#twst oc prompt
thelamentknight · 1 year
TWST OCs prompt (you may use if you like)
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prefectkai · 1 year
Old art some headcanons
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Kai first thought of ruggie was a coward that he had magic yet he stole their pens and run
First She didn’t believe in strategy she believed that fighting and facing the problem face to face are the best (ironically she wasn’t like this in the real world) before developing a friendship with him
Night strolls (both sleep deprived) venting about their shitty lives
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Kai discovered an alternative way to do magic (reference to toh) though her favorite spell is a sword (which she was embarrassingly bad at it)
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So she (around chapter 4) asks for silver help (she wanted tsunatoro help but she didn’t find him and bumped into silver practicing which she loved)
With that ruggie got suspected acting like the fake boyfriend he is (and to tease Leona) but fr ruggie feel betrayed by the lack of time she give her other friends
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Fall Yandere Prompts
Fuck Me I put prompts on the other thing at didn't actually put prompts, I suck anyways here are a few prompts made by yours truly. Others are free to use them just please tag me. Thanks. I'll make more Halloween ones if people like these.
Apple Cider: A sweet yet tangy that leaves a warm feeling. Your eyelids start drooping after drinking every drop.
Bonfire: Dry sticks and leaves are so easy to burn in high bright flames. Be wary of what the light attracts.
Crows: Inky black birds with a glimmer of intelligence in their eyes. You feel a dozen pairs of eyes watching your every move.
Dry Leaves: Crunchy and brown and always fun to mess around in. You hear a second set of feet slowly trotting behind you.
End: Autumn signifies the end of Summer and a change in season. It also signified the end of your freedom.
Flannel: The warmth of this fall apparel is so comforting in the crisp weather. Don't you like it, they picked out just for you.
Grain: Bountiful and golden, shaking in the cool breeze. You meet a friendly stranger standing in the grain field, holding a scythe.
Harvest: Fall provides us with a bountiful harvest of corn, pumpkins, apples, pears, and grain. Such bounty requires a sacrifice to be made.
Indoors: Why go outside when you can snuggle under the covers and keep warm? Just because it's your home doesn't mean you are safe.
Jack-O-Lanterns: Grinning gourds light up the night, carving them is a fun activity. They want to participate but got a little too creative.
Kettle: Boiling water for a hot beverage on the stove is so nice. The water isn't quite done but you still hear whistling.
Leaf: Colorful trees make such wonderful leaves they look good pressed in a book. You see one on your bed side every day, they have a distinct metallic scent.
Mushrooms: Clustered together they're a fungi to be around. More seem to grow near you each day in strange patterns.
Nutmeg: Fall spices are aromatic and make every dish warm with flavor. If your running low the next-door neighbor might have some, might as well come inside while they look for what you need.
Orchard: Fruit trees tended to with tender care, baring crimson fruit. Picking just one won't hurt.
Pie: Steaming goodness wrapped in a golden shell. Have another slice there's plenty to go around.
Quiet: Many an autumn night is filled with sweet and calming silence. It feels a little too quiet tonight, might want to retire early.
Reaping: How to harvest the crops grown, you reap the rewards of the Earth. Someone has come to take you or your soul, they're not very picky.
Spider: Dainty legs weave beautiful webs, enticing as they are dangerous. Any prey they catch, they won't let go.
Tree: Majestic and tall these ancient plants reach up to the dwindling sun with aching branches. Haven't you seen that tree before, you must be hopelessly lost, perhaps that's better than being found.
Umbrella: The cold weather makes rain extra chilling; with a warm smile you share your umbrella. No good deed goes unpunished, as the storm outside isn't what you should be worried about.
Vermillion: Beautiful shade of red found plentifully in the fall, its beautiful yet it can be a dangerous color too.
Wind: Rattling trees and blowing the leaves to the ground, the wind tickles your ears and nips at your nose. It carries with it the unhinged words of a person you never want to see again.
Xenial: Being most hospitable is a must during autumn. This does not change when a stranger shows up at your front door requesting shelter.
Yarn: Soft threads of vibrant colors used to create warm clothes, blankets, and other things. The string prevents you from moving while someone knits in the corner, eyes focused on you.
Zipper: Better zip up when it's so chilly outside, wouldn't want to catch a cold. You also might want to zip it before they hear you.
