nicky92021 · 2 years
Does anyone have any Sterek fics where stiles gets a triskelion tattoo?
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 8 months
Info: A de-aged fic where Spock has to take care of a kid-Kirk; preferably Kirk only listens to Spock, and freaks out when he's not around. (Or, you know, switched.) (thread)
Fill: 1/2
Author: triskellion
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Fill: 2/2
Author: Jade-dragoness
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tigrensis · 4 months
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Banner wip based on a symbol I was given from IC research
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emotattooedcatlady · 2 years
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@andjustbreathe and I throwing the most elaborate Teen Wolf party for 2 the world has ever seen.
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quotablefanfiction · 8 months
“NASA is a bunch of hacks, and one branch of military goons is much like another.” “Not selling yourself very well.”
Dr. McKay should not be involved in recruitment (chp. 1)
The Importance of Imaginitive Flexibility by Triskellion (AO3) Calvin & Hobbes/Stargate Atlantis – Teen – Calvin/Susie Derkins #Crossover #Fandom Fusion #Imagination #Extra-Dimensional Beings #Calvin being Calvin #Hobbes being Hobbes #Calvinball #Aliens
No matter how little we desire it, someday every wild, creative, imaginative child must grow up. Well, he’s gotta get taller. There ain’t a damned thing anyone can do if he refuses to completely mature. And there are some places, some jobs, some lives, where a little imaginative flexibility can be an advantage rather than a disadvantage.
Calvin, accompanied as ever by Hobbes, may just find such a place.
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nerdintheforest · 1 year
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Triskelion chair pics with Ken doing his sexy pose
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dogwithapog · 2 months
gamesters of triskellion is not one of the best og star trek episodes, but it is the only one where kirk wears an "obedience collar" so that gives it points
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Desperate [Bucky x Reader]
Fandom: MCU Title: Desperate Characters/Pairings: Bucky Barnes x female!Reader Word Count: 3k 
Summary: Enemies? Rivals? It's always been reluctant teamwork between you and the Winter Soldier, but when put in a situation where personal feelings have to be put aside, maybe actual personal feelings are uncovered.
Content Warnings: kidnapping, sex pollen ergo DUBIOUS CONSENT, sexual situations (named acts, non-explicit depictions of vaginal sex), medical elements (needles, IVs, experience of medical distress)
Thank You Notes: BIGGEST SHOUT OUTS to @sgt-seabass who beta loved this into what it is and @vonalyn who helped supply me with some of the vital energy I needed. This was SUPPOSED to be an answer to this little sleepover ask @povlvr had graced me with... but then it became this! Logistical Notes: Filling my eleventh square for Bucky Barnes Bingo @buckybarnesbingo - Y2 "Reluctant Teamwork" and @buckybarnesevents Hot Bucky Summer Week 9 which is technically a "FREE WEEK" but had sex pollen listed as one of the suggested things to play with, so... that's why we're here now.
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You were an old SHIELD contact that Steve knew before Project Insight. He didn't know you well then, but you had crossed paths a few times. You were an analyst sometimes assigned to Steve's missions. You went to work for the CIA after the Triskellion takedown, where you stayed for a couple of years, before eventually moving into the private sector.
When Steve, Nat, Sam, and Wanda were outlaws on the run, they bumped into you again, and you became an ally and valuable contact in your new area of the country - and ultimately a friend. And trusted enough that you knew about Bucky - and Bucky heard about you.
Bucky didn't love that you were an element in Steve's life. He hadn't met you, hadn't been able to get his own read on you. 
He'd been wary initially about Nat, Sam, and Wanda, but he'd been able to meet them and build his own trust - and they'd all ultimately put their lives and reputations on the line for him. 
It wasn't that he was distrustful of everyone anymore and needed people to put their lives on the line to prove themselves. Those who had sided with Steve over Tony in the Zemo affair aside, he'd also learned to trust others again in Wakanda with so many of the royal family and the royal guard building relationships with him. 
