#ugh i hate young royals (it means the world to me)
0rph1x · 1 year
when prince wilhelm said "But last semester, I...I met a friend...who stirred up new feelings for me. In some way, I wish that it had never happened. It was kind of better not knowing how it can feel." iiiiiiii lost my mind. i think abt this quote daily. i understand u wille it can feel so much better not knowing how it feels to be aware of what ur missing.
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drpoisonoaky · 6 months
So here’s the thing, everyone in the Gaang assumed that Azula was the older sibling.
And they love her eyeliner.
— — — Sokka
Azula: Ugh, why are you yelling at me?
Azula: Yes? Why you ask?
Zuko: He was complaining about Katara. And then he said “Ugh but you wouldn’t get it cause Azula is the oldest”.
Azula: And you get it?
Zuko: Not really.
Azula: It’s cause I’m better at everything.
Zuko: It’s the makeup and how insufferable you are.
Sokka: How she looks, talks, thinks…you have to be messing with me.
Azula: I honestly don’t know if I should feel flattered or insulted.
Zuko: She’s the same age as Katara.
Sokka: NO WAY.
— — — Aang
Aang: So tell me how was Zuko when he was a baby? I’m curious.
Azula: I don’t now. I’m guess he cried a lot.
Aang: Oh you don’t remember?
Azula: I wasn’t alive avatar.
Aang: Hold on, are you the younger sibling?
Azula: I am.
Aang: But you look older, and know more about history and stuff. Plus all of that trauma and emoti-
Azula, slightly annoyed: Yes Aang I get it.
Aang: It doesn’t make sense.
Azula: It’s simple: makeup and discipline.
Azula: What?
Aang: I have some meetings this week could you help me to look older so they will pay me more attention?
Aang: Please. For the sake of the world?
Azula: Sure I’ll show you.
— — — Toph
Toph, seeing how Katara and Sokka are arguing: Men sometimes I’m glad I’m an only child.
Azula: I almost was once. Zuko wasn’t happy about it.
Azula: But I must say, having an older brother who looks after you feels nice. But if you tell anyone I said this I’ll commit arson.
Toph: WHAT?!
Azula: I mean Zuzu and I fought a lot.
Toph: Not that. No way he’s the big bro.
Azula: I’m actually curious about why you didn’t know it cause it’s impossible that it could be for the makeup.
Toph: You were a fucking pro master firebender back then and Zuko wasn’t.
Azula: Did you know that my flames are blue?
Toph: No way. Why nobody tells me this things. Anything else cool?
Azula: I can make lighting balls in both of my hands and I can make a perfect eyeliner in 30 seconds.
Toph: Can you do it now?
Azula: Which one?
Toph: Both but bring someone else cause when I ask if it looks good on me I need to know the truth and I still can’t fucking tell if you’re lying or not.
Azula: Makes sense. Although I would never lie to you about that.
— — — Suki
Suki: I need you to teach them firebender’s forms even though they’re non-benders.
Azula: Easy. I used to do it with Ty lee.
Suki: But you have to treat them as your younger sisters. Like how you would treat Zuko if you like him.
Azula: What?
Suki: Kindness?
Azula: No. Do you think I am the older sibling?
Suki: You aren’t?
Azula: No.
Suki: Wait what?!
Azula: I’m the same age as Ty lee. I went to the royal fire academy with her.
Suki: Whao.
Suki: You did and plan all of that shit when you were 14?!
Azula: I don’t know what that tone means.
Suki: Did you have that huge breakdown at 14?
Azula: Now you are simply being rude.
Suki: I don’t believe you. TY LEE COME HERE.
Ty lee: What’s sup?
Suki: Is she the same age as you?
Ty lee, raising an eyebrow: Yes?
Ty lee, realizing: Oh you didn’t know she’s younger than Zuko. It’s the makeup ‘Zula. You look beautiful, but it makes you look older.
Suki: It can’t be.
Azula: Can’t you stop being rude? I look great.
Suki: Not that, asshole. You being younger than Zuko. It doesn’t makes sense…
Ty lee:
Ty lee: I think you broke her? What were you doing before?
Azula: She was explaining to me who I was supposed to teach and how I have to treat them.
Suki: But how she fights…
Ty lee: Oh right, c’mon they’re waiting. They actually pretty nice. You have to be patient ‘Zula.
Azula: Ugh.
Suki: And she played with us…
Ty lee puppy eye’s version: For me please?
Azula: I hate you.
Suki: She conquered Ba Sing Se…
Ty lee: No you don’t. *kiss Azula’s cheek* Hurry up. Bye Suki!
Suki: She killed the avatar…
Suki: AND SHE WAS 14.
Azula, being dragged by Ty lee: Ty, I think you are right. I broke your boss.
Ty lee: I hope that means a vacation for at least a week.
— — — Katara
Katara: You are my age?!
Azula: Hello Azula. How are you Azula? You look great Azula.
Azula: That’s how you have to start a conversation. But yes I am. Why?
Katara: Everything we did.. We were the same age all the time?
Azula: That’s how time works.
Azula: Why are you yelling at me? Is it a family thing?
Katara: I thought I was so ahead of my age…
Azula: You are a master waterbender without almost any professional help, you heal people with your bending and help to end a 100 year war. Plus you defeated me once. What the fuck are you talking about?
Katara, blushing: Oh, that…that was actually so nice, thanks. I- I appreciate it.
Azula: Your welcome. Now if you excuse me I have things to do.
Katara: Wait.
Azula: What now?
Katara: Can you…?
Azula: I can do a lot of things.
Katara: Well your eyeliner…can you…?
Azula: *sighs* You’re the third person to ask. So I guess it’s your turn.
— — — Zuko
Azula: If someone else imply I’m the oldest sibling you will have to bring back the straightjacket.
Zuko: In my defense they didn’t ask they just assumed.
Azula: You know how many eyeliners I had to do today besides mine? Three. THREE.
Zuko: I think Sokka was going to ask you too, he was looking for you…
Azula: For Agni’s sake.
Azula: At least I hope you don’t want me to teach you too.
Zuko: Mai taught me a long time ago.
Azula: Thank Agni.
Zuko: But I must say I don’t get them. You clearly are my little sister.
Azula: Because I’m a much better version of you?
Zuko: No.
Zuko: Because you are a lot more insufferable and insane than I am.
Azula: If you don’t start running now I’m going to celebrate becoming an only child. Again.
Zuko: Sure buddy.
Azula: One, two-
— — — Mai & Ty lee
Azula: FIVE five people’s makeup. And I don’t even like them.
Ty lee: Wait five? Suki too?
Azula: I’m counting mine. Adds more drama.
Mai: Such a drama queen.
Azula: But anyway I don’t deserve this.
Mai, raising an eyebrow: You sure?
Ty lee: Look at it as your little price to pay in your healing path. Plus every time you do an eyeliner your aura gets a little bit pinkier. So stop complaining.
Mai: Although I don’t see the big problem with the fact everyone thinks you’re older than Zuko.
Ty lee: True, why is bothering you so much?
Azula: I refuse to think Zuzu ages better than me.
Ty lee:
Azula: Whatever. By the way I’m impressed with the little avatar’s fangirls. You were right Ty.
Ty lee: Of course. When am I not?
Mai: When you started to date her.
Azula, starting to sparkle:
Ty lee: And here we go again.
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Hello hello, it's anon from the flight! And how lovely it's this fandom that I got a moniker from an anon confession? I've read the messages and checked the reblogs and wow! I seriously didn't expect for my unhinged message to be this welcomed since I'm three years too late to this beautiful show! With this beautiful people and thank you so much to everyone who recommended me to listen to the Simon-not-actually-made-by-AI actor. AND SINGER! BEAUTIFUL AND TALENTED. I'm still in disbelief he's real, like Omar Rudberg is so pretty AND has such a nice voice??? AND HE'S GORGEOUS and he's a great actor and UGH THE CHEMISTRY. With who I now know iis called Edvin and now I feel the need to see them acting next to eachother forever and ever, so much chemistry can't be wasted!! (looking at Netflix. I'm still so crossed I missed out of this beauty for three years wtf Netflix)
SO I binge watched the second season, patience isn't my name, and WHAT THE FUCK. Was not prepared for that rollercoaster. I gotta be honest, I almost stopped watching and went to sleep halfway through the season like ugh I fucking hate that Marcus dude, sure in the end I understand why he was a necessary evil for the plot but I fucking hate love triangles. I was a teenage girl during the height of love triangles in tv shows, I hate them. But I hate August the most. I think of his face and feel enraged.
BUUUUUUUUUUT UGHHHH. THE LOVE BETWEEN SIMON AND WILLE. That overpowered everything. Seriously, how am I supposed to be functional after being a witness to their valentine's ball kiss? And Simon's song? (Which I have been obbsessively listening on repeat WTF I understand nothing but I can feel FEEL the meaning on my bones. This beautiful dude's voice wtf. I can understand Wille's obsession, I'm practically obsessed too now wtf)
AND THE END OHMYGOD. A BALM FOR MY SOUL. I was kind of hoping to get heartbroken AGAin for shit and giggles but noooo, I got the best ending and I'm trying to not be too spoiler-ey since I'm sure I'm not the only human being living in this planet called Earth who's unaware the most perfect TV show exists and it's called Young Royals and beautiful people are in it to everyone taste no matter your sexual orientation (like hello Felice too!)(still shocked Omar Rudberg is a real person and not generated by artificial intelligence, maybe I'll be convinced after some proper sleep time, but for now he's too beautiful to be real. Not even exaggerating and I'm really good at that okay!)
I'm still processing the second season, I took a nap after I finished but I'm still tired since I cried and laughed and was left with the biggest smile in my face (and I also was in an 8 hour flight!) and then went to youtube and saw a clip from season 3 AND OMFG THESE TWO DUDES ARE TOO PRETTY FOR WORDS. Happiness and love look wonderful in Wille, like the literal heart eyes he's delivering there? That's how I feel when I see Simon too. Relatable character is relatable. What can I say about Simon without sounding crazy except I need to protect him at all costs??
I don't know what else to say except THANK YOU for reading me and thank you to everyone who has been nice to me in the comments even when I'm still anon, it means the world to me. I hope I'll be more coherent after eight hours of sleep and I won't be too embarrassed reading my own message tomorrow lmao and I don't know how I'm going to survive until 2024 for season 3, I'm sitting here taking notes for that too! I already know the answer it's fanfics so I'll be checking AO3 but also analysis? Meta? how are you guys for real? I was expecting a teenage fandom with just vibes but I guess I was wrong. And I love it. As much as I love the show and Simon and Wille's relationship and I gotta be honest, Omar Rudberg's face and voice. UGH.
Thank you so much for reading me again and for everyone who has left messages for me, I'll freak out more once I get some proper sleep!
Thank you and I'm sorry again XOXO
YAY thanks for coming back!! 💜💜💜
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redleavesinthewind · 5 months
elliot's 2023 fic wrap up
2022 version
alright friends it is once again time for me to review the (many) fics i read in the previous year and try to write a more or less concise rec list of my absolute faves (i wish i didn't have to chose but heh i'm not gonna subject anyone to 332 fics in 1 post - also wait only 332 fics? that's like. over 100 less than last year, what the fuck. anyway)
okay now first the part that interests no one but me (yes you may skip this) and that's the numbers part! i'm not making a whole elaborate spreadsheet to then not throw around cool numbers. anyway.
i've read around 4,932k words in 332 fics across 18 fandoms. that is much less than last year, and yeah, i've been generally less productive in 2023 but we don't have to talk about it. at least i have more variety of fandoms this time (let's ignore that it's only 2 more and also that from fandom 13 on there's only 1 fic per fandom)
i started out the year strong with 847k words across 72 fic in february (followed by 753k across 42 fics in january, and 621k words across 63 fics in march). it goes downhill for the rest of the year. eh it wasn't my year so what! 2024 is gonna be more filled with fic reading again!!!
my top 3 fandoms are so entirely unsurprising to me i am almost disappointed in myself. when did i become so predictable. top fandom is young royals with 166 fics! congratulations young royals, you are a very persistent hyperfixation, you didn't peter out after 2 months like i expected. Spot number 2 is taken by avatar the last airbender with 41 fics! giant leap there, but it's also funny because i fell into an atla rabbit hole late 2023 (as i do every few years) and it still got up to 41 fics despite uni not allowing me to read last semester (uni is evil). Same as last year, spn takes third place with 38 fics. speaking of persistent hyperfixations.......... *big sigh*
and that is it the boring part is over let's go to the fun section LET'S REC SOME FIIIIIICCCCSSSSSSS (under the cut)
bet you you'll ... (noraverse) (series) by @gh0sthugs | young royals, wilmon | teen&up | 52k words
a kid fic!! and such a sweet one too! i'm kinda weak for kid fics ngl, and nora is so sweet and wonderful, and the relationship that slowly forms between wille and simon is beautiful and comfortable. this whole series is just such a good time
spreadsheet notes: ah to fall in love with the dilf next door who also happens to be the ex crown prince of the country
A Royal Intervention by AnxiousAnaconda | young royals, wilmon | teen&up | 18k words
erik is being such a dumbass in this one. like, he means well, but he's kinda messing up and pissing people off (understandably). it's nice to get a view on erik that's not portraying him as this perfect guy though, and the fic is actually so much fun to read. and hey, the prime minister of luxembourg gets mentioned, which i was kinda waiting for in yr fic ngl
spreadsheet notes: big sigh... erik you fucking idiot. stop listening to august. also shoutout to xavier bettel apparently (edit: this aged poorly, fuck xavier bettel)
and each slow dusk by @if-fortunate | young royals, wilmon | mature | 49k words
okay. ooookay how do i even begin with this one. ohhh boy. okay. so. world war three. wille gets stuck in bjärstad with simon, many many things happen, it's about finding hope in a horrible situation and trying to live life despite everything falling apart around you. it's incredibly well written and something about it just has me in awe
spreadsheet notes: i don't know what it says about me that this is without a shadow of a doubt the best fic i have ever read in my life
Put Me Back Together and Take My Heart by @notalotgoingonatthisinstant | young royals, wilmon | mature | 50k words
i once again don't know what to say, this one is sooo good. simon is suffering and both wille and i hate it, but... but wille is there for him and ugh, they just... they just can't be apart. a story of reconciliation and healing from both physical and invisible wounds, and of making the right decisions for yourself
spreadsheet notes: ugh. UGH. my guys. MY GUYS. yeah let's go blackmail the queen
Department Six by @thisdiscontentedwinter | teen wolf | gen | 4k words
a fun short one about stiles and danny working for the fbi and being delightfully weird and mysterious
spreadsheet notes: HILARIOUS i'm in love with outsider pov always
There Are No Wolves in California by @thisdiscontentedwinter | teen wolf, sterek | gen | 5k words
you know, sometimes you see a fic you know is going to hurt you, and you've never clicked on anything faster. this is definitely one of those fics
spreadsheet notes: let's be wolves today yeah well derek what if i just break down and cry instead
you got my body, i got your body by @prince-simon | young royals, wilmon | explicit | 9k words
this one's technically part of a bigger series (which, definitely read that one too), but i'm highlighting this one cause... damn... this made me feel things... like, gender things... which is really weird cause wille's gender in this is very much different from mine BUT STILL
spreadsheet notes: how almost 9k of pwp gave me so many gender feelings i will never understand
Changing Channels: Queer Premiere by @emeraldcas, @fellshish | spn, deancas | gen | 27k words
this might actually be one of the funniest fics i've ever read. dean and cas are so stupid (affectionately) and all the crossovers are delightful (bonus that i knew all the other shows). everyone go read this it's gonna be the best time
spreadsheet notes: mel and fells have genuinely outdone themselves this is the most hilarious shit i've ever read
Catalyst by @stretchoutfics | young royals | teen&up | 3k words
a backstory for boris! this fic is within a series of other side character ficlets, but this one has a soft spot in my heart
spreadsheet notes: AAAAHHHH HE KNEW ABOUT THE RECKLESS DRIVING BUT DIDN'T BRING IT UP but also... him being a gay man trying to help the queer crown prince navigate his sexuality that's kinda nice actually, like boris understands at least a bit
The most beautiful boy by lovelysarcastic | young royals, wilmon | teen&up | 88k words
there's something incredibly grounding about this fic. the way it develops, the way wille rationalises his thought processes, the way the relationship between wille and simon develops... this fic just kinda sucked me in and spit me out again feeling... content and calm and... it's just... this fic is so beautiful
spreadsheet notes: dude i love this so much??? they're both so stupid??? i love them???
All's Fair in Love and Hunting by @badjoices | spn, deancas | mature | 20k words
they're playing gay chicken but also are being incredibly competitive and stupid about it, and i'm just sorry about the shit sam has to witness. so many shenanigans in this fic
spreadsheet notes: they are both so stupid omg
["mi cotufita" started sharing their screen] by @omar-rudeberg | young royals, wilmon | explicit | 60k
so... this is a follow up to one of my favourite fics and it is a delight. very horny but also very sweet? and also for some reason there's porn. fun times! oh, and this fic made me cry. it really has the range
spreadsheet notes: how are they so horny it's so funnyyyyyy, but also if i were wille i could never look linda in the eyes again
A Light To Guide You In The Dark (Warmed By The Fire's Glow) by 80shairmetal | stranger things, harringrove | teen&up | 19k words
this is just... people taking care of each other out of the kindness of their hearts. finding comfort in strangers who become family. growing and helping each other. there's such a beauty to this one
spreadsheet notes: this is just..... comfort
did you see the love in my eyes, oh were you gazing through this disguise? by @tooindecisivetopickaurl | young royals, wilmon | mature | 67k words
fake dating my beloved. they're so in love with each other but they're pretending not to be while pretending... to be? i'm obsessed with them. but they're so respectful with each other and cautious of boundaries and they really are best friends who also happen to be obliviously in love
spreadsheet notes: love a good fake dating au they're so stupid i love them
flash like a setting sun by @playedwright | 911, buddie | explicit | 22k words
because you only realise you're in love with your best friend when you're scared you're losing him. that's the fic. and it's beautiful
spreadsheet notes: oh this is sooooo beautifully written and ugh just <333
Other people's secrets by @sflow-er | young royals, walty & wilmon | mature | 239k words
yooooo hello? so first off this is an outsider pov on wilmon which i am always obsessed with anyways but the focus isn't just on them, this is henry's story. it's a beautiful story about how friendships form and warp and change, how feelings manifest in different ways, how decisions and actions have consequences. it's an incredibly mature take on post-s1, and it's probably my favourite of the year. also ace representation!!!!
spreadsheet notes: ace henry my beloved <33 also love seeing wilmon from an outside perspective! such a good, well thought out fic with lots of healthy comminication <33
if i stare too long by @brawlite & @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger | stranger things, harringroveson | explicit | 191k words
i haven't seen st s4 (and probably won't watch it) but that definitely won't stop me from reading harringroveson fic. i mean, who wouldn't look at those three and immediately want to see them together. the way their dynamic is written in this fic is peak, i don't even know what more to say. i also very much trust these authors with billy, and again i wasn't disappointed. there's just something in his head that's intriguing.
spreadsheet notes: this whole fic is such a vibe it makes me feel of hot summer chillin
Rewrite the Stars (series) by @in-amor-veritas | young royals, wilmon | mature | 137k words
definitely one of the highlights of the year, simon's whole life in new york... those scenes, they just show such a wonderful life simon has built for himself, and his relationship with wille doesn't change it, but he manages to fit in (after, you know, fun rom-com drama shenanigans). also. this is a kid fic. kid fics are my weak spot. rasmus is my new favourite little guy. also shoutout to luis best side character ever
spreadsheet notes: YELLING i love this fic sooo much it is everything
Where The Wind Will Carry Me by @1-life-to-give | young royals, wilmon | teen&up | 49k words
AND THEY WERE ACTORS PLAYING LOVE INTERESTS. do i have to say more? the tension guys the TENSION. also erik's side-plot i'm in love
spreadsheet notes: hopping up and down like a hyperactive chihuahua EN I LOVE THIS
Your love is my turning page (the t4t wilmon as girldads au) (series) by @willesworld | young royals, wilmon | teen&up | 17k words
i know i know another kid fic BUT!!!! t4t wilmon. makes it automatically superior. i'm not even kidding, add trans characters and i will like your fic (that i probably already like a lot) aroun 300000000 times more. but also this series comes for your feelings. it hits
spreadsheet notes: i am weak for t4t wilmon AND them having a biological child there's something so beautiful about it like that could be meeee ; siiimon i need to hug him and i need to hug wille they're gonna get out of this i prommy ; recovery and one step forwards a hundred steps back, but they made it there in the end ; they were so happy :((((
A trace of dew by nuncflore | elden ring, this is too complicated | gen | 13k words
very elden ring-esque writing style, wonderful representation of whatever the hell is going on in the lore. hehehehehhe fucked up family ehhehehehe DIVORCE. my friends are so talented :))
spreadsheet notes: CAP I AM EATING YOU
Hanging from the Ceiling by @spicymiilk | spiderverse | teen&up | 6k words
for like. a week after i saw the new spiderverse movie i made miles 42 my entire life. that also meant reading this fic. and damn did this fic hit. i am still thinking about it
spreadsheet notes: i need more miles 42 content he is my favourite guy ever
The Darkest Little Paradise by @yourdemiurge | young royals, wilmon | explicit | 79k words
*holding you at gunpoint* read this fic. read it now, in this moment. you are not gonna regret it. believe me when i say you NEED this fic, you really do. doesn't even matter if you've seen yr or not. you're gonna thank me later
Protected (series) by bastuba | young royals, wilmon | explicit | 69k words
hey do you ever read a fic and you just feel. so incredibly grounded because something about the characters feels grounded? like, they aren't grounded, but they still give off that vibe? idk how to explain this properly but that's this fic. also wille and simon cook together (i haven't read all parts of the series yet btw)
spreadsheet notes: incredibly grounded very mature how is wille like this ; i'd be like wille, always complaining about the heat ; they're soooooo. idiots. getting tattoos for each other ; i too would come out on a podcast about food ; SAFE SEX
The Season of Rebirth by @notalotgoingonatthisinstant | young royals, wilmon | mature | 30k words
part of a series, but i'm picking out this one specifically because it's soooo sweet!!! the title fits the fic so well, like yes it is the season of rebirth, but simon and wille's relationship is also rehashed in a very cool way, this fic is like one giant easter egg, i love it so much!
spreadsheet notes: wille taking the season of rebirth to recreate their early relationship, i am obsessed with him he's such a dumbass romantic
The Upgrade by @groenendaelfic | young royals, wilmon | explicit | 13k words
it's about the moment simon realises who wille is. that's why this fic is here. i mean of course also because it is very good, but mainly because of that moment
spreadsheet notes: the moment simon realised who wille is i am wheezing
Right Where You Left Me by @armandgender | spn, deancas | explicit | 94k words
if you're wondering why this fic is on my 2023 list instead of the 2022 list.... well that's because it took me almost a year to read the last chapter, and in terms of how my spreadsheet works, that makes it a fic i read in 2023. anyway. if you haven't read this fic yet, what are you even still doing here. click on that link right now. you want complex emotional situations? intricacies of ill-advised marriages? you wanna pick through abusive behaviour and encourage infidelity? well you're at the right place! also this has one of my favourite jack characterisations ever. it also made me go on multiple rants
Alejito y Marimar (series) by th0ughts | red, white, and royal blue | teen&up | 18k words
OBSESSED WITH THIS DYNAMIC YOOOOOO. seriously the friendship between alex and martha is an expansion of the rwrb universe that is much needed, trust me
spreadsheet notes: the friendship i didn't know i needed in my life <333 ; they're just chillin!!!
