#let me know what else to add
clownieboo · 3 months
Here in the Forest,
Dark and Deep
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I fart so Hard,
It put me to Sleep.
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waywardangel-wilds · 1 month
Inspired by this post by @littlemarianah and this post by @mellarked-katnisseverdeen :
Katniss propped up her father’s frameless shaving mirror, watching herself in the setting sunlight as she anxiously rearranged her hair. She brushed her fingers down the front of her dress. It was ironed, clean, and never before mended. It was the nicest piece of clothing she owned. Was it alright? She turned herself to profile in the mirror. Would he like it?
“Birdie, what are you puttering around in there for?” Her father hobbled towards the bathrooms doorway. His bad leg usually gave him a harder time on rainy evenings, like the one they were having. “My,” he paused to smile, “aren’t you a pretty picture?”
She smiled. “Oh daddy, don’t tell me you forgot already.” She reached over to put the mirror away. “You promised you’d be on your best behaviour.”
“For what?” He asked, but his slight smile gave him away. Katniss rolled her eyes while she straightened the collar of his shirt. “I’m just joking, ‘course I didn’t forget. What are you messing with my shirt for? He's not coming to see me!” He laughed.
“This is important to me,” She met her father’s smiling eyes with her own nervous gaze. “I want him to like it here. I want you to like him.”
“We’ll see about that,” he chuckled at his daughter’s stricken expression. “Don’t give me that pout! I just want to know if he’s good enough to be on your arm, is all.”
“Daddy,” Katniss shook her head. She glanced out the window at the sun. He’d be by soon. “I need to finish getting ready!”
“You’re beautiful already, birdie. I don’t see what all the fuss is about.” He was laughing as she pushed him out of the bathroom. “Alright! Alright! I know when I’m not wanted.”
“Please don’t let mama say anything embarrassing!” She begged before she shut the door in his face.
“You heard that? Your daughter thinks we’ve no self control,” he snickered into the kitchen where his wife offered him an amused tweak of the brow. “You’d think the boy was the prince of Panem or something.”
“Hm, I think it’s sweet.” His wife replied, lifting the lid of the stew she’d been working on for the better part of the evening. “Young love, remember it?”
“You’re calling me old?” He pulled her into the circle of his arms. “These Everdeen women sure are difficult to impress.”
“Spruce,” she shook her head. “Why don’t you make yourself useful and help me with this food, huh? Your daughter put a lot of work into tonight.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He walked over to their makeshift ice box. “I promise to keep the commentary to a minimum.”
“Mama! If Katniss marries the baker do we get free cakes forever?” Prim little head stuck into the house from where she sat on the front steps. “Cause that’d be really neat!”
“Primrose Everdeen!” She said around a laugh. “Don’t you have to get dressed for dinner?”
“He’s not marrying me,” the girl replied sullenly as she shuffled towards the bedroom.
“No one’s marrying anyone!” Spruce called out. “In fact, what does anyone need boys for?”
“You’re a boy daddy,” Prim replied.
“Now that’s an entirely different thing,” he replied. “I’m your father. That makes me better than the rest.”
“Mmhm,” his wife replied sarcastically. “Taste this?” She placed the spoon before his lips.
“Sour,” he coughed. “What have you been doing over there?”
“Well you could fix it if you know so much,” she handed him the spoon. “I could use a rest, you know. It takes a lot to look like this.” She fluffed her hair.
“Yes, I noticed. You look lovely, dear.” She smacked his shoulder. “I mean it!”
“Uh huh,” she replied.
“Mama! Could I borrow your lipstick?” Katniss’s voice came from the bathroom still. “Is it in your room?”
“Yes, darling.” His wife replied, shooting him an amused look. “In the drawer!”
They didn't hear anything else before they saw her zoom by to the bedroom, her hair trailing behind her like a river of molasses.
“Don’t sprain something now!” He called after her. “This kid better be the best thing since sliced bread. I don’t remember you putting this much work into making me happy.”
“Hush,” his wife tried to peek into the bedroom before the door shut behind their daughter’s back. “She’s nervous enough as it is.”
A thudding noise from beyond the closed door caught their attention. “Hey!” Prim yelled.
“Oh no, now they’re fighting.” She patted his arm. “I’m going in there.”
“You have my thoughts and prayers,” he replied sarcastically. She didn’t spare that a response, but she smiled, so that was a win.
He set about fixing the stew, adding some extra water to try and counteract the excess vinegar. He was cutting up some wild onion when a tentative knock befell the open door.
"Ah, there he is," He glanced towards the doorway with a friendly expression. "The man of the hour."
At the threshold, a shy-looking eighteen-year-old boy peeked halfway into the house. He smiled self-consciously. "Good evening, Mr. Everdeen."
"Mr. Everdeen? That was my father. You’ll call me Spruce. Come in! What are you doing hanging out in the rain?" He waved him over. "Do you know much about cooking?"
"The basics, I think." He shrugged good-naturedly, taking a moment to wipe his feet on the cheerful mat his wife had laid out there ages ago. He walked in strangling some unfortunate daisies. "These are for Katniss."
"We've got a vase somewhere," He ducked to check the cupboard, his back protesting the whole time. "Here we are. One chipped jug, close enough." He smiled over his shoulder. "It's Peeta, correct?"
"Yes, sir." Peeta accepted the old milk jug and went to fill it at the sink. He quirked a brow at that. "Uh, Mr. Spruce, sorry."
"Whatever floats your boat." He accepted, "Is that for us?" He looked at the covered dish in the boy's other hand.
"Yes, of course!" He awkwardly set it down on the counter as his hands were full. Spruce was starting to feel bad for the kid, he'd never seen anyone so nervous. "Katniss loves the bakery's cheese buns so I figured it might be nice to bring some."
"That she does. Do you think she'd mind if I took one?" He asked cheekily, removing the dish's lid.
Peeta smiled. "Maybe a little."
"I think I'll risk it," He took a big bite out of a nice warm bun. He nodded in approval, "This is good."
Peeta's smile widened, "thank you, Mr. Spruce."
"You're here!" They turned towards the sound of his daughter's voice. She stood in the doorway to the bedroom, looking as lovely as she'd been since the day she was born, but this time she had a light touch of lipstick on her cheeks. "You met my dad."
Peeta nodded, "I did." He started blushing. "I-uh, brought you these." He extended the flowers in her direction, which she leaped across the room to accept. "You look beautiful."
Katniss glanced over her shoulder self-consciously. Spruce averted his eyes to give her some privacy. "Thank you," she said with a voice as sweet as honey. "You look nice too."
Peeta's face took on a love-dazed look and Spruce shook his head. Oh man, that's why his mother had constantly made fun of him back in the day.
He turned his back on the kids. Might as well spare them the extra embarrassment. "We're having a big dinner tonight. Katniss caught all this game all by herself." He returned to the stew, "Right, birdie?"
"Yep," the awkwardness seemed to be a common denominator. "You brought me cheese buns?"
"Yeah, I know how much you like them," Peeta replied with an awkward little chuckle.
"Thank you, I do-- like them, I mean. Yeah." Katniss spoke haltingly. "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"Oh!” His wife finally made it out of the bedroom. “Prim, come say hello!" She called back into the bedroom. "Peeta! How are you? Did the rain give you a hard time?"
"No, no, not at all, I'm great" Peeta replied. "Thank you for inviting me over tonight. You have a lovely home, Mrs. Everdeen."
"Thank you, and it's no trouble at all. We've been curious about you." She walked towards the table with Prim following close behind, a curious look to her. "And please, you don't have to call me that, Lily is fine."
"Lily," Peeta repeated with a smile.
"So since you're the baker and all, do we get freebies when you marry my sister?" Prim challenged.
"Prim!" Katniss chastised. “You don’t have to answer that. We’re not even engaged Prim.”
"And I'm not the baker. I just work there." Peeta answered with an amused smile. "My dad's the baker but I can still make you anything you'd like."
"You don't have to," Katniss said.
"Great! My birthday's coming up." Prim went on shamelessly. She pulled out one of the dining chairs and sat down. "Could you make it a heart-shaped cake? Oh! And cover it in pink frosting?"
Lily put a hand to her mouth to stifle her laughter, meanwhile, Katniss looked mortified. Spruce tsked, joining his youngest daughter at the table. “Don’t scare him off, you’ll cost us our in at the bakery!”
