#twin crystal
almightyhamslice · 1 year
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Bonus material for Deep Dream’s court!!! yay
characters in these drawings come from this post
I designed their embassy properly n also decided Shardium should have a cluster in her lab. She is keping them on hand n case she finds suitable parts for them to rebuild their body. It’s not an easy process at all. Again like I said before feel free 2 ask questions or draw these gems if youd like to (pls credit me if you do) I will gladly share them :)
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healingwithnatureaz · 23 days
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reddpenn · 11 months
Your whole rock collection is a slay. Show me some funky pieces you haven't been asked about yet!!!!
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Here’s a rock I’ve been dying to talk about! This little guy is orthoclase feldspar! You might be familiar with the feldspar family, as it contains gemstones such as sunstone, moonstone, labradorite, and amazonite. What’s really, really interesting about this piece of feldspar is its shape. This cool formation is called a Carlsbad Twin. Let me tell you about it!
Feldspar crystals often form as flat-topped, six-sided prisms which are strongly skewed sideways. Here’s an example of another feldspar in my collection, amazonite, which shows off this crystal habit really clearly!
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The two crystals in my piece of orthoclase are making that common feldspar shape! But you’ve probably also noticed how they appear to be mirror images of each other, and also growing through each other.
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That’s Carlsbad twinning!! It’s a type of penetration twinning, which means the crystals appear to be penetrating or passing through each other. But looks can be deceiving; what's ACTUALLY happening here is much cooler. These crystals are conjoined twins! One hasn’t penetrated the other; they’re actually sharing some of their molecules like human conjoined twins might share organs.
This can happen because of the shape of feldspar’s crystal lattice - the orderly arrangement of its molecules.
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The crystal lattice won't match up perfectly throughout the entire structure, but it WILL match up right along the C axis, where we flipped it. Along this line the grid of molecules aligns, and our twin crystals can share them. The place where lattice points are shared is called the composition surface.
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Simply put, molecules don’t know what shape they’re making on a macro level. The shapes they make are by complete accident, because that just happens to be what shape you get when you arrange molecules in that kind of grid. The only thing the molecules know is how they can connect to other molecules. It doesn’t matter to them which direction the crystal is growing in, or which direction the crystal lattice is facing. If they can connect up in a way that completely flips the crystal lattice, well... they don't know they're doing that! They're just doing what molecules do!
And that’s how you get Carlsbad Twins!
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noikaido309 · 1 year
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blinkies dump that i made for my spacehey profile bc i couldn't found any of the ones i wanted, they’re not really good bc its my first time doing blinkies but i might as well make the post public for anyone else that might want them or smth idk! ( i dont take full credit bc i just re-edited gifs or blinkies that other ppl already made )
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42wv · 11 months
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FFXIV x Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS Signer Dragons (and bonus)
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 272
You know what could be fun for Ghosts Are Dragons? How to Train Your Dragon Crossover. 
Like, both seafarers and vikings were incredibly superstitious people, even if we don’t see that a lot in the movie series. 
And Danny well, he might’ve managed to convince Clockwork that you know what? They do deserve a vacation, fuck the Observants, let’s find a world where we don’t have to worry about the GIW and just vibe! 
Now Clockwork, as anyone with eyes can tell, has a soft spot for the little ghost, there are even bets on when he’ll finally bite the bullet and properly adopt the little hatchling. In fact it’s so obvious that several others, Pandora and Frostbite included, borderline kick him out, telling him to yes, do go on a vacation, remember what happened when we all told Pariah to have a vacation and he didn’t? Exactly! 
So there they go, a pair, er a trio, um, alright Clockwork currently has six hatchlings with him. Alright. Okay so he’s never had a vacation before (nevermind with his future vision mostly turned off) and is maybe a hint wrong-footed but that’s fine. It can’t be that hard, and really, he easily dwarfs even the biggest dragons in this world, so what’s going to mess with him, hm? 
Perhaps he should remember how idiotic humans are at times. 
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the-travelling-witch · 8 months
Azul: I’m surprised to see you hang around the twins so much, aren’t you scared of them?
Mc: They’re not bad guys, they’re just a little moraylly grey.
Azul: I told you to stop that.
Mc: No need to clam up. But I guess if you don’t want me in your offish then I can just leave.
Azul: I’m putting this on your tab for caused damages.
Jade: I’m afraid this is a problem of a larger scale, resisting is eel-advised.
Floyd: Yeah so you’d betta get used to it.
Azul: …
Azul: I don’t get paid enough for this.
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divineloverstarot · 6 days
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 23 days
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YOOOOOOO come join my divination discord!!! Some of y’all have attempted to join but quickly dip out before you type out your introductions. Just know you won’t have full access to the server until you fill out the intro. Thank y’all for understanding why I take the precautions and can not wait to see ya there. Take what resonates and leave all that doesn't behind. Don’t forget to be open to new experiences and perspectives.
