#twdg x reader headcanons
I'd like to request Mitch headcannons with a S/O who gets very hyper when happy, basically if they had a good day she jumps off the walls, basically can't stay still and is more talkative than other days?
I thought that'd be really nice to have Mitch watch his S/O prance around happily!
Hey there! Sure thing. I hope this is good enough.
Mitch x S/O who gets hyper when happy!
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Like I mentioned in my clumsy reader headcanons,
Mitch normally likes to stay put.
I mean, he'd probably mess up any carvings and bombs if he was jumping to the moon as he made them.
But I don't necessarily think that'd shape his whole view on it.
If you're someone who's normally chill,
You both tend to vibe together.
If not, it doesn't make much of a difference.
So imagine his surprise,
When one day, you came in,
Practically bouncing off the walls.
"You good-?"
That'd be his first response,  confusion on his face.
Even if you were a normally talkative person,
He'd never seen you so.. happy. 
Being happy was a rare thing in this world.
Even though he's more of a harsh person,
He wouldn't be able to help but smile,
Listening to your excitement.
"Don't knock anything over. Marlon'll be pissed."
That wasn't really his main concern, if you couldn't tell.
Mitch loves to listen to what makes you happy,
He may seem tough, but not to you, or Willy.
He'll even put his equipment down,
Listening to whatever story you had to tell,
A small smile clear on his face.
Even if you were practically sprinting around the room,
He'd hold onto every word.
If you're struggling to stay still, out of excitement,
He'd totally be down for walking around the grounds a bit.
"I am not running after you, Y/N."
Oh, but he would.
If you're happy,
He can't help but be happy too.
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parkvcrs · 8 months
Boyfriend! Louis Headcanons
WARNING(S): nothing!
NOTES: i hope you have a wonderful day c:
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• Louis is never been the subtle type. If and when he wants to show off to impress you, he’ll make sure to do it in style, like making killing walkers a competition for example.
- You better shower that boy with compliments and praises or else he’ll give you the biggest puppy dog eyes and mope around until you do.
• He’s like Ken — he only has a great day if you have a great day. 😭
• Louis always calls you “my girl.”
- “Sorry, guys. Can’t hang today. My girl wanted me to show her the ropes on the whole ‘learning piano thing’.”
- “How’s my favorite girl doing?”
• Speaking of this talent of his, since Louis only knows how to play two songs on the piano, you have this secret mission whenever you and a few other members of the group go out scavenging and that’s if you ever find a sheet of music, you’ll gift it to Louis to learn.
- The chances of this happening are low, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
- If you ever achieve this, Louis will make sure you never forget it (it’s not like you could even if you tried). If he could, he definitely would get the gift framed.
• The boy likes flowers. I’m calling it.
• HOWEVER, if you ever do give Louis flowers, he’ll be a bit confused at first, asking you why you’re holding out flowers to him even though it should be the other way around to which you’ll reply, “Most men only receive flowers during their funeral. Plus, can’t I give my boyfriend some flowers anyway? Come on… just take them before I change my mind.”
- He can’t say no to a face like that. Still, the first part of your response will leave him like: :0
- Give Louis a flower crown and he will act like it’s a priceless artifact. It doesn’t take much to impress him fjdjdjdjdj
(He’s the type of guy to ask, “would you love me as a worm? 🥺”)
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was hoping you could do Selective mute fem reader x Mitch headcanons? thank u sm !! :D
(Hello! I hope you're doing good as well and sorry this took so long. I haven't written for TWDG in a bit but I missed these guys so here ya go! Enjoy!)
Mitch x Selective!Mute!Reader
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I feel like in the beginning when you first got to Ericson that Mitch didn't notice you much
Unless someone actively pointed you out to him or he caught eye contact with you accidentally
You were just very, very quiet
Even if you were at the school before it all teachers would try and get you to answer but you never did
You had your own friends probably, but Mitch never even saw you talking to them when he did notice you
So after a while you piqued his interest sort of
He would watch you for a while out of the corner of his eye to see you talking to someone
You just never did
So you were confusing to him
Even after the end of the world came he never saw you speak
Even when it was needed or when people stuck together
Mitch noticed you communicated in other ways
Either just by being there, on a notepad or even just touch
It was like it was all you needed
Sometimes some people would be assholes and give you a hard time
One time, even before you and Mitch interacted and he still knew of you but not knowing you, someone was giving you grief for not talking
They thought you were being stuck up or you didn't like them
They were getting more aggressive and Mitch stepped in
Mitch pushed them back and told them to fuck off, something he never really did for anyone except his friends or Willy
And after that you two sorta just clicked
You stuck by Mitch the same way Willy did
And Mitch got to know you better even when you didn't talk
And he actually liked your silence
It took him a while to figure out why you didn't talk
He asked why and you were upfront
You chose not to
That's what was confusing to him, why would you not want to talk?
