#transgender brainy
superspoonie24 · 2 years
The super friends come to Nia about their gender identity!!
Brainy: he comes to Nia pretty early on. Like once they're friends and either when they start dating or before they start dating. He talks about how his culture didnt really have gender. Just.... Conquest. So when he joined the legion and stuff and they used he, he just went along. But he doesn't really know what it means. And well. He kinda wants to try she. And they. And Xe. Xe is very nice Xe thinks. And Nia is so supportive and helps xem research different identities to try and understand the language more. Xe appreciates the research. Agender sticks out to xem a lot. It just. No gender. Yeah. That fits. So Nia uses Xe/Xem for Brainy and also they make pronoun bracelets together! So if brainy wants to use a different pronoun that day, Nia will know!
Kara: it isn't until she's been friends with Nia for years, hell probably a decade that she talks to Nia about this. Nia helped her with her sexuality crisis a while ago. And now that her and Lena are engaged, Kara is really freaking out over if she identifies with the term "wife". She tells Nia that when Cat first named her Suoergirl, she had outrage over being "girl" when Kal-el was Superman. She accepted Cat's explanation. But it still felt... Wrong. Girl of Steel. Maiden of Might. It just didnt feel.... Right. She thinks back to krypton. About how she had conflicting thoughts even back then. But when she arrived on earth, her whole mission was to blend in. So being queer... Let alone gender nonconforming, was out of the question. So now that she is finally free to be herself. She can't help but dislike being girl. It's not that she doesn't feel girl. It's more like. She's more than that. There's girl and boy and everything in between. She's kara zor-el. Girl doesn't encompass all of that. Nia talks about being nonbinary and gender fluid. Kara likes those, but they don't feel quite right. Then Nia says genderqueer and a comforting warmth explodes in Kara's heart. They talk a bit more about pronouns, and Kara leans more towards they/them. But they do like he/him and occasionally she/her? Cause it's a part of them. Just not all of them. Brainy joins them in helping make pronoun bracelets, happy to share Xer experience with 'gender' and how similar Xe feel. Kara is very happy to have bracelets and to finally get it off their chest. They brainstorm possible new hero names and costumes. Kara isn't sure if they'll go through with a change, but it is really fun to think of new ideas. Maybe they'll give Winn a buzz. Or ask Cat for name suggestions.
Alex: she calls Nia while drunk one night having a breakdown over wanting to be esme's dad. But also being a mom. And it's so confusing because she always wanted to be a mom. So why does she now want to be a dad? Why is now when she likes the idea of growing facial hair. She's already been dressing masculine. But lesbians can be masc. But how can she be a lesbian if she wants to be called sir and he him and Dada. Isn't that a bad lesbian??? Nia comforts her over the phone, and is very tempted to come over to the house and hug her. She explains he/him lesbians exists and are so very valid. And that it's okay to want this. That she's not bad. She asks about if transmasc fits what Alex is thinking, and after a solid fifteen minutes of broken sobs, Alex quietly says "maybe????". Nia reassures them and tells them it's okay. She keeps the conversation light for now, but promises that they can talk about it again when Alex is sober. And they do. And Alex doesn't commit to an identity at first, but does admit that they want to use he/they. Nia congratulates him and Alex is very happy. And then a minute later has a breakdown over if Kelly will still want them. Cause she's a lesbian and don't lesbians not like men? That way at least. Nia reassures him and encourages them to talk to Kelly. Alex has a lot of panic. So they compromise and Nia sits with them while they talk to Kelly over the phone. Kelly is ecstatic to hear Alex' truth and reassures them a thousand times over that she still loves him and no gender identity will ever change that. Hell. She falls in love a little bit more seeing Alex embrace their full self. And seeing them with stubble and hearing esme call him "Dada" warms her heart (and maybe something else too). She loves her spouse and supports him 1000%.
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unknownartperson · 4 months
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Flight attendant Brainyy,, 😻😻😻
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90s-kid-sad-adult · 5 days
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I am not a woman who needs to be protected
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wynetteslanding · 6 months
Why Dreamer is a true trans superhero.
