perhaps, but alas you have no proof." You could feel him relax next to you as others laughed and some even threw cards around until you couldn't continue playing the game and instead you just talked about nothing in particular and ate snacks.
You looked around at all your friends with a small smile on your lips. It felt all too familiar and yet so foreign to you. You never thought you would have this, a family doesn't end in blood but it doesn't have to start there either. There, through the spies and geniuses, you found a place where you felt protected and happy- a safe haven. Maybe every bait and switch in the tapestry of your life was a work of art that was meant to bring you all the way here. It was almost perfect, you almost had everything you could wish for but you decided not to dwell on that now while Loki was smiling so openly and Steve was laughing alongside the group that gathered around you- surrounding you with warmth even December storms couldn't penetrate.
"Love," Loki called you in a quiet voice. You looked up at him. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"
You almost winced at that, but you only shook your head.
"I'm just-" for luck of a better word, "home."
You stayed in the compound with the team for the weekend, the quiet outside and the trees helped all of you get some normalcy after everything that happened. You missed that.
It seemed like Loki understood you, he always did, as he kissed your forehead and brought you back to the conversation. It was almost weird seeing him exchanging non harmful snarky comments with Bucky, and somehow getting along with your newfound family, but you only took it with a smile, basking in the warm feeling as you caught Steve's eye and offered him a smile which he returned. You couldn't wish for anything better than this.
Loki has been called by Odin to a meeting, and so he reluctantly got out of your bed as daylight reached your window and was now walking into the palace. He was stopped in his tracks, however, by a shriek.
"You!" he turned to see Iyllir's mother pacing fast towards him with her husband trailing behind her. "You are a murderer, you killed our daughter and you dare walk here with pride? You are a disgusting vile frost giant-"
"If I were you, I would be careful with how you talk to your prince." He sharply replied. Loki didn't spare a thought about Iyllir's parents- or her demise at all, so it didn't occur to him that her parents would still be at the palace. "I understand your grief, I sincerely apologize for it, but your daughter was a traitor of Asgard and forced my hand. The deed was justified."
"You can say whatever you want, prince," Iyllir's father spat the word at him and he clenched his jaw, trying to keep his composure. "Our daughter only did it because of you! I heard the rumors, everyone knows about the Midgardian girl you chose over Iyllir! She was simply doing what had to be done to make you choose correctly!"
The yells started to draw the attention of the workers who were around the palace entrance, he could hear them whisper as they passed by. It's a scene that he is out here in clear sight with the mother and father of the girl he had killed.
"You are nothing but a cunning little fox, a pretend prince, thinking that a mortal could be with such a monster. Don't you know that their petty little lives are but a fraction of ours? Nothing can come out of it but you suffering- and I hope that you will suffer immensely." The once graceful lady was gritting her teeth now. "And as from what I know from Midgard, you can run but the hunters are always hunting for foxes like you."
Loki had had enough of it.
"If that is supposed to be a threat then it is a poor one," his voice was low now and he was satisfied with the way their eyes went wide and they took a step back when he took a step forward. "I suggest you leave Asgard, for good, before I show you what it is like to be hunted. You won't last long, I assure you of that, I will make sure you feel how insignificant you are that you think you can talk to me in such a way. Your daughter hurt the woman I love, and her death was quick but I promise it will not be the case with you if you even dare talk about my love in such a way."
He took pride at the fright in their eyes, the way they scrambled away into the nearest carriage.
Straightening his collar, his sharp glare silenced every whisper in the hallway as he made his way to Odin.
You stood in the kitchen, making a batch of pancakes when you saw Loki enter the kitchen. You walked to him with a smile.
"Loki! You're finally back, would you like some pancakes?" You leaned up to kiss him but you barely felt him return it. He seemed to be considering your offer for a bit too long, before he nodded.
"Of course, my love, I would love it." He smiled at you and it made you forget everything else, as well as the batch you had on the pan that was getting burned by the second. Loki scrunched his nose, "Why do I smell smoke?"
You spent the day with Loki, a lazy Saturday afternoon with your lover, a perfect day.
Loki didn't seem to talk much, he didn't have that usual spark in his eye that you always saw. But that was okay, you managed to bring it out of him, you always did.
Your lazy day got ruined when Natasha and Sam showed up at the entrance of the common room with a bucket full of filled out water balloons and a hefty amount of water guns.
"Grab your weapon of choice, Bucky started this so we are going hunting- and you are on our team."
You turned to Loki with a smile; maybe this will cheer him up.
"What do you say, trickster? Do you want to go hunting?" with a smirk Natasha threw a gun your way and Sam threw one towards Loki, as you got up you missed the ghostly look that crossed Loki's face.
Now, you were sure that Bucky and Steve started this as a friendly fight. But the two punks were now running away as the fight turned into a war.
"Come on now Y/N, won't you spare me?" Steve had a mischievous glint in his eyes that betrayed his words. You had him cornered as he had his hands held up at the loaded gun you were pointing at him. You disarmed him from his own water balloons.
"I'm sorry Cap, you started it." As you started spraying him with water he ducked to the side and grabbed water balloons.
And run you did, you saw as others fought beside you, when you spotted Loki you grabbed his hand and took him with you. You sprayed water behind you when you tried to lose the ones who chased.
"Where are we running?"
"Come on, I know a place we won't be found!" you giggled when a balloon hit Loki and he glared at Steve who was right on your tail, grabbing your gun and aiming right at his face. At the shriek you heard you knew Loki hit his target.
You ran for the fences up ahead, yelling at Loki to jump right when you did.
"Love," he tried to keep up with you as you pulled him with you. "You have failed to tell me where we are going."
"You'll see! They can't track us here." you took a sharp turn when you reached the woods until you stopped in front of a big tree. You started climbing it and Loki followed until you got high enough that you saw above the other trees. There you decided to lean on the tree while sitting on a wide tree branch with Loki by your side.
Loki kissed the palm of your hand and no words were exchanged when you played with his hair and you watched the skies as they turned into a canvas of warmer shades of colours.
Days have passed as you went back to the tower and you found yourself waking up to a cold bed, and if Loki was there with you then he disappeared during the day with the same explanation, "I have a meeting in Asgard."
At what point does an explanation become an excuse?
One day you decided to distract yourself with cleaning your room, so you started with your dresser. Pulling out boxes of jewelry you went to open them and start sorting when you caught side of a green glimmer in the dead of the night just outside of your door and with sudden annoyance you threw the box you held back into the drawer then you closed it and got up from the floor.
"Hi love-" Loki started, smiling when he saw you again.
"Loki, tell me what's going on, you are gone so much lately!" He gave you a smile that you knew all too well.
"I told you-"
"No excuses! What's wrong up there in Asgard?" You sat on your bed and Loki stood in front of you, you tried to pull him to sit beside you but he didn't budge. You saw the resolve fall from his face and his sharp cheekbones only enhanced the somber look he had now.
"It seems that my brother has loose lips whenever he talks to my father, and some talks have spread."
"And what about it?" you tilted your head to the side and watched him as he tried to keep his composure; you saw the anger flash in his eyes but it wasn't directed at you.
"Well, it seems that my father is not pleased about everything that occurred."
"Of course he isn't, but I'm sure Thor made it better if anything!" you drew circles on his palms with your thumbs.
"No, he isn't pleased with what was taken from Asgard- he isn't pleased that a mortal has Asgardian powers," he clutched your hands in his when you started to let go. "He isn't pleased with you."
Now you were the crestfallen one. You tried not to get lost in your head.
"What does he want?" Loki knew you were trying to hide the fear that was sinking deep within you.
You adjusted the skirt of your dress, standing nervously in the middle of the room. You weren't really sure why you were feeling this anxious when you've seen Loki hundreds of times before, but now you knew why as you were straightening your dress you remembered that you bought it because of him- for him. The green of it reminded you of the shirt he often wears; when you complimented him he admitted to it being his favourite colour.
You hoped he would like it.
So yeah it was just another movie night with Loki, but it was the first one after you realized you were in love with him, after you actually let your feelings get inside your head and take over your actions.
The familiar gentle knock on the door startled you from the daze and you went to open the door to Loki.
There he stood in front of you in his green dress shirt- he always dressed like he was a royal going to a gala of some sort. And you loved it.
"Hi darling," Loki took a minute to look you over at the dress you wore. He had to tear his eyes away from your body to look into your eyes. "What are we watching this time?"
He smiled at you as he walked in and you willed yourself to act naturally- he was your best friend, nothing changed.
"I like the dress, you look marvelous in it." You decided to go to the kitchen to get some much needed water and snacks for the movie.
"Yes, thank you." You took pride at the steady voice you managed to voice out.
Loki stood there in the middle of the living room and admired the way your body looked as you wore his colours. He put his hand over the pocket of his pants, feeling the golden necklace he got you. In Asgard it would seem like courting- giving a lady a necklace such as this, but he hoped in Midgard it is regarded as something more casual. He wouldn't want to give away his own feelings that seemed to burst through. Loki knows he can be comfortable around you- you made him feel welcomed and loved. But this feeling is new to him, this feeling towards you was new as well.
He didn't know he was smiling until you walked up to him with a smile and his favourite snacks.
"Let's start!"
As the movie went on you felt more like yourself with him, the chemistry was still there just like he was still your best friend- your newfound feelings didn't change it and you were grateful for that.
"I could never be that," you said suddenly during the movie.
"What do you mean?" You had your legs curled under you as you sat on the couch next to Loki. You turned to him, setting your drink down.
"A hero." When he gave you a strange look you continued. "I know that magic doesn't exist, but everyone dream for it. And I know that everyone, me included, would want to enter that magical universe and get out of this mundane world- but in reality it is never what it seems like."
"But wouldn't you like magic?" Loki felt his heart drop at your words. "You love all of these movies and all of them have magic in them."
"I would love it! But think about it Loki, in reality it would be such a difficult life, even the characters there know it and we see it. So yeah I would love it, but I think it could never be peaceful and it would only end up hurting. So I can long for it, but I don't think I would like to have it," you explained and bit your lip before looking at him. "I'm happy right now."
You smiled at him and continued watching the movie. He decided it is probably better if he didn't give you the necklace tonight.
Whatever you imagined Asgard would be like after the countless stories Loki had told you- nothing could have prepared you for the extravagant sights of it. Golden arches and flush greenery everywhere you went. You knew Asgard was a place for the gods, it was a dreamland and yet still this was far from the capabilities of your mind.
The sights of it drew your attention from the reason you were coming here in the first place. That was until you felt Loki's hand squeeze your own, and you started to really notice your surroundings.
You heard the whispers of the Asgardian people as you passed by, standing between Thor and Loki. You saw the judgmental looks people sent your way when they saw Loki's hand was entwined with yours.
Then you saw the palace. If it were any other day, you could've pretended that you were there with Loki for a ball like the one you imagined so many times so long ago. But now you were filled with dread that you were certain you were going to throw up, and it wasn't because of the travel.
The travel was nice comparing to what you expected, a man named Heimdall greeted you and when you looked into his eyes you felt as if he could see through you, as if he knew everything about you. He was still nice to you, wishing you luck as you walked on the bridge towards the palace. You didn't know how he knew but you accepted the welcomed wish.
Loki and Thor were both quiet as you stepped through the guards and when you passed the gate chills went down your spine. You felt as if you were trapped in a box when they closed it behind you, like you just walked into a gilded cage.
You understood what Loki was always ranting to you about- it was stifling in here.
Loki guided you until the three of you reached dark yet golden doors that behind them you knew the Allfather sat. right before the doors opened you looked over at Loki and at the sight of his tense face and hollowed eyes you remembered it all: all the countless times Loki came home to you in distress and on the brink of crying, all those times you had to hold him until his mind finally let him sleep, all those times were you had to force Loki out of all the toxic self destructive thoughts that were planted in his head by his father.
You weren't as scared anymore when the doors opened and you walked forward, holding Loki's hand tightly.
You hated him from the minute you saw him. A king sat there on a throne, you didn't expect anything else but what caught your eye and fuelled your already blazing hatred were the stairs. The throne he was sitting on was placed on the top of a line of stairs that led up to him, letting him look down at anyone who entered the place. It disgusted you, but you had to keep your cool for now, for Loki.
You remembered everything that Loki and the team explained to you about what happened during all this time that the two of you were apart. And most of all you remembered your promise.
"Ah my children, you finally arrived." Odin said before looking at you. You refused to let him see your fear, so you straightened your back but still kept holding Loki's hand. "And are you the midgardian girl I have heard so much about, Y/N?"
You looked at Loki who squeezed your hand and gave you a small nod with a little smile.
"Yes, I am." You tucked your hair behind your ears before getting to what you really were here for. "I heard that you wanted to talk about my powers."
"Yes, my child. Come forward." He told you and you reluctantly let go of Loki's hand. Loki looked at his brother who seemed just as agitated as he was and that was already not a good sign. "I'm assuming you have been told already that by Loki's mistake you have received Asgardian powers. The kind of powers you have are of the ancient arts of Asgard."
"Okay, what about it? Loki protected me and I ended up getting these powers that I have learned to control over the years." you furrowed your brows at the information and tried to smile at your own claims, it had been difficult to process but you understood your powers better now.
"That is well, my child." Odin rested his hand on the armchair and leaned back with his staff. "But since these powers are Asgardian, a mortal should not have them. They shall be taken away from you."
"I beg your pardon?"
"What the fuck?" you and Loki spoke at the same time.
"Father, you cannot do this, she is more than worthy to carry these powers." Loki came forward to stand in front of you now, protective.
"I agree, Father the powers have chosen her. These types of ancient powers were supposed to kill a mere mortal but they didn't, that surely means something about her capabilities." Thor added and stepped forward too, putting a hand on your shoulder. You looked down as you got lost in thought before speaking up.
"How can you do it? Take my powers away, I mean." Loki turned to you but you kept your gaze on the floor.
"Well dear, I am the Allfather, ruler of Asgard and the 9 realms. I am capable of doing things you- a mere mortal, cannot comprehend. And about how I would go about it-"
"May I approach you, before you continue?" you then asked, and it took him a second to consider it before he nodded. What is the harm in a midgardian girl being by him? You shrugged Loki's hand off when he went to take your arm. He was downright scared by the look in your eyes.
You went up the stairs towards the almighty Allfather and when you were on his level, he leaned forward in the chair awaiting what you had to say to him.
"While you are all that, I am Y/N, a human girl from earth and-" you smiled at him before taking your fist and colliding it with his cheek, making him throw his head back in the process. The look of fury didn't startle you when you met his gaze. "I'm sorry, but I made a promise a long time ago, Your Highness." You bowed your head and walked back down the stairs to Loki, who seemed to be at war between a prideful smile and fear for your safety.
"How dare you, you cannot do such a thing-" Odin stood up with his staff ready.
"Can't I?" you tilted your head at him as you stood next to Loki. "I didn't use my powers like I so easily could, because I didn't want to. So do continue what you said."
"Are you mad?" Loki whisper yelled in your ear.
"Quite possibly." You turned to kiss his cheek and found that hidden mischief in his eyes that you loved so.
"Father, please forgive her, I am certain the lady was just upset about the new information."
"Oh no I wholeheartedly meant that." Thor gave you an exasperated look before Odin dismissed him.
"Well as a matter of fact, extracting the powers away from you will involve a very deep process since the powers are so attached to you and your mind. Extracting those means also extracting all the memories of everything your powers have touched or affected- as well as their source."
You did not appreciate the satisfied look he had on when your own face fell as you took in his words. You couldn't be comforted by Loki who you knew would have detected a lie if Odin had uttered it as a form of revenge and pettiness.
You knew that there was no choice as far as Odin was concerned, but you knew Loki and you could feel his brilliant mind spinning around seeking a way out for you, he may have let Odin hurt him but hurting you is crossing a line no one will come back alive from.
So you did have a choice in fact, but given the opportunity you never thought you'd have, the answer wasn't hard to pick.
"Okay." You heard your own voice pick the path you will walk on, your voice was quiet but you knew they all heard you clearly.
