#u can see how messy i am with my sketches lol
kyo-hiki · 5 months
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some heisenbergs for ur soul
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onejellyfishplease · 10 months
I am all about constructive criticism. I mean, how am I supposed to get better at writing/drawing if people won't be honest with me and give me tips to get better. I personally think that people who can't take constructive criticism aren't very bright. How are they supposed to get better at things if they don't listen to others who are just trying to guide them?
Also, I would love some more tips on how to make the shell better. If you are willing, of course. :)
I am horrible at drawing. I usually have to trace things to get a decent drawing. (For instance, I traced like five different things to make Mikey a pony.)
I'm so much better at coloring than I am at drawing. My writing needs work, too, but I'm getting better.
First of all, can I just say that you shouldnt worry about tracing art to improve your own (as long as u aren't posting it as soley your own but thats a whole other rabbit hole) I did too! It helps build ground work for a good understanding of anatomy and poses.
However there are a few holes in tracing. Forst of all it is quite limiting in the outcome of your work, as your art is stuck static in one pose. this can alkost hinder your ability to see things in '3D' and visualise objects for multiple angles. it can also lead to 'skin wrapping' , which i think is the hole you fell into here (and also a term i just made up now)
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with the shell, you only coloured it within Mikey's trace lines - this caused the shell to loose a lot of its mass - making it look, quite frankly, not like a shell.
a way to improve on this is to look at more references of Mikey's shell in the show and its shape from different angles. this can help you get a good idea of how it should look, and it is a good idea to practice drawing it from these angles. this will improve your ability to think in a 3D space, (which is so darn hard, but seriously useful)
however, and you may have noticed this yourself, when you add new additions to the figure, the line art just doesnt line up! the line quality is different!
This is because the line you have done for the addition is Your Line. And we love your line.
so lets make the rest of the traced lineart fit into your style, instead of you fitting yours into theirs okay?
You may notice that when you trace art, the line work is just not the same, the lines are shakier than the original and it just doesn't look as good. this is not a reflection of your skill.
It is because, usually, (at least when I did it) you follow the original line so closely that it turns out shaky, probably taking your pen off the page a few times to take a break from the oen stroke. while the original artist did that line in one sweeping stroke.
a way to fix this, and make the line arr cleaner and more you, is to instead use the drawing as a very close reference. for example:
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instead of tracing the exact lines of the art, merely trace the general shapes of the art. not only then do you add your own flair and gesture to the drawing, you are then more free to add more shapes to this sketch.
You can still use the reference drawing as closly as you want, but try to focus less on getting the exact lines copied, and more on the general shape. you linework wont be perfect the first time, it might be really messy compared to your usual tracing, and thats fine! you should see some of my sketches before i refine them!
But these will be your lines, theyll be smoother and more gestural, and overtime you will get better control over your penstrokes doing this.
Okay I cant really think of anymore to add here, I hope this helps! i think this was just one big word vomit lol. Keep drawing!! cause no matter what you do, as long as you are actively drawing you are always improving! dont be afraid to push yourself out of you comfort zone! who cares if it doesnt turn out the way you wanted it to? Its your art, You Created That with your Own Hands, and I think that is amazing.
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qwesty-030 · 1 year
okay time to introduce my Brinker Hadley design now 😃
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I drew this probably 6 months ago if I remember correctly. The sketches are messy and the picture quality is so bad but yk if it gets the idea then it’s good enough lol
read more below to see my thought process >:)
My thought process :p
Before i design characters, I like to write down whatever features they have. And i also like to consider how his personality traits and other activities affect the way he dresses which im sure everyone does when they design a character lol.
The main points i wanted to get a across is that he tries to act very mature and has a professional manner. He’s charismatic, very upfront, and he always got a plan.
He’s well dressed, a leader, very buisness or man type vibes, probably looks up to notable politicians, very involved in school, could honestly be in student council. And he’s the embodiment of law and order 🗣️🗣️
he could honestly be the embodiment of winter, cold and invasive.
compared to Gene and Finny, Brinker is a lot more well dressed.
He makes sure not a single dust is on his suit. (he probably has a dust roller somewhere). Everything is always in place and organized
I made his hair very slicked back cuz he wanna looks professional. And like Gene and Finny, his hair is inspired by actual hairstyles from the 1940s :)
And ofc I also gave him Devon’s signature uniform.
to line up with Gene’s description, i made his eyes brows like straight lines. and also THICK
very pointy nose cuz he’s so dang nosy 🙄
it’s not visible but I tried to give him a strong jawline and defined cheekbones. i guess just reiterate his masculine features
i do not have a full body drawn so u can’t see his dumpy 😔
also i noticed how bored Gene sounds whenever he describes others. Is not in the same admirable way where he describes her intricate detail of Finny’s physique. He describes Finny like “oh my gosh his body shines so spectacularly in the light that you can see the outline of every muscle and facial features smile. his short brown hair shines with gold and his eyes are burn like green fire.” and there’s Brinker and Gene is just like “his face consists of straight lines 😐”
Rough Drafts:
Below are a few rough drafts I made playing with different color schemes and all that.
I was gonna give him glasses but it just wasn’t working out so I ditched them completely
I was ALSO gonna give him jet black hair but no one really has natural jet black hair. it didn’t fit well with the navy blue Devon uniform 🤷‍♀️ so I ditched the black hair too
i tried my darnest to make sure he does not look like Gene or Finny. I lowkey suffer from same-face syndrome and yeah 💀 I am quite proud of my Brinker design B) and I should try drawing him more
Honestly I think I’ve only drew Brinker like 3 or 4 times and that’s about it 💀
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that’s all
have a nice day everyone
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eliyips · 10 months
Can i ask how u do lineart so well,, it looks so smooth,,
I've always been very big on keeping my lineart clean and smooth! :) I'm very inspired by comic and graphic novel illustration, so naturally, I try to take notes from that sort of aesthetic in a lot of my art.
The short answer is that I just have a lot of practice, and am very picky about how my lineart looks. So, I'll often spend a long time making sure it looks just how I'd like it, before moving on, even if the lines aren't necessarily going to be the focus of the final drawing.
The longer answer kinda depends on what lineart you're asking about! The style of my lineart tends to change to fit whatever mood I'm going for, so I have a lot of different line styles with varying levels of smooth-ness.
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On the super-smooth end of the spectrum, we have these bubbly, cartoony lines! These are a pain to draw, to be honest. But they really contribute to giving that cute look :) For these, I used the Clip Studio Paint G-Pen, with some minor adjustments to the settings, mainly so that there's not too much line width variation. The uniform, thick lines are important for this look! :) Drawing in this style really just a lot of trial and error. Usually when doing lineart, I'll erase away at lines to get them to the right thickness, or even just clean up a sketch and call that lineart, rather than doing lines on a new layer. But, that's a lot harder to do when the line thickness has to stay consistent. So, I end up just drawing the same line 7 times over, un-doing my work and re-doing it until i'm satisfied. Again, it's a pain! I used to draw like this a lot more frequently, but I stopped because I found that other approaches are often a lot more satisfying and rewarding. This is still great, for that cutesy look, though.
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Next, we have what I would affectionately call my ref sheet lines. As much as it's probably a bad idea, I have a habit of just kinda skipping the lining stage of art. I'll just take my sketch, and tidy it up until it's clean enough. But for a drawing where there's only going to be flat colors, that sort of roughness can look sloppy, In my opinion. So, particularly when doing ref sheets, or other art which I don't intend to render, I will actually go through the effort of fully sketching out my idea and lining on a separate layer. The result is a lot cleaner and more deliberate, and looks a lot nicer when colored! Especially if I take the time to color the lineart :) I also really like doing small details with thin lines, particularly body/facial hair, elastic cuffs on clothing, and the seams of clothes, too. I like drawing those little details a lot, and I think they shine the most in my cleaner line style :D
For this, and for most of my lineart, I use these brushes which you can find on the Clip Studio Asset Store:
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I'll bounce back and fourth between these, and Kozmo's Scratchy Scribbler brush, which you can find on Ko-fi!
Additionally, I have a modified G-Pen with a pencil texture that I think I made myself? I don't remember making it, but I also don't know where it came from! So i guess I did, lol.
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A little more messy than my ref-sheet lines, we have the line style which you probably see most often on my page. As mentioned before, I usually kinda skip the sketch step for these? I don't encourage that, it's a bad habit of mine. But I make it work! I feel like the best way to explain my process with this is to just offer you a timelapse of my lineart process:
I just kinda... go. and it works out! most of the time. lots of cleanup and tweaking, and as you can see with Bdubs and Etho here, sometimes I do actually just. do a sketch and then line over it. So maybe I have no idea what my own process even is, LOL.
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Now, to completely abandon your original question here's how i don't do smooth lineart! :D In this style, for the most part, I ignore the cleanliness of my lines, only really erasing with the lasso fill tool, when lines get too cluttered to actually read. Usually I'll only go for this when I'm already planning on painting over the lines. Because sometimes an idea doesn't need or want clean lines, and sometimes I just want to paint some values or slap some colors together and call it a day. Love my clean lines, but scratchy, messy lines are fun too! :)
Not sure if any of this really explained how i do smooth lineart, but I sure did talk about lineart for a while. I hope you could find something interesting or insightful in here! :) thanks for the ask, and I hope you have a great day <3
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weebswrites · 4 years
How would the demon bros react to an artist MC who secretly sketches them and they find MC’s sketchbook~?
