#cw nyctophobia
novadoesartforfun · 9 months
CW : Blood, Nyctophobia
A Smile in the dark
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clownieboo · 6 months
Here in the Forest,
Dark and Deep
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I fart so Hard,
It put me to Sleep.
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wxnheart · 1 year
Hi new! I don't know if you take requests but can I borrow a Yandere!Spot x Reader?
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞!𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐭 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Ready or not Here I come You can't hide Gonna find you And make you want me.
Just as he's obsessed with seeing Miles fall, he's obsessed with elevating you. To what end, you'll never know. You don't think you want to know. You do your damndest to avoid wanting to know.
Perhaps it's his desire for 'normalcy' that draws him ever closer to you. You represent the everyday person for him, life uninterrupted and content, drifting through society unabashed. A life that wasn't taken from you. Not like it was taken from him. He wants it back.
Spot's awkward gait and affable nature are dangerously disarming. If you weren't aware of what he was capable of, the thought of being charmed by these qualities—well, as charmed as one could be by whom you originally thought was pathetically harmless as far as villains go—genuinely terrified you.
Despite his misguided obsession with you, he's not above using his abilities to keep tabs on you. He's not above scaring you into submission.
You've tried to run away from him multiple times, and every time you've been scared shitless when you felt the playful tap of his finger on your shoulder and you wish you couldn't pick up the underlying enmity in his quip. How dare you. Where ya going, hot stuff? 🖤
He finds your attempts humorous at best and a slight inconvenience at worst, because wherever you go, there he is. Has a tendency to toy with you by getting your hopes up sometimes. It's cute the way you breathe a sigh of relief when you think you've succeeded. 🖤
If you haven't already, because of Spot, you've developed an aversion to dark places (especially doorways) because you've lost count of the number of times he's used the darkness to his advantage and surprised you.
Thanks to him, the sight of polka dots is rage-inducing and terrifying.
You've seen more than one person ambling along innocently with the same awkward gait and god, you wish you could scream. Well, you could, but you fear attracting the Spot's attention. And he will come.
But oh, hey, what do you know, gorgeous? If you can't give him what he wants, another you can. The perks of Miles turning him into a freak, eh?
Because trust and believe, his obsession with you spans the multiverse, darlin'. Gives you something to think about, huh? 🖤
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viciouslyfilthy · 2 years
Your muse found themselves in a dark and humid place. Liquid, presumably water, dripping from somewhere deep withing this cavernous place.
Silence, only the faint dripping noise being the only thing your muse could hear from afar, until-
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.
Followed by what seemed to be a person giggling from afar. A light emerged from somewhere deep withing this tight cave. The darkness only made the feeling of getting crushed between each wall you bumped into even stronger. They almost felt like they were closing in.
With nowhere else to go, your muse had no other choice than to follow the light. And that giggling. And that...crunching of flesh.
Soon, your muse was greeted by a rather odd sight: a tall, pale figure of what seemed to be a human woman, feeding some bits of meat to a pair of...well, more inhuman creatures. They looked like vampire bats- except they lacked wings and were the same size as a toddler.
The woman was completely naked, from what was visible; this couldn't have been a normal human woman, as she possessed two large wings, covered in white feathers that seemed to emanate a faint light, rested behind her, closed. Not to mention she had four visible breasts instead of two. Whatever could be visible from below was another story entirely...
Apart from masculine genitalia, the entirety of her bottom half was closely resemblant of that of a satyr from greek mythology, except that instead of being a horse-half, it appeared to be a goat's half.
Next to the figure was a lantern, it's glow was ghostly pale with a tint of blue; the smaller creatures were fighting over a single piece of meat while a third one that emerged from the dark took advantage of the situation to steal the rest. The entity was most likely being entertained by this 'food fight' they were having.
Silent or not, the entity would eventually take notice of your muse's presence, as she'd turn her gaze over to your direction.
"Oh? You're not supposed to be here." She simply declared, throwing one last piece of meat to the little goblin-looking creatures, and turning her body fully towards you. She picked up the lantern and shun it towards your muse's direction.
"I'm going to assume you don't know where you are. And I can assure you won't like knowing the answer; presuming you're from the Earth realm, this place is what you'd know as 'Hell'. " she droned, as if she gave this same speech a million times before and was growing annoyed of it.
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pickle-the-lad · 1 year
I wrote the story last year, and it's posted on Wattpad, but for those who don't use that, I'm posting it here too💖 please read the tags before the story!
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Why won't it stop smiling at me… The forest, lit blue by the midnight moon and its starry sky, but I stare at the ground.
It moves with me still, it's still shaped like me. But when I turn to keep walking, I feel it grow closer. And when I look back, it doesn't hide that fact as it slowly slinks back to form. My shadow is out to kill me, and it radiates impatience for its goal.
'What do I do, walk backwards home?' I think to myself as I remember the forest path to my house, a death trap watching where you're going.
Staring down at my captor, just trying to make sense of what I'm seeing. "This is crazy." I say under my breath, laughing to myself like a totally sane person. This makes no sense, absolute insanity, but I'm frozen… "I just have to turn around… right?"
But I stand there, hands in my hoodie's pockets, just staring at the ground… "just turn around, that's exactly what I'm going to do."
"Ṫ̷̡h̸͈̃e̸̮͛ń̸͉ ̸̠̓d̷̘͝o̴̦͌ ̵̦̽i̷̠͒t̸̥͋"
It's voice came from behind my ear… with icy breath and bitter aggravation.
So this is how absolute dread and insanity feels like. I laugh to myself as I realize the weight of this moment; Either I'm insane or dead and I don't know which.
I start carefully and slowly walking backwards, as the thing attached to my feet follows suit.
"Ẃ̴͙h̸͍͐a̴͈̋t̶̖̓ ̴̩̍á̷͈ȑ̵̠e̸̼͝ ̵̯́y̴͖͂o̷̱̎ū̶̘ ̸̟́s̶̯͋o̴͇̾ ̶̜̋a̵̦͝f̶̘͝r̷̙̃a̷̐͜ḯ̷̼d̷̮̆ ̶̠̅o̴͚̒f̶͇͐?̶̘͋" it's cold whisper, a heavy contrast to the warm breeze.
I press on, refusing… or unable to open my mouth to answer it's twisted question. As I walk under the forest canopy, I watch that thing melt into the shadows.
But instead of feelings of relief, overwhelming dread consumes me before I turn around and book it towards the street light. I just know if I make it there I'll be fine!
I feel the shadows around me gnaw and claw at my legs as I run. Laughter from all around me, maniacal and taunting. What is this nightmare I've stepped into!
I collapse into the yellow light, just trying to remember how to breathe. My Shadows slowly slides below me and it feels chained again. Like a shadow should be… but I'm still not home.
I look up at the shadows that cover the rest of my path. My legs burning, I give them a look over. They're covered in scratches, they don't look near as deep as they feel though. I look up at the Moon that I've admired for the past two and a half decades, wondering why she would do this to me…
The moon, who used to be my only comforting friend throughout the night… it's insane but I just know that it's her. It sounds so delusional, but looking back at my bleeding legs, it's the only thing that makes sense! There's no way just kicking up some gravel, and managing to avoid roots sticking up from the ground did this!
As the old light bulb flickers, I jolt up knowing I won't be safe there for long.
