#transgender alex Danvers
superspoonie24 · 2 years
The super friends come to Nia about their gender identity!!
Brainy: he comes to Nia pretty early on. Like once they're friends and either when they start dating or before they start dating. He talks about how his culture didnt really have gender. Just.... Conquest. So when he joined the legion and stuff and they used he, he just went along. But he doesn't really know what it means. And well. He kinda wants to try she. And they. And Xe. Xe is very nice Xe thinks. And Nia is so supportive and helps xem research different identities to try and understand the language more. Xe appreciates the research. Agender sticks out to xem a lot. It just. No gender. Yeah. That fits. So Nia uses Xe/Xem for Brainy and also they make pronoun bracelets together! So if brainy wants to use a different pronoun that day, Nia will know!
Kara: it isn't until she's been friends with Nia for years, hell probably a decade that she talks to Nia about this. Nia helped her with her sexuality crisis a while ago. And now that her and Lena are engaged, Kara is really freaking out over if she identifies with the term "wife". She tells Nia that when Cat first named her Suoergirl, she had outrage over being "girl" when Kal-el was Superman. She accepted Cat's explanation. But it still felt... Wrong. Girl of Steel. Maiden of Might. It just didnt feel.... Right. She thinks back to krypton. About how she had conflicting thoughts even back then. But when she arrived on earth, her whole mission was to blend in. So being queer... Let alone gender nonconforming, was out of the question. So now that she is finally free to be herself. She can't help but dislike being girl. It's not that she doesn't feel girl. It's more like. She's more than that. There's girl and boy and everything in between. She's kara zor-el. Girl doesn't encompass all of that. Nia talks about being nonbinary and gender fluid. Kara likes those, but they don't feel quite right. Then Nia says genderqueer and a comforting warmth explodes in Kara's heart. They talk a bit more about pronouns, and Kara leans more towards they/them. But they do like he/him and occasionally she/her? Cause it's a part of them. Just not all of them. Brainy joins them in helping make pronoun bracelets, happy to share Xer experience with 'gender' and how similar Xe feel. Kara is very happy to have bracelets and to finally get it off their chest. They brainstorm possible new hero names and costumes. Kara isn't sure if they'll go through with a change, but it is really fun to think of new ideas. Maybe they'll give Winn a buzz. Or ask Cat for name suggestions.
Alex: she calls Nia while drunk one night having a breakdown over wanting to be esme's dad. But also being a mom. And it's so confusing because she always wanted to be a mom. So why does she now want to be a dad? Why is now when she likes the idea of growing facial hair. She's already been dressing masculine. But lesbians can be masc. But how can she be a lesbian if she wants to be called sir and he him and Dada. Isn't that a bad lesbian??? Nia comforts her over the phone, and is very tempted to come over to the house and hug her. She explains he/him lesbians exists and are so very valid. And that it's okay to want this. That she's not bad. She asks about if transmasc fits what Alex is thinking, and after a solid fifteen minutes of broken sobs, Alex quietly says "maybe????". Nia reassures them and tells them it's okay. She keeps the conversation light for now, but promises that they can talk about it again when Alex is sober. And they do. And Alex doesn't commit to an identity at first, but does admit that they want to use he/they. Nia congratulates him and Alex is very happy. And then a minute later has a breakdown over if Kelly will still want them. Cause she's a lesbian and don't lesbians not like men? That way at least. Nia reassures him and encourages them to talk to Kelly. Alex has a lot of panic. So they compromise and Nia sits with them while they talk to Kelly over the phone. Kelly is ecstatic to hear Alex' truth and reassures them a thousand times over that she still loves him and no gender identity will ever change that. Hell. She falls in love a little bit more seeing Alex embrace their full self. And seeing them with stubble and hearing esme call him "Dada" warms her heart (and maybe something else too). She loves her spouse and supports him 1000%.
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mx-loar-tev · 1 year
New in the Agender Kara Zor-El comics serie!
Comic #2: Hair.
Alex would die protecting Kara, but during Sibling Night, all is fair in love and sibling rivalry.
Alex has her own way of showing her support.
