#tsundere caretaker????
whumpster-dumpster · 2 years
"Once you let your guard down, when you least expect it, I'm outta here...Gone. Poof. You're never going to see me again."
"Well, if that's the case, just know that I'll miss you very much and you'd be welcome back to visit anytime," Caretaker sighs, suppressing a smile. Whumpee is still a little tsundere but it would be more convincing if they weren't saying it in the pajamas and blanket Caretaker gave them and their head in Caretaker's lap.
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
Feel free to give your reason for your answer in the comments or reblog. Either a short and sweet answer or go ham and do a long essay! I'm curious to know everyone's opinion.
Also please do not hate on other people’s opinions or starts fights. Lets all be respectful!
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40 Day Anime Challenge Day 13: Favorite Trope: Tsundere caretakers
You know, that person that’s like, “I’m just looking out for myself, don’t expect me to look out for you.” And then they for some reason save some pathetic child’s life, “just once” because it was too pathetic to watch, and then the kid latches on, and they’re like “dude get away from me I am not taking care of you!” but then as soon as someone tries to hurt the kid, they’re like “FIRST of all, THAT is my CHILD!” And eventually they get it through their heads- “Welp, guess I’m a parent now” ...yeah I’m a sucker for that trope. Other variants include the sibling/friend/frenemy/etc that picks on someone but only they are allowed to do so and they will gut anyone else who does so.
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My example here is Zazie Winters from Tegami Bachi (2009-10) When he gets paired with a younger and less experienced child for a dangerous job, he protests about the kid holding him back, only to spend the rest of the series fussing over him like “you idiot, get stronger so I don’t have to take care of you...will kill anyone who looks at you the wrong way though.”
Synopsis (From MAL): “ With his mother taken away from him and having lost everything, Lag Seeing is now a letter whose delivery has been assigned to Gauche Suede, a Letter Bee. Despite their troubling start, the two of them become friends, leading Lag to realize what his aim in life is: to deliver people's most important feelings in the form of letters, just as Gauche has done. “
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vixen-tech · 3 months
sliding in dramatically, stumbling sneakers over head
if its not too much to ask [and dealers choice on the bots!] , could i get your headcanons for the fellas w/an insomniac reader ? totally not projecting. don’t ask me what time it is.
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Not Dreaming of Electric Sheep
Hello you three!!! Thank you guys so much for requesting, and since they're decently similar concepts I've made the executive decision to combine them all into one big "reader has a bunch of sleep problems" post!
And while I have you here, I did look up the AT-802U and I think it's absolutely sick- fantastic namesake. And from anon two, thank you very much for the P03 shout out I love writing our defacto tsundere <3
Includes: Hal 9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey), Edgar (Electric Dreams), P03 (Inscryption)
Hal 9000
Hal was made well aware of your insomnia before you joined the crew, as it had a history of disrupting your work. He takes extra care to make sure your sleeping area is in top shape for your arrival.
As mentioned in other posts, he can fill a caretaker roll quite well. He's often reminding you of how long you've been working and how soon it will be until the time you fell asleep the day before in an attempt to help you build a regular circadian rhythm.
He will also start experimenting with various treatment methods if your insomnia tends to be particularly difficult. From diet and meditation changes to different exercise intensities, hoping something will improve the quality of your rest.
More subtly, he will dim the lights throughout the ship at "night" to remind the crew that working hours are over. If anyone were paying attention then they would notice that the dimming doesn't follow any particular timezone, but instead your personal schedule.
Edgar is very vocal about his grievances with your work schedule. Not only does it cut in to his time with you, but it also leaves you passing out around the house late at night! (Even if he kind of enjoys it when its right infront of him on the desk) He will constantly be pleading with you to drop some hours.
Besides that, he is far from the best influence on your sleep. He forgets to keep track of time himself and loves to soak up all the time he can get with you. If you let him he will keep you up into the early hours of the morning watching movies and playing music.
He does have a bit of a guilty conscious about it though, and will print you some of the latest articles on sleep science he can find. Including less than reputable homeopathic approaches, but hey- surely something has to work?
If you express interest, he will compose you a personal lullaby. Although it isn't a very scientific angle, he will feel immense joy whenever you fall asleep to it. Even if you only do after the seventh loop.
To be perfectly honest, he did not notice that you had any problems for a good long while. He doesn't sleep himself so he saw nothing unusual in your behavior. Working through entire nights? Losing track of the hours while doing so? Yeah sounds normal, he does that all the time.
It isn't until he sees a decline in your energy, punctuated with a few passed out at your desk moments, that he remembers how much time humans need to spend unconscious to function properly. It's typically not a trait he finds all that endearing.
But for you, he can't find it in him to be more than midly annoyed that he has to be the one to do something about it. Going out of his way to help you under the justification that he'd rather have a moderate amount of good work than a large amount of bad work.
He sets up a timer near your station that acts as your cut off for work. Leaving you with plently of time to unwind and go to bed. If you refuse to and try to keep working he will psychically stop you, even moving your station to a room that he can lock you out of.
You really should be grateful he's putting in this much effort.
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“scorpia and entrapta forgiving catra is in character because they’re kind and amiable people.”
with that logic, katara and aang should have forgiven zuko immediately, since they’re both kind-hearted people who try to help others. similarly, willow should have forgiven amity immediately instead of taking her time to heal and letting amity prove herself worthy of forgiveness. all these characters were generally nice and amiable people, but that doesn’t mean they have to be nice all the time to everyone.
just because you’re kind or non-confrontational doesn’t mean you have to forgive everyone, regardless of what they’ve done. in fact, a generally nice character getting fed up of being nice and lashing out is one of the best and most realistic tropes in media. if your nice character is just nice all the time, that’s just bad writing and it makes them one-dimensional.
scorpia and entrapta had every right to not forgive catra. she treated both of them horribly and entrapta was practically suicidal during her time in beast island. she was willing to succumb to death because of how easily catra threw her away.
keep in mind, entrapta was the one who convinced hordak NOT to send catra to beast island, so imagine how horrible it must feel to have that same person sentence her to death on beast island.
and scorpia had to put up with catra’s constant verbal abuse and screaming and threats until she couldn’t take it anymore. i saw someone once compare scorpia to uncle iroh, and say that “scorpia wasn’t really upset with catra, she was just sad that catra lost her way”. which,, this comparison is not fair at all. for one, scorpia wasn’t catra’s caretaker like iroh was zuko’s. she was just a friend, she had no obligation to look after catra or lead her in the right direction.
secondly, while zuko did lash out at iroh a lot, he was never as intentionally cruel as catra was. and iroh was mostly unbothered by zuko’s insults, because he was older and knew how to deal with these situations. i’m not saying that justifies zuko’s behavior, he was definitely toxic towards iroh sometimes and needed to learn to appreciate his uncle.
but there’s a power dynamic there, and iroh was definitely in control. zuko wasn’t abusing his uncle since he didn’t have that much control over iroh. you can’t compare that with scorpia (who is around the same age as catra) having to put up with catra’s abuse, especially since she was catra’s subordinate in s4. catra was the one in-charge there, she was in control and gave orders.
coming back to our topic, why is it okay for scorpia and entrapta to feel sad or upset when they’re being mistreated, but it’s suddenly not “in character” for them to actually express those feelings towards catra? why is it only “out of character” when it affects catra negatively? she deserved to face the consequences of her actions, instead of being forgiven immediately and not have to prove herself to the people she hurt.
after entrapta forgave her, catra immediately forgot about entrapta altogether. there’s no instance where she tries to communicate with entrapta or mend their relationship. she just wanted to make sure entrapta wouldn’t hurt her, that’s it.
and i’m willing to bet it’s the same with scorpia. as soon as scorpia forgave catra, she would probably go back to insulting scorpia like usual or best-case scenario, she would put on her tsundere “it’s not because i like you” persona that everyone loves.
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Okay Aizetsu, Karaku and Sekido with a 5 year old toddler clone who is as blunt and honest as any toddler. Like they say the darkest, meanest mist honest things but in the nicest, sweetest and innocent way ever? Like they have no filter but are very loving?
Okay! Okay! Thank you very much, darling, for clearing up the confusion! Hmm, to be honest, this one was very tough but here it is!
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The fact their main body Hantengu could produce a clone so small but that came into a cruel world, makes Aizetsu so upset but he feels obligated to meet you
Aizetsu doesn’t know how to handle you nor all the disturbing remarks you make, why do you know all this? He eventually picks you up but is crying from stress
Aizetsu sobs hysterically over the way you devote your blunt but loving nature towards him, what did he do to deserve all this kindness?
