#tw Thanksgiving
incorrectbatfam · 10 months
Dick: Damian, he's actually just on the top of the cabinet.
Damian: Oh.
Stephanie: At least we now know to never steal Damian's turkey.
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mistergreatbones · 11 months
tw thanksgiving
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I wonder if ill ever get to the point where I won't stress for weeks about violence happening at family gatherings again? Its been years since the last incident at a gathering... though this year has had violent outbursts from multiple family members towards each other in their own time. A knife was drawn in one instance i was told.
Maybe it'll begin to fade if the physical altercation stories i hear stop. I mean, all those involved are older than me, they really shouldn't be making their body deal with being pushed down stairs over and over again. Or covered in bleach.
Maybe it will never fade. Maybe it's something I will just carry with me for the rest of my life.
Thanksgiving is no longer representative of its original lies taught to me in school, Thanksgiving is a day of sitting with family and giving thanks that we're alive to see another day. That at least this time guns weren't threatened. Screaming matches weren't had. Aggressive spitting on someone wasn't done. Things weren't thrown in an attempt to destroy or hurt. No storming out and slamming the doors. No threats to call the cops. No hitting. No choking.
Progress is Progress, a step forward is still closer to the end than before.
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themoosetress · 10 months
My safe outfit is not going to arrive on time so I guess me and the gals (body dysmorphia and ED recovery) are just going into thanksgiving with my dad and my in laws completely raw . Pray for me.
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golden-web · 2 years
Love that we don’t so thanksgiving
Hate that all my friends are stuck with family
What do you guys all do?
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My dad sent all of us the annual Thanksgiving email that started with (subject line) “When you think of Thanksgiving, you think of…” (body text) “Spreadsheets, right? We are so much looking forward to hosting Thanksgiving this year, and are starting to think about all the delicious vittles we’ll be enjoying…”
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evermorre · 2 years
had a nice breakfast and a little snack and i’m so excited for thanksgiving dinner!! (which as a midwestern family we host at 2pm lol). as someone who has recovered from an ed, remember to listen to your hunger cues and respect your body & self today! you can eat even if you’re planning on a big meal later!!
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rogue-storm · 10 months
Shout out to everyone who had a Bad Time in the bathroom after Thanksgiving. You are seen and loved.
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escapismkidnappedme · 2 years
My mom's side of the family is the side everyone goes to for Thanksgiving. My bio dad isn't in my life (thankfully) and my step dad's parents aren't alive, so it always made sense. It's even a thing with all of my relatives, even the in-laws of my family. Everyone goes to this side of the family's Thanksgiving. When I was much younger, there came a silent question for us cousins if we would go to this family's Thanksgiving, or our future partner's Thanksgiving. Every time it stayed the same, except for when my sister went to two Thanksgivings on the same day to see both her ex boyfriend's family, and ours, so she didn't miss out on anything. Sure, we've had cousins who couldn't make it, with two in the military and one family going through the divorce one year, we can't always have everyone in the same place at the same time, but for the most part we do.
Last year was my final Thanksgiving, and probably Christmas with my family. I believe everyone there knew it, or at least felt it. I never truly fit in with my family, I had a few cousins who tried their best to understand me, and got glimpses through shared interests, with a big family you're bound to have a few people to talk to, if just to keep the deafening, isolating, and debilitating silence away.
I'm the first child, nephew, cousin and grandchild to spend Thanksgiving with my partner's family instead of my own. I spent years dreaming of this moment, but now I'm spending days dreading this moment. Perhaps it's most of the motivation to choose my family's Thanksgiving and Christmas to go to, but if you don't go, you are being talked about. Those cousins and family unit were relentlessly talked about, wishing they had been there but hoping they were doing well and in good health, hoping work was going well and hoping school wasn't destroying their very sense of self. Then came the stories of them in past years, months, weeks, days, and sometimes hours. Then came the gossip. You never needed to particularly ask how my family felt about someone, you knew.
A part of why it took so long for me to be diagnosed with autism is because my family didn't worry too badly about social cues, of course we had them, but they were spelled out and I could manage to keep my head above the sea of conversation for long enough that it never occurred to me that I was bad at social cues due to autism, a thing that didn't exist in my mind because my family's always been a bunch of jokesters who "Don't care what other's think about them."
But they cared what others knew how they felt about others. My sister, one lucky enough to be graced with the understanding of social cues, but not so much conventional intelligence, became the target of such gossip when she missed Thanksgiving one year for a client who absolutely needed her hair done that day or she would die. I remember how it started. Everyone wished she was there, hoped the hair ended up looking good, hoped college wasn't destroying all of her dreams, and began to tell funny stories about her, then began to tell 'funny' stories at her expense. When she was told about this she laughed it off, faked outrage and was met with the classic "Well if you don't like what we talk about, don't miss the conversation."
