#tumblr you functioning site /neg
parkeryangs · 7 months
Tumblr media
@felixcosm going to answer this on my fandom blog lol :)
(keep in mind i also haven't relistened to the episode yet, only the patreon chapters as they release, so its been several weeks since i've heard a lot of the content lol)
but in a brief rundown:
oscar, the priest introduced in part 32/meets arthur in 33, tells arthur that he thinks arthur is his "purpose" (after knowing him for a handful of days at best(?))
this isn't related to this episode in particular but there's also been a "villan" called the butcher hunting arthur. this was essentially resolved in 34 by oscar hitting the butcher over the head with a bedpan and knocking him out.
there's also been an ongoing b-plot for part of this season (34 and on) in which a creature called scratch helped arthur escape, in exchange for helping him find a new body to inhabit via a stone
^ however, this was generally limited on time as whenever anyone slept with the stone on them, they would be the one to get possessed, so it was essentially "find someone or you're getting possessed"
stone aside, they got a bit distracted (sort of by their original goal) and in episode 37/38 end up traveling to edward william allan's house with oscar
john spends a lot of time being incredibly bitter about the fact that arthur is "ignoring" him in favor of speaking to others (and is generally super negative towards oscar) despite arthur's fair argument that he can't talk to john in front of others/can't ignore interacting with other actual people 24/7
at the house, oscar gets attacked by a creature, leading to the need for arthur to amputate his arm. (this is just important for context lol)
john and arthur also have an argument (again) about oscar; john wants to leave the stone with him, arthur doesn't. this ended up being a patreon poll to keep the stone on us, though
in 38, john and arthur do have an actual heart-to-heart; it was necessary & i'd say they both came out on the other side understanding the other's view a bit more— however, for john's comfort(?) arthur agreed to cut all ties with oscar after this was over
^ (after accepting his help multiple times, being saved by him/his father-in-law being saved by him, putting him in danger, & literally severing his arm. with an axe they found in the yard.(?))
the latter half of 38 was spent with arthur and john opening a portal to get rid of scratch's stone
which they did with absolutely zero issue whatsoever
then, in the last ~3 minutes of the episode, returning to oscar (who was, i'd assume, in some amount of shock) and arthur telling him their partnership was "over" after they dropped him off at the hospital
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jcbmcdrmtt · 8 months
Idk if anyone else uses tumblr web, but has tumblr started kicking you back to the top of the dashboard anytime you interact with an element of the page?!
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dragongirlsnout · 10 months
Go Badge-Free: Tumblr is a multimillion dollar company that doesn't need your loyalty!
Some users ("many" by Tumblr's own unsourced metrics) might want to support Tumblr with something similar to regular donations. Great news! You don't need to, it's a multimillion dollar company, and its parent company, Automattic, was valued at around 7.5 billion dollars in 2021 as stated by none other than Tumblr's Elon-Musk-wannabe CEO himself! Tumblr isn't going to go broke any time soon, and any money you waste on it will just convince staff that the garbage fire they're currently tossing the site into is profitable!
Enter the power of not giving a fuck about useless badges and shitty merch of stolen memes. Everyone with a brain knows auto-renewable subscriptions aren't the way to a "user-led business model", and again, you don't need to show your support for a massive multimedia platform despite whatever their embarrassing ad campaigns that just want money may tell you!
Tumblr media
How it works—or doesn't:
Tumblr doesn't care about the users, whether you're giving them money for nothing or not! So take the initiative yourself. Send them negative feedback about the pointless UI updates. Give Tumblr a 1-star rating on the app store or play store. Disable your badges. Block intrusive ads (and potentially dangerous flashing ones). Style the dashboard to look less like a 1 : 1 clone of Twitter. Install additions to fix basic site functionality.
Seriously, who is buying subscriptions besides staff:
The subscription badges do nothing. Nada. Zero. That is, unless staff decides to lock basic functionality behind a subscription in the future, so make so to make it flop before then.
A year's subscription for a useless cosmetic badge costs you $30 USD. Cheaper than Twitter Blue, sure, but it sure does a whole lot less! Meanwhile, fixing your own user experience and complaining to staff is permanently on sale for the low, low price of free. Spend your money on a nice treat instead!
More details:
I don't know how else to put it. This subscription service sucks ass.