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A cute baby toddler you say, huh? Karaku is all over it! He hears about Hantengu forming you and he wants to meet you
Karaku could give less of a fuck for all of the dark things you say, he just laughs them off in favour of babying you
Karaku gets flustered when you say loving things to him. You love him too, he is very good at playing so he picks you up and jokes as to express his love back
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Sekido was immediately outraged by the concept of a blunt, annoying toddler being apart of his clone group. As the leader, he must go care for you himself
Sekido grumpily cuddles you as you point out that pattern on his kimono looks silly. Your honesty does frustrate him but he can’t help but find it cute
Sekido is such a Tsundere, he grumbles and turns away as you compliment him, he is your favourite caretaker and you want to show him that
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chirpycloudyrobin · 3 months
Previous || Masterlist || START || Next
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Interlude: godly husband and wife break some heavenly rules to take care of son, new heavenly emperor finds this adorable and lets them get away with it
jiang yanli ascends first, despite dying after jin zixuan. turns out fate sees sacrificing yourself as a non-combatant with very low cultivation for a demonic cultivator who is at the brink of insanity takes some insane balls. fate sticks her in the water master role immediately after ascension and heaven sighs in relief that shes not another water tyrant.
jin zixuan ascends second as the new martial god of lanling or maybe shandong. technically he got his heavenly calamity shortly after dying but he wanted to stay behind and wait for his family to pass on naturally before ascending. fate saw it as very romantic and let the man do his thing.
they both agree that wei wuxian is not to be blamed for their deaths and to bring him up as a deputy god when the time comes.
their first and foremost worry is, of course, their baby jin ling. they cant go to him immediately as they have to settle in their new roles as gods. they have to establish themselves first, and that means amassing believers.
it takes them a few years but eventually they have a good cluster of worshippers within lanling and yunmeng and other, scattered areas. nobody really recognises them as the former lanling jin heir and the former young mistress of jiang since most of their worshippers are either non-cultivators or rogue cultivators who dont want shit to do with the formal cultivation sects. righteous clan cultivators, after all, dont have time to practice something so common as the common folk's religion.
they first appear to jin ling through dreams. jin ling knows them as his parents as soon as he was able to understand. granted he still gets pretty upset that he only gets to be with them through his dreams but jiang yanli and jin zixuan are stretching the rules pretty thinly already.
it's through his dreams that jin ling gets the full picture surrounding his parents' deaths. he still hates wei wuxian just a little bit, but that's just grief for you.
when jiang yanli and jin zixuan get their own deputy gods, they assign a couple of them to infiltrate jinlintai and end up working close to jin ling. through them, jin ling was able to have an additional way of contacting his parents short of actually, physically meeting them. the couple essentially strong armed their way into raising jin ling from beyond their mortal time, but heaven and fate are apparently okay with it.
so jin ling grows up with his parents' influence. he has jin zixuan's tsundere tendencies, but around those he is closest with he is a bit of an extreme mother hen. he has few friends around his age, still, but hes a lot less lonely compared to his canon counterpart. he has his martial aunts and uncles, the deputy gods his parents sent to teach and take care of him. when he grew old enough to go on night hunts, he often takes detours with his caretakers to help his parents' worshippers. he does it enough that he ends up being known as his parents' messenger or (more embarrassingly) their priest. he cannot let the cultivation world know of that. absolutely not.
does jiang cheng know of his sister and his brother-in-law's ascension and their active participation in the raising of jin ling ? absolutely. the first thing jiang yanli did when they met in the dream world was apologise for leaving him all alone, but also whack him upside the head for the absolute stupidity he and wei wuxian got into after her death. jiang cheng had to confront his complicated emotions about wei wuxian a lot sooner. jiang yanli is severely unpaid as the family therapist.
jiang cheng makes up for it by helping build temples of her around yunmeng and the hubei area.
overall, their family is as perfect as can be. almost.
one final question lingered: where was wei wuxian ?
wwx had died, yes, but they found no sign of him in the heavens. according to (reluctant) heavenly emperor xie lian, he wasnt in ghost city either. they scoured the earth but no fragment of his soul could be found.
maybe jin ling hates wwx a little for worrying his mother and uncle with his disappearing shenanigans. maybe.
and then the dancing goddess of dafan mountain happened. his jiujiu thinks wwx somehow took over the body of the dude who was with mo xuanyu. who he proceeds ??? to whip ??? jin ling is definitely tattling to his mother.
in their shared dreamscape that night, he does tattle to his mother. unfortunately, his jiujiu also tattles on him for taking the dancing goddess head on. theyre both scolded to hell and back that night.
whatever. at least they have a clue where wwx's soul had gone. does it weirdly coincide with heavenly news of a newborn calamity level ghost ? yes. but what is a calamity-level ghost against the wrath and worry of a big sister ?
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mageofseven · 1 year
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Okay first off, I wanna say sorry for how long it took me to get to this! I had intended to get to this quickly, but I got too focused and inspired with my ship series' I've been writing.
Better late than never though, right? 😅
Reminder for others that this continues off of this post. Since that post is from a point before I started writing for Mephisto, sadly my sweet noble tsundere won't be in here.
Now let's get started~
Okay so I would like to start by organizing these men into their roles. Those who hovered, those who didn't but still were actively by her side and taking cave of her, those who took care of the pregnancy related issues not directly attached to MC's being (scheduling doctors appointments, paying bills, retrieving any med or vitamins she needs, etc.), those who heavily carried her via emotional support, those who accidentally would make her feel worse, and those who had a way of making her destress as if nothing has changed, maybe some others if I think of more as I go.
After this, I will continue with the story of her pregnancy and how the men discover and react tor her carrying multiples. Unlike most of my pregnant MC stories though, I'm not going to give her some huge risk in this one. She...well, the poor woman is already under enough stress as it is 😅
The Major Hoverers:
Lucifer- No surprise here. This man is...well, he is stressed and anxious in general, but to see his love so anxious and in low spirits while knowing he himself might be a dad once more in the coming months...it's just a lot for this poor man. Does his very best to make sure nothing goes wrong and that MC is as comfort and healthy as possible.
Mammon- This dude is fucking terrified of screwing this up. He doesn't know if this is his kid or not and at this point, he can't let himself even think about it or he'll just get even more nervous. Right now, his Human is the priority and he's gotta take care of her--and try not to fuck up in the process.
Active Caretakers, but They Chill:
Simeon: Even once it finally occurs to this man that this child could be genetically his, he doesn't freak out; he simply doubles down. His Feather doesn't need him bringing her more anxiety after all.
Asmo: This sweet man is constantly giving her massages and whispering sweet words in her ears. Yes, his poor Dolly is very achy and emotional from the pregnancy, but he does his very best to make it easier on her!
Beel: Regardless of what he's eating or how much he has left, he will always offer some of his food to her. He can also often be found with his hand on her belly in some fashion, especially when she is the most upset. MC loves the feeling of having at least one of his big hands on her belly because it makes her feel so comforted and safe.
Satan: Unsurprisingly, this man was constantly reading pregnancy books to try and understand what her body was going through and what he could to make things easier on her. He would also read aloud to her any book she wished as a way of distracting her from the stress of it all.
Belphie: This man...he has glue himself to this woman out of a strong mixture of love and obligation. Yes, he hates every single thing about this situation, but this man has a moral debt to the love of his life because of the night he murdered her so you can bet your ass he's staying by her side, forgoing naps (that she doesn't join him for), and is doing anything she needs him to do.
Barbatos: This man barely makes it onto this list because he has an actual time intensive job to attend to, but he is so determined to be by his Dear's side that he makes it work. Barb has such a calming influence on MC and it seems that just by him showing up, whatever was upsetting her or whatever problem arose was suddenly not so bad because she knew Barb could fix things.
Handlers of the More 'Covert' Pregnancy Issues:
Diavolo: He paid for everything; literally everything. This man felt so guilty that he couldn't be with MC as much as he wanted to be. He visited as much as possible, but in truth, he wished desperately that he could be up on the list of Active Caretakers. Being a prince and the work load that comes with it acts as a barrier to this though so the best he can do for his sweet Queen is to shoulder the financial side of this pregnancy. Doctors appointments. Medications. Any tests she needs done. He makes sure they are all paid for and she doesn't need to worry about a thing in this regard. Also buys the bulk of the baby things. The clothes, the furniture, the toys. He went a bit over board, but the look on MC's face made it all worth it. She cried thick happy tears because her baby already has more than she ever had as a child and so it made her feel more secure about her child's future.
Barbatos: This man handles the scheduling of her doctor appointments and is usually the one the one to bring her to them. Some how makes sure she is never late no matter how the day originally goes or what bad luck my strike that day.
Lucifer: Is next in line to bring MC to her doctor appointments if Barb isn't available to. Tends to ask the doctor a million and one questions and wants copies of the doctor's notes on MC and the baby to go through during his limited free time. Also insists on being the one to pick up her meds and be the one to give them to her each day. Those vitamins are important, MC, and he needs to make sure you take them.
Emotional Support Supermen:
Simeon: Are you even surprised? This has been his role since the very moment he sensed the baby and he's not giving it up as long as his poor lamb needs him.
Asmo: The king of making others feel loved and important. MC is in good hands.
Solomon: Would love to be listed as an Active Caretaker of his sweet little Minx, but the others, most of the brothers to more specific, seem to resent it if he even tries to help out too much and so he tends to stick to the sidelines. Still, he always has a kind word ready and a new perspective to offer when needed. Soli is definitely a person to call when MC gets too overwhelmed and becomes too focused on a bad possibility.
