#tw sick child
ninjapaste · 12 days
is it bad that i laughed at the baby orion in the hospital 😭😭😭💔
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its ok i find it funny too
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mirkobloom77 · 4 months
‼️🇵🇸🇮🇱 Israel murders and injures several dozens Palestinians in Rafah, the zone that it denominated safe.
Some sources say that there are around 35 martyrs, but others affirm that the number is around 60. Dozens others are wounded.
This video shows the body of a child that Israel has beheaded.
🔸 Source: Motaz Azaiza
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hearts401 · 6 months
Tessa fucks me up dude can I just talk about her for a sec? Yeah? Yeah.
She loved those drones. She loved them because they were what she had. She felt sympathy for them when nobody else did. And I like to think there was a little bit of loneliness motivating her as well.
Her mother hated her. She was nothing to her. When her mother scolded her by saying "seems you still can't follow simple orders" her respone was "No, no no! Please!" BEGGING. Begging her mother to believe in her and be kind to her. She got chained up in her room (multiple times btw. At leas tthats implied. the hand she winced at and rubbed is the same hand the chain was on, which means shed be chained up long enough for it to rub her skin painfully. long enough to leave lasting pain.)
She is very connected to these drones, to the point where she kept all the error drones aroud because she LOVED them. She spent time digging them up. HELL SHE TOOK A FAMILY PHOTO WITH THEM DUDE...
Even when Cyn was creepy and scary, she kept her around. She'd rather lock Cyn up than get rid of her. and when n points it out, shes apologetic and hesitant. But we know WHY she did that. Even if it was kind of a sucky move, it was because she didnt wanna have to throw cyn out. and in the end that killed her.
Also she knows J well enough to know what sets her off (enough to. bite the shit out of a chain). She knows them. and she loves them.
I wish we'd gotten to know more about her an N. why is he so clearly her favorite? but thats not relevant ig
also her saying "I've only ever yakked to robots, J!" She has NO human friends. she has nobody to support her other than these robots. these robots who get treated like garbage by her family.
and then she has to watch these robots turn on her. Not just THESE ROBOTS but the three that she loved most. (also im going off what wouldve happened in ep 5 WITHOUT uzi, where n doesnt get out of the swamp, and nobody goes down to the basement)
V first, then Cyn, then J. And we KNOW she loved these three+N especially bc she took a family photo w them, interacted with them more often, and generally just seemed much closer with them.
and what does she get for it? killed. And also its implied by this screenshot that she wasnt ACTUALLY killed by cyn right then
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(the scientists, the sword beside her, the footprints, the way shes sitting against the wall, the expression she has. she totally just saw all that shit)
and she cant have been skyn bc the scientists wouldve known. the skinsuit wasnt exactly. hm. pretty.
which means she DID see her whole family+more slaughtered in front of her while she was powerless to stop it. She DID see J violently kill everyone around her. She DID see Cyn kill everyone. And she just has to. Deal with that. And despite all her efforts, the solver took over and cyn killed her. (im assuming tessa died somewhere around when n's mineshaft flashback was like i mentioned b4)
and all the while she was convinced shed lose N, id assume. based on the state of the other drone out there.
And honestly, i think what she got was worse.
also i am team "N knew Tessa wasn't the same Tessa he knew back on Earth"
The way he looked at her, and the way he was suspicious of her. He knew HIS Tessa would never treat a drone like this. Cyn has been known to have relatively shitty recreations of people at times (like Thad in episode two) But even so there was no way he could believe it was someone else (like. who would it be? he saw her blood he heard her voice like...) which is why he was so stressed after killing her (when he leaned on his sword and was breathing heavy, yk?)
he loved her and she loved him and now shes dead. just like everyone else he loved.
this isnt about n but like. idk if tessa could see him now i think shed cry. she loved him and all of them
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arschbiene · 2 days
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That night, Feliks learned Gilbert's violence towards his own men was growing habitual and his dreams were fraught with visions of the boy taking knife to his own throat. The next day, he bid Gilbert to take his knights and leave his kingdom and was stunned to be refused.
i like to think some humans can be really driven mad around the presence of a slow growing immortal child, so for teuton i think a few of his knights developed a sort of religion fueled schizophrenic paranoia about him, like just from exposure to him and his increasingly belligerent and wild behavior.