Discord Link
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Crystal Combo: Jasper+Flower Agate
Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Vibes: 🤎🤍🐻📺🍪⚰️🧺🦅⛸️🪰🥔💀🐌⏳🦗🧸☕️🦘👻🕰️🌰🪜🦫🚪🏈🏹🍺🪵☁️🎻🥥🌪️🧆🥚🧋🥜🕰️
Hey there! Welcome to your reading pile 1. Your soul family will enter your life when you begin to accept yourself as you are. Your true nature is hidden from the world out of a sense of fear of rejection and disappointment in yourself. Your soul family wouldn’t be able to recognise you if they met you right now. Be kind to your true form. Accept them with open arms and love them for who they are. It doesn’t matter if they are weird or abrasive. You need to stop watering yourself down for people who don’t love you for who you are. Why would you water down something so sweet? I understand where you are coming from by treating yourself the way you do and it is absolutely going to take hard work for you to change your mindset about yourself. You are capable. Hard things are worth doing but right now the hard stuff you are attempting is to seek acceptance from people who will never want you to be yourself. Do not let them control you. Do not let them quiet your voice. Talk as loud as you want and talk about the stuff you love! Your voice is fascinating and beautiful. If you don’t embrace yourself your soul family will take it’s sweet time getting to you. Aphrodite wants to practice self-love and is willing to help you figure it out. Good luck on your self acceptance, my friend!
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Crystal Combo: Moss Agate+Yellow Calcite
Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Vibes: 🩵💛🥶😱🦋🐯❄️💫🌊🌙🫐🍋💦🍯🥏🥞🎭💎🔑💠⚜️✈️🚕🥣🎾🛋️🧽📘📒🖲️💡🪼🐠🐟🐱🐳🐤🌎⛈️
Hi, pile 2! You have your full attention on finding your soul family and it’s really all you think about. I see you frantically searching for love on dating apps and joining clubs for things you don’t really care about just for the sake of making those connections with soul family members that you crave so deeply. I love your ambition and the universe recognises your hard work. Spirit suggests a different approach to your goal. You have so much passion in your heart and spirit asks you to aim it at things that you truly care about. Spend your time getting to know your values and interests! Learn all you can about yourself and maybe pick up reading. If you don’t like to read then maybe try some audiobooks instead. The people you are spending so much energy and time on are not going to be able to spend the same amount of energy on you. I see that if you spend time on activism of any kind that you truly really care about you will find the soul family you desire so fervently. You will meet people who care about the same stuff you care for with just as much as you give. They will be able to match your intensely vibrant energy and they will be able to satisfy your voracious hunger for admiration and love. I believe in you, my friend. Go after what YOU care about. You will find what you want. Hermes will guide you on this journey.
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Crystal Combo: Rose Quartz+Carnelian
Astrology: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Vibes: ❤️‍🔥🧡🍀🚨💚🔥🍏🍊🥢🧃🍓🌵🌶️🌹🐉🐡🐞🎒🥻💋👺🏓🪀⛳️🫕🍣🥗🥒🥑🪴🌿🐸🐍🦊🤬🧑🏼‍🎤🍄
Welcome pile 3! You have a very quick mind and a very energetic spirit, my friend. I see that you have been begging the universe to give you your soul family. I see how much you have cried over this. How much you have felt about this. I am so sorry you feel so lonely, pile 3. I know how lonely it feels to want people to understand you and they just don’t get it. Have no fear your soul family is on their way. However, spirit really asks you to be patient with your soul tribe. You have worked on yourself with such intensity you sped through most of your growth faster than the universe had anticipated. You should really give yourself the credit your deserve about that by the way. You really left your guides speechless with how you learned so quickly. However, you tribe isn’t ready yet. If you met them right now they would not be ready for you. They need time to grow into the person you need them to be. They are still amidst their lessons. Allow the universe to guide them at whatever pace they need. Not everyone is going to learn as quickly as you did. While you are waiting they ask you to spend time in the astral realm or the dream realm. I hear Hecate reaching out to you and wanting to help you in your desires. Put time into your passions and have some good wholesome fun. If you really are lonely just remember your guides are always with you and you can talk with them. I know it isn’t quite the same as human interaction and I really do understand how much it hurts to feel so lonely. Your soul family is coming your way I promise you. I see at least 2 people and at most 5 that will enter your life in the next few years. I see even more down the line. Perhaps you might find a lover in your soul family and have children with them! Allow yourself to dream, my dear. You are not alone.
