#tw mention of threat of death
Wait ok so like I was just thinking… idk if you take one shots or anything. But imagine how scary star tugs could be when they HUNGRY. Like imagine being a worker trying to get out of port and you gotta figure out how avoid ALL the tugs 😨
Sure thing! This was a blast writing this! Tw for violence and some blood. One-shot under the cut.
You're making you way out of the port, trying to find your way by weaving through the maze of buildings late at night with nothing but your flashlight. The night air is cold, and harsh. It's wintertime here, and the tugs are showing signs of restlessness. They're getting hungry and desperate. They might not have eaten enough to last through the winter, so they're likely desperate for anything they can snatch. Even the Star Tugs seem to be becoming more aggressive. Not a good sign. That means you'll have to avoid not just the Zed-Stacks, but the Star Tugs as well.
You know you have to get close to the water to find your way out of the port. That's where most of the lights are. Lights had been put in place after the curse was cast to keep the Zed-Stacks at bay, but it seems the lights won't help much considering how desperate they seem to be. With luck, they might be far away from you when you're close to the water. You take your chances, and cautiously make your way towards the ocean waters.
You whip around as you hear something disturbing the water behind you, only to see nothing. You may not be alone here. You whip around again as you hear a deep guttural growl at the other side of you. Maybe your luck has ran out tonight. You immediately take off running as your pursuers give chase. You hear a feral snarl as you hear the wooden docks crunch from the sheer power from something much bigger than you. You then know just who was pursuing you, two tugs.
You weave between the buildings, causing one of the tugs to curse at losing you. You recognized that voice from anywhere. Ten Cents was one of your pursuers. You hide behind a building and wait to see who else is pursuing you. You spot the smallest Star Switcher, Sunshine searching for you. His forked tongue slithers from his lips and flicks, as if he's tasting the air, seeing if he can detect you. You're a bit close to him, within reach of him. You don't want to wander farther from home and possibly put yourself in more danger. You'd rather be close to the Star Docks than to be near the Zero Docks. Now that would have been a death sentence.
You take your chances and dart out from your hiding place. Sunshine whips and hisses. He tries to snatch you, only for him to barely miss you. You can feel the wind from his claws just barely missing you. You shake it off and keep running, not daring to look behind you to see if they're still chasing you. It was a few minutes before the port once again grew quiet. You stop and rest for a few moments. You know you can't run all the way home.
After a few moments, you dare to peek around the corner, only to see nothing. It's quiet.. too quiet. You cautiously make your way out from your hiding spot, looking around as you get ready to run again. You hear the water being disturbed in the distance. You know the sound of you running will draw the tug or tugs closer to you. You have to go slow to prevent getting the tug's attention. You keep glancing out in the distance, the port is almost pitch black. You're on high alert, keeping your breathing as quiet as possible. You know the tugs have a sharp sense of hearing, and can easily track you down just by the sound of your breathing if you're not careful.
You hear the movement closer this time.. much closer this time. It's a much bigger tug by the sound of it. This one might be the reason Ten Cents and Sunshine stopped pursuing you so suddenly, meaning this one was not to be messed with, so it wasn't OJ or Hercules. You haven't seen Big Mac and Warrior at all. You listen closely, seeing if you can figure out exactly where the tug is. Without warning, an anchor-like claw slams down next to you as the tug emerges from the darkness. It was Big Mac no doubt. His eyes have a ravenous and blood-thirsty glint in them as he towers over you. He bares his fangs as venom oozes from them and corrodes the concrete beneath your feet. You immediately take off running when you hear another growl not too far from you, just on the other side of you.
Big Mac suddenly stops, glaring towards the darkness. You feel the air become tense as you see an anchor-like claw gently land beside you, as if block Big Mac from reaching you. You look up to see Warrior, who is glaring daggers at Big Mac. Big Mac looks at you, seemingly tempted, but not wanting to risk injury fighting against his brother. Big Mac's tow line lashes to and fro in agitation as Warrior snarls, baring his fangs as he flexes his other claw, as if to threaten to attack if Big Mac ever thought about trying to reach for you.