The Demon Bros: Finding MC’s Sketchbook
He goes to your room to check on you and sees your sketchbook lying open on your bed
He doesn’t want to invade your privacy, but he can’t help but take a peek at what it is you’re working on
He’s seen you working hard on something for the past few days and has been curious
He steps towards your bed and looks down at the page
It’s him!
His eyes scan the page, taking in how handsomely you’ve portrayed him, sitting at his desk working
He smiles and flips the pages to see what else you’ve drawn
It’s all him ? Reading, cooking, talking, existing. You’ve captured him in every light
You walk back into your room
“Lucifer!” you gasp, rushing over and shutting the sketchbook, in denial that he saw the pages and pages of himself
“What did you see” you ask him, standing on your tiptoes to try to intimidate him
He debates whether or not to lie, but knows how strongly you value honesty and communication
“I saw a few, but, they’re all incredible, MC. You don’t have to hide them from me”
You blush, “I just didn’t know if you’d think it’s weird that I draw you so much”
He leans down and kisses you, gently, whispering “It’s not weird at all, it’s quite flattering actually” against your lips
You spend the next bit of time going through your sketchbook, showing him the sketches and explaining how he made your heart race
You two are chilling in your room on your bed, chatting about this and that
He reaches over to your nightstand and grabs the sketchbook, “Hey, human, what’re you always drawing in here anyways” he asks innocently
“Mammon no!” you try to grab the book from his hands but he’s already opened it
He goes silent, flipping through page after page of sketches and drawings of him, some colored, some not
“Mammon…I can explain…” you whisper, face red with embarrassment
He shakes his head no and continues flipping through each page, the silence in the room making you nervous
After he’s done looking he closes the book, “Mah human~” he says lovingly, and leans over and presses a kiss to your lips
“I shoulda known you were drawing The Great Mammon, what else would you draw?” he teased, kissing you again before returning the sketchbook to your nightstand
You giggle, “Exactly, what else would be so worthy of the pages than you?”
He teases you about it from time to time when he sees you sketching, but you know that seeing page upon page of himself in your sketchbook really struck a chord in his heart (sometimes he poses for you but tries to act like it’s just how he’s naturally sitting, but you both know that’s a lie) (and he looks at you with so much love in his eyes when he knows you’re drawing him, it fills your heart with such a warm feeling)
He’s on his fourth hour of playing through a new game
You normally play with him, but it’s not MPG, so you’re just watching him and refilling the snack bowl for the two of you when it gets empty
One trip back you stop by your room and get your sketchbook and favorite pencil
You drop the snacks beside him and sit on his bed, beginning to sketch the back of his head and body looking at the monitor
He doesn’t notice at first, but during a scene change when the screen goes black he sees you sketching, glancing up at him from time to time
“MC, what are you drawing?” he asks
“Uhh…nothing really” you stammer, hoping he didn’t catch on to your obvious lie
He does, of course, and pauses his game to come look
You try to hide your page, but don’t stop him when he sits next to you and lifts it from your arms
“Babe…” he whispers, admiring the work you’d done in such a short time, before flipping a page back and seeing another sketch of him
“I just…you’re my everything, Levi, and sometimes I see you and I just, have to capture the moment” you explain
“These are incredible, why haven’t you shown me sooner?” he asks, flipping through page after page of your work
“I didn’t want you to be uncomfortable, thinking I was always trying to draw you
“I appreciate that,” he says, stopping on a page to admire a drawing from a few weeks ago of him reading a manga, “You have so much talent”
He showers you in compliments and after a brief kiss, goes back to his game, resuming the same position he was in earlier so you could finish your drawing
You were in the library on the couch, he was rereading a favorite book and you were sketching
You sat on either end of the couch, facing each other with your legs intertwined
You’d been working on sketching your view of this for about an hour, and were proud of how well it was going
Suddenly, Satan closes his book at you and meets your eyes as they were studying his face
“Can I ask what you’re studying my face so intently for?” he asks bluntly, never holding back any punches
And you didn’t either, “I’m…drawing us. And I want to capture your face as accurately as possible” you explain
He holds his hand out for you to hand over the sketchbook, and you do after a quick glance down to look at your work
He studies your drawing before flipping to the beginning and looking through each page, admiring each one
You watched as his eyes took in every inch of every page
“Satan?” you ask, wanting to hear his thoughts
“MC, I had no idea you had so much talent” he whispered, taking minutes on each page, sincerely admiring the time and effort you’d put into each drawing
“I hope it’s okay I draw you a lot, you’re always on my mind and I want to capture every moment we have together”
“It’s perfectly, kitten” he reassures you, a light blush crossing his face as he reached the piece you were working on currently again, scanning it before handing you back your sketchbook
“Show me your work more often, it’s beautiful”
You smile, falling even more in love with him than you thought was humanly (or demonly) possible
“I will”
You’re a bit tipsy, whoops
“What are you always drawing in that sketchbook of yours, anyways” he teases, poking your shoulder
“Nothinggg” you defend yourself
“Then show me if it’s nothing” he smirks, getting off your bed and walking to your desk, flipping open your sketchbook to a random page
The random page happened to be a page with a drawing of him, sitting at his desk and applying a face cream
“Honey…is this a drawing of me?” he asks, voice soft
“Yeah” you say, getting up and walking over to him, wrapping an arm around his waist
“They’re all of you” you explain, scanning through the pages with your thumb
He takes a bit to flip through the pages slower, appreciating each drawing for a moment before moving to the next
After he’s done he closes the book and turns to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into him, pressing a passionate kiss to your lips
“Seeing myself from your eyes…it was amazing” he whispered, pulling away, “Your art is amazing”
“Thanks, Asmo” you say, smiling and kissing him again
He absolutely makes you draw him posing now, he’ll sit in any pose he can think of, in all sorts of cute or seductive outfits, letting you draw him for hours and hours
Sometimes he’ll wear an outfit, and well, the drawing doesn’t last long lol
He doesn’t want to pry at what you’re doing, but you can tell by the way his eyes linger whenever you’re drawing that he’s curious
After you get a good portion of the way done with your current drawing, you scoot next to him
(You’re in the kitchen, because duh)
“Beel, can I show you what I’ve been working on?”
“Of course, my love”
You turn the sketchbook from your chest to his eyes, handing it to him
He takes it, carefully admiring the most recent few pages
His heart is beating fast, the fact that you saw him and wanted to draw him made him so soft
“MC…” he whispers
“These are so good, your talent is undeniable” he praises you
“Thank you” you reply, heart warmed by his kind words
“You…always draw me. Why?” he asks
“You always stick out to me, love. You’re handsome and strong and the love of my life. Sometimes I get hit with a wave of appreciation for you and want to capture the moment” you explain
He smiles, blushing more before leaning in and kissing you
After a few kisses you two pull away, resting your foreheads together
“I love you, Beel”
“I love you too, MC”
You keep it Very on the down low when you’re drawing him
You know he doesn’t like attention on him, even when it’s from you, and you don’t want to make him uncomfortable
One day he catches you
The two of you are in his room, he’s reading something on his phone and you’re sketching
You always told him it was for your art class, which was sometimes true, at least
“MC, can I see what you’re working on” he asks
You hesitate for a moment, “Belphie, I’m…I’m drawing you” you confess, lowering your head a bit
He just looks at you, “Oh…”
“If it makes you uncomfortable I’ll stop, it’s just sometimes you look so peaceful I want to capture it forever” you ramble
“Hey, MC, it’s okay. I trust you” he says, holding out his hand for you to give him the sketchbook
You do so, and study his face intently as he flips through the pages
He stops at one, and you glance to see which one it is
It’s one from a few weeks ago, he was mid-nap, hair messy and face perfectly calm
“You’re so talented” he commented, “this one in particular, the level of detail is impressive”
“Thanks” you say, letting out a sigh of relief and laughing a bit
“You should show me more often, I’d love to see more of your work. Even if it’s just drawings of me” he teases lightly
You smile, nodding, “Yeah, I will”
A/N: wow I’m not doing too hot on posting every day am I lol, but I’ve gotten some really fun requests (like this one !! thank u anon I loved writing this so much) and they’re keeping me motivated
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peaceandlove26 · 3 years
would you ever consider making a post that’s like a step-by-step breakdown of your art process? i really admire the way you choose color palettes and add lots of cool details, but i never know where in my own art process i would fit that kind of stuff in! if you read this: thank you! if you end up doing this: double thank you all the way across the sky!!!!!!
SURE ok so first im super super flattered u wanna see my process... SECOND i am super inconsistent and stuff but ill try to be specific abt my general process!! for context im drawing twishy but their designs are based on how fluttershy and twilight look in my miitopia game LOL... here we goooo!
1. sketch! usually super messy, can be done with like ANY brush, sometimes i use a different color for accessories to make them easier to see
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2. color time!! i use the sketch as a guideline, but sometimes i deviate from it if i want to change it. i make the colors a bit more neat than the sketch, but its fine that theyre kinda messy cause im gonna clean them up later. usually i do all the colors on one layer but in this case im using gradients so i had to use multiple pinned layers. i only use colors on the very top or right side of the palette, unless im doing grey or brown. that way i get nice bright colors! i dunno anything about color theory or whatever so i just choose colors that look good to me
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3. start lining! i usually just do the lining on the same layer as the colors. i start by colorpicking from different parts of the piece and using those colors to line. for example, here im using twilights back hoof color to line her hair, and fluttershys lower hair color to line her upper hair!