He didn't pry, he accepted it even if he was curious
You may talk slightly, barely and few and far between
If you ever did talk, even a mumble Mitch would be shocked and think he was going crazy
Mitch liked your silence
He often sat next to you by the fire on the couches and did what he did, your legs in his lap as you did whatever the hell
He is not very good at reading you though so he still needs words with that
But he never forced you to talk, even if he sometimes wished you did
He got you a notepad from the old classrooms and you guys talk through that
Most of the time he just likes being with you
Especially if you're more a touchy person
Hand holding, slight hugs and leaning against him by the fire is more his style than words
He never had a good way with words so to find out you don't either and feel you don't need them makes him feel more secure with you
Like he actually shouldn't be putting off the idea of loving you
And hey, you guys are together without the words so you guys can exchange silent I love yours
He may even learn I love you in sign language if that's more your style
May even teach himself a thing or two
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samnia · 5 months
For example, think about rnb, hip-hop, pop, and K-pop girl groups.
Fem reader
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You never told him, he found out by himself. Marlon was looking through the principal's office for shits and giggles, right? Then he came across an album that contained a picture of you and 2 other people. You all looked pretty young. That's how he knew it was before the walkers existed.
"Y/n, come here for a second." Marlon said, excitement in his tone. You walked over, and he helped you huddle down. "Look what I found!" He handed you the cd. "Oh my god! I forgot about this. Marlon, where'd you find it?" You asked in shock.
"I guess the headmaster had a copy. Y/n, I didn't see you as that type of girl." He teased, you took a relieved sigh. "What can I say? The chance was presented, so I took it." You rested your head on Marlon's shoulder.
"This was my favorite, I swear there was a Cd player layin around."
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She found out at another one of Ruby's hootenanny. It was time for music to play. A.J. and Willy was dancing with glee while Tenn hyped them up. You sat down and watched with Violet. Dancing just isn't your strong suit. "Now this song is more modern.
It was my Mama's favorite!" Ruby voiced, she played the song. the beat gave you deja vu. "Y/n, you alright? You look kinda pale." Violet asked with concern. You nodded your head. It was only when the first chorus started to play. You realized something.
It was the song you made with some other girls and made a song.. It was getting deadly close to your part of it. You started to sweat a bit. "You don't seem fine. What's wrong?" Violet muttered. She wrapped her hand around your shoulder
"This is my song. My part is coming up real soon." You chuckled out. before she could reply, your voice came on the player, bright as ever. Everyone and anybody looked at you in shock. "Wow, you sound really amazing." Violet claimed, "you think so?" You asked. "Yeah."
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He first found out through the card game. When Clementine asked if they ever met anyone famous, you decided to speak on your own experiences.
"Kinda, I was a part of singing trio. Those kinds of things. It was for 3 years, though.." Soon as you uttered those words, he started to flood you with questions. Did you ever blow up like crazy? What were your favorite tunes to perform? Oh, and where in the world are the other two? You seemed to like and entertain his questions.
Eventually, someone intervened, " Louis, knock it off!" But that didn't stop the both of you from fooling around somewhere else. Just two melodic idiots whistling into the distance.
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You and Mitch had just found a working van capable of carrying a lot of people. But it needs a bit of renovation if everyone wants in. You bought Clementine, Willy, A.J., and Assim along. Mostly because Mitch and Clementine want this to be a learning moment for their adoptive siblings. But Assim is there to actually work. "Mitch and Y/n, we're going to need some parts to get this thing going. It'd be nice if you went and got us these things. Go out further if you have to." Clementine offered.
"Sure, anything to get out of here," Mitch exaggerated. Clem handed me the paper. It had all the car parts and where they're located.You two have been walking for a while. You came across a vehicle with some stuff inside, "Mitch, I found one." You yelled. He came over quick. "No walkers?" Mitch checked. "Nope," you reassured. He used a crowbar to force it open and then started to search.
