#u have to accept that ur team will not
akuasucc · 2 years
everytime ghana does terrible ghanaians say they'll stop supporting the team but anytime they play all of a sudden everyone supports them
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broh3m3 · 2 years
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jrueships · 1 year
SHUT!UP!!! people using the gainnis (GIANNIS sorry im shaking with rage) (not rlly im just stupid) picking dame over jrue for his all stars team as ammo that he's always wanted dame over himSHURUP!!! that he's already moved on, that he encouraged the trade as soon as it could be done and that's why it happened so quick and unexpected (for us)SHUT. UP. SHUT UP SHUTUP SHUT UP!!! THEY DIDNT CONSULT WITH HIM BEFORE THE TRADE! THEY DIDNTa theyDIDNT
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3416 · 1 year
i get to see the blue jays this august.... the leafs potentially 4 times in the span of 3 months........ need all my mutuals to get into sports n then we can all just collectively state/country hop and meet each other and see sports teams bc i feel blessed with the way things have unraveled since i've started loving f1 → hockey → baseball
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frogbestfriend · 8 months
Mmm as much as i love discussing stuff (ideas, lore, etc.), not everythang has to be. A discussion. Sometimes u can just say one-off opinions. Sometimes u can just say something stupid and that's that. Turning everything into a discussion is quite tiring and, at times, it could be off-putting and might make u seem like u mean something else. Or imply that u think someone is too stupid (e.g., to click around a website -_-)
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dan-crimes · 1 year
Splatoon 3 be like Oh you're winning games? You're having fun with people at your same level with good teammates against good enemies? Good weapon synergy that allows you to play backline? HA! NOT ANYMORE FUCKER! HERE! Have the worst teams you've ever had in ur life with enemies who also suck but are still slightly better than the rest of ur team, watch as they all run in and DIE over and over and over again and never do anything different and watch as they NEVER KILL A SINGLE ENEMY unless by literal ACCIDENT and watch as NONE OF THEM DO THE FUCKING OBJECTIVE SO MY SUPPORT WEAPON IS LEFT USELESS and watch as ur team NEVER FUCKING PROTECTS YOU WHEN YOU HAVE THE RAINMAKER and then you go and change ur weapon and NOW SUDDENLY UR TEAM NEEDS YOU TO PLAY BACKLINE WHEN UR A FRONTLINE WEAPON or ur team need to INK THE FUCKING GROUND bcuz no one can fuckin MOVE ANYWHERE and you switched off that weapon as well and THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO HELL HELL HELL WE HATE YOU FUCK YOU !!!
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just-jordie-things · 11 months
kiss cam surprise - gojo satoru
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word count: 2.8k warnings: none! :) summary: when (y/n) kisses shoko during a kiss cam at a baseball game, satoru gets a little ~jealous~ this is half fluff half crack tbh lol a/n: ok i don't take fic requests but someone dropped this in my ask box awhile ago and it resurfaced in my mind so... ur a lucky duck. also! if u like kiss cam fics y'all should check out kiss cam! by @naosaki <3 one of my fav megumi fics <3 ___
For being at an event that they couldn’t care less about, Shoko and (y/n) had been on their best behavior for the entirety of the baseball game.  Satoru and Suguru had been so excited to gift the tickets to the girls so they could join them in a fun outing, that they’d tried their best to accept the offer graciously.
Even though neither of them had any interest in going.  It was obvious when the tickets were presented to them, from the awkward smiles they’d worn to the way their eyes shifted towards one another as if to make sure the other was thinking the same thing- why wouldn’t they just go on their own? 
Shoko and (y/n) would’ve happily spent the day doing their own thing had Satoru and Suguru gone to the game just the two of them.  Maybe some light shopping, or maybe they’d hole up in one of their rooms and eat junk and watch romcoms all day.  Either way… any activity would have been more entertaining to them than this.
They barely even knew the rules of the game, only cheering when the guys did, and sharing knowing looks when they tried not to laugh at just how uninterested they were.
Still, they did their best to participate.  Both glad in the same colors of the cheap merch Satoru and Suguru had treated them to.  (y/n) was in a jersey too big for her that hung off her body awkwardly, and Shoko wore a hat with a bill that wouldn’t stop dipping over her eyes, but they didn’t complain.  They were very good sports for their friends, only sneaking off for a smoke break one time.  They even made a few trips for snacks and drinks so that Suguru and Satoru wouldn’t miss any of the games.  Sure, maybe they were trying to stretch their legs and ease the ache in their butts from the uncomfortable plastic seats, but they had the right intentions!
“This is fun, right?” 
When (y/n) turned to him, Satoru was beaming from ear to ear.  His sunglasses were slipping down his nose due to the way his ball cap bumped into them, and his bright eyes seemed to hold even more light from his obvious joy.
She couldn’t lie to him if she wanted to.  It was too cute to see him this excited just from sharing the experience with his friends.  He’d had his arm draped over the back of her seat for the majority of the game, and whenever his team got the upper hand, he’d eagerly tap or shake at her shoulder to involve her in the hype.  (y/n) was grateful for the que to pay closer attention to what was happening, but she did fluster and blush every time he’d touch her.
This didn’t go unnoticed by Shoko, who would knowingly knock her elbow from her other side, a small smirk on her face when (y/n) would peek at her from the corner of her eye.  She tried to ignore the silent teasing, but after a while it got hard with how much it was happening.
With a smile and a nod of her head, Satoru’s expression lit up even more.  “Yeah, I’m actually having a really great time,” She said.  It didn’t matter that she was more interested in all the attention he’d been giving her than the great seats they had for the game.  He didn’t need to know that part.  “We should do this more often” She adds before thinking.
Once again, Shoko’s elbow was bumping into hers, and this time a less-than-discreet snort could be heard.  (y/n) sent her elbow back into hers in retaliation, silently scolding her for eavesdropping.
“Yeah?” Satoru fixes his cap so that he can push his sunglasses back up the bridge of his nose.  “Tickets weren’t that expensive, we could go to more games this season, if you want?” He suggests.
Bullshit, she thinks with a smile telling him that’s exactly what she was thinking.  Nothing was expensive to the Gojo Satoru.
“Yeah, maybe” She says without much commitment.
Going to baseball games just the two of them? The idea had her heart soaring.  Having to sit through a game that could take more than three hours was less than ideal.
Soon enough a break in the game came, the announcers hyping up the crowd with some silly chants and trivia on the big screen.  (y/n) found herself slumping down into her seat, aimlessly tapping around on her phone to pass the time.  She hadn’t been paying enough attention to notice the change in game on the big screen, that is until there was a hand smacking at her shoulder again.
Looking up, she’d almost expected to see the game in motion again.  Satoru had only been tapping at her like that when an exciting play was in action.  However this time, he’s pointing up at the screen.
She gapes when she sees that she’s displayed on the screen.  The camera has a wide angle that includes Shoko and Satoru on either side of her, the words Kiss Cam spelled out in pink cursive above them.  It’s complete with lipstick stains and sparkles for dramatic touch.
“Oh my god” She mumbles, hoping that her blush is undetectable by the camera, seeing as her face felt scorching hot from embarrassment.
The longer the camera is focused on her, the rowdier the crowd around her becomes.  Eagerly chanting ‘Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!’ like a bunch of teenagers at their first house party.
Satoru is grinning so hard his face hurts.  This was like a dream come true.  The easiest excuse in all of history to get a kiss from the girl he’s had a crush on since he was fifteen was just presented to him on a silver platter- and the crowd’s cheering only spurred him on further.
