#tvd rewrite
aloneatpeace · 9 months
Cosmic Chaos
Chapter 15
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This is it; this is how you’re going to die more specifically; your murder being mutilated by scary monster that supposed to be a myth to scare children from misbehaving and for being disobedient. Speaking truthfully, you were never afraid of dying, there is shouldn’t be any because it is the ultimate truth right. There were times when you lay down in the middle of the night thinking about death thinking how it would be better if you just didn’t exist you don’t know why you would feel like that at time to time and that’s even made everything worse making you feel like an ungrateful person the feeling of losing something that you didn’t even know is hunted you long ago. You never know how the overwhelming feeling came what was it source maybe you will never will. 
While everyone frozen in fear derek fast enough breakaway and pull you away from the creature quickly the creature snarl back in retaliation the claw that hold your hands cut through your skin as derek pushes you into scott and stiles, bonnie behind them.
You all watch as the werewolf circle growling with eyes gleaming with feral glint to hut, derek snarl back standing firm. The werewolf moves in the speed of lighting claws extended aim for swift fatal swipe. Derek who lacked the appearance but matched with level of strength and swiftly move away kicking the werewolf away. A vicious growl escapee its mouth as with great aggression it lunches towards derek slashing him and throw him.
Derek head hit hard as he hit the ground stiles nod bonnie to check on him, stiles curse and goes check on him as he weakly lay.
Scott growl at creature moving away from you towards “SCOTT NO. WAIT” you yell but bonnie pull you by the waist preventing you from holding back and starts to run towards the school.
The creature snarl at scott as scott lunch at him with his claws out it grabs him by his neck scott claws at it hands but that does not seem to affect the it.
You pull against bonnie as you see the creature extend his claw on other hand while he slowly crushing his windpipe. You tore yourself from bonnie run towards scott screaming for his name making stiles curse as along with wounded derek as you break free bonnie hold dashing towards scott.
What no one didn’t expect to see a burst of orange yellowish energy waves comes out your body hitting the alpha with a great force the waves surge through the air like it has its own mind as does not harm scott, the waves narrowly avoid scott hitting the alpha sending the beast yards away a pained yelp leaving the creature’s mouth.
Hastily halting in your place with heavying chest you look at your friends with confusion, wide eyed scott glance back and forth to you and where the creature with a lost look on your face. “Was that you bonnie?” you ask slowly turning to her.
Bonnie stands jaw dropped “No” she wheezes out.
Stiles drop his hands that holding up derek making the said male stumble, stiles run towards your hands throwing in the air with excitement “NOPE IT WAS ALL YOU BABY, IT WAS AMAZING” he embraces you tightly. Taking your arms in yours “I know it’s a lot to process but we have to go before the thing come back” stiles hastily voiced
As if it heard it growls yards away it glares at your group viciously, “okey time to run” stiles exclaim and starts run towards the school dragging you with him. You take bonnie hands when you reach her. Derek groan at the three you as you run off to your own safety.
“Hey” derek snarl at scott who was blotting after his friends making him stop and look at derek in confusion, derek give him a bitch face.
“Oh, my bad” scott smile nervously glancing at his wounded body taking derek hands throwing it on his shoulder and running towards the three of you.
Stiles almost close the door before they can get in making derek giving him a dirty look “what we don’t have magical healing, you’ll survive”
“Shut up”
Stiles frown at derek “Don’t be such a sour wolf”.
Bonnie walks away from the door while scott set derek down and come up beside you and stiles looking out the glass window. “Is it gone?”
“I don’t know scott. We don’t have night vision like you come look at it yourself” stiles snap making scoot frown at him.
“he’s scared scott” you answer while looking out the window “seems like he’s hiding or something” you turn around to glance at bonnie and derek. “Oh. Hum” you walk slowly towards bonnie.
“What was that Y/n?” bonnie hiss her whole body shaking
“Oh, that is the alpha” stiles answers
Bonnie scoff in disbelief “Oh my God, I mean what you did back there how did you do that?”
