#trip 6 go get the hamper
angryschnauzer · 1 year
As Sweet As Honey - Chapter 6
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Summary: Finding a new life in a new town, you stumble upon a Honey farmer at the town market. You both have pasts that have shaped the way you now live your lives, but can you find a way of putting them behind you to find happiness?
Pairing: ‘Lucas’ Syverson x Female Reader
Fandom: Henry Cavill, Sandcastle (Movie).
Ongoing Genre: Fluff, Angst, and Smut
Story Warnings: Slight Angst, Talk of a car accident in the past, Anxious Sy, Mild Embarrassment, First Date Nerves, Kissing,  NSFW, 18+, Smut, Fingering, Grinding, Hot Tub Frolics, Handjob, Titty Sucking, Nudity.
Chapter 6 Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Smut, Fingering, Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Angst, talk of abusive past relationship
Wordcount: 2222
Here is my masterlist and AO3
Chapter 1, Chapter 2,  Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5,
 I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you’ll then get an alert each time i post something new. My AO3 also has my entire back catalogue of stories (going back to 2013).
As Sweet As Honey - Chapter 6
Sy had a spring in his step as he returned to his truck, the box from Antonios tucked under his arm and he was thankful he’d left Akia at home for this trip as she would be happy snuffling around in the yard on the long tether he’d installed. He made sure the box was carefully wedged into the passenger side footwell before circling the truck and climbing in, whistling a happy tune as he started the truck and backed out of the space. He was in his own little world and didn’t see his cousin Walter wave to him or hear him call out his name.
The drive to your place was fairly short, and as he waited at stop signs and went in turn he mulled over in his head all the things he was going to tell you and share the good news. When he finally reached your house he pulled onto the driveway and smiled when he saw you in the garden, hanging laundry on the line so it billowed in the breeze, that same breeze making the hem of your summer dress flip and dance, revealing your soft thighs and the curve of your ass. He didn’t even realise he’d done it but you heard the low growl of appreciation he’d let out as he stood near your porch.
“Sy!” you called, abandoning the remaining laundry in the hamper and running across the lawn to him. He wrapped his free arm around your waist and pulled you to him, holding the box out of the way as you kissed. When you finally pulled apart you rested your hands on his chest;
“To what do I owe this honour of a surprise visit?”
“Just been to Antonios” he said with a grin, lifting the box a little.
“Oh this sounds like good news… what’s in the box?”
Sy smirked;
“Something juicy and round i have to pour my honey over and sprinkle with nuts”
Raising your eyebrows you pretended to be curious whilst trying not to giggle, instead you let out a small shriek as Sy wrapped an arm around you, cupping your ass before hoisting you up onto his hip and you wrapped your legs around his waist; “I’ll show you inside”
In the cool shade of the cottage he set you down on the old wooden surface of your kitchen table, his arm never leaving your back as he stood between your legs. That arm slid up your back and to the back of your neck, curling in your hair as he gently pulled your head back so he could kiss you. At some point he must have set the box down as you felt his other hand cup your cheek, before his fingertips softly brushed over the top of your chest, and he all out grabbed a handful, grunting into your mouth. Breaking the kiss you pressed your forehead to his;
“I so want your mouth on me but i also want to know what happened at Antonio’s”
Sy smirked;
“I guess i could get you started with my fingers”
With a low growl he pushed your legs further apart, his big hand sliding beneath the skirt of your dress and cupping your pussy in his palm;
“Already so warm and wet for me” he muttered as he pulled the soft cotton to one side and his thick fingers tenderly dragged through your folds; “The meeting was incredible… the main man himself agreed that i have a by far superior product”
“I can vouch for that” you interrupted, grinning as you confidently cupped Sy through his jeans, enjoying the feet of his hardness growing beneath the denim.
“As i was saying…” he cut in as he slid two thick fingers into you; “With the onset of summer and customers wanting lighter flavours, he’s placed a standing order for twelve jars weekly for the next three months, to be reviewed at that point”
“That’s amazing!”
“Which part?” he grinned; “The honey order or what I'm doing to your honey pot?” crooking his fingers just right as he found that spot deep inside that made you see stars.
“Both! BOTH!” 
“That’s my good girl,” Sy muttered.
Just as you were about to cum he pulled his fingers away, you were about to complain but were cut off as you watched him get to his knees in front of you. Those ice blue eyes stared up at you when he reached both hands under your skirt to push it up, before pulling your panties down. Leaning back on the table you lifted your ass so he could get them off, his strong hands holding your thighs open as he gratuitously stared your pussy. 
“Such a beautiful peach” he praised before pushing closer, his wide tongue licking a firm stripe through your petals. He grunted at your taste hit his tongue and you watched as his eyes fluttered shut as if it was the sweetest nectar he’d ever tasted. His tongue worked magic against your clit, pulling you rapidly to the edge of an orgasm, before he pulled away;
“Hey!” you went to protest before you realised he was quickly pulling his t-shirt over his head, tossing it aside before he wrapped his strong arms around your thighs and pulled you closer to the edge of the table. He dived right back in, this new position having you spread wider as he could control the angle of your thighs, this time his tongue was pushing into your velvet channel as he curled one hand around the top of your thigh to rub firm circles against your clit. He was like a man starved; his mouth never leaving you and for a second you wondered if he would need to come up for air, but as the pleasure built in your body your mind went blank and you forgot of Sy’s need for oxygen. 
Your hands reached for something to grip onto, your fingertips sliding on the wood of the table before you reached down and ran your fingers through Sy’s short cropped hair, silky to touch and just long enough to curl and hold onto. His grip on your thighs got tighter as he could feel your orgasm approaching, never relenting with his ministrations until you came with a cry, your legs shaking as they tightened around his head. 
“Oh Sy…Sy…” you praised, laying on the kitchen table as he pressed tender kisses to your inner thighs. As your mouth was currently disconnected from your mind you kept whispering his name, until your brain connected with its auditory sensors and realised you could hear a light tapping on the glass window of the old door to the back yard; “Sy…” your mind caught up with what you were seeing; “Walter…”
Sy stopped and immediately popped his head up;
“Walter? What the…?”
You suddenly realised the Sheriff was standing at the door, a shocked look on his face as he saw you and his cousin in the positions you were. Your brain caught up and you hastily pushed your dress down as you squeaked and pointed at the door, Sy looking to the door and his face darkened; “What the fuck does he want?” he grumbled as he pulled himself to his feet and crossed the room in three strides, yanking the door open;
The burly Sheriff held his hands up, the file he was holding hitting the door;
“Sy, i’m sorry. But this is important”
Sy nodded and went to step outside;
“Okay, we can talk in the yard”
But Walter didn’t move, instead he gripped the file with both hands and looked to you;
“Sy it’s not you i’m here to speak to”
A shiver ran down your spine as you saw the name on the file. With as much grace as you could muster you hopped off the table and tidied your skirt;
“Sheriff… Walter, please could you wait in the living room, i’ll be with you in a moment”
He nodded, waited for Sy to step aside before he quickly crossed the room and disappeared from view. Sy quickly came back to you, scooping his t-shirt from the floor;
“Is everything OK?”
You hadn’t realised you were hugging yourself, chewing nervously on your lip;
“I don’t know. It may be about the restraining order, that was the file he was holding”
Sy paused and blinked a few times before he shook his head as if trying to get his mind around something he hadn’t all the information for;
“Do I need to go?”
Shaking your head you pressed your hand to his chest, the skin warm to touch and a comfort;
“No, please stay. You deserve to know about my past”
With a sigh he nodded, turning his crumpled t-shirt in his hands before discovering the soft pink of your underwear, holding them out to you;
“Think these are yours” he said with a small smile.
It was tough but you matched his smile, and as the two of you silently redressed, your stomach flipped as it tightened with nerves. You didn’t want to leave what seemed like the comfort of your kitchen, but Walter had promised if he ever got an alert you’d be the first to know.
You sat on your couch, the photo gripped between your fingers. The still shot from a traffic cam at the state border on Interstate 94 was clear as day. Your blood ran cold.
“All deputies have been put on alert to look out for his car” Walter said quietly; “He told his parole officer he was heading to San Francisco when he had his final meeting a couple of weeks ago. I set the alert up at the borders and this is when he crossed from North Dakota into Montana. We’re all the way over the other side of the state, he could still just be taking this route coast to coast. I’ve reached out to the Butte City Police just for any alerts when he passes through to see if he heads south from there”
Walter’s words were not reassuring. You hadn’t realised you’d been nervously tapping your foot on the floor until Sy softly put his hand on your knee;
“Whatever you need Honey, i’m here” he paused; “But it would help if i knew what we were dealing with”
You took a deep breath. You were nervous, no, you were scared out of your mind to tell Sy, but he deserved to know. Nodding, you held the photo out;
“This is James. My… husband”
“Your… what?” Sy asked, cocking his head to one side, his lips pressed into a thin line.
“Ex-husband” Walter added; “The Massachusetts courts granted the divorce without him present”
You nodded, turning to Sy and lifting your gaze to his. You could feel tears threatening to spill as you gathered the courage to speak;
“I…” you tried to continue but your words disappeared into a gurgle as tears started to flow, the memories too painful. You needed to get out of the room, to clear your mind. Standing you ran for the door, letting it slam shut behind you.
Sy looked from the door to Walter and back again;
“Could you please tell me what’s going on?”
Walter stood, pulling out his phone;
“I need to call her emergency contact”
He stood at the window as he started to make a call, handing Sy the file. 
As Sy opened the battered brown folder his heart sank as he started to read the details. Page after page of background information, photographs of injuries, reports from First Responders and the ER Department. The final pages were details of the restraining order, of the change of last name for identity protection, and that her emergency contact was Tamara the veterinarian that Sy took Akia to for shots and flea treatments. Setting the file back down onto the coffee table he looked up at Walter who was standing silently by the window having finished his call;
“She’s standing out by the Lavender, looking out at the meadow… I’ve called Tamara, she’s on her way”
“I’m going out to see her”
“What are you going to say?”
Sy paused at the doorway;
“I don’t know. But i’m going to show her that i’m here for her”
The wind played over the long grasses in the meadow as you watched the dark clouds on the horizon building, a spring storm brewing to ruin the run of good weather. Heavy footsteps on the lawn brought your attention to the present, before you felt a pair of strong arms softly wrap around you, gently pulling you to rest your back on a firm chest. A bearded kiss pressed to the side of your head and Sy’s voice was quiet;
“Whatever you need, i’m here for you”
Turning you nodded, pressing your face into his chest, inhaling the scent of his aftershave and laundry detergent. You heard the tell tale squeal of Tamara’s car as it roared over the slight hill from town, the grinding of gravel as she pulled up abruptly at your cottage. Turning to Sy, you spoke with a quiet tone;
“Can I stay with you tonight?”
He nodded, pressing a kiss to your forehead;
“Of course you can”
Chapter 7 >>>
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2024年7月13日– 台北 101
Today, we all went to the biggest building in Taiwan! Although it might not be the biggest in the world anymore, it’s still the biggest and bestest in my heart. Too bad my loyalty gets me nothing but overpriced souvenirs (I spent like twenty USD on some square-shaped mints and paper smh). What’s most surprising though is that I don’t think I’ve really processed that I’ve been there. Like, we showed up and I was happy, and I took pictures, and I posed for those pictures, but I don’t think I’ve truly realized that I went to one of the largest buildings on the PLANET. 不過,算是每一棟摩天大樓都一樣--太高了。Actually, I don’t think I’ve really realized I’m in Taiwan yet. Probably because everyone in the group is only speaking English ;_;
Honestly, food has been the hardest part of this trip. It’s difficult for me to go out with my peers and enjoy the experience, because there is often little to nothing (filling) for me to eat at any of the restaurants everyone wants to go to. I’ve been trying to not complain too much, because I don’t want to hamper the others’ experiences with my unhappiness and dissatisfaction, but I’ve really just been eating bread or sweets, and lots of them (which unfortunately, I am not in love with either of those things and neither are really filling). 至少找鷄蛋,鴨蛋等等都很容易. And although I’m not in love with eggs either, I’ll take all the non-bread food I can get. I just want to eat lots of tofu, and surprisingly that’s been difficult to find on the restaurant menus I’ve visited with some of the others (the noodle shop we visited literally only had one vegetarian option and it was only noodles in a peanut sauce). It’s gotten to the point that I've had to resort to compromising my morals and eating some fish these past few days because I just needed something more substantial.
For the sake of my waistline (and sanity!), I've decided I’m probably going to start eating out alone more often. I’m pretty sure that the lack of healthy food I’ve been eating recently has been making my jet lag and my mood so much worse. There’s definitely TONS of vegetarian friendly restaurants in the area– they’re just one google maps search away! Plus, I also want to start practicing my Mandarin a lot more than I have been, and I think going out alone would be the best way to do that. 看起來火鍋是個不錯的選擇。我從機場接我的朋友,她帶我去臺北地下街的一家火鍋店,找素食非常容易! I’m also going to try to make my way to one of the supermarkets in the area to buy some healthy snacks and maybe some food to keep on me for the tour activities that drop us off in non-vegetarian friendly places.
(今天臺北101活動後,我的小組成員一起參觀了臺北101附屬的百貨公司。在餐廳我走到第一個看到飯館的服務員,問了站在桌子后面的男人, “這裏有素食碼?” 他説 “沒有。” 然後我再問他,“那,附近有任何地方嗎?” 他回答說,“都沒有。“
Academic Reflection
The main thing that stuck out to me from the reading was the number 8 being used so much in the construction of the Taipei 101 building. If I hadn’t read the article, there was no way I would have known about all the auspicious numerological elements that were incorporated into it! On that topic, it’s been interesting to see all the different lucky numbers here in Taiwan. My favorite is the triple 6, because it’s perhaps the biggest culture shock a tourist from America could ask for! Thankfully, I already knew it was a lucky number here that possessed none of the evil connotations that it does in The States, or else I probably would have been shocked to see it on so many license plates lol. Liu liu liu! Hopefully lots of money (and vegetarian food) will be liu-ing my way soon.
(*Author’s Note: It must have worked! I went to the Family Mart after we all got back from the 夜市 tonight, and I found a vegetarian meat floss sandwich! That’s def gonna be my go-to from now on!)
Strangely enough, I really did NOT like the vibe I got from the big ball on the 88th floor. I don’t know why, but something about being near something that heavy, and just knowing it’s responsible for the building’s safety, makes me feel uneasy. An 800 ton sphere? I don’t even weigh a TENTH of a single ton! Get that awe-inspiring work of human ingenuity away from me (please). The building itself is cool though, too bad all the stores in the mall section seemed to only carry brands WAY out of my budget’s price range lol. The stat I would really like to know though, is how much money the tourism aspects of the Taipei 101 center bring in. Like if everyone’s buying the cute little 101-shaped bottles, then you can just imagine!
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Title: Diamonds Are Forever
Part 8.1 of my “Cray-Cray for Cater” series! Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 , and Part 7 can be found here!
Parings: Cater Diamond x Twisted Wonderland Male OC (Mirai Yuhara)
With an extended break, Cater decides to take Mirai on a trip to remember. This trip should have strengthened their bonds, but somehow they break a little too.
a/n: This will have sub parts due to the nature of this part. It was too long for Tumblr and THERE WILL BE A SMUT SUB PART! DNI IF THIS MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE! Please and thank you. I want you all to be able to skip the part if you want without losing the flow of the work, or having to skip the work entirely.
cw: implied/referenced past abuse. Nothing graphic or detailed. death mentioned, again, nothing graphic.
a/n: It's funny how around this time last year, I wrote this, and now, it's finally being unearthed lolol. I love this work so much! I can't wait to see it all come together! The airline I referenced is Qatar Airways btw!
a/n: Mi-Mi's Birthday is coming next week! I'm excited for my little Mi-Mi-tot!
a/n: Soooooo…….I've never flown before, and it probably shows lolol, but I tried my best! ( 〃▽〃) Also, I'm pretty sure this isn't how mirror travel works either. I wrote this before I played book 4, where Ace and Deuce talk about all the hoops they had to jump through to get back to the Isle of Sages, without the mirror, and I didn't have the heart to change it, so yeah. My incorrect way of travel and how airlines work stays! ヽ( ̄ω ̄(。。 )ゝ
Reblogs are appreciated, just use my custom tag, #TheMaladaptiveWriter12, if you do!  (─‿‿─)♡
Cross posted from my Ao3: TheMaladaptiveWriter12
Things were getting busy with midterms coming up and everyone was on edge, tension seemed to seep from the school in waves. Professors were getting stricter, and students were burning out by the dozen. But there was a saving grace in all of this. Due to the multiple pleas from students and staff alike, Headmage Crowley granted everyone a four day weekend after midterms, using two of their unused snow days. Mirai was grateful for the break. They had Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off. It really was a much needed break. And if Mirai had to go over the magic of the Briar Valley one more time, he was gonna throw himself into one of Crewel's cauldrons. 
It was Friday, and Mirai and Grim had just got done eating lunch, and of course when he mentioned cleaning up their mess, Grim scampered off to somewhere in the dorm. Mirai was pretty sure Grim had a secret hideout in the walls or something. He always seemed to disappear at certain times of the day, or when he had responsibilities to fulfill, and no matter how hard he looked, Mirai could never find him. 
After he got done downstairs, Mirai went up to his room where he started cleaning there as well. He tended to have a messy room, dirty clothes strewn all over the floor, clean clothes on his bed, bottles and cans of soda cluttering his night stand, and empty chip and candy wrappers filling his garbage can. It was messy, but at least there was no dust, rot, and spider webs like when he first moved in. 
Mirai was sorting his clothes when he heard a clatter from outside his window, immediately knowing what the noise was. It could be several different people, but he had a strong feeling he knew who it was. 
“Sup, Boo,” Mirai called, stuffing a dirty shirt into his hamper.
