#u ask z answers
drangercore · 2 years
Hii, I’m so impressed with your work! If I may ask, what advice would you give to someone who wants to learn how to bookbind but has NO idea where to start?
Thank you so much! Tbh I suck at giving advice, but here goes nothing:
As a hobby collector myself, I understand getting into a hobby/ craft especially without prior knowledge and experience can seem overwhelming, and so I think my only advice (if you could call it that lol) is to research and arm yourself with as much info as you can! The Internet is a vast space and you’re bound to find almost anything. My first instinct is to always go to YouTube (because I learn best by watching others do it), and I was not let down. I spent a lot of my time watching bitter melon bindery, then I discovered DAS bookbinding, which is a treasure trove!!
I also believe in the importance of learning the nitty-grittys and history of the craft I’m getting into. If you have a good foundation, you gain the confidence to branch out and attempt other skills and techniques.
Now, this is my nerdy, research-obsessed self talking 😂. Thankfully, there are very kind folks in the community who have made beginner guides that would save you a lot of time (and money), that I personally wish have known of sooner when I got started.
Oh, and don’t hesitate to ask! There’s no such thing as a stupid question and many of us are also still learning and growing, just as you are! I know most if not all of us are happy to help anyone out :)
With all that said, I’m gonna leave here resources that I have found incredibly helpful! Good luck on your bookbinding journey 🤍
@renegadepublishing ! They have a great community on discord where we chat all things fanbindibg! It’s got plenty of free guides and resources. Honestly a one-stop-shop.
@/hana_bob does quick comprehensive videos on tiktok on fanbinding.
(I also made my own guide based on info I found from research. If you’re from the Philippines, all the product links are PH based.)
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
hi i know i closed kofi requests but that doesn't mean i'm taking requests in the askbox loll!! just means i'm not taking requests
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vilevampire · 1 year
idk who those people are would u like to educate me...
GLADLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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just to preface this I'll explain what the fuck is going on in mairuma in general first just to provide context bc idk how much you've absorbed by osmosis (also I rmr I told u abt mairuma once on discord but . I don't rmr a single thing that was said in that convo, only that it happened)
buckle up bc this ended up getting pretty fucking long
"mairimashita! iruma-kun" is an ongoing manga and anime series that revolves around iruma, a human boy who got sold by his parents to a powerful demon and started living his life in the netherworld.
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this is he. baby boy. his new demon found family enrolls him in demon school, and so while hiding the fact that he is human, iruma starts attending babyls demon school. his new grandpa (who happens to be the chairman of said demon school) puts him in a class for problem children, saying "that way your classmates will catch more attention than you, and you won't be found out (as human)!!!!"
makes sense ? no, of course not, but this is a comedy-focused series, so that's just how it is
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iruma and his classmates. they're called the misfits class. I love all of them (except for … one …) dearly and could ramble abt each individual character for hours but for now I am only focusing on jazz and allocer. starting with jazzy my boy jazzy
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baby son boy he is just a little guy just a little man he's just a son. jazzy is a character who is seen as cool, clever, unapproachable and mature to most other characters but is actually a huge softie inside.
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he's also a kleptomaniac but he doesn't usually steal shit on purpose, it's just habit. if you ask me he's done nothing wrong in his life ever
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(irrelevant tangent: jazzy actually has a specific animal theme. can you guess which animal it is ??????? I'm just fucking with you it's impossible to guess, but he's supposed to be snake-themed. the only thing that even suggests that in his design is his forked tongue, but it's. not visible most of the time so it didn't even occur to me that he was supposed to be snake themed until. embarrassingly recently. anyway)
jazz has a terrible older brother (named rock. their names r jazz and rock. like the moosic) who steals from him and belittles him constantly, but he can't fight back because his family values skill above all else, so they consider it his own fault for being vulnerable to stealing. basically "git gud lol"
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because of this, jazz longs to be a better older brother than his own, despite not actually having any younger siblings. he becomes attached to cute, defenseless-looking things easily and is weak to people who look up to him and ask him for help. he likes beeing relied on and being there for others. he starts seeing most of his classmates as his younger siblings too
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basically he is just a little guy and bc so much abt jazzy reminds me of myself (including his black and red color scheme) I am incredibly attached to him and he's my #2 fave character in the whole series (the first one is … well, you can probably guess)
now about allocer … where do I begin. probably by saying we know little to nothing about him, and not because the author particularly intended him to be mysterious, but just because he doesn't get much attention in the series as a whole. despite being one of the main side characters, he gets sidelined incredibly often. he's forgettable, rarely relevant and overall one of the characters we have least information on
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look at him and his goofy lion face. there's no reason for him to be so ignored, it's furryphobia plain and simple.
(side note: over the course of the series his character design becomes increasingly yassified and he lets his hair grow + dyes it so don't mind that he looks slightly different in almost every picture he's in)
regardless I'll do my best to tell what we know FOR SURE 100% CANON CONFIRMED about him and then I'll dwelve into theories and hc territory (all supported by canon info, but still pretty speculatory bc of how little info we have on him in general…)
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first of all he is smart. second of all. he reads books. third of all. he scored #1 in all exams. fourth of all … he is smart. that's it. wish I was kidding, but that's what his character revolves around most of the time. he gets outshined by other characters all the fucking time and usually just shows up to spout a proverb or say something related to knowledge and wisdom.
aside from that, his characterization tends to be pretty inconsistent (because the author doesn't give a FUCK about him) but I'll report on his most consistent traits and ignore the . multiple . inconsistencies.
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allocer is a reserved character who doesn't talk much about himself (this is intentional at least to some extent, evidenced by the picture above). he seems to be kind of awkward, the way he phrases things tends to be unnatural, too. compare these phrases:
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(I'll get to what the fuck is going on in this scene in a second I just need to ramble about allocer first)
jazzy speaks in a much more natural, conversational way, saying "what are you saying…?", while allocer simply says "incomprehensible". when he's not speaking in proverbs and book quotes, he often drops weirdly-worded sentences like that.
there's a few different scenes that help us infer that he's not good at dealing with people and emotions. for example, his fanbook profile lists "women's feelings" as his weak subject. when he gets confessed to he also states it's "abstruse", aka confusing and hard to understand
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basically what I'm saying is that he's arospec and autistic-coded and nobody can change my fucking mind ok if anybody wants to argue w/ me on this I hope you've spent at least half the time I have studying every major scene allocer is in like I have. I have lost my entire fucking mind trying to infer ANYTHING conclusive about his characterization out of the NEAR NONEXISTENT CRUMBS canon has given us.
with that out of the way I can finally start talking about jazz and allocer's dynamic ^_^
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jazz and allocer first become close when they're assigned to train under the same mentor, general furfur — love this guy btw — before performing in the "harvest festival", a kind of practical exam every first year at babyls has to do.
yet, for some reason, instead of actually training the two, furfur takes them to a bar. jazz and allocer question this, but furfur shrugs it off saying that connecting with adults is part of their training.
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spoiler alert: furfur is a little shit and he brought jazz and allocer here to sell them into child labor to pay for his debts with the bar (remember the pictures from a while ago that I used to compare their speech patterns? that was them realizing they were being sold. lol)
and so the two of them r stuck in hell together for the next 3 weeks
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(side note #2: I love their matching outfits. they look so cute)
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in this hostile environment, a weird partnership forms between them. they learn more about each other. jazz tells allocer about his evil fucked up brother and how frustrated he is that he couldn't see through furfur's bullshit, to which allocer replies he is actually just as upset.
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allocer's face isn't very expressive and his voice is often monotone (again, autism…) so jazz is very surprised by this.
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the two of them start working towards a common goal: HUMILIATING FURFUR AND SEEING HIM CRY.