Stile’s mouth open nodding his head remembering what he just saw back there “yeah how did you do that?”
“I don’t know….” you mutter looking down at your hands exhaling you nervously smile at bonnie “Look at the bright side I’m not doing drugs” you exclaim not knowing what to tell.
Stiles perk up “we are doing drugs now! Since when!”
You sharply turn to stiles “NO we’re not doing drugs, stiles. shut up” stiles mumble a small okey at you pouting at your harsh look that you gave him.
“What do we do now” scott asks
“Well, you first quit your job scott” stiles pipe up
“That’s not Alan” you shook your head stiles frown at you confused
“How do you know it’s not him?”
You shrug “it didn’t doesn’t feel like him, enough of that this is what we’re going to do” you turn to bonnie “you’re going to stay with derek, we will distract it make it follow us while you derek gets you out”
Stiles tap scotts shoulder whispering to him “did she say as in me and you”
“I guess” scott whispers back stiles mumble a great under his breath
A prettified look shadowed his face “maybe we can all get out let derek fight it again?”
Stiles shut up when he sees derek glare at him “he’s right I can take him”
“Yeah, I am not leaving without you?” bonnie said
“You both need to listen to me. it wants scott and we’re disposable to it and we made it really mad but it will still go after scott and you can get out with derek and derek you can’t really do anything now and you know that if you go back, you will be shredded alright and I’m not leaving scott.” You state firmly leaving no room for arguments.
You can sense Bonnie’s reluctance your eyes find derek giving him a pleading look “I’ll get her out, stay hidden. I come find you”
 “Thank you” you take Bonnies hands and hugs her “it’s going to be fine, please just trust me”
Scott and stiles walk towards you nod at bonnie scott hold your hands in his while stiles turn on his flashlight before living derek gives worried look but it’s gone there no lingering as he sharpens his sense ears trying to pick the presence of alpha and your heartbeat as you move.
He tenses when he hears the alpha but as you said its steps seems to follow “it following them” derek said looking at bonnie. He hears scott heartbeat skip likely he heard what he said. “We wait few minutes alright?”
Bonnie nods, after waiting for few minutes derek and bonnie leaves, they reach outside of school.
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“You know I’m offended that you didn’t ask me if I wanted to leave with them?” stiles narrow his eyes at you.
You let out a small laugh “I don’t need to ask. I know you won’t leave; you love us so much to do that” you pinch his ear and scott take few steps back when he sees that. “And call me before you do something like this alright?”
“Sorry…sorry” he whines a little. “How did you even know we are here?”
You give stiles your phone “a creepy text” stiles
“Guys focus” scott whisper looking around for the alpha.
“Scott someone unknown texted her about us being in danger and are we really going to ignore what she just did to that thing? How did you do that. I mean your adopted” stiles take your hands and shakes a little observing it he lightly nibbles to see if the psionic wave come out making you slap his hands off you with an annoyed look on your face.
“Really stiles”
Scott stops for minute and sigh “whatever it is it really saved you, me, all of us. he could have torn us apart”
Stiles nod he look outside and goes stiff when he sees the alpha on the roof stalking them with bright red eyes glowing.  “Maybe we should run” stiles mutter
You sand scott glance at him confused and look in the direction he was looking, gulping you and scott prepare yourself heart beats faster “second that”
Right as you three starts to run the alpha hunts after you crashing through the windows the sound of glass shattering and loud thud make you three runs faster. You yelp suddenly making scott and stiles yell at you run faster.
Stiles and scott pants heavily when they reach the “are you okey y/n? “Scott asks but there he get no answer stiles and scott lift their head “stiles where is she?”
Stiles call your name he looks around him and shake his jacket looking around he glance around the room his face pale when there is no sigh of you, his eyes find scotts sweat dripping down his face as he whispers your name quietly.
You only felt its large hands wrapping around you and next thing you know that you’re in-class room and the alpha stands right Infront of you. the bright red eyes pinned on you waiting for you make a move. The soft thud of its foot on floor make you gulp hands shaking you take a step back. You can feel your heart beating and your sure it can hear how afraid you are to.
