#tw conservatism
airasora · 12 days
The TRAD WIVES of TikTok
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escapismkidnappedme · 2 years
My mom's side of the family is the side everyone goes to for Thanksgiving. My bio dad isn't in my life (thankfully) and my step dad's parents aren't alive, so it always made sense. It's even a thing with all of my relatives, even the in-laws of my family. Everyone goes to this side of the family's Thanksgiving. When I was much younger, there came a silent question for us cousins if we would go to this family's Thanksgiving, or our future partner's Thanksgiving. Every time it stayed the same, except for when my sister went to two Thanksgivings on the same day to see both her ex boyfriend's family, and ours, so she didn't miss out on anything. Sure, we've had cousins who couldn't make it, with two in the military and one family going through the divorce one year, we can't always have everyone in the same place at the same time, but for the most part we do.
Last year was my final Thanksgiving, and probably Christmas with my family. I believe everyone there knew it, or at least felt it. I never truly fit in with my family, I had a few cousins who tried their best to understand me, and got glimpses through shared interests, with a big family you're bound to have a few people to talk to, if just to keep the deafening, isolating, and debilitating silence away.
I'm the first child, nephew, cousin and grandchild to spend Thanksgiving with my partner's family instead of my own. I spent years dreaming of this moment, but now I'm spending days dreading this moment. Perhaps it's most of the motivation to choose my family's Thanksgiving and Christmas to go to, but if you don't go, you are being talked about. Those cousins and family unit were relentlessly talked about, wishing they had been there but hoping they were doing well and in good health, hoping work was going well and hoping school wasn't destroying their very sense of self. Then came the stories of them in past years, months, weeks, days, and sometimes hours. Then came the gossip. You never needed to particularly ask how my family felt about someone, you knew.
A part of why it took so long for me to be diagnosed with autism is because my family didn't worry too badly about social cues, of course we had them, but they were spelled out and I could manage to keep my head above the sea of conversation for long enough that it never occurred to me that I was bad at social cues due to autism, a thing that didn't exist in my mind because my family's always been a bunch of jokesters who "Don't care what other's think about them."
But they cared what others knew how they felt about others. My sister, one lucky enough to be graced with the understanding of social cues, but not so much conventional intelligence, became the target of such gossip when she missed Thanksgiving one year for a client who absolutely needed her hair done that day or she would die. I remember how it started. Everyone wished she was there, hoped the hair ended up looking good, hoped college wasn't destroying all of her dreams, and began to tell funny stories about her, then began to tell 'funny' stories at her expense. When she was told about this she laughed it off, faked outrage and was met with the classic "Well if you don't like what we talk about, don't miss the conversation."
Later we talked as 'sisters' do. I wasn't out yet as trans and even though I am a guy, I can't ignore the weird bond we still have by being raised with female expectations. And she told me how it hurt to hear her entire family dismiss her as a ditsy blonde. I told her of how I tried to defend her, saying things like "To her credit, she is smart in a lot of things. She can talk to ANYONE and find common ground and communicate effectively, that's hard to do." But lamenting that it was met with little to no enthusiasm or understanding, except for a cousin or two who agreed and were probably the only two who understood what I meant, or cared to try to understand. I was never able to avoid a family event again unless I was severely sick and throwing up, like my second to last Christmas with my family. It was 2020 and I had a cold, wasn't risking it with no vaccine for covid out yet and grandparents who were high risk. I got lucky and we found out my uncle had been cheating on my aunt. There were bigger fish to fry than my "liberalism" and need to argue.
I struggle between three thoughts, hoping my sister and step-brother defend me as I've defended them against the arrows of my family's gossiping habit, a problem I've been trying to fix with myself in my adult years, a hope that they don't defend me so they can survive through the awkwardness of being the only ones knowing that not only is my partner Nonbinary, but that I'm trans and will be misgendered and deadnamed, I don't want them, especially my step-brother who's stuck under that house, to be in any kind of danger, I'm not worth them getting kicked out. And a third part of me, that wishes I would finally stop giving a fuck about what my family, people I've spent my entire life around who have never truly known me, and who I don't want to know me, think.