I think he grew harder to control as he grew older within the knights and the entire atmosphere was oppressive, abusive, and violent. I like to think teuton gets to the point where he can't handle the bullshit anymore and starts culling men left and right it's like a mutual descent to madness where he thinks he's the sane and righteous one, but he's just as sick as the men who are seeing him as a demonic entity (who we can probably argue are they really sick or are they just seeing things as they are lol).
I like the wedge being driven between him and feliks' bond as the Feliks sees the deterioration of Gilbert's mental health and morality, thinking you know someone when you absolutely do not. Betrayal, hatred, horror and deep pity entwined deeply in this situation.
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sickiehugs · 8 months
When a character is feeling super sick and shitty but they don't have a fever, so they aren't taking it seriously or resting because to them, they aren't really sick unless there's visible proof. Maybe it comes from when they were growing up, and their family never took their illness seriously unless there was a fever. Maybe they would accuse them of lying to get out of things. So now, they worry if that really is the case. They work themselves to the bone and feel like they're going to collapse, but they aren't really sick unless they have a fever.
Bonus points if they have a partner who cares about their well-being, and as soon as they see them in the state they're in, they immediately make a fuss and insist that they rest. The character somehow feels good, even though they don't want their partner worrying, because someone is finally making it a big deal. It's finally real, it's finally serious.
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Hello, could i request a spencer reid x daughter who gets really car sick and on a long drive with reid and morgan feels gross🤍
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Spencer Reid x Derek Morgan x Daughter Reader
Request: Hello, could i request a spencer reid x daughter who gets really car sick and on a long drive with reid and morgan feels gross🤍
Tw vomiting, talk of being sick, if you you don't like these then don't read.
Third person pov...
As the sun rose in the distance, Spencer Reid and his daughter Y/N, packed their bags for their long-awaited trip to visit her grandmother in Las Vaga.
The teenager was excited to see her grandmother, she doesn't get to visit her often with her Dads work, but she couldn't shake the feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach.
She knew the long drive ahead would be difficult for her. You see Y/N  inherited his sensitive stomach and tendency to get car sick of course Spencers wasn't as bad but Y/Ns was.
As they loaded their bags into the car, Spencer's colleague and friend, Derek Morgan, joined them for the ride.
Y/Ns face lit up seeing Uncle Derek, and she quickly ran to give him a hug. "Uncle derek! Your comkng as well!" She exclaimed, Derek grins at his niece.
"Of course i am peanut, its been a while since i last saw Mrs Reid" he tells the girl, using kne hand to put the rest of the luggage in the trunk while holding his niece.
The three of them settled into the car, with Morgan taking the wheel while Spencer sat in the passenger sear leaving Y/N in the back.
At first, Y/N was thrilled to be on the road, chatting and playing games with her dad and Uncle Derek. But as the hours passed by, her excitement turned into discomfort.
She tried her best to ignore the queasy feeling in her stomach and the constant swaying of the car, but it was getting harder by the minute.
Spencer noticed the change in his daughter's mood and asked her if she was okay. The H/C girl put on a brave face and nodded, not wanting to ruin the trip for everyone.
She didn't want to be known as the 'car sick kid,' especially in front of Uncle Derek, who she looked up to.
But as the car continued to zigzag through the winding roads, the young girls condition worsened. She started feeling hot and dizzy, and her stomach churned with every turn.
She tried to keep her focus on the road ahead, but all she could think about was how she wanted the car ride to end.
As they stopped for a bathroom break and some snacks, Y/N silently prayed for the rest of the journey to be over quickly.
She tried sipping on some water and munching on a granola bar, but her stomach refused to settle. She felt a lump form in her throat, and she knew she couldn't hold on much longer.
As they drove on, the young girl tried to distract herself by looking out the window and pointing out interesting sights along the way.
However, her stomach had other ideas and she had to close her eyes and take deep breaths to prevent herself from getting sick.
She could hear her father and uncle Derek talking in the front seat, but their voices were distant as she focused on trying to keep her stomach settled.
"Hey princess, are you feeling okay back there?" Reid's concerned voice broke through her thoughts. His daughers eyes flicked open and she saw her father looking back at her through the rearview mirror.
"I'm fine, just a little queasy" she replied, trying to sound more confident than she felt.
"Maybe we should pull over and take a break" Morgan suggested. "I know a great roadside diner up ahead" he says as he drives a little more slowly and carefully.
Uncle Derek also noticed Y/Ns discomfort and turned on the air conditioning, hoping to provide her some relief.
