#ugh.. me and my weakness for older men..
... so maybe I have a new crush. MAYBE.
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what about a story where Alphonse’s listener has always had dark hair and one day they decided to surprise Al and so without telling him they go to a salon and get their hair dyed the same color as him, then when they come home and see him again they say “ now we are both bubble gum!” 🩷
this has always been a thought in the back of my mind
Bubble gum couple.
I think I'd do this right but I think I yapped too much-
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Boo smiled to themselves as they walked into the salon, smiling at their stylus they always go too. The older woman, Sherald, greeting them with a warm smile and began chatting about gossip she gathered.
"Remember how I told you there was a new girl in town? Turns out she's been seeing Lidia's nephew! Awe they are SO cute. Reminds me a bit of you and your candy man!" Giggling, Sherald picked up some scissors and a comb.
"Really? Well I'm actually here to do a little surprise for him! Remember how I was talking about dying my hair a different color? I was thinking about doing the same as his!" Excitedly saying Boo showed a picture to Lidia. The older woman nodded and turned to a counter grabbing pink and purple. Then grabbing other materials to prep your hair with to dye your hair that nice pink.
"Awe! You and sugar man are so cute! Ugh, your the couple I wanna be like. Sadly no man can hold me down! Haha!" Laughing at herself Lidia put the apron on you to cover your shirt. Grabbing the bleach to began the process of doing your hair.
"Yeah we know Lidia! Your a strong headed woman. No man in this town would try getting with you!" Another stylus said giggling as she finished a blow out for a woman. The one who made the witty comment was Kris, who was Lidia's sister.
"Oh hush you! These men in this town have weak spines with someone who will argue back." Huffing as she waved her hand without a care, then turned to Boo with a bog smile. "Now sweetie, we know this'll take all morning so you got a clear schedule right?"
Boo nodded smiling listening to the two sisters argue over the older ones personality. Closing their eyes Boo felt comfort as the gray haired woman started parting their hair.
Chatting was heard around the salon as more woman came in. Adding into the conversation that started on about one of the older woman finally admitting she cheated. Who could blame her? The man she was shackled too was a dick.
Boo flipped through a magazine as they waited for their hair to dry in the big hairdryer. So far the process had been long but seeing Alphonse's reaction will be worth it. And speak of the devil, the door bell chimes as the pastel pink waled through.
"Oh? And what do I owe the pleasure of the candy man being in my salon?" Giggling Lidia opened her arms and shared a quick hug. Alphonse laughed and smiled at her before asking.
"Have you seen Boo? They haven't texted me back in a while and I kno- Oh! Boo there you are!" Happily saying Alphonse walked to where Boo sat. Looking at the hairdryer and then his partner with a confused look. "You gettin' your hair done?"
Boo nodded as they closed the magazine and heard Lidia chime that they can get off of the hairdryer. Smiling as Kris who helped get their head wrap off. Shaking their hair a bit, Boo turned and smiled at Alphonse.
"What do you think? Now were both bubble gum!" Giggling Boo saw Alphonse smile widely and opened his mouth.
"Holy shit Boo! You look so good!" Complementing, Alphonse giggled at the comment Boo made about both of you being bubble gum.
Thanking Lidia and then pating the both of you walked out the salon. Boo then gasped before explaining all the drama they heard during their appointment. With their boyfriend enjoying every second of it as they both ate the bit of candy be brought.
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whumblr · 3 months
Can I please have a drabble where emery beats up zayne really bad (you can decide the reasoning for it) so he goes to jay for help
Home is where the hurt is: Part 1
The gun crashed hard against his face and this time Zayne couldn’t contain the grunt of pain it forced out.
He clenched his teeth. Too late. The weakness had already slipped and it only spurred Emery on. Another smash of steel and Zayne fell back against the shoulders of the two men flanking him. 
"Every time I think you can't get any more worthless, you effectively find some way to prove me wrong," Emery said, voice calm but his face twisted in rage.
Zayne clenched his jaw, keeping his own rage in check and keeping his eyes down, focusing on the lapel of Emery’s suit jacket, pinpointing where he’d have to drive a knife in.
“Look at me,” Emery hissed and grabbed Zayne’s chin, forcing his head up.
Zayne panted lightly, shallow breaths passing between clenched teeth, biting back his groans, and he glared at his boss.
A sharp inhale, as if the man was readying for another rant. A short pause. Then the hand fell away. "Let go of him." And despite his best efforts, Zayne’s knees buckled under his full weight and he crumbled to the floor.
"Get out of my sight, Zayne." Emery turned his back on him and the two pawns stepped away. As quietly and as fast as he could, Zayne pushed himself to his feet, stood straight, and even with no one watching him, walked as calmly and as tall as his ribs allowed him out of the office. Until the door behind him fell closed.
