#tumblr pls show up on the tags challenge
kenchann · 2 years
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監督生 🦐 NRC’s gopher camera man
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kopibihun · 2 years
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What are you talking about of course i think about dick a normal amount
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝐄𝐯𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Best Behavior
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Every year, he joins the old tradition of traveling, where his ancestors have once ruled the skies. Every year, he meets familiar faces and new ones he's never seen before. Every year, he watches how his brothers find their mates, build their families, and introduce new generations to stories as old as time. But this year, something might be different. This year, there's you - a treasure worth more than he could ever offer.
Tags/Warnings: Dragon!Jungkook, strangers to lovers/mates, mentions of folklore and traditions, modern fantasy, romance, human?Reader, Fluff, Courting, MC kinda wary of kook at first, but he's cute give him a chance pls
Additional Chapter Warnings: Steamy JK, Spicy reader, Horny fluff
Length: Short (because tumblr eats long drafts these days)
-> Masterlist
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Jungkook is.. unique.
You've been courted before- bit never truly like he's started to do it. While on the past and usually, you see dragonkin men run around trying to make it a spectacle to fuel their own status, Jungkook seems to make a spectacle out of it purely for you.
It's like he wants people to know who he's aiming for. Like he wants them to see. Like he's proud in his attempt at sweeping you off your feet-
Or bite your neck rather, in dragon terms.
And he's also very obviously trying to see how far he can push you, in a more.. well, intimate sense. He's clearly aware that he's an attractive guy, and at this point, you're not sure how you're supposed to handle that. It's not like it's a bad thing- you believe him in his words when he told you you could always tell him to back off if he became too much.
But you don't want him to back off. You've simply never received attention like that.
You're unaware that you're staring at the way he swings the axe time and time again to chop down the large logs of firewood, used later for cooking. It's hard to take your eyes off of him- the way his muscles move underneath his partially inked skin, giving you nothing but a mere idea of what he's capable of if given the chance to show it. It makes you wonder. What kind of lover is he? Is he a dominant guy, calling the shots and bending you to his will? Or is he simply all bark and no bite, no need for anything out of the ordinary? You don't know him- but you know guys who look like him.
And they're typically a disappointment, all their worth pushed into their looks and nothing else.
It's when he puts the heavy axe down and smirks impishly into your direction from beneath his hair, halfway tied up to keep it out of his face, that you realize he's noticed you watching him. Instantly you turn, walking away from his sight.
How embarrassing - but you won't let him get under your skin without fighting back.
He watches later on how you take a nap in the shade of the sun, dress having moved up to your thighs, wind occasionally giving him a glimpse of even more skin, like nature is teasing him. And it becomes worse when he notices the wyvern tooth necklace he'd given you resting on your chest- warmed up by your skin, a piece of him touching you where he'd like to have his hands as well.
And then you turn over, laying almost on your stomach, face on your arms-
An impish little grin sent his way, well aware that he's watching.
Jungkook takes the challenge as he licks his lip, walking closer to you before he sits down near where your bare leg is placed, close, but not touching. His eyes wander over your entire body for a second, before he leans back a little, crossing his arms, sleeves of his shirt barely containing the straining muscles.
"What do you want?" You mumble, voice a bit raspy from having actually slept, and his instincts to protect you in your state knock on the back of his mind.
"Nothing." He shrugs, chuckling at your slightly accusatory tone. "Just saw you had no one watching over you while you slept. Thought I'd take on the job." He offers, voice playful as he looks down to you.
"Hm, there's nothing to guard though." You tell him, noticing how you feel a bit more at ease around him for reasons you're not sure of.
"I can see a treasure right next to me, and treasures need to be kept safe." He tilts his head, making you roll your eyes.
"Your flirting is horrible." You say, playfully kicking against his thigh- though his hand wraps around your ankle, a firm grip with no strength, oddly enough. His thumb moves a little over your skin, eyes glimmering with something as they look at you intently. "And you're greedy, touching random treasure that's not yours." You tease.
"Yet." He smiles. He's got all chance to move his hands, trace your skin with his fingers and more, but he doesn't, and you don't know why that disappoints you a little.
"Make your move then." You challenge. "See where it gets you." You say, and his smile turns into a grin, head shaking at the way you verbally bite at him, trying to lure him out from his self-control. You're playing a game he's for sure happy to get lost in, instincts calling out to him to put you in your place and show his strength, offer you a taste of his worth and power over you. He wants to prove himself to your doubting mind, wants to give you evidence that he's aiming for a love raw and passionate, a future life where you can and should rely on him to protect and provide.
But he's not that easily bewitched, even by someone as tempting as you.
"Not yet." He simply grins, hand leaving your ankle to instead turn the pendant of the necklace he'd given you, knuckles faintly brushing over the softness of your cleavage for a second, before he stands up. Even just a fleeting graze of his fingers heats your skin up, turns the tips of your ears red as you fail to conceil the effect he has on you, and its clear that he feeds off of it.
"I want to play with you a little more." He simply teases, before leaving you alone again.
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starrystevie · 1 year
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hiya everyone! the month of june is a big one for not only myself personally but also for this blog so we'll be celebrating a few things:
my own birthday on june 24th!
reaching 2k followers! (which is still mind blowing where did y'all come from)
pride month!
now i may not be a gif maker or edit maker, but i do want to celebrate by interacting with you all in the ways i know how! i'm going to be hosting what i like to call "roll for...?", a mysterious way to get stranger things content from me for the rest of the month. starting today, june 13, you can send me in asks for things to roll for (just make sure you go over the rules before sending in an ask pls <3)
if you're interested in participating, click the read more for the rules!
how it works:
i'll have the following categories to pick from: drabble, playlist, or aesthetic/moodboard. pick one of those categories and then select up to 3 of the following subcategories for me to roll specifics for: ship, trope, vibe/colors, length, era, crossover. whatever subcategories go unchosen, i can use if i want to! each of the subcategories will have a few options in them that i will then roll for to leave the final product up to the luck of the roll. if needed, any additional details will be left up to me! if you would like it to be entirely my pick, please select 3 ships listed below for me to choose from and i will take it from there. warning, some categories will be easier for me to combine than others (ie vibe with crossover might be challenging) so please take every post with a grain of salt. this is all just for fun. these will be posted as i can get them done, so feel free to send in asks whenever you want to! i will stop accepting asks for this project on june 30th but will probably still have things to post after that. all posts will be tagged with #rollfor2023 to help keep things organized.
important to know!:
if you have any triggers or things you wouldn't want to me to include, please let me know what to avoid. i'll honor it no questions asked. all drabbles will be rated anywhere from general to mature with absolutely zero explicit smut unless you tell me you are comfortable with it being included. overcommunicate with me and we'll both be happy campers!