"A̷̜͛w̷̮̑~̷͇̈ ̸̦̑ȉ̷͍s̸̰̅ ̸͎̈́t̶͚̒h̸̼͒ė̷̼ ̴͈̔l̸͜͝i̷̺͌t̸͎̊t̵̪̂l̵̜͗e̸̪͝ ̵̻̏ḇ̶̀ǫ̴̈́y̸̘̅ ̷͍̀t̷̹̂h̶̥̾a̶͓͊ẗ̷̘ ̸͔̎s̴̥̃c̵̜̈́à̵͕r̵͉̋e̴̪͗d̵̻͠ ̵̢̉ǫ̷̈́f̸̙̾ ̶̗͐í̵̜t̵̮͗s̴̢̑ ̵̥̃o̵̝̾w̸̦͌n̷͓̈́ ̶̱͝s̶͇͂h̸͔͠ă̸̹d̸̩̂o̶̡̅w̵̼͝?̶̫̊"
Bolting down the road, in and out of the blue moonlight and her shadows. I see my driveway, alit with the blue and a shadow man waving at me with a shit-eating grin.
I squeeze my eyes shut as I turn into my driveway, skating and catching myself as I try to keep momentum.
"F̵̛̜a̸̔ͅs̸̙̚t̵͉͊e̸͒͜r̵͉͝" its gravelly laughter fills me with fear as I cry down the driveway begging to reach the porch light.
Throwing myself onto my porch, I turn around and watch as this yellow light bends my pursuer to its disdain. Standing right beside me, just as a shadow should.
I stumble inside, wash my wounds and bandage up my legs… this all happened just a couple of weeks ago. Now, whenever I look into the night, I'm just filled with dread and that nightmare creeps back into my mind…
I think I'm done with night walks for good…
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diaryofanidiot · 1 year
The Neverland Curse
Summary: MC is on the receiving end of a strong curse. They've been reverted back to a child until they can earn a meaningful memory from each of those they care about. It's up to the Demon Brothers & co. to care for them until then.
CW: de-aging, cursing, slight nyctophobia, tantrums
Chapter List: Prologue 1 2 <3> 4 5 6
Taglist: @avatarofstars @botensbabygirl @mothmothmothmothmothmoth @akira-chan8 @rinizitos @pastatownsystem @stabbylikesnukes @urhigh42 @princessparadisebaby @abadonkori @lucifersimp333 @coffeeandtealol @maxx0inwonderland @letsblazewolf
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(Tumblr quit shrinking my gifs >:( )
After what seemed like the hundredth outfit Asmo had me try on, my mood soured. The one he currently had me wearing was the worst by far. It was scratchy and way too warm. Not to mention my annoyance at his millionth squeal right next to my ear about how 'cute' i was.
If any word summed up this "fashion show" as he called it, the word was torture.
"And to top it off..." Asmo reached into a bag and pulled out a funny looking hat. "A cute beret!"
I pushed the foul object away from me. "Azzyyyyy" I whined. "No more. I don't want it!" He was closer than he realized to feeling my wrath.
"Hush. There's only a few more outfits."
I stomped my foot. "No!" I was starting to miss Beel's helicopter treatment. I tore the scratchy top off, feeling better in the tank top underneath it. Finally, my skin could breathe. With a huff, I threw it down and stomped on it. "No! No! No!"
Asmo looked in horror at the way I treated the clothes he just bought me, as if I've just slapped him in the face; but didn't make a move to stop my tantrum.
"Alright, get it out of your system." He sighed, folding up the remaining clothes. I kicked the shoes off, too, before flopping on the floor with a pout. He pet my hair soothingly.
"Huh. Human tantrums are very... mild in comparison." He giggled.
I kicked my feet indignantly and buried my face in Asmo's sweater. He shushed me in an attempt to quiet my frustrations. I heard the door click behind us.
"Asmo, what do you think you're doing?" I heard Mammon's voice but didn't bother looking up.
"(MC's) just got some big emotions right now. I'm handling it."
Mammon must've seen the cause of my distress in the form of clothes piled everywhere. "Like hell you are."
I felt hands wrap under my armpits as I was lifted into the air. I whined and continued to bury my face in Mammon's shirt after he got me situated on his hip.
"Maman, make Azzy stop." I mumbled.
Asmo shot a glare at Mammon. "I'll have you know, Lucifer sent me to get clothes for them. It's only necessary to try them on. Plus they looked so adorabllleee" I felt his fingers lightly pinch my cheek.
Mammon held me tighter and turned me away. "Like I give a damn. You're exhausting my human."
"Your Human?!" Asmo shrieked. "Like you could take care of a kid!"
"I'd be the best at it!" Mammon countered.
They continued bickering for at least another five minutes. I clamped my hands over my ears. Everything was too much!
"Now look what you did!" Asmo was seething. Mammon was holding me way too tightly. Before I knew it, fat, hot tears began to roll down my face.
"No more!" I cried. The two froze, unsure of what to do. Next thing I know, I was yanked out of Mammon's arms with a speed too fast to process. I rubbed my eyes to see a blurry vision of Satan through my tears.
He didn't say anything, and neither did the other two. The look of anger on his face was enough to silence them. The very definition of If looks could kill.
With one last warning look, Satan carried me away while I struggled to stop crying. I could feel him taking deep breaths as we walked.
The bouncing movement of his walking slowly calmed me down until I could look at him. The scowl on his face was scary, but he's saved me from being smothered twice now.
I patted his cheek lightly. "TanTan, mad?"
The scowl quickly turned to a look of surprise as he stopped in his tracks. A chuckle broke free from his lips as he looked at me with bewilderment.
"TanTan, huh?" The chuckle turned to a full laugh. "Even as a kid, you know how to cheer me up. No, I'm not mad. At least, not with you."
I nodded before gently biting on the top of my thumb. "Where goin?"
"It's your bedtime. Those two idiots kept you up way too late."
I shook my head. "Not Maman. He was trying to help me."
"Even so, you need sleep. Belphie was meant to be in charge of that, but who knows where he could be right now." He opened the door to my room and set me down in the connected bathroom on the sink counter. "Cmon, let's get you ready."
I watched as he prepped a toothbrush with paste and held it out to me. "Think you can do it on your own?"
I nodded and took it. I must've made quite a mess trying because he soon took it back. "Here. Open."
With a huff, I sat with my mouth opened while he helped.
I could've done it.
"Alright, now spit." He wiped my mouth after I complied and helped me down. "Will you be comfy sleeping in that?"
"Yea but I'm not tired now." I pouted, returning my thumb to my mouth. He promptly removed it.
"None of that. You'll make yourself sick. And don't lie to me, I can see the tired in your eyes." He poked my cheek.
How dare he. I'm not a liar.
He lifted me back up and set me down in my bed, pulling up the covers around me. "Since you aren't tired, maybe a story?"
I perked up at this. "Yes, please!"
He smiled and told me to wait there while he left to pick a couple out. When he came back, I had plenty of options to choose from. After much thought, I chose the one with the dragon on the cover.
"Good choice." He smiled. "Now get cozy"
"TanTan?' I asked, moving further down the covers.
"Will you stay with me? Til I go to sleep?"
He nodded, tucking me in the rest of the way. "Of course."