That's all for now. No idea who exactly would buy a badge subscription of all things in the first place that staff probably designed in 5 minutes. Maybe someday Tumblr's will figure out how to interpret actual human behavior and user desires, but that day has yet to come. Stay weird, and Tumblr is not your quirky friendly hellsite company <3
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cinematicnomad · 5 months
for context, prior to summer 2023 tumblr would save tags that i used (frequently or not) which made it easy for me to re-use them in other posts (ie. edit tags, character tags, tw tags, ship tags, etc). i found them to be a fundamental aspect of tumblr, to the point that people would often make games of it by providing a random list of words and challenging people to share the first saved tag that came up when they typed that word. you could not actively choose to save a tag, rather, tumblr would automatically save it once it was used.
(you can see an example of how this used to work in this post)
as of summer 2023, saved tags as a function no longer works for me. no matter how often i use a tag, it will not save and is not suggested to me when i go to re-type it in future posts. the suggested tags that now show up for me are generic popular tags across the site. personally, it does negatively impact my use of the site.
i have been exchanging emails with staff since august 2023 about this issue and am hoping to collect data regarding other users experience, if saved tags are broken or functional for them, and how integral to your use of tumblr is this feature.
i also encourage you to send me an ask if you have any other added context you want to share when i reach back out to tumblr staff. please feel free to reblog this poll so it can reach a wider audience.
thanks in advance!
*note: if you have mutiple blogs and saved tags are broken on one but working on another, please select the "saved tags are broken" option that best reflects your feelings (as i am trying to gauge how widespread this issue is)
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pomodoko · 1 year
@/photomatt is the CEO of tumblr. His inbox is open.
Send in your constructive feedback, boys. 👏👏👏
For reference:
Tumblr’s latest update.
Highlights include: Staff referring to the use of chronological dashboard as outdated and lying about the amount of users using that function. They tried to backpedal when the negative reviews came in, but the damage’s been done.
Staff assuming, and doubling down on the idea that their users (and hypothetical newcomers) are incapable of figuring out how to navigate and curate the content on their dashboard, hence them pushing algorithms onto the users.
Staff assuming that users cannot form connections and promote content on their own merits.
Staff wanting to collapse reblog chains, effectively killing one of the strongholds of tumblr connection.
THE REVIEWS ARE IN (and how to send feedback):
@darkwood-sleddog and @g3sdogden‘s review
@lady-raziel‘s review
@astrosynth‘s review
@thatlittleegyptologist’s review
How to send in review, both on the main platform and on the app store.
Currently, all staff’s blogs’ ask boxes are closed. I encourage all of you to first send feedback through support and app store and cancel all of your no-ads subscriptions. If you have posts you’re blazing, cancel them (unless they’re important). Remember, save your outrage for another day. Let Tumblr know that we, the userbase, is the life blood of the site, and if we leave, the site will suffer.
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batboyblog · 2 months
Your posts do more to promote the good democrats do than any sitting democrat does.
well thats very kind, thank you.
I think it's more we, all of us, live in an age of intention media and social siloing. We have blinders on, we put them on ourselves over years, we only go onto 2-3 web sites, get our news from one maybe two places and talk to people who already agree.
there are studies that show social media intentionally place negative stories in front of users because if you feel shitty you stay on-line scrolling. The traditional media is much the same, if it bleeds it leads, they've long been conditioned to view good news as basically boring and reporting on the good any administration does as serving as the White House's mouth piece
On top of which it's hard to escape the feeling that the media actively misses Trump. He was very good for business, meanwhile books on Biden's well functioning administration of people who get along and work well together are being straight up dropped by publishers because they think no one wants to read that. Trump had all the drama a reporter looking for a book deal could ever want.