Change of Address (series) by hearmerory | avatar: the last airbender, zukka | mature | 134k words
okay. oooookay. strap in for this one, it is a lot. emotionally. like yes zuko is autistic, yes yes yeeees, i agree, also azula is treated like an actual person with actual mental issues, she deserves to be treated with care and this author definitely does that! this is the kind of series that makes me want to disappear in it, but it's also the kind of story i need breaks from, because it is so heavy (definitely check the tags for this one). zuko's relationship with sokka is written so thoughtfully and iroh is characterised incredibly and the author even included ursa in a way that didn't undermine everything that happened in the series before she appeared again. i can only recommend this one!
spreadsheet notes (there's lots of parts to the series, so this one is long): hhhh if i were ms jamieson i would have snapped after two days probably ; be nice katara!!!!! he's nervous ; i need to murder ozai ; and i need to murder zhao as well ; iroooohhhhh he should have just. taken the kids with him that first time he noticed something off ; yeah i think there was a reason why iroh never took zuko to the movies ; ozai needs to suffer ; i need to destroy ozai. violently and painfully ; iroh is the best uncle ever, zuko deserves all his kindness ; azula...... you don't have to fight for affection, it's not a competition..... they love you ; iroh should have taken her with him the first time around, she was like. 10, he could have just picked her up or sth ; ..... hakoda you idiot ; IROH BACKSTORY IROH BACKSTORY ; sokka and the plan that changed his life <3333 ; they are so soft with each other ; they all deserve all the therapy and support and yes sokka obviously you have adhd get with the program ; URSA??????? also i am living for sokka and azula's dynamic they are everything ; i don't. i don't understand her. i don't fucking understand her how could she not want her own children. how can she talk about them like that. like she knows them she doesn't know them she LEFT
Every night my teeth are falling out by @sulkybender | avatar: the last airbender, zukka | mature | 9k words
i was in need of some good zuko angst and oooohhh boy was i lucky to find this author. PEAK zuko angst. this fic in particular is very dear to me because it explores how mental illnesses would be handled in a world where there's practically no resources to help. i think we need that more
spreadsheet notes: yes well. how DO you deal with a schizophrenic fire lord in a fantasy world? (you stay with him and support him that is how)
for years or for hours by @ghostinthelibrarywrites | the witcher, geralt/eskel/jaskier | explicit | 52k words
listennn i love myself some good polyamory fics, and this is the first fic i read for this ship and now i am OBSESSED with them. but this fic in particular.... the concept alone, like. what do you do when you thought the man you love was dead for 800 years, and then when he comes back you have another man you love. the answer is simple. polyamory. the two men you love also love each other. perfect coincidence.
spreadsheet notes: YO the concepts of witchers in modern times alone is sooo cool but adding in everything else? hello yes?
this is a love story by @achillestiel | supernatural, deancas | mature | 3k words
listen, i've never seen fleabag, but that's not the point. this is intriguing and funny, that's the point
spreadsheet notes: fucked up families and you want to fuck the priest hell yeah
The road not taken looks real good now by @stretchoutfics | young royals, wilmon | explicit | 90k words
it's not even the wilmon part i love about this fic (i very much enjoy it of course don't get me wrong) but wille and his kids. like, i don't want to spoil anything but like. wille's interactions with his kids are so important in this fic, and they're written so well. like, emilia is my favourite character in this, i kinda wish there was more with the kids honestly. this fic is definitely a highlight of the year, and to get back to wilmon, i do love how they're portrayed in this fic, how their dynamic plays out, and specifically how certain decisions do not depend on simon
spreadsheet notes: no but. the care put into this story. i can't--
Averno (series) by @sulkybender | avatar: the last airbender, zukka | mature | 12k words
a fascinating take on a fire lord zuko that was never part of the gaang
spreadsheet notes: HE JUST DESERVES KINDNESS but also he's a little fucked up WELL NO WONDER GIVE HIM KINDNESS ; i mean.... what makes a monster really ; well then let's get him out of his cell shall we (also hiiiii suki hello <3333)
Half Awake in Our Fake Empire by @hmslusitania | 9-1-1, buddie | teen&up | 34k words
another kid fic!!! but in a different fandom this time!!! seriously, giving buck a child fills so many of my life's needs it's ridiculous
spreadsheet notes: THEY'RE A FAMILY (thank you for giving that man a child)
a soldier (who carries a mighty sword) by @ghostinthelibrarywrites | the witcher, geralt/eskel/jaskier | explicit | 92k words
everything about this fic is wonderful!! the world(kaer morhen!!)building, the developing dynamic between geralt, jask, and eskel, ciri and yenn, the conflict, jask as a teacher!!!! aaahhhhh!
spreadsheet notes: they're my new favourite guyssss this whole fic is so cool, what they've done with kaer morhen <3333
Will We Last the Night by CSHfic & VSfic | avatar: the last airbender, zukka | teen&up | 143k words
this fic asks what if sokka had been stuck with zuko since the end of s1 and delivers a delightful answer. this is the adventures of zuko and sokka (and sometimes iroh) travelling through the earth kingdom. shenanigans ensue
spreadsheet notes: i am obsessed with this i'm just. i know it was only shortly but their life in ba sing se. obsessed
Grudge Match by @catcas22 | elden ring | gen | 17k words
i'm not entirely sure how to explain this. it sure is an elden ring fic
spreadsheet notes: i don't even know what to say. this is ridiculous and brilliant and stupid and genius all at the same time. hell yeah suburban demigods
Lonely Digging by @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger | stranger things, harringrove | teen&up | 3k words
this is hilarious. go read it to unlock intense life-threatening flirting
spreadsheet notes: best way to flirt billy's doing everything right
(quick note: i’ve tried to find everyone’s tumblr handle, but i’m aware that not all the authors have tumblr/have it on their ao3, however if i somehow missed someone, i can go back and rectify that!)
if you’ve made it all the way down here i am giving you a kiss <3
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degreeofdisorder · 3 months
young royals s3e3 episode reaction
episode 3 is where everything always turns to shit so I'm super not looking forward to this lmfao
ohoho the queen of sweden is having a nervous breakdown. so relatable of her.
I'm lowkey also having a breakdown over wille immediately going into prince mode just bc his mom isn't doing well.
"why do you think I didn't tell you anything? because you wouldn't be able to handle it" NNNNNOOOOOOOO
oh my god that one hit WAY too hard. I can't deal with the mommy issues today.
ugh deeply agreeing with wille. simon needs to lock his social media and throw his phone away. he's starting to stress me the fuck out.
"both for me and the people around me" oh that's... quite the sentence. I know simon just got sucker punched by the fact that it's always gonna be like this
"all I want is to be with you" well you can't!
bro I hate teenagers so fuckin much lmfao
that was psychic warfare from wille idc
"he's decided that I'm evil" lmao you are
"I don't see the point in being nice if he's never gonna forgive me" "well, sometimes being nice to others can make you feel very good" JDKFJDLFJDKFJDKFDJKDOGIDL BORIS LOVE OF MY LIFE
I genuinely cannot stand vincent. if there's anyone in that school who's legit evil it's gotta be vincent.
oh. yeah. I'm feeling murderous.
fuck you country of sweden you know what you did.
god. teenage girls make the world go round.
oh my god my baby boys
it's the fact that them being so public means that not one (1) person in that room believed they were "rehearsing" jdkfjdlfjdlfjdl
the crown prince alone in a soundproof room with his boyfriend? sure.
god that was HILARIOUS
"I just wish I could get a single moment with you without getting interrupted" [get interrupted]
of course vincent is going to LA. my bro is going to be an oscar winner in no time, given all the dramatics.
oh sweet jesus
simon, this is NOT the time or place to die on the labor movement hill
oh god
man being a teenager was so exhausting I'm so glad I don't have to do anything like that again
when they eat the rich I hope vincent is first in the grill
I hope felice singlehandedly closed the school lmao
I don't wanna like the whole sara and micke thing I really don't but UGH it's so sweet.
oh he's not is he
"he seems nice" oh august you are so clueless
this isn't happening skfkdkgkdkflf
oh my god what is it with royal boys and going "you're the only one I can talk to" y'all can afford a therapist can't you
"you may have inherited my diagnoses, sara, but you're not me" oh fuck
bro I am like. super into sara and micke hashing shit out, neurodivergently
I can't take wille seriously in the chorus. I cannot. he's so funny
oh god sara is coming back
oh fuck me up I love it when they're all sun kissed and beautiful and have nice lil conversations in front of everyone bc they're boyfriends publicly ohohoho
oh my god
oh is that gonna be the hallway scene
not august waving at sara??? bro get up????
omg the looks from stella and fredrika were SCATHING
not them skipping and swinging their hands together you guys I'm losing my whole damn mind it's getting bad it's getting so bad
holy fuck that was....... quite the scene huh
let me rewind just now for a lil bit
for science
my brothers in christ you are sluts.
something abt them getting to have slutty slutty sex and finishing off with an I love you heals something in me that has been broken since 2021 ngl
like look at them! they're my boys!!! they're in love and they get to have somewhat public (bc like, a hallway? really?) sex bc they're together and everyone knows!!! they love each other and they can express that in a physical form!!!!! my little strumpets!!!!!!!
ah. fucking figures, huh
of course, thanks micke
oh they're in the literal and metaphorical afterglow!!!!! I love this for them
oh that's not a great train of thought to have after sex now is it
"you can trust me" wille, my love my darling, I love you, truly, from the bottom of my heart, but can he? can he really?
oh that's an actually genius move to show both sides of the coin
I do think simon probably should not be there. son's gonna get too much attention
oh I just remembered the episode description a hahahahahahahaahahahahahaha ha oh I don't want to watch
that was precious but I swear to god simon think with your brain for once aaaaaaaaaa FUCK
great now she just posted his location. and he also fully reposted it didn't he
is he genuinely that dumb like at this point even if you're not famous by proxy you still should know not to post your live location?????? Simon. please.
oh right I forgot the monarchy can't be seen involved with that...... I was more worried abt his safety ldjfldjfldkf
oh no
I was right to worry about his safety
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qqueenofhades · 4 years
Everytime I read "Nicolo di Genova" my brain glitches and I read "Nicolo do Genovia" instead so /whispers/ Kaysanova Princess Diaries AU?
...yes. Did someone say Gay Champagne Romcom? Because that is my Brand.
Nicolò is an Italian-American graduate student living in New York City with his widowed Italian mother and working on an engineering degree at NYU. He was thinking about joining the priesthood for a few years and recently dropped out of seminary and is feeling that Millennial Crisis that all of us know about. He has gone on a few Tinder/Grindr dates, but it’s hard enough to meet someone in this city even when you’re not a gay ex-priest engineering student living in his mother’s rent-controlled apartment in Morningside Heights because have you seen the property prices in New York. Plus WHENEVER he brings a nice boy home, HEY PRESTO there’s his mom waiting eagerly up in the front room, “NICOLÒ WHO IS THIS HANDSOME YOUNG MAN, DOES HE HAVE GOOD PARENTS, IS HE A CATHOLIC NICOLÒ” and of course that instantly kills any kind of romantic mood. Nicolò is like “let’s just go over to yours PLEASE.” But he tends not to see his dates again anyway, and it’s equally depressing, and it’s nice that his mom isn’t homophobic or anything, but he’d like to just meet someone without his mother instantly planning the Big Fat Gay Italian Wedding, and yes he knows this is a nice problem to have but STILL
Anyway, then of course the Dead Dad Circus rolls into town, and Nicolò learns that he’s not actually the son of a nice hardworking Italian immigrant, but of His Serene Highness Prince Domenico Grimaldi of Genovia, who wouldn’t you know it, has recently died too young from cancer and left no legitimate heir except the result of his rebellious teen fling with a cocktail waitress in Capri – which would be, you guessed it, Nicolò. While Nicolò is still processing the horrifying mental image of his mother being a cocktail waitress in Capri and having to look up Genovia on a map, the rest of the royal machine is kicking into overdrive. This involves a very awkward meeting in a very fancy Manhattan hotel with Nicolò’s magnificent but rather out-of-touch royal grandmother, Her Serene Highness The Queen Mother Maria Elisabetta Henrietta Julia Victoria Mignonette Grimaldi of Genovia. She’s basically Julie Andrews because obviously. She informs Nicolò of his Solemn Duty to return to Genovia and become Prince Nicolò and eventually be prepared to take the throne and submit to a fascinating life of minor European royal family ribbon-cutting duties. Oh, and getting married and producing more heirs to the throne, on pain of breaking a thousand-year-old bloodline, though she doesn’t say this out loud. Her loyal right-hand man, driver, and general bodyguard/fixer/man about town, Sebastien le Livre aka Booker, gives Nicolò various sympathetic looks but does not interrupt.
Nicolò obviously freaks out and runs off to call up his best friend at NYU, Andy. Andy is some indeterminate degree of years older than him, in some indeterminable stage of her Classics PhD, and sometimes says weird things like how badly the Library of Alexandria had already been defunded by the Roman emperors before it finally burned, like she was there and holds a personal grudge about it. She is a cranky vodka-drinking lesbian who rides a motorcycle, gets them into periodic scrapes, and understands his shit dating life. She deeply empathizes with all his “I’m not going to run away and leave my life in New York to become part of some creakingly antique regressive imperial monarchic system of racist and homophobic oppression, NO SIR!” Fight the power, Nicolò. Fuck those guys.
Of course, however, Julie Andrews Grandmother Maria prevails and Nicolò is forced to take Prince Lessons, which he hates but tries to be a good sport about, because, well, he’s Nicolò and he’s a good person. He is then whisked off on a private plane to Genovia, because they want to see him in situ before they make a final decision on accepting him as their prince. There of course we have the high-life palaces and parks and snooty clueless aristocrats who look at Nicolò like he’s a prize racehorse and have absolutely zero clue, none, nada, about the real world. Just as Nicolò is about to firmly decide that this is a complete crock of shit and he’s going back to NYU, he meets….
Prince Yusuf “call me Joe” al-Kaysani.
Joe is a minor member of one of the Middle Eastern royal families, some fictional tiny Gulf kingdom that is super SUPER oil rich. He has a title and a lot of money but doesn’t have a clearly defined role in the family, other than that he’s been ordered not to embarrass it. Nicky does not know this when they first meet, but obviously it’s not possible to be an out gay prince in a conservative Arabian-peninsula Islamic kingdom, and therefore the fixers have arranged for Joe to be publicly dating a daughter of the Malaysian sultan, Quynh. (We are making her Malaysian in this instance so she can also be Muslim and hence an appropriate match for Joe.) Except Princess Quynh is also hella lesbian and is getting the same thing out of the fake dating with Joe that he is, i.e. throwing people off the scent of their real selves. They spend their time together in private eating popcorn, commiserating about their lives and crazy royal families and the press invading their privacy, watching romcoms, and Judging the Straights. They’re actually best friends and text each other all the time, so at the royal function where Joe runs into the stiff and nervous and clearly overcompensating New Guy who’s evidently the New Prince of Genovia, and oh my god Q he’s the Most stuck up person I’ve EVER MET, Quynh is the first to hear ALL about it. She immediately suspects that Joe doth protest too much.
Meanwhile, Nicky meets Nile Freeman, another young American (from Chicago, obvs) who is working at some important EU institution currently headquartered in Genovia. They also hit it off and Nile tells Nicky about the things she wants to do to help change the world and why she’s here, and he is moved by her kindness and altruism and remembers that that was what he wanted too, and why he joined the priesthood in the first place. He opens up to her about the shock of learning the truth about his now-dead dad and the crazy whirlwind he’s been sucked into and how he doesn’t know what to do, and their friendship is beautiful and we love it.
Meanwhile, of course, Nicky and Joe keep running into each other and getting on each other’s nerves, Nicky is thisclose to calling up Booker and ordering him to deport Joe because why is he always here (Booker, of course, will eventually become a secret ally in helping them see each other, but that is not quite yet). There is some Shenanigan where they end up both getting into trouble, Grandmother Julie Andrews is not amused, and finally they are forced to sit next to each other for a whole state dinner and Be Polite, because Genovia is trying to forge better relations with Joe’s kingdom. (Genovia is tiny, ancient, and broke, Joe’s kingdom has obviously a ton of money, there are old historical ties between them, some Genovians traveled to the kingdom in the past, Genovia’s trying to improve its human rights record and take in more refugees, etc. Nile is also helping with this last). So Nicky and Joe get ordered to fake a highly convincing bromance and pretend they’ve been best buddies all along (think Red White and Royal Blue) and that means they have to actually learn about each other and spend time together and ugh, he’s a spoiled rich playboy brat, and ugh, he’s a clueless American who thinks he’s better than us, and…
Oh no.
Yes, of course they fall in love, they deny it as hard as they can, Nile and Quynh and Booker are all increasingly exasperated by their attempts to pretend they’re not, and finally they kiss and make love and admit their feelings and that they want to be together. Then of course they get outed by some scheming evil cabinet minister (Merrick) who doesn’t want Nicky to become king and disapproves of him dating (gasp) a MUSLIM WHO IS ALSO A MAN, and there’s a huge scandal and a ton of drama and the usual Romcom Breakup Angst as they decide whether they can still see each other. Andy flies out to Genovia to comfort Nicky, Booker has a Word With The Queen, and Joe hides in his room until Quynh (along with Nile, who she’s met and hit it off with) appears to tell him that he has to be brave, she’ll help.
Anyway, etc etc., Drama, “I love him no matter what, if you don’t accept him you don’t accept me and your STUPID BLOODLINE CAN CHOKE” speeches from Nicky, Julie Andrews sees the light, they decide that Nicky and Joe can keep seeing each other, and it’s all rather sweet. There’s a lot of public relations to be managed and whether Joe’s family is going to disown him and what this will mean for the whole international relations thing, but… one thing at a time.
Nicky agrees to become Prince of Genovia as long as he can be with Joe, Joe decides that hey, he likes Nile too and there’s plenty of meaningful work to be had here and the three of them can join forces to do good things and he’s going to stay, and the Genovian public obviously comes around and loves them. Nobody can find Princess Quynh. It’s rumored she ran off to America with a cranky vodka-drinking PhD student of indeterminate age and was last seen on the back of a motorcycle heading west.
Everyone lives happily and gayly ever after.
The End.
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masqueradeball · 3 years
How about number 3? Like, tell us all about it if you want :)
Oh my gosh 🥺 thank you so much for giving me my first ask! 💖 I'm eternally grateful I get to spill all my pheels out.
3. What is my favorite Phantom tv/film adaptation?
My absolute favorite Phantom is the 1925 Lon Chaney silent film. He just embodies everything that I like about Gaston Leroux's Erik for me and he is both horrifying and pitiable. I dislike the ending but I can live with it given it's what test audiences wanted at the time. I truly love his Red Death costume. You can find it on Youtube and the Tubi app for free.
My first runner up would be Claude Raines in the 1943 because his Erique so soft and tragic in that film I cannot help but love him. This was one was my grandma's favorite 'classic monster' movies that she loved, so I have a special place in my heart for this one. I love his hair and appreciate that he was one fine silver fox before the revenge and jealousy issues set in. The opera parts are a little boring, but the costumes and the sassy diva rival to Christine are worth the watch. We get 2 handsome Raouls who end up going to dinner together at the end of the movie and a Christine who gets to bask in the limelight of her career while not choosing any suitor, which is the best possible outcome for her. Double play for the win in my book! You can watch it for free on the Peacock app.
My next runner up is a 3 way tie between Robert Englund, Gerard Butler, and Charles Dance.
I honestly enjoy all their performances because they each bring something unique to the role.
I cannot stress enough how violent the Robert Englund version is if you want to give it a go, but Erik Destler is insane, twisted, and fabulously murdertastic in this. I love the creepy, evil vibes the man gives off. Think of this film as a time travel AU of the original novel. I feel like he nailed Leroux Erik's darker, snarky personality that some people tend to forget he had and the gothic horror parts of the original novel are there. Bonus: they keep the Faust parallels like in the novel!
I'm gonna say it: I love the Charles Dance miniseries. I know it's not the best, but damn, he is so dry and sarcastic I cannot help but enjoy his performance. I want to pinch his cheeks and smother Cherik with the love his father never gave him everytime I see him. Again, this one focuses on the operas a lot, and for me it's a bit boring. But the backgrounds, settings, and props in this thing are fantastic and the costumes are wonderful too.
That leaves Gerard Butler in the 2004 movie. No he is not the world's greatest singing Phantom, but I don't care. I absolutely love his facial expressions and body language. The Phantom is an emotional, expressive dude and the Red Death costume scene is pretty good. I love how kind and sincere Emmy feels in this film and I appreciate she's not overracting and doesn't feel fake compared to some other Christines *coughSierracough* Being the film version of the ALW musical, this Phantom story focuses on the romance and Gerard excels at that. When he and Christine are singing Past the Point of no Return, I FEEL THEIR PASSION! And that's what counts more so than hitting the same notes we've all heard a million times before.
Now for the versions in the 'I will eternally like this' category 😊 :
The Phantom of the Paradise from 1974. This is also a very violent and dark film so fair warning if you haven't seen it. It's a bizarre rock musical, but if you're weird like me and enjoy Rock & Rule or the Rocky Horror Picture Show, this might be a film you'd like too. I don't want to spoil it too much but the Faust/devil parallels are here too, as is various pop culture references. His teeth and mask are terrifyingly cool, and so is the electronic voice box he uses. It makes sense Daft Punk was inspired by this film. Maybe G1 Soundwave was inspired by this film too, but that's a debate for another day 😉
Next is the animated 1988 film. This one features animation on par with other 80s tv cartoons of the time. I love that they kept the Persian and the torture chamber from the novel. The Phantom's death scene is pretty damn epic. Christine is kind of a flake, but animated Leroux Erik is hilariously insane and terribly charming, especially when he calls himself a Don Juan. It's worth watching just for his antics and his dialouge.
You might not expect a Goosebumps episode to do a Phantom story any justice, but here we are: 1995, The Phantom of the Auditorium is a spooky fun take on the story and honestly, I'd like to see the full play the kids at that school are putting on cause it looks better than some of the live Phantom stage scenes I've seen. Both young boys playing the Phantom are fantastic actors and the plot twist at the end is great.
I absolutely have to give a shout out to Wishbone's Pantin at the Opera. He is the best, cutest, most adorable Raoul de Chagney ever and I will fight you if you dare talk smack about this version. I'm not even a Raoul stan by any means but like, this dog is precious and I enjoy this episode so much.
Also in the animated category and cute dog category is Scooby Doo Stage Fright made back in 2013. This movie is one of my fave Scooby Doo films (yes I own almost all of them on dvd) and there are multiple Phantoms, a reality tv show contest, and Fred and Daphne finally kiss each other! Lots and lots of hidden Phantom references in the background and lots of voice acting talent for those of us who appreciate that.
Now for the versions I intensely dislike 😏
The 1962 Herbert Lom version. UGH where to start. The sets are so small and everything looks dirty and of the wrong time period. The color in the film looks washed out. The clothes look too modern somehow (maybe it's their hairstyles?) and it bothers me. It feels low budget in a bad way and it shows. This phantom is not likeable or pitiable even though his backstory is similar to the Claude Raines version. He has no romantic interest in Christine, so it feels off. This guy is such an old a$$ piece of sh*t, he literally slaps Christine as she's singing for him for no damn reason. His paper mache mask looks like a Kindergartener's botched art class project. His personality is like somebody locked up cranky grandpa in the basement and he's PMS-ing because y'all forgot to give him his daily prune juice. This squatter's lair lacks creepiness, and his bizarre sidekick is annoying and yet somehow more interesting than the Phantom. The pervert manager trying to bang Christine aggravated me and simultaneously made me want to vomit. Raoul is the only likeable character in the whole damn movie. The Joan of Arc opera scene makes up for some of the film, but it's still terrible.
Next on my meh list is the 1983 made for tv movie starring Micheal York and Jane Seymour. Now, this one has some likeable and applaudable scenes: the various murders and general creepiness of the Phantom, and the lair scene when she wakes up in his bed and the Phantom gets all up in her face is so intense and so Leroux I absolutely love it. The rest of the film is a jumbled hot mess at best, but Jane Seymour is 🔥 and she gets some damn good sex, so hell yeah to that!
And lastly, I do not like the Royal Albert Hall 25th anniversary recording. I should preface this by saying it is Sierra I don't like. I like Ramin, I love Hadley, everyone else is wonderful but I cannot stand Sierra. She tries too hard to make Christine a Disney Princess- and that doesn't fly with me. It comes off as insincere or mocking the source material at best, and at worst it makes Christine look like an airheaded ditz. Apparently Sierra played Ariel at one point which is hilarious because of all the Disney princesses, I dislike her the most. But that's a different rant for another day.
And finally, the one I hate most of all:
The 1998 Argento film. This is the worst Phantom adaptation I've ever seen. It is a whole lotta nope for me. Between the rats, the unecessary and pointless telepathy, the r*pe scene, and the unfunny weird vibe from the murder going on in this film it's a disaster from start to finish. Honestly, it's the rats and his hair that bother me from a visual standpoint alone and it's beyond disgusting the way this a$$🤡 treats Christine. I don't like any of the characters in here and for good reason. It's not worth watching and if you do, be ready to bleach your brain afterwards.
💖 Sorry if this was a long read! Thanks again for giving me an ask and I will cherish it forver!!!! 💖
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Quotes from “Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier” as starters
But today could be the day I finally make a difference!
Where are you off to today, you no good piece of shit?
You’ve got to dream a little harder!
It took you long enough, you shit-eating dog.
Oh, so you think you're better than me just because you can read?
Just try to keep your fat face out of that motherfucking book.
Why am I the only one who sees things as they are?
Oh, ___, sometimes I feel you're my only friend in this world.
Today, things got a little out of hand and a lot of good people are dead.
Did we get the loaf of bread back?
Why do you even bother visiting us commoners anymore, you aristocat?
I sure hope you haven't goofed this one up, ___.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, look at this mess. Dead bodies in the street.
Did you know in this barbaric country they only give you money if you work?
Who would seek employment when life offers such enjoyment?
You're only in trouble if you get caught.
My father says that you must marry me now, or I'll bring dishonor to my entire family.
I can't give up on my dreams and settle down just 'cause your dad's being a dick.
‘Cause you stole my daughter’s hymen!
That’s completely fair, but in my defense - dude, your daughter’s hot.
My ass cheeks…they're hanging out.
And what's this? Blood. Blood on my ass cheeks. Tell me, ___, how the fuck did it get there?
Oh I am grateful for your tiny ass, ___!
This really is an act of war, ___!
Do not feed me shit and call it couscous, ___!
Well an hour free is better than a lifetime in a cage. Being fed and pampered and cleaned up after. What kind of a life is that?
When are you going to learn that your actions have consequences?
One of these days, you're going to learn that life isn't about dreams coming true. It's a series of compromises and disappointment.
That's supporting a corrupt system. You're a part of the problem.
I want everything, and more!
My secret is simple, really. Anyone could do it. I just follow the golden rule!
Always treat others like sisters and brothers and they’ll do the same for you.
I get back what I give!
My hunger blinded me and forced me to act like an animal.
But we're not animals. We're gifted with minds to reason and hearts to love!
I think that's enough fun for one day, eh, ___?
Well, we have our own golden rule here. Whoever has the gold…makes the rules.
The gold that my neighbor earns through his labor is gold I’ll never see.
So keep your mouth shut and your palm open, and you may just get...filthy stinkin' rich!
You could start by telling me your name.
I suppose this will be the end of me.
I am a servant to the people, and therefore your servant.
Magic does nothing if not touch the soul.
I want to know your story, I want to know your past, I want to know your future too.
Fill my days and nights with the tale of you.
I never cared for stories until you entered mine.