Big Mac glances between you and his brother a few times before he reluctantly backs down, retreating. You look up at Warrior in shock as he looks down at you in relief, relieved he didn't have to fight his brother. He carefully reaches for you and fear takes the wheel and you book it. You can't trust Warrior either. It could be a stunt to gain your trust.
You run as fast and far as you can. You have to slow to a stop or collapse after a while of running. You have to sit and rest after running so far and fast. You're breathing heavily and shaking from both exhaustion and fear. You freeze as you hear you a deep guttural growl from the darkness once more. Except this time, you can't pinpoint exactly where the sound is coming from. It sounds like it's all around you. You look around wildly as you try and figure out where the sound is coming from. You immediately spring up as another anchor-like claw reaches for you from the darkness. You take off running, slower this time. You hope the tug will decide you're not worth the energy.
Judging by the sound, which is surprisingly soft, you can tell who it is easily. OJ, or Old Jones as he's known to be. You know he's slower than some of the others, but that doesn't make him any less dangerous than the others. Seems he's figured out how to be silent when stalking prey. You're not a bit surprised honestly. He's always been one to find ways around different problems.
You can see the port start to open up as you get closer to home. You're almost in the clear. You push yourself for the last leg of your run. You can make it. Just a little bit further and you'll be home safe. Your hopes are quickly dashed as you feel the anchor-like claws of a tug wrap around your middle and lift you up high off the ground.
You scream and kick as an attempt to break free of the strong grip of the tug. The tug lifts you up to his eye level, and you squint to see exactly who it is. Top Hat looks you up and down, head raised as he growls softly deep in his chest like a cat. You look into his eyes as he bares his massive fangs. You're looking death right in the face. Top Hat opens his jaws as venom pours from him fangs, ready to give the killing bite.
Suddenly, within the blink of an eye another tug delivers a powerful blow to the side of Top Hat's face, the sharp claws creating deep wounds on his cheek. Top Hat screeches and immediately drops you. You scream as you plummet, landing on his deck with a thud. The impact knocks the wind out of you as you gasp for air. Top Hat whips around to face his attacker, none other than Warrior. Seems he's truly trying to help you get away from his fellow fleetmates.
To Hat snarls as he delivers a blow in return. Warrior roars in pain before snapping his powerful jaws at Top Hat's anchor-like claws, barely missing by mere centimeters. Top Hat winced a bit at the sound but he too lets out a roar, as if to challenge Warrior.
Warrior narrows his eyes and smoke billows from his smoke stack, as if to snort like a dragon. Warrior looks Top Hat up and down as if he's thinking of something. He doesn't want you to get hurt in the crossfire, but knows he Top Hat won't give you up so easily. Warrior back away a bit, seemingly retreating. Top Hat smiles a wolfish and triumphant grin. His fangs glisten in the moonlight. Seems he's won and your heart sinks. You give Warrior a pleading look. Little do you know what Warrior has planned.
Top Hat reaches for you and you brace, expecting the worst. Warrior then charges at full speed, ramming into Top Hat's side, making the railway tug hit the docks, hard, and pining him against the concrete. Top Hat's screech is cut short as the breath is knocked out of him. He gasps for breath and almost tries to reach you one more time, only for Warrior to snatch you instead. Warrior snarls as he snaps his jaws at the railway tug, making Top Hat flinch a little.
Warrior growls softly and carefully looks you over for wounds, chuffing softly. He looks at Top Hat before moves further away from him, deeper into the port. Warrior gently places you on his bow. He purrs softly as you immediately run and cling to him. You tremble as you take some time to regain your strength. You sigh in relief.
Warrior freezes as he hears something, and sniffs the air. He quickly grows pale. Hercules slinks from the darkness, a bit of a ways away, but still too close for comfort. Hercules sniffs the air. Seems he hasn't spotted you yet. Warrior is quick to gently pick you up with his anchor-like claws and place you under his hat to mask you scent. He makes a decision right then and there that he needs to keep you safe for the night.
Warrior slinks deep into the port, away from the other tugs before he stops and lifts his hat and gently grabs you with anchor-like claws. He lowers you to his eye level and gives a kind smile, careful to hide his fangs.