He hissed out a breath. Pressed a hand to his ribs, let out a breathless swear. He forced himself forward, not succumbing to the urge to lean back against the door, and to drag himself from the office instead.
“What in the bloody hell happened to you?!”
Jay watched, astonished, as Zayne stumbled through the hallway, holding himself up with a hand on the wall whenever he could, nearly tumbling right over the threshold to the living room. He caught himself just in time, leaning heavily against the doorframe, arm cradling his ribs and he blew out a shuddery exhale before he spoke.
"Can I... Can I—ugh fuck—" He clenched his teeth, tightened the arm around his torso. "Can I borrow your first aid kit?”
Jay blinked, having expected something else. But if he wanted to do this by himself, fine by him. He waved towards the bathroom. “Help yourself. You know where it is.”
Zayne gave a short dismissive nod in thanks. One that didn’t deter Jay.
He followed but kept a safe distance; leaned in the door to the bedroom, arms crossed, watching through the open bathroom door how Zayne raised a shaky arm and got the first aid kit out. For Zayne to come here, in this state, showing his weakness… it must be really bad.
As Zayne lifted his shirt with one hand, Jay quite couldn’t see how bad; his back seemed uninjured. But he could see his muscles twitch with every wince, saw how Zayne shook so hard he fumbled everything he got his hands on. Heard him curse as he picked at the sticky part of a large plaster and tried to keep his shirt up at the same time. A trembling hand reached out to the bottle of disinfectant, missed, tipped it right off the sink and Zayne followed, lowering himself with one hand clamped around the sink, and it was like watching a man who was fifty years older.
Jesus, even I am handling this better when I’m alone, Jay couldn’t help but think. Then again, Emery wasn’t one to hold back, while Zayne did. He finally spoke up. "You know I have every right to just kick you out, right?"
"And that I absolutely don't have to put up with this. I could poke at that goddamn broken nose of yours, laugh in your face and slam the door in it."
"Yeah," Zayne said again with a slight nod, and a long exhale as he stood straight again, holding himself up on the sink with both hands trying to get his elbows to stop trembling. Then, after a beat: "But you're not like that."
Jay froze. Made a face as if Zayne had just insulted him, then his shoulders relaxed in a sigh. No. No, he wasn't. He unfolded his arms and stepped into the bathroom.
"Give me that." He took the kit, threw everything back in – “You don’t need this,” he said, taking the roll of bandages from Zayne’s hand – snapped the kit shut, and pressed it against Zayne, pushing him backwards, out of the bathroom. Zayne followed along and Jay gently lowered him onto the bed.
"Take off your shirt."
Zayne hissed when he reached up to grab the neck of his t-shirt and faltered and Jay just sighed along with him. He gestured his palms up for Zayne to raise his arms far as he could, grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, careful not to snag on his elbows.
"Fuck me..." Jay muttered behind his teeth, shooting a look up at the ceiling. The things he was getting into... Purple streaks crept up over the side of Zayne’s ribs. Just above his navel was a large round bruise, barely a speck of skin colour left, as if they’d kept aiming for the same spot. While on the side of his abdomen, Jay could literally count the punches.
"I thought," he started as his eyes lingered over the deep purple bruises, "you said Emery was a weak prick who couldn't punch a staple through his files."
"Still true," Zayne groaned. "Which is why he likes to hold a gun or use his pawns as meat tenderizers first." He tilted his head. “Or both—Ow!” He winced and gave Jay an indignant look—Jay pulled away and held up his hands in a placating gesture. Zayne continued his rant.
“The man’s like a fucking toddler. Insisting that he too can help, so you give him a plastic hammer and let him wail on a few nails and he’s happy but it does fuckall.”
Jay hummed and brought up a cloth with disinfectant, pressed it gently to Zayne’s cheekbone. “I mean, he got you good here.”
“The gun got me.”
Jay again hummed an appeasing tone, like one would with a ranting toddler, and pressed a tube of arnica in Zayne’s hands. “Here, you can do this,” he said, and stood straight, holding up a finger in a ‘wait a minute’ gesture. He came back with a pack of frozen peas, wrapped it in a towel, and waited until Zayne had spread a copious amount of gel over his bruises. Zayne groaned, threw his head back and clenched his teeth as Jay pressed the towel against his ribs.
“Hold that,” Jay said, taking Zayne’s hand and pressing it over the bag so he could hold it himself. “Try to cool all those deep bruises.”
“How often you used this bag?”
“Let’s just say those peas aren’t for eating anymore.”
Zayne finally gave a smile. He let himself fall back onto the bed, only moving every few minutes to press his peas to another bruise. “Thank you,” he whispered, in such a low voice that he probably hoped Jay wouldn’t hear as he left the room. But he did.