You joined him, looking into the front seat. You found a rolled up poster in arm rest. You were about to unroll it until Mitch called your name, "Y/n! Come here, we really hit the jackpot!" Y/n came out with the poster in hand. Mitch was supposedly siphoning gas. A whole lot was coming out of the tube and in the canister. "Damn, this can last us a lifetime." You claimed. "What's that?" He asked, pointing to your hand. "A poster I found. Im gonna open it up right now." You told him. Mitch got up from the ground and standed next to her
Y/n unraveled it, only for a wave of shock to overrun her face. Mitch had catched a glimpse of it, too. "Holy shit, y/n- is that you?" He beamed, a picture of you and two other girls were holding bubble letters, spelling something out. A lot of junk was on it, so it wasn't readable. One word was crystal clear, "concert."
"It's been so long, I didn't even get to perform." You marveled. "How did you even get the chance?" He questioned. "Oh, I didn't mean it like that!"
Y/n sighed, "My parents were friends with one of the girls' mom. She got me on set." You paused, "if I remember the poster came with an cd. Maybe it's in here."
Please send requests, no smut.
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clouisluvr · 1 year
AAA I loved the last one, wanted to send this in before I pass out, take your time no rush love the way you write!
Louis is naturally a flirty person, right? We all know this but I feel like a lot of the time his cheese pick-up-lines just always get him an eye roll.
So what if a survivor (reader) not only likes the silly pick-up-lines but also flirts back?
(So basically how you get together?)
Thank you 💖💖
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you'd gone hunting with louis and aasim - trying your best to keep up and pull your weight. recently aasim's been complaining to marlon about you and louis slacking off, so you decided you'd try your best to make an effort. but it ends up being absolutely impossible, because just louis' presence on its own gives you butterflies. he's almost desperately trying to get your attention, "hey y/n, i know i'm irresistible, but you don't have to pretend to not notice me!".
this gets a smirk out of you which he of course notices, "see! knew you couldn't resist me." the butterflies are so strong that your attempts to focus on hunting go out the window - "very funny louis, you and i both know you can't resist me."
"well you've got me there. the second i hear that sweet, sweet voice i practically melt." aasim sighs, knowing he's in for another hunting trip where he does all the work.
your heart swells and you quip back, "well since we're being honest.. youre not so bad yourself."
"wow! that's the nicest thing anyones ever said to me!" you can hear the sarcasm in his voice as he says it, so you decide to flatter him a little more.
"alright if we're talking about voices? your singing is one of the most beautiful things i've been lucky enough to hear."
silence settles into the air and you turn back to see louis has stopped in his tracks. you gently approach him and softly ask if he's okay. his head is hung downwards. he takes a quick breath before grabbing your hand. he clutches it for a second, loosens his grip and rubs your thumb before letting go. his cheeks and nose are slightly tinted and he utters a soft "thank you." he meets your gaze and he flashes you a genuine smile, "that was the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me."
you grab his hand back and smile brightly at him, before aasims loud interrupting cough makes you two jump back.
clearly exasperated aasim says, "im gonna start making sure you guys dont eat the food you refuse to help find". but you can't seem to care much because louis is still smiling brightly, and your heart feels so warm.
phew! okay this is my first oneshot.. im hoping its decent LOLL my twdg hyperfixation has been a little stale for a while so im hoping this isnt ooc for louis.. and sorry for getting to this request so late! hope u enjoy louis lovers🥰
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pheesfanfics · 1 year
Hi Phee! It's so cool to find another 19yr old writer in similar fandoms to myself!
You asked for requests, so I have one if you'd like!
Do you have and general dating headcanons for Luke from TWDG2?
Thank you!
(Ps, can I be 💚 anon?)
OFC I CAN!!! Who doesn't love Luke??? So here you go!
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TWD Luke x Reader Headcanons
This boy is the ultimate golden retriever boyfriend. THIS BOY!
If you're doing your own little thing (e.g. drawing or cleaning, whatever you prefer) you can expect to see him giving you loads of long glances and dopey grins, especially if you catch him.
This man is a lovesick puppy sometimes.
He honestly admires all of your hobbies and tries to learn even more about them so he can surprise you with his little facts later.
He always asks if you need something even if he knows you can handle yourself just fine.
And if you have younger siblings he is immediately becoming their cool older brother as he likes to say. Seriously as awkward as he can be making conversation with new people he loves looking after kids.
And expect loads of bear hugs and kisses on top of the head because he loves being as close to you as possible.
During Apocolypse
During the apocalypse, he is the same as before but it's noticeable how more protective he is of you.