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anw long story short they come up with a plan using every dirty trick they learned from the adults at the bar, their plan doesn't fucking work, they get made fun of by furfur, and they're still stuck working for free. lol
but that's how their relationship forms. what I find so fascinating about them is that they have no reason to trust each other given the circumstances, but they still do. they form an unbreakable bond. they complement each other too, one being streets smart, while the other is books smart. the partners in crime ever.
also mairuma has these little after-credits side stories called sukimas and . I will let the video speak for itself bc watching this is what made me start shipping them in the first place. just watch
they have more interactions I could talk about in-depth, but their partnership during the harvest festival arc is the most major. still I'll briefly go over some other jazzllocer moments that make me insane
at some point during the harvest festival, jazz gets disqualified (long story). and though jazz and allocer were working together during it, they were never an official team, so allocer wasn't disqualified with him. still, near the end, allocer states that "there's no point in winning if it's not together (with jazz)" (thinking abt this makes me want to detonate myself like a bomb)
when they're second years, they're put in another exam and in this one each of the misfits is supposed to protect two first year students from the teachers hunting them. jazz's strategy? he entrusted his incredibly important protegees to allocer and confronted the teachers upfront as a diversion. in the end allocer couldn't protect his own first years, but he did protect jazzy's, which earned his buddy a rank up (once again I feel like exploding at this very moment)
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3. mairuma has fanbooks and that includes character profiles with some trivia on them, including a "people they are currently paying attention to" section. in jazz's profile, allocer is the first one listed there (meaning he's the one he's paying the most attention to), followed by general furfur and his brother. in allocer's profile, jazz is the first one listed, followed by furfur again and then a teacher he bonded with in a diff arc (if you can't read japanese you'll just have to believe me on this one)
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btw despite ALL OF THIS canon interaction, these two r a very rare rarepair. they don't have a romantic ao3 tag bc nobody has ever published a fic w/ this ship. the ONLY fic under their platonic tag isn't even about them, they're just side characters in it. every day this fact alone spirals me into further despair and insanity. I am so fucking unwell literally rotting I am deteriorating flesh and bones losing every ounce of my fucking mind I hope at least ONE person reads this deranged ass ramble and starts to at least consider this ship bc I can't take it anymore they ahve NOOOOO CONTENTTT AAAAOGIGGHHGGO SOMEBODY GET ME OUTTTTT G924488948 gets put down like a rabid animal
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gokubrain · 1 year
what’s your favorite dragon ball arc? i think mine’s the 23rd world martial arts tournament ☺️
are we talkin og db ? i have yet to finish that series 💔 which is a shame i know lol ill get to it someday soon ..
for the record my favorite Z arc is buu 💕
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3 and 27 <33
3: A song that reminds you of summertime
young blood - noah kahan
27: A song that breaks your heart
orange juice - noah kahan
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angelamoores · 6 months
Annie!! Hi!! You're the bestest and i love you. that's all. 💕💗💖💝💘💞 💕💗💖💝💘💞 💕💗💖💝💘💞 💕💗💖💝💘💞 💕💗💖💝💘💞 💕💗💖💝💘💞
hi I love u tooo!!!!! <333333
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cleaduvalls · 6 months
(hi, I’m too lazy to log into zackmartin jsjdjd but) April, blossom, flowers, holiday & thrill for the spring asks? 🌺🌸 (also you can just pick your faves if you don’t feel like answering them all 💕)
April - what’s your favorite time of the year?
spring!!!! not too hot, the cold doesnt feel as cold, the colors are so pretty, and it means winter is finally over
Blossom - what’s your favorite flower?
probably daisys!!!
Flowers - what’s the nicest thing someone has surprised you with?
my friends threw me a keroppi themed surprise party last year :D we watched the muppet movie n played jackbox
Holiday - favorite springtime holiday?
easter <3 specifically for the starburst jellybeans and again the colors
Thrill - what is one thing you’re looking forward to?
APARTMENT ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ me n my friend tj are moving into an apartment right next to campus next year,,,, im literally so excited dude u dont even know
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phosporo · 10 months
Happy belated birthday again for the second time 😭😭😭
noo, ur on time!! :D thank u z ;;u;; <3
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othercrossee · 1 year
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#z rambles#i just deleted two wall of texts talking shit about tmr course exam and the fuck ass teachwr#its so bleak 🥰#damned if u do damned if u dont type scenario eith this damn teacher its so crauzy#today was funny tho he was supervising todays exam and when he tried to make small talk everyone just stare at him#and no one said anything. WE DO NOT LIKE HIMMM#i mean why tf wouldnt we when he failed half the class during our midterm and gave all of us 60/100 for our oresentation#and one team even got 40#i still remwmbwr this cuz the audacity he has is insane#he explained to that team what to do and they did the way he wanted and changed a wording anf he said they got it all wrong#mind u? it didnt change the menaing at all like everything is all there and he undermined their effort entirely anf everyones ofc#another one is when he was like ouuu disappointed we failed our midterm and proceed to explain that we answer the question wrong#by focusing on the wrong thing. anf then he explained what to focus on in the wuestions and the part he wqnted was#not in the question. itw invisible. it is not there. he want us to answer shit that wasnt asked#great just. 10/10 all around this course#even worse if we fail this course? we csnt fucking gj to our next year cys its essential#babe how r we passing if he keeps failing us what🦧#its even crazier considering the midterm that half of us failed we answered exactly as he wanted when we were doing questions with our team#and EVEN CRAZIER me and my friend were checking our answers anr check in with someone who passed#and we wrote the same fucking reasoning and he decided ours wasnt good enough ☺#im tired man how tf can any damn score pull us this time when he faiked our midterm and our quiz and our project score is low as shit#its so fucking bleak#girl we dont even know what to review cuz he didnt say anything lmao#neat 🙏#rant#IM GOING TIRED ❗❗#not crazy cuz the wall of text swrves that purpose alrrady i need to sleep
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temiizpalace · 2 months
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SUMMARY: little things he does that remind you you’re going to marry him someday.
CHARACTERS: all dorms (-ortho)
GENRE: fluff
reader gender is not mentioned, reader is not mentioned to be yuu
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he makes sure you eat RIGHT. no more skipping meals throughout the day on his watch. every lunch he’ll make you a cute little bento box so you don’t have to wait in line. and when i say cute, i mean cute. it doesn’t matter what gender you are your rice balls will have cat ears. dinner? come over to his dorm and he’ll make something for you. don’t feel like it? he’s going to your place and cooking there. breakfast? he makes something quick yet delicious for you. he’s like your own private chef, and you can only imagine what it’d be like to see a ring on his finger someday.
trey, ruggie, azul, jamil, lilia (good luck), silver
CLEANING YOUR ROOM (and everything else)
it doesn’t matter if your room is messy, tidy, or anything in between, every month he’ll make sure it is SPOTLESS. is there dust on your shelves? nuh uh. are there random stains on your floor that you thought were impossible to get out? he’s rushing to your rescue and somehow got the stain out. did you not want to go through your homework? everything is suddenly organized in its respective subject, going from A-Z. you’ve never seen your room so tidy before, it was like an epiphany. please just marry him on the spot, he’s begging.
riddle, deuce, jade, jamil, vil, sebek
without fail, you’ll find a cute little sticky-note on your almost all of your belongings. sure, it gets annoying once in awhile, but reading the sweet message on it changes your mind almost instantly. “you’re going to do great today! stay strong. :)” “don’t forget to drink water! love you 🫶” “can we go out soon? my treat. text me when u see this!” it’s almost frightening to see how much yellow papers you keep inside your desk every time you opening it, but can anyone really blame you? you’re going to keep these til the day you die, and that grand total might be at the very least over 100,000.
ace, deuce, cater, jack, floyd, kalim, epel, rook
expect to see a neatly wrapped gift on your doorstep almost every week. seriously. it’s like a delivery service except the company is literally your boyfriend. “dear, did you get me this?” you ask as you enter the room. he looks up from his phone as he looks at the expensive name brand sweatshirt in your hands. “yeah.” he answered so nonchalantly!! like sir!!! this sweater was 1000000 thaumarks!! what!! while you do appreciate the gesture, you feel bad he’s spending so much money on you. he doesn’t care though!! he’ll spoil you rotten til your very last breath.
leona, azul, floyd, kalim, vil, idia, malleus
depending on who this is, he may not be some gordon ramsay level chef, but he’s definitely more than happy to cut you a some apple slices while you study. sometimes he’ll come into your room with a backpack full of your favorite snacks just left at the side of your desk so you can reach down and grab the one you want to eat that day. sometimes all you need is an energy boost and he’s more than happy to make some coffee or tea for you if you’re busy. he’ll press a kiss or two on your forehead before placing the plate of beautifully cut fruit down and continuing on with his day and going back to his thoughts. now, what will the theme of your wedding be?
ace, deuce, trey, jade, jack, jamil, epel, malleus
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A/N: notice how jamil and deuce are in almost every category. (sorry this one was kinda rushed 😭😭)
date published: 7/30/24
© temiizpalace — do not copy, steal, or put my work into ai. thank you!
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kamipyre · 2 years
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@jeoseungsaja sent in:
Hyuk tries to be as quiet as possible whilst walking through the precinct, hiding something in what seems to be a black bag. Once he reaches Suki's desk, he unveils what's inside the bag: a box neatly wrapped with newspaper and a thin raspberry pink ribbon. He leaves it there and walks away, hoping Suki will find it once she returns. Inside the box, she'll find a new pair of pink Crocs. She likes those weird shoes, doesn't she? He had to do his own little research about them; struggling to find the right color and size (he still remembers when he awkwardly asked her about that) at some stores around Los Angeles (and add the fact that he's still learning his way around...well, Nakamura's worth it). There's also a handwritten note that says: These are to wear, not to eat. Happy Birthday, Nakamura. Thank you for being there for me. I guess, just for today that is your day, I can say that we do make a good team. Keep being you and continue achieving your goals, despite what anybody says. And if someone is against you, let me know, I'm just one call away. Lee Hyuk.