“Howdya know it was me?” Cater asked, pulling himself through the window.
“You and one other are the only ones who’d come see me this early in the day, but then again, he’s louder than you are.”
“Who’s the other?”
Cater laughed, “Figured.”
Mirai had an “open window policy” of sorts. Only those who knew, and it was only a few, were allowed to visit Mirai anytime as long as the window was open. Cater and Leona would visit during the day, the two of them using it to shirk on their duties, while Kalim visited when he needed a change of space, or when he needed someone other than Jamil to talk to, but normally it was Mirai hanging out at Kalim’s dorm. It was much more fun there. 
Then there were a few times where Jamil stopped by as well, as he needed someone to vent to about Kalim and his place in the boy’s life. Azul would stop by at times too, but normally he did when was in a funk and needed to vent to someone who wouldn’t hold it against him. Lilia and Malleus would visit at separate times, and Mirai found both their company to be enjoyable ones. Mirai stopped counting the rest of the Freshmen’s visits long ago with how much they spent the night at Ramshackle. 
“Whacha doing?” Cater asked, sitting in the arm chair.
“Sorting laundry. It’s not much, I just don’t put stuff away.”
“So what are your plans for the weekend?”
Mirai knew Cater was onto something. They normally didn’t plan when they hung out, they just kinda lived in the moment. Also, there was the fidgeting. Cater tended to have trouble hiding his excitement, and it often showed through his expression and or through inability to sit still. But Mirai was gonna play dumb and play along.
“No, not that I know of. I’m prolly not gonna do this laundry until next weekend. This isn’t enough for a full load. Why?”
“Okay, okay,” Cater all but squealed excitedly, sitting down in front of Mirai on the floor, taking the Ramshackle Prefect’s hands to hold into his own. “First of all, you can decline any or all of these suggestions. No one’s forcing you to say yes, no one’s gonna hold it against you. Two, one of these things, even if you agree to the rest, can be declined and no one’s gonna hold it against you.”
“U-Uh, o-okay,” Mirai said, nodding trying to decipher everything Cater just said.
“How would you like to go meet Daddy Diamond?” Cater asked excitedly.
Mirai was speechless. A million possibilities were going through his head, but none of them were this, none of them prepared him for this. “Y-You, you mean, a-as in your father?” Mirai asked, voice sounding small and distant.
“Mn,” Cater nodded excitedly. “As I said, you can say no. My other offer is just to take the trip to the Shaftlands without the meeting, and again, you can say no.”
“I-I, uh, this is really important. I-I don’t know what to say.”
Cater let go of Mirai’s hands in favor of holding his face instead, “I’m not pressuring you to do any of these things. They all are just merely suggestions. We don’t have to go.”
“B-But I don’t wanna keep you from seeing your father,” Mirai said hurriedly.
“Hon, I can see him anytime.”
Cater pressed a chaste kiss to Mirai’s lips, successfully cutting him off. “He just happened to have time just when we were granted a four day weekend, and is staying in a hotel. I thought maybe we could make use of it. Again, if you’d like we could skip the meeting for now and wait another time where we would have more time to prepare and plan.”
“When would we leave?” Mirai asked softly.
“Unfortunately this afternoon. The flight leaves at five, so two hours from now. Short notice, I know. We should land by seven, and then move to a taxi for an hour drive to the city, getting us to the hotel for the night by eight. Nine at the latest.” 
“Okay? O-Okay as in yes? Or okay as in okay?”
“Yes to all of it,” Mirai chuckled. “I’ll go with you to the Shaftlands to meet your father.”
“Okay, wow, okay, we're actually doing this,” Cater rambled excitedly. “OMG! Like we're about to go on our first trip together! I’m so excited! #Couplegoals!”
Mirai found Cater adorable. He looked so cute, all excited and happy, practically vibrating out of his skin. Mirai walked up to Cater and pulled him down for a kiss. “Calm down, Cutie,” Mirai laughed.
“But I’m so excited,” Cater gushed, kissing him back, “There’s so much we can do! So much I can show you! It’s your first time really off of campus.”
It was, wasn't it? Besides going to the dwarf mines and surprisingly, the Coral Sea. Mirai hadn’t ever left the campus. This made everything different. Now? Mirai had no reservations about going. He wanted to see this twisted wonderland he was sucked into against his will, well, not that he minded. 
“So Ima go pack real quick, then I’ll come back and get you, okay?” Cater asked.
“Oka-Wait! What about Grim? I can’t just leave him.” Mirai cried.
This put a damper on everything for Mirai. He hated leaving Grim out of things like he wasn’t important to him, and he definitely didn’t want the little monster to feel like a third wheel.
“I don’t see why he can’t go. Ask him.”
“No, no,” Mirai sighed, “I’ll have him stay. This time is more important. I’ll make it up to him when I get back.”
“You sure?” Cater asked.
“Okay. I’ll be back.”
Cater walked out the door before turning around and peeking his head in not even a second later. “You don’t have a suitcase, do you?”
“No,” Mirai laughed.
“Okay I’ll bring that too, just get your stuff ready,” Cater laughed. 
Mirai nodded. 
“Bye, Boo,” Cater winked, running off. 
Mirai shook his head and went to go find Grim.
Mirai called out for the call, looking all over for him, but he didn’t show. After about fifteen minutes, he was beginning to worry.
“Grim! Grimmy! Grim the Fire Breathing Monster,” Mirai called. “Grimmaroo! Grimilicious definition make them boys go-”
“What do you want, human?!” 
Mirai perked up at the pair of flaming ears at the end of the hall.
Grim huffed agitatedly, trotting over to the Prefect. “You just think you can call The Great Grim whenever you please? You work for me, not the other way around.”
Mirai ignored him and cut to the chase, “I’m leaving for the weekend and won’t be back until Monday. And before you ask, no, sadly you cannot go. I’m doing something that’s really important to Cater and I’m sure you don’t want to witness what you like to call “disgusting human mating rituals.” I’ll make it up to you when I get back, but right now, I’m short on time.”
Grim grumbled. “Buy me five hundred deluxe premium cans of tuna.”
“I’ll buy you three when I get back. And you don’t have to clean the house for a week.” 
“Make it two weeks and I get to eat in my room.”
“Fine. But if the rats come back, you're getting rid of them.”
Grim stuck out his tongue and before he could scurry off, Mirai snatched him up and placed a fat kiss to the top of his head.
“Stay out of trouble, yeah?” Mirai asked, hugging Grim tightly.
“Yeah, yeah,” Grim pouted, accepting the hug.
Mirai let Grim down, and Grim just stood there. Mirai thought he wanted to say something, but he guessed Grim decided against it, for he just scurried off down the hall. 
Mirai went back to his room and began packing. Mirai grabbed six shirts, four pairs of pants and a pair of pajamas. He also grabbed some underclothes, and some extras. In the bathroom, Mirai grabbed his toothbrush, some toothpaste, and his medication. Mirai didn’t know what else to bring, so he decided to finish cleaning his room.
It wasn’t long before Cater came back with two suitcases. “Cay-Cay’s back and ready to pack,” Cater cheered, plopping his extra suitcase onto the bed. 
Mirai laughed at Cater’s enthusiasm. The one Cater had given Mirai was a plain blue and his own was a bright orange covered in little charms, and iron-on patches. It was very cute and very Cater-esque.
“So like, unless you don’t like the idea of me helping you pack,” Cater said, opening the blue suitcase, “I’m the king of packing. I can get this stuff packed in a jiffy.”
“It’s all yours,” Mirai laughed. 
“Alright! Watch and learn.”
Mirai was seriously impressed. Just like he said, Cater was really good at packing and he was quick at it. He had everything tucked away comfortably and efficiently. Nothing looked out of place or squished, and in all honesty, Mirai thought it looked like something right out of a commercial travel blog. 
“And done! #PicturePerfect,” Cater said with a wink. 
“Thanks,” Mirai said with a smile.
Cater moved the suitcase and put it next to his own. “C’mere, Babydoll,” Cater cooed, sitting on the bed, reaching his arms out to Mirai.
Mirai happily climbed up onto Cater, straddling his lap. 
“You got everything? Wanna list everything just in case?” Cater asked, kissing Mirai’s chin.
Mirai giggled, “I think so. I got clothes, extra socks, extra shirts, and my toothbrush.”
“You saying I could use some?”
“Wha-no, no,” Cater stammered, eyes wide.
Mirai laughed at Cater’s brief panic, “I’m joking. Yeah I got it, and my soap.”
“The one I like?” 
“Perfume? Cologne? Fragrance Spray?”
“Ima use yours.”
Cater laughed.
“What?” Mirai laughed, “I like the way it smells. It’s just so crisp, clean, and spicy, and the scent actually stays in your skin hours after.”
Cater chuckled. “Chargers? Phone? Laptop? Camera?”
“Packed away in my electronics bag, which you packed away.”
“Your medication?”
“Definitely. I also triple checked to make sure.”
“Um,” Cater said thoughtfully, “I think that’s it. Whatever we missed can probably be bought once we get there.”
Mirai nodded.
“Are you excited?” Cater asked, pressing kisses to Mirai’s neck.
“Yeah,” Mirai breathed, “I finally get to see this world. I finally get to leave campus.”
“And I can’t wait to show it to you.”
Mirai and Cater left the campus, and not after Mirai negotiated with Ace and Deuce to check in and maybe spend time with Grim for a small price. They made their way to the Mirror Chamber and Cater was happily waving to students in passing. Mirai could tell Cater was overjoyed, with the skip in his step and the big pearly smile on his face, he looked as if he would just float away.
Cater walked up the stairs to the Mirror and spoke, “Dark Mirror, take us to Shaft Airport.”
“Your wish is my command, Cater Diamond” the Dark Mirror bellowed back.
The Dark Mirror began to glow, the glass shimmering and sparkling. Suddenly the glass began to ripple, dark smoke billowing from the glass, spilling to the floor. 
“Ready?” Cater asked, sticking out his hand.
“Mn,” Mirai nodded, taking his hand. 
They stepped through the mirror and after a couple of seconds, sickening seconds to Mirai, they were standing outside an Airport. It was larger than what Mirai was used to.  
“This is enormous,” Mirai said in awe.
“It’s one of the biggest Airports in the Shaftlands,” Cater explained, “The biggest is basically a shopping mall. There’s even a hotel with a resort connected to it.”
“I don’t even think that counts as an Airport at that point.”
Cater laughed, “Yeah, probably not. Well, we got a bit of a walk, so let's get moving.”
Mirai nodded.
“After a quick photo op that is,” Cater winked. “Say cheese!”
Cater pulled Mirai in for a couple of selfies. They took one in front of the Airport sign, one inside, and of course, Cater couldn’t forget one including a kiss.
Cater held Mirai close as he led them to their gate. It was quite crowded and he really didn’t want to lose his lover in the rush. There were people bustling to and fro with suitcases and heavy bags, important looking people with briefcases, and busy parents with fussy babies and tired children. There were food stalls selling anything from cinnamon rolls to fast food, gift shops with tacky shirts with weird slogans to keychains with your name that you could never find on it. There were small shops that sold anything from toys to fixing smartphones, and restrooms on almost every corner. There was even a bookstore, a restaurant, and an indoor playground. Mirai couldn’t keep track of where they were going, so he just focused on keeping up with Cater’s long strides. 
“So, do you need anything?” Cater asked, as they made it to their gate. “We don’t board for another twenty minutes.”
“Uh, restroom,” Mirai said.
“Okay, I’ll watch our things and go check in our tickets. I’ll be over there at gate five, kay?”
Mirai nodded and headed off to the bathroom.
It wasn’t a long trip, and by the time Mirai was done, Cater was over in the seating area near the gate. Before making his way over, Mirai took a detour to one of the shops and bought a couple of bags of candy and some gum. As Mirai walked over, Cater perked up and smiled.
“Should’ve bought this at Sam’s. It would’ve been cheaper,” Mirai grumbled, shoving a handful of gummies in his mouth.
“Probably,” Cater laughed. 
“Oh, and I got you cinnamon flavored gum.”
“Thanks, Honey Bunny,” Cater sang, kissing Mirai on the head. 
“Pics first,” Cater sang.
Cater took a couple of selfies, then pocketed his phone. 
“For you,” Cater said, passing Mirai his ticket. 
“Thanks,” Mirai smiled.
Getting through security was an adventure all in itself. Mirai found it so much different than back at home. Instead of the metal detectors, x-rays and invasive pat downs, there were magic laser scanners of sorts, and all kinds of things he would only see in movies. Cater went first, and then asked some of the security and he was allowed to walk Mirai through it, since it was technically his first time traveling in this world. They allowed Cater to, and Mirai was so thankful for that. 
The two made some small talk, well, Cater did most of the talking as he shared some things about his childhood in the Shaftlands. Not long after, a chime sounded, signaling the pair it was almost time to board. Cater led the way until they got to a pair of open double doors that opened up to a super lavish waiting room. 
It took a second, but then it clicked. Mirai gasped,“Cater! You did not just buy us both first class tickets!”
“Uh,” Cater said, “#SorryNotSorry?”
“Cater! How, how, how much did all of it cost?!”
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. I just want you to have fun.”
“But this has to be so expensive. I can’t just not worry about it. I have to pay you back somehow.”
“Are you, are you really upset about it?” Cater stammered
“I’m thankful really, but I feel horrible for making you spend so much on me,” Mirai sighed.
“You’re worth that much to me.” 
Mirai’s fight dissolved at those words. 
Mirai grumbled. “Why you gotta go and say all that cute stuff and expect me to stay mad?”
Cater laughed, “But I meant all of it.”
“You really are too good for me, ya know that?”
“I would say the same thing about you, Boo,” Cater smiled.
“Can I at least pay back half of the cost?”
“You can pay it back in kisses later, but now we gotta board,” Cater teased, taking Mirai's hands, and headed down to the jet bridge. 
Mirai had never ridden in First Class, and he thought he’d never get the chance to, but now? Mirai couldn’t believe it. It was so plush and lavish, and it all looked like it cost his life twelve times over. A flight attendant met them at the door and escorted them to their seats, seat 11E. It was right against the middle wall so they didn't have to worry about sharing with anyone else. 
Their seats were close to each other, divided by a small barrier, and both had doors that closed toward the aisle. There were two TVs against the wall, and two pull out trays along with a small built-in table. It was really nice, the burgundy accents the airline used really gave the whole thing a warm and cozy feel.
Another attendant came by to take their luggage and stored it above them as Mirai got in on one side and Cater the other. It was spacious. It had enough room for Mirai to stretch his legs out comfortably and to store his carry-on on the floor in front of him. 
“You like it?” Cater asked, leaning over the middle to kiss Mirai on the cheek.
“Yeah,” Mirai sighed dreamily, “It’s really nice.” 
“It totally is. I normally don’t fly often, and when I do, I deff don’t fly First Class.”
“You really didn’t have to do all this. We really could’ve just flown regularly.”
“But I wanted to make this special for you.”
“You spoil me too much,” Mirai pouted.
“Oh, Honey, if you think I’m spoiling you now? Just wait until we land,” Cater teased, kissing Mirai on the cheek once more.
“Cater,” Mirai whined, “If you keep this up, then I really won’t be able to pay you back.”
“And I don’t intend for you to.”
“Love you too,” Cater sang.
Mirai and Cater took multiple pictures before they took off. Mirai never liked the take off and landing, it always was the worst. It was bumpy and shaky, it made his ears pop, and it always caused some older woman to make a fuss, yelling and screaming that she was gonna die. But this time, it was much smoother. His ears still did pop, but that’s why he had bought some gum before they boarded, and this time, there was no screaming middle aged woman. 
Cater and Mirai choose something to watch while they pass the time, they ended up picking an old comedy about a maid that actually was a man in disguise. After some time, some flight attendants came by and poured them a complementary glass of sparking. Mirai panicked at that, but the flight attendant reassured him it was just grape juice. Following her was another flight attendant who came by with a snack tray and a menu. 
“Would you like to order now, or when it’s closer to meal time?” The flight attendant, Amy as her name tag read, asked in a soft voice.
Mirai realized Amy was the same woman who escorted them to their seats. Her uniform looked just like any other flight attendant’s uniform, except hers was in the Airline’s colors, burgundy and white. She was small and petite with red short hair styled in a bob cut that was curled toward her face at the bottom. She wore big pearl earrings and a pearl necklace, and on her small lips was a light shade of pink lipstick.
Mirai was flustered with it all, and he was pretty sure he looked like a fish out of water. He didn’t know planes even offered food besides stale crackers and water. But lucky for him, Cater had that covered as well. 
“We’ll order now and get it out of the way. Thanks,” Cater said with a smile.
“Great! I'll be back in a bit,” Amy said, passing over their menus and walking off. 
“Sorry,” Mirai muttered, taking a deep breath.
“Don’t sweat it, Buttercup,” Cater said dismissively. “You’re not used to this, it's okay.”
Mirai looked over the menu and there was so much he never knew could be served on a plane. Mushroom Risotto? Pan Seared Scallops in brown butter? Filet Mignon? Lobster Cakes? Clam Spaghetti with Braised greens? It was too much to even comprehend. 
“Did you choose anything yet?” Cater asked giddily, “Although I wanna try the Clams, I’m prolly gonna go with the Filet Mignon.”
“Why not? You afraid you might not like it?” Mirai asked.
“Stomach ache? Food poisoning?”
“No silly. I won’t be able to kiss you.”
Mirai’s mouth fell open at his reasoning, and Cater laughed at his turmoil. Mirai flushed at that, pouting. 
“Well it’s true. What kind of lover would I be to eat some Clams if my positively adorable boyfriend is allergic to seafood?”
“Cater,” Mirai whined, now flushing at the compliment.
“And that’s true too.”
“Love you too, now what did you choose?”