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Read the first one here:
Read the full serie on ao3 here:
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rachelsfav-queer · 1 year
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor Characters: Samantha "Sam" Arias, Alex Danvers, Ruby Arias, J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015), Nia Nal Additional Tags: Gender Non-Conforming Kara Danvers, Gender Issues, Gender Dysphoria, Kara Danvers Needs a Hug, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Protective Alex Danvers, Protective Lena Luthor, Minor Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers, Established Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Autistic Kara Danvers, Bottom Kara Danvers, Top Lena Luthor, Coming Out, Supportive Nia Nal, Possible smut, Haven’t Decided Yet Tho Summary:
Kara has always felt different, ever since she landed on Earth. Considering that she was an alien, it made sense. But, that explanation didn't feel right to Kara. There was something more and for all her effort, Kara just couldn't figure it out. One day, Kara decides to bite the bullet and ask for help. But, who does the super go to? She certainly has no shortage of support but at the same time, Kara feels wary about talking to just any of her friends about this. Who will Kara decide to seek help from?
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rivriv03 · 2 years
Sunday 5th June
Alex Danvers (Lesbian)
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Kelly Olsen (Lesbian)
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Maggie Sawyer (Lesbian)
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Kate Kane (Lesbian)
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Sara Lance (Bisexual)
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Nia Nal (Trans M-F)
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onceuponaweirdo · 2 years
I need some more non-binary pirate Alex 😫😫🥺🥺
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happy pride month yall!!
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ssweet-getaway · 3 years
Facts they are really pissing me off
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realreadreid · 5 years
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I mean ffs! #beentheredonethat #shipdansen #falsehope
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buddha-in-disguise · 5 years
This is how it's done
Episode 5.15 at last.
While the emphasis has been on Nia's story in this episode, the synopsis made it clear Alex, Kelly and J'onn had a secondary storyline running as well. So again we were eager to watch knowing they were finally getting more than a token few minutes together.
Did it deliver?
Oh hell yes.
You just have to look on Twitter to see the praise being heaped on it by fans.
But first let's get the elephant in the room out of the way. William.
The opening sequence as Kara is fighting with Nia, and Nia has to be the one reminding Kara she has a date? Already covered by me and others, but to reiterate: that does not give a vibe of someone excited to be going on a first date. You can't even use the excuse of her mind was on the fight, because so was Nia's.
As to Kara at her apartment with Alex prior to the date?
Those words, "Cancel it for me."
Lets say (for arguments sake) it is nerves again speaking. Maybe it is, but that she is even having those thoughts? That she completely forgot about the 1st date, and needed reminding? If Kara can't get invested in the date, how are the audience expected to become invested?
As for the date itself. Kara arrives.... having been told by Alex to wear the blue top because .... well reasons .... and she is wearing the purple? So, not wanting to go with the best look then?
I didn't mind the date per se, although I did wonder if Kara was simply trying to not show pool skills, because I can't believe for a second, with Alex as a sister, and the control Kara now has on her powers (worry over lack of control would be the only other reason for her hesitation that I can think of), Kara hasn't been pulled into playing many times.
Did I get a date vibe? No. I felt more bonding yes (like why has it taken until now to even vaguely have that much), but date? Nope. Still not feeling it. If any of the above was a one off instance, you could shrug it off. But all of them? Sorry but as I say, if Kara isn't that invested in a first date, then we can't be expected to be as invested. However, that isn't to say that William annoyed me. In truth having him more on the sidelines was a relief as it finally allowed others to get some much needed screen time.
The Nia storyline.
This is obviously one extremely close to me, as my husband is transgender, and we have other family who are also transgender.
Nicole's input was definitely felt. Some of the lines she spoke were ones we have said ourselves almost word for word.
This is a topic that is one I've been extremely vocal about, and one in particular I have spoken about (in the William and Kara at CatCo scene) is the figures for transgender people killed in the last year alone in the USA, but more importantly that this number is likely not a true representation as many who die are misgendered after death.
It was so important to show just how bad for the transgender community it is. And no, it wouldn't necessarily be a fact Kara would know. Even those in the LGBTQ community aren't always aware of these figures. As for William being the one stating the figures back to Kara, again in the context I had no qualms about it. In fact having a CIS straight man write the piece and be a supportive ally is an important message in it's own right. I was worried that wouldn't come across, but I felt it did.
If ever there was a line that spoke volumes in this weeks Supergirl episode it was this:
"They want us to be invisible because of their own fears, they want to erase us so...... we need to shine even brighter." - Nia Nal
And shine Nicole Maines (and Roxy Wood, because the additional line about being a Black transgender woman - take my heart, stomp over it, then expect me to function), did. Both deserve so much praise on the way they delivered their performances.