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4. finish lines and add shine! usually i just use more saturated versions of existing colors to finish off the lines. for shiny parts, i tend to use lighter, yellower colors of the base color. im adding lots of squiggles and swirls here! also the hair shinies are on a different layer
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5. set the hair shine layer to overlay! i just keep it at 100% opacity
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6. use a bright pinned layer to unify the colors! usually i do hot pink but sometimes i do bright yellow or turquoise. just depends on how u want it to look in the end
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7. ok done! i set the bright pink layer to overlay (i think lol i kinda forgot) and turned down the opacity, and then added a blurred white layer for that fun glowy background or whatever!
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so ya thats my general process! i dunno how helpful this is but i hope u enjoyed ^___^
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kalofi · 4 years
I kinda wanted to see your art process, your art is so pretty and soft, like how tf do u do that it's so cute
ok well lemme give u a rundown of how to do art kalofi™ style
(i am in no way suggesting u do art in this way. i do some wack stuff)
FIRST OFF. i don’t sketch. i hate sketching it takes up too much time that i could spend doing other stuff so almost always!!! i just go straight to lineart. my lineart is a lil messy cuz of this but whatever i can lie and say that’s part of the charm (side note i DO sketch occasionally. but i could probably count the times ive sketched before doing lineart in the last 2 years on my fingers and toes)
ONCE. i am done sketching. i color!! usually i do skin first cause that’s the most fun for me. i like using warm colors so i use a lot of red undertones when “shading” (shading is in quotations cuz idk how to actually shade lol) i also use purples to give the skin a little ZING yknow 😼
after skin it’s usually hair, then clothes. then accessories if there are any. like i said idk how to shade so i just put darker/lighter colors wherever and hope for the best dnfjskdkrjej technically i could just actually learn how to do stuff like that but also i don’t want to so i simply do not ❤️ this is bad tho. i prolly should just learn but wharreva
after colors r done!!! i like to add filters(?????) usually i have my whole piece in one folder so i just duplicate that folder then flatten the duplicate so the whole drawing is on one layer. then i alpha lock that and color it one solid color and go ham with effects. usually i’ll have the solid color as red/magenta then put that on like 35-45% opacity and use the “luminosity” effect. i think it makes it look cooler. for example:
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WITHOUT luminosity
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WITH luminosity :)
idk i think it just looks less....harsh??? mayhaps??? idk how to describe it. also this piece specifically is an exception to my “red/magenta luminosity color” rule bc i used blue for the solid color instead hehe 😋
most of the time i just do whatever the fuck and it ends up looking.....alright. like this is usually the pattern i follow but rly it all just depends.
sorry this got so long lol. anyways here’s a process video of that one midoriya drawing i did. this one is also kind of an exception cause i used a reference image and i almost never use reference images either even tho i rly should. refs would help me sm yet i continue to b a dumbass and not use them 😔 also no luminosity layer for this one i wasn’t feeling it 💔
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imagines-mha · 4 years
Happy Valentines Day, lovey! 💛 I hope this doesn’t seem weird since I just found your blog, but I do wanna say that I’ve read some of your works and 🥺🤚💛 there so well written?? s’cuse me?? your writing has been hiding from me, but now that I’ve found it I’m so glad I did <3 also, may I join your event?? I humbly ask for a Valentine’s Special please, for a male character from haikyuu?
I use feminine pronouns most often! I am 5’3” and have long dark ash-brown hair with a strange blonde streak in the back (origin unknown??), big blue eyes, and pale skin! I’m on the curvy side, too! My general look day to day is: hair pulled up into a messy bun, skinny jeans or dark sweatpants, a hoodie or a flannel, and some black vans tbh! I pretty much just wear whatever is comfy, or I look like I could vaguely fit into the aesthetic that is the show Supernatural, lol!!
Personality? To the MBTI I’m an ISFP-T. I’m also an Aries ( yet I’m not a stereotypical Aries! 😔😌 I can be v stubborn, but- ) Around people I first meet, I’m really shy, reserved, and really awkward since I’m thinking too much on how to make them like me or not to mess up a first impression. I’m really bad at holding irl convos? Like seriously bad, I don’t know how to keep the conversation going if it’s stuff like, “how are you?” Or “how’s your day?” etc etc. I hate small talk, it’s just vv uncomfy! Though once I do become friends with someone, they learn that I’m really empathetic and chill/laid-back! I’m often dubbed the “mom-friend” just because I like a lot of domestic things and I worry and care a lot for my friends! 😅 I am a hopeless romantic, yet strangely enough I don’t like watching romantic movies? Specifically rom-coms! I’d much rather watch horror!! I don’t get scared by that stuff easily ( yet I’m out here getting scared when I turn the corner and see someone that I thought wasn’t there- ). I also have a TON of patience, and it’s vv hard to get me worked up or angry, much less even annoyed. I bottle a lot of stuff in favor of caring and offering comfort to others, so sometimes I catch myself being a bit of a people pleaser 😬
Extra info about me: my favorite time of day is late at night, and I’m a hopeless romantic! I’m a huge foodie, and love to bake and cook, especially with other people (sometimes lol). My favorite things to do is to hang out with friends, draw/sketch, sing, listen to music, write, and etc! Though most of the time I wish I spent more nights outside, exploring with my friends, since I literally love late night adventures (it’s my ideal date, actually lol!). Specifically, late night drives blasting music! My love languages are Quality Time and Acts of Service, and on the lesser side is Physical Touch and Words of Affirmation. I get really insecure about myself sometimes, so hearing nice words helps :’) and despite being a hopeless romantic and severely touch-starved, I sometimes hate the idea of physical contact because I’m insecure about my body and I don’t want people to touch me 💀 I also value laughter a lot! It’s also really easy to fluster me so..👉👈😳😊
I’m so sorry this was so long 😳🤭 never meant for that to happen...❗️💛 thanks so much, lovey! Shyly puts myself on anon in embarrassment
Smh u so cute anon why u hiding on me 😫😫 thank u SO much u sound like a fuckin angel and ily shdbwjswhdne 😭💖💖💝💞
I ship you with: Daichi Sawamura!!
Oh my… bby i want you both to adopt me. Talk abt fuckin STABILITY.
You’re both hopeless romantic parent friends?? He would totally help you come out of your shell and you would help him chill tf out when he needs to i love it so fuckin MUCHHH
Valentines special
♡ The sweetest valentine ever??? Wtf???
♡ Makes you pancakes or smth you love in the morning
♡ Hes such a breakfast in bed dork you have no idea
♡ Probably massages you after he loves to just,,,touch you
♡ Makes you feel like you’re the shiniest diamond in the entire world
♡ Tells you how much he loves you at least 50 times all day
♡ You guys spend the first half of the day laying around in bed and the second half actually going OUT
♡ Snacks?? Coffee?? A playlist of your favourite songs??
♡ Get it READY cus hes taking his girl on a midnight drive around the entire town
♡ PLEASEEE its so cute 🥺
♡ You both just get your minds off the entire world and have fun just alone together eating and talking and singing
♡ Then go back and have the sweetest night ever
♡ Im jealous bb smh
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requests are CLOSED!!
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I Don’t Want To Die (It’s Three AM)
Summary: Deceit’s struggling, and even if he wants to be helped, he can’t bring himself to do it.
It’s three am and Deceit is tired. He forgot his medication, and he regrets it. Or, he thinks he should. He should regret not taking it, because it makes the pain worse, makes the memories play on loop, makes him stop sleeping.
He doesn’t want to sleep though. His heart races, flashes of faces leaning over him cross his mind when he closes his eyes. His present is empty but his head won’t let him stop.
He wonders how the others would feel about his medication. The post it notes hiding and correcting the flaws in his art, the out of proportion eyes, the wonky hands, the bad perspective.
He glances at his sketchbook, feeling the urge to draw, to paint, create. He could show the twins, show them that he appreciates their work, show that they inspire him.
He reaches over, opens it slowly, glancing at the vibrant pastels, the dull grey marker, the incomplete works he abandoned last month.
The urge is there, but his hand shakes when he lifts the pen, and he changes his mind, throwing it aside and trying to sleep again.
It’s three am and Deceit is fed up of hearing Virgil next door, music still playing from the other resident insomniac. He can’t bring himself to cry when Virgil is so close by, in case he’s heard, in case his ex-friend comes to ask what’s wrong.
He holds his breath, rolls over and buries his head under a pillow, clenching and unclenching his fists, hissing quietly to himself that he needs to sleep, needs to rest, needs to keep going, for Thomas.
He doesn’t linger on what he means, closing his eyes and picturing smooth pixels on multiply, pastel painted dots below line art.
He falls asleep to the thought of what his art could be, and wakes up with the idea now distant in his head.
It’s three am and Remus is there, talking about things Deceit enjoys, whilst Deceit tries to be patient. Whilst he tries to tell himself that he should enjoy being with his friends, that it’s good to have company when he feels so low.
“Did you take your medication?” Remus asks suddenly, and Deceit shrugs.
“I think so,” he lies, knowing there’s six days of tablets he’s forgotten to take, too busy trying and failing to sleep to remember to take them. Too busy trying to live day to day.
“You should check-”
“I mean, I did,” he lies again, charcoal lines smudging, the black grinding harsh, sticking to his hands and bleeding slow, “don’t worry, I know I need to take them.”
Remus looks unconvinced, but Deceit smiles, shows him a warm colour palette, and Remus drops it, onto the next subject, unaware of how desperately Deceit just wants to be alone.
And it’s five am but he can’t sleep, can’t think, can’t make, can’t lie, but he’s tired and wonders what it’s like to destroy a piece of art in progress.
It’s three am and he doesn’t know why he’s looking at a cheery vision, a patchy impressionist painting reminiscent of Roman’s ideas.
“I’m Dr Emile Picani!” the fuzzy vision says with a grin, “I think Thomas is trying to design my character a bit more for the next Cartoon Therapy.”
