#tw:mention of sa
Hold up one second, if you're really taking spooky month requests atm, then are there any rules or conditions that we should be aware of? Do they have to involve certain fandoms and such? And are crossovers also allowed?
Thank you so much for asking! That is something I should have clarified in my original post.
(For anyone wondering what the question is referring to, you can find the original post here.)
Rule-wise, my expectations are:
Keep things safe for work and in good taste. (Nothing explicit or political.)
Nothing morally questionable, hateful, or majorly triggering. (e.g.: homophobia, racism, adult/minor relationships, SA, ED, etc.)
Minor amounts of blood, alcohol, or cigarettes are permitted but may be marked by a spoiler to avoid hurting sensitive viewers.
I do not currently have any conditions other than just following my rules. I will be posting a lot of spooky art, but you are not limited to spooky suggestions.
On fandoms, my blog has primarily featured Beetlejuice in all adaptations: (Cartoon, musical, movie, and I hope to get around to Graveyard Revue.)
My most popular posts involve Betty-Juice in different situations/outfits, but I will draw any character you request. 
For viewers outside of the Beetlejuice fandom, I am also interested in:
Good Omens
Elvira: Mistress Of The Dark
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Drag Queens/Fabulous Ladies.
Welcome Home
I will do original prompts/designs based on given ideas, but I suggest sending an appropriate visual aid.  (Messages containing images that violate my rules will be blocked and ignored.) 
Lastly, I am totally cool with character crossovers! Aziraphale having a picnic with Barbara Maitland? Sounds fun. Dr. Frankenfurter and Bettyjuice showing off some stunning looks? You're on. (Please do not use my specific examples… unless you really want to)
Thank you so much for asking this, I hope I’ve cleared up as much as possible.
If anyone has further questions, please use the comment feature so that others can easily see what’s been answered.
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tw:mention of SA
you know whats the worst
the fact that im terrified of abusing someone but also at the same time
we think it would be "fun"....in a way
which just feels so slimy to think
genuinely i just want to go back to the days i was unaware of any of this shit and just split on random people and didnt fee bad for it bc i thought it was normal
when we would have a narc high and just demean and belittle everyone around us..
those were the times we were most vulnerable
those were the days where we were actively getting abused by a "friend"+FP who didn't care if we died
those were the days where we were so unhealthily attached to our fp we would have let them fucking SA us and then blame ourself+make ourself beleive that we wanted it.[this never happened but this was our thinking for the other abuse]
we are just so lost and want to treat them the way they treated us...not cuz of some moral "an eye for an eye". but cuz we want to see them fucking BREAK
we want to see them crying on the floor in pain as we stare down at them.
god im awful.
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plurality-questions · 3 months
Follow up to our last ask, one of the friends repeatedly kissed the host without xir consent and called them their partner. We speculate that most of the obsession with tormenting us is from an obsession, for lack of better words, with the host. We also really don't want to go through our friendships beuraucracy because like it takes months for something to actually be done so we might just cut ties without the hosts knowledge. - 🏈🛠️
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TW:mentions of SA
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oh boy thats not...thats really not good.
those "friends" do NOT seem like friends nor healthy people to be around/gen
aswell as specifically that "friend" who kissed/kisses the host without consent?? thats sexual assault/gen
we think it may(no it is) be the best idea to cut them off and go no-contact.
they genuinely seem like bad/awful people and it is awful you and the host have to be put through that/gen
also said friend who has an "obsession" with the host should(most likely) look into therapy as that is...not healthy(and we aer saying this as somone who has BPD and has been "obsessed" and badly attached to past "friends"abusers)
please stay safe and maybe try and get the host away from those friends if you can/gen/nf
(so sorry if this may come off as incentive I(mari) am quite protective and worry whenever i see somebeing in a bad situation/gen)
-Yume and Omori
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I don't always rant on something because I'm shy but... What the fuck.
TW:mentions of SA, slavery and human dumbassery
CW: Spoilers about Vinland Saga Season 2
Vinland Saga comunity, why? Where the fuck you left your empathy? You truly empathize with an actual slave owner rather than with the slave? The same slave who was sold, whose first child was killed because he couldn't be sold, bought by a stranger, practically r*ped by any moral standards AND abused by the wife of her owner?