"Dad" she called out weakly.
Reid turned around in his seat, concern etched on his face. "What's wrong, sweetie?"
"I feel like I'm going to throw up" the young girl replied, her voice trembling.
Reid immediately asked Derek to pull over at the next rest stop. Running to the bathroom she threw herself over the toilet and began emptying her stomach into it
Concerned for his daughter Spencer ran after her. "N/N!" He yelled sitting behind her after ahed finished throwing up he took her in his arms and rubbed her back, trying to soothe her.
Derek handed her a bottle of water and some tissues while apologizing profusely for not being more cautious about her sickness, was fine with her throwing up, he gave Y/N a bottle of water and some crackers to settle her stomach.
He also fished out her motion sickness medication from her suitcase and rubbed her back soothingly as she started to feel better.
After a few minutes she leant away from the toilet and against her dads chest feeling his warmth.
Suddenly tears start streaming down her face as she apologized to her dad and Uncle Derek, the men instantly concerned begin comforting the distressed girl.
They weren't angry or annoyed, jsut concerned about her They both comforted her and assured her that it was okay and nothing to be ashamed of.
Uncle Derek even shared his own stories of getting car sick when he was younger.
As they finally reached their destination, Y/N couldn't be happier to get out of the car and feel the solid ground beneath her feet. Despite the rough journey, she had made it, thanks to the love and support of her dad and Uncle Derek.
"Are you feeling better now, princess?" Reid asked, placing a hand on her forehead.
"Much better, thank you" The H/C girl replied with a smile. "I'm sorry for being such a hassle on the drive."
"You're not a hassle at all, N/N We don't mind taking care of you" Morgan chimed in, giving her a pat on the back.
Y/N felt a warm feeling in her heart as she looked at the two men who had become like family to her.
She knew that she had a tendency to get car sick, but that didn't stop her from going on long drives with her father and his team. And she was glad that they didn't mind and always took care of her whenever she needed it.
As the evening went on, Y/N felt her energy returning and she was able to enjoy the conference with her father and Morgan by her side.
Sure, she still avoided the car on the way back, opting for a train trip instead, but she knew that she had the love and support of two amazing men who always had her back.
The end!
Woo third one today!
Hoped you liked this oneshot, I'm planning to get through most of the requests this week as I have it off from college.
Sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes
Requests are open!
Word count: 1177
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kudossi · 2 years
you will blaze like fire (and lack the oxygen to keep yourself burning)
Dandelionkit blinks. “I want Lionblaze to mentor me,” she says, her voice barely above a mouse’s breath.
Squirrelflight crouches over her, tail draped around Dandelionkit’s thin shoulders. “I’m sure he’d love to,” she says quietly. “I’ll ask Bramblestar if he can, okay? But only if you eat your herbs.”
Dandelionkit looks down at the chewed-up bundle at her paws, eyes impossibly tired. “Do you think he’ll name me Dandelionblaze?”
Despite herself, Squirrelflight purrs. She runs her tail along Dandelionkit’s white-splotched back, hoping to encourage her to eat. “If that’s what you want,” she says. “I once knew a cat who picked his own name, too. I’m sure you can have a say.”
The pale ginger she-cat nods, beginning to lap up the pulp. “I’d like to be like him, momma. Lion,” she clarifies, as if Squirrelflight wouldn’t know. “He’s so strong.”
“You’ll be strong, too,” Squirrelflight says, willing herself to believe it. “Stronger, if you eat your honey. Lionblaze never took his herbs.”
The small kit manages around half the pile before she gasps, little sides heaving. The herbs come up with bitter, awful-smelling bile, and then Dandelionkit coughs and coughs and coughs, frame shaking and rattling and spasming—
(Squirrelflight has never felt so helpless.)
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davycoquette · 2 months
piteous and perpetual moan
A teenage Appalachian runs away from home after getting into trouble.
Aren’t you a sad sight?
You don’t have anyplace to go, so you ride the shuttle into Asheville, where you’ll get on a real bus then head someplace else. There’s a folded map in your pocket and a bruise around your right eye. Your skinny arms fold across your belly because it hurts, and your elbows and knees and the joints in your fingers do, too.
By your estimation, you don’t have much time left.