Even Suguru is giving him a smirk and a nod of approval.  He’d heard more earfuls than most about the ins and outs of Satoru’s feelings for (y/n).  Although on occasion, Shoko or Nanami were on the receiving end of his lovesick rambling.
His heart is about to burst out of his chest when he turns to (y/n).  His smile is starting to hurt and for a second he realizes he’s going to have to relax to actually kiss her.
“Are you okay with-?” 
The question barely comes out before he’s cut short.
(y/n) had already turned away from him, swiveled in her seat to face Shoko.  It’s like he’s watching it happen in slow motion.
They both giggle at their idea, and (y/n) takes off Shoko’s hat while she’s quickly tucking her hair behind her ears to clear her face.  And then time goes back to normal and all too quickly, Satoru watches as they lean towards each other to share a kiss.
It’s just a peck, so swift and chaste it’s over as soon as it happens.  The crowd hollers and then are just as quickly getting excited over the next unsuspecting pair on camera.
(y/n) and Shoko laugh a bit more before sitting back in their seats, going back to their phones and striking up conversation about some anime they’d been interested in.  Both, or at least (y/n), completely oblivious to the offended gape on Satoru’s face.
That was totally his kiss, after all! It was his perfect moment to finally take things to the next level with his long time friend that he’d harbored a crush on.
To make matters worse, Shoko wasn’t as innocent as she was pretending to be, sending a smirk his way when (y/n) was too focused on her phone.  He scowled back at her.  She knew about his crush! She knew he was going to go for that kiss!
With a huff, he stood up from his seat and made his way out of the stands.  He needed a bottle of water, or a snack, or just some damn space away from his so-called friend that was teasing him for snatching his kiss.
Satoru leaving so suddenly finally perked (y/n’s) attention.  He was gone too fast for her to call after him, but she worriedly watched him scale the steps with ease as he headed towards the hall of vendors.  She locked eyes with Satoru, raising a brow in silent question.
“He’s just being pouty,” Suguru replied casually, shrugging his shoulders before turning back towards the field.  “You wanna go after him? Be my guest” 
(y/n) sighed, turning the other direction towards Shoko.
“What’s he so pressed about?” She mutters.  “What even happened?” 
Shoko rolls her eyes, a lazy grin stretching on her lips.
“I dunno,” She says in a teasingly melodic tone of voice, suggesting she knew exactly what set their friend off.  “Maybe pluck up some courage and go ask him?” 
With another sigh of defeat, (y/n) slumped back into her seat, her thumbnail wedged between her teeth as she mulled over the idea.  A nervous flutter settled in her chest, a persistent buzz of confusion and anxiety distracting her even more so from the game starting up again.
When she suddenly shot out of her seat, muttering some excuse about needing to stretch her legs before she raced up the stairs in the direction she’d seen Satoru head off towards.
Two sets of eyes watched her as she hurried off.  Suguru and Shoko locked eyes once she was out of sight, both of them snickering between themselves.  It didn’t exactly take an active imagination to know exactly what was coming next. 
To her surprise, (y/n) found Satoru as soon as she left the stands.  Moping around the upper part of the arena with a half-empty bag of cotton candy.  She couldn’t help but laugh at the sight, effectively getting herself caught by him.
“Why’re you up here eating your feelings?” (y/n) speaks first, eyes narrowed inquisitively.  Satoru scoffs as she approaches him, snatching a piece of the pink sweet right out of his hands.
“I’m not eating my feelings” He replies unconvincingly, digging the hole deeper as he shoves a rather large piece of cotton candy into his mouth.
(y/n) rolls her eyes, but the smile on her face is impossible to hide.
“Sure,” She remarks.  “You’re totally not pouting right now.  C’mon just fess up.  What’s wrong?”
“I’m not pouting.  My friend betrayed me, I think I’m right in being upset about that?” It’s a rhetorical question, followed by another shove of cotton candy into his mouth.
(y/n) frowns.
“Betrayed you?” She repeats.  “Did I miss something? Who betrayed you?” 
Satoru groaned, tossing the remainder of his cotton candy into the trash dramatically.  (y/n) had to resist the urge to laugh, not understanding where this whole little tantrum came from.
“Shoko! Obviously! I mean she knew that that kiss was-!” 
He stops mid sentence, realizing where this outburst was going to lead him if he didn’t relax and go back to his usual suave demeanor.  (y/n) shook her head in confusion, her brows pinching together.
“Was what?” She asked, a breathless laugh escaping her.  “Meaningless? A joke between friends?” She suggested.  “You’re mad about a kiss?” 
“Of course I’m mad-! Well, I- I guess not mad, I’m not mad at her,” He stammered over his words, not knowing how exactly to explain the complicated feelings.
(y/n) tried to be patient while he stammered and struggled to make himself clear.  Mostly because she was partially amused by the whole thing.  Satoru prided himself in being what he called a smooth-talker, and while normally she’d laugh at him for that, it was a shock to see him behave the total opposite right in front of her.
“But that wasn’t exactly fair, I mean, she was just trying to rile me up.  And- like- yeah, that’s what we usually do, we pick on each other but that just- that just wasn’t fair! That was my kiss and she knew it! And she just-” 
“What do you mean ‘your kiss’?” 
Finally Satoru had been rendered speechless, his mouth still hanging open mid rant, jaw slacking a bit as he realized he’d gotten carried away.  (y/n’s) expression almost mirrors his, her eyes wide and lips parted, even as she holds her breath and waits for him to clarify.
But he’s completely frozen in front of her.
“Satoru,” She waves her hand in front of his face, trying to bring him back to reality.  “What did you mean ‘your kiss’?” She repeats, shaking her head at him.
“I- I just… I meant that-” 
Words are spilling out of his mouth without direction, without knowing what the hell the right thing to say was.  He’d known (y/n) for two years now, and in all of that time he’d been pretty proud of the persona he’d built up to be sure that he was always the cool one, the guy she could rely on to be smooth and popular.  He felt pathetic now, letting his own secrets slip and stuttering over himself like an idiot.
The corners of (y/n’s) lips twitched into a smile the longer he flustered over who-knows-what.  It catches his attention when she unintentionally lets out a little laugh.
“Sorry,” She apologizes right away.  “Sorry, I’m not laughing at you.  I just… are you trying to say that you wanted me to kiss you? For the cam game?” 
She tries not to sound so hopeful that it comes across desperate, but the mere idea that Satoru had wanted a kiss from her had her chest thrumming with butterflies.
Satoru’s throat feels dry, and suddenly her gaze feels like a spotlight.  The intensity has the hair on the back of his neck standing up.  He pulls the hat off his head to run a hand through his hair to relieve the heat.
“Well… yeah,” He admits, sounding more bashful than she ever would have thought he was capable of.  Her small smile turned a little brighter, and he tried to get his voice back.  “Not that I need a silly game to kiss you, obviously-” 
“Obviously” She repeats the word fondly, giving him a small nod.
“But- s-still, the kiss cam, would’ve been… fun” He admits sheepishly.  She giggles, nodding her head again.
“Well, it was fun, for the record,” She teases, earning a roll of his eyes from behind his shades.  She steps closer to him then, a tilt in her head as she takes in the obvious nerves written on his face.  “But if you wanted to kiss me, you could’ve just asked” 
“I was going to,” He argued, his hands moving about erratically.  “It's not my fault Shoko beat me to it!” 
She giggled at his drama, reaching out and grabbing his hands as they flew around, still laughing as he froze up again from the sudden touch.
“You know, it didn’t exactly mean anything when Shoko did it,” She suggested.  “I know there’s not any cameras… but…” 
Satoru raised a brow.