Let’s make ours the story with no end.
Their mouths aren't fit to hold a donkey's shit.
Many years ago, I took my finger…and I pushed in my penis…and it hasn't come out since.
A very wise and enthralling tale, ___. We can all learn a lesson from it, I expect.
Where's my opium?
Speak now, ___! And don't fuck it up!
Well, maybe I have a new purpose now.
That is what your story is about.
I wish I had the power to rewrite this tale.
Never stop wishing it, ___.
We will be reunited one day, and unlock wonders beyond your wildest dreams!
After all, I must be pretty great, if you believed in me.
I only hope you haven't fallen prey to some sex-crazed ruffian!
Right this way, babe.
This is so unfair! Poor people need slaves just as much as rich people do! Maybe even a little bit more.
Of course it's a free thinker like who's struggling to get by. And all because of our totally corrupt class system.
I hate the class system. That's why I said, "Fuck it, I'm never going to school again."
So, you abandoned everything, to be free? That is so brave.
Brave? Me? Yeah.
All my parents ever did was support me. Give me a place to stay, tell me they loved me, no matter what. They were really bad parents.
How's a thirty-three-year-old kid supposed to know how to survive on his own?
But that is not fair! ___’s a victim of circumstance!
Don't look at me like that! These are my orders from ___.
Wait, wait, what? You slit people's throats? I didn't tell you to kill anyone! This is awful!
___, no. That is just an expression.
I'm gonna have so much gold I could swim through it! Like a pool. Do you think people can really do that?
Once I get my mind set on a chick, I just can't move on until I get this nut out.
I can’t wait to be a rich dude!
Stealing is so much easier when you’ve got already tons of gold.
We’ll get our happy ending tonight.
We weren't sure if you were ever coming back, ___.
Everyone, look at my ass!
You received the manhood of a badger?
Those are stretch marks, they happen.
Oh, I see! You received the manhood of a tiger!
Did you hear that, lads? ___ made love to a tiger!
Tiger fucker! Tiger fucker! Tiger fucker!
Am I not a thing of beauty? Don't you want a piece of this? Wouldn't you gladly give up all of your worldly possessions just to greet me when I come home from a one-sided massacre, and bathe my sweaty, bloody body with your tongue?
Oh…you. Aren't you busy ruining my life?
I noticed you weren't at dinner, but I saw you tried to poison my wine. Usually when you do that, it means you want to talk. What's up, are you mad at me?
You ripped my heart out and smashed it into a million pieces. And don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.
He/she/they was perfect! Like if you cobbled together all the best features from all the best guys/girls/people, and then gave them a tragic backstory! It's like he/she/they was designed specifically to appeal to me.
I knew everything about him/her/them! He/she/they was my soul mate! My -- my -- God, I am freaking out, what was his/her/their name?
Believe it or not, I care about you.
I don't want to be prepared. I want to expect the unexpected.
Look, you're young. You don't exactly get how things work yet. And, while I don't appreciate any of your ideas, I do appreciate the fact that you HAVE ideas. Maybe one day you'll have some GOOD ones.
Sexual predators the lot of them! Their tactics target vulnerable, young girls, and build up false senses of trust and then isolate them on magic rides of sorts. And when the moment is right, they whip it out. You know... their songs.
Be wary of young boys who whip out their songs. A song is often a prelude to a dick.
A song is a dick in sheep's clothing.
Can't you see I'm trying to impart a life lesson?
I feel like you only come to see me when there's bad news.
I counted thirteen dead before the peacocks got to them.
How the fuck did you know it was me?
Because it IS you, you're just wearing different clothes.
Wow. Pretty AND smart. You're the whole shebang, babe.
Everything I told you the other night was a lie. Don't you trust me?
Ugh. Oh no. Okay, um, now I'm kind of feeling like everything about you that was attractive to me before isn't really there anymore.
No! No, I'm just being indecisive. It's still you.
I've just got to get back on that high that I was on before.
Look into my eyes and talk to me some more about the world's injustice!
Sure. Just let me roll this blunt first.
But I don't want her/him/they to love me. I just want her/him/them to fuck me.
You guys know there's a way to get people to think about sex without even talking about sex? You just gotta do it subliminally.
Hey, babe, it's such a beautiful night -- take off your clothes.
But…let me ask you this: is your penis an innie or an outie?
___ explained everything to me. He/she/they was just pretending to be a ___. For fun.
I bet the ___ is under that ___ sized hat!
Bullshit! Why would I pretend to be a ___? Just to get laid? That's not me.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Why are you picking on me, ___? Afraid I'll reveal your little secret?
Whoa! I thought I was just bullshitting you guys!
What made me think that I could get away with such a plot?
How does the golden rule apply in such a situation?
Whichever road I take, I will only encourage someone’s wrath!
‘Til now I’ve always traveled down the straight and narrow path.
But which way do I turn when the road’s become so... so... twisted?
You think you know me, as others think they know you, but there are two sides to every story.
I was prepared for anything, except for what ensued.
They weren't ready for my ideas.
Fortune favors the beautiful.
My only crime was love.
But the heart wants what it wants, and sometimes what it wants, is twisted.
I only wished to reclaim what was mine!
I only wished for equal rights for all!
I only wished to save her/him/them!
I only wished to be invited to the party!
I only wished to improve relations between the races!
I only wished to teach ___ responsibility… so he/she/they wouldn’t end up like me!
I only wished to give the people a voice… To help the miserable, lonely, and depressed!
I never knew my father!
It's an unfortunate situation…But you do have a choice.
What remains of a man when that man is dead and gone?
Why protect my reputation? I’m a dead man/woman/person either way!
How will they tell my story? How will they tell my tale? Will anybody even care?
Is it nobler in the mind to be well-liked but ineffectual, or moral but maligned?
If I hide to save my life, what has my life been for?
The road ahead may twist, but I will never swerve!
I’ll give them all the unsung antihero they deserve!
I’ve nothing left to lose, to the only path to choose is twisted.
So let them twist my words, let the people scorn me.
Who cares if no one will ever mourn me?
Let them bury the side of the story that they’ll never learn!
Let the truth be twisted!
Let my life be twisted!
I’ll be twisted, it’s my turn!
Your armies have abandoned you. Your ruling class is corrupt and we have come to put an end to your tyrannical rule!
You'll never end our tyrannical rule!
It is I who will be doing the fucking today.
It appears that ___ has cold feet!
Yes I am talking to you! Now get your ass over here!
I've got to become a sorcerer! Can you do that?
Yes, I do feel lucky. I've got a ___! But I think he might be a fucking moron!
My fuse is about this long right now.
You either need to back me the fuck up, or shut the fuck up. Got it?
And what's the last thing you wanna do before that happens? Take off your clothes. That's right, have sex! Hurry, take off your clothes.
I'm not going to take off my clothes in the middle of a battle!
My skin is melting!
Would you stop acting like an asshole for one minute?
I'm not a tease. I'm just…not a freak.
You're making sex seem gross and lame.
You got that, ___? We are not a thing anymore, okay?
We're just having our first fight. Maybe after some make up sex…
You're the guy who killed my parents. Where have you been?
Okay, Jesus Christ, I don't know what's going on here.
That's the trick! You just really have to believe your own bullshit!
It takes someone who believes they can change the world to actually do it.
This isn't fair! Life is supposed to be fair!
Your youth and your passion, and yes, your naïveté -- these give you power.
When I was your age, I thought I could accomplish anything I ever wanted and more! But I didn't. Perhaps no one does. But you have to think you will or you won't have the strength to try.
Maybe you won't make any big changes, but a few little ones that pave the way for the next generation. And then they'll make small changes and leave it to the next and the next! It's a bit like a carousel of progress. Always spinning towards a great, big, beautiful tomorrow. And tomorrow is just a dream away.
But what if tomorrow never comes?
Tomorrow always comes. Even if it comes without us.
What will I do without you to guide me? When I am lost, where will I turn?
You remind me of someone I knew long ago.
You’re the one who put it there -- the power in me.
The power to love one another is the greatest power of all.
No matter where life leads us, we’ll never be apart.
Through thick and thin, success or ruin, I’ll carry you in my heart.
I will treasure forever what the world will never see.
You are kind, and that’s enough.
I wish you didn’t have to go when our story’s just begun.
Then I wish you every happiness.
It was more money than I had ever seen. But I was able to count it.
And that's the end of the true story.
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c-rose2081 · 3 years
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Storybook Days
(Chapter 1)
It’s Summer in Auradon, and Audrey is tasked with babysitting the VK kids while the others are busy. Not sure what to do with them, Audrey agrees to read from a book of stories Dizzy found in the royal library. Except the book is actually enchanted; and now Audrey, Celia, Dizzy and the twins are stuck inside its pages, having to go through each story until they find a way out.
“Ben, you can’t be serious,”
It wasn’t very Princess-like to whine, but Audrey Rose didn’t care much for being proper at the moment. It was a bright and clear Summer day in Auradon, and the young King had just dropped a last minute bombshell on the heir of Auroria, “what do you mean I have to babysit?”
“I wouldn’t do this unless I had to, Auds.” Ben said, only half-apologetic as he quickly signed off on some papers while trying to kick on his left shoe, “but Evie’s presence at the Royal Picnic has been requested,”
“So what!” Audrey insisted, following Ben across the study as he gathered up his leather jacket and motorcycle helmet, “why not take the little heathens with you to the stupid picnic?”
Ben shot Audrey a warning look as she lifted her hands and scoffed, “sorry. I just mean they are troublesome and annoying, and I don’t want to babysit,”
“Audrey, you know I’d love for them to come, and for us not to be having this conversation. But four VKids running around with a bunch of stuffy dignitaries is a disaster waiting to happen. This Picnic is really important,”
“But why can’t Uma do it? Or your parents?”
“Because Uma, Harry and Gil are on the isle this weekend doing outreach, and mom and dad will be at the picnic,”
“Ugh, but Ben...”
“Audrey,” placing both hands firmly on the girls shoulders, the boy shot her a dazzling, Kingly grin, “remember what you said to me after Barrier Day? About wanting to make amends?”
“Yes,” Audrey grumbled, “I’m the one who said it,”
“This is a perfect opportunity. It’s just one afternoon, till tomorrow, and Mal and Evie would certainly appreciate it,”
“But the VKids hate me, Ben,” Audrey insisted again as the King walked from the office with a pink Princess in tow, “Celia put chili powder on the rim of my teacup the other day. I could’ve died,”
“It was a harmless little prank, Audrey,” Ben chuckled, swiveling around on a heel to cup Audrey’s cheek in his hand, “you’ll be fine. I have full faith that you can watch them for a night.” He reassured her, “please Audrey? For me?”
Giving the girl his best beastly pout, Audrey folded her arms tightly against her chest.
“Fine. But you’ll bring something back for me, right?” Audrey asked, admitting defeat with a deep sigh and an eye roll, “a piece of cake or...”
“Something sweet for my favorite Princess.” Ben agreed, hurriedly kissing the back of Audrey’s knuckles with a smile, “you’ll do great, I just know it. Evie left some instructions on the fridge, and you have us all on speed dial. Now I have to go or I’ll be late,”
Leaving the Princess at the top of the steps, she watched Ben mount up his motorbike and speed off with an army of staff behind him. This left the castle unusually quiet, and Audrey placed both hands on her hips as she exhaled deeply.
“Babysitting duty,” She scoffed under her breath, tipping her head to rub the place between her eyes, “what a world this is.”
Once upon a time, Audrey would’ve been invited to the Royal Picnic. Naturally though, after her little stint with Maleficent’s Scepter, things had been a bit rocky with the other royal families in Auradon. She was shielded from the gossip by spending the Summer in Beast’s Castle, while her Mum, Dad and Grammy patched things up in Auroria with broad, fantastic strokes. But she still caught wind of the whispers going around. None of them pleasant.
Turning and walking back into the castle, Audrey closed the door with a shallow BANG, and rattling echo. She walked towards the kitchen, still trying to soothe the headache she already felt coming on. Of all the people in the Castle, Audrey was the favorite target for devilish pranks. The VKids were little brats, running around like they owned the place and being spoiled rotten by Evie. And though Dizzy could be sweet on her own, she was Celia’s right hand minion when push came to shove.
Grumbling nonsense under her breath, Audrey swept by the island towards the fridge. Here, a scrawled note in Evie’s hand lay stuck under a magnet. It wasn’t just instructions; it was an entire schedule of things to do.
“These kids live better then I do,” Audrey mumbled, raising an eyebrow at some of the items Evie had listed.
Bake Cookies
Croquet on the Lawn
Movie Marathon
Run Baths
Bedtime Story
“Bedtime story?” Audrey mumbled with a scoff, “you’ve got to be kiddi-EEK!”
Audrey leapt up with a shriek as something cold was dropped down the back of her dress. Shaking herself hard to dislodge the ice cube from lace and satin, Audrey groaned in frustration as she whipped around. Celia and Dizzy were on the floor, holding their tummies as they laughed. The Twins were peeking in through the doorway, not laughing but staring at her like she’d take their heads off.
“You little brats!” Audrey hissed, “get off the floor. Front and center,”
“We don’t take orders from you, old hag.” Celia cackled, rolling over onto her stomach, “why aren’t you at the Picnic? Didn’t get invited?”
“As a matter a fact I didn’t,” Audrey seethed through her teeth, “so now, I’m stuck here watching you four,”
“Awe what!” Celia complained, finally getting back to her feet and brushing off her skirt, “but Evie had a big day planned.”
“Yeah well, Evie’s not here,” Audrey hissed, holding up the list in her hand and waving it around, “and I’m not interested in catering to your every desire. So you can just forget about that,”
“You’re kinda mean,” Dizzy complained.
“You just put an ice cube down my dress, scared me out of my skin, and now you expect me to play nice? I don’t think so,” Audrey hissed, tearing up the list in her hands and tossing it on the counter. Turning to the twins, she pointed at them, “you two, in here with me. We’re gonna have a chat,”
Hesitantly, the blondes scuttled in. Four VKids now faced off with a very peevish Princess, the girl placing both hands on her hips with an animalistic huff, “alright, twerps. Here’s how this is gonna go. I don’t really care what you do. Go hide in your rooms, watch TV all day, play with swords in the armory, whatever. Just leave me out of it unless someone’s dying,”
“What will you be doing?” Celia asked, “plotting to curse Ben and Mal’s first child?”
Both Ceila and Dizzy sniggered behind their hands as Audrey clenched a fist tightly.
“I really hate children,” she managed under her breath, folding her hands together as though in prayer, “listen, I don’t like you, and you don’t like me. I get that, and I’m really quite reasonable. So just stay away from me, and you can do whatever you want. Kapeesh?”
Four pairs of eyes blinked up at her in confusion as Audrey rolled her eyes and translated, “do you understand?”
“Yeah, we understand,” Celia nodded, glancing at her companions before pinning Audrey with a hard stare, “but we want waffles for dinner.”
“And we want to watch an R rated movie!” Dizzy added as Audrey lifted a brow but shrugged. If it kept the little monsters away from her, it was worth the risk.
“Fine. Anything else? You two?”
Glancing at the twins, the blondes shook their heads quickly as Audrey clapped her hands together and sighed in relief.
“Great. I’ll be out by the pool enjoying what’s left of today. You stay in here and do whatever, and we’ll be peachy. Kay?”
Nodding in agreement, Audrey turned and walked from the kitchen. Changing into her favorite bikini and hat, the Princess found her way to the pool a little while later. Not trusting the water — lest Celia put dye in it that would make her skin turn blue — Audrey found a comfortable spot on a lawn chair and dropped the sunglasses down over her eyes. For a while, the world was peaceful. But Audrey should’ve known better then to trust the VKids word on anything.
While she slept, Celia managed to drop a scorpion on her from the upper balcony. Where she had even gotten such a thing, Audrey wasn’t sure. But it pinched her fair skin a few times before she was able to knock it away, causing horrible red welts to form. Upon running inside, she slipped and fell on oil that had been lift on the marble and slammed back first into a suit of armor. There was laughter above her on the stairway, but Audrey was to busy rubbing the long cut which she now had on her forehead from the fall to notice.
It was an afternoon of one vicious prank after another. From simply stealing her clothes while she was showering, to locking her in a broom closet which they had somehow tricked her into, it was constant pain and torment. Her own little hell on earth. By the time dusk was falling, Audrey was exhausted and in pain. Her head ached from a possible concussion, and her stomach burned with the scorpion stings. Her mouth tasted a bit like ash from the Alo-Vera gel Dizzy managed to spread on her sandwich while she wasn’t looking. And she just wanted to close her eyes and sleep.
Thankfully, after putting the movie on and shoving plates piled with waffles into the kids hands, the terrible two had shut up. The film was long over now, and Audrey assumed the four had made their way to bed. She herself was trying and failing to sleep when the slow open of her door made her heart still. Not another prank. She couldn’t handle any more today.
“...Audrey?” Dizzy whispered. Ignoring the girl in hopes she’d simply go away, Audrey winced as her shoulder was gently tapped, “Audrey, are you awake?”
“...I am now,” the Princess groaned, rolling over to face the VKid. Dizzy was haloed in the hall light, but Audrey could see the tears streaming down her face and what appeared to be a book in her arms. Sitting up slightly, Audrey’s brows furrowed, “hey, what’s wrong?”
“I can’t sleep,” Dizzy croaked, “I had a nightmare,”
“A nightm-” pausing, Audrey sighed and nodded, “from the movie I bet.”
“It was really scary,” Dizzy whimpered.
“Ok. And what would you like me to do?” Audrey asked, not entirely sure how to proceed. After all, when she was young and couldn’t sleep, she never went to mum or Grammy. They just sent her back to her room with a sleepy grunt and a ‘go back to sleep, Audrey’, and that was it. Comforting a scared child wasn’t something she did, let alone something she ever had experience with.
“Can you read me a story?” Dizzy asked, “I found a book in the library.”
Glancing at the clock, it was only about midnight as Audrey rubbed her face tiredly and nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, fine. Go turn on the light,”
“Is it ok if the twins listen, to?” Dizzy asked, crossing the room to the light as Audrey sat up.
“You aren’t planning on waking them just to hear a story, are you?”
“No, they’re already here.”
At being mentioned, two blonde heads in night caps glanced around the doorway.
“Ah, I see,” Audrey rasped, “well come on then. Might as well read to everyone,”
At the invitation, two short bullets zipped like mice across the carpet and landed on the mattress with a PHOOPH. Dizzy followed after, climbing to sit next to Audrey on her right side as she handed over the book.
“Where did you even find this thing,” Audrey asked, blowing dust from the beautiful embossed cover, “it’s ancient,”
“I dunno. It was on one of the bottom shelves,” Dizzy shrugged, “so what’s it about?”
“A book of fairytales,” Audrey told her, reading the inscription on the first page, “this book, bequeathed to Beast and Belle on their wedding day. May it find you well.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Glancing up at the new voice, Celia leaned in the doorway. Though she appeared casual and unbothered, Audrey could see the dark circles under her eyes, meaning the movie probably got to her as well, despite her facade of bravado.
“It was a wedding gift,” Audrey told her, “come to hear the story?”
“I thought you weren’t interested in that kind of thing,” Celia grumbled, though she made her way towards the bed anyway and crawled up to sit on Audrey’s other side. The twins laid across her legs, blinking up at her with sapphire colored irises.
“Well, one small story won’t hurt. Despite all the torture you put me through today.”
Celia said nothing to this as Audrey turned back to the book, flipping the page to the first story: Little Red Riding Hood.
“Once upon a time,” Audrey began, “in a wood not unlike this one, a little girl in a red cloak was making her way to her grandmothers house...”
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white-berry · 3 years
Young Royals Finale
Sara should be more understanding. Like you of all people would know what it's like to be judged
Ahhh it's still so soft, even when they're suffering,😭that's how you know it's a good show. They can portray queer suffering in a good way
Wille. Oh Wille.
When will Sara expose August for his rat behaviour??? I'm waitinh
When Simon said, "We haven't done anything wrong." That line hit so hard. It's so true and reassuring, and yet it hurts to admit because they're gonna be judged anyway.
Sara you better kill him like damn sis.
August is bluffing so fucking hard
It's time they bring out the guillotine
One simple act of malice causes so much wickedness.
August is brining her!!! Oh no!!! Hang into your morals please.
Ugh you snake. Wicked souls. I hate her too
Burn in hell, the both of you. Worst couple. Sara, you made a choice.
Wille and Simon have bad family huh:(
Can't trust anyone huh-
Simon if you only knew what she just did yo you. Ughh it's like that audio, "I just wanna come through the screen-"
Sara you deserve nothing. Less than nothing actually. Starve.
Oh Sara...you had so much potential, but now you're going to hell.
20 minutes left. Get hype
Anyway, this is gonna be painful
Wille looks so gay in scarves. It was meant to be😍
One. Last. Kiss :(
Sara go to hell challenge?😳
August X Sara sickens me to my core
I love that they've chosen to mirror the first episode in the finale. The end of a cycle.
Here. We. Go
Look at Sara. Just sitting there like she didn't betray her brother. What a waste.
Oddly enough, finding out Wille lies doesn't hurt. Like what was he supposed to do? I mean come on😭
Simon. I love you. So much. But- this may never work out. It might be time to move on...
I do feel bad for him. Being all over the internet and on magazines?? As a teen??? I can feel his frustations
Wait till August dies. That's when I'll be happy.
Gay crown Prince ftw. Haters can die mad :)
Felice, I wish you bounty and favour. You deserve all that this world can offer. I'm sorry I spoke poorly of you previously. I can see that you are an angel from heaven now. Thank you for your service. I cannot wait to see what they do with you in season two.
Oh they just don't care huh. Damn, shit sucks for him.
Oh Wille is about to go public isn't he? I can feel it in my bones. He has no one left. Nothing left to lose.
Can't wait to see the final shot. I just know it will grip me. Don't disappoint.
Sara better burn from those candles. Catch fire why don't you?
Oh you're in a pit of snakes boy. Nothing and no one left. Kiss him! Kiss him now!!!
In the words if keinan Lonsdale, kiss the boy m he just doesn't care anymore😭😭
powerful ending. They didn't kiss but damn.
That was such a satisfying end. They really did That
Sara get away from him. Ughhh we hate to see it. I'm broken really
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petri808 · 4 years
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For the Inuyasha Sins event, Envy day
“Kagome, your tutor is here,” her nursemaid Kaede fetches the young Princess.
“Ugh, must I? What is the point if my place will be in stately silence.”
But the older woman rarely gives in to the young woman’s whining. She’s raised the girl from birth and wished to see Kagome take a proper place in their kingdom. “One day you may be a Queen my dear, and we wouldn’t want a foolish one. I know you’ll do great things when your time comes, which means, you need to study!”
The Princess sighs and continues to stare out of her window, longing for more than what her crown dictates. Her younger brother was the heir not her, so why should she care? She watches the palace staff hustling and bustling about. It was hard work for sure, but at least once their duties were finished, they went home at the end of the day, free to do as they pleased. Everyone believed royals have so little to worry about, that they sit in their fancy rooms and dine on golden plates. But it felt more like a gilded cage to Kagome, full of responsibilities and images to uphold. A woman’s place in this world often meant very little, even with her status. To one day sit beside a King and produce an heir is all her life would amount to. Or so it’s been in her view.
“Fine,” Kagome grumps and pushes away from the windowsill. Her shoulders slumped, communicating her intense displeasure. “But after tutoring I wish to go riding. Anything to get away from the palace.”
“As you wish milady. I shall notify the stable hand to prepare your steed Buyo, as well as your personal guard.”
“No, no, please not Miroku. The stable hand will do. I just want to relax Kaede, and I can’t do that with a palace guard watching my every move.”
“Your mother will not be pleased with that arrangement. Your safety is of the utmost importance.”
“Tch, have you seen the stable hand? He is more capable than Miroku at protecting me.”
“Tis true,” the woman chuckles. “Very well,” Kaede bows then shoo’s Kagome out of her bedroom, “now, off to the study with you.”
Today’s lessons included literature and linguistics. Not terribly boring subjects to the Princess, but also not hated as much as mathematics. And at least such fiction proses provided an escape into a fantasy world. Sometimes Kagome would lose herself in the stories. Of adventures and dragons, Princes saving Princesses from horrible circumstances and living happily ever after. She wanted that fairy tale ending like some of the characters in her books. If she could find a Prince like in these tales, perhaps being a Queen won’t be so bad.
At the end of the session, Kagome bids her tutor Sango farewell after the woman reminds her of their schedule the next day. She liked Sango, they got along like sisters, and sometimes the woman brought her pet cat Kirara to the sessions. Those days were infinitely more pleasing to attend. But deep down, Kagome was mildly jealous of the woman, not that she wished ill will. Sango came from a noble household, but because of her intelligence, her father gave her a lot of freedom to make her own decisions. It wasn’t fair.
Her mood lightens as she steps into the stables and sees the stable hand. The man had started working at the palace just a few months earlier but was quite adept at his position. No one really knew much about his past or where he’d come from. The most he would say was a neighboring kingdom, but what was for certain, is he wasn’t fully human. They were known as half-breeds, hanyo’s or the product of a human and a yokai.
In their world some yokai were evil but not all of them, in fact one of her kingdoms allies was ruled by the Inuyokai. Kagome surmised based on the dog-like ears perched on Inuyasha’s head, that is probably where he was from. Perhaps his family was poor and that’s why he’d set out to make his own way in life.
“Good day Inuyasha,” the woman smiles as she runs her hand over her horses neck, placating the steed. She truly appreciated his care of Buyo. The horse was always groomed impeccably, and his stall mucked and strawed to keep his hooves in perfect condition.
“Good day Princess,” Inuyasha smiles back. “And where did you wish to ride today? I was advised to accompany you in your quest.”