The next morning, Jay puttered about in the kitchen, preparing a hearty breakfast. They could both use something a little filling.
As he set the table, he glanced at Zayne. He was sitting on the couch, watching the news. His hands were shaking, fingers digging into his knee, and it didn’t look like that full night of sleep had really helped.
"Does it still hurt?" Jay asked.
Zayne looked up, as if Jay's voice brought him back from somewhere far, far away and as if he didn’t quite grasp the meaning of the question. Well, given his injuries, not really hard to consider why.
Jay nodded at his hand. Zayne followed his gaze, lightly flexed his fingers and turned his hand as if surprised to see it shaking so much. With a twitch in its movements, he clenched it into fist, trying to hide the trembling. When that didn't work, he hid it behind his body. He looked at the tv again for a moment. "It does," he said, voice remarkably clear yet ever so fragile.
"Come then," Jay said. He turned the tv off, not even fully registering how the news anchors were shaking their head, lamenting the state of the justice system where violence in prisons just kept getting out of hand and why they’d even have guards if they just looked the other way when someone got shanked in the ribs thirty times. Jay put the remote back down and held out a hand to Zayne. "I've made you— I mean… there's breakfast."
Zayne meekly let Jay guide him to the table. For a moment, Jay thought he was going catatonic, just staring ahead, eyes dull. But when Jay placed a plate in front of him, he glanced up. Slowly, Jay saw the lights come back on as his eyes roamed over his favourites: scrambled eggs, toast, thick slices of bacon, a steaming cup of coffee. His jaw clenched for a second and Jay swore he saw his shoulders shudder. But then it passed and a smile, though a little forced, crept over his face as he picked up his fork.
@just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @burtlederp @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @hurtmebeautifully @rougenoirofthepurpleterror
@susiequaz12 @whump-me-all-night-long @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @im-just-here-for-the-whump @restrainthenmaime
@freefallingup13 @whatwasmyprevioususername @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @firewheeesky @redstainedsocks
@hold-back-on-the-comfort @whumpawink @break-so-beautifully @approach-me-and-ill-cry @painsandconfusion
@afabulousmrtake @wormwriting @soopytime @whumpedydump @pickleking8
@itsmyworld98 @whumpifi @painless-and-colourful @withdrawingramen @lolrpop
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fillinforlater · 1 year
Monday of Appreciation: Part 98
Hello everyone, Smite here!
Another step closer to one of the most satisfying number... and it's a number I did not really think I would reach. But it is real, every damn Monday, a pist like this has appeared on my blog for 22+ months - and my goal is still the same:
Giving love to other writers with awesome stories, new ideas and gorgeous, insanely hot idols. So click on the damn links and get ready to enjoy these four smuts:
@minarisplaything: What You're Missing Part 1 ft. Kazuha, Yunjin
So I liked this, simple concept, but also very hot idols who kinda fit the characters (Kazuha seems to fit everything though lol). I just eant you to use this one button, then add a couple of commas and I'm fully hooked. I know this fic is a bit older, but please use capital letters lmao
@jisoosimpxd: Your Turn ft. Yunjin, Chaewon
This is just straight up squeezing all of my horniness out, ugh, watching this would be a such an overwhelming experience - good thing that I can imagine myself pounding Yunjin and making Chaewon a desperate longing mess (mess mess mess mess mess mess).
@closedafterdark: My Girlfriend's Best Friend ft. Nancy, Ahin
Oh look, another fic about cheating. Something about this immoral practice paired with smut just works. You already have this stupidly hot and needy idol, why go cheat? Why ruin your life? Because she is seductive, tempting you to commit this sin, and we (men) are weak. In the case of Ahin... yep, I would probably fall too.
@smuttysabina: GahDongs Dirty Duo Fuck ft. futa!Gahyeon, futa!Handong
WHOEVER COMMISSIONED THIS, DESERVES A MEDAL. Holy shit, this was... short but impactful. I'm losing it, I need this, woaaaahhhh!
Please, never stop @smuttysabina releasing such crazy, unhinged, kinky-af pieces of horny art lmao luv u
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(God, Miyeon makes me so horny lately) I mean, have a great week everyone! <3
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xxstorywriterxx · 1 year
You´re strong
Brienne of Tarth x reader (no assigned gender)
This is a one-part of Brienne of Tarth and the reader. Though there will not be a multiple part fan-fiction about them there might be more one-parts of them coming in the future. They will play at random times, they will contain different topics but they will still take place in the same constellation. Please enjoy!
This part is about scars caused by abuse. If you´re not comfortable with these topics please do not read the following story!