He pulled a chair up and began reading. His voice was nice, and he even gave the characters different voices. Occasionally, he'd swipe his eyes from the page to me. Not that it was needed, it'd be hard to tear my attention away from the fantastical story about a dragon on an adventure to find his family. I was hanging off every word.
But his words eventually turned into white noise as my eyes were forcibly closing themselves. The last thing I felt before drifting off was a hand on my head and a soft
Good night.
My eyes opened to a dark room. Nervously, I looked around. Satan had left, and now I was all alone. I looked out the window but it was still dark.
Oh right... no sun.
I couldn't tell what time it was, but the dark was starting to scare me. Every shadow could turn out to be a monster or something trying to get me! A whimper escaped my lips as I pulled the covers tighter.
My hand brushed against something fluffy before I remembered Bloo was on the bed with me. I clutched the stuffed bear to my chest as I worked up the courage to get out of bed.
I swung my feet of the side of the bed and quietly ran to the door, Bloo in hand. Reaching up to grab the door handle, I slowly pushed it open. It creaked ever so slightly. I paused, eyes wide in fear of something hearing me.
"Gotta be quiet," I whispered to my bear. I knew he'd understand. The hallway was very dimly lit, clearly most everyone was in bed. Or so I thought.
A blue light emitted from under one of the doors in the hall. Maybe somebody was still awake? I clumsily knocked on the door, hoping somebody would answer. An answer I shortly got.
"Password?" A tired voice called. I recognized it but couldn't remember who.
"Um..." I frowned. Why was there a password? Not fair. "I don't know..."
Shuffling sounds could be heard on the other side before the latch clicked.
"Sorry, Hen- er.. (MC), I didn't know it was you. " Levi's hair was disheveled, and a gaming headset sat crooked from his neck as if he fell asleep during a session. "You okay?"
I clutched Bloo closer to me and shook my head, staring down at my feet. "It's dark."
Levi shifted his weight, seemingly unsure of himself. "You wanna hang out in here? The aquarium keeps the room lit through the night."
Nodding, I let him lead me into his room. My eyes widened at the sight of it. I hadn't been shown the bedrooms on the tour, and this one was even cooler than mine.
Slowly, I walked toward the giant aquarium that felt more like a view into the ocean. A single goldfish stared back at me. Levi smiled.
"That's Henry. I think he likes you." He mused, kneeling next to me.
"Hi Henry..." I whispered. He pressed himself against the glass where my hand lay before swimming off again. I glanced around once more, looking at all the posters and figurines on his shelves. "Who's that?" I asked, pointing at a poster whose face appeared plenty in different parts of the room.
"Ruri-chan!" Levi grinned at my interest. "She's the absolute coolest. In fact, if you like, we could watch one of her movies."
I perked up and nodded. I was no longer sleepy, and a movie sounded great. He pulled up a bean bag in front of his TV and motioned for me to sit while he got everything in order.
"Not this one... this one you need to know previous lore, this one has a bad guy too scary for them.." Levi continued to mumble to himself while he sorted through a pile of DVD copies. "Ah! Here we go! The Magical Ruri-Hana: The journey to the unknown. Perfect for your age right now."
He paused for a moment after putting it in. "I'll have to sort which episodes of the anime you can watch later. I'll make a list so we can binge it."
Levi was buzzing with excitement, occasionally muttering to himself about getting to show me this all over again. My confusion grew once more. I've never seen this before. What did he mean again?
"Ah! Sorry! Ignore me." He must've noticed the puzzled expression on my face.
The bean bag was large enough to share, so I made room for him to sit with me. I felt the weight of the bean bag shift as he plopped down onto it. Next thing I knew, the TV had my full attention as the opening scene began.
Levi must've been up a long time because his initial excitement was soon replaced by quiet snoring about halfway through the second movie. Despite my fixation on the film, the sounds of everyone in the house waking up kept distracting me.
Carefully, I poked Levi's cheek. "Vi... it's morning."
"Hana.. Ru.. needs saved..." He breathed out, still fully asleep.
The footsteps and muffled talking in the hallway outside the room grew more frantic. I decided to pay it no attention while I watched the rest of the movie.
Levi's phone buzzed on a nearby table, slow notifications at first soon grew to a consistent spamming. The footsteps outside grew louder til they were right outside the door.
The door swung open, hitting the wall behind it with a loud bang. Levi jolted and sat up.
"We can't find (MC!)," Mammon yelled right before his eyes met my widened ones. "...(MC)?"
"Hi Maman!"
"How many times do I have to tell you! Password entry only!" Levi yelled before falling back onto the beanbag. "They're in here with me."
"No shit I can see that." Mammon scoffed before turning his head to the hall and shouting. "They're with Levi!"
"Oh sure. Make this a family gathering, why don't you? Stupid Mammon..." Levi paused the movie while the others crowded the doorway.
The full attention of everyone so early in the morning set my nerves aflame. "...am I in trouble?" I asked, barely above a whisper.
Asmo was the first to respond, pushing past Mammon and grabbing my shoulders. "No, hon. You just scared us when we found out you weren't where we thought you were. It's a big house and you could get lost."
I nodded softly and watched as the brothers gathered their emotions.
"Couldn't sleep anymore. It was too dark"
"We'll get you a nightlight." Lucifer suggested, being the last to come in the room. "For now, let's go have some breakfast. You have a big day today."
I took his hand as we all dispersed, aside from Levi, who wanted an extra ten minutes of sleep; and followed him to the dining room.
"What big day?"
"There's two more people who'd like to meet you." The corner of his mouth formed a small smile. "And after that, we need to go see Solomon. He's figured something out about our...current predicament."
I wasn't sure who wanted to see me, but I do know that I was excited to see Solomon again. Happy with the answer, I set my attention on breakfast.
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spacestationsystem · 3 months
hi!!! we're the space station system (prev. constellation collective). we are a system and this is our sideblog to be public and out on. we would love to make friends and share experiences please!
this is a safe space for all plural origins. we cant dictate your experience! but radqueer dni!!!!
we are collectively it/they. at some point we will make a post with all alters/tags. we use alter/headmate terms, and we/i (with i often being used loosely). some of us prefer alter over headmate or vice versa, but generally dont worry about it.
- comet, host, he/she/it
- beetle, they/howl/bite
-nightlight, LITTLE, she/xe/they
-nyctophobia, persecutor/traumaholder sidesystem, it/they, iwc
@beetlespider for beetle, our silly critter
@eden-beast for eden, our protecter
@heavenemira beloved caretaker just out of dormancy!
@404errr0r for rotary/404 (blog is abandoned due to integration)
@pluto248 for pluto
@sliverofsong for slivy/song
@to-know-water for diver (abzû fictive, would enjoy talking about fishies)
@nightlightplushies for nightlight a little!!!!
@unknowable-secret the nyctophobia system's sideblog. cw for liminal spaces, traumacore-esque stuff, unreality, and the general stuff from a blog run by persecutors/trauma holders.
@lumi-kelpie the equine sisters
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plural-userboxes, plural-this-user-is, cringegenic, pride-sysboxes, chronicallyleggless, highway-userboxes, lunaridae
(we really like userboxes)
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faetaiity · 2 years
Your Protector (Donatello x Reader)
Needed this as last night (and most nights, honestly) was rough for my Paranoia and Nyctophobia. Self-Indulgent vent fic, a good chunk of this scenario is from personal experience but not all of it. Writing style for post: Mix of Story and Headcanons CW: Mentions of Stress Induced seizures and Panic Attacks, stress-induced skin picking, and other stress stims, paranoid/intrusive thoughts, overall reader having a bad time during the night ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nighttime sucked for you.