“Hmm, maybe towards the forest. I’ve been told of a lake hidden behind the trees, have you heard of it?”
“I have.”
“Wonderful! You shall lead the way kind sir.”
Inuyasha helps the Princess onto her horse before mounting his own, Kagome blushing from the close contact. His hands were strong, yet gentle despite the claws. Many of the palace women fawned over the man and she was no different. He was handsomely rugged, gruff at times, but very protective and loyal. Kagome would be lying if she didn’t admit to herself the fantasies, she’s had of him. Such a tryst would be highly frowned upon since he wasn’t of the same status, but she couldn’t help it. Nature beckons and such a fine specimen of maledom called to her loins.
“How do you like our kingdom so far Inuyasha?” Kagome asks as they trot past the city gate. Now that they were beyond any eavesdroppers, they could chat more freely.
“It’s quieter than my own. But I like it. I enjoy the sense of freedom I have here.”
“Lucky.” She sighs, “I wish I could say the same.”
“You still hate being a Princess?” He chuckles, “be happy you’re not a Prince, they have much more responsibilities resting on their shoulders.”
“Pfft, how do you know that?”
“It’s not difficult to figure out,” he smiles at her. “Of course, it’s harder to see when your perception is skewed.”
“Excuse me!” Kagome harrumphed. “I understand just fine! You’re not a royal so you don’t really understand how it feels to be stuck behind a wall! Constantly watched and managed, a-and told what to do! It’s not fair!”
“You think us regular citizens have unlimited freedom? There are rules we must follow, customs to respect. We work in the hopes to make money so we can enjoy a few fineries in life. But you, Princess, are given those luxuries without restraint.”
“Tch!” She turns her head away. How dare Inuyasha pretend to know anything about her life! “Let us drop this subject. I came here to relax, not to be reminded of the life I envy.”
“My apologies Princess. Even though you’re being the brat,” he mumbles under his breath.
“Did you say something?”
Growing bored and annoyed with his banter, Kagome takes off at a sprint towards the tree line. She just wanted to get to the lake quickly. Inuyasha screams at her to slow down, but she ignores him. She’s ridden Buyo many a time to know what she’s doing, and it brought a sense of freedom to gallop as fast as they could. When she reaches the denser forest, she slows the horse back to a trot.
He couldn’t lie that it was alluring to see Kagome show a zest for life beyond her normal duties. Princesses were expected to be demure creatures, but she was nothing like that, and her fire is what drove her frustrations. Inuyasha could understand that. Nobody enjoys feeling hampered or confined. The woman also had a natural beauty and he loved the fact she didn’t wear heavy make up or tout ridiculous hair styles like some ladies of the court do. Like right now, she didn’t care as her raven tresses whipped wildly behind her stately poise.
But it was dangerous for her to take off like that, and if anything happened to her it was his hide on the line. So, he takes off in a full gallop to catch up to his wayward Princess. He knew she wouldn’t know where to go once they reach the forest and needed to make sure she wouldn’t do anything else foolish.
“Do you wish for my execution?” He growls and grabs hold of her horses halter. “If you get hurt, I’m the one who gets in trouble not you.”
“I— you’re right, I’m sorry Inuyasha.”
“Just follow my lead until we get to the lake. There are animals in the forest and even thieves willing to attack anyone. So, stay close to me.”
Suddenly the romance of the unknown died away as she succumbed to the dark, almost foreboding chill that trickled down her spine. With her senses on alert now, the sounds of the forest are heightened. The hooting of an owl, the scurrying of tiny feet over crunchy leaf litter, to the thumping of horses hooves echoing in the dense woods. Kagome keeps Buyo to the side and right behind Inuyasha’s.
“H-How do you know where to go?” There was no path she could discern.
“I can smell the water, it’s not far.”
“Oh... so that’s like one of your abilities?”
“Yeah. Smell, hearing, strength, it’s all better than a humans.”
Guess that makes sense, she muses. Like a canine. Kagome wondered what else made Inuyasha different from a human... she shakes those seedy thoughts away, no sense in taking that path. But the silence between them only left room for the mind to wander.
“Do you have any siblings Inuyasha?”
“Any girlfriends?”
The man abruptly stops his horse and turns to Kagome. “No, but why such personal questions all of a sudden?”
“I-I don’t know, bored, and trying to make conversation?”
His eyebrow raises, “uh-huh. So, instead of how’s your day going, or what’s your favorite food, you jump to any girlfriends?” Inuyasha laughs and continues to trot away. “Smooth, Princess, very smooth!”
“Hmph!” She didn’t mean to... okay she did but hey! Kagome presses Buyo to follow him again. “Fine! You want normal? Then what is your favorite color Inuyasha?”
“Favorite food?”
“Do you know how to use a weapon?”
“Sword. But I don’t really need one,” he flashes his claws, “I only carry a dagger just in case.”
Oh, right, she’d forgotten again. His claws look sharp, but since he was so gentle with them, she hardly payed attention. Guess who ever is on the other end of an angry Inuyasha was in a lot of trouble.
“You know, with your strengths, why didn’t you try out for a soldier position?”
“I’d rather not fight if I can avoid it.”
“I see...” thankfully, there hasn’t been any major wars or battles in a long time, so the likelihood of a soldier seeing one was slim. Maybe something happened in his past to make him weary of fighting. Whatever it was, it may have also been the reason he left home.
“We’re here.”
Kagome pulls away from her thoughts just as they break through the tree line. “Wow...” The lake was bigger than she’d imagined. “This is beautiful! I wonder why no one really comes here?”
“Citizens will fish here during certain seasons, but right now is not one of them so it’s relatively empty.”
The pair stop at the edge of the water and get off, tying the horses close so they can drink. Inuyasha gestures to an old fallen log, before taking a seat. Kagome hikes up her skirt and ties it above the knee, so it won’t get dirty.
Inuyasha chuckles, “that’s new. I don’t think I’ve ever known a Princess to care about such things.”
“What do you mean?”
“If the dress gets dirty, they don’t care because the servants will wash it, or they just replace it.”
“Oh, well, I don’t really like to cause more work for the servants. I’d make my own meals if they let me.”
“You’re such an odd Princess.” But as Kagome’s mouth opens to retort, he stops her, “in a good way.”
“Um, thank you Inuyasha,” she blushes and averts her eyes.
Inuyasha sighs. “The fact you care about such things makes you a good Princess, not one of those stuck up ones who only care about themselves and money. I know you think commoners have it better, and maybe in some ways they do, but you have an ability to use your status to affect more things. If you treat your subjects well, their gonna love you for it and that’s how you keep your kingdom peaceful.”
“I never... I never thought of it like that before.”
“It’s okay. Sometimes it’s difficult to see beyond our own stories. We have to get it through the eyes of another or live in another’s shoes.”
Kagome smiles brightly. “Thank you, Inuyasha.”
“You’re welcome,” he smiles back.
Things grow into a companionable silence between the two as they take in the still, placid waters of the lake. It wasn’t a very large lake and isn’t fed by any rivers or streams but rather an underground aquifer system. Perhaps this depression in the ground was formed by a long-ago meteor, but how ever this ancient body was created, it provided a nice addition for the areas ecology.
After a long time, Kagome breaks the silence with a wispy sigh. “A cottage on the side of this lake would be perfect.”
Inuyasha notices the dreamy look on her face and smiles. “Agreed.” To raise a family here, teach them to fish and hunt, a little garden farm... Their eyes lock in as he finishes his train of thought. “That would be... really... nice.”
Heat swarms her cheeks and body at the softened gaze he’s leveling at her. Inuyasha looked ethereal as the light absorbs into his white hair, almost creating an aura surrounding his body. Her eyes focus in on the slight part in his lips. How would they feel against hers? She’s never known the pleasure. “C-Could I kiss you?” Kagome questions in a whisper filled with hesitation and trepidation. To be so forward but how could she not take such an opportunity?
He smiles, caressing her cheek lovingly with his thumb, before sweeping in and placing a gentle kiss upon her lips. It was bold, maybe even treasonous, but who was he to rebuke her request. Inuyasha moved to pull away but is thwarted when Kagome weaves her hand behind his neck to hold him in place. She presses in, tilting her head to deepen the mold between them. Oh, he was happy to oblige, running his tongue against her seam to further the kiss along. Back and forth like a waltz with Inuyasha the teacher, coaxing the Princess to learn this lesson well. Suddenly, a bit of jealousy washes over him. Teach her for who? Another guy? His stomach turned at the thought, but he didn’t want to stop.
His decision is made for him when her hands slide up and start to rub his ears. Inuyasha has no choice but to stop things from going any further. “Don’t get too familiar, Princess,” his tone grows gruff. “You know this is already crossing the line.”
“I know— but it just feels so wonderful.”
“I agree,” he groans, “but we should get back to the castle before it starts to get dark.”
Kagome nods disheartened that their day had come to an end and that he’d rebuffed the advances. It didn’t matter if she understood why, because it still hurt. She follows quietly as Inuyasha guides them back to the castle proper, all the while reflecting on everything that had happened. Inuyasha could irritate her at times, while at other times she just felt drawn to him for some reason. He was always willing to listen to her complain or did anything she requested within reason. But anxiety flows in and makes her wonder, had he kissed her because a Princess requested it, or because he actually wanted to? Ugh, if he was just following a pseudo order that... that would hurt, because she really enjoyed her first kiss.
She’s so lost in her thoughts again, that even as they make it all the way to the stables, and he’s helping her to dismount, she doesn’t notice someone else walking in.
“Oh, my goodness! It’s you! Inuyasha, that is you!”
Wait, what?! Kagome whips her head to the sound of a female voice calling Inuyasha’s name. Excuse them, he’s her ma-er, stable boy. So, who the hell is talking to him in such a familiar fashion?!
“I’m sorry, no one’s allowed back here except place staff or guests.” Kagome’s voice is full of disdain for this pretty newcomer.
“My apologies. I came to meet Princess Kagome and they told me she was in here. Are you she?”
“Yes,” Kagome looks to the woman, to Inuyasha who appears to be motioning for the woman to leave, then back to the woman. “And who are you?”
Rin slaps playfully at Inuyasha’s hands, thinking it was just that, playing. She smiles and giggles. “I’m Princess Rin, Inuyasha’s niece. I never thought I’d find him here too! This so exciting!” She turns back to her uncle. “What are you doing here? Are you courting Kagome?! She’s really pretty! Oooh, tell me you’re courting her uncle Inu!”
If it wasn’t for Inuyasha’s quick instincts and strong hands, Kagome almost slips off the horse in shock. She chokes on her words, “U-uncle Inu?!” If Rin was a Princess, that had to mean?! But Rin’s not much younger than she is. “H-How?! If that’s true,” she turns to the man, “you’re?!”
“A prince...” he cringes, ears flattening against his skull from Kagome’s shrieks. “Rin is the daughter of my much older half-brother, the heir to Kamakura.”
“Why’d you lie to me this whole time!” Kagome beats her fists against his chest in anger. “I-I opened up to you because I thought you weren’t royalty and might sympathize more! But you’re actually a Prince?!”
He grabs her wrists. “Don’t you get it Kagome! I ran away from that life! If anyone knows how you feel it’s me!” When the woman stills at his words, he lets her go. “I’m just a second son in my kingdom, stuck behind rules, yet with no real place in it. So, I wanted freedom, just like you long for.” He sighs, “but now that I’ve been found, I’ll probably have to return home.”
“Wait a minute,” Rin cuts in. “So, you’re not here as a Prince? Then what are you doing here?”
“He’s been our stable hand,” Kagome mumbles. If their ally found out their Prince was working as a stable hand… “T-This is not... I’ll have to inform my parents.” She turns to Inuyasha with tears building in her eyes. It wasn’t the revelation that made her upset, but the thought of losing him before she’d had a chance to get to know the real him. “All those things you told me... about seeing from the outside. Now it makes complete sense.”
“And I meant all of it. Even though I left home feeling the same way as you, and while I enjoy the freedom of being normal, I’ve come to realize we can’t run from it forever. We all have our roles in life. I knew eventually I’d have to go back home, but then the closer we got, it became complicated and today didn’t make it any easier.”
“I don’t want you to leave.”
An awkward pause develops with neither Kagome nor Inuyasha sure of what to do next. She knew her duties and would have to report this. He knew as well, that his rouse was now gone. Today was the first time they’d allowed the feelings they were harboring to break free, but how could they make it work? If only his niece hadn’t shown up, he could have figured out how to handle the situation brewing with Kagome on his own time and terms but now?
“Ehem.” Rin clears her voice. “You know for adults, you’re both really dense in the romance department.”
“Huh?” Kagome and Inuyasha blurt out.
Rin grins at them. “So, new plan. This is what you tell your parents. Inuyasha set out to find a bride who’d love him for him and not a crown. It’s just ironic that said person ended up being a Princess. That’s why he came here and pretended to be a stable hand. When he found said person, you,” she points to Kagome, “he confessed. And I am here to confirm he’s not a crazy person trying to kidnap a Princess. Simple. Sort of,” she giggles. “Uncle Inu, if her parents allow it, you could stay to continue your courtship, as a Prince.”
“But what about afterwards?”
“Like you said uncle, you’re not the heir to Kamakura, so you are free to live outside of the palace or come home. You two can decide when the time comes.”
“Inuyasha, your niece is really smart! Are you sure you two are related?”
“Ha-ha!” He grabs a laughing Kagome around the waist and picks her up. “Who’s the idiot who picked me?”
“Tch, I blame a lack of options.”
“I ought’a drop you.”
“I’m kidding! I’m kidding!”
“You two really are courting,” Rin laughs.
“Actually, we weren’t,” Kagome corrects the woman.
“Again, dense in the romance department. But never mind. I’m glad it all worked out.”
Kagome opens her mouth to retort, but Inuyasha puts her down on her feet and covers her mouth briefly, then tips her head up. “Well, Princess? Do we go with Rin’s plan or not?”
“Mmm. On one condition. You build me a cottage by a lake.”
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barbika1508 · 4 years
Hiwaga (Vampire! Jeongguk x Reader)
Part 1
Words: 11,1 k
Genre: Soulmate AU, Reincarnation AU, Enemies to Lovers, Action, Romance, Smut
Pairing: Vampire! Jeongguk x Reader
Warnings: Brief mentions of smut, Cursing
Summary: Life was good, playing out better than it has been ever before. My future was bright and full of promises and wishes coming to realization. All up until she showed up. She stormed though the front doors ruining everything along the way by her mere presence derailing my goals and purpose in life. A puny mortal, a child, a complete nuisance, and yet…The key to an unimaginable life, to the truth all along.
Author's note: Hiwaga – mystery; full of wonder Words in italics are dialogues or thoughts that Jeongguk reads from others. So I’ve done research with this fic, and used certain words that need explanation…given that there can be A LOT I’ve put a dictionary just below the fic if anyone is interested :3
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Jeongguk’s POV:
‘’Stop it.’’
I barely flinch at the hiss the presence that settles on my left expected, to which my glare remains unfaltering ‘’She’s just…infuriating.’’ I sigh quietly, trying to relax my clenched jaw but just settle right back into pressing my teeth tight together while my fingers curl into fists, annoyance brewing.
‘’Why is that?’’ the question has me rolling my eyes inside my head, as I shift onto my right foot and away from the broad-shouldered vampire, keeping my composure in case of anyone looking towards us.
‘’I don’t know, I just really, really don’t like her.’’ I grumble glaring at the girl that’s grinning widely showing of her blunt teeth advertising to everyone that she’s not like us. She’s literally making herself a bait, even though Yoongi hyung made sure she was doused in his scent not even an hour ago.
She’s chatting away with a middle-aged guy, his wife looking interested as she eyes the regular girl up and down her thoughts not promising anything good. Right now, I’m cursed having the abilities that I have, easily reading through the crowd of people that’s surrounding us. I hate big gatherings, or any gatherings for that matter. Its bothersome to keep my concentration up at all times, to prevent all the voices from flooding my mind. Well except for hers. Not hearing her thoughts, is one of the most infuriating things.
‘’We know that Jeongguk-ah. It’s been a well-known fact since the moment she stepped a foot past the front doors.’’ Jin hyung chuckles clearly amused by my brooding and misery, as I recall not even a month ago how she loudly shrieked a greeting, and then just ran up to Yoongi hyung. He offered her a SMILE! HE SMILED AT HER AND LET HER HUG HIM!!!
The scene as I remember it is still bizarre and sort of unrealistic. How easily everyone accepted her, even though she isn’t of our kin. We’ve turned away, orphaned fairies, witches and even shapeshifting dragons which could have given us great amounts in the power dynamic. And yet there’s Y/N. Ugh even her name has me rolling my shoulder back, as my nose briefly scrunches, Jin hyungs hand landing on my shoulder reminds me that I need to keep a calmer attitude. Glancing over to him he’s completely amused as he looks at me.
‘’You are stewing in your anger without a real purpose youngling.’’ He teases the nickname a pain in the ass ‘’Relax, Jeonggukie.’’ He leans in closer still smirking but looks me directly in the eyes hovering up close There’s plenty of girls here. Some with royal statues or skills you can only ever imagine of. he wiggles his eyebrows at me suggestively. This time around I do roll my eyes for him to see, shaking my shoulders and him off as he ends up giggling not taking offense in my behaviour.
In a regular setting or just a regular gathering as this one is, I wouldn’t miss any single opportunity to tease him, or make fun of him blatantly but given the new guests I’m not in the mood whatso ever.
I do look at the wives, girlfriends, mistresses of our guests that fill our spacious ballroom besides the variation of men, that had me tune out their thoughts the moment the first 5 arrived. And granted they are all gorgeous, youthful, pale complexion mostly with vibrant eyes full of life, and deadly fangs poking from their lips proudly. My jaw unclenches, while I raise my chin up in interest once a blonde girl, walks past us quite a distance but I don’t miss how she flutters her eyes towards me, keeping on a shy smile which is a pretence but the visual has my attention. Her long blonde hair is cascading down over her exposed shoulder the ends curled up meticulously. Her front is a bit on the flatter side, figure smooth and flawless as the red wine dress that’s running and falling down her body like an endless seem of water while a thin vail that covers it, sparkles in the lights at times making her look more out of this world.
I raise an eyebrow in curiosity ready to start this game of chase. Watching intently, she offers a wider smirk steps slowing down, when suddenly she disappears from my view thanks to the group of chattering vampires ahead of us. Looking left and right she doesn’t pop up. Interesting.
‘’That’s it Jeongguk-ah. Our fearless maknae on the prowl.’’ Jin pats me over my back smirking his words making me smile but from half embarrassment and half amusement ‘’You know I’ve picked up on certain gossip that’s been floating around.’’ The implication has me turning to my older hyung fully in curiosity.
‘’Do spill thou secrets, dearest hyung.’’ another voice replies, Taehyung joining the two of us smirking knowingly. He probably knows where this is going, being the coven’s expert gossiper and a professional drama queen so to speak. He knows the ins and outs of the vampire world, dipping his toes into the werewolf pack’s and mere-folk communities as of lately. I simply slide my hands into the pockets of the black suit creased trousers I have on. I paired my outfit with a black long-sleeved saint Laurens shirt, and over it I’ve gone with a white suit jacket with golden detailing on it.
Jin hyung has gone more with a professional (regal) look, wearing a midnight black 5-piece suit, with the difference in the dress shirt which is a darker purple colour. The tie he has one, is more visibly purple adorned in small golden accessories that state which clan he belongs to by the logo being pined near the knot. He’s not only displaying regal colours but also the wealth, the rank and honour that was given to him, when he reached a milestone in his old age which not many vampires do anymore. The status and extra titles are appointed according to age and actions and Jin hyung has made it pretty high on both of those simple to-do lists as I’d like to call them.
Taehyung on the other hand is like me dressed in all black, going with a matching 2-piece suit lacking the suit jacket which leaves him in a more of a blouse type of dress shirt that has white squares doted randomly across. He has tucked the shirt into the slightly high waisted trousers, which makes shapes up his figure to the tens.
He quirks an eyebrow as he smiles mischievous standing on Jin hyungs left, giving me a knowing look.
‘’Rumour has it, amongst our lovely ladies mainly but in a wider circle nonetheless…’’
‘’Meaning everyone, yes hyung.’’ Taehyung pips in encouragingly licking his lips as he points his stare at the elder. I quickly shush him smirking as I glance between the two Taehyung grinning while Jin shakes his head but remains humoured.
‘’…it is said, that after a night with our Jeonggukie here, even as a vampire you’ll be having problems walking the next day.’’ His eyes are fixated on me gauging my reaction while I meet Taehyung’s gaze just knowing exactly what he normally would say. I don’t even have to read his mind to know.
But he loudly snorts instead ‘’You’ve left out the juicy part of the rumours hyung.’’ I lift my chin up again but look away from the two trying to see and detect if anyone is listening into our conversation. There’s a group of vampires that is standing close to us. Some have picked up on our talk but they are occupied discussing something else that has their complete attention, two women snickering to themselves quietly ‘’Our Jeonggukie even though is the cutest and the most innocent looking as a cherub doesn’t cuddle. Or kiss after he’s done fucking your brains out. How about that?’’
Turning back to the two, the elder gives me a disapproving look meanwhile Taehyung is strictly mirthful clearly finding this amusing ‘’I’m not looking for love. It’s simply an exchange of pleasantries and then it’s back to regularities.’’ I shrug turning away as the dark-haired vampire coos, chuckling while Jin hyung who has dyed his hair into a faint purple colour tsks.
‘’Oiii we didn’t raise you like that young man.’’ He chides while my eyes finding the blonde once more. Her gaze is already on me, clearly taking me in up and down shamelessly ogling me. To keep this interesting I refrain from reading into her mind, and offer a smirk back, taking her in as well. She’s joined into a conversation which she barely participates once our gazes interlock ‘’Yahhhh don’t ignore us! Don’t prove those rumours right!!!’’
‘’Let him be hyung.’’ Taehyung defends me, chuckling ‘’He’ll learn eventually, after getting punched into the balls enough times.’’
That has me quirking both eyebrows in question as I turn to the black haired male, his hair having grown out making him look all the more attractive in the period of a few months since he let it grow ‘’Have you learned that from experience hyung?’’ now I’m the one amused at the implication. But the mischief simply rolls of him.
‘’it’s a possibility.’’ He challenges back ‘’But it’s also well known what a gentleman I am first and foremost.’’ he wiggles his eyebrows, right hand rising up fingers wiggling, the suggestion obvious which has Jin let out a dry laugh.
‘’You younglings are just so cocky.’’ The elder condemns crossing his arms.
‘’Ah hyung I’m sure you were the same as we were at one point in your long and richly filled life.’’ Taehyung half sings stepping closer to the taller male, that simply smirks, his gaze now trained forward onto someone ignoring the antics of the younger vampire who cuddles up to him. I mimic our hyung turning forward in search of the blonde again, that once more has disappeared. Damn.
‘’I’m not telling you animals anything. You’d only take it as a challenge. And then I’ll just have more work to do cleaning after you.’’ Jin ends up grumbling the bickering going on put to the back of my mind.
With the wine-red colour in mind, I scan the growing crowd finding 4 more girls with a similar dress offering gleeful smiles, and even winks in return. Even though they look nice, I can’t help but to want to find the blonde. She had this quirky smile to her, and the fact that she put on an innocent face has me guessing she’s into something kinkier than she’d led onto.
Just as I’m about to head forward and find her by myself my intentions gets stopped.
‘’Oh, waw would you look at that.’’ Only now I notice that my two brothers have fallen silent, and are both staring ahead at something at the same time. Glancing at the two, Jin is amused while Tae’s expression is sort of blank. I follow their line of sight, finding an odd pair near middle of the room conversing. My blood runs cold at the sight. The 4 men that surround them are obviously body guards, the notion simply a sign of his power whilst is completely useless.
I sigh through my nose as other’s thoughts fill my mind, the curiosity and excitement and want for bloodshed rising in each and every vampire in the room.
The vampire that’s in the middle of the 4 man is Wangseja. Nobody actually knows his real name, as far as I know and have been told it’s been centuries so everyone just addresses him by his title. He is a descendant of the royal family, and has been meant to inherit the throne in his human life time. But obviously as he’s still here, breathing and undead something must have happened for him to have has to stray away from the human world and path of life.
He is not the only vampire that’s considered being one of the oldest here. There are a few more in this very room, one being our Yoongi hyung, and Jin following just close behind, after 3 others.
The 8 gifted with the title ‘elders’ are considered being in charge, with everything that’s regarding our vampire community and largely covens as they’ve tried to portray it as if we’re families. Which we aren’t. Coven wars still happen most often than some would like, and not enough to others.
Back to the former crown prince, he’s wearing a Gonryongpo which translates to Dragon Robe. He has the famous yellow dragon woven over his back which simply makes me assume that even though he puts on a friendly face and demander he’s a cocky asshole. He must be. Those clothes are generalized as robes that government officials and royalty wore but it’s well known that they were mainly emperors clothing. A bit pompous if you ask me.
Of course, the other 8 elders are dressed similarly to him, but in comparison they are dressed in downgraded versions.
His colours are the ones of red and to my misfortune of not being able to make fun of him later he isn’t wearing the traditional hat along his attire. He is however strapped with a Samjeongdo at his side. Again, it's all telling me he's a prick. I don’t even have to peek into his mind to see him as a sheep in wolfs clothing. A dangerous sheep with incredible power nonetheless. My nose scrunches up as his laughter can be heard all the way here, the ballroom having gotten quieter, everyone’s attention and ears focused in on the conversation at hand, the odd pair presenting curiosity amidst my kin. I bet the next gossip is going to revolve solemnly onto what’s happening right now. Ugh, great.
