#tw: Nyctophobia
thedrifter143 · 1 year
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t0m0w0 · 3 months
FNAF! if they were designed by me :D
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I don’t have much to say about them :))
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I think they look super cute >_<
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Springtrap and the super cute tiny phantoms lol (I didn’t feel like drawing them xp)
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Bit iffy on mangle and Bonnie’s designs but eh
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More for FNAF 4: they are all based on phobias. most are only based off one phobia, but some are based off of two cuz i wanted to. I also replaced nightmare for NM springbonnie
NM Freddy is Trypophobia (fear of holes), Freddles are Dentophobia (fear of teeth), NM Chica is Stomaphobia (fear of mouths), NM Bonnie is Necrophobia (fear of dead bodies or things associated with death), NM Foxy is Claustrophobia (fear of tight spaces) and Ommetaphobia (fear of eyes), NM Puppet is Aichmophobia (fear of sharp things) and Coulrophobia (fear of clowns), Plushtrap is Ludilophobia (fear of toys), NM BB is Automatonophobia (fear of human-like figures (or uncanny valley)), NM Fredbear and NM Springbonnie are Nyctophobia (fear of darkness) and somniphobia (fear of sleep (kinda but not rlly)), and NM Mangle is entomophobia (fear of insects (or in this case an excessive amount of legs))
I have ideas for NM Freddy, NM Foxy, and NM mangles “jumpscares” (they aren’t really jumpscares lol) :33
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doombum · 9 months
I once again made Evan suffer for the #CC weekend bash. I was planning on doing fluffy stuff but the angst just keeps inviting itself to the party apparently.
Sunday 7th: Trust / Betrayal / Trapped
Trigger warning: Panic attacks, Claustrophobia, Nyctophobia, Implied child death, Blood mention
Evan woke up to the sound of laughter resonating around the corridor and he immediately clutched Fredbear close to his chest at the unexpected darkness he was met with. He whimpered into the plush’s soft fur as he struggled to find the switch of his bedside lamp, turning it on as quickly as he could and letting out a sigh of relief as his room was illuminated.
He looked around and immediately noticed that his curtains had been drawn close at some point during the night, most probably by his dad - he had made a habit of doing so since finding out Evan was scared of the dark, telling him that he needed to grow out of his childish fears.
Going up to open them back up and letting the sunlight of the early morning enter his room, he also realised that his door was shut. He gripped Fredbear even tighter at the sight as he tried to calm himself.
He shakily walked towards the door, feeling tears already forming in the corner of his eyes as it started to become harder to breathe. It felt like the room was closing in on him and he needed to leave as quickly as possible before it crushed him.
Making his way there, he stumbled over his toys, scattered around the room, almost falling several times as he became more and more desperate to open the door. He grabbed the handle with sweaty hands, struggling to get a good hold on it before he pulled it down, frowning when it didn't do anything.
He tried again, and again, and again, growing more and more frantic as the door wouldn't budge.
A whimper left his throat and he turned around, eyes darting around his room to try to find another exit. He fell back against the door, clutching at his shirt in an attempt to calm his raging heartbeat as he realised his window was out of the question - his dad still needed to fix the broken latch - and there was no other way out.
“No, no, no !” He muttered to himself, dropping onto his knees and rocking back and forth. “Please, let me out !”
Gripping tightly at Fredbear, he shut his eyes closed to avoid looking at the suffocating room that was getting smaller and smaller. It was going to crush him.
He hadn't even realised he had started yelling pleas to be let out until he heard Mike on the other side of the door, fumbling with the handle and yelling back for him to calm down.
At the sound, Evan hurriedly turned around, still on his knees, hitting and scratching at the door desperately until his hands started to bleed. He only stopped when the door finally opened and he could breathe again.
He wasted no time pulling himself forward and into the corridor, desperately needing to get away from his room. As a result, he launched himself right into Mike's legs as his brother stood just outside the door with his hand still on the handle.
“Shit !” Instead of pushing him off, like Evan had expected him to, Michael kneeled down and pulled him into his chest, hugging him tightly. “I’m… sorry.”
Evan’s eyes widened at the hesitant words, his brother never having apologised to him before, but his surprise quickly gave way to a sense of betrayal as he took in the words.
“You locked me in there ?” He could hear his voice wavering at the thought, the tears that had started to stop starting to flood down again.
“It was just a prank !” Mike pulled away, crossing his arm and taking a defensive tone. Evan looked down at the ground, having a hard time understanding how his own brother could do that to him. “You weren’t supposed to freak out like that !”
“I couldn’t get out…” He said between sobs, his mind still trying to process what had happened. “I- I-”
Mike started to rub his back awkwardly and Evan cried even harder at the comforting motion. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. It’s gonna be okay.” After a moment, his brother tried to pull him away. A bit of struggle later, Evan was held at arm's length, trying to avoid his brother's gaze. “I won’t do that again.”
At that, he looked up at his brother's face, taking note of how serious and openly worried he looked. “You promise ?”
Mike hunched a bit at that, and looked away for a moment before he exhaled and nodded. “Yeah, I promise.”
Evan smiled shyly, still a bit wary of the older’s words. To reassure himself, he held out his pinky for Mike to seal his promise. His brother huffed and rolled his eyes but linked his own pinky anyway before ruffling his hair and pulling him back up on his feet. “Now, come on. Let's get you cleaned up.”
Evan giggled at the motion and followed Mike down the corridor, hoping he could actually trust him to respect his promise and never lock him somewhere ever again.
Evan woke up to complete silence and darkness filling his vision. Terrified out of his mind, he tried to search for his beloved plush, wanting to feel the comfort it always brought him, but found his body completely unresponsive. Panic rose in his chest as he tried to blink to clear his vision but nothing happened.
What was happening? Why was it so dark ? Where was he ?
He tried voicing his questions, calling for help, desperate for someone, anyone, to hear him. But nothing came out other than a static sound that made him wince and want to curl in on himself.
He didn't understand. Why couldn't he speak ? Why couldn't he move ? What was happening to him ?
He struggled to remember, his mind racing through his panic and getting glimpses of balloons, cake and blood. So much blood. Why was there so much blood ?
He had been crying, pleading to be let go - he could remember that. But they wouldn't leave him alone. They had dragged him. Who were they ? He couldn't remember.
He tried to think, tried to see it, but the only thing coming up was the image of his father's terrifying animatronics. Surrounding him. Dragging him. Laughing while he was screaming.
Thinking harder, desperate for answers, he realised he knew those. They weren't animatronics. They were Michael's friends and their scary masks. Tormenting him.
Was it… Was it Mike ? Did Mike put him here ? Did he lock him here ? He said he wouldn't do it again. He promised him. Evan had trusted him.
Why would he do that ? Did he do something wrong ?