I'm the first child, nephew, cousin and grandchild to spend Thanksgiving with another family, and while I can't ever tell anyone why, while I can only sit here and cry. I can't help but be happy that I finally made the decision I've been dying to make for so many years. I hope they talk about me, I hope my parents find a reason why I wasn't there, I hope it's the worst piece of slander she can think of, and I hope they gossip about me. At least I know they love me enough to keep telling my stories, even if they're all lies.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
There is no non-conservative, non-fascist way to use "degenerate" and "degenerative theory." Those ideas are entrenched in fascism because that is where they originate from - there isn't a way to "reclaim" or "purify" them into progressive language and thought. Every time you describe queerness, disability, non-xtian religions, non-white or non-west cultures or races of peoples as "degenerative," you are doing the work of fascists, if you do not already see yourself as such.
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A right-wing think tank that recently hosted a talk by Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has wasted no time publishing a new run of articles push far-right conspiracies – including talking points about “cultural marxism” that Jewish groups describe as an “antisemitic dog whistle.”
Earlier this year, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre hosted a lunch at an obscure right-wing think tank based in Winnipeg called the Frontier Centre For Public Policy, vowing to take a “different approach” to reconciliation.
It was quickly noted that in 2018, the think tank ran a series of paid ads calling claims that Canada’s residential schools “robb(ed) native kids of their childhood” a “myth.” In response, the Conservative Party said Poilievre’s decision to speak to the Frontier Centre isn’t alone an endorsement of “the views of everyone who has ever worked for the group.” [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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fennthetalkingdog · 2 months
I was just watching the Alt-Right Playbook today and I had the realization that a lot of what the dude was saying about white people could've easily applied to me. Like, I was raised with the same colorblind approach he was talking about, and I haven't started paying attention to race until the last few years (noteably, the intersection of when Trump came to office, when the pandemic happened and all the anti-maskers and qanon folks crawled out of the woodworks, and when I realized I was queer/trans). Since then, I've had a lot of conversations with my parents about race, black history as told by black people, and politics, and I have an actual stance politically other than "Your poltics need to be internally consistent." But I'm having the slow, quite cold realization that, if I'd not been black, trans, and queer—or even if I hadn't been trans/queer—I could've been a much different person than I am today. If I'd been white, then I could've oh so easily fallen into the trap of not seeing racism or not seeing issues as being systemic, and if I'd not been trans/queer (or had trans/queer friends), it's extremely likely that I would've become the kind of "I love people but I don't believe gayness or transness is real" that my parents actively believe. So... I don't really have a punchline or overall conclusion about this. I just wanted to post it to keep myself accountable, I guess.