It always does, feeling hyperaware and jumping at the slightest sound or perceived "movement" (which wasn't even movement, just you snapping your head to look at something too quickly and thinking something darted away to hide from you)
You never told anyone about your nighttime paranoia once you moved to New York City. Never.
Mainly because you were afraid of people taking advantage of that fear or making fun of it, infantilizing you due to having such a strong fear of the night
You especially never told the turtles, not because of you fearing they would laugh at you, but because you were ashamed of it.
You sighed as you checked that everything was locked for the 10th time tonight, but you still couldn't calm your nerves 'What if it's because the person might already be inside?' you thought before you could stop it, instantly making your senses more aware than they were, making the slightest noise overstimulate you and causing you to start breathing rapidly. 'nononono shut up, that's not true, you're safe, nothing will happen' you attempted to reason with your mind like your therapist has taught you, but you couldn't, it was just too much
Knock Knock
You gasped softly, your heartbeat drastically increasing as you covered your ears trying to calm yourself, it worked for a few seconds until the knocks started up again, increasing in intensity every few seconds, your brain started running 100 miles per hour, you covered your ears once more, tears pricking your eyes and starting to flow down your cheeks, then the noise stopped suddenly
Your phone went off as a notification popped up on screen
His Royal Assness: Hey, you at your home? I'm at the window and nobody's answering
You took a second to compose yourself after reading it, sighing frustratedly at the situation, you walked over to the window and saw Donnie looking at you, seemingly annoyed until he saw your face red and tears streaming down, you opened the window with attitude
"What the fuck, Donnie?! send a fucking text before you started knocking! I thought it was some creep trying to get inside" you hissed out, your throat burning and feeling thick because of you crying (you know what I'm talking about)
"I didn't know, I'm sorry" he mumbled out, you walked over to the couch and sat down, curling into a ball
Donnie didn't know what to do, sure, he's seen you anxious before but never this bad, he strode over and sat down next to you, trying to think of something to say, until he heard you softly crying
"What's wrong?" He asked softly, rubbing your back in attempt to comfort you, you froze, what would he think? Of you being afraid of something so simple as the Dark? No, you can't tell him.
"Nothing" you replied
"Bullshit" he snarled "What is it? You know I won't judge; you know about my fear of Beachballs, can't be worse" he said, you groaned
"It IS worse!" you mumbled, "It's something I should've gotten over a LONG ass time ago!" you sighed
"Being afraid of something that society says you should've outgrown isn't stupid, you can't control your fears" he reminded you softly
"I don't want you to think I'm a baby" you said bluntly, he scoffed "If anything, I'm the manchild, you can't take that away from me."
"Fine. I'm scared of the dark, it makes me hyperaware of something that doesn't exist, making me scared" you growled out, waiting for him to laugh or just brush it off, instead, he stayed silent as he wrapped his arms around you
"I understand." he mumbled
"And I'll make sure you feel safe at night." he said in a promising tone.
Donnie takes your fear seriously, VERY seriously
He knows what lurks in the dark, he fights them every day almost.
And all of them wouldn't be opposed to hurting you to hit the turtles where it hurts.
Because of this, he brings you calming gifts, such as an Oil diffuser with a calming scent, that, even if you hate most Essential Oil smells, will make you calm and sleepy.
Another gift WAS going to be a weighted turtle plushie, but you told him that would probably not help, as you get nervous at night, intrusive thoughts making you hate blinking around them in fear that they're gonna grow whole ass eyes and stare.
Instead, he got you a really strong weighted blanket, it's around 25 pounds (11 kilograms for non-imperial users), which helped
His last gift that you got recently (about a week ago) was a robot of your favorite animal, it has Synthetic fur/feathers or soft/scaley skin depending on your tastes (and the physiology of the animal), it has been programmed so once it cuddles up to you, it won't look at you unless the lights come on, to accommodate your fears.
Then there's the security system, it sends an alarm to him (plus it has flamethrowers somehow built into the cameras, no I can't elaborate as I'm pea brained, and this is Donnie ffs, man can make anything) if someone comes in while the lights are off after 10 seconds, to prevent this from sending alarms when his brothers, April, Casey or his dad visits you, there's a disarm code box by both the Window and the Door.
He gets really aggressive if someone makes fun of your fears and actively tries to trigger them (ESPECIALLY if you have Stress Induced Seizures or Panic Attacks), He'll put an end to that shit REAL fuckin quick
He becomes really aware of your body language at night now, if you start skin picking or doing other types of stress stims, he tries to redirect you gently.
Doesn't send things he might think you will perceive as scary once dusk hits, he used to before he was aware of your fears and beats himself up over it.
If he's at your apartment for a sleepover, he's big spoon, he generally didn't mind being little spoon before but now he just... gets upset at the idea of you possibly feeling unsafe while you're cuddling.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AUGH I NEEDED THIS LKGHRJKERG
P.S: If I see any of you fuckers making fun of this, it's on sight mfer, most of these are things I do/have (except the seizures and panic attacks) /gen /threat /neu(?)
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centipedelightning · 1 year
Hello, one was hoping to request separate headcanon sets for Tommy and Python who are in QPRs with a gn reader who has Somniphobia + Nyctophobia! If not, one understands!
One thanks thou for taking the time to read this!
do you use like?? old english pronouns? Bc if so that is so incredibly cool.
Mafiafell Sans & Papyrus x gn!Reader w/ Somniphobia and Nyctophobia || queer platonic || comfort
no cw/tws || not proof read sorry :/
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He gets the nyctophobia thing. Being a mob boss doesn’t really lend itself to restful sleep.
Hate to tell you that both humans and monsters need to sleep at some point though, so Tommy makes it his mission to get you to bed as easily as possible.
If your relationship is the type where you sleep in his bed with him, be that every night or just some, he makes sure to keep his room as comfortable for you as possible.
You got nice lamps giving off a very low ambient light. You got a bed overflowing with nice, soft blankets and pillows perfect for you neck.
He only does this for you btw, that man could sleep on a cement floor like it’s the queen’s bed.
Hell, he tries very hard to be home more often to help you get to sleep. If your somniphobia stems from a sense of safety (or lack thereof) there’s nothing safer than one of the scariest boss monsters and mob bosses around.
He’s willing to do damn near anything you ask if it’ll help you sleep. Massages, stories, he will even sing for you if he knows it’ll help. He’s not great at singing for the record. Fine, good even, but not great.
Hint: ask him to hum instead <3
On nights where you just can’t sleep no matter how hard you both try, he’s prepared to stay up with you to keep you company.
If you live with him, he installs nightlights and ambient lights in every room so you can walk around at night. If you don’t live together, he does the same thing. He just gets more obnoxious about checking them because he’s not over every moment of every day to make sure none of the bulbs blew.
You want a man you can bond over having a sleeping fear with? You got him right here. Python is a Don. Can you imagine how bad his anxiety must be?
At first, your mutual sleeping fears will blend into a cesspool of anxiety and paranoia. It. Sucks. After you two have a heart to heart about how the other looks like garbage and has been barely functioning, y’all will come up with solutions.