Please. Mike. I'm scared. Please, help me. I didn't mean to, whatever it was I did, I didn't mean to ! Please, let me out !
He tried to move again, but the most he achieved was to produce a weird creaking sound. He felt so heavy, like he was buried under a mountain of metal.
The darkness was becoming more and more oppressive the longer he stared into it, and it seemed to have swallowed him entirely. He almost wished he could just close his eyes and never wake up again.
Despair gripped at him as he realised he had no way out this time. No-one was around - the silence so overbearing - and even if there was someone, he couldn't move or speak to tell them he was there.
But Mike had to know he was here, right ? If he was the one who locked him here. He would come back for him. He would open the door and let him out. Like he did back in his bedroom. He wouldn't just leave him there. Would he ?
How long had he been here ? It felt like minutes. It felt like years. Was Mike trying to save him ? Had he forgotten about him ?
Maybe it wasn't him ? But then he wouldn't know where he was. Who he is. He wouldn't come for him. He wouldn't know it's him that's stuck here.
In a small, terrified final attempt to reach out for help, he whispered again into the void, hoping one day, someone will come and save him: “It's me.”
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actress4him · 1 year
Whumptober 2023 - Day 11 - Royal AU
This is the second piece I've written for the Brumaria Royal AU (neither of which have actually had Bruno in them). The first one can be found here and tells the story of Kamaria becoming the Princess of Ethorcon!
Taglist: @painful-pooch
The Shadow of Death Masterlist
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No. 11: “All the lights going dark and my hope’s destroyed.” | “No one will find you.”
Contains: lady whump, referenced past whump of a minor, claustrophobia, nyctophobia, corporal punishment, referenced beating, minor sh (scratching)
It’s so dark.
Kamaria rubs her hands up and down her satin skirt, trying to give her mind something to focus on besides the darkness. The rustle it makes is extraordinarily loud in the stillness. It’s no longer enough, though, not after this long standing in the tiny space, so she clenches her hands into fists, letting her long fingernails dig into her palms. 
She needs out. 
How long has it been, anyway? Time passes strangely in here. Minutes seem like hours, but the times that she convinces herself it hasn’t been that long, she’s just being dramatic, half a day has passed. 
Her legs and back ache from standing in the same position, so likely it’s been at least an hour. It feels like it’s been many hours. She raises up onto her toes, relishing the stretch in her calves. On the way back down, though, her shoulder bumps up against the side of the wardrobe. The reminder of how small the space is buzzes through her whole body. 
She needs out she needs out she needs out now.
She wants to scream, and kick, and generally raise a ruckus until someone comes and lets her out of here. She’s tried that before, though, back when she was young and first came to live at the castle. Either it does nothing but tire her out, because there’s no one around to hear, or Roderick does hear and she pays dearly for her insolence. 
Right now, a beating or caning seems like it would be welcome, just because it would take place out in the open and the light. But she stays quiet, anyway. Scratching furiously at her arms placates some of the need to act out.
When all this first started, she wasn’t even bothered by darkness or small spaces. Even the first few times Roderick locked her in here, it wasn’t that bad. Frustrating, yes, but it didn’t make her anxious. Of course back then, she was small enough that she could sink to the floor, curl up and even nap. 
She thinks it changed the first time he left her an entire day and night. She thought he’d forgotten her. And that’s the fear now, irrational as it may be - what if he forgets about her? What if something happens to him and no one else knows where she is? What if he decides she needs even more punishment and takes it too far, leaving her here until she starves or dehydrates or maybe simply loses all of her senses?
No one else but the two of them ever come into this room. No one will find her. 
She knows it’s stupid. He’s left her for an entire day and night more than once, but it’s never been longer than that. Still, every time he starts pushing her this direction, her stomach churns and she considers falling to her knees and begging him to punish her another way. She’ll never actually go that far, of course. It would give him too much satisfaction. But the anxiety of facing hours in the darkness crawls up her throat and threatens to choke her every time.
Has it been another hour yet? She’s starting to get a headache. Whether from lack of sleep, food, or water, she has no idea.
If she could only braid a strand of her hair, that would keep her occupied, but it’s all pinned up in a ridiculous Ethorconite hairstyle. Scratching her arms is good. The sting of it keeps her from going crazy. Roderick will fuss about how she’s marred her skin later and she’ll have to wear long sleeves until the marks disappear, but it’s worth it. 
She stops moving suddenly, straining to listen. There was something out there, something made a noise…right? She could swear she heard a footstep or maybe a door shutting. 
The seconds tick by, the only sound her shaky breathing, hitting the wooden door and bouncing back to her ears. Please please please…
No one opens the door. The darkness stretches on. 
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megabonniex · 6 months
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Phobia AU - Nyctophobia T.XML
Nyctophobia T.XML looks similar to Original T.XML but he's fully pure black with glowing eyes. His sharp teeth aren't visible, but he can show his sharp teeth. Nyctophobia T.XML rather stay silent but he can do growling and screeches. He can only come out at Night. He is very hard to be hit due to his body is pure darkness, but his weakness is Light. He hates light as well. Natural Light doesn't hurt him but he doesn't like it. Sunlight and Light attacks can hurt him. If someone shines at Nyctophobia T.XML too long with their flashlight, it causes Nyctophobia T.XML to aggro towards to someone who shines at him too long
Nyctophobia T.XML's Nightmare form
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Nyctophobia T.XML's Nightmare form is big version of himself, but he has very sharp claws, alot of sharp teeth, and skinny legs. He able to transform into his nightmare form. It gives off fear aura
[Nyctophobia - Fear of Dark]
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sheepiling · 2 years
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Simstober Day 26: Darkness 
I have Nyctophobia. This is the most terrifying picture to me. 😱 
Reshade Mod 
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mom, can you pick me up? i’m scared 
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yashicanandarchive · 2 years
⌝ Typically Yashica was able to wait until morning before she left work, she could keep herself in Supernaturals until the sun rose and she could walk to grab a coffee and do the rest of her day before she inevitably collapsed and slept for a few hours in bed at home. She didn't need to be outside in the evening air. However, tonight she had promised the building manager she'd be back inside before three am so that he could shut down the building buzzers while they were replaced - meaning she wouldn't be able to get back inside after three until at least the following afternoon.
⌝. So Yash had prepared, or so she thought, walking along the desolate week night streets of South Opulence in the direction of her apartment in Descray. The mortal girl had an industrial size flashlight she had been testing for a few nights, she made sure not to bring her typically large purse and instead had a backpack on her and she just needed to make it home. It hadn't quite occured to her that testing the light with such frequency would mean she was using the battery, a lot of battery, and as she rounded a corner in Descray towards her home the brilliant light illuminating the dirty street began to flicker.