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zorubark · 6 months
Ben Shapiro: Hi this is the company where we only hire horrible people Candace Owens: ok some years later... Ben Shapiro: You're being horrible, you're fired! How did I hire such a horrible person (the other daily wire cew next to shapiro): Matt Walsh: I'm a pedophile Jeremy Boreing: I think Nick Fuentes is a good speaker Michael Knowles: I like genocide
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rotzaprachim · 1 year
Much observed but also highly entertaining the extent that fundies are worse at every discernible “home making” skill than many a group that they claim to be part of the Them group keeping women from their true roll as home makers
#I think there are many and highly complicated reasons behind this#A huge portion being the idealization of a past that never existed etc etc#Like the nine kids stay at home mom (with little Inter community help) who homeschools is just not a time equation that leaves time open fo#Cooking/cleaning/taking care of every child in an individual manner#The other unspoken elephant in the room is the extent that in the rare-r occasions there WAS the#Ye olden days Ma with her pristine white dress and nine pristine kids rather than an extended network of relatives/women etc etc#That social arrangement was only possible due to the working class women who did the cooking/cleaning/child care#In the South in particular the work of Black women. And for many of the periods fundies glorify? Enslaved women#Tw slavery#The cult of domesticity inseparable from classist and racist oppression etc etc#There’s just a lot going on with how outright bad fundies are at cooking and cleaning and that sort of thing#We won’t even touch on the parenting because that’s it’s own thing of a cultural structure that just creates intergenerational trauma from#The get go#But I think one of the big things to take away from the soc 101 kind of thing is like#Religious conservatism is deep in us cultural waters#But the whole fundie school of quiverfull related movements is NEW#It’s NEW#It’s a modern self-created culture from the 1970’s/80’s that can be classed in a group of similar religious revival movements#That shook politics around the world from that era as a reaction to “modernity” and which can be found in many cultures and religions#Inside and outside of the us#But as a fairly modern cultural construct there’s parents who assimilated into this culture and kind of formed it based on that idea of an#A past
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capn-o-my-soul · 7 months
was trying to find an image for "the pledge of allegiance" to fill space on a slide presentation for school and found this reddit post 😭😭
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"this is bait" well at least they're self-aware 😭
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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lejacquelope · 7 months
Project 25 is a true political horror story. Y'all need to take this seriously and warn your neighbors.
This is 100% Sons of Jacob Handmaid's Tale level shit. Don't wait until 2025 and wish you had listened.
Project 2025 is a plan to reshape the executive branch of the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election.[2][3] Established in 2022, the project seeks to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to Washington, D.C., to replace existing federal civil service workers it characterizes as the "deep state", to further the objectives of the next Republican president.[4] Although participants in the project cannot promote a specific presidential candidate, many have close ties to Donald Trump and the Trump 2024 presidential campaign.[5] The plan would perform a swift takeover of the entire executive branch under a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory — a theory proposing the president of the United States has absolute power over the executive branch — upon inauguration.[6]
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waytoomuchanalysis · 1 year
I’m gonna start keeping a running list of the dumbest shit I’ve seen people say on Twitter and Tiktok, starting with this gem:
“Cis women can always clock a trans woman,” followed by about 35 cis women correctly saying “no we can’t”
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Notwithstanding the inevitable rhetoric about defending “free speech” on campus, it’s worth remembering that’s not the reason for Advanced Education Minister Demetrios Nicolaides’ planned homework assignment for Alberta’s post-secondary institutions.
In a press release Friday allegedly about “strengthening free speech on campus,” Nicolaides claimed, incorrectly, “that it is abundantly clear that more needs to be done to ensure our institutions are adequately protecting free speech” and vowed therefore that “post-secondary institutions will have to report annually to government on their efforts to protect free speech on campus.” [...]
The release, published in the midst of a controversy involving a planned lecture by an academic who denies established facts about Canada’s Indian Residential School system and interprets the goals of those dreadful institutions in a positive light, cites a study by a notorious right-wing think tank that purports to show significant numbers of university professors censor their true opinions on certain topics.
The release quotes Grande Prairie MLA Tracy Allard, Premier Danielle Smith’s soon-to-retire Parliamentary Secretary for civil liberties, whose job assignment was clearly to deceptively portray COVID-19 vaccine refuseniks as victims of an assault on civil rights. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada @abpoli
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so it turns out that witchbirds person is a genuine ableist who thinks that disabled people are right-wingers for such fascist takes as "not believing that being overworked is an excuse to abuse people" and "not being comfortable with people who have abortions because they couldn't stand to have a child like us" and "not liking to be discriminated against".
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Like, right-wingers want us dead. Genuinely, disabled people, LGBTQ+ people, and people of color are the three groups of people that alt rights most want to see wiped from the earth. The absolute gall to call any disabled person alt right (nazi) when the nazis literally committed eugenics against us is disgusting. Imagine thinking you as an able bodied person have literally any right to say any of this. I wish all able bodied people a very shut up forever thank you amen.
As always, don't harass, just block and spread the word.