Python has massive safety/security fears that makes it hard to sleep. You two come up the idea to install a state of the art security system that’ll alert Python the second there’s trouble. You explain your specific issues and you both come up with the most perfect, foolproof solution.
Naturally anxiety and phobias are by definition irrational, so this isn’t a perfect fix. That’s what you have each other for! Python makes some delicious teas, so on nights where one, the other, or both can’t sleep, he’ll get up and make some.
He’s definitely more of a wait until the fear passes enough to sleep kind of guy, but if you express that you aren’t and want to get to sleep, he does his best to help. In a similar, if not more stilted manner, Python does some similar stuff to Tommy. He’s willing to talk and tell stories. If you need him to just drone on so you can sleep, he will. You will hear about budgets, and territories, and resource allocations. It’s some of the most boring stuff in the world, but whatever helps right?
Nyctophobia he gets in theory.
Like, yes he understands that you have a fear of the dark and he even gets that there’s a lot of things that could stem from. But honestly? He’s so used to working at night and he’s able to handle himself that it’s never been a real concern for him.
He obviously is willing to help though. He offers to buy a nightlight or dim lamp to keep in your room. If you two sleep in the same bed ever, he’s gonna grumble about it.
Python is the kind of guy that needs absolute darkness to sleep. He gets you a nightlight no matter what, but he will also treat himself to a Very Fancy sleep mask.
He will never tell you that he’s been practicing acclimating himself to sleeping with more light because he wants to make sure you are as comfortable as possible. No way.
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Howdy!! I kinda liked your Monster OC because they seem really interesting!!
So, about the Dark-Realm, what's your thoughts about Reader being a person who has Nyctophobia(and even maybe Autophobia)? How is your monster going to deal with this?
And welcome to Tumblr Moon!!🪷✨ :D
A/N; Hi, I apologize for the late answer! I really liked this ask and how “personal” it was with the character, and ironically, I have the same phobias so… If you have any more questions, send a ask/message. Hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading, this was a surprising amount of fun. ALSO THANK YOU FOR THE WELCOME IT IS VERY REASSURING EEE I HOPE IM DOING THIS STUFF RIGHT
TW/CW; Scary (?) monster, not really overly yandere, I did read over this over and over but there may be a spelling mistake...? I believe that is all. Perhaps teratophilia.
Word Count; 365 words, it’s shorter than usual but I hope it’s okay!
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I know the asker knows, but for others…
Nyctophobia is the intense fear of the night and darkness.
Autophobia is the intense fear of being alone and isolated. 
Admittedly, if you were expressive with your fears (ex. screaming), they view it as an expression of joy, so that would not help you at all. Crying is tears of joy as well, so… However, if you were silent and simply gave simple cues to let them all, they would also not understand. You would have to tell them that…
And they still do not get it. 
You do not like their home? They promise it's not scary once you get used to it, despite the fact that they were never scared of it to begin with. They would move things around, yet everything is still so dark… Once you mention that they make a special exception to light just for you. You are allowed to have a small light on your wrist, or another part of your body, so that no room is purely dark. It irritates them, yet anything for you.
For isolation and being alone, they reassure you that they are ALWAYS there… Take that as you will I suppose. However, if you asked for a pet they would actually allow it, yet you would have to explain how they have to be cared for. Said pet would have to be darker in tone, like a black cat, for it is not exempt from their distaste for light. They are allowed to have a light on them however too, so that may help. 
Overall, they would be confused but then try to make accommodations for you. They wished that the light did not bother them too much, so that you would not have lived in fear in general. They also wished that you did not have those fears to begin with, they prefer to live a life of fun, and want you to do the same. Kind of cheesy, but yeah. They care about you, despite what they have done, and despite the fact that they are… Darkness incarnate, they hope you can find a way to either be friends with them (perhaps more…?)
Romantic HCs, leads to other parts;
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nyctophobia-au · 1 year
Where I've Been
Okay, so, 'sup babygrills. This is going to be a bit of a lengthy post, but I feel like I should update followers on here as to where I've been because I haven't been active for, like, months.
If you don't care to read all of the stuff under the cut, that's fine. Here's my TL;DR: I've been having issues with mental illness, trauma, motivation, gender dysphoria (?), and have been busy with college and YouTube/social media stuff. However, luckily my HK special interest has returned and I plan on posting more often hopefully. (Mild cw for mental health mentions ig.)
Okay, so, to begin, I've been gone a lot due to responsibilities outside of making Nyctophobia content. So, up until recently, I've been working on graduating from college. I've been finishing up my final class this Summer, but last quarter in the Spring was really difficult for me time-wise and mental health-wise. I've had a lot of issues with depression and anxiety throughout my life, and being at college was torturous and sapped all of my energy. It did not help that, last quarter, I had to be there at the college for six hours of my day five days a week. It was not easy to make art for myself and my channel, much less for this blog.
Outside of college, and I've mentioned this before in passing, but I also make YouTube videos and, at the moment, YT is my income (alongside comms as well). I've been pretty focused on keeping my my schedule at least a little bit consistent, and that alone has been draining and tiring. It also affects the kind of art that I can create, as I have to draw certain things for certain videos. I've been really weary when it comes to making content as of late, and I really need to take a small break so that I can work on stuff I actually want to work on rather than being stuck drawing certain things for the sake of videos I'm not inspired to make.
Pivoting more into specifics about my mental health, I have been needing to see a therapist for a long while, but I haven't had the motivation or the funds to pursue that option up until recently. Hopefully, I will be attending therapy soon. Last year in, uhm, September I had a particularly bad mental health episode and I've come to realise that some events that happened during that time have left me with trauma that I'm still currently working past and healing from. I've had issues with self-harm, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and self-perception for a long time, but in the Spring they were stifling and impossible to ignore. Lately, they have been better, though. So, that's nice. There hasn't been just the usual stuff lately (oh no, that's be too easy), but I've gotten jumpscared with gender issues (hooray, my favourite /s) during this time, and am struggling with my self-perception regarding my gender up to current day. (Hi, I currently go by Rot or Sexy Fictional Bug Enthusiast and my pronouns are they/them, but they may very well be they/he soon). Also, I had a bad identity crisis a couple of months ago and had to do this whole rebrand thing that was a lot of work and it kinda sucked away a lot of energy and time.
On top of all of that, ya boy's special interest metre has been focused primarily on OC stuff and other things outside of HK. It's pretty well-known that I have autism and Hollow Knight is one of my special interests. I'm unsure how it works for most people, but my fixations tend to come in waves and fluctuate (though super special meaningful ones stick for a long time). So, like, I had this whole issue with my mind always being fixated more on things outside of HK. It's been my OCs for a few months, but alongside that, I also suddenly became enraptured by The Owl House and my Digimon special interest sleeper agent returned for a hot second there. As of recently, I've been interested in HK again, but have been afraid to start/work on projects related to my AU because of me having to work on OC content for my channel and also for my friends who are invested.