subcategory specifics:
ship: 1. steve/eddie, 2. robin/nancy, 3. robin/chrissy, 4. jonathan/argyle, 5. joyce/hopper, 6. bee's pick of steve ship (platonic or romantic) trope: 1. enemies to lovers, 2. friends to lovers, 3. one bed, 4. the italicized 'oh', 5. soulmates, 6. bee's pick of shop au vibe/colors: 1. whimsical/pastels, 2. angst/dark muted, 3. hopeless romantic/soft pinks, 4. cheerful/bright & bold, 5. bittersweet/blues & greys, 6. angry/dark reds length (around a certain word/song count): 1. 100-300 words/3 songs, 2. 300-500 words/5 songs, 3. 500-750 words/8 songs, 4. 750-1000 words/10 songs, 5. 1000-1500 words/15 songs, 6. bee's pick era: 1. ancient greek, 2. 1980s, 3. modern/2020s, 4. 1800s wild west, 5. 1940s, 6. unspecified fantasy world timeline ala lotr or got crossover (all chosen from my favorites!): 1. moulin rogue, 2. across the universe, 3. bee's pick of disney movie, 4. grishaverse, 5. glee, 6. supernatural
an example ask (can copy / paste if you'd like!):
i would like a drabble with a roll for ship, length, and crossover. avoid character death and mentions of drugs.
i hope this makes sense, so please let me know if you have questions! i'm truly just wanting to do something fun for the hell of it because isn't that we're all here for anyway?! rejoining the fandom side of tumblr this time last year has been such a great decision. i've been able to meet so many of you wonderful people and remember what it's like to enjoy fandom spaces again without shame. best of all, it's gotten me writing again, which had been such a big part of my hobbies that i had pushed aside. getting back into writing as a way to express myself and make content with some fucking guys from some fucking tv show has made a massive difference in my happiness over the last year.
i thank you all so sincerely for being with me along the ride. tagging some of my beloved buds here in no possible order because if it weren't for y'alls support, i never would have written half the things i have. thank you from the bottom of my heart, truly <3
@buckleydiaz @thefreakandthehair @yournowheregirl @scoops-stevie @gothbat99 @bayouteche @toburnup @stevethehairington @judasofsuburbia @henderdads @sharpbutsoft @kkpwnall @figthefruitfaeth @fastcardotmp3 @fragilecapric0rnn @wynnyfryd @stargyles @jeysuso @bitchsteve @lovespiralls @riality-check @cheatghost @legitcookie @hellsfireclub @sanguineterrain @kingofscoops @roykentt @sidekick-hero
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myrablurple · 6 months
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Some portraits of my BLOSC OCs for a neat art challenge with @monsterfloofs!
We got my first baby girl: Umbra Redshift! Space Ranger turned Zurg's spy turned Space Ranger again LMAO
Then we have Empress Aurora Zenith! Zurg's wife and empress of his empire. She loves building weapons and other evil engineering projects.
Next is Colassala, my Gargantian OC who's in the military but against Tremendor's ways.
Then we have my boi Torrent! my Shardjian OC trying to rebuild his kind again and doing Zurg's dirty work to have access to his labs.
Bolide is my pink flame alien with a lot of issues and are deeply depressed but they hide with a smile. They're "friends" with Torrent.
Lastly, we have Vespae! Zurg's Wasp turned techno organic who hates the treatment of robots but is going the wrong way about it. She has two brothers.
Tumblr pls let this actually show up in the tags lmaooo
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theheightofdishonor · 5 months
That page of hinata looking back at a Kageyama that gave him the first toss ever before falling out of fever and exhaustion. Your tags were interesting could u pls break it down?? Is it a full circle of view from the top narrative or Kageyama being the first setter to give him a toss so a silent thank you?
Ngl I write so much about haikyuu and tumblr's search is so bad that I wasn't able to pinpoint the post you're talking about but i'm pretty sure it's about these panel from ch 364 during the kamomedai match. (if it's not, feel free to send another ask and i'll do my best to reply)
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In a way it is a full circle moment, both for their partnership but also for Karasuno and where the two of them stand within the team? Hmm, i'l try to explain this.
So the panel on the left is the first time Kageyama's ever set for Hinata, back in ch 4 when they're practicing for the 3 on 3 match. And at the time, Kageyama was refusing to set for Hinata because well, Hinata sucks and Kageyama won't set for people who are unnecessary to win. But they're still together, practicing recieves at like 5:30 in the morning because they don't really have a choice but to work together and then this happens
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And Kageyama- who has been frustrated this entire time because no one else around him understand, who struggles with being the only one who is always going for every ball with the same desperate desire- is inexplicably moved by this, by Hinata putting in this much effort and hurting himself for a ball that ultimately doesn't matter much at the end of a long practice when he's getting tossed to by a guy who doesn't even respect him. So finally, after like 3 chapters of refusing to set for Hinata, Kageyama finally does. And it's significant that he's doing it here when when Hinata's exhausted and just completed a decent receive and for once, not actually asking for or expecting a set (it's a bit of a challenge too: i'm finally giving you this but when you're in a terrible condition, do you still want it?; it's a bit of a plea: won't you show me again? that you'll try for volleyball, that you won't give up no matter how tired, no matter how hard?)
Back to the present moment, it's in some ways the same thing but upgraded, a measure of how far they've come that Hinata can make an excellent receive and Kageyama looks at him and says, nope not enough come here now and finish it, won't you? and Hinata does!! Because he will always rise to the occasion, always drag himself back up if it means he can spike and all of these are facts that are firmly entrenched in both of them now
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Back then Kageyama could barely dare to hope that someone would ever be able to match him and now he knows Hinata will and look at the way he fucking revels in the knowledge of all that.
But there is something else that's changed too. Namely that it's not just the two of them anymore.
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It's not just Hinata now that can rise to Kageyama's expectations, it's all of Karasuno. It would be soo easy for any of them to not jump at the end of the 6th set of the day after back to back matches but they do. All of them jump, all of them are here now, caring just as much about volleyball and putting in just as much effort and the team as a whole is in sync, they're all united in this desire and it's a measure of how far they've all come together too.
And with the look at the end,
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I think it's one part that they just completed something really cool and with each other so they're like reveling in the moment together but also one part that Kageyama sees Hinata fall and he realizes what's happening before everyone else does because he already suspected Hinata's sick and because he's got this uncanny knack for reading Hinata.
I think that covered everything about my thoughts on that panel. I hope this was what you were looking for, if it's not , feel free to send another ask clarifying like I said before. Also this ask gave me a much appreciated excuse to reread the Komamedai ask so thanks for that, anon.