Later we talked as 'sisters' do. I wasn't out yet as trans and even though I am a guy, I can't ignore the weird bond we still have by being raised with female expectations. And she told me how it hurt to hear her entire family dismiss her as a ditsy blonde. I told her of how I tried to defend her, saying things like "To her credit, she is smart in a lot of things. She can talk to ANYONE and find common ground and communicate effectively, that's hard to do." But lamenting that it was met with little to no enthusiasm or understanding, except for a cousin or two who agreed and were probably the only two who understood what I meant, or cared to try to understand. I was never able to avoid a family event again unless I was severely sick and throwing up, like my second to last Christmas with my family. It was 2020 and I had a cold, wasn't risking it with no vaccine for covid out yet and grandparents who were high risk. I got lucky and we found out my uncle had been cheating on my aunt. There were bigger fish to fry than my "liberalism" and need to argue.
I struggle between three thoughts, hoping my sister and step-brother defend me as I've defended them against the arrows of my family's gossiping habit, a problem I've been trying to fix with myself in my adult years, a hope that they don't defend me so they can survive through the awkwardness of being the only ones knowing that not only is my partner Nonbinary, but that I'm trans and will be misgendered and deadnamed, I don't want them, especially my step-brother who's stuck under that house, to be in any kind of danger, I'm not worth them getting kicked out. And a third part of me, that wishes I would finally stop giving a fuck about what my family, people I've spent my entire life around who have never truly known me, and who I don't want to know me, think.
I'm the first child, nephew, cousin and grandchild to spend Thanksgiving with another family, and while I can't ever tell anyone why, while I can only sit here and cry. I can't help but be happy that I finally made the decision I've been dying to make for so many years. I hope they talk about me, I hope my parents find a reason why I wasn't there, I hope it's the worst piece of slander she can think of, and I hope they gossip about me. At least I know they love me enough to keep telling my stories, even if they're all lies.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
The Bat pets unpopular opinions?
Ace: Titus would be a good Robin-hound
Titus: he secretly prefers Krypto
Alfred the cat: hairless cats are all assholes
Bat-Cow: almond milk tastes like cardboard water
Jerry: "Please consume my brethren this Thanksgiving holiday, for I must become the One True Turkey"
Goliath: green is more his color
Bitewing: Dick has terrible taste in dog treats
Moldy, the slice of pizza under Tim's bed that developed an intelligent civilization: Bat-Mold does a better job than the MCPD (Moldy City Police Department)
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batterycityghoul · 1 month
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Patrick Dempsey as Sheriff Eric Newlon in Thanksgiving (2023)
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fullcravings · 10 months
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Toasted Marshmallow Espresso Martini
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So this morning I woke up ready to make the monster turkey in my fridge. I said to myself 'uuuuugh spatchcocking the turkey is so much work, I'm not going to bother this year.'
Then I went to my recipe box and pulled out the card for the really excellent turkey I made last year. It was an experiment and it turned out so good that I wrote down what I'd done after a couple glasses of wine and put it in the recipe box.
And reader, the first line of the directions. I read myself for filth.
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[Image description: A small white recipe card on a grey background. Written on the recipe card in black handwriting is "Directions: Butterfly/Spatchcock the fucking turkey (Remember why you lazy fool). Rub Butter all over turkey, including under skin. Zest orange into Zataar. Drizzle the fucking bird in pomegranate molasses on rack over pan. Rub it in like lotion or whatever. All over. Pat zataar/orange blend all over. Cut orange in half, put under neck skin. Put OJ+Water in pan. Bake that bitch. (Watch pan keep wet) Gravy: Skim fat, use to cook flour (roux). Deglaze pan. Put juice in roux. Add Stock to get Consistency of Gravy. Devour."] First line. I can't stop laughing. Every time I glance at the card, I scream laugh hysterically.
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destiel-news-channel · 9 months
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Triple Holiday!!!
[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'It's Thanksgiving!' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]
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todayontumblr · 10 months
Thursday, November 23.
Happy Thanksgiving, y'all.
Oh, what might have been. It would have been full of pictures and gifs of Hank Schrader doing miscellaneous Hanktivities: looking very smiley, looking very fierce, laughing, wearing shades, pointing guns, wearing DEA jackets and badges and lanyards, and, of course, perching on the toilet. We would have called it Happy Hanksgiving. It would have been great. 
Sadly a decision was made. So, for those who would have enjoyed Hanksgiving, here's a Snoopy gif to make amends. For those who wouldn't, well, looks like it all worked out just fine. And there's more than enough Snoopy to go around. 
Enjoy the popcorn. And however you mark today, we can only wish peace, love, and lots of good folk and lots of good food for all y'all. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate. 
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chucksource · 10 months
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