"I hope you don't mind me keeping you safe for the night. I don't think you'll be able to make it back home in one piece." Warrior keeps his voice at a low and gentle volume and tone. You think for a moment and nod. Sure you won't make it home tonight, but you'd rather be safe than to risk being snatched by another tug that doesn't have such friendly intentions.
Warrior holds you close for a moment before he gently places you under his hat. "Don't worry about breakfast either when you get up in the morning. I'll make sure you're fed and everything. Just relax, and get some sleep. I'll protect you, I promise.."
And with that, you slowly fall asleep to Warrior's soft purring, knowing you're perfectly safe and sound.. Perhaps you've even found a new friend too.
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Happy I hate fireworks day 🥳
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soljierpg · 2 months
Asking some of ggst faves for help
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proshipconfessions · 7 days
This has been said before, but I won’t be shy about saying it again. (Tw for mention of death threats and anti bullshit)
I’m getting kinda tired of proshippers repeatedly reposting screenshots of antis’ vicious and violent threats to us and making some shallow, matter-of-fact comebacks to them that the antis will never listen to anyways.
I don’t wanna be seeing constant reminders of how much antis hate me and want me dead or “converted” when I’m just trying to go through the proship tags. Especially not from OTHER PROSHIPPERS. We should have each other’s backs…
I even see people neglect to trigger tag these posts, or choose to tag them as “proship positivity” just because they slapped an affirmation below some anti’s Pinterest caption about victim blaming a minor for writing icky fanfiction.
I know it’s easy to do, and makes you feel affirmed, and fun in some way. But we need to be mindful when we do shit like this— and we need to take breaks from constantly engaging with Anti shit.
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Draw your... characters...?
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waywardsunlight · 3 months
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Dadrius Week- Day One- Puppet Special thanks to @badgirlcoven-official for helping with Belos's dialogue!! For @sergeantsporks's dadrius week!!
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furiousgoldfish · 2 months
I have an update about this situation, which if you didn't read it, was about me finding out that my parents are searching for me, going door to door and asking people on the street if they know me, even asking with my fake name. They found someone who did know me, and they chatted, and this person later called me and told me what had happened, to which I freaked out, asked them not to share any details about me, and explained that I had ran away due to violence and that I'm terrified of these people.
Now knowing that my parents are out there looking for me, I spent the next few weeks locked in, afraid to go out, only going to work and back, and sometimes disguised so I wouldn't be recognized. I didn't run into anyone on the street, nobody came to my door, I didn't get any other phone calls, so I eventually relaxed and decided that it was okay to be outside, even if they are looking, unless they find me directly where I live, I could easily escape on bike, and they wouldn't know where I went.
The other day I got the phone call from the person who talked to my parents, and they asked me to come over, to be gifted some extra clothing. I was scared, worried that it was a trap, that my parents somehow got this person to cooperate and to bring me to them, but I decided to be brave and go anyway, since the chance of this was very low, and on the phone they reassured me that I could forget that last situation. Still, when I got there I startedly looked around to see if anyone was in there, but it was all empty.
I got some extra details of what happened; it was my mother and a friend looking for me, my father was not present. This person admitted to actually knowing me, and where I live, so my parents know someone who is in contact with me right now. However the person didn't share my address with them, which is why I was still safe.
Then the person revealed they actually got a call from my mother later that day, and they had an argument over the phone. The person repeated what I had told them – that I ran because of violence, because I was forced to work to deserve to eat and sleep there, because of death threats, torture, neglect, and my mother responded angrily 'You don't know what kind of trouble they were causing me!'. Then my mother still tried to convince this person that she cares about me and is worried about me, but the person rebutted with 'you should have cared when they were younger', and when my mother wouldn't stop asking for information, the person said that if she calls again, the police will be called and hung up.
Now this was very interesting to me, firstly my mother getting a police threat upon trying to find me, that is extremely good, satisfying, reassuring, positive, made me so happy. I was in a good mood for the rest of the day just thinking about what kind of reality-check that must have been, to have other people threaten with police and stand in their way of getting to me. I feel it was the first time someone actively protected me and it feels like I've been waiting my whole life for that to happen, and I never thought it would.