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daechwitatamic · 2 years
Chapter 9: Really Sure || KTH
(banner by @itaeewon)
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Title: What Was Hidden (Masterpost)
Rating: explicit, minors DNI pls
Genre: college!au, angst, eventual smut, strangers -> friends -> lovers -> idiots -> lovers
Pairings: Taehyung x female reader, MYG x OC
Summary:  This is how it all starts: Taehyung is flunking Western Lit. You’re assigned to tutor him. His paper on Strindberg’s The Ghost Sonata could pass or fail him for the semester. As you and Taehyung slowly become friends, then more, you learn that there’s a lot more to him than you originally assumed. Together, you navigate your own experiences with the play’s themes: one’s “true self” versus one’s “shown self”, darkness behind the facade, and how people can be quite literally haunted - and it has nothing to do with ghosts.
In which Taehyung takes you on an actual date.
Chapter Warnings: language, kissing, groping, explicit sex including: fingering, unprotected sex with bc (this is fiction pls be safe in ur real lives!), penetrative sex, consent king Kim Taehyung
Note: I wanted to take a second to seriously shout out Pauli (@/kookstempo - if I tag her the post stops showing up in searched tags bc tumblr is the worst platform to exist) for her help with this chapter. My brain is full of angst and longing so when I get to these happy scenes, I tend to draw a blank. The entire Christmas festival is due to her - she talked me through every single moment and came up with a lot of the ideas in the first place. If anything you see is sweet, fluffy, or makes you feel warm and fuzzy…. credit her.
Second note…… this was my first time writing smut, ever! It was challenging and honestly a little scary so pls read with forgiving eyes!
Word Count: 5k
I saw the sun and thought I saw what was hidden The Ghost Sonata | Scene III August Strindberg
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Chapter 9: Really Sure
Wednesday, December 12th
At tutoring on Wednesday morning, Taehyung works on his The Cherry Orchard paper.
“I think the easiest theme is the one about societal upheaval and accepting change,” you tell him. “You can fill pages with that, no problem.”
Taehyung considers this, tapping his fingers against his lips. “I was thinking about the pattern I see with love,” he tells you.
You give him a look and he smiles your favorite smile, the one when you catch him at something, the one that starts with a flash of uncertainty and then it grows sideways from one corner to the other, like he’s relieved that you find him funny. 
“Seriously,” he insists. “You said to look for patterns. Ravensky’s all hung up on her dude in Paris, Barbara’s waiting for a proposal, Dunyasha is trying to get with what’s-his-face -.”
“Yasha,” you supply. Taehyung snaps his finger and points at you, grateful. 
“Also the guy,” he continues, referring to the character Peter. “He thinks he’s above feelings, and love, but he’s hot for Anya.”
“So what’s the theme?” you press him. “Their stories and situations are all different. What’s the connection, or message?”
He frowns. “That love comes for everyone, like it or not?”
You frown back. “I don’t think I agree with that as a general statement, but if you think you can provide enough textual evidence to support it, be my guest.”
“You’re Peter,” he tells you, giving you an amused look.
“Does that make you Anya?” you ask, cocking an eyebrow. “I don’t know how I feel about that.”
He laughs. “You’re right, now it’s weird.”
“Besides,” you say, a little defensively, “I don’t think I’m above feelings. Or love.”
“You just want to pretend you are for a minute, because it feels safer,” he says.
“Alright, that’s enough Chekhov for you today,” you joke, but you’re unsettled. Taehyung sees through you - he has from the beginning - and it’s something you’ve never experienced before, not with anyone.
“That’s wasn’t a shot at you,” he tries to explain. “That was kind of a… ‘universal you’ thing. We all do that.”
You’re grateful he’s letting you off the hook, but now he’s got you thinking about it. “After you’ve been hurt, it’s hard not to.”
“That’s true,” he says graciously. You have a feeling you could change the subject now, but something in you presses on.
“Have you?” you ask cautiously.
“Which part?” he says, setting down his book and looking at you. “Been in love? Been hurt? Tried to pretend it wouldn’t happen again?”
“Yeah,” you whisper.
He shrugs. “All three.”
“I’m sorry,” you tell him, meaning it.
“That’s life,” he says. “You get up and you try again.”
“That’s a very healthy outlook,” you observe. “Not everyone has that strength.”
He gives you a smug, knowing look. “That was a very nice compliment.”
You roll your eyes. “Okay, yeah, you’re welcome.”
He glances at his phone. “Three minutes left,” he informs you.
“Okay,” you say. “You’re good on the paper? Do you think you can have some of it done before our session tomorrow night?”
He smirks at you. “As long as someone doesn’t distract me too much later.”
You roll your eyes, again. “I’ll stay on campus tonight, then.”
He pouts. “That is not the response I was going for.”
“Sorry,” you tell him. “I have a paper to write, though. I really do need to stay on campus.”
“Fine,” he says, still mostly pouting. “Hey, do you have plans for Saturday night yet?” There’s something in his tone that you can’t name.
You think about it. “No, I don’t think so,” you decide. “Are you guys having a party?”
“I’m not sure what the rest of the guys are doing,” he says, “but I had an idea for you and me.”
You raise an eyebrow at him. “Oh, you did, huh?”
He gives you that smile again, the one that grows. “I was thinking I could take you to the Christmas festival in town?”
Your whole body feels suddenly warm. You’ve loved hanging out with Taehyung; you’ve loved the deep talks you’ve had, the easy way you can joke with each other, the fluttering in your chest when he smiles at you. But until now it’s been… unnamed. Casual. Safe.
“Okay,” you say, even though your stomach is in knots. What you don’t want is to hurt his feelings over nothing, over your own silly fears.
“Yeah?” he asks, perking up. “That fancy hot chocolate place will have a food truck there that night. We can just walk around, check out the stalls, talk…”
This makes you smile. “Okay, fancy hot chocolate sounds really good,” you admit.“ Okay then,” he smiles, packing up his laptop, and you know exactly what he’s going to say. “Then it’s a date.”
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Saturday, December 15th
You agonize over what to wear, a fact that is not lost on your roommates. You want to look cute as hell but you also don’t want to freeze. 
“I vote thick tights under a skirt or dress,” Bridget offers. 
“That would look cute with the boots,” Kiko agrees. 
You flop backwards on your bed in defeat. “I can’t do this. I’m tagging you in, Bridg. Go be cute and charming in my place.”
“How is this any different from going to hang out at the house?” Bridget asks. “You don’t freak out over that.” 
“It’s very different,” you insist. “There’s all this pressure.”
She purses her lips at you, looking annoyed. “Because he’s telling you he expects it to be absolutely perfect, with choirs of angels singing and wedding bells in the distance?”