What makes a superhero? Everyone has their own answer and mine comes down to three words: Selflessness. Hope. Courage. The first of what we know today as a superhero, Superman, was not created to fight supervillains or to save cities from falling meteors. Before there was a Lex Luthor, a General Zod, or a Brainiac, Superman used his spectacular powers to fight real world issues the readers of 1938 knew and readers of 2024 still know all too well. He selflessly prioritized aiding the downtrodden in any way he could, gave hope for a better tomorrow to the readers who saw their own experiences on the page, and most importantly gave them the courage to stand for what's right and do for others what their hero had done for them. For Trans Day of Visibility I would like to celebrate DC's Dreamer, a true trans superhero.
Nia Nal was created for the fourth season of CW’s Supergirl as a primary point of focus in a storyline featuring villain Ben Lockwood, who uses his website to spin transparently dishonest rhetoric that radicalizes his followers into violence against innocent people as his own personal army; The Sons of Liberty. In the second episode of the season when Brainy (an alien friend of Supergirl’s from the future) has his cloaking technology hacked and doesn’t look sufficiently “human” enough for the restaurant owner’s liking, Nia is the only one who places herself between the peaceful alien super genius and a metal bat, demanding the attacker to back off from his own patron. It’s after this encounter that Nia reveals to James Olsen (“Jimmy” to his best pal) that she is a transgender woman, and the two prepare to push back against Lockwood and inform the general public of the lies his grift is built upon.
Later in the season it’s revealed that Nia is precognizant, able to see cryptic visions of the future in her dreams, a power passed down by her mother, an alien from the planet Naltor. Nia visits her family troubled by the fact her mother’s power is only passed down to one daughter per generation, and she has to tell her sister, who has waited her whole life for it to manifest, that she inherited it instead. When her mother passes during the visit, her sister discovers the truth and is outraged, saying the power wasn’t hers to inherit because she “isn’t a real woman.” But her mother’s final message was clear; that inheriting the power is proof that she was always her daughter. And her father passes along one final gift from her mother; a supersuit.
As Dreamer, Nia becomes an ally to Supergirl and a part of her team as they uncover not only the truth behind Lockwood’s rise, but also that of the hand pulling the strings. It’s cathartic to see our heroes triumph and put an end to such a deadly wave of hatred, but any trans person can tell you that Ben’s methods, the harm they cause, and the active threats of violence presented to the main cast during their everyday lives throughout this season’s arc are not a work of fiction, they are a reflection. The fight for transgender acceptance, understanding, equality, and safety has been going on for longer than any of us have been alive. But if we stand between the innocents and their attackers, if we push back against the words that have been sharpened to weapons, and if we do it fearlessly as who we know we are against those who tell us we will never be, we can end this fight once and for all. But it’s going to take all of us. Every single one of us. Not just the Dreamers.
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myucornerorg · 1 year
Thanks @real-life-senshi for the tag!
The Rules: Tag (9) people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the following:
Four Ships:
Oh boy. TBH I'm not that into shipping really. I guess I have a few though.
Brainy x Nia (CW Supergirl): Definitely the beta couple of the last couple seasons of the show. I do kinda wonder how their relationship would've developed had Season 5 played out as planned (the ending of the season got kinda messed up due to COVID lockdowns, which is why the "beat Leviathan" plot got carried over to the beginning of Season 6). They got a fair amount of focus in Season 6, as they dealt with how Brainy's actions in Season 5 affected them (also they had to write Kara out for most of the season because her actress was on maternity leave, forcing them to instead focus episodes on the rest of Supergirl's team). I felt it was a strong ship, with two goofy, geeky people - one an alien genius who's not very used to having emotions period and the other a half-human, half-alien girl with dream-related powers - who both clearly like each other but don't know how to spit it out. The "Prom!" two-parter, where they go back in time to get DNA to help track down Kara, had them try to fit in in late-90s small town America, which was hilarious. Also, in general, even with all the hype over Nia being the first transgender superhero ever (she's also played by a real-life trans rights hero, Nicole Maines), aside from a little focus when she was first introduced, they haven't made it her sole defining trait, and have developed her beyond that, which I appreciate. I'm not sure their relationship had its full time to develop - towards the end it seemed doomed to fail since at some point Brainy was going to have to go back to the future time he came from. But in the finale he decided to "screw destiny" and came back for her, so they still have a chance!