“Oh, yeah. I’m just gonna have the chicken orzo soup and a salad. Don’t think I can stomach anything heavier.”
“Feeling sick, Baby?” Cater asked, concerned.
“Nah,” Mirai said, shaking his head, “It’s just in case I get sick later. That way I have nothing too heavy in my stomach.”
“Oh, okay, that’s good.”
Later, the flight attendant came back and took their orders and took their menus, and Cater grabbed a bag of chips as she walked by. Mirai wondered how Grim was doing, he hoped he wasn’t lonely or sad. He’d have to call him when they landed. He just hoped Ace and Deuce kept their end of the bargain and actually stayed with him.
“So what’s the Shaftlands like?” Mirai asked, shoving a couple of gummy worms in his mouth.
“I don’t know how to describe it. It’s so vast, like nowhere you go is the same,” Cater said thoughtfully.
“I think I get it,” Mirai said, “Back home, that’s what America is like. It’s one country with fifty different states in it, all of them are different, nothing is the same.”
“Sounds kinda confusing.”
“Not really. It’s like having fifty different houses with their own rules and families in one neighborhood.”
“I guess that’s easier when you look at it that way.”
“What’s it like where we’re going?” Mirai asked.
“I don’t wanna give too much away, but it’s a big city. Skyscrapers, busy streets, subways, and a lot to do,” Cater said excitedly.
“Cool. I grew up in a big city, so I think I can get the feel.” 
Cater’s phone chimed and he instantly perked up. “It’s my dad! He wants to know how things are going,” Cater laughed.
Cater eagerly messaged his father back and Mirai smiled at Cater’s reaction. Mirai knew of Cater’s rocky relationship with his mother, so he was glad his and his father’s were different, and far better. Mirai wondered what the man was like. Was he nice? Overly nice? Or was he really strict and reserved? He wondered what he looked like? Did he look like Cater or was it his mother that Cater looked like? And Mirai definitely hoped Cater’s father was nothing like his own father. 
But Mirai’s biggest question was, would he accept Mirai? Honestly, Mirai was kicking himself for not thinking of that before. What if Cater’s father didn’t like him? What if he didn’t like the fact that his son was dating a man. I mean, his father had to have known who he was since he was the one who suggested all of this, but what if Cater’s father just wanted to bring Mirai down in person? What if he just wanted to scorn their relationship face to face with the both of them there? It was still a little unnerving even after all of this, that there was the possibility that Cater’s father may just not like Mirai as a person. 
“What’s the matter, Babydoll?” Cater asked, reaching over to squish Mirai’s cheek into his own, “Sad I’m not paying attention to you?”
“No,” Mirai huffed, “just thinking.”
“Mark for your thoughts?”
“Nervous, I guess. Wh-What if he doesn’t like me?”
“Aw, Mi-Mi! I’m touched that you’re giving this so much thought,” Cater gushed.
“Cater, I’m serious. What if he just doesn’t like me?”
“So am I. But he will. Ever since I told him about you, he hasn’t shut about you. All he asks when he gets to meet my new boyfriend? And I may have talked you up last time we spoke.”
“But what if he likes me on paper, but when we finally meet, he finds that he just doesn’t like me? Like, what if he doesn't like my hair? Or my tattoos and piercings? What if he finds my voice or laugh annoying? What if he finds me creepy?” Mirai rambled.
“Then he just won’t,” Cater said as if this wasn’t currently eating away at Mirai.
“Cater?!” Mirai called, incredulously.
“What? If he doesn’t like you, which I doubt, then that’s his problem. But that doesn’t mean I won’t love you any less.”
“I-I-I just, I just,” Mirai stammered before sighing in defeat, “I just don’t want to mess up. I don’t wanna be the thing that tears apart your relationship with your family. Like my Mother’s.”
“Your Mother?” Cater asked, straightening up at the new tidbit of information. 
“My mother’s family didn’t like my father, saying my mother was blinded by love, and she was, it caused my family to distance themselves from me and my mother. My father showed his true colors after their marriage, and especially after my birth, the bastard,” Mirai bit out bitterly, “and when she turned to them for help, they left us. After her death, and his imprisonment, I was alone.” Mirai took a shaky breath, swallowing his nerves to continue. “I don’t want you to ruin your relationship with your father, so I’m afraid,” Mirai whispered. 
Cater pulled Mirai toward him, cupping his cheeks to kiss him, “I’m sorry. I was trying to calm you down a bit, I didn’t mean to belittle you. But it’s going to be okay, I promise. I wouldn’t have suggested this if I felt things would go horribly. He’ll love you, I promise.”
Mirai nodded.
“We’ll be fine,” Cater said, littering Mirai’s face and lips with kisses. 
Cater pulled Mirai closer to kiss him firmly on the lips, and Mirai sighed, relaxing into the kiss. Tilting his head to press harder into him, Mirai kissed Cater harder. Cater grunted softly, licking softly at the seam of Mirai’s lips, and just when Mirai went to let him in, there was a soft knocking sound, accompanied by a soft voice clearing their throat. The couple flew apart, both looking guilty and thoroughly embarrassed as they spotted Amy standing by Mirai’s door with a food cart.
“Dinner,” Amy said with a knowing smile.
Mirai didn’t know what to say or do, face burning with mortification. Mirai seriously hoped somehow he would be sucked out of the plane and never seen again. 
“I’m so sorry,” Cater apologized, face flushed a deep rosy red. 
“It’s okay,” Amy said with a smile. “Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been there with my partner, but then again, maybe we shouldn't have been playing kissy face on the job, even if we were on break.”
Cater made a strangled noise before falling into a fit of laughter. Mirai chuckled as well, but he was still feeling the burning shame. 
“Mind if I ask if they're here now?” Cater asked after his laughter subsided. 
“She’s the one next to the phone,” Amy said, pointing discreetly at the other end of the plan, as she placed Mirai food down on the table in front of him.
Mirai and Cater looked to where she was pointing. Over near the phone was a really tall woman with long black hair and ruby red lipstick. Her uniform was the same as Amy’s, but somehow she looked really mature in hers, while Amy looked cute.
“Aw, she’s pretty. You two make a great couple,” Cater gushed.
“T-Thanks,” Amy stuttered, flushing. “You two make a great couple as well.”
“TYSM,” Cater winked.
Amy made her way over to Cater and placed the tray on his table, removing the lid. 
“Careful, it’s really hot,” Amy said.
“Thank you,” Cater said.
“You're welcome and enjoy.”
The food was great, it was hot and flavorful, and Amy’s partner, Willow, came by and refilled their glasses with sparking. Mirai enjoyed his soup. It was light but still full of flavor and filling. Cater loved his Filet Mignon and tried to feed Mirai a piece, which he shook his head, vehemently declining. Now fully fed and comfortable, all they had to do was wait to land.
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storms-path · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023 Masterpost
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Phew, what a month! 30 more days, 30 more prompts, despite a number of difficulties that reared their ugly heads through the month. But hey, the month's done and all the prompts are over, so let's round up the whole lot for ease of reading.
First off, if you want to read the whole thing, you can find it all compiled here! But if you'd rather look through the prompts and pick and choose as you will, let's get a list going.
Day 1 - Envoy: The Warrior of Light faces the grim reality of her situation at the end of all worlds. Day 2 - Bark: A poem with an unplesant bite survives history's tide. Day 3 - Core (Free Day): In another world and another time, mechanised chaos reigns supreme in the snow. Day 4 - Off the Hook: A ninja is tasked with an infiltration mission beyond her usual scope. Day 5 - Barbarous: Bozja falls. Day 6 - Ring: As one leg of the journey ends, the next begins with a strained encounter. Day 7 - Noisome: A coin-starved adventurer tracks a wary quarry through Coerthas's wastes. Day 8 - Shed: A particularly strange myth is discussed over far too much ale. Day 9 - Fair: The Warrior of Light tries not to relive some old, triumphant memories. Day 10 - Visit (Free Day): A seldom-seen figure makes her way to Ishgard to catch up with a friend. Day 11 - Once Bitten, Twice Shy: A final message at the end of a world. Day 12 - Dowdy: A hopeless Warrior of Light goes dress shopping. Day 13 - Check: A wounded warrior takes her bearings after a savage beating. Day 14 - Clear: Two sisters take a walk through the city and discuss matters of the heart. Day 15 - Portentous: Another buried piece of history is uncovered. Day 16 - Jerk: Two old friends go fishing. Day 17 - Impulse (Free Day): A certain viera comes up with an unusual pep-talk. Day 18 - Fish Out of Water: An unlikely candidate is chosen for information gathering. Day 19 - Weal: Scattered medical notes from a recent trip to distant lands. Day 20 - Hamper: A mountain of paperwork is suddenly all too much to bear. Day 21 - Grave: A weary traveller pays her respects to a pair of old friends. Day 22 - Fulsome: An unfortunate message is received and considered. Day 23 - Suit: A taxing task is made all the more vexing by a difficult client. Day 24 - Potential (Free Day): A hungover wanderer takes her first steps towards her destiny. Day 25 - Call it a Day: A tense trio senses prey in their snare. Day 26 - Last: At the end of everything they find each other. Much to one's annoyance. Day 27 - Sole: What do you do when the sole pleasure left to you is fulfilled and all you feel is empty? Day 28 - Blunt: A strained conversation only adds to the Warrior of Light's stress. Day 29 - Contravention: As the sun sets, an infiltration begins and ends in blood. Day 30 - Amity: A blossoming school begins to expand its reach and contact some old allies.
And there we go. I fought through colds, exhaustion, new-computer-induced-spell-check-failures and more, but every prompt has been filled and a whole lot more story ideas are now sitting in my head for next year. Another good year, all things considered. Hope all those that participated enjoyed their own journeys as well, and here's to the next one!
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Perfect Kashmir Vaishno Devi Tour Packages
The Kashmir Vaishno Devi tour package is a wonderful choice for people looking for both a spiritual retreat and a picturesque getaway. Vaishno Devi, one of India's most venerated pilgrimage sites, is located in the Trikuta Mountains of Jammu. Every year, millions of devotees flock to the shrine to seek blessings from Mata Vaishno Devi. Kashmir, on the other hand, provides a calm natural escape with its gorgeous lakes, meadows, and snow-capped mountains. A Kashmir from Vaishno Devi vacation package allows you to experience the mystical aura of Vaishno Devi, followed by a refreshing and peaceful excursion through Kashmir's top destinations.
 Book Kashmir Vaishno Devi Tour Packages
When contemplating Kashmir Vaishno Devi vacation packages, timing is crucial. The best time to book these packages is between March and October. During these months, the weather in both Jammu and Kashmir is excellent, making the journey enjoyable for both pilgrims and tourists.
While Vaishno Devi remains accessible in the winter, significant snowfall may hamper travel to certain portions of Kashmir, including Gulmarg and Sonamarg. As a result, it is best to organize your trip ahead of time, especially if you want to get the most out of the Kashmir Vaishno Devi tour package.
Day-by-day itinerary for the Kashmir Vaishno Devi Tour Package
Here's an example itinerary to give you a better idea of what to anticipate from a Kashmir Vaishno Devi travel package.
Day 1: Arrival in Jammu; Transfer to Katra.
Your journey begins when you arrive at Jammu Railway Station or Airport. We will greet you briefly before transferring you to Katra, the starting point of the Vaishno Devi pilgrimage. You will have time to recuperate and prepare for the journey to the shrine.
Day 2: Vaishno Devi Darshan.
After an early breakfast, you'll begin your journey to the Vaishno Devi Shrine, which is around 12 kilometers from Katra. You can also choose helicopter transportation for speedier and more comfortable travel. After receiving blessings from Mata Vaishno Devi, return to Katra for an overnight stop.
Day 3: Travel from Katra to Pahalgam.
After finishing the spiritual phase of the adventure, your Kashmir Vaishno Devi tour package continues to Pahalgam. Pahalgam, known for its breathtaking natural beauty, is the perfect destination to unwind after your trek. On the route, stop by Patnitop, a picturesque hill station noted for its spectacular vistas and green environs.
Day 4: touring in Pahalgam.
Spend a full day sightseeing in Pahalgam. You can explore the well-known Betaab Valley, Aru Valley, and Baisaran Meadows, often known as 'Mini Switzerland.' If you're looking for adventure, Pahalgam also offers trekking, horseback riding, and even whitewater rafting on the Lidder River.
Day 5: Pahalgam to Gulmarg.
Next, your Kashmir from Vaishno Devi tour package will take you to Gulmarg, also known as the Meadow of Flowers. Gulmarg is one of India's best skiing locations, but it's also stunning in the summer, with its lush meadows and bright vegetation. Do not miss the Gulmarg Gondola ride, which provides panoramic views of the Himalayan ranges.
Day 6: Explore Gulmarg.
Spend the day discovering Gulmarg's splendor. In the winter, you may ski, and in the summer, you can go hiking, golfing, or simply enjoy the breathtaking views. The natural splendor of Gulmarg will captivate you, making this day a highlight of your Kashmir Vaishno Devi vacation itinerary.
CONTACT US : tel:+918800555044
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gargautocorp · 1 year
Expert Tips To Maintain The Lifespan Of Jaguar Shock Absorbers
Shock absorbers are crucial parts that help maintain the stability of vehicles. They ensure that you have a smooth and comfortable ride. Whether you are a casual driver or just a car fan, you must understand how to maintain the life span of a shock absorber.
In today’s article, we will discuss car shock absorbers and what all you need to remember when you buy Jaguar Shock Absorber.
The following tips and tricks will help you maximize the performance and increase the longevity of shock absorbers -
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1.  Choose Quality Shock Absorbers
The first and foremost thing you must remember is where you buy it. If you want to buy Jaguar shock absorbers or any other brand, prioritize quality. When spending money on reliable, high-performing products, go with established names. Quality shocks are built to last and can take a beating from various surfaces, so they will not need to be replaced as often. You will find several reputed shock absorber companies in Delhi/NCR. All you need to do is choose the best one for your purchase.
2.  Regularly Inspect Your Car
Like every other vehicle part, shock absorbers need routine maintenance and checks. Check for leaks, damage, and uneven tire wear, all indicating that the vehicle needs maintenance. If you are in the market for new shocks for your Jaguar, getting the right kind for your model is important.
3.  Maintain Proper Wheel Alignment
Pay attention to wheel alignment. Misaligned wheels cause uneven wear and tear of shock absorbers or other components. You should regularly check and make sure that the wheel alignment is proper. This helps ensure that the shock absorbers are not under any stress.
4.  Drive Smoothly
Sudden stops, aggressive driving, and rough driving can all cause strain on shock absorbers. If one can drive smoothly and avoid these as much as possible, one can easily extend the lifespan of shock absorbers. This practice helps contribute to the overall safety of roads.
5.  Avoid Overloading
Avoid overloading your vehicle, as this may have some effect on the Jaguar shock absorbers. While buying Jaguar’s shock absorber, consider the vehicle's intended use and accordingly choose something that goes well with your car.
6.  Be Careful of Road Conditions
One should be careful while driving. All roads are not the same. Every road condition is different, and it can affect the shock absorber in some way or the other. For instance, potholes and speed bumps can cause wear and tear on the absorbers. It is impossible to avoid all imperfections, but one can maintain a moderate speed and avoid any sort of harsh impact which can hamper the shock absorbers.
7.  Regular Maintenance
Try inspecting your shock absorber daily. Regular maintenance is crucial if you want to extend the life span of your shock absorbers. If you replace workout car components quickly, you can protect your car from further damage. Also, if you notice anything unusual while driving, get professional help. Experts can check your car shock absorbers and give proper suggestions for the condition. They might need maintenance, repair, or replacement.
8.  Check Fluid Levels
To perform their functions properly, shock absorbers require hydraulic fluid. Be sure to perform routine checks on the fluid levels to ensure they remain within acceptable parameters. Reduced fluid levels can reduce the performance of the shock absorber and increase wear on the component.
9.  Gradual Warm-Up
When driving in cold weather, give your vehicle time to warm up first, especially the engine and the suspension system, before beginning a longer trip. When abrupt, extreme conditions are present, a cold shock absorber's effectiveness is reduced, and the shock absorber may experience increased wear.
10. Avoid Hitting Curbs and Obstacles
Your vehicle's shock absorbers may experience stress as a result of the abrupt jolts that hitting curbs, potholes, or other obstacles can cause. Driving cautiously and avoiding collisions with road hazards are two of the best ways to reduce unnecessary stress on your suspension system.
Maintaining and extending the life span of a jaguar is not just about one thing. It combines responsible driving, daily inspections, proper maintenance, and buying quality components when making the first purchase. If one follows these expert tips, one can ensure a smooth and safe driving experience while maximizing the longevity of the crucial suspension component. Investing carefully when you buy Jaguar shock absorber so that you can save a lot on costly repairs and replacements.
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rakhibazaar · 1 year
Exciting Ideas to Celebrate Raksha Bandhan in Style: RakhiBazaar
Raksha Bandhan, the festival that celebrates the beautiful bond between brothers and sisters, is around the corner. It's the perfect time to show your sibling how much they mean to you. In this blog, we will explore some exciting celebration ideas to make Raksha Bandhan 2023 truly special, with the assistance of RakhiBazaar.com.
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1.     Plan a Surprise Virtual Celebration: If you and your sibling are miles apart, organize a surprise virtual celebration. Arrange for a video call on Raksha Bandhan and create a festive ambiance with decorations, candles, and traditional music. You can even send a Rakhi hampers from RakhiBazaar.com in advance, complete with Rakhis, sweets, and gifts, to ensure a delightful surprise.
2.     Organize a Fun-filled Family Get-Together: Bring the whole family together for a memorable Raksha Bandhan gathering. Plan a day filled with games, activities, and delicious food. Create a beautiful Rakhi-themed setting with colorful decorations and incorporate RakhiBazaar.com's personalized Rakhi gifts to add an extra touch of love and warmth to the celebrations.