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robo-milky · 6 months
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OC x Canon Week Bonus Day: Missing the Other
To wrap this up, I’ll let the ship be ambiguous ;) Since the challenge is over, I’ll show off the more… detailed drafts I preplanned for the first day. (Debating between ships and prompts at the time)
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
Congratulations on 4K!!!! Here's to many more who discover and fall in love with your incredible prose 🍻
I'd like to request:
86. “We could be an epic novel of forbidden lovers, like Romeo and Juliet without the ending.”
With Prince Stefan (surprise, surprise) if the mood strikes you lmao
Thank you so much for sharing your work with us, and for doing this little event!! Can't wait to see what you've cooked up next weekend 👀
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Gender Neutral Reader x Prince Stefan (Twst OC) Word Count: 1.1k
Prompt 86: "We could be an epic novel of forbidden lovers, like Romeo and Juliet without the ending."
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You’d always joked that Stefan was basically like some fairytale prince come to life. The sweetness that never seemed forced, the genuine kindness and care with which he treated all things. His regal bearing, the fact that he rode a grand, impressive stallion with ease, and—who could forget?—the literal crimson cape hanging over his shoulders like a king of old. The face thing helped too. All sculpted planes of rugged handsome that made you feel like you’d wandered out of a garbage can in a back alleyway in comparison.
But somehow, even then, you hadn’t expected him to be an actual, factual prince. Which was honestly really fucking stupid, all things considered. Seeing as half of your friends at Night Raven had royalty in their blood in some way or other. ‘Prince’ and ‘Lord’ were nearly as common as ‘Mister’ over there. And certainly Royal Sword Academy was meant to be doomed by the same logic as its rival.
“So you’ll be ruling a kingdom someday?” you asked. “Like, crown, and scepter, and ‘my word is law, peasants’ ruling?”
“I guess,” Stefan shrugged, brown bangs flopping shaggily over his eyes. “Though I like to think I won’t be that bad,” he added on a huff that was nearly a pout.
You waved him off. “Sure, sure. You’ll be the one person in history completely untouched by the temptations and corruption of power. But like, an actual prince?”
Another huff, though this one sounded far more amused. The brunette leaned forward to try and snare an arm around your waist and pull you back against his chest. You’d been sitting cuddled up beneath a lovely willow tree, reading in the afternoon sun, when the revelation had hit. And the poor guy looked like he’d sacrifice life and limb to slip back into that cozy silence. But no way were you letting this drop. You wriggled away like a particularly determined worm and settled opposite him criss-cross-applesauce. Hands on your knees and stars in your eyes.
“Do you get access to the dungeons? And cool stuff like that?”
He snorted a laugh into his palm.
“Why do you want to know about the dungeons?”
You shrugged. But honestly, most of your friends at NRC were probably headed for the gulags or worse. It’d be nice to know you had someone on the inside, whenever you inevitably needed to break one of them out. (Floyd was looking like a strong bet. Though he could probably manage to slither out of any jailcell he found himself in all on his own)
“It’d be fun, s’all.”
“Fun,” he chuckled, shaking his head in bemusement. “Alright. But yes. I do have access to all the records of imprisonment and things like that. Not that I go down to those places if I can help it.”
“Of course, of course,” you nodded, filing that information away into the back of your brain for a later date. “Can you declare war? Like, whenever you want?”
Another laugh.
“Wars and dungeons?” he asked, and narrowed his hazel eyes in faux suspicion. “What are you planning?”
“Sure,” he hummed, and ducked forward to try and snatch you up again. You rolled onto your back outright and through the grass—coming to a stop at the roots of the grand tree.
“And what about the rest of the royal stuff?” you continued. “Surely you must be engaged then, right? To another prince or princess out there?”
The pleasant gleam in his eyes dimmed, and you watched his gaze dart away. Heavy and uncomfortable. Which—
He… he totally was, wasn’t he?
Something twisted in your gut—sour and sharp. And you regretted ever asking in the first place. Because of course someone as wonderful as Stefan was meant for someone else. And always had been. The dalliance with a little mortal from another world was just that—something fun, and easy, and destined to end by the summer. You swallowed past the building lump in your throat and decided that maybe this hadn’t been a great topic to push after all. You looked back up, ready to crawl back into his lap and ever so tactfully immediately change the subject, when Stefan met your low gaze with fire in his eyes. He reached out and clasped your hands tightly in his.
“I’m going to marry who I want,” he declared, firm, and loud enough it had your ears ringing. He gentled the volume a bit before continuing. “That stuff’s all ancient protocol, anyways. Time to move on, y’know? Modernize.”
“Modernize,” you parroted, feeling a bit thrown by his sudden ferocity.