The dark is illuminated with red glow it getting brighter you look down at your palms which was source of the glow the alpha eyes also fall into a moment. A sound erupts from the creature’s chest almost like disapproving whine making you flinch at the sound but you stand your ground. Slowly the creature starts to walks towards you pausing few feet’s away 
“Stay here”       
With that the creature leap out the room without wasting a second, you stand bewilder at your place the glow dims out and darkness fill the room. Your legs feel jelly making you stumble once taking a minute to collect yourself you.
When you try to open the door, it doesn’t budge at all you push the door with all your might but it doesn’t open at all. You kick the door few times but it still doesn’t open.  Banging on the door you call out stiles and scott but no use.
Running your hands down your face you curse silently; you glance at your palm and then the door few times. “This is so stupid”
You shake your shoulders “okey …. this is not embarrassing at all” you thrust your palms towards the door nothing happens. you shrug your shoulder “alright come on do your thing” you thrust your palm again and nothings happens.
Huffing you pace around “come on do something” you shake your hands yet again nothing happens suddenly you hear a blood curling scream hurriedly you walk towards the door “stiles? Stiles.? Scott scott!” the scream soon dies out making you panic you bang on the door. The fear of something happening to them, losing them stir something in you.
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Derek who came back for you three pick up your phone that was fall from stiles he hears your voice calling out for them. Derek is almost fully healed, hurrying towards to get you he stops and shield himself when your door flies open with a great force and glass shattered on the floor along with pieces of woods mist of red fading away the door falls on the ground. You step out the room seemingly no scratch or wounds looking at door breathing heavily.
 Derek utters your name making you startle your head turns to him and sigh in relief tense shoulders dropping.
 “derek” you exhale running towards him embracing, his arm quickly wraps around yourself other one cradle your head. You let your body weight on him sighing in exhaustion. Derek just holds you tight glancing down at your face laying on his chest.
 “Are you alright?” he whispers to you nodding you back away “bonnie is safe” he states before you can ask.  “And that’s not them”
You tilt your head at him “didn’t know you could read mind”
He shrugs starting to walk past you “I can read you” he mumbles without you hearing. You hurry after him.
“Did you...?”
“Yes, I’m fully healed, I can fight” derek finishes making you look at him creeped out.
“Please don’t do it again” you state walking beside him now.  he grins without you a cocky look on his face clearly having plan on not stopping you roll your eyes at him.
He goes still for a moment looking at the dark hallway a silhouette person stands Infront of you the person walks Infront of you.
With a furrowed brows you watch the man revel himself “Stefan?”
Derek suddenly gets pushed to walls as someone comes from behind you and derek, Stefan speeds taking hold of your hands.
“Let’s see what you are?” damon smirk at derek his eyes and fangs coming out derek snarl back at him.
“Oh my god what are you idiots doing here?” you yell at them “Stefan get your hands off me”.
Stefan frown at you tightening his hold on you “we’re trying to help you.”
Derek kick damon off him throwing him away “let her go” he hisses out to Stefan before he can do anything damon speeds to him punching him.  Stefan moves you away from them.
“Hey asshole leave him alone he’s my friend” you yell at damon squirming in Stefan hold thrashing around. “Stefan let go me. You don’t know anything”
“Trust me I’m trying save you” he turns you him hands on your shoulders “you don’t know anything about creatures like him” Stefan looks at you with worried look in his face.
Derek and damon stop fighting when the shrilling sound of howl vibrates through the school along with pained screams.
“scott” you mumble, you glare at Stefan “hands off” Stefan body stiffen when he sees the red hue on your eyes the next thing, he knows that he was thrown off away from him.
Damon stands confused as he watches you run off towards the source of sound derek snarl at him before following after you.
“What hell was that? Did you know that she can do this and what was that sound?” damon asks once he look at the direction you and derek run off.
Stefan grunts standing up walking towards him “I don’t know damon. I don’t know a single thing”
Scott who is now fully transformed into his wolf forms stalks towards his friends like a blood thirsty animal.