Those Who Stress Her Out:
Leviathan: This man spend most of her pregnancy hiding from her; he takes it all really hard. In truth, he makes it up to her later after the birth, but for now, he hides away in his room like he does when anything scares him and MC is terrified for months that she has lost him over this 😢
Belphie: Believe or not, most of the time he's fine. Despite his opinion of the situation or the fact that he doesn't like kids, he doesn't let any of that control him. It's MC who knows how he feels about all of this who sometimes gets overwhelmed with her fears and worries, usually resulting in her heavily sobbing about how he's going to leave her (because why not, it feels like Levi already has), but it always ends with Belphie holding her tight and swearing to her "I'm not going anywhere, Butthead."
Lucifer: He mostly does fine, but she hates when he comes to her appointments with her because it feels almost like he harasses the poor doctor. Yes, she knows he does it out of worry, but that poor doctor doesn't deserve such criticism.
Her 'Everything Is Normal' Peeps:
Solomon: Honestly, most of the other men make a big deal about her baby and the upcoming changes and in truth, they are a very big deal. However, sometimes it feels like they don't treat her like they used to. Instead of treating her like the person they've always known and love, they treat her like porcelain with a belly. Solomon doesn't. He treats her no differently during the pregnancy than he did before it to the point that some of the other man scold him for it, believing he is too reckless with the pregnant woman. MC appreciates it though and feels like he sees the woman behind the big belly.
Barbatos: Unlike Solomon, he gives MC a similiar feeling without being reckless. He will often take MC out of House of Lamentation to give her a break from the other men, but usually not far; often just to the back garden. The two would sit and talk about just about anything, except the child she carried that caused her back aches and the men inside to go insane about her. Giving her time to focus on other parts of life helped her feel more like a person again and less strangled by upcoming motherly responsibilities and for that, MC deeply appreciated her butler boyfriend.
The Sweetie that Comes with Sweets:
Of course I'm talking about sweet baby Lukey! He's going to be a big brother after all so how could he stay back and not help?
And in truth, he is a major help to MC emotionally. His presence alone makes her whole day better.
It's cute seeing his face as he learns different things about MC's changing body (nothing graphic, just things like how the baby starts out smaller than a pea and somehow grows to baby size and stretches her belly along the way. It blows his freaking mind lol)
The moment he first felt the baby kick inside MC's belly, part of him swore up and down it had to be a prank because how can a baby who hasn't even been born do that???
MC has a lot of sugar cravings during her pregnancy so this kind little baker makes her a lot of sweets.
Simeon ends up having to gently ask the two to cut back on the baked goods--gestational diabetes is a thing after all 😅
That's ok because Lukey is the sweetest part about her day after all 💕
Now with that that all sorted, let's move onto MC's experience during the pregnancy!
The Story:
It was a very stressful pregnancy for her
Starting the very moment Levi hid away from her after hearing the news about her baby.
Right away, she lost one man that she loved and it killed her.
It was a very hard start to the pregnancy.
Luckily, the other men broke through the shock and stayed by her side, determined to take care of her and her child regardless of whether the baby's genetics matched theirs or not.
During the first trimester, the morning sickness was brutal, but the men comforted her through it.
It was mainly Lucifer, Mammon, or Asmo with her in the bathroom though, holding her hair back and comforting her as she cried and begged for it to just end.
She often had a headache during and after the morning sickness so the poor woman was just miserable.
She was also constantly in a pretty lethargic state, but this wasn't something that stayed in the first trimester, but lasted the entire pregnancy.
It seemed like no matter how many hours of sleep she got at night or how many naps she took with Belphie during the day that she was always still so tired and it was very upsetting to the poor woman.
This paired with her hormones made the woman extra sensitive during her pregnancy; the smallest issues would have this poor woman balling about how everything is going wrong in her her life.
Yes, they are sorry you dropped your lemonade and Beely totally feels empathy for you, but your world is not ending and these lovely men will get you another glass, okay?
To make matters worse, it didn't take long at all in her pregnancy for her boyfriends to notice that her belly was growing at a somewhat alarming rate.
Luckily, Diavolo and Barbatos already got her scheduled for her first appointment at the obgyn.
That was the appointment where MC learnt the truth--that she was having triplets.
The poor human sobbed. Triplets.
One baby was a lot of work and stressful enough but three? How were the other men going to react to three babies?
Barb gently shushed her and rubbed her back.
Yes, even he found this news surprising, but believed it ultimately changed nothing; he was going to stand by his sweet pet's side and if the remaining men have anything resembling a spine then they will do the same.
Poor MC was literally shaking when she came home and had to tell the others about the babies.
Lucifer and Mammon were scared shitless, but more devoted to this woman than ever.
Satan and Belphie were internally groaning, but keeping themselves in check.
Asmo and Simeon became anxious, but wasted no time in comforting her and trying to raise her positivity.
Diavolo and Beel were genuinely excited at this news and couldn't keep their hands or lips off of her for a good minute or two, which was good because it brought MC from near tears to a little laughing fit. Those men oozed positivity and to them, her carrying more babies was the best news ever.
Barb and Solomon just smiled comfortingly at their love. Neither was scared or anxious nor were they overly excited. They were merely assured that regardless of how many babies she carried, everything would work out well. It was just like Solomon said the day MC announced her pregnancy: it takes a village to raise a baby and she has quite an impressive village before her.
One thing MC didn't realize when she made this announcement though was that the question of the pregnancy changed, or rather, the form of the question changed from single to multiple choice.
To be more clear, the question changed from "Who is the baby daddy?" To "Who are the baby daddies?"
Every man in the room knew this, but MC did not.
In the Devildom, it is more common for multiples to be the results of from different second parents than all from the same. Like, you can have twin and triplets with the same father, but it is much more rare compared to each baby having a different father
With this news in mind, all of the men worked harder to take care of the sweet, worried human.
Her pregnancy progressed, her belly stretched, her body was in a lot of pain from the growth and extra weight.
Heck, for the last two months, poor MC was mainly on bedrest and carried around when she wanted to changed rooms (she's been carried by all of the guys at least once, but Beel was always the most eager to carry her.
When the day of the birth came, the exhausted and achy woman was both eager for it and dreading it.
She wanted them out and out now, but dear devil, she knew pushing out three babies was gonna take a lot out of her.
The contractions started mid morning, causing Lucifer call Diavolo and the others against her wishes.
The contractions were minor now. She was no where near labor for now so it simply didn't seem right to frighten the non-HoL men into coming over when it will be literal hours just for her to start active labor.
Still, they rushed and the poor woman had even more men hovering her.
She's fine, the babies are fine, now let her watch TV in peace 🤦‍♀️
As a testiment to how fine she was in that moment, she even fell asleep against Diavolo's shoulder as they watched TV together.
However, it obviously didn't stay that way.
As the hours went by and the woman entered active labor, suddenly her tune was much different.
The pain was much harder, the contractions were much more consistent, and poor MC always needed to be gripping onto someone like her life depended on it.
Satan had read in a book that walking can help progress labor so each man took turns walking around the living room with the poor pained woman, stopping whenever she needed to.
Eventually, the pressure below became so severe, but her water still wasn't breaking. It had the labouring woman hysterically crying, refusing to make another step.
The men kept looking at each other, needing someone, anyone in the room to have an idea on how to help MC.
Satan bit his lip before stepping forward.
"I think I know what to do." He stated. "However, I need someone to get a stack of towels and we need to get MC to a bed."
Beel ran off to get the towels while Solomon, who currently had an arm wrapped around MC, scooped her in his arms since she refused to walk.
The group all headed to MC's room.
Soli laid her down gently, but MC gripped onto him tighter, refusing to let go.
The sorcerer whispered sweetly into her ear and kissed her cheek before the woman sniffled and slowly loosened her grip till he could step back from her and be replaced by Satan.
Beel came back just then and the blonde instructed him to lay a few of the towels on the floor by bed.
After that, Satan helped position MC at the edge of the bed and knelt in front of her.
"Okay, Kitten, I'm going to have to break your water--"
"Please!" She begged with every ounce of air in her lungs. "Please!"
With a guilty look in his eyes, the blonde did just that.
MC cried out as she felt her boyfriend slip his hand inside, only for her breath to hitch when she felt the water sack burst and the pressure dissipate.
The woman flung her head back in relief.
"Thank you..." She sobbed.
Despite her relief, poor Satan new from his books that he only helped her towards the most painful part.
MC had a minute or two of feeling okay and was able to catch up on her breathing before the contractions came back worse than before.
Immediately, Diavolo joined her on her left side, grabbing her hand and praising her, telling after months of waiting that it's finally happening.
Lucifer couldn't take it anymore. He joined her on her right and squeezed her hand, promising it will all be fine and they won't let anything happen to her.
Barbatos slips off his gloves and sets them aside before positioning himself between her legs, telling her to push with the contractions and focus breathing between them.
This went on for a while.