3.     Make Handmade Rakhis and Cards: Get creative and make personalized Rakhis and cards for your siblings. Use colorful threads, beads, and embellishments to design unique Rakhis that reflect your sibling's personality. Write heartfelt messages in handmade cards to express your love and gratitude. For added convenience, you can order crafting supplies from RakhiBazaar.com to unleash your creativity.
4.     Plan a Day Out or a Special Outing: Treat your sibling to a day out or a special outing that they would enjoy. Take them to their favorite restaurant, go for a movie, or plan an adventurous day trip. Surprise them with a thoughtful Rakhi gift from RakhiBazaar.com during the outing to make the day even more memorable.
5.     Arrange a Rakhi Themed Photoshoot: Capture the essence of Raksha Bandhan with a Rakhi-themed photoshoot. Dress up in traditional attire, tie beautiful Rakhis, and pose for some amazing pictures. Use props and backdrops that represent the festive spirit. You can order thematic props and accessories from RakhiBazaar.com to enhance the visual appeal of the photoshoot.
6.     Host a Rakhi Gift Exchange: Instead of traditional gifting, organize a Rakhi gift exchange with your siblings. Set a budget and encourage everyone to select thoughtful gifts for one another. Browse through the wide range of Rakhi gifts available on RakhiBazaar.com to find unique and meaningful presents that your siblings will cherish.
Conclusion: Raksha Bandhan is a celebration of the enduring bond between brothers and sisters. By incorporating these exciting celebration ideas with the assistance of RakhiBazaar.com, you can make this Raksha Bandhan truly memorable for you and your siblings. Whether it's organizing virtual celebrations, planning family get-togethers, or creating personalized handmade Rakhis and cards, let RakhiBazaar.com https://www.rakhibazaar.com/ be your go-to platform for all your Raksha Bandhan needs. Embrace the festivities, cherish the moments, and strengthen the beautiful sibling bond.
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frecht · 2 years
where's that post that is like college is all about going up and down stairs bc i (3rd floor) did my laundry (1st floor) today and it was an ordeal. should have been 2-3 trips max but it was. seven (7)
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the-offside-rule · 2 years
Trent Alexander Arnold (Liverpool) - Not So Expected
Requested: yes, by anon
Prompts: 6) "You never cease to amaze me."
7) "You have such a beautiful soul."
35) "Just hold still."
Warnings: none, just fluff😊
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Anniversaries. Oh how stressful they were. In this case, their anniversary wasn't for another week but Trent had planned a getaway trip for them so Y/n needed to get the anniversary gifts before they left. She walked around aimlessly in the shopping centre, not exactly sure of where to start her quest. She had been walking around for a good half hour and her hands were still empty. She was beyond frustrated at this point. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Y/n Alexander Arnold." She grinned as she heard the Scottish voice from behind her. "I'm not Alexander Arnold just yet Robbo. He hasn't put a ring on it yet." She said turning and giving him a hug. "Only a matter of time. He'd be stupid not to."
"What you doing out?" Y/n asked. "The missus sent me out to get stuff. Ended up here. How about you?" She shrugged. "I was meant to try find stuff for Trent because our anniversary is coming up but I haven't a clue where to start."
"I could give you a hand if you need?" Andy offered. It was a good idea to be fair. Andy knew Trent too, so chances are he could give a bit more input or a second opinion. "Yeah, if it isn't a problem." Andy scoffed. "Course it's not a problem. Come on." Andy and Y/n walked into every shop and took at least one thing with them, with the aim to make a hamper styled gift. Just after they left JD sports, she decided to text Trent just so she knew when to leave in order to hide the gifts from him.
Hey babe, when are u home?
Will be a bit
Just hanging out w Robbo
Won't be back till 6ish
Luv ya x
Robbo? As in Andy Robertson? He couldn't have been. She was with him for a good hour now. "Robbo?" Andy turned around, still holding onto his kids. "What's happenin?" He asked. "Trent. He's just gone and said this." She showed Andy her phone. He read through it and pulled a face too. "Well he's clearly not with me. Haven't seen him all day." That didn't help Y/n at all. Where was he and what was he doing? "Maybe he's out with Chambo. He's planning a surprise for Perrie or something. He might not want you to know in case you go blabbering to her about it." Andy said in an attempt to help ease Y/n's mind. "No, no definitely not. He's already told me about the surprise, and I know he isn't with Alex because Perrie told me she was going to the park with Alex and Axel." Y/n said. Andy was just as confused as Y/n was. "Surely there's a reasonable explanation there. He isn't that stupid."
That whole evening, Y/n felt awkward with Trent. When he got home, he was smiling but this time, she was worried about his smile. Was he smiling because of another girl? This continued until they decided to go to sleep. Trent sat reading his book like he normally did before bed, but Y/n sat staring at the wall. She looked away when Trent had closed his book and put it on his bedside table.
"Goodnight Babe." Trent muttered, turning to his bedside table and shutting his light off before tucking himself in. When Y/n didn't do the same, it sparked confusion in the defender, making him turn back to his worried looking girlfriend. "Babe, you alright?" He asked. "Where were you today?" Trent blinked a few times. "I was out. I told you on the phone." Y/n scoffed and folded her arms. "I know you weren't with Robbo, I met him at the shopping centre. He was just as confused when he saw your message." Trent was stuck in the mud, up to his knees at this point. He couldn't dig himself out of this one and make his plans go ahead. "So, do tell, where you were and don't, please don't lie." Trent looked into both of her eyes, both looking oh so broken and he had no choice. He let out a defeated sigh. He reached into his bedside drawer and ruffled about a bit, confusing Y/n even more than she already was. "I was gonna wait to do this until our trip next week but since you caught me out, I have to come clean-" Trent leaned over his pillow and looked up into Y/n's eyes to reveal a small velvet box. Her mouth dropped open.
"Y/n, I've been with you for ages now and if you had given me another few days I would've been able to put this whole speech together but since I'm just here now, I suppose this'll have to do." He opened it, revealing a delicate diamond ring. "I love you, I've known that since the day I met you. You've just got such a beautiful soul, you never, ever cease to amaze me and I was wondering if you would want to spend the rest of your life with me and become my wife?" Y/n felt a few tears trickling down her cheeks and shaping around her smile. "You gonna say yes or do I have to do it again." Y/n began laughing as she shook her head. "No, no you don't have to. You wouldn't have even had to ask!" She jumped into his arms, kissing him over and over again. "Of course I will!" Trent laughed, trying to get her off so he could put the ring on her finger. "Alright, alright, just hold still so I can put this on!" She got off him and left her shakey hand out for him to take. It fit perfectly.
"I can't believe this." She whispered. "I couldn't find the right ring at all today. I'm blessed Hendo was there buying a necklace for his missus." Y/n chuckled. "I was looking for an anniversary present for you. Thank god I found Andy." They laughed. "Looks like we were both stuck for ideas." Trent said, putting his arm around her shoulders and pulling her into his chest. Her hand rested on his chest as the diamond twinkled on her finger, a smile now unable to leave her face. "Are you happy?" She looked up to Trent with a face of confusion. "Well of course, why wouldn't I be?"
"No reason, just asking. I just can't wait to get married."
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childishfluff · 3 years
The Feeling Of Family- A MCYT Agere/CGLRE fic (Regressors!SBI+Tubbo and Ranboo, Carer!Philza)
There was a very specific feeling that came to Ranboo when he met up with his internet friends. A weirdly comforting feeling, a reassurance that he had finally found his people.
It came to him with every hug from Tubbo, every teasing ruffle of his hair from Techno, every inappropriate joke he shared with Tommy. It clouded his mind every time he regressed with them, too, he didn't quite know how to describe it. But if he had to put a name to this odd emotion, he'd call it 'the feeling of family'.
A/N: get ready for a looooong ride. This was written over the course of two days, I really hope you guys like it! I haven't dropped a fic thats over 4000 words in a bit, I think. This is inspired loosely by Cypherr's (on ao3!!) fic 'four's a family', that's where I got the idea of Phil just being overwhelmed because there's so many babies to deal w/, so I'm crediting them! Though, this fic is much different then their's, but also please go read their fics they're great- anyways, I hope you enjoy! This fic is kinda (?) in Ranboo's pov (third person but like,,,you see his thoughts), but there's so much going on that it kinda feels like it's jumping around? Sorry for that, I'm used to writing w/a 2 littles max per caregiver ratio, so this was different. I've also never written Phil as a caregiver before besides his brief appearance over in my 'Mister Nook' series. okay I'm done rambling,,,enjoy the fic please!
There was a very specific feeling that came to him when he met up with his friends. A weirdly comforting feeling, a reassurance that he had finally found his people.
In an internet dad, a fellow faceless streamer who used a pig as his icon, a song writer, a bee-loving teenager, and another who was known for wearing red and white. He felt just a bit out of place in this dynamic, SBI were the ones that were close. SBI plus Tubbo wasn't an odd pairing either, and it almost seemed as if Ranboo was only there because Tubbo was.
But that doubt seemed to wash away with the welcoming energy that the car ride to Phil and Kristin's home was filled to the very brim with. Tommy and Wilbur arguing like brothers while Ranboo and Tubbo joked about. The half-joking stern look that Phil gave him through the rear view mirror when he made an inappropriate joke. The soft feeling that Techno teasingly ruffling his hair left in his chest.
This group felt like family.
Of course, he had a perfectly good set of parents back home, but this was different. In a good way, though. This home wasn't his, it was Phil's, but he was surprisingly comfortable here. He was comfortable with his close friends.
"Breakfast is ready!"
He jolted awake with a slight shock when he heard knocking and shouting outside of the door of the room he was staying in, the noise startling him from his sleep. He rubbed at his eyes and stretched his arms above his head as the sleepiness started fading from his mind, clocking the voice as Tommy's as he processed his surroundings. It was his second day at the Philza Minecraft's, the first being made up of mostly content creation.
They had all been shown to their respective guest rooms late last night after quite a few movies and a half-asleep conversation full of laughing and heartfelt emotions. Today was supposed to be a chill day, and the next they'd be exploring the area just around Phil and Kristen's home. It was Ranboo's second time in the UK, and just like last time, he wanted to explore and get a feel for the place he'd be temporarily living in.
He fished some clothes out of his suitcase, pulling them on and discarding his pajamas in a white laundry hamper he had been given for that exact purpose. Then, he sat on the bed, pulling out his phone and scrolling through it. He chuckled as he saw a picture of their entire group with a fan they had run into the day prior, just after he was picked up from the airport, remembering how many similar ones had been taken during his last meet up.
He thought back to the months he spent at Tubbo's house just a while ago, it was one of the funnest parts of his life if he was honest, and now he was right back in the UK for another long meet up. This one was supposed to be a month, at least. SBI and the Bee Duo all under one roof for an entire month! Twitter had freaked out completely when they heard of this arrangement.
During his last trip to the UK, he found out something interesting after revealing something about himself to Tubbo. He admitted to his habit of age regressing to his friend during a late night conversation, only to be met with a 'me too' and then being asked if he wanted to call some friends. This response had confused him, but he said agreed, figuring that there had to be some logic to this.
And after an hour long conversation with Techno, Tommy, Wilbur, and Phil, he learned about an ongoing secret dynamic between the group. Tommy, Tubbo, Phil, and Wilbur were all also regressors. This was a lot of information to process at around 6 am during an all-nighter, but he was glad to know he wasn't alone.
Almost immediately after finding out about his headspace, Phil insisted on taking care of him, messaging him more often and helping him regress over video calls. And over the process of a few weeks, Ranboo had been officially added to the group of littles Phil cared for regularly.
The man took the time to learn his headspace range, things that upset him, how to deal with him when he did misbehave (though the occasion was rare, especially compared to someone like Little Tommy), all in the name of making sure he was cared for. It was sweet, really, and sometimes the boy felt bad for all the man did for him.
He pushed these thoughts away as he heard his name called by his father figure from the kitchen. He groaned, exiting off of Twitter and making his way out of the room and down the hallway, through the living room and into the kitchen. "I'm coming, I'm coming," he mumbled, still tired. He took his seat between Tommy and Tubbo after entering the kitchen/dining area and was quite overwhelmed with the amount of greetings and 'good morning!'s' he got all at once.
"How'd you sleep, hun?" he smiled when he heard Kristin's voice, humming a bit, settling on responding to her instead of facing the rest of the ongoing chaos in the kitchen.
"Pretty good, I think. Still waking up, though," he admitted. He watched the woman bring a plate over to him, setting a stack of pancakes in front of him. "Thank you."
Before she got the chance to respond, Tommy was shouting all to loud for how early it was in the morning. He sounded whiny, too. "Why does he get his first? I was awake before him," he complained, earning a response from Wilbur as he entered the room, his obviously messy hair temporarily contained by a beanie.
"Maybe because he's not throwing a fit over everything like you are," He made his way over to the table as Phil shot the both of them a look. Ranboo minded his own business, digging into his food, he knew that he wasn't in trouble. The brown haired man sat next to Tommy, leaning back in his seat casually.
"Will, be nicer to your brother. And Tommy, be patient, or else both of you will be put in timeout the moment we finish eating." he threatened, half joking.
"What?" Tommy said, sounding shocked as his eyes went wide.
"I second that, none of us are little!" Tubbo finally spoke up after laughing at the situation the whole time.
"Tom-tom here is sure acting like a baby, though," Wilbur teased, sitting back up to ruffle the blond's hair, continuing even when the younger whined and attempted to shove his hand away. He only retracted it when Phil gave him another stern look.
"Stop teasing him and eat your food," he told him as Kristin brought over plates for Tommy and Wilbur. "Where's Techno?" Phil seemed like he wanted to continue talking to Wilbur, but was distracted when he noticed that someone was missing. Wilbur smirked, sticking his tongue out to Tommy, as if bragging about being let off the hook.
Even Ranboo could admit, even out of headspace, everyone seemed to fill their roles in the family dynamic well. Wilbur was the cocky middle brother who somehow simultaneously gets in the most trouble and gets away with everything, Techno is the oldest who's mostly calm but will join in on the antics when it seems fun, and Tommy's the youngest who will play the 'innocent' card at any chance he could get.
Ranboo and Tubbo's exact roles were a bit undecided, but they seemed to consist of a lot of watching the scene play out and somehow getting dragged into an argument they had nothing to do with. Phil acted as their dad, who kept peace between everyone and tried to keep things calm, while Kristen played the role of a sweet mother-type figure.
When they were little, it was a bit different, but the general feeling of family remained the same.
After a few chaotic minutes of gathering everyone up and calming everyone down, they were all sitting around the table and talking in a much more civil manner. Things got loud once again only a few minutes later when Tommy knocked over his cup of orange juice.
"Sorry!" he squeaked, "I didn't mean to!" he defended, looking up at Phil apologetically. He immediately seemed much younger, a light pout on his lips as he apologized for his clumsiness.
"It's alright, Toms." the man assured, flashing a soft smile to let the regressor know that he was alright, reaching for the paper towels across the table. In just a few moments it was like there was never a spill in the first place. "Can you get him a sippy cup, please?" he asked Kristin, who immediately set off to get the requested item.
"I told you he was a baby," Wilbur spoke up next, predictably earning protests from the clearly regressing boy next to him.
"I'm not a baby!" the younger cried, looking to his other  "Techno, tell him I'm not a baby!"
"I mean, only babies need sippy cups," the other man leaned a bit closer the table, his words causing the teenager's eyes to widen.
"Can't Kristin just refill dis one?" he questioned, holding up the cup he had knocked over and looking to Phil hopefully.
"Sorry, buddy, I just don't want you to make another mess." Phil sighed, shooting a disappointed look towards Wilbur and Techno. Ranboo sunk further into his seat, trying to avoid getting pulled into the conflict. He wasn't sure how the others could handle Phil's 'disappointed look' so easily, the boy was very much scared of it.
"I'm not gonna!" Tommy whined, practically glaring at the cup that was set in front of him a moment later. He huffed and crossed his arms, refusing to drink or eat anything.
"This is what happens when you make fun of him, he gets all insecure and stubborn," Tubbo groaned, rolling his eyes as if they had been through this process a million times over.
"Tubbo's right, apologize to him," the oldest man ordered. Wilbur and Techno looked at him as if this suggestion was completely outrageous, so he added, "Now."
"Okay, okay!" Wilbur gave in, sounding defensive, "I'm sorry, Toms. You're not a baby."
"Really?" he lowered his arms, finally uncrossing them.
"No, you're just clumsy and we're sorry for making fun of you for it," Techno sounded very reluctant, but he followed Phil's orders. After these apologies, the rest of breakfast went fairly smoothly. By the end of it, Tommy was very obviously fully regressed and making a useless attempt to hide it.
It was a fairly often occurrence that Tommy slipped just for fun, acting and being treated like a kid was something he just liked. He got to be the annoying little brother and watch cartoons while he did it, it was a win-win across the board.
But Phil and Kristin knew, that whenever one of them slipped over their voice chats, anyone else in the discord call would too. And now, they were all actually together under one roof, so he was sure he'd have five littles to deal with by noon at latest.
As predicted, all of the boys ended up in littlespace, slipping one after another like a line of dominoes getting knocked over. After some reassurance from Phil, Tommy allowed himself to slip, and he dragged his best friend into a game of pretend. And the two toddler minded teenagers decided they wanted to play with Techno and Ranboo as well, and Wilbur soon followed when Phil babied him a bit to much.
At first, it was quite loud, and there was a lot of conflict and disagreements between the boys. Eventually, after everyone but Ranboo had managed to get in some sort of trouble, Phil sat the boys down to watch cartoons. Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur were out like a light one episode in. Wilbur was in babyspace, he always needed extra sleep, and Tommy tired himself out by crying when he assumed Phil was upset with him.