You frown. “Don’t be ridiculous. Of course not.”
She points at you. “Then it’s all internal. You’re putting the pressure on yourself. And that means you have the power to stop it.”
You and Kiko exchange a glance, and Bridget presses on, all worked up.
“It’s a date, it’s one night. Your future doesn’t hang in the fucking balance, so lighten up.”
“She’s scolding me,” you complain to Kiko.
“She’s right though,” Kiko says. “Where was all this knowledge when I was panicking over Yoongi?”
“We didn’t know you were panicking,” Bridget points out flatly.
“I definitely didn’t,” you agree. 
“I thought it was pretty obvious,” she says, voice small. 
You shake your head. “You can’t expect people to know how you’re feeling or what you’re thinking if you don’t tell them,” you say gently.
She goes silent, lips thin.
Bridget is looking at you.
When Taehyung picks you up after dinner, he’s got Christmas music playing in the car. 
“Setting the mood, huh?” you ask with a smile.
“I heard you like Christmas,” he says, giving you a sly sideways smile.
That’s something you’ve really learned about Taehyung - that guy pays attention. He may not seem like he’s listening, but he is, and he’s retaining information. When had you mentioned liking the Christmas season? You try to remember. You’d said it once, to Kiko, at the bar a week ago.
After parking, you walk side by side towards the entrance. The whole block is barricaded so cars can’t come up or down, and people walk freely down the street. The street is practically ablaze with strings of lights, and they continue into the adjacent park. At the end of the block, a small stage has been erected, and a trio of people are singing indie covers of Christmas songs. 
Taehyung leads the way to a semi-circle of food trucks and stands at the end of the longest line. 
“I believe gourmet hot chocolate was promised,” he tells you.
“It was,” you say seriously. You try to stand on your tiptoes to see the truck’s menu board. Taehyung pokes your arm to get your attention and hands you his phone, where he’s pulled up the menu himself.
“Oh,” you say, taking it. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he murmurs, looking down at you. You decide on peppermint and pass the phone back to him.
“I’m thinking salted caramel,” he says, eyeing the screen.
“I was thinking about that one,” you tell him. “It sounds amazing.”
The line moves slowly, and you find yourself shivering slightly, since you’re just standing still, not walking.
“Are you cold?” Taehyung asks you, glancing over. It reminds you of the night at the trail, the first time you’d kissed.
“No,” you lie.
He makes a face, clearly onto you. “You’re shivering,” he says flatly. 
“I’ll be fine once we start walking,” you say, feeling defensive.
He rolls his eyes and shakes his head good-naturedly and reaches an arm around you, pulling you closer. He is warm. He rubs his hand up and down your upper arm, trying to dispel the goosebumps.
When you reach the front of the line, Taehyung buys your drinks and the two of you head towards the park, where there are giant light displays. People mill around you in both directions - large families with a bunch of kids, other couples like you, even some people who seem to be enjoying the displays in solitude. 
The displays are huge, so tall, depicting so many different things, all so bright and colorful. Lights adorn the trees, wrapped around the trunks and up into the branches. Where the trees reach across the walking path, overhanging the cement, it feels like you’re in a tunnel of red and gold lights. Off the path, strings of lights are twisted and tied to form trains, dinosaurs, beach scenes, and of course, lots of Santa and reindeer. You and Taehyung meander down the concrete path, following the flow of foot-traffic, stopping at each display to admire it.
You stop to admire a display whose lights flicker and move in time with music playing over speakers above you. It’s so bright and beautiful, but you find yourself turning to look at Taehyung; his face shines in the glow of the lights, blues and greens moving across his face just to be replaced with gold and white. All those sly glances and careful faces are gone - his expression is just open, honest, delighted. A tiny smile rests on his lips as he watches and listens. Something swells in your chest - you feel like you could touch the spot it blooms from, right above your diaphragm. It makes you want to be closer to him, part of his infectious joy.
You reach over, your fingers finding the side of his hand. He turns his wrist and takes your hand without looking, fingers lacing with yours. He gives it a tiny squeeze and says, “Look, they have that dragon up there breathing fire!”
And then he’s pulling you along, eager, already grinning.
As the path through the park leads you back to the street, Taehyung leads you by the hand to the side of the street lined with vendors and stalls. You walk, still hand in hand, peering in at each booth. You pass a lot of artisanal foodstuffs - organic honey, jams and preserves from the local farms, fancy teas and coffee beans, a handmade fudge stand (this one gets your money). 
There’s also a healthy showing from local artists - one booth is full of landscape paintings, and you spend quite some time standing, looking at each one, marveling over them. There’s plenty of knit and woven goods - hats, mittens, scarves, socks, sweaters. Taehyung eyes a black and white scarf, playing with the material for a minute before letting it drop back to its spot. You stop again two booths down at a little pottery stand. The artist displays vases and bowls, and shelves of handcrafted mugs, each one sporting different colors and designs. “No two alike!” the sign proclaims.
You gravitate towards a few mugs that are clearly not identical, but must have been painted on the same day - they sport the same deep blues and an almost silvery grey, swirled like rainy puddles on a sidewalk. You pick up two, turning them in tandem, looking at each angle. Instead of protruding handles, they have smooth divots where your fingers should fit as you hold them.
“Those are nice,” Taehyung says, looking over your shoulder. 
“All my good mugs are still at my parents’ house,” you tell him.
“Let’s get two,” he suggests, reaching over your shoulder to pick up another blue mug, turning it over in his hand. “You pick one and I’ll pick one.”
“So we match?” you tease, already starting to look for one that stands out to you.
“You can think of me every time you use it.” He gives you a teasing wink so you’ll know he’s mostly kidding. 
“It is pretty,” you say, putting back the one you’d been eyeing and reaching for another. “I like the blue. And I like the finger-grooves instead of a handle.”
“Come on,” Taehyung says decisively. “Pick one, let’s get them.”
The potter bags them separately for you so you don’t get yours mixed up with Taehyung’s, and you continue down the road. You’re heading in the direction of the band, the music growing louder as you approach. The indie trio seems to be taking a break, and jazzy instrumentals come through the speakers instead. Some older couples dance together in the space in front of the now-empty stage, hands locked.
“Come dance with me?” Taehyung asks quietly, setting down his little bag with the mug inside under a nearby bench, reaching for yours too.
“Doesn’t really look like a young people scene,” you observe, but you hand him your bag when he reaches for it.
“Do you care that much?” he asks, and there’s something challenging in the way he says it. 
“I guess not,” you allow, and he grins, starting to swivel his hips to the trumpets, reaching a hand for you to join him. You can’t help but laugh - he’s so freaking silly, and he really gives no shits, and you kind of love that about him.