An intermittent fever kept you longer in Clyde than you wanted, then you started pissing sweet tea amber. There’s no question where it came from, whatever it is, but it’s not like there’s money to see a doctor. Sure, you could go home, but your momma can’t afford it, either, and what if it comes out how you got sick in the first place? And what you did about it? The only option is to run off and die. This is what old dogs do. This must be how they guard their dignity, because dying is an awful vulnerable thing.
Reverend Brown would say you oughta repent before the mighty angels in flaming fire take vengeance on you. Then you won’t burn in hell after this body dies. You don’t, though, because even though you figure you’re dying, mortality is still incomprehensible to a fourteen year old boy. It was your brother who always seemed he was at death’s door. If your momma would’ve said one morning, “Oh, look, Ryan’s died in his sleep,” probably nobody would be surprised. He sure had it rough, bless his heart. Funny how he’s gonna grow up, and you won’t. You never thought you’d be the one jealous of him.
The shuttle’s not the place for redemption, anyway.
A few bills burn a hole in your pocket and your resolve. You never wanted to spend so bad in your life. His blood’s seeped into the corner of the ten. It’s seeped into the cracks in the concrete and into the drainage ditch and deep in the earth where it can permeate all things that walk or dig or grow.
How are you supposed to sleep at night?
You figure you’re not.
@saturnine-saturneight coyotebackstabby taggy! & everything taggy for @fortunatetragedy
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bonefall · 1 year
Do Birch and Alder ever learn of what happened to Misty? Actually, how would stolen kits (I feel like there’s an actual term for this but I forgot) throughout clan history in general feel about their… stolenness (I mean, that is if they ever learned about it) sorry if this is worded poorly hah
There was an old word for Stolen Kits before its outlawing; Honor Child. Kurrnia in Clanmew. They are not called that word anymore.
Through history it was a very bloody thing. Those children got harshly indoctrinated, and the "6 month" apparentice age originally came because that was thought to be the "age of loyalty".
that's just a cutesy way of saying it's harder to brainwash teenagers than children, by the way. To the point where it's not worth it to try.
When Birch and Alder found out, they're going to be old enough to get the "justifications." That they were won fairly, their mother was threatening them, that they were "saved." Petal Claw is the only parent they've ever known at that point... so, they were happy to take those excuses.
I don't think it lasted forever. I want them to both eventually leave SkyClan and find their dad, who desperately misses Misty. BUT, I want one to remain.
Because, that individual is going to get used as an excuse for why Kit Claiming is a viable solution to the Law of Loyalty later. The others are ignored.
In the Code Era and beyond, it's an accepted part of their culture. It's something talked about openly, framed as being taken by STRONGER warriors. Why would you go back to someone who was too weak to keep you?
That would be a terrible choice, so they say, because then you would be part of a worse Clan. It's a normalized part of their culture. So it's very rare that a Stolen Kit ever went back.
One less warrior for them. One more warrior for us.
This is as psychologically damaging as you think it is. "Honor Children" were notoriously violent to prove their loyalty. Their birth family would suffer guilt and pain for years, seeing them as adults and apprentices of other Clans, often stealing from other Clans themselves to fill empty nests and assure their own worth as warriors.
Parents and kits would die in these events. Kits trying to get home, parents laying down their lives to stop raids. Darkstar herself lost a sister, Aspentail, and still had two out of three of her nespring stolen. Only Perchpaw remained.
It was a long, bloody period in their history. The Queen’s Rights started a new era.
Fire Alone cats don't think it went far enough.
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clione16 · 4 months
"chilchuck is that one 'she is 10000-year-old dragon' trope but he is guy so no one ever think it is weird" "people who thirst over him is a pedo" Do. You. Even. Read. The. Manga.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
A really sinister aspect into how people view children and parents is the idea of children being a replaceable commodity.
I've seen this in the way people talk about parents who have lost children but have surviving children... "Oh, at least you have other children," as though a child is just an interchangeable tool, a machine that dispenses what you want from it without it being sentient, whole, and feeling. The fact that people say that in order to comfort somebody shows, to me, how deep this mindset is engraved in people's brains: children are interchangeable items, and they do not fundamentally matter.
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bk-179 · 6 months
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I am very tired so this is bad but. Gingerbrave with prey animal symbolism is very potent actually and we should use it more
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hearts401 · 1 year
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Woo I'm so happy to finally finish this!! AUGH!!