As of right now, I have some more time on my hands to make the content I want to make, and my HK fixation is back (thank fuck). I've generally been doing a bit better in the mental health arena, but I will also be taking some time off of YT and posting videos regularly in favour of focusing on making stuff I want to make. So, like, expect me to be more active here for some time. I might be finishing a fic in the next month (hopefully) as well, and I have some general comic and art ideas. I just want to draw Auric again, god dammit. My beloved. <3
Anyways, thanks for reading if you did. Just figured I'd make a post about this for people who thought I died or something (and for the people who were once interested in my projects on here and are starving for content, lmao).
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Dark Silk - Day One
Let’s see if I actually stick to this. 
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Prompt: Meeting someone in the dead of night
CW: GN Blake’s listener (Because I’m not sure what they’re called, they won’t have a name.), cursing, insomnia, nyctophobia, Not who you’re thinking. I’m not giving anything else away, sorry. It should seem pretty self explanatory.
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Having a dreamwalker for a best friend had it’s upsides. Back when they were kids with Blake, he used to sneak into their dreams so they could have sleepovers on school nights. Often their parents realized, but they never did anything about it, simply finding it cute. Often Blake wouldn’t be well rested the next day, but neither regretted it. There were other upsides though to having their best friend, the person who knew them the best, putting them to sleep and craft them a dream. Especially when they were struggling to find sleep. 
But Blake wasn’t here.
Their room was dark, and it almost felt like something tangible. Like maybe they could just reach out and their fingers would meet the black silk of darkness as it pressed closer to them. And then suddenly the silk was touching them, surrounding them. It felt nice against their sleep deprived chilled skin, dancing and tickling its way up them. But then it got too high. It wrapped around their neck and covered their mouth and nose. The darkness was suffocating them, and no matter how they twisted and turned they couldn’t escape it. A sob escaped their gasping lips and they tumbled off their bed, falling onto their floor with a force that would surely cause bruises to form. Their frantic fingers reached for a lamp and they switched it on, chasing away the darkness. 
They couldn’t tell you for how long they sat there, staying close to the light as they eyed the darkened corners fearfully. Eventually the knowledge that there were dark parts of their home was enough to drive them out of the apartment entirely. They fled then, getting into their car still pajama-clad and turning on the car lights. Their hands were shaking as they gripped the wheel. The darkness of night was equally as scary. It felt like it was pressing in on their window, trying to break in and suffocate them again. 
Whenever this happened in their nightmares, Blake had been the one to change the dream to daytime. But he wasn’t here. He was never here anymore. They wiped their eyes on their sleeve and started the ignition of the car, needing to go somewhere that had more life. More safety. They pulled out of the parking lot and started towards a store. At the very least they could flee inside the well-lit store and hide there until they got kicked out or the sun started to peak over the horizon. Thank god it wasn’t a weeknight. 
It took a few laps until they were able to find a store that was open. For how much longer they didn't know, but their priority was to escape the dark that continuously tried to drag at them. So they took a deep breath, steadying a hand on their door. They were parked close to the brightly lit entrance and street lamps were placed all over the place, but the darkness lingered where it could.
They stared out the front view window, lip trembling as they stared at the patches where the lights didn't overlap. It was like there were holes in the ground, just waiting for them to step in it so the darkness could pull them down and smother them again. They could already hear their heart thumping as new tears threatened to impair their vision. Maybe they should just wait in their car. They could keep all the lights on. As long as the battery didn't run out.
... fuck...
They swallowed and steeled their nerves. The door of their car slowly opened and then they were slamming it behind them and sprinting towards the store entrance desperately. Their thumb clicked the lock button on their car repeatedly. They glanced back once, seeing the inside lights slowly turn off and plunge the interior depths of their car into the darkness they feared so much. Then they entered fully into the harsh glow of synthetic lighting. Relief crashed into their adrenaline rushed system and they wiped away the tears threatening to spill from their eyes.
They grabbed a cart for appearance-sake, even though they didn't have a wallet with them, and browsed aimlessly through the aisles. The cans of soup kept them company for maybe ten minutes before they moved towards the coffee beans. Just as they rounded the corner they came into sight of a tall brooding man. He was frowning and obviously irritated by something. Normally they would have just passed him and ignored, even with the oddness of encountering another patron at such a late hour. But what made them stop was the loud aura of a shifter. Werewolf specifically. Empowered people weren't rare, obviously. They just didn't come across many shifters that were by themselves. They inhaled sharply when he turned his head and their eyes locked. His narrowed and a scowl deepened his face.
"Is there a reason you're staring at me? We're not at a zoo." He said, voice thick with exhaustion. Why he was awake and looking at coffee when he was so obviously tired didn't make any sense to them. They figured he already sensed their aura and understand their own empowered status. They smiled apologetically.
"Sorry. I was just surprised. I thought shifters stayed with their pack." They said as they moved closer and lowered their voice slightly. The man gave them an odd look and heat rushed up their neck. They shrugged their shoulders in an effort to dispel it. He raised a brow before turning back to the coffee.
"It's late and I'm an introvert." He said and they found themselves nodding along like a dork. They sighed and stared down at their empty cart.
"Yeah. That makes sense I guess." They murmured. The light overhead flickered and they tensed, gaze shooting upward but it was still stubbornly lit. Small mercies.
"Do you know anything about these fucking coffee beans?" The man asked, bring their attention back to him. They left their cart behind to move closer with a soft hum of confusion exiting their throat. He looked at them before his own gaze returned to the organized colored bags. "The brand I usually get was sold out at the closer store to me. I figured it might be here, but it's not and I don't have the energy to go somewhere else. So do you know what's good and what pretends to be good but actually tastes like a load of horse shit?" He explained. They smiled slightly and looked at the bags.
They're hand reached forward to drift their fingertips against a few before they dropped it. "Honestly? I'm not sure. I order mine from Alaska. There's a good local company there called Keladi Brothers. Some really good beans. But my friend used to always get this kind. Blake had pretty good taste." They said, grabbing a bag and holding it out to him. Their smile wasn't present anymore. He frowned as he took the bag and dropped it into the basket hanging from his elbow.
"Past tense?" He asked and his voice felt heavy to their ears. As if he was going through his own kind of grief. They met his eyes with a small sad smile.
"He just kinda disappeared on me, is all. Do you have your own past tense going on, if you don't mind me asking?" He stared at them after the question left their lips before he shook his head and cleared his throat.
"Nothing I'm gonna dip to a stranger. Have a good night and thanks for the coffee advice." He said and nodded to them before walking away stiffly. Their eyes followed him, not lost on how they didn't know his name. But did they really need to? After all, it was a one time interaction late at night. They shrugged and returned to their cart to continue wandering the hall and soaking up the light all they could until the sun would greet them and kiss their skin in the morning.
They didn't come across him, or any other patrons for the entirety of their time in the store either. Hopefully the werewolf liked the coffee.
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desultory-novice · 2 years
“The Smiling King”
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So, uhhh, no one ASKED for a weird and creepy AU bad end Marxolor thingy where Marx dies trying to save Magolor from the Master Crown and Magolor Soul goes on to take over several other planets, eventually evolving into some kind of mythical overlord/children’s bedtime story, still carrying Marx’s body with them the entire time but sometimes, you just have to follow the muse...?
Why did I draw this after yesterday’s entirely wholesome post??? Wahhhhhh….!
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toothed-raven · 2 years
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
✨🌕Melody of the Night🌕✨
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During a late night working, The Journalist hears mysterious music echoing across the RED Base grounds. What could possibly be the source of this tune?