The girl that’s standing before him sports a bright smile unbothered by the many eyes that are fixated on her, taking in every error that’s marked over her skin, every imperfection that lies over her features and hair that even though has been styled looks messy to me.
She stands out from everyone else, simply by the colour choice of her dress which happens to be a soft lilac that edges on white, and grey. Ridiculous!
The ladies in the room, are for the most part dressed in designer clothing, with jewels, glitters, and modern sewing, styled to perfection which is an overused word, but that’s just what vampires tend to do. Dress to impress, every detail smoothened and detailed 100%.
Her dress is draped from her waist down pooling shily around her feet, her neckline all but shy as the V-neck is deep showing of her collarbones and extra skin, the odd scar littered here and there ruining her darker completion, pale not being in her vocabulary. Her fingers are adorned with golden rings, same goes for her ears where golden earrings dangle in the bright lighting of the chandeliers. More gold has ben simply strewn over the mess of her hair, the style which is supposed to be elegant has had my head shaking even before.
The cuff on her bicep even though displays her prominent muscular and athletic figure highlighting her arms is unnecessary, as is the leaf belt around her waist that makes her hips look wider. I’m sure there’s plenty of men lusting after her plump figure alone. I bet her flesh is soft, and easy to hold onto, the covered-up skin probably littered with more scars that seem to litter her every inch of her body. Unlike most people she shamelessly displays them.
What irks me, and leaves me in complete puzzlement is the sword that’s strapped to her hip. I’ve been told she’s a swordswoman, and that she has had the training of it as I’ve stumbled upon her and Yoongi hyung sparing one day randomly in the gym. The space is big and can have a boxing ring in it if we wish to, other activities such as practicing martial arts, and archery enabled by its spaciousness.
The already what looks like an exaggerated grin grows wider her animated looking speech bothersome. Her right hand is the one to move around fingers twitching, constantly touching the handle of her sword, awkwardly almost while her left hand is preoccupied with holding a glass that contains alcohol in it the content unknown to me. She’s the only one with a drink in hand making her even more obvious that she doesn’t belong here. She doesn’t belong with us.
And yet the prince seems to eat her right up with his eyes alone. He’s completely entranced by her. I don’t understand one bit as to why - she’s full of imperfections like I’ve said, the fact that she’s a foreigner isn’t the issue, but the word she chooses to say are at times very disrespectful as she doesn’t know better clearly her Korean obviously lacking while her mannerism are those of a child.
Still irked I tilt my head tongue darting over my teeth and cheek as I focus my gaze onto the man, the sound of my inner voice fading back, as the haze behind my eyes and fogginess that surround me starts to lift up. It would be way easier to close my eyes, but that would make it obvious that I’m trying to do something that I shouldn’t be doing.
As I blink a few times, I find myself in the prince’s shoes which are uncomfortable but he’s keeping that at the back of his mind. He notes how she’s so small and fragile looking compared to him, easily to take, steal away if it were the older times. Okay old man.
She’s just like a child! So excited and clumsy, its adorable. That sword on her hips must be a mere toy. Something to add sparkle and value to her in a sense. But the display of it does raise questions; Why did Min Yoongi let her wear that? And the style of it, very much so foreign to our own Geom’s and sword styles in Korea.
He probably dressed her up himself, given that she’s absolutely drenched in his bitter scent. Ugh mint. I’ve grown to absolutely hate it as it’s a reminder of him whenever the scent hits my nose. If it weren’t for him, I’d be king, and all these fools and idiots would have already been kissing my feet.
So why is he displaying her off like this? He has staked his claim, but hasn’t marked her. It must be a bribery? No Min wouldn’t stop so low he’s too prideful for that.
Look at her go, rising chuckles from my chest with almost ease which is sort of unusual how her humour seems to be in tune with my own. Even though she’s more than meets the eye, she’d be fun to play around with. Tie her down, or simply hold her as she’s useless against my strength...then use all her holes us, and drain her…fuck what would I give for a taste of her blood. Even though the mint covers her up, her own sweetness has started to seep through. She smells like the freshest batch of strawberries, mint ruining it into acidness. I want to ruin her…
A backhanded hit over the back of my head, brings me accidentally to another place in the Prince’s mind, seeing the image of the human girl being tied up inhumanely, and him fucking her. The scene has my stomach churning and if I was still human, I’d be throwing up right here and now. If my blood was ice cold before it quickly warms up, as that’s no way to threat any woman or man for the matter human or no. As I blink rapidly coming back to my own stiff body, I offer a glare towards the Prince one last time before turning to a fuming Seokjin hyung that’s glaring at me hand still holding onto the back of my neck, with an underlaying treat resting heavily between us.
‘’Are you fucking crazy?!’’ he hisses pupils starting to glow more prominently red as his anger rises. Only now I notice Yoongi hyung on my left, that’s neutrally staring at me clearly disappointed but there’s this sort of glimmer in his eye that I can’t exactly read ‘’Out of all the things we’ve told you not to do and you go straight ahead and spit in our faces?!?’’ his anger is basically radiating in waves from him, as he leans in closer to me to my neck, hand tightening forcing me to hold my head still.
Taehyung was quick to move and stand in line of sight trying to block out anyone from seeing what’s going on where we are near the balcony that has remained unusually unoccupied this evening.
‘’It was me.’’ Yoongi replies neutrally. It’s that sort of neutral that’s plainly terrifying as you cannot know what direction his emotions are swinging at. Even though he is my creator, my saviour and the one I’m closest to in our coven, he is after all a very old creature that with only a stare can make anyone cry and flee ‘’My order.’’ He adds eyes finding my own, voice easily filling my mind.
Is there anything you’d like to share with me? his face remains the same, whilst Seokjin lets go off me and steps away, angrily mumbling under his breath. With a glance towards Yoongi and a barely there nod Taehyung is scurrying away after Jin, meanwhile Hoseok hyung is quick to join us out of thin air it seems, settling himself on Yoongi’s right keeping an eye out.
Readjusting my clothes and posture I offer a glance towards the Prince and Y/N that’s down’s her glass and makes a goofy expression looking like she’s having the time of her life. Ignorant fool.
He wants to steal her. Literally. turning to the platinum blonde vampire he sighs heavily through his nose looking forward with his eyes narrowed.
What else?’
My lips tighten into thin lines the blonde woman from before coming into my line of sight. Shit. Cursing further I turn to the pair in the middle of the room again, watching as the prince daringly leans closer, the girl to my surprise dodging his touches, his hand now and then reaching out seemingly casual Her sword. I admit trying hard to push down the image of the two of them, and the way he wants to torture her for his own pleasure He hates your scent. But hers is starting to come out more which has him all the more curious and wanting.
Frowning as disgust raises again, I keep my eyes on the elder on my right, not missing the way his lips tug downwards. He looks displeased.
‘’Hoseok-ah.’’ With a single word and a look, Hoseok rushes away, disappearing as if he wasn’t even here in the first place. As I turn forward to look across the room ready to observe thoughts of certain vampires the blonde catches my eyes again. She’s standing much closer now but has been roped into another group of females that are clearly gossiping way to loud for their own good. Her eyebrows furrow as she looks at me as of saying ‘Help.’.
‘’Your punishment will be decided on tomorrow.’’ Yoongi speaks monotone getting my attention. I quickly lower my head down in understanding, hands pulling behind my back as I take a step behind him ‘’Even though you’ve earned a pass, your actions have earned Jin hyungs anger.’’ He spares me a glance but I don’t lift my head and gaze from my shoes, the leather polished so that it reflects the closes chandelier to us in them ‘’Taehyung-ah will take care of your position while you join Namjoon and Jimin.’’
Instantly I grind my teeth together, wanting to retort back a denial but know better than to go against him especially where anyone can hear and see us in a crowd like this.
‘’So much for waiting for tomorrow.’’ I grumble squaring my shoulders, picking up on soft patting of feet the person I want to burn in hell approaching us. Hyung doesn’t reply, just keeps looking ahead instead even though I know I rubbed him the wrong way with my comment. But he also knows how I detest her. It really is a cruel punishment as he’s putting her safety onto my shoulders. I hate this so much, ugh why me?!
I was supposed to be Yoongi’s hyung backup. I was supposed to start learning to be his left-hand man, as Hoseok is always there when he needs him. But no, she had to fuck it all up didn’t see? Just by coming here she fucked up years of progress I’ve made. Years of hard work to be the best, in all categories that hyung needs me to excel at.
‘’Hello gentlemen.’’ She cheers gleefully completely unaware of what’s happening. Looking up she spares a wide grin and proceeds to drink more of her newly refiled glass, a waiter following her around since the start.
‘’Aren’t you being a bit careless with the amount of alcohol intake?’’ Yoongi asks sounding soft and affectionate, as she smacks her lips which are coloured into a nice pinker shade, that complement the soft pastel tones of her makeup. So annoyingly human.
‘’Me careless never.’’ She snorts giggling ‘’I’d offer a toast but given your current lack of beverage, I’ll keep on trooping on for the both of us.’’
‘’How courageous of you.’’
Another puzzling matter is the amount of alcohol intake. I know humans drink, but isn’t this too much? It’s getting to a lethal point for her livers at this point ‘’Continuing on my legacy firmly.’’
My frown deepens as Yoongi chuckles half amused ‘’Did you enjoy your chat with your newest admirer?’’
At this I spare him a glance. His expression hardens but he isn’t giving anything off his expression and posture relaxed and well masking his real emotions while she on the other hand muses and obviously turns back toward the Prince, that’s already staring towards us, offering a smirk. She hums and turns back crossing her right arm over her front while she bends her left holding the glass up near her face the posture making her look ridiculous as she fake toasts, the Prince mimicking the gesture right back.
‘’Very much so, he’s quite charming.’’ She confirms her eyebrows jumping expression seemingly too happy for her to actually be normal. How can she be so cheerful and easy going? Again, with the animal references but she’s a lamb set right now in a den of lions, ready to be devoured. She’s acting so oblivious, she is oblivious idiotically so, her attitude and the way she’s acting want me to tear out my hair.
‘’Did he ask you about your heritage?’’ at this question I furrow my brows as I look at hyung in confusion. Why is he asking her that? For sure he has paid attention to every word they’ve exchanged like everyone else so why the unnecessarily of talking about this out loud??
‘’Yes.’’ She taps the handle of her sword visibly ‘’But he didn’t get the memo quite yet. He did compare me to a princess nonetheless. I should add that to my resume.’’ Her voice that’s this dreamy aspect to it. Another sip of the bubbly liquid she tilts her head to the side smirking at hyung. The next word she speaks I cannot even phantom to pronounce or repeat - it sounds almost like she is making a sound, which for a moment I assume she just burped or something, but Yoongi hyung nods curtly. Did she just speak in another language?
‘’Oh!’’ she states in wonder turning around as music starts to play louder now the hired coven that acts as a smaller performing orchestra coming to life with a lively tune. Couples are quick to line up in the middle of the room, ready to dance ‘’How wonderful.’’ she mumbles to herself continuing to sip on her drink. With her back to me, I’m drawn by the expanse of her back the dip of her dress reaching just where her kidneys are. Harsher looking scars litter her skin, which are confusing by all means. They are long and overlapping. That must have taken a long time to heal. It almost makes me flinch.
Yoongi’s silence gets my attention and a desperate wish to peek into his mind, to see what storm is brewing there.
‘’Remember that one time, when you asked me to dance on your own free will??’’ the girl wonders sounding reminiscent while the vampire moves to stand in front of her. I feel as if I’m intruding the moment, so given my new position I walk over to the side, to a giant column that’s keeping the heavy roof intact above us. I’m close enough to them to intercept anyone, and far enough to stop any danger. But instead of focusing on my surroundings I listening in onto the two.
‘’…you’re not getting that. Even if you drag me.’’ hyung finishes amused, standing closer to her. Way too close that’s necessarily, the proximity bothering me. She’s going to give him a bad rep and he’s just letting her. I am surprised I have to admit, about the lightness of their conversation having fully expected them to start talking between one another in the foreign tongue that nobody knows about, which they usually converse in.
‘’Aigo Yoongi-yaah! Stubborn as ever!’’ I close my eyes for a moment just breathing in an out, my mood sour-ing all the more. Even though I’ve told her myself many times, that when addressing your elders, you need to call them appropriately she still goes against it acting dumb and continues to call hyung in a belittling way.
I don’t understand why he doesn’t correct her! Why is he letting her act like that? If it were any of us, we’d be dismembered, missing a limb for a few years. (Not us necessary I’ve seen him cause pain to lesser vampires that were causing too much chaos in the human world)
‘’It’s just one dance.’’ She tries hand sneaking around his waist the contrast between her brighter colour and his darker blue shaded Gonryongpo is a huge contrast furthering on her difference from us.
‘’It’s been centuries since I’ve danced this waltz. Can’t even remember certain steps.’’ he entertains her further. Ever since she came, I’ve seen him smile more times than I have ever before I feel like. Whenever she’s around him, there’s always a somewhat smile on his face.
‘’I’ll lead, it’s not like I’d be the first time.’’ she whispers as they both chuckles.
‘’Running an imaginary headache there Jeongguk-ah?’’ I glance up towards Namjoon hyung who smiles at me clearly loving my suffering.
‘’You could say that.’’ Looking at the girl, she’s basically nuzzling into Yoongi’s side not minding the many curious looks others are giving her in passing. Or plainly staring at the pair. I try to relax my features understanding Namjoon’s subtle words, in correcting myself my concentration having gotten the better of me.
‘’It can’t be that bad.’’ He pats me over the back reassuringly, eyes darting towards our hyung and the girl that finishes her drink once more.
‘’How can she drink so much?’’ I find myself asking silently not wanting her to hear me ‘’She’s practically killing herself as we speak.’’ Looking up at Namjoon his eyebrows are furrowed as he silently nods. He’s the one that’s most fascinated with humans out of all of us, and has studied human medicine for a lifetime a decade ago. So, he must know better than me, that her eating and drinking habits are unhealthy ‘’Ugh.’’ I groan as she slips and starts conversing in another language, Yoongi seemingly easy to follow along a concentrated expression drawing itself on his face.
‘’Pretentious.’’ I grumble, while Namjoon looks absolutely fascinated ‘’Don’t.’’ I warn as he looks between them and me, gaze fleeting for a moment as he smiles.
‘’This must be…’’ he counts on his fingers but ends up pointing a 5 in his mind ‘’…language that she seems to be fluent in. That’s utterly fascinating.’’ I can see how the wheels are spinning in his mind, picking up on She must be a linguist, that’s why Yoongi called her for this gathering.
His thoughts sort of do make sense. My gut feeling tells me otherwise, doubt quick in questioning Namjoon’s logic for I think the first time in my life. Her being human doesn’t make any sense, for her to still be here.
‘’I’m sure you’d be a better choice for that.’’ I point out ‘’Or me for the matter.’’
He immediately tsks crossing his arms as he stands more on my side, looking at me incredulously ‘’Jeon Jeongguk are you jealous?’’ he asks my gaze getting captured by the blonde woman again, having reached only a few steps away, waving at me a moment later getting roped in chatting with a girl similar to her. Both of them glance towards me and end up giggling.
‘’Never of her.’’ my reply is instant as I turn to glare at hyung in anger, his demander sort of knowing and confident.
‘’Hm sure. Whatever you say maknae.’’ He teases but straightens up once Yoongi approaches us, glancing after Y/N that has sat on the couch behind us. She frowns once she’s down, but accepts another refill the waiter dutifully doing his job.
‘’The meeting is going to start soon.’’ Hyung starts which has us both straightening up, and at attention ‘’I want you with me, I still need to go greet the Jeju coven and given that they’ve taken a liking to you…’’ he trails off smirking both of them exchanging looks. I expect the seriousness that settles over hyungs features once he turns to me, his dark red eyes fixating on me the feeling of him reading into my soul present for a brief moment ‘’Keep an eye on her. And be nice.’’ the last part is a warning because he doesn’t even spare me another glance. He’s moving away with Namjoon hyung that’s getting his head in the game mind elsewhere. I’m sure he’ll come and talk to me later in the morning after all this ordeal is done. I can’t really chase the feeling away of being unwanted for a moment.
‘’Many thanks, truly but I will have to continue with politely declining your requests.’’ Her voice is easy to pick up on as I’m left almost alone with my brothers mingling everywhere around the room and nowhere in my sight.
Taking in a deep breath I turn around spotting at least 3 men offering their hands over to the human, that has a rosiness to her cheeks at their advances.
‘’Just one quick dance, m’lady.’’ One tries persistently making me scowl and approach them. They do look at me, one straightening up immediately while the two others scoff.
‘’The lady already politely declined you already. Don’t turn yourselves into gossip for others by getting rejected thrice more, gentlemen.’’ I point out standing on her left, making sure I’m acting as a shield. The men eye me one insinuating that he’s going to do something more in his mind. But he does take a step back nodding, the two following as they offer their greetings and start to walk away. As I watch them give me the stink eye, I don’t miss the blonde that keeps appearing in my eyesight. Again, she has that innocent expression on, but this time she tilts her head to the side a clear invitation to move elsewhere more private.
‘’Thank you for that.’’ Her more croaky voice pips up. I spare her a glance, as she slumps against the couch again, her sword laid improperly over the couch and her lap ‘’Yoongi-ah told me to be nice so…’’ she trails off quietly for the first time this evening looking exasperated. But only for a moment as her lips quirk up, as a pair passes us bowing down offering a greeting going along and away.
‘’Don’t mention it.’’ I mumble slipping my hands into my trousers again the itch on following the blonde kind of present, but I’ve fucked up enough this evening to keep still and do as I was told.
‘’So, are you having any fun?’’ again she addresses me, and I don’t really see the point in this small talk. Because it’s coming from her mainly. It sounds unfair and mean but I’m getting really tired of her.
‘’Sure.’’ I find myself replying stoically as I look around, returning a smile or nod here and there, spotting some of my friends that are strewn around in the crowd.
‘’You know…’’ she starts and pauses. For a moment I get an image that she’s choking silently which has me turning sideways to look at her. But she’s just sitting there a bit un-lady like her legs spread instead of folded which she does after my brief thought ‘’…if you want to go chase after the blonde you can. I’ll be fine on my own.’’ At this I raise an eyebrow in question startled that she actually noticed that ‘’She seemed nice. Even asked about you.’’ At this new information my eyes raise to the crowd, spotting her wine-red dress near the entrance of the balcony on my sharp right.
‘’You’ve talked to her?’’ I frown turning back to the human, her lipstick that has gotten smudged all the more irks me immediately. Must have rubbed of the glass too much. She should stop drinking.
‘’Uh huh.’’ she replies licking over her lips, my eyes darting onto her own finding her staring straight at me. They look so…normal. Her eyes. So plain so, boring. It’s the first time that I’m actually standing so close to her, and yes, I’ve once been a human myself this shouldn’t surprise me as much as it does – it intrigues me more – but her eyes seem beautifully normal. ‘’She approached me initially having figured I’m with you only after Hoseok addressed me casually.’’ To her boring explanation I offer her a curt nod and turn to the crowd while she takes another sip of her drink ‘’So you can go to her, I’m sure Jiminie or someone else will be here to replace you instantly. Yoongi-ah worries too much, he always has a plan B, C, D, E and so on in mind.’’
I faintly smile at the statement for the first time agreeing with her. Hyung is very organized and ready for anything, partially thanks to Namjoon, but I bet his experience shaped him into who he is today. As for her I’m not so sure. She’s acting way to reckless right now even more than she does when it’s just us. She almost broke one of Bernini statues that Yoongi hyung is very proud of, that’s located in his study. How she did that exactly as it weights tons don’t ask me, the screaming match they’ve gotten into has left us all wondering in confusion as to how and why.
Again, breaking limbs isn’t uncommon to teach younglings lessons, but his way of dealing with her was to after the screaming match as over - rolled his eyes at her and pushed her out taking her to get ice cream. ICE CREAM!!! A child is what she is!!! Even if her mortal age is above twenties, she acts as if she’s 9. Even children of 5 are more respectful than she is.
‘’Are you trying to get rid of me?’’ I find myself asking as she shifts behind me, nails tapping over the metal. I can hear how her heart beat is slightly rushed thanks to the alcohol, her breathing remaining steady.
‘’Hm, not at all.’’ she replies quietly. I can feel her eyes on me, and I refuse to look back at her keeping my eyesight ahead. The Prince comes in sight as he finishes the dance with one of the many mistresses her has, or concubine I’m not sure what title to use with anyone anymore ‘’You’re the realest one tonight to be honest.’’ I can hear her whisper to herself clearly taking another sip after. Glancing back, she picks herself up not faltering as I’d assume, she would. She steps forward standing next to me expression serious and for a moment calculating as she scans the room. Thanks to the high heels she has on, she actually stands taller next to me. Even without them she stands tall, at a sort of an average length – it isn’t enough to tease her for her height.
The heels add an edge to her ‘’Ugh I’m too sober for this.’’ She complains silently at the Prince that starts approaching us. Luckily enough he gets distracted by another lady that literally steps in front of him. Glancing at the human girl her smile falters, eyes meeting my own ‘’If it were up to me right now I’d be upstairs, settled in that gods-sent fluffy bed and would have a controller in my hand, just annihilating one person after another either in Overwatch or I don’t know. Maybe replay Last of us.’’ At this revelation I look her up and down whilst she greets the waiter with a grin who hands her a new glass instead.
So, she plays games huh. Wouldn’t peg her to be the type but what do I care. I’m sure I’d beat her with ease, she has nothing on me.
‘’And what would you do, if I was there right next to you?’’ comes a flirty remark from an orange haired Jimin hyung that offers Y/N a golden tube of lipstick that probably matches the one on her lips. Only now I notice upon taking a closer look how her lips despite the fade-ness in the middle, how plump they actually look. Bite-able.
‘’That depends.’’ Y/N remarks back accepting the lipstick and small mirror handing him her glass, which he takes a sniff of ‘’Where would you exactly be? Next to me? Behind me?’’
I roll my eyes at her poor attempt of flirtation scrunching my nose up ‘’Why under you of course.’’ Ghhhhhhh.
She simply muses for a moment in silence, probably giving him a flirtatious smirk or something, which is a grimace I bet. With the corner of my eye I half watch as she opens up the lipstick ‘’Hm interesting proposition. Unrealistic but courageous in attempt. You think you could handle me?’’
I want to facepalm so hard it’s not even funny. Jimin the bastard he is giggles like a little girl almost, watching her intently, whilst I spot the blonde again talking with another guy, that’s clearly showing interest into her. Fuck.
‘’Oh, little mortal there’s not that much to handle from what I can see. I think I’ll take my chances without a second thought.’’ He shamelessly ogles her.
‘’Are you willing to bet on that then, Jiminie? Stick to your words?’’ she dares back. I spare him a glance surprised at seeing him faltering. Her head is angled in a way where I can’t see her expression, but I can see that she isn’t necessarily smiling. Huh.
He visibly gulps ‘’You’re trying to raise the stakes, aren’t you?’’ he muses confidence having faltered, so he settles for a cute approach smiling exaggeratively for a moment ‘’All or nothing, huh darling?’’ he’s putting out all his cards, posses, smiles, and the looks he gives her. And yet I know for sure somehow that she has him hocked around her finger. All done with a single look nonetheless. Not a lot of creatures let alone humans can get to him and here she just did. He is a touch but to crack so to speak.
‘’All or nothing.’’ she repeats recapping the lipstick and is quick to hand both items back to the pink haired man, accepting her drink back ‘’From what I just saw I’ll choose the latter, kitten.’’ The remark has me rising an eyebrow power balance shifting. Knowing very well that Jimin is a switch and that it sometimes takes him only a word or a motion to render him putty this is highly amusing and interesting indeed. And I think judging by the silence, she broke him sort of. Glancing towards him yeah if he was human, he’d be blushing all over, the puppy eyes telling me everything I need to know.
‘’Let’s get this show on the road boys.’’ she comments off handed. I miss completely as people start to gather around the middle and end up clapping, the orchestra being thanked for the wonderful tunes, a speech from the Prince ensuing. All the while I stare as Y/N down’s her drink, and gulps it like its water. Getting a whiff, I’m seriously questioning her will for life. That’s the scent of strong clean, vodka with a hint of peach in it.
She smacks her lips again and turns to me ‘’Do I look okay?’’ she asks the question completely flabbergasting me. But I do automatically take her in, head to toe. Her dress is still in place not even wrinkled. And this close up, I can see more scars which don’t deter me away anymore. The gold on her fingers, the rings add elegance to the look more completing it, and the earrings are a cheery on top not glinting much under the lighting up close. Her hairstyle the messiness I understand it, and same goes for the gentle touch on her makeup.
Looking at her lips they look perfectly drawn and arched. I dumbly nod instead, taking a glance at her sword. The blade being a kopis, has the handle curved the detailing on the grip is shaped as a pouncing lion the underside of the guard has a winged horse on each side the wings sort of creating the handle . This is the heritage they’ve talked about as the blade is traditionally Greek. She’s turning away faster than I can assess her weapon further more. I watch as she puts on a smile, letting out a heavy breath and hands of her glass to the waiter that’s ready to refill her glass.
She offers him a silent thank you, and then steps forward. It takes me a nudge from Jimin to register that I should follow after her. So, keeping up a distance but remain relatively close I mingle into the crowd keeping her at the corner of my eye at all times noticing the way the draping of her dress elegantly seems to float behind her.
I join in the clapping as we come to a stop reaching the middle of the room. I’m surprised to see Yoongi her and remain standing in the back watching as the human steps right over to his side, bowing respectfully to the elder coming from Jeju that’s the closest one next to her.