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Crystal Combo: Rhodonite+Kiwi Jasper
Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Vibes: 🖤💣🎱🍙🦨🕷️🫖🐚🪽🏁🕸️🐼☠️🕶️♟️🎹🎼🤍✒️🛒🗝️🚽🩹⛸️🍽️🩼💻📞🎥🪮🩺🔭🎵👁️‍🗨️🔳♠️💬♣️🕐🏴‍☠️🩶
Hey there, pile 4. Your soul family is waiting for you. There are things you are learning right now that are very tough. I see you are working on becoming emotionally and financially stable. I see you looking inward to find your inner light. I am so proud of you for working so hard on this. The universe is teaching and guiding you along the way. Your guides are watching over you and taking such good care of you. I see how thankful to them you are but I also see how sad your past has been. You probably grew up in a very intense household. You only recently have left that situation. You could have left it behind physically but I think it’s more accurate to say your mind has been stuck in the past. Look at how far you have come. Look at where you are now! I know it isn’t perfect yet but wow you have done so good. Especially because of where you came from. Honestly, it is absolutely amazing to see someone with such a quality heart remain kind after what you have been through. You could have turned into the people who hurt you and you didn’t. That is worth celebrating. You are worth celebrating. Your soul family is ready to love you when you are ready to love yourself. You must do right by you, my dear friend. Do the right thing for you. So many people have wronged you and for a while, you followed close behind them to do exactly the same to yourself. You. Deserve. Better. And you know it. I am so proud of you for finally seeing that. What everyone in the past said about you and how they treated you was wrong. They are factually incorrect. They just got butt-hurt because you weren’t as easy to control as they thought you would be. You showed strength and they were jealous. Let yourself shine. Stop holding back. Love yourself the way you love others so deeply. The universe loves you. I love you. I wish you all the luck in the world. Remember you are protected. I see Apollo looking after you.
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maskyartist · 6 months
more Crystal Clay AU (au by the fantastic @warning-heckmouth) thoughts once again cause my brainworms wont stop just listen hear me out-
Clay's smart as hell, he basically forced himself to be a nerd post-band breakup so like...picture with me,,,Clay pitting Velvet and Veneer against each other,,,straining their relationship by just sewing those liiiiil seeds of doubt anytime they're alone with him,,,,or just bringing up "totally real" things they said to make em look like liars
after all. hes the fun one. the dumb silly fun one! Who's gonna think he's got the capacity to lie?
im just sayin Clay's gotta have a mean streak somewhere in that heart of his that "Hm. John" that MEANT SOMETHING-
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comic-covers · 6 months
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almightyhamslice · 1 year
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Some more funnee gems for Deep Dream Diamond’s court! I think they all live in this sorta... ‘embassy’ run by Chalcanthite? It must be located on an arid colony so the conditions don’t cause Chalcanthite to dissolve. So effectively all the other 9 gems in this image are her subordinates, except Shardium-- Shard is the de-facto leader in case something bad happens to Chalcanth. 
Zircon and Copper are compressed, Silver is undercooked, and Mangonium is twinned. Other than that, these guys r pretty average for their respective gemtypes. Zircon uses he/him pronouns, Silver uses they/them, and Mangonium is rather specific; when referring to the gem as a whole you use they/them, but their individual heads use she/her. All the other gems in this drawing are she/her!
I found all these gems in 1 mineshaft, and this isn’t even the largest ‘handful’ of gems I have found in one area in the game!! idk what I’ll do whenever I get to that.... 
Bonus material under the cut!:
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isolated versions of the gems in the back of the drawing! I figured it’d be especially handy for Silver since their design was partially blocked by Axinite’s hand. 
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Shardium and Chalcanthite! GFs, even. Fun fact, I downloaded 3 different brushes specifically for Shard’s hair effect. This sketch was made before I found ‘em!
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healingwithnatureaz · 2 months
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pastelpengwin · 12 days
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The Glass Illusion Sisters, Stained Glass and Optical Illusion in the show style. Lightning Storm is next.
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queennai714 · 5 months
I FINALLY got around to watching the new Dragon's Rising clip and just- OMG
First, the entire lavashipping community has been FED
Like, every interaction those two had was just 🤌
PLUS, them being uncles to Arin and Sora!? WONDERFUL
I mean, vengestone is cool and all, but the concept of chronosteel was so cool and had so much freaking potential that the og show(s) did absolutely nothing with, so THIS IS AWESOME TO SEE.
Lobbo is love, Lobbo is life, LOBBO ANGRY
The little rocky-fire dudes are back. Love to see them
"Here, take my legs," lol. Sounds like something out of the Lego Movie universe, but it is also so normal for Ninjago, considering we've had mechs since season 1
Fight choreography looking EXCELLENT per usual 👌 (Also Arin just kicking and climbing around like normal while everyone else is in mechs. KING 👑)
Fire vs. Ice Dragon beam clashes>>>>>
The fact that we only got little snippets of Kai using his fire power to fly like Iron Man before they learned Airjitzu will haunt me forever. Like, ITS SUCH A COOL IDEA. And was obviously useful every time we did get to see it. Plus, it was like the FIRST THING he did with his powers after getting them. Just- UGH (Sorry, siderant over)
Love the new suits, too.
Overall, it was just 🤩🤩🤩
I'm so FREAKING excited dude, like IM VIBRATING-
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biassykes · 4 days
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