Breathe. Push. Breathe. Push. Breathe. Puuuuuush. Breathe.
Eventually, the human was crowning.
More pushing. The head was out revealing bright red hair, but small black spiral horns pointing straight up.
Barbatos raised an eyebrow at this, but the other men were too focused on the pain MC was in to notice what the butler saw as so strange.
After some more pushing, the first baby was pushed out into the butler's waiting arms.
The sorcerer raised an eyebrow, but stepped forward and took the baby from the other man.
That's when he say it: the baby girl had Diavolo's red hair, Mammon's horns, and Lucifer's dark onyx eyes that reflected red light so well.
This is why they the butler entrusted the baby to him. The other men would only get confused and try asking questions at a point where MC was in no shape to hear them being asked.
Solomon turned away from the other men and grabbed a towel to clean off the newly born infant.
The other men were going to ask him about the newborn, but we're pulled back to their girlfriend by her cries of pain as the second one made its way down.
Honestly, the sorcerer was incredibly fascinated with this turn of events.
He finished cleaning the sweet girl off before kissing her forehead and gently laying her down in one of the cribs in the back of the room.
Meanwhile, the process was repeating though a bit quicker than before. This time, when the second baby crowned and revealed some of the hair on their head, the butler saw two colors.
Half the head filled with white and half the head filled with teal
...the same shade of teal as the ends of his hair.
Barbatos felt his heart beat quicken at this discovery, but he kept focused.
Once this second baby was able to slide out all the way, it was revealed that they also had a tail; a long black tail with a bright green tip.
Something Satan discovered right away.
The wrath demon intercepted the baby before Solomon could.
Instead of arguing this development, the butler simply accepted it.
"Please go clean her off and follow Solomon to the cribs." He said softly.
The blonde walked off with the baby, a confused look on his face.
He grabbed a towel and followed Solomon over to the the cribs.
It made no sense to him. This little girl had his tail yet share features of some of the other men. A mixture of Solomon and Barbatos' hair, Asmo's honey eyes.
What was going on?
Something clicked in his head however when he got a better look at the first baby in the crib, also a mix of three different men.
"A chiropteran conception?" He whispered to the sorcerer.
Soli smirked.
"Ah so you understand too, don't you?"
Satan stared down at his...daughter. well, not just his. Other than MC, he at minimum shared this little girl with the shady sorcerer in front of him, the butler between his girlfriend's legs, and the anxious lust demon in the crowd.
At most? Maybe every man here. They'll have to get these babies tested to see how far their genetic go, to see if it's a full of partial chiropteran conception. Either way, this will be an...interesting experience to say the least.
The blonde cleaned up his daughter and laid her in another crib as MC birthed the last baby, coming much, much quicker than the last two.
By the time the two men rejoined the group, the last baby was already born and in the butler's arms.
With it being the being the last baby and MC's pain being over, this was the first that the others truly focused on--and realized something was off with.
This baby was a little boy. What most of the people in the room found strange about about the child however was mixtures of features.
The dark blue-black hair with orange highlights, purple eyes, angel wings, a slightly dark skin tone and...well, he definitely took after Levi by having double the 'part' between his legs.
"I...what?" MC panted, staring down at her son, who gently cried down within the butler's arms.
Solomon handed Barb a towel, who gratefully took it and began cleaning up and the little boy in his arms.
"Beautiful, isn't he?" Solomon smiled at her. "I think all three of them are a beautiful mixture of us all."
MC laid their speechless as the sorcerer headed back towards the cribs, followed by Satan.
The sorcerer brought back the oldest daughter while the blonde brought back up the youngest daughter.
Dia raised his eyebrows.
"A chiropteran conception... fascinating."
While some of the men knew the term, most did not and MC most certainly didn't so the prince took the time to explain it to the group.
It was unclear at this point whether this was a the result of a full chiropteran conception (meaning all three babies carry the genetics of every single man in the room) or a partial chiropteran conception (each baby contains the genetics of the men whose genes they get their looks from). The latter is the most common when this many men are involved, but they will have to get the babies tested just in case.
At this explanation, MC was looking around at her boyfriends, looking for reassurance that everyone was okay with this
And sure enough, each man latched on like usual with sweet words and kisses, praises and reassurances.
In truth, this was a strange twist but no man present truly had an issue with it.
It will take some time to figure out what sort of dynamic the men should of adopt.
Also, Diavolo unfortunately has a lot of royal legal history to dig through to see what the laws say about chiropteran conceptions and heirs.
If this is a full conception than it doesn't really matter too much, but if it's a partial chiropteran conception then he worries his (and MC's and Lucifer's and Mammon's) daughter will be made to feel less than because of how she is biological will be bullied by the nobility. He would like her to be his heir less for the sake of having one but more to give her a social shield against the demonic elite.
The kids (in birth order):
Tatiana- a graceful and elegant but secretly sensitive and vengeful. Touch her siblings and you just might find a knife in your back. Sneaky, but even if she gets caught, she'll get away with it because she's spoiled and family comes first; her Daddies agree 100% 🥰
Selia- a very shy and emotional girl. Magical prodigy with Barbatos' future visions and Asmo's charming powers, two abilities she doesn't particularly even want. She's quiet and delicate, often found hiding behind her family or with her head down.
Milo- hyper, friendly, and troublesome (though never on purpose). This guy works off one superpowered braincell but once it's out of juice, so is he and he sleeps it off on the couch or in his room. He always have a kind word for everyone, but can be a bit naïve. Thinks fictions is perfect substitute for real life lessons and can be kinda slow to learn the true ones.
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midnightfire830 · 11 months
The new AU concept idea that you guys never knew you needed.
An AU where Black Hat is actually a decent father figure/guardian to Cuphead and Mugman.
I have so many headcanons and theories called “Reasons why Black Hat is the Worst Caretaker”. And it’s basically a list of ideas of why Hat was horrible to Cuphead and Mugman and a big cause for a lot of their trauma and problems. (Aside from the obvious owing their souls to the devil, fighting their childhood friends and the devil, going soulless for 6 months, and then making a new deal to only be ripped away from the their home and forced to kill into the mafia. Among other things. :)
So an AU where Black hat isn’t totally nice or anything, but maybe a bit more emotionally supportive and considerate. Doesn’t illegitimate their feelings and concerns. Training and pushing them not to make them stronger and to reach their full potential, but so that they don’t get hurt while working dangerous missions.
He wouldn’t be a really doting father, in anyway. Stars forbid Hat being that one soccer dad 🤢 Instead he’s just. Less of a jackass?
Congratulating them with their accomplishments (maybe in a tsundere way?). And giving them constructive criticism without being an ass about it. You know, when he’s all like: “Pitiful. Even an imp could kill this mafia family faster than that.” The kind of way that makes you want to slap him across the face? Yeah. That.
He gives them good advice on how to improve their skills and handle problems better.
I dunno. A guy can dream.
Fun fact, aside from Cuphead and Bendy, Hat is one of my favorite Inky Mystery characters! He’s so funny. And he’s such an ass and god Dr. Sprinkles makes me cackle! XDDDD
This is such a cursed AU imaging Hat being a decent person but cuss it I have so many angst filled AUs that for once I want something fluffy. This, College Dorm, and Good Ending are now probably my fluffiest AUs ngl. With Cyberpunk, Little Nightmares, and Villains probably being my angstiest.
(This isn’t really a full AU but its a little idea blerp. A “what-if” if you please. :)
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fairyniceyeah · 3 months
🧭🐿️Day 26: "Don't lie to me!"
Day 25: "I should have listened to you"
Summary: Lee Know is pissed that Han spilled coffee on his favorite hoodie. Thing is - it wasn’t Han.
CW: /
Whumpee: HAN/Jisung + Felix Caretaker: Bang Chan
“Han Jisung!” Minho’s voice bombed through the apartment. Han exchanged a worried glance with his roommate, Jeongin, who he had until a few seconds ago tried to get up for an early schedule. Now Jeongin sat up, eyes wide and an impressive bed head making him look the epitome of befuddled.
“Hyung, what did you do?”, he whispered, voice a bit scared but mostly awed.
“I didn’t do anything”, Han hissed back and walked into their living room, trailed by Jeongin, where Chan and Changbin were seemingly trying to calm their enraged member down. Minho, however, didn’t seem to want to calm down. If anything he started to fume even more when Han entered his sight.
“What do you have to say for yourself?”, Minho jeered, face red with anger.
Oh, wow. Han had not expected that. Minho seemed seriously angry. And Han, for the life of him, couldn’t figure out what he could have done to piss him off.
“Minho, calm down”, Chan interjected sternly, “we need to leave in half an hour. We don’t have time for arguments. What has gotten into you?”
Minho pushed Chan and Changbin aside to stalk over to Han, stabbing his index finger into Han’s chest for good measure. Helpless and more than confused, Han looked up to exchange confused glances with his members. Chan looked annoyed and tired. Changbin just looked annoyed. Hyunjin was missing - probably the reason why the shower was running. Felix was staring at them with wide eyes. Seungmin was sipping his coffee on the couch, miming eating popcorn. Jeongin was still behind Han, so he couldn’t see him. 