“Daddy,” Katniss complained. She picked up her boyfriend’s hand and tugged him towards the table. “They’re just joking. They do that a lot.”
“I really wouldn’t mind making it though,” Peeta smiled gregariously. “It’s not every day you get an order for a pink and heart-shaped cake. It sounds like fun.”
“In that case, could it be tiered too?” Prim interjected.
“That’s enough, Prim. Don’t disrespect.” Lily said. To Peeta she added, “has Katniss offered you something to drink?”
“Oh wow, I’m sorry I forgot. Do you want some water?” Katniss smiled her embarrassment.
“No, I’m okay, thanks.” Peeta and her seemed to have some sort of secret conversation which resulted in Katniss laughing.
“Should we eat?” Spruce stood. “I can serve the stew.”
“I’ll get the bowls,” Lily readily added. Once they were a sufficiently far away from the children she stage-whispered, “what do you think?”
“I think we’ve got ourselves a problem.”
“A problem? What do you mean? He seems perfectly nice to me.”
“No, he is. Problem is we’re gonna lose our kid.” He peaked over his shoulder. The kids were all seated at the table and having a normal conversation. “This looks permanent.”
Lily’s face grew sentimental. “We weren’t that much older when we got married.” She bit her lip. “ironic, huh?”
“How’d you mean?”
“You and me, town and seam. I chose the coal miner over the baker. Now, our daughter and her boyfriend, still town and seam, but she’s choosing the baker. It’s almost by design.”
“You’re reading too much into it,” he said. “What we should be worried about is how this affects me and the actual baker. First his girl and now his son? I can't go back there.”
“Spruce,” Lily laughed. "You and your jokes. Would it kill you to take this seriously?"
"Yes, it would." He grinned shamelessly. "But you knew that when you married me."
"You're terrible." She handed him a bowl. "Hurry up."
"So demanding," he shook his head. "This is cripple abuse."
"Cripple," Lily snorted.
"Thank you," Peeta smiled winningly as Lily deposited his bowl in front of him.
"So Peeta," Spruce interlaced his fingers. Time to look serious. "If you're not going to be the baker, what will you do? I'm assuming one of your brothers is the next baker, right?"
"Dad," Katniss complained.
"It's an important question." Spruce leaned forward slightly on his forearms. "Peeta?"
"That's right, Mr., Uh, Spruce, I'm not the next baker." Peeta managed to maintain eye contact with him. Good. "I'm apprenticing at the justice building for the rest of the year. My mother's side of the family has connections there."
"Interesting. What will you be doing?" Spruce cocked his head. "It pays?"
"Dad," Katniss groaned. "You know I'm sitting right here right?"
He put up a placating hand, "Peeta?"
"It pays," the boy nodded. "It should be enough, for um, multiple people." He blushed then.
"Please, I could probably provide enough for all of us." Katniss rolled her eyes and muttered. "Talking about me like a goat up for auction."
Spruce stared hard at them both for a long moment. Peeta looked like he was sweating. Katniss looked like she wanted him to keel over. He nodded. "Alright."
"Alright?" Katniss asked derisively.
"I'm giving you my blessing, birdie. Don't spend it all in one place." He smiled as Katniss gave in and softened. "That's my girl."
Part 2
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americankimchi · 3 months
wish i knew what to do with this helpless frustration i feel every time i see people vilify the jedi for their way of life when the person doing the vilification doesn't even understand them properly. it's one thing to criticize and dislike them if you have an accurate picture of who they were and what they're trying to do vs. hating them because you straight up don't understand them at all 😭
#personal#this isn't vagueposting i'm just tired of seeing it every time i go in the tags or on youtube or on ao3#literally if you boil the jedi down to the essentials it's just#''these are psychic empath space wizards wandering around the galaxy trying to establish a higher quality of life for everyone''#a bunch of aragorns except anduril is a beaming blade of plasma#or gandalf with the ability to do backflips#the only hard rule they have is ''thou shalt not add misery to the world where you can remove it''#everything else is just interpretations on that theme#''they're cold and unfeeling and they HATED ANAKIN and BAN LOVE''#like WHERE in the WORLD are you getting this information#WHEREEEEE#SHOW ME YOUR SOURCESSSS#and don't say ''they ban attachments'' without understanding what that MEANS#ATTACHMENTS =/= LOVE#ATTACHMENTS ARE CHAINS THAT YOU USE TO DRAG OTHERS DOWN WITH YOU#YOU KNOW THE SAYING IF YOU LOVE SOMETHING YOU WILL LET IT GO? THAT'S IT. THAT'S ALL IT IS.#and where are u getting that they hated anakin do you think he'd be so torn up about betraying them all in ep 3#if he was surrounded by people who hated him for over a decade like mans was IN TEARS#HE LOVED AND WAS LOVED BY THEM IN TURN#IT JUST WASN'T ENOUGH TO SAVE THEM IN THE END BECAUSE#CRUCIALLY#HIS ATTACHMENT TO PADME DRAGGED HER AND THEM AND EVERYONE ELSE DOWN WITH HIM#stop stripping anakin of his agency he made a CHOICE#star wars is ALL ABOUT CHOICE. THE CHOICE TO FALL IN EP 3. AND THE CHOICE TO RISE AGAIN IN EP 6.#like cmon fellas..... fellas cmon........
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cloudypinkblink · 3 months
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Also some oc stuff I did recently!~ Devin is one of my main ocs and he has a very big lore and story :)) though recently its been getting some lovely updates! Aerife (air-eef-aye) is the god of knowledge in my world :)) He and Devin are best friends and we love that for them teehee- the type of best friends to hang out fora wqeek and cause a decades worth of fuckery LMAO
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cuteiemonster · 11 months
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He sighed heavily, fatigue weighing on his shoulders as he raised a trembling hand to rub at his weary eyes. He didn't know how long he'd been fixated on the flickering screens, desperately searching for answers amidst the chaos that unfolded before him.
My piece for the @mcytblraufest !! One of them, at the very least!
I had a blast working on this for @canadiankakashi 's fic, [ ASHES TO ASHES ]. If you enjoy the idea of Glitches and Bugs being actual bugs and eldritch abominations, boy do I have the fic for you!!
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throwawaywhumper · 2 years
"Aw wait, let me see those!"
"Wait no, hey!"
Whumpee tried to protest, but pulling against their restraints proved fruitless as Whumper effortlessly pulled their glasses off of their face.
"Aw, you're kinda cute without your glasses on. Have you ever considered contacts?" Whumper chuckled.
"Give them back please, I-I need them..."
"Yeah no kidding.." Whumper wiped away some of the blood that had caked on the glasses and slid them on. "Good lord, you really can't see anything without these, can you? You're blind as a bat, this is dreadful."
Whumpee flushed angrily and shut their eyes tight, pretending the world around them hadn't become a blurred, indecipherable mess. "They're not that bad..."
"Oh yeah?" Whumper gingerly removed the glasses and twirled them around on their finger. "So you don't really need these then?"
"Wait, I didn't mean-"
Whumpee's eyes snapped open, in just enough time to watch as whumper bent the frames, bent them hard, until they caved to the pressure and snapped in half at the bridge.
"No! What the fuck are you doing??" He watched in disbelief as they fell to the floor, followed by whumper's foot crushing them to smithereens and grinding away any salvageable remains under their heel.
"There we go, much better. And already..." They cupped whumpee's chin in their hand and wiped a tear away from his cheek. "Those pretty blue eyes are so much nicer like this." They tilted their chin side to side, eyeing him carefully. "Shiny, unobstructed. So full of emotion, you can't hide anything from me, not even your fear..."
Whumpee hadn't even noticed he'd started tearing up, it hardly mattered. Everything was blurry enough as it was, the only thing close enough that he could make out was the face of his tormentor. Much too close. "Fuck you! Fuck, I can't- I can't see...why..."
"That's alright, you're not going to need to see much of anything anymore." Whumper playfully tussled their hair before standing back. "I'm the only thing you're going to need to worry about for a long time. And don't worry, I'm sure you'll see me coming. Glasses or not."
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bonefall · 1 year
Herb Guide for Warrior Cats: Epilepsy
Requested by an Anon!
A guide to providing treatment to a Warrior Cat OC with epilepsy. Still requires a bit of a leap in logic as nothing can replace our friend phenobarbital, BUT, if you would like herbs and strategies for managing a Warrior’s epilepsy, this guide is for you.