“And if my father gets upset…” he mumbled, brow pinching in the middle. “Well, we can just run away then. Live in a cottage in the forest. Or, well, something like that.”
“We?” you gaped. Because holy hell. It was one thing for there maybe to be some subtle implications thrown around. But that wasn’t—that was pretty—ah—
“We,” he smiled, warm as mulled wine. And at your wide-eyed, overwhelmed expression, he eased that grin back into something lighter. More teasing. “What do you think? We could be like the forbidden lovers in all those stories!” he crooned, waving his arm through the air like he was at the start of telling some grand tale in a tavern. “An epic novel of our own creation! Like Romeo and Juliet!”
That jolted you out of whatever ‘ohmygod, ohmygod’ spiral had taken over your brain. “Really? Romeo and Juliet?”
“Well,” he grinned, sheepish. “Without the ending, I hope.”
“There are so many better love stories without the suicide pact!” you complained. “Pride and Prejudice. Midsummer’s Night Dream. The Princess Bride. Fucking, Scott Pilgrim even—”
“Okay, okay!” he laughed, holding up his hands in surrender. “I get it! No more literary metaphors from me.”
Stefan leaned back against the tree, looking loose limbed and comfortable. And this time, when he opened his arms to you with a little eyebrow waggle, you sighed and curled up tight into the little, personal nook he was offering.
“But it does have it’s appeal, doesn’t it?” he mumbled into your hair. Sounding a bit far away. “Just running away together. No more responsibilities, no expectations…” he trailed off, eyelids drooping. “It’d be nice.”
You sat in silence for a moment, letting the sun play across your laps and his fingers twine through yours. And then—
“Hmm?” he mused, lifting his head from your shoulder.
“We can be like Anastasia,” you said, fighting the heat rising along your cheeks and towards the tips of your ears. But you were pretty sure he could feel it, with how close he was tucked up against your side. “Not a perfect ending, but a perfect beginning,” you quoted, feeling a bit silly.
But Stefan just smiled against your shoulder with a contented little sigh.
“A perfect beginning, huh?” he repeated, sounding far, far too warm. “That sounds about right.”
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mllemony · 6 months
My favorite Headmage, Mr Bea- I mean Crowley
Just bc I forgot my drawing tablet at home doesn't mean I won't draw a silly guy when I see one 💪
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
So I didn't see this as a prompt in the TWST OC questionnaire but if your OC had opening and victory battle taunts, what would they be?
Tagging @ramshacklerumble @tixdixl @inmateofthemind @blithesharem @theleechyskrunkly @koukoii @thehollowwriter
No pressure to do this if you don't want to btw, just thought it might be a fun prompt!
As for my three main boys, theirs are below the cut if anyone is curious.
Copper Benoit: "Dyin' is the day worth livin' for!"/"What'd I tell ya, lads? Take a walk."
Wei Renqiao: "I'll see you kneel in pieces."/"This is the end of your arrogance. Bow to me."
Chrysanthos Shroud: "Keep moving, junior."/"I told you, and I handled it. Have a nice day~."
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tixdixl · 1 month
(For OC Outfit Ask) 🥏 for René
Thanks for this!!! I actually really need to make their actual card and groovy but this should suffice for now!
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A quick airport doodle!!
Tag list: @ramshacklerumble @rainesol @elenauaurs @inmateofthemind @starry-night-rose
@thehollowwriter @cyanide-latte @blithesharem @theleechyskrunkly @boopshoops
Lmk if you want added/removed!
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amberitedragon · 3 months
Completed prompt for @treyshugetits !!!
Hope you like it Kyle!!
This prompt is for the TWST Gotcha for Gaza! Pls check out their carrd it has all the info you need!
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The Flowers from Alice in Wonderland (1951)
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A group of sentient, face-bearing flowers who love to sing. They're rather sweet and harmless... right up until they believe there's a weed in their presence. Then they get violent.
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Ive been seeing so many people- even Vil-kun!- start ask blogs(?) and they seem like so much fun, and a good way to connect with fans, so i made one! There are a few rules though, so please keep them in mind.
-I may be famous, but I'm still a person- 17 at that, so please keep the inbox kind/sfw
- referring to no.1, I may be busy- so asks and such might not be answered immediately.
-Not much of a rule, but I never mind pings & stuff, and id love for you to come talk!
I think thats all for now? More may be added...
Art credits to:: @r1kuuw on twitter!!