All by way of saying Democrats are trying, or some of them are, but people choose not to look, and also social media isn't going to feed it to people by algorithm and the traditional media will at best cover It briefly in passing
also sadly for Tumblr everyone assumes we're dead. So no news organizations have active Tumblrs, no politicians or campaigns. Misinformation from other web pages, bots, and trolls have kinda free reign here
so I'm chugging along with my happy little counter programing because facts fucking matter (and it pisses some people off a lot lol)
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prince-steele · 1 year
Protest The New Tumblr Changes
ok so since everyone and their dog absolutely hate the new changes outlined in this new post from staff, I've been thinking about what we can do about it. HERE is the contact page on Tumblr's parent company, Automattic's, website. Please write FEEDBACK/WEBSITE FEEDBACK/TUMBLR FEEDBACK in the "What's This About?" section HERE is the Tumblr help centre link, please select the category FEEDBACK when messaging them. My recommendation would be to write something like this, but in your own words to mitigate any spam filters: "Hello, I'm contacting you today because of the proposed changes to Tumblr's UI. This is not what the community wants, and will negatively impact all users of the site. Users enjoy the Tumblr experience because it is unique, and a throwback to the days before all websites were algorithm focused. Employing this sort of algorithm will kill your websites usability, and along with it, drive away your current userbase. People will simply remain using their other social medias, as New Shiny Algorithm is not the reasons why people would flock to your site. Please reconsider these changes, and instead reach out to the wider community about changes that we need to use Tumblr more easily, such as: - A reworked search function on blogs and tags as the current one does not work/is not stable. We also cannot search for untagged posts. - Better toggle options for people with photo sensitivity, your advertisements often strobe and it makes the website unusable. Ads should be tagged as flashing, or with content warnings for users (i.e diet ads, ads for horror movies with gore in them) that actually work (advertisements are filtered out of the tag system).
- Options for 18+ and NSFW creators on your site; Your userbase would quintuple overnight if you were to look into options for NSFW hosting and safe toggle options for adult users. The community labels were a step in the right direction, please pursue this further. This is by no means an exhaustive list of things, but changing the very fabric of what makes Tumblr work is NOT the move that any of us want. Please, again, reconsider these changes and listen to the community. Thank you" AGAIN please add your own points to this to help prevent spamfiltering of your messages, and please spread this to everyone you know. If anyone wants to add more ideas of what to add to this list, please do so in the replies, tags or add a comment to this post!
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riacte · 7 months
Funny how Tumblr is usually more "positive" compared to Twitter and Reddit when it comes to fan reception of things such as Hermitcraft / Life series / MCC, yet most CCs (naturally, and rightfully!) do not come here often because they have to brave the waters of shipping and other Tumblr "weirdness". Tumblr is for fans by fans.
Maybe some MCC participants don't like seeing predictions and tier lists on Reddit. Hiii, we don't really have that on Tumblr. Just fanart and clips of Scar saying "dong" and people unable to get over teams from 2020 and writing found family fanfiction. And Tumblr usually has overwhelmingly positive reactions to HC / Life series stuff. BUT we have the fanfic and the shipping etc etc.
Tumblr may be a hellsite, but the discourse / negativity is kiiiiiiind of more contained compared to Twitter and Reddit. Like, it exists. Of course it exists. But it appears less frequently on main? And the blocking function is better here compared to Twitter.
Pick your poison! Tumblr has the shipping and fanfic and all of that, but Reddit has the criticism. Reddit has some fanart, but basically no fanfic and God Forbid, shipping. Here on Tumblr, we love your stuff so sincerely and deeply that we sometimes make the block people kiss and are inspired to write novels. But please do not see our kissing fanart or our fics or else we'll die.
You know how some MCC participants don't really like tier lists / predictions because it adds stress? Imagine if that entire genre moved off Reddit to Tumblr so fans could still continue to do that and have fun with each other away from CCs' eyes (yes, exactly like how shippers do with shipping). And the MCC Reddit becomes the equivalent of the Tumblr maintags with only appreciative / helpful posts and fanart and skins (but still no fanfic lol). And maybe all the unconstructive criticism / bashing from the Life series Reddit can get moved to dedicated tags on Tumblr, so fans could still discuss that with less risk of upsetting CCs (yes, once again exactly what shippers do, or like how people bitch about petty things in private circles as not to bitch on main). Idk, just throwing thoughts out here on this fandom hellhole of a webbed site.
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borderlinereminders · 2 years
Definition Post for DBT skills
I am going to constantly update this post, so feel free to check back! Please note that some of the skills link to more detailed posts I've written on the topic (these ones are underlined because of the hyperlink). Some of them are Tumblr posts, and some of them are posts on my personal website (this site has no ads and is safe to use.) If there's a skill you want me to add to the list, let me know. If there's one you want to see described in more detail, feel free to request that one too. The ones I describe in detail tend to have examples to try and assist in understanding the skill.