He spins you slowly, one hand on your waist, and you’re somehow surprised that he’s a good dancer. He leads you well, and you let yourself be in this moment as best you can: the taste of peppermint in your mouth, the lights around you glowing golden, your heart beating in time with the harmonies of the brass instruments, Taehyung’s body solid and warm against your as he holds you tight.
When the indie band returns, the jazz covers fading down to nothing, Taehyung leads you towards the little creek that winds through the park. This area isn’t technically part of the festival, and people aren’t really walking here. The Christmas lights and decorations don’t extend this far into the park either, but the path is lit by lanterns on posts along the side of the path. Taehyung leads you onto a small bridge and leans his elbows on the railing.
“I like this spot,” he tells you. “When I was starting to walk a little after my accident, I’d come here. It’s not too far from the parking lot and it felt… peaceful, I guess.”
You look at him, listening. The creek runs below you, the sound soothing.
He turns to face you, and you close the gap willingly, leaning up to meet his lips, knowing they’re coming.
There’s some ferocity to his kiss tonight; you don’t know if he’s just tired of holding back, if he’s keyed up from dancing together, or what, but something is different. He tangles a hand in your hair and tightens his fingers, his other hand pulling you flush against him by the small of your back. Your mouth opens on a tiny noise of satisfaction, and his tongue strokes yours immediately. 
He tastes like caramel, he smells like a man, and your head spins as he presses your body against the bridge railing, fingers still lodged in your hair. You press yourself against him, wanting to feel as much of his body against yours as you can, winter coats be damned. 
You want to be as close as possible, you want to feel every part of him, you want to - even if only for right this second - let him in in every way. You can’t put it into words, even in your head, so you try to put as much of it into your kiss as you can; you grip his jacket tight between your fingers and pull him against you, relish the feeling of him hardening against you, drown a little in the contented grunts he makes when you move your mouth down his jaw and towards his neck. 
He releases your hair and grabs your ass with both hands, helping to increase the friction you’re both creating, and you release the skin of his neck long enough to let out a sigh, resting your forehead on his shoulder, sucking in air. He half-grunts, half-growls and nudges at your forehead, trying to get you to lift your chin so he can kiss you more.
“Taehyung,” you breathe, looking up to meet his eyes.
“What is it, baby?” he murmurs, hands still tight on the meat of your ass. “What do you need?”
Somehow, this is true.
“Take me home?” you ask, hands still holding him in place by his jacket. “Not campus,” you clarify quickly, when his eyes widen a little.
He wraps his arms all the way around you and pulls you in tight, pressing his lips to your forehead quickly before letting you go.
“I’ll take you wherever you want to go,” he whispers. You let go of his jacket and reach for his hand. This time, you lead him through the park, aiming for the parking lot.
As you pass back through the festival on your way to the car, you notice the long line of families waiting to take pictures with Santa. 
“I didn’t get to sit on Santa’s lap,” you pretend to pout.
“I’ll give you a lap to sit on,” he quips, and you laugh out loud, shocked at his audacity.
He laughs too, actually covering his mouth with his spare hand. “Sorry,” he says through his giggles. “That one should have stayed in my head.”
In the car, Taehyung drives with one hand on your thigh, his thumb tracing circles on the thick fabric of your tights. You don’t talk much, but you keep your eyes on him, steady, as his face comes in and out of view as you pass under streetlights and then continue into darkness again. Every now and then he glances back at you, and when he meets your eyes he gives you a tiny smile, almost like he thinks it's funny that you’re still looking.
At the house, the living room is empty, and after you hang your coats on hooks Taehyung leads the way upstairs, shutting and locking his door as usual.
You sit on his desk chair and unzip your tall boots, placing them carefully under his desk, out of the way so no one trips on them in the dark later. When you’re done, you look back up at him. He’s standing with his arms crossed, watching you carefully. He’s kicked off his own shoes; unlike yours, they lay in the middle of the room, discarded.
You rise, walking over to him gingerly, and he takes your face between his hands, kissing you sweetly. Too sweetly. You want to kiss like you did on the bridge. You take over, kissing him more aggressively, humming into his mouth when he takes your ass in his hands again. Right where you left off, you think.
He lowers his hands as you kiss him, skimming the sensitive underside of your ass, hands slipping beneath your dress. His fingers caress the backs of your thighs, just once, and then he’s moving them back up, searching for the hem of your tights. When he finds it, he crumples the material in a fist, pulling you against him again, and then gently slides his thumbs under the waistband. He peels your tights down your body tantalizingly slowly, his eyes locked on yours the whole time, giving you plenty of time to object if you want to.
You don’t.
You step out of your tights as they hit the floor, and Taehyung gathers up your skirt in one hand, caressing your bared ass with the other, pulling you in to kiss you again, breathing in so harshly as he does that it’s almost like he’s breathing you in. You silently thank Bridget for reminding you to wear something lacy tonight.
You reach up and start unbuttoning his shirt from the top down, tugging it off of his shoulders and running your hands up his toned arms and back down his chest. He exhales sharply, fingers tightening on your butt as you trace lines up and down his stomach, wanting to touch everything.
He reaches behind you to find the zipper on your dress, struggling a little with the hook and eye at the top. You feel the cold air hit your back as he drags the zipper down, and then he mimics your earlier motion, tugging the shoulders off of your arms.
He takes a second to look at you as your dress falls to your ankles and then he’s kissing you again, hands roaming as if he can’t decide what to touch first, what to touch longer, as if his hands miss one part of you the second they stray to visit somewhere else. 
He unhooks your bra and you toss it sideways, then your hands go for his belt buckle. He kicks his head back and huffs out a breath, trying to maintain control as your hands deftly undo his belt and loosen it. 
“God,” he groans, fingers twitching, as if not touching you for these two minutes is taking all of his self-control. You love him like this - like he’s barely keeping it together, like he’s seconds aware from losing it and tearing you apart. 
Part of you hopes he does.
You unzip his pants carefully, then glance up at his face before pulling them over his hips. He watches you evenly, but his breathing is anything but even. You take in the sight of him as his slacks fall away and he uses his toes to push off the socks from each foot, leaving him only in boxer briefs. They hug him tightly, showing the curve of his fantastic ass, the swell of his trapped cock.
You let out a shaky breath as Taehyung pulls you close again, and then he pushes you backwards towards his bed. You land on your back and scoot up as he crawls over top of you, kissing you again. You clutch at his upper arms as he runs a hand from your hip up to your chest and back down again. Then his fingers brush the lace edge of your underwear, and you know he’s asking for permission. 
“Go ahead,” you breathe, and he slides his fingers under the material, seeking what he wants. 