(here's one from the grumps WEHDIWEHDIH) || the paper machine’s birthday!! ( ft. unprompted. )
She isn’t looking forward to this time of year.
But then again, when has she ever? But at least during those other times, at least there were people to distract herself, even if it was momentarily…
Unfortunately that will not be the case this year though, not when almost all of them have flown the nest, whether that’s for better or for worse, she will not be debating at this time. Perhaps she could have reached out to Prosecutor Edgeworth, but he’s out of the country right now and Suki is definitely not lonely enough to call a man at least six hours ahead of her time zone. No way. That and one never knows who is listening in.
So when she finds a wrapped box on her desk, even if the ribbon is PINK ( because everyone in the LAPD knows that Nakamura likes pink, from the way she dresses to the way she’ll write in pink ink if given the opportunity ), her stomach drops. This isn’t some kind of prank, is it? Well, that might be one of the kinder options. It could be worse- what if someone was trying to get to her- there have been plenty of cases where people send e*xpl*osives through the mail system and-
She picks up the note by the box. It’s from DETECTIVE LEE- oh. That’s how it got in here without the receptionist’s knowledge!
She frowns- not for eating? Hang on, why is Detective Lee holding that over her head? That happened one time ( and she is still working up to her next attempt ), but she supposes if she sanitizes her other pair of crocs ( a different shade of pink too, but one can never have too many pairs of crocs ), she could try to make something edible out of that one! Maybe she can get Lee to try it!
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After she gets him a pair, of course. Everyone knows that within the LAPD, crocs have always been in ( according to her; she will not be accepting any counterarguments )! Setting the crocs down, she makes a to-do list:
Thank Lee.
Get Lee crocs for his birthday next month!
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muniimyg · 1 month
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ bbydaddy!jk (11) ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ *nsfw*
series m.list // taglist request closed
note: hi !! sorry for the mini wait ,, hope u guys enjoy …. i’d rlly appreciate ur thots for this series as i’m still contemplating on extending or ending it soon !! thank u 🫶🏻
🏷️ permanent taglist: @joonsjuice @pamzn @defzcl @maryy1300 @whoa-jo @taetaecatboy @jksusawife @un06 @firesighgirl @rrosiitas @butterymin @parkinglot-nights @musicjournalsjdb @kissyfacekoo @jkslvsnella @vampcharxter @bloopkook @somehowukook @bbystarcandykoo
as you turn your head, your eyes light up at the sight of zion. you watch your assistant push the big conference glass door open for him. he bolts through, smiling brightly. you get up from your chair and bend down, opening your arms for him to crash into. zion giggles, launching himself at you. you squeeze him tight before picking him up.
then, you see jungkook running in after him with flowers in his hands.
"zion, we have to wait for mommy's meeting to finish—oh.." jungkook looks at his son, defeated. then, he pouts at you. "hi. sorry. we planned on waiting in the lobby but your assistant recognized zion and brought us up."
you shrug, trying to regulate your heartbeat. jungkook looks good (as usual) but something about him and this gesture weakens your knees.
"no," you breathe. "don't apologize. this is sweet of you two. are those flowers for me, z?"
zion nods.
"f is flowers for mama!"
you shoot jungkook a glare. in response, he tightens his lips and puffs his cheeks. "seriously? we just talked about his alphabet—stop laughing!"
jungkook ignores you.
he moves past you and greets your colleagues. he recognizes some from past christmas parties and others from the stories you've shared. they make small talk as you sneak in kisses and cheek squishes on zion. when their conversation ends, they slip out of the conference room leaving you and your little family.
swiftly, jungkook moves closer and takes zion from your arms. he whispers in zion's ear and then motions at you. zion offers you the flowers.
happily, you accept the flowers and thank him. then, you purse your lips for a kiss. "wow! thank you, baby."
when zion pulls away from the kiss he declares; "you’re welcome mama. now dada turn!"
without a second thought, you take a shot at jungkook. "did you teach him that too?"
jungkook chuckles. "you wish."
"says who?"
he rolls his eyes at you playfully. "awh! come on. you're just annoyed cos you know he thought of it himself."
"he's mischievous," you agree. "only means he's truly your son—"
"yeah, yeah," jungkook leans forward and gently kisses your cheek. "whatever you say, mama."
you laugh into the crook of his neck. zion laughs along and you scrunch your nose at him.
"daddy's annoying, z."
zion nods in agreement.
offended, jungkook gasps and tickles zion.
"what are you teaching our son?" jungkook pouts.
before you can answer, your attention shifts to the door where three interns enter snickering.
"sorry to interrupt, ms. ___... but is this your son? he's so cute!" one of the three interns asks, entering the conference room. you nod as jungkook shows zion off.
"zion, say hi."
zion bows his head and introduces the family. "hi! this my dada, this my mama, this me!"
"hi zion!" another intern chimes. "did you know your mommy always shows us videos of you singing? can you sing for us?"
"yes!" zion cheers. "want to hear my abc's?"
you clear your throat, unsure of what he could possibly pull.
"zion baby, maybe let's not sing your abc's—"
"a is for back together—"
jungkook covers zion's mouth.
"h-hey, buddy... why don't you sing itsy bitsy spider instead? do the dance too." jungkook suggests, ensuring his tone of voice is positive enough to convenience his son.
zion gasps. "yes, dada! itsy bitsy spider dance! cos i'm spiderman?"
the three interns awe.
they tell zion that he in fact is spiderman. jungkook puts him down, letting zion make waddle his way to them. the three interns bend down, all bonding and competing for zion's attention.
jungkook makes his way back to you. he wraps his arms around your waist and tilts his head at you.
"okay, fine.. i'll stop with the alphabet thing."
you huff. "good."
"you're not mad right?"
"about the alphabet thing? no, i'm not mad," you assure him. "why would i be mad?"
the word mad is a little strong. did it come off like that? maybe you should work on your facial expressions. having a resting bitch face comes with a lot of cons.
jungkook shakes his head, realizing you two were talking about two different things. "no. not that. not the alphabets... what i meant was; i didn't know if you wanted to see me here. disrupting your day or whatever.."
"oh that part? no. it's fine. i always wanna see you—y-you and zion, i mean.""
jungkook blinks at you.
"you and our son," you repeat. "especially our son."
jungkook smirks. "yeah?"
it's then that you realize how close he is to you. not so secretly, you take in his scent. he's freshly showered and his clothes smell like his favourite detergent (of course. he's pretty anal about laundry). it makes you laugh.
"what? why are you laughing?" he asks, smile disappearing.
snorting, you answer him. "nothing. you just... you love downy."
"so what?"
"it's just funny—hey!"
jungkook uses one hand to grab your ass. he grabs a handful. he loves your ass. only has (always will). you laugh, playfully shoving him away.
"yah! we're in public." you laugh.
jungkook squints at you. "should we go to your office then? zion has literally 3 babysitters right now."
he pokes your sides, shutting you up. "okay, but for real... aside from zion and i being obsessed with you; we're here to deliver some bad news."
you swallow, letting your mind run wild. what could be so bad that jungkook came over with zion to your work place? if it was a family emergency, he would've given it to you straight. yet, he seems to be calm about everything... surely, it can't be that horrible, right?
your eyebrows furrow together. "what's happened?"
"the unit above that was leaking? apparently, their floors flooded so now our unit's ceiling is leaking. they have to go in and figure out the pipe situation or whatever..." jungkook explains.
"what? holy shit. what do i do—"
"i went in to look for myself. it's not the end of the world but they definitely have to do some damage control. while i was there i just packed your clothes and zion's. grabbed your other stuff too but if i'm missing anything we can go back and—"
"what do you mean? like we can't go home tonight?"
jungkook shakes his head. "not for a good week or two."
"are you serious?" you panic, taking your phone out to check your emails and text messages.
... and there they are. 3 missed calls from your building manager, a lengthy message, and an email detailing everything.