I researched herbs historically used for epilepsy, chose plants growing wild in a ‘common’ clan biome (temperate Europe and North America), and removed things that a cat could not use. Because of the nature of epilepsy, I also delved into some other treatments and strategies your medics can use!
So, keep in mind, this guide is written for a Clan doctor treating an epileptic cat. NOT from the perspective of a patient who has it.
I would recommend doing extra research into first-hand accounts of what it’s like to live with epilepsy when creating your patient character.
Disclaimer Time! I tried to filter out as much ‘quackery’ as possible, but remember that I am not a vet nor do I have formal training in pharmacognacy. You are also not a vet. This is for fake battle cats. LOOK AT ME. YOU WILL NOT USE THIS ON YOURSELF OR A REAL ANIMAL.
Below the cut is:
What is epilepsy?
Non-herbal treatments
Managing the different types of seizures
Preventative herbs
What is epilepsy?
‘Epilepsy‘ is the broad term for dozens of different disorders, resulting in recurring epileptic seizures. A warrior could be born with it, develop it over time, or get it after recovering from brain injury (stroke, infection, head trauma, etc).
Epilepsy also varies wildly, and can be so mild it’s hard to detect, or so severe it could put the cat in too much danger to do warrior duties at all. For most cases, however, the warrior would still be able to do normal tasks* as long as they don’t hunt or patrol alone.
* = Head injury and stress from fighting can worsen epilepsy. Going on battle patrols is a risk the warrior must be made aware of.
So before anything else, your medic will want to identify what triggers the seizures, if anything. There isn’t always an identifiable trigger such as a flashing light/quickly moving object, but seizures can be made worse by stress, lack of sleep, or hunger. Taking note of the warrior’s state preceding a seizure would be extremely helpful for treatment.
Does Wheatwhisker seem to have more seizures when she’s doing certain activities? When she has one, did she sleep well the night before? What has she been eating lately? She may be able to feel it coming-- including sudden intense emotion, an oncoming headache, hot or cold sensations, so on.
Like dogs, cats can detect oncoming seizures. A good medicine cat would take note of all the behavior before its onset to reduce their frequency.
NON-herbal treatments
Once correlation and causes have been identified, the medicine cat should have some lifestyle changes to suggest.
For example, Wheatwhisker has more seizures when she is tired, so the medic prevents her from going on dawn patrol. They’re sometimes triggered by the fluttering of bird wings, so she’s been told to hunt small mammals instead.
A change in diet can also reduce the frequency of seizures. Fatty foods specifically, such as red meat, eggs, and large fish. Trout and carp would be the two easiest* things for a warrior to hunt on a regular basis-- though if the given Clan can’t catch those, it may be worth it to consider trade with another group.
* = If your warriors can cook with fire, fat drippings can be cooked back into the epileptic warrior’s meals. This would make the special diet much easier to prepare than always catching specific prey.
Managing the Different Types of Seizures
Generally there are three types of seizures- ones localized to a specific body part, ones that may seem like “daydreaming”, and ones that cause the well-known convulsions. Less severe seizures are more common.
Seizures do not usually cause pain on their own, except for fatigue in the muscle or headaches. Injury is sometimes caused by external forces, such as slamming against something during a convulsion, falls, tongue biting, or hitting sharp objects.
After any seizure, nausea or a headache may develop-- feverfew will soothe headaches, mallow or fennel will soothe stomachaches. Even if the Epileptic warrior does not take regular medication, the cannabis and valerian root mentioned in the ‘preventative herbs‘ section can be taken on occasion to help the warrior relax post-seizure.
One part of the body (leg, head) seizes or convulses. Can usually be self-managed by the warrior, loss of conscious is uncommon. Rest in a quiet area would be the best treatment afterwards. If the muscle fatigue is bad, kneading the limb will help.
The warrior will seem suddenly ‘absent,‘ like they’ve left their body, for typically less than 15 seconds. They may simply wobble and stare ahead (even pausing mid-sentence), or seem to ‘faint‘ and fall over, but in any case they will not remember the seizure. Prevent them from falling on something dangerous, if this seems likely.
In many cases the warrior will just be able to keep going about their day in a few minutes, or even immediately. If not, just like before, let them rest in a quiet area.
A panicked cat may make convulsions worse by fearfully running around as a seizure starts-- if a warrior MUST be prevented from doing this, it’s VERY important that they are not completely pinned or restrained. JUST kept laying down. Do NOT attempt to stop the convulsions themselves.
Such a circumstance will be extremely rare in a Warrior Cat setting, where the cats are capable of reasoning like a human. There may be a situation where an epileptic cat needs to be brought out of harm’s way-- that’s fine.
Clear the area of anything sharp or hard that the convulsing warrior could hurt themselves on, like stones, or brambles. Roll them onto their side, if they aren’t already. Lastly, cushion their head with something soft, like moss, if possible.
After the seizure is over, the warrior will probably be disoriented and confused. Don’t overwhelm them or offer food or water until they’re fully alert again. Once they do, they might have partial paralysis, nausea, muscle soreness, a bitten tongue, or any variety of symptoms. Just like before, bring them to a quiet area to rest.
If your warriors wear restrictive accessories, such as belts or collars, the medicine cat will remove or loosen them during a seizure if possible.
-what NOT to do
There’s some harmful ideas out there you may have encountered, so here’s some things to keep in mind your medics would NOT do to treat a cat having convulsions:
They would NOT pin them down (this even happened in the books once yikes) Why: This could cause injury to both the restrained, and the restrainer.
They would NOT put anything in their mouth Why: Could damage their teeth or jaw, it does not prevent them from biting their tongue. (also; while tongue biting is common, it is a total myth that an epileptic will choke on/swallow it)
They would NOT start firing out questions as soon as the seizure is over Why: The warrior will likely be disoriented, and not in a state to answer properly. Give them a minute.
Preventative Herbs
Once a seizure is happening, it will have to play out. Warrior cats do not have the medical capability to stop one once started. The anticonvulsant herbs here will help to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures... but they can’t eliminate them entirely.
Anticonvulsants will need to be taken on a regular basis. Stopping these suddenly will cause dangerous side effects; if the warrior’s epilepsy isn’t severe, or herbs are a scarcity for your Clan, it may not be the best choice to medicate them.
Common, and naturalized all over the world. In high doses, this herb will poison a cat. Careful preparation is required to make it safe for the epileptic warrior-- it needs to be steeped in water, like tea*. The leaves should not be eaten.
* = If your cats don’t have fire to brew tea, that’s fine, it can be soaked cold.
This herb also has a side effect of drowsiness. It may make the warrior lethargic and less responsive.
Cannabis is a golden herb for a thousand reasons, it can be made into rope, paper, cloth, oil... but, the thing of note here is CBD oil. Cannabis grows wild all over the world, but ESPECIALLY in North America-based Clans (where it’s called Ditchweed)
Ditchweed has high CBD content, and low THC content. This makes it safe for your warriors (and also prevents them from getting high). Your cats will NOT smoke it, which will damage their sensitive respiratory systems, they will eat it like a standard herb.
Because cannabis is a depressant, this treatment is best for warriors not involved in active tasks. Epileptic warriors that prefer calm, camp-related activities will use this herb. Den-building, tunnel digging, helping the medics, crafting if your Clan makes accessories, so on.
Valerian Root
Known as a sleep aid in humans, Valerian has VERY interesting effects on cats; this is the only Epilepsy treatment that can avoid lethargy entirely. However, in contrast to cannabis, valerian will mostly be found in Europe-based Clans.
(with both, however, it is possible to find each in the other continent.)
Valerian Root has catnip-like effects, perking a warrior up and often filling them with energy. There are some cats for whom this herb will act like cannabis, calming them down, but if there’s a choice, the Epileptic warriors who enjoy active tasks will prefer this herb. Hunting, fighting, patrolling, so on.
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munchboxart · 6 months
Possibly graphic (I drew something that involves melting faces + something that looks like a blood transfusion) but I'm just gonna be talking about my headcanon about the biology of Inkfish, so I will be going into blood details and such
This is such a long post so warning for that too
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Ok so I've been floating around the idea of internal ink, which is what keeps the Inkfish's body structure.
To get this out of the way since I think I remember hearing someone mention about Inkfish not having blood because Ink sac make's them explode etc etc. I don't think Inkfish evolution would go as far as to remove their essential internal body parts, especially when blood is what keeps most creatures alive, especially fish. I still think Inkfish has blood and such. It's what keeps them alive and works exactly the same as all living creatures including us.