Deceit blinks slowly. Right. Dr Picani the therapist. How ironic, coming across him in his current state.
“Can you actually help people?” he asks, unsure of how long the idea will be around for.
“I believe so! What do you need?”
“...I need...I need...”
Over saturated watercolours drip down the page.
“I need you to...to help me...stay alive...”
The idea looks confused, and Deceit continues, the empty vision the only thing he can say the words aloud to.
“Because...I don’t want to die.”
He thought when he said it (a truth, a lie, two inks bleeding together) it’d be loud and angry and distraught, tears and confessions and desperation. Deep slashes through layers of still drying oil.
But instead it’s simple, defeated, tired. Less oil built up on canvas, more scratches of biro on graph paper. Less Renaissance, more tired high school student.
The idea frowns, tilting it’s head and adjusting it’s glasses.
“Why would you die?” it asks, and Deceit doesn’t have a response.
He doesn’t want to die. He wants to die. He can’t die. He can fade. He wants to fade. He doesn’t want to fade. Framed prints behind glass behind velvet curtains.
“You should talk to someone more real than me,” the idea says softly, and Deceit shrugs.
“There’s nothing more real than us right now,” he replies, glancing around the empty room, and when he looks back the idea is gone.
Art is brief and fleeting, and his canvas bleeds, silvery watercolour dripping down unsuitable paper, leaving wrinkles in its wake.
It’s three am and his phone is beeping, one of the others asking him why he’s still online, ignoring the perfect irony. He regrets them knowing his tumblr account, regrets them seeing his trauma, seeing his pain laid out in perfect black and white photographs.
He reaches out, opens up the app, glances at Roman’s messages, sees the days of notifications he’s been ignoring.
U ok? Not seen you recently.
He wants to reach out, call for help, tell him he’s lonely and sad and hurting and god he doesn’t want to die, if only because he’s scared and Thomas needs him still.
I’m not doing so well, Roman. I really want to die.
He deletes the message, deciding not to send it. He doesn’t want to be vulnerable, paint so carefully laid out, still wet, still easy to smudge. He doesn’t want them to worry, he doesn’t want to admit to the pain, he doesn’t want to die but he doesn’t want to live.
Sorry, being antisocial lol. I’m fine. U?
He chucks his phone away and buries himself back under blankets, knowing he’s only postponing his final message.
It’s three am and he knows he’s messing up. He knows he needs to take his medication, needs to eat, needs to talk, tell people he’s struggling.
He forgets to talk Thomas out of thinking of his existential crisis, and Thomas is still awake, living proof that Deceit keeps failing even when all he has to do is his one job. Lie, keep lying, keep Thomas alive, healthy, keep him fighting.
Bristles fall out of brushes when you leave them in water long enough, and it damages the canvas, leaves bits of paintbrush in the art.
He looks to his sketchbook, gathering dust, and wonders what the point would be any more. He can’t complete anything, he has no skill. He’s not designed to create, not designed to be passionate, he’s designed to lie.
He can’t get rid of the faces, and he can’t sketch them out, show them simply to the others, can’t word them, the thoughts, the images, like an old worn out film on repeat.
“Sorry, Thomas,” he mumbles, and rolls over, trying to sleep.
It’s three am but Patton is sat with him, asking him why he won’t sleep, asking him why he looks so ill, asking him questions Deceit can’t answer, doesn’t want to answer.
“We’ll help you if you need anything,” the moral side tells him, and his eyes are so hopeful, dusky watercolours lined with ink, soft but sharp, “you know that, right?”
And oh, Deceit knows. He knows they’d help, wants to ask for the help, but he doesn’t, and he can’t explain why. He nods and lies his way out of the interrogation, getting Patton to leave, and tries to ignore the way his heart stings at his self imposed isolation.
His room is empty and devoid of the passion he thinks he could have. But it feels so full, full to the brink of long gone shadows, the past weighing in like a thick fog, clouding his head until he falls to the floor in silent tears, not daring to be loud, not daring to let Patton know how much it hurts.
He’s struggling, a shaky sketch doomed to be scrapped, and still all he knows is that he doesn’t want to die.
He doesn’t know what time it is, but the other sides have sat him down, firing questions at him. What is he doing, how is he doing, what does he need, why is he ignoring them?
“Don’t you want to get better?” Logan asks, as if it’s ever been that simple.
Deceit reaches for an answer, an explanation, hesitating between stubs of oil pastel and harsh messy chalk on black paper. But whatever he does, the piece is too abstract and surreal for an explanation to take form in his voice.
“Deceit, we don’t get why you’re doing this to yourself,” Virgil says, struggling with the words, as if Deceit knows any more than he does.
“We’re here to help,” Roman adds, “we just need to know how.”
The canvas is tearing at the seams. Deceit hates when his canvas’ tear. He can’t hide it, even with all the collage and mixed media in the world, watching it bend out of shape.
“I want to get better,” he says, a truth, drops of ink in calligraphy pens.
“Then tell us how we can help!” Patton pleads.
And Deceit shakes his head, head blurry and unsure of how to explain. He doesn’t know how, he doesn’t know what to say, he doesn’t believe they can help push out the voices of the past.
(The sketch is still there underneath the line art.)
He doesn’t know what time it is, but he’s scared, and he doesn’t want to die.
“I could kill you,” the past taunts him, sly and low and echoing through his ears.
He doesn’t want to die any more than he did back then.
He doesn’t know what time it is, but he’s run out of colour, and you can only paint a canvas black for so long before you scrap it altogether.
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i want to cosplay tma but i haven't done much of it before and yours are incredible, could you suggest amy characters thatd be pretty easy to pull off?
OK THIS GOT A LITTLE RAMBLY BE WARNED BUT IM Trying my best with this very limited information and delightfully open ended question
well the really excellent part about cosplaying from podcasts is that most of the time the characters don’t have one “canon” design and are completely open to interpretation, which gives you a ton of wiggle room because the decision can be based less on “which of these canon designs do i think id suit best” and more on “which one of these concepts do i think id have the most fun trying to design and execute?” (which is the line of thinking that led me to start working on my jane cosplay, actually!) personally when i cosplay from podcasts the main goal that i’m shooting for wrt the finished product is recognizability since i’ll freely admit that there’s almost nothing like the dopamine release/validation of someone recognizing ur cosplay at a con, especially if they ask for a pic. so my advice is probably generally gonna be oriented towards how to make whatever costume u pick recognizable in hopefully the simplest and clearest way possible.
with tma obviously the human (or mostly human lol) characters are gonna be the easiest to tackle, both because they’re easier to nail down design concepts for (since they’re not the personifications of abstract concepts lol) and also because in tma the monsters/more monstrous characters tend to get pretty detailed descriptions as opposed to the humans who get virtually none.
for me personally, if i was going to start putting together a cosplay of one of the archival staff Right Now starting with things i have in my closet/room, i’d probably either go for daisy or melanie for two reasons. the first is that both in terms of what i look like and what clothes + materials i have lying around, i am (or could use said materials to make myself be) aesthetically closest to looking like my headcanons for them (wow i hope that made sense this is a weird concept to try to figure out how to word when you HAVE slept and AREN’T high so i’m Really struggling)
the second reason is that those are the two i think i (again given what clothes and materials i have on hand) could most easily make myself recognizable as.
aaaand i guess where id go from there is to think about my designs/personal headcanons for these characters. i’ve been trying to sketch my headcanons lately so they’re a little more solid in my mind than they would usually be.
here are the essential components that make a recognizable daisy when i see her in my head:
-large jacket
-too-big clothing in general
-on that note, utilitarian/practical clothing
-occasionally i like to picture her wearing a shirt with a sign like one of those dog vests that says DONT PET I BITE
-i usually also picture her with some kind of facial scar or something, which as far as i can tell is pretty common in fanart as well
here are the essential components of melanie as she appears in my head:
-also short (tho not AS short, imo)
-mad as hell
-messy (in a cool way) eyeliner
-big jacket/hoodie/sweatshirt
-dark lipstick
-ripped jeans/shorts and tights
-ghost hunt uk and/or what the ghost merch
-knife motif somehow incorporated (melanie voice whats uo with this knife motif do you have something against kniiiiiiiives)
-depending which part of the show chronologically ur pulling insp from, sunglasses/an eye bandage/scars/white pupils/etc something like that you get the picture
SO then i go through those lists/review whatever little preliminary sketch ive just done and pull out a second, shorter list which is “things from the first list that i could feasibly make happen using materials that i have or can easily obtain”
so for daisy that would be
-large jacket: i have a way-too-big army jacket i thrifted a while back
-too-big + utilitarian clothing: i have a huge pair of cargo pants and a sweater that have been waiting for this moment
-boots: i got em
-scar/s: i have latex, tissue, and a makeup kit; i can make this happen quickly and easily
and for melanie we’d have
-mad as hell: i can certainly make some faces! draw my eyebrows in a little angrier maybe even!
-bangs: recent development but i have em!
-messy eyeliner: doable
-big jacket: got plenty
-dark lipstick: got plenty x2
-ripped jeans/shorts over tights: happily, this is an essential part of my wardrobe as well as melanie’s
-knife motif: there are certainly subtler and perhaps more elegant ways to go about this but if i wanted to get in cosplay and leave the house in the next like hour.... well.... i mean we do have just like, knives! DISCLAIMER while real knives can be fun and cool for photos don’t take real knives to conventions
anyway yeah so given that i would then basically... gather the pieces needed to check off each item on the list and then get ready and hope for the best lmao.
have fun and best of luck!! im also happy to try to answer more specific questions if u have any, especially practical/technical questions (how-tos, the easiest/cheapest ways to make certain things, shortcuts, etc)
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acadieum · 5 years
i always notice the lineart and softness first and then i'm like, oh! it's acadieum!! :D < I think that emoticon represents how i feel when i see your art lol
oh Man I love making my art soft bc I too am super soft.... but oh jeez my lineart can be messy sometimes, especially when I leave it on Sketch mode,,, like oh man.....