Pokéshipping (Ash x Misty): From Pokémon, obviously. This is Pokémon's oldest ship and I have stood by it for years (to be fair, I haven't seen enough of the anime to justify the other Ash ships anyway). But then I'm biased, since Misty has long been a favorite character of mine from Pokémon. It's been cool seeing her come back in more recent seasons and still have a dynamic with Ash. It started with him accidentally frying her bike with Pikachu, and her tagging along to make him pay her back, but they ultimately developed a strong friendship, which I think is only rivaled by his friendship with Dawn probably. Of course, since I ship them, I wish there could be more - and there are songs showing Misty has feelings for him ("Misty's Song," "He Drives Me Crazy," "I've Got a Secret" from Pokémon Live). The second movie also teased the idea, though Misty strongly denied it. As for Ash, we have no idea how he feels. But let's be fair, he barely acknowledged Serena's feelings, and hers as far as I can tell were WAY more obvious than Misty's (Serena pretty much started traveling with Ash cause she had a crush on him). So I'm guessing he's just completely oblivious. He'd have to grow up a lot to realize how Misty feels. And now Ash's time in the anime is basically over. Though, they did leave things pretty open-ended with him, so...
Yowzah (Doctor x River Song): This is basically my main ship from Doctor Who (though I do also support Tenrose). For this ship, I usually define it as Eleven x River specifically, since they interact the most. Though their relationship is crazy complicated, their banter is always fun to see when they do meet. Because I didn't watch Doctor Who quite in order when catching up on old seasons, I actually saw their romance in basically chronological order - starting with Series 5-7 and ending with 4, where Ten meets her but she ends up dying - which somehow made it even more poignant. I did appreciate that before Steven Moffat left, he resolved their whole thing by having Twelve finally take River to Darillium (the last place River saw "her" Doctor before traveling to the Library and meeting Ten), and having Twelve come to terms with her being gone. While there are still Big Finish audios coming out to flesh out River's personal canon, I consider her timeline with The Doctor finished, and I don't expect her to show up again (although, they brought back Jack Harkness, so I guess no one's safe). I don't feel like there's any sort of future they could give them - "The Name of the Doctor" already showed River post-death. I suppose they could delve into their past still, especially if they keep the Timeless Child plotline when Russell T. Davies takes over again. I'd kinda love for River to meet the Fugitive Doctor. I feel like they would be BFFs in a heartbeat. At any rate, River is a fun character, and for now I've been indulging my interest in this ship via the Eleventh Doctor fanfic I've been working on for years (I have an idea for a ship fic with them too).