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YouTube comunity and commenters of that shit, I truly hope you didn't actually believe in your words. Otherwise humanity reached a new low point...
This scene literally broke me when I read the manga, even now I can't bear seeing it again. It's silly crying over a drawing, I know, but her story wasn't just a story to me: was the truth of entire centuries of abuse. It isn't the silly anime trope where "Oh gosh, I'm your slave but you are sooooo kind to me that I will love and kiss the ground you walk on despite you not freeing me!"
So seeing this scene, that years ago broke me into tears for half an hour and that still, two years later, I cannot bring myself to read about it ever again be viewed by some people like this is... Disheartening. Depressing.
Sometime I just wish I didn't read the comments. I really need a daily reminder for this...
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sandyisswag · 2 months
TW:mentions of SA/rape
Just a reminder that…
You are NOT a feminist if you exclude and hate on trans women
You are NOT a feminist if you exclude disabled and mentally ill women
You are NOT a feminist if you criticize women who work in the erotic industry
You are NOT a feminist if you exclude queer women
You are NOT a feminist if you criticize a woman if she wants to be a stay at home wife/mom
You are NOT a feminist if you exclude Muslim women
You are NOT a feminist if you don’t support male SA/rape victims too(feminism is about equality and anyone can experience SA/rape not just women)
You are NOT a feminist if you exclude """"ugly"""" women
You are NOT a feminist if you criticize a woman for spending a different girlhood
You are NOT a feminist if you criticize girly women
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I just realized something about Aegon ii, so he's known for being a hoe even when was barley 16.
He's hyper sexual, which is a sign of previous SA. And considering we don't get to see him from 4 to 15 it maybe a possibility.
I'm not rationalizing what he's done and will do, however with his family and how self obsorbed all of them are including him (except Helaena, she's never done anything wrong).
Theres a chance it got covered up or no one knows.
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local-oni · 1 year
Tw:mentions of SA as well as false accusations of SA
I’m not sure if anyone is gonna see this but I just gotta brag to whoever will listen that I got some insane revenge and it’s been one hell of a high. So some background, back in March of this year I was falsely accused by an ex friend of mine of SA. I got basically dog piled by my old friend group. One notable character for this story was my friend we’ll call Rich. He was two years younger than me and had a crush on the girl who falsely accused me. Well rich played a part in my downfall by being one of two people who dmed my girlfriend to try and convince her that the accusations were true (without any evidence) when I confronted him he tried to say he was neutral but my story wasn’t adding up (the part that didn’t add up was that girl’s story didn’t fit this at all, surprise surprise a lie ended up being false) this lead to a small argument after which I distanced myself from him. I honestly grieved the hell out of that friendship, I cried over it like it was a break up because I felt like we were actual good guy friends. Well turns out Rich was a major piece of shit. After a lonely few months and a bit of talking to a counselor I felt like forgiving Rich (honestly I was desperate for a feeling of normalcy again) lo and behold, a whole 2 months after I reconnected he messaged me saying “looks like we’re in the same boat” and then goes on to say we can be outcasts together because he FUCKING PAID A MUTUAL FRIEND FOR NUDES WHO THEN TURNED AROUND, TOLD PEOPLE AND NOW RICHS LIFE IS FALLING APART. I felt bad for the guy so I gave some baseline advice but toward the end of the conversation I gave a nice speech about how in my time of need he left me in the dust and I’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this forever before finally ridding myself of this. I feel kinda mean but bro deserved it
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chellevara · 27 days
TW:mentions of SA
Dear diary,