Tubbo, however, was just tired. No excuse, that's just how he was sometimes.
Ranboo and Techno were older then the rest of them, and far more behaved, so they didn't get quite as much attention earlier in the day. Phil was quite busy comforting Wilbur and trying to keep Tommy and Tubbo in check, and it didn't help that Kristin had to leave the house. To make up for this, Phil wanted to do something special with them while the other three took their mid-day naps.
After a while of Ranboo and Techno watching cartoons, trying to stay quiet so that their friends could sleep peacefully, Phil spoke up.
"Boys, quietly follow me," he whispered, managing to get out from under from where Wilbur was laying cuddling up to him without waking the boy up. Techno and Ranboo glanced at each other, seemingly confused but intrigued. They scrambled to get up, following their caregiver into the kitchen.
"What are we doin', dada?" Techno questioned once they entered the other room. They had left the cartoons on, so Phil was fairly sure they wouldn't be able to hear what was going on in the kitchen.
"You guys are gonna be my little helpers for snack time, okay? I got some special treats and such for everyone and we need to put everything together before everyone gets up!" the man explained in a quiet but excited tone, speaking even quieter as if his next words were a secret, "And if you guys do a good job, I'll even give you an extra cookie."
Ranboo's face immediately lit up, and he bounced on his feet as he awaited more instructions. Phil specifically chose him and Techno out of all of them, they must be special. It was like a super secret mission, just for them!
"So we're all gonna have fruit and vegetables before we get to the sweets," he continued on, going over the fridge and pulling out various fruits and vegetables, "Techno, could you wash the strawberries and blueberries for me?" he asked.
"Mhm!" he agreed, excited to be able to help. It seem weird that Phil's idea of "something special" was just putting them to work, it was more about the idea of making them feel special. They were more well behaved then everyone else, so they got extra time with Phil and a cookie.  
"What do I get to do?" Ranboo questioned. He watched as Technoblade took the containers with the fruit he was told to wash over to the sink.
"Are you big enough to pour drinks for everyone?" he questioned, pulling various new sippycups and bottles from a hidden spot in one of the cabinets. The two littles gasped, completely distracted from their tasks, "Yes, some of these are for you two." he chuckled at their excitement, coming over to Ranboo and holding out a simple but cute black and white sippy cup.
"I thought maybe you could put stickers on it," Phil explained. The boy nodded quickly, practically attacking him in a hug. "Okay, go on, get to work now." he said, motioning over to the counter where the rest of them sat.
As requested, they got to work. Techno helped wash the fruit and put then on their plates, while Ranboo filled the sippy cups and bottles with whatever drink each one of them liked best. His demise came when he tried to sneak soda into his sippy cup without asking, and he managed to spill it all over the counter.
"Uh oh! Spill on aisle Ranboo!" Phil joked, grabbing the paper towels and running over to help. Immediately, the boy panicked. He was the well behaved one, and Phil was gonna find out that he was trying to be sneaky! His guilt was obviously clear to the caregiver, because the next thing he said was, "Don't worry, accidents happen."
The gentle and reassuring tone he used only made him feel worse. It only took the man a moment to actually realize what the boy had been pouring into the cup. "Ranboooo," the caregiver held out his words, sounding disappointed, "You know that you could've asked for soda if you really wanted it, right? You've been so good all day, I would've given it to you."
"Really?" he asked, pouting when the man took the cup and dumped the liquid in the sink. He then ripped paper towels from the roll and wiped up the remainder of the drink from the counter.
"Yeah, I would've," Phil affirmed, "But trying to sneak around me isn't okay. You told me you were putting juice in here. That's lying, and I know for a fact that you're big enough to know that's not allowed. " he tsked, causing Ranboo to look down at his feet.
"M' sorry," he mumbled, ready to cry over such a small thing. He knew what he was doing was dumb, Phil rarely let them have sweets like that when they were small due to the fact that they got hyper.
"Don't cry, sweetheart, you're not in trouble," the man assured with a sigh, softening his tone immediately, rinsing the cup out as he spoke. Ranboo still felt bad, despite the gentle reassurance. He glanced up to see the man filling his cup with his favorite drink besides the over sugary soda: strawberry lemonade. "Here you go." he tightened the lid onto it and held it out for him.
"Sorry, dada," he apologized again, his eyes still glassy as he took it in his hands. Phil sighed a bit, opening his arms and pulling him close.
"You're okay, buddy, I promise you." he spoke gently, "Little boys make mistakes sometimes, it's alright." The man knew that while Ranboo might've been regressed to an older age, he was still quite sensitive, and he always felt overly bad whenever he got in trouble. Even if he had managed to get away with sneaking the soda, he would've owned up to what he did guiltily after just a few sips of the drink.
That's just how he was.
"M' all done!" Techno's voice interrupted them as he finished placing the snack-filled plates in their spot at the table, besides their respective sippy cups. Phil pulled away from the other regressor and ruffled his hair, smiling at him before addressing the other little.
"Good job, honey. You're such a good helper," he complimented, before looking back to Ranboo. "And so are you." he reminded. Ranboo giggled a bit, feeling happiness well up in his chest at the praise despite any childish guilt. The giggles only increased when his caregiver tapped the button of his nose, causing him to scrunch it up.
Once he was sure that Ranboo was alright, or at least doing a bit better, he gave them their next instructions. One good thing about Ranboo was that it was easy to sway his emotions to the more positive end if it was done before any tears came. "Take your seats and eat, I'm gonna wake up your brothers and have them pick up their toys from earlier, then they'll join you." he told them, before leaving the room.
Technoblade's eyes followed Phil as he exited the room, and he waited until he was sure he was out of earshot to say anything. "Psst, 'anboo," Techno leaned close to the table, grabbing the other boy's attention.
"Wha'?" he questioned, popping a grape in his mouth and tilting his head in curiousity.
"We should scare daddy when he comes back in! It'll be so cool," he suggested, "We can wait by the door and jump out!"
"Hmm...," Ranboo looked over to where the other pointed, considering his options, "We 'posed to be eatin'." he pointed out, shaking his head.
"We won' get in trouble, it's just playin' round," he tried to sound convincing. It seemed to work, because Ranboo reconsidered, before hesitantly nodding. He grabbed one more grape and his sippy cup before standing up, Techno leading him over to the entrance of the room. They were concealed behind the wall on either side of the doorway.
They listened Phil woke the others up and helped them put the toys away, excitement ramping up as they waited. To their shock, Tommy entered first, fully ready to greet him in his usual loud tone. Techno quickly put his finger to his lip, shaking his head to signal him to be quiet. Tommy's eyes widened as he realized what was happening, deciding to duck behind the with his older brother.
It was then that Phil entered, carrying Wilbur. The boys jumped out from their spots, exclaiming different variations of "boo!" and "AHH!", breaking out into giggles immediately after. Wilbur squeaked, the sound startling him a bit, but he didn't seem upset. "Well hello, little ones," Phil chuckled, "If I remember correctly, you boys are supposed to be at the table."
"Jus' wanted to scare you! We go eat now," Techno assured, taking Tommy's wrist in his hand and pulling him over to the table. Ranboo however, peeked behind Phil to see if Tubbo was coming.
"Where Tubs at?" he pulled on Phil's shirt before he could walk away, whining a bit.
"He had a bit of an accident," the man admitted, "He's a bit smaller now, but he'll be out soon, okay?"
"Okay..." he trailed off, looking out into the living room, completely set on standing there until his best friend was able to join him.
"How about you head over to the table, kiddo?" his caregiver questioned, earning a pout from the little. "Okay, okay, you can wait here for him!" he decided, figuring there was nothing wrong with it. With a forehead kiss, Phil left him at the doorway.
"Tubbo! We gots apple slices for you!" he rambled excitedly when his friend finally did arrive, running towards him and grabbing his hand. He started to pull him further into the kitchen, but the mentally younger of the two stumbled a bit, seemingly clumsier then he was earlier in the day.
Ranboo realized that he had a pacifier in his mouth now, and he saw Phil replacing his sippy cup with a bottle out of the corner of his eye. He had worked hard to put apple juice in that sippy cup, he thought, pouting a bit.
"M' sorry, didn' mean to make you almost fall! We can go slow," he decided, earning a thankful smile from the other regressor. "Are you gonna say anything?" he asked, walking beside him. As they approached the table, Phil replied for the boy.
"He's a bit younger, bud, he might not be up for talking," he explained, "You know what it's like to be so little that you feel like a baby. Can we all be understanding? He's only a bit older then Wilbur at the moment." "
Tubbo seemed quite embarrassed as he sunk into his seat, pulling his pacifier from his mouth to eat his food. There were sounds of agreement around the table. Ranboo was curious as to what exactly made Tubbo slip so much younger then he usually did, but he didn't voice this curiosity, settling on eating his food in favor of not embarrassing his friend anymore then he already was. .
"These are yucky!" Tommy claimed, pushing his plate with carrots and ranch away from him.
"You like carrots and ranch, what are you talking about?" Phil sounded tired and just a bit annoyed.
"Don' want em," he shook his head, whining just as he had that morning when Wilbur teased him.
"If you eat them you'll get a cookie," the caregiver bribed.
"What type of cookie?" the toddler minded boy squinted his eyes, as if considering this, as if it was a negotiation of sorts.
"Sugar cookie, chocolate chip, I think we have Oreos too...whatever you could want," this definitely caught the boys interest.
"Chocolate chip?" his eyes went wide with excitement, which was only intensified when Phil nodded. Immediately, he uncrossed his arms and pulled his plate back towards him. Phil seemed satisfied with this, ruffling his hair.
The boys were still waking up, so Phil asked them to talk about their elaborate games from earlier in the day to keep them occupied. So, as they ate their snacks, they giggled about imaginary wars and adventures and argued over who won their dramatic plastic sword duels. Eventually, the caregiver gave them their promised sweets before sending them back off to play.
"Ranboo, you left your sippy cup in the kitchen," Phil tapped the boy's shoulder and distracted him from his game of peek-a-boo with Tubbo. He quickly discovered that his friend seemed much to little to participate in any games he'd usually play, so he did what he always saw Phil do with Wilbur: play a simpler one.
It was obviously much more entertaining for the littler of the two, but Ranboo was happy to hear his friend's giggles and squeaks. "Oh! Thanks, dada!" the boy reached up to take his sippy cup from the caregiver as he was sitting on the floor and Phil was standing. Ranboo gasped when he took a drink, feeling bubbles on his tongue.
Immediately, Phil put a finger to his lips and gave him a warning look. This made the boy giggle a bit as he nodded, understanding the signal. "Thank you!" he repeated, smiling when his hair was ruffled softly. The moment didn't last long, Tommy called Phil over for something, and it was back to peek-a-boo with his best friend.
Ranboo didn't mind it, though, peek-a-boo was fun. Being with everyone was fun, even if it meant he got a bit less attention due to there being so much going on. It all evened out, he got to be a snack time helper! And he got an extra cookie! If you asked him, that was pretty awesome.
In the next few days, they'd all get back into making more collaborative content, as that was the point of this meet up, but for now, it was just time to play. To spend time together, to cuddle, and giggle, and make far to much noise in the name of fun. To just be a family.
That was the specific feeling that came to Ranboo with this meet up. The comforting feeling that bubbled in his chest whenever he got a forehead kiss or his hair ruffled by Phil, or when he played babyish games with his friends when they regressed younger then him.
This was the thing that clouded his mind whenever he regressed with this group specifically, or when they were in the car, joking about anything and everything as they got closer and closer to their destination. A feeling that consistently made his life better, the feeling that brought a smile to his face everyday...
The Feeling of Family.
A/N: I really hope you liked that adorable mess of 4500 words! I appreciate reblogs and likes, but no matter what, thanks for reading to the end! Did you like the chaotic feeling that five littles/so many people brought into my fic? I kinda had to switch up my normal formulas to make room for so many characters, there's a reason I literally put three character to sleep halfway through the fic hjsikajsa. Did I write Phil well? I tried to portray how a caregiver w/so many littles would act somewhat realistically? Kind of overwhelmed but managing. Also, did you like me portraying ranboo as 'the angle little' of the group? idk I felt like it fit his personality in the scenario. If you reply with/send an ask/reblog with feedback, you can answer those questions, leave a request for something (whether it be in the universe father into the month-long meetup timeline I set up or just another fic), state your general opinions on the fic, or just leave a strand of emojis if words are hard. No matter what, it means a lot! I hope you all have a great day!!!!
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stanchonkyman · 4 years
☆Road Trips and Promises☆
☆Stanley Pines x Reader☆
♡Fluffy and Feel Good♡
At peace. That's how you felt at that moment. You were enveloped in warm blankets and the pillow against your head and felt so right. It felt as nothing could ruin how at peace you were. That was until your lover decided to rip the blanket off of you. A waft of cold air smacked against your skin and goosebumps formed almost immediately. You groaned and tried to pull the blanket back, but Stan held it out of your reach. "Nope. Come on, toots. It's time to wake up." He hummed, a grin on his face.
"Stan, it's still dark outside." You whine, turning on your side and laying in a way that faced you away from him. Stan let out a huff. "And we have a long road ahead of us. Come on. I got our bags in the car and the car is running." Stan told you, his knee sinking into the mattress as he knelt onto it. You inched away from him, closer to the wall in which your bed was pressed against. "Come on, (Y/N). You're either waking up, or I'm making you wake up." He warned you, his hand reaching your side. You merely twitched in response.
He pressed a kiss to the back of your neck. "(Y/N).." he purred in your ear. You shuddered and whined. "Can't you just carry me.." you whined tiredly. "You still need to get up and get dressed, darlin'". He told you, brushing his hand up and down against your side. You squeaked out a giggle in response to this. "You're lucky you're so damn cute.." he mumbled, taking hold of your hips and sitting you up in his lap. You lazily laid your head against his shoulder, leaving a gentle kiss on it while you were at it.
"Don't you act cute with me." He mumbled, rubbing your hip in small circles. You look up at him with pleading eyes. His face flushed slightly. "I know what you're doing! And I won't allow it!" Stan moved swiftly and pushed you back down on the mattress. You squeak. "Wait, Stan!" You knew what was coming and he gained a devilish grin. His hands slipped under your shirt. His hands were huge seeming to you, his skin rough and calloused on top of that. "Stan pleaseeeee." You plead. "You gonna get up?" He questioned. You whimpered but said nothing.
"Okay, I warned you." He smiled toward you and he started scribbling his fingers against your skin. You burst out into laughter immediately. "No no no!!" You scream, squirming to get away from him and his method of waking you up. "Come on, (Y/N)! You know the drill!" Stan urges you, moving from your sides to scribbling against your ribs. "Okay! Okay! I'll get up! Just please stop!" You squealed through your laughter. Stan laughed and came to a stop. "Good." He gave you a small kiss on the nose, getting up off of you and pulling you up and out of bed.
You roll your eyes and grab your clothes, stripping off. Stan stood in the doorway, grinning playfully. "Lookin' good, toots." He sent you a wink. Nothing you weren't used to. A chuckle escaped your throat. "Oh, shut up, old man." You threw your shirt at him, the fabric splatting on his face. He takes it off and tosses it into the hamper. "Who you calling old man? Do I need to give you another lesson?" He asked, inching over behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "No, I'm good. Thank you though." You shot him a grin.
He chuckled and pressed a kiss to your bareback and up to the back of your neck. "For wanting me to get up and ready, you sure are stalling me, Stan." You teased. "I suppose you're right." He pressed another kiss to the side of your neck. "Not that you would hate it." You giggle as he parts his body from yours. You threw your fresh shirt on, then running to the bathroom to tend to your own personal hygiene.
Soon, you book it down to the kitchen where Stan is waiting for you. "There you are. It's about time." Stan tried over to you with his usual grin. "You ready?" He asked, pulling you close to him and peppering kisses all around your face. If this man wasn't the embodiment of physical affection, then you didn't know what was. You laugh and return it with a peck to his lips. "Yeah, now I am. Where exactly are we going?" You question as Stan scoops you up into his arms. "Wherever the road takes us, sugar." He pressed yet another kiss to your temple.
Stan carried you out to his car, which was kept surprisingly nest for how reckless he could be. You expected more denting, but no. He kept it in good shape. He opened your car door and set you in the seat, taking your seatbelt and putting it on for you. "Now yours spoiling me, huh?" You smiled toward him with gleaming eyes. "Gotta do something for you." Stan squeezed your shoulder softly before getting out of your way and shutting your car door. He then walks around the hood of the car, then slipping into the driver's seat. He shuts his door and turns on the ignition. (Again.) You watch him.
"Seatbelt, Stanley." You urged. Stan responds with a blank stare. For some reason, he was always against having his own seatbelt on. Yet, he always made you wear one. "Put it onnnnn." You told him. "Fine, fine." He waved his hand at you and put his seatbelt on. You were satisfied at the click of the buckle.
He sets his foot on the brake, then shifted into reverse. He backed out, stopped, shifted into drive, then he set off down the road. You watch out the window, listening to the gentle tap of Stan's fingers against the steering wheel. You both made some quiet small talk throughout your time on the road. You had been driving for about 3 hours when you gave a light shudder. Stan noticed this from the corner of his eye, turning on hazards and pulling to the side of the road. "Huh?" You looked over to him. He carefully took off his jacket and threw it over you. Then, flipped hazards off and got back onto the road. You stared at him blankly.
"You just know exactly what I'm thinking. Don't ya?" You laugh and wrap the thick jacket around your shoulders. Stan smiled in response to that. "Yeah, well. After years of loving and living with someone, you get to know every one of their little quirks. Like that shudder you did. You shutter, cross your leg and hug yourself when you're cold. Though that's easy to spot." Stan says casually. You snicker. "You're a dork you know." You send him a smile and he smiled back, although having a main focus on the road ahead.