SHIP: 🏜️📰One Shot📰🏜️ (Sniper x Journalist)
WARNINGS: Nyctophobia (the fear of the night/darkness) + Descriptions of suffering from Nyctophobia + Swearing
The nighttime never promised much to the Mercenaries. Not a single spark of action, but not really much peace either. After all, it may have been rare for the opposing team to attack at night, but that doesn't mean it was impossible for them to. The night, if anything, was a time for rest... or at least, it was supposed to be.
For The Journalist, nighttime was the only time she could really work. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing; all she had to do was rewrite her notes from the day into a proper report, maybe listen to some music while doing so. It wasn't anything she could complain about. She had worse things to worry about, such as the opposing Spy, who seemed to have an unhealthy fascination with both stabbing backs and stealing her notes. Tonight wasn't a scheduled interrogation night though, so she was spared from his unsuccessful shennanigans... or so she was sure, right? The more she thought of it, the more she couldn't remember. She was sure it was fine though. Her brain was always rather rude at night, making her worry over the smallest of details. And so, she'd dismiss the entire matter, throwing on her Deadbeats and focusing solely on her work.
She typed away on her desktop, spacing out to the sound of her keyboard fading into the music. Or, perhaps "spacing out" is too soft of a term; she truly got lost in these songs, finding backing sounds she never noticed before. One tune was especially outstanding to her; she couldn't identify what instrument it was, but it had a sudden entry into the song. It was faded, but still bombastic and energetic. It'd dance between the main rhythm, ending sporadically only to rebuild itself in the same fashion. It almost felt... out of place. Journals couldn't help but be intrigued by it; she'd rewind her music just to try to single out that piece...
But it wasn't the same as when she first heard it.
No, the vibes of this backing piece were the same, but these were definitely different notes, right? She'd rewind over and over again, and each time it was different. That’s when it hit her.
She took off her Deadbeat headphones, listening closely to the ambience around her. Sure enough, the faded song was still audible. In fact, it was even louder than before! She rose from her desk, unsure of exactly what to do. Her mind was racing through 50 different questions. What was the music? Who was playing the music? Who would've still been up anyway? Was it one of her teammates, or was it an opposing member who just comedically revealed themselves? Her speculative answers reawoke her worrying nature, and yet that only fueled her curiosity. She'd take a deep breath, and ultimately decide to let her inner "horror movie protagonist" shine. Donning herself with nothing more than slippers, a flashlight, and a jacket to cover her barren arms, she'd creep outside of her office to explore the base.
The base was already a winding mess of halls during the day, but at night it felt all the more hopeless to wander through. She'd lean her ear against plenty of the fort's doors, but to no avail. When she wasn't closely listening, her eyes were glued to the floor, though sometimes she'd take foolish glances through the windows. They only revealed a barren desert under a blanket of black, but that rarely made her feel better. It still felt like something could be hidden out there, watching through.
"Alright... alright fine... I'll just peak once... and then that'll be it. There's nothing out there, Liberty. Nothing at all..." muttered The Journalist, to untrusting ears.
Step, by step, by agonizing step, she made her way to the window. She was near one of the doors, probably a side door? She didn't come to this part of the fort that often, so she wasn't exactly sure where she was-. What she was sure of, however, was that the music had grown much louder. She didn't even realize it while walking; her freaked-out lil mind must've blocked that fact out. And though she saw nothing new through the window, it was definite that the sound was coming from outside. She froze, just wanting to close her eyes and breathe for a bit. Every sense was isolated, every sense but her hearing. Her focus made her realize another thing; the sound was all too familiar.
"Is that... that's gotta be a saxophone, right? I've heard this before... I know what this is".
She made her way to the door, trying as gently as she could to ease it open. She failed, of course, since every door there was both old and loud as hell, but it seems the sound didn't matter. She turned her flashlight off and looked in the distance, where the faint figure of a camper and its owner rested. There that owner was, sitting alone as he blasted his saxophone to the stars above. That was the source of the music, the source of Journals's troubles; it was just Sniper playing his damn sax.
Journals couldn't help but stand there and laugh to herself, letting her held-in tears of panic finally fall. She let herself get this anxious over a damn teammate doing band practice. Not even just a coworker, no, she had to get freaked out over the love of her life just minding his business. The nighttime was a beautiful state of the world for Journals. Hell, she'd consider it her favorite time of day, but she sure hated how irrationally it made her think sometimes. She couldn't be too mad though; she did walk out to a lovely sound, after all. Nobody could deny Mundy's talent for the instrument, even if it did surprise everyone when he first showed it off. Maybe she could stay here for a little while; she certainly didn't wanna walk through all the halls again.
She stepped through the doorway and closed the door... or at least tried to. The damn thing got jammed, and she resorted to leaning her bodyweight on it. Bad move; the thing crashed shut, and the sax solo immediately cut-off. Journals watched the shadowed figure put his instrument down, only to take hold of something else. A bright light popped into existence; thank god, it was just a flashlight. Journals got flashed right in the eyes though, truly a fate worse than death.
"AH- Shit- Well hello to you too, Mundy!", shouted Journals, inbetween laughter.
"Libs? Crikey, is that really you down there?!".
"Yup! ...yup".
Sniper made his way down the camper, jogging over to Journals. He opened his mouth, a slight smile cracking through, before reshaping his entire expression with furrowed brows.
"Wait a minute- How do I know you're not one of those Spies?", inquired Sniper.
"Oh? Can they even turn into me? That'd be kinda neat... maybe a bit OP though-", responded Journals, devolving into mindless speculation of what the Spies could do as her.
Sniper interrupted her train of thought with a laugh: "Alright, you're definitely not a spy".
The circumstances they met under finally clicked for him though; it must've been 2 in the morning by now, and there was this woman, clearly dressed for bed with stains down her face, just standing in the desert with him. Mundy had one question for her, until he took a closer look at what sort of stains her face had: those dreaded tear stains. From that point, he had a few too many questions.
"But bloody hell sheila, what're you even doing out here? You look all sorts of shaken up! Did something happen in there? You're not hurt, are ya-?".
"No! Nonononono, I'm all good! I've been like this for a while now, don't worry about it!".
"Liberty...”, he called with great suspicion, “are you sure...?".
"Yeah man! I mean, I freaked out earlier, but it was stupid, I promise. Somehow your sax ended up scaring me".
"My sax? Now how did that happen?".
"Hell if I know; I guess I just get real nervous at night. I mean, I wasn't really expecting to hear a random saxophone outside my room tonight, ya know?”.
A single "hmm" made it through Mundy's lips. He nodded; he knew the sentiment all too well. Nighttime wasn't really easy for him, either.
"But... it did sound really nice... Gorgeous, even! I was actually just gonna sit here and listen for a bit... but THEN the damn door sabotaged me"; Journals couldn't help but laugh again, at the sheer absurdity of the situation.
She was expecting laughter in return, or at least a giggle! But no, instead she was met with the sight of Mundy rubbing his neck. If only the lighting was better, perhaps she would've noticed that it wasn't just sunburn making his face red.
"Sorry if I interrupted though-".
"No, don't be"; his intonation softened greatly, just as his body language did. He was barely a few stages above muttering at this point.
Silence quickly filled the space between two of them. Not once did their eyes meet, though many glances were taken from both sides.