Oh, how I long for a mother that truly loves me. I yearned for that motherly love for as long as I can remember. I want a mother who loves me unconditionally and holds me dearly. I want a mother who actually loves me. I want a mother who listens to me and holds me and cherishes me. I want a mother who will give me advice and brush her fingers through my hair as I lay my head in her lap. Oh fate, why must you be so cruel? Why don't I get to experience the mother daughter bond? Oh, please tell me. Mom, am I still your baby? Do you love me? Can you take care of me ? Will you always love me? Did you feel resentment for me the momemt you found out I resided in your womb? Mom, did you want me? Mom, why did you have me? Why did you choose this path? Why didn't you go off to follow your dreams? Oh, mom, why? Why must I pay the price now. Why must my heart have to pay the price for the future that you sacrificed for me? Oh, mom, were you even ready for a child? Mom did make promises to me to give me the life you never got to have? Did you break those promises? Oh please mom be honest and admit your fault. Mom, was I not enough to fill the void in your heart? Did you always think of me a nuisance. Oh, mom, I'm afraid those people were right all along. How can such a young girl have a child? Were you too ignorant to notice my cries for help. Mom tell me ,tell me you noticed when the light in your daughter's eyes disappeared. Mom, you said that you will always protect me. Was it a breach in the system, then? Did an intruder come in to rip our lives apart. Mama quiero ir contigo. Mom mom mom mom. Take me with you please. Please don't abandon me. Please don't walk away from me. Please don't look at me with hatred in your eyes. Mom, please hold me. Mom, tell me, you love me,tell me how proud you are of me. Mom, you left me. Why did you leave me alone? Why did you do it? Why did you leave me alone with him. Mom, I'm so tired, I just want to be loved. I want to be a good girl. Mom, what's happening to me? Mom, he told me that if I tell you that you would be mad at me. Is it true, mom? I don't want you to be mad at me. Please hold me and tell me that I'm your baby again. Look at me please don't ignore me. Mom, it happened again. I don't feel good about this. Is it really ok? Mom, I finally got the courage to tell you. Why are you still with him? Mom, am I not enough for you? Not enough. Mom, we're drifting apart. Is it normal? Mom, I think I'm in love. I can't tell you, you won't accept me. You told me you don't want gays in your house. Though you will accept him even though he's harmed me in more than one way. Oh, but mom, they're beautiful. I am very in love,they make me feel loved. They make me feel wanted ,they make me feel seen. Mom, they give me the love I've always wanted. I love them, mom. Sometimes I get scared, scared that they'll leave. Don't leave me, oh no, please ,please. I love you don't go. Love me, love me, please. I want to be your girl. Desire me. Make me your number one ,don't leave me for someone else. Oh no, are you mad at me. Please say something. Am I not good enough? I want to be prettier ,funnier. Maybe then I'll make sure you won't go. Wait, but you're not mom. Mom, the scars you left me still bleed, sometimes on the wrong person. I came to the realization that it's time I make an active effort to heal so that my scars won't bleed on the one that I love and leave irreversible stains. I love you bee, thanks to you, I am putting more of an effort to heal so that the shadows of my past won't loom over me.Thank you.
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vioofc · 29 days
TW:mention of SA
If I ever see that bitch Athena im gonna be on the news because how the fuck can you claim to be the goddess of justice and then punish Medusa because she was SAd by Poseidon on your fucking temple
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askdannyandelliott · 2 months
Main antagonist/Influence of the Eternal Eyes
Dragon Lords/Gods of the Mother- Xar
"I am not here of my own will to protect this boring ball of dirt. I am Death and your peaceful afterlife,a duty given to me by birth. I AM YOUR GIFT. I owe you nothing."- Xar, responding to angry prayers by followers.
Xar is the youngest of the dragon lords, the last to be born from the soul of the great life dragon that gave its body to give a dead planet life. Arrogant, rude,selfish, and narcissistic to the point that he doesn't think it's possible for the planet to survive without his presence. Having tribe's start wars over his proper depiction or the beliefs that he purposely changed when speaking to them in their dreams.
Xar doesn't care for others,feeling that his duty as the keeper of the world and life wasn't one that had many freedoms. He felt spiteful towards anyone lower than him in his mind,meaning he would manipulate anyone to entertain himself or get what he wants. Be it from mortals or from the very children of his siblings. All that matters to him is that he is given the attention he desires/deserves from the weak souls that couldn't thrive without his protection.
Victim of cruelty/Child of the Pits
Titan(Ember and Stone)is the child of Xar and Dragonpaw, Beast Queen/Demi lord of chaos. Though he refuses to accept that he had anything to do with the conception, his older siblings know otherwise. Banished to another dimension bubble to ensure Xar would be rid of their presence, Ember and Stone made a vow of vengeance. Not just for themselves, but for their mother who suffered from his forceful assault that lead to their birth and their imprisonment. Unknowingly, Xar created his own grim reaper that is only waiting for him to slip up while their mother work silently to free them from their prison.