⌝ "Don't - don't do this," Yash practically stuttered as her palm hit the slide of the light, temporarily holding it's brilliance while the young woman paused where she stood, brown ballet flats pressed to one another alongside the length of her feet to keep her steady as her whole body seemed to quiver and her heart rate began to increase. "Seriously?" Yashica grew frustrating, a thud with a rattle of batteries in plastic each time she hit the light, a few times it returned, but eventually the violence she was putting against it was not enough to retain the light and Yash was left with only flickering dull street lights.
⌝ The girl did not cope well with this, the pounding in her chest growing into an erratic pounding, her breath becoming hard. Yashica tried to focus on where there was light, rushing forward to stand beneath the street light but in doing so she dropped the flashlight, object hitting the concrete hard and shattering, causing Yashica to let out a violent scream that echoed through the streets, high pitched and ripping through the cool night air.
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viciouslyfilthy · 2 years
Your muse found themselves in a dark and humid place. Liquid, presumably water, dripping from somewhere deep withing this cavernous place.
Silence, only the faint dripping noise being the only thing your muse could hear from afar, until-
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.
Followed by what seemed to be a person giggling from afar. A light emerged from somewhere deep withing this tight cave. The darkness only made the feeling of getting crushed between each wall you bumped into even stronger. They almost felt like they were closing in.
With nowhere else to go, your muse had no other choice than to follow the light. And that giggling. And that...crunching of flesh.
Soon, your muse was greeted by a rather odd sight: a tall, pale figure of what seemed to be a human woman, feeding some bits of meat to a pair of...well, more inhuman creatures. They looked like vampire bats- except they lacked wings and were the same size as a toddler.
The woman was completely naked, from what was visible; this couldn't have been a normal human woman, as she possessed two large wings, covered in white feathers that seemed to emanate a faint light, rested behind her, closed. Not to mention she had four visible breasts instead of two. Whatever could be visible from below was another story entirely...
Apart from masculine genitalia, the entirety of her bottom half was closely resemblant of that of a satyr from greek mythology, except that instead of being a horse-half, it appeared to be a goat's half.
Next to the figure was a lantern, it's glow was ghostly pale with a tint of blue; the smaller creatures were fighting over a single piece of meat while a third one that emerged from the dark took advantage of the situation to steal the rest. The entity was most likely being entertained by this 'food fight' they were having.