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ticci-crybaby · 1 year
CHARACTERS : All NRC (without ortho) + Neige Leblanche ( in Pomefiore ) + Che'nya ( in Heartslabyul ) AFAB!READER -You are a new staff member in the all boys school NRC,and today's your first day.The Headmage,Crowley explained what your new job was multiple times while taking you to meet the Housewardens and Vice-Housewardens one by one.Once everyone understood what you'll be doing here,they let you rest a little before the real show start...
[Riddle Roseheart] One day,while you were baking with Trey for the next Unbirthday Party, the Housewarden called you over to his room.You excused yourself before going to see what the Housewraden wanted to do with you,or do to you..It wasn't really surprising to see that his face was as red as a tomato,he seemed to be very "shy" the first day you met..    -Well hello Housewarden Roseheart,how can I help you?It is the first time you wish to see me in private,I believe you want something from me,or to be more precise,I believe you want me,don't you Riddle?    -Stop being so-! Ugh,yes,I do want you,but everything that happens in my room stays in it,did I make myself clear!?    -Why of course Housewraden!I don't want to lose my head after all..So,what do you want me to do?Do you simply want to kiss me,or eat me out?I could suck you're shaft while you work or cockwarm you as some kind of stress-relief!Your wish is my command. You bent over to take off your high heels,just enough to let him see how wet you already were,and just enough to make him even more red if it was possible..Slowly,he started to undress himself.His body wasn't that impressive but his power was enough to make everyone bow before him,even you who didn't have any magic!He hesitantly took off his boxer,leaving him completly naked before you.His cock wasn't the biggest you've seen,but you still wondered how he would feel inside of you.Would it be enough to make you cum?To make you squirm all over it?Or would he simply use you to his liking not even trying to make you feel good?If he did wanna try,would he use his tongue and mouth,or would he used his fingers?    -Y/N,please,come closer..    -Yes,your maaaajesty! You did as he asked and came closer,his face now close enough for you to feel his breath on your lips.His cock was now rubbing against your stomach,so you just started to slowly and gently stroking it,making him gasp and moan softly.He soon became a moaning mess,begging for you to take him in your mouth,in your cunt,in your ass,he didn't care he just needed to feel you around him!    -Y/N,please,I need you..Stop teasing,I can feel how close to cumming I already am.. And you could feel how wet you were,your panties now soaking in your juice..His voice,his moans were angelic and you needed more!You were pretty sure that juste making him feel good could make you cum right on the spot!You pushed him so he was sitting on his bed,and soon he understood what you were going to do,he lied down to let you ride him.He wasn't aware of it,or maybe he was but he couldn't care less,but he was smiling and drooling..Some might say that it's disgusting,and he normally would say it too,but this view of your naked body on top of his meant that he was finally going to cum!Slowly,you sat down on his shaft,making him scream of pleasure.Yup,he was a little virgin boy that wouldn't last long inside a women's pussy..
[TREY CLOVER] You were helping the Vice-Housewarden,baking tarts in the dorm's kitchen when you "accidentally" spilled cream on your breast,just above your bra.You knew for a long time that the former student wanted more than just be un good terms with you,it was kind of obvious to be honest.The way he was always looking at your breast or at your ass when he thought that nobody was looking,the way he "accidentally" brushed his hands across your body to grab something in the kitchen..Always looking forward for his next move,you saw him taking a picture of you while you were dancing for some Heartslabyul students and,the same day,you saw him touching himself while looking at this exact picture.It was kind of weird comming from such a gentlemen..But you couldn't care less and,today,you were the one that was going to make the first move since he was too "shy" to ask.And it brought you here,with a Trey extremely attracted by your breasts!    -Oh,Trey,may you help me with this please?    -O-of course,wait me here,I'm gonna-    -But I don't wanna waste such a good cream!Come on,I know you can think of a way to fix this! When he finally understood what you wanted him to do to "help you",he carried you to the counter and took off his glasses.You took them and put them on,trying to look at yourself in the window,and before you knew it,Trey was licking and sucking your breasts!You tried to not make a noise,you were in the kitchen after all!It would be a little bit embarrassing for the poor man to be seen in such a position with you!    -Okay,I t-think it's good now..T-Thanks for your help Trey!    -No,I'm not finished..Come on now,can't you let me finish my meal first? As he said this,he got on his knees,ready to eat you out..Well,as you say in english "The clothes do not make the man"!n french it's "l'habit ne fait pas le moine" :p
[CATER DIAMOND] He would definetly take pictures of you when you serve other people just so he can pleasure himself.He wouldn't dare to ask you directly,after all he already can catch you during the act,does he really need more?Probably not but he do want more!He craves for your touch but he would never say it,not right to your face at least..He isn't shy,he just want YOU to come begging him to pound you!When you finally ask him (because you want to see what he can do with something else than his hand-) he will get rock hard really fast!But still,it will be for HIS pleasure,so be ready to get overstimulated or not able to cum!    -Come on honey,smile a little more!Do it for all my fans,they're encouraging you y'know? Ah yes..He WILL make a live on Magicam,what did you expect?You are the Slut of NRC after all,he is just testing you and letting others know how good and obeidiant you can be!~
[ACE TRAPPOLA ] He would definitely find a way to make you come to class with him so you can suck him off while he is "studying".Don't believe me?Well it doesn't matter because here you are,at the very back off the class under the desk of Deuce,Ace (of course) and Silver (who is actually asleep,letting you do you things).You?You're trying to not gag when he forces you on his cock.And he?He is trying to not moan while you are taking his cock like a good little whore!And don't you worry darling,between Silver's and Leona's snoring you will not be found out.Well,not now at least,because you will be forced to go out of class after it finished,good luck explaining yourself to Trein!