“Oh, my god,” he groans, pressing his warm length against your leg desperately, as he circles his fingers in your wetness, not even having to press inside to find it. His hair swings a little with each movement he makes. “You ready for me, baby?”
You let out a breath like a laugh. “Apparently,” you tell him, smiling as you kiss him again. Then, he pushes in two fingers at once, sinking them into your heat until they can’t go any further. You gasp at the intrusion, but it turns into something guttural quickly because the feeling is divine. God, his fingers are long.
“Mm, Taehyung,” you murmur, shifting to give him more room as he begins to pump his fingers out and in again, thumb reaching for your clit. You take a shuddering breath, closing your eyes, enjoying the feeling, but it’s only a minute later that you’re reaching for him, trying to tug his briefs off.
He lifts up so you can slide them down his hips, kicking them off the end of the bed. He hisses and closes his eyes when you wrap a hand around him, tugging a few times, eyeing his girth. 
“Do I need -?” he manages to ask, voice raw, eyes flickering to his nightstand.
A condom. “I have an IUD,” you tell him. “And I know I’m clean. You?”
“Definitely clean, I promise,” he tells you, reaching down to tug at your panties, the final article of clothing. Once he tosses them towards the end of the bed and comes to rest fully over top of you, he pauses to kiss you again, sweet and deep. His member slides along your slit and he can’t help but move a little, slicking himself up along one side. You groan, half tempted to shift your hips and just take him, no warning.
“Y/N,” he whispers, pausing his movement, looking at you carefully. “You’re sure, right?”
You want to kiss him again, just for asking. God, what did you do to deserve how sweet he is to you? 
“Yeah,” you whisper back. “I’m really sure. I want you.”
He closes his eyes at these words, resting his forehead against yours for a second, and then he’s reaching down to position himself at your entrance, pushing forward slowly. He keeps his eyes on your face and you breathe slowly as you adjust to him. He pauses when he bottoms out, giving you a second.
You give your hips a few experimental circles, feeling the stretch. “Okay,” you whisper. “Move? Please?”
He kisses you quickly and acquiesces, starting a steady, quick pace. You both groan, drowning each other out, as he moves. He touches you as he keeps this pace, tweaking a nipple, kneading your ass, smoothing down your hair. 
“God, you feel good,” he murmurs. 
“You, too,” you assure him. He slows his pace, pulling out and entering with excruciating slowness; you can feel every single ridge positively drag along your walls. You try to take it, try to let him toy with you. But it’s so fucking much, the sensations building to the point of being overwhelming, you can’t possibly hold him tight enough, you can’t bear it.
“Go faster, please,” you beg, voice broken almost to the point of a sob. 
“Jesus,” he gasps, and then does as you ask, beginning to snap his hips at a bruising speed. You can feel your pleasure building, your thighs shaking and then calming, then shaking again. Taehyung adjusts his angle, using both hands to lift your hips a little higher, pulling you against him with each thrust, and you keen out his name.
“Tae, there -!”
He smiles at you wickedly, brows furrowed with effort and concentration. He locks in the angle and ups his pace, eyes roving your body.
“Ah - Taehyung - I’m -,” you gasp, screwing your eyes shut.
“Close?” he asks, voice so low it makes your toes curl. 
“Yes,” you breathe. “Tae…”
“Yes, baby,” he hisses, hips slapping lewdly against your own. You reach down to rub your clit, feeling the mounting pressure snap and crest, white blooming behind your eyes. You come with a whine, and he fucks you through it as you pulse and clench around him, shuddering beneath his hands. 
“So pretty,” he tells you with a whisper as your muscles relax again, stilling his hips long enough to give you a quick kiss on the lips. Then he’s grabbing your ankles and pressing them together, lifting them to rest on his shoulder. He bends you practically in half, leaning his weight on his hands, pounding you into the mattress until your eyes roll back. You can’t even make words at this point, only whines and whimpers as you screw your eyes shut.
“God,” he growls. “Fuck! Y/N, can I -? Inside?”
“Please,” you cry, your heart still racing from your own climax, “yes, do it.”
His thrusts speed up but get sloppier, his earlier precision falling away as his hips jerk and stutter, his breathing ragged in your ear. 
“F-fuck,” he gasps, pushing further into you, seeking more heat, hips slowing until they still. He breathes for just a second, and then rolls sideways, reaching over to grab a towel from the back of his desk chair. He hands it to you to let you clean up, waiting patiently for his turn. Then, he throws it in the general direction of his hamper and rolls to gather you in his arms, still breathing heavily.
“Hi,” you say, giggling a little. He smiles back, and you can feel how fast his heart is racing. 
“Hi,” he says back, trying to steady his breathing. “You good?”
“Yeah,” you tell him, snuggling up against his side as he rolls to his back, the oxytocin flowing. “You?”
“Fucking fabulous,” he tells you with a laugh. 
You both lay there quietly for a minute, cooling down. Then, he turns to look at you. 
“Y/N,” he says, “I just want to make sure you know… if we’re doing this… it will be only you, for me. Okay? I’m not… just… it’s only you.”
This is the truth: in your heart, you don’t believe him. Maybe he means it right this second - in fact, you’re sure he does. But this is what you know about love and relationships: things change. Just because someone means it today doesn’t mean they’ll mean it in a week, or a month, or a year.
“I appreciate that,” you say. It is sweet of him to reassure you, especially considering what he knows about your past. You’re glad, too, that he kept it vague - doing this. What was this, talking? Fucking? Dating? Whatever the answer is, you feel better not putting a name to it. “I prefer one at a time, too. It’s just… less complicated that way.”
For you, it’s true. That’s the only thing you’re really sure of. 
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*innocent whistles*
Thank you for being here! I appreciate every single like, reply, dm, ask, or reblog!
HUGEST thank you to Pauli for basically writing the entire date and for beta-ing!!!
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
okay, i don't know why, but i have ALWAYS been like you described. i have so many movies, TV shows, books, podcasts, songs, etc that i want to experience but do i? nope, just put on another F1 race, please. i don't know if it's fear of the unknown (hello, flood of unexpected emotions!) or not wanting to challenge myself or also wanting to watch F1 and F1 just wins out, but here we are. i suspect it's part of my OCD? or some other ND thing that hasn't been diagnosed in me yet??
in fact prolly the only reason i watch F1 is bc i watch it with my sister. it is a lot easier to do new stuff with someone else...which deludes me into believing that if i just got a partner, we could open the floodgates and watch everything i haven't seen together, but lord knows it don't work that way 😑 in any case, i don't know what's wrong with us, but you're not alone!