But with you he didn’t know you, and so he didn't like it.
What Bucky loathed even more? 
You didn't blip out. For five years, you were there for Steve when he couldn't be. You were apparently there so much that when Steve left, he fucking said to watch out for you. The punk.
Bucky didn’t know Steve dropped in on you, too, and asked you to keep an eye out for Bucky the day he gave Sam the shield. You promised you would.
You reached out. Not immediately, but in the weeks after.
Bucky was... less than kind.
Frankly, he was surly, ungrateful, short, and rude. 
Pieces were moving and with Bucky's reappearance in the United States, the question of his future was an immediate concern. Public and government representatives were demanding trials, pardons, and all the rest.
You told him you had found an excellent contact for a lawyer.
"No, thanks, I can find my own," the words were polite, but the tone was clipped, flat, low - almost a growl. 
Being so abruptly shut down, you decided to cut the phone call first and on your terms, so you wished him luck - managing to be more polite than him, making it sound genuine - and hung up.
You called Matt Murdock yourself, and told him about Bucky's case.
You did it only because of your promise to Steve.
And a little bit because you knew you were fucking right and that Bucky needed your lawyer contact. 
Matt chuckled, told you he knew about stubbornness, and that he'd go about approaching the Winter Soldier diplomatically and professionally.
Matt pulled off the best possible pardon deal, even if not everything about it was ideal.
When Pepper decided to get back into some of the Avenger support again - after the Flag Smashers business - so she could provide some more trustworthy resources for Sam and Bucky and the old crowd, you were one of the people she ended up scouting and recruiting to come work on the direct home support team with research and tactical support. Sometimes you went into the field with the team, but usually you stayed at home base and relayed with the agents over comms. 
This was not because you weren't outstanding, but because it was clear the less time you and Bucky spent in proximity to each other, the less awkward it was for everyone else on the team. You were both professional enough to keep the animosity out of things during a mission over comms, and that was about it. 
Otherwise, it was silent treatment and resentment.
Neither of you extended the woes of your dislike for each other actively to anyone else on the team, keeping your mouths shut about your feelings, and engaging in only occasional and minimal eye-rolling when either of you was mentioned. Bucky made a point of giving you electrolyte-enhanced waters first whenever you did go into the field on a mission with them, as if you were a toddler who couldn’t take care of yourself. 
Sitting by you at a holiday dinner at Sam’s you almost thought there was a moment of thaw between you and the Winter Soldier, but you didn’t push the almost comfortable silence between you to anything more - knowing it had been long-established he only tolerated you. It was clearly only a temporary pause, meaning very little as Bucky continued to push for you not being put into the field with them. You didn’t need to be around his close scrutiny. He made getting over any initial crush you might have had on him very easy. 
Things were fine like that for a little over a year. 
And then you were abducted on your way back from a mission outside of Paris where you had been part of the local ground team, taken and smuggled out of the airport. It was not HYDRA this time, just leftover cretins who blipped away but now were back, stirring up their own operation which hoped to double down on being even more nefarious. They were interested in testing some of their new methods and resources while also trying to extract some sensitive information.
Why not kill two birds with one stone by snatching up a well-connected and informed analyst at the heart of the neo-Avengers operation?
They recovered files from debunked HYDRA facilities (hard drives were wiped, but motivated hackers knew how to dig beneath what had been wiped to recover remnants - in hindsight, SHIELD should have taken the tech to a secure location) and developed an even more concentrated and powerful form of sex pollen. They were interested in how it would be absorbed in both the aerosol and liquid forms they had developed. Why not try out both forms on you? 
The aerosol was potent enough, but not in a way that would break you for their line of inquiries.
So, they injected it right into your veins.
Compounding with what had already been ingested into your system, everything intensified, and you - much more quickly than they anticipated - moved past what may have been a state where they could've coaxed the information they wanted out of you. 