BUT AW THANK U 😭💕 that’s a v good emoticon and it makes me happy to hear that it gives off positive responses!!!
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jngsjngs · 6 years
Hi! So, I could be totally wrong here, but you seem like you’re going through quite a bit? If that is the case, I’d like you to know that it’s okay. If it’s a creative rut, maybe doing something completely different would help? Something of the “oh that’s cool but I could never do it right??” persuasion. Just dropping hsc is okay to if it no longer brings you happiness. Don’t worry about us internet-folk. If this is how it ends, it was good while it lasted. Just hoping for your happiness :3
i know i said i’d wait a little while to catch up on messages but this one really got me :-( thank u so much for taking the time to send it! i’ve been kind of vague about my updates lately so i hope u don’t mind if i use this as a platform to let u guys know where i’m at right now.
part of the reason for this hiatus is because i fell into a creative rut around the start of the holidays, but i had some issues with my back a couple of weeks ago that made it impossible for me to move or sit up straight for more than a few minutes at a time, and that definitely set me back longer than i had hoped. i’m better now, but i still can’t stay in one position for extended periods without feeling uncomfortable, and the way i write usually requires me to type without much of a break until the first draft is completed in its entirety. most of what i‘ve been working on over the past week or so was done on my phone, which is fine, but it takes about twice as long for me to finish a section of a chapter because i can’t look at such a small screen for too long (in case ur curious tho i have the next chapter of hsc finished and am working on the next two after that which happens to be the movie arc split into two parts).
i hope that doesn’t sound like some kind of sad excuse! just wanted to give clearer reasons as to why i’ve been gone for so long, even if they’re not very good ones. i’d like to think i’m at least getting over that creative rut; i’m listening to a lot of new music which means in addition to working on new chapters i’m creating new playlists and fixing up the old ones. i admit i’ve also been making the most out of finally getting to go outside, but u gotta remember i’m one of u internet-folk, too! hsc continues to bring me happiness even on days when i’m not quite sure what to write so i can assure u that unless something utterly life changing flips my world upside down i am always going to keep coming back to it.
ANYWAY that aside i’ve been watching a lot of shows and like i said listening to a lot of music these days since that was pretty much all i could do this month (i swear this isn’t a pity party i am perfectly mobile now) another reason why chapters are progressing slower than usual is because i’ve been hopping across fandoms like the energy bunny agsjdjdkdk i’m pretty sure i managed to catch up on miraculous ladybug, fairy tail, young justice, and voltron within the same week, re-watch most of haikyuu, inuyasha, and fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood the week after, and then have time to re-read a couple of the percy jackson books just a few days ago, plus (i know) with kingdom hearts ready to drop on top of all that i feel like my mind has been in ten different places at once. in short, it’s not that i’m not doing anything right now, but because i’m doing too much, i’m having trouble sticking to one thing at a time afskshls
this is getting to be a drag to read but yeah tldr i went from being totally uninspired to going on a creative hyperdrive and somewhere in between that i was on proper medical leave from the interwebz lulz 🤟🏼 sorry for rambling on about my boring life!!! how r u!!!! did u start school yet?? watch any new shows??? got some new bops on ur playlist???? honestly ur all way cooler than i am n ur ideas (some of which are still sitting in my inbox rip i don’t deserve u) are one of the many things that keep me motivated n thriving 🖤
just wanted to end this on a question because it’s something i’ve been curious about for a while and though i have to warn u ahead of time that i might not act on it i figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask ok yeah i’m actually gonna ask it now agdjjdsks would u guys like to see behind the scenes stuff?? messy sketches, random storyboards, profiles of original characters that may never see the light of day, chapter outlines that probably make no sense because half the time i don’t even follow them???? pls lmk
also i lied about ending it there (if u read thru my author’s notes ur probably used to that lol) a couple of people have asked if i would ever consider including lgbtq+ characters in my stories and my response both times was that i would be absolutely honored! as i said to one reader my primary concern was (and still is) that as a cisgender heterosexual i wouldn't do justice to said character and their story, but i welcome any guidance from u all and will do my best to bring them to life the way they deserve to be portrayed. in the climate we are in today i thought it was necessary to express my support for u regardless of ethnicity or gender identity and hope that u feel safe in the community we have collectively formed in this space. racism, sexism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, discrimination against another individual for their sexual orientation or where they come from—all of these things and anything even remotely along those lines will not be tolerated here.
(ok now i’m done)
thank u so much anon and all the rest of u for always being so patient and kind! i wish u the best 2019 and will see u guys soon!
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get madder :^)
hey yall remember that post where i gave a 1-or-2 sentence comment about each fanart that got featured in the community update? many people promptly took their panties and corkscrewed them directly up their very touchy buttholes, so i thought it'd be fun to do a follow-up :^)
>everyone who just said "lol bad post u suck ur opinion SUX"
it's my opinion lol deal w it
>it’s kinda cute how you think we would care about this / nobody cares
clearly u do bc ur mad fam!!! hahaha rekd got u!!1!
>perhaps… perhaps art is subjective and they wanted to make some community members happy by featuring them?
they couldve picked a little better was my only point
>"It’s people like this who give new artists anxiety for posting stuff online" / everything about how mean i am bc it will make newb artists feel nerbous :'(
hey guess what! it's the internet where literally everyone can see and say whatever they want. that's the risk ya fuckin take when u post online :^) waahhh
>"It’s called a personal art style"
its common knowledge by now but "its muh style" is not an excuse and yeah its subjective but also sometimes aspects of a pic are just bad
>"how does desnik only get a 5/10 lmao. Amazing shading, a super unique and difficult perspective that brings life to the whole piece? Ye nah that’s shit, apparently."
i said the shading (painting) was pretty good, and they lose points bc "bringing it to life" with a weird pose only works if the anatomy and perspective (which i specified) isnt so off that it takes away from the entire piece pretty significantly, which imo it does. also that pose isnt unique i can find u 10 pics of furries in that exact pose on like the front page of furaffinity or wherever. also i didnt say it was shit LOL
>"“this is anime uwu garbage” is not criticism OP"
fuck yeah it is, you ever been to the front page of deviantart? i assumed the implied "stop using super stylized shitty anime pics as a reference bc ur overall "style" is severely and obviously suffering for it" was kinda evident but i guess not
>"why the fuck do people get so butthurt when someone says their art is bad"
dude THANK you i mean i was expecting pretty severe backlash but i was as least expecting more creativity than literally just "bad post op" 20 times. tho i DID see enough to make this post i guess? this blog is fun but like in a painful way
> “not to be rude to the featured artists, good on them” pick a tone and stick with it
sorry man i really just do have a rude-sounding speaking (,,typing) voice and i dont mean any bad feelings towards these artists, my literal only point is that that one pic has some problems and maybe staff had some better pics to spotlight instead (and i don't even mean that for all of them. top, middle, and bottom left were all good choices and so was desnik's tbh. but i figured id ""review"" them too cuz they were there) i usually even pointed out something i liked about it? but i gotta move fast here cmon 100 character limit
>"dude… do you even know what a sketch is? because that’s in no way a sketch"
what do YOU define as a sketch? i guess the snapper one could also be lineart but its in 2 midtones (which people do when theyre "sketching" out values) and they used a messy brush so my mind went to sketch. and the coatl one looks like they did it really fast and slapped some flat colors on it. actually my point was literally that it looks like they did it fast, like a sketch rather than a lineart
>"at least put in some effort in writing a couple of sentences on each drawing on what, why, and how to improve the drawings. Seeing that some of the art is clearly from amateur artists, some words of advice would at least be helpful here."
yeah u right they definitely deserve better. but i was going fast cuz i just have an affinity for short snappy reviews i guess. like i tried to do cliffnotes, just "this part is good but this part is bad" and then a meaningless number score cuz i aint even addressing this to them, i posted it to a drama blog to complain about staff basically 
>the nocturne guy who wrote a lot
alright cool. you totally have gotten a lot better. i never meant to discourage you for drawing in the first place. incidentally i said u had potential bc u were obviously a new artist, but like u were OBVIOUSLY a new artist with a loose understanding of depth and shading and stuff, and again this is a front page spotlight yadda yadda. ill fuckin hit u with a review right now:
you clearly understand shading and anatomy way better, and that coatl actually looks pretty fuckin good. the lineart is more consistent, it's framed way better, the proportions are WAY better, and it's really clean and stylized. the shading is infinitely more convincingly shiny and reflective. from here, imo you could benefit from going further with shading (darker, more dynamic, leaving little to no flat spaces like the crest fluff and tongue), and maybe polishing the lineart a little more too, like coloring/highlighting it and really pushing/polishing the linewidth (there are tutorials for that). overall that coatl is v cute, keep on pushing poses & shading
>"i bet OPs art sucks ass"
fIT e ME IrL
anyway thanks 4 reading my fucking essay and i'm super high. if you read al lof this then shame on you
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tuanyiems · 7 years
No Jam (Part 3/Final)
Characters: Reader x Markson (GOT7) Genre: Angst, Fluff, Slice-of-Life Words: ~4300 Plot: He said you were boring–not enough. You agreed. You were happier on your own anyways. But six months later you find yourself on a blind date with a new guy and late night talks with another. Looks like being forever alone is not on your agenda. [Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] a/n: A bit late but here is the final part of No Jam ^^  I was struggling to write this part (in fact I wrote it 3 times lol) and to be honest I’m still a bit iffy about it but if I didn’t post it anyways, I probably never would have finished the story ^^;;; Also I go back and forth between past and present in this so I hope it’s not confusing but if it is, please tell me so I can improve in my writing :DDD Thanks for following the whole way through for my first mini series ^u^ - “I-umm, do you want to have dinner here?” she asked suddenly as I was about to leave. “I mean, I’m not much of a cook, but I make a pretty mean ramen.”  I couldn’t help myself as chuckles of both relief and happiness escaped me. Ramen never sounded so enticing.   Her smile mirrored mines as she opened the door to her apartment. And suddenly butterflies filled my stomach. Her apartment had always been a secret realm, a place whose door I had become well-acquainted with. But the stark white of her door gave no clues about the girl that lived behind it.   And right at this moment the door was opening for me. She was opening it for me.