I'm glad I'm not the only one!! 💕💕
(Reply ramble under the cut cause I wrote more than I expected)
I think I just struggle to start anything new or to finish anything. I totally agree with what you said about it being the fear of unexpected emotions/the unknown! Like for race seasons for example, I just spent a significant amount of time immersed in 2005 which is a specific set of information(you know: rules, strategy, drivers, etc.), so to start a new season would be a completely different set of info. As I said in my earlier tags, some part of me likes the anticipation more and also I always get way too hyper about things and that energy is overwhelming 😓 And I also feel like I have a fear about how much time I'm going to spend(which is stupid because I'll spend like way too much time aimlessly scrolling for the same amnt of time it'd take to watch a race.) Like the idea of specifically putting aside two hours to do only one thing is stressful to me, which is why I often used to like watching races when I literally couldn't do anything else(waiting for a class.) But now I'm stuck back in the cycle of not wanting to start something new, even if 2009 isnt exactly new because I've watched a lot of racing at this point, but still new enough to me that it's hard to convince my brain to start it. Like once I get into the groove of things, I can float through and enjoy myself, it's just that beginning barrier that's hard to get through.
I also definitely agree with having to watch it with someone else. I either have to binge watch things super quickly or watch them with other people, if not, I'll just end up never starting it or abandoning it. I think it's because it's really nice to be able to discuss your thoughts and feelings abt it with another person and not just be stuck with a million thoughts bouncing around your head(which is why I tend to make posts and then rant in the tags LOL)
I think thats why ive been able to get into F1 to such an extent and why it's been so fun for me. It's a live experience(with a strict time constraint, i.e. you can only watch it right here, right now) where there's a bunch of people watching and interacting. I love tumblr during a race weekend so much, I don't think I'd be obsessed with it as much if not for the ability to see everyone's reactions and interact back with them. I think that's why I struggle to start old seasons, because it's literally just me obsessing alone in my room and I can't talk about it to the extent that I can with the current season. Watching F1 as it goes along in a current season is just a perfect experience I guess, because the schedule pushes me along and I don't really have to rely on myself to keep going.
But yeah who knows!! Brain just being brain as always I guess, but it is annoying that it prevents us from doing things we want to do! But I will say, still, its so stupid that I procrastinate over watching 10 minute long YouTube vids LMAO, like pls I get the hesitation with a 2 hour race, 2 hour movie or 100k fic but, 10 minutes, seriously brain???
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marv3l-drag0ns · 1 year
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#but casey’s casey so star’d probably fuck shit up. eventually lose tho cuz freddy is a robot who specializes with kids and casey is short
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hello technoblade nation.
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22 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
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a (literally) flaming homosexual huh.
49 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
@ RVB community how to draw halo armor pls
58 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
someone's probably already done this math but fuck it its impressive.
So Cole (Ninjago), in S1E7, lifts a very large amount of weight as well as Nya and Jay above his head.
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the two bigger weights on the bar are probably 45lbs each, adding to 90 on each side. The smaller ones might be 25lbs each, adding to 50 on each side, for a total of 280 on the bar alone. The bar itself should weigh around 45 lbs, which brings us to a total of 325.
The average man weighs around 180lbs- women probably weigh lighter but theyre also both young, so 180 for jay and nya each seems reasonable. Lets say the turkey weighs 20lbs. Those weights are probably 20lbs each, so 60+180+180. This adds to 340 lbs- impressive by itself, you'd think.
However, the type of lift changes things. One of the lifts that can get the most weight are deadlifts- lifting from the ground up to around your midsection. The current world record is around 1104lbs as of 2021. There are also squat lifts, which also have an astounding amount of weight at around 1069lbs. Squat lifts are preformed with the bar on the shoulders, and then squatting down before coming back up.
Neither of these lifts lift the bar over the head- while the lift preformed in the show does not match the usual snatch-lift form, that is one of the only lifts that bring the bar over the head. The current record for snatch lifts is 496 pounds in the highest weightclass of 240 lbs.
Cole ends up lifting around 665 lbs at very basic weight calculations. There is one weight on the right side that is bigger than the other, probably to balance out the weight of nya being a) probably lighter than jay and b) the fact that jay is holding an extra 20 lbs. This could increase his weight lifted by around 20-30lbs for an even lift.
In summary: Cole is a beast. Don't challenge him to a lift competition, and probably also an arm wrestling competition just in case.
131 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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this is blorbo :)
140 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
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justmiz · 3 years
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“where are you, clank?  maybe someone around here has seen him.”
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cat-soda · 4 years
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hello all!!! I commissioned @part_time_pixie on twitter to draw this amazing, wonderful, beautiful, makes-me-wanna-cry piece for me, based off this scene from x/1999!!! she’s super talented and I think I died when I first saw it, pls go commission her!!! 💕💖💞💓💘✨😭😭😭
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bericas · 4 years
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dramatical · 3 years
Besties, tumblr has been hiding posts from my tag and have them show up randomly hours later, so if you tagged me in anything and I haven't reblogged yet pls let me know so I do 💕💕💕💕
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
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anon asked: OMG pls pls pls could you write a possessive yandere Diluc??? I'm sorry if this is generic...
[repost because someone mentioned this post wasn’t showing up in tags... tumblr i s2g...]
Diluc has seen the worst and best that humanity has to offer. Regrettably, the worst is what has made a lasting impression, darkness waiting to strike in every crevice. He’s always done his best to protect everyone. This is amplified to a new, unprecedented level when his obsession for you takes root.
There are plenty of threats to be wary of -- Diluc will reason -- but he starts actively looking for them in the wrong places. No longer is he concerned with just making sure you get home safe, unbothered by monsters. Now it starts to seep into your relationships. Innocent gestures are mistaken as malevolent, Diluc stepping in where it’s wholly unnecessary.
Compared to most yanderes, Diluc has commendable self-control. He won’t openly lash out to anyone that speaks to you in a friendly manner. That doesn’t mean he’s not upset about it, he’s just used to hiding his emotions, and has had lots of practice suppressing everything. So while others chat you up, romantic intentions or not, he’ll slink off to sulk.
Surprise surprise, it’s Kaeya who catches onto this hidden behavior before anyone else can. Kaeya actively exacerbates the situation, quite literally adding fuel to the fire, unaware of the monster he’s awakening in the process. To his credit, Kaeye’s intentions would be in good fun. Maybe for some lighthearted teasing to laugh about later over drinks with you and your friends. Instead, he released a burden onto your life.
Kaeya might let a friend or two into Diluc’s “crush” on you, planning to see how far they can push it. He’ll throw an arm around your shoulder, whisper inside jokes into your ear to make you giggle, offer to walk you home, etc. Diluc begins to excuse himself from the room when this happens to get a hold of his kindling fury. Diluc knows Kaeya is just trying to get a rise from him, that he’s giving him what he wants. But god, that twisting sensation in his stomach when Kaeya is the one touching you, getting that melodic laugh, and being the center of your attention... it’s unbearable.