These skills focus on being present in the moment. Usually, it focuses on encouraging you to connect with yourself and others. 
Some mindfulness skills are:  What Skills:
Observe - Observe what is happening without reacting or adding commentary. For example, you might listen to the sounds around you and listen to what those sounds are without adding any additional comments. The goal is to focus on the here and now. 
Describe - When a feeling or thought arises, describe what is taking place to yourself, and label your feelings.. Let them go and don't dwell on them (don't judge them).
Participate - Fully immerse yourself in the activity and don't focus on other things.
How Skills
Effectively: Focusing on what works rather than focusing on what should happen, and what's right or fair.
Non-Judgmentally: This is about observing something, acknowledging it and then letting it go without attaching any opinions, judgements or guilt to it. Even if you have a judgmental thought, once you observe that thought, you let it go without beating yourself up for having it.
One-Mindful- This is the act of focusing on one thing at a time. This is being fully present in the moment with your focus on only one thing. 
Why Skills
Wise Mind - The goal of this skill is to balance your emotional mind and your reasonable mind. This link also brings you to a worksheet I made.
These skills focus on surviving an immediate emotional crisis. 
ACCEPTS - Focuses on distracting with: Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, Emotions, Pushing away, Thoughts, Sensations
Grounding - The goal of grounding is to get you in the here and now. This can be especially helpful for overwhelming emotions, anxiety, panic, flashbacks and other situations. See the 5-4-3-2-1 method here.
Pros/Cons - Describe the behaviour you are trying to avoid. Consider the positive consequences (pros) of avoiding that behaviour. Consider the negative consequences (cons) of giving into the urge for that behaviour. Remember consequences from past times acting on those urges, and consider whether they would be pros or cons of doing it again. This can also be used to decide between two actions (or more).  This link also has a worksheet.
Radical Acceptance - The goal of radical acceptance is to accept our feelings, even the negative ones, and not push them down.
RESISTT - This skill is meant to help deal with overwhelming emotions. Reframing the situation. Engage in a distracting activity. Someone else. Intense sensations. Shut it out. Think neutral thoughts. Take a break. 
Self Soothing: These are techniques that involve using one or more of the five senses to provide comfort or pleasure to ourselves.
STOP - Stop, Take a step back, Observe, Proceed Mindfully
TIPP - Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Urge Surfing: The goal of urge surfing is to "ride the wave" until the urge passes.
These skills focus on understanding the function of emotions. 
ABC - Accumulate positive emotions/experiences by actively doing things we will enjoy (eg. watch a movie, go window shopping), Build mastery in new skills (eg. playing an instrument, doing a puzzle), Cope ahead by planning for events we expect will be difficult (eg. a job interview, an upcoming social event). 
Check the facts - This is about examining your feelings in a situation and the facts of that situation, and rationally considering whether your feeling response (and the intensity of it) is reasonable given the facts.
Opposite action - Recognize your emotional response to a situation and the action you instinctively wish to take as a reaction to it, and instead do whatever is the opposite of that action (for instance, going out and doing something positive when you feel like staying in and dwelling on something making you sad).
PLEASE - treat PhysicaL illness, balance Eating, avoid mood-Alerting drugs, Sleep,  Exercise. 
These skills focus on getting what you need from other people, building healthier relationships and communication styles, and dealing with boundaries and toxic relationships. ​
DEAR MAN - Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, stay Mindful, Appear confident, Negotiate 
FAST - Be Fair, no Apologies, Stick to values, be Truthful
GIVE - be Gentle, act Interested, be Validating, keep an Easy manner
Six Levels of Validation: - Information about validating someone in a situation which is a useful tool for healthy communication and relationships.