Mamoru x Hina (PGSM): So not sure this is even a ship but decided to add it anyway. When it comes to Sailor Moon, I'm typically in the Usagi x Mamoru camp pretty strongly. Especially in the manga, where their relationship really gets some deep development (it gets development in the anime too, but not in the same way I feel like). But the live-action series Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon just didn't do their relationship justice. I get that they had limited episodes to work with, but they could've done better. They also tried to make things more dramatic by revealing Mamoru was engaged, right at the point of the show when Usagi was starting to think maybe he wasn't so bad after all. And then try to twist the knife even more by making Usagi realize that "OMG this guy's girlfriend is actually NICE." Hina, meanwhile, didn't get much development beyond being the "other woman" who clearly loved Mamoru more than he did her. That she was the "childhood friend" in this scenario probably didn't help either (anyone who's watched/read enough shoujo knows that the "childhood friend" rarely wins in a love triangle). She did at least respect that Mamoru had a lost past he was trying to find clues to, and tried to be supportive as much as she could. And when Mamoru got cut off from a call with her when Kunzite attacked him, she seemed genuinely upset. (She also got upset when she found Usagi's handkerchief in Mamoru's dresser, but that's more like a "OMG are you cheating on me?" kind of upset). Ultimately she saw the writing on the wall and broke up with Mamoru. I mean, sure, if the show was going to follow the original Sailor Moon plot, Mamoru and Usagi were going to have to end up together somehow. But instead of trying to create a genuine love triangle with actual drama attached, they had Mamoru in a relationship he didn't really care about and Usagi, as much as it pained her, willing to honor that relationship. Thus they started to kinda reluctantly become just friends instead. But while it can be argued they did develop some feelings for each other eventually, their whole romance seems to be based on the fact that they loved each other in their past lives, and fate is doing its darnedest to bring them together again. Except that in the past that caused the destruction of the Earth, a fact that initially no one remembers except Sailor Venus, Zoisite, and Kunzite, which is why those three are pretty strongly against Usagi and Mamoru getting together (Beryl also tries to split them up later, either personally or through her "shadow" Mio, since the Beryl/Serenity/Endymion love triangle is also still a thing). Then they get separated since Mamoru goes to study abroad in England, and then later lets Beryl capture him to save the Shitennou, causing all this angst where Usagi tries really hard not to make the Silver Crystal activate, as this would not only make her hardcore "I don't care about anything but my prince" Princess Sailor Moon side come out, but it also inadvertently powers Queen Metallia, neither of which is good for the safety of the Earth. Even once Beryl is defeated and Usagi and Mamoru are *finally* set to get married, it's clear Mamoru is not that enthusiastic about it, which is what leads to Usagi breaking things off and Mio showing up and being like "I'M BAAACK" and kidnapping Mamoru to be her groom in her circus-inspired base. So...anyway, it's just hard for me to ship Usagi x Mamoru in PGSM for these reasons, so I lean more toward shipping Hina with Mamoru. After all, the short "Hina Afterward" made it clear that she still thought about him after they broke up.
Last Song: Not a song per se, but...the Suzume soundtrack on Spotify. It's actually quite a good soundtrack. Sadly, they didn't include the songs Serizawa plays in his car during the road trip part of the movie (probably for copyright reasons), but I found a couple Spotify playlists people made of the songs he plays: this one and this one. One of them is "Rouge no Dengon," the opening song to Kiki's Delivery Service, which I recognized immediately when I first heard it as that's my favorite Ghibli film.
Currently Reading: This translation of Virgil's The Aeneid, translated by David Ferry. It was the one recommended by Blue of the YouTube channel Overly Sarcastic Productions in his Virgil video, so I figured it had to be good. Now, being a mythology buff, I knew something about the Aeneid going into this (I also watched OSP's video covering it), but I'd never read it in verse before now. And it is actually quite good. Sure there are boring lists of people at times, and Virgil spends like 10 stanzas describing the decorations on Aeneas's shield in great detail, which I could care less about. While I definitely had to consult the list of names in the back a few times to know what stuff was, the text was otherwise quite understandable as is, which isn't easy with old texts like this as far as I can tell. Ferry does a good job making it readable but not TOO modern. Would recommend.
Last Movie: The anime movie Suzume, directed by Makoto Shinkai, who did Your Name and Weathering With You. As I mentioned in this post, it's REALLY GOOD.
Craving: I'm looking forward to the game Hogwarts Legacy. The Switch version got delayed till July and it bugs me a lot. Also, this game called Sea of Stars is finally coming out soon that I backed on Kickstarter. I've never backed a video game on there before, so that's exciting! Besides that...I bought a TON of 3DS and DS games in my pursuit to get the games I wanted before the 3DS eShop shut down a couple months ago, so looking forward to those. In the process, I found out my DS Lite can still read GBA cartridges, allowing me to replay old favorites like Kim Possible 2: Draaken's Demise and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon as well as games I missed (like all of the Gen 3 Pokémon games - if I can track them down - and Tales of Phantasia, which I just recently found out even HAD a GBA version).