I genuinely cried at some of this weeks episode, because the experiences have been ones we have faced as a transgender household. Being white does afford us a privilege that Black transgender people (especially the women) don't have. But as I say, it has been something I've been vocal about for a long time.
Lastly Kara and Nia on the balcony. Holy mother of god (or goddess), tears. Again. Nicole and Melissa once again were so good it felt like a punch to the gut. Kara wiping that tear off Nia's cheek. Big ugly sobbing from me. Gah! Just ....
Now Alex and Kelly. While I'm still craving a nice intimate atmosphere at home with them, having had so little of Dansen (and Kelly) it was a relief that for once Kelly wasn't given diminished screentime. Not only that, she was instrumental in helping Alex navigate through the VR world.
Alex having that PTSD flashback to being in the tank. Whoa, finally acknowledging it affected her and obviously still does. I loved how Kelly is so good at helping Alex maintain her equilibrium. You could tell it wasn't just because of her training or profession, but as a girlfriend who knows and understands how to communicate to Alex in that moment of stress, much like Alex was able to realise Malefic was manifesting as Kelly in the earlier part of the season, simply because she knew her girlfriend well enough.
Watching Alex train to get used to the Martian weapon, felt very reminiscent of S1 where Alex was training Kara early on. It was good to see her off balance for once in her training, as she has always shown a confidence in her ability until now. For those who complain she brought up wanting to be back at the DEO, as someone who has heavy military presence in our family (for at least 4 generations on my maternal side), I can safely say, going from military (and remember the DEO is recognised and spoken about in canon as being a military operation), and suddenly and unexpectedly thrown back into civilian life is one heck of an adjustment. It's an adjustment for most even when they know it's coming. To be so abrupt, so unexpected? Alex is going to want that structure back, and have that support around her. It is absolutely not unrealistic for her to feel this way or to talk about it. I would've been more surprised if she hadn't.
"And this is my gun."
Alex giving no crap. The whole rescue sequence was a joy to watch.
If I had a complaint, as I mentioned, I would've loved just a moment of real quiet intimacy between Kelly and Alex. We've barely seen anything of that sort. I hope we get something next episode (which also looks amazing from the trailer).
I could go through the episode and pick up so many times on how good it was. It was so much, I know I will have forgotten something I wanted to say. But I'm exhausted (almost no sleep will do that to you, damn being in the UK and these stupid o'clock viewing times), and it was so much to unpack.
Brainy, was barely in the episode but damn, so lovely (& heartbreaking) to see him give the information to the NCPD to help against transphobic attacks.
Onto a side plot, but finally we have more about Leviathan.
Leviathan have those bodies suspended.
What if William dies in 5.19 and becomes one of those suspended bodies for 5.20 or was supposed to, as Nicole mentioned on her Instagram story they still had scenes to film, and a couple were pretty amazing? With Staz back, would it have involved him, possibly as a sleeper agent? I've touted this idea before. While I would prefer that a MOC isn't cast into being a bad guy again, or killed off, I would more than happily see him simply go back to London and The Times. But I guess we wait to see what happens there.
But if, like Russell in 5a, he becomes an unwitting agent of Leviathan & a bad guy, cue fight scene, possibly in a VR setting? Maybe? Who knows.
Last but by no means least - they killed off Jeremiah. Since we're not entirely sure if Cadmus operated in the same way on Earth Prime as they did on Earth 38, we don't yet know the circumstances behind his death.
Will we get more explanation about it? Honestly I'm not overly bothered unless it helps serve a current storyline. Merely because episode numbers are running out, and it does at least bring us closure on his character one way or another. Something a lot of us have questioned for so long now.
As for complaints, the only ones expressing any real disappointment have been fans who have either regularly attacked other fans (especially those of in the SC or Dansen fandoms), or the outright transphobic users (I won't call them fans), who as the episode makes clear, are everywhere. The transphobes come out in force everytime with Nicole, so it isn't a surprise to see them again. As Nia says, it what transgender people face on a daily basis.
Plus with no Lena in the episode, it helps show that fans didn't need a Lena/Kara centric episode for this to garner such positive reactions, particularly from the LGBTQ fans. In some ways, as many have been saying (yes even SC fans), this Lena drama has long since gone by its sell by date and not having Lena once more stuck in her laboratory wasn't missed. And god, I say this as a huge Lena fan. I still want her on screen of course, but we need progression on what is happening with her. Both Lex and Lena have felt stale of late, and while I know it changes as we get into the last few episodes, I can truly say neither was missed this time. And before anyone jumps in, no this isn't bashing SC (I still ship both Dansen and SC, as well as Brainia), or saying SC shouldn't happen, or Lena is evil, or not needed. I don't think that at all. I merely am getting tired of a merry-go-round on Lena in her laboratory that we've had of late, & the only interaction has been with Lex. Time to break her out of that cell!