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whinlatter · 1 year
Hello Elizabeth, I’ve loved all your metas so far, and you do a great job of pointing things out that we as readers may have overlooked. You honestly made me want to read the HP series again because I feel like I missed out on so much. Apologies if you’ve already done a meta on this before and I missed it, but how abused do you think Harry was by the Dursleys? We know the basics: malnutrition, neglect, and emotional abuse for the majority of his life, but I remember reading the book as a child and getting this uneasy feeling that he was being physically abused. If you read between the lines and pay attention to his interactions with the Dursleys in the beginning of each book, I think it's indirectly mentioned... but maybe I've been reading it wrong all these years? What is your take on this?
TW: generalised non-specific discussions of child abuse and neglect
Thank you so much for the question and for reading all my jumbled thoughts! Totally relate - I re-read the books for the first time in the better part of two decades last summer and was like, sorry all this stuff was there the whole time and I missed it? I learn so much for other writers' close readings revisiting these texts (@ashesandhackles's re-reads spring to mind, but there are many others) and love to be a part of these ongoing conversations.
On the Dursleys and child abuse... I haven't written anything on this before, and the short answer is: yes, I think it's clear that Harry experienced some level of physical abuse at the hands of the Dursleys, at the hands of both Vernon, Petunia, Marge and, to a lesser extent, Dudley.
That said, I do have some caveats. One is that I think fandom speculation over the extent of the physical abuse can sometimes risk overstating the canonical scale of the physical abuse (any abuse, including psychological abuse, is awful enough, and some fics claiming canon-compliancy can sometimes risk gratuitous depictions of really horrific abuse in problematic ways). Two, I think sometimes fanfic depictions of Harry at the Dursleys' can risk overstating how canonically Harry perceives his treatment at the Dursleys, in ways that risks predetermining how child victims of abuse ought to feel about their experiences rather than how they describe them themselves. Three, and the one that's particularly interesting to me as a historian, is how Harry's treatment at the Dursleys shines this fascinating light onto changing audience tastes and attitudes towards depictions of harm to children in mass-market children's and YA literature between the time of HP's initial publication and the present day.
I've done a longer little lunch-break discussion of some of this below the cut. Yes this quickly became a long-winded discussion of the character of the abused orphan/child in the publishing market for late twentieth century children and YA literature and Thatcher's Britain. I am sorry about that, and know that I apparently simply cannot be stopped.
It's undeniable that what happened to Harry at the Dursley's was child abuse and neglect, for all the reasons you rightly cite. Both Harry and the loving adult caregivers he finds in the Wizarding World recognise that he is abused and neglected at the hands of the Dursleys. This includes physical abuse, with examples readers rightly cite off the bat: Harry being held tightly around the throat by Vernon and later citing 'a need to duck' around his uncle (OotP), Petunia trying to hit twelve-year-old Harry with a frying pan (CoS), Marge hitting Harry with her walking stick (PoS), and repeated instances of the Dursleys withholding food and confining Harry to small physical spaces. I hope it goes without saying that these instances are plainly incidents of physical violence against children. Each is horrific on their own terms, and likely part of a pattern of repeated physical roughness and low-level violence towards a child (I say low-level only because the strangling incident takes place after Dudley appears to have been harmed in OotP, and Harry's response to Vernon holding him by the throat suggests this violent incident is particularly extreme even for Vernon).
It's also clear, though, that while Harry bitterly hates the Dursleys for all of the harm they have done to him, he does seem to see this physical abuse as part of a broader set of failings they committed as his caregivers, and doesn't single-out physical abuse as uniquely traumatising. Confinement, being shouted at, and failing to protect him from bullying by other children are all crimes the Dursleys commit against him that he clearly views as just as harmful as the physical abuse he endures at their hands. We don't know how Harry the character would come to think about his experiences with the Dursleys in adulthood, of course, and it's reasonable to speculate that he may come to acknowledge himself as a child abuse victim and have either suppressed memories of traumatic incidents he endured as a child. With that said, I personally feel a certain level of discomfort with fan speculation about further or escalated incidents of child endangerment against Harry at Privet Drive beyond what we see either in the text or is implied within patterns of the Dursleys' behaviour. What the Dursleys do to him in canon is bad enough as it is, and exaggerated depictions of the Dursleys' treatment can get dangerously close to implicitly suggesting child abuse has to be a certain level of physically egregious to be sympathetic to the reader that the canonical text doesn't achieve, which I think is intensely problematic.