Warnings: scars, trauma, abuse, abuse in family
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“Take off your shirt.” Brienne walked towards you, still with her armour on. You were standing in front of a river. It was dark and you were alone. Some drunk men wanted to rob you and Brienne but they underestimated the tall Lady. She finished them in no time but one man still managed to stab you in the back when you were fighting another. “It doesn’t hurt. I’m fine I-“ “Take. Off. Your. Shirt. I will not say it again.” Brienne was standing in front of you looking very serious. You swallowed, took a deep breath and then took off your linen shirt. It had a big red stain on the back. You looked down to the ground ashamed of your own body. Brienne took your shirt and cleaned it in the river. Then she returned to take care of your wound. That’s when she saw the marks on your back. You felt her staring at you.
For a few seconds none of you moved. Then you felt her touching your back very softly. “This will probably hurt a bit,” she said as she started cleaning your wound. “I don’t really mind.” You remained silent. When she finished taking care of you she didn’t move away. Instead she stroke over your scars very gently. “You’ve been through a lot.” It wasn’t a question. You nodded. “Which battle caused you to suffer this much?” You had never heard Brienne talk this softly. “A war? Any great battle?” “No war. No great battle. Only the hatred of my father.” You had never talked about your childhood and all the suffering you went through. “In terms of training?” Brienne seemed to know the actual answer but tried to avoid it. “No training. Just pure evil. My father never liked me much. He used any chance he could get to punish me. I don’t know what it was. But he loved my older brother and hated me my entire life.” You felt heat rushing through your body. You were never able to forgive your father. Every night you thought about a way to make him suffer one day. The same way he made you suffer.
You just realised how vulnerable you had made yourself by revealing this secret about you. You had never told anyone about your past and you never planned on telling Brienne. But apparently the last few weeks in which you travelled together to King’s Landing made you trust her. You turned around to look at Brienne who looked devasted. "I- I had no idea-" You just shook your head. "It´s probably my biggest secret. For years I have been ashamed and afraid. I never wanted anyone to see my body like this. To see how weak I am." You felt a limb in your throat and looked away. Brienne raised and arm but dropped it again. "Scars," she said softly "Aren´t a sign of weakness. Instead they show how many battles you have fought and mastered. It doesn´t matter what kind of battle. What matters is, that you were stronger than the pain. You were stronger than the person hurting you." Brienne took off her armour and rolled up her right sleave. Little marks and scars were almost faded but still a bit pink. "I have scars too, you know? Would you say I am weak?" You finally dared to look her in the face again. She looked at you very seriously. "Ugh. No, I wouldn´t, my Lady." "Good. Because I am not. And you aren´t. I saw you fight. I saw you hunt. You´re a fighter made to battle the pain." For a second you thought you saw her face soften. But then she cleared her throat and walked passed you. "And for your information," she turned around to look at you again. "I am no Lady. Stop calling me that." "Yes, of course. I am sorry, my-" She gave you a threatening look. You tried not to laugh and nodded. Brienne went off to light a fire. Her sleave still roled up.
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renee-writer · 20 days
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Love Comes First Chapter 7
“Uh,” she grunts. Her face gets suddenly hot and she shivers at the wave of nausea, “ugh.” She sprints to the bathroom praying no one is in there. A blessing, it is early enough that no one is. She is able to be sick in relative peace.
After, she sits, shaking and weak on the toilet. “What is heavens, was that?” She thinks. She is never sick unless. A shocked hand goes to her mouth as she starts doing the math.
With everything happening with the children she hadn’t …  Her last cycle was 40 days ago. Leah was to be their last. They hadn’t done anything permanent. Now…
“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” she whispers aloud, “stress can, hormone changes. I am getting older.”
“Not that much older,” She almost screams at Jamie ‘s voice. Lost in her own thoughts, she hadn’t heard him come in, “you finally figured it out, eh?”
She turns to him. “You knew?”
He chuckles. “I have shared your bed for twenty years now. You have been late five times before this.”
She immediately felt better. Just sharing this with him.
“She was to be out last.”
“Men plan. God laughs.”
She chooses to laugh as well. What else is there to do? They decided before getting married that they would have as many children as God granted them. He believes they need another, then they do.
They make an appointment for the obstetrician they used for all the pregnancies.
“We won’t tell them until we know for sure.”  She states.
“Agree. How do you think they will take it?”
She leans against the kitchen counter nibbling on toast and thinking. “ James and Faith will be horrified at the prove we are still having sex. Tabby and Peter may think it is cool. I worry most about Leah. She’s been the baby for a long time.”
“Aye. Me too. We will work with her, emphasis the big sister aspect.”
“You know we could be jumping the gun. It could be nothing.”  His raised brows and tilted head tell her that he doesn’t believe that. She doesn’t either.