Titan is the name given to them by Xar, the name used for their mentioning when sending evil souls to their version of hell. The belly of the giant beast holds a whole world inside with several layers that have there own ecosystems/special jobs. The demons and beasts who eat/torture the souls inside their belly are actually the children of Dragonpaw/Their siblings that were slain in battle to then be forced to live inside the tortured body of their own ancient sibling. Thankfully, they have made this live better for Titan by activity caring for their body and ensuring that they would make visits to the outside world where they could talk/play with their sibling.
The colored picture of Xar is from 2018.
The solo sketch of Ember and Stone is from 2021
The colored digital picture of Titan/Ember and Stone is from 2015
(You can tell I was HEAVILY influenced by Beetlejuice at the time.)
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aquietsystem · 1 year
I dont know what to do.
Tw:mentions of SA, CSA, possible COCSA, fears surrounding that, creepy family members
My uncle had always creeped us out. My mom, my sister, me. All of us.
Well, we found out like, a few weeks ago that a barely 18yo student of his try to sexuce him for blackmail and it nearly worked (she didnt have time to blaclmail because the video got out early). Its left us all feelings disgusted by him, and the fact that he was fulky willing to sleep with this girl, and according to her hed been saying weird/creepy/lewd comments to the girls in the school for awhile. We believe her.
What disgusts us is my aunt, hrandma, and grandpa and continuing to support him through this. They knew we were questioning if I experienced CSA, and yet my aunt didnt call. Didnt message. Even to say "we dont believe it but..." nothing.
To make matters worse, according to my sister (who spent anlot of time in my cousins room cuz they are closer in age) my cousin DID have a bunch of clothes on the floor all the time (my relatives said he didnt, onlh toys) AND that hed been creepy to her forever, saying creep things like she had hot feet, and getting upset when she didnt wanna play husband and wife with her. So. Now im worried. Worried he was the one to SA me. Worried i was an easy target. Worried they are covering for him. Im worried about a lot.
A big part of me whats to remove them on social media. My whole famiky had already decided to cut contact for now, since we dont want to associate with him or them. Just hurts i guess
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rneurodiversity · 1 year
TW:mention of SA. Is this autism or a trauma response?
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A Little Unwell | Jerome Valeska x SA survivor!Fem!Reader
A/N: Another request from @hhh—www, I hope I actually did okay and that you like it! Also I’m sorry for some reason tumblr won’t let me tag you 😭 I, myself, have never been a victim of SA, so I apologize if this is campy or just not great. 😓
Warnings: Mention of past abuse, mention of strongly implied past s*xual assault (not by Jerome), trauma, angst, fluff
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Enough time has passed, or at least you feel it’s enough, for you to not have these moments. These little episodes. You’re still not sure what to call them, you’d probably know if you were still in therapy. When you told your parents what happened, they were quick to ask all the backwards questions you had heard only on television: “What were you wearing?” “Did you fight back?” “Were you drinking?” The police asked the very same questions and you just…couldn’t wrap your head around why this was happening. They were asking the wrong. Fucking. Questions. After the ninth… no, tenth time they asked you to repeat your story, some kind of switch flipped. You suddenly just started sobbing and screaming. You tried to leave the interrogation room and when they tried to calm you down you fought them. You fought them so hard, almost as if they were your assailants.
After that, it was off to Arkham, your parents certainly couldn’t keep you, you were obviously a danger to yourself and others! What if you tried to kill your father in his sleep in some fit of psychotic rage or attacked your mother like you did those poor policemen who were just doing their jobs?! You’re honestly still not sure why they did it, if anything you thought they would keep you around since you’re their maid and personal punching bag, but you supposed they had their own bullshit reasons. Either way, you were just happy to be away from them.
Yet…sometimes you almost missed the familiarity of what was your home, late at night when it was lights out and everyone was asleep. Or supposed to be. A week or two after your arrival, the voice of a boy would speak to you from the rusty vent in the corner of the room; Always after midnight, after the halls were silent, and the footsteps of guards patrolling the floors were long gone. At first you were angry. Why did it have to be a boy?! It scared you and annoyed you at the same time. Like those stupid dreams where all you saw were hands, desperately grasping at you. However as you eventually started to talk back to it, to him, you became more comfortable. He even made you laugh a few times, it was almost enough to make you actually want to go to the recreation room during the day. And so one day, you actually did.