Silent or not, the entity would eventually take notice of your muse's presence, as she'd turn her gaze over to your direction.
"Oh? You're not supposed to be here." She simply declared, throwing one last piece of meat to the little goblin-looking creatures, and turning her body fully towards you. She picked up the lantern and shun it towards your muse's direction.
"I'm going to assume you don't know where you are. And I can assure you won't like knowing the answer; presuming you're from the Earth realm, this place is what you'd know as 'Hell'. " she droned, as if she gave this same speech a million times before and was growing annoyed of it.
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whenshecriedofficial · 3 months
W̶̨͎̻͚̠̹̼̜͖̠̳̥̣̪̥͓̍͊͐̑͊̄͌̈́͐̂͐̄͌̓̋̈̔̔̓̏̊̈́̑͘̕͘͘͠͝͠ͅḦ̴͎̱̦̻̲͈̻̠̠̲̤̟̻̬̖̰́̽͒́̈́̾́̉̎̌̂̇̿̿̑̃͒͑̇̍̑̅̀͊̿̔͘̚͜͠ͅA̵̛̛̬͔̹̜̞̖̝͕̻̗̋̓̍̓̾̾͑̕̕ͅŤ̵̛̜̱̱̥̠͍̱͖̪̀͘͠ͅ ̵̨̨̨̞̍̐̓͆͒̏̄̇͑̿̈́̑̈̑̏̅̌̊̊͑͐̾̓͗͝͠͝I̸̫͙̲͚͙̻̖̝̭̻͔̟̗̿́̐̌͐̀̀̿̃͌̈́̃̿͛̕͘̕͜͠Ṩ̶̨̨̡̯̞̭̥̙̟̟̼̳̦͍͚̰͖̦̘̐͂̆̀̉̈́̈́͒͗̉͗̿̓͘͝͠ ̶͚̘͉̉̆̊̋͆̔̉͑̾͠Ì̷͖́͆̓͂̂̿͐̇͒̐̄̾̀̒̔̄͛͗̄̌̀̎̉́̓̕̚͝͝T̵̨̜̞̻̙̠̬͇̲̖͓̜̯̦̹̰̤̬̬̭̖͎̥͂̿̒̈́́̒̇͛̈́͐͂̀̚͜͜͝ ̵̨̛̩͕͓͔͇̩́̊̽́̂̀͊́͐̏͊͐̿̈̑̆͂̓̋̎̅͌̈̒͋̂̚͠͝ͅT̶̨̨̧̝̥̠̟̼̭͍͇̖̝̰̜͓̩̙̭̻̥̙̖̬̩͓͙͈̯͕͛͐̃͋̓ͅͅḦ̶̨̛̱̦͈͈̩̤̝̯̘͓̺̼̗͍̗̥̠́̀̾̇̊̎͜͝ͅA̵̬̻̼͙̻̩͂͆͋̿͗͘̚T̴̛̳̝̈́̆͆̄̏͐̈́͌́̍̀̈́͆̽͑̈̀̔̑̉̈́͐͆̉͐̇̚̚͘͠ ̸̨̡̣̠̝̟̟̱͓̪͔̭̥̮̭̬͈͎͕̆̍͑͂̆̔͊͌͂̐̐͛̊̂̓̍͌̑͆̈͆͜͝͠͠ͅY̶̛͙̟̠͇̞̩͚̤̰̆͑̋͌̈́̓͑̇̍́̽͝͠Ǫ̴̠̮͖̳̬̘̃́̈́̌̀̃͗̂͛̓̊̎̇̇̍̎͊͑̚͘̚͝͝͝Ù̶̡̧̟̲̙̞̝̫̠̯̦͇̭͕͍̳̰͍̭̦̮͉̖̩̅̒̌̌̿̿̚͜ͅ ̷̧̧̰̝̳̹̰͖͚̯̬͙͔̙̗̟̪̳͍̯̩̺̪͍̗̘͉̖̊̂́̇͒̀̅̓͋͂͆̔̅̿̆͐̒́̓̏͌͗̿̓͑̆̽̕̚͘M̸̢̤̯̜̩͔̼͚͖͇͓͙̞̱̣̙̯̰͚̞͖̰͖͉̺͇̥̤͚̹̩̞̀̈̿̈́̏̈̋̿̃̀̽̍̀͐̿͜͝Ō̸̧̡̨̧̝̝̫͍̫̬̫̖̗̤͓͉͕͍̺͎͉̮̗̮͈̯̺̗̺̩̌̌̔̏͂̏̌͜͝ͅS̵̢̛͙͈̲̬̯̬̖̠͓͔͉̫͖̤͙̓̽̈́͆͋͆̈́̆͆͂̇͒̓̕͝ͅT̵̢͇̣̯̻̥̹̹̼͖͙̱̙͕̜̳̣̠̳̣̖̓̉̀̅̋̇͌̌̈́̔̊̄̐̈̇̍̋͐́͊̈͐̚͠͝ ̵̛̖̮̼͙̌̽͗̽͐̋̽̏̽̍̏̽͐̒̈̊̀̃̐D̸̡̡̢̛͍̜̲͈̜̳̹̙̺̼̤̝̠̩̥̱̳̟̗̯̱̘̘͔̬͌̿̂̇̆̓̿͐͑̅̅͋̏̓̚Ę̷̛̳͈̗̟̔̓͑͗̋̈́̌̋̆͆̿͐̌̅̊͒̋S̶̡̗̤̪̘̣̎̊͗̍̆̓̔̓͌̽̏͒́̊͌̆́̍̾̈̔͑̂̕̕̚̕͠͝͠͠͠͝I̸̡̨̛̗͉̝͔̞̯̱̞̦̦͉̥͎̣̬̭̬̹̙̗̬͂̐̐̍̐̔̉͆͆̐͊̏͘͜͠͠R̵̢͖̘͔̱͖̯̣̹̞̹͚̙̾̆̎̉̇͌̿̃̀̓̈́̃̈́̓͑͐̍̽̋̓͌͋̚͠͝͠͠͠Ȅ̶̡̫͇͇̮͇̪̠̟̮́͂̓͌̕?̵̨̡̞͕͎̭̗̪̬̫̜̬̝̗̰̩͔̖̘̟̫͕͙̲̠̻̤̟̳͑͐̀͊̈̃͑̐̍̇̇͛̊̍̈́̃̀́̊̽͑̚͜͝ͅ
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Ṣ̴̢̭̜̰̻̩̬̳̞̰̱͎̫̩̤̞̣̬̬̬̪͈̼͙̿͂͂̒̍̄̑͐̈́̐̋͊̚̚͜͜ͅĮ̵̟̺̰͚͖͇͓̺̝̝̣͕̋̿̔̒̓́̀̕͝ͅ ̸̢͎̠̼̮̬̯̜̗̲̝͔̀̀̑̓́̍̇̂͘͠͝ͅͅT̵̡̨̞̺̯͙̯̞̥̪̼̦̳͈̳͙̎̽̽̊̐̍̍̑̏͌̒̉̈́͋̒̕̕͜͝͝I̶̡̨͚̺͈̭̖͈̖̠͈̓̎ ̷̡̢̯̠͓̹͉̳͍̙̜̮̟̪͓̝̞̻͙̫̻͔̎͂̂̓͒̒̃̒͋͒̏Ỷ̵̨̛͎͓̹͔̈̓̾̄̋̈̿̈́̀̀͗̏̌̈͂̀͘̚̕͘͝É̵̩̹̻͌͛̅̀̀̅̈͘͜͝Ņ̴̛̹͔̞̦̟͓̬̬͙̜͖̳̠͙̺́͊̊̀̆̓̾ͅÖ̵̢̱͔̖̞̰͇̺̫̰̥͖̖͖̰̹̺̝̭͓̖̦̭̠̹͎̼̲͓́̾́̿̀͐̏̅̑̇̉͑͊͛͗̂̌̔̿̎͆̆̅͜͜͠͝ͅͅM̷̡̢̛̞̬͙̮͎͇̯̹͈̭͉̗̘̖̼̲͕̭̦̹͉͍̔̾̔͒̍̀́̽͒̌̄̄̔͒̐́̓̊͋̈̏̍̓͐̋͗͆̕͜͝?̶̡̧̛̹̲̝͈͈̪͍̤͖̺̬͉̹̯̭͉̙͉̬̜̦̮̀̍̂̂̋͊̓̓́̋̊̎͒̕ ̶̡̨̯͚̞̗̼̼̥̖̋̍̆̾̎̑̋̂̉̍̒͝͝ͅE̷̢̡̧̛̛̼̲̞̻̗̻̼͇̣͉̦̫͕̙̥͔̱͖͈̙̯̯̲̜̝̔̆̉͋̎̎̎̍͑̾̀̀̂̇̃̋̄͊̈́̋̓͆̋̉̕͝ͅM̴̢̢̦̖͇̱̠̠̞̤̮̜̗̣͉͍̻͎̖͔̙̣̥̟͖̤͇̊̆͑͂̓̈́͒́͛̂͗͊̒̋̕̕̚̕͠͝͠ͅÁ̶̧̧̗̥̗͙̩̺̜̻̟̝̠̘͙̞̻͎̪̝͖͕̟̪̹̦̫͕͍͙̇̀̊̅̍̾͠F̴̛͖͉̽̎̔̾̈́́̓̅̽͗̋̅͆̓̂̇̀̆̕̕͝͝?̴̨̘̫̳͚̫̦͍̯̥̙̖͍̓͌̈́̏ ̷̡̭̤̼̬͙̙̻͚̗̭̬̱̹̲͖̻͇̜͚̮̝̣͌̽͛̒̉̿͋̅͠Ę̶̠͈̰͔͖̺͉̥̣̘͍̖̫̫͓̼͕͕̟͍͔̞͎̹͉̲͎͊̉͂̈́̿͌͝ͅN̴̡̢̢̤̙̗̘̺͙̦̣̥̭͕̭̖̺̲̭̲͚̘̖̹̜̺͑̐̃̓͊̔̋͛̌̄̊̔̈́͂̏̐́̅͒̈́̑̒̒̓̑̊̕̚͘͝͝Ư̵̧̨̨̮̗͚̻̮̳̰̭̦̠̠̬̳̮͈̟̞̙̙̬̖̹̦̪͔̖͎̻͂̉̓͊̈́̃̾̾̈̂̐͒͗͐̏̅̿͆͘͘T̸̨͔͓̫̣͔͕̹̳͆́̆͌̈́̋̑͊͊̂̿͛̍̒̑͌͋͝͝͝R̴̡̧̡̛̜͕̻̞̙̯̙͇͙̹̱͙̠͕̩̤̤͈̲͖͙̪̙̊́͂̔̂̍̀́͋̕̕͜ͅƠ̴̧̹̠͕͈̼̤̗̳͕̂̍̊̑͐̈́͌̏̃̾̒̇̊̾̈́̀́͆̎̉͊͒̂͐͘̚̕͠ͅF̴̨̧͍̲͔̭͍̗̦͍͍̱̥̝̗̰͓̪̳͚͈̣̝͔̟̹͛͒̽̏͂̑̌́̔͐͊͗́͝͝ͅͅͅ?