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darkwood-sleddog · 10 months
you know i think it's really funny (derogatory) that tumblr seemingly has the ability to create popups for ad-free, crabs, anything that will get them money, but when it comes to using popups to guide new users around the website layout they're just like "uww what can we POSSIBLY do?? all these new people only know twitter and they couldn't possibly read a popup explaining how to use the site!! let's just change everything visually appealing about tumblr to cater to our inability to make popups for helpful reasons uwu!!".
like you know what i want? If you're testing a change on me I want a pop up that says so. I don't want to have to rely on the @changes blog to see that. If i'm testing a change I should be given a feedback form that is specifically about that change. I want the results of the feedback forms for changes to be publicly viewable to the userbase. you could learn so much about how this website actually functions for users through that, but no. we can only make popups when it fiscally benefits us! we can't use polls to get a sense of what the userbase is feeling! we can't publicize what % of feedback about a change was positive or negative. we couldn't...possibly...
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selznick · 11 months
Hello all. If we want tumblr to listen to us then we need to express it in a way that tumblrs 'potential' users (that they care so much about) will see, and will likely prevent from using tumblr until staff fuckin listens.
Tumblr posts are limited to tumblr, any new users won't see as they'll mainly follow themed blogs, so staff doesn't care because it won't affect their goals in any meaningful way. Investors also aren't looking at tumblr posts to decide if they'll invest so tumblr isnt negatively monetarily affected by complaint posts.
Talking about tumblrs downfalls on other sites may help, but unless its a large movement at one time, staff and the general public wont see/care about any complaints.
One thing that new users will definitely see if theyre on mobile however, and investors can check easily, is the rating and review of tumblr on the App Store. This means that the rating/reviews is something that can directly impact whether new users decide to use tumblr or investors decide to invest. So is something that staff should directly care about.
So what do we do?
We rate the app badly.
But not just rating it badly, give a review and explain what problems you find with tumblr.
Some examples:
-bad moderation (incorrect flagging of posts, inappropriate posts not being flagged hategroups not being banned etc.)
-inaccessible (seizure inducing ads and posts, video player etc.)
-bad search function
-tumblr live and all the issues that have been brought up with it
-transphobia (queerest place on the internet my ass)
-anything thats a problem but i haven't mentioned
Why though?
Tumblr staff have recently started trying to monetize the site mote effectively while ignoring the requests/queries from current users in an effort to attract new users.
Since tumblr has many issues that negatively effect any users for the site but ignore any posts about them while encouraging posts celebrating them (think crab day), the only way to really get through to them is by means that will actually affect them.
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autumnslance · 1 year
Search, Tags, and Tumblr
Tumblr's search functions are notoriously weird, but there's a few common things to know about how it works in conjunction with Tagging. First things first:
-Tags are for searching but also personal blog organization as desired. This is why some folks have weird/funny personal use tags. Tags can use dashes and spaces, but not regular double quote marks ("), though single marks are fine (').
-Tag for what's in the post; adding other, unrelated tags "for visibility" is against Tumblr's TOS and gets you reported for Spam!
Example: if you make a post for your new Clive Rosfield screenshots, make sure you're only tagging terms relevant to Final Fantasy XVI and Clive Rosfield (and any personal organizing tags like "screenshots"); don't add tags like "Star Wars" and "SpongeBob", as Clive has nothing to do with those!
-Tag without censoring words! We use filters/blacklists here to avoid things we don't want to see. Can also work for words in the body of a post. There's no rules here against using "kill" or "death" or other terms defining common human experiences determined "too negative/dangerous" on other sites (stay civil to each other).
-If you do alt-spell things, it's only in the body of a post and usually when it's dislike of a fandom thing as a courtesy to those enjoyers. If I make a shipping post and say, for example, "I can't stand R3y|o", that's when I want to use weird spelling and symbols--and no common tags for that fandom! If you do use tags for organizing, keep it to things like "#anti (thing) or "#(thing) critical", again spelled correctly for others' blacklisting purposes and to keep it out of the Reylo Search and Tags so those fans can enjoy their ship without seeing negativity. Because...
-General Search pulls from Tags and Also terms found in the body of a post. If I just put "Thancred" in the Search bar at the top of the page, it'll show me any and all posts with "Thancred" in them, including 1) if the name is in the body of the post, 2) if the name is in a tag that's a sentence/includes other words, and 3) even if not tagged for Thancred.
This caused some wank a couple years back for certain fans when someone tagged a lascivious picture set with what they knew was a triggery NOTP for many...but they also put the characters' names in the post body, not realizing simply searching for either of those characters would pull it up (They also, IMO, should have put the images under a Read More to be doubly safe, for themselves and for others they knew might be upset stumbling onto said images, but the crux was not realizing how Tumblr Search worked).