He really likes Clementine as well so he also loves it when he sees the two of you spending time together. It makes him wonder if you'd ever be up to having your own kids one day.
His ideal date night is when you guys are bunked up in his room in the house and reading some random books you come across.
Even if you only start dating during the Apocolypse or not he's definitely more handsy when you're alone wanting to be with you as much as he can in case something ever happened.
And don't worry ladies! He and Jane had nothing between them at all he is a loyal guy.
(A/N): I hope you guys enjoyed this! This is the first set of headcanons I've written but I hope they're good! Have a lovely morning, noon, or night <3
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twdgwritings · 19 days
Marlon Headcanons
Paring: Marlon x Fem! Reader
Warnings: typos probably, my opinions, everyone lives AU, swearing, abusive/neglectful parents, think that’s it?
Summary: General and Romantic headcanons about Marlon.
A/N: I wanted to do more, but I can’t think of anymore. Y’all are welcome to share some ideas, I could do a part 2.
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I don’t think he is from West Virginia originally (where the game takes place). I think he and his parents are originally from Kentucky or Tennessee. He kinda rednecky but like, not that bad??
Marlon was abused at home. Mostly getting beat by his father, his mother was neglectful and just turned a blind eye or was too scared to stand up to his father. Because of his home life he began to act out violently, starting fights and just being a bully. He didn’t mellow out until he got to Ericson’s where he became a more laidback kid, though still acted out towards the adults and authority figures.
Adding into that, I think it’s why he caved to Lily and Abel. Some trauma within him kicked in again, reminding him of his father and fear overcame him. Nobody knows of his abusive home life other than Louis, he doesn’t like to talk about it.
He is a big fan of football, it was the only thing his father and him bonded over. His favorite team is the Detroit Lions, he has a jersey somewhere in his room/office.
Can’t clean up for shit. Marlon keeps a little pathway clean for walking but other than that, his room messy as fuck. Please make him clean up a little bit.
Marlon is the type of guy to say he is 6’0 but he is actually 5’11, nobody corrects him but they just stare at him like; -_-
He is a side sleeper, mostly to make room for you or Rosie. He also kinda snores but it’s so soft, so you can sleep.
Will cry himself to sleep every now and then, mostly because of stress and the weight of being leader.
Has crushed a soda can on his head before, left a temporary red mark that everyone made fun of him for.
Marlon’s is a rock fan, he likes AC/DC, Linkin Park, Guns n’ Roses, Green Day. But I can see home liking a few songs outside that genre.
Marlon is definitely straight. He had some sort of toxic thing with Brody before what happened with the twins, but she dumped him after that. They still managed to stay friends and agreed not to cause problems for the other person’s love life.
He tries to be a good boyfriend to you, though he tends to be overprotective. As we know when he gets scared, he gets mad. Not at you (unless you are being dumb and risking your life doing stupid shit. Then he kinda does.) just the situation. He is so scared to lose you.
Painfully obvious about his feelings before confession, everybody knows he is crushing on you. (Mostly because Louis ran his mouth to everyone when he found out). Though once you are together he is a little shy about affection, but also very proud to show off his girlfriend.
Marlon’s love language is physical touch and acts of service, both giving and receiving but he will do whatever you need of him.
On that note… He is so fearful of losing you, no matter if it’s by dying or just breaking up with him. Marlon doesn’t mention this fear but you can tell he has it. Giving you a sad, but lost kicked puppy look. He also asks if you are happy and if you need anything.
Marlon has given you whatever is left of his food, or even went without to give more food to you in tight spots. He wants you to be as healthy and taken care of as possible, even if he must give something up.
One time you fell asleep in his bed cuddling up to Rosie, and by a miracle Marlon found a working camera. So he took a picture of his two favorite girls and keeps it on his desk, it makes him so happy.
He is the time of guy whenever you go hunting or patrolling together, he will hold your hand and dramatically swing them.
Marlon wanted to teach you to use his compound bow, mostly just as an excuse to get closer to you and get handsy. Loves to stand behind you, adjusting your arms and hips to “help you”.
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twdg-and-stuff · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if I could get, a Clem and Louis with a super soft and really nice s/o who during they find out has a very violent history and thats why they were sent to Ericsons? Maybe during Rubys game before at the party before the raiders came. Thanks so much, hope your week is going well :]
Hi! I hope your week is going good too, enjoy!:) And happy valentines day!!