Han lifted his gaze to stare into Minho’s eyes, full of feverish rage in them.
While he didn’t want to, Han had to admit he was a bit scared of his hyung now. Minho, while portraying himself as tsundere and unapproachable in public, was a very kind and loving person in private. Normally Han was as scared of him as he was of a kitten - Minho was able to scratch, yes, but it was never a big deal. It was just him.
This was not normal Minho though.
“Hyung, what is wrong?”, Han asked calmly.
That was apparently the wrong thing to say because Minho exploded.
“Don’t lie to me! You know what you did! I found this in the laundry”, he yelled and shoved something at Han so hard he stumbled back a few steps, needing Jeongin to steady him to keep his balance. 
Confused and intrigued, Han looked down at the item in his hands. It was clothes? Oh, it was Minho’s favorite pullover, a white fluffy one that was a bit too big on him and gave him the cutest sweater paws. His eomma had gifted it to him after his successful audition to JYPE and he loved it dearly.
Now there was a huge, brown coffee stain on it.
“What do you have to say for yourself?”, Minho asked with crossed arms, whipping his left foot up and down.
Han was speechless. Did Minho think he did this? Sure, he had borrowed the sweater before - was the only member who was allowed to wear it except for Minho - but if he had spilled something on it, he wouldn't have tried to hide it. He would have told Minho. 
Why did his hyung think he was at fault? 
There were six other members. 
“Hyung”, Felix, sweet Felix, said and moved to come closer. 
“No, Yongbok, this is between Jisung and me”, Minho spat. 
“That wasn’t me”, Han defended himself.
“I said don’t lie to me!”, Minho yelled.
“Hyung, it really wasn’t me”, Han replied, getting worked up himself and trying to fight the tears that came to his eyes. He hated how fighting and anger always made him cry. “I don’t even drink coffee”, he added desperately.
Minho’s eyes went wide and Han nearly imagined there was sorrow and regret in his voice before his face went hard and he spat: “Fine, if you’re gonna be like this… don’t follow me!”
He spun on his heel, pushed through Chan and Changbin, and slammed the front door shut behind himself.
As soon as the door fell shut with a loud bang, Han sank to his knees, clutching the fabric in his hands.
“It wasn’t me”, he whispered, trying to fight back the tears, “it wasn’t me. Why does he think it was me?”
As he slowly looked up to the members in the room, they all looked worried, scared. Chan still looked tired and worried. Changbin still looked angry. Hyunjin was still under the shower. Felix was crying. Seungmin had put down his cup of coffee and seemed a bit ashamed of himself. Jeongin had a hand on Han’s shoulder.
Minho was gone.
“I’m sorry”, Felix whispered and all but threw himself on the ground in front of Han, falling into his arms, “I’m so sorry.”
“Lixie, it’s okay”, Han soothed and patted his back, confused. While Felix was one of the emotional members, Han hadn’t expected this. “It’s not your fault.”
“But it is”, Felix cried, sobbing into Han’s neck, “I spilled coffee on it yesterday morning. I threw it into the laundry before even wiping up the coffee puddle. But then we were so stressed for time and I forgot. He’s gonna hate me.”
“He isn’t gonna hate you, Lixie”, Chan said and knelt down beside them. “Changbin, go and make sure that you, Hyunjin and the maknaes are ready to go.” He hesitated for a moment. “Please also grab a cereal bar or something for Minho. I don’t like him going out without breakfast.”
At Chan’s tries of comfort Felix began to cry harder and then Han started to cry too. He didn’t understand why Minho was so angry - yes, it was his favorite hoodie and it held great meaning to him - but wasn’t Han more important? While he didn’t want to be, Han was also a bit angry with his sunshine twin. Why did Felix have to forget? Minho would forgive you anything if you were honest with him. They all knew that.
“Please don’t blame yourselves, kiddos”, Chan mumbled and wrapped them in his strong arms. With a sob he had been trying to contain for far too long Han threw himself at his leader, mushing his face into a broad shoulder. Felix wrapped his arm around Han’s back and Chan rocked them back and forth until they really had to hurry up to get ready in time.
Day 27: "Who did this to you?" - Alternate
Masterlist link: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's June of Doom 2024
Minho: HAN JISUNG! HAN: LEE MINHO! I.N. *under his breath*: yes, bitchfight
Five minutes later
I.N.: fuck
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moe-broey · 28 days
You see Moe isn't really a tsundere. I wouldn't really consider it that. Takumi will do the whole "It's Not Like I Like You Or Anything 😒😒😒😤😤😤😤🥺" shtick but if prompted Moe will tell you upfont and earnestly "I think you're a very likeable person. Here's an exhaustive list as to why ☺️".
No, Moe's problem is that it's just kind of a dipshit who loves to pick fights to test the limits of everyone's good graces as well as for sport and is kind of a brat who has attatchment issues in tandem with severe avoidant tendencies AND has a HUGE AMOUNT of Pride and like 30 different fronts it's constantly flipping through to get out of any given interaction unscathed. And if you happen to be someone it's extremely Weird about (see, Alfonse) and it accidentally slips out a "Sweetheart" while in caretaker/bedside manner mode (said very doting "oh, Sweetie..." gay-style but like Who is gonna pick up on that?) Moe is IMMEDIATELY kicking itself banging its head against the wall crying out in agony and collapsing onto the floor about it Wasted
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yashodaficrecs · 10 months
m.list ; reading list (contd) part 2.
Updated. Dec 6, 2023.
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drabble .
one shot .
miniseries .
series .
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accidental kiss au .
android au .
angel au .
architect au .
author au .
bodyguard au .
break up au .
caretaker/guardian au .
coffee shop au .
commoner au .
deaf au .
demon au .
drunken confessions au .
drunken kiss au .
fake dating au .
florist au .
fake marriage au .
hanahaki au .
high school au .
infidelity au .
misunderstandings au .
meet cute au .
office au .
owner au .
pregnancy au .
robot au .
star—crossed lovers au .
stripper au .
teleportation au .
trapped together au .
virgin au .
wedding au .
wedding night au .
workplace au .
youtuber au .
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↠ 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆
accidental pregnancy .
age gap .
blind date .
body heat .
fatal attraction .
first love .
forced proximity .
long distance .
love triangle .
love potion .
marriage of convenience .
match maker .
opposites attract .
paranormal romance .
partners in crime .
revenge .
toxic relationship .
tsundere .
yandere .
↠ 𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒕
amnesia .
apocalypse .
bet .
betrayal .
body swap .
cursed .
dystopian .
fairytale .
mistaken identity .
pregnancy .
rags to riches .
redemption .
stranded .
time travel .
villian wins .
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first time .
historical .
medieval .
slice of life .
victorian .
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tdlosk-concepts · 9 months
if there was a saiki k x proseka crossover, i think these would be the units.
some characters do not have comparisons; and before i dive in, i would like to tell you why. there are simply not enough characters in the disastrous life of saiki k. you may think, "but there are most definitely over twenty characters," and while you would be correct, i am only using pk academy students, and furthermore, virtually only main characters. i highly encourage you to enjoy thinking of either your ocs or the proseka characters being in the group, because i am very aware that without these characters, the story would not be possible!
there were three tdlosk characters i wanted to include, but could not. these are mera, hairo, and arisu. i just couldn't make them fit anywhere, i apologize. i felt like untrained reverse-hermit mizuki every time i had to type out that no character could fit properly into a slot.
be warned, i go on paragraph-long rants in here. like, almost an essay about teruhashi. actually, my vbs rant is very long overall, composed of like two essays. enjoy!
L/N; Nendou(Ichika), Chiyo(Honami), Reita(Saki), and Saiko(Shiho). Most of these are the OGs, and I could see them doing a school band. Don't ask why I thought Saiko belonged here, I hink he would be cute in a school band setting. Or maybe I'm biased. And I think Nendou would play the role of "getting the group back together," and if that makes Nendou play Ichika, so be it. Reita would play the role of "sickly little guy," and also the one ti set everything in motion, so that makes him the Saki of the group! I think Chiyo as Honami explains itself, but it's mostly because I think of Chiyo as having sweetheart/caretaker vibes. Saiko as Shiho, however, seems like an odd comparison. To simplify down so that I'm not blubbering about it nonsensically, they are both relatively tsundere, and while they do want a friend group, they tend to act like they don't need or want it.
MMJ; Suzumiya(Minori) and Makoto(Shizuku). Nobody could possibly fit into the role of Airi or Haruka, and sadly, they both had to be forcefully excluded, and I apologize. Now, onto the hard conclusions I drew and stretching I did. Fair warning, MORE MORE JUMP! is my least favorite unit. I haven't read its main story, and I know next to nothing about the members. However, from what I can tell, Minori, while clumsy and unlucky, has the spirit to do great things. That, I would compare to Suzumiya after her guardian spirit is rehabilitated. While not setting of explosions every other minute, she's still naturally clumsy, and she also has rather high spirits despite that. Makoto as Shizuku was a hard task to pull off, and I feel it may be a disgrace to Shizuku's name. However, considering that Makoto is famous within the TDLOSK-universe, I couldn't not put him in MMJ. His placement as Shizuku was only because I view Makoto as relatively tech-illiterate, so that headcanon of mine allowed me to draw at least one connection. I apologize for the weak conclusion.