-Tag Search specifically pulls from the tags; per Tumblr's info pages, the first 20 tags (out of 30 total allowed) now will show up in search. Common, consistent tags first are good for visibility. You can also Follow tags you want to keep track of; there's even a tab on your Dash for it.
-Reblogs do not show up in the searches, even with additions and new notes. However, a blacklist filter will catch tags put on the original post, even if the reblogger doesn't add it when it ends up on your Dash.
-You can also blacklist blog names/URLs. Think of it like Twitter's muting rather than a full block (though one can do that too, and should as needed).
Example: someone following Seanan McGuire doesn't like frogs, but she reblogs a lot of frogs. The follower blocked and blacklisted the blogs she often reblogs frogs from to minimize the number of frogs they see while still following a favorite author for her book info.
-If people ask you to tag a thing cuz it's a squick or full-on trigger, you can just do it, or you can politely say no; that's valid. It's up to that person then to decide if they want to blacklist or unfollow or block or what. Just be civil either and both ways.
In summary: if you're talking about bunnies cuz you took pictures at the local farm show, just write "bunnies" normally in the body and/or tags of the post, so anyone with "bunnies" blacklisted can avoid it--and folks who want to see cute pics of bunnies can find it!
Even if you use proper tags, or no tags, or only use alternate spellings in the post body to keep things out of the tags/searches, consider still using a Read More as a last line of courtesy to any followers or random folks you don't want to catch in the crossfire. Also consider hiding your blog from Search results, and/or Private posts.
Tumblr's Help Center (On Desktop browser, go to the "About" link, and then the "Resources" menu; on Mobile App, go to Account settings, General settings, scroll down to "Help" under "Account") has further info about Searches and Tagging (and everything else!), and as that info changes, it's a good idea to keep track of those page updates, as well as the @changes blog to keep track of new updates, bugs, recent fixes, and upcoming info.
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fenrislorsrai · 8 months
Firefish - a twitter alternative
TLDR: Looks like twitter, functions better. Lets you interact across multiple platforms. Allows NSFW. Has built in anti AI scraping.
If you ever used Twitter, it's going to look similar in structure, so the learning curve is low. There's more features that that, but they're not so intrusive you HAVE to learn them right away but also aren't hard to find. It's a nice balance.
The big difference is post length- it allows up to 8000 characters, so like Mini-Tumblr.
one of the features I like that familiar's but better is if you hover cursor over name on desktop is it pops up the profile for the person and a follow button. So you can immediately hover over name and get context about the person posting when it's not someone you already follow. Is this health info being posted by a professional or by someone that thinks you should stick rocks in your vagina?
That feature also means its incredibly easy to follow people regardless of the instance. On Mastodon it was extremely annoying to follow people. If that the thing that put you off Mastodon, Firefish fixed that and made it better than Twitter.
Firefish runs off ActivityPub, so it lets you follow and interact with anyone using the plugins for that. So includes Mastodon, WordPress, PeerTube, Pixelfed, Lemmy, Misskey, and Tumblr is allegedly developing an integration to run it.
Okay, NSFW content! We're about to get slightly in the weeds here. whether NSFW content is allowed is generally by server. When you go to join Firefish, it'll ask you what server you want to use and it'll tell you about rules. If you want NSFW, pick one that allows!
That's it. If you picked one that did not, it generally won't allow you to follow things that do or boost stuff from a location that did.
NOW, A GREAT FEATURE! Spoilering stuff is super easy on Firefish. Just click the button! Say you see something you wanna boost but its *not* spoilered. You can boost AND spoil the image/text of the quoted item! MAGIC.
now, on to antennas.
The Antenna feature on there lets you track tags or users in a separate panel so you can see it in one spot. You can also add NEGATIVE tags to the antenna. So say you want to see news about your city. So you set the main tag as the City. But you don't want sports news. So you can put in negative tags of sports, specific sport names, and individual teams in the city. And then you get news about the location, but no sports
For fandom purposes, you can use it to filter out things you just don't vibe with. hate that one ship? BEGONE.
PROFILES: you can stick hashtags in your profile and it'll turn up in searches easily. also it will ask you "are you a cat?" If you say yes, it gives your profile pic cat ears.