"Y/N!" Loki turned to you and you did too. "You don't have to do this, don't think that because he says so I will let it happen when you don't want it!"
"I want it, Loki."
"You what?" he was taken aback- his eyes were studying you now, calculating an explanation.
"These powers Loki, they are not good."
"No, don't say that, don't let him convince you that something about yourself is bad- Norns, darling nothing about you in bad."
He cupped your cheek, trying to get you to understand. But he didn't understand what you were saying. Your eyes turned glossy with unshed tears.
"It's horrible, these powers are evil- I don't want them anymore." You searched his blue eyes but all you got was resistance."I felt them Loki, I felt them and they hurt. I want them gone, and now I have a way to do it."
"No, love can't you see? I've been trying to tell you this from the beginning- Your powers don't only cause harm. They can also heal and calm people down, they can do good- you are good."
"I've been there Loki- inside my mind, and all these powers are just dark. They hurt me, I don't want them anymore. I don't want it, they are staining me like blood on my hands- I don't want to carry this around anymore." You put your head in the crook of his neck, seeking comfort in his touch.
Loki froze in place at your words, they broke his heart because of the way you felt, but you also broke his heart because if you choose to lose your powers then…
Next thing you knew Loki moved away from you and walked out of the door before you could chase after him.
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @percabethismyotp14
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blackvelvetwriteson · 4 years
Hey dear, it's me again, I wanted to say that I LOVED Holiday blues, it was so cute and I wonder if you could write a nsfw sequel, please? (only if you feel comfortable with it, otherwise feel free to ignore it).
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Hi again! I love seeing your requests in my ask box it makes me feel amazing! I’m so glad you liked my writing, it means more to me than I can even express! I’ve got that request for you in; it was supposed to be done yesterday, but my tics were kicking in and I couldn’t concentrate- I hope this didn’t disappoint, and again thank you so much!
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                                  (  ~ Kakashi Hatake x Black Female                                                                   Reader Insert ~ )
GENRE: Smut and Fluffy Fluff!                                                                  
FANDOM: Naruto Shippuden
TRIGGER WARNINGS: SMUTTY! Kakashi’s not too kinky, but for today we have a breeding kink at play and light choking. It’s not too hardcore, but it’s still worth mentioning!
SUMMARY: This is a continuation of PART ONE and this time, Reader-Chan and Kakashi spend some time together after decorating the house for the holiday season.
Find Part 1 Here
(Headers are mine, but the art inside of them are not! Please don’t steal or repost without credit!)
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      You relished in seeing your boyfriend’s sleeping face before you walked back into the kitchen. In truth, you’d already started dinner since hotpots were generally dishes that took too long to make. You sashayed into the kitchen and turned the heat up a little before skipping to a small closet you had where you’d hidden some holiday decorations; candles, tinsel, wreaths, and statues of little angels in a small box, your eyes gleaming as you bit your lip excitedly. You kneeled beside the box still in your boyfriend’s getup, happy that he wasn’t pissed at you for wearing his clothes, smiling because you figured out that he was in his funk because he hadn’t been sleeping well. You moved quickly to make sure everything got done so that you could go pumpkin hunting, or maybe you’d ask Sasuke or Naruto to go see if there were any that even grew in this region, I mean “Village Hidden in the Leaves,” should have plenty of different plants and such right? You giggled softly to yourself as you took out a string of lights that you’d never gotten to use and you plugged them in and stretched them out completely, watching all of the purples and blues, magenta, orange, reds and yellows glow and illuminate your living room, though they couldn’t compete with how your bright smile beamed around the room. “Woah,” you whispered softly as you gently touched the dull tips of the lights, watching the reflection on your hand.
“I forgot how much I loved these things,” you laughed softly looking in the box, seeing how many more lights you had than everything else. “…. Apparently,” you say quietly as you bite your lip. You move immediately to playing holiday music quietly as to not disturb your sleeping boyfriend, and then you get to work after checking the hotpot which was still simmering quite nicely under its cover giving the house scents of sweetened soy sauce, garlic, meats and other ingredients. You danced around happily to “Mary Did You Know,” even though you weren’t necessarily religious, the holiday music of the time really brought out your festive interior designing skills. You skip over to your open window as the skyline turns purple and blue with the seafood greens fading a little more prominently now. You kneeled down and waved at the kids who loved to observe you- mostly because you were so nice to them and actually interacted with them- and they giggled and grinned, waving back in return, deciding to stay a little longer just to watch. They could smell your dinner and one of them even approached as you climbed on your window sill, weaving the first strand of lights through the curtain rod deciding that you’d add more later if needed. You swayed your hips to the music startled by one of the small voices and you looked down with a closed eye grin. 
“Hey there! What can I do for ya today sweetheart,” you chime out happily as you look at the little girl and she smiles back up at you. 
“U-Um oh yeah! Mrs. Hatake- Sensei,” she said softly and your eyes widened a little as you shook your head.
“Oh, u-uh honey that’s not necessary. We ai… We’re not married- yet,” you say softly. She nodded and corrected herself.
“R-Right… I-I’m sorry,” she said softly as she tilted her head. “How’s Ms. Hatake- Chan?” She looked up at you cautiously before proceeding. You gently pet her head and smiled a little, wiping a little bit of glitter off of her cheek with your thumb. 
“That’s just fine sweetheart. What’s up?” You say softly as you sit down on the window sill with your feet hanging out of the window. “Just remember to keep it down y’all,” you say softly as you slowly moved one finger over your lips. “Kakashi -Sensei is sleeping right now,” you said cheerily while the other kids approached and surrounded you. 
“O-Oh I just wanted to say that y-your dinner smells really good,” she said softly starting to scratch behind her ear under her pigtails. “A-And I was also wondering what’s that?” She pointed inside at the tinsel. 
“Oh that?” You looked over your shoulder and smiled a little. “I’m just working on decorating the house… I mean… For the h-holidays. Where I’m from this is what we do and Kakashi- Sensei is letting me do it after a talk we had,” you say with a sweet smile as she nuzzles your lap. You gently pet her head while looking at the other kids. “Don’t worry your pretty little heads about a thing I’m gonna have something for all of y’all here soon. Actually,” you say with a soft grin, leaning forward as they gathered around. “Y’all can help me out right now. Y’all ever heard of a pumpkin,” you ask as you tilt your head. Only about 3 of them nod, the rest of them stared at you blankly ready to help you however you needed. “Y’all go with these three, they’ll show you, I promise. I’mma need about 4 or 5 of them, so if y’all work together and get some, I’ll have special treats for y’all by tomorrow night,” you say with a soft grin. Instantly they grouped up and set off in search of the pumpkins you needed all shouting “ARIGATO MS. HATAKE- CHAN,” at you over their shoulders once they were far enough away they thought they wouldn’t disturb Kakashi’s sleep. You watched until they were out of eyeshot, sliding back in your home and skipping over to the tinsel pile. You looked it all over and took a white tinsel string in your fingers, gently massaging the soft materiel through your fingers before hopping back up on the window sill, gently weaving the strand through the lights so none was obstructing the other. 
“Ooh this is so pretty,” you whisper softly as you finished braiding the tinsel and the lights with the curtain rod, hopping down and dancing around a little more as the song changed to one you haven’t heard since you were little about chestnuts roasting on an open fire. You giggled again and gently twirled around the living room with a red string of tinsel and sashayed over to your fireplace, setting it up so that you could place candles on the counter inside of the tinsel. You also decided, while you were at it, to spark up your  fireplace and turn your music up just a little. Your house already started to look more festive and you decided that, for the moment, you were done with the lights and tinsel so you didn’t overdo it. You gathered up some candles and some of the angel statues and you smiled as you hopped back over to your fireplace, setting the candles up in such a way that there was a fall one after a winter one surrounding the three angel statues you put up. You stroked their porcelain cheeks with your nail and hummed softly as you smiled a little. You sighed quietly as you hummed sweetly to the song, sparking up a couple of the fall oriented candles, not noticing that Kakashi had walked out of the room and closed the curtains and was now leaning against the wall staring at you with his arms crossed. You still swayed your hips slowly, deciding that there was a strip that could benefit from an extra string of lights, and because of said thought you made your way over to the box again, gently unrolling it and plugging it in. This time they were more neutral cream colored, your eyes glistening at the soft glow. “Woah,” you whispered softly as you wrapped the lights around your body and looked for something that you could stand on and a couple of sticky anchors that wouldn’t be too hard to take down after the fact. You licked over your bottom lip and hummed softly trying to look around for a chair. 
Meanwhile, Kakashi had followed you closely and quietly, smirking a little, gently kissing your neck, taking you by the lights and pulling you back into him. You jump a little before you hear his voice and you smiled a little.
“K-Kashi,” you whined softly as you tried to fight your way out of the lights but you were tangled and you didn’t want to mess anything up. “Y-You’re s’posed to be sleeping,” you say as you look over your shoulder and peer at his vague smirk. “What’s that look for? So help me, I’ll force your ass back into bed,” you say with a slight pout.
“Shhh, baby,” he hushed softly as he kissed your neck again, gently allowing his teeth to graze your neck. Then he started to speak again, kisses punctuating every other word. “You know… I did get some sleep though… Right,” he said as his hands made his way to your hips and he pulled you in more. “You’re… Still wearing my clothes,” he said softly as he nipped at your ear.
“Y-Yea so? What about i-it,” you said shakily trying to stifle your soft whimpers. “Why aint you asleep again? Wet dream or something,” you tease before he nodded.
“Actually, yes. It started as nightmares… Then I eased myself back to sleep after reading a book… Then I started thinking about you and I woke up grinding against a pillow,” he said bluntly causing your skin to burn with a practically scalding invisible blush. 
“I-IT WAS A JOKE,” you said as you turned your face away from him to hide as if he could see your blush even if he wanted to. 
“Was it? Oh… Well, I wasn’t joking,” he said softly as he pressed his bulge against you and your legs started to shake a little. “Can you feel it? This is what you wanted.. Right,” he asked as he turned your head to look at him and his vague smirk grew a little less vague. 
“K-Kakashi! B-Behave yourself,” you tried to command as you bit on the inside of your cheek. “D-Dinner should b-be done soon and I have kids that should be back soon… I asked them to pumpkin hunt for me,” you say as you fight your way out of his arms. “Can you please untangle me so I can go check our hotpot,” you ask as you spin on your heel and look at him. He just stands there with a challengingly teasing stare and then he walks over to the couch, tilting his head some. 
“I’m sleepy, baby,” he said in that deep raspy voice he took on when he was both tired and turned on. You were practically dripping just hearing him talk, and as much as you would have loved to hop on him right there, you had to behave yourself. He stared at the fireplace and ran his fingers through his fluffy icy white hair and turned the TV on but had it on mute so you could listen to your music. “Everything looks good though.”
“…. Fine if you wanna be like that,” you grumble before looking around for something and you spot a small cup on the counter. “Substitution Jutsu,” you mumble under your breath, making the hand sign needed just barely before you took the place of the cup and the cup was in the tangle of lights. “You aint gotta be like that,” you say softly as you move to untangle the lights, extremely relieved that the cup was empty. You sighed softly and looked over at where your future husband sat on the couch, just waiting a moment to stare at him. 
He had a pillow in his lap and his breaths were shaky and labored. You should’ve known that he’d take care of it himself, as he wasn’t much of a fighter when it came to things like this. He was too dense to realize when you wanted him and when you didn’t in actuality, and as a result, he never pushed because he never wanted you to be uncomfortable. He was only halfway paying attention to the TV, his eyes fluttering as he bit his lip and rutted his hips up into the pillow. His eyes glistened as he let out a sort of loud moan, his fingers digging into the cushion, his legs trembling a little as he moaned out your name sort of forgetting you were there in the same room as him. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes as he tried to edge himself. You just sat there with butterflies erupting in your stomach, feeling your nipples get a little hard and press against your bra, and without even checking you knew that you were already completely soaked just hearing his smoky tone as he called out for you and only you. 
You pulled yourself out of your trance before going to check on your dinner, catching an earful of Kakashi orgasming on the couch, his breathing stalled as he broke out in a fit of small moans that were a bit whinier than usual and you noticed that they were also a little louder. You bit your lip before looking down at all of the boiled ingredients and sniffed it causing your eyes to water a little. “Goddamn,” you whispered softly as there were excited knocks on the door. “Perfect timing because dinner just finished,” you mumbled to yourself, shaking all of the perverse thoughts out of your head before hopping to the door. “Hey babes,” you say to all of the kids as you kneel down to their height. Each one of the kids carried a big pumpkin and a little one. “Oh my goodness! Look at all of these pumpkins,” you say with teary excited eyes. You thought for a moment before looking over your shoulder at Kakashi who was standing over you with a sort of aloof grin on his face. “You guys can come in for a moment if you want, just to put the pumpkins inside and say hello to Kakashi- Sensei,” you say as the kids start to shovel in your house looking at the pristine festive wonderland in awe.
“Right there in the pantry will be fine,” you say with a soft giggle as you watch them neatly stack the pumpkins. They all give a bow to Kakashi who, in turn, bows back. The other kids bounded outside with giggles of goodbye to play a little bit longer on their way home while two kids lingered back in the house hearing Carol of the Bells playing in your home.
“W-What’s this?” The little girl says softly as she looks over her shoulder at you. 
“Oh this? This is music… I hear you and your friends singing and chanting all the time… But this is a holiday song, actually it’s one of my favorites,” you say with a sheepish grin as you take the girl and her brother by the hand. Here, you guys can take a look around if you’d like,” you say softly as you look over at Kakashi. He just watched with that formal and withdrawn expression he usually carried, pulling his mask up once more around others. You led them into the living room and smiled a little at everything as the two kids looked around the room with dropped jaws.
You twirled the girl and she giggled as she stumbled into you and she looked up at you. You twirled the boy and he laughed softly as he looked around and then you started to sing, his eyes locked on you as you started to dance around with them in the living room.
“Hark how the bells sweet silver bells, all seem to say, throw cares away,” you sing quietly as you dance with the children who were giggling and swaying and with you. Kakashi had heard you singing before but only in soft mumbles, but as he heard you now singing and teaching the song to the children in the room, he felt a pang in his chest, his breath drawn from him, his eyes widening a little as he watched you dancing with the kids in your house. 
“Merry merry merry Christmas, merry merry merry Christmas,” you giggle softly as you sing and the kids mimic you laughing and spinning around the room as you smile wide at the kids and your eyes fall to Kakashi to see if he was irritated or if he wanted you to wrap your little encounter up but you just saw his starstruck eyes absolutely adoring you as you started to dance around with a soft twinkle in his eye, an opaque smile on his face. You grin at him and lift the little girl onto your shoulders, her legs draped over your shoulders as she looked down at you dancing with her brother. Kakashi took the sight in and he sucked in a sharp breath trying to keep himself calm, wishing that these village kids were his own with you as his wife. He looked down at his feet and he listened to the chiming giggles and your soothing singing voice.
“Yeah! It’s just like that sweetheart,” you giggle as you teach the boy some basic footwork that went along with the song, and as most of the shinobi kids did, he caught on rather quickly and he started to sing having caught onto the song quickly. “Hark how the bells sweet silver bells,” you broke out into a fit of giggles before you could even finish the line. You picked the little boy up in the middle of his spin and twirled with them in the middle of the room letting him rest on your bicep. “Say, have you little ones had dinner yet? I think we have more than enough to share,” you say softly as you kiss the side of the little boy’s head and he looked away.
“N-Not yet… B-But we won’t intrude! We’ll get dinner on our o-“
“Nonsense,” you giggle softly as you dance your way into the kitchen with the both of the kids and grab a couple of bowls out of the cupboard. “We’ll feed you… I know you two don’t take too kindly to sleeping in other people’s homes, but just know that if you guys need a place to stay at least through some rain or through the winter or something, our door is always open to you,” you breathed out quietly as you kissed the side of the girl’s head and the little boy’s cheek, spooning a bit of the hotpot into the bowls for the both of them, leaving the heat on simmer. “When’s the last time y’all had a MEAL to eat,” you questioned as you grabbed out two pairs of chopsticks and took them over to the table and set them down in their chairs, their eyes sparkling as they accepted your chopsticks. You gently run your fingers through their hair before looking up at Kakashi. You walk over and lead him over to the table as well, pulling a chair out for him and gently pushing him to sit into it. You walk back to the kitchen, the center of his attention as the kids started to poke around their bowls with salivating mouths. “Well… I m-mean I guess it’s been awhile,” they both whispered before taking small bites. 
