#tw: a whistle
the-awful-falafel · 2 years
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The Peppino dominance hierarchy
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fisherrprince · 6 months
many people leaving incredibly good analysis on my post. however I have experienced many pieces of media, many of which have all the aspects of kingdom hearts. many of which have the formula down, the length, the mystery, the dedication, nostalgia, emotions, sincerity, goofiness. I just think Nomura accidentally put something highly radioactive in there without realizing and no other explanation will suffice to explain why it makes you go crazy insane
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tinukie · 1 year
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jewishorchidist · 3 months
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ohhh, isn’t that interesting hmm
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chthonicgodling · 4 months
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The Taki Fuego “BEST OF” Clip Show*~ AN INTERLUDE
[prev: first half • interlude1 • second half • interlude 2 • epilogue]
aka EXPOSITION AND NUMB DEFLECTION: THE COMIC; a recap explanation of things to come!
Once again - in the wake of our most recent turns of events (SHH WE’LL GET THERE), working on assembling some choice scenes from the recent few months in Elysium between the Taki Fuego trio, through a series of comics starring all canon dialogue, quick Elysium Drama Update snapshots. Previously - funny comedy hour and banter! But this is an INTERMISSION before returning to the grayscale scribbles - THIS is dialed back EVEN FURTHER…. Allllll the way back to the solemn and serious talk taking place just BEFORE Loki agreed to have a baby with them (it was actually the very literal same convo).
EeL’s deepest psyche re: his deep rooted anxiety and ✨issues✨ are common knowledge to MEEE and Fenixe (and some of you!!) yes, but dragging it all out into the open in this brief window is crucial, I think, to provide some context for some upcoming moments Loki has now shared through his pregnancy with Maci and Tory 🥺 …relevant meme here aHEM.
I’ve certainly written no shortage of essays on tumblr about Loki’s kids in here but in case anyone’s missed those essays: the tragic and traumatic fates of Loki’s (myth!) children Sleipnir, Hela, Fenris, Jormundgandr, Vali & Nari are EXTREMELY canon. and haunt EeL to this day. Even though he’s gotten 4 out of 6 back! Doesn’t change the memories trapped in the story of his past forever! Sleipnir and the trio confiscated by Odin - the twins murdered at Odin’s hands…. And now YOU can painfully remember this too!
yknow. It is always so fun to write EeL’s dialogue but drawing all of this was incredible as well. How do you illustrate the words of someone nonchalant, aloof and clipped and cool, shrugging within his protective haughty shell like “none of this is a big deal, don’t be silly”…. while already beginning to twitch on the inside?
How do you illustrate the monologue of a traumatized liar (affectionate)???🥺🥺🥺🥺 AUGH
😌 Well the tragic backstory reminder may have made Maci cry but HE’S fine, Pft don’t be ridiculous. Boy this definitely isn’t going to have any emotional repercussions within the near future probably! haha!🤪hhhahahhahh
Tory & his brief involvement in this drawing (but his absolutely crucial and vital role in this trio) belongs to hiatus’d @fenixethekid : Maci is mine and EeL and his endless weary pontificating is all mine toooooooo… Next part coming soon; return to more current canon, the other half of prev. Stay tuned!
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Mod Kankri, is it problematic for me to identify as transdisabled if I'm going to be actually disabled soon? I'm losing my eye sight and I just want to be blind already because being half-blind is lame and boring.
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Absolutely it is, yes. After all, it is impossible to transition into a cis person- so if you go from transdisabled to cisdisabled, it merely makes no sense.
Also, I can’t express to you just how wrong that is to say. I am told the world has various wonders to see and quite frankly I cannot get why someone would actively choose not to see them. The world is extremely inaccessible to blind people. Not only does this imply you’re going to hurt yourself, but you’ll actively make your life harder and worse.
And being half blind isn’t lame or boring. You know, that can be taken as offense by someone who’s half blind.
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meilia-stims · 7 months
Can i request a whistling man stimboard from killer frequency please :3
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The Whistling Man (Killer Frequency) stimboard for anon
🩸 🔪 🩸
🔪 🩸 🔪
🩸 🔪 🩸
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existennialmemes · 1 year
"wHaT iS a WoMaN?"
A Woman is a Person.