There's another comfortable silence. You lay your head against the window, feeling the soft rumbling of the movement of the car. It's comfortable. You almost feel as if you're ready to doze off once more. You're about to doze off, but you feel Stan's hand touch your thigh. He gives a soft hum, rubbing your thigh softly with his thumb. It seemed more like a caring motion than anything. Since you were slumped, it was probably one of the only ways he could reach you. You pretended to be asleep, not wanting him to stop the motion.
He continued on for a few minutes. His hand drifted down your leg till his hand reached right above your knee. You were confused as to why he stopped the motion. He squeezed your knee with his thumb and index finger. Your leg jolted at the touch and you sat up. "I knew you were awake." Stan chuckled. "Noooo... You woke me up. Now you owe me a kiss." You said, crossing your arms playfully. "No you weren't, toots. Remember, I know your quirks. And you were far too stiff to be asleep." Stan chuckled as he pulled onto a gravel road. "But I will still give you your kiss when we stop."
You smile and Stan retracts his hand back onto the steering wheel. The gravel road went on for about 15 more minutes until the road ended, the only thing ahead of you being grass. Stan stops and parks the car, unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out. You took your seatbelt off and Stan opened your door for you. "Thanks." You smile and step out of the car. Stan shuts the door behind you and rested his hand on the small of your back. "Do you know where we're going?" You cock your head to the side. Stan just smiled in response, leading you down the grass path, trees on either side of you. "Just trust me." He breathes out. You nod and follow.
It takes a little while, but eventually, Stan stops you. You look to him. "I'm going to need you to close your eyes." He says. You tilted your head. "You're not planning to murder me. Are you?" You stifled a laugh. Stan laughs and shakes his head. "No, just trust me." He takes your smaller hand in his significantly larger one. You closed your eyes and he guided you to somewhere unknown. Soon, there's a faint sound of water. Then, it gets louder and louder. Until Stan comes to a sudden stop, causing you to bump into him slightly. He wrapped his arm around your waist in a secure manner.
"Can... Can I open my eyes?" You asked. "Not yet. Give me your hand." Stan commands. You nod and hold up your hand. "Now, (Y/N). I've had this idea for about a year now." He said, in a softer tone than normal. "And you know how marriage isn't exactly my thing." You feel him shift his weight. "But I still want to show my commitment." He tells you, taking a deep breath.
"(Y/N), we've been together for 6 years now. And I have never experienced the amount of happiness and comfort that I have when I've been with you. I never want my time with you to end. Life has rarely been kind to me, but it seems like I've finally gotten some sympathy. Because you've been brought onto my life. You're the light in my life. The thing I would live for. My first and last thought of the day. I would be more than lost without you. And although, we agreed to not go through the official marriage process...but..." He slips something on your finger. "I still want to make you this promise. This promise to stay with you through everything. So, (Y/N), will you promise to stay forever with me?.."
Your eyes opened, immediately shining with joyful tears. "Stan..." Warm tears slipped down your cheeks and you threw your arms around him so tight. He returned the tight embrace, burying his face against your shoulder as he swayed softjly. You hadn't even noticed the beautiful scene he took you to. A beautiful scene where trees enclosed this beautiful waterfall. The trees were bright vibrant orange, red, and yellow. The fall time was always so beautiful. You looked back to Stan, laying your head against his own. "Of course I will. Of course." The both of you tightened your grip on one another. "I would never say no to that." You whisper, brushing your fingers against his cheek. "I can promise you that."
He smiled back at you and without warning, he pressed his lips to yours. He moved his arms and wrapped them tightly around your hips, pulling you close so your bodies were pressed together. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you tangled your fingers in his hair. You both just seemed to melt into one another as this was the best moment in your life. It seemed to last for an eternity. Though, you found yourselves pulling apart only a small amount for air. You pressed your forehead against him softly. "God, I love you so much." Stan breathed out. "I love you too. So much.." You smiled, breathtakingly.
That next summer, Mabel and Dipper came for yet another visit. As soon as Stan and you video called them to tell them the news, they decided they had to come back to Gravity Falls. Mabel excitedly squealed while Dipper congratulated you both fondly. Ford was also pleased and happy for the both of you. So, as soon as the twins came back to Gravity Falls, Mabel had the idea to throw an 'unofficial official' wedding for both you and Stan. Mabel helped you dress up and was your maid of honor, which she greatly accepted the role of.
Mabel had decorated the place outside the shack, against the woods. There were told up chairs and Mabel threw rose pedals over the makeshift aisle. When you walked down the aisle, Stan's eyes lit up like never before. You came and stood in front of him, your hands wrapped around each other. Everyone from the small town came to the wedding, sitting in the various fold-up chairs. Dipper and Ford stood beside Stan while Mabel and Wendy stood beside you. Soos was standing nearby, trying to play music.
Mabel quickly got up and got in the middle of you. She let you both say your vows to each other, which you both wrote on your own. "Waddles! The rings!" Mabel called as Pacifica came down the aisle, luring Waddles down the aisle, who had a pillow attached to him with two rings. Pacifica hurried back to her seat as you and Stan both took the rings. Waddles ran off as soon as he got the chance. Mabel cleared her throat. "Now, do you, Grunkle Stan take (Y/N) to be your unlawfully sorta wedded partner?" Mabel asked. Stan fumbled. "I do." He said, with a happy gleam in his eye. He slipped the ring on your finger. "And do you, (Y/N), take Grunkle Stan to be your unlawfully sorta wedded partner?" Mabel asked. You smiled brightly as a tear slipped down your cheek. "I do." You slipped the ring onto his finger.
"You may now kiss the Grunkle!"
Stan and you didn't hesitate, pulling each other into an embrace, lips together in a passionate kiss. Everyone watching erupted in a cheer and clapped. The kiss lasted a couple of moments before you both pulled away with big smiles, hands still intertwined. You were greeted with big smiles and cheering. Your heart pounded and you swooned in the amount of life you had felt. Stan then scooped you up into his arms, peppering kisses all over your face as he headed back down the aisle. Everyone watched you as you both left.
This had to be the best day of your life. No doubts about it.
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The Art of Love (Part 7) ~ Steve Rogers x Reader College!AU
A/N: Happy Valentine’s Day Weekend my loves! I’m finally getting back into this story. Hopefully I’ll be able to finish it up soon, but no promises. lol but I hope you enjoy. I wanted to get this out because this year the dates actually line up lol so here we are. 
Summary: You and Steve host his mom and Bucky for dinner. 
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader (Eventual), Bucky Barnes, Sarah Rogers 
Rating: K+
Warnings: None. Fluff . Idiots 
Word Count: 1968
Divider by: @whimsicalrogers​
Main Masterlist | The Art of Love Masterlist | Broken Hearts and Robot Parts Masterlist (Companion Fic) ​
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You were unable to tear your eyes away from Steve as he tugged his shirt off and tossed it in the hamper, though you rolled your eyes when he laughed at you. It wasn’t until you heard him singing Sexyback that you huffed and turned back to the dresses.
You stared at your remaining options. You couldn’t help but smile when you came to a decision. If you were right, you knew exactly why it was his favorite. After you packed away the rest of the dresses you flopped down on the bed scrolling through your notifications.
“Did you make a decision?” Steve asked as he exited the bathroom, dressed in his jeans and white tank top but barefoot.
You gestured to the closet where the blue wrap dress hung next to his shirt.
Steve looked at it and grinned.
“My favorite.” Steve laid on his side next to you, propping his head in his hand. “We really should go back to California soon.”
You rolled on your side to mimic his position.
“I’d love that. Ooh maybe in the winter though because it’ll be nice and warm,” you giggled.
“That’s a great idea.”
You dropped your gaze from his and started tracing the pattern of his bedspread.
“What’s going through your head, sweetheart?” Steve asked as he covered your hand with his own.
“Just going over what’s left to do for tonight.”
“Everything is all set. There’s nothing left for you to do except to get ready.”
“How long do I have?”
Steve glanced at his phone.
“About an hour.”
“Okay, that’s probably enough time to make myself presentable,” you fretted.  
He cupped your cheek, focusing your attention on him.
“Sweetheart, please stop worrying. You are always beautiful.”
“You’re just saying that.”
“Nope. It’s my professional opinion. Are you doubting someone who almost has a bachelor’s in fine arts?” he demanded haughtily.
You giggled and rolled your eyes, shoving at his chest.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“And you love me for it,” he beamed.
“That I do.”
“Why don’t you go take a shower. Take your time and relax. I even bought the candle you like.”
“Summer storm?”
“You’re the best.”
You kissed him on the cheek as you climbed over him to go shower.
The shower helped calm your nerves and when the water ran cold you wrapped yourself in the fluffy towel Steve had bought just for you and padded back into the bedroom.
You kept the music on low as you got ready, fixing your hair and doing some light make up. When you were satisfied with your appearance you tugged on the dress and slid your feet into the low heels. The final touch was the silver necklace of a dancer that Steve had bought you for your first showcase.
“So how do I look?” you asked as you stood beside the TV.
He patted the spot beside him on the couch and you happily joined him. He immediately twined his fingers through yours.
“I’m really glad that you’re here with me tonight. I love you, y/n.”
“I love you too, Steve.”
He brought your hands up so he could kiss your knuckles you couldn’t help the fond smile that tugged at your lips. Your shower and primping had taken less time than you expected so you and Steve passed the time watching the Good Place.
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You were tucked neatly into Steve’s side as you waited for his mom and Bucky to arrive. As his nerves mounted yours seemed to recede and you rubbed soothing circles over his knuckles.
“Relax, Steve. It’s your mom and Bucky. There’s nothing to worry about.”
“There’s a lot to worry about. The three people I love the most are all going to be in the same place.”
“I thought you weren’t worried about me meeting your mom.”
“I’m not worried about you. I’m worried about me. The three people who have the most dirt on me in the same room. Yikes.”
You rolled your eyes.
“You know I live to lift you up. But I hope she brought baby pictures.”
“You’re awful.”
“You love me.”
“You sure about that?”
“Not a doubt in my mind.”
He pulled you closer and kissed the crown of your head.
“Good because I do. Mmm. You smell good.”
“I smell like you.” you giggled. “I forgot my shower gel.”
“Yeah but it’s your shampoo. It’s the perfect combination.”
You were interrupted by keys jangling and the door swinging open.
“Honey, I’m home.”
“Hey, Buck.”
“Hey, Smudge. Hey, Stevie.”
Neither of you moved from the couch as he hung his jacket up and walked into the kitchen.
“God it smells great in here.”
“Bucky Barnes, don’t you dare eat anything to spoil your appetite.”
“But I’m starving,” he whined.
“We’re having appetizers as soon as Steve’s mom gets here. Just wait.”
Bucky pouted into his beer as he sank into the opposite end of the couch.
“I promise it’s worth it.”
“I’m sure it is, doll”
“You’re too sweet, Buck. What did you do today?”
“I spent most of it at the hospital. A spot on their Saturday shift opened up so I took it.”
“Aw that’s great. You didn’t think you’d be able to this semester.”
“I know. I’m really glad. There’s this really sweet girl who just is amazing.”
You and Steve shared a smile at the excitement and fondness in his voice.
The three of you chatted, until your nerves got the best of you and you moved into the kitchen to triple check everything for dinner. The boys trailed behind you, but stayed out of your way.
Your eyes snapped to the door when it buzzed and you tracked Steve as he went to greet his mom. Bucky used your distraction to swipe a grape earning him a rap on the knuckles with a cheese knife.
“Hands off, Buck.”
“Aw come on, doll.”
“No more.”
Bucky pouted but kept his hands to himself as you retrieved the glasses from the cabinet.
Steve was laughing when he opened the door with the one and only Sarah Rogers trailing behind him. She smiled brightly when she spotted you and Bucky. You quickly wiped your hands on the dish towel and hurried to greet her.
“Hi, Mrs. Rogers, it’s nice to see you again.”
“It’s lovely to see you, darling. Please call me, Sarah.”
Once Steve took her coat she leaned forward to kiss you on each cheek.
“Hello, James.”
“Hey, Aunt Sarah,” he grinned around a mouthful of cheese.
“Sorry, Smudge!”
Rolling your eyes you headed back into the kitchen.
“Can I get you something to drink, Ma?”
“I’ll just have some water.”
“Regular water or seltzer water.”
“Regular please, dear.”
“Sweetheart do you want anything.”
“Water please.”
You retrieved the charcuterie board fiddling slightly trying to disguise the gap Bucky’s munchies had left. He had the good grace to look apologetic when you glared in his direction.
Sarah had made herself comfortable in the arm chair and Bucky took the chair and a half across from her leaving you to sit beside Steve on the couch. He patted your knee before taking your hand as he had earlier.
“How was your Saturday? Did you work today?” Steve asked.
“No, I’m off this weekend. I went grocery shopping. Needed to stock up on a few items. It was a mad house though.”
“Really? It was quiet when we were there,” Steve hummed.
“We were there at like 6:30,” you pointed out.
“True. And it was getting crowded when we were finishing up.”
“I wonder why.”
Bucky and Sarah gaped at the two of you.
“You two really do live under a rock in that arts building don’t you?”
Sarah laughed at Bucky’s observation.
“Why? What are we missing?”
“There’s a blizzard coming tomorrow. Everyone was stocking up before the storm.”
“Wait, seriously?”
“Uh huh. It’s been on every news station for a week. What have you been doing?”
“Avoiding my phone at all costs,” you admitted.
Steve shrugged his agreement. “I’ve been distracted.”
“Well, I hope you got more than just food for tonight.”
“Yeah, we’re all set,” Steve assured his mom. “We’ll just hunker down here for the next few days.”
“Absolutely. It’s not like we were planning to leave for the next couple of days anyways,” you agreed.
“Oh did you two have plans for the holiday?”
You squirmed under Sarah’s amused but expectant gaze, not wanting to give her the wrong impression.
“Tomorrow is our annual Lord of the Rings Marathon. We do it every year,” Steve explained with a grin.
“How did that come about?”
“During Freshman year, I got really sick right around Valentine’s Day. And my roommate, and pretty much everyone else I knew had gone on this ski trip that whole week. Steve was worried about me so he brought me pancakes from the dining hall and chicken noodle soup and stayed with me the whole weekend. We watched a ton of movies, but somehow Lord of the Rings became a tradition.”  
“That’s so sweet.”
“Yeah it is.”
You squeezed as his hand as he looked over at you with that soft smile you loved so much.
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Steve patted his stomach and hummed as he sat back in his chair, nudging your knee with his. Bucky was wiping his bowl with the last of the rolls, and Sarah demurely wiped at her mouth.
“Dinner was absolutely delicious. I’ve got to say, Y/n, I’m impressed you’ve taught my son to cook.”
“I wouldn’t say I taught him. We more figured it out together. Poor Bucky had to taste test a lot of nearly inedible things.”
“Except her baking. That’s always been amazing,” Bucky piped up as he shoved the last roll into his mouth.  
“Speaking of, I should get the pie in the oven to warm up or we won’t have dessert until midnight,” you fretted.  
“I’ve got it, sweetheart. Just relax.”
“I’m sure the boys won’t mind cleaning up.”
You glance at Steve who nods encouragingly before hopping to his feet, squeezing your shoulders as he kissed the top of your head as he passed by. Bucky finished chewing and began to clear the dishes.
“Why don’t we move over to the couch?” she suggested.
You nodded and grabbed your glass and followed her, sitting next to the older woman.
“I’m so glad that we’re finally getting to spend some time together. Steve never stops talking about you. You’re clearly very special to him.”
You couldn’t help but look over at him, smiling as he elbowed Bucky out of the way at the sink.
“He’s very special to me too.”
“Thank you for taking care of him. I know he can get lost in his work.”
“He does the same for me.”
“I also have to say, you’re a beautiful dancer. I’m looking forward to your performance at the Showcase. It’s always been a highlight in the past.”
“Oh, thank you. I’m flattered.”
“I also saw that you and Steve were celebrating a new job last night?”
“Yes, I just joined the Howling Commando Stage Troupe as a dancer and assistant choreographer.”
“Oh that’s so exciting. Congratulations. Are you looking forward to it?”
“Yes, absolutely. They’ll send me the info for the summer series in a few weeks.”
“And how does one manage being a dancer and a choreographer at the same time.”
“The Howlies always mount two shows simultaneously, so I’ll be dancing in one show while I help choreograph the other.”
“Ah, I see. Well that is quite the undertaking, but I’m sure it will all be beautiful. You’ll have to let me know when opening night is. I would love to come and see you.”
Her earnest support caught you off guard.
“Of course,” you finally managed. “Thank you.”  
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed ! 
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Top 12 Three Caballeros Moments: Ride of the Three Caballeros Epilogue!
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Salduos Amigos...and Adios, as this is the FINAL part of my 20 part look at those happy amigos, those snappy chappies in matching serapes, those birds of the feather, THE THREE CABALLEROS, THE RIDE OF THE THREE CABALLEROS! Yes after 19 other articles, all paid for by megafan and patron of the blog @weirdkev27​, it’s time to bid our boys a fond farewell.  And what a ride i’ts been... we’ve had trips to Bahia, animaton sequences requiring a LOT of 1940′s cocaine ,Jose reinacting the plot of “Come a LIttle Bit Closer” by jay and the americans but ironcially not in the Badman Jose roll,, a less happy reunion where Donald went full vanilla ice for a few moments, Panchito giving us his long and storied family history in song form, Donald needing a vacation after his girlfriend punched him in the face and instead getting eaten by a giant snake, FLAMENCO MASTER HORACE HORSECOLLAR, Soccer with super cars, and our heroes having a warm and fun reunion and having to admit their lives didn’t turn out so good while Dewey jacaksses around in the subplot.