Meanwhile, Kakashi’s eyes were locked on you, his eyes sparkling as he watched you make his bowl, his mind running. It raced with how natural you looked with kids, how when you walked he could tell that you could do everything on your own. He adored everything about you, how you don’t look at him like he needs to save you, with how you seem to always have a level head about anything and everything, how selfless and compassionate you were; especially when it came to the kids of the village. He let out a dreamy sigh as you walked back over to him with his bowl and a pair of chopsticks in hand. You giggled softly as you caught onto the gaze realizing this was one of the first times you were able to show him how good you were with kids. You set the bowl in front of him, handed him the chopsticks, hugged him from behind and gently kissed his cheek. “Let me know how everything tastes, alright? I’m not used to making Japanese foods, but I think I’m gettin’ a little bit of the hang of it,” you giggled softly as Kakashi leaned forward. 
“That’s false. She’s an amazing chef,” he ‘whispered’ to the kids and they both giggled and nodded in agreement. Your heart swelled as you squeezed his shoulders gently and made your way back to the kitchen to prepare your own bowl. Like with everything you do, you did it with tact, your eyes glistening as you did so, quickly skipping to the table to meet with everybody else. Like usual, you took your seat next to Kakashi, one of your legs in your lap as you bow a little.
“Itadakimasu,” you whisper softly before stirring everything up, gently scooping up some food and nibbling on it with glistening eyes. “Oh wow… I don’t know how it should taste, but I think this is pretty good,” you say softly as you look at everyone with your friendly grin. Kakashi nodded a little and kissed your cheek gently. 
“Don’t worry, baby,” he said in that seductive tone of his. “This is VERY well done… And in this very… Comfortable home… I could get used to this,” he said with a soft grin, kissing your cheek gently, his hand resting on your inner thigh causing your toes to curl a little and your breath to waver. 
“W-Well… I’m glad you like it, baby,” you say sweetly, kissing his forehead before pushing his head away so he could eat. The kids giggle as they quickly continue to shovel their food in their mouths, mumbling softly with mouthfuls of food in their mouths. “Hark how the bells sweet silver bells,” they managed to mumble before giggling softly. “I’m never gonna stop saying that,” the girl said quietly. You tilted your head a little and bit your lip a little before speaking up, brushing your curly hair out of your face. The glow cast through the home gave your skin a sort of golden aura and Kakashi couldn’t take his eyes off of it. He bit his lip and continued to eat, that same distant expression on his face upon first glance. You looked at the kids and your heart melted at how they teased each other, how they were so close because they didn’t necessarily have anywhere else to go. 
“You both are precious,” you say under your breath as you noticed they were close to finished eating. “Did y’all want some more or are you both good to go?” You stood up and grabbed their bowls and took them over to your sink, grabbing down 2 thermos jars and 4 large mason jars, filling every container to the brim with the remainder of the hotpot.
“I think we’re okay Ms. Hatake-Chan,” the boy said softly as he hopped down and he helped his sister out of the chair. They made their way to the door and you stopped them with frowning faces, kneeling in front of them with the armful of containers you prepared for them. “H-Huh?”
“Do you little ones have names,” you asked softly as you looked at each of them in the eye. They both shook their head and you sighed softly. “Alright… How about you,” you point to the girl. “We call you Lily-Chan because you’re as pretty as water lilies,” you say and that causes her to giggle and play with her fingers. “And you,” you pointed to the boy. “How ‘bout we call you… Sora- Chan, because Sora means universe in Japanese if I’m remembering correctly… And there’s nothing, absolutely nothing, in this universe that’s greater than you,” you say softly as you kiss their foreheads gently and slide the thermoses and the mason jars in their bags. “I hear it’s supposed to be cold tonight, so you guys take care of yourselves,” she said as they both fought back tears. Lily and Sora stood side by side and bowed holding their hands and sniffing quietly.
“Arigato gozaimasu Ms. Hatake- Chan,” they said softly and you picked their heads up to make them look at you. 
“You’re very welcome darlings,” you said quietly as you fluffed their hair and opened the door for them and smiled watching them walk out of your home. You made sure to wait until they were out of eyeshot and then you closed the door and looked over your shoulder at Kakashi who’s arms were crossed as he stared at you. 
“You’re… So… Amazing,” he said slowly as he pulled his mask down and moved his icy white hair out of his face so that you could see him completely. 
“W-Well… I mean… It’s just being a decent h-human being and caring for them kids.. I always do anyways… And it looked like they hadn’t been eating. I didn’t invade space d-did I? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable in your own home either. 
“No no no,” he said softly as he took you by the waist and pulled you closer. “If anything it made me realize that much more how bad I want to have a family with you,” he said before pressing a soft kiss into your plush lips, his tongue wasting no time, swiping over your bottom lip, soft groans escaping his lips. You whimpered softly, gently pushing your hands against his chest, allowing him to have the lead. He pushed you into the door and he bit your lip more rough than he had before. You whined as you ran your hand down his side and his back on down to his thigh, trying to force his leg in between yours. He smirked against your lips, his breathing slow and labored, soft growls threatening to spill out, his eyes halfway opened staring at you. His leg slipped in between yours and you immediately started to grind against his leg, his breathing only picking up a little, his free hand now running up your shirt, unclipping your bra in one slick move, his hand gently groping your chest as he let out low moans. His enthusiastic hand worked at teasing your nipples, his teeth bore at you a little as he watched you grinding needily against his stocky thigh. “You like that? Hm? G-Grinding on Sir’s thigh like that,” he said as he jolted his leg up into your cunnie causing your back to arch as you let out a soft cry. 
“Answer me, baby,” he said softly as he bit his lip, one of his hands moving to grip your neck, his finger squeezing a little as he growled near your ear. “And tell me how much you want me inside of you,” he growled before he bit the shell of your ear causing you to gasp, your core hot as you felt you became even more soaked, your lip quivering to the point that you could barely even answer.
“I-It feels so good, f-fuck~ K-Kakashi,” you whined softly, gripping to his shirt. “Baby!~ F-Fuck- P-Please keep teasing my nipples like that, sir,” you whispered softly looking up at his keen gaze staring into you. “I-I want t-to feel you inside of me,” you whined softly before reaching to kiss him again wanting to feel his satiny smooth tongue in your mouth again. You felt extremely needy, your legs damn near giving out under you. “Baby!” You threw your head back and leaned into him, your hips jolting into him, his eyes glistening as he looked you over. He picked you up and took you over to the couch, tossing you on the couch before crawling on top of you, gripping your neck again and pushing you into the couch as he peered down at you. He started to grind into you wanting your legs to pull him closer, trying to fight through his sensitivity just to please you. He couldn’t wait too much longer, however, lifting the shirt you stole from him, his lips locked around your nipple as he lazily pushed his pants down and he pulled yours down too, one hand kneading your breast as his fingers pushed themselves in between your legs, his slender fingers plunging into your tight dripping hole. Your back arches a little and you let out a loud whine as your legs’s hold on his hips firm a little and he smirked a little, the tips of his fingers stroking against your special spot without any effort from him, and every single time his fingers curled up, your toes curled too, and so did your back. Within minutes, the accuracy of his fingers; the pressure, the stroke of his fingers, the way it swiped right against your sweet spot; had you a babbling drooling mess underneath him and the only thing that you could mumble out was “Sir please,” and “More!” He felt how you clenched around him, slowly and surely losing control of your babbles, whines, and loud moans, already practically crying because of how overstimulated that g-spot of yours it. Your legs were trembling and already you were teetering on the edge of cumming for him, but you wanted to hold out for him. He saw how much you were struggling with just his fingers and with one swift movement you were sitting on his face, one leg hanging off of the couch. 
OH, it’d been awhile since THIS had happened. 
You couldn’t even ask a question or catch your breath before you felt his slick slippery tongue enter you, probing your insides to find that spot you loved to have stimulated so much. Your thick thighs suffocated him practically, but you didn’t care, his shaky breath against your drenched throbbing pussy only added to the feeling. Your back arched with each time his tongue fell flat against your slit and lapped up every single las drop of your juices, pushing hard against your clit before diving deep inside of you once again, sucking you down before cleaning you up again, repeating the process all over again. Each time, your leg jolted, your abs tightened, your nails dug into his thighs- making his cock twitch in his pants just for you- and you threw your head back trying to keep your moans quiet but failing. “K-KAKASHI! P-Please I ca-can’t take a-anymore o-or I’ll go c-crazy,” you whined out loudly as you started to bounce a little on his face, your whole body tremoring as you came over his face and his tongue. He decided that a soft laugh and his teeth gently nipping and tugging at your clit would be perfect for the moment and all you could do was orgasm, your eyes widening before clamping shut, your breaths drawn out, your hips grinding into his face, your hand squeezing and stroking at his bulge causing him to push his airy soft moans into your pussy as his tongue continued to circle and plow at your insides. He loved how it felt to have you clenched around his tongue, and he loved especially how it felt to have your throbbing clit grinding into him, your hand pleasing him as he tongue fucked you. All of his lewd noises made it back to you, his slurping, his moans, and the faint drunken mumbles of your name he managed in between bites and sucks, the way his tongue stirred you up making you practically fall apart on the same couch he pleased you on. At this point, you were still cumming, and you couldn’t stop, but the fact that he wouldn’t let up either was new so you weren’t quite sure how to handle it. Your body tried to jerk away from him, your hips jolting up and away from him, your tears streaming down your face as you mumbled please over and over and over again wanting him to stop but wanting more at the same time. He only responded with a harsh slap to your ass before locking his arms around your waist and holding you down on him while he finished basking in your flavor. You figured the only way to get him to stop was to return the favor, so while he was busy eating you out, you took his cock in your hands, sucking on the plush tip that was dripping with precum already. He let out a soft moan into your cunnie and you felt his back arch under you, his cock twitching in your hands as you swirled your flat tongue around his tip to collect any of the escaping precum, your fingers steady stroking the rest of his length, your fingers feeling out every single vein and detail as you continued to try and jerk your hips away from Kakashi’s face. You couldn’t help but to let your moans and harsh breaths dance on his cock as you pleased him and he pleased you. You completely ate his flavor up, your eyes glistening before they shut and you continued to ride his tongue. You sucked hard, your cheeks hollowing out causing his back to arch even more, his dull nails trying to work into your thighs as you teased him by the inch, your tongue pressing him into the roof of your mouth which drove him absolutely insane. He whined out as his legs jerked a little, his arms not budging with letting you go. 
“Please,” you whine softly. “I-Inside,” you slurred out as you took him all the way down your throat, gagging around him, making sure your throat choked his cock out. His eyes glistened as he looked down at you, gagging and choking on his dick, his hips jolting trying to get in deeper but he couldn’t. It got to the point where you felt you were going to pass out so you stopped and came up for air, your soft whines barely audible to him. You tried your best to hold your noises but you couldn’t, squeaking as he pushed you forward a little. He hugged onto you as he slid himself inside, his lips pushing out his soft shuddery moan into your ear as you arched your back and slowly started to push yourself back on him. He already felt like he was going to pass out just from how well your throat choked his cock out and you couldn’t help but to bury your face into the couch as Kakashi gyrated his strong hips, grinding you into the palatial cushion. You couldn’t help but to push yourself back against him, even the slow pace he was known for about to make you cum again. He reached deep inside of you, and you forced him to go even deeper as you grinded your hips against him. He reached under your hair and grabbed your neck from behind, squeezing gently as he leaned forward again to nibble at your ear, whispering sweetly to you, your eyes barely even able to stay open. You clenching around him made him see stars, practically drooling over you, but while you couldn’t keep it together, he had to in order to drive you all the way to home base with pleasure. 
“Do you l-like it like this,” he whispered quietly in your ear, his labored breaths and soft moans melted into your ear again as he slowed down even more, his hips still strong as he reached inside of you. “H-Hm? A-Answer me, Blossom,” he commanded as he pulled your hips against him and held you in place feeling your slick riding all the way down his cock, his back arching a little. 
“P-Please, Sir,” you whine out quietly barely even able to speak that’s just how braindead you were from how much pleasure you were receiving. “M-More! N-Need… More,” you gasped out and he smirked with a soft hum of approval, his hands gripping the arm of the couch now as his legs became a little more stable and solid, his lips still touching your ear, his teeth nibbling away at the outer shell, his eyes glistening as he edged himself at your expense. You looked over your shoulder at him and he truly looked like a divine icon; the way he started to rock into you, a small bulge forming in your stomach because of it, the way every single one of his muscles flexed with even the smallest move, the way that the candles, fireplace, and the faint light from the TV cast a glow on him that was unmatched, carving his features out more, his body blanketed by a body of sweat, his expression quirked with how well you clenched around him. 
“I want you,” he mumbled softly in your ear, his speech and breathing short and choppy as he pounded into you a bit quicker, not meaning to be as rough as he was. “I w-want to e-expand our family,” he breathed out as his moans became more needy, his hips slapping against yours sloppily. Honestly, this was the fastest he’d ever fucked you, and at this point you were stuck seeing stars with your tongue lolled out of your mouth, your golden glow cast by the lights around you only making Kakashi more aroused. It was obvious that he was way more vulnerable, you could hear it in his moans, feel it in every single movement that he made, you saw it in the way that one of his hands moved from death gripping at the arm of the couch to tenderly slap, tug, and caress your beautiful brown skin. Tendrils of his hair fell just before his eyes, his eyes halfway closed, his body encompassing your own as you both fell into a quick rhythm. Your body was on fire with his next words, your eyes widening and glistening with tears that fell down your cheeks from how good he was making you feel; “I-I want to ma-marry you,” he groaned out in a choked moan before he slowed to an almost stop and he turned your head towards him, gently pressing his lips against yours again, his hand riding your side as he tried to catch his breath, his fingers feeling over your soft stomach, all the way up to grope at your chest so gently, even as your back still arched up into him. You both were a mess of moans, drooling over each other as you tangled your tongues, your teeth nipping at one another gently, your hand on one of his, your eyes now completely closed as he pushed you into the couch more, your clammy bodies trembling against one another before pulling away just to stare at each other.
“Please,” he said softly as he started to pound into you again. “I’m g-going to cum… D-Don’t look away from me,” he said softly, his glazed eyes holding back tears as he gritted his teeth a little. “I want t-to look in your eyes as w-we watch each other… F-Fall apart,” he choked out quietly, towering over you, tilting your head up so that you were staring at him. He fed you sloppy kisses as he pushed against your special spot, and it took another hard clench from you to send him orgasming again, his teeth clamping down on your lip before he pulled away, his eyes rolling into the back of his head, his body quaking and vibrating the whole couch as he allowed his body to tense up, his hips to slam into you one final time, sharply chasing after air that didn’t want to come down, choked moans leaving him, his lips barely brushing against yours as he reached his climax, painting your insides white as they overflowed with his cum. Your own body gave out as you came, pressing your body up against his, your nails digging into his hand, your eyes crossing as you drooled out, screaming out his name, your trembling body falling against the couch as you allowed Kakashi to gently and slowly ride out his high, every single stroke hitting you at a different angle making your body twitch and tingle before you felt him pull out. He watched his cum mix with yours as it spilled out of you and he smiled at the bulge he could feel with his tender fingers as he caressed your body. He laid down behind you, his muscular body now completely relaxed as he just tried to catch his breath. He looked up at the movie playing on TV, spooning you from behind, covering the both of you with the throw that you decorated the couch with earlier. His strong arms made you feel protected, and when you were like this, both of your guards were let down and you let the love that you had for one another protect you both. His fingers danced over your skin and he moved your hair as he gently fed you kisses to your neck, your shoulder, and the top of your back as you absentmindedly played with his fingers and watched the movie that was on TV; which by the way was Home Alone. 