Overall when I'm posting links to Firefish posts (or posts via something from ActivityPub hosted sites that I interacted with via Firefish), so far it renders the preview link well on most platforms. I'm not sure how it works for embedding a whole message into a static page (like you could do with Twitter for news articles).
AN IMPORTANT NERDY NOTE: okay, you wanna sign up for Firefish now. Select from the servers offered some have different rules restrictions and some have Non-english default languages. Pick the one you like. If you pick Firefish.social itself that one IS the largest but also it gets day one code updates... so sometimes it gets funky or won't load properly for a few hours. If that will drive you bonkers, pick *any* other server. The server size is almost irrelevant because Firefish plays so well with other services!
also, if you don't see one today, check again in a few days! admins rotate through open enrollments to keep the growth rate managable. also, if you're *that* kind of nerd, you can host your own server. Even with only YOU on it. and it still interacts normally with the rest of the ActivityPub servers!
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niishi · 9 months
Hi. So I saw your posts about the x reader stuff, and I'm sorry that your having your time on Tumblr ruined by a community you aren't apart of. I know the tag feature has been an issue with a lot of people in tons of different communities.
But I am genuinely curious, because shouldn't this be something your more mad at the Tumblr tag function or just Tumblr in general for? Like I checked the posts you showed in the video, and both seem to be tagged fairly normally, and neither seemed spammed with tags. So wouldn't it be more productive to submit reports to Tumblr about the lack of the tag function reflecting your blocked/muted tags and creators?
As someone from the x reader side, I can assure you that we aren't doing this stuff maliciously, and I know I can speak for a lot of people on here when I say that we just want everyone to enjoy their time on the site. But taking the anger out on the creator when the fault really is with the site's tagging feature itself doesn't really solve anything.
Especially since this is an issue much bigger than just fanfiction side, as I know many artists try their best to tag their art with phobias that may trigger people in a particular piece, and how the tagging system is now, it's not really able to help as effectively as it should.
But anyways, again I'm sorry this is having a negative impact on your time here. I really do hope they get this stuff sorted out soon. And I highly recommend that you submit a report to possibly further help the push for a better tagging system.
I hope you have a wonderful day. ❤
Since 2012 when I started using Tumblr, it's always had issues with how it's functioned and how the tagging system has functioned. That's why it's userbase came together as a whole to do a damn good job at making sure things were tagged properly so people wouldn't have these issues with the tagging system (that has never once been perfect since the beginning of Tumblr and most likely never will be.) I'm specifically mad at x reader writers because they are the ONLY people who do not tag properly.
Example: don't tag x reader stuff with main fandom tags. Like instead of tagging it [character name] AND [ character name x reader], tag it with JUST [Character name x reader] instead of tagging it with [show name] AND [Show name x reader] tag it with JUST [Show name x reader]
That way, when I mute "show/character name x reader", it will actually mute it. The I can properly avoid it. But when you tag it with all the main fandom tags as well, it gets unmuted and I can no longer avoid it.
Also x reader writers will tag it with EVERY main fandom tags. Not just the characters they've wrote about, but every single strawhat. So I'm seeing usopp x reader in the Luffy tag.
Truly, this is less of "Tumblr tag system not working" and moreso "people not using the tag system properly and ruining its purpose". If I tagged every single dog I saw with cat tags, it would show up in all the cat tags. So when people search cats, all they'll get is dogs. Not that they hate dogs, but it's NOT what they're looking for. And just because I want everyone to see dogs, doesn't mean I should force them to.
Tumblr doesn't use an AI to auto tag things and sort them properly. It uses it's userbase to do that. If it's userbase isn't using it right, it doesn't work.
I am 1000000% blaming x reader writers. Every single fandom has this issue. Ive seen multiple viral posts complaining about this NOT just from the one piece fandom. It's inconsiderate, and rude, and ruins many peoples tag pages, fyps, AND dashes.
It's not my responsibility to fix an issue I didn't create. All it would take is for this one group of people to stop accosting everyone and start using the tag system as it was intended. This is the first time in my 12yrs on this site where it's been an issue. And it's because none of these writers tag correctly. Simple as that. Tumblr can't stop "dog" from being sorted into the "cat" tag if everyone is tagging dogs as cats.