[DEUCE SPADE]    -Oh of course,I would love to meet your mother Deuce! But you never thought you'd have to be sitting on his cock while he bounce his leg,almost letting you the time to moan.Let's just say that the conversation with madam Spade wasn't what you wanted it to be...I don't think she really likes you,I mean,she already knew what you were doing in NRC,and here you are IN HER HOME sitting on HER SON'S LAP!    -So,miss Y/N...Deuce told me that you were in NRC for a very speacial job,is it true?And if I may ask,what is your job?...    -I..I am at NRC to teach them how does t-the human body work!    -Oh really?But I heard that there are Merfolks and Beastmens too back there,am I wong Deucy?    -Oh no,you're right Momma!There are even Fae!    -W-well yeah..But their b-bodyy work the same!A-almost..And I teach them t-too! OOOH SHE WASN'T REALLY HAPPY,I HOPE YOU DON'T WANNA BE HIS GIRLFRIEND BECAUSE HIS MOTHER WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE HELL
[ARTEMIY ARTEMIYEVICH PINKER (CHE'NYA)] Man's just gonna grab you outta nowhere and fuck you into the rose mate!I hope you're not scared of bugs or being found out because he is not ashamed of fucking you in front of someone,even Trey or Riddle!Plus,he can just disappear into thin air and leave you in your completly fucked out state for their greedy eyes and cock to watch and tease~    -Y/N!?Who is this dude?    -Wait,isn't it the guy from RSA that came into one of our Unbirthday party!?    -Oopsi,they caught us deary~    -Che'nya,please..    -SO YOU DO WORK FOR HIM?! You wanted to respond but the pleasant feeling of Che'nya's cock suddenly left you!You looked up behind you (yeah he was fucking you in doggy style) and saw no Beastmen!    -Well..The Housewarden would definetly be like "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD" and all so..How about we make a deal?    -We fuck you and in exchange we don't tell anything about anyone!Deal? And you ended up covered in cum!
[LEONA KINGSCHOLAR] It wasn't that surprising when the lazy lion of NRC asked Ruggie to bring you to the Botanical Garden.When you got there,you found the lion laying on the ground.When he heard you,he simply said :    -There you are herbivore..Come,I wanna sleep a little    -And so you make me come all the way here to nap with you?    -No,idiot.You'll be cockwarming me while I sleep,I wanna see how long you can last without mooving an inch or grinding against me. That was kind of cruel considering he was the kind of guy to sleep for hours in the same position..You couldn't do it,but since it was your job you just said fuck and did it..After 2 or 3 hours,you just couldn't stay still anymore!He hasn't been sleeping that much,instead,he was teasing you!He wanted to make you squirm but hell he was to lazy to admit it or actually do it!    -Well?Can't stay still anymore little bunny?    -Please,just let me move,just a little!Please..    -No I still want to sleep.. This idiot was rock hard,balls deep inside your cunt and he wanted to just pound into you as much as you!But he resisted,he was kind of a patient man to be honest..