He ears pick up harried footsteps coming from behind him a low snarl leaves his lips “scott” he lips twist into a snarl when you and derek come into his vision.
Derek takes hold of your arm “its not scott know” his eyes find the door the heartbeat of your friends reaches his ears.
Derek takes hold of your arms “hold on tight” you give him unsure look derek flash his eyes at scott and slowly take a step back making you follow.
Scott growl at you and him taking a threatening step towards you two, derek broke into a run pulling you with him behind you scott let out snarl following you after.
Derek throws you over his shoulder running in inhuman speed you catch scott bright yellow eyes locked on you running towards you he tightens his hold on you and jump out a window landing perfectly on his feet.
He put you down you look at him in daze “a warning next time” derek says nothing looking at you for a second before pushing you down just in time scott jump on him snarling at scratching him in his face.
You curse when you hit the ground, quickly standing up you watch scott and derek fight each other. Derek throw scott away.
Scott whine in pain when his slide across ground huffing he stands on his paws turning towards you “scott” you softly call out derek stand up wiping the blood on cheeks with back of his hands.
Your eyes find scotts yellow orbs pinned on you “scott I know you’re in there, you need to control yourself. “
Derek glare at the Salvatore brothers when the come behind him “don’t”
“It will kill her” Stefan state.
“No, he wouldn’t “derek recounter watching you talk to scott. Stefan and damon give each other a look of confusion.
Scott snarl lowly at you “scott we’re you’re friends, I’m your friend scott”.
Scott slowly stalks towards you, a mist of blue aura glow around you slowly it reaches scott who glance at with suspicion. Scott remembers the aura as the same when he was once in his headspace. The image of you and stiles talking and dressing up fills his mind the memory of stiles and you bickering laughing flashes through. The memory of Alison also rushes in his minds.
He let out a whine when he realizes he was just about kill the people he held dear to him just a seconds ago.
He hung his head down in guilty when he reaches you who now kneeling on the ground, he let a sorrowful whine nudging his nose against your “it okey scott” you smile at him beside you derek smirks at the you while the Salvatore brother stand dumbfounded. Scott licks your face “okey that gross now”. scott whines and lightly push you down into sitting and lay his exhausted body on you. you let out a laugh running your hands on scotts fur.
“I guess it all sorted out now” you glance at up to derek seeing his scratches healing now giving him a smile. Scott lay unbothered on you feeling clam as your run your hands through his fur petting him.
Your smile falls when you see the Salvatore brothers you tilt your head at him with a glare “Now. what do we with you two?!”
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Series masterlist
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dearestdaffodils · 1 year
Are you writing tvd rewrite with x reader
The TVD rewrite is no longer happening
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saintsir4n · 1 year
I think my issue with vampire diaries after many rewatches, fics and online opinion is there are so many useless characters or characters that end up with repetitive arcs or just end up with nothing to do.
I’ll give examples…
1) Bonnie isn’t a character, not a proper one. It was clear she was the magical negro, only there to save and sacrifice her life for her white counterparts. However the reason why I believe most of us love her, other than Kat Graham’s amazing portrayal is because she is essential to every plot.
2) the originals being in season 4. They had nothing to do and were clearly there until their spin off. Kol gave us some exposition on Silas. Klaus was there to involve himself with high school drama, and they wasted Rebekah’s character. They had no clue what to do with them and as stand alone characters they had so much more to give in my opinion.
3) Caroline was a self under and you can’t tell me otherwise. I feel for the girl especially in season 1&2 but after that I clocked out of her character. She’s in scenes where she doesn’t need to be, placed with characters that she doesn’t need to be with… she in my opinion if she wasn’t played by Candace would’ve had a smaller role and pushed to the back like Tyler, Matt and Jeremy.
4) most of the plots were centred around shops instead of any substance. It worked for the first three seasons but after that it just got boring. Most people say season 4 was where the show peaked by it’s clearly season 3 and even then there were many plot holes and inconsistencies, especially with my girl Bonnie.