̶͕̳͍̠̻͙̟̥͍̹̞̟̹̪̇̊́̔̒͗̑̾̚̚ ǫ̴̢̛͙̮͖̮̲̦̯͎̪̱̦̹̹̪̣̰̳͆͗̓̆̀̃͊͛̓͑͌̀͐͐͘͜ͅr̸̨̧̢̘̤͚̻͈̣̼̰͖̝̭͕͖̯̭̤͙̼͎͖̤̗̦͊͆̇̈́̄̑̅̐̏̈́̒̿̀̔́̏͑̈͜͝͠͝ ̵̢̡̡̜͚̠̮̗̖̬̲̗̘͖͔̳̻͇̭̟̰͖͚̠̹̬̟͈̗̱̈́̉̉̔́͌̊̃̽̊̎̀̏̆͂̉͘̚̕͘͜͝͝͠ͅp̷̧̡̦͍̞͎̟̭͇̦̖̮̩̙̹͍̲̙͊͐̾̓̐͌͒͊̒̍̊̓̅̐͠e̷̡̥̰̰̯̯̖̯̰͙͎̫͓̝̣͈͈͕̝̪̼͋̋̔̓̓̽̇̑̊̌͋̆͗̅̂͒̀́͒̀̀͑͝͝͝r̸̢̧̨̛̥̞̥͓͇̪͈͈̣̼̫̺̂̿̾͆̍̇͂̊̓͊̈́͛̀̽̇̋͂̄̏̈́͋̉͝͝ͅͅh̸̡̧̢̡̛͚̘͉̗͖͕̤̜̮̝͇̳͖̩̠͚̟̞̥̟̹̠̦̭̪̪̽̅̀̃͛͗̾͒̄̒̉́ä̴̗̮̙̖̗͔͕̜͔͇̲̹̗̩́̊̉̄̐̌̓͝p̶̨̡̧̛̭̤͙̩̭̲̻̜͉̮̮̠̳͓͕̪̼͕̪̤̞͎̀͑͋̀̀̂͂̒̊͗̀̐̿̋̓̄͝͝s̸̲̮̜̳͛̎̊̉͆͌͐͊̐̓̅͋̽͂͗̉̕.̷̢̨̛̦̫̪̣͈̺̤̫̭̘̜̪̲͙̊͌͊̓͗̈́̂͐͌̀̃̔̈́̌͘͘̕͘͠.̸̡͚͚̖̹̫͚͓͚̺̠̫̤̹̺̗̙̪͈̦̥͚̲͇̤̮͎̻̈́̏̑͒.̷̡̨̡̢̲̗̥͉̦̩̖͖̟̼̳͇̖̖͎̘̥̰̭̺̼͉̳̤̠̪̦͇͒̉̓͆̿͋̈́̀̀̈́̿̈̇̄̍̇͒͜͝ ̷̨̛̦̻̠̹͎̞͖͖̮̬̪̠̰͚͕̫͈̀̃̋̏̀͌͌͑́͒̑͑̒̓į̴͇̝͚̞̬̰̥͙̘̹͖͆͆̈̋̓̐̄̇́́̀̂́̐̈̈́̀̋̃͒̏̏͘͝͝ṫ̶̛͇͉͖̻͓͙͍̱̇̔͌̔́̄͒͋̅̂͑͑͗͜͠s̶̥͝ ̵̧̛̛͉̫̪̙̳̤͈̩̻̮̘̗͕͖̦̣̟̍̒͋̒̑͂̿̆̒̾̈́̾̇͗̍̅̾̒̓̽̓͜͝p̷̡̢̡̢͕̞͔̳̬͇̗̳͈͖̙̘̭͖̼̽͜ͅa̷̢̢̜̘͕͕̤͉͈̭̘̼̜̣̖̲͎̤̹̗̙̦̮͓̎̄͐͒̃̊̄̇̀́͂̿͑̍̈͐͌͌̎̓̈̆̄͊͝͠ͅͅr̴̢̧̧͖͍̠̗̰̰̟͇͉̜̥̯̝͍̣̜̹̥̹̩͕̣͈͕͍̰̔͗̆̄̓́̓̉̂́͛̋̄͊͂̓̈̀͋́͆́̈́͗̕a̵̛̮͍̗̼̖͔̜̲̦͓̱̪͕̠̺̘̳̫̰̲͇̦̪̥̘͎̼̒̌̔́̾̎́͗̀́̀̈́̉͊̈́̿͌͛̊̚͘̚͜͠͝͝d̸̛̙͉̫̥͈͖̝̮̠̉̆̂̾̃ͅi̷̡̢̨̡̙̠̭̪̬͚͉̩̟͍͕̱͍̲̫̦̣̟̹͕̓̅̎̽̽̿̂͒͋̃́̆̄̈́̄̕s̵̳̫̗̪͕͕̩̪̺͛̋̐͐̊̏̐́͊̈́̽͗́͘͘͘͝e̴͔̰͓̖̜̯̐̈̆̆͆̇̓̇͊̅̃͘̕͠͠͠͝͝?̴̨̡̡̨̛̪̤̩̻̳͈̹͚͕͉̥͓̠̰͎̩̮͓̟͙͙̪͓͂̿̓̅͂̿̄̀͐̿͛̔̊̾̀͗̆́̈́̌̎͌̕͜͜͠͠ͅ Just say the word, and its yours... after all, who am i to stop you?
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clownieboo · 6 months
Here in the Forest,
Dark and Deep
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I fart so Hard,
It put me to Sleep.
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pickle-the-lad · 1 year
I wrote the story last year, and it's posted on Wattpad, but for those who don't use that, I'm posting it here too💖 please read the tags before the story!
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Why won't it stop smiling at me… The forest, lit blue by the midnight moon and its starry sky, but I stare at the ground.
It moves with me still, it's still shaped like me. But when I turn to keep walking, I feel it grow closer. And when I look back, it doesn't hide that fact as it slowly slinks back to form. My shadow is out to kill me, and it radiates impatience for its goal.
'What do I do, walk backwards home?' I think to myself as I remember the forest path to my house, a death trap watching where you're going.
Staring down at my captor, just trying to make sense of what I'm seeing. "This is crazy." I say under my breath, laughing to myself like a totally sane person. This makes no sense, absolute insanity, but I'm frozen… "I just have to turn around… right?"
But I stand there, hands in my hoodie's pockets, just staring at the ground… "just turn around, that's exactly what I'm going to do."
"Ṫ̷̡h̸͈̃e̸̮͛ń̸͉ ̸̠̓d̷̘͝o̴̦͌ ̵̦̽i̷̠͒t̸̥͋"
It's voice came from behind my ear… with icy breath and bitter aggravation.
So this is how absolute dread and insanity feels like. I laugh to myself as I realize the weight of this moment; Either I'm insane or dead and I don't know which.