Second thing is her 'you don't know what kind of trouble they were causing', because she wasn't even denying the accusations of violence and torture! She blatantly did admit that yes, I had to work to deserve to live as a child, I was beaten, neglected, I was threatened death, I was kept in sub-human conditions, but she just felt it was justified! Because I was 'causing trouble', which is a lie, I did everything she asked me when I was a kid. It's like she still thinks me standing up to her violent abusive husband was 'me causing trouble' excuse me why did you marry that thing, and then never stood up to it? I had more backbone as a child than she has as an adult and this was 'me causing trouble'. I stood up to him because it was the right thing to do, because he was attacking me and my siblings, what do you mean I was causing trouble defending rest of the family from violence and absorbing it so the rest of you wouldn't have to. Ungrateful lying coward.
And also her saying I was the awful troublemaker doesn't check out with the rest of her story; if I was such a menace why is she out there looking for me? Why is she not blessed that I am gone and she can finally enjoy your life? Would you actively seek out someone you have to control with death threats from how much trouble they're causing to you? The lie is falling apart.
This has me very calmed down and grateful that not all people are cowards and unwilling to stand up to abusers. I've never seen this before, in my experience, people were always ready to bow down to my parents and see me as an ungrateful horrid creature who needs to be put into their place. This person has known me enough to see that I'm honest, fair, hardworking, kind, accommodating, they even told me that they can see there's nothing twisted about me. They understood that my situation is one of a struggle and that I have to work hard to survive, and often expressed that I struggle too much compared to others. And this isn't someone I'm on constant contact with, we talk once a year. I was surprised they picked up on this much.
I'm feeling better about the situation now I understand I was defended, I'm not that afraid anymore. I did get upset that my mother is trying to convince people that I was just so bad I deserved all, but at least not everyone believes it. I mean, it's ridiculous for anyone to believe a child could possibly deserve this, but I know a lot of people who do believe that. I thought everyone would side with my parents forever. Feeling better knowing there's one person who sided with me, when it was crucial for my safety.
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a-sip-of-milo · 7 months
Ableist: You're not discriminated against! Stop trying to get sympathy
Also Ableist: *Sends death threats to cluster B's for the act of simply existing*
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 2 months
“we’re the PEACEFUL AND RESPECTFUL ppl who actually love elain and would never ship HER with an abuser, wishing abuse on elain is DISGUSTING and so are you if you ship her with AN ABUSER”
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oh that’s not…
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xitsensunmoon · 10 months
I've been thinking about sharing this here for a very long time and now it reached a point when I'm so upset I just can't be silent anymore.
Almost immediately after creating this account, the first thing I did was to put "Ukrainian artist" in my bio.
Shortly after that, I got a few asks with death threats, disturbing and just horrible words about my nation and culture. I was called a nazi, a fascist, and just a pig. Hating me just for being a Ukrainian, just for my existence. Not just on Tumblr, but on other social platforms too. If I were to guess, those were sent by russians or people who support the war.
Dca community made me feel the safest I've ever felt in any other community, up until that point.
After that, I put "russians DNI" in my bio and closed anons. Whoever was sending hate was not brave enough to say the same terrible things to me on their main pages. It felt a little bit safer that way, even if some of you will say it's not the right thing to do. Honestly, at that point, I was really ready to just leave Tumblr for good.
I can't stop people who are making me uncomfortable and making me feel unsafe from coming to my page and ignoring my very clear boundary of just not interacting with me.
It's my page. It's my art. It's my home. I have the right to decide who I want to have here, who I want to interact with me and my art, my hours of work. If you're taking away that right from me, do you really think you're a good person and my boundary doesn't apply to you?
I do not attack russians. I do not spread hate and toxicity, even though I have a right to be as angry as I can. I do not mass report their accounts and don't send death threat asks. I just ask to be left alone.
My question is, if a person, a russian, sees my bio that asks to not interact with me, but decides against it, ignoring my boundaries gets banned for it. Am I really in the wrong?