Quickly you progressed to the point where you were consumed by this toxin, your body raging and desperate for the physical activity that will get you to a sexual release and flush the toxin from your system. You were keening and moaning and crying, covered in sweat, straining painfully against your bonds, unable to focus on anything anyone said to you. 
You were incoherent and not far from feral. 
Having gone beyond the point you could be giving them intelligence, you were still useful to provide information as the test subject, and they kept you on it through an IV drip to see the limits of what an average female body could take before it was completely broken.
You had absolutely no sense of how long this went on, only that you were not even crying tears anymore, just dry sobbing and wailing, because everything in your throat, and in your veins, and in your chest, and in your vagina burned. 
It was an agony you'd never experienced in your life. 
You vaguely registered a cacophony of sound around you, but it was like it was coming to you through a long dark tunnel, distorted and distant, and you couldn’t open your eyes to see what is going on, not that you could even think to or were capable of caring about anything other than the desperate purgatory you were enduring until you finally passed out.
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Bucky and Sam were nearly back to base ops in New York from the Paris mission when the news of your abduction came through, and they turned around immediately. Teams working at home and in Paris - and Bucky in the air while Sam piloted - narrowed your likely whereabouts down to two locations: somewhere near Versailles (because of course evil operations are drawn to the ideas of opulence) or a compound outside of Brussels. 
Time already against them, Sam and Bucky made the tough decision that they needed to split up so they could investigate both options as quickly as humanly possible. Sam dropped Bucky at the well-equipped safe house less than an hour away from the suspected Versailles compound and then headed to Brussels.
After arming himself to the teeth as quickly as he could, Bucky fired up the Ducati in the garage of the safehouse that had been equipped with a noise dampener by your tech engineers, punched in his navigational coordinates, and pushed to top speeds to get to there, stashing the bike half a kilometer away so he could make the rest of the approach in complete stealth.
The operation was much smaller than he anticipated, but because of its size it was almost immediately apparent to Bucky that this was where they had you, and he was also confident he would be able to drop this operation and get to you without as much trouble as he expected.
But in no way could he have predicted the state he would find you in.
He heard your agonizing cries and keening within moments of entering the facility, and he'd already dropped four agents at that point, but the excruciating pain he heard from you was its own form of torture in itself. 
He picked up the pace, tearing ruthlessly through everyone else that came between him and you.
He got the full view of the condition you were in only moments before you passed out. He quickly undid all the bindings and removed everything they had attached to monitor your vitals. He unhooked the IV drip but had the presence of mind to take the bag for testing later. It was inelegant, but he hefted you over his shoulder, and everyone else still conscious who got in his way of getting you out was incapacitated with a single kill shot.
It was close to midnight when he reached the safe house and carefully tucked you into one of the beds. He pulled a secure laptop and some of the base medical testing equipment into the bedroom and kept watch over your catatonic form while he started running tests on the substance you’d been hooked up to and sent the base data for his samples to the bioengineering team back at HQ.
Over the next hour your body experienced a few fits of violent shaking, but you didn’t rouse until almost 2am. When you did, it was with great heaving gasps, and your arms flailed, your hands grasping at the sheets, at your clothes, and then at Bucky when he appeared almost immediately at your side trying to soothe you. He had a theory he hoped wasn’t true – that he knew what was running through your veins – but it was confirmed when you clutched and pawed desperately at him. Then your eyes met his, there was a recognition but coupled with devastating desperation, and you started babbling his name and pleading, “Bucky, please, Bucky. Need. Bucky, help. Bucky, Bucky, Bucky.”
He’d been in distress over you since he first heard your tortured cries hours before, and he knew you needed him.
He wouldn’t deny you. 
He knew the anguish of being a slave within one’s own mind. 
He worked both of you out of your clothes quickly, and then laid you back on the bed and crawled above you. “I gothcu, shh, I know what you need.” You cried, but with a glimmer of relief, when he sunk into your desperately wet cunt. He thrust diligently into you while you clung to his shoulders and wrapped your legs around his waist. 