You had told your therapist and they were very proud of the progress you had made, but they would be making sure a guard kept an eye on you just in case. Upon walking in, there was a moment where you felt like you couldn’t do it, you were sure everyone could smell your fear as soon as you stepped through the gate and warm tears began to prick at your eyes. Then, who should you lock eyes with but a boy with coppery red hair and piercing hazel eyes. Somehow you immediately knew that was the voice that kept you company all those nights. That was Jerome. He smiled at you and you did the same as you walked to where he was sitting, seemingly on cue. The exchange vaguely reminded you of the scene in Cinderella where Prince Charming saw the titular princess across the ballroom and was suddenly unaware of all the other women at the ball. Just as he stood to properly introduce himself to you, another voice, not nearly as nice as his, bellowed from across the room.
A man, short and a bit overweight, announced himself before continuing on a rant that you have trouble recalling now, not that it mattered; He dropped dead mere moments into his rant and, as if the situation couldn’t get any more bizarre, a blue fog emitted from his mouth.
Next thing you know, you’re in a mansion and apparently apart of a gang. Which has lead you to this predicament.
Taking a shower at Arkham was easy: a female guard was always there to watch you while you bathed and occasionally made small talk with you to ease the awkwardness of the situation. Some would have thought it creepy but you found it comforting. Now, however, there are no female guards. Sure, there’s Tabitha and Barbara who have been nothing but kind to you but you weren’t about to ask them to monitor you while you bathed as if you were a child in a pool.
You briefly wondered if you could just go one more night without a shower or just take one in the morning. However, as you ran your hands through your (unfortunately oily) hair, it became very clear that you couldn’t wait another night.
You turned on the water faucet and gathered your toiletries from the counter when you noticed that you forgot the body wash you had previously purchased with Theo’s money in your room. With an internal groan, you begin to trudge back to your room, and there’s Jerome walking down the hall in his pajamas. Gosh, he must’ve thought you looked terrible.
“Hey, Gorgeous, whatcha doin’ up so late?” You blushed just slightly as he stopped to talk to you.
“Would you believe I’ve been trying to get a shower?” A tired chuckle escaped your lips.
Jerome furrowed his brows.
“What do you mean trying, is the faucet broken or something?”
“No”, you swallowed a lump in your throat,” I’m just nervous to use it…is all.” You felt embarrassed all of the sudden, he knew everything about the reason you had come to Arkham, but you hadn’t really told him about how badly the ordeal had affected you.
“Oh c’mon there’s nothing to worry about, I’ll sit on the floor and talk to you if it’ll make ya feel better!”
You were about to tell him that wasn’t funny when you saw that he had pulled a small sleep mask from his pocket. Hm. Okay…you could maybe work with that.
“Swear on my life I won’t peek!” He held up his hand as if swearing in court. You smiled.
“Okay…but ”, you said wearily,”…your…”
Jerome waited a few seconds before piping up.
“What is it?”
“Well what if you’re pajamas get wet?” Jerome laughed before wrapping an arm around you.
“I’ll go grab a raincoat, in the meantime, why don’t you go ahead and get in so that you don’t have to feel weird about getting undressed with me in the room.”
And so, you did. Just as you finished conditioning your hair, you reached for your body wash and realized you had somehow managed to again forget the very thing you left the bathroom for.
A knock at the door made you jump, which led to you almost slipping and falling on your ass.
“Is it okay if I come in?”
You paused for a moment before replying.
“Yeah…go ahead.”
The click of the door opening and closing told you Jerome was now in the bathroom with you. You looked down at your hands absentmindedly. They were trembling, you were trembling. You took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly.
“Oh, hey!”
You gasped, and then mentally chastised yourself.
You turned and saw that your body wash was being held out to you by Jerome, who was in fact wearing a rain coat judging by the yellow vinyl surrounding his wrist.
“This was on the floor in the hallway, I had a hunch it might be yours,” said Jerome in an uncharacteristically quiet voice.
You smiled softly.
“Yeah, it is, thanks…”
You went back to the task at hand while Jerome chatted with you about whatever came to mind. At one point it was what colors the two of you liked best. Then it was favorite foods and animals. Then finally you were done. Jerome was kind enough to hand you your towels and was holding your pajamas when you stepped out.