Dr. Duncan lifts her chestnut brows at them when they enter her exam room a week later.
“The Frasers. I never expected to see you back here again.”
“We neither. God had other plans it seems.”  Claire smiles at her mate.
“I am over two weeks late. Nauseous at rising. My breasts are tender.”
A beep on her computer has her turning. Claire had giving urine for a pregnancy tests. Dr. Geillis Duncan is now getting the results.
“Are you ready?” They nod, “As expected, your expecting.”
Claire grabs ahold of the mat she sits on. Jamie takes her other hand.
“Alright. What’s next? I know my age will make this one different, right?”
“Yes. You have crossed the over forty threshold since Leah was born. This pregnancy will be classified as high risk. All that means,” she adds at the look on both their faces, “is more frequent exams.”
“Okay, shall we start now?”
They do. After a pelvic exam and a measuring of her uterus, blood is drawn.
With the results in hand, “The pregnancy is well established.  Your hormone levels are were they should be. Uterus measures eight weeks, going along with your last cycle. All is well. We will do a sonogram in a months time. Prenatal vitamins, ah you know the drill. Congratulations.”
After hugs, they leave with a prescription for the vitamins and a new confirmed reality.
They look nervously at each other. Each are thinking about things they have done that they pray their parents don’t know about.
Jamie, seeing the looks grins at Claire.  “Shall we put them out of their misery?”
They gathered them together in the living room to tell them the news.
“Yes let’s.”
“Though maybe we should give them a moment and see if they confess anything.”
She elbows him.  “Now Jamie. They are good kids. Da and I are just teasing you. This isn’t about you guys, not directly anyway.”
“Okay what is going on?” James can take it no longer.
“Yeah, what’s up?” Faith adds.
She is suddenly nervous, reaching out for her husband ‘s hand. He takes it and gives it a squeeze.
“Here it is. We are having another baby.” She says.
Silence reigns for a few heartbeats. Tabby breaks it. A gasp.
“We have five kids. Five!” her voice cracks at the end.
“I think it is cool,” Peter commits, “babies are brilliant.”
“Did you plan this?” Faith asks.
“Seems it would been before Leah was almost in school.” James tells her.
Claire ‘s eyes are on her baby.
“I’m getting to big. That why you having a baby?”
She gets their first answer. Claire hurries over to her still holding his hand. They both kneel down by her.
“No, my love. Never. No one could ever replace our Leah Elizabeth.”
“God gives us the children we need. He knew we needed everyone of you, including the new one.” Jamie says.
“Planned only by God. And yes, Tabby, we know how many children we have. None of you will neglected or forgotten. Love expands. Parenthood allows for that.” Claire smiles at everyone of them.
The tension breaks and there is laughter and hugs.
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fairlyqualityanon · 2 months
who're your pred/prey crushes ?
totally not collecting blorbos like trading cards shhh - 🪀
There's a ton... I'll try to organize them. Let's start with ones I've written in some form or another.
Pred - TFA Starscream (so close with that guess lmao), anyway I've got this story I've been poking at since literally 2010 (@/wolvesinstarryskies is so supportive 💖 ) and it's gotten me through some really tough times, and yes there's a vore AU... also he's how I found out about vore to begin with (long story, it's over on my Tumblr RP blog)😳, really he's just a dick to his prey and will let them go after thoroughly messing with their head unless you can come up with some bribe worthy of Future Leader Of The Decepticons
Pred - Obey Me! Mammon, idk he threatens to eat the MC and I went "YES PLEASE", I have more fun flustering him when he's a pred than when he's prey 😼
Pred - Obey Me! Beel, it's literally canon and he's a precious boy and going hungry sucks and I'd be perfectly happy to help him not be starving 🥺 I don't care if he eats regular food at the same time as long as I'm safe
Prey - Obey Me! Lucifer (yes really), because that mans is going to take a break whether he wants to or not and I think Diavolo/Barbatos would see the humor in MC taking things into their own hands (my MC's strongest/most-expressed Sin is Pride plus she ain't afraid of this old man 😤)
Switch - Deltarune Spamton, I think he'd be easier to pay to be prey than pred, and I have a thing for robots meaning SNEO defaults to pred and I will immediately yeet myself into whatever fuel container said robopred uses no questions asked 😅
Newest obsession is Solo Leveling (IncredibleEdibleCalico actually did a piece ages back) and I only remembered after watching S1 of the anime and starting the manhwa. I mistakenly bought the books and comic (Vol 1-8) but regret neither purchase. Soooo good! 😍 Anyway here they are in super rough descending order of crush level.