The first orgasm was quick, and provided a glorious wave of relief that helped, but it was not enough. 
Not even close.
For nearly two hours he let you use him, pulling him into you, riding him, kneeling under him on all fours while he wrapped an arm around your waist and took you from behind. 
It was relentless fucking until you hit the point of being utterly depleted – mercifully coinciding with when the chemicals seemed to have finally been flushed from your system with enough of the endorphins released into your bloodstream from the numberless orgasms. 
If anyone but a super soldier had found you, Bucky genuinely worried they may not have been enough to help. Seeing you at the utter extreme of limits, in dangerous territory, had shaken something inside him he wasn’t prepared to discover. There had been no question in his mind that he had to get you through it. 
He smoothed your hair off your face and let your body gently sink back into the mattress, then got up and went to the bathroom, returning with a warm washcloth. He wiped your brow first, and you sighed in relief, eyes already closed in bone-tired weariness. Bucky gently wiped the sweat from your neck, continued moving down your body, and then with a second warm cloth he’d also brought, he gently wiped away the mess of slick that had seeped down your thighs. He carefully redressed your exhausted form, sliding you back into your discarded underwear and his t-shirt that was close enough to scoop up from the floor, and tucked you into the covers. You were asleep before he had finished taking care of you.
As you rested, he continued his vigilant watch from before. You stirred an hour or so later. It was still dark, but with almost a hint that sunrise would be creeping to the edges of the windows soon. He moved to your side again, this time with water, which he pressed to your lips, helping you to set up so you could drink. You began to gulp it down, but slowed when he tried to soothe you and urged you to slow your intake.
When you were nearly done downing the glass, your eyes opened briefly, but catching Bucky’s wary gaze on you, you shut them again. Not before Bucky saw the flash of anguish, however. You scooted away and turned your back, pulling your knees up and burying your head in your arms.
Bucky wanted to reach out and touch you, but settled for softly uttering your name, trying to coax you to look at him.
You refused, consumed with shame and horror.
Your throat was thick with a different kind of agony. 
That episode of pain and innate need had ended, but this? 
This was a new hell you would have to endure. 
“Bucky, I’m sorry, and I know I owe you my life and probably all of my sanity, but please, please go. Please leave me be and don’t put me through the humiliation right now of being here only because you were resigned to helping me despite hating me. I’ll have to bear that forever, but please, just… please at least leave me to myself until we get out of here.”
He was silent for a moment.
“Fuck, I don’t hate you – I never truly hated you,” he said. It was quiet, but perfectly audible in the silence of the pre-dawn.
You raised your head tentatively.
He took a deep breath and continued. “I only kept it up to save face since I drove you to despise me and was too proud to turn it around.”
You were truly overwhelmed. You wanted to say something but had no idea how to respond to that admission, especially when you were already wrung out to the very edges of your emotional state.
“I’ve respected you for a long time now.” Bucky broke the silence.
“You have?”
“Probably more than respected you, if I’m being honest.”
You were still exhausted despite having slept for the past few hours, but you pushed your mind to think… you started to reconsider the thaw from hostility to civility, that he argued with you in group settings less, how everything had become less grudging. But you knew you’d put up your own protective walls to shield you from his scrutiny because it had hurt too much to have been spurned by him when you’d reached out to try and forge that relationship with him after Steve left initially. 
And so much of tonight had been a feverish haze, but you had small pieces that were stained into your memory, some of which were him and things you couldn’t categorize as the actions of anything less than someone who cared. 
“How do you feel about me?” you ventured. 
The two of you looked into each other’s eyes for a few long moments.
“I don’t know that I can explain it all yet – I don’t think I know the words for it, but… let me show you? No chemicals, just us, see what’s really here?” He reached out a tentative hand to cover one of yours.
You nodded.
You let him move in.
You let him kiss you.
You let him lay you down beneath him again, and this time you sunk into each other. 