True to his word, he was wearing the sleep mask and a yellow raincoat. It made you laugh as you got dressed.
“Okay, you can take the mask off!”
Jerome eagerly did so, rubbing his eyes as he stood.
“See, told ya it would be fine!” He said with a grin.
“Okay, yes, you did…” you said grinning back and laughing a bit, “thank you, by the way.”
“Hey, don’t mention it! Now come on let’s get you to bed.”
As Jerome walked you down the hall to your room, you smiled.
You both stopped at the door to your room. He shuffled almost nervously before clearing his throat.
“Well, Sweetdreams!” Jerome said hastily. Before he could get too far away though, you hugged him.
For a second, you thought you had made him uncomfortable but then he gently wrapped his arms around you. It was the first time you had hugged someone since it happened. And the fact that you had said hug with Jerome couldn’t have made you any happier.
That night, there were no desperate hands grasping and lunging at you in your dreams. There was no flashback to the event that made you feel so broken and damaged. There was just the feeling of the hug, keeping you safe, and reminding you that your going to be okay.
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m1sseveryth1ng · 3 years
TW:mentions of abuse, SA, physical assault.
Sk8 the infinity is probably one of my favorite fandoms to be in. It just feels like the least toxic/problematic fandom out there. My only complaint though is that people are so quick to hate and judge anyone just because they say Adam is an interesting character. Like I’ve made a few posts talking about his character and pretty much every time there’s someone commenting that I’m defending him and excusing his actions.
No I’m not. Of course I’m not. I in no way agree with him physically assaulting multiple characters, one of them being a minor. I in no way agree with him sexually assault another character, again a minor (his first race with Langa). And I in no way agree with him pretty much grooming a 13 year old child.
What I mean by he’s an interesting character is looking at his past, seeing him endure abuse by his aunts and them claiming it’s out of love. That gave him his warped perception and twisted views on how you show love. Then Tadashi showed him skateboarding and he found something his loved to do and made him happy, that’s why he says he loves all of his skating partners (at least that’s how I interpreted it). And then later his father burned his skateboard which 1. Took away the one thing he truly loved and 2. Reinforced sadistic ideas. Also his father outwardly opposing Adam skateboarding and everything else he experienced could have taught him to hide the true meaning of his words under something else. So him saying he loves all of his skating partners isn’t necessary attraction in any way, but loving the feeling of skating because that’s what makes him happy.
Also him hiding the actual meaning of his words would be exemplified in the last episode when he calls Tadashi his dog and saying he will be forever. A lot of people took that as something sexual, which yeah, on the surface implies that a lot, but Tadashi has been with Adam since they were kids. And again Tadashi showed him skating, Adam was happy when he was with Tadashi and he was skating. So it’s not necessarily sexual, but in a way, saying that Adam can’t live with Tadashi.
With all of that being said, I still hate him. He’s a terrible person and a creep. Beyond a creep even. But with everything I said before this, explains why he turned out the way he did. And while his abuse and trauma doesn’t excuse his behavior, it gives us a deeper understanding of the character. And if you think about it people who have been abused, either end up a better person and fighting against the pattern, or falling into it. Adam just happened to fall into it.
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 3 years
Be Patient With Yourself
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3kJtvp2
by CrissCrossover
It'll just take time, be patient with yourself There's more room to grow If you leave your worries on the shelf
Lessons - Mxmtoon -----
  Bucky Barnes hasn't nested in forever. His body just never told him he needed to. Hydra took the privilege away from him. So when he gets thrown back into the feeling of needing to nest, he's unsure as to what it even is.
----- MASSIVE TW:mentions of SA and Bucky's past with Hydra, including but not limited to unsafe knotting and neglect- please read with caution <<33
Words: 2476, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Marvel Omegaverse <<33
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes & Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/T'Challa
Additional Tags: Everyone Is Poly Because Avengers, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Nesting, Past Abuse, Past Sexual Abuse, Past Torture, HYDRA Trash Party, Bucky Barnes Feels, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Omega Bucky Barnes, Alpha Steve Rogers, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Steve Rogers Has PTSD, Recovery, Rape Recovery, Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery, Post-Recovery Bucky Barnes, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, screw hydra okay, me and the homies hate hydra, Knotting, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, References to Knotting
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3kJtvp2
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