The murmurs that raise, confirm my hunch – nobody is protesting her position in their lines but they are all questioning it. Out of the gathered mass my friend Yugyeom makes and appearance across us trying lowkey to keep a surveillance of the room, but he ends up looking straight at me. Crossing my arms, I shake my head amused at his fresh blood so to speak. I know he has been put in charge of protecting, their coven’s linguist Jackson. He simply smirks in return and disappears into the crowd. The other linguist or advisors’ steps next to their elders same as Y/N did while the Prince continues on telling a war story, probably meant to inspire everyone and instead I bet it has everyone wanting to stab him or someone else to end his miserable tale.
‘’…for the future!’’ he ends his speech soon after but not soon enough. The claps arise once more, while the elders start moving towards the end of the room, where a door will lead them into another room which happens to be our grand library, expanding up into the second floor as well.
One by one they make their way inside, the Prince getting distracted by his own advisor standing near the back. But I think for the most part everyone’s attention is situated on the only being that’s not of our kin in the room. The human accepts Yoongi’s offered arm, wrapping her own around his as they follow everyone else ignoring the rumours and different expressions offered towards them.
If I had a heart, I think it would be beating out of my chest by now. My body doesn’t necessarily lack all human traits but the stillness keeps emotions hidden luckily more times than not – I feel the heaviness settle in my stomach like a boulder invading my senses. For some reason I get a bad, bad feeling about this. My anger returns as this just crosses all the lines doesn’t it. And by some snarls once the two of them pass the doors lets me know I’m not feeling this alone.
My friend’s presence next to me, stops me from reacting too strongly like some vampires do hisses and protests rising. We both watch in silence and with frowns as the party mood turns tense. Some of the more mature meaning older vampires start to protest loudly, some going towards the doors where Taehyung has settled himself, along with mainly Prince’s extra guards. There’s an official speaker that’s been left outside trying to calm and charm the defiant bunch. Hoseok and Jimin hyung aren’t far away trying to get the party started once more doing a way better job than the assigned guy. Jin and Namjoon entered the meeting as well, leaving the responsibility onto us; mine being mainly security and basically manhandling if someone turns out to act too unruly.
‘’Interesting developments.’’ Yugyeom comments quietly. Glancing over at him, the turtleneck he has on wants me to make fun of him, but this situation prevents me from doing so. Dressed all in black and with freshly dyed black hair, he looks aged somewhat. The fluorescent yellow hair he had not even a month ago made him look younger.
‘’Uh huh.’’ I simply hum tearing my eyes away from the doors and crowd ‘’I’m surprised you’re still here.’’
Sparing him a glance my friend doesn’t seem phased at my question, just snorting in response at first keeping an eye out as I do too ‘’Gotta earn my place in due time.’’ I tilt my head to the side briefly rising my head up as I smirk knowing those words all too well myself ‘’So what’s this whole infuriation thing going on with the flesh bag?’’ he asks, motioning for me to start walking. The nickname he uses for the human strikes a weird chord deep withing me. I keep silent at first, as we make our way towards the other side of the room, and the balcony that’s closest to the library. No guards are settled here, which makes it seem as a lack of good strategy having been put in place. Anyone can jump through the windows to get the elders attention – this is getting strange and not in a good way.
The terrace is illuminated by the outdoor lights, as well as the half of the moon that’s glowing above us. The chilliness of the air is welcomed, even though I literally can’t differentiate temperatures as much as I did when I was a human in a sense of them bothering me.
‘’Rumours are already spreading.’’ The vampire next to me says keeping his tone down, as he leans against the railing, offering me a cocky smirk. I frown at him, turning my back to the gardens while I glance towards the library. The wall has been built in a way that you can barely see inside. And right now, the curtains have been drawn close. So, I glance inside at the calmed down vampires, spotting newcomers. It’s easy to detect their fastened heart beats, excitement rising. The main course of the night has arrived.
‘’Oh, do tell.’’ I grunt again spotting the blonde that seems to be haunting me this whole evening. She’s dancing with a human male, that’s almost literally slobbering over her.
‘’Where to start.’’ Yugyeom chuckles clearly amused ‘’Some say, she’s just a new pet Yoongi hyung found. Some have the impression of her being his concubine seeing her skin so battered. Others speculate that the scars are from fighting, as in some being former fighting and even sword wounds. The huge scaring on her back someone said is from whipping which isn’t it kinky ey?’’ he wiggles his eyebrows snapping his fingers, acting ridiculous.
My brows furrow at new gossip, and his words and implications. Fighting wounds? Whips. I know how whips feel, how whipping…how…
With some difficulty I swallow the lump in my throat. I can’t find myself imagining her being whipped, it just doesn’t make sense. She’s to chirp and loud and, full of life to have been put through something traumatic such as whipping. The rock in my gut just seems to have been set on fire, as nerves settle more prominently.
‘’Hah yeah.’’ I fake a smile which he does buy into it and continues on.
‘’Some are into the aspect of fucking her.’’ my lips go into a thin line as he says that cheerfully ‘’I think as a fetish more or less or something I’m not sure.’’ He pauses for a moment ‘’Do you think I can have a go at her too?? If hyung is willing to share her that is. Price and all included.’’ legitimately he looks eager and suddenly hungry pupils dilating slightly.
I simply glare at him the growl grumbling in my throat unexpected and has me freezing. But he gets the hint and raises his hands up a bright grin settling over his features ‘’No harm done bro! Understood loud and clear.’’ He even winks at me raising up a finger gun acting as bad as she does ‘’Man why do all exciting things happen to you and none to me?! It’s pretty boring sometimes. You should visit sometimes.’’ He’s quick to switch the conversation tension that has risen between us deflating halfway. But it’s still present.
I love Yugyeom I really do; we grew up together when we were humans so he’s more like a real brother to me. But right now, I’m finding myself disliking him, and the way he was led to think about Y/N. I’m the first person wishing for her to just leave us alone, but I would not want her to fall into the hands of these fuckers here. Everyone that attends these sorts of gatherings hold themselves way to fucking high up, as if they are royalty. In reality we all, came from dirt – and the ones that have not are pretentious pricks that have been handed things on golden platters unfortunately.  There’s no in between in our society.
Screams raise up from the inside, fright loud and clear in the air as the invited humans try to run away. Its soon after that moans replace the terror the flip quicker than the usual. Our guests were hungrier than they led on.
‘’When all of this excitement goes down I will.’’ I promise smiling feeling my shoulders relax as the scent of blood reaches my nose. It has my friend straightening up as well shifting from one foot to another ‘’We’ve got a bet to settle, don’t we?’’
He wiggles his eyebrows chuckling, pushing himself away from the railing ‘’Wanna end it now?’’ he challenges. The bet is ridiculous and downright douche-y. I won’t go into details right now, as the nerves of the mere thought of trying at it, does the opposite of exciting me.
I shake my head at him waving my hand in dismissiveness ‘’Next time. I’ve had my fill earlier today.’’ I lie smoothly. He must be really hungry because he nods and is backing away instead of trying to wrestle me inside.
‘’Your loss bunny boy.’’ I roll my eyes as he reaches the doors ‘’More for me!’’ and with that he’s out of sight easily catching a fleeting girl twirling her around. Not wanting to see what follows, I spare a glance at a man that has another one pressed against a column, draining him hands roaming all over the human’s body who looks like he’s in pure bliss.
Another pair has settled on the ground shamelessly grinding against one another. With a bitter taste in my mouth I turn my back to all of them, and lean onto the stone railing, looking across the garden. Even though there’s so much going on behind me, I do pick up on pitter-pattering of creatures ahead of us. There’s a forest not far away from our estate, the back gardens connected to it. So many creatures do have access and roam freely around it by daylight mainly, sensing us as we sense them.
The smell of blood, and heaviness of sex whisks past me, the mixed smells raising the all too familiar itch to start scratching at my throat insistently so. Even with years of self-discipline and learning control the hard way, by being chained up most times than not it’s hard to ignore my instincts. I do want to just run in, and sink my teeth into some girl, or guy to drink them dry. This is the only time where we can do it, as usually our food comes from donors these days.
What I don’t understand is why for the first time something is holding me back. The blood doesn’t smell right, its either to sweetened or bland. Same as the noises and screams; nothing in particular arouses me, not even my own thoughts of the blonde. Her red wine dress, tugged up legs spread wide open beneath me, as I take her right where I’m standing here it’s just…I bet she’d moan nicely and beg to be fuck hard to the point before breaking. Her eyes would glow nicely wouldn’t they…
But the glow feels wrong. Her flawless skin would match my own under my palms, it wouldn’t be heated up, or fleshy to grope. Same as her melodic tone, it wouldn’t be raspy like I want it to be. Her scent is probably all wrong too, I bet she smells nothing like strawb…
‘’There you are.’’ as if I’ve called her or have pulled her straight out of my mind she’s right there at the doors. Turning around I raise an eyebrow upon seeing her, dragging another human girl that’s panting and has a leash around her neck. She visibly shivers at the change of temperature but the blonde pays her no mind ‘’You’re a hard man to catch.’’
Smirking I straighten up half turning around watching as she licks a bold stripe up the human girl’s neck making a show of it ‘’Hard to believe that. I wasn’t hiding or running away from you.’’
She muses pursing her lips, as she stands on the humans left side groping her whilst her eyes are hungrily taking me in ‘’Duty before pleasure I presume.’’
‘’Afraid so.’’ I nod in return, as the blonde whispers something in the girl’s ears. She moans hungrily eyeing the blonde that pushes her against the wall and shushes her down promising to do filthy things to her. It doesn’t take much for the human to comply, her hands flying under the skirt of her dress eyes shutting closed. My attention remains on the blonde instead as she turns around and approaches me still musing.
‘’Politics are such a bore.’’ She states standing next to me, looking across the garden ‘’Like life sometimes.’’ Looking at her she looks up at me curiously ‘’But I bet you can’t say the same.’’
‘’Hmm define the word boring.’’ I tease back her lips quirking into a smirk.
‘’Ah you know the usual. Feed, seduce, feed more and so on so on.’’ she replies stepping closer to me ‘’Now you’re turn.’’ Her hands are quick to rank up my suit jacket, nails a contrast that doesn’t go together with my outfit.
‘’Not much difference. Feed, train, feed more and train a bit more.’’ I almost neutrally reply, holding in my breath as he hands reach just beneath my collarbones abandoning my suit jacket in favour of testing out how firm my chest is.
‘’Hard to believe there’s nothing more, exciting to fill up your schedule.’’ Her eyes meet my own. And same as in my day dream, they glint briefly brightly red. She is laying all her cards on the table. And I’ve waited all night for this to happen. Granted I wanted to chase her down, like a gentleman but she’s here either way in my grasp.
Straightening up, I place my hands over her hips keeping silent for a moment further as I slide them shamelessly to grip her ass, the action having her breathing hitch. It doesn’t feel all that nice. Leaning down, I hover inches away from her thin lips shaded into a matching colour to her dress.
‘’There’s a possibility I like keeping that part of it to myself.’’ at this she arches an eyebrow showing of her sharp teeth as she smiles. As I intake a breath her scent fills my senses completely. She smells like roses, and butterscotch the combination wanting to be sweet and yet – I don’t find it nice.
It lacks that real tender sweetness, and fruitiness.
‘’Do you reveal it to only a handful of people then perhaps?’’ she breathes out eyes glowing brightly red, as I tug her left thigh upwards pressing her to myself shifting so that she can’t exactly feel me against her. I’m not hard at all. Not even semi-hard. Okay maybe a tiny bit but it’s worrisome that I’m not feeling any attraction to her anymore.
I take a look at her up and close trying to get my body to react, or convince myself to at least think that’s she’s attractive. Her blonde hair seems fake up close, features way too symmetrical and off putting for whatever reason. Her makeup is heavily put on, lines not visible. Glancing down at her body and how she’s pressed against me…the hold I have on her…it’s lacking. She’s very plain. The perfection I praised not long ago, is now just dull and uninteresting.
‘’We can share.’’ She adds probably detecting my hesitance ‘’Kitten won’t mind it once bit.’’ the nickname she uses throws me off further. Even though I do look at the human girl that’s shamelessly uncovered her lower part and is rubbing herself for us to see, moans filling the night air – it’s not convincing enough. I’d rather take the human girl for myself instead of sharing.
Grunting I let go of the blonde’s leg realizing in the back of my mind that I don’t even know her name. She looks at me with furrowed brows, as I take half a step away distancing myself.
‘’Found you!’’ a voice sings cheerfully from the doors. Both of us look towards the orange haired male, that grins widely, his mouth smeared in red ‘’Oh what do we have here.’’ He’s quick to skip over to the human, taking her in ‘’Yah Jeongguk-ah you are so selfish.’’ He pouts, running his hands over the trembling girl’s side.
‘’Jimin-ssi when I told you to beat it, I meant it. With all due respect.’’ Blondie pips up crossing her arms and looks annoyed while my hyung remains playfully touching the human girl, that’s panting louder.
‘’C c c Dahyun-ah. That’s so mean coming from such a sweet girl like yourself.’’ He pouts crowding behind the girls back. He hocks his chin over her shoulder as he gives us puppy eyes. I smirk at his antics thanking him quickly in my mind, that he was so quick to answer my call not even 2 minutes ago. Given by the silence of the blonde – or apparently Dahyun he has her hocked.
‘’Why don’t you teach her some manners hyung?’’ I propose crossing my arms as I lean back against the railing. She turns to look at me stunned mouth opening to say something, but Jimin in a bat of an eye is right there crowding into her space blocking her view away from me.
‘’I really should, shouldn’t I?’’ he growls lowly hand reaching under her chin to keep her focus on him ‘’You think you can handle it baby doll?’’
I frown instantaneous turning away eyes trailing off to the library, mind switching to the image of Y/N. Those are almost the same words that she used to tease him. Turning back to the two, they have ended making out – plain and simple. But once he opens his eyes and grins, she continues licking at him like an animal trying to get every trace of blood from his chin and cheek.
Jimin doesn’t say anything just sends me a wink and a I owe you one Jeonggukkie dragging both Dahyun and the human girl back inside in mere moments. He even closes the balcony door. A gentleman indeed.
My shoulders just sag, as I sit myself on the railing climbing over it, letting my legs hang over the edge as I stare at the moon at first watching as it lowers down slowly, orbiting around us.
What a stupid and weird night. I run my hands over my face trying to gather my thoughts that are in disarray. So much has happened, and still is happening. There are so many mysteries too, more than I thought there would be resolving one simple human. She should have stayed hidden upstairs away from everyone’s greedy gazes and thoughts, far away from the centre of anyone else’s attention. Rephrase that she should be here in the first place.
Saying she’s hyungs long term friend is stupid. I’ve known hyung over 190 years given that he was the one who saved and turned me. I’ve never seen her before; he never even mentioned her name or anything.
Even if he does have meetings in the city, there’s no way they could have hung out. Either of us would smell her on him, even if he did change clothes before coming home. Which we know he’s too lazy to go through that much trouble. He’s not hiding her away right now, meaning he didn’t give her a second thought then either.
There are so many questions to answer some completely illogical on their own.
Looking towards the library, nothing has changed. Not even the boulder in my stomach that weights me down. Something is about to happen. Changes are coming. She’s the initiator of it all. I just hope it’s not something of a downfall for us. It sure feels like it.
Part 1 / Part 2
Copyright 2020© by barbika1508. All rights reserved.
Dictionary: Wangseja - Crown prince, the son of the king who appointed as heir to the throne. Gonryongpo – Dragon Robe/ were the everyday dress of the emperors or kings of China, Korea Vietnam and the Ryukyu Kingdom. Samjeongdo - the sword given to newly promoted Korean military generals each year by the Ministry of National Defence. Kopis - a heavy knife with a forward-curving blade / the Ancient Greeks often used single-edged blades in warfare, as attested to by art and literature.
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gothamsglam · 3 years
How Wonder-land-a-ful!
Transferring to SHIELD high did many things for Tony, one of them was reuniting him with James Rhodes. Just not how he wanted to.
Ever After High/Marvel Fusion. Ironhusbands, of course. (You don't have to know much about Ever After High to read this, think just some fairy tale AU and you'll be fine!)
I wanted to churn out one more story for the end of 2020, I thought something more silly would be a great way to end this uh year.
This idea has stuck with me for a while, and I finally wrote it.
Hope you enjoy!!!
SHIELD High was so bland . Yes, it was grand of course, structured like the classically large fairy-tale castles of Ever After. The hallways were marble with lockers and vines lining the walls and trees and plants growing willy nilly around the school. Chandeliers hung from the high ceilings, and large arched windows showed off the beauty of the lands around them. In the distance, Tony swears he can see Sleeping Beauty’s castle.
But SHIELD high was just bland in comparison to home. To Wonderland . Not even the personalized dorms could make up for the fact that school was all year long— ew , who made that rule—instead of one day a year. Tony missed the nonsensical beauty of SI High, where the hallways ran instead of you, where you had to find the paintbrushes in passing period to paint the doors—free art credits!—, and the cafeteria that was switched with the auditorium.
But the castle-teria at SHIELD was just a long hall with rows and rows of marvel benches, pillars in the corners to honor the greek storylines and pay tribute to the last generation of Fairytale legends.
It was so boring. And just looking at it made Tony want to *poof* right there and then.
“Hi Tony,” Steve Rogers asked, coming behind him in the castle-teria, “Need a place to sit?”
Oh and this, this was another thing Tony wasn’t fond of. Transferring to SHIELD high meant he actually was walking among the children of fairy tale legend.  Disgusting.
Father was too fond of them, far too fond of them. Back when Wonderland and Ever After had many open portals between one another—back before the curse on Wonderland by the Evil Queen of the HYDRA family. Howard was an ambassador , the git.
Howard didn’t get the White Rabbit legacy as Tony did, no, Uncle Jarvis had. Howard was a part of the Wakandan court, one of many peace ambassadors to the other royal families, particularly the ones in Ever After. Oh, the tales Tony was told as a young bunny, of the Rogers Family’s legacy brought forth by the apple, of the Red Hooded Romanoffs, and the Rose pricked Wilsons.
Tony was glad he didn’t have to walk among them at SI High, he was content to only have to see them in the crowd at Legacy day. Tony was actually really excited for Legacy day, his own legacy wasn’t following his father, but rather his mother and Uncle Jarvis. Signing his page in the Storybook of Legends was a milestone Tony didn’t mind looking forward to.
However Tony also understood why James Barnes, heir to the Evil Queen, wouldn’t want to sign. To each their own, he supposes.
But ugh, SHIELD high had too many Princes, he hated it.
His nose twitching, Tony ducked away from Rogers—who was bigger, blonder, and oh the clocks was that a red crown on his stupid head? “Thanks, but no thanks, golden boy. I’ll just—uh—”
He looked out at the rows and rows of tables, at the heads of up-dos and flower pins, and the sea of gelled down curls and impeccable sleeves. Seriously how does no one have a stain on their shirt? It’s mud-loaf day!
There! Out in the crowd, a hand popped out waving him over, Tony grinned, popping up a bit and rushing away from the other guy, “See ya, Rogers!”
Resisting the urge to stick out his tongue, Tony padded away with swift steps, the click of his shoes drowned out by the noise of the castle-teria. Reaching the table in the back, he grinned at the sight of familiar friends.
He wasn’t the only one apart of the exchange program of course, in fact, he was the second wave of students, prepared by letters sent by the other students. Tony had his own assigned group of the next exchange student. A lovely little trio of kids. Peter would not stop asking about the royal classes offered at SHIELD and MJ was more interesting in the classes offered by Maria Hill. Tony wouldn’t know, of course, he switched out of those classes the second day after running into pig shit mid-chase. For a house on chicken legs, it was surprisingly very fast.
Virginia ‘Pepper’ Potts was donned in swirls of light peach and blue with subtle armor around her waist and shoulders. Her hair was curled, pinned away from her face in a half updo, with the rest falling around her and nearly touching the table as she leaned in to pat the now empty spot across from her.
“Tony!” She exclaimed, freckles dancing across her face as she broke out into a smile, “got lost?” She teased.
Tony blew a raspberry, “Pssht, no, How could I get lost here? Wonderland was more interesting, this place is just boring,” he waved, twirling his fork in his food.
T’challa laughed, the matte gold detailing on his black jacket catching the light beans from the windows, it covered his purple and black card-like patterned dress shirt “That’s what you think, Stark. But with everything looking the same, you’ll pass by the same five classrooms over and over without noticing.”
Tony also laughed, “True. Remember, how—when you missed the upside-down sidewalk outside of bio-mechanics—you could end up in fishing class because of the fountain step? Every time the freshmen would come in dripping halfway through class.”
“Oh, does everyone still call them fish?” Sharon asked, pulling out Earl the dormouse from her empty teacup. He hopped up her shoulder to hide in her mini top hat. Her suit jacket was draped over her shoulders—rather than it being on the bench—and her cream shirt had mini hats detailed, blending in with the folds as it was only a few shades darker.
“Classically,” Tony replied with a wink. They turned back to their conversations, gossiping about their peers such as Maximoff—from Cinderella’s line—who was enamored with Vision—from the hunter’s line. Scandalous.
Tony halfheartedly listened to the discussion but was really on the verge of nodding off. His roommate—Justin Hammer, stupid son of the Cheshire cat—kept playing pranks on him and ruining his things with paint bombs. He almost got a fairy fail in physics because his latest essay had swamp goop over it! He had to stay up rewriting it, which wouldn’t be a problem normally but he had stayed up trying to make weld a new type of gear for his pet project.
Tony must have dozed off for a bit, because when he blinked open his eyes, he was resting on his elbows, folded under some familiar fabric. Blinking blearily at the side of his tray, Tony sat up. Well, that’s embarrassing, so much for his reputation. Pushing a hand through his hair, he avoided glancing around and instead went to look at his lap and pull out his pocket watch. However, someone else reached out to poke his side, resulting in a leap and an ‘eep!’.
“Hey there, sleeping beauty!” Rhodey smirked at him, “I think you and Wilson were supposed to have each other’s destinies. That was some impression you were doing.”
Damn him, Damn it all. Of course , Tony would fall asleep right then and there, drooling over his arms in front of James Rhodes . Of course the first time he’d see the precious son of the Alice bloodline—after literal years in different worlds—would be when he’s conked out in front of his dripping mashed potato tray in the flipping Greek castle-teria. Unbelievable, Tony.
And Rhodes— Rhodey —has the literal audacity to sit there with a playful smirk on his face. Sit there in his v-neck— v-neck!!! —map patterned shirt that should make him look like a dork but he doesn’t , and a necklace that dips over his collarbone —and oh stars —his hair .
Tony really should say something, “Uh—Hi, honey bear?” His voice cracks, because of course, it does.
“Hi, Tones,” Rhodey replies with a smile, and it’s dazzling . Tony just might scream.
Everything is muted, he couldn’t tell you if Pepper and Sharon were still talking, if T’challa had left the table or if lunch was even over. It feels like, for a brief moment, there’s only Rhodey.
Rhodey, who’s turning around to address someone else. Tony also looks away, trying to keep his ears from burning up and turning red.
“Tony, were you drawing in your mash potatoes?” Rhodey looks over, pressing slightly against Tony to peer over at his tray.
Which prompts Tony to dart out and pull the tray towards him with a, “Nooooo?”
Rhodes looks back at him, raising an eyebrow, “Really?”
That prompted a laugh out of him, gaining the attention of Pepper sitting a bit away from them. “Oh, Tony’s still doing that? I thought that was only a Wonderland thing.”
“Hey!” Tony wrinkled his nose and glared at her, silently grateful at the fact that pulled him out of mentally gaping like a fish at his best friend—are they even best friends anymore? Rhodey probably has like a billion of them at SHIELD. “I can do it anywhere. It’s called art.”
“You wouldn’t know art if it slapped you in the face.”
Tony opened his mouth, literally about to say, ‘I mean if Rhodey slapped me in the face I would say he’s art.’ before he’s stopped by the one jellybean of a brain cell in the back of his mind.
Well that and Rhodey’s “If anyone can bring wonder with them to SHIELD, it would be Tony.”
Which, oKAY , Tony needs to stop exploding inwardly and actually say something, “Um, speaking of wonder, does anyone know anything about that one well myth?”
“The well of wonder?” Sharon asked, polling her hand from her mouth where she was probably stifling giggles, which rude, ok.
T’challa also answered, “I believe I might be of help. Why are you asking Tony?”
Tony darted a look at Rhodey—he can’t see his face because he’s looking at T’challa, but he swears that under the table his fist clenches. Weird—before looking at T’challa, “It’s a surprise,” He winked.
And it was! But for Rhodey. He was supposed to have it done pre-meeting him at lunch, but thanks to Hammer he missed his mental deadlines. It wasn’t like he had sought out Natasha Romanoff beforehand to ask about James’ schedule so he could know when they had lunch together or anything, absolutely not.
See—back when in Wonderland—, Tony and Rhodey would galavant about, exploring the lands and falling down many rabbit holes, quite literally. Tony remembers how in his workshop, Rhodey would always love seeing Tony design the swords and spears for the Wonderland card-guards—the Dora Milaje. However what Tony specialized in was watch-making, specifically enchanted watches. Watches with personality, with faces that weren’t just hands and numbers or mini mirror-pods, but near people like. Pixel-faires born of Tony’s creation. DUM-E was his first.
‘You’ was meant for Rhodey, he’d been making them ever since he heard he was chosen for the second era of exchange students. It really shouldn’t have taken so long, but without the wonder of Wonderland and his workshop, it was harder.
So when he heard about the well of wonder, the last remain flow between the two worlds, he knew he had to find it. Too bad it disappeared every night, popping up all over Ever After.
“It would be best to go with someone Tony,” Sharon said, “The well likes to frequent the forest.”