You cried again, but this time from the immense emotion. You could feel it rolling off of him and pouring into you, a balm starting to fill in the anguished pieces of your soul. Your spent bodies pushed through any tiredness and desperately moved together again, relentlessly motivated this time to slake the emotional hunger growing between you. Touches that explored, that carved into memory, that expressed. 
This time when you were both only finished by exhaustion, you curled into each other and slept, feeling the beginnings of solace and true peace, a turning of the tide, and maybe the acknowledgement that emotions that had run so deeply between you two were only felt so strongly because you truly valued the other even from the beginning.
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smokerswifey · 25 days
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autisticnova · 1 year
Another doodle? Nova tightly wrapped in webs while spidey gives gentle hug? Over stim is a bitch but compression is a blessing!
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my vision is that whenever i see characters referred to as their superhero names i draw them in their superhero forms…. so idk maybe this is a before everyone in the triskellion knows situation but nova just being super overstimulated and wanting to be in the only thing that gives him a sense of protection and spidey webbing him up for extra protection and compression and hugging him for even MORE…. i’m sick i hate them
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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The Celtic Tree Zodiac: Find Your Tree Sign in the Celtic Tree Calendar
⛤ The Ogham Grove ⛤
The Ogham Grove is a modern way of working with the Ogham, as both a year wheel and as a sacred circle, or grove; for both solitary rituals and group work within a sacred landscape - and as an internal, astral sanctuary, within one's own mind - one's inner grove.
Whilst the Ogham Grove is a modern way of working with the Ogham, it is actually based upon the oldest known tree sequence attributed to the Ogham; that which was recorded in The Scholar's Primer - which was compiled into the Book of Ballymote circa 1390 AD.
Of course the Ogham may have corresponded with specific trees long before 1390 AD
but there is no earlier evidence. The oldest evidence of the Ogham writing system is that of inscribed pillar-stones; the oldest of which appear to date to the 4th century.
Simply, the Ogham Grove is created by placing the trees of the Ogham, evenly spaced (every 18 degrees), around a circle; when one does this, all manner of meaningful patterns begin to emerge - aligning trees (and their mythological lore) with specific stars, deities, and times of the year. This opens up exciting new fields of research into Celtic studies.
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knowledge across arts, music and poetry, as well as science, language, and environment. They understood that human life was a small part of a much larger pattern, and that these rhythms could be worked out by careful observation, and strict adherence to an annual cycle – the Celtic Ogham Wheel of the Year.
​The inner wheel represents the Fibonacci sequence: 1,1,3,5,8,13.
​1 – the single point, the centre of all things
2 – the spiral stirring within the cauldron
3 – the Triskellion, the three maidens attending the cauldron
5 – the Rose, the Queen of every hive
8 – the Fire Festivals
13 – the Ogham lunar sequence
The Outer Wheels depict the current calendar months, the signs of the zodiac, and the full grove of the 20 Ogham trees in their natural order, beginning with Birch.
​The eight Fire Festivals take place at the solstices and equinoxes of the solar year, and help to bring a deeper connectedness and understanding of the world around us and the importance of living in harmony with that world.
​The Festivals are as follows:
Winter Solstice (Yule): 20th December
Imbolc: 1st February
Spring Equinox (Ostara): 19th March
Beltane: 1st May
Summer Solstice (Litha): 21st June
Lughnasadh/Lammas: 1st August
Autumn Equinox (Mabon): 21st September
Samhain: 31st October
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 8 months
Info: Detailed request is detailed.
Spock&Uhura haven't actually had sex yet because Vulcan's don't do that until they're absolutely committed, and when they do it involves the whole mind-linking thing.
Problem is that when it gets down to it Uhura's terrified of the whole mindmeld thing and can't go through with it; and doesn't understand why this is hurting Spock so much and why he won't just have sex with her anyway.
Cue Jim pulling her aside and informing her of the seriousness to which Vulcan's approach sex (which he knows because he knows everything about which species are more likely to agree to casual sex - funny about that).