One thing I will say, though, is that I think the example of the Dursleys' treatment of Harry is a fascinating case study in HP's reception history and the cultural acceptability of depicting and using child abuse as a plot device. The topic is such a good a litmus test for the gulf between how the series was read and consumed when first published and how it is increasingly thought about and revisited by audiences. Changing attitudes about Harry's experiences with the Dursleys reflect how HP as a piece of literature which was written, edited, published and marketed to a consumer audience with certain expectations about depictions of harm to children, but which now continues to be closely re-read/revisited through the films and consumed by a market audience with increasingly different comfort levels and expectations about child welfare.
Children's and YA literature in the mid-to-late twentieth century had certain certain norms and conventions. Often, this took the form of the orphan child as either the protagonist or as a key sympathetic hero. Lots of media used the abused child both as an immediately sympathetic character for audiences to empathise with, and also used the absence of things like family, safety and love as central motivators for these characters, which then sets up the plot of the media at hand to resolve. The literature that for most UK school-children became canonical between 1980 and 1997, so in Thatcher/John Major's Britain, often centred characters who were usually orphaned or bereaved and who experience child abuse, neglect or mistreatment, often depicted in a slapstick and almost pantomime-esque way. This includes predecessors to HP like Roald Dahl's Matilda (1988), Michelle Magorian's Goodnight Mister Tom (1981) and Jacqueline Wilson's various books but especially Tracy Beaker (1991). This period also saw enduringly popular older works of literature experience a resurgence as older English-language TV or film adaptations made in the UK or Hollywood became even more commercially successful and entered 'classic' status - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (Roald Dahl wrote the Child-Catcher into the 1968 film - he's not in the book!), Ken Loach's Kes (1968), Peter Pan (including Hook (1991), the Spielberg version), or mid-nineteenth century works of literature that became commercially successful popular musicals after 1950, like Oliver Twist or Cosette in Les Mis. Even in media where children appear in dysfunctional but fundamentally loving homes - Billy Elliot (2000) - or face physical violence at the hands of adult villains - Home Alone (1990) - we can see from both critical reception and popular audiences responses that the consuming publicly were on the whole less likely to be disturbed by either violence or the threat of violence against children than audiences, especially young audiences, three or four decades later, who typically find such depictions, even in their slapstick form, abhorrent.
In this period of writing (and particularly publishing and/or market media production beyond print fiction), there was far greater flippancy about depicting violence or the threat of violence against children as an empathy device for readers, especially young readers. I think this is for reasons that I think relate to changing ideas (and legislation) around children's agency, child welfare, endangerment, protection and the boundaries of the state and family life in late twentieth century Britain and elsewhere (a mammoth topic for another day). These were increasingly pressing political issues into the 1990s, especially the late Thatcherite/Major period into the Blair years. The violence that was depicted in literature during this transitional period almost always had a slightly farcical, or even slapstick or comic dynamic to it that I think is true also of the Dursleys around Harry in those early books - the frying pan being a classic example. We're supposed to think of the Dursleys as ridiculous, a parody of Thatcherite Home Counties surburban culture. While authorial intent is to show a character defined by the absence of familial love at the hands of clear villains, the Dursleys aren't intended to be read as vicious child abusers inflicting irreparable psychological and physical harm on a pre-teen child. They're supposed to be within this genre convention of cruel but ridiculous adults who behave badly and embarrass themselves and who the reader is supposed to immediately root against.
My point, really, is that we as readers can certainly revisit these books decades later having absorbed this greater popular literacy about child trauma responses and PTSD and see these characters differently, but we should keep in mind that this is a lot about the changing sets of ideas and expectations we have as a reading audience than it does about how the author and the text's editors intended these characters to be received. If we are reading the Dursleys' treatment of Harry and thinking - how is Harry remarkably fine after all of this? How could Dumbledore leave him with these people? - we're asking questions that HP as an artefact of literature fulfiling certain genre conventions was never set up to be able to answer. I just think is something that fandom discussions and fanfiction authors (particularly those drawn to canon-compliancy) need take into consideration when trying to reconcile their horror at the Dursleys' treatment of Harry and interest in how this abuse would shape him as a character, with an interest in remaining true to the canonical text.
(I absolutely don't mean to be overly relativist about this, and want to make clear I'm talking about depictions of children's abuse in literature. In reality, children who have experienced violence and harm at the hands of adult caregivers have always felt some level of pain and distress. My point here is less about the lived experience of abuse and neglect, and more about changing cultural norms, attitudes and tastes about fictional depictions about abuse and neglect.)