“Sorry my place is a little messy right now,” her voice broke my trance as I entered. Her apartment looked exactly like her—a small but open space with warm hardwood floors and cream furniture draped in fuzzy, fleece blankets. In the corner of the room was a small desk stacked with binders of paperwork. It looked out of place in the room and on closer inspection it seemed to be office work. She kept insisting she was just an assistant, but it was obvious she wasn’t. Looking at the other tables around the room, sprawled with sketches and handwritten story drafts, it was obvious to anybody who saw, that she was a writer. I glanced back to where she stood by the stove, a small smile etched on her lips as she inhaled the steam from the noodles. I let out a breath at the sight, her hair falling down her face in loose curls. She was queen of insisting how boring she was, but every moment we shared put me on edge. It wasn’t like this at first. A year ago she was just a cute girl who ordered to-go cups in the morning, and who passed by in the evenings with her head down, shoulders sulking, slowly making her way back home. And though I was curious how she spent her days, that was all—mere curiosity. It wasn’t until three months later that I began to realize her routine of coming into the coffee house every first Tuesday of the month to chat with her friend. And then she started coming by herself. At first it was just the weekends, but slowly it became every day. With her tired shoulders, she’d come into the café each evening, order a cappuccino and then lose herself in the world that lived inside her leather journal. “You’re staring again, Boss,” Bambam grinned cheekily one night when Y/N was staying later than usual. “I’m just surveying the mood of my customers. It’s called good business, Bambam,” I retorted, quickly glancing away. The younger boy chuckled. “Just go talk to her. It’s better business to talk to your customers.” But I never could. She always looked so tired when she came each evening, but her smile always returned when she sat down and opened her notebook. Interrupting that felt rude, like I was invading her space. It was that night that I learned she had a boyfriend. He was tall and handsome, which was fitting for a beautiful girl, but there was something off about him. It was the little things. Like on the weekends when they had afternoon coffee together, he would go on for hours while she smiled quietly. Or when he suddenly visited her some evenings, she would close her journal midsentence and follow him out the door without even finishing her cappuccino. But what bothered me the most was what he didn’t do. He never asked her questions. Not even a simple: How was your day? Maybe they had been together long enough to know every inch of each other, but even so, people change, they grow. How would you know unless you asked her? Perhaps I was just sour with envy but if I were him I don’t think I’d have enough time in the world to ask her all the questions I wanted to. What made her happy? What made her sad? Tired? Scared? I wanted to know it all. But all I could ever do was send her messages via paper to-go cups. “Y/N,” I spoke up, glancing back at her by the stove. “Are the drawings on your table part of the book you’re working on?” Her cheeks turned pink at the question as she mumbled a soft, “Ah…yeah.” She fingered at a strand of her hair shyly before tucking it behind her ear, which was even more flushed than her face. The simple gesture made me smile. “I didn’t know you were an artist too.” “They’re just doodles…” There was a slight pause before she glanced up at me shyly. “It’s a children’s book.” I smiled at the sketches on the table. It took a full year to finally know what she was working on. I wondered if he even knew what she was dreaming up the whole time they were together. She always closed her notebook so quickly whenever he stopped by. And it wasn’t too long until he just stopped coming by altogether. To be honest, I spent many nights wishing he’d never come again so she could spend more late nights at the coffee house, but then one winter evening, my wish came true. I could see it in her eyes as soon as she stepped into the café with only a thin sweater and her bag full of stories. “Cappuccino is already on its way,” I greeted her playfully as she stood in front of the register. She glanced at me with cloudy eyes before mustering up a weak smile. “Hmm? Ah, thanks.” “I’ll bring it to you when it’s ready,” I replied, watching as she quietly nodded before heading to her usual table. “What’s wrong, Boss?” Bambam asked after he caught me staring at her back for far too long. “Something must’ve happened to her,” I muttered, before personally attending to her cappuccino. Bambam chuckled, shaking his head at me. “How can you even tell? Isn’t she always like that?” I shrugged in response, praying to the gods that my intuition was wrong. Perhaps it was just a bad day at work. Or maybe she just had a small fight with her boyfriend. Any minute now he would come running through that door, ready to make up with her. But as the hours passed her boyfriend never came running through the café doors and then, it was closing time. “What do you want me to do about her?” Bambam whispered as the café music came to a full stop. “Just…You can head home. I’ll take care of the rest.” And then it was just the two of us. Alone. For the first time. It was strange. I spent months pining after this girl, degrading her boyfriend in my head, and suddenly I’m given the opportunity of a lifetime but I wasn’t happy. To be very honest, it was a pretty shitty feeling. All I wanted in that moment was to turn back time to when she was with another man and happy. But I couldn’t turn back time. I could only sit next to her and watch as she crumbled before my eyes. Putting all other thoughts aside, I pulled her into my arms, hugging her tightly as she trembled out an endless stream of tears. It was then that I made a promise to protect her smile, even at the cost of my own. “It’s what I’ve been working on the past six months,” Y/N spoke up, handing me a stack of her illustrations. I smiled as I felt the smooth paper between my fingertips. Y/N just handed me her world, allowed me in. I tried to act nonchalant but my heart was pumping in my chest. But the air in my lungs quickly grew stale as I thumbed through the pages. This was not the world I hoped for her. The children’s story was about a rabbit—a quiet rabbit and her beloved boy. The boy loved soft things and so the quiet rabbit pruned her fur all through the night. And the boy loved the quiet rabbit. The boy loved bouncy things and so the quiet rabbit practiced hopping until her hind legs were sore. And the boy loved the quiet rabbit. Then the boy said he loved fun things. He told the rabbit to speak. So the rabbit tried her best to speak. She spent nights and days, huffing and puffing for her voice to sound. She tried so hard until her belly was aching and her throat was hoarse, but no sound came. And the boy no longer loved the quiet rabbit. He threw the quiet rabbit away. My eyes lingered on the last page she had drawn so far. The rabbit was crying and in a small thought bubble, she had softly etched out the words, “I am not enough.” “You’re the first person to see my work, Mark. Please be gentle on my fragile heart.” She made it to sound like a joke but I could hear the faint trembling in her voice. She was nervous. Vulnerable. And in these pages, I could feel her heart breaking as if it was six months ago and she was crying in my arms again. I didn’t know him, but I hated him—hated how he affected her. She was perfect just the way she was, but he had blinded her to that. No matter how much she insisted on being okay with being “boring”, with being alone, it was the fact that she kept insisting that meant she wasn’t okay, right? She repeated herself almost daily to reassure herself more than anyone else. I stared at Y/N’s back as she put the dishes away. She was stuck. As strong and as indifferent she made herself to appear, the truth was that she was just as stuck as the quiet rabbit in her book. It was why no matter how much time she spent each evening, sketching away in her journal, the ending never came. The rabbit was stuck on the same page, abandoned and afraid. And I could do nothing for her, except sit and watch. “Are you gonna go on a third date?” I finally asked, biting at my lips nervously. My eyes wandered over her as she looked away. Even with her tired eyes and messy hair falling loosely on her shoulders, she looked amazing. In a way, it was better than this morning… “You missed your chance,” Bambam scolded me as I gazed out the coffee house window where Y/N stood by the lamp post across the street. I sighed because I knew he was right. She looked stunning in that white dress. It was like an angel had appeared in front of the coffee house, albeit, a pretty nervous angel but beautiful nonetheless. It made me wonder if I had thought of this new Jackson guy too loosely. It didn’t seem like she liked him much from their first meeting but maybe I was wrong. After all, if her ex was any indication of the kind of men she liked, then the talkative, hyena-laughing Jackson was the perfect fit. Except he was better. As much as I hated to admit it, Jackson seemed like an honestly good guy. I should be happy for her. But as I watched Jackson approach her, and the smile that returned to her lips, I couldn’t help thinking that that could have been me. But I was just the coffee house guy that made her cappuccinos. So I watched Jackson take Y/N by the hand and pull her further away. The moment I held her in my arms, I promised I would protect her happiness, but I never thought it would be so hard now that she was quickly becoming my world. I didn’t want to see her in another man’s arm again. Yet, right about now she probably was. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be nosy,” I spoke up again, realizing she hadn’t answered my question. “No, you’re not, I just don’t know that answer to your question.” “Is it because you’re hesitant about dating, or are you unsure about Jackson?” She leaned closer to me. “How do you always know the right questions to ask, Mark?” And I chuckled, letting out a breath I didn’t even realize I was holding. I slipped my arm around her, holding her close. Truth was I just wanted her to say Jackson. I wanted her to give me a reason to keep holding her close. But she didn’t answer. “What’s your ideal guy, Y/N?” I asked. She was quiet again, resting her head closer to my chest now. I took in deep breaths, hoping to calm my nervous heart. I don’t know why I was so nervous though. I knew she wouldn’t answer me because with all our late night talks, it was obvious she didn’t know herself. Or maybe that was just my way of holding on…in case one day she’ll like a guy like me. “Are you asleep?” “Umm, I don’t really have an ideal guy either,” she whispered back. I sighed. It probably wasn’t a guy like me. “It’s getting late,” I uttered reluctantly. She left my arms a little too quickly. In a blink of an eye I was outside of her world again and despite the summer air, I felt cold as I stared back at her longingly. “Thanks for always being there for me,” she whispered softly. And in her white dress, looking timid and tired, with her shoulders slumped but a smile etched on her lips, I wanted to pull her into another hug. She looked like her quiet rabbit. “I just,” I muttered, looking into her eyes and hoping she could see all the love I carried in it. “I hope you know that you’re enough.” - The next day, she didn’t come to the coffee house. Or for the rest of the week either. “Did something happen between you and Cappuccino girl?” Bambam asked cautiously one evening when it was clear she wasn’t coming in again. I shook my head but my eyebrows remained furrowed as I stared at the café entrance. A part of me was still hoping to see her walk through those doors. Why did she suddenly stop coming? Did I do something wrong that night? “Why did she stop coming then?” Bambam continued to ask. I grumbled at his insistence. “I don’t know.” “Well, why don’t you go find out?” I glanced at the younger boy who only shook his head at me while laughing. “It’s not like you work here, Boss. I can close the shop tonight. Besides, isn’t her house like fifteen minutes from here?” “It’s ten.” “Even better! You can grab some flowers on your way there,” Bambam chuckled before ushering me out from behind the counter. “Why would I need flowers?” The younger boy just laughed. “Just get them. Flowers are always nice to have in hand.” I shrugged, letting Bambam push me out of the shop. The truth was, I wanted to visit her the first day she stopped coming, but that’s just plain creepy. I’m sure she allowed me into her space with the confidence that I wouldn’t take advantage of that knowledge…which was to say, I shouldn’t go stalking her…even if I was really curious. I mean, I am justified in going. How can you expect me to not be curious when she’s been coming by every single day for a whole year only to suddenly stop abruptly for an entire week? That’s a whole seven days! I mean, I’m a pretty good acquaintance. Friend even? I’m just worried is all. What if she fell sick? Or worse, what if she got kidnapped. I paused in my steps as the thought suddenly hit me. Oh my goodness, what if she’s been kidnapped?! With a bouquet of flowers in hand, I sprinted towards her apartment, only stopping when I was greeted by the same stark whiteness of her door. At least there was no sign of blood on it. I knocked at her door only to be greeted by a silence that made my sweat run cold. Of course, I was quickly pulled out of my delusions when I saw two figures walking down the hallway. There was Y/N looking as healthy and beautiful as ever…with Jackson. At the corner in the hall, she pulled him into a hug before waving him off. And as much as I was happy to see her happy and alive, I was equally just as sad. This meant I did something wrong, right? This meant she was purposely avoiding the café…avoiding me. And I wanted to disappear. I shouldn’t have listened to Bambam. But Y/N’s apartment was in a corner and the only way out was by passing by her. I mentally curled into a ball as I awaited the despair that would be my embarrassing self when Y/N walks passed me. “M-Mark?” I opened my eyes to find her smiling up at me. She looked genuinely happy to see me…which made me even more confused. “Have you been standing out here this whole time?” she asked in exasperation as she quickly rummaged through her purse for her keys. “I’m sorry if I kept you waiting. You know, we really should have exchanged numbers by now.” I followed her in blankly. She was talking to me like normal. Did I not do anything wrong? Why did she go missing for seven days then?! “Ooh,” she muttered softly. “Your poor flowers.” I glanced down to where she was looking. My bouquet of daisies was looking more like a bouquet of stems now. I chuckled at the sight before handing her the sorry-looking flowers. “They’re actually your poor flowers.” She looked at me with bright eyes as she slowly put down her things. A smile settled on her lips as she gently patted the flowers in her arms. “Nothing a little water can’t fix,” she whispered as she moved to her kitchen sink. She was in a plain blouse and jeans, with her hair pulled back in a simple ponytail, but she looked different. Her shoulders weren’t slumped over. Her steps seemed lighter. Was this the effect of Jackson? “You seem happy,” I mumbled, standing beside her as she cut off the ends of the stems. “Today was a good day,” she replied softly. As if naturally, she leaned closer to me so that our arms touched and it took all of my power not to pull her into my arms. I could smell her faint perfume, light citrus and sweet cotton. It was an odd combination that was uniquely hers. It was addictive. “I’m glad you stopped by today,” she confessed quietly as she put the flowers in a vase. She took my hand gently and led me into her living room area. And warmth flushed to my cheeks as an involuntary smile spread across my face. But I didn’t want to be happy. What was even happening right now? “Looks like you decided to go on that third date after all,” I finally spoke up, before cringing because I sounded more bitter than I wanted to. “Hmm?” “Jackson,” I mumbled as I took a seat on the couch. Grabbing her bag across the room, she sat down next to me. She glanced up thoughtfully. “Actually, I didn’t.” I arched my eyebrows up at her in confusion. “We decided to just be friends.” I bit at my lip to keep from smiling too widely. I waited for her to go on. “Jackson is a wonderful guy, but I could only see him as a friend.” “Then…” I paused, fiddling with my fingers nervously. Why did you stop coming? What did I do wrong? As if she knew what I was thinking, she leaned closer to me. “You were right. I do hold back a lot of the times.” “You just work at your own pace,” I defended. She shook her head against my shoulder. “No, I hold back. I am a private person. I never want to share what’s going on, but also, no one ever asks.” She turned to look at me with a smile. “And then you came along and only ever asked the right questions.” I chuckled. “And now all you do is talk, talk, talk.” She rolled her eyes, hitting my arm playfully. “Why did you visit me today?” “Why did you stop?” Without answering me, Y/N pulled her bag into her lap and began pulling out materials. “I was meeting with Jackson the past week because he knew another writer that volunteered with him at the children’s hospital.” With a huge smile, she put a loosely-binded book into my lap. “Through him, I met with an agent and a publisher,” her voice climbed an octave as she sat up with excitement. “You’re looking at the first edition of my first book.” My eyes widened as her words began to make sense. Without thinking I pulled her into my arms, squeezing her into my chest as I laughed with excitement. “That’s amazing! You’re amazing, Y/N!” She chuckled against me, her arms finding its way around me as well. “Of course, I’ll have to edit everything from the writing to the art and it’ll take months before it gets released, but the publisher liked the premise so much he gave me a contract on the spot.” Without thinking, I kissed her forehead. “You’ve worked hard for this.” Y/N cleared her throat, chuckling nervously as she pulled out of my arms. Her face was flushed as she fiddled with her thumbs and suddenly I realized…I just kissed her. “S-so t-hat’s why you haven’t been coming…” “Ah, yeah, kinda…” I looked back at her. “Kinda?” She sighed. “I’m sorry I left you hanging. The truth is that night, I realized a lot of things. It was like I was standing on my tiptoes for six months, waiting to hear the words you told me that night…when you said I was enough, I couldn’t stop crying after you left.” “I…made you cry?” I whispered nervously. “But like, tears of relief,” she reassured me, lightly placing her hand over mines. I flipped my hand over to clasp hers. She smiled at the gesture. “I kept saying I wanted to be with someone who just understood me, but there always was someone.” I smiled back when she looked at me. “Mark, I’m really glad I met you. But when you told me I was enough, I was happy but also afraid. I didn’t want to repeat my past, only finding validation in someone else’s words. Our late night talks have taught me that much at least.” I nodded my head quietly, squeezing her hand as encouragement. “So I stepped away for a little bit to do some soul searching. The words you told me had to come from myself.” “And now you have a book published.” She laughed, collapsing into my arms again. “Only a contract. It’ll be a long while until I get published.” “Look at you, speaking like a writer,” I teased. She blushed. “Only because you’ve been pushing me this whole time,” she said softly. She lifted the book on my lap, opening the cover slowly. My cheeks, my ears, my heart—warmth filled me as I read the first page. With her skin, soft against me, smelling like citrus and cotton and home, I felt myself melting against her. Dedicated to Mark—for being the moon that comforts me when the night feels too dark. “You helped me find my ending,” she whispered. She paused for a long while before looking back into my eyes. “This is really sudden and it’s okay to say no, but I was wondering if you’d like to help me with a new beginning.” I broke into a laugh as I pulled her in close. “Oh my goodness, you’re even asking me out like a writer!” “Mark!” she whined, though a smile spread across her face. “Give me a break, this is my first time!” I pulled her even closer, until our foreheads touched and I could feel her light breathing against my lips. “I hope you know, that a new beginning,” I whispered softly, gazing into her eyes. “doesn’t mean I haven’t forgotten about that dinner you owe me.” She laughed, her head leaving mines as her eyes wrinkled into happy lines. “You’re going to make me pay on the first date?” she teased. I smiled at the sound of her words. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this.” “Come on, let’s not make you wait any longer then.” “It better be as extravagant as you promised.” “I know this coffee shop nearby that’s pretty fancy.” “Haha, very funny.” - He threw the quiet rabbit away. Without the little boy, all her days felt like night. The nights stretched long and dark. The quiet rabbit was afraid. But on the other side of the darkness, there lived a gentle moon. This moon watched over the quiet rabbit as she pruned her fur, as she practiced hopping until her hind legs were sore, and until her quiet voice became hoarse. And the moon loved the quiet rabbit. So he shed his light on the quiet rabbit. And nights were no longer scary. The quiet rabbit did not have the little boy by her side anymore, but she was okay. The quiet rabbit loved the gentle moon and that was enough.