“I meant what I said,” Kakashi chimed sweetly in your ear and suddenly those butterflies were back in your stomach. “I want to marry you, Blossom,” he whispered softly. “I want you to be the mother of my kids… I want to spend the entire rest of my life with you,” he said softly, sounding like he was about to cry. You heard his breath shake and you could tell his sincerity and that made your heart absolutely melt for your man. 
“I would absolutely love to be Mrs. Kakashi Hatake,” you say softly, leaning your head back into his body, your eyes peering at him from below. He looks down at you, a blush nipping at his cheeks as you giggle softly, your hand reaching up to caress his tensed jaw. “And I would love to mother your children… I want you,” you echoed back to him softly, a small smile showing itself as he held your hand against his face. He couldn’t do anything but allow himself to truly fall apart, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he let himself cry quietly, still kissing your shoulder and neck whenever he could. “Aww… My beautiful boyfriend,” you whispered softly, gently playing in his hair as he wept into you, clinging to you, trembling, completely emotional, raw, and vulnerable. You adored that he trusted you enough to show this other side of himself to you, and you also relished in his confessions to you, having never been told such sweet things before. “Is that what you were thinking about when I was taking care of Lily and Sora,” you ask sweetly, smiling at him over your shoulder. He looks up at you with puffy red eyes, smiling just a hint as he nodded at you. 
“It’s just… How you… Always look after people, especially kids I just… I admire it a great deal Blossom,” he said softly as you giggled. “You invited them into your home, and danced around with them… And fed them and gave them food… And opened your home up to them…. I can’t just… Ignore that. Especially because you’re the life of this village,” he chimed softly. “I have never seen these people so hopeful or lively… I have never seen the kids so open to playing outside… I have never seen people support each other here like they do now until you got here and spread a little bit of your magic around… And yet nobody takes care of the village kids… Ever. You love them, I can see that, and they love you too. Every day I have people coming to me; ‘hey can you tell Ms. Hatake-Chan thanks for’ this that or whatever,” he said softly, his eyes peering deep into yours and you tried to fight back your own tears. You didn’t realize how much of a role you played in the village because it didn’t even feel like a chore. It was what came natural to you, and you loved that you could create such a difference in just a couple of years. 
“I’m just doing what I love to do,” you whispered softly as you kissed along his jawline. “I love you so much, Kakashi Hatake,” you say as you lull him to sleep again, not wanting to until he was at ease. You sat up a little and allowed him to use your chest as a pillow, his arms still holding you tight, keeping you close, and you never felt more safe. “You’re my king… And I’m your queen… You’re all mine, nothing’s gonna change that,” you whispered softly as you watched his eyes close. 
“I love you too,” he mumbled sleepily, a small half smile creeping on his face as he slipped off into dreamland and you divided your attention between the movie and your sleeping boyfriend wanting to watch both of them over until you allowed your drowsiness to take over completely.
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annetteblog · 4 years
Intro & My take on KM
I’m new around here so it’s supposed to be (not so short) introduction, since I don’t know how to start a blog heh. I hope to sprinkle my 0.5 cents into the KM conversation and maybe to bring a new perspective from someone, who is not a part of the typical English-speaking West.
Who /the hell/ Am I?  
(please, consider it to be said with NJ’s voice from Intro: Persona :D)
I was born in Siberia (it’s in the Asian part of Russia), currently live in the European part of the country while studying at a Uni (European in terms of geography, not in terms of everything else i’m definitely not shading rn lolllll). English is not my first language, I’ve just kind of learnt it to some extent. Due to this it takes me more time to write a post; and I may (and will) make some grammatical & other mistakes. Plus I’m lazy AND busy with Uni, so I won’t even promise to be consistent in posting smth lol. But I thought I need more practice in terms of writing in English, so here I am, actually scribbling something. This feels weird, because I’ve been around stan Tumblr since 2015, but never ever interacted, just read.
How I ended up around Jikook/Kookmin (and BTS) & My (long&messy) take on this matter
Although I had heard of BTS before, I became an Army only in October 2018. I had kinda avoided them, because you know... boybands.... sing songs about romantic love and how they love girls.......... (+I had been around Twitter when 1D been at their peak and I remember a quite toxic community of fans, whom always had scared me). Shortly, hello stereotypes. Obviously, after I got engaged I felt terribly sorry that I had been sleeping on them, but what is done cannot be undone. 
Someone I knew back then reposted one of their MVs and I, during my sad hours of procrastination, decided to watch it. Then I saw their live performance with the same song. And I thought “wow these guys can sing and dance and the music is kinda cool, i need to check this out maybe??” 
Then a funny thing happened. One of the next videos I watched (the same person had it added to their page) was a 2016 BangtanBomb where JM and JK practiced their Coming of Age dance. 
Do you know this moment with Gina from the 1st episode of Brooklyn 9-9:
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Well, that was precisely me after I watched it. I don’t even know how to explain this, it was kind of a gut feeling? Whatever you call it, I started to get suspicious and couldn’t even explain to myself why. /actually now a do have questions to this vid and the main one - why does everyone cringe that much? if it’s a girly choreo than they had done some “girly” moves before. why is there such strong reaction??/
I started to get deeper and went to some ru-shipper communities. Shipping culture among Russian speaking fans is... well, weird to some extent, but I maybe address this topic some time later. You need to consider that (as far as you probably know) Russia is quite homophonic country and sadly is not the greatest place for LGBTQ+ community at the moment. The non-frienly influential attitudes hanging in the society + the general shippers’ weirdness = the result is not that nice honestly. 
I struggled for some time in order to find more mature people (not just in terms of age but in general sanity), failed, ended up with some EXTREMELY toxic ru-fans of TK, which was/is the most popular pairing here, spent among them like 15 minutes and ran away horrified. After that I didn’t even try to engage with shippers or believers or whatever of any pair and just decided to enjoy the music and the content (which is a great idea, highly recommend!)
After a couple of days I discovered that JK makes videos. I love video, films and visual art so I immediately found them on YT, saw the titles with names of different cities from all over the world and was like “Oh that must be so cool, he’s visited so many outstanding places I’ve never been to, so I really need to watch it! I shall enjoy some beautyyy”. Then I clicked on GCFt.
Well, what can I say. I did enjoy some beauty, but not the type I had initially anticipated. The biggest clickbait in my entire life. JK should be proud of himself.
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                                       /as I said - the beauty/
I had already known Troy back then and I known the song’s lyrics so it would not be an underestimation to say - the video just blew my mind. I was like - hold on is this real? seriously?? no really really????? he manage to get away with something THAT obvious?????? dude how
As a person who edited videos AND is not a native English speaker, I don’t buy the explanation “oh he mustve didnt get the lyrics lmao”. You just don’t do that. You don’t. DON’T. You google and translate every shit you don’t understand, every word and idiom you’ve never encountered, because otherwise the possibility of an epic failure is very likely. You wouldn’t want to give your mum a video as a birthday present and then discover that you used a song with WAP-ish lyrics, right? (well maybe that would be okay in your family, I don’t judge, but that’s not the case for people I know). So don’t you dare to degrade JK’s intellectual capacities; such assumption is really offensive. He is a smart boii, he knows exactly what he’s doing in terms of his art.
So I was shocked, but decided to look for the context - maybe I missed some previous events regarding this Tokyo thing (another great idea - always check the context). Well, apparently I didn’t, because the whole narrative with the trip for two, lovely selfies etc. made my poor brain lowkey explode. (I still don’t buy the rings theory thing though)
But I didn’t give up lol! I’m a bit stubborn and it’s very hard to convince me in anything, so I decided to search for more context, more of their interactions, moreeee. Remember, the late October 2018, there were no swan lakes, RB, and even MMA18 hadn’t happened yet. 
This time I ended up watching content in more or less consistent way, and when I saw all of these scenes with affectionate JM and a cool badass i-don’t-care-about-anyone-i’m-a-manly-man-with-no-feelings-whatsoever JK, I just hysterically laughed. 
Homophobic Russia, remember? I recognized this. Growing up here being LGBT myself, taught me the same type behaviour during my high school days. When a girl I kinda liked but didn’t what to admit it to myself was nice to me or (oh god) flirted with me, I did something similar. It’s like a huge panic mode. Being an introvert doesn’t help either. The funniest thing is that you may not entirely realise what exactly is going on in terms of your own feelings, especially at that age (16-18ish). In my personal case, I thought I liked her but as a friend, only later to realise that well not as a friend oops :DDD The second thing (already not so funny) is that you actually consciously or unconsciously try to avoid the subject as much as possible, as long as possible and pretend that nothing is going on. We’re just bros. Stop doing this stupid gayish thing and don’t look at me like that, you’re annoying. If you ever do this again I (gently) kick you. I’m straighter than a straight line in my math textbook. IDK, but probably that’s your brain is somehow trying to protect you. Again, in my case&position I knew that the consequences for any non-straight person being outed would be bad (TW not to the point of being killed bad, but to the point of being excluded from a big part of society). So for me it was a mixture of the internalized homophobia + lack of self reflection + just being a bit emotionally slow + very! straight community around. Shit happens, I was a teenager and made my share of mistakes, but that experience helps me to recognize the same pattern of behaviour up to this day.   
So coming back to KM, because the post is already waaay too long and I just ramble. It’s been 2+ years for me being a part of this fandom, and what can I say... Things become more intense and eventful with every year passing by ;) Funny how I felt that vibe from the 2016 dance practice video. Seeing the Black Swan performance a week ago almost had me choked, no joking. They are amazing.
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                                                    Pure Art
However, and I would like to emphasize that, I do not incline that KM are 100% romantically involved and/or gay or whatever. I tend to treat people with respect and not to make too much assumptions about their private life. That’s not my business. However, I’m also not a fan of heteronormativity, so I’m just sitting here and observe everything that’s going on putting some distance and not forgetting being generally polite and critical thinking. But if they are just straightest besties please give them an Oscar before Grammy
Anyways, I hope this blog won’t kick the bucket from the very start and I will post something every now and then. You can always ask me questions about some BTS/Jikook related stuff or something about Russia and a Russian view on mass culture topics, since I’m pretty sure some of you have very stereotypical view of what is going on here :) However, do note that I’ve never been to America or Europe, therefore I may not be aware of something verrrry obvious to you or just have a completely different experience. 
P.S.  And yeah, I’m used to say Jikook, since it’s the name which is used much more frequently in Russian.  i like it better and what will u do haha
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redsector-a · 3 years
AO3 Ask Game
I was tagged by @themarshalstale which, thank you so much! I feel like I always get missed on these (I know why, it’s been 84 years since I published anything but still). 1. How many works do you have on ao3?
46 it seems. Which...look I’m slow man so that’s not surprising. lol Also crippling depression does not make for much production, at least for me.
2. What’s your current AO3 wordcount?
309662 according to the stats.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
So do I could only AO3 or in like life? lol I suppose it should only be on AO3 since this is an AO3 ask game. Hrm. Basically AO3 can be summed up as: Marvel (in several iterations - all Avengers related) Torchwood Highlander But isn’t it more fun to consider my entire fandom life, which, I’m sorry, I’m old so...yeah. Not all of this is was published and beyond that a lot is not available anymore...which is likely for the best. Highlander Star Wars Babylon 5 Ronin Warriors/Samurai Troopers Marvel (again, several iterations also of note Avengers and X-Men both count) Torchwood Star Trek LOTR Stargate (SG-1, SGA) Mortal Kombat I dabbled with the idea of Potter fic but never got past the ideas stage.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1: You rearrange me till I’m sane Clint finds himself spiraling into a deep depression after the Battle of New York...until the Winter Soldier ends up saving him and inadvertently giving him a new purpose – to save the man that the Soldier had once been – Bucky Barnes. Not one to be outdone, the Soldier decides that his new mission is to ensure that Clint remains alive himself. Protecting a blonde man with a self-destructive streak is somehow very familiar to him. Through the back and forth of who is saving whom they cross the country and learn more about themselves and each other – and perhaps find a reason for living. 2: Five Dates Bucky Didn’t Realize He Was on And the One He Planned Himself To say that Bucky was surprised when Clint kissed him was an understatement. But it was nothing compared to the shock he felt when he learned they'd been dating for months without him realizing it.Clint gets whisked away for a mission before they have time to talk and Bucky is left to figure things out on his own - hindsight being 20/20 he can't help but wonder how he missed things the first go around.
3: Puck Luck Bucky Barnes is used to the ups and downs of an NHL season. He's used to the unpredictability of the game, knows that bounces don't always go your way, but that doesn't make a broken hand in the final third of the season any easier to deal with. Especially not when he ends up with an impromptu roommate/personal assistant in the form of one Clint Barton - his agent, Natalia Romanova's (rather attractive) friend he hadn't known existed before his injury.
It's just for six to eight weeks - what could possibly happen in that span of time?
4: Loose Lips Launch Ships
Based on the following prompt: “We go to school together and I think you’re cute and apparently you’re also the pizza delivery guy and my little sibling opened the door screaming hey sibling! you know that kid you’re in love with? you really weren’t kidding when you said his jawline could cut steel holy shit-” Bucky is the pizza delivery guy. Clint's younger (foster) brother has a big mouth.
5: Indelible Bucky Barnes has a pretty decent life – a good job, good friends, a cat that adores him - but something is missing. He’s always found body art to be beautiful and inspiring, and on a whim (and with the hope that maybe he can find what he’s missing) he decides to take the plunge and get a tattoo. That's how he meets Clint Barton. Clint's talented and compassionate and there is an instant spark between the two of them. It's not long before Bucky finds himself wondering and wanting more from the relationship despite the ghosts of the past that crop back up. Because Clint makes him feel normal in a way he truly hasn't for years...
(this was pre-Alpine so I was totally chuffed when canon confirmed Bucky’s status as a crazy cat lady (affectionate).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not.
I really really really want to do it but I often times don’t end up doing it. There are a few reasons. First, I am akwward AF and bad at interaction adn I feel like just saying thank you would be...not enough? Second - I often times tend to like...turtle (aka retreat into myself) when life gets Too Hard/Busy which happens a lot to me (sigh) and then I miss the vague window in my mind in which it would be okay to respond and then it’s even more weird. I do love and cherish all of them. Like there was one months ago that made me go “hmm...I didn’t think I was going to do a sequel to that fic (You rearrange me till I’m sane), timestamp glimpses sure but a sequel hadn’t come to mind” but then the comment made me think! So...who knows? lol Anyway, I literally have been rereading some in an effort to try and get myself going again. Know that if you have commented, I love you.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
At the moment? Probably: Look at you look at me Bucky's in love with Clint - problem is he's really not supposed to be. For Winterhawk Week 2019 - Forbidden Love (I really don’t want to give away the spin in the fic but...if you’re familiar with the Secret Avengers Vol 2 run circa 2013ish (aka when SHIELD initially ‘took control of the team’) that’s a bit of a hint as to the spin). Were it done, Torch Song would be up there. ;) Torch Song Clint is sent back in time, via an alien device, to 1938. While he tries to figure out how to get back home, he takes up singing and entertaining to make ends meet and does his best to not disrupt the timeline.Then he meets a 21 year old Bucky Barnes. --- A torch song is a sentimental love song, typically one in which the singer laments an unrequited or lost love, either where one party is oblivious to the existence of the other, where one party has moved on, or where a romantic affair has affected the relationship.
7. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Does *wanting* to write crossovers count? lol I want, so badly, to do more crossovers and fusions (which...are kinda deeper versions of crossovers in a way). The only one I do have posted is a crossover between Highlander and Torchwood -
The Immortal Mr. Jones A series of vignettes (some long, some short) in the life of the newly immortal Ianto Jones. My most ambitions project that I have been working on since late 2011/early 2012 is a fusion of the Avengers with Stephen King’s the Stand. I will get that done at some point *shakes fist*  The Stand, for those who don’t know it, is an epic 1000+ page novel about a flu epidemic (I know) that wipes out over 99% of the population and then two figures representing Good and Evil pull the survivors in two directions for a showdown. So basically it’s a non-powered modern AU set in that universe. It’s a passion and comfort project. lol
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes. Well, minor bitching back when I was in a prior fandom because I tagged a pairing in a fic but it was pre-slash and not labeled as pre-slash. I got hate on...I think it was Torch Song? And I’ve gotten hate on tumblr re me and my fic in general as well. Fandom! *jazz hands* Oh! And I’ve also been hit by those reviewers within Winterhawk (among general Clint pairings actually) who like rate you on either number scales or the “meh” scale. Which isn’t hate exactly but...it’s passive aggressive bullshit because I can’t believe none of them realize at this point that the authors can see their bookmarks - you know?
9. Do you write smut?
Yes. Do I write it well? I have no idea. lol
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of. Well...there was, I think, one of those reposting sites that had a few fics on it but I don’t think it was being passed off as someone else’s? I can’t quite recall. It’s why I have a note on AO3 about reposting my work anyway.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not entirely, but sort of. Let me explain - I am part of a PBEM game; which for those unfamiliar since it’s a term that was most heavily in use 15-20 years ago, in which you basically do a round robin type writing thing but rather than everyone writing the same characters you write your own characters and you play off what other people have done. Another way of looking at it is  it’s basically DnD without dice and written down rather than done out loud. You also don’t have to all be around at the same time. It’s a lot of fun and yes I have been in it for 20 years even though there aren’t many of us left but they are some of my dearest friends and fabulous writers. Wins all around.  One of the other writers and I have actually toyed with the idea of doing a co-written fic actually, mostly because we work super well together and keep getting ideas for things but can’t really do them as rpgs since the pbem style isn’t used much anymore.
12. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Winterhawk probably. Though, let’s be real - Han & Leia are epic and amazing as are John & Delenn (from Babylon 5).
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Does wanting to expand The Black Stallion books as a wee child count? lol Not much of that was written save for world building ideas but there was a great oral tradition of telling stories to my friends. Otherwise...maybe a tie between Star Wars and Highlander. Star Wars was a love since I was super young but the writing bug didn’t hit me until around the same time Highlander was a thing as well.
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? You rearrange me till I’m sane for sure. Though Torch Song, if it were finished, would be tied I imagine (I suck at picking favorites). Honorable mention to Puck Luck and Indelible. Tagging: I have seen this like a million times (okay 5) so I feel like everyone has been tagged already that I know. But...I guess... @vexbatch @crazycatt71 @heartonfirewrites and @disruptedvice sorry if anyone has been tagged before.
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guileheroine · 3 years
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a sky full of song, chapter one
Korra, princess of the Water Kingdoms, receives a gift from her blacksmith friend on the auspicious winter festival / Korrasami royalty AU / ao3 / My piece for the @korrasami-valentine-exchange (assignment: Date A) (reposting with cover!)
“The wedding of the Earth Prince, yes, on the solstice. But it’s an opportune moment for a longer tour, we don’t want to waste the journey. I’m afraid your father can’t afford it, and before you ask, I’ve been conferring with your mother’s office. And frankly, I’m loath to request it of her after…
Councillor Panak trailed off as Korra hurried him along with a gesture of the hand. He pushed his eyeglass up his nose and took her eye seriously. “To the point, then—what do you say?”
Korra was tapping her foot under the meeting table. Prince Wu, if she recalled, was equally as intolerable as old Hou-Ting, the spirits bless his poor betrothed. But the prospect of a fortnight around the Earth Kingdom, with its delicious fare and diverse landscapes… that made her much more amenable to the whole idea.
“Around the solstice, huh? Alright. Why not.” It was a way off. She had time to arrange her retinue and her schedule as efficiently as possible for maximum enjoyment.
“…That means a tour to the Earth Empire in the spring—or summer, if Her Royal Highness prefers it?”
“Oh, spring,” Korra said in a rush. “Spring. I’m not sure I can do Earthen summers.”
Panak smiled quite kindly at that, and nodded at his scribe to jot it down. Korra returned his smile. They really were getting along better. It was nice. This meeting was also stretching much farther into the evening than she had understood it would.
The Lotus Guard at the doorway didn’t so much as blink as she pushed the heavy door open and went out. He was one of the older men, having been here long before the war, and quite accustomed to her ways.
Once Korra was out in the foyer, she raced. Her quarters, and her next appointment, were in the other wing of the palace, but she had promised to go see her mother first for a few minutes before the Queen went to bed. The winter sun was long gone; all the windows she skipped past were dark, torchlight gleaming on the icy sills. In the halls, on the other hand, the air was bright as frost, festive. She wove around decorators from all over Agna Qel’a hanging new crystalwork along the old bead tapestries and tying berry wreaths around the tall pillars. Down the stairs, in the main hall, the humongous fires that burnt uninterrupted over the winter lit the place generously. As she sped through, headed for the opposite staircase, Korra caught the eye of one of the housekeepers.
“Mina! Mina, are you busy?” She took the girl’s arm, whose eyes goggled, alarmed only at the princess’s sudden appearance but unperturbed by her familiar ways. “Could you go to the kitchen and send for some tea to my apartment? Milk and honey for me—and some of whatever black blend is left, what my blacksmith friend likes. They’ll know. Thank you!”
When she turned to continue, she was immediately waylaid by one of the ice sculptors.
“Your Highness! A moment.”
Just a moment to breathe was exactly what it took for Korra to finally notice the centerpiece of the hall: an elaborate sculpture-fountain of Yue. The moon and ocean spirits hovered above each of her hands, water pouring in gentle arcs out of their gaping mouths.
Korra’s father was pulling out all the stops for Yue’s Day. She knew, for her part, that it was a private gesture for the Queen, newly returned from a long diplomatic engagement with the northern Air court. Korra stood at attention for the sculptor, whose fingerless gloves allowed him to bend with especial precision.
“Should her hair run—” he said, bending Yue’s locks of ice into free-flowing rivulets, “or stand arrested?” Another curl of his palm froze them again.
“Freeze them. More volume!” Korra said, thinking of her mother, who always grumbled about her limp hair. Then she was on her way to the Queen’s chambers, and then her own.
“I got your tea. Hi, princess.”
Korra’s blacksmith friend took a pointed sip when she finally entered her drawing room. Asami’s smirk was hidden behind the glassy cup, and her hair was wet. One of Korra’s towels was slung over the back of her seat—one of the nice ones with the finely embroidered monogram.
“Asami. Sorry I’m late!” Korra slumped onto her divan, sending one of the cushions flying onto the carpet. “It’s good to see you.” She took a moment to catch her breath before picking the cushion up, sitting comfortably and grasping for the tray on the table.
“Don’t worry about it,” Asami said, moving the cup from her mouth, the smirk finally melting off. She pushed the tray into Korra’s reach. “I’m done for the day. A couple of the apprentices are closing up shop for the very first time.” Her brows waggled.
“Impressive! But still, thanks for coming. I know you’re working hard.”
“We had an appointment, right? And—” Asami grinned and stretched, pulling her warm wools tighter around her “nothing like the thought of a royal shower at the end of the day to get you through it, you know?”
Korra rolled her eyes. The staff knew to let Asami into Korra’s apartments, and even if she could tell they were a little reticent about her using the princess’s bath and vanity, they of course said nothing. The dogs more or less dragged Asami in through the gates every time she came by the palace, and by order of the princess, they were the ones that decided things in her absence.
Asami scrutinised the tray from the kitchen carefully before picking out a little moon pastry. “How was your meeting?” She took a bite, attentive both to the pastry and Korra.
“Looks like I’m going on tour to the Earth Kingdom in the spring,” Korra told her. She wasn’t surprised to see Asami’s brow spring up, and her taste-testing pause.
“What, all over?”
It was a town in the Earth Kingdom that Asami originally hailed from, before she travelled to the Fire Empire with her father, an innovator in the art of war. After the war’s end and the subsequent reunification of the Water Kingdoms, the newly humbled Sun Emperor had gifted King Tonraq an ancient forge for the royal armoury as a token of good faith and cultural exchange. Korra remembered how it had taken several pulleys, and days, for it to be transported into place in one of the main avenues in the city. They had set up a house around it for a new smith to eventually train locals in the foreign art. Asami—skilled as a metalworker, but bereft of a livelihood and a family after her father’s foundries were shut down—had decided to venture north to start afresh. She vied for the position and won it handily.
Korra glanced at her long. “You could come with me, you know. Take a vacation, if you manage to get this new shop set up in time. I’m sure you’ve trained all your underlings well.”
“We’re getting there,” Asami said vaguely. “But I’ll keep it in mind.”
Korra was musing, recumbent with her feet up now. “I must warn you, t’s for the wedding of the Queen’s nephew. They’re a lot stuffier in the Earth kingdom. All the pomp and pageantry,” she clarified. “I’m not looking forward to that part.”
“I’ll bet.” Asami gave her a sympathetic smile.
Sitting pretty in formal assemblies, she did not enjoy. Peace was harder than war, in a lot of ways. At least it was for Korra, who had been right at home as a strategist commanding the bending battalions in the few Fire Empire skirmishes that had reached the north. Or as a captain fending off the marauding warlords and shaman-kings in the southern fiefs who took advantage of the chaos to arouse the spirits and stage deadly rebellions. Her leadership, covert though it was, had played no small part in subduing the northern theater and paving the way for all the ancient Water tribes to be reunified under Agna Qel’a and her father’s leadership. The lasting peace of the years since had proven they were stronger together. Just as it had proven that the Princess’s patience for peacetime bureaucracy needed a good deal of practice.
“You should come. We’ll do you up as my retainer so you get a salary. I might need you to keep me straight.”
Asami was good at that, blowing off steam after long, boring days. The mellowness of the warmth, nothing like that of her forge, evened Korra’s mood like little else.
“Oh, so you want me to drop everything and trail you around as a handmaiden?”
Korra scoffed, embarrassed. “Well, don’t put it like that.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Asami sat up. “An Earth royal wedding, huh? Think they’ll let me in?” She picked at the cushion in her lap.
“They will if I have anything to say about it.” Korra yawned. “It’ll be my turn soon enough.”
“How’s your mother?” Asami said, following her train of thought seamlessly—it was always the queen that pestered Korra about finding a match, good-natured but more earnest than she ever realised she was appearing.
“Sleeping. She had a long journey back from the Northern Air Temple. Dad’s happy, though. Just casually planning her a ball this weekend for Yue’s Day.”
“Hey, is that what that business down in the hall is?” Some forgotten curiosity clearly jolted Asami. “There were all these new kayaks moored around the drawbridges when I came through, too.”
Korra nodded, while tentative recognition continued to filter into Asami’s expression. It was easy to forget Asami had been here nary a year. But she had, and it had been a busy year too, with little time for exploration, per her own frequent complaints. “You know about it, right?” When Asami shrugged evasively, Korra explained, “It falls on the day of the first full moon after the winter solstice. Yue was a princess of legend—our ancestor, apparently—who became the moon spirit.”
Asami sat forward. She loved tales like this, and listened to them like she was being entrusted a secret.
“We’ve celebrated it as long as anyone remembers, but the festival is supposed to usher good fortune and fertility. I think that’s why it became a couples thing.” Korra didn’t think much of that. “But, well, the idea is to spend the evening under the full moon, which is why all the kayaks are out. Really, everyone just needs an excuse to liven up the winter!”
“That I understand,” Asami said wryly, ill accustomed to the polar night. “Yeah, I went to the market in town to pick up some new gloves and they had stalls and stalls of new fare. Jewelry, wind chimes, furs.”
Korra sat up, conspiratorial. “I bet at least one of your new proteges will sneak you a little gift. I get messages every year. Mostly upstarts, but some cute ones, too.”
When Asami had first been appointed as the blacksmith, Korra was uncertain what a girl her age was doing heading up an official royal undertaking like that, with all its bells and whistles. When she arrived at a welcome dinner with her family, Korra found her altogether too precious, and definitely not deserving of the private summons and the White Lotus escort. Especially not when the whole rigmarole was keeping Korra from her planned retreat to the kennels for the evening, where, in the end, the strapping night guards were giggling and blushing about the new blacksmith.
At her father’s behest, Korra had put on her most functional anorak and taken Asami some cakes, conserves and newly dried jerky from the palace a couple weeks after their meeting. He insisted it was a part of the Princess’s duty to look after someone in their employ so new to the land—a girl her own age no less. Down in the city, the townsfolk were pleased to see Korra as she made her way to the workshop, but no one made a fuss (unless they were young and excitable already), unlike what she had heard of the other Kingdoms, larger and loftier as they were. She wondered if Asami the Blacksmith liked that about here, or found it lacked decorum, as Korra knew some folk abroad definitely did.
Asami had a study above the forge, from which she dealt with its administration, and living quarters on the next storey. These were yet lonely and sparse, but not completely devoid of homely touches, as though she would have spruced them up if she only had the opportunity. Korra noticed well-kept shrubs and a vivid landscape on the wall; then Asami came and curtseyed deep and pulled off her apron.
She was willowy and beautiful under the gear and the soot (over it, too, to be honest), which endeared and repelled Korra in fairly equal measure, ultimately leaving her as indifferent as ever.
“My parents and Lord Arnook want to know how you’re getting on.” Lord Arnook was the esteemed keeper of the royal armoury, and he liked Asami just as much as everyone else did.
A flicker of sadness—shame?—crossed her face, then she put her hand on the table. “Won’t you sit? Your Highness. Let me bring you something hot first.”
Asami lit the fire in the blink of an eye and stoked it without watching, like it was the back of her hand. She had some bread in the pantry, over which she spread the aqpik jam Korra had delivered her. Korra watched her as she boiled the water. Her skirt was heavy, probably to insulate from the heat and cold alike, but it fell flatteringly from her height; and her long hair, which had flown in waves in a foreign style at dinner, was pinned into a practical bun. She made a sharp, fragrant tea she had brought from the continent. Her eyes lit up unexpectedly when Korra bent her own cup to cool it.
“Ah, I love seeing that,” she cooed. “I suppose I’m still not used to it. The other elements don’t bend like that. And I hear you have great skill.”
Korra’s own smile came too quick for her to suppress. “Who told you that, the King?” Then she regarded her keenly. So, how are you… Do you need anything? Do the men from the quarry treat you okay?”
“Oh, everyone here is… They’re very warm. Makes up for the chill,” Asami laughed.
It was a line so hackneyed that gritting through it was itself a country-wide inside joke. But this calm and rosy girl injected fresh, charmless charm into it. Maybe everything was charming if someone this winsome did it. After that, Korra softened considerably.
“They are,” she replied, with no small amount of pride. A sudden shame crept up her chest, that she probably couldn’t count herself among those nice people that had made Asami feel welcome.
Then Asami swallowed and the colour of her voice changed. “I miss my home, though. I know this job is more kindness than I deserve, after what we did but… It is a little lonely here.” She confirmed what Korra had already deduced, mostly because she knew the feeling all too well. “I guess I just don’t have a lot of time to go and make friends after work.”
Korra didn’t doubt that; it was hard, physical work. The one or two times she’d witnessed it, the clang rang in her ears for hours afterwards. She wouldn’t have pegged a girl like this for it. Asami reminded her more of some of the young ladies she knew from her old classes, when all the children around the court would be dumped into the royal healing hut together for some hands-on learning.
“Have you been beyond the city yet? The land out there… that’s our land. This is just a fortress.”
“Oh, I’ve been wanting to,” Asami said, wistful. “Pretty sure I can’t go on foot though.”
“Well, if… if you don’t know anyone else, I could take you. I have the best dogs in the Four Kingdoms.”
Before the month was up, Korra had sent a commission to the Queen’s personal seamstress for some sealskin gloves and winter-grade furs. She gifted them to Asami on her birthday. “You need these anyway, I think, but you’ll definitely need them where we’re going.” And that night, Korra took her to see the aurora.