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Clem wasn’t that shocked
The apocalypse can change people
Wether it be good or bad
She was still a little surprised though
She cant imagine her sweet S/O beating someone up
But at least she knows you can defend yourself better now
Overall she wouldn’t be that fazed but a little shocked
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Louis was SHOCKED at First
But when he thought about
He was the same
He was a menace as a kid
And now he’s super sweet and funny
But nonetheless he’s a bit shocked
Like Clem he can’t imagine his S/O hurting a fly
Besides walkers ofc
He’s honestly shocked to his core at first
But he starts to understand
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the-faceless-bride · 2 years
OMGGG WAIT TWDG REQUESTS R OPEN IM, I don't write 4 them but I sure would if i found people who like this masterpiece, I'm sending in a request feel free to not do it if u dont have the in sports, just let me know 👀
okay so may i request maybe fluff headcanons w Luke (my man😫)
btw im so sorry again for almost blocking u but we have lots of fandoms in common and i think we could get along pretty well- i swear im not mean💀
It's really no problem, I'll be careful not to spam like before. I'm sure we'll get along great too! 🦇💖
Luke TWDG Fluff Hc
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You met in Winter, you were scavenging around before it got dark making sure no one was around and if there were any hidden supplies around.
That's when you spotted a man crawling his way out of the frozen lake, seemed like he fell in and was desperately trying to get out. You pondered for a moment, you didn't know this man... He could be dangerous. He could have been part of a dangerous group, but then again you didn't know if you could spare anytime it was getting dark quickly.
But when he spotted you and you stared at each other, you looked at his brown eyes, his wet hair, and finally his blue-tinted lips.
He was gonna freeze to death if you didn't help... And you would feel guilty if he did and you didn't try to help even a little.
Now here you and Luke were, you both wandered around and found a small home that even had some small bags of food that were still good.
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He definitely told you about his old group, about how they were trying to make it to a house but he ended up falling through and thought he was done for.
He honestly thought he was too
He likes to talk about the two young girls he considered to be his 'little sisters' Sarah and Clementine were their names, and he laughs about how sweet yet scary Clem could be sometimes when he was in that group.
Sometimes he has nightmares about what happened in his group with Carver/Bill, about Kenny and his Eye, Sarah and her dad, Beca turning... He fears what happened to Alvin, and how worried he is about the group with the new baby.
He likes to be cuddled on those nights, he curls in on himself and lets you wrap your arms around him.
Luke can be very playful, he likes to play races with you when you both do anything that involves traveling, mostly when you are scavenging.
Luke doesn't like the idea of moving camp, even though the little house you found has some unrepairable damage and food is getting low he hates the idea of traveling after what happened to his group when they had to leave their home
Luke loves when you kiss his forehead as comfort and he always kisses your nose in response back to it.
Ok, I would write more but the HCs are all random I will do a better Hc for him that has a bit more structure, I hope this is fun to read anyway. 😭
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me? making actual fanfiction instead of just headcanons? crazy!!
ok but like if i dont post this my friend might smite me with a sword or something so here we are !!
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"You know, reds a good color on you."
Season : 2
Context : Snowball fight, that's it, just something very soft
Luke x GN reader
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It's been years after the apocalypse started, long and tiresome years. It was hard to believe New Year was just a few weeks away... Well, and along with Christmas..
"Hey- HEy- HEY!" Some yelling was heard from the outside of the house. What the hell was going on now? You made your way to the front door, opening it to see none other than Nick laying face first in the snow with Luke trying to piece together a snowman that seemed to fall apart. God, they really did act like children sometimes... More than the actual children.
"What the hell are you guys doing now??" You questioned while leaning against the doorframe while looking down at the two. Glancing over to Nick, who seemed to pick himself back up from out of the snow, that still seemed to be coming down. "We got bored.." The male said as he picked up his hat, shaking it off before putting it back on.
"You BOTH were supposed to be hunting." You spoke while shooting a glance at Luke, assuming it was his idea. "When no animals showed up, we got tired of standin' there.." Luke finally spoke, placing the torso of the snowman back onto the body while doing so. "You're so tense lately, loosen up for a change we'll be fine, we got enough food to last us all winter and then some." Luke added.
He was right, but that didn't change the fact that they weren't doing their job. "Loosen up?? Are you serious right now? Luke, I can't just loose -" You had begun to lecture before getting cut off by a snowball hitting your shoulder. You looked to Nick, who just put his arms up in defense before pointing to Luke. So, you looked to him next, a cocky look plastered onto his face as you felt the remaining snow fall off of your shoulder.