“(y/l/n) (y/n),” He gasped dramatically, “Are you asking me to kiss you?” 
Her cheeks tint pink as she bites back her smile, giving him a small nod of her head.  He smiles back at her, pulling his hands out of hers and dropping his hat so he could lay them across her jaw, tilting her head upwards so he didn’t have to lean down as far to reach her.  
She doesn’t wait a second longer for him, closing her eyes and leaning up on the tips of her toes so she could press her lips against his.  Satoru’s quick to reciprocate, his fingers flexing against her skin, holding on as tight as he can without hurting her as he deepens the kiss right away.  She has to grab him by the shoulders to keep herself balanced.
His lips are soft, and taste sugary like the cotton candy he’d been eating.  She’d always thought he’d taste a little bit like sugar, what with how much of it he consumes.  It makes her smile to know first hand.
When they break the kiss, he steals one more quick peck from her, grinning with excitement before he pulls away so he can pick up his forgotten hat from the ground.
“Feel better now?” She teases as he slings his arm around her shoulder to head back towards their seats.
“Mhm,” He hums, pulling his cap over her head and smiling as it slips down her forehead.  He pokes it upwards with his index finger, then pokes the tip of her nose.  “But next game I bring you to, I get the kiss cam kiss, alright?” 
There’s a gleam in her eye and a blush on her face as she leans into him, matching his steps as they head down the stairs to their seats.  As shameless as ever, she can’t help but tease him.
“Then sit on my left next time” ___
xoxo ~ jordie
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h4m1lt0ns · 7 months
episode thirteen :: RIBBONS & TEA.
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ pairing ︴various drivers x y/n
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ genre ︴social media au / irl snippets
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ summary ﹔the groupchat returns, and while lewis is feeling a bit funny, y/n casually gives everyone a heart attack and calls it a surprise.
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ face claim ﹔ wonyoung jang (28)
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ warnings ﹕ excessive cussing, none.
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♡ liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 9,149,394 more. 
lewishamilton 📍🇬🇧
tagged: y/n, tommyhilfiger.
username goodnight.
username since fuckin when???
username had to double check if this actually lewis’ account
username no roscoe in sight, oh he’s serious serious 😧
username watch ur back sir hamilton v3rstabben is *allegedly* loosing his mind 🫢
username now why are you 🫵 a man 🤨 posting MY wife
username imagine being in a situationship w y/n y/l/n 😩
username ur so fucking lucky mercedes boy.
[liked by lewishamilton]
username i SCREECHED when i opened insta what the fuck.
username babe js propose to her atp.
username I KNOW the dilf gc is in SHAMBLES rn.
username oh u brave BRAVE 😧
username 49392919283 meters away from MY girl sir lewis
→ lewishamilton can you even count that far?
→ username oh ur bullying ur fans now?
→ lewishamilton idk am i?
→ username “i”. enough said.
→ username no bc why is he typing in all lowercase 🤠
→ username y/n’s influence is crazy
username but when EYE say they’re dating.
username fernando alonso is typing…
username oh you’re so father for this 😩
landonorris ..d-dad?
→ lewishamilton ..son?
→ landonorris what are we.
→ lewishamilton you have been promoted, you are now one of my elite employees 😁
→ landonorris thanks dad 🫶🏻
→ landonorris ﹫lewishamilton cult lh are bullying me
→ lewishamilton okay let’s leave my son out of this.
→ username YOUR WHO?
→ lewishamilton that’s enough internet for next month
username IM SOOOOOOOO.
username im assuming we too have to accept lewis as our dad if lando is doing it 🙄
→ username ﹫y/n SAY SOMETHING.
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♡ liked by lewishamilton, charles_leclerc and 13,593,204 more.
y/l/nestate behind the scenes 🍾🎀 fun things coming very soon ⭐️🩷
username she’s SO fucking beautiful what in the FUCK
username wowowowowowowowow
username one chance PLEASE
lewishamilton pretty
→ y/n heyyyy
→ username 3 Y’S. GIRL STAND UP
→ username i genuinely think we lost her.
→ username enD MY SUFFERING I CANT 💔💔💔
username FACE CARDDDDD 💳💳💳💳💳
username me if you care
username SHES SO 🎀⭐️🩷🫧
username if she drops an album out of nowhere i will bang my head against the wall 🩷🩷🩷🩷
mercedesamgf1 mercedes doll 😍
→ username log out of this acc lewis 🔥
→ username you too need to stand up 🫵😧
→ username let him stay down it’s Y/N Y/L/N
→ username point made 🤷🏽‍♀️
username bratz doll irl 🧎🏽‍♀️
username 😍😍😍
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honey badger: avengers assemble.
honey banger: i have easily the most important tea to spill today.
y/n: “hear yee! hear yee!�� ahh text
girlfriend kika: LMFAO
babygirl alex: hear yee 😭😭😭
honey badger: it’s about max
girlfriend kika: i ain’t laughing no more 🗿
chal eclair: what does he want
chili!: no bc after the shit his team pulled i don’t think i wanna hear from anyone abt him
angel carmen: wait is it important
honey badger: it’s abt the billboards incident
princess george: oh.
my baby lando: oH?
yukino: 🔪?
honey badger: might be necessary this time
alabono: he is personally involved isn’t he 😐
honey badger: yep.
my baby lando: wait oscar needs to see this
papaya baby #2: i love it here already
wifey lily: oh i’m so sat
honey badger: i was ‘hanging out’ with max before the suzuka race to make it seem like we’re chill. i wasn’t there to hang w him i had a mission.
my baby lando: okay okay
chal eclair: 🤨
honey badger: i managed to get ahold of his phone then i waited until he left his drivers room
honey badger: then i switched my phone case with his to make it look like i was on my phone while i was going through his
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y/n: i would like to apologise, visa cash app driver, i, indeed was NOT familiar.
girlfriend kika: LET BRO COOK 🔥🔥🔥
honey badger: so i go through his messages and find a deleted group chat. a group chat with the employees that red bull fired.
chal eclair: OH HELL NOOOOO 😭😭😭
honey badger: he INSTRUCTED them to burn the billboards. specifically the ones with y/n on them.
princess george: i know he thought this was IT
alabono: bro thinks he’s him
papaya baby #2: who let bro cook
honey badger: not only that
y/n: THERES MORE?????
angel carmen: hELLO?
honey badger: he made sure to tell horner to cover for him
PIERRE GASLYYYY: no fucking wonder the fia’s investigation was wrapped up SO quickly
yukino: and their corny ass apology said it all
yukino: “team principal christian horner apologises” since fucking when
babygirl alex: ^^^^^^ REALLLL
y/n: setting up a zoom call rn we need to brainstorm
y/n: im also adding lew, seb and nando because they’ve been PlISSSSEEEDDD
chal eclair: “lew” and “nando” and i’m still waiting on my cute nickname
y/n: be grateful i love you and your fuck ass pasta 🙄
papaya baby #2: i love it SO much here
chili!: don’t get too comfortable oscar
y/n: i’m not gon tell you to leave that baby alone one more time 🗣️
papaya baby #2: thanks mum 🫶🏻
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y/n and y/l/nestate
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♡ liked by lewishamilton, carlossainz55 and 44,294,293 more.
y/n and y/l/nestate surprise lol 🎀 champagne, sex & anxiety 7/10 🥂 considering the amount of people i worked with on this album, it’s truly a fucking miracle that i managed to shut the fuck up abt it and not say anything so here u go i guess 💗🩰⭐️ no more sad songs LETSFUCKINGO !!!! i personally call this one my mona lisa and i BEG u to love it as much as i do when it comes out 🍾🤍🏹 also no twitter jumpscare this time ur welcome lmaooo :)! love u to death 🧸🫂💘
theweeknd my excitement exceeds the english language.
username WAHTS FOIBG ON ????????
username “no twitter jumpscare” AN INSTAGRAM JUMPSCARE ISNT ANY BETTER Y/N
lewishamilton honoured. proud of you doll 💗
→ y/n proud of u ml 🩷⭐️
→ username “ml” GIRL.