I start carefully and slowly walking backwards, as the thing attached to my feet follows suit.
"Ẃ̴͙h̸͍͐a̴͈̋t̶̖̓ ̴̩̍á̷͈ȑ̵̠e̸̼͝ ̵̯́y̴͖͂o̷̱̎ū̶̘ ̸̟́s̶̯͋o̴͇̾ ̶̜̋a̵̦͝f̶̘͝r̷̙̃a̷̐͜ḯ̷̼d̷̮̆ ̶̠̅o̴͚̒f̶͇͐?̶̘͋" it's cold whisper, a heavy contrast to the warm breeze.
I press on, refusing… or unable to open my mouth to answer it's twisted question. As I walk under the forest canopy, I watch that thing melt into the shadows.
But instead of feelings of relief, overwhelming dread consumes me before I turn around and book it towards the street light. I just know if I make it there I'll be fine!
I feel the shadows around me gnaw and claw at my legs as I run. Laughter from all around me, maniacal and taunting. What is this nightmare I've stepped into!
I collapse into the yellow light, just trying to remember how to breathe. My Shadows slowly slides below me and it feels chained again. Like a shadow should be… but I'm still not home.
I look up at the shadows that cover the rest of my path. My legs burning, I give them a look over. They're covered in scratches, they don't look near as deep as they feel though. I look up at the Moon that I've admired for the past two and a half decades, wondering why she would do this to me…
The moon, who used to be my only comforting friend throughout the night… it's insane but I just know that it's her. It sounds so delusional, but looking back at my bleeding legs, it's the only thing that makes sense! There's no way just kicking up some gravel, and managing to avoid roots sticking up from the ground did this!
As the old light bulb flickers, I jolt up knowing I won't be safe there for long.
"A̷̜͛w̷̮̑~̷͇̈ ̸̦̑ȉ̷͍s̸̰̅ ̸͎̈́t̶͚̒h̸̼͒ė̷̼ ̴͈̔l̸͜͝i̷̺͌t̸͎̊t̵̪̂l̵̜͗e̸̪͝ ̵̻̏ḇ̶̀ǫ̴̈́y̸̘̅ ̷͍̀t̷̹̂h̶̥̾a̶͓͊ẗ̷̘ ̸͔̎s̴̥̃c̵̜̈́à̵͕r̵͉̋e̴̪͗d̵̻͠ ̵̢̉ǫ̷̈́f̸̙̾ ̶̗͐í̵̜t̵̮͗s̴̢̑ ̵̥̃o̵̝̾w̸̦͌n̷͓̈́ ̶̱͝s̶͇͂h̸͔͠ă̸̹d̸̩̂o̶̡̅w̵̼͝?̶̫̊"
Bolting down the road, in and out of the blue moonlight and her shadows. I see my driveway, alit with the blue and a shadow man waving at me with a shit-eating grin.
I squeeze my eyes shut as I turn into my driveway, skating and catching myself as I try to keep momentum.
"F̵̛̜a̸̔ͅs̸̙̚t̵͉͊e̸͒͜r̵͉͝" its gravelly laughter fills me with fear as I cry down the driveway begging to reach the porch light.
Throwing myself onto my porch, I turn around and watch as this yellow light bends my pursuer to its disdain. Standing right beside me, just as a shadow should.
I stumble inside, wash my wounds and bandage up my legs… this all happened just a couple of weeks ago. Now, whenever I look into the night, I'm just filled with dread and that nightmare creeps back into my mind…
I think I'm done with night walks for good…
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year
I've had previous relationships that failed because of my inability to grow with my partner, for my partner. I grew with you because I wanted us to succeed. Never really had an idea of what that kind of relationship I wanted and maybe that's why we worked. Left those parts of the past behind and made our own to suit. Glad we did.
Confessions in the Dark || Accepting Her nightlight seems to have burnt out, and maybe that says something. Could the descending dark have been the thing that woke her? She doesn't remember it happening before but then that doesn't necessarily mean it didn't. She doesn't move. The dark is alive. It breathes and she can feel its coils crawl over her. Freezes her blood making it impossible to do anything.
Something else lives in it, too. Or...did. She can feel its absence and is overcome to probe the space the same way a child pokes at the hole of a newly lost too, except that Beth knows all too well, there won't be a treasure under her pillow come morning. No, all there will be is that irrevocable sense of loss. It isn't fair. She has taken her meds faithfully, so if she's on the edge of a spiral downward, it shouldn't be so heavy. It shouldn't drag at her ankles. It shouldn't... But she doesn't know what is gone. Just that it is. Beth doesn't move when the sun comes up and banishes the breathing dark. She doesn't really move at all for days afterwards. And why should she? There's no one to see her weakness. No one to fuss over her. Make sure she's eaten. No one to care if her hair is a little greasy and her skin is dry. No one to put a brave face on for. And certainly no one to hear her crack apart.
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musingsofamystic · 1 year
//Morty exhausts themself trying to squeeze their way out of the cage. Not small enough. The other's probably not even small enough either. They finally stop, calming down and feeling silly and stupid. Baba had been right; they should have stayed away.
They send a psychic message to Rav first before going to cuddle their sibling. Karnie just lays there, curled up in discomfort. They'll find a way to escape. Just need to catch their breath real quick.
They press their nose against their sibling's fur, but their head shoots up at Dim's voice//
n no, it's okay! all according to plan!! we really here, just go back to bed, kay? sorry cant heal you right now..... 3: - 🐁
ba...ba... - 🖍
Oh, that is.. that is bad, no? You- you shouldn't.. shouldn't be here. My problem. Not yours. 'M sorry.
It's alright..I can't- cant help you either. What is it, Karnie?
//he doesn't fully listen to them, wanting to stay awake so he can at least provide some comfort, but the time he can stay awake is limited, especially because of everything in his body. He yawned softly but tried to look around, using whatever magic he had left to make a bit of food for them. At least they wouldn't starve. He could smell it, his mouth watering at the thought of food, but he pushed it down. They need it more than him. He shifts slightly in discomfort, ropes pressing harshly into his skin, causing his wrists and ankles to become quite red. He tried to keep his eyes open. He- he had to provide comfort. Best he can.//
I'll.. I'll go to sleep later. When I know that you're alright. I'll go to sleep then.
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kommandonuovidiavoli · 4 months
So hows father holding us in the adult au? Is he in a nurseing home yet?
[TW: nyctophobia (darkness), ommetaphobia (eyes), scopophibia (being watched), creepy imagery]
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cuntry-r0ckst4r · 4 months
request where Benny Weir helps the reader overcome their fear of small spaces heights or the dark and stage fright
Nyctophobia ~ benny weir x reader
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summary- headcanon's of how your boyfriend helps you overcome your fears of the dark
tw- nyctophobia
I couldn't think of it as a fic, but I could think of it as a hc! Inbox is now closed!
established relationship! (Benny x reader)
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-Let's get one thing straight, he loves you so much. You're his first and probably only high school girlfriend.