“I could go with you!” Rhodey exclaimed, well not exclaimed, that was just Tony projecting. Mostly... Maybe? No, probably.
“Really?” Tony asked, “You don’t—?”
“It’s my free period anyway," Rhodey shrugged, “Besides you’re already using my jacket, so now you can wear it in the forest too!”
“I—” Tony looks back at the table, and oh.
Oh , that’s what he was sleeping on.
T’challa mentioned stopping by their—his and Rhodey’s—dorm so they can get directions. There’s more regaling of the well, and mentions of seeing Bruce Banner and Thor frequenting the area, which ooo? But all Tony really remembers is seeing Rhodey reaching over, draping his jacket over Tony’s shoulder.
“It’s a date,” Rhodey grinned with a dazzling smile.
So do you like who is who? I didn't recast everyone, but I might continue this AU so maybe I will later down the line! Please let me know what you think in the comments and leave a kudo too! Love you all!!!
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voltrontranscript · 3 years
VLD S8E1: Launch Date
Season 8 Episode 1: Launch Date
Transcript by @dragonofyang
Summary: It’s the final day on Earth before the protagonists launch back into space on the IGF-Atlas to face the Galra. Lance has a big question for Allura, and the Altean pilot Luca provides more questions than answers.
[Google Doc]
DOTU Pidge: Hold it, I’m getting all shook up!
Pidge: I don’t really sound like that, do I, Bae Bae?
[Cut to the medbay where Luca is surrounded by medics, as Allura observes through a window.]
Romelle: You know, back on the colony, Luca and I didn’t always get along. But despite that, I always respected Luca. She had an inner strength that many did not and a desire to be a part of something greater than herself.
Allura: If she was so desperate for something to believe in, it may have made her susceptible to being manipulated.
[Cut to the Garrison kitchens.]
Hunk: Alright, that’s all of it.
Hunk’s Mother: Here’s all our family recipes. And this is something special just for you.
Hunk: Banana cake! Mom, you’re the best!
Hunk’s Mother: Well, your father and I are just so proud of you, saving the universe and all. We love you.
Hunk: Launching tomorrow. The big day. It seems like it was forever ago when we piled into the Blue Lion and blasted out into space. Man, we had no idea what we were getting into!
Lance: Yeah.
Hunk: But, now it’s different. We’ve seen it all. We’re rugged veterans now, going back into battle one last time.
Lance: Mm, yup.
Hunk: Guess that makes us heroes or something? Like the type of heroes that would have their own TV show! Did you watch it, Lance? Ah, it’s so cool! It’s so cool. They got you spot-on, but Coran is like, he’s all super-serious and stuff. And Allura is a little… I don’t know, she’s different. Keith is friendly! He’s happy all the time. I mean, they got it so wrong. Plus, I think they’re hinting at some romance between him and Allura.
Lance: What?! Keith and Allura? No, it should be Lance and Allura!
Hunk: Ooh, a love triangle. I like where you’re taking this.
Lance: No, no. It’s not about that.
Hunk: Wait, that’s right. You said you were gonna ask Allura on a date. You asked her, didn’t you? Oh, and she said no. Oh. Oh, man. Here I am, rubbing your face in it.
Lance: She didn’t say no. I… Well, I never asked her.
Hunk: You chickened out?
Lance: I was going to ask her, but she’s been spending, like, every day in the med bay. Maybe… Maybe this just isn’t the right time.
Hunk: No, Lance. What? It’s the only time. After tomorrow, we’re back out in space fighting the Galra. There is no other time, literally. You’re asking her today, and that is final, young man.
[Scene change to a large meeting hall.]
Shiro: Everyone, welcome to our final briefing here on Earth. It’s been several months since we began to rebuild, and tomorrow we launch and continue our liberation efforts across all planets still under Galra rule. Commander Holt, what’s the latest from your team?
Sam: We’ve confirmed that there’s still no Galra activity within several galaxies of the Milky Way. It appears Earth was Sendak’s only target.
Shiro: Where are we with Earth’s defenses?
Keith: I finished my check-in with all the garrison facilities around the globe. All defenses are up and running. Earth has everything in place to keep itself safe.
Shiro: Great. And Atlas preparations?
Veronica: Repairs to the IGF-Atlas were completed early last week and it has since passed every test protocol we’ve put it through.
Shiro: Good. Any updates on the Altean pilot?
Allura: Still unresponsive, but she could wake any day now. Perhaps if we had a little more time, we could find out who sent her.
Keith: There’s no way to know when or if she’ll regain consciousness. We can’t wait any longer. We need to get back out there and end this war before the Galra can reorganize.
Shiro: Keith’s right. We’ll be in constant communication with Earth. When the Altean wakes up we’ll know. I have one more item to discuss. It’s our last night on Earth and we’ve got a lot of hard work ahead of us. We may not be back home for years. So I’m ordering you: take some time for yourselves. Be with the ones you love. You’ve earned it.
[Scene change to the hallway outside the meeting room.]
Lance: Hey, uh, Allura?
Allura: What is it, Lance?
Lance: Oh, nothing much. Just, uh, checking in. So, how are things?
Allura: I’m sorry, but I really need to be getting back.
Lance: Oh, right, yeah. Okay. Um, w-well, I don’t want to keep you, so… Oh! Uh, actually, I was wondering if--maybe, if you want to, you could have dinner with me tonight? A-and my family? Dinner with me and my family? My mom’s cooking for our last night together. I… I just thought you could join us.
Allura: That sounds wonderful, but I can’t.
Romelle: Allura, I know you’re worried about Luca, but we’re worried about you. It’ll be good to get away for a night and clear your head.
Lance: Right, yeah, all that stuff she’s saying. Totally.
Allura: Perhaps dinner would be nice. I’d love to.
Lance: Really? Awesome! Dinner tonight. Us. Yes.
Hunk: Okay, Loverboy Lance. Now walk away before she changes her mind.
[Scene change to the green room on the IGF-Atlas.]
Allura: Pidge, do you have a moment?
Pidge: Sure. What’s up?
Allura: Well, you see, I, um… I have a--
Romelle: She has a date… with pointy chin! Where are proper courting vestments obtained on your planet?
Pidge: Wait. A date? With Lance? Weird.
Allura: I was hoping you might be able to accompany me as I choose my proper attire in accordance to Earth’s custom.
Colleen: Katie? Fashion? That’s a good one.
Pidge: Well, I heard the mall has reopened. I’ve been wanting to check it out, but I’m grounded.
Romelle: Grounded? Oh, I wasn’t aware humans could float.
Pidge: No, no. It just means I’m not allowed to leave my mom’s supervision. It’s a form of punishment.
Allura: What are you grounded for?
Colleen: She’s grounded because apparently my daughter thinks that running away from home and gallivanting off into space without her mother’s permission is an acceptable activity for a fifteen-year-old.
Pidge: Well, apparently, finding my brother and saving my father [voice distorting] from an intergalactic tyrant doesn’t get me a pass!
Colleen: [voice distorting] Not on your life, young lady.
Allura: Please, Colleen, I could really use her help.
Romelle: We will not let her leave the ground once.
Colleen: Alright. But only because I know how much Katie hates shopping for clothing.
Allura: Thank you.
[Scene change to the med bay where Luca is kept.]
Sam: What is it?
Doctor: She’s stabilized, but we need to be careful about how we proceed.
[Scene change to Earth’s mall.]
Rizavi: Okay, Operation “Find Allura a Date Outfit” is go. We’re gonna take it one store at a time ‘til we come out of this place successful. Let the hunt begin! I love shopping. Don’t you, Ina?
Ina: It’s a primal urge from when collecting and gathering was a means of survival.
Rizavi: It just calms me, like skydiving. Now, come on, I’m gonna shop this mall so hard.
Pidge: Killbot Phantasm 26: Revengifiance! This is out?
Rizavi: Oh my gosh! It came out a few days before the Galra invaded. No one was ever able to reach the end.
Vendor: That’s right. I have one of the few undamaged units left.
Pidge and Rizavi: We’ll take it!
Vendor: Okay. Great to meet such passionate KBP fans. What have you got to trade?
Pidge: Trade? I, uh… I don’t really have anything.
Vendor: I’m sorry, but no trade, no game.
Rizavi: Well, that’s some way to treat a Paladin of Voltron.
Vendor: Wait what? You mean, like, from the show?
Pidge: Show? Well, kind of. It was based off me.
Vendor: My kid loves that show. The game is yours if I could just get an autograph for my daughter.
Pidge: [DOTU Pidge impression] Sure thing! Anything for the kids!
Pidge: [normal voice] Ah! Ooh?
Pidge: [DOTU Pidge impression] What?
Pidge: [high-pitched] You got it, chief! Far out! 
[Scene change to Lance in a residential hallway.]
Coran: Yes? Oh, Lance! To what do I owe this visit?
Lance: Hey, Coran. I wanted to ask you about Allura.
Coran: Sure. What is it? No one knows her better than I do. Except for maybe the mice. They do have a telepathic connection to her, which seems like cheating to me.
Lance: Right, yeah. Well, I’m going on a date with her tonight and--
Coran: What?! But you’re not even royalty! Or Altean! And you’re definitely not Altean royalty!
Lance: Whoa, Coran! Chill! I don’t think Allura even cares about stuff like that.
Coran: It’s not just about Allura. Did you even acquire permission from her primary guardian?
Lance: Well, who’s that?
Coran: Well, let’s see. Ah, me! Now, count to zingor, then knock.
Lance: But, Allura already said… Ugh!
Coran: Ah, Lance. Please, have a seat. Exactly what makes you think you’re qualified for such a prestigious position? For example, who are your references?
Lance: Position? References? What are you talking about?
Coran: You see, I’ll need at least two notarized certificates of commendation speaking of your greatness from reliable sources before I’ll even consider giving you my approval. And you must do something about that outfit. Altean courting vestments are essential. Seeing as we’re not on Altea, we’ll just have to make do.
[Scene change back to the mall.]
Rizavi: Oh, I’ve got a good feeling about this place. Allura, leave this to us. Ladies, divide and conquer!
Rizavi: I think we’ve done it.
Unilu Shopkeeper: Well, hello there. Is this everything?
Rizavi: Yep. Mission complete.
Unilu Shopkeeper: Let’s see, what have we got? A decorative tarp with casing, one foot container and its mirror match, and some miniature chain binding. That’ll be one phoeb of servitude from your small friend there.
Rizavi: What? A year?
Pidge: A month. I got this. [DOTU Pidge impression] How about you give us all this and I give you an autograph from a world-famous Paladin of Voltron?
Unilu Shopkeeper: No! Price just went up to three phoebs.
Allura: I could give you a royal decree of service from the Crown Princess of Alte… oh, right, I, um…
Romelle: I could bake you a decaphoeb’s worth of blomfruit pies. I just need blomfruits. You wouldn’t happen to sell any, would you?
Unilu Shopkeeper: Shipping will cost you ten phoebs of servitude alone.
Allura: Perhaps this was a bad idea. I don’t need the dress. Let’s just go.
Unilu Shopkeeper: Wait! I’ll give you a friendly deal. You can have this for Killbot Phantasm 26: Revengifiance.
Rizavi: No deal! What could you possibly need it for?
Unilu Shopkeeper: I’ve been looking to get my claws on that game for decaphoebs. I’m a huge KBP fan.
Rizavi: Mm-mm, sorry. No can do. I’ve waited three years to get to the end of this game.
Pidge: Fine, you can have it. We don’t have any time to play it, anyway.
Allura: Thank you, Pidge.
[Scene change back to the med bay.]
Sam: She’s stabilized, but she won’t speak to any of the doctors. I was hoping a familiar face might put her at ease. Maybe Romelle can help.
Coran: I’ll see if I can find her.
[Scene change to Black Lion overlooking the sunset.]
Lance: Man, you can be a real hard guy to find when you wanna be.
Keith: Hey, Lance. Whoa! What are you wearing?
Lance: Coran made it for me for my date with Allura.
Keith: A date with Allura? Wow! Well done, Lance.
Lance: Thanks, but it could be our last. I can’t keep all these Altean customs straight.
Keith: Listen, if she’s going out with you, it’s because she likes you. The annoying, stupid, Earth version of you.
Lance: You watching the sun set?
Keith: Yeah. Might be a while before we get to see it again.
Lance: Man, I’m really gonna miss this place.
Keith: That’s why we’ve gotta end this war. And we’re gonna do it with the Lance that’s the Paladin of the Red Lion. The Lance that’s always got my back. And the Lance who knows exactly who he is and what he’s got to offer.
[Scene change to Allura at Lance’s family home.]
Lance’s Mom: Come in, come in, my dear! Oh, you look wonderful! Doesn’t she look wonderful, Lance?
Lance: Wow. You look amazing.
Allura: Thank you. You look nice, too.
Lance: Well, it’s no Altean vestments, but...
Allura: Imagine you in a Forlongian brill hat.
Lance: Oh, Allura, this is my mom, and Pop-pop. You know Veronica. That’s Rachel, my brother Marco, other brother Luis, his wife Lisa, and their kids Silvio and Nadia.
[Scene change to the middle of dinner with Lance’s family.]
Marco: ...or the time when we were kids and Veronica mixed dirt with water and told Lance it was chocolate milk.
Veronica: Oh, yeah! I still can’t believe he fell for it.
Allura: What did he do?
Veronica: He told on me, of course. Then, Pop-pop gave him ice cream and I got none.
Marco: Yeah, Lance was always the baby of the family. It only took you coming to dinner to finally graduate him to the adult table.
Veronica: Speaking of dates, maybe you can put in a good word for me with that long-haired friend of yours, hm?
Lance: What, Keith?! No, no, no, no, no! No way. No.
Lance’s Mom: Lance never brings girls home. You must really mean something to him.
Allura: That’s strange. He always gave off the impression of being rather popular with women.
Lance’s Mom: Oh, he gets that from his father. It’s all talk, but if you can get past that, you’ll find a good boy with a big heart.
Veronica: A toast to family. Though we may be apart after tomorrow, we’ll always remain close at heart. Family is forever.
All: To family!
[Scene change to the med bay.]
Romelle: I’m so glad to see you’re alright, Luca. We can help. What happened to you? Where’s the colony?
Luca: So you can betray them yet again?
Romelle: What?
Luca: You abandoned us, Romelle. And for the Paladins of Voltron, the very ones who killed our savior, Lotor.
Romelle: No, it’s not like that!
Luca: You’ve sided with the great destroyers! She told us of their lies. She’s going to fix it all. She’ll reunite us with Lotor, with Altea. You don’t stand a chance against Honerva--
[Scene change to Lance and Allura walking along a park full of dead trees.]
Lance: This place used to be so beautiful.
Allura: It’s all my fault the Galra did this to your home.
Lance: No, it’s not your fault. Besides, meeting you is the best thing that ever happened to me.
Allura: When we were out there fighting against the Galra, I somehow felt like… like we were a family. Each of us was alone, but we were alone together. But now, here on Earth, I see that everyone already has a family and a home to return to once the war is over. Everyone except me. And for the first time, I feel uncertain about what my future holds. It’s silly, I used to think that the team relied on me. That I needed to be strong for everyone else. But now I see it was I that needed all of you. You are my strength.
Lance: Allura, you are not alone, and if I have anything to say about it, you’ll never be alone. I--I don’t care if this is only our first date. I… Allura, I love you. I have for a long time. I wanna be your family. Earth can be your home, or anywhere you wanna go. It doesn’t matter. I would follow you across the universe.
Allura: You truly feel that way?
Lance: With all my heart.
Lance: I think he wants us to smile.
[Scene change to the meeting room, this time only with Allura, Coran, Shiro, and Romelle.]
Allura: If Honerva sent that beast, then our mission must change.
Shiro: No, we have a plan and we need to stick to it. If Honerva’s really behind this, then I’m sure we’ll find her along the way.
Allura: Or she’ll find us.
[Scene transition to the outdoors, where the IGF-Atlas stands before a crowd of people.]
Sam: This will be perhaps the most defining moment in our history. The day humankind reaches beyond its home world to help the immense universe of which we inhabit such a small part.
Keith: In the blink of an eye, the world as we knew it became much larger than we’d ever thought possible. And now we rise up to join the fight alongside so many others different from us, but of like minds, to stand firm in the face of tyranny.
Allura: For all deserve to decide their own future as we have decided to spend ours ensuring the freedom of the universe.
Shiro: Each and every one of you has given something to this fight. Many have been lost, but not in vain because through their sacrifice, many more will live on. I make you this promise now. We will return triumphant.
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hypmic-writings · 4 years
Hi! Can I request 91 with 1 & 5 for Dice x Gentaro? They can both be Kings/ royals from different kingdoms dancing in a garden together at night. Thank you😁💚
91. Royalty AU
1. “You look stunning tonight”
Okay, if you guys need me I’ll be in the corner SCREAMING because this AU is so good and I love the idea of Prince!Dice and Prince!Gentaro ugh just imagine them with long hair in robes lathered with jewels and swords and YES! I could only pick one quote so I did #1 since I felt like it fit the prompt best!
ALSO, does anyone read Akatsuki No Yona? Cause I totally see Gentaro as a Soo-won type that’s like really charming and pretty but also super intelligent and driven hehe Ayways, hope you liked this~
Word Count: 1,338
Genre: Fluff; Royalty!AU
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
Dice sighed deeply as he closed the door behind him, finally able to sneak out of the castle without being heard. He could still hear the chatter from the party inside the hall, but he quickly shuffled away, wanting nothing more than to be as far from people as possible.
It was difficult being a prince, there was no doubt about that. Dice would be the first to admit that he wasn’t right for the job. Yes, he might have been tutored at a young age in all types of languages and cultures and politics, but none of those things held any real interest to him.
He wanted to travel beyond his kingdom. More than anything, he wanted to see the outside world. He had argued with his parents about that many times, saying that experiencing other kingdoms first hand would be the best learning experience but he was always shot down. On top of saying it was dangerous, they had a notion that Dice only wanted to travel to have grand adventures and do things that were deemed ‘inappropriate of a prince’.
Well…they weren’t exactly wrong.
As Dice made his way through the palace grounds, he saw a figure in the garden, sitting on one of the benches near a willow. The faint sound of music could still be heard in the distance as Dice walked towards the figure that he could now make out as the one and only, Prince Gentaro.
“Prince Gentaro?” Dice asked, walking closer to the other prince.
Gentaro glanced up from the flowers he had been admiring and turned his attention to Dice. Once he knew it was him, Gentaro raised an eyebrow and shot him a playful smile
“Well, well, Prince Dice, you’re looking dashing tonight,” Gentaro said teasingly. “Don’t tell me you’ve walked out of your own party. Heaven knows what gossip would come of that.”
Dice groaned as he sat down beside his friend in a less-than-graceful manner.
“Screw all of them, I hate parties like this,” he grumbled, glancing quickly at Gentaro before looking away. “You look…stunning tonight,” he mumbled, not wanting to meet Gentaro’s eyes as he felt his ears turn red in embarrassment.
“Ah, you’re too kind to me, Prince Dice,” Gentaro said, pulling out the fan he had tucked in his sleeve. “And come now, parties aren’t all bad. I myself happen to enjoy them from time to time,” he stated, glancing back towards the palace briefly. Dice sighed and sank lower onto the bench.
“Of course, you do, you’re the perfect prince,” he mumbled, leaning his head back and looking up at the tree that loomed above him. A puff of wind blew lightly, making the warm summer evening feel even more comfortable.
Gentaro frowned a bit but looked on with concern at his friend. Dice was many things, but downtrodden was not one of them and right now he looked completely defeated.
“Ah I see…” Gentaro said, fanning himself slowly with a knowing look. “You’ve finally hit the road block, haven’t you.”
At these words, Dice sat up a bit in his seat and turned to the older prince.
Despite only being a few years older, Gentaro always seemed to be more…princely…to Dice. Whereas Dice struggled to fit the mold of a prim and proper prince, Gentaro created his own version of what royalty should look like. Dice always secretly admired how Gentaro seemed to rule with kindness that was lined with cunning and knowledge only a lifetime of learning could offer.
They had discussed their roles as princes and Dice often found Gentaro giving him advice. Although it always came in the form of stories or jokes, there were times that Gentaro would offer a profound piece of knowledge and Dice could only take it in with awe.
The two would often meet at gatherings and parties, and Dice grew to have more and more feelings for Gentaro, but could never tell just what the older prince thought of him.
“What do you mean?” Dice asked, trying to sound bored but completely unable to hide the curiosity in his voice. Gentaro heard this and smiled at him, brushing away his long hair to drape over his shoulder. There was a moment of silence between them, only filled with soft music.
“Dice,” Gentaro began in a soft voice, looking up at the trees. “We’ve known each other for a long time now, right?” Dice didn’t respond, simply nodding at the statement as he gazed at the Prince in front of him.
“Then I’ll ask that you take this advice to heart,” Gentaro said, turning towards Dice suddenly, his lips tightened. “You should take the time to decide what kind of King you want to be.”
Dice felt his heart begin to race faster in his chest at Gentaro’s words. What kind of advice was that? Why was Gentaro looking at him with such intensity? And why had Gentaro leaned in closer when he said that?!
“Oi, what’s that supposed to mean!” Dice exclaimed, his voice coming out more angrily than he had intended. Gentaro, however, brought back the usual smile he always had on his lips and hummed.
“It means exactly that. I can see it in your face, you know. You can hide it well from others, but not from me. You’re being stifled by the role of a prince that your family has laid out for you and you don’t know what to do about it,” Gentaro explained, fanning himself once more. “You should take time to explore the reasons you want to be King.”
“I don’t want to be King, I have to be King,” Dice groaned in frustration.
“Regardless, you’re the one that will be sitting on that throne one day. Everyone will be looking to you for guidance and answers,” Gentaro explained, rationally. There is no right way to rule, there are only multitudes of wrong ways,” he added with a light laugh.
Dice quickly looked away from Gentaro, feeling his heart skip a beat as it always did whenever the older prince laughed. It sounded sweet and gentle, but Dice knew that Gentaro was anything but sweet or gentle and he frustratingly wondered how the older Prince could manage to be so many things at the same time.
“Yea…I’ll…take that into consideration…” Dice mumbled, looking down at his feet. “Thanks…” he added softly. There was another brief moment of silence before Gentaro clapped his hands.
“Ah, but now isn’t the time to think about things like that!” Gentaro exclaimed, rising to his feet. “It’s a party so we should only be thinking of having fun tonight, right?”
Dice looked up at him in surprise, a look that quickly turned to panic when Gentaro held out a hand to him.
“What the hell?!” Dice exclaimed hurriedly.
“Would you care to dance, Prince?” Gentaro asked, his eyes shining in the setting sun. Dice was not accustomed to ever feeling so unsure of himself, but somehow Gentaro always managed to make him feel flustered. He quickly huffed and groaned in annoyance, but took Gentaro’s hand regardless. As soon as he was back up on his feet, Gentaro surprised him once more by taking Dice’s other hand and leading it to wrap around his waist.
“Gentaro!” Dice exclaimed at the sudden touch. As a prince, it was unusual for anyone to touch him or vice versa, but here Gentaro was openly wrapping his arms around Dice’s neck.
“You said it yourself, right? There are too many people inside for us to dance properly, so let’s just stay like this for a little while, okay?” Gentaro responded with another laugh.
Dice felt the heat return to his face once more but allowed Gentaro to sway him back and forth in time with the faint music that was still ringing in the air. Dice wasn’t sure if Gentaro held the same feelings he did, but as the sun set, Dice was sure that he didn’t want to let go of the older prince.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Revelation Sunshine, Chapter 3 (Courtney/Vixen) - Veronica
A/N: Honestly, thank you so much to anyone who’s reading this very self-indulgent story. I adore all of you, and especially the creator of Galactica, my lovely friend @theartificialdane. Click here for previous chapters. <3
Last chapter: Long distance relationships are tough, but the girls are trying.
This chapter: Vixen joins Courtney in LA for the VMAs, and then Courtney surprises her in Chicago.
Vixen wasn’t sure why she agreed to this. She was going to be so far out of her depth. But when she told Courtney about a lecture she was giving at UCLA in August, a lecture that happened to be the same weekend as the VMAs, Courtney somehow convinced her to come to the awards show as her date.
“You have to do it,” Asia had informed her, when she heard the hesitation. When she said that she still didn’t know, Mayhem interrupted to give a slightly more forceful message.
“When the fuck are you gonna have the chance to do something like that again?” she demanded. “Come on, stop overthinking like a little bitch.”
Courtney’s cajoling was more gentle. Logical, even—pointing out that it would be great publicity for her book and her podcast.
“It could open you up to a whole new audience. Think of the people that you could reach!”
It was a good point, Vixen conceded. So she agreed, and they casually discussed the logistics. She didn’t really panic until she was in the uber on the way to Courtney’s house. What was she doing? Who did she think she was, showing up at what she was sure would be a gated mansion, to be professionally styled for a red carpet?
It wasn’t a gated mansion. It was a bungalow tucked into the side of the Hollywood Hills, covered in vines and bursting with plants of every type. After giving her a warm, tight hug, Courtney led her into the living room, where someone (a stylist?) was waiting with racks of clothes.
“I didn’t know exactly what you’d want, so I had Jo bring you lots of options,” Courtney said. “We should choose now so that they have time to tailor it while we’re at the spa. Jo, can you show her your favorites?”
Vixen glanced around the room while Jo presented her with wardrobe options and Courtney poured her a glass of lemonade. Without the explosion of clothes, it would have been a cozy, regular living room. Two sofas, some art on the walls. Nothing remotely ostentatious.
“I like your house,” she told Courtney, accepting the drink gratefully. “It’s...uh...not what I was expecting.”
“No?” Courtney asked, head cocked.