→ username HR 😭😭😭
landonorris WHAT.
carlossainz55 WHAT THE HELL
danielricciardo IS THIS HOW I FIND OUT
charles_leclerc UHM YES??????
y/l/nrecords love when y/n drops music out of nowhere 🔥
→ username LMAOOOO
→ username REALLLLLL
username i’m so genuinely shocked i’ve been sitting here in silence for the past ten minutes
→ username you’re a stronger person that me i screamed so loud my neighbour broke my door bc he thought i was being murdered
pierregasly what in the ratatouille bullshit.
francisca.cgomes WHAT THE HELL 🔥 🔥
alexalbon ??????!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!!
mercedesamgf1 i literally cant wait 🤩
username yesss gaga
oscarpiastri we’ve all been on this call for four hours and we don’t even get a heads up ??
→ username CALL??
→ username “WE’VE ALL” ?????
username what in the literal fuck is going on.
username ,&/&;&2929(92&:’fwlsoqlfjje MA’AM.
username Y/N PLEASE
scuderiaferrari ?????????
username i can’t do it. i js can’t do it man.
username Y/N ISTG.
☆ IMESSAGE with : Unknown Number
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xxx-xxx: hey
xxx-xxx: can we talk?
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piastree · 6 months
Is It Over Now? | LN4
lando norris x reader (fc: olivia rodrigo)
— Part 2
Previous Part | Next Part
Summary : Y/N and Lando try to clear up the rumors about them. But things go downhill when Lando's actions end up causing more trouble for Y/N, leaving her facing hate comments from everyone.
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landonorris added a story
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luisinhaoliveira99 and landonorris
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Liked by landonorris, username and 105,786 others
luisinhaoliveira99 ❤️
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username oh i thought lando and y/n are back together :(
username what u expect??
username luisa girl<3 i love her with lando
username whoever say lando hasn't moved on from y/n must see this lol
landonorris added a story
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yourusername added a story
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maxfewtrell definitely hate it bc u hate drama yourusername ???? lmao max yourusername out of the context maxfewtrell haha it's been a while hope u doing well yn
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Liked by username, username and 21,969 others
f1wagupdates Lando has been rumored to be close to Luisa for nearly 3 months, yet there's still uncertainty about their relationship status. While photos of them spending time together suggest more than just a friend. Then came the surprising news when Lando and Y/N both posted photos aboard a yacht, sparking speculation of them back together. However, recent social media posts from Lando and Luisa show that they are getting intimate, emphasizing that Lando and Luisa are dating. Will Lando stick with his old flame or go for someone new?
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username Honestly, i ship Lando and Luisa so hard! They look so cute together❤️
username I'm here for races, but Lando's love life has me more invested than the races itself
username i just want him end up with whoever makes him happy
username team Luisa all the way! She and Lando look so happy together
username y/n, darling, do yourself a favor and find someone who actually wants to be with you. Lando's clearly moved on to bigger and better things
username y/n still chasing after Lando like a lost puppy? it's time to accept reality and move on girl
username yeah typical attention seeker always trying so hard to stay relevant
username posting the same vibe photos as lando lol such a pathetic move y/n
username you might not know the full story, just because she posted the same photos doesn't mean she's trying to start rumors
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Liked by carlossainz55, yourbff and 71,444 others
yourusername period cravings
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username your period cravings post is hilarious and so relatable😫
yourbff so ur period cravings are shopping for foods and makeup?
yourusername yepp<3
username you are so cuteeee
username is one year not enough for you to move on from lando?
username stop creating drama you need to grow up🙄
username he's happy with Luisa, give it up
username lando found someone better, and you're just embarrassing yourself at this point🤦‍♀️
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Thankyou for reading! Feel free to comments anything<3 see u in next chapter xx
taglist: @c-losur3 @tania2748 @starz4me1 @celestialend @booksandflowrs @xlinxdax0704
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knowyourplace-fool · 10 months
Bully gojo and shy oc !! Who always torments you and humiliates you. Makes you do all his works and you do out of fear. You don't question him and feels smug . He tells how he hates you( but actually he likes her a lot but he doesn't confess because ypu keep rejecting every guy so he thinks you don't accept him either) and tells you that you are just a burden on this earth but then you get into an accident and don't come to scl for a week. Gojo doesn't know what happened to you and can't find out cuz you don't have frnds either. After a week you come to schl with a bandage to your head and a fracture sling on your arm. He gets worried and clings onto you and tou lash out for the first time telling him that he got what he wanted and he could be happy now. He gets angry and kidnaps you and fucks you🙃
-> omfg YES! gojo is such a bully
-> sorry for any mistakes!
⚠️: NON CON, Kidnapping, Mean!Gojo, physically, mental and emotional abuse, manhandling, bullying, biting, groping, size difference
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All you’ve ever done is mind your own business
Sure, you don’t have many friends but that doesn’t really bother you
You enjoy being independent. Your grades are high in the air, your part time job in your school is more than enough for you to live comfortably. (In this universe, inflation doesn’t exist)
You don’t really talk to anyone, not even family. Whole bunch of drama happened, and they were toxic so you ended up leaving them for university.
Everything seemed to be going as planned until a 6’4 menace walked into your life.
Gojo Satoru was your typical frat boy and the star of the university’s basketball team.
Some may even say the Golden Boy of your university. He was smart, athletic, had a good reputation among the professors and just with people in general. Not to mention, he was ridiculously handsome. Man literally had girls fighting over him.
You’ve seen him in the hallways but never actually interacted with him. He was in a few of your classes but luckily, you guys never were put together in a group.
Until today. Your prof is running a lab and gathered the smartest students he knows to do it for him. It’s kind of a two in one for him, the lab gets complete and you guys gain some experience.
Anyways, the group consists of you, Satoru and his friend Suguru and some other nerdy people
Now unlike Gojo, you already sorta knew Geto. He was really friendly and kind towards you so you were kind of excited to be working with him.
A few days into the lab and Gojo has a sudden fixation with you. Well he always had, but this lab is letting him work closely with you and it’s making his obsession worse.
You’re stupid if you think that Gojo Satoru hasn’t kept on eye out for you. Every time you walk by him in the halls, he gets a hard on just by catching a whiff of you. The cute skirts and the pastel closet you have drives him over the fucking edge.
It takes every cell in his body to resist the urge of grabbing ur wrist, pulling u into the janitors closet and fucking you absolutely dumb and stupid.
You look so cute and innocent, like a little bunny. And god, you are just an easy target to corrupt.
So, Gojo plans a party. A party on the following Saturday after your lab is complete because he knows that you’ll be free.
His plan is to get you to come, keep you company, get you a little hammered, then get a feel of your pussy. Simple plan.
It’s now up to Geto to get you to come to this party. And of course, for his best friend, he’s 100% on board with his plan.
All goes well in the lab and in your final days of completing the report, Geto asked the big question.
“Satoru and I are throwing a party tomorrow. If you’re free, we’d love for you to come. You can bring anyone you want.”