I don’t know what they were putting in the water in Vancouver when they did the Batwoman and Supergirl episodes this week, but they both had me simultaneously laughing & crying! It looked ugly for a minute there.
Both were outstanding episodes.
As much as I've had my criticism over some of this season, when Supergirl get it right like they did here, they soar! This was one of my top episodes for the entire series.
And despite all the news in the world right now, Supergirl trended on Twitter again.
Gif courtesy of @ Daily_danvers on Twitter.
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moon-for-moon · 5 years
🏳️‍🌈Happy Pride Month!🏳️‍🌈
To Lesbians
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To Gays
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To Bisexuals
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To Transgenders
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To Pansexuals
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To the entire LGBTQ+ Community, Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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meaningnotimportant · 6 years
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aihodgayships · 6 years
I totally want to make a ftm trans Alex fanfiction with some kalex love.....but then again I have other stories I have to do...like..I want to.. so bad...but stories..UGH
Let me know if I should do the story so I can blame you guys when I write it.
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thebodybioelectric · 6 years
A new chapter of Teachable Moments, the transvers fic that people did end up wanting. This episode of Crying and Getting Fiinger-Blasted by Your GF, that exact thing happens after the Cadmus ship almost launches Alex into space. But is Maggie or Alex the one crying? Who’s getting finger-blasted? read more to find out!
or: a new chapter on the trans woman Alex Danvers fic
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rainaftersnowplease · 3 years
You Had Meat At Hello
Well my friends, it's that time. The @supercorpzine has been out for about a month now, and we've all been given the go-ahead to post our contributions. I'm very proud to have been a part of this project, which has raised a TON of money for the Transgender Law Center, The Trevor Project, and Futures Without Violence. I'm just so, so proud to have been a part of the group that made such a large contribution possible.
My piece is a fun little romp of a farmer's market au, and I hope you enjoy it!
You Had Meat At Hello
Lena Luthor is cold, but that’s to be expected.
The sun is up, but hasn’t been for long enough to warm the misty early Saturday morning. The grass under her feet is still frozen, at turns crunchy and squishy as her shifting boots stamp it into the icy mud. Lena wraps her arms around her own middle and breathes out a visible puff of air into the chilly morning.
“Need a warmup?” and that’s Sam, looking like a goddamn angel in the misty park with a coffee in each hand. She gives one to Lena and shuffles in close to her under the pop-up tent.
Lena lets the scent of warm coffee unwind the grouchy morning buzzing in her head. And the first sip is scalding heaven on her tongue.
It’s early yet for the market. Sam and Lena have worked the Luthor Ranch booth for the better part of five years, together, ever since Sam signed on for weekend work in college. Lena had graduated into running the entire farmer’s market apparatus for the Ranch, and convinced Sam to stay on as her number two. They seldom got to work markets together anymore, but a last-minute cancellation has them back in action together on a frosty morning in early January.
Markets have a tidal flow to them. High tide is always in the early morning, when the regulars and older folks come out with their coffees to select their cuts before everyone else. Things generally taper off as the afternoon approaches, the crowd skewing younger and faster as the morning wanes.
“We’re down over last week,” Sam says, halfway through the day. It’s warmed up enough that Lena has removed her coat to work instead in a long-sleeved tee shirt. Her second coffee is iced and drizzled in caramel.
“Winter is always weird,” Lena says. And it’s true. They sell fewer expensive grilling cuts and more economical roasts and stewing cuts in winter. “If we’re over seven thousand for the day I’ll call it a win, especially this soon after new year’s.”
Sam hums and leans against their back table next to Lena. With her here, Lena can feel the ghost of that feeling of freedom that she used to, running markets with Sam in college when nothing mattered but racing their own numbers from the week before and eating their body weight in fresh dumplings from the market’s dim sum cart.
“Smoke show, right ahead,” Sam says, pulling Lena out of her own memories. She looks to where Sam indicates in the big aisle outside their stall, and rolls her eyes when she sees what’s there.
Alex Danvers is a chef at a high-end Italian place in the city. She comes every week to place her wholesale order and pick out food for her own meals as well.