Diluc feels like it’s such a shame. He’s a busy man, so being around the same areas as you is a rare treat, that’s now being tainted. Can he not have this single enjoyment in life? To make matters worse, he’s now hyper-aware of anyone possibly flirting with you. Diluc is growing paranoid that while he’s unsure of how to pursue you, someone else might come along and take you away.
While trying to provoke Diluc, Kaeya tends to be on the receiving end of some biting language. With an unimpressed expression and even tone, Diluc will tear into him for his obnoxious behavior, even if you express that you don’t mind. It’s remarkable he’s managed to control his darker urges for this long. Should Kaeya -- or anyone else for that matter -- not get the hint, Diluc lists some concealed threats.
He’ll start physically blocking anyone’s path to you, looming over almost like a bodyguard. Diluc’s presence is intimidating and effective in warding off people he finds irritating. He’ll act like he doesn’t know what you’re talking about if you mention how close he is, but there’s an almost indiscernible blush on his cheeks.
While you’re not paying attention, Diluc will motion to his weapon, scaring off anyone brave enough to come speak to you. When you turn around he’s back to wiping down glasses. If he needs to distract you, he’ll offer free drinks, not that he ever makes you pay anyway. The few times you do manage to convince him to let you pay for your own tab, the money is “mysteriously” sent back to your residence by mail.
Bonus Childe:
Childe is not held back by the same moral qualms that Diluc is. This, mixed with the extensive network of Fatui agents at his fingertips, makes for a horrific combination. It’s a disaster waiting to happen. Whether you’re aware of it or not, he’s already having people keep tabs on you. This includes people that you speak to as well. While the Fatui don’t entirely understand why they’re being asked to watch you, like hell they’re going to question a Harbinger on the bizarre orders.
You’ll be having a pleasant conversation with someone, only to feel a shadow looming over you. Then there’ll be an arm wrapped firmly around your shoulder. Childe would act dismissive of whoever you were speaking to, making up some excuse about why he needs your attention more and whisking you away. All the while looking back and giving the unfortunate individual a soul-shaking look.
He projects a lot into your conversations. Childe asks with a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes if you’re trying to make him jealous. “As much as I like you -- and trust me when I say I do -- you should be careful with that.”
Anyone who makes the mistake of flirting with you gets it far worse. Childe will judge them accordingly later when being filled in on your movements for the day, sitting and listening with an eerie calm as his agents detail the person’s description. There’s a myriad of ways the Fatui could make this person’s life a living hell. From the shackles of debt tightening, harassment, to even making them disappear entirely. It all depends on Childe’s mood that day.
Childe would actually find it interesting if the person has a Vision themselves. He views it as a challenge of sorts. Malice would be oozing out of him at the thought of proving his strength to you, that no one else could come close to the claim he has. To avoid any unwanted attention, Childe would wait to strike until the person is traveling alone, channeling his Delusion alongside his Vision. It’d be an awful sight.
When he talks to you next, you’ll notice he looks oddly content. If you’re brave enough to ask why this is, he’ll give some ominous answer, that leaves your body going cold. “Hm, I really need to know. Did you think that they were any match for me? That by batting your eyelashes all prettily, you’d convince them to get rid of me? Well, whatever the case, this should be proof I’m not going anywhere.”
Childe will mention that he even was kind enough to get you a gift. A Fatui agent will reach into their bag, giving him a piece of cloth, which he then pretends to you. You’ll likely be rendered sick by the sight. It’s a torn piece of their outfit, a testimony to Childe’s victory. He’ll tilt his head and playfully ask if you don’t like it, before taking his leave for the night.
If you ever plead with him to leave the people you interact with alone, he might look like he’s giving it some thought. Childe’s suggestion of how you could convince him to do this is equally unpleasant.
“You could always spend your time with me, that way this wouldn’t be an issue. Give it some real thought. I’m looking forward to hearing your answer.”
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sweatandwoe · 2 years
Hello. I love your fiction story “Secret Ingredient” and I was hoping to ask for your help. I am trying to work on my writing and writing reader inserts on tumblr seems like an amazing place to start but the problem is, I have no idea where to start. I don’t know how to get started, where to find inspiration and love it, and if I do have a show or movie in mind that I want to write about, how do I just do it? It will help me tremendously if you have any advice on how you first got started, where you get your inspiration and anything you would like me to know that helps you out. Keep up the good work and hope to hear from you back soon. Thanks.
Hello anon! I'm so happy you like secret ingredient ;3; and I'll do my best to answer your question (below the read more cause I don't wanna clog anyone's dash with my rambling)
I think the biggest thing for how to start, at least for my case with stories I wanna write, is reading some of the material you want to write for. Go into that movie/show tag/ao3 page, look at some. Take a peak. I find that reading what you wanna write about, can give you some inspiration. I started reading some of the Silco x Reader fics, and then I was like 'I should try this, I haven't written x reader in over a year'. But slow burn because I thought of some scenes, and wanted to challenge myself to finishing it. (don't worry, if I start slacking, chickenparm has permission to wail on me until I start typing again or until I say the safe word) I think that's one of the best ways for inspiration. I think also finding a show you really really like can help. Like as of yesterday, I've now finished watching Arcane 4 times. Finding a world you can be passionate about is really important. A character you love, a premise you love, a setting that you love, etc. I've read some World of Warcraft x reader fic, where it was someone's OC, but it was written well and I loved the idea/setting so I jumped onto it. I think take some time, try some stuff out. you don’t have to jump in head first, you can start slowly and work your way up to it. If you wanna start by doing headcanons, drabbles, just small sentences, you can do that. And you don’t have to pressure yourself into doing a big fic either. It’s all for fun.  Also I’m going to add this, if you chose not to complete a fic, don’t feel bad. I have fics I haven’t finished, and it kinda sucks, but like it’s stuff you do on your free time. If you want to move on from a piece of fanfiction, that’s perfectly okay. You aren’t obligated to continue, and if you aren’t feeling stressed out you are always allowed to take a break from writing, because this is meant to be fun. Hiatuses can be good and healthy too, it’s a vacation so you can re-gain some creavitvity/work on ideas too! 
I think my brain is done doing it’s ramble. I hope this helped a bit anon! <3 <3
(Also anon if you write stuff here, pls send me a message so I can read it)
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riyawriteshermind · 2 years
I've been trying for the past hour for my fic to show up in the tags.... Guess what it's still not showing up...
Guys... This is my recent fic... It is a challenge by the amazing @turbolisedcomet . So pls go check it out give us some love...
Like, comment and REBLOG 🙏🙏
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