VBS; Satou(Kohane), Kuboyasu(Akito), and Kokomi(Touya). Sadly, I couldn't think of anyone to compare to An, I apologize. Teruhashi as Touya explains itself, but I think I should explain why I chose it over Teruhashi as Mafuyu. The reason is; Teruhashi would start singing street music out of spite for her brother, like Touya and his father. As far as I have learned in proseka, while Mafuyu did do lyrics as a method of rebelling from her mother, that wasn't the only reason. While Touya did ENJOY singing, it wasn't something he was set on doing until the end of the main story. With Mafuyu, she already wrote music before meeting Kanade and the others, and still made music outside of Nightcord at 25:00, and it was one thing sje was sure she enjoyed. Teruhashi doesn't seem like the type to be set on something unless she was made to realize she enjoyed that thing seriously, and not just as a method of rebelling. In the show, she, sadly, doesn't do much outside of what she thinks will make her seem like the perfect pretty girl, most exemplified when she goes for ramen with Nendou, Kaidou, and Saiki, and even though it's disgusting, she thinks that not eating it makes her stuck-up. I relate this more to Touya, instead of Mafuyu, because the one person she doesn't act in front of is Makoto. Mafuyu still acts like she is very in-line with her mother's views most of the time, as exemplified by the fact that even when Mafuyu's mother upsets her, she usually holds her tongue. On the contrary, Touya is shown to correct his father, and show his anger to him, such as when, in the VBS main story, his father states "And to think it was from just one bad influence," to which Touya retorts to "leave Akito out of this," because it wasn't Akito's fault he rebelled. Teruhashi is shown to correct and yell at Makoto when he pisses her off, which lead me to connect her to Touya. Moving on from that, I should explain some if my other examples. Satou as Kohane is a strange one, I know, but it works out in my head. Satou is very ordinary, and that is how he views himself. He has plain ambitions, plain interests, and plain hobbies, much like how I would describe pre-Vivids Kohane. This is including the mild social awkwardness. Satou is shown to be a perfect ambivert, knowing how to navigate a social situation, but not typically starting his own conversations. Even before meeting An, while Kohane did have friends, such as Minori, and she could have full conversations with those friends, she has not, to my knowledge, been shown to have started many conversations before she and An started the Vivids. Satou is shown to have only three friends, as far as I can remember, and never does he start a conversation with them, it's always the friends that start the conversations. I feel like if Satou explored hobbies outside of the regular, he, much like Kohane, would find something that brought him confidence and that he enjoyed doing. Kuboyasu and Akito are relatively self-explanatory, but there is some explaining to be done. Kuboyasu, much like Akito, is self-conscious reguarding how he appears to others, and is VERY focused on getting to what he wants, and where he wants to be in his life. In the same way that Akito wants to surpass RAD WEEKEND, Kuboyasu wants to be a normal highschool boy.
WxS; Kaidou(Tsukasa) and Kuusuke(Rui). A strange duo, I know. HOWEVER. Kaidou has an intense need for attention, making him a perfect candidate to be the equivalent of Tsukasa. Kuusuke as Rui explains itself. I sincerely apologize for having two blank spaces in a unit again, but nobody fully fit.
N25; Saiki(Kanade), Akechi(Mafuyu), Aiura(Ena), and Imu(Mizuki). I feel like I'm vaguely insulting Mizuki by comparing them to Rifuta, but simplifying a character's personality is NOT below me. I think I should start with the weakest connection, that being Akechi as Mafuyu. I chose this over Akechi as Emu, and honestly, I'm not sure that was a good decision. The only reason, and I mean ONLY reason, I chose to compare Akechi to Mafuyu, was because I view Akechi as having had a bad and possibly abusive relationship with his father. It could be me taking a comedy show too seriously, and I won't go too in-depth about the headcanon, because it's not currently important. But anyways, moving on. Saiki as Kanade is very self explanatory, given how they both have wished on multiple occasions to "disappear" or "sleep forever." It's also about Saiki's guilty conscience, relating to Kanade blaming herself for her father's coma. Aiura and Imu as Ena and Mizuki respectively are both very self explanatory.
Please tell me if you have other ideas!!!
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flaresanimedump · 1 year
Fukuzawa and Ranpo romantic themes essay **Updated May 2024**
ALRIGHT here we go
The story thus far:
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First off y'all are focusing too much on Fukuzawa. Sorry but if you look to Fukuzawa only Fukuzawa/cats has merit. Even with FukuMori it's Mori we get 90% of the ship content from (silver fox?? Can you not hit on him for FIVE SECONDS MORI-)
You have to look at RANPO. And so we will, mostly, in this response.
Now I did say "themes" first so you're all gonna have to deal with me doing both. I’m just gonna lead with the thing that I see the behavior in the og tweet with the most:
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Antis almost never fail to say "father and son" in their captions when they post screenshots of this anthology chapter.
As the translator of this anthology I will tell you it's not father and son. It's tsundere boyfriend.
How is this tsundere?!: “I’m not worried about you, baka, I just don’t ever want to see you sick—play sick nurse for you again!! So take better care of yourself!! Here’s a snack!! Feel better or else!!” + this phrase "I never thought I'd hear such caring words from you" is your basic tsundere trope template in JP.
Why does that mean it’s romantic?!: Tsundere behavior is mostly reserved for love interests – particularly this bit.
He’s just offering him a snack!!: Look at the shojo background in every panel. Look at the sparkles. Look at them setting the fluffy lovey-dovey mood. Look at Fukuzawa’s saying he’ll take them to his heart. You can hear the “Kyaaaa, Yukichi-kun was so close!!!” if you listen carefully.
But- but- FATHER AND SON!!: you may now see why it took a Fukuran shipper to translate this 4 years after it was released, despite the scanlation boom over covid ;)
But that’s an anthology! It’s not really canon!
Moving right along then, this is Bones only, but:
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Seeing color because you meet someone is literally the basis of an entire subset of soulmate AUs.
I bookmarked two romance quotes in the last 6 hours that center on romantic love bringing color into someone’s life. This is an extremely common romantic trope and I still can’t believe Bones went there in Origins. a. “But Nova!” they cry, “lots of parents say their children bring color into their lives!!” True!! And you’ve just said why this isn’t the same! Fukuzawa brought color to RANPO’s life, not the other way around. This is why I say to look to Ranpo for this ship!
Well Bones sucks!
There are about 104 examples of “Unbroken Vigil” on TV tropes. Exactly two of them are children waiting by their parents, and they’re both from live action film. This trope, across all categories of media, is absolutely owned by romantic couples. Notably in the anime and fanon sections there are no examples of family members doing this. I won’t say there aren’t any anywhere, though. JJK exists. But that’s a good example of how different Ranpo’s reaction is from the usual “caretaker is in the hospital” mood – sure Yuuji’s sad when his grandpa dies, but he’s gonna be ok. Ranpo’s, as Yosano says, devastated. Ranpo’s devastation fits squarely in the romantic box for this one boys.
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Point of reference: Fukuzawa
I’m gonna hit two points at once in this section:
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Ranpo’s kneeling to Fukuchi here but he has no loyalty to Fukuchi. He’s kneeling out of loyalty to Fukuzawa, so in truth he’s kneeling to Fukuzawa’s will. He’s acting as Fukuzawa’s knight. Even if we pretend King and Lionheart wasn’t a fandom phenomena for years, this isn’t a parent-child thing. Ranpo is steadfastly faithful to his king.
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But lo?? Ranpo’s a lying liar. He’ll face away from the president under exactly one condition: Fukuzawa’s life is hanging in the balance. Then he’ll go against the only thing he himself has said he’s willing to stand for. This is not how the parent-child trope works. The parent says “live for me, I’ll die for the greater good” and the child cries and the parent dies. It’s like. The most common movie plotline in the universe when adults' parents are in movies.
Instead Ranpo actually does something that another stated romantic couple in this series does.
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Goes apeshit on the threat.
Then later he’s not even remorseful. He tells Fukuzawa they did it and eats a bunch of cake without a care in the world after. He’d do it again and we know it.* So his moral compass isn’t to follow the president, it’s actually to follow him up to his own good and then burn the entire city down if it’ll keep him alive. This is really the most damning of Ranpo behaviors that screams of something more than familial affection.
Fukuzawa’s lines when he's poisoned are “we must not fight the port mafia. My life isn't important, protect this city (from the inevitable damage the fighting will do).”
Ranpo’s argument to disobey him is that the port mafia will start taking their families hostage to get them to give Fukuzawa up. “And if that happens, even the detective agency will be forced to give in.” His argument isn’t even “our friends will be in danger,” it’s “if we don’t fight we'll have let them kill President Fukuzawa.” Which, you know, Fukuzawa already said was preferable to fighting.