He really knew how to piss you off, huh? Once the snow fell, you took a deep breath before looking at the snow that was gathered onto the deck railing. Making another glance to Luke, who was just smiling like an absolute idiot.
"You know, you're pretty cute when you look like you wanna slam my head into the nearest tree!" He exclaimed while laughing slightly. Getting caught off guard by the snowball that hit him directly in the face, from none other than you. Now you let out a laugh while you watched Luke struggle to get the snow completely off of his face, listening to the small string of curses he left behind while doing so.
You took Luke's moment of distraction as a chance to swiftly make your way off the deck, hiding behind a nearby tree. Preparing another snowball to throw with a confident look plastered onto your face. You couldn't help but notice the sun was beginning to set. This fight would have to be quick. Luckily, Luke wasn't a hard person to fight in a snowball fight. His aim wasn't the best, and you could easily overpower him with your words and flirty remarks alone.
You shaped the snowball as you looked at it for a moment, a quiet laugh soon escaping your lips as you looked behind the tree. Just to notice, Luke wasn't even there anymore, just Nick finishing the snowman. Rather confused, you look to the ground. There was no trail in sight in the snow. "What the..." All was quiet for a few moments before a loud yell belonging to Luke nearly made you jump ten feet in the air. You turn around back behind the tree to look up at the county boy with a huff, "Fucks sake Luke!" you scolded with a sigh.
Meanwhile, Luke just laughed, even up close he still looked as dumb as ever. But in an endearing way. "I didn't know your voice went that high, you know if it went any higher it could almost pass as a mouse." Luke spoke with a soft tone in his voice, filled with comfort and warmth. You two were so close together already you hadn't even realized that he moved in a little more, to the point your cold noses were slightly touching. Looking over the others face, you couldn't help but notice he seemed to be as red as a cherry. "You know, reds a good color on you."
That remark alone made Lukes eyes widen slightly, meeting your gaze. He looked anxious but excited. "Is this... okay with you?" He asked quietly, almost like you two were exchanging secrets back and forth. A smile made its way onto your face as you snaked your hand around to the back of the others neck, noticing how Luke shut his eyes, expecting a kiss of sorts. Just to be met with a snowball getting mushed into his face once again. You couldn't help but laugh at the shocked expression that made its way onto Luke's face, and when he saw you laugh? He couldn't help but laugh too before dusting the snow off. "C'mon, it's getting late, and the temperature is dropping. Wouldn't want you to get a cold now." He said with a smile as he intertwined his cold fingers with your warm ones. "Looks like Nick already went in." You said aloud mainly to yourself as the both of you walked back up the deck and into the house.
Word count : 898
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wxlkerz · 2 months
i suck shit at writing but i absolutely LOVE making headcanons so pls leave me some trope (??) ideas + characters to go w the trope, for headcanons. ill put a list of some fandoms i'd write for.
fear street
legend of korra
class of 09
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grievedeeply · 2 years
Can i request a twdg characters clem, louis, Mitch, Marlon, Violet and Brody with a badass reade who has like tattoos, scars and can take someone twice their size down?
hiii, sorry these are short! i didn't want to repeat too much. i already did something like this with mitch, which is why he isn't here.
tags: @alisblackgf @seasidesamir @willowroom @tywrites @ziplokz @jamiieebee @cherrypop-xoxo @raeluvserzahler | join my taglist!!