Kinda weird that you didn't already know that
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circus-critter · 1 year
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Take a swing for Teddy Gallows!
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rotting-creation · 1 year
guys, please reblog this post, this is serious
TL;DR: gnome hunting is one of MANY antisemetic dogwhistles used to spread hatred. I'm not joking.
Please, i don't care what your blogs theme is, reblog this. Reblog for your jewish friends. Reblog for even that one person you are helping to keep safe through this. This doesn't even just affect jewish people, it affects other marginalised people too.
edit: she deleted the video, but heres some other links to this under the cut
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mylittlestims · 10 months
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Thistle Whistle Stimboard!!
(X) (X) (X)
(X) (X) (X)
(X) (X) (X)
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moonblacckkk · 3 months
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-When jasy whistles (a webtoon)
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tinukie · 1 year
“ You pushed him.. You were up there. ”
“ I didn't pushed him goddamn it! I'd just chased him up there, and.. He kept backing up. — When I saw he was about to go over and reached out-- that's what you saw. ”
“ You liar... ”
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belleschippedcup · 3 months
another day, another rich man will probably get away with abusing women unfortunately
pretty disheartening to see people weaponize transmisogyny to defend another rich cis white man even after he admitted to “having sex” with these women (one is a teen & the other worked for him).
We’ve seen how the Johnny Depp situation went so let’s be clear : it doesn’t matter if the women breaking this story or the women who are coming forward have terrible/bad beliefs or aren’t perfect victims, it won’t automatically absolve the man from sins. I know his team & fans will try to uncover any horrible thing they can find about his victims to discredit them & well should be ready for the insane amount of misogyny we’ll see from them. Also if they settle lawsuits out of court or the women see no point going forward because the justice system & society will never believe them, it won’t automatically make him innocent.
also learn the difference between radfems & terfs for gods sake & stop pretending to care about transphobia by defending horrible cisgender men you morons.
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keepthisholykiss · 1 year
teen boys/young men in your life very likely could be engaging in yet another “trendy” form of antisemitism and you all need to keep those fuckers in check. this post will 100% get shadowbanned due to the language so please reblog if you feel so inclined to share this information
major antisemitism content warning under the fold but please educate yourself if you don’t already know about “gnome hunting” 
earlier this year a trending tag on tiktok popped up in the form of “gnome hunting” and multiple users posted warnings about how they were unknowingly engaging with antisemetic assholes by posting in the tag. the premise is that these users are “hunting gnomes” which actually means jewish people as well as other minority groups.
just today i noticed that youtuber annamarie forcino posted a video on the topic which prompted me to check and the trend does, in fact, still exist. if you want a fairly good discussion on the topic in under 11 minutes i recommend this video:
however annamarie is far from the first person to discuss this issue as there were articles circulating on it in april of this year and in early june i saw another report on it.
as the internet becomes more and more divided, social media sites stop encouraging information sharing, and even search engines try to silence actual issues it is important to stay up to date with issues surrounding dog whistles and hate speech. 
it is always good to stay up to date with source lists of dog whistles such as this one from rainbow cafe and this one from the american jewish committee
if you don’t have the time or attention to read those links or watch annamarie’s video then i encourage you to make time to be an actual ally to people who are targeted by white supremacists however here are the highlights of what is actively being used in gnome hunter videos:
“millions wear the hats” (or variations on the term) - the trend is claiming to reference gnomes however this term is a reference to jewish men
gnome hunting - a term used to reference the trend itself and to refer to targeting jewish people for sport
referencing the number 88 i.e. 'i saw 88 gnomes yesterday' - this is code for common nazi phrasing
using two lightning bolt emojis - this is a code referring to the ss imagery on nazi jackets
references to replacement theory - this is a dog whistle to conspiracy against minorities “replacing” white people
references to slavic sigils and culture - again this is a common dog whistle at this point but tends to be going together with this trend
additionally those posting under this tag are claiming to have various mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, insanity, autism, and depression. this is also a form of protecting their posts and as a reminder mental health is never an excuse for white supremacy and it is always ethical to punch nazis
anyway if i royally fucked up this post please let me know and i will edit or repost it, from my knowledge of dealing with these topics this is about as thorough as i think i can or need to be on this for this post but i am happy to make changes to it as well or tag/tw differently if needed.
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