5) the confederacy
6) the show should’ve been finished in season 4 and had a big final showdown between the mystic falls gang vs Katherine (the original big bad) and maybe an non humanity Elena.
7) Bonnie should’ve had a coven or a witch friend or her grams.
8) “bigger is not always better” this is in reference to villains like Silas. He was pointless and everyone needs to bffr. He was ultimately just so boring. Sure everyone loved Paul acting like himself but omg, he was just playing an exaggerated non humanity Stefan/ ripper Stefan and that’s it. Also his existence diminishes stelena.
9) they should’ve killed off Caroline, Tyler or Damon in season two instead of Jenna. I know Damon is a main character but I like when a show shows off how high the stakes are.
10) the show runners, producers and writers needed more BIPOCS around because majority of the storylines especially regarding race (lemme not start on marcel’s origins because wtf) were poorly written
They should’ve expanded more on Katherine’s origins, she was one of most compelling characters and although I do not like her actions, she was a perpetrator of sexual assault (Stefan/ Damon were her victims), I would say she was a victim of Klaus and his terror. She both makes me feel some sort of sympathy for Katerina but for Katherine, I don’t like her, I just found her presence entertaining. She not an anti hero more of an Antagonist. I like that she didn’t get redemption, we just saw why she is the way she is yk?
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shadowcatgirl09 · 1 month
what did you think of how they represented Bonnie Bennett's family on the show? if you could rewrite or change Bonnie’s family(/family situation) in the show, how would you design things? would you have kept/added more elements of Bonnie McCullough's family?
I am living for these asks! Thank you nonny!
Oh they did them dirty, no if ands or buts about it. Made them involved in everything and paid them dust. Well first I'd definitely give more things from Bonnie M. Like she would have had her four older sisters, her parents wouldn't have been divorced, and her two cousins, I'd make more like Meredith (her protectiveness of Bonnie makes me feel things.) Lucy would've been a recurring guest star. Bonnie's second cousin would be from a branch that descended from Emily's younger brother or another one of Sheila's siblings.
Speaking of Meredith, since she got a good deal of Meredith's personality and events I would've expanded on that too. Her dislike and disregard of Damon? Exploit it to high heaven. Damon finds Meredith scary and can't even speak to her while facing her? Whew I'd have Bonnie have this man in her freaking pocket groveling.
Anyway family wise I'd mix Meredith's Supernatural Hunter family with Bonnie's witches and psychics. Of course the Bennetts are the powerful witches of yore that made pretty much everything in the TVD show universe. They. Are. Royalty. Rudy's family are Supernatural Hunters/Archivists, quick shoutout to @nys30 for that one, whose family was actually blessed by the Bennetts some 300 hundred years ago. Like Bonnie M. she would already know about her family and their magic.
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galvanizedfriend · 1 year
Klaroline Fic: The Wolf III [16/21]
Summary: Months after their return to New Orleans, Klaus and Caroline try to settle into a semblance of normalcy, while Elijah struggles to forgive his brother's sins. But a mysterious prophecy that foretells the downfall of the Mikaelson family brings them all together in a war that will reopen ancient wounds and see each of the siblings doomed: one by friend, one by foe and one by family.
[It's The Originals Season 3, but Caroline had Klaus' baby, now she's a vampire and they are back in New Orleans after a stint in Mystic Falls. It's mostly about Klaroline, obviously.]
