#creepy poetry
invisible-woe · 2 months
"We tried to turn away; but still Above we heard her sorrow thrill; And those that slept, they dreamed of ill And dreadful things: Of skies grown red with rending flames And shuddering hills that cracked their frames; Of twilights foul with wings; And skeletons dancing to a tune; And cries of children stifled soon; And over all a blood-red moon A dull and nightmare size. They woke, and sought to go their ways, Yet everywhere they met her gaze, Her fixed and burning eyes."
— from The Vampire, by Conrad Aiken
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theloveandhorrorhere · 3 months
Our Good Friend, Mothman
Omen of the air
They call him harbinger of fate, of destruction
"Stare too long into those red, red eyes," they say, "and see beyond time itself... if only you dare."
By nature or science, by Earth or space, we know not where he comes from
Be he bird or moth or man, we dare not ask
For fear of his wrath, his haunting roar,
As he perches atop the doomed Bridge
And considers its fate.
In Point Pleasant, he makes his home, his haunt for now,
But where will he go when it's all over,
When the deeds of fate are fulfilled and there is nothing more to warn against
Here in this sleepy town,
Will he return to his forever home or is it simply onto the next disaster?
He is hunted, sought after, his visions demanded by men with suits of deepest black,
But he is more elusive still than these pretenders of flesh;
He flies away into the dark, becoming one with stars and shadow,
You'll never see him unless he wants to be seen.
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Day 138 of Writing Something Everyday
(365 Day Challenge)
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When I die please bury me 'neath the water next to the one I love, from whence the rib was taken - alas' it goes back.
Body of water, body of Christ.
Bury me
Bury me
Somewhere that's nice.
When I die please bury me 'neath the water next to the one whom I adore, way out deep away from the sandy shores.
Papa didn't like you, Papa never could understand. The feelings cycling through me while my breasts were in your hands.
So Papa found out that one night, while we made love by the river under candlelight.
He screamed and he yelled, said he'd followed us out - asked us what the hell this was all about!?
I grabbed the blanket and tried to cover myself, I pleaded with Papa but it didn't help.
He called me a whore and smacked me right across the face, said I was just like the rest and called me a disgrace.
He pulled out his gun and flashed it around, he told us not to move and we never made a sound.
He beat the living daylights out of my one true love, he tried to fight back but push came to shove.
Papa didn't succumb to my loves tries, after hours of torture Papa shot him right between the eyes.
Papa then turned on me and beat me blue and red. He screamed so many things at me that really messed with my poor head.
He didn't know when he gave the last kick, what exactly he just did. He killed me with that fatal blow and murdered our unborn baby, our child, our kid.
Now we lie at the bottom of the river, it was cold at first but we've gotten used to the shivers.
I got a little morbid with this one, whoopsy Lol
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viennasbigsausage · 4 months
lolita dream
if I was younger, would you want me?
if I was naive and innocent would you want that?
to be the one to burst my bubble?
something perverted inside of you likes being first
the first to touch her body,
the first to know her like like that
and you want her young.
if I wore pigtails and giggled,
and acted all innocent,
would you still like that?
how weird can you get?
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celestialpoems · 2 months
A ghost haunting my childhood room
Tw: depression
I might as well be a ghost haunting my childhood room
Everything has been the same for too long and so have I
I have no ambition anymore
I lay in bed watch as the day fades into night and wait till the sunrises again to repeat the cycle
Nothing changes except the piles of plates that stack up in the corner of my room and all the cloths that are washed that lay on the floor that should probably be washed again
They’ve been on the floor to long to be clean
I’ve been in bed to long to be living
I’m just surviving
No I’m just here
Lost and stuck
Like I died years ago and I am ghost haunting my childhood room
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butterflies live in my stomach  flying up and around inside  every flutter from a crimson wing  tightens my gut they scream and scream hitting against the lining of my stomach# attempting to break free  my heart sings a bitter tune with each flap of a wing, I think of you   there are butterflies living in my belly and I do not want them there  my body cramps, losing space they've grown too big for this body to face fingers down my throat nails claw at my skin doing anything and everything to get rid of bugs that sweat with sin my stomach acid is useless not exterminating foreign bacteria leaving their bones to float I spew up wings bodies leak from my lips  while remains and eggs swarm out the rips love bugs burrowed deep inside my parts infecting my stomach and bursting my heart I don't want these butterflies prettier moths, dirty love bugs  to infect me with desiring thoughts  get out of my body get out of my head  if they will not leave I will crush them instead 
~ Kaci O'Meara
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clownieboo · 6 months
Here in the Forest,
Dark and Deep
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I fart so Hard,
It put me to Sleep.