As for non-gaming things...I haven't been to Disneyland in years, despite living less than 2 hours away from it. Sure, as an autistic person, theme parks can be kind of a nightmare, but I really love Disney movies. Also, I haven't been there since before the Star Wars land was completed, so I really want to go there and see that, as I'm also a big Star Wars fan.
Also I do miss doing covers on my YouTube channel, I'll admit. I'd also like to do more collabs, but the SeraMyu cover community seems kinda dead now, especially since our sort of Fearless Leader (and the one who encouraged me to join in the first place) @sailorzakuro seems to have moved on.
Tagging: @ainomessage, @fyeahsailormoon, @glitzyglee, @galaxia-gorgeous, @gracemyhearto, @kosmosinusa, @katieban-kaiteiban, @love-boat, @sailormoonsub
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mnovenia · 2 days
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1. Orang yang menerima pelatihan adalah pemeran utama dari penginjilan
Kalo kita tidak dilatih, kita yg mengalami kejatuhan dalam ke pencobaan, supaya bisa menghentikan kebinasaan. Kehancuran pribadi, budaya kegelapan, hasil penyembahan berhala -> transgender, kesehatan mental dan ini mreka tidak sadari dan hal inilah yang membuat keadaan menjadi darurat: karena dosa meninggalkan Tuhan Allah, dan mereka tidak tahu tentang keberadaan iblis & roh jahat..
2. Tokoh2 utama di PI dalam alkitab
Apa yang mau kita sampaikan di lapangan?
A. Siapakah Yesus itu
Mat 16:13-20 yesus adalah Kristus,mesias, anak Allah yang hidup, Tuhan Allah itu sendiri, jawaban dari semua permasalahan. Tidak dengan tambahan2 lain sperti kamu akan sembuh, finansial mu selesai dsbnya .Kl itu doesn’t sound inviting buat dia ya tidak apa, maka itu belum jadwal Tuhan.
Walaupun banyak halangan, tapi sy yakin Tuhan akan pakai sy untuk penginjilan di Bali, Indo & seluruh dunia -> percaya dan imani setiap hari
Strategi abad 21:
Penyembuhan dari berhala, mental, kehidupan, specialist (elite), industri, remnant.
BAB 18 PI & PELAYANAN TIM (Kis 8:4-8)
1. Banyak agama & organisasi juga melakukan pelayanan penyembuhan
2. Pelayanan penyembuhan dan penginjilan yang alkitabiah sangat mendesak
3. Penyembuhan alkitabiah membutuhkan penginjilan yang benar
Keinginan Marshella berumah tangga sejak kecil, mixed nation marriage, quietness, international culture & its ability, brainy work, membaca & nonton TV, isi dengan begaimana itu sejalan dan dg kesadaran sy berjalan dg Tuhan Allah (meskipun sgt susah krn kita akan terpaut lebih dg dunia)..
Kl aku mikirin Gwanghui terus seperti sedang jatuh cinta, maka saat itu juga doa fokus Kristus, sehingga pada saat itu juga Tuhan yang akan mengisi kegalauan & pergumulan Shella, sampai tangan Tuhan dan roh kudus yang bekerja.
BAB 19 & 20 Gerakan penginjilan rakyat & elit
Paulus datang ke kota, pasar, dll untuk menginjili kaum elit terbaik (Lidia, Prisila & Akwila. Jadilah ahli dalam injil sehingga kaum elit tersebut datang pada kalian untuk mendengar injil
Homework: 1) Bab 19 choose 1 Gerakan Pengijilan Yesus/Gereja Mula Mula atau Paulus. Baca ayatnya & lihat apa yang Yesus lakukan dari ayat2 itu
1. Kis 2:43-45 ->
2) Bab 20 Cara penginjilan pada elit yang bisa saya terapkan sekarang juga. Para kontraktor, arsitek, landlord Bali yang selalu menerapkan melukat dan tradisi2 Bali penyembahan berhala untuk setiap vila vila dan tempat komersial
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hitchell-mope · 5 months
Timeline differences in season four of the My Universe au.