S03E16 Behind the Black Horizon
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Good news: I'm not dead yet! Bad news: I have an update! 🙌
Sorry for the long gap. Hope you guys it, and if you do, as always, would love to hear from you. (Link on the chapter title up there) Cheers! ❤️
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existingtm · 1 month
I face a trial like no other (being both a Benzo and Bonkai shipper)
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stiles-o-dylan24 · 1 year
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|| Klaus x Rosie Gilbert || Originals Rewrite || TAGLIST || • KLAUSIE🎶 • SHIPS OF YCMC •
⫷TVD Prequel⫸
Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four || Part Five || Part Six
⬽Season One⬽
Chapter 1 - Always and Forever
Chapter 2 - House of the Rising Son
Tangled Up in Blue
Girl in New Orleans
Sinners and Saints
Fruit of the Poisoned Tree
The River in Reverse
Reigning Pain in New Orleans
The Casket Girls
Après Moi, Le Déluge
Dance Back from the Grave
Crescent City
Long Way Back From Hell
Le Grand Guignol
Farewell to Storyville
Moon Over Bourbon Street
The Big Uneasy
An Unblinking Death
A Closer Walk With Thee
The Battle of New Orleans
From a Cradle to a Grave
⬽Season Two⬽
Alive and Kicking
Every Mother’s Son
Live and Let Die
Red Door
Wheel Inside the Wheel
Chasing the Devil’s Tail
The Brothers That Care Forgot
The Map of Moments
Gonna Set Your Flag on Fire
Brotherhood of the Damned
The Devil is Damned
I Love You, Goodbye
They All Asked For You
Save My Soul
Exquisite Corpse
Night Has A Thousand Eyes
When the Levee Breaks
City Beneath the Sea
Fire with Fire
Ashes to Ashes
⬽Season Three⬽
For the Next Millennium
You Hung the Moon
I’ll See You in Hell or New Orleans
A Walk on the Wild Side
The Axeman’s Letter
Beautiful Mistake
Out of the Easy
The Other Girl in New Orleans
A Ghost Along the Mississippi
Wild at Heart
Dead Angels
Heart Shaped Box
A Streetcar Named Desire
An Old Friend Calls
Along with Everybody
Behind the Black Horizon
The Devil Comes Here and Sighs
No More Heartbreaks
Where Nothing Stays Buried
Give ‘Em Hell Kid
The Bloody Crown
⬽Season Four⬽
Gather Up the Killers
No Quarter
Haunter of Ruins
Keepers of the House
I Hear You Knocking
Bag of Cobras
High Water and a Devil’s Daughter
Voodoo in My Blood
Queen Death
A Spirit Here That Won’t Be Broken
Voodoo Child
The Feast of All Sinners
⬽Season Five⬽
Where You Left Your Heart
One Wrong Turn on Bourbon
Ne Me Quitte Pas
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Don’t It Just Break Your Heart
What, Will, I, Have, Left
God’s Gonna Trouble the Water
The Kindness of Strangers
We Have Not Long To Love
There in the Disappearing Light
Til the Day I Die
The Tale of Two Wolves
When the Saints Go Marching In
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doyelikehaggis · 2 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Bonnie Bennett x Katherine Pierce (The Vampire Diaries)
Requested by @burns-fairmont
"What I want to know," Bonnie says, her eyes sharply tracking Katherine's movements whenever she comes back into view, "is why you're so obsessed with me."
Katherine makes a little noise, almost amused-like. Finally, she stops circling her. Bonnie tries to glance at her over her shoulder but can't quite manage, but she hears her following hum of thought.
"Not obsessed," Katherine draws out softly, sending a shiver down Bonnie's spine. "More..."
She touches her shoulder, startling her, and proceeds to gently drag her fingers along her skin as she slowly moves around her once more. A nail lightly traces her collarbone. Katherine lifts her piercing gaze to Bonnie's face.
"Fascinated." She drops her hand as abruptly as she touched her. Lifting her chin ever so slightly, she shrugs and steps back from her, folding her arms over her chest. "You remind me of someone. Maybe that's why I have a bit of a soft spot for you. Don't tell Caroline."
Bonnie narrows her eyes at her. "You, soft? What, because I remind you of..." It clicks into place. "Emily. I remind you of Emily, don't I?"
Judging by the way Katherine's jaw tightens and her eyes seem to darken, she's hit the nerve. It always does to mention a vampire's past ghosts, something she's been learning since her introduction to the supernatural.
"I suppose you do," Katherine reluctantly admits. "She never knew when to hold her tongue for her own good, either."
"Is that meant to be some kind of threat?" Bonnie asks, raising her eyebrows, filled with a sudden surge of boldness. "Did that work on Emily?"