There was a hamlet a few miles north of Agna Qel’a where Korra knew the elderly chief and had asked her for passage to an outcrop in their territory, after divining the well kept secret that it was one of the prime spots for watching the sky dance. Asami, enchanted, never took her eyes off it—so unflinching that Korra almost began to feel envious of the lights.
It became a routine. Korra knew every inch of her realm. If a diplomatic mission sent her to one tribe or settlement, she would be sure to take a day or two exploring the local country before she returned to the capitol. It had been a great boon when the southern tribes first came under their stewardship. The Princess spent time in every village, took interest in their land and in their lore; met challenges of the wilds and the weather with hunger, and any unknowns thereof with abiding curiosity. She knew what to wear, which sled or boat to take. When to find the rarest whale pods before they went south; where the starriest cliffs were, and the sunniest lakes.
All of which impressed Asami a great deal, and that made Korra happier than most things. And no worse were the days they spent in her apartments going over the sordid palace gossip, or in her apartments tracing old scars by lamplight, healing them word by gentle word.
On Yue’s Day, Korra stopped by to see various palace aides located around the city with customary gifts. In a castle town, there were plenty with such connections, and she relished the ruddy smiles, quick drinks, and flustered curtsies she received in turn. She saved Asami for last, because Asami had asked for some time together. Korra entered the smithy by the front, her senses clogging with immediate heat. Two of the apprentices were there: one of them gaped while the other barely blinked.
“Asami? I come bearing punch… and those moon pastries you like!”
She commenced the usual ritual of announcing her presence over the steam and noise while peeling off all but a couple of her layers, when Asami emerged out of the back. She was squeezing her hands together in excitement.
“No, no, no, don’t,” she urged, a gleam in her eyes like the blades that hung behind her, “we’re going somewhere.”
A few minutes later, they were walking along the main canal under the sparkling lights, milling through the townspeople. A fresh drift crunched beneath their boots. In a few more, they were alighting one of the kayaks in the dock.
Asami faced her and paddled like a natural; and naturally, Korra gaped.
“Do not tell me you haven’t done this before!”
Asami’s tongue stuck out in concentration as she suppressed a giggle, but her limbs moved with finesse. “Just the once. So far. Don’t be distracting me.”
“I won’t let us capsize,” Korra assured her.
Eventually, Asami settled into her rhythm, and the canal carried them out of the city, past all the lights. The banks of glass-cut brick gave way to a more jagged channel littered with pack ice at its mouth, floating blue and still. Korra gripped the edge of the kayak, not for any physical comfort. A crackling anticipation, and an unnameable fondness both, were welling and welling in her with every mundane word they shared.
When they disembarked on the lake’s other edge, the ice was landfast: a ghostly field glowing under the full moon.
Korra knew this place, but she had scarcely been here in the middle of winter, when the ice field extended endlessly, as vast as the sky. As they tramped across the snow, she began to wonder what Asami’s surprise was. There wasn’t much for a mile in any direction.
“We should sit for this,” Asami said, pointedly ignoring Korra’s prying questions.
The wind had kicked the snow up into berms along the field. Korra froze one so it was sturdy enough to perch on. Then Asami took her pack, and pulled out some plain tubes of parchment; nothing Korra would have looked at twice, although she didn’t know what they were.
“What’s in there?” She said.
“Some of my metals, some of my salts,” Asami replied enigmatically, almost sing-song. “Wait here.”
She heaved herself off the berm, ran several yards towards the horizon and stooped. She planted the tubes, and did something else Korra couldn’t see, though she thought she recognised the bright filigree on the cover of the pocket matchbook Asami carried everywhere.
When Asami had trundled back and sat again, Korra crossed her arms and laughed, bemused, her humour ebbing. “Are you going to tell me what’s going—”
Korra gasped, startled out of her words. She would have fallen from the perch if Asami didn’t catch her around the waist, giggling blithely all the while—
A wheel of light bloomed in the sky like a flower, dazzling and surreal. All the colours of the aurora—except they were peals of crystal fire, pouring out like diamonds before disappearing into the smoky air. Another wheeled up after it with a strange whirr, before it exploded into a glittering shower, and more in succession.
They reminded Korra of the spirit hales in the heart of the wilds, and even deeper in a buried memory, of the Fire explosives some of the raiders had once set off on the Southern Sea. Except these were brighter—and safer, because Asami had made them.
Korra looked to her when they had died, beaming under the mitten that covered her mouth in shock. “Are there more?”
To her eternal delight, there were more. New flowers sprouting on the celestial vault, they would be burned in her memory forever.
“They’re no aurora,” Asami said, while Korra scoffed and slung her arms around her, huddling for the cold and the buzz. Under her embrace, and half her weight, Asami looked chuffed. “But I thought they might liven up your night.”
Korra cupped her earmuff, then her cheek. “Thank you. This is the best day I’ve had all winter.”
Asami’s pyrotechnical skills didn’t even surprise her, but that could hardly diminish the sheer majesty, and novelty, of the display. Even minutes later, Korra could hardly believe what she had seen.
“Well, I couldn’t let you be the only show-off around here.” Asami smiled. Then the smile dropped from her eyes and she hesitated, like she couldn’t let that sit for an explanation. “Korra. I wanted to do something special. You’ve made me feel at home here in a way I never imagined. And I’m just a smith, from the Fire Empire!”
Korra felt her eyes water and blinked the tears back quickly, because they would ice and sting in the bitter air. She bit the smile off her lips. “You’re not just anything. You’re a terrific handmaiden.”
She snorted as Asami shoved her off and reached for her pack again.
“One more thing. I thought it might be too smokey for this after all those incendiaries, but it’s worth a shot anyway.”
This time Korra recognised the device she emerged with. It was made of two cylinders, and the mechanism that held them together spun smoothly like the spokes of a wheel. She handed it to Korra, who held the spyglass up.
A field of stars materialised. Korra held her breath.
The stars were luminous at the poles, but she had never seen them like this, and for the first time they felt close enough to touch, invoking a bracing, irrepressible wonder. In silence, she gazed.
“The moon spirit leads all the stars out tonight, right?”
Asami had done her research. Korra turned back to her. “So they say.” She hooked her arm through Asami’s, and held her hand. With the spyglass still to her eye, she let her head fall against Asami’s bundled shoulder.
“Tired, princess?”
Korra rustled her breath, long-suffering. “Why do you call me that!”
The way Asami said it—like it was something of her own decree, and not that of ten thousand years of tradition and some profoundly sacred doctrines. There was a sweet and strange tug in Korra’s belly whenever it happened, and this time, tonight, it lingered longer than ever.
“‘Cause you’re a piece of work,” Asami said, trying to interlace their thick, mittened fingers, which required some effort.
Tentatively, Korra turned the spyglass to the moon herself. She winced— it glared straight back, too bright. Maybe another night, when it wasn’t Yue’s Day.
Yue’s Day. She now held the thought delicately in her chest, as if she wanted to guard it from the wind and chill. If Asami loved her—were to love her—there were several reasons not to say it. They both knew them, whether they had turned them over consciously or not.
But the risk of showing was low. And the reward, as her own euphoric mood tonight proved, was magnificent.
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ryuichirou · 3 years
Hi Ryu, i love you and your art always make my day 😊💕 i was curious so I showed up in your asks...but I'm wondering how you feel about the neverending hate between eruri and ereri fans? Are you like a parent who just sighs when seeing their kids constantly bickering?
Also I wanted to know how you're doing after the whole reposting-without-permission-because-they-like-ereri twitter shitfest?
You're one of the rare pokemon who likes both pairings and its honestly because of YOU that I've grown to appreciate both ships. So thank you 😊💕
Hi Anon! Thank you very much for loving my art <3 And for this ask too!! Thank you for enabling me to talk about it lol
To be completely honest with you, we don’t really feel ourselves fully as a part of either Ereri or Eruri community, so I wouldn’t say that we look at them like parents with their kids bickering. But still, it’s disappointing to see them fight, because it’s such a huge waste of time and energy that creates nothing but animosity towards people who think differently or prefer other things. As a result, shipping both of these ships makes you an outsider for both of these communities, and this is exactly why we aren’t really a part of either of them: it’s hard to be a part of the community when you can always feel a “oh so you’re a part of those people” hanging somewhere in the air.
Shipwars are annoying, and this one is especially tiring because it’s been going on for like 8 years already. I don’t know why it is so difficult for people to understand that there isn’t one superior ship, both of them are good in their own way and neither of them is canon. And even if one of them were canon, it wouldn’t make it a better ship??? Who the fuck rates ships anyway??? You like it – great, you don’t – good, just don’t be an asshole about it, why the fuck do we need to have this constant feeling of “oh I’m above you because I don’t ship Levi with Eren” and “oh I’m above you because Eren didn’t treat Levi like shit”??? Do we really need this “Eruris are pretentious fucks who believe their ship is canon” vs “Ereris are loud brats with problematic yaoi stuff”? Are we really that bored with our own beloved ships that we can’t feel any love for them without constantly shitting on each other? Dedicate your time to something productive, or is your own ship that boring to you that you don’t really want to waste time on it? That’s my only guess.
Yeah, there are assholes. Mute/block them and move on if what they say annoys you so much. There’s no reason to go in the comments to argue – they most likely won’t listen. People who want to listen present their thoughts in a different manner.
Sorry, I got heated here for a moment. To be fair, I see more and more people trying to at least be tolerable towards others, but I still think that it’s shitty that people judge your entire persona based on what you like and what you draw.
And aw, thank you for wondering about how we’re doing after that whole debacle <3 For those who don’t know: a person on twi reposted my drawing and said that they won’t credit the artist because we’re Ereri (+ because we have them blocked for talking shit about Ereri). Aaand understandably we kind of got upset by this situation, because apparently if an artist draws Ereri they don’t deserve any respect whatsoever, and their content is free, because hell, we still enjoy it, so might as well steal it and look at it! The irony is, if I have a person blocked, I don’t want them near my art and I don’t care how cool they think my drawings are. I just don’t want to associate myself with people who think it’s cool to shit on others for whatever reason, especially if they’re being hypocritical about it.
I wouldn’t care even if they credited me though – I hate reposting just in general, but their reason for not mentioning the author was so amazing, that we decided to share this stuff. That was our first time, I hope it’ll be the last.
But it’s all good now, I reported this person and twitter took down the drawing. They’re not as quick with this stuff as insta or facebook, but still, I’m very glad I can remove reposts of our content without even talking to these gross people.
Also, people who DM me the links to the reposts are very helpful, thank you so much everyone who does that! <3 I’m forever grateful.
Also Anon, thank you very much for your kind words. It’s always extremely precious to hear that we can somehow help people start appreciating both of the ships, this is like legit the best feeling ever, I’m very happy to hear that. Even if it’s just “yeah I don’t mind if as much and it doesn’t make me mad”, it’s great. We need more of that and less of “ugh they ship Ereri I wish they drop dead”.
I hope you’re having a wonderful day. Sorry for the late reply…
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holycatsandrabbits · 4 years
“It’s okay, angel,” Mr. Crowley said softly.
Rylee was standing among the bookshelves in Mr. Fell’s bookshop, looking for something to give her administrative assistant for his birthday, when she heard what sounded like someone softly crying. She peeked around a shelf to find that it was Mr. Fell.
“I’m sorry, my dear,” Mr. Fell was saying to his husband, wiping a tear off of his cheek. “I just had a bit of a feeling that something would happen today, something bad, and I—”
Mr. Crowley pulled him close. “You had a panic attack. It’s all right, angel.”
Rylee decided that the best thing to do would be to give them their privacy, so she started to leave. Toward the exit, she caught up with Audrey and Lloyd, a couple of high schoolers who were bookshop regulars.
“They came for me here once—” Mr. Fell’s voice came from the back.
“They won’t be back, we made sure of that. Remember? Us and Adam. Took us a while, but it’s all worked out now. Come on, now, you need to rest. Curl up with me, grab a book. That’ssss it. Maybe you’ll even fall assssleep,” Mr. Crowley said, in a strange sort of hissing voice.
“I don’t sleep,” Mr. Fell protested.
“You can sleep, angel, you just don’t like to. Don’t worry about it. I’m here, and I’ll keep you sssafe.”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t—”
Mr. Crowley’s voice grew darker. “Azzzzziraphale, I don’t want you to ever apologize for what they did to you.”
There was silence for a few minutes, and then Audrey said, “We should probably just go.” Her friend nodded. But rather than leave, they grinned at each other and sneaked back into the stacks.
“I don’t think—” Rylee started, following them as well, until she nearly ran into the back of Lloyd’s legs as he stopped. “What in the name of all creation is that?” Rylee gasped.
*YOU GUYS the amazing @pidgydraws​ gave me permission to write this Mr. Fell’s Bookshop ficlet based on this glorious artwork of theirs, and was also kind enough to allow me to repost it here.*
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                      *Art by pidgydraws​​ -- used with permission*
“Uh—pet snake,” offered Lloyd, in a whisper.
“Pet snake, yeah,” Audrey confirmed, just as quiet. The two of them had delighted looks on their faces.
Rylee didn’t quite feel that way. “No,” she said, attempting to keep her voice down as well, as neither Mr. Fell or that thing appeared to be awake. “That’s not a pet. That’s like an escaped zoo animal. That’s the biggest snake I’ve ever seen.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “That can’t be legal, owning an animal like that.”
“Oh I don’t know that he owns him,” Audrey whispered. “They’re probably just...friends?”
“It’s going to eat him!” Rylee exclaimed.
Both teens shushed her.
“No, of course it won’t,” Audrey said. “See, look at Mr. Fell. He’s so happy. Let’s just go.”
Whatever it was, it wasn’t actually her problem, Rylee decided. Mr. Fell did look awfully peaceful even while wrapped securely in the coils of a huge black snake, and given he’d had a panic attack (something with which Rylee was unfortunately familiar herself), she hesitated to disrupt his sleep.
It wasn’t like Mr. Fell’s Bookshop was not a weird place to begin with.
“Fine,” Rylee whispered, and they all moved back toward the entrance.
But just around the corner, a man in a ski mask was blocking their way. “You work here?” he demanded.
All three of them immediately shushed him.
The man pulled a knife out of a pocket. “There’s nothing in the register. Where does he keep the money?”
The first thing that Rylee did was to step in front of the teenagers. Because she was the adult. Not because she had any idea of what to do. It immediately became apparent that none of the four of them seemed to have any idea of what to do. For a moment, they all stared at each other, and then Audrey spoke up from behind Rylee. “Let’s just go ask Mr. Fell.”
Not wanting to turn their backs on the knife, the three of them took a few awkward steps backwards and the man took a few steps forward, until he caught a glimpse of the scene on the couch.
He gave a little cry and they all shushed him again.
“I wouldn’t wake him up,” Rylee warned.
“Yeah, that thing will eat you,” Lloyd whispered. “Like, it will totally eat you.”
“I heard it ate a guy last week,” Audrey said.
“I heard it was two guys.”
Rylee caught the thief’s attention. “Look, just get out of here, man.” When he hesitated, she said, “If you don’t, I’ll scream.”
With one last look at the snake, the man turned and dashed out the front door.
The other three were about to follow him, when Mr. Fell stirred. Immediately, the snake slithered along the couch, curling its black body around Mr. Fell’s feet and lifting them off of the floor, settling him carefully in its coils. Mr. Fell’s book slipped from his grasp and somehow landed neatly on the floor with a bookmark inside of it. One of the massive serpent’s yellow eyes opened for a second, but Rylee wasn’t sure if it really saw them or not before it closed again.
What she was sure of was that the snake said, “Back to ssssleep, angel,” before resting its head on Mr. Fell’s stomach.
The three of them were sure to lock the bookshop door behind them as they left. As they stood on the street, Rylee said, “That snake just said something.”
“It’s...well trained,” Audrey offered.
Rylee crossed her arms over her chest. “That’s Mr. Crowley.”
“Ah, poss—prob—ah, I imagine so, yes,” Lloyd said.
Rylee gave the shop a look. “You don’t think he really eats people, do you?”
“Well,” Audrey answered, “I mean, I wouldn’t try to rob the place.”