So what about internal ink? I believe there needs to be a set amount of internal ink that let's Inkfish control their body structure (like how they can switch forms and such). Though if one loses too much, they won't be able to hold their form for too long, which includes their internal body system and such and will die since their structure collapses.
I got this idea from how they melt/dissolve in water because there's an imbalance of ink (I forgot the word I'm stupid) and so they can't hold their structure because there's too much other liquid (if I'm remembering this right). Though they still come back from that (same with enemy ink and such). I don't know why, I don't know how, maybe there's just enough ink for them to recollect and coagulate together since it's not the internal ink that was lost (though I remember hearing that the ink sac is what explodes them or something, I don't know if this is right, if it is then ignore me for what I'm gonna say next).
If someone loses too much internal ink, I'd imagine you can get some sort of transfusion for that from another inkfish, either directly from the ink sac or maybe some sort of ink veins. Also since like, Inkfish output a lot of ink, I think there could be like, 2 types of ink, input and output. Input is a lot denser (aka the body), output is more loose whatever that means. So Inkfish can put out a lot of ink but still have enough to regulate their body.
How someone can lose their internal ink? I think you can lose it from having an imbalance for too long (so like your ink doesn't get recovered/inkfish soul thing that flies around after you get splatted(?????) stays too long in other liquids). Maybe you some how got separated from your other ink (in terms of physical distance) that you aren't able to regulate your body anymore. Maybe your ink sac being infected/too damaged (although if the exploding ink sac thing is real, then ignore the 2nd part). Maybe a mix of blood loss for fun? MAYBE you lost so much ink at once somehow and aren't able to recover in a short amount of time (maybe unlikely. Though possible for older Inkfish since they do dry out...). I don't know I didn't think this far 😭
Anyways the next part is me explaining the image above and it's purely just my insane rambling about JunMui, you're free to go.
Ok so I had the idea of Mui losing a lot of internal ink by losing so much at once that his body is having a hard time recovering, so Jun does a direct ink transfusion, but so much was lost that his structure also starts to melt. He's going to recover, it's just that it's going to take some time compared to Mui who lost way more.
Sorry this is a lot, ramblings of an insane person LOL Though feel free to let me know what you guys think, just don't be mean, I'm fragile LOL
I like to stick to canon too as closely as possible but I might ignore some stuff because 1 there's a lot of interviews 2 I'm lazy (sorry....) 3 I probably didn't know
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peppermintmochafem · 2 months
hiii do you have any ideas for like smaller commands to give subs? one of my go-tos is “keep your eyes open/keep looking at me”… anything else in that vein? thank uuu 😚
hiii I'm flattered you would ask my advice omg 🥰
I think my go to with smaller commands is to alternate between telling/demanding/threatening like using your example: Be good and look at me - look. up. - look at me or I'll stop
Similar to your lovely example are other commands around positions like: hands to yourself, stay still, keep your legs spread/open
Similarly things that are more involuntary/harder to control like being louder/quieter: speak up/use your words/ask nicely/what do you say?
And very abrupt commands can be very good: sit. stay. quiet/shut up. open.
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beazt · 9 months
ok I’ve put together a list of disability-focused books for me read while I have the Seattle library ebook card. I’m not sure what order I’m going to read them in, yet. and obviously this list is non exhaustive, it’s just what I could find & deem worth reading from a surface level glance at the blurbs right now, while I have a migraine. i fully intend to explore other topics and revisit other titles im unsure about/prioritizing lower, I have them tagged separately on Libby.
if anyone would like to join me on this journey— be it by reading/listening to the books yourself at your own pace or just following my own posts about what I read— I’m going to come up with a tag for this journey. suggestions for that are welcome, I just want it to be a near-unique tag because tumblr search is awful
(most of the titles I have selected for this list at least make a notable effort to be inclusive and intersectional, if you’re worried about that. however, I have not read any of these yet, I cannot confirm anything about their actual content. I guarantee there will be excerpts worth critique from books on this list. part of exploring these heavy social topics is critical thinking.)
my current list is as follows, in no particular order:
Fat Girls Hiking by Summer Michaud-Skug — I’m interested particularly in modifying hiking (and other outdoor activities) to be more accessible for myself, as I love hiking but find it very difficult nowadays, the book seems to be at least decently disability-informed
The Future Is Disabled by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha — disability justice for a better future that emphasizes the value of disabled folks. overall interested to see the perspectives and rhetoric presented in this book, along with:
Care Work by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha — I don’t think I can do this one justice in a couple lines of tumblr text. read its blurb yourself, it includes: “a toolkit for everyone who wants to build radically resilient, sustainable communities of liberation where no one is left behind.”
My Body Is Not A Prayer Request by Amy Kenny — appeals to my experience living as disabled and intersex in a rural part of the Bible Belt in an evangelical household
Disability Pride by Ben Mattlin — gonna be honest, I threw this one in without reading its blurb. regardless of its quality, I believe I should read it based off title
Crip Kinship by Shayda Kafai — this book is based around an art activism project called Sins Invalid, exploring some of the messaging of it in a disability justice framework
Against Technoableism by Ashley Shew — from what I can gather, this book touches a lot on the social model of disability
Decarcerating Disability by Liat Ben-Moshe — prison abolition and decarceration with a disability focus
QDA by Raymond Luczak — QDA stands for queer disability anthology, also threw this one in based on the title
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blitzwhore · 12 days
Hello! Out of pure curiousity, have you seen Sarcastic Chorus new Stolitz analysis video?
What's your favorite Blitz moment?
Hi! I hadn't seen it—it's honestly been years since I've watched any videos from that channel—but I decided to check it out after I got this ask.
I only made it about 17 minutes in before I decided to close it because it just wasn't doing it for me.
Overall, the analysis was good. It was in-depth, connected the dots from different episodes, and delved into some of the problems in their "relationship" in a way that was thought-provoking. But... in my opinion, up to where I watched, it only painted half a picture and was more biased than I would like.
Personally, I don't have the energy to engage with any meta or analysis that only delves into the mistakes of one of the characters while portraying the other as a victim. That's the same reason why I've personally stopped watching Danny Mota's reaction videos, for example. I simply choose not to dedicate my time and mental energy to online content that posits either Blitz or Stolas as (however unwittingly) selfish, self-centered and completely powerful in the "relationship", and the other as a blameless victim who didn't deserve the way he was treated. I simply have bigger problems in my life and better things to spend my free time on.
My personal opinion (which I think is very clear if you look through my blog 😂) is that both Blitz and Stolas are traumatised and messed up characters, who are flawed in ways that are extremely human and relatable to the audience. And I'm not going to go more in-depth into my thoughts on them, because I'd rather do that when making my own meta posts out of excitement than as a commentary on someone else's review that annoyed me a little bit. But, yeah, my overall opinion on the part of the video that I watched was: not strictly incorrect, but biased, and framed in a way that doesn't make me want to dedicate more of my time to it.
As for my favourite Blitz moment... I have too many 😂 I really can't pick favourites. His whole existence is my favourite <333
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urisk-factor · 2 months
Hi I have a question regarding these
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Please reblog! I'm trying to figure something out because no one ever mentions what I'm talking about and apparently it's not normal for them to move in the way mine do. I'm just a scared autistic person with hypermobility trying to figure out what's wrong with my hands because it's now stopping me from playing music.
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robotgirlservos · 1 year
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Name: Adennezene Fausfate III
Username: ChemicalHusk
Classpect: Maid of Void
Blood Color: Magenta???
Weapon type: Polearmkind
more details and story below!
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Your name is ADENNEZENE FAUSFATE III and you have been stuck in this stupid EMPTY CITY your whole life.  For you this is just normal, but anyone else would likely find it odd how the ELECTRICITY and WATER is still running, but there’s nothing except PERMANENT FIXTURES in each building, and no other people or animals or plants, aside from stupid grass.
Oh yeah, and it’s also ETERNALLY NIGHT, which would be very concerning if you had ever experienced daytime, but for you it’s just EXTREMELY COLD.
Your “days” are full of TRYING NOT TO STARVE when there’s no food to be found, TRYING NOT TO FREEZE when there’s no clothes or blankets besides what you have always been wearing, and TRYING NOT TO GIVE UP when everything is only getting harder.  Basically, you would say that your favorite thing to do is TRYING NOT TO DIE, since that’s all you ever do.