You blush. Party? Your first party? Your brain breaks out in celebration because as much as you liked to spend your weekend relaxing, you also have a severe case of fomo. (Fear of missing out)
Your eyes lit up, saying yes on the spot in excitement. The following day, you went back to your dorm and tore your closet apart, looking for a nice dress. You settled for a blue, body con, summer dress. (despite it not being a party dress but who gives af bc it’s summer)
The next night, you got all dolled up for the party. You made arrangements with Geto to pick you up. He made it on time, looking handsome in his all black fit with his hair in a bun.
You were excited… for nothing.
There was a party (a lit one), but you realized a little too late that your social skills were next to non existent. The whole time, you felt out of place. So you stood in the corner, drink in hand and watched others dance and interact with each other.
“You don’t look like you’re having fun.”
You turn your head only to be faced with a bright blue eyed man, the one and only Gojo Satoru.
“I guess partying is not my thing.”
“Oh come on, come with me.”
He grabbed your hand and headed towards the beer pong table
You and Gojo were a team and surprisingly you two worked perfectly together
The alcohol in your system made you flush, and you found yourself loosening up a bit and having a bit of fun.
Gojo’s plan seemingly was rolling out perfectly. You were a bit drunk, so he took you back to his room to “sober up” (but it was just an excuse to get u alone so he can fuck u but u don’t know that)
Now listen, Gojo got rizz alright. So imagine the look on his face when he went in to kiss you and you slapped him so hard, his face turned the other way.
“I’m not some whore you can use for tonight. I was genuinely having a good time with you, I don’t know why you had to make it sexual.”
You felt like crying. Is this what all guys think about?? Sex?
You get off the bed and head towards the door before you’re pulled back and thrown on the bed
“Satoru, stop! I want to go home.”
And just like how you did with him, he slapped you. Much, much harder.
He didn’t say anything, he just had this look in his eyes that could honestly kill. He took a hold of your wrist with one hand and let his other roam and touch your body.
He pulled your dress up, revealing the lacy, white, underwear you wore. You were a teensy bit wet, not because of him but maybe the alcohol? Or his best friend?
You don’t know, but Gojo thought the wet spot was because of him.
“Tch, saying you don’t wanna hook up but you’re fucking wet f’me.”
He pulled you closer to the head board, reaching out to his night stand and pulling out,,,, cuffs?
“Wait wait wait wait!” You say in a panic. You squirm to get your wrist free but once you feel the metal snake around your wrists and the click afterwards, you were doomed.
Your dress was ripped off by him. Your panty was somewhere on the ground and he easily took off your bra by doing the same thing he did with your dress. You laid nude under him, against your will.
As you can imagine, the night went terribly for you. You weren’t a virgin but it had been a while since you had sex (all the way back in high school) and really it was your first time with someone so experienced.
The next morning, you woke up with him cuddling you from behind while his lanky legs were intertwined with yours
You somehow managed to escape his grip and sneak out of the house before anyone could notice. You did have work, but decided to call in because of… well for obvious reasons.
On Monday, you dreaded to go to school. But with midterms coming around the corner, you couldn’t afford to miss a lecture. You dressed in baggy clothes and took a different route to class to avoid Satoru.
The day was going alright until you had to go to the library to pick out a few books to help you on an assignment.
While you were reaching on your tippy toes, someone behind you grabbed the book which made you quickly turn around. Your eyes meet his bright, blue eyes.
“You’re avoiding me now?”
The anger that overcame you in that moment was indescribable. You wanted to scream at him, hit him, threaten him or somehow bring him down, but you couldn’t.
“Did I fuck you mute? Answer me.”
You took a deep breath in and said, “leave me alone”
“Why? What, you think you’re too good for me? That I don’t have enough worth to fuck you? Is that what it is?”
He grabbed your cheeks with one hand and squished them together, pushing you back against the bookshelf in the process. He was holding you so hard, you couldn’t move.
“Listen to me, you slut. Don’t get our roles mixed here. You’re literally a piece of shit next to me. You hold no value in this world. If you died, no one would even think twice about it because no one gives a flying fuck about you. You think you’re soooo fucking special or something. You think you’re too good for everyone. Well you’re not. You’re just a broke whore, with no friends, no family, no hobby— nothing.”
He roughly let’s go of your face that you nearly fall to the floor. You tried your best but couldn’t help but cry at his words. Gojo swings off his backpack, grabs a note package and hands it to you.
“This assignment is due tomorrow at noon. I haven’t gotten the chance to start it because of basketball. So you’re going to do it for me cause you’re a worthless, bunny that has nothing else to do after school hours. And before you think about handing in something stupid, take a look at this.”
He pulls out his phone and in a matter of 10 seconds, you felt your heart drop to the pit of your stomach.
A video. Of you. Getting fucked by the Gojo Satoru. It’s evident that you’re crying but it’s easy to cover it up with an “excuse”. Your face held a horrified expression.
“P-please, delete that! Please, I’ll do it but please just- just delete the video please!”
“No, not until that assignment is handed in and I have to get 100% on it. If it isn’t handed in or I don’t receive 100%, this will be leaked to everyone in a matter of minutes. I’ll post this shit everywhere with your full name on it, got it?”
You felt like crying and throwing up at the same time. This felt worse than a nightmare. This felt worse than dying even. “Okay, I’ll try my best but I don’t know if I can get-”
“If you don’t get 100 on this assignment, I’m leaking it. I don’t give a shit. I already showed Suguru— sick bastard got off to it, and I’m sure many more will too if you don’t score 100.”
He picks up his backpack and leaves while you stood in distraught. The following night, after work, you immediately started on his assignment. You saw the assignment date and it was assigned 3 weeks ago. He wants you to do 3 weeks of work in 15 hours.
Somehow, you pulled through the night. Researching the best you can on the internet and trying to make it as best as you possibly could. You were able to send him the file at 11:30am so he could skim through it and hand it in.
You ended up leaving early for the day so you could go home and get some sleep. When you woke up the next morning, your nearly dead phone kept ringing over and over.
You pick it up and see hundreds of notifications on various social media’s and a few iMessages
Your thumb clicked on one of the iMessage notifications and there was Satoru’s name with the following message:
“I told you, only 100%”
Below the message was an image of his mark
A 98%
You swipe off of iMessage and open Instagram and boom
Hundreds of new follower requests, numerous dms and clicking of Gojo Satoru’s story, was the video of him blowing your back.
You checked Snapchat and there it was on his story too. You wanted to die. You wanted to dig a hole and bury yourself alive than live another day in this situation.
Later that day, you had received an email from the dean’s office regarding a “very sensitive and confidential” meeting that would be taking place tomorrow.
You had an idea of what it might be about but hope and prayed to god that it wasn’t what you were thinking.
But to your luck, this meeting was regarding your sex tape and how there is no longer a spot for you on the dean’s list or team.
Your whole world was crumbling apart. You spent your whole life to get to where you are today, only for him to ruin it in a matter of 12 hours.
You left the building slowly, still deeply thinking about what you could’ve done to prevent this. How stupid you are to go to that party and slap the Gojo Satoru.
“Why is this happening to me?”
All of a sudden, everything goes black.
You wake up in a hospital. Your head felt heavy and your arms was twitching. You look around and see… no one. The nurse catches a glimpse of your eyes and quickly walks in to check on you.
She explains that you were in an accident and that they tried to get in contact with an emergency contact but you hadn’t stated anyone. You stayed at the hospital overnight so they can monitor your brain activity and fortunately they were able to discharge you the next morning.
You took the rest of the week off from school and Gojo Satoru was losing his mind. He had spammed called you from various numbers but you weren’t answering your phone at all. He went from his usual mean insults to angry insults to pleading for a response back.
He doesn’t see you until Monday, with a bandage around your head and your arm in a cast which is also in a sling. He nearly runs to you, wanting nothing but to embrace you.