Katherine scoffs at that, dropping her arms back to her sides, definitely amused now. "Emily was never in any danger from me. Nor are you, Bonnie. Believe it or not, I don't want to hurt you. I actually quite like you."
Bonnie opens her mouth to protest that it doesn't feel that way, Katherine steps forward again, much closer than before, and beats her to it.
"And before you ask if I also liked Emily, you should know that the answer is yes." Her lips part in a particular kind of grin that has Bonnie expecting to see two sharp points pressing into her bottom lip, and Katherine's eyes drop to Bonnie's own mouth briefly, before flicking back up to hold her startled gaze. "I really... really... liked Emily."
For a ridiculous moment, Bonnie actually thinks Katherine might kiss her. Then she presses her lips back together, still smirking, and moves away once again. She turns her back on her this time and Bonnie exhales, her lungs aching from the uncertain anticipation. There's a strange aching, hollowness of something shocking between her ribs. Disappointment.
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kmze · 4 months
If you could rewrite the tvd finale how would you do it?Prompt: Alaric perishes in fire.Matt mysteriously disappears and is never heard of again.
Okay Anon I like it! At first I thought about being boring and just saying "Stefan doesn't die Damon does" but where's the fun in that when I can give myself basically everything I want :)
I will stick with the main premise of the finale with some tweaks:
Elena woke up when Bonnie's heart stopped and she was in limbo, in order to protect Elena from Katherine she goes with Ric, Caroline and the twins out of MFG while Bonnie, Damon and Stefan stay back.
Bonnie's dimension does not collapse when she temporarily died.
Bonnie has her plan with hellfire to destroy Katherine, she tells Defan together and they have the same fitting argument about who sacrifices themselves. Damon compels Stefan but he's on vervain.
Instead of taking the cure out of his system he gets his old trusty vervain needle and stabs Damon with that to overpower him, ready to sacrifice himself.
While Bonnie is channelling her magic to control the hellfire she ends up resurrecting Enzo in the process. She is as powerful as Cade was and like him she can create creatures, when Enzo is resurrected he becomes a Guardian (these are in the TVD books).
Stefan and Katherine die in hellfire BUT Stefan is sent to Bonnie's psychic dimension where she meets him. Now that Enzo is resurrected she forgives Stefan and resurrects him for Caroline. Stefan becomes a Guardian as well. I think it would be fitting to make Stefan a Guardian because there was so much "angel" imagery/talk with him. Called his Mom an angel, Katherine, the angel in the B&B with Caro and even his funeral had that big ass angel statue.
Since the cure has been destroyed Damon has no way to turn human, he decides he needs to let Elena go to give her the human life she always wanted. He compels away her memories of him, Stefan, Bonnie and Caroline. Matt decides to leave with Elena, he promises he'll make sure she never comes back here to keep her safe. They get married because Matlena endgame was always the correct choice.
Stefan and Caroline convert the boarding house into a school for the girls and others like them. Bonnie, Enzo and Damon help as well even though Damon pretends he's doing it reluctantly. Bonnie at one point drags Damon and Enzo around the world with her to learn more magic and become even more powerful. Up to me I'd make this eventually turn into a Bamenzo throuple but YMMV.
Stefan and Caroline travel the world for a year looking for supernatural kids but also to enjoy their honeymoon.
Ric dies of alcohol poisoning two years later, Josie bonds with Stefan through her grief over her Dad they have a great Step-Father/Daughter relationship.
I'd also keep Hayley and Klaus alive and eventually they have a group chat with Stefan and Caroline and gossip about their daughters' love lives (I saw this idea somewhere and loved it lol). Klaus takes turns hitting on Stefan and Caroline depending on his mood (they may or may not have a threesome...)