"Well... if you wanted to listen still... I wouldn't mind ya joining me".
"Really? I don't wanna be an inconvenience or anything-".
Mundy paused, being caught rather off guard. "Now where'd you get the idea that you'd be an inconvenience?".
He decided to make his move; walking to Journals's side and softly grazing his hand across her back, he began walking her to the camper.
"Come on now, love. Unless you're afraid of heights too, there's no trouble at all with ya coming along", said Mundy, trying to hide his signature grin.
"Heeeeyyyy now; don't get all snarky with me, hehe~", muttered Journals, unsure if she wanted him to hear her wit.
Almost instinctively, Journalist leaned in towards him, nuzzling her cheek to his chest. Another restrained giggle rose from her chords, and just like that, Sniper's entire being was back to being stiff. Journals wasn't done with him just yet though. Rising to the tip of her toes and staring through his soul, she muttered those magical words.
"May I~?".
Mundy froze in his tracks. Somehow he never expects that question to pop up. But, of course, the answer wasn’t too hard for him to think of.
"You may".
Journals stretched upwards, as far as her body could reach. She'd sheepishly wrap her arms around Mundy's neck for balance, only so she could plant a kiss on his cheek.
"I love you, Mundy~ Thanks... for, well, everything. Even for bullying me about my deeply-rooted fears~".
She lightly tapped him on the arm as she spoke that final part, shaking her head and glancing at him with a taunting smirk. Mundy ever-so-lightly punched her shoulder in retaliation.
"Yeah, yeah~”: that was the most he could think of to say... until he realized he could give her something back.
“hmm... May I, Libs?".
Journals fell back to her feet, placing a finger to her cheek and glancing to the sky.
"Weeeeelllllllllllll... I guess soooo~", she teased, immediately rising back to her toes.
She closed her eyes, her smiling cheeks only growing stronger once she felt his lips upon them. She couldn't help but return to her basic stature and cup her face once it was over, though she took great care that her hand wouldn't taint the kissed spot too much. Mundy, all the while, couldn't be more entertained. He was almost tempted to ditch the saxophone gig entirely, but he couldn't deny his curiosity on what her expression would be during it. Would she be smiling as hard as she was now, or would her expression be painted with pure whimsy? He just couldn't wait to find out.
"I love you too, darling. Ya better keep that energy while I'm playing. I'm not sure how good you're expecting me to be here".
"Mundy. I heard ya earlier, and I can guarantee I've heard you a thousand times before. You're gonna be absolutely stunning, I just know it!".
Before they knew it, they had already arrived to his signature camper. Sniper helped his date climb to the top, where he was greeted by not just his newest audience member, but his trusted audience of stars. He grabbed his sax and prepared to blow, hoping with all his might that the night could last forever. Or maybe he was just hoping that Heavy wouldn't come out to yell at him to stop again; he wasn't sure which one it was, and frankly he didn't care. He just wanted to make the most of the night; to make the most of the opportunity that just waltzed in from the shadows.
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whumpfish · 4 years
Whumptober #27: Power Outage
Ok, Who Had Natural Disasters On Their 2020 Bingo Card?
[CW for references to past noncon] Sasha released the couplings connecting his prosthetic, setting the bionic leg aside before grabbing the support bars and leveraging himself into the shower stall. Showering without the leg was largely a matter of physics, bracing an arm or a hip in just the right way on the support bars. And if all else failed, he could just sit down, or call for Juno… but he liked the veneer of independence that came with doing it this way. Once he was inside, he pulled the tie from his hair and shook it loose. Then a clap of thunder sounded so close that the building itself seemed to shake, and the lights went out.
Completely out.
Total darkness fell on him like a tiger, hooking its claws into him to drag him back underground. Back to the cell, the pitch black of the cell, and the terrible things waiting in the dark. He fought to breathe, to tell himself he was out and safe, but it didn't feel like it, it never felt like it in the dark and he was naked like he'd been naked then, his hair spilling across his shoulders and down his back. His hands were unbound, but they were hooked around and braced against the support bars and they wouldn't be any use to him in the dark. There was nothing good in the dark, just hands and mouths and other things, things he didn't want, no matter how many times Dima insisted, no matter how many times he made him--
The distinct clang-thunk of a magnetic door seal sounded just inches away from him.
He jolted in surprise and fell backward, barely catching hold of the support bars, his grip failing after a moment. Then he was down in a heap on a cold, hard, smooth floor and he didn't know where he was, only that it was dark and he was naked except for the cascade of brown hair and there would be fingers in it soon. Breath hot in his ear, whispers of how beautiful, how exquisite, before the fingers began trailing down his back and then it would happen again--
But his hands were free! His hands were free, so maybe he could hide. Find the corner of the cell, a solid wall to put his back against and be sure Dima couldn't come up behind him. He tried to stand, forgetting even his missing leg in his terror. He pitched forward, arms stretched blindly in front of him. The right caught hold of something, something metal sticking out of the wall. He quickly grabbed it in both hands and tried to haul himself to his feet, but it gave way and suddenly he was doused with cold water. 
Pain before pleasure, beauty 
Questions first today? Tonight? Was it night? He couldn't remember. He scrambled backward, not understanding why he couldn't feel his left leg. His back hit a wall and the water kept coming. 
"Ple--please," he stammered hoarsely, chest closed in an invisible vice. Wide eyes stared up into the darkness, trying to find Dmitriy standing over him with the hose. "Please--Dima--g-give--give me just--"
He needed a moment. He couldn't remember. He couldn't remember where they left off and that was bad, he needed to remember. The water was getting hotter. Hotter and hotter until it was painful, until it felt almost scalding and he drew his knee up to his chest, trying to get out of range.
"Please stop--it hurts, Dima, please--what do you want?" There was no answer, and the vice of panic tightened. He ducked his head and crossed his arms over his neck and back. "What do you want?! I don't know what you want! Just--just tell me! It hurts! Stop it!"
A vague, blurry light came into the room, carried by a vague, blurry figure, and he heard the clunk-sway of the door lock being released. The hose turned off. He didn't look up when the light and the figure came closer, didn't dare, didn't want a hand fisted in his hair to jerk his head up.
Juno's mild, worried voice pulled him out of the past as surely and swiftly as the sudden darkness had plunged him back into it. He slowly uncrossed and lowered his arms, looking up slowly. He shrank back a little, half defensive reflex and half embarrassment. 
"Shh, easy, honey…" Juno opened the door wider, raising the lantern higher to illuminate both of them. "The storm knocked out the generator, that's all. Are you okay?"
Sasha nodded, looking down. As okay as a person could be, curled up in the shower, screaming at nothing… he never knew what to say when Juno witnessed these episodes.
"Can I touch?" Juno stretched out his free arm when Sasha nodded again. "Here you are… come here. Come sit with me."
Sasha hesitated. "I'm wet…"
"I'll be wet soon enough, if they don't get that backup running." Juno smiled. "I don't mind."
Sasha shook his head, smiling in spite of himself. "Flower, the hotel has maintenance staff…"
Juno retracted his arm and grabbed a towel instead, holding it out in offer. "Compromise--you come sit with me, and I get you dry.”
“Deal...” Sasha crawled over to him, letting his boyfriend wrap him in a warm, dry towel, and a circle of lamplight safe from the terrors in the dark.
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