For starters. The premier features the karamel wedding we deserved. As detailed in this post if you want to take a look: https://www.tumblr.com/hitchell-mope/749090546592677888/my-universe-au-the-karamel-wedding
President Marsdin is still exposed ss an alien and gets deposed which means the bloody, godforsaken “liberty” bullshitters still crawl out of the woodwork. BUT. In this au Mon El sides with Manchester Black and reminds Kara that when someone you love is hurt, and or killed, all rhyme and reason fly out of the window.
Samantha and Ruby have stayed around, obviously. Win and Samantha are dating and Samantha is now Mon El’s protégé and training to join the team as a form of self induced penance. At Ruby’s suggestion Samantha’s rechristened her alias as Sovereign. They used to collect old and foreign coins.
As a side benefit of them being married now. Mon El is happily barred from testifying against Kara and revealing her identity. Much to Hailey’s increasing frustration and Kara’s much more than smug relief.
Lucy has appointed herself as the DEO’s Judge Advocate General. And has happily prohibited Kara, Mon El, Samantha and Ruby from telling Hailey about anything to do with themselves, their identities, Krypton or Daxam
Ruby’s powers have started to manifest. Namely the hearing and the X-ray vision. To help her learn how to control it. Brainy manufactured her glasses similar to Kara and Mon El’s and a kind of ear plug/reverse hearing aid device that allows her to turn the world’s volume down as it were. Winn calls it modern problems requiring modern solutions. Samantha doesn’t need glasses because her mask covers her face.
Lucy manages to stop James compromising himself in the name of altruism. Unfortunately he still gets shot. But Brainy uses 30th century technology to cure him. So no Harun El/Lena bullshit for him. Kelly is also let in on the secret much sooner than in canon. She’s his next of kin and she needed to know the ins and outs.
Mon El finds out here here’s a clone of Kara running around before the others do. How else would you explain Lex Luthor taking to someone that sounds like you but isn’t in your apartment? Super hearing. It’s a marvel.
Lena and Maxwell are still using the Harun El in their illegal experiments. And Adam still dies. Only this time around. It’s treated as them being horrible very instead of affording them sympathy. See how easy it is writers?
Alex still needs to have her mind erased to Kara’s identity as supergirl. So does Winn, James and Brainy. Lucy doesn’t because she outranks Hailey. For now. So yes. It is far more depressing than in canon. But at least in this au, Kara has Mon El to lean on.
Mon El accidentally finds himself becoming Nia’s unofficial brother figure. He’s also a very eager learner regarding transgender issues. Plus. He also prevents Kara from inserting herself into the narrative as it were when Nia fights that disgusting bigot that has a name that I can’t be bothered to remember because he understands that this is something that Nia has to do herself and he trusts her to do the right thing.
Following up on his suspicions Mon El confronts Cat, Carter and Morgan on whether they know about his and Kara’s secret identities or not. They do. Which he is relived by because with her sister and her two best friends not knowing her identity Kara needs a support group more than ever.
The memory erasure puts a strain on James x Lucy and Winn x Samantha’s relationships. But the women know that it’s not the men’s fault so they don’t hold it against them. It’s just a really, really rough patch.
The final fight between Kara and the clone happens more or less the same with Alex, James and Winn regaining their memories except Mon El flies her back to the DEO’s sun lamps instead of Alex covering her in plants. Because that was just stupid.
Hailey still performs the heel face turn. And Lockwood dies. He gets shot. His son attempts to do it. But J’onn prevents him from doing it. To spare him that pain. Lockwood was a psychopathic bastard. But he was still the kids father. Unfortunately.
Lena still shoots Lex. For trying to commandeer the illegal experiments. He still tells her everyone’s identities though. And even though they were never friends. She still feels slighted for some reason. Which sets up the events for season five.