Uhura, realising that she's just hurting Spock, breaks it off with him.
And then in the future I'd want to see Jim accept without hesitation the mind-linking thing.
Fill: 1/1 + Journal
Author: triskellion
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lilsoupboiii · 3 months
Marvel Rewatch Easter Eggs, Notes and Other Stuff: Spider-man: Homecoming
- Estimated 1500 tons of alien material from the Chitari attack in The Avengers
- Adrian Toomes aka The Vulture
- Phineas Mason aka The Tinkerer
- Herman Schultz aka The Shocker
- Midtown School of Science and Technology
- Mr Harrington (last seen in The Incredible Hulk)
- Betty Brant
- Ned Leeds (Hobgoblin in the comics)
- Sokovia Accords being taught in school
- Tony sold Avengers tower
- Lagos cleanup mention
- Triskellion mention
- Aaron Davis aka The Prowler, Miles Morales uncle (played by Donald Glover, the inspiration for Miles Morales)
- Principle Morita is the grandson of Jim Morita, the Howling Commando
- Hulkbuster armor mention
- Megingjord (Thor’s magic belt) mention
- Tony Stark proposing to Pepper Potts
- Mac Gargan aka The Scorpion
- Ned is a Star Wars fan, and where Peter gets his limited knowledge of Star Wars from
Easter Egg Masterlist
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veryace-ficrecs · 8 months
Daemon Au Fic Recs
Daemon aus are fics where the characters have animal daemons a la The Golden Compass.
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
One piece
Like Cats and Dogs by PitViperOfDoom - Rated G
It should be easy to judge a man by the shape of his soul, but Strawhat Luffy spits in the face of logic and predictability.
Feather and Fang by 0hHeyThereBigBadWolf - Rated T
Everyone knows that magic users have magic dæmons. Creatures of myth and legend. Some appear normal but have hides in unnatural colours. It's a way to pick them out of a crowd, find them, even when they try to hide in plain sight.
Star Wars
The Road Less Traveled By by Triskellion - Rated T
“Padwan, there are Mandalorians in Mos Espa.” Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. He knew what that meant. “What is left before we can leave?” “Collect the boy and the parts. The handmaiden can guide you.” And of course his master signed off before telling him where to meet Padme. “Couldn’t he try being subtle for once?” Seab-hoc asked plaintively from Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “Qui-Gon has never been subtle a day in his life,” Obi-Wan countered. Which was why his master’s soul had settled on one of the largest, flashiest forms in the whole karking Order.
In Nomine Diaboli by WerewolvesAreReal - Rated T
Sometimes Matt wonders what it would be like to take his daemon out with him in public. He hasn't been able to do it for twenty years.
Stranger Things
a plain and indestructible thing by phonemicengineer - Rated T
“This is us, huh?” Steve asks her, reaching out to lay a hand between her ears. His face aches, and she has a bit of blood matted in the fur around her left eye; matching wounds. There’s black ichor and gore coated up her muzzle and down her ruff, and when she opens her mouth her teeth are large and wicked looking. “Do you even have to ask?” she mutters, leaning her full weight against him.
Red Touches Black by Sparkle_Fiend - Rated M
"Red touches black, poison lack. Red touches yellow, kill a fellow." A silly rhyme, to help remember the difference between a harmless kingsnake and a deadly coral snake. Wayne taught it to him when he was fourteen, and Calpurnia settled in the form of a scarlet kingsnake. Given the way people recoil when they see his daemon, he's pretty sure no one else in Hawkins has ever heard it before. Or maybe it doesn't matter - maybe Eddie is the one they think is toxic. **** Vecna is defeated, Max is saved, and Eddie's name has been cleared. All should be right in the world of Hawkins, and Eddie's only concern should be his inconvenient crush on Steve Harrington. But there are people who still think Eddie is guilty of murder, and they're not willing to let it go.