Sung Jinwoo - Pred, I don't know how to put it into words, he just oozes soft pred vibes where tf did he even get that rune stone??? 🤔 maybe he saves someone from a Dungeon and discovers vore is actually pretty neat, he's comically oblivious at times and cares for his minions as people ugh the glowy eye affect it makes me weak
Woo Jinchul - Switch, professional, dry sense of humor, looked Death in the eye and only flinched when he saw the Apocalypse ahead, incredibly smart and intuitive, he's my Guilty Pleasure on this list 👮‍♂️
Song Chi-Yul - Pred, I lied here's another Guilty Pleasure, I actually literally cried at the end of the manhwa, he's only a C-rank mage but teaches swordsmanship to S-ranks, tried to save Jinwoo and Joohee but was talked out of it and regrets it to this day, he is classy and I just want to spend time with him🫡
Baek Yoonho - Prey (yes really), idk something about him makes me want to aggressively demonstrate affection, don't ever tease him about it because despite being the weakest Korean S-rank Hunter HE IS STILL AN S RANK and will cut a bitch (he was ready to beat the crap out of Hwang Dongsoo for strangling his lower-ranked guildmate edit that guildmate isn't even a Hunter and that is not a Hunter you want on your bad side srsly just Do Not The Thing)😼
Choi Jong-In - Pred, he's canonically a bit of a shit-talker and gives me OM! Diavolo vibes and I love me some playful banter with preds what is it with me and people with a red theme?? 😧
Son Kihoon - Switch, he's a sweetheart and I want to snuggle him three different ways, he cares for his strike squad and was willing to set aside a chance for tremendous personal glory as well as sacrifice his whole team to keep a literal army of High Orcs from destroying a few cities 🫂
Go Gunhee - Pred, he's a total badass who gave his all to keep Hunters from basically forming a Might Makes Right society also I have a Thing for older men I am not ashamed to admit it, Song-san is up there for a reason, the man is a Gigachad who outright rigs Hunters Association assignments to keep the D- and E-ranks as safe as possible 🙇‍♀️
Yoo Jinho - Prey, because he's just a sof' boi and must be protected at all costs, maybe he'd find it interesting and like that he was sought out for him and not just because he's Ahjin Guild's vice/Jinwoo's friend 😋
I started Stardew Valley 7/14 so there's gonna be some of that eventually my askbox is open 📨 if anyone wants to gush over their own vore crushes.
Can't forget Horizon Zero Dawn! the events of the Gemini Quest are NOT canon I refuse don't even @ me I WILL die on that hill 🔪
Kotallo - Switch, he's definitely my favorite character and I just love him so dang much, he's a fearsome warrior even without that arm and a brilliant strategist and completely loyal to the good of the Tenakth tribe as a whole, having no other ambition save serving his Chief... but I also want him to sit and relax, maybe having a stomach all to himself will give him a new perspective or insight ⚔️
Milvund - Pred, I did his miniquest back when my computer couldn't run HFW for more than 5-10 minutes but he's so precious and I'm betting would be very hesitant yet also so caring just let me comfort him 😭
Racking my brain for any other major fandoms but I can't come up with any for the life of me so have a bonus Pred TFA Cliffjumper because I have an active thread with him. ... Maybe jjks? I'd have to twist canon in knots to make Sukuna a safe pred, and there's a couple others but I haven't even finished S2 of the anime and a bunch of them are minors soooo...
>>; So much time in TFA focused on That One Smug Bastard and now I'm like "how do with other 'Cons??"
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m-j98 · 1 year
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My first participation in an ongoing Whumptober, and especially in art! (It's still the 13th where I live, is it where you guys are, too?)
Usually I just upload fics where I used prompts from the past years. I kinda rushed this, and I'm not very good at drawing things without references, so don't come for me, please 🙈 I only just started with digital art, I usually draw on paper...
Anyways, since I can't help myself, there's also a short snippet I wrote, just to ... set the mood, explain the context of this pic, idk, it got a little out of hand ... enjoy!
TW: homophobia/slurs, depictions of violence, "slight" SA (unwanted touching)
"Where is Nick? We've been waiting for ages!", Tao whined. To be fair, they had already been waiting for 20 minutes at this point.
"How long does it take for him to use the loo? It wasn't that far away!"
Charlie checked his phone. "I don't know ... he didn't send a message either. Maybe he just ran into someone he knows?"
It was the first pride event all of them visited, together. Well, all of them is wrong, Sahar and Imogen spent the day ... somewhere else? They didn't say, but they wanted to try to show up to the party in the evening. By now it was almost 9 pm though and the others weren't sure if they were really going to show. The teens had to leave the club at 12 am, being minors and all, so they needed to make do with what time they had.
Tara and Darcy went on a little roadtrip together, so they couldn't be there either.
"Maybe you should call him", Elle suggested, while fixing her dress in a shop window. Isaac looked up from the book he was reading. "Maybe you guys should chill. We still have time. The party is not gonna start for another 10 minutes and the club is just down the street."