The point of this - if you don't agree with my actions please leave. Don't start a fight, just please leave. Because I will continue to block every russian who I encounter on my page. I really, really don't want people who just don't even want and try to understand the situation and just completely ignore how fucking terrible this is even WITHOUT me starting on the war context.
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heyheydidjaknow · 6 months
I haven’t played this stupid game in 6 months. This is a sequel to Prospects, this time featuring Bailey.
The envelope shook in your hand. “This should suffice.”
Bailey took it from you, not bothering to meet your eyes as she slit the top and took the slip inside. Whitney, dressed for the ride ahead— or fight; whatever came first— in his sweats and t-shirt, stood with his back to the door. Despite your assurance, he had insisted on sitting in on this final transaction as if the mountain of cash you had worked yourself ragged to obtain would not be enough to settle the score, as if your being there were not dependent solely on your value as a worker, as if Bailey— who now looked up at you over the check between her fingers and her half-rimmed glasses— would care beyond that if you were gone.
The ground swayed beneath your feet.
Bailey leaned back in her chair, gesturing to Whitney with the check. “This was your idea?”
You could not bring yourself to look back at him, but you could imagine his expression. It was the same as when you had when you had met Briar and Avery a few days before; cool, unflinching, as though you were an item at a pawn shop he was trying to get a good price on. You supposed you were, in a sense. “Yes.”
Bailey nodded slowly, taking in your figure, your stance. You squirmed under her gaze. “And the child’s yours, I take it?”
She considered as much. “You know,” she mused, “your… what would the word be? Fucktoy?”
He scoffed. “For our purposes, property.”
“Oh, hardly.” She leaned her elbows on the desk, fingers lacing together under her chin. “Not officially at least, not until our terms are settled.”
“What terms are there to settle?” You picked at your cuticles, heart pounding in your throat. “Is that not how much—“
“That’s how much my best earner was worth before.” Her smile was sweet like cough syrup, sharp like whiskey. “I’m a businesswoman you understand; it would hardly make much sense for me to part with my greatest revenue stream for its raw material costs.”
You looked back at Whitney. He kept his eyes trained on the woman in front of you. “And how much would it take for you to part ways with your charge?”
She sighed in mock contemplation. “Oh, I don’t know.” She sucked her teeth. “Another fifty percent ought to do it.”
The words echoed in your ears. You swallowed back panic as you went back to staring at the floor.
“Fifty?” His sneer was audible. “The fuck you take me for?”
“Someone desperate.” She gestured to you. “Someone willing to take when they can get and leave.”
“A bitch, you mean.”
“So long as we’re being frank.”
“Do you know how much that child is worth?” You shut your eyes as you felt her own take you in. “Do you know what sort of market you could appeal to with a matching set?”
You heard a rustling of cloth behind you. Whitney’s voice was as cheerful and bright as you had ever heard it. “So long as we’re considering the lives of people that matter,” he smiled, “I’m curious; how much is your life worth?”
There was a pause, a laugh from Bailey. “That bitch,” she sighed. “First that file—“
“This actually isn’t Laundry’s, surprisingly enough.” You heard the clinking of metal parts as he gestured to you. “Friend of a friend who lives in the country; I promised him the deed to this shithole if your position found itself empty.”
Despite yourself, you turned to face him. He held the pistol in his hand with the confidence of a man unfazed by its weight. In the back of your mind, you wondered if he would be tried if he went through with it, whether the cops would come or care or whether they would write it off as the result of one of Bailey’s “ungrateful brats”. You could not for the life of you decide which would be preferable.
“So,” he continued, finger twitching, eyes shining, “I think it best if we tried renegotiating terms.” He gestured to you. “Either you take the money and I take your cash cow off your hands—“ He steadied his aim, “— or I redecorate your office with your insides and you get to find out whether the contents of that envelope are worth shit in hell.”
You cast your gaze back towards her. Bailey looked between the two of you, lips pursed. “You’re more desperate than I thought.” She pushed her glasses up her nose and reached into her shirt pocket. “Let me give you some advice, kid.”
You shut your eyes again at the click of the safety. “Hands where I can see ‘em.”