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rabidwordjumbles · 1 year
Love how conservatives scream “but maybe it could’ve cured cancer!!!” at unborn fetuses but then drive trans kids to suicide because they’re trans
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
//I wondered if Ruixiong being modest when it comes to clothing and sex is weird for him as Pride (specifically Vanity) but nah. For one, Pride isn’t inherently sexual. And two, well, it aligns with him being traditional Chinese, lmao.
Clearly he doesn’t like the reverse bunny suit because he thinks it looks stupid. Like a slutty clown suit.
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100yearoldcomics · 2 years
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August 6, 1922 Krazy Kat by George Herriman
The good old days: still unattainable (and a poor mask for racism) even a hundred years ago.
Caption: For no reasonable reason at all, "Mr. Bob Kat" ambles into view, moaning in no weak voice for a day which apparently no longer exists. [ID: Krazy sits on a log outside, looking nervously at Mr. Kat as he paces around beside him, ranting and raving with his fists held high. /end] Mr. Bob Kat: Oh, for the good old days, them good old days as is gone forever. Dashash it!!
Caption: Where upon "Krazy" leans upon the unerring wisdom of his ancient relative, "Uncle Tom Kat", who reward's him with no slight moiety of information. [ID: Krazy talks, literally face-to-face, with an older family member who looks like him with glasses, a cane, and a bit of gray hair on the nape of his neck. /end] Krazy: I just heard Jousin Bob Ket talking about a good old day, "Unkil Tom." Has a day gotta be old to be good, or wot? Uncle Tom Kat: There are no days like the good old days, "Krazy", for in them days, "Kats was kats and mice knew their places." Y'bet!!
Caption: And so, "Uncle Tom" make it clear, just what things were like in the good old days. [ID: We see a kat who looks like Krazy furiously chasing a crowd of mice frantically fleeing together. /end]
[ID: Uncle Tom hobbles off, his joints cracking as he goes. Krazy turns to a dog and whispers an aside to him, pointing at his departing Uncle. /end] Uncle Tom: But alas, they're gone forever. Dawgunnit!!! Krazy: My poor Unkil Tom has a great worry among himself because there ain't no more old days when a ket was a ket. Mr. Omar Kiyi: Poo, what's he yipping about? Kats never amounted to anything in the old days. Them old days, them good old days was dog days. Yezza, dog days, limmy tell you.
Caption: And thus does Mr. Omar Kiyi paint the past, when dogs were dogs, and "Kats" knew their master's voice. [ID: A crowd of cats cling, frightened, to a long branch on a thick tree. Under the tree, a dog jumps up and down, furiously barking at the cats. /end] Dog: R-RORF. RRR-R. WAFF WAFF, ARFFF.
[ID: Mr. Kiyi walks off, still soapboxing, as Krazy watches curiously. Officer Pupp struts in from the other direction, twirling his baton. /end] Mr. Kiyi: Them was the days, the dear days, the fair days, the rare days. The old, old days forever gone. Goldingit!!!
[ID: Krazy whispers an aside to Pupp, pointing off at Mr. Kiyi. /end] Krazy: He was saying wot nice days it was when dogs chased kets. Pupp: Oh, he said that, did he? Hm-m-m.
[ID: Pupp struts off with purpose, holding his baton upright as a nervous Krazy watches. /end] Pupp: Such talk smacks of sedition, & revolution. I'll give him a touch of lawr & orda.
[ID: Ignatz walks out from behind a tree in the background and ZIPs a brick at the back of Krazy's head, knocking him forward. /end] Ignatz: Ah, l'il ainjil.
[ID: Pupp returns to Krazy's side, baton behind his back. The still-steaming brick lies on the ground beside Krazy as he brushes himself off. /end] Pupp: Well, he took it all back. Krazy: S'nize.
[ID: Krazy lies back to sleep peacefully on his log as Pupp goes back to twirling his baton. /end] Pupp: All's well!!! Krazy: Today's the day.
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