Charlie hesitated, but then grabbed his phone again. Truth be told, he was getting a little worried. "I think I'll call him."
Nick passed the dark shop windows on his way back to his friends. The bi-flag he wore around his neck softly billowed in the wind as a small group of older - and drunk - men bumped into him. "Oh, sorry", Nick said, event though he felt that they could have watched where they were going, too.
Swaying, one of the young men, turned to him. "Watch your step, faggot ..."
Normally, Nick thought he was pretty resilient to people trying to bully him, but here, right now, he felt a little alone and vulnerable. "I don't want any trouble ...", he mumbled, taking a step back.
The older guys started to surround him. "Oh, really? Well, maybe we do."
Nick was always fairly sure he was able to hold his own in a fight, if it came to it; not that he particularly liked fighting ... But he was outnumbered, by far.
The dark-haired man who insulted him grabbed him by the collar and pushed him into a nearby alleyway. Most of the others blocked the way out, snickering quietly.
"My friends are waiting for me, please", Nick practially begged, but the stranger didn't even grace him with an answer. He immediatly threw a punch, hitting him squarely in the face.
"Ugh..." Nick's head snapped back, he felt blood gushing out of his nose as he toppled over. This pain was nothing compared to the kicks that rained down on him afterwards though, hitting him in his chest as some of the other men joined their friend. One particularly nasty kick got him in his face. The pain that exploded behind his forehead and his eye blinded Nick for a second.
At some point he felt his flag being ripped off his back. The stranger knelt down next to the teenager and pushed the opened button up shirt aside. Nick started throwing weak punches in the general direction of the man. "... No ..."
He simply evaded them. "Oh, not so fond of men touching you now, are you?", he sneered, when suddenly, Nick's phone started buzzing. The dark-haired stranger pulled the phone out of his pocket and laughed at the screen, which was lit up with a picture of Nick and Charlie. "Look, it's that fag's boyfriend! Should we answer?"
"No!", Nick screamed, at least he tried to. It came out more of a whisper, thanks to his hurting ribs.
The older man threw the phone at the wall across from them, where it went dark upon impact.
A little voice in the back of Nicks mind told him his mum would be mad about that later, but realistically, she would probably not be mad at him.
"We should get going", one of the other men suddenly said. The main attacker checked his watch. "You're right. What should we do with you, though? Can't leave you running around telling people about this, now can we?"
Nick didn't like where this was going. At all.
From the back of his pants, the stranger procured a flip knife. The blade was illuminated menacingly by the streetlights from outside the alley.
"Best of luck to you, fag."
With that, he thrust the blade deep into Nick's upper stomach.
A load groan ripped itself from the ginger's throat as the blade swiftly cut into his flesh and, just as easily, glided right back out. Blood welled up from the wound and started running down his body in warm rivulets, staining his white cotton shirt and blue jeans a dark crimson color.
The stranger quickly stood back up and, together with his mates, left Nick to bleed out, all by himself.
Heavy breathing filled the alleyway as the teen just stayed on the ground, one hand pressed to his bleeding side. I can't stay here ... I need to get help...
Very slowly Nick got up off the ground, leaning on the cold walls for support. Broken phone and dirty flag forgotten, he made his way out of the alleyway, onto the empty street. Of course, just his luck, that there's not a single soul wandering around this evening.
Sighing softly, the teenager began the agonizing trip back to his friends.
"He's not picking up", Charlie told the others, his worry growing by the minute. Something had to be wrong. What if he was lost, what if he was sick or hurt or -
"I'm sure everything is fine", Elle answered, grounding her friend with a touch of her hand on his shoulder and silencing this never-ending spiral of doom in his head. She's probably right. What could have possibly happend...?
The friends were waiting for a few more minutes, and definitely late to the party by now, when suddenly, Nick emerged from the shadows, right around the corner.
Charlies inital relief was short-lived though, when he saw the state his boyfriend was in. Blood was staining his clothes, his skin ...
Their friends seemed to be in similar states of shock.
Still leaning on the nearest wall for support, Nick's blurry vision caught sight of his friends, presumably waiting for him. The dizziness made it difficult to even stay upright at this point. His shaky legs had trouble holding him up.
"Charlie ...", he whispered.
Faster than the curly-haired boy thought possible, he started running. "Nick?"
The older boy started swaying, eyelids drooping. "I don't feel so good ..." His knees buckled and the last thing he heard was Charlie, screaming his name: "NICK!"