To succeed in your favorite activity, you have had to develop some useful skills, one of them being SYNTHESIS of various resources, each with a certain amount of usefulness.  The NUTRIENT PASTE you’ve survived on for your whole life comes to mind as the most useful, while on the other end of the spectrum is practically everything else you've managed to synthesize.
Though it seems something swept through this city long before your time and took everything that wasn’t NAILED DOWN, as they say, you’ve become quite adept at UN-NAILING THINGS DOWN, as they also definitely say.  Being able to UN-NAIL THINGS DOWN has been essential to your survival, as no PRE-UN-NAILED-DOWN THINGS exist.  You can even take UN-NAILING THINGS DOWN to an extreme degree, UN-NAILING things from the rest of themselves, breaking them into their base elements, or as they are better known: SMITHEREENS.
Smithereens have names too, and it would be rude to not acknowledge whenever the SMITHEREENS’ INITIALS came up in conversation.  Like this:
“Th₁e qU₁I₂C₁K₁ Br₂O₂W₁N₂ F₂O₂x jU₁mP₁S₁ O₂vEr₁ Th₁e lazY₁ dOg₁. Se₁e?  I₂Ts₁ No₁t Th₁at H₂Ar₁d.”
Some SMITHEREENS pair with themselves when isolated.  They’re probably just lonely.
You know the feeling.
Your inventory can only hold one item of each type of SMITHEREEN.  Whichever SMITHEREEN is most prevalent in an item determines the item’s overall SMITHEREEN type.
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Certain things about Adennezene do not add up and throughout the session, they begin to build up and become more and more obvious.
She appears to be fuschia blooded but has no fins
She has no dream self
She has been in the game since before it began
She never runs out of stock for her trades
She has several static phrases for responding to certain sentences 
She appears “simplified” when observed from far away
She fights like a bad videogame CPU
Eventually it all gets pieced together, but at this point Adennezene has become a close friend to everyone.  You all showed her the joys of life she missed from struggling just to survive for who knows how long.  She ate a sad, squished, day-old burger and cried because it was the best thing she’d ever tasted.  You let her hold your scalemate and she was starstruck even before she learned it squeaked.  So the group procrastinates.  She deserves to know the truth about herself, but how do you tell her?
How do you tell someone that they’re an unfinished NPC?
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And what happens when they learn the truth?
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saltymongoose · 2 years
hey i know most if not all of these have the player be human but i was wondering about maybe having the player as something close to human but not? yeah i’m going with it how would they (Hank, Deimos, Sanford, 2B) react to a vampire Player (specifically one doesn’t die to sunlight in Nevada only because it’s not technically their sun) who maybe might or might not have a pleasant (as in it feels almost as good as sex kinda pleasant if that’s ok) bite to them when they drink blood from the grunts?
Ahhh I love this so so much, you have no idea! :D I like anything having to do with vampires, and this is the perfect time to be doing spooky requests, so thank you for sending this to me! We’re going with a bit of VTM/WoD and (mainly) Hellsing logic for vampires here, just in case anyone is curious, but you don’t need any experience with either of them to read this. [Also, given the more suggestive nature of the biting that you asked for, I've relegated that to a shorter second part for safety. ;)]
[WORLD WITHOUT LOGOS] - How They React to a Vampire!Player ft. The Main 4
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(Warnings: Yandere, Obsessive Behavior, Violence, Brief Mentions of Blood and Gore, Mentions of Biting, Reader is a bit of a sadist.)
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It had been very easy for you to hide your vampirism from the humans back in your world. Sure, technology and medicine had come a long way over time, but there were always ways to avoid detection. Being mysteriously vague about your person and what you do outside of streaming, taking jobs that require work at night and/or inside, and keeping just enough distance from humans to stop from being found out or suspected. Playing with the minds of those you drained to ensure they wouldn’t be able to get you caught. (It took some practice, but you had more than a few decades to perfect it.)
Besides, no rational human would ever believe that vampires were actually real (something your kind used quite often for your benefit).
However, keeping it from your vessels in Nevada was far more difficult - impossible, even, given your circumstances. The first time you met them, you were required to touch Sanford because he helpfully picked you up to help bring you back. He expected you to be hot to the touch; it made sense that you’d radiate immense heat, considering the beacon of warmth you appeared to be with the cozy aura you had. However, he was shocked when instead of this he was met with your freezing skin. You were worryingly cold, but the lack of any viewable cuts or bruises showed that it wasn’t from any large injury.
You noticed his worry, and at the mounting discussion of what could possibly be wrong with you, you saw fit to just reveal it right away. It was unprecedented, but secrecy wouldn’t work here, especially not when you had to feed once a day (and with how much they seemed to care, they probably wouldn’t let any unexplained disappearance go).
Given the many differences between regular humans and grunts, and how open your vessels already were to your strange appearance, they accepted the news of your undeath rather easily. You being a literal supernatural creature wasn’t met with any recoil (as to them you kind of already were).
It wasn’t something you expected, but you welcomed it nonetheless. However, some of the more unique features of your vampirism made them very curious, and their fascination with a part of you that you kept hidden from most in your world, one that was so integral to who you were as a person, only brought you closer to them.
Hank had little to no interest in the supernatural before you met, and as such, he never bothered to learn the intricacies behind folklore or media regarding vampires. Nevada has enough weirdness already without that. This gap in knowledge bothered him for the first time when you finally revealed what you were, but he couldn’t figure out what exactly to ask you. Fortunately enough, you were more than happy to demonstrate what you could.
You know that one of the things Hank understands best is destruction, and considering that you aren’t restricted by the rules that your kind has to adhere to any longer, there’s no need to keep yourself and your abilities hidden. As such, you had no issue with fighting at Hank’s side instead of merely controlling him. It honestly scared him at first, seeing you come up close to the battlefield when he had already engaged the enemies in front of you. However, you had never steered him wrong before, and he loved you, so he trusted you wholeheartedly. He knew from the confident look in your eyes that whatever you planned wouldn’t end badly.
He immediately noticed the dark, inky blotches beginning to form on your shoulders over your clothes, shadows pulling from your surroundings as the unstable mass grew larger. It was disturbing, especially when eyes started to open within its depths, only for it to spill over the rest of your torso, obscuring your body in a flowing mess of crimson irises and indescribable darkness, lit only by the pulsing glow of souls trapped within. (It was at this moment that he realized how little he actually knew of your true nature.)
“Alright, big guy,“ you said, flashing him a too-wide grin, sharp teeth glinting in the light. "Let’s see how my powers match up against grunts, shall we?”
It had admittedly been a very long time since you were able to show off any of your more flashy abilities, and you might go a bit (very) overboard when you have the opportunity to join the fight. Summoning some familiars who you’ve consumed in the past, physically changing the form of your own body in seconds, even using your own immense strength and speed to tear your poor enemies apart whenever one got too close for your liking. It was more energy than you’d used in centuries, and you were reveling in it. And so was Hank.
He knew there had to be a reason why your strategies were so sound, and why every battle you got involved in went their way, and it was exemplified by your stunning proficiency in battle. You had several years to perfect your techniques, and seeing them awed him more than anything else.
Hank can only watch adoringly as you spear, slice, and tear your enemies to pieces, internally gushing when you shoot him a wink or a self-satisfied grin after another gory kill. You destroy your enemies in a way that’s horrifying and brutal, but Hank thinks you never look more beautiful than when you’re covered in the viscera and gore of your enemies, mouth stained with blood and a cruel look of victory on your face. Those poor grunts never stood a chance - and neither did his heart if the way it palpitated almost worryingly at the mesmerizing sight of you was any sign. His hands shake as he reaches up to place them on his cheeks, lost in openly fawning over you until he is reminded that he can also assist you in taking them out.
This admiration didn’t stop the flare of jealousy that would happen when he saw you use your teeth on one of them though. Seeing you hurriedly drain someone of their life, watching them weakly cling to you as their putrid blood poured into your maw only reminded him that it was his blood you were supposed to be drinking. (He was, of course, ignoring the fact that you only did it to kill the other grunt, but death by your hands wasn’t the worst that could happen, especially when Doc could just bring him back.)
One of the only other specific things that Hank showed open interest in was “blood bonds”, as he heard you discussing them with 2BDamned. You were confused about him bringing it up, since it was such a random thing to pinpoint, but tried to explain it in the simplest way possible nonetheless.