Thank you so much to @pidgydraws​ for letting me use this glorious artwork!! <3
This ficlet was going to be completely different but the more I looked at this picture the more I realized I couldn't bear to wake Aziraphale up, so here we are.
The time that Heaven came for Aziraphale at the bookshop is shown in Ficlet #1 (Are you an angel, too?). It’s been a few years since then.
Mr. Fell’s Bookshop Ficlets master post
New ficlet every Friday! There will be 12 in the series. This is # 8
Subscribe to the series on Ao3
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alolaluna-moving · 3 years
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Rules: Answer in-character. Repost, don’t reblog.
► NAME ➭ ❝ Selene Mizuki Lantana Okalani! Yeah, two moon-related things- that has to do with my birthday! ❞
► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➭  ❝ Yes? ❞ 
► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➭ ❝ Um- ❞ (Queue the "We'll Be Right Back" screen.)
► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED? ➭ ❝ Nope, and good riddance to my dad! ❞ 
► BIRTH PLACE ➭ ❝ Celadon City! You know, that city in the Kanto region with the gym leader who likes teaching random kids the art of 'flower-arranging?' ❞
► HAIR COLOR ➭ ❝ It's dyed dark purple right now! Some people mistake it for black when the lighting is bad. My natural hair color is light brown! ❞
► EYE COLOR ➭ ❝ My natural E-C is blue, but I always wear purple contacts! Gotta match with my hair, you know! ❞
► BIRTHDAY ➭ ❝ December 21st, the longest night of that year, also known as the Winter Solstice! Get why they named me after two different moon-related things now? ❞
► MOOD ➭ ❝ Given my norm, you caught me in a fairly good mood! ❞ (The Alolan is currently glowering at everyone she sees.)
► GENDER ➭ ❝ I'm a girl! ❞
► SUMMER OR WINTER ➭ ❝ There's absolutely no competition, summer for the win! Winter is horrible. ❞
► MORNING OR AFTERNOON ➭ ❝ Afternoons in Alola are great and all, but there's just something about mornings that makes this region seem so familial and nostalgic. There's nothing like it! ❞
► ARE YOU IN LOVE? ➭ ❝ None of your business, loser! Leave me alone! ❞
► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? ➭ ❝ I feel sorry for any poor, naive soul that does. I don't know how anyone could fall for somebody else just by giving them a glance! Save that trope for those sappy, gross romance movies that Unova and Kalos love putting in their studios, not for the real world! ❞
► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ➭ ❝ I did. We were idiots in second grade who just wanted to try what the older kids were doing, so it wasn't that heartbreaking for either of us! That was before I realized that I don't like boys. ❞
► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? ➭ ❝ How would I know that? Stop torturing me with such stupid questions! ❞
► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➭ ❝ Nope, as long as the person I'm making commitments to is a decent human being! ❞
► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK? ➭ ❝ Hugs are saved for my mom! ❞  
► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER? ➭ ❝ THEY'RE CALLED SECRET ADMIRERS FOR A REASON YOU MORON! Ahem, sorry. Gotta be civil here, apparently! If you're asking whether I've been sent that sort of stuff anonymously or not, nope. ❞
► LOVE OR LUST ➭ ❝ Love! Lust is gross! ❞ 
► LEMONADE OR ICED TEA ➭ ❝ Lemonade! Lemonade! Lemonade- okay, I got carried away. Continue. ❞
► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS ➭ ❝ I have a few best friends, obviously! Hau and Lillie are my closest friends, though. ❞
► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN ➭ ❝ Definitely a wild night out! Wild nights are always fun! ❞
► DAY OR NIGHT ➭ ❝ Nighttime! It's quieter at nighttime, you're less likely to be bothered- though obviously, there's more people actively at nighttime in Alola than any other region due to our cultures. But it's still a lower chance than in broad daylight! But it's not just that! There's something magical about taking a stroll through the wilderness or Mantine Surfing under the moonlight. It just feels.. right, you know? ❞
► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT ➭  ❝ Duh! Eventually I just started sneaking out by climbing on the roof, though. ❞
► FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS ➭ ❝ You mean to say other people haven't? Oh man, I'm a clutz, aren't I?❞
► WANTED SOMETHING/SOMEONE SO BADLY IT HURT? ➭ ❝ ..Yes to the former, but that's a time I don't want to talk about. ❞
► SMILE OR EYES ➭ ❝ Definitely the eyes, it's much easier to read people through their eyes than through their smile! Anyone can smile, but only sincere people can actually show that they mean it. ❞
► SHORTER OR TALLER ➭ ❝ Taller. So I can intimidate even more people with my height. It's fun, being 6'2"! ❞
► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION ➭ ❝ Intelligence matters way more than attraction to me. Everybody has a different way of presenting themselves! As long as they don't smell like they haven't showered in four months, we're good! ❞ (Selene has some issues with judging someone for how beautiful or ugly they are. Because, you know, she did see Lusamine do that exact thing to her best friend, deeming her 'ugly' and likewise.)
► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP ➭ ❝ Relationships. ❞
► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➭ ❝ Only really my mom and her side of the family. I never saw eye-to-eye with any relatives on my dad's side, or my brother. ❞
► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE” ➭ ❝ I wouldn't word it as 'messed up,' I would word it as 'chaotic!' ❞
► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME ➭ ❝ Twice. Once in Kanto because I was sick of listening to my family bicker. Then there was the whole ordeal after that incident. ❞
► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ➭ ❝ I'm not afraid of telling people I hate to piss off, so nope, I love all my friends! ❞
► DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS ➭ ❝ Not quite. I use 'good friend' and 'best friend' interchangeably, so I'd technically only have a few 'good friends.' ❞
► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND ➭ ❝ I don't really have a number one best friend, I don't like picking favorites out of my main circle! My closest human friends are Hau, Lillie, and Gladion, I've been through a lot with them and nothing can replace them in my heart. I'm also quite close with all of the trial captains, though out of that bunch, I'm closest to Acerola. And of course, there's my Pokemon team and Andro! ❞
► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU ➭ ❝ No humans, actually. My main Pokemon team, Andro, and Lunala know everything. ❞ 
Tagged by: @distortsverity (thank you!!)
Tagging: You know the drill- steal it :)
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The Governess and the Doctor’s Hunt for the Copper Beeches 1/4 | Sherlock x Reader
Prompt: Eight
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Words: 1836
A/N: Just an idea that popped into my head years ago since BBC Sherlock hadn’t introduced Violet Hunter from the Copper Beeches story, so I wanted to write my own version. Also, I wanted a story with Molly more involved in a dynamic with the reader similar to Sherlock and John’s.
Edit: I’m reposting this since tumblr still hasn’t sorted itself out about the tagging system because apparently it wasn’t showing under any of the tags
It had been eight hours since John’s last text. He had been nervous taking up cases with Sherlock again, even with a new babysitter looking after Rosie. You didn’t mind his frequent check-ins. Rosie had been a well-behaved baby, only crying when she needed changing or needed food. Other than that, it was pretty smooth sailing.
Eight hours was too long, though, even for a case like this. Another black market trail had been found and Sherlock was asked to look into it. You brought up your concerns with Mrs. Hudson, but she dismissed it, saying that this happened a lot and they always come back.
That night, you tucked Rosie in after her dinner, read her a story, and stayed in 221B. Thankfully, after weeks of working as Rosie’s babysitter, Mrs. Hudson mentioned that it would be easier if you lived close by, preferably in the vacant apartment room in the building. Sherlock reminded her what had happened in that room a couple of years prior, but the rent was cheap, a rarity in London, so you took the offer.
They did not come back the next day. You called Lestrade, who had not heard from them as well. You even asked Mycroft and he was firstly bewildered on how you managed to obtain his private number before saying that he had not heard from his little brother since the day he spoke of the case.
“I’m sure they’re fine,” Molly assured you as she adjusted the microscope.
You sat on a metal stool across from her, chin resting in the palm of your hand as you sighed. You had Mrs. Hudson watched Rosie for a while, which she had not minded at all, before you went to see the one person that Sherlock confided in the most.
“Yeah?” you muttered.
“Yeah,” she said without confidence. She cleared her throat and continued to look through the lens. “They always manage to find their way out of dangerous situations. You know how they are. Sherlock would make things complicated, John would try to organize his thoughts, then Sherlock would have an epiphany. Then they come back with the case solved, Sherlock gloats at his brother, then they return to 221B, drinking tea with biscuits given by Mrs. Hudson.”
You hummed. “Okay. I’m just worried when Rosie realizes that her dad hasn't come home yet.”
Molly leaned away from the microscope and gave you a reassuring smile. “If you want, I can come over and help a bit.”
“Aren’t you busy?”
Molly shrugged. “It’s fine. Really.”
It had been eight days since the boys went missing. Rosie started to cry more frequently after not seeing her dad and uncle in a week. Molly had been helping you and Mrs. Hudson whenever she could and offered to ask Lestrade if he should look into their case. You declined her offer, knowing that Lestrade would consider doing it, but you didn’t want to use their resources. Instead, you looked through John’s notes. While Sherlock occasionally commented on John writing down their cases and adventures, you knew that he enjoyed it a bit.  It helped them get more attention and cases after all.
The black market had ties with many of London’s rich art collectors and none of them were going to risk being exposed. You brought your findings to Molly, listing off your theories as she worked. You had asked once if your visits ever bothered her, but she never minded. She liked the company, since it was only her in the lab with human parts.
After almost two weeks of the boys being missing, Lestrade had spared a small team to look into it and offered any more help he could. As you were walking back to Baker Street with Rosie in a stroller, a small boy in grubby clothes bumped into you, stumbling slightly and waved over his shoulder in apology. You grimaced, then quickly checked your pockets. All of your things were still there, but… there was a folded piece of paper that wasn’t there before. You looked around before hurrying inside, making Rosie a bottle of milk before setting her down in her crib.
With a cup of tea from Mrs. Hudson in front of you, you sat down on the desk that you were able to organize now that the boys were gone, and took out the note. The top edge of the paper was unevenly ripped, possibly from a notepad. The writing was in pen, the grooves deep with a few punctures through the paper at the end of some of the letters. The surface that the person was writing on was not solid, not suitable for writing. Hastily written as well, so they were rushing.
You frowned, sorting through John’s papers and dragged out one from the stack with a decent amount of his handwriting. The slant and the cross of the T were similar, as was the angle of the As. how he dotted the Is. Those small details were what made you believe that the note was most likely from John.
You took out another piece of paper and placed them side by side. The words were passages paired by numbers. Sherlock must’ve been the one telling John what to write. Luckily, he allowed you free reign of his messy book collections, so you were familiar with most of the passages or at least had an idea of which book they were from. You scanned each passage and quickly scrambled to grab the books, plonking them onto the table.
The boys were trying to tell you something and Sherlock knew that you’d be able to figure it out.
“Clever girl,” he’d say before awkwardly patting you on the head.
People outside of your circle saw your friendship with the consulting detective as odd, mainly because even after all this time, they still thought that he was odd. Being friends with Sherlock Holmes meant that you were free to express your interests in crime and mystery, in science and random bits of trivia, and were able to exchange knowledge, especially on things that Sherlock had deleted from his mind palace. You two grew close, and you’d be lying if you said that you did not harbor a crush on him. You had to lie, though. Your best friend was in love with him before and you had a feeling she still does.
After decoding the message, you found that it was an address followed by the word “Start”. You leaned back in your chair, raking your brain to figure out what that meant. After a quick google search, you found the address to be in Birmingham, almost two hours by train. You had a bad feeling that it wasn’t going to be that easy. First of all, you would need to get there, then find out where exactly they are, if they are even there. It was unlikely that the case would be solved by the time you’ve found them, so you would have to help wrap that up before taking the boys back to Baker Street. You didn’t want to be away from Rosie too long and bother Mrs. Hudson, but you don’t want to waste Lestrade’s resources. You knew Sally gets irritated when Sherlock would call for help on the simplest of things during the times where he doesn’t feel all that bothered to do it himself. Plus, what would a nanny like you know where to start…
“Start”... of course, you thought, there must be a trail of clues. Maybe something to help trace back to the boys. You couldn’t do this alone and you knew, if the person was free and willing, just the right person to call.
“Morning, dear Molly,” you said, strolling through the lab door with the papers in your hand.
Molly looked up through goggles from a dish with a brain in it. “Uh oh, sounds like you’re up to something,” she teased before going back to your work.
“When are you free?” you asked, leaning against the counter across from her.
“Well, when I’m done with this examination, I should be free for a couple of days. Why?”
You hummed. “Perfect.”
“Why?” she asked again, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, nothing,” you said nonchalantly, placing the papers onto the counter. You folded your hands in front of you and smiled innocently at her.
Molly rolled her eyes. “You know, you’re hanging around Sherlock too much. He does that when he needs something but wants the other person to bring it up. What’s that?” She nodded over to the papers.
“A message…,” you said, “That I believe are from our boys.”
She paused her movements. “Are you sure?”
“It matches John’s handwriting and the words used could only come from Sherlock, I just know it,” you said.
“Why aren’t you going to Lestrade for this?”
You sighed. “Because… Lestrade’s busy and I don’t want to waste his time on something like this.” Molly shot you a worried look. “It’s fine. If things get serious, we can always call him. Besides, I believe that there are more than one message.”
Molly frowned. “I don’t know… I’ll see once I’m done with this,” she said.
“Okay,” you said, leaving the papers on the counter, “I’ll see you later, then. Text me first if you’re going to stop by. I’m planning to go to the shops later today.”
She nodded. “Alright, see you.”
You walked out of the lab and sighed. You would have to check this one out by yourself. No better way to prove a theory. That would also mean that you would have to leave Rosie.
“Oh, don’t worry, dearie, I’ve got it,” Mrs. Hudson said once you told her you had to take a trip. You didn’t tell her what it was for. Nothing was confirmed yet.
You packed lightly and got a train ticket to Birmingham. It had been years since you’d rode the train and you’d never done it alone before. How do you know you’re getting onto the right one? What if you’re late? You must’ve driven the station attendants mad that morning with your questions.
They kindly steered you towards the right train, notifying you when it was boarding. You stood at the platform, watching the tracks rattle as the train neared. There was momentary chaos as people boarded the train and you managed to find a seat by the window.
You busied yourself with looking up the address and the fastest route from the station to your destination. You hoped that the boys weren’t in a dire situation where time was of the essence. You didn’t have a developed mind palace like Sherlock had, you were still working on it. That would mean that with each clue, you’d have to go back and reference every book that you could think of that was in Sherlock’s messy bookshelves.
As London faded from view, you sighed, slumping back in your seat. What did the boys get into this time?