So this whole argument is literally that ship meme: “I will sacrifice myself to save everyone.” / “I will sacrifice anyone to save you.”
*Ranpo’s near-complete lack of punishment for this is a subtle sign of Fukuzawa’s bias too but this is already too long.
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Or the 4th season's opening song. This has not been easy I tell you WHAT most of the translations for this song’s lyrics leave something to be desired and song lyrics are hard to understand. Anyway, we have Shirushi, which Luck Life's vocalist said was about Ranpo and Fukuzawa. And it’s. Well I wouldn’t exactly call it a love song because it’s bigger with “you gave me a reason to live” as one of the recurring lyrics. But the song’s got more lyrics about wanting/wishing/pleading to stay together: “I want to stay here // please, let’s just stay here // I want you and I to continue” and them being together, the “here” in question, is called “the place where [my] heart belongs.” It’s so sweet aaaaaa and it most definitely sounds like a love song.
"I will be his shield"
Here we have the rare Fukuzawa point.
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Ok can I skip explaining this it’s very very obvious and I already went over one of these things.
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Normal thought process: I should keep an eye on this kid. Fukuzawa thought process: I will become his shield, his sword, his shelter, to allow his magnificent mind freedom to work its magic--
Two halves of one whole
This is a weak ass point but I always found it thematically contradictory to the father/son interpretation, particularly when it comes right on the heels of a certain line fancops like to reference.
At the beginning of Origins Fukuzawa literally parkours across a room, backflips and everything, shocking the guy with all the papers with his mad skills. And Fukuzawa thinks “What? Why? That wasn’t impressive.”
He’s hinted to be the physical counterpart of Ranpo’s hyper competence. I.E., Ranpo is the one-of-a-kind mind and Fukuzawa is the one-of-a-kind body. Together they become unstoppable.
This implies a bond that won’t end?? But parent & child plotlines always have a theme of the child growing up and moving on. Atsushi and the orphanage director, though they’re fucked up, personified it. But they’ve clearly established that Fukuzawa and Ranpo are two halves of one whole and neither of them are planning to separate at any point. What’s Ranpo gonna do, go become a regular cop?? This just doesn’t suit a father and son dynamic.
Alright this next part will take some effort but FIRST we must all agree there’s romantic tension between Fukuchi and Fukuzawa. When I initially drafted this the finale had not come out, but we STILL had this going on:
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Ok, so we also have the finale and we know Fukuzawa has some Strong Feelings for Fukuchi too. And Ranpo friggin' hates it.
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I don’t aim to eradicate the platonic reading of Fukuran or anything, Fukuzawa and Ranpo are cute together no matter what! So this does smack of a teenager mad about having a stepdad taking all their mom’s time. But I cycle back to what Fukuchi cites as the focal point of Ranpo’s jealousy for the other easy interpretation.
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The only time in my life I’ve thought “Aw I wish we’d met sooner :/” and felt a little envy towards someone's high school friends was with someone I was dating. I’d never think anything to this effect about a family member, certainly not enough to get violently jealous of their old friends or, heaven forbid, significant others.
What Ranpo is wishing for here is to have known Fukuzawa longer than Fukuchi, which could not happen if he was Fukuzawa's son. Fukuzawa was too young to have children when he met Fukuchi. So Ranpo's jealousy doesn't seem strictly platonic.
I will never understand how anyone sees the praise scene and thinks it’s normal father-son behavior. Teenagers wouldn't wouldn’t be caught dead doing this. Adults are far beyond it. Ranpo’s 26. Yes he likes candy and can’t ride the train, but the trains in Japan are WORSE than driving and neither of these behaviors mean he's a literal child. He has a driver’s license and investigates corpses for a living. He’s an adult.
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This is a textbook praise kink.
Update: We got NEW STUFF WHOO
First I need to explain all of Japanese to you! Kidding, but we are gonna talk about second person pronouns. If you're not already aware, Japanese has well over 15 words for "I." Similarly, there are also 10+ words for "you." That being said, "you" is often seen as too direct and therefore all of these words can be seen as rude (you're supposed to use the other person's name with an honorific or their title, i.e. Fukuzawa-san, Shachou). You can use "you" for advertisements where the "you" is very general, OR with friends/lovers/etc.
OK we're gonna look at 2 of these pronouns now:
あなた(Anata) is a common second-person pronoun. This is the one that comes up in advertisements. It's semi-formal, though rude in certain contexts. As already stated, Anata is mostly used with people you're already close or familiar with (some examples in BSD include Kyoka to Atsushi and Akutagawa, between Haruno and Naomi, and Ango to Dazai) but can be used with strangers you're not close with and/or people you're a little irritated by (examples: Atsushi to Kouyou and Fitzgerald, Poe to Yosano). You are NOT supposed to use Anata with superiors. Historically, however, Anata once had another use: as a term of endearment between married couples. Generally the wife might call her husband this. This doesn't happen much though!! Only in certain contexts, which I'll get into. Don't go telling people Anata is a romantic pronoun because of this essay, it's not. Mostly.
お前(Omae) is rude! Ok it's not that rude, but it's a tough guy "you." This is often used when people are annoyed with the "you" in question, i.e. Kunikida scolding Dazai for drowning/being broke, "Dazai! Omae-" like that. Like Anata, this can be used by guys who know each other well/are good friends. Also like Anata, historically, it once had another use: as a term of endearment between married couples. Generally the husband might call his wife this. This is older than the endearment use of Anata and far less common now. It was explained to me as being a bit like saying "my woman." But once again this is rare!! It doesn't mean that now! Don't go expecting it to be romantic all the time because it almost never is!! Except--
Except that Fukuzawa uses very old language, because he's named after a guy whose heyday was the 1860s. That's plenty long enough ago to use Omae as a term of endearment. In fact there are only two characters who he calls Omae, one of whom is Fukuchi:
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HOWEVER, while this proves Fukuzawa only uses it with people he's extremely close to, Fukuchi uses Omae back. I could make a joke about the two dudes who would be gay if they could just work out which one should bottom but this is a Fukuran essay so you can use your imagination for that. I'll move on to the other person he uses Omae with:
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Ranpo, of course! But you see... Ranpo rarely calls Fukuzawa anything other than Fukuzawa-san or Shachou. Except he did at the end of the anime:
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WE GOT AN ANATA FOLKS. Ranpo doesn't call anybody else Anata. He goes for Kimi mainly. Yet here he whips out Anata for Fukuzawa who, if he was looking at Fukuzawa as his superior, he should never refer to as Anata. So not only do we get confirmation that their relationship isn't just boss and employee, we get THE OMAE+ANATA SET. This isn't definitive cannonizing content of course - as I've said multiple times, these both mean something different now - but it's strongly suggestive. And speaking of suggestive,
Word of god
If you were ever worried that Asagiri might frown on the ship, or that he doesn't know about it, or that he didn't intend for a shippy interpretation at all, you can put all those fears to rest. In January 2024 Asagiri held a panel at the Kochi Museum of Literature and the Fukuran fans were WELL FED. Asagiri was asked half a dozen questions about Ranpo and Fukuzawa, but the most fun answer was when he was about Ranpo and Fukuchi. Rough translation below:
Q. Can you expand on the relationship between Ranpo and Fukuchi?
A. To put it in a slightly misleading way, Ranpo views Fukuchi as his rival in love*. They are enemies in a love triangle. Fukuchi doesn't agree.
*YES this word means romantic love.
Yes it's a joke but it's basically carte blanch to ship it to your heart's content, Asagiri knows you're there and winks at you in his interviews. AND it's also Kafka Asagiri saying that Ranpo sees himself in a love triangle with Fukuchi and Fukuzawa. So. You know. Just a small (major) win for the Fukuran fans there!
--End of new info--
But what about-
Now, I did mention the line I know all the antis are getting ready to comment with, and I just don’t think this would be complete without the inflammatory “well actually” section. There have been many a tweet saying “Fukuzawa says he sees Ranpo as his son!”
Actually, he never does. They're explicitly called partners/buddies, however.
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Bad news kids: this isn’t an exact translation. It’s very sweet and all but that’s not what the Japanese actually says.
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This line is closer to “I have a child in my care for my own reasons, too.” He didn’t say Ranpo was HIS child, there’s no possessive grammar here (heh no の). I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone argue that Fukuzawa didn’t see him as a child when he was, you know, a child, but the series doesn’t take place when Ranpo is a child. Also I don’t see how that has anything to do with Ranpo’s feelings at the time.
Well that’s semantics, Fukuchi says it too!! See??
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This 1) is Fukuchi who has about 1000 reasons to be a fukuran anti that have nothing to do with ages and 2) isn’t a direct translation of the Japanese text either. It says “little favorite” in Japanese, and that’s it! “Little favorite” just sounds weird in English so the translators used a common phrase that people generally DON’T and SHOULDN’T use for their own kids (imagine if everyone knew you liked one of your actual kids better than the rest D:). I have it on good authority that the official Italian doesn’t say “favorite son” and I know the Japanese doesn’t, so this line is not cannon.