It was certainly an interesting idea to him. The notion that each drink of your blood would bring you deeper into a bond with each other. Sure, there was the fact that it made the thrall have little to no free will unless you allowed it, would make him adore you beyond any logical reason, and make it excruciating to be apart from you for long periods of time, but who’s to say that wasn’t the case already? (Free will was overrated in his opinion if it meant he couldn’t be wholly yours.)
He even asked if you’d be willing to do this to him, which earned a dumbfounded look from you. (You know he liked you well enough, but no one ever just wants to be in a blood bond with your kind. Perhaps you underestimated just how much he enjoyed your presence. He thought that you’d have some idea of that, after all this time.)
“Hank- I already drink your blood a lot,” you said, gesturing to his neck. “If you have mine right now, you’ll just become a vampire along with the whole thrall thing. So no, I can’t do that.” You paused upon seeing his shoulders slump slightly in disappointment. If you weren’t so taken off guard, you’d have found it comical. “…Plus, you are already one of my prized vessels, and I like you too much to want to be apart from you for long anyway. We don’t really need a blood bond to be close if you think about it.” (Was it maybe a little manipulative to steer the conversation in that direction just to stop him from fretting about it? Yes. But it was for his own good, you don’t want him to be an unthinking immortal servant. Besides, everything you said was true anyway.)
He perked up at that and nodded quickly, seemingly appeased by your words, but still pulled his mask down to give you a little affectionate nip when he hugged your cold form (one that didn’t draw blood, thankfully). You welcomed it well enough, even if the irony brought an amused grin to your face.
(What, you think that just because he couldn’t drink your blood (right now), he wasn’t gonna put his teeth on you? Consider it payback for all those marks you give him. Besides, grunts have their own behaviors regarding biting, and even if he didn’t tell you that this was a claim, what matters is that the others knew just how much you belonged to each other. You were right; it didn’t matter that you didn’t have a true blood bond with each other, not when his complete devotion and love for you was so great that it could surpass that.)
- [2BDAMNED] -
The only “Vampires” that 2BDamned knew a lot about were the grunts who made up the gang that shared the name. He’s aware they shared some traits with your kind, however, he was far more curious about the vampires from your world. 
He's the first to ask you deeper questions regarding your abilities and what limitations vampires had, mainly so he can find ways to circumvent them. He knows you are incredibly resilient, and nearly immortal, but he isn’t willing to risk any injury to you. (What kind of vessel, no, partner would he be if he lets such a thing happen?) 
This includes discussing everything about what could possibly harm you, which you were understandably hesitant to divulge (because it’s something your kind makes a huge point to not ever do). However, Doc doesn't push you to share information, unlike the mortals in your realm that knew of your affliction. It was comforting. (Really, he wants to know more everything about you, but he won’t do it in a way that pushes too far. He has too much respect for you to do that, and that’s not how you treat someone you love.)
His patience makes it almost easy to tell him about how a stake through the heart can actually kill you if used properly, how hunger could drive you mad, and how holy water burns through your skin if you’re in a state of weakness. It was simple to talk about how unfavorable contracts could be formed if you were in a weak enough state to be forced into such a thing.
The words are spoken quietly, ensuring that only he’d be able to hear them from where you were sitting, comfortably pressed to his side in his office. You’re still closed off about yourself, but you know that Doc won’t use your weaknesses against you. He swore it to you, after all; made a promise and even offered to bind himself into a contract with you over it, no matter the terms or the price. His devotion to you was blinding, you had to admit. It made you realize you felt something akin to actual affection and fondness for him (which you didn’t even know you could still do.)
One subject you can discuss openly without fear, on the other hand, is your anatomy. You’ve touched upon what your body was weak to, but he was still extremely curious about how you worked. Luckily for him, you’re willing to entertain all his questions and prodding.
He’s quick to take your tentative offer of a hands-on examination. You weren’t open to people in your world inspecting you, but you trust Doc despite your underlying reservations, so you allow him to manipulate your body to get a better look at your limbs and torso with little resistance. His touch is painfully soft when he moves you, gloved hands soothing over your fingers and arms as he turns them to check your non-existent pulse. Perhaps it was an excuse to feel the contrast of your icy skin with the odd, comfortable warmth you exuded. Or maybe he just liked touching you.
You raise a brow at the tender way he runs his hands over you, unused to being treated with such gentleness, but lean in when he gently grasps your jaw to look at your face. (Even after looking you over so many times, he never skipped it.) He hums when you helpfully open your mouth for him to inspect your sharp teeth. (And with your superhuman hearing it’s to miss the hitch in his breath when you open your maw a bit further, “accidentally” brushing one of your long, pointed fangs against his fingers. The corner of your mouth twitches when his heart rate picks up drastically. Mortals could be so amusing sometimes.)
Being in any physical contact with you was something 2BDamned needed getting used to, mainly because he had the tendency to hyper-fixate on everything about the feel of your skin and the way you looked. You look perfectly “human” and personable, but he knows from the dark look of your eyes and the unnatural coldness that something otherworldly and sinister lurks beneath your visage. To anyone else, it might be unsettling, but it only makes you more alluring to him. (He wants to spend every waking minute of his life around you if only so he can take in everything about your unique form.)
Verbal questions, however, are another matter. They leave Doc feeling unfulfilled more than anything, no matter how simple he thought the answer might’ve been. Case in point, that one time he asked you a simple question about your regenerative abilities. He wanted to know about how you were completely unscathed, clothes and all, even after the others had reported you got injured.
“Ah, that’s thanks to my regeneration. Getting shot doesn’t have much of an effect besides the obvious, so healing isn’t an issue. For clothes, I guess you can say my abilities extend to mending cloth as well as flesh.” That had been your answer, and while Doc was thankful for your clarification, it certainly didn’t help him figure out how you could do that to begin with.
2BDamned is very intelligent, which is a given; he wouldn’t have his current position if he wasn’t. However, the fact that he can’t fully understand your complex biology, as magically influenced as it is, bothers him to an unreasonable degree. He supposes it’s because he’s always operated from a position of power when it came to knowledge, but now he’s in one where he simply can’t get you completely. It makes him feel…inadequate, in a way. What help is he to you if he can’t employ his smarts? He’s not a combat-oriented vessel like the others, so how could he possibly assist you enough to be entirely useful (and irreplaceable) like he wants?
You knew about this worry he had the moment he first thought of it around you (mind reading was one of the many effects of drinking blood from someone), and sought to persuade him otherwise. The fact that he thought it was even possible to understand everything about how your kind worked was naive, but you could get it. For someone who knew so much about his own world, it would make sense that your natural ambiguity would be a point of irritation for him. However, that didn’t mean it was actually worth that level of annoyance.
“Hey, Doc.” you got his attention at the tail-end of one of your explanations, and he looked up from the tablet he was recording your answers on. “I should probably tell you: not every ability I have can be logically explained, and even I don’t know everything about them. So don’t worry if you can’t find an answer; I’ve lived like this for hundreds of years and I know what I can do. If anything, you’re helping by ironing out what I’m weak to and making sure we avoid it.”
He didn’t respond for a moment, too busy processing your words. They certainly put things into perspective for him; if you yourself didn’t know the reason why everything about you was that way, how could he? No, it made perfect sense, and he wasn’t so foolish as to believe he could understand you better than you yourself could.
Instead, this gave him a different objective to focus on. He knew that he had to use any option necessary to prove himself worthy of your attention, even if it didn’t rely on figuring out how you worked. A large part of him yearned to be useful to you in every way possible, and he swore to himself that he would. As his Player (and future romantic partner), you deserve nothing less.
Sanford is concerned about you more than anything. He knows that the sun can’t hurt you here, but there might be other things that can, and as a result, he’s always on the lookout for anything regarding silver (or enemies that might use it) so he can warn you. His main concern has always been your safety and well-being, and that’s not going to change just because you’re a vampire. Plus, it’s how he shows his love.
He also worries about your mental health as well. He can’t begin to imagine the toll that immortality could have on your psyche, so he lets you know very early on that if you need somebody to vent to, he’s there. You’re comforted by this, even though you don’t exactly come to him for this specific purpose. (You were hesitant to talk about anything personal, centuries worth of careful secrecy had that effect on you. Sanford makes it hard to keep this up, though.)