Our Flag Means Death
it's what isn't in the name by tciddaemina - Rated M
The first thing they see - apart from Captain Bonnet himself, all silked up and frilly and a sight in his own right - is the cat sitting primly by his ankles. She's a white, well-groomed thing, coat as pale and smooth as snow, with a delicate pink ribbon around her neck and a little golden bell hanging at her throat. And sure, she's a little big, on the large side as house cats go, reaching right up to his knee, and a bit leggy as well but the crew still takes one look at her and feel their estimation of their new captain drop another sharp couple of notches. This, they think incredulously, is the man that proposes to be our fearsome pirate captain? "My name is Captain Stede Bonnet," the new captain says proudly, sweeping an arm out in greeting, looking so pleased and chuffed and ever so slightly nervous to meet them. "And this is Miss Daisy Bonnet, though of course you may all call her captain as well." "Two dubloons on a mutiny by the end of the week." Frenchie murmurs with a sharp bite of mirth. On his shoulder, Beauregard lets out a soft tittering laugh, the songbird's beak clicking. "Not taking that bet." Pete replies snappishly, still glowering sullenly at the captain.
Top Gun
I see parachutes by Amethyste_Blanche - Not Rated
I see parachutes These words spin in Rooster head like a curse. Or Rooster's POV during his fight with Maverick
Guardians of the Galaxy
Less Than Zero by Tyranno - Rated G
In 1988, following his mother's death, a young Peter Quill is abducted from Earth by the Ravagers, a group of space pirates led by Yondu Udonta. They leave his Daemon behind by mistake.
welcome to the human race by smilebackwards - Rated G
Once Peter made it through the seizures and shudders and shakes, his first thought was that he’d been abducted by witches. Dozens of different faces—blue and red and ridged—hovered over him, forcing tasteless food down his throat, and there wasn’t one daemon in sight.
Labyrinth (1986)
Glitter and Gold by speckled_dragon - Rated G
AU where humans have daemons but denizens of the Labyrinth do not.
My Hero Academia
Just Breathe by wolfsrainrules - Rated T
When Izuku turned four, he showed an Inclination towards Healing Class Magic. The strongest seen in decades. Naturally he decides this means he should be a combat medic.
Jurassic World
Connect the Dots by dinosaurs_wowenough (loki_godofmischiefandlies) - Rated M
Everyone has an animal, it's common knowledge. Some cultures call them Familiars, others call them Daemons, some are referred to as Spirit Animals, but one thing is indisputable: they are more valuable to their humans than life itself.
Teen Wolf
The Snake and the Otter by Therapeutic_Steter - Rated T
When Stiles was born, a black snake appeared into his crib on the first full moon and never left.
Claudia, whose soulmate animal was a lion, hadn't even flinched, smiling and cooing at the little snake in welcome. It flicked its tongue at her, beady eyes sparking blue, and let Claudia gently stroke it's head. John, whose soulmate animal was a bear, just shook his head, wondering at what kinds of trouble his son and his soulmate would get in to.
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quotablefanfiction · 2 years
“She’s been in love with me since she was six.” “No, that’s you. I wanted to kill you when we were six. I didn’t fall in love until we were twelve.”
Susie sets the record straight (chp. 1)
The Importance of Imaginitive Flexibility by Triskellion (AO3) Calvin & Hobbes/Stargate Atlantis – Teen – Calvin/Susie Derkins #Crossover #Fandom Fusion #Imagination #Extra-Dimensional Beings #Calvin being Calvin #Hobbes being Hobbes #Calvinball #Aliens
No matter how little we desire it, someday every wild, creative, imaginative child must grow up. Well, he’s gotta get taller. There ain’t a damned thing anyone can do if he refuses to completely mature. And there are some places, some jobs, some lives, where a little imaginative flexibility can be an advantage rather than a disadvantage.
Calvin, accompanied as ever by Hobbes, may just find such a place.
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nerdintheforest · 1 year
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Evening carving and staining session on some chairs. Won't have them finished and ready until next weekend
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