[RUGGIE BUCCHI] Oh the little hyena of Savannaclaw wanted to taste you sooo bad!And he finally got the chance to do so!One night,you came to him,claiming that you wanted his help for something,and it ended up with you sitting on his face while he lapped at your juice like a starved man!You where his favorite meal,believe me,and he was going to enjoy you!Making you cum once wasn't enough,he needed more!And more,and more!!     -Please Y/N,one more!Just one more,okay?You're so good!~ Your taste was addictive and he just needed more!Come on little kitten,can't you just let him overstimulate you?And here he thought that you were the one that was going to break him!He didn't think he could make you this weak with just his tongue!
[JACK HOWL] The Spelldrive tornament was over and Jack made such an amazing job!You just needed to give him a prize,a treat if you may say!You called him to the lockers and got on your knees,at first he was confused but when you started to unbottoned his pants the boy became hard!The others Beastmens were looking at the scene,some of them were even stroking their cock and drooling like some kind of animals!But you didn't care,to focused on taking his cock deep in your throat and it wasn't as easy as you would think!He was huge,and it was hard to take him all in!In all of NRC,mister Howl is the second biggest you've seen!    -Oh look at how good she is at sucking cock!    -Hey Jack,after you're finished,I'll have my way with her!    -Well one of us can fuck her while she is sucking Jack,dont'cha think? Hell it wasn't your plan but it still felt good so why would you say no to this,huh?
[AZUL ASHENGROTTO] You were under his desk,sucking him while he reviewed some of his contracts to see who didn't pay in time.And he was getting really mad when Jade,Floyd or one of his clients came into his office,so you had to take him like a good slut!He needed this,and he deserved it!    -Oi Azuul!~Did you know,apparently little Shrimpy is going to take care of our dorm this week!    -Floyd,he is the Housewarden,of course he knows!    -May you two please go OUT?    -What,are you that occ- OOOH THERE SHE IIIS!~    -Well well,that's kind of rude to just keep her all to yourself Azul,since when is she under your desk?    -This morning!And my knees are starting to seriously hurt,this carpet is-UGH,Azul,don't force me to deep throat you! Oh poor him,all flurstered!~
[FLOYD AND JADE LEECH] Yes,they will fuck you at the same time.Whether it'll be one in your mouth and the other in you pussy or ass,or one in your ass and the other in your pussy,or even the two of them in the same hole!Do you know the song "Play with fire"?Well the line "my pleasure is their pain" is exactly what's your "relation"'s like(from Floyd and Jade's point of view of course-)!They love seeing you cry out in pleasure AND in pain!You're just so cute!And if you're up to it,then they'll fuck you in their eel forms!As long as there is food and it's warm then let's go!    -Come on Shrimpy,just a little more 'kay?    -Good girl,see?Doesn't it feel nice?Our dicks right where you wanted them~
[KALIM AL-ASIM] Oh Kalim's a bit naughty when it come to sex!He isn't used to these feelings but it feels fucking good and he craves more!And guess what,you've never thought that he would overstimulate you like that!He just want so much more than what he already have,what a greedy little prince!He want to let everyone know how good he is at making you feel good so go ahead and scream his name!Let the whole dorm know what he is doing to you!Of course,don't worry about it,he is always your lovely little ray of sunshine~    -Please Y/N scream louder,let them know how much you like this!Please,be a good girl and scream like a whore! Yes..Lovely,isn't he?He will do anything to make you cry out from pleasure,you can do that for him don't ya!
[JAMIL VIPER] Hear me out : MASTER KINK DEGRADATION KINK and,of course HATE SEX! You'll be his obeidient little whore for as long as he wants you too~Don't get me wrong,he likes you a lot!But he need to distress and,since he doesn't have to use Snake Whisper on you,he just use you more!You are the perfect little fuck toy,do you know that?Get on your knees and suck your master's cock,go on!    -That's it..Yes,this is perfect!Keep going and I'll promise you'll get your reward~ It's one of his favorite line when you suck him off!He just want to see someone beg him,he wanna see someone on their knees just for him!It make him feel so good,powerfull and important!And when it's you,it's waaayy more efficient!He could cum just by seeing you on your knees!You want his cock deep in you?Well then,get on all fours!He will fuck you reeaal good,and he may spank you a little!
[VIL SCHOENHEIT] Being this pretty can be reeaally stressfull!So,sometimes he needs to fuck your boobs.Yes,you 'heard' right!He want his cock between your pretty tits,and then,he want his cum on them!Slightly covering your chin and mouth as he keep sliding his cock between your boobs.And you don't have to do anything,just lay in his bed and be pretty for him,you can do that don't you?Of course,with Vil as your new client you HAVE to be perfect!    -Ah..Yes,just like that,wait sweetheart,don't move around so much!You don't want to be punished,do you? Do you?Hmmmm maybe!But be prepared for a lot of edging and spanking!He might even bring Rook or Epel!