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estrelatzia · 7 years
For the ask thing: 8, 10, 17, 19, 22, and 25? ^^
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
I love both really! Rain in general is so soothing to me.
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
Light Purple/Pink and blue (basically the colors of my tumblr theme lol)
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?
My favourite seasons are Summer and Fall. And my favourite month is August for Summer and October for Fall. :D
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie
My favourite movie of all time is still Spirited Away! I love this movie so much!
As for Disney, I have a lot lol One of my all time faves will always be the Winnie the Pooh movies, Lilo and Stitch and The little Mermaid.
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?
That’s a difficult question for me because I feel like I have a lot of games/shows that I enjoyed but feel like it’s underrated, but I was thinking about it all day and I couldn’t remember the ones I feel that were particularly underrated lol
One that comes to mind is actually the video game Professor Layton. I mean, I don’t think it’s incredibly underrated since there is quite a fandom from what I can see, but I do feel like it should be more popular in my opinion ;u;
Professor Layton is such a good series and it’s definitely an amazing game if you are into mystery and puzzles! The characters are always so lovable and charming. The background scenery is gorgeous and it has one of the best video game ost ever. Seriously, in my opinion, the ost of Professor Layton games are always so nice and relaxing. ALSO, I feel like it’s important to note that Professor Layton is a video game and they made a very good movie for the franchise. Yes, a movie based on a video game that isn’t bad, it’s so rare!
Anyway I could go on and on about how much I love the franchise so I’ll stop here xD Though, I understand that its style might not be for everyone :)
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
I kinda like about every style of art to be honest, I enjoy about everything. I guess I have a soft spot for colourful art and pixel art. But generally, I like about everything when it comes to art.
As for when it comes to me drawing something, I prefer sketches because I feel like It’s easy for me to draw exactly what I imagine when it’s a sketch. I don’t worry about it being clean/messy or where I am drawing the picture on. I just follow my guts and change it according to my feels.
Thanks so much for all the asks :D I feel so spoiled, I enjoyed answering them x3
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todokori-kun · 7 years
Oh, no, he’s not that bad. He just gets horny when fighting someone who’s actually strong enough to beat him up (even if said someone is a 12 year old boy) and makes such…interesting…sounds while doing so that you’d have a hard time explaining to your parents that no, you’re not watching anything explicit (at least not in that way), honestly doesn’t care whether you live or die if you aren’t entertaining, might murder you just for the lulz if he’s bored, is best friends with a cold blooded assassin with a lot of issues, would kill a child if the child was powerful enough to put up a fight, has a TYPE when it comes to his murderous creepy crushes (Machi: the cold, focused lady with incredible talent who hates him, Chrollo: the extremely powerful thief with unique abilities who doesn’t particularly care for him as far as I know, (possibly)Illumi: the talented assassin who tolerates him as long as he doesn’t lay a finger on Illumi’s beloved little brother Killua (and if Hisoka ever dares to joke about killing Killua then, well, too bad for him)…yeah, Hisoka really has a type)…
yep, he’s really not THAT bad, people are just too hard on him, don’t you think? Poor guy.
You’re welcome :) I still have the crying Saiko pic tho. I might send it to you someday (lol jk jk I messed up her lips on that pic and I am too ashamed to ever show it to anyone. I might still redraw it and send it though because what else could you expect from the Dwarf in the Flask?)
Ah, that’s true. No nose + No mouth + ‘Squad leader is disappointed' look = Urie’s default face…
Watercolors really are so pretty. I love how you can make them look delicate even when using super bold, bright colors. They’re also perfect for painting angsty stuff.
TYSM, Queen Luna is so nice *hugs*
I guess I’m careful on the internet partly because it really IS dangerous, and partly because I just feel uncomfortable doing anything I know my parents wouldn’t approve of without talking it through with them? Idk, see, I can lie to people I don’t like/don’t know very well and not feel guilty about it as long as I have a good reason to, but when I care about someone I’ll feel terrible about hiding something from them even if it’s honestly not a big deal ^^;;
Luckily though I asked my parents and they don’t have a problem with Steam as long as I’m sure the games I play on there are PG-13 :) so I’ll be trying CP when I have the time! Tysm for the help and the rec <3
OH really? Wow! And yeah, Ascension glitches sometimes for me too…but usually if I try again after a while it works again. The ending is pretty awesome, so I do recommend that you try again sometime ^^
(Ishida is trolling auto-correct as well)
I’m going to college soon and I hope Ishida’s tweet won’t be summing that up too LOL (jk, jk)
Oh sure, I don’t think I’d have trouble getting along with Riza! I meant Roy taking you to meet Riza and you taking Roy to meet me XD
Imagine Evans and Riza teaming up on the Roy/Luna couple though. 
Riza: “Are you going out on a date? Colonel, please button up your shirt.”
Roy: Riza u trying to ruin my swag  “but-”
Riza: “No buts, it looks much too sloppy.”
Evans: “Luna, I found your phone. Take it with you, ok? Call me if something happens and don’t stay out too late, you need your sleep-”
Luna: “You do realize I’m older than you?”
Evans: “…”
Luna: “…nothing, of course I’ll take my phone!”
Evans: ^^
Riza: *sigh* Kids these days.
Evans: Yeah…
Scar and Evans are both in denial so they’ll keep going round and round in circles until Queen Luna decides to be her awesome self and fix it all up.
(‘Great, because I’m not! Have fun’ seriously you are QUEEN)
I’m sure the queen is absolutely gorgeous <3
I’m sorta like that too- with most people physical contact is a huge NO I hate it, but with people I’m REALLY close with (my mom, my little sister) I love to cuddle. Idk, I’m weird lol
I ship it too. Ugh why do I ship everything except the canon ships
I’m gonna forget it later if I don’t write it now:  I’ve watched Zankyou no Terror and I’m pretty sure you’d like it! It’s about terrorists and has plenty of suffering and ridiculous english. Right down your alley XD
…wow. Just. I have no idea what to say other than ‘this is why I always wear headphones when watching anime’. I mean. Nope, I’ll be quiet.  The pic’s still really good, tho!
Yeah, poor guy, I wonder why people give him shit. It’s a mystery.
Aw, I wanted to see it… well, if you’re not comfortable sharing it, then it’s no problem ^^ If you ever do redraw it though…. I actually want to get my feels destroyed for once. 
Tumblr media
I literally clicked on a random chapter. He has his nose and lips tho. Speaking of Urie, oh god the new chapter. I cry.
One time in elementary school, we did this thing with watercolours that I really loved, even though my art turned out like shit: You draw a tree trunk with brown colours normally, then take pink colours (or whichever you want), dip in a toothbrush or normal brush and try to like… spray the paper? Splatter the paint? I honestly don’t know how to describe it in english XD  But it looks pretty cool when done ^^
Well, as long as you don’t give out personal info and go to weird sites that could give viruses, it’s not that bad. You can never be carful enough, tho, so it’s nice that you’re cautious ^^ And it’s nice that you tell your parents. Mine don’t even know I have a tumblr XD I don’t think they care, though. Mostly because they trust me not to do stupid shit on the internet.
Oh, sweet! I’m pretty sure that CP is pg-13, There’s no cussing as far as I remember and no gore either ^^  Just a bucketful of angst. Tell me when you start playing! And which route you choose as your first one :D My recommendation is either Karma or Rod. Well, Fritz and Waltz are locked until you’ve done 2 routes, but Rumpel (the 3rd unlocked character) has quite a few spoilers in his route, so I’d recommend doing him 3rd.
It’s been at least a year since I’ve played Ascension. It still glitches RIP. It seems the game hates me XD
Ishida is the troll king. We need to make him a crown or something.
I think I’d get along with Riza just fine XD We’d sigh over Roy and paperwork together :P What do you think you’d be like if you’d meet Mustang?
Riza always ruins his fun XD I think there was that theatre video in which she’s like ‘don’t forget to brush your teeth and floss, sleep at least 8 hours a day’ etc. She’s really his mom (and yet I ship them like titanic (minus the catastrophic sinking))
Yes mom, thanks for remembering my phone, I would’ve forgotten it myself XD I’ll call you if I need someone to pick me up :P
At first it’s cute how you two are shy about it, but then at one point I get fed up and just set you up so you can finally hold hands and be happy. I don’t even try to be subtle anymore. I’ve had enough of that XD
Nah, that’s not weird at all. It makes perfect sense ^^ A lot of people I know are like that! One of my friends doesn’t accept hugs/touching from anyone, including family and very close friends.
It’s a rule of the universe. If you ship it, it’s not gonna be canon. 
THE NEW CHAP. DAMN THE NEW CHAP. I’m mostly (only) emotional over Urie, though. I’ve stopped caring about the others a long time ago ^^;;;
Whoah, that’s pretty interesting! I’ve never played the game or seen any playthroughs, but still.  The Oggai are not to blame for what they’re doing. If I was abducted when I was that young, I’d probably be an obedient puppet as well.., 
One thing I can say about the designs: they’re suffering. Other than that, the sketches are a tiny bit messy, but they do seem to fit their personalities well ^^
And thank you <3 I change my icon quite often, so don’t be surprised if you find a new one often :P
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