When you do have your discussions, they’re at the times when you’re alone together, and when you’re feeling particularly vulnerable. Sanford will always remember the first time you opened up to him about yourself, even if it was small. He had woken up at dawn, deciding to do a quick patrol around the perimeter to check for any encroaching enemies (especially AAHW), only to open the door and see you sitting on the steps outside. You were looking upward, watching Nevada’s sky begin to color its usual crimson as the broken sun rose. You had a wistful expression on your face, one that conveyed a wordless longing and deep appreciation. He shifted from behind you, weighing whether or not he should interrupt your peaceful isolation before you spoke to him.
“I once knew a vampire who became so transfixed by the beauty of the sunrise that they stood in its rays just to see it for longer, only to turn to stone and crumble to dust.” It was said as a near whisper, and Sanford was struck by how open and vulnerable you sounded. You didn’t turn your head to see him, keeping your gaze on the changing shades of red and pink. “It has been a long time since I’ve seen it myself.”
You didn’t move when he stepped closer, something he took as an invitation to sit down beside you, moving his gun to his lap when he did. He didn’t know what to say, afraid of speaking out of line and making you close in on yourself. He settled for a simple question (small talk, really): “What do you think of it?”
“…It is different from how I remember mine being. But I suppose I can understand where my kindred was coming from,” you responded. The words of how much you missed seeing the sun went unspoken, yet Sanford understood the sentiment all the same. How hard it must’ve been, to go so long without seeing the light of day. “It is beautiful, and the warmth is something to be missed.” You kept your eyes trained on the red sky for a moment longer before turning to face him. He had already been staring at you, and shyly averted his gaze, his visual-cross evading your sight before returning (even if he was a tad embarrassed at the blush he could feel heating his face, you still deserved his full attention). He found that your crimson eyes were more radiant than Nevada’s scarlet heavens could ever be. You smiled at him softly. “But the company makes it better.” (He hoped you couldn’t hear how his heart stuttered at your words. You could.)
Most of your discussions about how you actually are go similarly. He lets you instigate them, wanting you to be in full control of your vulnerability so you feel safe letting him in on such things. Surprisingly, it’s something you actually engage in, even if you’re never that direct about your feelings. It also becomes customary to have these in talks in the morning when you watch the sunrise together. (Truthfully, the first time it happened had been a fluke: it was Deimos’ turn to take first watch that day, and half an hour after Sanford had awoken. He never thought he’d have a reason to thank his finicky biological clock, but he’d never been happier than when he was spending time with you, alone and uninterrupted by the others in your group.)
Sanford is also the main one out of the four who asks about your history. It first came from wanting to understand you more, as a person’s background could tell a lot about them and their way of thinking. While you don’t see much of an appeal in discussing clan politics, it does let you unload on all sorts of gossip and weird things you’ve seen and done. (Deimos also joins you occasionally for these talks, mainly because hearing you talk about the outlandish acts you’ve witnessed with such a straight face is hilarious to him.)
(“Wait, so the Camarilla is your main governing organization, right?” Sanford asked, and you nodded with a noise of confirmation. “So why aren’t you a part of them, then? You’re smart enough to be, in my opinion.” (It was with this that Deimos added on a “And powerful enough”, to which Sanford nodded in agreement.)
“Hah, flattery will get you everywhere, you know,” you responded with a sly grin (one that made pink dust his cheeks, and had Deimos aim a pointed glare at him, even if he couldn’t hide his own reaction to your expression). “But no, not at all. The Camarilla doesn't like me because I’m old.” Deimos snorted loudly and Sanford furrowed his brow (because they supposedly knew you were immortal, what the hell-), looking so innocently confused you couldn’t help but laugh.
“In Vamp society, people of 150 years are considered Elders - and there are very few of them. I am over 700 and older than their entire organization. I don’t like toddlers telling me what to do, and they’re threatened by the fact that I’m so powerful that nobody’s managed to kill me yet. I think they’re annoying and they don’t trust me.” (‘Oh, that makes sense,’ he thought. ‘But how powerful are you then, anyway?’)
Honestly, Sanford finds great enjoyment in listening to you discuss what you’ve done for the past centuries, but even better, you had also told him that he had been the first to ask about your past and get an actual answer from you (which made him feel weirdly giddy). He was the first person you opened up to in this way, and he took it as both a privilege and a sign that you two were closer, perhaps even more than the others were with you. It was him who’d managed to break your carefully-crafted shell, after all.
He’s extremely curious about your abilities too, but he doesn’t ask very much about them compared to your past, preferring to just observe when you’re willing to show them off. He thinks it would be overstepping; he loves finding out more about you, but he doesn’t want to get too greedy with it. (You might even be uncomfortable with that, and the last thing Sanford wants is for you to feel that way around him.)
This doesn’t stop him from openly staring when you use them, however, attention completely focused on you when your form shifts, warping into something objectively horrifying, yet captivating at the same time. He knows that he should probably feel terrified by the sadistic look on your face and the almost feral glint in your eyes, and the oppressive aura you have when you unleash your true power, but he isn’t. How could he be, when it was you who he saw creating such carnage? You, whom he loved and revered above all else, who had worked to protect him and keep him from harm? If anything, your power was a testament to how worthy you were of being their Player. He couldn’t help but feel safe around you, knowing that the overwhelming might you had would only be used to harm your mutual enemies.
Now, what remained was the need to grow more skilled himself to show you that he was deserving to be at your side (where he belonged). So you’d accept him and his limitless affection, so you’d never part, for the rest of your eternal life and his finite one.
- [DEIMOS] -
Deimos handles your vampirism a lot more casually than you’d first expect. He asks a bunch of questions, of course, but they’re not really related to specific things like how your clan works, or the history of vampiric society and how it runs. (Something you’re grateful for at this point; it’s not like it was very easy to present common things that had centuries of complex history behind them time and time again.)
Instead, he asks about pop culture and how accurate it is, and he’s immensely surprised by what actually is true. This includes your weird inability to cross large bodies of water without help and how garlic can actually hurt weaker vampires, for instance. They’re all things you’ve seen in the media again and again, and it would be tiresome to discuss them if it were with anyone else. However, there’s just something about the childish excitement Deimos has about you that endears you to it enough to make the discussions fun.
He also jokes about it a lot too, making a show of welcoming you into a room like you need verbal permission to enter it, and asking whether they should get you a coffin to sleep in. He even puts on a gaudy Romanian accent sometimes when imitating a stereotypical vampire, and refers to you as “Count.” (Which makes you raise a brow. You knew Dracula.) You try to act above it, stoic even if you play along a little sometimes (like when you outright refuse to enter the room until he invites you). This just makes the feeling of victory all the sweeter for him when he manages to break you, making you crack a genuine smile and laugh.
You return the favor though, teasing him back whenever he says something flirty to you by innocently asking him if he’s always been into older people or if it’s just you. He’s always taken aback by it, which makes it amusing enough. Sometimes you also flirt back, in your own way. (You shot him a charming smile, leaning in close enough to earn a blush from him. “Careful, Deimos; if you tempt me enough, I might turn you just so I can hear that voice of yours forever.” You meant it as a bit of a tease since he had taken to saying things right in your ear because he knew he could get a reaction out of you that way. You failed to recognize that he doesn’t see spending eternity with you as a vampire to be anything close to a bad thing.)
It becomes a frequent thing for you to watch horror movies together too, as well as any film that has supernatural elements. Every so often, Deimos will lean a bit closer to whisper a question about whatever creature is on screen, to which you’ll give an answer. (Turns out werewolves were real in your world, and they did actually have a feud with vampires if the grimace on your face when speaking about them said anything.)
(Soon enough, you might find yourself near to being completely in his lap, since while he does move closer, he won’t actually go back to where he’s sitting. (Prolonged contact with you was too tempting for him to do so.) It’s not like you mind though; his body heat is very cozy, and you savor the new experience of having him so close.)
Like Hank, Deimos is also really excitable about your abilities, except he’s far more direct with it. He’ll openly cheer and praise you when you tear people apart, becoming more animated as you get more and more over the top with your kills. (You also might show off a bit, not gonna lie. It’s nice to have someone praise you instead of screaming or going still from pure fear; it makes your cold, undead heart feel warm for once.)
He also will ask you to try doing specific things with them, just to see if you’re able to. You humor him most of the time; it’s not like there’s any harm in taking down enemies in a fashion he recommends (or shouts out in the middle of the fight, like it’s some kind of special move), and the way his face looks when you decide to show him how you can walk up walls if you want is honestly really funny.