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pestopascal · 4 years
so i only just saw the announcement on the fhr server what happened while i was in something else i tried searching and everything seemed to come back to you lol
“comes back to me” LOL yeah so bee posted the blm donation post after people were all like “i need a break from social media” following malins post on the fhr tumblr and like it wasnt mean. it was just a Post with ways to help/raise awareness bc like ngl being all “oh i need a break” when like there is ZERO mention of blm before all this btw. terrible. but the mods deleted it ???? (not a single mod has admitted to being the one to delete it first). and then it got reposted under spoiler tags with like “tw police brutality/politics” which. its a donation post for blm. tone deaf. so then i reposted it again, and quite frankly ppl were chiming in with like why was it hidden under those tw and spoilers and that maybe it should be posted in the announcement channel instead of being lost in genchat (it took 2hrs for it to be a formal announcement still under tws). it RLY didnt dissolve until justaname chimed in with “this server isnt supposed to be leftist fox news” (a classic which will not be forgotten by the masses) and literally like the mods were ??? not here but the mits and cms were like either trying to help or just straight up “this server is supposed to be a safe space” like even MY post wasnt aggressive lol i just gave suggestions on how ppl could donate or stream to donate or if they want more information on first nations (bc everyone seems to believe i left out australia in this...????)  but then mod cheion chimed in with “politics are on the trigger list” AGAIN and its like this is a donation post about blm YKNOW??? so then idk ppl tried to like non-apologise for comments and be all “how are ppl supposed to learn from mistakes from their comments” and encourage ppl to go onto different topics and kept saying that the donation post and blm was a “heavy topic” for a GAME that literally has “heavy topics” as its like core storytelling (which btw numerous people ALSO brought up was incredibly ironic and reminded everyone the server has been like that for a very long time) anyway madcatco literally called the server theirs LOL and was like literally take ur politics somewhere else (this game......... has politics involved btw)
like then ppl left it for maybe idk a lil while i hopped into the au server and snagged some screencaps of ppl just railing on me for literally bringing up racism bc thats bad apparently to point out racism??? also my MO is to be an asshole ❤️ and then it kicked off again as ppl read up and started criticising the mods and famous comment by trob of “we’re aware of smute” LMAOOOO like sry i tried being polite with dms and screenshots last yr to emma that mod who like was sarcastic af and trob and madcat (who also btw Hated smute and rei up until like. august last yr). anyway ppl started DIGGING and posting caps of rei and smutes antics on the server in genchat specifically (also that fucking post from saturn about smute skejfhskjdhf ) and then campaigning for ppl to be unblocked who were blocked like nina (contrary to ur opinion trob dont lie 2 us i have screenshots of u in the vent channel of the au server) and like ppl kept demanding why saturn was blocked and they REFUSED to answer why and still never outright admitted it and it kept GOING it was like absolutely hilarious and sad how many non-answers and non-apologies ppl got and they were like “oh but how do we help the server” and then ppl were like “wow i didnt realise the rot went this deep” bc sooooo many ppl were getting anons as well with just how deep smutes interaction with fhr went and it was like. incredible. also shout out to smute being the pet racist comment that was the FUNNIEST shit i’ve seen. only the mits and cms were actually trying to help btw. mods were nowhere to be seen. PPL WHO LEFT THE SERVER REJOINED like who swore off fhr all those huge content creators came back. wild. at some point i passed out, got banned by lime as a “knee jerk emotional reaction” alongside alex and seagull and i think there were others as well btw idk who and we got unblocked (im so sad that happened like an hr after i went to bed i MISSED it) and just madcatco SPLIT with no apology, idk cheion said smth but quite frankly idk it was words. lime dipped out. a whole bunch of ppl also split, ppl started POURING in again. like there was another non apology which was like ‘my mental health’ and idk man none of them still apologised for being racist mind you like that was the biggest and most absolute thing ppl kept bringing up and NONE of the mods apologised for being racist and wanting to do better. they just peaced out.
anyway now the mits are full mods, the old admin i think split after like being all “huh what i just fix up channels i dont work here” . trob is now just an admin and still being all tw drama LOL so we’ll see what happens with the server. i know ppl kept saying to make a new one but like the basic structure is there. ppl just gotta not be bought off by shitty copied art anymore yknow. who knows whats even gonna happen with the game anymore apparently malin May Return after the completion of the alpha or smth
OH AND smute’s fucking attempt at apology 2.0 sry honey but
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
Fri 4 Oct
Nice To Meet Ya is out (as foretold, a banger!), the video is out (featuring one model and one hoe; both are Niall, and it's filmed at a place called the Tramp club mhmm I see you Niall) and like that wasn't enough the video has got puzzles and clues! There are a couple of phone numbers in the video- if you call the first one you get through to Niall talking to you about another song on the album, Small Talk (apparently ALSO about being a hoe- NH2 theme??) and a snippet! At the second number he tells us that the video contains four song titles from the album- they are Small Talk, Still, Heartbreak Weather, and No Judgement. More speculative, are there clues showing that the album will be out March 6 2020? The 2020 part is pretty clear and the date fits with what he's saying ("Feb or March") but as for the exact date I guess we'll see. Also- is Heartbreak Weather the Khalid collab? This speculation is based on the title and the rain emojis they used to talk about the collab back when they teased it. The phone numbers used also serve as a data mining thing, so if you call(ed) rather than listening to the recordings online, look for text spam from Niall's label in the future....
NTMY trended, along with the special cute little floating Niall head twitter emoji. Niall headed out with a gang of pals last night and when the song came out they all posted about it and he reposted them, all very cozy. From promo things that have aired so far: he tattooed 'nice to melt meet ya' on Roman Kemp (it's not that bad tbh), said the one line is in French because that way it rhymes and also "is sexier", he's played Liam's clip about him being on the fence all the time in 1D days, is offended and like 'that's not true! It was really like....' and then proceeds to say exactly what someone who refused to take a side in things would say. He says the band didn't argue, really, just bickering and that he's still very close to all the boys and always will be and he sees them a lot. He also says he's geographically close to Harry, that he lives "around the corner" from him, which people who remembered the time a couple years ago when he said he lived right up the street from Louis found... interesting. I mean wtf city is he even talking about but sure. We have yet to rise back to 'lovers' status but he does say he "loves us all so much" and call us "you sexy lot" so I mean that's kind of the same right?
Rumors ft Zayn is also out, and there's a lyric video for it (very cool vintage aesthetic.) Zayn posted the cover (a sexy pic of Sabrina Claudio) with a stick figure drawn on it and an arrow saying "me," then liked a comment saying "u look so good in this!" Lol bless him.
Another Louis date announced! He's playing the Live. Life. Love. concert in Nashville Tennessee Nov 30 (tickets on sale Oct 11 /presale the 10th). It's a benefit for a suicide prevention non profit, and will be one of two shows he'll play that week with Lizzo.
Harry followed a set designer who worked on the exhibit he went to yesterday and Sony posted a watermarked manip of him with a puppy. Credit your repost Sony! He headed out this evening looking extremely pretty and stylish in a slim cut suit (previously seen at the Dunkirk premier), red boots (that say 'Sucker' on the back, yeah, those boots) and unreasonably perfect hair. He went to an art show and was photographed (#notamanip) with the curator, Jefferson Hack. Hack is also the CEO of Dazed media which puts out Another Man magazine among other things.
And another day, another hilarious Liam interview! In today's game, Where's the Payne (Liam: oh god is the game going to be an awkward pun on my last name? Radio hosts: .....welllll....ah...I mean, here's the thing....) he is able to correctly identify only one body part- the Dimples of Venus. I know this one! he says, it's the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine we've got it in a song! Listening to him trying not to say what he's thinking the others might be is just as priceless though...
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blackvelvetwriteson · 4 years
Hi baby🥰🥰 please don't feel obligated to answer this or anything. But could you write some headcanons for Tendou & Sugawara? They could be platonic or not, nsfw or sfw, idrc. I just wanna see some Tendou x Suga headcanons 😌 oki bye I love you💖
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Hi baby! Of course I’m gonna answer, don’t worry. Amidst all of this Thanksgiving bullshit, I’m already watching Haikyuu so I decided to whip up some of these HCs for you bc 1) you asked, duh, 2) I need to write for Haikyuu anyways, and 3) SUGAAAAAA BEBEIIIII imsorryiminlovewithHIMMMM-
Anways, so have some nipple sucking HCs because that’s what came to mind first-  I love you so much and I hope this is what you wanted!
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-- 𝘍𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘚𝘶𝘨𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘒ō𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘶 𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪
GENRE: Smut                                                                 
FANDOM: Haikyuu! 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: SMUT! Just overstim, slight dacryphilia, nipple sucking- duh, and swearing!
SUMMARY: Just Reader-Chan (gender neutral) sucking on best boi nipples.
(Headers are mine, but the art inside of them are not! Please don’t steal or repost without credit!) 
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He’s always enjoyed your guys’s encounters ever since the two of you first met.
You started off as a friend of the team of course, introduced to the other members by Hinata with his extroverted self.
Immediately, you took a liking to Sugawara; I mean y’all did go to the same school for awhile and were in the same class so it only made sense.
Everyone around you already knew you and him would make it out of high school.
You’d always hang out with each other, and when you two were alone, that’s when he asked you out.
Hell yeah! He cared for his team, so it only makes sense that he cared for you a little more because you were his S/O
It goes without saying that he was fairly traditional.
… And sensitive.
So when you asked him- directly- if you could suck on his nipples, he instantly turned red and fell silent.
At first, you thought you struck a nerve and hurt him in some way because his eyes started to glisten more.
“I-It was just a suggestion- we don’t have to do it.”
He looked even more red, this being one of the only times he’d let you dom him.
“Get on top.”
No other direction had to be said, and he quickly- and easily- forced you into his lap.
You couldn’t help but to notice- already- how hard he was under you.
I guess he really is an imaginative character, huh?
He closed his eyes and looked away, his nipples already hard and peeking at you from under his shirt.
The both of you were in college, but it was apparent that something like this had never happened to him before.
You couldn’t help but to run your hands under his shirt first, feeling around his toned chest.
Just to fish for his reactions, you palmed his hardened nipples and smirked as you waited.
It was a short wait; instantly, his back arched and his body pushed into yours as he clenched his eyes shut.
You thought you’d hurt him until he leaned into you and let out one of his breathy moans that you loved so much.
“Harder,” he panted at you as he whined, wrapping one of his dainty hands around your wrist, forcing you to press into his pec more.
He looked like he was about to cry already as he got more antsy.
He knew that his body was sensitive and he’d easily cum from just you teasing his nipple with your hand.
“Someone’s a little needy tonight, hm?” You couldn’t help but to smirk down at him.
He couldn’t do anything but nod and clumsily move to try and pull up his shirt, panting like a dog without water after a run.
You laughed and ducked your head under his shirt that was halfway lifted and instantly locked your lips around his puckering nipple.
He was excited, maybe a little TOO excited.
Instantly, he threw his head back and let out a loud moan before slapping a hand over his mouth as to not alert the others that also live in the college dorms.
You pressed your tongue against it, pushed and teased and felt his cock throb in his pants as he started to tremble under you.
From how he was breathing, he sounded like he was about to pass out.
You had to pull away and remind him to calm down.
“Slow down your breathing, babe. You’ll pass out,” you cooed at him softly.
“I-I’m sorry, Sugar,” he whimpered quietly as he bucked his hips into you. “I-It just f-feels too good! I ca-can’t-“
Without letting him finish, you nipped at his swollen nipple gently with your teeth.
As if he wasn’t already pushed over the edge, he jolted and practically stopped breathing, his toes curled as he let go of you, burying his hands into the bed beside him.
“S-Sugar! S-Su- S-Suga-“ he whined out as his tears rolled down his face, his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he trembled and melted under you.
You took in every single one of his moans and cries, his chest heaving as he became more overwhelmed.
You didn’t want to stop until he begged you to, so you bit his nipple again as you sucked hard.
Even though his shirt was over your head, he still managed to tug your hair at least a little, his free hand holding your hips down as he humped into you.
“I-I’m gonna c-cum S-Sugar,” he whimpered in between his uncontrollable, breathy, whiny moans.
You, of course were ready. You knew his day had been stressful and he’d been completely overwhelmed by you just teasing his nipples whether with your mouth or your hand.
So in response, all you did was suck harder hearing every peak of his moans and cries as he trembled and bucked his hips harder, orgasming as his toes curled, his nails practically ripped the sheets on his bed, his eyes still streaming tears as they rolled back into his head and he made no noise, not even breathing.
You had to pull away, fearing that he was already overtimed and you gently slapped his face.
He was trembling, and finally he took a deep breath, opening his pretty eyes to look up at you.
“I-I’m sorry Sugar,” he whispered softly as he nuzzled into your hand a little more. “I-It just f-felt too good,” he whispered as he closed his eyes, practically purring under your soft touch.
“There’s no need to apologize baby boy,” you cooed out quietly to him, gently swiping tendrils of ash grey hair from in front of his face. “Just relax and I’ll go order us some dinner. You have early practice tomorrow.”
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Of course it was the typical story of a forbidden rival school love.
All in all, most of the schools respected Shiratorizawa back when you were in high school.
And to see him lingering around Kurasuno both made everyone’s morale leap at least 50% but also made them question wtf dude was doing there all the time.
He often helped the team practice and gave them pointers on how to get better, and also got you more involved too.
He’s always teasing, cracking jokes etc.
Sometimes it pissed you off; your name in his phone was “Itty Bitty Panda-Chan”
It didn’t help that you loved it and every time he called you his Itty Bitty Panda-Chan, it made you flustered.
Like usual, he played on it. All of the time.
Even alone.
You were hanging out with him at his house because he lived away from the college dorms and the two of you had finished with your work and had things for your next class situated for the next day, so you were playing games and he was… Well… Staring at you like usual.
“Is there a reason you’re staring at me, Idiot-San,” you mocked him constantly.
“Well… I have something in mind, Pan-Chan,” he dubbed you for short. You were interested but said absolutely nothing.
“Oh little Pan- Chaaaaan,” he teased as he climbed on top of you while you were still rested on your stomach.
He really didn’t have to do much to tease you or make you flustered since teasing was only natural for him.
Your body tensed up because of course your boyfriend was up to something. He always was.
“Answer me when I’m talking to you, my cute little Pan-Chan,” he whispered in your ear causing you to squeak.
“W-What d-did you have I-in mind, Satori,” you murmur as the next match of your game begins.
“Wow! I’m so happy you asked,” he teased as he forced you on your back and he laughed softly.
You’re just looking up at him like “I can’t pause it. It’s online.” And of course he doesn’t care.
Disrespectful bitch.
“How about…. Mmmm…. You give me the controller. I wanna play.”
That grin on his face when he was up to something said it all and you forked the controller over.
“What do you want, Ten?”
He looked like a little kid, slinging his feet over the bed with a laugh. “Chu chuuu~ This game is so… Cute,” he trailed off, seemingly sucked into the game in front of him.
That was, until you felt his strong hand on your hip, pulling you into his lap.
“Shh,” he whispered as he lifted his hoodie, playing the game momentarily with one hand. “Suck… I want you to suck on them,” he whispered as he ‘dodged’ to one side, acting like he was the character in the game.
‘What is it with him tonight,’ you thought to yourself, just staring at his muscular chest.
You felt his gaze on you and you looked up with a soft gasp.
His cat-like eyes immediately locked with yours as he respawned in game. “I didn’t ask, Panda- Chan,” he said quietly, sternly, clearly. Honestly it kinda scared you.
“U-Um… O-Okay,” you thought you could handle him, but when he got like this, you couldn’t really. You liked how he had control over you no matter what.
As soon as your tongue pressed against one of his nipples you felt a flutter in his chest. And yours. His breathing got quicker and his eyes fluttered, but he still continued with that stupid demeaning tone of his.
“Chu chuuu~” He practically squealed. “That’s… N-Not g-good enough, Pan-Pan-Chan,” he gasped out softly as he leaned back.
Obviously, it was a lie. You could tell by how his legs jolted a little or his breathing quickened. He was loving every second of your teasing.
“C-Cut the shit, Satori,” you whispered softly, your hand timidly resting on his hip, the other one running over his abs.
“Mouthy, hm?” He looked down at you with that piercing gaze again. “Use all that spunk and suck harder,” he growled as he focused back in on the game, bucking his chest at you.
You did as instructed, savoring his sweet and salty taste, humming as you did so, your other hand palming at his sensitive chest as you stared up at him.
He threw his head back and let out a soft groan as he felt you get amped up and he laughed softly as he continued to play the game.
“Fuck yeah,” he whispered out softly as he grinded into you, not caring too much about the game at this point.
You were too far into it by now to just stop, and you loved every reaction you could get, and you let yourself go, accidentally biting his nipple, causing him to drop the controller, his eyes crossing a little as he tilted his head back.
You let out a little hollow laugh of your own and continued nibbling and kissing on his nipple feeling him practically melt beneath you. You held the power and you loved it.
Also hearing his moans and praises was definitely a huge boost for you to keep going.
You grinded your hips down into his bulge and moaned softly feeling how well he fit in between your legs.
It was apparent that this wasn’t enough to get him to cum, but close.
He tangled his fingers with your hair as he edged closer and closer to cumming, pulling you closer as he let out a strangled groan.
Obviously, this is gonna escalate into a lot more.
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