tws: none
clem, louis, marlon, violet and brody with a badass s/o
she's really impressed with your skill. everyone is, but she shows it a lot more than some other people would. she asks you where you learned everything from and you trade tips sometimes
she thinks your tattoos are really cool but she doesn't really mention them that much. they're just a part of you and it makes you unique
she will never ask about how you got your scars unless you bring them up first. she doesn't want to hurt your feelings or make you upset at all
she's definitely proud of you, though. it's awesome watching you be able to do everything you do without having to worry about you getting hurt
he's in love with you at first sight. you aren't like anyone else he's ever met and he thinks you're awesome right off the bat
he compliments you on your tattoos sometimes and when you actually get into a relationship he likes tracing them with his fingers. it calms him down
he's super impressed by you (as is everyone else), but he will cheer you on. "that's my partner! did you guys see that!!" stuff
he wants to ask about the scars but he doesn't want to pry, either. he knows you'll tell him eventually, and when you do, he feels so honored that you're comfortable enough like that
he thinks you're super useful. he's a bit wary of accepting you into his group, but he'll give in because he likes you
he's gonna compliment you a lot. he wonders where you got your skills from but he doesn't ask. he's just glad you're good enough so where he doesn't have to worry as much about someone else
when you get together, he'll be more affectionate and more willing to give you compliments. he likes your tattoos and thinks they give you character
he might ask once about a scar he sees, solely because it looks fresh and he's worried. you tell him that it's nothing and he drops it. he trusts you
violet won't admit it but she catches feelings really fast. you're one of the only people she's willing to describe as her equal
she thinks you're awesome and she'll learn how to compliment you more as time goes by without it being ridiculously awkward
she likes your tattoos and she wants to get one for herself at some point, so she admires yours a lot. if you catch her she gets really flustered
she's one of the leaders at ericson's so she (like marlon) is a bit distrustful of you at first. she gets really anxious a lot about having a new person around but she ends up liking you
she's glad that you know how to handle yourself. it eases her worries whenever you have to split up outside in walker territory
tattoos aren't really her thing for herself, but she likes yours. she thinks they suit you and she'll tell you that after awhile
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Could you do louis with S/O who also makes jokes a lot (basically a female Louis)
Take your time, your writing is so good
I know you said take your time but I didn't expect it to be this long I'm so sorry lmfao. I've been really busy and I've had a family loss, so it's been tough. Ima be 100% honest I forgot what S/O meant and couldn't figure out if you wanted romantic or platonic, so I just made it so it can be interpreted as either. If you want romantic headcanons, just let me know. :)
[TWDG] Louis x Funny (Fem) Reader
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The first time he met you, he had the same opinion as he normally would.
You seemed cool enough.
You hadn't attacked anyone, so that was a plus.
But he quickly began to pick up on something.
You had a sense of humour!!
Of course,
Most people do.
But Louis has a specific sort of humour.
Like, the sort that can make anything serious become funny.
And behold,
You had that gift!
Yes, gift.
An amazing sense of humour is considered a gift.
By Louis, anyway.
By the others..
Well, that depends.
So, of course,
He's quick to approach you.
And how could you resist his 'charm'?
Just kidding.
It's hard to find somebody similar to him,
Someone willing to make jokes in almost any situation.
But it looks like Louis managed.
As you may expect,
The two of you get along like a house on fire!
Certainly brightening up the day with your constant banter and jokes.
And through this, Louis is also able to form a deeper bond with you.
You understand him.
You understand his problems.
His need to make jokes to brighten up everyone else's day.
And the fact that after the jokes,
They just stop listening.
But you don't.
And he's thankful for that.
Thankful for someone to talk to.
Beyond jokes, I mean.
Whether it be corny jokes,
Or jokes that have some serious setup,
You don't stop listening when it's done.
And neither does Louis.
You both grow to appreciate each other beyond being 'partners in crime'.
And that's pretty damn sweet.
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hii i saw ur requests are open and i was wondering if you could do something with Louis twdg x reader fluff maybe the reader got hurt or something? thank you!
(hello! Sure I can, sorry this took me so long and sorry if it's short!)
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Louis is sorta the one to be panicky while trying to remain calm
It backfires through
When you get hurt, he is immediately by your side
He will help you no matter what way he can to help you get to somewhere safe if it was on a run, or just try and fix it
Like if you're bleeding, he'll try and stop it for example
If you are getting the medical attention you need, he will be there to help you the whole time
He's trying make sure you are okay <3
If something happened like in the slightest, his anxiety spikes so high
If you twisted an ankle, broke a bone, bleeding profusely, he is so shaky but also the best person to have by your side
He tries man
He won't let you do anything hard, but won't do everything everything for you if it makes you feel guilty to have him do everything
Please get what I am saying
If you need anything though, he will happily get it if it makes it a bit easier for you
He apologizes for you getting hurt even if it wasn't his fault
It could have been someone else or your fault completely, he still feels guilty
He'll take care of you, it actually makes it feel a bit normal for him too and it makes him happy
With him by your side, you for sure will make a speedy recovery
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samnia · 7 months
OOHH!! HI can I request a marlon and clementine with a SO who helps him when he has those restless nights
I know it's been a long while, and I hope you're not upset with me. You're the first person who requested, so I'm like really thankful.
P/N - pronouns
Ever since the apocalypse started, many people have abandoned him and the others, and some stayed but not for long. When everybody thought everything went to shit, Marlon stepped up.