"fuck," you hiss. "so.. what am i supposed to do?"
jungkook sighs, rubbing your back. "relax, okay? the furniture is fine. i moved things around and they said they would check in to make sure nothing in our unit gets ruined... but in the meantime... do you want to stay with your parents or—"
a beat
"if that's okay?"
jungkook nods, holding himself back. the truth is, it was more than okay. it was perfect actually. he's never been so thankful for a bad thing to happen... but goddamn was he over the moon for this. to be able to sleep in the same bed as you and his son for the next week or so? holy shit.
duh, it's okay.
you take a deep breath and shut your eyes. you try to process your feelings... the entire situation isn't that awful, it's just inconvenient and you didn't expect it to happen. you hate surprises like these. jungkook knows that better than anyone else therefore he thought it be best that he plays damage control for you. grabbing your belongings, picking zion up from daycare today, and delivering you the news personally... it made sense to. also, he didn't want you to stress and struggle without him by your side. of course, he has to be here for you. why would he want you to feel alone in this?
when you open your eyes, you realize jungkook pulled you in for a hug. as you lift your arms to wrap around him, you suddenly pull away when nam joon awkwardly enters the conference room.
"hey joo—nam joon," you greet him. your eyes shift to jungkook. jungkook gives you a look and your tummy feels a little weird. his gaze is stern and his jaw is slightly clenched. you know he caught your slip but you also know he's probably pleased with the way you corrected yourself.
"is that zion? wow, he's grown so much. looks like he's stealing the intern's hearts right now." nam joon asks, admiring your son.
in attempt to lighten the mood, you hit jungkook's chest. "seriously, what are you teaching our son?"
luckily, jungkook chuckles.
nam joon smiles politely. then, he extends his hand. "jungkook, nice to see you again."
jungkook shakes his hand, gripping it tightly. nam joon's eyes drop to the handshake.
... is all jungkook says in response to nam joon.
an odd silence falls between you three. for a moment, you all stand there and watch zion. zion waves at you and jungkook and you two wave back. nam joon watches as jungkook naturally puts his arm around your waist and feels out of place.
nam joon clears his throat.
"oh, did you need something?" you ask, refocusing. "i thought you had to meet a client this afternoon?"
nam joon moves past jungkook, closer to you. he hands you a few papers. you take them and read your name. "your contract is revised. your vacation days are approved. just need you to sign these so i can get my secretary to process them."
your eyes light up. "oh my god! really?"
nam joon smiles. "really. also, i didn't mean to, but i overheard about your unit situation. if you need a play to stay or the day off today—"
jungkook mimics nam joon's throat-clearing noise. he tugs you close and looks directly at nam joon in the eyes. "actually, the day off today would be perfect."
without noticing (as you've been flipping through the papers), you look up at nam joon and give him a hopeful looks. "hey, i did just wrap up with a client... and it's friday..."
nam joon laughs at your cuteness. "go home, ___. enjoy your weekend. your vacation is next wednesday, right? take the extra monday and tuesday off... enjoy your vacation."
your eyes light up for the second time today. jungkook hates it. he hates it even more when you break away from him and give nam joon a half-assed side hug. nam joon catches jungkook's death glare and thinks wow, this guy is ridiculous.
when you pull away, you excuse yourself to sign the papers and quickly look through it. when you finish signing and reading through, you hand the paper back to nam joon and join zion.
jungkook and nam joon watch you hold zion and laugh with the interns. it's an attractive sight, to say the least. you're so good at everything and you always make it look so easy. you're effortlessly funny and ambitious to the point there it's beyond attractive—it's compelling. then, there's the way you laugh. the way you throw your head back is so fucking graceful that the two boys catch each other starstruck.
"i asked her out."
jungkook clenches his jaw. a part of him is in disbelief at how blunt nam joon is. like, who the fuck does he think he is to be saying stupid shit like this? god. the ego on this guy... whatever. jungkook bites nam joon's bait.
"how'd that go?"
"i think you know how it went." nam joon chuckles. it's like he admitted defeat. suddenly the tension is cut and there's space for honesty. hence, nam joon's cue to confess.
"i always thought she was pretty. when she started at the firm, i wanted to ask her out but quickly found out she was in a relationship with you... not only that, but i think i met her when zion was only 1. i moved on. it wasn't that serious and honestly, she was so happy with you... then, you two split or whatever... and it took me 3 months to ask her out. when she said yes, i couldn't believe it. so, of course, i had this whole date planned. i reserved a rooftop table for us. i had the chef make a new menu for us... then, she stood me up. she told me she wasn't ready and that sometimes, it feels like it's hard for her to catch her breath. like she needs air and she wasn't ready to move on because she hasn't exactly given up yet... and that's okay with me. it was never about me anyway... since the beginning, i just wanted to be there for her."
nam joon exchanges a look with jungkook.
jungkook's throat feels dry.
"it's you, isn't it? you're her air."
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zion falls asleep on the drive home.
when you arrive at jungkook's, you carry zion in while jungkook carries your bags. jungkook's place is tidy and you can tell he spent more effort into making it more aesthetically appealing for you. he took out scented candles and prepared towels and slippers for you by the bed. the studio looks more spacious in general.. you wonder what changed but you're also too exhausted to care.
"wanna do take out for dinner?"
"sure," you say as you place zion on the bed. "i'll probably wake him up in an hour. did you see how social he was with the interns? felt like he was about to run away and marry one of them."
jungkook snorts. "i'm guessing zion hasn't told you about his daycare girlfriend yet, huh?"
your eyes widen.
your heart drops.
"he has a what?"
jungkook bursts into laughter. "oh my god! ___, y-your face! god, you're such a mom now. this is so crazy..."
you attack jungkook. hitting his chest and tickling his underarms. "are you kidding me? don't joke about him it like that! my heart literally—"
"you honestly think i would let my son have a girlfriend before i get mine back?"
you pause.
"you're annoying."
jungkook laughs even harder. "i know! too bad you had a baby with me."
you roll your eyes at him. then, he tugs you close and sways you back and forth. "don't be mad. you're just hungry. grab my phone and order dinner."
pushing him away, you head over to the kitchen island where he left his phone. taking it, you stare at the lock screen. it's a picture of you and zion.
"what's your password?"
"hasn't changed."
you feel your heart race as you type in your birthdate.
jungkook watches and as you scroll through his phone. as you choose a restaurant, countless notifications begin to ring in from his groupchat with his friends.
"jungkook, your friends are texting—"
"ignore it. i already told them i'm not coming," he says, as he ties his already neat living room. "you're ordering us korean food, right? can you get me some—"
"it's yoongi's goodbye party... isn't that important?"
jungkook whines. "he'll be back! i don't get why he has to have a party."
"he's leaving for 1 year? dude, this is important!" you urge him, walking over and passing him his phone. "you're going! it's just one night. zion and i are fine here."
"... i don't want to go. i want to be home with you."
"i'll be here when you get back," you laugh. "and is this about yoongi's girlfriend? damn, he really said fuck long distance."
jungkook sighs. "at least him and his girl are together. feels like we're ldr—"
"not everything is about you, jungkook." you tease. "come on! go be a guy and have fun with your friends. tell yoongi i'm happy for him."
truth be told, you've always liked jungkook's friends. they were always so kind and soft-spoken. the chaotic ones like jimin and taehyung are single handedly zion's favourites. yours are the hyungs... yoongi especially.
"what?" jungkook scoffs. "jealous? your precious yoongi is in love with someone else."
"yes," you play along. "completely heartbroken, actually. wanna be my rebound?"
jungkook's gaze lowers.
"i hate that. don't say shit like that again."
you laugh hard, trying to lighten the mood. you make crying faces at jungkook and tease him. he ignores you, heading to the bathroom to get ready. you annoy him as he begins to get ready. he stays silent, letting you act cute. at one point, you sit on the sink and block him for seeing his reflection in the mirror. you fix his hair and pinch his cheeks. then, you kiss him and smile against his lips when he kisses you back.
when he gets carried away with the kiss, you jump off the sink and practically push him out the door. he asks for one kiss goodbye and you give in. jungkook promises to be home soon and tells you that tomorrow you guys should go to the aquarium or something. you agree and continue to push him out the door.
he stalls.
you laugh and get annoyed.
he kisses you one more time before really, truly, and finally going.
jungkook's mission is to show up, drink whatever shots they give him, and hurry home to you. he'll take the hits and swallow every raging question they have about your weird on-and-off-again relationship. he'll take the commentary and he'll soak in the empathy his friends water him in. he'll get irritated when they question why you're taking so long to get back together with him and he'll probably cry on the way home... doesn't matter though because this time, he'll come home to you.
jungkook wouldn't have it any other way.
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1am is when jungkook comes home.
you wake up to him unlocking the door and stumbling to the bathroom. he manages to shower and you giggle at the moments he bangs into things and the whines follow. shortly, he makes his way to the kitchen and pours himself a glass of water.
sneaking out of bed, you open his nearby closet and grab a shirt for him.
that's right.
he's tipsy, freshly showered, and shirtless.
the dream, right?
"jungkook, here—"
"oh my god."
sleepily, you squint at him. "what?"