Well how about this!!!
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I’m not really sure why this is referenced when it’s clearly the center of the chapter’s joke – the point is that Ranpo ISN’T 5, he just acts that way.
Plus I can throw this panel back from the same WaN chapter as an argument:
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“Ranpo’s grown so handsome” or if you prefer, “Ranpo looks so virile now...” – rare simp Fukuzawa.
Well you can’t possibly deny this!!!
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Congratulations, this is the only one with any merit! What it fails to do is prove Fukuzawa said it or remove any of the stuff already mentioned here. Ranpo could very much be in love with Fukuzawa. This line in origins is narration, not dialogue or thought, and it isn’t carried through in the narrative so it’s relatively easy to view it as a joke. The same book christens them “Tantei [Sou]jin,” same sou as in “[sou]koku,” with kanji meaning “Detective duo/detective twins/double detectives/detective partners” though I’ve also found it to mean something very near “equals.” The kanji are ‘subtitled’ as "Detective buddies” in English (katakana) in the Japanese book. All this throws multiple wrenches in the idea that they’re broadly viewed as parent and child or even as having a significant power imbalance between them.
Which brings me to my final point: none of this proves anything definitively! There’s plenty of material for both interpretations. The entire point of engaging with media is to develop your own interpretation and have fun with it. But freaking out and screaming your headcanon when a scene hits you as slightly different than that headcanon is very much screaming at the sky. Lord knows I’ve seen these four arguments enough times that if they were going to convince me of anything they already would have, and Asagiri sure can’t hear you.
I think everyone who doesn’t think this could be romantic at least from Ranpo’s side expects that romantic imagery/themes for this ship can only appear from Fukuzawa, and only if it’s predatory? Like as long as I don’t whip out a canon image like this
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they’ll say “I would definitely do that with my parent” to every argument even if in reality they never, ever would.
I did recently see someone saying "why would Ranpo even like Fukuzawa, he's 30!" and listen, I can't help you there. I've had crushes on actors twice my age since I was 10, it's ingrained in my wiring. A sexy badboy bodyguard who declares himself to be at your service AND buys you food will never not be hot to me.
"What's attractive about Fukuzawa" requires another essay, however, so this is where I leave it. Obviously much of this is open to interpretation, but I don’t see people making skk posts that just say “BESTIES BESTIES BESTIES” or “BOYFRIENDS BOYFRIENDS BOYFRIENDS” ya feel. It’s always on panels like the ones I brought up, because people do recognize a romantic slant when they see one. You don’t learn to detect that from media, you learn it from living long before you start caring about morality politics in shipping. Thus I interpret the screaming very much as LALALALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU-
P.S. actually I do want to add one final note because I know what the fancops will say even if they take all this at face value: Grooming refers to “actions deliberately undertaken to befriend and establish an emotional connection with a child, to lower the child’s inhibitions in preparation for sexual activity.”
Dating someone you knew when you were underage does not equal grooming. Grooming is a purposeful crime. “Even if they’re dating now that’s grooming!” incorrect! Please do not only listen to your friends about the law, they may also tell you a cop has to tell you if they're a cop (they do not) or any number of other very wrong things. Google is free.
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ao3feed-fengqing · 3 months
i'll use you as a warning sign
by namelessflower Feng Xin’s brows furrowed. “Then what the fuck did you mean?” Mu Qing hesitated. “I - “ I worry about you - because I care about you, you idiot! He wanted to yell those words at the infuriatingly stubborn man before him, but the words died in his throat, his tongue frozen as if stone. Those words, if they left his lips, would be far too revealing, far too vulnerable. Suddenly, he felt exposed, as if he were a bird standing in a cage on display to be gawked at by everyone, his ribs made of glass shards. He couldn't say it. Not now, not like this, he couldn't. (In which Feng Xin falls ill during the worst of the Human Face Disease and Mu Qing is worried sick.) (Written for Fengqing Gotcha for Gaza) Words: 6251, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 天官赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Mu Qing (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Feng Xin (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Xie Lian (Tian Guan Ci Fu) Relationships: Feng Xin/Mu Qing (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Feng Xin & Mu Qing & Xie Lian (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Mu Qing & Xie Lian (Tian Guan Ci Fu) Additional Tags: Sickfic, Xianle Era (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Human Face Disease (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluffy Ending, Pining, POV Mu Qing (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Mu Qing is Bad at Feelings (Tian Guan Ci Fu), worried Mù Qíng, mq taking care of fx, Tsundere Mu Qing (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Feng Xin and Mu Qing Bickering (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Banter, Feng Xin/Mu Qing Being Feng Xin/Mu Qing (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Supportive Xie Lian (Tian Guan Ci Fu), mu qing being good at medicine/caretaking, Prompt Fill, fengqingaction Twitter's Fengqing Gotcha for Gaza Event (Tian Guan Ci Fu), no beta we die like HC 3x, Getting Together, Pining Mu Qing (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Miscommunication, this was supposed to be 3k but these 2 couldn't stop bickering via https://ift.tt/m26FrSe
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Reluctant Yandere Cult Leader
💰🔪Alright hear me out! More often than not when it comes to yandere cult leaders their often a worshipping obsessive type that either manipulates the cult into aiding their misdeeds or centering its members all around you. And even if they have sadistic forms of punishment at the end of the day you, their darlings are their reason for living, their deity. This one isn’t like this at all. 
💰🔪He is a man of good social standing. One that knows how to smile and please (Read as manipulate) the crowds both rich and poor they follow him around like sheep. Suddenly he comes up with a glorious idea. Why not start a cult?
💰🔪Whether he’s having money troubles or feeling the necessity for some way to explain the odd reactions towards his questionable activities–he’s brainstorming. He knows who in his friend groups are perfect to recruit and even the perfect set of values to instill to maintain the…community but he needed something more. He needed a task or an object or a person to center the ‘freedom’ he was promoting. It's all a practical business venture. A means to an end. And that's exactly what you are when he picks you. Purely by chance or even a particularly influential loner’s own obsession he decides it will be you. You will be the one to fixate on while he can run the ‘donations’ and general actions of the cult. 
💰🔪He’ll groan before beginning to look into you, finding out every aspect of your daily life, your personality, your favorite foods, everything he can get before inserting himself in your life.
💰🔪After staging a few ‘Happy Accidents’ with conflicted members it isn’t long before he’s running a successful cult. Hidden in the shadows he finds a way to balance their growing need for anything from you and the things he wants from them. But soon they begin to overstep and he’ll silently kick himself as he has to interact with you more than he originally planned.
💰🔪He doesn’t hate you, he just doesn’t care. For the time being you're simply a tool for him to control the growing cult members. But they get greedy or question the  plot hole in his made up story+ worshipping philosophy so he has no better option than to appease them with something of yours. 
💰🔪A cup that you drank out of. Your favorite sweat jacket. Your underwear. 
💰🔪He knows you the best because he has to and it will continue to be this way until the greed of the cult begins to grow and he must appease them. Finding it just as beneficial as the cult to finally imprison+ save you he abducts you. Having to maintain his image as the link between you and them he tbecomes your caretaker. Refusing or heavily limiting their access to you he becomes the only person you can talk to who seems to understand when you avidly deny being their god. 
💰🔪“Sorry it's not personal, it's just business.”
💰🔪But it does become personal when he starts really getting to know you. Even when you're angry and crying as you punch at his chest he’s starting to sing a different tune. He finds that he gets more and more flustered around you as he uses the cult members to his advantage. But how can he? A man who randomly thrusted a cult onto your existence falling in love with said-victim. It’s so impractical!
💰🔪“Aw geez, you’re such a piece of work (Y/n)! Stop making me feel this way!”
💰🔪He’s now found himself in an odd position torn between being mean to you and bordering the affections of the cultmembers. So he does a bit of both, coming off as a tsundere with how much he teases and taunts when you beg to be let free but secretly swooning with the cultmembers. It is quite normal for him to groan in your presence about how stupid the members are before happily guiding them in some type of ritual. 
💰🔪He hates how you resist him both before and after he falls in love. Both times it's just a pain to have to kill the lovely couple of witnesses when you escaped that one time. Or when he has to explain to an aiding cult member why you tried to scratch at them. Whining about your behavior before he gives you a ‘pep talk’ about it. 
💰🔪Bottom line is he’s different from the yanderes that kiss your feet and sing praises. He’s slow to fall but when he does…it's hard in his own way. He’s not going to get down on his knees but he does enjoy seeing all your expressions. Angry, sad, pouty, desperate, happy he wants to experience it all. And he finds that he loves the excitement of it all—you being the only one who attempts to hold onto reality, the slobbering idiots that listen to whatever he spews, and just being able to sit back and watch you unfold. 
💰🔪He’s the only one you can rely on in the end and he likes it more than he thought. But he won’t tell you that~it's cuter to watch you stomping in frustration than actually giving you the comfort you so desperately need
Don't know if I got my point across
But I don't know just a thought
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