-He wants to help you overcome your fear of the dark, show you that he really cares.
-He comes over to your house after school and repeats that he has a surprise to show you.
-He was expecting many many many protests, so he brought Sarah along to help out in case any monsters of night excuses came up
"hey babe... so ya know how you have a fear of the dark..." he had started off, suspiciously.
You looked at him weird before responding. "Obviously I do, yes." you had replied, suspiciously.
He had sighed, "Nevermind, will you come outside with me? I have a surprise."
You had followed him outside still somewhat suspicious of why he asked and then took you outside into the dark.
"Benny, where is this surprise? I don't want to go behind the house into the woods." You say standing with your arms crossed, watching him go closer to the dark tree's.
-He definitely gets frustrated that you won't follow him blindly into the woods??
"babe just come on! your surprise is in here!" he somewhat whines, practically begging you to go.
-after begging you for like 10 minutes, he had finally convinced annoyed you into going in the woods with you.
-you were definitely gripping onto his arm the whole time, unbeknownst to you Sarah was following behind you two.
-after walking into the middle of the forest there is no surprise and you start to get annoyed.
"Where is this surprise that you so begged me to come see Benny!" you say pissed off.
"So, don't get mad, this was the surprise. bringing you to the woods to face your fear and show you that just because it's dark doesn't mean that it's dangerous and scary!" Benny explains to you, as he explains you start to become more aware of your surroundings.
You felt your heart doing backflips as he continued his speech. Then you thought of the contradictory, "do you remember how to get out of here?"
-Which is when he told you to turn around and you saw Sarah, he explained that she would get you both out because he was not paying attention.
-As Sarah led you both out of the not so scary dark woods you were still holding his arm, but this time it wasn't for safety.
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col-e7 · 4 months
Ninjago headcanons again but my high school with no powers AU (post 2/5)
/!\ TW : traumas, mention of SA, bulliyin, racism, struggling with mental health, panic attacks...
Note : If you're dealing with any of those, please seek help, you're not alone you can do this, you are stronger than you think and my DM are always open if you need to talk :3
Jay Walker
• is 16 y/o
• is in 10th grade
• uses he/him and is a trans guyyy
• is Korean by his biological parents but raised as Irish by his adoptive parents
• can speaks Korean perfectly well and an old Irish dialect
• has heterochromia eyes
• is a freckles head and has ginger/blond mixed hair
• is between 5’6 and 5’7 (1m68) but used to be smaller than Lloyd
• is the 2nd youngest after Lloyd
• he’s born on the 1st April
• has ADHD
• has a collection of rubik’s cubs and always have one in his bag and a key ring with a tiny one and use the big one in class to stay focus
• is a genius in mathematics and P.E. class but just for running
• has hyperfixations are video games, dinosaurs, sharks and spider-man
• is very clumsy
• once tried skateboarding like Kai, Cole and Lloyd but failed miserably
• is a bad loser
• never does his homework, the ultimate procrastinator
• was a gacha/nightcore phase
• listening to all genders of musics but hyper pop>>>
• has an overload room but clean because he has cleaning pulsions at 3am and reorganise his all room during his calls with Cole. His parents had to create their own headphones for the noises during the night
• is a HUGE lover of Christmas and Halloween
• is an anime weeb
• Gave his WII U and all his games with to Lloyd because he knew Kai couldn’t afford it at this time
• Helped Lloyd to bind their chest for the first time with tape and for his birthday he gave him his own binder bcz he didn’t need it anymore
• Make fun of Kai’s height since he get taller than him
• Nobody knows it but him and Cole dated once for a couple months in 9th grade before they decided to broke up because they feel they were just friends
• To him he only had two relationships : one with Cole and one with an another boy named Felix in primary school where they couldn’t stop holding hands, kissing each other on the cheek and helping each other
• Has also a panic disorder which causes him to stress a lot and for the most tiny things. He got medication for it so he doesn’t have like a panic attack a day but he still can feel extremely stressed
• Because of his panic disorder and some bullying things in primary school he did his all middle school plus 9th grade at home
• Can play electric bass thanks to one of his old hyperfixation and sometimes plays songs to Nya even if he makes mistakes because it’s been a long time he didn’t play
• Is a dog person and has a dog call Flash
• Loves his adoptive parents with his all heart
• When he’s angry he cursed in the Irish dialect he learned from his adoptive parents and the others are either dying of laughter or being extremely concerned
• Is in love with Nya for ages and ages but didn’t how to approach her and all so she’s the one who did the first step and talk to him for the first time
• He has testosterone treatment so his voice is still in break and sometimes it is absolutely low and other times it’s high-pitched
• He builds a lot of stuff and knows how to repair cars and often helps Cole with his motorcycle
• His hands are always dirty and dust is often under his nails because of all the stuff he builds
• He has a hate (but he wishes love) relationship with cats since he’s allergic to them
• He’s nyctophobic (extreme fear of dark) and so he always has a little candle or the night light that his parents made for him so he can sleeps
• Used to have horrible panic attacks at night when he has nightmares or because of his nyctophobia and even have to go to the emergency once because of it
• Before getting his driver license he always go to places with his bike
• Before meeting all the friend group members, he always had to pretend he was « normal » because people used to mock him because of his ADHD, his anxiety tics and where he lived (the junkyard)
• He’s the nice and energetic guy of his village, every old ladies thinks he’s really nice while old men thinks he’s too noisy (they’re just jealous-)
• Always make little gifts to Nya that he made himself and love to do big surprises that he took months to prepare just to see her smile on her face
• Was, is and will always #1 Nya’s supporter with Kai ofc
• Is best friend with Cole since he’s been adopted bcz the Walker and the Hence Brookstone families are good friends
• he knows what Cole’s been through and knows to help him
• Nya is his biggest support when he has breakdown she knows what to do, how to deal with it and make him feel better and always listening to him
• Nya and him rarely fight because they work hard on communication and Jay is just freaking happy about that
• Jay will never admit it but he always admired how cool is Kai and even if they fight a lot he knows he can count on them and they know they can count on him if there’s anything
• Zane, Pixal, Nya and him plan every month a weekend to the junkyard to make a new invention together
• Loves to help people he cares about so when he learned that Zane was being bullied by some racists, he managed to always be with him if they go alone somewhere and felt extremely shitty when they got physically assaulted bcz he couldn’t help and even get hit too
• Sometimes he wished he was like Kai, confident and brave enough to fight for his friends
• Always say ily to Cole because he’s THE best friend he ever had and he’s always here when he needs help
• When he helps Kai with their maths homework, he become as strict as a math teacher can be (even worse) and it makes Kai just questionning his whole life
• Made the worse foolishness possible with Cole as a kid
• has arachnophobia
• dance and scream-singing at 3am with Cole on Timber