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zorosdimples · 3 months
Miss Kae! What is your opinion on Foul Legacy & Piss/Cum kink, pls? 🎤
aside from its obvious physical differences, childe’s foul legacy form is far more primal and predatory than his human form; he’s straightforward, impatient, and aggressive. usually, he uses the form as a sort of precursory punishment—a reminder that he can truly be frightening if he wants to be. he could kill you with a flick of one of his claws if he wanted to (though that wouldn’t be any fun, finishing you without a fight).
his foul legacy form is concerned with marking and ownership. he needs everyone—you, first and foremost—to know exactly who you belong to. he likes to piss inside of you after stuffing you so fully that your tummy bulges and your ass is soaked in a pool of seed. he likes to fill you even further with his piss, to see how much you can hold, to enjoy the warm, creamy hug of your walls while he releases all he can inside of you. it’s intimate in a twisted way, but even more than that, it’s an act of possession. it’s a tangible reminder that you are his, wholly, to do with as he pleases. his fluids belong nowhere else but snugly inside of your precious cunt.
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bearsinpotatosacks · 1 month
Evolved a fic idea yesterday from a simple, Eva’s sick, Richie argues with Carmy and leaves to take care of her anyway fic to a longer one that's making my whumpy heart leap.
Tiff and Frank are out of town for his sister’s wedding. Carmy already didn’t let Richie have this Saturday off because "we have a shift schedule for a reason, you’re off every other Saturday already," so he's dropping her off at a friend's for a sleepover.
He gets a call from the mum at midday saying Eva’s been sick. He races over there to pick her up despite what Carmy says and fully prepares to just drive home but realises he left some of his things in his locker in his panic to leave.
When he gets back, he sets Eva down, goes to get his things, and gets in another argument with Carmy because he's not letting him leave, he doesn’t get why Tiff’s parents can't have her. Richie flips out, telling Carmy that his daughter is infinitely more important to him than this restaurant, that he'd set it on fire to make sure she was okay.
He takes her home, promising to make her Galushki like his grandma made him when he was sick, and tells Carmy he'll see him on Tuesday.
Eva doesn't get better. Richie’s trying hard not to panic, getting her to eat little bits, keep her fluids up even when she throws it up, her fever doesn't break. She's sick in the night, Richie’s reminded of Mikey’s bad nights as he cleans it up, and holds her through nightmares when she sleeps in his bed.
It's only in the morning, when she’d talking to Mikey, and has a rash that doesn't go away when he rolls a glass on it that he gets worried. He's getting up to call her doctor when she slumps on the sofa and starts seizing and he fully freaks out, shaking her, asking her to wake up, please Eva, baby, wake up.
He picks her up, grabs her sleepover bag and some essentials and speeds his way to the hospital where he carries her to the triage nurse trying not to cry and throw up begging her to do something because his baby girls way more sick than he thought.
They check her out, take some bloods, do a throat swab and even do a lumbar puncture that has Richie desperately trying not to cry as Eva cries all the way through. She's started on IV antibiotics and moved to her own room in the ER while they wait for a room in the paediatrics unit.
Richie calls Tiff, she and Frank are on the next flight home. They get the results soon after, she has meningococcal disease, a kind of meningitis. He's confused, she's had all her vaccines. The doctor explains there's a low chance with all vaccines that you get catch the disease, and that if she’s been in a communal space recently she has more of a chance. He mentions how she went to ballet camp recently.
Richie updates the work group chat. They’re all panicked. Eva gets a room and Tiff arrives. Eva gets a scan on her head to see if there’s any damage. There isn't any and they have to go home when visiting hours are over. Richie, 3 Xanax in, has a horrific panic attack when he gets home, and gets no sleep.
The Bear crew show up with food and support, but Richie tells them to keep their distance as it's very contagious. He cries to Tina about how he keeps thinking about how small she was in the bed, how scared she must've been all night alone, about the high mortality rate.
He doesn't go into work for the week she’s in hospital, Carmy forcibly keeps him off anf apologises, he wants to visit but they're limiting contact. They go home, after she has lots of tests to see if there’s any permanent affects. There are none. Eva doesn't like doctors for a long time, Richie hates hospitals but buys a thank you gift for the entire team who looked after her and is terrified to let Eva out of his sight
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