In fact, since you willingly let him see nearly all your “magic” up close, he’s the first to see your more complex shape-shifting too (mainly because you suddenly remember that you can do it, and you know he’d like to see it). Anything from transforming yourself into a swarm of bats (at his request - you just watched another film about Dracula), or a writhing mass of centipedes and other bugs (absolutely disgusting, but fascinating) to even making yourself into a single animal, like a dog. Sometimes you even disappear into his shadow, hiding in plain sight. 
He occasionally uses this to sneak you somewhere more private so you can hang out without the others. (They try to do the same, so it’s not like there’s anything wrong with having you all to himself for a while.) You’re fully aware of why he does it, but you go along with it anyway. It’s new to have someone like you so much they don’t want to share you with anyone else, or at least, new to people you didn’t have a blood bond with.
While it was a relatively small effect, something you also showed him was how you could make all of your teeth sharp - exactly like his. (For a moment, when he peered into your mouth to see the sharp points, he wondered whether any kids you might have would inherit his grin or yours. He quickly snapped himself out of this intrusive thought the moment he became aware of it - it’s not like he knew if such a thing was even possible, and he didn’t even think he wanted children, to begin with. But it didn’t stop the red from suddenly painting his face, earning a look of interest from you. You blinked, lips curving in an amused grin. Oh, that’s right. He didn’t know you could read minds yet.)
Although, sometimes you regret telling him about your more nonlethal abilities, because he frequently asks you if you'll try them on him. It honestly makes you wonder if grunts just have the lowest levels of self preservation possible, because no one concerned about their own safety would just ask a vampire to control their mind or envelop them in the unstable mass of souls they had “just to see what it it’s like” (his actual words). Then again, Deimos was actually the first to ask about your rather strict diet, and the first to openly offer himself to you if you wanted to feed on him, so perhaps there was some merit to this theory.
However, he never gets annoyed with you for any rejections over his ideas, which (given how egotistical vampires are) is a breath of fresh air. Plus, keeping you happy was always his main priority anyway. You never feel any pressure to do anything from him, which makes you more at ease. (It's odd; a few months ago, you never imagined yourself being so comfortable with anyone like this - especially not a mortal.)
Deimos is honestly overjoyed at how you willingly show him nearly everything you can do. Being the first to know so much about your abilities (even over Hank) is a huge deal for him, and with how much he mentions it (brags), it's clear just how much he values it. It makes him feel a lot closer to you; the time spent with you going over Nevada's movies and shows combined with the late-night talks about your abilities, the inside jokes you develop, and how close you get when you let him touch you as you change forms, allowing his clawed hands to touch nothing yet everything within the mass of tortured souls you hold. You've let him really see you, more-so than anyone else, at least. Which is exactly what he wants.
He longs to know every side of you, from the human appearance you wear to the horrid beasts you contain. And maybe, with enough time bonding with each other, he'll get the thing he wants most of all: for you to want him too.
He already knows you've got part of his soul, with those drinks you took of his blood. Now all that remained was to become yours in every other way possible.
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musical-chick-13 · 1 year
Okay, no, sorry, I’m still mad about this. “Be critical of the media you consume and examine why you react to it in the way that you do, support marginalized and stigmatized identities.” Yeah, until it’s about mental illness.
A woman (or even man, if he’s deemed over-emotional) makes music about suffering from mental illness and people just go, “What are they complaining about, that’s so immature, hashtag wangst.” (And then, sometimes, inexplicably, if the mentally ill woman gets better and writes happier music, they then talk about how artistically bankrupt she is now and that she should go back to hating herself.) People LOVE cis white pRoBLeMaTiC (straight) fictional men until they are realistically mentally ill, in which case they’re “whiny” and “insufferable” and deserve to die violently, apparently (or, if fandom is merciful, they’re ignored). (And then they celebrate when they DO inevitably get killed off.) “Do your duty and watch [thing I, mc13, personally find insufferable] For The (white) Gays because it has Gays.” Sure, will you watch c4 Pure, the ONLY show specifically about OCD, then? (No, the answer is no, it’s always no.)
I can’t get anyone to watch Doom Patrol. I couldn’t get people (in general-I did convince a few irl friends thank GOD) to watch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. One of the most popular and acclaimed shows right now has a character with schizophrenia who was turned into the Big Bad Villain for no fucking reason. One of the most commonly-cited examples of Iconic™ queer media involves a mentally ill man being broken over and over and over again before The Ship™ can reasonably happen. DW introduced a major character who was at one point suffering from mental illness in her past, AND THEN ALL MENTION OF THIS WAS COMPLETELY DROPPED IN THE FUTURE, WITH NO BEARING ON ANYTHING TO THE POINT WHERE I FORGOT IT EVEN EXISTED??!?!? R*tched was a thing that existed despite the Sad Sympathetic Backstory treatment being IN DIRECT CONTRADICTION OF WHAT PURPOSE THIS CHARACTER SERVED IN One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. THEY GAVE. A SAD WOOBIE VILLAIN TREATMENT. TO THE /LITERAL PERSONIFICATION/ OF ABLEISM. THAT IS HER FUNCTION. TO EXIST AS A SYMBOL OF ALL THE WAYS SOCIETY OPPRESSES THE DISABLED AND MENTALLY ILL.
I am!!! Literally!!!!! The only one!!!!!!!!! Complaining about these things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ONLY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one else has said ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one is talking about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#*OBLIGATORY COMMENT ABOUT HOW REPRESENTATION/FICTIONAL DISABILITY IS NOT THE END ALL BE ALL OF ACTIVISM*#*OTHER OBLIGATORY COMMENT ABOUT HOW LIKING '''pRoBLeMaTiC''' CONTENT DOES NOT MAKE YOU A BAD PERSON OR A HORRIFYING ABLEIST*#THIS WAS JUST ME GETTING MAD IT'S NOT THAT DEEP#In the Vents#the real horror was the ableism we found along the way#like. in some of these cases yes I /KNOW/ it was not meant to come across like that!!! but y'all accept that as a valid type of media#criticism when it's about anything else!!!!!!!! just not this apparently????!?!!!!#I do not understand how there is such an ABYSMAL treatment of the subject of mental illness in fiction when this is the#memetic Mental Illness Website like genuinely I do not get it I am scaling my walls and banging pots and pans and growling like a rabid dog#IF YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT THE MESSAGE A STORY IS TELLING YOU GOTTA APPLY IT HERE TOO#I AM ALSO THE LAST PERSON TO SAY THAT YOU'VE GOTTA ADD A DISCLAIMER OF SOMETHING'S LAUNDRY LIST OF FLAWS BEFORE YOU TALK ABOUT IT#BUT JESUS FUCKING CHRIST YOU HAVE TO ACKNOWLEDGE ON SOME LEVEL EVEN IF IT'S JUST TO YOURSELF THAT THINGS HAVE FLAWS#YOU'VE GOTTA BE AWARE OF SHIT#WHEN WILL WE HAVE THE OUTCRY OVER BURY YOUR DISABLED THAT WE DO OVER BYG (WHICH IS ALSO BAD BTW)#I GUARANTEE YOU WE WON'T BE GETTING A SEPARATE FUCKING CON OVER FANDOM OUTCRY THAT'S FOR SURE#I'm making a rule: if you can prove to me that you've started cxgf after reading this and/or if you can prove to me#that you've watched pure (channel 4/hbo max-the one with charly clive) I'll write a fic for you#let's see if I get sniped for criticizing both the beloved sacred mads show AND the plane crash girls show#if I see ONE more comment about how either of those is a perfect show that Gets What All The People Want I will in fact spontaneously#combust.#(and before you @ me yes I have any and all permutations of show tags blocked I'm not just being mean to be mean)#my god remember what happened the last time I tried to talk about this a;lsdfkajs;ldfkj#good thing I turned off anonymous asks!!#this is not even getting into some of the SMALLER fandoms#like I do not ever want to think about the takes I saw for ctrlz EVER again
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zriebecs-notebook · 4 months
Looking for friends from Brasil
Olá QSMP Brasil! I am interested in potentially going to university in São Paulo and would like to make a friend or two before I make the commitment to go to school on another continent.
I hold no requirements for the people I make friends with other than generally being a decent human being. I already know most of the people in this fandom are in my age group or just below or above it (early college age aka 17-20).
Sorry this post isn’t in Portuguese, I’m only so far into my Duolingo course lol
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