"you're so pretty."
sighing, you shove his shirt to his chest. he giggles, taking the shirt and thanking you. he puts it on and continues to drink more water. you look around his counters and spot his medicine tray. walking over, you search and find medicine to help with the obvious hangover to come. handing it to him, he smiles at you sleepily and takes it.
as he swallows the medicine, you rub your eyes and wake up a bit more.
"your mom came by."
jungkook groans. "and what? did she nag you to tell me to eat my meals?"
you snort, hitting his shoulder. "she told me to hurry up and marry you."
jungkook chuckles.
"for once, i agree with my mom."
jungkook moves closer to you and stretches his neck. he looks for zion and furrows his eyebrows in confusion when he realizes zion is no where to be found.
"hey ___... where's our son?"
"your mom took him after dinner. he's sleeping over. said to pick him up whenever," you explain. "she said to rest and get married or something.”
"oh," jungkook yawns. "is that it? are we getting married tomorrow?"
you can't help but play along. smirking, you tell him; "you'd like that a lot, wouldn't you?"
jungkook chuckles. "i'd like you to quit your job more actually."
"wow! are you this drunk?" you giggle. "mad brave for saying that."
he glares at you. "i make enough to support all of us. you're unhappy with the firm? quit and take your time looking for a new one. quit being a lawyer for all i care. start your own firm and use my card to pay for it. i don't care."
gasping, your cheeks flush red. "you're so fucking drunk."
"i'm not drunk."
"right," you yield. "if you were drunk, you'd be trying to have sex with me right now."
he squints at you. "drunk sex isn't my favourite."
slightly offended and surprised, you ask, "really? what's your favourite then?"
without hestiation, jungkook answers you.
"morning sex."
"i love waking up next to you. i love how easy it is... don't get me wrong, the freaky shit we do is great! i just think the laziness and warmth of morning sex between us is like.. 100 times more intimate and i miss that, you know? i miss being close to you."
jungkook's confession moves you in a way that you've never expected his words to. sure, he says things that throw you off... but you've never known about this. no wonder he was always so adamant on morning sex all these years. honestly, he probably impregnated you with zion during one of those morning sex sessions. it slipped your mind though... and maybe that's exactly it. he's right. morning sex has always been effortless and natural between you two. it's always been easy and so fucking good.
you miss it too.
then, jungkook say another thing.
“i also miss coffee in the morning with you.”
“where did that come from?”
“i bought a nespresso.”
huffing, you make a confession. “ohh.. i don’t drink much coffee these days. don’t know if i even like it anymore.”
“i know,” he tells you, eyes glossy. “when did you stop?”
for some reason, you have a gut feeling he isn’t talking about coffee anymore… and it stings. you aren’t too sure of what to say or do… so you make the most of it and you redirect the conversation.
“did something change in here, by the way?” you ask, looking around. “it feels different.”
jungkook thinks for a moment.
“i got rid of a drawer… emptied it cos the clothes inside went to your place.”
“ohh…” you snicker. “that’s… yeah—“
out of nowhere, jungkook blurts; “i love you a lot.”
you nod. “i love you a lot too.”
“___, i hate being broken up with you,” he laughs. “it’s the worst. like, it’s not even that it’s exhausting… it’s that… it’s so sad. i just.. i don’t get it, you know? loving you is the easiest thing but to understand this fucking mess? i don’t… i don’t get it. i’m afraid i never will. ___, what am i supposed to do?”
“i don’t know either,” you choke out. “i’m sorry.”
defeated, he sighs.
“i know. it’s okay… i don’t blame you. plus, i’ve been doing pretty good with the whole winning you back thing, right?”
you laugh.
he does too.
then, a silence falls upon you two. it’s nothing intense or tense for that matter… just a little comforting. to simply soak in each others presence is another blessing jungkook is thankful for.
"can i ask you something else?" jungkook inches closer to you. you let him. soon, his hands are on top of yours and he's standing right in front of you.
looking up at him, you tilt your head and offer a soft smile.
"are we over?" he asks, voice shaking. "are we really over? cos it doesn't feel like it."
"what does over mean?" you ask in return.
he shakes his head at you. "what’s up with lawyers and avoiding questions? fuck, ___… don't change the subject."
"i'm not changing the subject," you defend yourself. "i'm asking you... what does over mean to you?"
jungkook doesn't have an answer.
tongue-tied, the best he can do is say; "whatever over means... it's not this. it's not us... and honestly? if you don't know what it means... then it's not over. we're not really over. yay."
"shut up." he hisses. "i'm tired. i love you. i'm sad my mom took zion. i wanted us to wake up as a family."
you pout, instantly feeling like a horrible person for giving zion away so easily to his grandma. "awh, poor daddy."
jungkook rubs his eyes, pretending to cry. you laugh, shoving him playfully. he joins your laughter before sighing deeply.
"the guys miss you."
for some reason, these 4 words make your heart ache.
"i miss them too."
"miss them enough to get back together with me?" jungkook attempts, wiggling his eyebrows. "yoongi says if his girlfriend dumps him and you never get back together with me... he'll come in and steal you from me. he said he can't wait to be zion's step-dad."
you laugh for the nth time.
"it's not funny," jungkook cries. "i almost punched my best friend cos i was so pissed."
you aren't worried in the slightest. jungkook's friends have always been good at handling him and because they're good at handling him.. they know exactly how much to push and pull before he acts a certain way.
"you're a good dad," you admit to him. taking his hand, you rub your thumbs against his skin. he looks at you lovingly, more than ready to believe whatever you have to say to him.
"you're always the first to zion's events and always know how to put him to sleep. he asks for you more than you know. i never thought that the whole 'my dad is my hero' thing was real until you two bonded. he copies everything you do and everything you are. he's kind and thoughtful. he's funny in ways that take away my exhaustion. jungkook, you are the best dad there is. i don't say thank you enough for doing everything you do for zion. i appreciate you, truly. you're the best thing to have ever happened in my life. truth is, i don't think i could have anyone else's babies. you're it."
right then and there, jungkook feels a weight being lifted off his shoulders. he isn't sure if he has completely sobered up or if it's because of everything you just said.
he then dips his head low and you tiptoe to kiss him.
against your lips, he smiles and murmurs;
"we're so not over."
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when jungkook wakes up, you're naked.
you climb onto him, laughing as he rubs his eyes dramatically to make sure this isn't a dream. as you throw your head back, he places his hands around your back and pushes your body close. he kisses your breasts to up your neck. then finally, your lips.
it's slow and so fucking french.
bonjour, mon amour.
it doesn't take long for jungkook to take his shirt off and slide out of his shorts and underwear. without warning, you slip his dick inside of you. it's easy. his morning wood has not and did not disappoint.
inside you, he moans at the feeling.
so soft.
so tight.
so fucking good.
you place your hands on top of his lower abdomen to stabilize the way you grind on him. as his dick is inside of you, you feel it twitch and harden with each second you grind yourself on him. harder and harder, jungkook grunts at the sight of your pretty folds just smashing and leaking all over him.
as you lose your breath, you bring your hands back. placing them on his upper thighs, you take this opportunity to ride him sensually. moving your hips back and forth (and a little up and down), jungkook watches as his entire cock is being eaten up by you. god, he loves the view. he places his hands on your waist, helping and guiding the way you move.
you moan.
"f-fuck... feels so good, jungkook. you're so big. so fucking b-big—a-ahh! ah, ah, ahhh.. f-fuck!"
jungkook rubs your clit.
his eyebrows furrowed, eyes on you, and his mouth is slightly agape. he's so into it. he loves the way you're reacting to his touch and he loves the way your pussy clenches to his cock.
“prettiest cunt,” he pants. “h-holy shit. so fucking swollen. look at that! a-arghhh.. my pretty woman, ohhh! f-fuck, i love you.”
“i l-love you too, honey.”
jungkook loves the way you say it. it makes him feel some type of way.. his stomach twists and turns. he feels like his dick is about to explode.
after a few moments, you feel yourself approaching your climax. fuck, he was right... morning sex was easy. at this pace, he could easily drag this... or he could let you cum and do it over and over again.
just when you're about to tell him you're close, he takes a hold of you and switches. jungkook rolls you to your back and keeps himself inside you while doing so. towering over you, you giggle at the position change.
"what? a naked woman on top of you wasn't enough?"
he rolls his eyes.