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aloneatpeace · 1 year
If you know I'm new and im seeing this thing that it's not a bts fanfiction without jackson Wang . And I read couple of book . And they all did him dirty . So should I include him in my fic and trust me i will soon upload new chapters of all my works . Jackson Wang is just wonderful i don't have heart to make him villan maybe an ally or something i don't know it just a possibility I just want focus on the main character.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 7 months
okay but my question is why didn't stefan yank off elena's seatbelt so she can swim to the top while he saved matt?
why didn't matt run rebekah over? she's an original. she wouldn't have been killed by a car hitting her.
this show pisses me off in the most addicting way
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slutisnotabadword · 1 year
It’s that bittersweet feeling of knowing that you just have to write that fic yourself. You’ve been searching and searching of this one type of fic, but no one writes it how you see it, or you simply can’t find it. So now you have no choice but to write it yo damn self. It’s a bitter feeling, but also exciting because that idea or concept is about to come to life.
But damn, I wish it was already written.
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sylerisya-writes · 1 year
Chapters: 36/? Fandom: The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Vampire Diaries & Related Fandoms, The Vampire Diaries - L. J. Smith Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Damon Salvatore/Original Female Character(s), Matt Donovan & Original Female Character(s), Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore/Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert/Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore, Jenna Sommers/Original Character(s), Alaric Saltzman/Jenna Sommers, Stefan Salvatore/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Original Female Character(s) of Color, Elena Gilbert, Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Bonnie Bennett, Jeremy Gilbert, Jenna Sommers, Alaric Saltzman, Matt Donovan, Caroline Forbes, Tyler Lockwood, Katherine Pierce, Elizabeth Forbes, Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: Mystery, Drama & Romance, Eventual Romance, Light Angst, Mystical Creatures, Season/Series 01, Mystery Character(s), Returning Home, Diary/Journal, Canon Rewrite, Original Mythology, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Character Death In Dream, Childhood Friends, Prophetic Visions, Visions in dreams, Mythology References, Implied/Referenced Mind Control, Mind Control, Developing Friendships, Season/Series 02 Series: Part 1 of of cloudless climes and starry skies Summary:
In the wake of her grandmother's death, Ava returns to Mystic Falls, a town her family had fled when she was young to escape demons hiding in the dark.
With her return, more strange disappearances and deaths spring up. Slowly her nightmares turn to reality as she descends into the deep darkness of Mystic Falls. (Starts Season 1)
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heyyy guys so as we know sometimes i get a little to into my hyperfixations so I made my flf/tvd midnights linkings already 🤭🤭🤭🤭
Mastermind-Phoebe (100%%% i’m right i don’t make the rules)
Vigilante shit-Rosalind (she’s in her silly goofy murder era and i support it)
Bejeweled-Orion (only the best for my favorite man whore 🤭🤭🤭)
Maroon- Celia (no explanation it’s just so and she’s just so and her and oliver are just so)
Anti-hero- Alisa (i know for a fact my girl has a whole ass crisis just like this every night)
Question…?- Oliver (i don’t have a reason i just feel like he would ask intrusive questions)(i know that’s not the point of the song i just don’t like him but i feel bad for excluding him)
Labyrinth- Silas (my poor little lovesick baby)
Karma- Juliette (ugh i love her, i miss her, i want to be her, she’s my favorite girl boss)
Sweet Nothing- Benedikt (the song just sounds so sweet and i feel like it just makes sense)
Lavender Haze- Roma (he’s in that lavender haze through like all of tvd)
Snow on the Beach- Marshall (this just clicks in my head idk and he’s probably a lana fan)
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
i am losing it a bit where in season 6 we have a flashback to when stefan is 10 and damon is 18. something along those lines. but damon is still played by ian somerhalder who, at that time, was about 36. it also shows the age gap between damon and the rest of the gang and how, even with vampire rules, he should not be dating elena in a way that is condoned and encouraged by the narrative (or any of the girls, but in the early seasons he was evil and it wasn't depicted as a good thing). but yeah. that fucking took me out of it.
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mast7r · 2 years
I blame you for giving me the muse to put Regulus and Ginny in TVD verse
listen. lliSTEN....listen. do it. i support you doing it. we as a collective need to take these characters, fix them, and put them in a slightly less problematic canon. so yeah. do it. <3
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