[ROOK HUNT] He just want to hunt you,so be the little prey you already are and run!Run little rabbit,or the hunter will catch ya!    -Where are you little one?~ Maybe you are in one of our trees,or in my room?You wouldn't dare,would you?~ Buut he will never really touch you,he will maybe eat you out if you beg for it,but aside that he will not touch you.He will only watch you as you masturbate,slowly pumping his cock...    -Come come little one,keep touching this pretty clit of yours.Keep going,I wanna see you cum..I wonder,how long will you last if my cock was in your pretty little cunt?~
[EPEL FELMIER] You said ONCE that you thought he was pretty cute and OH BOY YOU GOT POUNDED!He pushed you on the ground,forcing you on all fours and he pulled down your underwears and forced his cock into your hole!And he started to pound into you,saying harsh and dirty things in your ears as you tried to stay still.He wasn't the best when it come to sex (he was a virgin) but he still knew how to make up for it!And,oh goodness he is so much better when he is himslef!    -Go on ya bitch,keep screaming I know you like it!Hah,not so cute now,am I? Wait,what did you said?Oh you don't like it when it's rough like that?!Pfft don't lie to him...    -Oh quite yer bitching!I feel your pussy clenching around my cock!Say,what other disgusting things do you like huh?Do you like being chocked,do you like being spanked or being spitted on?Hah by the way you're tightning around me,i bet you do! Oh how naughty of you!
[NEIGE LEBLANCHE] When he first heard of a girl in this school he was so..EXCITED TO MEET YOU LIKE,oh goodness you must've been a princess,right!?But when he first saw you,you were half naked for some guys of Diasomnia.They were four,trying to use you at the same time : one in your mouth,one in your pussy,one in your ass and the other was letting you jerk him off.Since you were crying (from overstimulation) and almost blacking out he though that they were rapping you,and so he came to the rescue!After helping you clean yourself off,you explained to him why you weren't really happy that he helped you.He was soo flustered and also a bit horny.I mean,the princess he just saved was actually a free use slut!?    -Here,let me show you my skills so you can truly understand why I am here. Even tho he wanted to say no,his body said otherwise..So he let you do it,he let you climb onto his lap and let you fuck him silly.And that's how the little Neige lost his virginity!Now,he desperatly wants to go with Che'nya when he visit you at NRC!
[IDIA SHROUD] He is waaay too shy to TALK to you so don'- expect him to ask you for a blowjob..HIDE UNDER HIS DESK,HIS ROOM IS WAY TOO DARK SO HE WON'T SEE YOU! As he was playing video game with some of his online friends,Ortho being away playing with Kalim and the magic carpet,you licked his crotch making him yelp like an anime girl!He looked at you and,not wanting to lost his fight,tried to ignore you (spoiler alert : he couldn't,he was way too weak for that)    -Yo bro,everything's fine?Did you lost your connexion?    -N-no,it's nothing just,em..M-my cat,yeah..He jumped and- mph!..He's forcing me to pet him..!    -Oh,never knew you had a pet!I love cats,he must be sooo cute! From where you were ,you could hear him trying to explain himself to his teammates,he was a stuttering and blushing mess (well,more than he already is I mean..)    -Yeah,my kitten's actually pretty cute but,o-oh goodness,it sometimes seems like he want my death or s-something..
[MALLEUS DRACONIA] Let me get this straigh : THIS MAN HAS TWO DICKS!He's huge and he has two,can you believe it!?It would never fit,right?!It did.Just so we're clear,it was too much since the begining.    -Oh dear..I didn't know human's could be so tight..! For you sex-sion he decided to give you a pet name!It was his way of making you feel a bit more comfortable.He knows it hurt(by the look on your face) and he knows his reputation might not be the best..But he still likes you,so he do this,not just for his pleasure,but for yours too!When you say stop,he stop.It's that simple.He will try everything you want him to do : praise,bondage,degradation,edging,face-fuck,EVERYTHING!    -Go ahead,try sucking it,it's not like I would bite you for doing so. Sucking him off is..A challenge.Not just because you can't take half of his lenght without gagging,but because you have to make a choice : Being chocked by his second cock or being unabbled of breathing because of his other one!You're choice deary,go on don't be scared.He don't bite,unless you're into that.