And he does. Holds onto you tightly, inhaling your shampoo until you knee his in the balls.
He immediately drops down and you completely lose your cool. “Don’t fucking touch me! I hate you! You ruined my life! You’re not allowed to touch me after you forced me to have sex with you and shared the video with the entire campus! You got what you wanted Satoru! You stole everything from me! Broke my entire world, burned my hard work down! Made me feel worthless! And now you want to act all concerned?! I hope you rot in hell!”
You ended up going home for the day, otherwise another headache would’ve set in. You took a quick lap before getting up and getting ready for work because those hospital bills weren’t going to pay themselves.
You had the closing shift and although working with one hand was quite the challenge, you desperately needed the money.
After closing up, the walk to your apartment is about 10 minutes away. Everything was going fine until a car quickly pulled up next to you, two men sprung out and shoved you into the car before you even had the chance to react.
One of them had his hand over your mouth while the other held your legs together.
You were blindfolded and tied in the car and after a while the car came to a stop and you were carried out.
You were thrown on the floor and when the blindfold was removed, you were met with his eyes again.
You immediately started crying. You were afraid and quite frankly exhausted of everything that’s happened over the last week.
“Please. I’m sorry. Just let me go. I’ll never ever bother you again. I’m sorry.”
You plead and beg but you hear his belt unbuckling. “Please! Please, I beg you Satoru! I’m sorry! I can’t- I can’t do it again please!”
You were left unheard. He threw you on the bed and tied your limbs to the bed. One of your arms was already in extreme pain and the other arm was starting to hurt too because of how tightly he tied you.
Every ounce of hope drained from your body when you felt his cock push into you. He pushed your head into the mattress and fucked you hard, like there was no tomorrow. Your tears soaked the mattress. Sweat, tears and snot covering your puffing face.
Satoru went on for hours. Abs glistening in sweat, his arm veins popping out because of how hard he was holding you. Not to mention his cock was coated with loads of cum.
You were passed out by the time he finished with you. Your body shaking on its on, cum dripping out your cunt and marks/bruises left all over your soft skin.
Hopefully his bunny learned her lesson.
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f1rodrigo · 7 months
the mclaren boy mystery
l. norris / o. piastri
summary: in which your boyfriend is a formula one driver for team mclaren and when you finally decide it's time to start hinting to the world, the internet is confused on exactly which driver is your boyfriend. pairing: social media au || lando norris / oscar piastri x reader fc: jazmyn makenna
a/n: made this on a whim instead of studying for exams & doing hw. there will be more parts eventually... i hope you enjoy for the sake of my abandoned school work. (edit hours later) -> omfg i spent all day working on this (literally at the expense of my hw & studying lolol) & i was about to publish it when i went to my drafts & it was just GONE. i was about to be in tears. i tried everything & finally accepted the fact that it was going to be gone forever. BUT i just opened tumblr again & there she was!!!! so so happy. anyways hope you enjoy<33.
sweet relief series | valentine's day drabble
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liked by landonorris, and 22,019 others
yourusername fast cars n pretty girls 💌
view all 671 comments
user1 i have no idea who these girls are but lando is in the likes......
⤷ user2 fr i'm so curious now
⤷ user3 landos girl of the week i suppose 🤣
⤷ user4 prob just ur typical rich girls who spend their weekends at races 🤷🏻‍♀️
yourbestfriend same time next week?
francisca.cgomes gorgeous girls
⤷ yourusername love u kiks
⤷ user5 guys..... i am thinking Thoughts...
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yourusername added to their story
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liked by mclaren, and 542,111 others
oscarpiastri Singapore, the new helmet and I are ready ✨
view all 1,212 comments
mclaren ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
user2 oscar piastri singapore gp winner has a nice ring to it
user3 sexy helmet for a sexy man
yourusername love the new helmet osc liked by author
⤷ user5 now she's in oscars comments wtf
⤷ user6 and he liked 😯
⤷ user7 are f1 drivers not allowed to have friends or something
user8 absolutely loveee 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourbestfriend, and 44,921 others
yourusername we <3 singapore
view all 891 comments
user1 guys this isn't funny anymore WHO IS SHE
⤷ user2 lando's gf
⤷ user2 calm 😭😭😭😭😭😭 i was joking i have no clue but honestly wouldn't doubt it
⤷ user4 would yall call me insane if i said i think she's oscars gf
⤷ user5 yes
⤷user6 hmm im listening
user7 oscar in the likes... after she was in his comments...
user8 full main post of lando AND oscar ffs no shame
⤷ user9 maybe they're friends like wtf is the big deal????
⤷ user10 obvs clout chasing
⤷ user11 literally how 😐
⤷ user12 misogyny thats how 👎🏻
⤷ user13 cmon not even close, no one in the f1 community had any clue who this girl was and one day she starts posting about f1 immediately people start talking about her thinking she's dating lando and then next post she's posting him and oscar like clearly trying to get people to keep talking about her. she more than likely isn't with either of them and is she just cashing in her 15 seconds of fame or trying to live out her wag dream
⤷ user14 not the essay in the instagram comment section bffr
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yourusername added to their story
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landonorris added to their story
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part two
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sukunasweetheart · 2 years
sukuna is that one boy in class that will do anything to annoy u bc he doesnt know any other way of showing his affection
he loves to see you jumping up and down as he holds something above your head, a nasty smirk showing on his face
aims to get you eliminated first in any game played during p.e (yeah, no mercy for those legs of yours when its dodgeball)
or if you end up in the same team as him he’d use you as a shield for any incoming attacks from the opposite team (even tho we all know this bitch can dodge like a pro)
its so cute how he gets himself eliminated on purpose afterwards tho, so he can sit beside you and annoy you more.
messes up your hair whenever hes walking past... so now you have a habit of instinctively covering your head with your hands whenever hes walking by and it makes him and uraume chuckle...
would be the first to howl with laughter, clutching at his stomach, whenever you make a fool of yourself. you tried to kick a soccer ball, but missed the ball entirely and your shoe went flying instead. and then you had to chase after him bc he snatched it up and went running 💀
if youre a jumpy person, he’d take any chance to scare the living lights out of you. he loves seeing you get all freaked out, screeching (100% chases you around holding a roach)
but sukuna makes it very clear that he is the only one thats allowed to toss you around like this, he would kick the next person that tried to the same
if anyone else told you that hes usually stoic and moody you go 🤨 bc this man is so lively around you
sukuna is so BORED when youre not around, it drives him insane
he’d probably mellow out more as he gets closer to you but still, the teasing is relentless as always
if there is a day where he’s upset you fr bc, idk you were already in a bad mood or something, he would most likely not know how to cheer you up... maybe he’d leave u a drink from the vending machine on ur desk. what’s your go-to drink? strawberry or chocolate milk? pocari sweat? apple or orange juice? (hes around you often, so he prolly knows what you get the most from the machine)
you know that this is the closest thing to an apology that you can get from him so you accept it anyway
at some point, sukuna will assume that you’re already aware of his feelings for you. he gives you so much attention, surely you know by now, right? wrong. youre absolutely clueless, and when he brings it up one day, you just sit there like, what??
“are you playing dumb, or are you fuckin’ stupid?”
you get all defensive and the two of you start bickering.
“enough of that. well, now you know,” he nonchalantly tells you.
youre so confused bc youve never thought of him in that way and you tell him that youll have a think about it... to which he clicks his tongue in annoyance and says “fine”
he keeps pestering you for an answer after that! you keep running away from him. (its like youre triggering his hunting instincts, making him chase you around)
his usual teasing ensues but something feels different... you feel more flustered and your heart races more than it used to... (he notices it all)
when you eventually give him an answer and say “i like you too...” he will respond with “yeah, i thought so.”
watch out bc sukuna is the type to move things fast. blink once and you might already be married to him.