Also it's not an accident or simply forgetting. It's intentional. And it shouldn't be bc it ruins everyone else's experience.
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deusvervewrites · 17 hours
Luminary x Friendly Neighborhood Vampire:
Curious: *tries to write an expose on the Toga family after getting a front row seat to Himiko's breakdown because "isn't meta-ability liberation supposed to be our whole thing?"*
Re-Destro: "Yeah... You can't publish this."
Curious: "... What?"
Re-Destro: "Too much negative press for Aldera!" *pats her on the shoulder* "Great job with the prose, though! Maybe try something about how UA lifting its ban on baselines in the Hero Course is reckless and will only get someone killed? That's bound to get people talking!"
Curious: *under her breath* "Or maybe I should practice writing an obituary."
Re-Destro: *completely missing the implied threat* "Oh brilliant! If that boy she stabbed dies in the hospital, he'd make for an excellent martyr! Just have to make sure nobody finds out he was attacked on Aldera's grounds and point out he could've defended himself if he had been allowed to use his Meta Ability! I've gotta make some calls!"
(In other news, I'm so mad Tumblr broke the "chrono" feature, because it makes it SO hard to find the Aldera Squad's names.)
Honestly at this point she kind of deserves it
(Chrono works for me but only when I'm looking at a blog and not the dash view. You know, the opposite of how the link limit works. Because Tumblr is a functional webbed site.
Anyway here are the names)
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bisquid · 10 months
A copy of the feedback I sent to Tumblr support:
I would like to know why I am being forcibly opted in to the pointless and obtrusive advert that is the 'Luffy' tab. I have not engaged with the 'one piece' fandom - I had to do some investigation to even figure out what fandom it *was* - and had no particular opinon of it, with zero interest in engaging with it in the future. I now have been *made* to engage with it and thus now have extremely negative associations with it. It is, effectively, an *anti*-ad. Congratulations! Nobody's happy.
I would also like to know why the Tumblr development team consistently rolls out a change to a small number of people without warning or explanation and no option to opt out, despite repeated requests from the userbase.
I would like to know why the Tumblr development team consistently pushes changes to the app or platform that clearly and demonstrably reduce accessibility, convenience and intuitiveness, offer responses to the resulting outrage that are not only often blatantly false but also so incredibly patronising as to be downright offensive, and then have the unmitigated temerity to insist they're doing it all to "help content creators" and "improve usability" and generally prioritize hypothetical future 'new users' over the existing userbase while simultaneously making it clear that they consider these mythical new users to be too stupid to learn the basics of a new platform.
I truly cannot properly articulate how utterly, cynically disingenuous it is to explain that they can't implement more settings options because that would be *confusing* - as though navigating clearly labelled toggles and drop down options are some hyper advanced technical skill the average user doesn't have and can't achieve - so the absence of those options actually makes the app *more accessible* than implementing any actual accessibility options.
I have been on Tumblr for more than a decade, and I love it and the community I have found. It is heartbreaking to watch it steadily disintegrate into a less functional carbon copy of all the social media sites I have hated and avoided just because the handful of people making the decisions don't understand the point and value of Tumblr.
Please. Please. If we wanted twitter we would be *on Twitter*, if we wanted Instagram, that's where we'd be. Tumblr is precious and vibrant *because* of it's difference, not *despite* it.
Ostensibly many of these changes have been made because Tumblr needs more money, and clearly the management team believes that the way to gain more money is to increase ad revenue, which is presumably why they seem so focused on pushing algorithmic content at the cost of an increasingly hostile user experience. Unfortunately that is incorrect.
Right now, Tumblr is attractive to advertisers because it has a vibrant community and is an established platform. If this trend of increasing hostility continues, more and more of the long term established users - who generate a hugely disproportionate quantity of the 'content' that makes Tumblr so unique and interesting - will leave. They will be left without the online community they have been a part of for years, something deeply distressing for them and for the community they have left, which in turn will be slowly dissolving as more and more members reach their limit and delete their accounts.
Tumblr will be left a spiralling mess of algorithm driven advertisements and porn and spam bots and a handful of bitter users, and sooner or later someone will pull the plug when it becomes apparent just how lucrative it *isn't* to advertise to non existent people.
Or you could listen to your userbsse.
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