She pulled out a carton of cigarettes, tapping one out and sticking it between her lips. “He isn’t a better person than I am, you know.” She took a lighter off her desk. “He’s not going to take better care of you than I am, isn’t going to wish you off to some fairy tale land where you’ll never know hardship; if anything, he’s going to fuck you over harder than I do.” She lit it, took a drag, smiled, exhaled.
“You fucking—“
“And you.” She pointed the cigarette at him. “Whitney, yeah? You think your life’s going to get better by being a father?” She leaned her head on her free hand. “I’ve been stuck with this job for thirty years now; the only thing that thing—“ she waved the cigarette in your belly’s general direction, “— is good for is an accessory to the walking ATM it’s stuck in.”
You could hear his voice shake; with what, you could not tell. “So help me God if you say one more thing about my fucking kid—“
“Let me say my piece.” She stood up, taking another drag and blowing it in your face. “If I were you,” she sighed, “I’d see if Harper couldn’t make an exception to get that thing out of you while it’s not breathing. Short of that, I’d ship it here.” She leaned forward, resting her hand on the surface of her desk. “But if I ever find your brat at my doorstep,” she promised, voice lowering, “if I ever see you or that thing here again, I’ll make your time here look like a stay at the Ritz-fucking-Carlton.” She stuck the cigarette back between her teeth, tilting your head up to look her in the eye. The resemblance between her and Whitney was apparent; you wondered if that was just what the eyes of monsters looked like. “I will make your child pay for however much you would have made me twofold, and I will sell their body— whole or piecemeal— to any dumb fuck who asks for what I’m sure will be a pretty young thing like them. Do you understand me?”
You could not breathe.
Her grip on your jaw tightened. “Are you deaf?” She brought you closer, and you whimpered at the sensation. “I asked you a question. Do you understand me or don’t you?”
You shut your eyes as her nails dug into your skin. You dug your own into your palm as you forced yourself to nod.
She kept you there a moment— for what, you did not know— before pressing a kiss to your forehead. Your eyes shot open, and you swallowed back tears— of relief, of sadness, of panic— as she released you, collapsing to your knees and gasping for air. “Good.” She took the check, slipping it into her pocket before sitting back down. “Leave before I change my mind.”
You pulled yourself to your feet, practically tripping over yourself to cling to Whitney. He glanced down at you, letting you bury your face into his shoulder as he took one last look at your former guardian. Wordlessly, he pulled the two of you out into the hallway, past the children gathered by the door, past the garden and Robin and the stairs and the threshold and finally, with a smile of untempered relief and satisfaction, across the street, into the truck parked there, and away from that miserable town, and as you watched the buildings you had come to know as parts of your home flew past, as you watched people you recognized from school rush into the forest and students— like you, you registered vaguely, desperate for money, for purpose, for anything— lean against street corners, you wondered if this would be any better, if this was more desirable, if this was emancipation or a different, crueler kind of ownership.
You mumbled a goodbye to the bus stop as it passed. Only then did the tears really start.
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kriscommitscrimes · 5 months
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duality of kris
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Isn’t it weird that I, who follows every Jegulus related tag there is and countless Jegulus obsessed people and their blogs, can’t seem to find the toxic side of the Jegulus shippers? Like, ANYWHERE? I haven’t seen a single toxic Jegulus shipper yet. I HAVE, however, seen TONS of Jily shippers being toxic and even going so far as telling Jegulus shippers to go die. And although I love Jily too, I don’t follow any Jily tag at all (at closer thought, maybe I should. Anyways-).
So tell me, Jegulus haters… if you hate it so much, why aren’t you blocking the tags and moving tf on? How come you find all the “toxic Jegulus shippers”, and I find NONE?
Not denying that there might be some tho, just saying it’s really ODD…
Edit: Anti-jegulus ppl do be finding more and better fanart, fics and headcannons than me… how the hell are you doing it?? Teach me your waysss
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co-worker: do you think it's possible to kill someone with a plastic baseball bat?
me, a writer: depends on how far I can get it down their throat?
co-worker: okay????
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selenophobic-werewolf · 5 months
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By me (because I'm way too tired of this)
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its-target-official · 5 months
the next time someone says “womp womp” I’m gonna kill everyone in the room
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