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chokamo · 23 days
| you’re the loss of my life
pairing: logan sargeant x fem! reader
summary : the event that followed after your public breakup announcement with logan sargeant, as you faced through accepting new changes in your life .
a/n : reader is japanese <333
logansargeant and yourusername
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liked by oscarpiastri, user, user, user and others.
| thank you everyone who had stuck with us since. after much thought we have decided to part ways and move on to our own paths. we will always cherish the memories we share, we hope everyone respect our decisions and give us privacy to heal.
user WHAT
user ☹️☹️☹️
user did not expect this.
user oh!
user my PARENTS
user was it the long distance? WHATT
oscarpiastri 🤍
user -> tell us the tea oscar
user oh no way. THEIR anniversary was literally three days ago 😭
user HUH
user somebody deff cheated, they were fine moments ago
user dropping this before the japanese grand prix oh boy what can go wrong there
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liked by oscarpiastri, lilyzneimer, user, and others.
yourusername つかれた 。(exhausted/exhausting)
user oh….
user the wound is fresh i guess
user stay strong y/n
user i love the pics in this
user the amount of hate she’s getting is not healthy for someone to burden.
user -> what happened??
user -> alot of anti were happy they broke up saying he deserves way better etc etc ☹️
user -> 😭😭😭 thats so horrible omg
user i hope y/n is okay. the way your mind can easily be swayed when you’re in a vulnerable position is concerning.
user hope you are healing well ❤️‍🩹
oscarpiastri teach me your way to photo dumps 🧐
user -> lmaoo oscarr
user -> not the timeee oscar 😭
lilyzneimer love itttt 😮‍💨
user her aesthetic is on point!!!
user guys, let’s not spam y/n with logan stuff
user -> yeahh let her heal y’all
user -> agree! its bad enough their relationship is public
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liked by user, user, user, user and others.
logansargeant 📍japan
user stay strong soldier
user ah yes racing in my ex girlfriend country
user the timing is so 😭
user LMAO im sorry but i find this situation funny
oscarpiastri mate..
user -> don’t even oscar 😓😓
user definition of wherever you go i go
user oof, like that song?
user wait is his ex gf japanese? sorry im new to f1
user -> yep, they met years ago and started dating
user -> y/n is a well know model in japan 😊
user they were my fav couple
user the contrast between their post is uncanny
user his pr team is working overtime rn
user its inevitable for them to escape from each other lollll
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liked by oscarpiastri, lilyzneimer, user and others.
yourusername がんばって (goodluck/do ur best)
user OH
user Y/N
user awww ☹️
user cute
user parents.
user despite all, they still can be friends and support each other, no?
user -> some can’t do that unfortunately
oscarpiastri can’t wait to hangout
you replied -> me too ☺️
lilyzneimer miss uu
you replied -> 🥹🥹🥹
user love how she still supports him
user WAVE TO EARTH! the taste is immaculate
user lowkey wishing they would get back together
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liked by user, user, user, user, user and others.
logansargeant 🇯🇵
user oh! nvm!
user that’s not y/n…
user we see the reason now
user so quick
user damn
user WELP.
user well ill be damn. LOGANNNN
user WOWWW
user am i suprised? not even
user new girl? gf?? or what??
user definitely cheated 👍
user ugh 😑
user out of all the drivers logan was not someone i expected to do this
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liked by oscarpiastri, user, user, user and others.
yourusername 🙃
user Y/N
user heal girl and then u can do the worst 😈
user mom side always
user we love u stay strong <3
user reminds me of what i went through
user -> literally! its traumatizing to be cheated on :(
user you are gorgeous honeyyuuy
user ill gladly be your rebound
oscarpiastri 🤍🤍
you replied -> thank u 🤍
user -> love the support from oscar
user aww no ☹️
user you deserve better ❤️‍🩹
lilyzneimer love u 🤍
you replied -> love you too 🫶🏻
user lily and y/n friendship >>>>
user miss this duo
user I NEED A Y/N and LILY REUNION?!?!!!!
a/n : im not fluent in japanese but i am learning. if my translation are incorrect please feel free to inform me <3
check out my other post! masterlist
disclaimer: this is a work of fiction, the events and characters depicted are not based on real life, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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lewisvinga · 7 months
stay away ! | pablo gavi x fem! real madrid player! ! reader
summary; after their relationship goes public, pablo has to face threats from a certain team over his girlfriend, the baby of the team
fc; carla camacho
warnings; ?
notes; requested ! MY REQUESTS ARE CLOSED 🤒😫😫
masterlist !
yourusername uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; hubba hubba pablogavi ] [caption 2; mi amor 🩷]
lindacaicedo__11 replied to your story !
lindacaicedo__11 q es esto ??? [what is this ???]
atheeneeaa_10 replied to your story !
atheeneeaa_10 uuuuhmmmm,,,, y/n??
vinijr replied to your story !
vinijr y/n?? why are you dating a b*rca player ??????
carolineweir95 replied to your story !
carolineweir95 since when have you been in a relationship????
carolineweir95 with someone from the rival team too????
pablogavi replied to your story !
pablogavi couldn’t even ease ur teammates into knowing, just a straight hard launch 😭😭😭
yourusername i like to give them heart attacks for funsies sometimes 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️
yourusername they’re already going crazy, even vini😭😭😭
pablogavi yeah if a barca femeni player was dating one of ur guys i’d question ur morals and thought process🤒
yourusername so he’s right for questioning my morals and thought process 🤔🤔
pablogavi no your morals are right bc ur dating me 😁😁😁
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liked by pablogavi, linda__caicedo11, and others !
yourusername: what a long but exciting week 🥸
tagged; judebellingham, carolineweir95, linda__caicedo11
pablogavi: 😍😍😍 liked by yourusername !
pablogavi: siempre tan bella [always so beautiful]
yourusername: 🥹🫶
olgacarmona7: she’s a child.
yourusername: we’re the same age olga
pablogavi: we’re the same age tho🤨
atheeneeaa_10: STAY AWAY FROM HER🤺
username: it’s like that one demi lovato meme 😭😭😭
username: the scars on her leg 🙁
username: LINDAAA
username: omg jude
username: starboy and stargirl of real madrid iktr
judebellingham: nah why do i look so awkward
yourusername: just a bit 😕😕
lindacaicedo__11: 😋👍
yourusername: 😁
username: the way the squad is so protective of her is so 😭😭
username: y/n acting like nothing happened after hard launching her relationship w gavi is the level of idgaf i aspire to be at 🤭
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liked by pablogavi, sofie.svava, and others !
yourusername: 🤍🤍
tagged; pablogavi
paablogavi: think ❤️💙 is a better combo😁
sofie.svava: no.
yourusername: you’re on thin ice , babe , very thin
kathellensousa: stay away🤺🤺
pablogavi: always supporting the loml 😁❤️💙
yourusername: always supporting the loml too😁🤍🤍
username: not them using their team color for hearts im 😭😭
username: i’m a culer but omg i love y/n sm😞😞
username: pls i love them
username: football’s power couple fr 😍
frejaolofssonn: ouuuu girl….
judebellingham: exactly what i said 🙄🙄🙄
yourusername: i can say a lot abt u three watch it 🙄
carolineweir95: as long as you’re happy 😕😕
pablogavi: she is😁
lindacaicedo__11: let her speak for herself 😒
yourusername: you’re all drama queens 😭
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liked by yourusername, pedri, and others !