[LILIA VANROUGE] He's a menace. Really,I hope you don't mind being overstimulated 'til you black out because that is what will happend,oh yeah,and he teases a lot!    -What's the matter,can't keep your eyes open for me?~ While he make you sit on his face,you have to look at him IN THE EYES!If you break the eye-contact you will get spank!That would hurt real bad,wouldn't it?This man isn't tall but his dick is freaking long dude!And he knows how to use it!Trust me,he is the best for making you cum fast and hard!    -Come on little girl,you can give me another one,yeah?After all,I didn't cum yet,so you can't go~ Oof overstimulation..If you didn't quite catch what it mean by now,then have sex with mister Vanrouge and you will totaly understand!When I said "he is a menace" it means that he totally can fuck you anywhere,anytime,without sharing you.The boys and teachers will have to watch without complaint or else they'll have problems (yup,even the teachers.He doesn't care!)
[SILVER] He just asked you one day to,if you catch him sleeping somewhere,just ride his cock until you're satisfied.Yup,he wants you to use him as a stress relief when he is asleep.That way,you can do wathever you want without having to concentrate yourself on anything but your body and the feeling of his cock deep in that sweet tight hole of yours~And if he wakes up?    -Oh,Silver!Didn't mean to wake you up..    -Don't worry,keep going.I won't last much longer anyway.. Not sure if he is talking about sleep or cum but do you really care?FUCK YOURSELF ON THAT SHAFT LADY!
[SEBEK ZIGVOLT] He didn't really want to fuck you at first but when he heard everyone,even the young master,telling how good you felt,how obeidient you were and how pretty and sexy you body looked,he decided to try you out.After all how can we say we don't like something if we've never tried it?And now he's addicted!    -The young master wasn't liying,you truly are the perfect cock,-sleeve!Come on now human,one more time!
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aaand this is what caused me to make teddy (+terry)!
this can be reposted so long as my credit isn't covered up; if you wanna link back to this post or ping me in a repost, please do!
this took me. a bit to make
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terrovaniadorm · 1 year
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With the approaching harvest season, it's Night Raven collage's turn to host the annual inter school Halloween party. How exciting!
Of course as representative of Night Raven collage, the responsibility of organizing the event was on Keres, aiding Samuel of Terrovania. They've helped with event organization before and they love the holiday so it was the perfect opportunity! This will be the best Halloween event NRC has hosted!
So! Interaction ask event for Halloween, i thought it'd be fun and obviously I'll doodle interactions sent but there are rules:
- Non-NRC ocs are of course accepted! It's an inter school event after all.
- Obviously send me their costume 🙏 or if you feel silly i can assign them a costume myself, go wild!
- 3 ocs at most please! I don't put a limit on how many asks but that might change if i get busy
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inmateofthemind · 5 months
For Cal, wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
Oh so much to talk about here
The long and short of it is that Cal has the deck stacked against him for much of his tween & teenage years. His already distant father ditches, his Ultimate Magic/Signature Spell emerges due to a fire that levels his family home, Cal's at-the-time undiagnosed Oppositional Defiance Disorder starts to really cause problems when he's halfway through middle school. That last one really comes into play during his freshman year at Corlux Key Seminary; he ends up having so many outbursts that he earns the derisive nickname 'Cal-amity' and nearly gets kicked out.
...so yeah; a lot of emotional/mental wounds going on there.
I'm not sure if it's necessarily the worst wound he ever experiences, but there's an incident during the 2nd Arcane Exchange (which he's only allowed to go on after painstakingly keeping himself in check for the school year up until that point) that does act as the 'straw that broke the camel's back' that very nearly sends him into Overblot but instead earns him an emergency psych evaluation. Thank you for that one, Jade & Azul
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And that's only the stuff that happens in the year after canon (Yu would be a sophomore). In adulthood, things...okay, 'settle down' isn't really the right word for it because Cal is better mentally but his living situation is kinda fucked, but there's at least some level of stability.
...and then they get really fucking complicated due to Cal finding himself having to reach out to the people that hurt him because something unjustly terrible is happening to the love interest of someone Cal considered one of his few friends before everything went up in flames. Things get weird and emotional from there.
Rest assured there's a light at the end of the tunnel for this kid, but holy hell is it a LONG tunnel to begin with
Taglist: @cyanide-latte, @ramshacklerumble @simons-twsted-children @tixdixl (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist :) )
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dgttwisted · 6 months
Writing prompt
Your Yuu is invited to the perfect meetings what are normal shenanigans you get up to?
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