• is a BIG fan of Fairy Tail (has a plushie of Happy)
Nya Smith
• Is 16
• Is in 10th grade
• Uses the pronouns She/her and identifies as a cis girl
• Bisexual girl
• Mexican/japanese like Kai
• Speaks Spanish
• Is between 5’10/5’11
• Is the 3rd youngest after Jay and Lloyd (she’s older than Jay yes)
• Born on 27 March
• She’s an extreme perfectionist like it already made her sick at some point
• Drive an old but incredible motorcycle she repair with Jay two years ago and loves it, it’s literally her baby
• Is an amazing student in everything except art and literature because she struggles to express her feelings and to words on emotions
• Loves metal music and listening some with Cole
• Is extremely good at sport and even more at swimming
• She's not into dresses but she wouldn't mind wearing a skirt even though she prefers wearing trousers and shorts
• Is definitely not a morning person like she needs coffee to be awake, is addicted to caffeine
• she's been assaulted sexually when she was younger like 11-12 a day Kai has to work late again and couldn’t get Nya in time so she had to go back home alone
• Lloyd and her would definitely have the best sleepover/gossiping together when Kai isn't here for the all night and doing karaoke all night long
• has matching bracelets with Kai that they did when they were young. Her is red and his red
• due to her assault, she’s extremely afraid to be alone outside at night. She hated herself and feels so vulnerable so she build herself a shell and since now she rarely talks about her feelings and emotions, she sees it as weakness, but thanks to Jay she understands that talking and showing her emotions wasn’t about being weak but having the courage to open up to others and face her problems
• used to go in a boxe club with Skylor in middle school
• has undiagnosed ADHD and learned she has some symptoms by Jay who noticed them before they even started dating
• she can skate with rollers but not with a skateboard
• is very passionate about space and love talking about stars, planets and all
• wish Kai let her help him at home and open up more to her
• dated a girl in 7th grade but didn’t tell to anyone because she was worried to disappoint her brothers or friends
• when she has big breakdowns or she’s too angry to talk or see anyone, she takes her motorcycle and goes to the sea, to a secret spot. Sometimes she just watches the waves and put her feet in the water or sometimes she just swim all dressed up until she’s not angry anymore, usually she stayed until the night falls to watch the stars and moon, thinking about her parents until Kai comes and picks her up, worry asf but happy to find her and comfort her on the way home
• didn’t used to sleep without any cuddly toys until Jay offers her one of his favourite and ever since she only sleeps with it and can’t sleep without it
• hates TV shows about love but loves reading old books about impossible relationships
• loves gossiping with Pixal, Vania, Skylor and Cole when they do a sleepover
• she’s BUFF and can easily take her brother and Jay on her back
• get a tattoo of orcas, her favourite animal, on her left arm
• she wants to be a marine biologist and learn all she can about faune and flora of oceans, buy or emprunte books and hold a looot of notebooks where she writes down informations
• she wears bracelets made of leather and the one that Lloyd made her when he was a child
• often make fun of Kai when she sees they doing a whole skincare routine coz he got acne and black spot very easily while she never had a single spot on her face
• did have a crush on Cole when she was 14 and was hurt when he told her he was crushing on Kai and started realising her feelings for Jay (she always considered him as a brother) a year later
• always wanted a cat but she doesn’t know why they’re always scared of her and that’s kinda hurt her in some ways
Zane Julien
• is 17 soon 18
• they’re in 12th grade
• uses they/them/it pronouns and see themselves as non-binary
• they’re demi-panromantic and graysexual
• Russian
• can speak like 10 languages : French, Russian, Italian, Latino Spanish, Chinese, Polish, Creole, Indonesian, Greek and German
• They’re between 6’4 and 6’5 (1m95), which make them the tallest in the group
• It’s the second oldest after Cole
• is born on December, 17th
• has autism
• their longest hyper fixations since they’re little are literature and language study
• have a bionic arm (they're born without their left arm) and they don't like to talk about it, it's kind of a trigger
• has always kind of a loner since they're little, so when they started to befriend with Cole during middle school, they were hella scared
• Cole is their most close friend and the one they trust the most, with their girlfriend, Pixal, of course
• is dating Pixal since 10th grade
• they never feel in love with anyone before Pixal and used to don't understand the concept of love for years
• they always been bullied for either their skin tone or their autism, and developed trust issues and anxiety disorder
• are easily overwhelmed by noise or public places, so they never stay at school too long, only in the morning then they go back home
• are a HUGEEE fan of romantic/dramatic mangas
• has lost its mother when it was only a child and so lived with its father
• are often complimented by their friends about how beautiful their eyes are (they're blue but like a mix of ocean and ice blue)
• can do crochet
• wish that their friends's life could be better and always try to help them
• feel bad when anyone is standing up for them when they get bullied or victim of racism
• feel like a burden
• is active a lot in volunteering actions and associations for example homeless people or victims of any sort of abuse
• even though their hyperfixations are more inclined in the litterature domain, their dream job is to be a doctor or a surgeon
• loves flowers and often gather some when it's walking its way home or anywhre and put them in its herbarium
• don't really like sport but love hiking, they find it really relaxing
• wish their skin were white pretty often
• even if a lot of negative things happened or are happening to them, they always try to stay positive and enthuastic
• is always the first person to listen Cole's music before the other since it was the first to know Cole made music and never make fun of him for that
• their favourite kind of music are indie, classic and ethereal
• has earrings since it is in 8th grade and always has them on (they were its mom's)
• have a EXTREMELY well clean room and hate when people get in and touch things without their permission, it literally can triggers them
• drinks nothing except water and apple juice
• has a budgerigar called Icy because of its white feathers
• their therapist is often bring their conversation oh them getting diagnosed to approve, yes or no, if they're HPI
• are working everyday a bit on being able to go in publics places alone which makes their dad and friends very proud of them
• try as much as they can to give some money or medecine for Kai's IED since they know he doesn't/can't take his pills
• already has a colder body temperature but having its bionic arm makes it a little bit even colder somehow
• love ice cream (fav flavour is vanilla)
• its style of clothes fits in light academia and has a comfort jumper (the only one they have from their mother)
• loves rainbows and has an entire album of pictures of them in its phone
And that's it for the Headcanons of the "main" characters of ninjago, I know I took ages to post it but school has been pretty hard and other personnal problems had been on my mind but i'm really happy to finally show you this post ! As always, you can always put your own HC in the comments or discuss if you disagree with mine, as long it's done with respect ofc ! I want to thank @en0laa who often motivated me to continue this serie so I dedicate this post to her :D
Anyway, I hope y'all doing great and having a great day/night/afternoon ! See ya in the next post !!
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