But that resulted in restless nights. Everybody depends on him. He worried about the delta and what's in store for him - no, the whole group.
There were multiple knocks on his door, and it didn't take long for him to answer. "Who is it?" Marlon groaned, frustration in his voice. "it's me." Y/n hushed before opening the door, trying not to make a squeak. "Why are you here? At this time of night, everyone's asleep." Marlon questioned.
"I want to talk about something." Y/n paused, Marlon stared at p/n. Even though it was dark, Y/n could make out more eyebags already forming. "Are you ok? You don't seem fine. Everyone is wondering why you're so off edge recently." Marlon tugged at his collar, hesitantion written all over his face.
"We can talk about this tomorrow, if you want," Y/n added on. "No- I'm not fine. Everything is happening too quickly. First, the twin's death, and now the newcomers led the others outside the damn safe zone, I don't know what to do next." Maron stammered, voice full of worry and possibly regret. Y/n sat down on the edge of his bed with him. "I can only imagine how you feel. After what clementine did, you have the right to be paranoid. I want you to know that I'm here for you, Marlon." He looked up and gave a small smile. "I really appreciate it."
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clouisluvr · 2 years
OOH! Yaya! Could you do cuddling with Louis hc?💖
hi! i'd absolutely love to !! ^-^ gonna add a couple general nighttime ones too ...
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louis is a chronic cuddler, he's an affection addict!! touch is without a doubt his primary love language (along w gift giving) so he adores cuddling
wears a bonnet to sleep Because i said so. its probably light pink or maybe green
doesn't strike me as the type of guy who likes sleeping shirtless tbh .. probably prefers a long sleeve tee and boxers! also he's a lil quirky and maybe sleeps w socks on (i personally HATEE sleeping with socks on but louis probably irrationally fears demons ticklin his toes at night😭)
the type of person who can't sleep with ANYY light or background noise. like yalls room is pitch black and silentt at night. he might even sleep with an eye mask lmao - i dont think he's a naturally deep sleeper so his bedtime routine is perfectly planned so he can get his rest yup!! when you comment on just how extensive his nighttime routine is he'll tell you, "beautiful people need beauty sleep!"
definitely the type of cuddler who wants to practically be inside your skin LMAO. tries to cuddle by just tangling all your limbs and pressing up as close as possible but it tends to be impractical and a lil uncomfortable (and he's always disappointed that every night, no matter how hard he tries, smushing your arms and legs together is just as uncomfortable as the night before)
so instead you guys opt for spooning! louis absolutely enjoys being little spoon but also loves the feeling of you in his arms
alternatively, i think he'd also love you laying on his chest :( he probably uses his arm as a makeshift pillow to prop his head up and puts his other arm on your back
when you're laying on his chest, the warm smell of vanilla and cocoa butter coming from him is incredibly comforting to you. louis smells AMAZING, you cannot tell me otherwise.. you also stare at him and take in every detail - all his freckles, his clear dewy skin, how perfect his brows and lashes are ... night time makes you remember how insanely beautiful your boyfriend is!!
1000% absentmindedly traces shapes onto your skin, most likely musical notes! he'd probably compose entire songs on the small of your back lmao
he's a BITER! louis absolutely gets cuteness aggression (if you're not sure what that is, it's when humans get all aggressive when we see something cute! same reason we wanna pinch babies cheeks and squeeze kittens.. such a hilariously adorable part of human nature to me lmao)
so he probably softly monches and nibbles on your arm and it definitely tickles and feels funny but you let it slide
you guys definitely have long winded conversations before bed! not necessarily always deep and meaningful, in fact more often then not they're probably the most RIDICULOUS conversations you can imagine
once your conversations die down and you both start getting sleepy he starts humming. i think sometimes you may even ask him to hum a specific song for you and he absolutely would
so many soft kisses :( esp if you're in the laying on his chest position. when both your breaths start to slow and your eyes start to droop, he uses his last bits of energy to cup your face and give you the sweetest kisses. always gazes lovingly at you when you pull apart.
he looks dazed and his eyes are hooded and he's absolutely ready to melt into the sheets and you want him to rest but it doesn't stop him from asking you for just oneee more kiss
im always on here at like 12am when im sleepy and can't be asked to properly check over for typos so i apoligise in advance! was listening to the immunity album by clairo and i was twirlin my hair a bit writing this LMAO. i think louis would be an amazing person to cuddle with💗 thank you so much for your request i really appreciate it and hope you enjoy!
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