"morning sex is my favourite," jungkook grunts. "let me have this."
you smile at him. "whatever... i was close, just so you know. now you have to start over. i feel like i lost the high."
jungkook laughs before leaning in and kissing you. he kisses you so fucking good you squeeze his ass. in response, he rolls his hips, digging himself deeper in you. you moan and he takes the opportunity to kiss your neck. bringing his kisses to the back of your ear, he hums; "that's okay, honey. i can show you what devotion is."
jungkook is no liar.
he does exactly as he says.
he fucks you like he's missed you for years. he knows when to drag out the orgasm and when to give it to you. he fucks you with your legs over his shoulders. he fucks you doggy style, hitting inside you so deep... he lets you ride him again and this time, he goes crazy with groping your breasts and playing with your nipples.
morning sex with jungkook is everything you remembered and more. it was warm and easy. it was cozy, sloppy, and messy at the same time... but it felt good. to wake up beside him and have him right away... yeah. it felt good.
to be able to laugh and kiss beneath the sheets. to be tangled with one another and greeted by the gentle sunlight. to be together and to feel the love between you two… well, it feels like home.
jungkook cums a whopping 3 times and prioritizes your 5 leg-shaking orgasms.
when you tell him you want to suck his dick to even the score, he jokes and tells you that he has jerked off to your selfies almost every day for the past week. you tell him he’s gross and if that was the case; it would've been better to film a sex tape or something.
jungkook laughs and reminds you that he has the baby monitor on. he'll just watch the playback when he misses you.
disgusted (and a little wet), you then take his phone from the nightstand and give it to him. you lay underneath him, gesturing him to go on top on you. there, he places his dick on your lips. you kiss it, holding the length with your small hands. jungkook cums almost 3 minutes into the hand/blow job (loser alert). quickly, he takes a picture of his cum over your face.
"there," you say, licking the cum off. "you have the baby monitor sex tape and that picture. jerk off all you want... we're even now."
"no need," jungkook laughs. "you're here for a week or so, honey."
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the day passes by with a quick shower (together) and brunch. he cooks his heart-shaped pancakes and you cut up fruit. you two sit and watch the accidental sex tape you two made through the baby monitor and laugh at how stupid you two look.
when you two finish, you clean up and get ready to pick up zion together. with plans to cafe hop, jungkook opts to drive and take his car. you agree and follow through.
as he starts the engine and gets to driving, the sun shines at his face. he squints.
"can you get my sunglasses, please? they're in there," jungkook points at the glove compartment. you nod and open it. easily, you find jungkook's sunglasses and hand it to him.
as he puts it on and as you're about to shut the glove compartment, you see it.
tiffany & co
jungkook does a double take. then, he decides... fuck it.
"do you want to see it?" he asks, trying to decipher if you were about to freak out or not.
instead, you purse your lips and take a deep breath through your nose in.
"it's yours," jungkook adds. "do you want to put it on? for fun or whatever?"
"maybe not today," you tell him with a gentle tone. though, truth be told, you were curious... but you didn't want to feed in and wear the ring unless you were ready to actually marry him. plus, where's the magic if you look at the ring right now?
he'll take that.
jungkook reaches for your hand and you give it to him. he kisses it before placing his hand on your thigh. you feel so high school but it's also such a relief.
he continues to drive and you think about it.
you think about everything... how he has and will be the only man you've ever love(d). how you can't see anyone else being the father of your child(ren). how when you think of home, you only see him. how complicated you've been and how patient he's been... and it's then, at exactly 8 months, 3 weeks, and 6 days when the feeling sinks in.
then, you think about it some more.
you really think about it..
by the end of the car ride, you know.
you know.
644 notes · View notes
just-a-ghost00 · 3 months
Your next significant relationship - Who? When? Where?
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Group 1 - Controler
Letters : N U Z E D M L K I O S Significant words/names/signs : SKZ, nudes, suki, soul, miso, sun, zen, Leo, kids, Nike, Mike, lion, Leon, noise, sound, Link, links, Dion, Zeus, Odin, Oden, onze (french for 11), douze (french for 12), uno, dos/due, dom, Muse, likes, silk, sold, DMs, solid, kudos, doki, slime, smile, Milo, miko
WHO ? - The Empress / STRENGTH / Herkimer diamond : power wash your energy This person is not what they seem. They may look harsh on the surface but deep down they are as fragile as Quartz. People may only judge them based on their looks and not who they are at there core. They are beautiful without a doubt. Extremely sensual and feminine. Their beauty feels ethereal. They are highly sensitive and spiritual. They could be a healer. The Herkimer diamond card mentions New York's Mohawk Valley where it can be found. So maybe this person is a New Yorker or they would like to travel to New York. With the strength card being related to fire, this person could have important fire placements in their chart (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries). They are powerful and determined. They know what they want and they won't back down no matter what you put them through. Though this person is affected by what people think of them, they would rather die than show it. They could have red hair. Their hair is rather long and straight. They like to wear bracelets. They are connected to the stars. They are grounded and protected by the universe. The Empress is also assiocated with Taurus. They present themselves as a woman. They feel close to their ancestors. It might be that there were warriors in their bloodline. Especially women. Their women ancestors were fierce in battle and they like to take after them and ask for their guidance. I'm feeling a strong connection to witches and shamans.
WHERE ? - 9 of swords / UNDERWORLD / Barite : get answers to your biggest questions. Places this person could be from or have been to at some point are : USA -> Nevada, Misouri, Georgia, Texas / China / India / Morocco / Mexico / Iran / Kazakhstan / Canada / Australia / Thailand / Nigeria / Peru / UK -> Scotland The 9 of swords card shows imagery of a woman lying down in the snow, with mountains in the background. So this person could live in a cold climate country/region. I'm thinking of the Alps, Himalaya, Caucasus, Alaska range. I'm thinking about Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Russia, Groenland, Iceland. Any city starting with a U or a B. Furthermore the character on the card has a dress with an important amount of stars on it, which reminded me of the European Union flag. In terms of the meeting, it could be through social media. The underworld card gives me a sense of mystery, of something being hidden. So it could be the dark web for some. Or on a website that keeps things hidden from people (i.e. content available only for subscribers or a private account). Also you could meet them in your dreams before you meet in 3D. Also, the underworld could be a metaphor for rave parties, clubs and so on. They could live or you could meet near an important building or monument.
WHEN ? - XXI The World / NATURE / Labradorite : protect your magic. The labradorite card mentions Aurora Borealis and the sign of Pisces. So Winter could be relevant, as well as the period from mid February to mid March. The number 21 could be relevent. So if we think in terms of dates it could be 02.21 or 03.21. The World speaks of cycles as well as the long term. So it could represent several years in terms of timing. When it comes to zodiac signs, The World is related to fixed signs. So Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius season could be relevant as well. Which means that you could meet them between mid April to mid May, mid July to mid August, mid October to mid November or mid January to mid February. The World could also represent a time of your life when you are traveling abroad. Again, the character depicted on the card has a lot of stars in their hair. So I'm thinking of the USA as well as the EU. As she is dressed in red, holds red roses and has horns on her head, I'm also being reminded of Spain. The nature card could talk about a time of your life when you are in the wild, connecting with nature, taking a break from the drama of big city life.
Group 2 - Phone
Letters : T E N N U L N O R I S Significant words/names/signs : tennis, Noris, Noe, Noel, runs, Euro, sun, tenor, soul, norns, nine, tunes, Sonne (Rammstein song), Uriel, notes, nuns, trio, route, routines, Riolu (pokémon name), Loire (region in France), Lorie, LOTR, rise, sonnet, soir (french word for evening), nuit (french for night), riots, Lise, lotus
WHO? - IV The Emporor / Sacred Sexuality / Sapphire : find your tranquil place. This person is very masculine and grounded. They could be a father and/or a leader, a mentor, an entrepreneur. The sign of Aries could be significant. They are incredibly determined and strong. Their sexual drive is high. They pay a lot of attention to their health and appearance. They have a lot of sex appeal. This person could be in the fashion industry or could even be that they get money from people watching their body (selling pictures of them, having access to private erotic content). They could have a bit of a bad temper. Piercings also seem significant. On the sacred sexuality card, there’s a full moon and roses. This tell me this person is a romantic and is more of a night owl. They have an important status. We’re talking about company owners, freelance artists, lawyers, head officers, doctors, headmasters of big schools, politicians and so on.
WHERE? - 6 of swords / MOVEMENT / Garnet : get into your depth. -> places they could be from or have gone to : Czekoslovakia, Kenya, Madagascar, India. The 6 of swords depicts a beautiful woman rowing a boat on a lake. Behind her is a white mountain. In her boat are two herons. So Africa seems significant, particularly Tanzania where Kilimandjaro can be found. I’m also thinking of the Mt Fuji in Japan, in Yamanashi. This person lives near an important body of water. Or you might meet them there. Another thing that is significant is movement. So you could meet them where you’re going on a trip, as you travel or relocate. You could meet them on a boat. Anyplace you want to create something (art, music, writing and so on). When looking at « get into your depth » this gives me the feeling you could meet this person in the 5D before meeting them in person, like through dreams or meditation.