 And all of this lead into their very own series where our heroes met a goddess and wayne knight all in the same day, defeated THE MIGHTY MINOTAUR, got into a giant robot fight on the fucking moon, meeting the roman gods who live on and tend to the norse world tree for some reason, preventing a stupidly started lava apocalypse, going to goblin jail via song, meeting some literal dead presidents, chasing a bear around a fancy rich people town, getting into the ch-ch-chalk zone, fighting a wrestling match against the respresntive of the god of death, dying and coming back to life as a result of said wrestling match, going to camelot to train with king arthrus’ self helf book, going to a yeti spa and finally returning for one last battle with an evil wizard, his pet monkeybatdonkeyrat, and wayne knight, and have to put up with Donald’s shrill abusive ex girlfriend through about half of it. All in all good stuff and i’ll always be greatful for kevn funding this and giving me the chance to both finally watch legend and in general cover these wonderful characters. While i’m sure Panchito and Jose wil lbe back for the big finale of Ducktales, I’m gonna miss these guys and hope they get another shot at the big time one day. 
But Kevin had a great idea, one I decided to do for free since this thing cost 100 dollars together as it was a movie, and 20 episodes of television, so it was a LOT to do.  Fun but a lot of work. A top 12 list of the best moments from across the works covered for this retrospective. From the movie to the series, these are the best of the best moments of the best boys around. So without further adeu join me under the cut as I throw one hell of an after party for one hell of a ride.
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12. The Cold Blooded Penguin (The Three Caballeros (Movie) )
This one is low because it doesn’t exactly involve the boys at all as this was a short in their movie. But what can I say, I love penguins, especially Opus.
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And the charming tale of a pengy named Pablo who has trouble with the cold and wants to head off for warmer climates just never ceases to entertain me. It’s adorable, pretty funny and just a nice little start to the film every time I watch it. Especially his friends with the sleepy, depressed eyebrows. Really relate to them, especially the tall one with a ponch, aka me as a penguin.  Not much else to say hence why it’s so low, but I really enjoyed this short and can’t help but put Pablo on the list.. and wish he’d gotten a nod in Legend, but then again given we weren’t given a second season they were probably just saving him. 
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11. Charon’s Fabulous Cruise (Legend of the Three Caballeros) Another Cabs free entry but I Just love this concept: Charon, ferryman of the river sticks.. deciding since he’s not getting as many customers to turn it into a cruise ship complete with add. IT’s low both because it dosen’t involve the boys and it dosen’t take up much of it’s episode.. but damn if it ain’t funny. And Jim Cummings just brings his all to it.. granted HE always does, the man’s a legend for a reason, but dosne’t make his performance any less lovely. WIsh we got a second season just so we could see this guy again among other reasons. 
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10. You Don’t Get a Vacation You Take it (Legend of the Three Caballeros)  Wayne Knight as Sheldgoose.. was easily one of the best parts of Legend of the Three Caballeros. While the show itself was fairly high quality it’s other main villain Feldrake eventually fell into just calling Sheldgoose a moron and hitting him as his only character. IN contrast while at first apperance Sheldgoose was just a rich asshole with hair that looks like a bad toupe but apparently is his actual hair and what he choose to go with and a hell of a moustache.. and while that’s all true, he’s also cunning and manipultive, often making Feldrake’s plans work simply by using clever manipulations. He’s funny, enaging and the sadest part of no second season is not getting more of this guy. Hopefully he’ll show up in another.. even the comics using him without Wayne Knight’s Dulect Tones would be nice. He’s a good villian and would fit just as well in the classic comics being either a snooty nuisance to donald in some way, or being a rival fro scrooge, also being rich but his family having earned it by stealing from others.  But for now what we got ain’t bad and hte best example of just what sheldgoose is capable of is also his first bit of contirbuting more than as a set of hands for feldrake, phrasing. His vilian song. Yes Wayne Knight FINALLY gets a villian song. Your very welcome. 
The song is just fun, a Luau type song with a sinster undercurrent and wayne knight just having a hell of a time, alternating between speaking and singing> It’s low on this list because i’ts an OKAY song, i’ve seen better villian songs, I just really liked this one, and because it dosen’t exactly involved the boys, but I still hold to my convictions in putting this one on here.
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9. Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero González (House of Mouse) Only House of Mouse entry, and suprisingly it’s not Donald squeaking “And i’m donald duck!” , which has been burned into my brain for a few decades. No it’s the groups OTHER song in there second apperance on the show Not So Goofy, sung by the incomprable Rob Pauslen. While I sitll think he was easily the worst Jose of the bunch, and that the roll never should’ve been given to a white man to begin with, credit where it’s do: he wasn’t a have bad panchito. He only voiced everyone’s faviorite rooster, suck it Foghorn Leghorn, once, for a song, likely to capatalize on the fact Paulsen was famed for Yakko’s World and other songs where he sang a lot at once, but boy did he make a meal of it. Observe.
The song is lightly hampered by the fact it also uses his version of Jose which is probably the worst work i’ve heard from Rob. And given it’s the only roll i’ve heard of his that wasn’t very good and he’s still VERY CLEARLY trying his best, that says a lot to the guy’s quality. And im not saying all this to avoid backlash, I stand by what I say and how I say it.. i’m saying it because I truly love and respect the guy this just was not his best work. This song however is Rob on full blast, using his ablitlity to talk fast no matter the voice to give us one heck of a lively performance and name for Panchito, one that was reused for Ride of the Three Cabs though sadly minus the song, as I would’ve LOVED to hear Jamie Camill belt this one out. But the lively animation and liveleir performance earn this one a spot.
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8. Baia, Donald (The Three Caballeros) For this one i’m squishing three different but related parts of the movie together: The “Have you been to Baia, Donald” song, the train trip there and the awesome musical number at the end. But all three flow together as one great sequence with the frist two serviing as a fun prelude for a fun sequence as Donald and Jose try to woo a lady named Yaya, played by Aurora Miranda, and get into a big and fun dance number that for the time is AMAZINGLY blended with the live action work. The song is an utter ear worm, the seqeunce is fun and it lacks some of the creepiness Donald’s later session of flirting had and the colors are vibrant as hell. Wonderful, beautiful stuff. It’s really hard to talk about as not a lot happens in it other than a fun bit of song and dance.. but sometimes tha’ts just waht you need: a bunch of actors, two of which were animated, moving and groving to a heckuva beat. 
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7. I Love You Guys (Legend of the Three Caballeros)  This was just a very sweet moment but one I treasure. The Cabs beat a giant horrifying rage beast.. by genuinely apoologizing to donald, telling him they love him then having a group hug. After a full episode before this of them just kinda ignoring what he cared about, Xandra and the boys genuine apologies and Donald genuinely telling them “I love you guys” and realizing for the first time in his life he’s genuinely loved and appricated. It just feels so fucking nice. Shame they didn’t you know.. end the Daisy plot with him realizing he dind’t need or or that he wasn’t angsiting over a selfish goldigger in the first place but hey, you take what you can get sometimes and the getting is good here. 
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6. The Cabs Song .. in Comic Form! (The Three Caballeros Ride Again!) 
Another fairly quick one to talk about but one’s that damn impressive. The Three Cabs ride again is a wonderful story that reunites our birds of a feather for an adventure in mexico.. and one of it’s two best moments, the other one way further up from Don Rosa’s classic, seriously check it out it’s good, is when the boys, to distract their enemy for the story, play their classic song.  Musical numbers.. are hard to pull off in comics. As Linkara, comic critic and one of my inspirations check him out on youtube he’s really fantastic, has mentioned quite a bit not having the sound to go with it is an uphill battle. But i’m not as against this as he is.. as long as you can convey the ENERGY of said song and perofrmance in the page. As long as you got that, you can pull it off and boy oh boy oh boy did Rosa ever. While it’s only about a page and a half long it’s just a fun, wonderful litlte sequence, from the crowd that has no reaction til lthe end when our big bad clubs them with the guitar, to our heroes swipining tablecoths to seve as serape to Donald falling outside, it’s one of the highlights of an alreayd impressive story. 
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5. Jam Session (Ducktales, The Town Where Everyone Was Nice!) 
Only one Ducktales moment but it’s a keeper to be sure and now I HAVE seen Legend... I can say as I did there Jamie Camil REALLY shoudlv’e been kept as Panchito but “The Town Where Everyone Was Nice”.. really was still ag reat version of the characters and still kept them true. It wasn’t AS good as the Legend versions.. but honestly that’s fine. Not every version HAS to be good as the others and they were still wella cted, wonderfully animated and the story was great. And the moment that shows it off best is the boys quite moment after lunch, where they remincse, have fun, think about old times.. then hear a radio and slowly but surely have a fun dance number together, playing like old times. It’s this moment that makes me REALLY question why people hated this so much, as this one tiny moment captures the cabs chemistry and comrander in just two short minutes, Donald getting angry, Jose defusing int with a dance then him joining in, the three just jamming iwth whatever’s on hand and jose magically playing the fluit with his umbrella. I’ts all just so charming I love it. The end version of the three cabs IS really awesome, it just didn’t make the cut. Still liked it though.. but this.. this is better. Sometimes less is more you know?
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4. The Three Cablleros Song (The Three Caballeros (Movie) ) Look you knew this was coming, I knew this was coming, we all knew this was coming. But the song is no less awesome, with fluid animation, wonderful vocals and lyrics, and an unberably catchy tune. It’s iconic to the characters, having popped up in four different renditions during this retrsopective, all of them pretty damn good, but no one tops the original.  Even the two more dated bits, some latin baby and Panchito having a gun solo, somehow don’t hamper what’s otherwise an iconic moment. It’s fun, it’s fancy free, and it establishes the boys dynamic perfectly, one that as we’ve seen would last a few lifetimes and probably will last forever. 
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3. We Say So! (The Three Caballeros Ride Again) While Ride again is a VERY good story, it’s best moment is ironiclaly it’s end despite leaving you wanting more and more. After a fun adventure and a laugh over it being for nothing really, our friends return to Jose’s job at a night club, which his manager, who understandably has issues with Jose choosing wooing ladies over actually doing his job sometimes, only gives him back because it’s a big night but needs a big act. The first touching moment here is the fact the boys pitch in without being asked because hteir friend needs them. But the real moment is what happens after: The Triplets return from the hotel, still bemoaning as they did ealrier in the story that Donald has no friends and assume when they see him on stage and see him crash off it that he incited a riot.. only for his friends to assure him he’s a very fine fellow and they say so.. and in an instnat the boys realize donald DOES have friends.. and the best friends a duck can ask for. And after a lifetime of being spat on and barely winning.. Donald gets an unquestioned victory, stnading proudly with his friends for a packed house who still want more while his nephews look on proudly. I say so.. and what I say is that this moment is one of Rosa’s finest and one of the most touching thigns the man’s ever written. 
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2. This is Just Where I Came In (The Legend of the Three Caballeros) The Legend of the Three Cabs was excellent and it ended on one hell of a high. After a heck of a fight via callbacks that barely didnt’ make the list, our heroes rush in to stop Feldrake. their sorcerer nemisis,  from reviving.. only for it to be too late. He’s back in full and soon warps reality around him leaving the boys hometown of the New Quackmore insitute as a series of rubble, buildings and people clinging desperatly to both floating in a hell of a starry backdrop, the only chance to stop this from happenign to the world resting in our heroes. And it’s so we catch up with where the seires began: our three heros decked out in truly awesome armor, though why Panchtio’s is roman I have no idea, fighting a giant and mosnterious felldrake and while his deisgn in that form is eh, his threat is palpable and the fight is goregous and pitch perfect.. and only gets better when we catch up, as Xandra swoops in to save htem from the cliffhanger the series started with. It only isn’t up top because of tow reasons; I like the first moment better.. and the boys do fall in a magic pool of amulet juice and emerge with powers due to a character we just meet when they do so. It’s a bit of a cop out.. but even with it being a cop out and a dues ex machina of the HIGHEST order.. it dosen’t stop it form being awesome when our heroes emerge merged with thier amulets energies, in their signutre colors and whoop felldrakes ass with a revivied Xandra’s help and then nearly reseal feldrake before his being resealed, but in Sheldgoose, resotres everything and our heroes get a WELL earned bout of praise from the town and a fancy mansion and in donald’s case a new job. A specatuclar, tense and gorgeous finale to a wonderful series. 
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1. Ride Em, Vaquero! (The Magificent 7 (Minus 4) Caballeros)  Look I know it sounds like a bit of a downgrade to go from a battle for the fate of the world to our heroes fighting a spoiled prince and a giant anaconda just to make it out alive.. but frankly this battle is more tense, has all boys showing off even better, and has a climax so awesome even saving the unvierse with suddenly gained magic powers can’t top it.  For the setting our heroes end up trapped in a lost city with the bad guy of the comic, Don Rosa’s second to last and his second of only two cabs stories, prepared to get away. But then Donald snaps, spurred on bya ll the shit he had to put up with back home,and TACKLES the fucking guy in his boat getting into one hell of a scrap. And if that wasn’t enough, what brings this to true glory is a giant Anaconda who shoed up earlier, popping up.. leading to Donald fighting our big bad.. WHILE BEING TANGLED UP IN A FUCKING PYTHON. 
What truly clinches this as the best of the best for me though is Jose and Panchito’s actions, with Jose fighting the guy off off donlad, and actually having his umbrella WORK this time, and while the bad guy gets the raft from our heroes.. he falls off a cliff. So how do our heroes escape.. simple .. PANCHITO LASSOS THE FLEEING SNAKE AND THEY RIDE IT OUT AS SEEN ABOVE THROUGH A POND FULL OF DANGEROUS CREATURES WHO ALL STARE IN AWE AT THE SIGHT OR FLEE.  You.. you just can’t top that. The awesomness, the teamwork, the sheer balls on panchito..i t’s all just so beauitful and sums up what the boys are about: Deft teamwork, camradire.. and doing utterly insane shit as only best friends can. 
So with that.. this ride has come to an end. As I said before and will say again, it’s been fun, easily the biggest project i’ve done so far, and easily one of my faviorites. I love these guys and geninely hope we see them again real soon. So before I go, i’d like to say some thank yous. I”d like to thank ALL of the talented people involved in the making of the original film, as there are way too many to mention as it was a package movie but without you lovely and mostly deceased people we’d never have these wonderful guys. I’d like to thank Don Rosa for bringing the boys back and better than ever and beautifully so AND returning to them again. I’d like to thank Henry Gilroy and Phil Walsh, who wrote the first and second house of mouse cabs episodes for bringing the boys back to the screen, as well as series creators Robert Gainway and Tony Craig and the MASSIVE pile of storyboarders for both episode.  I’d like to thank the people behind mickey and the roadster racers, while your episodes were not very good I am glad the boys got more screentime, i’d like thank Frank Angrones and Matt Youngberg for their wonderful versions of the boys and total respect to their legacy, and i’d REALLY like to thank Matt Danner for giving us a wonderful series and finally giving the boys a starring roll again. 
I’d also like to thank the MANY voice actors who voiced these wonderful characters, your beautiful all of you. To Donald’s voice actors for this retrospective i’d like to thank Clarence Nash, you absolute legend may you rest in peace, Tony Anselmo, may you keep on living please god we’ve lost a lot of good people lately don’t be one of them, and even Daniel Ross, who might not be the best Donald but he’s one of only five and you can’t take that way from him. 
For Jose i’d like to thank Jose Olivara, without you I don’t think we would’ve even gotten to the Cablleros as a group, Rob Paulsen, you tried your best and your still a winner in my heart, Eric Bauza, you genuinely were the best, and Bernardo Del Paula, who gave Bauza a run for his money and I hope returns in the role in the future. 
And finally for Panchito we have Joaquin Grey, again wouldn’t of had the rest without you man nice job, Carlos Alarzqaui, did the job and did it well, Rob Paulsen, gave us one hell of a song, Jamie Camill, the best around no one’s ever going to keep him down, Arturo Del Purto who while I prefer jamie.. still was excellent and I wouldn’t be mad if he returned again. 
And last but not least I’d like to sincerly thank @weirdkev27​. These reviews have GENUINELY helped me finacially since i’ts hard for me to find a job since I cannot drive and have a disablity, and thanks to htem i’ve been able to live comfortably and thanks to you in general i’ve been able to do what I love and get paid for it. You got me to do this wonderful restrospective, have been a genine support to the blog and a treasure to work with. Thanks man, your the best.  So with that, it’s time to ride off into the sunset. If the cabs get another apperance outside of ducktales, I will pick this up again... and wether it’s in a year or ten you bet your bottom peso they’ll be back. Who says so? I says so. 
41 notes · View notes
auroraluciferi · 4 years
if anyone in this time of deep concern of his health is interested about what a worthless piece of shit Prince Philip is, here is a very brief list of 90 racist, sexist, and incredibly ignorant things the man has said in the last century:
1. "Ghastly." Prince Philip's opinion of Beijing, during a 1986 tour of China.
2. "Ghastly." Prince Philip's opinion of Stoke-on-Trent, as offered to the city's Labour MP Joan Walley at Buckingham Palace in 1997.
3. "Deaf? If you're near there, no wonder you are deaf." Said to a group of deaf children standing near a Caribbean steel drum band in 2000.
4. "If you stay here much longer, you will go home with slitty eyes." To 21-year-old British student Simon Kerby during a visit to China in 1986.
5. "You managed not to get eaten then?" To a British student who had trekked in Papua New Guinea, during an official visit in 1998.
6. "You can't have been here that long – you haven't got a pot belly." To a British tourist during a tour of Budapest in Hungary. 1993.
7. "How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?" Asked of a Scottish driving instructor in 1995.
8. "Damn fool question!" To BBC journalist Caroline Wyatt at a banquet at the Elysée Palace after she asked Queen Elizabeth if she was enjoying her stay in Paris in 2006.