pablogavi: mi amor ❤️‍🩹
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: amorrrrr🫶🫶
yourusername: tqqq🥹 [ily]
pablogavi: tqqqq❤️
username: she’s so cute :(
username: the 2nd pic…. MIGHT go crazy idk
pedri: simp
pablogavi: and proud 😌
olgacarmona7: i mean….. she looks happy :/
lindacaicedo__11: i guess this is ok
sofie.svava: barley ok let’s be fr
judebellingham: sigh….
pablogavi: 🤨🤨
yourusername: shhhh they’re slowly going into the acceptance phase
username: jude wyd here
atheeneeaa_10: watch your back if i see a single hint of sadness come from her bc of you.
pablogavi: aye aye 🫡
username: sad day for the gavi girls 🕊️🕊️
username: i ADORE them
username: they’re so😞😞
username: Y/NNNNNNN
username: enemies to lovers fr
username: the merengue x culer combo goes hard tbh
649 notes · View notes
mysterycitrus · 3 months
This is so stupid but I was wondering if you might have any Dick and Roy meta? I've always loved your meta posts about the relationships between the Fab Five and different characters and lately, I've been seeing a lot of those posts where people splice certain comic pannels with poems/sayings/inspirational quotes and things that match and I've been wanting to have more in-depth ideas of the relationship between Dick and Roy because they're just so interesting but I don't have the brains to come up with anything myself
when i think about dick grayson and roy harper i think about the trope king + lionheart — a burdened hero, and their loyal protector — and how they switch roles with each other. like two standout dickroy books are probably old friends, new enemies and outsiders (2003), and while they’re both initiated with roy reaching out to dick for help, his motivations are very different. i think that dynamic, and how they don’t fit solely into one role, is part of why i enjoy reading about them so much.
in old friends, roy is the king — he’s trying to track down chesire and find lian, and isn’t initially honest about his intentions. he’s struggling with his decisions, and his faith in himself. dick acts as the moral support, his backup, and also calls him out on his actions.
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but their relationship is still loving. there’s a solid foundation of trust that makes dick want to support roy and protect his daughter, to the point that he and jade nguyen show a (very) begrudging respect to each other.
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in outsiders, dick is the king — donna has just died, bludhaven is going to shit, and roy knows that he’s spiralling. roy is the solid support who convinces dick to lead a new team because he knows dick hurts himself through isolation. they’re both grieving donna and the loss of their team, but roy forces dick to reconnect again. he forces dick to care.
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despite being the leader of the outsiders, dick is uncompromising in his loyalty in roy. he tells people to leave if they don’t accept roy’s authority in the team. after roy is shot, dick takes the same action as roy in the first issue — he brute forces his way into getting roy out of the spiral. he holds a gun to roy’s head and tells him to take it.
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im a huge sucker for friends to lovers, but what i really love is two competent people with absolute faith in each other. i dislike the idea that bat-characters are like….. absurdly op and everyone is just in awe of them all the time, but dick’s reputation means that trusting someone the way he trusts roy is important. he watched his teammates die, he watched his sister die to save his life, and he still trusts roy to be there. roy historically has a bit of an inferiority complex about working with dick, but dick does not reciprocate. dick knows roy will be there when it counts.
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there’s a particular kind of love that comes from mourning the same person during one of the worst times of your life.
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the fact that the early tragedies in their lives are so similar, that they lost family and an idea of place at similar ages, were mentored by mortal men who wanted to do good, but still ended up so close but so different is really really interesting to me. u get to outsiders, and they really know each other in a really intense way.
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truly like…. i would fall on ur sword because i trust u not to land the killing blow. to finish — something something gay people
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kissitbttr · 9 months
i absolutely love u and ur work sm 😖 miggy being drunk but loyal 🥲 like reader is going to take him home after a night out and he’s like “back off i’m taken” or something along those lines ☹️☹️
omg he so would!! i’ll use this one for the married miguel i have going on!
it’s good to finally see miguel letting loose for once. her poor baby had been dwelling on work and stress that her heart couldn’t take it anymore. she could see it’s starting to get to him, but miguel being miguel, he always puts on the unbothered facade. unluckily for him, she could see right through her husband
so she proposed that him and the rest of the team to have a night out, miles and gwen are excluded.
miguel despises clubs, they’re pointless and reckless. music’s good. not worth the crowd though.
but since peter, jess, and her teamed up against him, he had no saying in that.
“you need to lay off my man a little, jess. poor baby has been working too hard” she points out, sipping on her lychee martini,
jess cocks an eyebrow. “i tried to! he’s the one who didn’t want to”
“you know how he is, y/n” peter chimes, “he won’t listen to any of us except you”
“yeah” she smiles, staring down at her ring finger. “sounds like him”
“where is he by the way? i need to get home soon. MJ would kick my ass if i’m even 5 minutes late” peter sighs, pulling out his wallet to put some bills,
she stops him with a hand gesture. “don’t. it’s on me.”
“girl, you sure?” jess asks,
“i make as much money as my husband. of course, i’m sure” she laughs, finishing her drink. “you two get home. me and miggy are going home too anyway”
jess fakes a gag. “i still have to get used to you calling him that. gross”
she laughs again, three of them standing up from the table before giving each other a hug, thanking them for coming.
soon as they left, she gathers her things before walking towards the bar where her husband is at. she smiles upon seeing his large back facing her, hunching slightly as he finished up the last drink of his.
it’s so easy to spot him,
“alright big boy, it’s close to one. let’s call it a night, yeah?” she appears by his side, hand on his shoulder,
to her surprise, he shrugs it off making her frown. avoiding her gaze before scooting away,
“miguel wha—“
“back off, i’ve got a wife. and i would appreciate it if you leave”
her heart soars,
the frown turns into a pleased expression, she crosses her arms with a playful smile. “oh really? she pretty?”
“gorgeous” he corrects her. “and the best damn thing i’ve ever had so please” his hand shoo her away. “i’m a man. i don’t cheat”
the heat blossoms in her chest when he does so. a frown forms on his handsome face, showing her that he isn’t playing around,
oh he’s drunk, drunk
“okay well, i happen to know your wife, actually. and i am very sorry but i mean no disrespect, I didn’t know you’re married” she plays along, watching him him but a stoic expression remains on his face,
“want me to get her?”
his face lights up at that, turning around to face her before nodding with a smile,
“yes please! that would be great. i miss her”
she awes at that, who knew her husband could be such a huge softie?
“okay, be right back” she responds before walking away only to reappear back to his left side, fronting a wide grin,
“baby! how you doing?!”
miguel eyes light up once more, mirroring his wife’s smile before his hands reach out to her, arms wide open to invite her to a hug,
“my love! mi corazón ! beautiful beautiful querida! i am so happy you are here!” he sighs dreamily,
she giggles at his cute demeanor, accepting his embrace as he pulls her in, arms wrapped around her waist.
“there was this girl who wanted to take me home and I completely told her off because i said, ‘my wife! is here with me and i would appreciate it if you fuck off!’ “
she holds back a laugh at how silly and sassy he is putting on his scowl expression,
“really? well good riddance! she should’ve known better!” she pulls away and cradle his cheeks in between her hands, feeling him lean against her palm,
he nods, circling his hands around her wrists. “mi corazón te pertenece, ahora y para siempre. got you this far, didn’t i?”
if her heart could burst, it would in that moment. even in his drunken state, he still manages to front a lovesick gaze everytime he looks at her. to speak like a true poet and aim for her heart just like that,
she nods back, pressing a soft kiss on his lips. “yes, baby. yes you did”
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