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sidneypoindexter · 2 years
characters who can't TECHNICALLY be transgender due to story limitations but give off an incredibly transgender vibe anyways
Princess Ozma of Oz
Brainy Smurf
Hunter (The Owl House)
feel free to add on
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ask-brainysmurf · 4 years
Hey uh by the way, you say Nanny wasn’t born female
BRAINY: Well, technically no smurfs were born. But I’ve been told she was smurfed normally, and then she wanted to be a girl, so now she is.
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mountain-weasel · 4 years
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name someone more babye than nicole🥺
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meaningnotimportant · 6 years
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villanelle-wlwship · 3 years
Isnt it funny how this ‘friendship’ between Andrea and Lena doesnt exist anymore? Like.. andrea could have ‘used’ that friendship to get into the tower for her news in Catco magazine (still doesnt make sense to me that they write this kind of news in a fashion magazine but oh well..). It would make a lot more sense in my opinion for Andrea to be in the tower then William. Same as.. how are they going to bring acatra back? Andrea doesnt have a storyline all season and then suddenly in the final acatra is back? With three dudebro’s who will probally get most of the screentime? 💀
I honestly wished that they would just focus on wrapping the story’s of the three main characters. Kara, alex and j’onn. with brainy, kelly and ofcourse Lena at the side. And not to be mean, i love dreamer because she is the first transgender superhero and that is amazing. But she had never really had a great story? In season five she never even used her powers, they never really used her narcolepsy anywhere in her story and Nia as a journalist is replaced by William? And does anyone really know what happened with Brainia?
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90s-kid-sad-adult · 5 days
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you are the reason it is going to succeed
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alphawolfice1989 · 2 years
Arrowverse siblings with one member part of the LGBTQ community from supergirl
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Kara and alex danvers
Alex danvers is a lesbian
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Jimmy and Kelly
Kelly olsen is a lesbian
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Brainy and his sister
Brainy sister is a lesbian
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Nia and Maeve
Nia is transgender
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skittlebits · 3 years
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I mean, we’ve been saying it for a while now.
Gone are the episodes of the early seasons where the writers had the main plot plus two sub plots max per episode.
In recent seasons of almost all of the CW shows, most episodes have four or five subplots and only one, maybe two of those subplots are even helpful to the main plot of the week.
Supergirl has been incredibly sloppy since last season’s COIE crossover. There are too many supporting characters getting storylines and as a result all of them are lacklustre.
Subplot #1 Danvers Family related stuff
Subplot #2 Kara and Lena’s relationship
Subplot #3 Alex and Kelly’s relationship (LGBTQ)
Subplot #4 Nia learning how to use her powers (First transgender superhero)
Subplot #5 Luthor Family stuff
Subplot #6 Nia and Brainy’s relationship
Subplot #7 Lena and Andrea’s continued past/present/quid pro quo relationship
Subplot #8 William and Kara’s relationship/Kara’s friends pressuring her into dating someone
Subplot #9 Whatever J’onn and M’gann still have going on
Subplot #10 Kara’s day job/maintaining her human life
It’s pretty crazy how often they throw an entire handful of these subplots into an episode only to watch viewers stop watching. A strong episode has a main plot you can follow, that keeps you engaged. When a friend asks you the next day what the episode was about, you can recall something like “a weird blobby alien dude tried to kidnap Supergirl because Kryptonians killed his family” and not,
“Um...Lena was still trying to do her mind control project but Lex did something to sabotage it, I think? And the not-DEO was raiding some place. Alex now has a new uniform and make-up. Anyway, some guy stuck a stick in the ground and caused an earthquake. I think Kara ate a bagel or something near the end.”
Sooooo sloppy!! Even soap operas have tighter plots!! And it’s such a shame because a lot of these characters are fantastic and would absolutely rock a well-written storyline. Instead, we’re left with a cancelled show and so many loose ends on these subplots we’ll be lucky to get one or two properly tied up by the end.
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