9. "It looks as though it was put in by an Indian." The Prince's verdict of a fuse box during a tour of a Scottish factory in August 1999. He later clarified his comment: "I meant to say cowboys. "I just got my cowboys and Indians mixed up."
10. "People usually say that after a fire it is water damage that is the worst. We are still drying out Windsor Castle." To survivors of the Lockerbie bombings in 1993.
11. "We don't come here for our health. We can think of other ways of enjoying ourselves." During a trip to Canada in 1976.
12. "A few years ago, everybody was saying we must have more leisure, everyone's working too much. Now that everybody's got more leisure time they are complaining they are unemployed. People don't seem to make up their minds what they want." A man of the people shares insight into the recession that gripped Britain in 1981.
13. "British women can't cook." Winning the hearts of the Scottish Women's Institute in 1961.
14. "It was part of the fortunes of war. We didn't have counsellors rushing around every time somebody let off a gun, asking 'Are you all right - are you sure you don't have a ghastly problem?' You just got on with it!" On the issue of stress counselling for servicemen in a TV documentary marking the 50th Anniversary of V-J Day in 1995.
15. "What do you gargle with – pebbles?" To Tom Jones, after the Royal Variety Performance, 1969. He added the following day: "It is very difficult at all to see how it is possible to become immensely valuable by singing what I think are the most hideous songs."
16. "It's a vast waste of space." Philip entertained guests in 2000 at the reception of a new £18m British Embassy in Berlin, which the Queen had just opened.
17. "There's a lot of your family in tonight." After glancing at business chief Atul Patel's name badge during a 2009 Buckingham Palace reception for 400 influential British Indians to meet the Royal couple.
18. "If it has four legs and it is not a chair, if it has got two wings and it flies but is not an aeroplane and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it." Said to a World Wildlife Fund meeting in 1986.
19. "You ARE a woman, aren't you?" To a woman in Kenya in 1984, after accepting a gift.
20. "Do you know they have eating dogs for the anorexic now?" To a wheelchair-bound Susan Edwards, and her guide dog Natalie in 2002.
21. "Get me a beer. I don't care what kind it is, just get me a beer!" On being offered the finest Italian wines by PM Giuliano Amato at a dinner in Rome in 2000.
22. "I would like to go to Russia very much – although the bastards murdered half my family." In 1967, asked if he would like to visit the Soviet Union.
23. "If a cricketer, for instance, suddenly decided to go into a school and batter a lot of people to death with a cricket bat, which he could do very easily, I mean, are you going to ban cricket bats?" In a Radio 4 interview shortly after the Dunblane shootings in 1996. He said to the interviewer off-air afterwards: "That will really set the cat among the pigeons, won't it?"
24. "Oh, it's you that owns that ghastly car is it? We often see it when driving to Windsor Castle." To neighbour Elton John after hearing he had sold his Watford FC-themed Aston Martin in 2001.
25. "The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." At the opening of City Hall in 2002.
26. "A pissometer?" The Prince sees the renames the piezometer water gauge demonstrated by Australian farmer Steve Filelti in 2000.
27. "Don't feed your rabbits pawpaw fruit – it acts as a contraceptive. Then again, it might not work on rabbits." Giving advice to a Caribbean rabbit breeder in Anguilla in 1994.
28. "You must be out of your minds." To Solomon Islanders, on being told that their population growth was 5 per cent a year, in 1982.
29. "Young people are the same as they always were. They are just as ignorant." At the 50th anniversary of the Duke of Edinburgh Awards scheme.
30. "Your country is one of the most notorious centres of trading in endangered species." Accepting a conservation award in Thailand in 1991.
31. "Aren't most of you descended from pirates?" In the Cayman Islands, 1994.
32. "You bloody silly fool!" To an elderly car park attendant who made the mistake of not recognising him at Cambridge University in 1997.
33. "Oh! You are the people ruining the rivers and the environment." To three young employees of a Scottish fish farm at Holyrood Palace in 1999.
34. "If you travel as much as we do you appreciate the improvements in aircraft design of less noise and more comfort – provided you don't travel in something called economy class, which sounds ghastly." To the Aircraft Research Association in 2002.
35. "The French don't know how to cook breakfast." After a breakfast of bacon, eggs, smoked salmon, kedgeree, croissants and pain au chocolat – from Gallic chef Regis Crépy – in 2002.
36. "And what exotic part of the world do you come from?" Asked in 1999 of Tory politician Lord Taylor of Warwick, whose parents are Jamaican. He replied: "Birmingham."
37. "Oh no, I might catch some ghastly disease." On a visit to Australia in 1992, when asked if he wanted to stroke a koala bear.
38. "It doesn't look like much work goes on at this University." Overheard at Bristol University's engineering facility. It had been closed so that he and the Queen could officially open it in 2005.
39. "I wish he'd turn the microphone off!" The Prince expresses his opinion of Elton John's performance at the 73rd Royal Variety Show, 2001.
40. "Do you still throw spears at each other?" Prince Philip shocks Aboriginal leader William Brin at the Aboriginal Cultural Park in Queensland, 2002.
41. "Where's the Southern Comfort?" On being presented with a hamper of southern goods by the American ambassador in London in 1999.
42. "Were you here in the bad old days? ... That's why you can't read and write then!" To parents during a visit to Fir Vale Comprehensive School in Sheffield, which had suffered poor academic reputation.
43. "Ah you're the one who wrote the letter. So you can write then? Ha, ha! Well done." Meeting 14-year old George Barlow, whose invited to the Queen to visit Romford, Essex, in 2003.
44. "So who's on drugs here?... HE looks as if he's on drugs." To a 14-year-old member of a Bangladeshi youth club in 2002.
45. "You could do with losing a little bit of weight." To hopeful astronaut, 13-year-old Andrew Adams.
46. "You have mosquitoes. I have the Press." To the matron of a hospital in the Caribbean in 1966.
47. "The man who invented the red carpet needed his head examined." While hosts made effort to greet a state visit to Brazil, 1968.
48. "During the Blitz a lot of shops had their windows blown in and sometimes they put up notices saying, 'More open than usual.' I now declare this place more open than usual." Unveiling a plaque at the University of Hertfordshire's new Hatfield campus in November 2003.
49 . Philip: "Who are you?"
Simon Kelner: "I'm the editor-in-chief of The Independent, Sir."
Philip: "What are you doing here?"
Kelner: "You invited me."
Philip: "Well, you didn't have to come!"
An exchange at a press reception to mark the Golden Jubilee in 2002.
50. "No, I would probably end up spitting it out over everybody." Prince Philip declines the offer of some fish from Rick Stein's seafood deli in 2000.
51. "Any bloody fool can lay a wreath at the thingamy." Discussing his role in an interview with Jeremy Paxman.
52. "Holidays are curious things, aren't they? You send children to school to get them out of your hair. Then they come back and make life difficult for parents. That is why holidays are set so they are just about the limit of your endurance." At the opening of a school in 2000.
53. "People think there's a rigid class system here, but dukes have even been known to marry chorus girls. Some have even married Americans." In 2000.
54. "Can you tell the difference between them?" On being told by President Obama that he'd had breakfast with the leaders of the UK, China and Russia.
55. "I don't know how they are going to integrate in places like Glasgow and Sheffield." After meeting students from Brunei coming to Britain to study in 1998.
56. "Do people trip over you?" Meeting a wheelchair-bound nursing-home resident in 2002.
57. "That's a nice tie... Do you have any knickers in that material?" Discussing the tartan designed for the Papal visit with then-Scottish Tory leader Annabel Goldie last year.
58. "I have never been noticeably reticent about talking on subjects about which I know nothing." Addressing a group of industrialists in 1961.
59. "It's not a very big one, but at least it's dead and it took an awful lot of killing!" Speaking about a crocodile he shot in Gambia in 1957.
60. "Well, you didn't design your beard too well, did you? You really must try better with your beard." To a young fashion designer at a Buckingham Palace in 2009.
61. "So you're responsible for the kind of crap Channel Four produces!" Speaking to then chairman of the channel, Michael Bishop, in 1962.
62. "Dontopedalogy is the science of opening your mouth and putting your foot in it, a science which I have practiced for a good many years." Address to the General Dental Council, quoted in Time in 1960.
63. "Tolerance is the one essential ingredient ... You can take it from me that the Queen has the quality of tolerance in abundance." Advice for a successful marriage in 1997.
64. "I never see any home cooking – all I get is fancy stuff." Commiserating about the standard of Buckingham Palace cuisine in 1962.
65. "I suppose I would get in a lot of trouble if I were to melt them down." On being shown Nottingham Forest FC's trophy collection in 1999.
66. "It makes you all look like Dracula's daughters!" To pupils at Queen Anne's School in Reading, who wear blood-red uniforms, in 1998.
67. "I don't think a prostitute is more moral than a wife, but they are doing the same thing." Dismissing claims that those who sell slaughtered meat have greater moral authority than those who participate in blood sports, in 1988.
68. "Ah, so this is feminist corner then." Joining a group of female Labour MPs, who were wearing name badges reading "Ms", at a Buckingham Palace drinks party in 2000.
69. "Cats kill far more birds than men. Why don't you have a slogan: 'Kill a cat and save a bird?'" On being told of a project to protect turtle doves in Anguilla in 1965.
70. "All money nowadays seems to be produced with a natural homing instinct for the Treasury." Bemoaning the rate of British tax in 1963.
71. "It is my invariable custom to say something flattering to begin with so that I shall be excused if by any chance I put my foot in it later on." Full marks for honesty, from a speech in 1956.
72. "Why don't you go and live in a hostel to save cash?" Asked of a penniless student.
73. "In education, if in nothing else, the Scotsman knows what is best for him. Indeed, only a Scotsman can really survive a Scottish education." Said when he was made Chancellor of Edinburgh University in November 1953.
74. "If it doesn't fart or eat hay, she isn't interested." Of his daughter, Princess Anne.
75. "They're not mating are they?" Spotting two robots bumping in to one another at the Science Museum in 2000.
76. "I must be in the only person in Britain glad to see the back of that plane." Philip did not approve of the noise Concorde made while flying over the Buckingham Palace.
77. "The only active sport, which I follow, is polo – and most of the work's done by the pony!" 1965
78. "It looks like a tart's bedroom." On seeing plans for the Duke and then Duchess of York's house at Sunninghill Park.
79. "Reichskanzler." Prince Philip used Hitler's title to address German chancellor Helmut Kohl during a speech in Hanover in 1997.
80. "We go into the red next year... I shall probably have to give up polo." Comment on US television in 1969 about the Royal Family's finances.
81. "Bugger the table plan, give me my dinner!" Showing his impatience to be fed at a dinner party in 2004.
82. "I thought it was against the law these days for a woman to solicit." Said to a woman solicitor.
83. "You're just a silly little Whitehall twit: you don't trust me and I don't trust you." Said to Sir Rennie Maudslay, Keeper of the Privy Purse, in the 1970s.
84. "What about Tom Jones? He's made a million and he's a bloody awful singer." Response to a comment at a small-business lunch about how difficult it is in Britain to get rich.
85. "This could only happen in a technical college." On getting stuck in a lift between two floors at the Heriot Watt University, 1958.
86. "I'd much rather have stayed in the Navy, frankly." When asked what he felt about his life in 1992.
87. "It looks like the kind of thing my daughter would bring back from her school art lessons" On being shown "primitive" Ethiopian art in 1965.
88. "You're not wearing mink knickers, are you?" Philip charms fashion writer Serena French at a World Wildlife Fund gathering in 1993.
89. "My son...er...owns them." On being asked on a Canadian tour whether he knew the Scilly Isles.
90. "Well, that's more than you know about anything else then." Speaking, a touch condescendingly, to Michael Buerk, after being told by the BBC newsreader that he did know about the Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Awards in 2004.
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paperanddice · 3 years
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A bard, jester, or other performer (and especially any kind of comedian) might linger on after death if they feel their wit and humor went underappreciated in life. Taunting haunts exist to inflict comedy on the living, usually picking out a favored target to go after and creating schemes and routines based on that. Even the most malevolent taunting haunt is rarely outright murderous, though they have some ways of ending a life. But a corpse can't appreciate the prank pulled on it, or suffer through the effects of having its words twisted out of its own control by magic. The gag ends, rather than drawing on for as long as the ghost wants it to.
The only way to end a taunting haunt's reign is to resolve whatever issue caused it to become bound to the world, or to outwit it. Overthrowing a tyrant who had a bard put to death for mocking him may be one example, or letting the haunt put on a performance before a club that turned her down in life for spurious reasons. Anyone who engages the haunt in a battle of wits may be able to defeat it by putting on a performance that outmatches the haunts or heckling the comedian until it must leave the stage for good.
Originally from the 3.5 Monster Manual V. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as a spot on the Paper and Dice Discord server, consider backing me there!
5th Edition
Taunting Haunt Medium undead, any chaotic Armor Class 14 Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 8) Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. Str 4 (-3) Dex 14 (+2) Con 12 (+1) Int 13 (+1) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 15 (+2) Skills Deception +6, Intimidation +4, Performance +6 Damage Immunities necrotic, poison Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks not made with silver weapons Damage Vulnerabilities force, radiant Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained Senses darkvision 60 ft. passive Perception 10 Languages any languages it knew in life Challenge 2 (450 XP) Battle Of Wits. A creature can use an action to challenge the haunt to a battle of wits. The creature makes a DC 14 Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, Performance, or Persuasion) check. On a success, the haunt can't take any actions on its next turn except to taunt and respond to the character. This effect ends if any of that creature's allies attack the haunt or cast a spell on it. If the check fails, the haunt is immune to the effects of this trait until the end of its next turn. If a single creature succeeds on 3 checks before failing 3, the haunt is permanently destroyed. If a creature fails 3 checks before succeeding on 3, the haunt instead has advantage on all attacks against that creature and its allies, that creature and its allies have disadvantage on saves against the haunt's spells and abilities and are vulnerable to damage dealt by the haunt. Encore. If the haunt is destroyed in any way except by losing a Battle of Wits, it returns after 24 hours, reappearing in a space within 1 mile of where it was destroyed. A wish spell cast during this time prevents this trait from functioning. Force Of Personality. The taunting haunt's AC includes its Charisma bonus. Incorporeal Movement. The taunting haunt can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object. Innate Spellcasting. The taunting haunt's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). The taunting haunt can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: hideous laughter, vicious mockery (5th level) 3/day each: invisibility 1/day each: fear Actions Incorporeal Tickle. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (2d6+2) necrotic damage and target must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on its next saving throw before the end of the haunt's next turn. Tripping Tongue. The taunting haunt can target a creature it can see within 30 feet of it and ruin the creature's ability to speak. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or it is forced to say the opposite of what it means to for one minute. The creature can't cast spells with verbal components or use effects that require clear speech or understanding. Anyone listening to the creature can glean the intended words in anything the creature says with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Reactions Vicious Lampoon. When an opponent within 30 feet of the taunting haunt misses an attack, the haunt can mock that creature's failure. The target must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the end of its next turn.
13th Age
Taunting Haunt Triple-strength 2nd level spoiler [undead] Initiative: +8 Vulnerability: Holy Incorporeal Tickling +6 vs. PD - 10 negative energy damage Natural Even Hit: The target is also hampered (save ends). C: Tripping Tongue +6 vs. MD (one nearby enemy) - 5 psychic damage and the target says the opposite of everything it means to (save ends). Until the target saves, it can’t cast spells, use battle cries, or use any other ability or feature that requires it to speak Limited Use: 1/turn, as a quick action. [Special Trigger] C: Vicious Lampoon +6 vs. MD (one nearby enemy) - 5 psychic damage and the target is dazed (save ends) Limited Use: 1/turn, as an interrupt action when an enemy attacks the taunting haunt and misses. Battle of Wits: An enemy can use a standard action to make a DC 15 Charisma check against the haunt. On a success, the haunt is stunned until the end of its next turn, or until it is attacked. On a failed check, the haunt is immune to this effect until the end of its next turn and instead gains a +2 bonus to all attacks. If the haunt is stunned for 3 turns in a row by the same character, it is destroyed. The character takes a cumulative -1 penalty to this check unless the player comes up with a creative insult or witty joke to say with each check. Ghostly: The taunting haunt has resist damage 16+ to all damage except force damage. The haunt can move through solid objects, but can’t end its movement inside of them. Flight. Rejuvenation: When the taunting haunt drops to 0 hit points, it disappears but does not die. It reforms anywhere within a mile of where it died after a number of days equal to its level. AC 16 PD 12 MD 16 HP 90
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unfortunate-arrow · 3 years
Favorite -4
Routines - 9 & 10
Philosophy - 6
For each of your handsome Slythertwins Jack and Cillian
Favorite 4: Amusement park/carnival activity?
Jack’s favorite ride would definitely be either the roller coaster or a Ferris wheel. He also likes to eat fair food.
Cillian would probably enjoy a shooting game. He’d definitely be a fan of the games and of the food.
Routines 9: What do they do first thing in the morning?
Jack will pull on a sweatshirt and then go get something to eat. He’s usually very hungry when he wakes up.
Cillian pulls on his slippers and robe and then goes to freshen up, usually with a bath.
Routines 10: What’s the last thing they do before they go to bed?
Jack tries to get his dirty socks and shirt into the hamper by throwing them from the bed.
Cillian goes through the newspaper and then throws it into the fire.
Philosophy 6: If they had three wishes (standard genie rules apply) what would they wish for?
Jack would wish for answers about his parents. He’d also wish for an all expenses paid trip to some new place. His final wish would be for a good and successful life.
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Cillian would wish for the answer of how to gain his father’s approval. He’d wish for enough wealth to live his life without having to do much work. His final wish would be for his own island, away from everyone and all their ridiculous expectations for the Lynch patriarch.
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