“No. Well, I mean, it’s like...a normal house,” Vixen explained.
“And you were expecting, what? A spaceship?” Courtney giggled.
“No, like...I don’t know. Some baroque mansion with columns and a butler and big chandeliers, I guess.”
“Hmm, yeah, sounds like my style,” Courtney said, making Vixen laugh.
“Shut up. You’re rich and you love glitter, okay? So I just thought it would be more…”
“Yes?” Vixen scrunched her face up apologetically.
“I mean, that’s fair. My first house here was a bit of a Swaravski nightmare. Oh, I really like that one!” Courtney exclaimed, looking at the royal blue dress in Vixen’s hands. “Do you want to try it on? You can use the guest room as a dressing room.”
Vixen nodded, relieved that disrobing in front of Courtney and Jo (and a random girl she’d just noticed on the patio, pacing around with a phone to her ear) in the broad daylight wasn’t on the agenda.
After trying on a few choices, Vixen settled on a short, black and turquoise romper - it was fun and sexy, but still classy, and would be comfortable enough to sit around in for hours. Jo was helping her figure out the accessories (with occasional input from Courtney as she pranced around with snacks) when the girl from outside stepped in, carrying Courtney’s fluffy pomeranian under one arm.
“Okay, everything’s all set at the hotel,” she said matter-of-factly.
“Vix, that’s Brianna. Yes, I like those shoes!” She nodded approvingly at the bright yellow pumps Vixen was trying.
“Yeah, hi, sorry. I’m Courtney’s assistant. Brie,” she reached out to give Vixen a firm handshake.
“Ugh, I still hate the word ‘assistant.’ Can’t we come up with a cooler title for you?” Courtney asked.
“Sure, that’ll be my top priority,” Brianna replied sarcastically, then barreled rapidly through the day’s plans. “So, after we wrap up here, we’ll head for the hotel. Massages and manicures at the spa while we set up hair and makeup. We should really start by 2 at the lastest to make sure we can manage something presentable out of...that,” she gestured vaguely in Courtney’s direction with a smirk, everyone laugh, “And then leave at 4 to drive to the theatre and do the red carpet by 4:30 or 5. Then the show, blah blah blah, performance, not my problem, and then we head to Van Nuys for wheels-up at 9. Cool?”
“When do we eat?” Courtney asked.
“You’ll have a meal at the spa. You know, in that area by the dipping pool thing?”
“Oh, okay,” Courtney said.
“And then obviously we’ll have snacks in the room, and we ordered a bunch of stuff for you to have backstage. Don’t worry, there’ll be plenty of food.”
“Um...I have a question,” Vixen said, pausing her perusal of the jewelry table. “Are the hair people gonna be familiar with Black hair?”
Brie turned toward her with a vague eye roll, asking, “Do I look like a moron to you?”
Vixen leveled her gaze, not backing down, and answered, “You look like someone who has never worn a protective hairstyle before.”
“Fair enough,” Brie conceded with a grin. “And don’t worry. We got you good people who are very experienced with protective styles.”
“Thanks, Brie! Ooh, how about ‘Executive Vice President of Human Logistics’?” Courtney suggested.
“Whatever makes you happy, girl,” Brianna said tiredly, giving Courtney a salute as she deposited Kylie onto his bed. “I’m gonna go check your suitcases. Or, should I call them ‘transport need satisfaction receptacles’?”
“Sounds good,” Courtney giggled, and Vixen couldn’t help laughing either.
“That little cracker is hilarious,” Vixen commented, admiring the row of bangles on her arm.
“I know, right?” Courtney laughed.
“Hey!” Brianna said, poking her head back in the room, deadpanning, “That was my nickname in prison. Lil Miz Cracker.”
She grinned, waiting for them all to crack up before disappearing again.
“Before her,” Courtney confided, “I had this other assistant that my agents found, this nervous kid who told me I was beautiful like 8 thousand times a day, and it was just...excruciating.”
“The things you’ve overcome,” Vixen said, shaking her head with mock sincerity. “It’s so inspirational.”
Courtney laughed gaily, handing her a pair of earrings to try, which Jo immediately snatched out of her hand.
“No! Hideous,” they said, handing Vixen a different pair.
In the car to the hotel, Brie asked Vixen if she had a preferred gender for her massage therapist.
“Well, I kind of like a more gentle massage, so…I mean, not to be discriminatory, but…”
“You want someone with soft lady hands?” Courtney asked, a glint in her eye.
“Kind of,” Vixen replied, hanging her head in mock shame.
“You don’t like soft lady hands?” Vixen asked, raising her eyebrows.
“Well I mean...there’s a time and place,” Courtney explained.
Vixen looked into her glittering green eyes, head tilted, as she continued.
“For a massage? I like it deep. So as long as they can put some muscle behind it, everything’s good.”
“You’re right, there is a time and a place,” Vixen said lightly, “I occasionally like it deep as well.”
“Good to know,” Courtney said, giggling delightedly.
The whole day was strange, an almost out of body experience for Vixen. At times, she felt like she was hovering overhead and watching herself get rubbed and plucked and fluffed and painted. Pampered and catered to on a level she never had before.
But the red carpet, that was the most surreal experience by far, just a whirlwind of flashes and shouted questions from reporters. Courtney held her hand the entire time, checking in constantly to make sure she was alright, gently directing her where to look and when to pose.
“My first red carpet was terrifying,” she confessed. “So when you’ve had enough, just tell me.”
She was relieved, at first, for her relative anonymity. No entertainment reporters would know the academic world, or a political science professor.
That is, until Courtney put an arm around Vixen’s waist and dragged her right into the spotlight, introducing her to a reporter as “the brilliant author behind the book ‘Beware White Tears.’”
“Oh!” Recognition dawned in the reporter’s eyes as she brushed her bangs away from her face. “This is the unparalleled genius you’ve been tweeting about all year?”
“Yes ma’am,” Courtney said. “Vixen Taylor.”
“A pleasure,” she said, extending her hand to Vixen and offering a dazzling white smile. “Shea Coulée.”
“Nice to meet you,” Vixen said, shaking her hand. She glanced back at Courtney, who was beaming like a sunflower beside her.
“Shea, you should tell everyone to read her book,” Courtney said, smile growing even bigger as she continued to gush, “And listen to her podcast. She’s so incredibly smart, it’s unreal.”
Shea looked from Courtney to Vixen a few times before asking, “So…what’s the story with you two, then? Are you like, an official thing?”
“Shh, I’m working on it!” Courtney said, giggling, pulling Vixen towards the theatre. Startling her a second later with an ecstatic shriek of, “Adore!”
Vixen wasn’t super familiar with Adore’s music, but she did know her from Courtney’s social media. Apparently a big deal now in the punk rock scene, standing there in what appeared to be the same clothes she’d partied in last night, next to a tall, statuesque, impeccably dressed young redheaded woman. They looked to Vixen to be an absolute mis-match of a couple, Adore’s date classy and serene as Adore squealed and threw her arms around Courtney, the two of them clinging to each other and chattering wildly.
“Omigod, I love that dress-”
“You look like a mess. Gigi, why haven’t you-”
“Don’t blame her, I dress myself.”
“How was Prague?”
“Fuckin’ wild, man!”
“Have you met Vixen?”
Courtney turned toward Vixen, who was overwhelmed by the whole exchange, and grabbed her hand once again.
“Vixen, this is Adore, my best friend for life, and her very patient girlfriend, Gigi.”
“Hi, nice to-”
“Augh!” Adore shrieked. “Courtney! Did you see the pictures of Jinkx and Alaska’s new kid?”
“No, what?! When did they...have? Buy? What word are we using?”
“Yeah, that-another kid?”
Gigi turned to Vixen, sensing her obvious discomfort, and offered a smile.
“They’re always like this. It’s best just to...ride it out,” Gigi finished with a chuckle. “They’re like toddlers. Eventually they’ll get tired and calm down.”
Vixen opted to watch the show from the audience, happy that she had Adore and Gigi to sit with. (Well...Gigi, at least. The jury was still out on Adore.) She knew that Courtney would need to focus on her performance, and sitting alone in her dressing room for large chunks of time seemed nerve-wracking.
But after Courtney’s performance, Brie showed up to escort Vixen backstage. They were only going to have a little time to hang out before Courtney had to leave, getting on a plane to Paris to continue her tour almost immediately after the show.  
Courtney was in the midst of changing when Vixen knocked gently on her door. It was quite a look...track pants and Ugg slippers on the bottom, and a metal corset on top. Brie was helping her out of the corset, and though she didn’t seem remotely self-conscious about being topless, Vixen averted her eyes, waiting until she’d slipped on a t-shirt before addressing her directly.
“You were incredible tonight,” she said honestly.
“Really?” Courtney asked, perching on the arm of the sofa. “I felt like it was a bit of a mess. I could kill Mikey.”
“Who’s Mikey?”
“That dancer who went the wrong way during the second verse? I saw them pounding shots, I think he was hammered. Ugh.”
Vixen smiled softly.
“It’s adorable that you think I was watching the backup dancers.”
In an instant, Courtney’s demeanor changed from professional and annoyed to coy and flirtatious, simpering like a schoolgirl.
“Hmm...who were you watching then?
Brie had slipped away by now, leaving the two of them alone in the dressing room. Vixen stood and walked toward her.
“The camera guys, of course,” Vixen quipped.
Courtney giggled, reaching out for her and pulling her close.
“Oh yeah?” she murmured.
Vixen nodded slowly, then smiled again and shook her head. She slid her hands around Courtney’s waist, gazing unblinking into her hooded green eyes. She leaned in slowly, almost excruciatingly so, pausing for a few moments to enjoy the way her chest rose and fell rapidly, heart pounding in anticipation.
When she finally brushed their lips together, she could feel the hitch in Courtney’s breath, a whimper escaping from the back of her throat. Courtney cupped her cheeks with both hands, pulling her in closer, deepening the kiss, coaxing her mouth open.
Vixen followed her, dazed, onto the sofa, where she dove head-first into the moment, finally able to just enjoy each other for the first time in months. She quickly lost track of time and space, thinking only of the girl in her arms, how soft and delicious she was...how she made Vixen feel so wanted.
She kissed down Courtney’s torso, lifting her t-shirt to trail her lips gently over the angry marks from that horrible corset. She began to pull off her bottoms, pausing just before sliding them over her hips to make sure it was okay. Courtney lifted up slightly, watching Vixen through lidded eyes, legs spreading open once her panties were flung to the side. Vixen paused, breathing her in, making her shiver with anticipation as she spread her thighs even more.
Vixen cleared her throat, fingers dancing up the inside of her thighs.
“Remember, I’m pretty...new at this,” Vixen said, and Courtney nodded vigorously.
“I know, I know. Don’t worry.” Her hand wound its way into Vixen’s hair.
“Okay.” Vixen leaned forward, lips barely brushing against her.
As a soft sigh left Courtney’s lips, Vixen took a deep breath. Her desire to satisfy, to live up to expectations, momentarily overtaken by nerves, until she steeled herself. Just French kiss her pussy, you idiot. Stop freaking out and lick her until she comes.  
Courtney was shockingly easy to please, as it turned out. A hand in Vixen’s hair, guiding her, and breathy, whimpered instructions were all she needed to begin unlocking the mysteries of her body.
“Harder, harder…please…”  
Vixen didn’t know why she was surprised. From that first tweet, Courtney had been utterly direct with her. And even their first time together, she didn’t hold back at all from saying what she wanted. But somehow, the shameless way she buried Vixen’s face into her pussy, rutting against her, moaning out commands...it all just made everything so much hotter.
“What else?” Vixen asked, raising her eyes to take in Courtney’s flushed cheeks, eyes rolled back in her head. “Tell me what else you need…”
“Pinch my nipples,” Courtney gasped, “And...yes, god...suck harder.”
Courtney arched up, thighs now pressing against Vixen’s ears, muffling the sounds when she started to moan. Vixen had a brief concern of “what if someone hears” before deciding that she didn’t fucking care. All she wanted was to make Courtney come—a task that was looking increasingly likely as she writhed and shook in her arms.
She flicked her tongue against Courtney’s clit, shocked at how much she was enjoying the whole experience. Nerves melted away; the only thing on her mind was the girl pressed up against her tongue.
“I love how wet you get,” Vixen said, voice low, moving her mouth to nip lightly at her thigh.
“I love how wet you make me,” Courtney panted, then arched up, whimpering. “Baby...oh, god…”
Something about being called baby in this context gave Vixen a deep, unfeminist thrill; she had to pause and catch her breath, slightly dizzy with the embarrassing, intoxicating thought of being called a good girl. She panted against Courtney’s thigh, felt her quivering on the edge before going back to her clit, tongue circling her gently, coaxing out a broken moan.
God, she was a mess. A beautiful, shuddering mess. Vixen hummed against her, sucking on her clit, soft at first and then harder and harder.
“Fuck, that’s so good, baby, keep going…”
Courtney groaned, hips rolling faster, and Vixen complied, listening to her moans, the best music she’d heard all night. She kept sucking, didn’t stop until Courtney’s muscles went slack, the only sounds coming from her satiated little whimpers.
“Did I do okay?” Vixen asked, looking up at her almost timidly.
“You…” Courtney lifted an arm weakly to caress her cheek. “You are perfect. Come here.”
Vixen crawled forward, squishing herself in beside Courtney on the sofa. And as Courtney wrapped herself around Vixen’s body, pulling a blanket from the back of the couch to cover them both, Vixen found herself buying in completely, at least for the moment, to the delusional fantasy of them. Of what they could be. Of what a shared life would look like.
She was rudely snapped back into reality when Brie opened the door, an uncharacteristically apologetic look on her face. Vixen sprang away from Courtney on the sofa like a guilty teenager, then immediately felt stupid.
“Sorry,” Brie said, “but we gotta get to the plane.”
“Okay. Just give us twenty minutes?” Courtney asked, a resigned note in her voice.
“You can have ten. Setting a timer.” Brie closed the door firmly.
Courtney turned to Vixen, who smiled sheepishly.
“I’m not really sure why I panicked. Lil Cracker just freaks me out.”
“Well…” Courtney appeared to ponder this for a few moments before reaching out, fingers seeking out Vixen’s zipper. “She did give us ten minutes…”
Vixen shook her head, chuckling.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about that. I’m too paranoid about another interruption.”
“But you took care of me. It’s only fair.” Courtney trailed her fingers up Vixen’s arm.
“Yeah, and you worked very hard today,” Vixen said, and off Courtney’s distressed look, wrapped an arm around her again, adding, “You can owe me one.”  
“Well...I guess in that case, I should probably put my knickers back on.”
Vixen laughed, picking her panties up off the floor and handing them over.
“Ugh. It’s so annoying that I have to take off so quickly,” Courtney said. After slipping the panties on, she leaned her head on Vixen’s shoulder. “Do you want me to text Adore? She and Gigi are waiting for you to take you to the after party, so-”
“No, it’s fine,” Vixen said. “I don’t care about the after party.”
“You sure? Because you can totally go. I’m sure it’ll be fun.���
“I’d rather just stay with you until you have to leave,” she admitted. “We don’t have much time, so…”  
“Yeah?” The smile that lit up Courtney’s face was enough to make Vixen’s heart burst with joy.
“Well...you could ride with us to the airport. If you want.”
“Sounds good,” Vixen said, reaching for her hand.
“And don’t worry, I won’t do anything naughty with other people around,” Courtney promised. “We can just...sit in the backseat and hold hands and gaze lovingly into each other’s eyes.”
“That was my whole plan,” Vixen giggled, leaning forward to plant a kiss on Courtney’s cheek.
Vixen had to admit that for once, she posted a picture with an understated, tasteful caption. It was just them on the red carpet, which said, “VMAs with my favorite writer.”
VIXEN: Classy caption there
COURTNEY: That’s not what I wanted to say
COURTNEY: Guess ;)
VIXEN: You’re Too Much
COURTNEY: I’m the perfect amount, actually.
VIXEN: Cocky too, huh?
COURTNEY: It’s also possible that I’m delirious after performing and then taking a 10 hour flight.
VIXEN: I read that as “delicious”
COURTNEY: Oh yeah?
VIXEN: You wouldn’t have been wrong...
COURTNEY: So I’ve been told
COURTNEY: (and cocky)
COURTNEY: And I miss you already
COURTNEY: <3 <3 <3
As much as Courtney loved performing, there were times when she had to admit how lonely tour life could be. First of all, there wasn’t a single person with her that wasn’t on payroll. And while she liked them all, there was something a little depressing about being surrounded 24/7 by people that were paid to be around you and cater to your whims and humor every single thing you said.
She did a reasonably okay job of keeping in touch with her friends, but with the time differences, it was hard to get on the same page. Except for Vixen, who always made sure she was available at some point in the evening. They’d often just text back and forth, but more and more, Courtney’d been convincing Vixen to FaceTime. And seeing her smile, looking into her eyes, hearing her laugh, just made everything infinitely better.
At first, when she was in Europe, it was late at night, well after Courtney’s show had wrapped for the evening, once she was safely tucked into bed in whatever hotel she was staying. Curled up with her phone or her computer, laughing until her sides hurt at Vixen’s impressions of her grandmother or her crazy cousins. Or, once the tour moved to Asia and Australia, it was in the morning, after she’d finished meditating and before she headed out to meet her trainer. She’d sit on a terrace or in the hotel room with a cup of tea while Vixen sipped an evening glass of wine, head resting on her hands as she listened to Vixen talk about everything from university politics to her chaotic childhood.
Either way, it quickly became her favorite part of the day. It was strange. They’d only met in person three times, but Courtney soon felt like Vixen knew her better than anyone ever had. And as for Vixen—she was admittedly a little guarded most of the time, but Courtney found her to be wonderfully candid. She told stories about her chaotic childhood and her troubled teens. How confused she’d been during most of her college years. Courtney knew all about her large extended family; she was sure she’d be able to recognize them all on sight, based on Vixen’s vivid descriptions and hilarious impersonations.
And then sometimes, when Courtney caught her in a certain mood, or maybe after a second glass of wine, the conversations would turn into something else entirely. Whispered confessions in the dark, voices hoarse, faces flushed with nervous excitement. It never went too far, but it was usually enough to get Courtney good and worked up, close enough that a few seconds with a vibrator after they hung up was enough to finish her off. It was enough that Courtney had lost any desire to be with anyone else, even when she ached with need. She would take a 2D image of Vixen on her screen over a real-life random hookup any day.
Of course, as good as it was, there was always a degree of uncertainty. There were conversations that they probably should be having...what exactly is their relationship, where is it going, are they exclusive? But it had been so long since Courtney liked anyone as much as Vixen, and she had a vague fear that bringing that up too soon would scare her off, so for now, she just dealt with the uncertainty as best she could. After all, the flip side of uncertainly was potential, and that was pretty exciting.
By the time October rolled around, Courtney longed to be home in her own bed, surrounded by her own things. Just the basic familiar comforts of home. When it was time to fly back to the states, she had to stop in New York for some press and a few meetings, and then finally, she was free to return to LA. But at the last minute, on a whim, she decided to make another stop first.  
Vixen had been putting the October symposium together for months. She’d reached out far and wide, planning lectures, panels, open forums, and agendas for the break-out groups over two days. There were a million moving parts, and million things on Vixen’s checklist, a million question marks and potential disasters.
But in all of the planning, never in Vixen’s mind did she imagine a scenario where she’d walk out to the podium on Saturday morning and see Courtney fucking Act sitting in the front row. With a pair of reading glasses and a goddamn notebook, rainbow streaks tucked into a librarian-style bun.
Fortunately, after a momentary stumble that she hoped no one besides her noticed, she was able to recover and get on with the agenda. During the first break, she beelined straight for Courtney, whose face lit up as she approached. Courtney jumped from her seat, throwing her arms around Vixen’s shoulders and pulling her in for a tight embrace.
“Hi...this is incredible!”
“I’m glad you...think...sorry, what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be on a plane to LA right now?”
“LA can wait,” Courtney said, pulling back to look into her eyes. “And I wanted to surprise you. Was that a terrible idea?”
“No, just...unexpected,” Vixen replied with a grin. “You threw me off a little bit.”
“I’m sorry, I should have told you,” Courtney said, chagrined. “I wasn’t actually sure I’d make it in time, my flight from New York was late, and-”
“I’m glad you’re here.”
“You are?” Courtney squeezed Vixen’s hands, and Vixen nodded, kissing her softly on the cheek.
“Yeah. But now I have to go back and take care of things, so-”
“Of course! I’ll be invisible, I promise. I just really wanted to hear your lecture,” she said, eyes shining.
“I hope you’re not bored,” Vixen chuckled softly, shaking her head. She still couldn’t quite believe that Courtney would be there listening the whole time. But fortunately, there was no time to stress about it, so she just walked back to the stage to keep the program going.
“Impossible!” Courtney called after her, settling back into her seat.
“Go back. Play that part again,” Vixen insisted, tossing Courtney a wicked smirk.
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, it’s a really important cinematic moment.”
Courtney giggled, lifting the remote.
Vixen sighed happily, leaning against her shoulder. After Courtney had surprised her at the symposium earlier, they’d discussed a handful of date night possibilities before realizing that all they really wanted was just to curl up in front of a movie in Courtney’s hotel room, basking in the simple pleasure of finally being in the same room with no time pressure, no obligations, nobody standing by to interrupt. So they’d made a quick stop at Vixen’s apartment for a few essentials, and then headed straight to the hotel, getting into comfy clothes and cuddling up in front of the TV.
Partly as a joke, Vixen had selected Glimmer for them to watch, and she was currently making Courtney replay the shot where “Princess Lucie” first took off her helmet. It was an absolute cliché: blonde waves spilling over her shoulders in slow motion in the golden sunset, romantic music soaring on the soundtrack.
“Yeahhh, that’s the stuff,” Vixen leered at the screen as real-life Courtney laughed beside her. “Again!”
“I’ll do you one better,” Courtney giggled, swinging a leg over her to straddle her on the bed. “How about a live show?”
“I’m not gonna say no to that,” Vixen told her, grinning, settling back against the pillows.
Courtney gathered up her hair before slowly releasing it, shaking it out, accompanied by lashes fluttering and lip biting.
Vixen watched the whole over-the-top performance before sighing and shaking her head sadly.
“Real life just never lives up to the movies, does it?”
“Hey!” Courtney scoffed, feigning offense, then leaned forward to brush her lips against Vixen’s temple, murmuring into her ear. “You sure about that?”
“Ummm…I could probably be persuaded to hear a counterpoint...” Vixen trailed her fingers up Courtney’s thighs, smiling up at her. Feeling almost shy as Courtney toyed with the neckline of her top.
Vixen’s heart fluttered wildly as Courtney pressed a soft kiss to her lips. She sighed into it, savoring the moment as Courtney cradled her face.
“It feels like it’s been forever,” Vixen murmured, warmth spreading through her chest all the way down to her toes, to the tips of her fingers. She tilted her head slightly to give Courtney easier access to her neck, where she began to layer soft kisses.
“Next time won’t be so long,” Courtney whispered into her skin. “I promise.”
A soft whimper left Vixen’s lips as Courtney’s kisses turned from gentle and teasing to deep and hot, tongue trailing across her collarbone, moving to the other side of her neck, sucking on her pulse point. Her fingers dug into Courtney’s hips, arching up against her.
The movie still played in the background, neither of them noticing that Princess Lucie had begun to sing one of her solos until the music swelled for the chorus, startling them both.
“Omigod,” Courtney breathed, breaking away from Vixen and turning around to switch off the TV, telling her Princess alter ego to, “Shut up!”
Vixen giggled, trying to catch her breath as Courtney turned back to her, face immediately softening into a dreamy expression as she gazed down at her, making her feel improbably special. She placed her wrists gently on Vixen’s shoulders, a smile tugging at her mouth.
“What?” Vixen asked.
“I just can’t believe we’re finally together again.”
“You can’t believe? I’m in bed with a bona fide princess.”
“I’m not a real princess,” Courtney reminded her.
“Could’ve fooled me.”  
Courtney giggled, hips rolling just enough to make her whimper.  
“How about tonight, you’re the princess?” Courtney murmured, and Vixen felt that dizzying thrill again, the one that she barely ever allowed herself to indulge in. At least, not outside the safe space of her own secret dreams.
She tried to come up with an answer, but her mind seemed to go blank, and so Courtney took her face into her hands, thumbs tracing over her cheekbones, whisper-soft.
“What do you say, princess?”
Vixen couldn’t hold back anymore, cheeks blazing hot as she bit back an embarrassing noise. Courtney sat up, looking both a little surprised and incredibly pleased by her enthusiasm.
“You know...have something that I think...you might like...” Courtney began, biting her lip.
“You have a lot of things I like,” Vixen stated hoarsely.  
Courtney’s smile deepened. She pressed a kiss to Vixen’s temple and then rolled away, digging through a suitcase on the floor. Finally, she produced what she was looking for: a pink canvas bag with a zipper down the side. She placed it between them on the bed, encouraging Vixen to look.
“Anything in there...interesting to you?”
Vixen unzipped the bag curiously, then after a glance inside, looked back up at Courtney, scandalized, stomach twisting with excitement.
“No?” Courtney asked.
“No. I mean, yeah,” Vixen said. “I’m...I think it could be fun. I just—”
“It doesn’t have to be today,” Courtney said, reaching for her hand.
“What if I wanted it to be today?” Vixen asked, tilting her head coyly.
“Then I’d say, your wish is my command.” Courtney kissed her softly. “Princess.”
Vixen felt her heart pick up speed as she melted against the kiss, excitement building inside her. Before she lost herself completely, she pulled away, trying to catch her breath.
“I’m gonna go get ready.”
“Okay.” Courtney placed a kiss to the inside of her wrist before releasing her.
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