WHEN? Queen of wands and VI The Lovers - DARE TO DREAM - Citrine : manifest your masterpiece. First of all I have to say, when I was shuffling the cards for the WHEN? the bells of the nearby Church started ringing. So this tells me when you're going to Church either for communion or for a wedding. Summer is significant, especially from mid June to mid July. I would even say the month of June is the most significant of the two. When you go after your dreams, you will meet this person. On the DARE TO DREAM card, you can see a diamond trapped in an eagle's claw. For some reasons it reminded me of metal and rock bands, of concerts and big events like the Superbowl. So maybe one of your dreams is to go watch your favorite band/artist live or to go to Hellfest or any big convention that is happening in Summer. If there are any French people here, I'm thinking of the Olympics happening this Summer in Paris. And also the Japan Expo convention. In terms of timing, I’d say in a few months.
Group 3 - Mirror
First of all I want to say my coffee spilled as I did your reading. So either you or this person is super clumsy and/or coffee is significant in your relationship. Letters : E L I C O O E U J I A Y
Words/names/signs : Jay, Jey, Joy, Jolie, Julia, Julie, Jule, July, Lucy, cool, jail, Luc, Loïc, Alice, ciel (French for Sky), clue, juice, école (French for school), eco , CEO, Lucie, Lucia, Cloe
WHO? - XVII The Star / Ancestors / Obsidian : protect your soul. Aquarius comes in strongly for this reading. This person is an introvert. They are often seen as a daydreamer, someone that doesn’t care about earthly life. They look like their head is in the stars. Which, in some way is true. This person connects strongly with the Ethers. Social media seems to be important. They could be an influencer or have a certain amount of followers that they help. Think of tarot readings, raising awareness about certain subjects (mental health, disabilities, menstrual cycle, sexuality and so on). This person could be famous in some type of way or they are going to be at some point in their life. Overall they have a good reputation among their peers. They are valued for their work ethic and their deep insights. They are divinely protected. Family business comes to mind. They care about family a lot, especially the deceased ones. This person would be the type to seek out advice from their ancestors or try to honor them as much as they can. Scorpio is also a sign that seems relevant. I don’t know why but I thought of a surgeon. So maybe they have undergone an important surgery. Or they are very sharp. Because I definitely don’t feel this person is a surgeon. Well it could be, but honestly I feel more the energy of influencers and public speakers, like ambassadors of NGOs and stuff like that. Soft and caring, they feel and look rather feminine. Giving more than receiving. They love animals. They draw a lot of attention just from their presence. I think their aura is pretty strong and vibrant. Connected to nature, especially trees and plants.
WHERE? - 7 of pentacles / movement / Herkimer diamond You could meet at work, as you’re changing jobs or they are. During a break at work while you’re printing/scanning papers. In sacred spaces. New York. Somewhere in a lot of greenery like a park or a farm. As for places they could come from or have been to, we have : Norway, Ukraine, Arizona, China, Afghanistan, Herkimer county. If not these places, there could be farms where this person lives. Also they live in a place where there is a lot of activity, especially work wise. So this makes me think of hot spots like La Défense in Paris where a lot of businesses and political administrations can be found. Other places like that would be : Midtown New York, La City London, Marunouchi Tokyo, The Loop Chicago, Bankenviertel Frankfurt, Zuidas Amsterdam, Gangnam Seoul and so on.
WHEN? - 4 of swords / Death / Aquamarine : Keep your cool. You could meet on the fourth of a month, in April. At a time when you’ve lost your voice or when you are going Hermit mode, when you are sick or when you are mourning a loss. During a period of depression. During Scorpio season. In several weeks. Also it could be when someone or something pushes your buttons but you can’t express your frustration somehow. That could be anything really. Like queueing for registration in a building and someone is trying to take your spot. Or shopping at the mall and a customer is being super rude but since there are children around you can’t fully tell this person what you think of their attitude. Stuff like that.
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secretjeon · 3 months
I THINK THIS IS HOW YOU SEND REQUEST IN BUT NE WAYS will you write for supe!reader x homelander where reader gets hurt?
pairing: homelander x reader
warnings: violence, little bit of angst, fluffy homelander, he's a bit ooc but what do you expect with fluff, not proofread!
word count: 836
summary: in which homelander gets angry after you get hurt during a mission, but makes it all better
a/n: tysm for requestingggg hope u like it <3 wasn't super sure what to include since the request was vague but i hope it meets ur standards!!
It was supposed to be a simple task.
A task that you had stubbornly said you could handle on your own. There had been a Z-lister supe gone rogue, killing any person that was in his line of sight, when you insisted to Homelander that you could stop him on your own. 
You were close to taking him down, the man groaning on the floor in pain after you had used your powers to slow him down. You should’ve known it was a stupid idea. Checking on a hurt citizen before the threat was completely cleared. But that didn’t stop you anyway, kneeling down next to the girl, a teenager, who was badly injured by the supe’s retractable claws. 
You were next to the girl for maybe five seconds, when you felt multiple blades pierce the right side of your lower back deeply, a gasp leaving your mouth before turning around and blasting the supe back with your powers. Before you could continue your attack on the villain, someone else flew in, getting in between the two of you. 
It was Homelander, who had a visible look of anger on his face. He looked at you with concern for a moment before turning towards the supe, yelling at him.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He snapped, the villain looking terrified at the angry Homelander in front of him. He didn’t give him any time to answer, immediately lasering him to death. When the man was for sure dead, he turned his attention back to you, who was now feeling the extent of your injuries a little more. 
“Hey, you alright? Do you think you can make it back to the tower?” He didn’t know why he was asking, based on the color leaving your skin rapidly and the way he could hear your heartbeat slowing down, he knew he’d have to carry you. 
“No, I can handle myself. I’m fine.” Homelander rolled his eyes at your words. Your regenerative abilities were the one thing you had as a weakness, your wounds never healed as fast as your fellow members. 
“Come on. I’m gonna take care of you.” And with that, the blonde superhero scooped you up in his arms, flying back quickly to the tower, until you got to his penthouse. The man gently laid you on his couch, peeling off your suit, allowing him to get a closer look at the large gashes that had yet to go away. 
You had no problem with him doing this, the two of you constantly sharing moments of vulnerability together in the comfort of your homes. He knew the lesions would heal on their own, by the time you woke up in the morning, it’d be like nothing happened, but he still wanted to clean you up. 
You watched with sleepy eyes as he opened a drawer, filled with supplies like alcohol and gauze just for times like this, for you. He walked back over with a handful of items, gently turning you around so he could see your back, pressing a washcloth with alcohol on it to the wounds. You let out a small hiss that anyone with normal hearing wouldn’t be able to hear, but he did. 
Slowly cleaning up blood that was still coming out, he planted a gentle kiss on your upper back, where your skin was still smooth and free from any injuries. Going back to the drawer, he went one slot lower to take out a baggy t-shirt and pair of shorts, having a supply of clothing just for you. 
He helped you into the clothes, laying you into bed before getting out of his own suit and slipping on a pair of boxers. “Thank you, John.” You mumbled, watching as he knelt down next to you.
“Think I gotta keep an eye on you, missy. This happens way too many times.” He acts like he’s annoyed but he likes it, the thought of you being dependent on him, only him. Not Queen Maeve, not Black Noir, not The Deep, but him. John also liked when you cared for him, when he’d lay his head in your lap and you’d gently brush your fingers through his hair while you tended to whatever you were doing. 
It was a nice thing you had going, and neither of you would change it for anything. He got into bed with you while leaving space between your bodies so he wouldn’t accidentally touch where you were hurt. “Come closer.” You whispered to him.
You watched as he hesitated for a moment before adjusting himself so he was closer to you, plopping your head on his chest and his arm wrapping around you as a protective instinct. You immediately felt safer in his arms, falling asleep within minutes. John watched you as you slept, only thinking about one thing. He’d do anything to keep you safe and by his side, even if it meant killing everyone who was against it. He’d do anything for you. 
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awkwardarmadildo · 2 years
to add on to the humans are space orcs/earth is the universe's australia, sensing. my therapist has recently explained that its not normal the way i know who and where someone is by their footsteps. not just the sound, but the vibrations. if someone isnt purposely walking on light feet, i can tell who and where they are, even with headphones blaring. imagine a human on a ship and the awe-filled terror itd earn from their non-human crewmates.
edit: ive realized i wasnt clear enough in my intentions. im not saying "if you can tell peoples footsteps apart, youve been ✨️ T R A U M A T I Z E D ✨️ d-(^♡^)-b ". its about the inherent panic in Not hearing the steppies and therefore Not having the time to prepare yourself for whoever might be approaching and essentially being ambushed. also, being able to tell if someone is normalTM, happy, sad, et cetera. the combined terror of not being given time to make oneself "presentable" for whoevers coming, And Also whoever has just seemingly teleported is fucking pissed, which is never good. Anyways, enjoy!!! \(^o^)/
Gilith enters the library, searching for Human Raven. They seem to be found most often either here or in one of the many gardens on the ship. Human Alex said he'd likely find them here today.