Today, she is in a mood.
Go read the rest of it on Ao3 here!
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stephanieromanoff · 4 years
LGBT characters from DC
Characters from the comics and movies/tv series
(from wiki fandom)
Kate Kane (Batwoman)
Kate is a lesbian. Cousin of Bruce Wayne (Batman). She appears in the first season of Batwoman. 
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Ryan Wilder (Batwoman)
She’s a lesbian. She’s the main character in TV series Batwoman in season 2. 
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John Constantine
He’s bisexual.
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Harley Quinn
Harley is bisexual. In the comics, besides The Joker, she’s dated Poison Ivy. In the DCU, in Birds of Prey it was confirmed she’s bisexual.
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Lucifer Morningstar
He’s pansexual. His characters was based on the DC character Lucifer, and his tv show is based on the comics book Sandman.
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Nia Nal (Dreamer)
She’s transgender. She first appears in season 4 of Supergirl.
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John Kovacs (Watchmen)
He’s asexual.
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Barbara Minerva (Cheetah)
She’s a lesbian in the comics. She appears in Wonder Woman 1984.
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Midnighter and Apollo
They are gay. 
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Alex Danvers
She’s a lesbian. Her characters was created for the tv series Supergirl. 
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Maggie Sawyer
She’s a lesbian. She’s dated Alex Danvers.
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Kelly Olsen
She’s a lesbian.
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Rick Stone (Gear)
He’s gay. 
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Mazikeen Smith
She’s pansexual. She appears in the tv series Lucifer.
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Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
She’s bisexual in the comics.
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Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
She’s bisexual in the comics.
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Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy)
She’s bisexual in the comics. She’s dated Harley Quinn.
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Sara Lance
She’s bisexual. 
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Renee Montoya
She’s a lesbian.
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Let me know if I forgot someone!
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With Supergirl concluding with its sixth season, the show needs to go ahead and make "Supercorp" canon.
Between protecting National City and her career in journalism, Kara Danvers hasn't had a ton of time for love on The CW's Supergirl. Her most serious non-platonic relationship so far was with Mon-El, though things didn't work out for them for reasons beyond their control. And while Melissa Benoist has indicated Supergirl's final season will focus on the slow burn romance between Kara and her new love interest William Dey, there's a case to be made that the show would be better of finally making Kara and Lena Luthor a canon couple instead.
Kara and Lena, otherwise known by their ship name, "Supercorp," are already one of Supergirl's most compelling couples, romantic or not. The pair were initially at odds when Lena made her debut in Season 2, as a result of her connection to Lex Luthor and his hatred of all things Kryptonian, but that quickly changed and the pair soon became close friends. Since then, their relationship has been complicated by Kara's need to keep her identity as Supergirl secret from Lena, despite her knowing all about Lena's trust issues after years of her dealings with Lex and her equally diabolical mother Lillian.
When Lex finally told Lena the truth before Kara could, it was such a big deal that Supergirl spent pretty much all of Season 5 unpacking the resulting emotional fallout and the way it spurred Lena into becoming a borderline villain. Forgiveness didn't come easy for either Lena or Kara after that, which is a testament to just how much their previous connection meant to one another. The fact they eventually rekindled ties and allowed their bond to evolve further shows how much both characters have matured since the show's earlier seasons and now have a firmer grasp of what it takes to make any type of adult relationship work.
Kara's blossoming romance with William is a healthy one based on mutual respect and the series has been careful not to rush into making them a couple. Still, with Supergirl Season 6 being the last season, it's hard to imagine the show will have the time to give their relationship much depth. Rather, those episodes might be better off devoted to exploring Kara and Lena's romantic feelings for one another and how their past makes it hard for them to trust each other with their hearts, in spite of their newly-repaired friendship. DC's Harley Quinn animated series showed just how great a storyline like that can be when it charted Harley and Poison Ivy's own journey to becoming a couple in Season 2.
Of course, Supergirl's writers have the right to take Kara's love life in whatever direction they deem fit in Season 6. They might even elect to end the show with her not being in a romantic relationship at all, which would be subversive in some ways. That said, Supergirl is a series that has long pushed the envelope for LGBTQ representation in superhero media, between having Kara's sister Alex come out as queer in Season 2 and introducing The CW's first transgender superhero, Dreamer, in Season 4. By ending things with Supercorp, the show would remain true to that cause, while also bringing Kara and Lena's personal arcs to a satisfying close.
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