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Seashell, seashell. Tell me what you see.
There across the shoreline lies the man who lied to me.
Tell me all his secrets; tell me his distress.
Give me all the power to make him confess.
Seashell, seashell. Tell me what you know.
There across the beach lives the woman who was my beau.
Tell me all her wants; tell me her dream.
Give me all the power to make her scream.
Seashell, seashell. Tell me what to do?
Here on this beach is I who spoke to you.
I’ll tell you that I’m sorry; I’ll realize your holes.
Gave you all the power now I’m dying on the shoals.
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theloveandhorrorhere · 3 months
Haunted House
It's not my home,
It never was,
This place so plagued with shadows
And shadows of promises
Forcing me to linger and listen
As I wait my turn to leave.
It's not my home
A home is not a place to fear
Being eaten by the walls themselves,
Digested by some ghoulish fiend
Calling itself your safety, your solace
In trying times.
It's not my home
It's not my friend
It's a whisper floating through the mist,
Telling me lies about myself
In vain, in fear I'll leave it behind at last,
So is my dearest wish
To escape its raking claws.
It's not my home
It strips away at my soul, day by day,
Tearing me down until I'm but a whisper of nothing,
A no one compared with its vastness
A single microbe compared with the cosmos;
It's not my home
But it may become my coffin.
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livingde4ddoll · 4 months
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♡✩°。⋆🕷- - -☽───⛧༺♰༻⛧───☾- - -🕷⋆。°✩♡
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celestialpoems · 2 months
Tw: anxiety and grotesque
There’s too much noise to think straight.
Words are coming out of every mouth I see but I cannot piece together any sentences.
My ears begin to buzz as if flies are surrounding me.
Incessant buzzing
Buzzing from the lights
Buzzing from the people
Buzzing from the inside
The buzzing is coming from within!
I am rotting on the inside!
Tearing and ripping at my skin to take out the rotting flesh!
Destroying myself to get rid of what’s rotted inside me.
I’ll cut myself into pieces and put together only the parts that are still worth salvaging.
I’ll become a whole person again.
One who isn’t being suffocated by the incessant noise from the lights.
One who isn’t drowning from the voices of other people.
One who doesn’t claw at their skin to free the flies that live in their body.
There’s scratch marks and blood littered all over my body.
All of the tears and rips are scattered from trying to dig out the rot.
I keep scratching and ripping never knowing when I will fully get rid of all the death and decay within me.
I probably never will
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famiyazzz · 4 months
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Wake me up when September ends ❤️ FOLLOW ME ❤️
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thedeadpoets-blog · 5 days
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it’s sleepy hollow season 🎃🌲🍂
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theloveandhorrorhere · 3 months
The Nightly Conversation
I'm the shadow outside your window,
I'm the nails scraping against the glass,
I'm the wind whispering,
"Let me in, let me in."
I'm the movement in the corner of your eye,
The strange shape lurking in the dark,
The creaking floorboards just out of sight,
I'm the unseen brush against your ankle,
The haunting laughter in your ear.
I'm the feeling that makes you pause,
Makes you think before flipping the light switch on,
The terror building in your chest,
The frothing drool dripping and glistening on your forehead,
The yellow, yellow eyes peering out from the closet door,
Those are all me.
I am waiting,
Ever watching,
Now pull yourself from under the covers and come find me;
It's not hard, I am everywhere, everything to fear
And I grow restless, young one, for you to join me,
All you need to do is let me in.
It'll only be worse if you wait,
For I have nothing to lose,
Nothing to stop me.
Let me in.
Let me in!
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