Gilith pokes his head through the doorway, not seeing Human Raven, but before he can move on, a voice calls out from one of the high-backed chairs decorating the library.
"Hello Lithy, what do you need?"
Gilith sputters, "Wha- Human Raven, how did you know it was me?" Gilith makes his way over to the chair that held Human Raven in a twisted knot that, when Human Raven stood up, would surely leave a horrifying crunch Human Alex had likened to a human candy that exploded in one's mouth.
"You've got some loud stompers, Lithy."
"I do not know what that means, Human Raven."
Raven stands, causing Gilith to flinch at many snaps and crackles of their bones settling into place, and smiles up at his towering form.
"What did you need?"
Gilith notices more and more Human Raven's greetings. He thought maybe they could hear him coming, but they greeted him while wearing ear speakers, the volume so loud, Gilith could hear it from a few feet away.
Humans did not have psychic skills, and the only other human who seemed capable of a preemptive greeting was Human Alex. The two seemed to share all of their off-hours, so maybe that was where he could find his answers.
Gilith scoured the many gardens, stopping just outside of the doorway. He could hear Human Alex and Human Raven chattering to each other, but neither seemed to notice his presence.
In an attempt not to disturb them, he walked with what Human Bea had described as "tip-toes". A challenging feat, considering his round flat feet, but he managed.
Both Human Raven and Human Alex had their backs to him, so he coughed in the same way Human Bea often did to get everyone's attention.
The reaction he got was unexpected when both Human Raven and Human Alex flinched so hard their shoulders seemed to lock.
"My apologies! I didn't mean to startle you," he rushed over, but stopped short when they both flinched again. He recoiled his hand.
"It's ok, Lithy," Raven says, voice slightly choked. "Just give us a sec."
"Oh. Okay." Gilith turned his eyes down.
"What-" Alex started, his voice sounding as though it was rubbed raw. He cleared his throat and tried again. "What can we do for you, Gilith?"
"I did not have anything specific to talk to you about. I wanted to..." he trails off. "I wanted to inform you of the new plants we are picking up at the next trade planet."
Gilith feels his face twist with the lie, but now didn't seem like a good time to ask.
His desire to understand, however, doesn't fade after the incident. It only makes his hunger grow.
Instead of bothering Human Alex or Human Raven, Gilith decides to ask Human Bea, who does not sense him before he greets her.
"Hello, Human Bea."
"Yes, hello, Gilith. Is everything okay?"
"I have question."
Bea tilts her head. "Ask away."
"Are you- humans- able to detect someone before you see them?"
Bea's face softens into an aching sort of frown. "Not naturally."
"What do you mean?"
She takes a breath, seemingly preparing herself. "Well, most people are able to live in a relatively safe place. But some people aren't as lucky. Some people have to memorize the falls of others' feet. It's a learned survival tactic."
"I don't understand," Gilith says, his face wrinkling in confusion.
"Some people aren't safe, so for the ones who weren't born with the good luck of a safe home, they have to know who and where someone is. They have to know if they need to hide or prepare themself. They have to know if they're in danger or not."
Gilith feels his whole body go slack as a wave of sadness washes over him at the memory of Human Raven and Human Alex's reaction to his sudden appearance.
"I have loud stompers."
Bea's face scrunches up as though she's trying not to laugh. "You do. You have safe stompers, too."
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dark-night-hero · 1 year
i love the imagine u wrote where zhongli would give us up for the world 🥹🥹 and it got me thinking:
what if the reader gets incarnated to the current timeline we have and meets zhongli again? they don’t have the past memories but somehow zhongli feels familiar for them. Z thinks this era is the right time for him to take back the past and do things right so he spends time w them but he somehow finds out that reader has a lover (maybe another playable character). Z begins to asks questions abt their lover and idk how their convo would play out but I just imagine where reader gets a question where they answer with “i would give up the world for them (their lover)” and zhong is just hit with past memories and regrets wishing how he could have done things differently idk i j imagine it rly angsty 😭😭
Sorry to disturb but this has been on my mind i cant stop thinking abt it and i wanted to share 😭😭 Anyways, i look forward to more of ur works!! keep up the good work ur doing great 🥺🫶
: following zhongli (world > you)
Imagine how had Mor- Zhongli tried to get close to you, you who obviously was rather uncomfortable with his presence. And the only key to it was the traveller, the same old traveller that had help Liyue and Monstand and is now away on their venture in Inazuma. That being said, nowadays he had been keeping you company.
"You've been off since the departure of the Traveller." Zhongli spoke as he stand right beside you in the harbor.
"Really? I didn't notice." You have him a small smile.
"But I guess you're right, I've been missing the traveller so bad nowadays." You chuckle.
Imagine, at that very moment, Zhongli hoped he didn't not see you. Not when you're looking like that. Not when you're looking so soft, so lovely, obviously longing for someone, someone who definitely wasn't him.
Imagine the way his heart dropped to his stomach. The way his hand clenched around nothing before realising it. And after a few moments of silence.
"Do you.. Perhaps have feelings for the traveller?"
Imagine the way his voice shaken, obviously did go unnoticed by you. The way his amber iris were shaking, hoping and trying to deny reality as best as he can. He had hope for a chance. He knew this time, nothing can go wrong with the two of you. So he approached you, he tried to get close to you, he really did. But perhaps it was already too late, or was it? Did he even had a chance in this new persona he now possess?
"Honestly, I'm not sure myself." You chuckle.
"Or so I thought before the traveller left. Did you know? The traveller confessed to me, but Traveller also told me that they had so many things going on at the moment so.." As you look beyond the sea, you smile genuinely.
"I was wondering that in the world was the Traveller even thinking confessing and leaving me just like that, but now that I think about it. Its wasn't so bad."
Imagine the way you smile, the way your brush back your hair, trying to fix it upon the harsh breeze that have been messing with your hair earlier.
"If the world wants me dead, if the world see me as a threat, what would you do?"
"What was the question that suddenly came into mind as soon as te Traveller confessed."
"What was the Traveller reply?"
Imagine the way you laugh, the way you smile genuinely as you recall the answer of that silly, adventurous, kind Traveller reply.
Imagine the way Zhongli kept staring at you, you who looked all refesh and happy, bright as you were before. Oh how much it hurts him he was no longer the reason why.
"How about a new world?"
"I'll just have to take you to a new world. As you are already aware I wasn't from this world. All we have to do is to escape and find a new world where no one can take you away from me. Although my twin always somes first, I cannot afford to loose you, you know?"
"..." "(First name)? Are you o-?" "Pfff.."
"Did I say something funny?" "No.. hehe, I'm just.. I don't know." Was it relief that you felt?
Imagine the way you let out a sigh. Thinking about the Traveller only makes you miss them more. Perhaps you should have given the Traveller a reply back then but both of you agreed to put more thought into it and give them a reply upon coming back.
"Escape." It was just one word.
"I see." Zhongli replied, this time he looked away from you.
"If you don't mind me asking." "What is it?"
"If it's for the sake of the world, would you be willing to kill them?"
Imagine the way you once again let out a sigh, as you went quite only for a few moments, you face him and tug his sleeve.
"If that person meant the world for you, isn't that enough reason to be selfish?" You chuckle.
"Isn't a world without your beloved would only felt like a living hell?" You added as you never once look away from him.
"It goes on without saying that it's them over the world. That's how much they matter to me, that's how much I love them."
Imagine the way Zhongli chuckle and the way his lips form a bitter smile afterwards nevertheless, he agreed to you and eventually excuse himself. Leaving you all alone in the harbor, all waiting for the Traveller and not him. But it's alright, one way or another, he deserves this.
Imagine as Zhongli walks away from you, you stare at him and as you do so. He looks so lonely. But then you blink as a harsh breeze passes by, turning your look into the horizon, the sun was peacefully setting. How beautiful yet it left a bitter taste in your mouth in which you soon ignore.
"Escape huh."
Imagine, it's not like he did not think about it. But back then, the best choice was to kill you. But after hearing what you said, he starts to doubt if he did perhaps made a mistake, leaving regrets behind. After all, you were right. A world were he couldn't embrace you when you were right in front of him was like a living hell.
Imagine the way it was making him wonder if he was only a little bit selfish, if only he did not listen to the pleads of his people, his friends. If only he tried to find another way. If only he choses the other way. Would the two of you be happy and still together like you were back then?
He doesn't know, after all, those were the choices he didn't take. And this was the consequence he had to face.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2023°
: I think I strayed away from what was asked. Crap, did I do this right?
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