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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icarusgf · 1 year
i hate the way men talk abt wanting kids and wanting to start a family and pregnancy and all of that because it’s always stuff like “yeah i want to raise a family and settle down” “yeah i’d love to have kids” and ugh obviously like that’s a huge part of the question but for me personally for the question of wanting kids i consider less of “do i want to start a family” and more of “do i physically want to get pregnant” bc the answer to that is NO like i am terrified of physically giving birth i am terrified of my body changing that much and going thru that much pain i’m terrified of surgery and hospitals and operations and ik that seems like a “weak” thing to say like i fully know i have the pain tolerance of a 5 yr old but like. i would love to raise a kid when i’m older i wld love to start a happy family but idk if i would EVERRRRR want to physically put my body thru that like idk maybe i just don’t put as much value in birth and new life and family or wtv but i truly don’t find it worth going thru that much pain. and like i’ve had multiple guy friends say things to me along the lines of “yk all ur ancestors have gone thru childbirth right” and like “ok but isn’t having a kid worth it” and i get that it is a societally normal thing to do i get that literally no one wld not exist if people weren’t willing to go thru pregnancy and childbirth but i just find it so ridiculous and belittling and frustrating the way men will say things like “when i have kids...” or talk abt how they want to have kids bc u KNOW they aren’t considering the physical burden that someone else is going to have to bear for that kid of theirs to exist and ACKKKWEJOIFSDKHJVKN .
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shayshaybiscuit25 · 10 months
All I know is that I’m waiting for this crap to be revealed as legit or not. Yes, even after Chris Evans claimed to have two “ceremonies”. There’s enough evidence that has me like…..no way any of this is legit, but if I’m wrong about this being PR…..😮‍💨
See …..this current mess and him claiming her as his “wife” is bad enough. It would mean he’s bypassed the racism and has the same views as her and her racist friends, and that his entire image is bullshit. His rep, image and namesake is still on the line at the same time the public doesn’t see that nor care for them at all, but they don’t know what the fans do and the simple fact that it appears he’s in some behind the scenes crap is what still has me here.
These are my thoughts and opinions, I don’t need anyone fussing or screaming how I’m dumb for not seeing this is obviously PR. Well PR is stupid to have this man married publicly if he actually isn’t and the damage is technically already done fandom wise. I’m black, miss me with the he’s doing this for his career advancement or he purposefully signed a “contract” because that still means he’ll compromise his morals and values for a nice check or role. I like to think the mess behind the scenes is more so he’s being threatened with losing everything or something like that because that’s the one thing I won’t fault him on. Fortunately for him, it’s common for men his age to pull this shit so no major red flag except the obvious age gap public wise. 🙄
Okay, hypothetically let’s say we’re all wrong and they are a legit couple, you know what that means. Chris would indeed be a creep. I don’t care how much Hollywood or the world tries to normalize 40+ yr old men with 20+ yr olds, it’s NOT NORMAL! She’s old enough to be your oldest child, like stop. It’s a power dynamic and weak men pull this shit when they refuse to man up and know women in their age range won’t tolerate their bullshit.
Where are all the women in their 40s win 20+ yr olds?……EXACTLY! It’s rare for women and mainly women going for a younger man would be her past 40+ and dating a 30+ year old.
These men have nothing in common with mere young adults and most are too stupid to realize if they weren’t in a place of power ie having a shit load of money and/or fame…..HER ASS WOULD NOT WANT YOU! Majority of the time these young women aren’t innocent, they are money hungry yet still too dumb to realize the consequences of their situation long term. He’ll waste your time, until you wake up one day and realize you were never in control the way you believed you were, it’s an abuse of power and once you’re too old for him….on to the next.
Karma is a bitch and these mofos aren’t thinking about if they one day have daughters and some pedo creep gets their daughter and rinse and repeat.
So yeah it doesn’t look good especially with him claiming to be married. Each day I’m like……did this guy really pull the wool over our eyes for 20+ years…..(omg is his career older than her or is she about the same age as his career?!)😬😳
But yeah anyway, my answer is nope, I don’t believe Chris is anything like that and if he was and just wanted to “be himself now”, I’m sure he’d have shut up the team pr vs real debate by now. He’s done everything to make me go…..something is definitely wrong here. 😢
All I can do is pray for him. Nothing about this screams real, healthy let alone love.
Thank you all for reading. 😎 we’re all tired and ugh it just sucks.
Also, the idiots trying to cancel Sebastian for playing trump is absolutely RIDICULOUS, he’s an actor and if he gets nominated for some awards the same people currently mad will be screaming with joy, so stop the madness. 😂
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Beyond Evil Episode 10
OKAY this show is definitely trying to take Obi-Wan's crown for /infinite sadness.
Lee Dong-sik/Infinite Sadness is officially my Beyond Evil sadclown OTP.
Shin Ha-kyun's acting in this show is just...wow I hope he won some version of a Korean emmy or something for his part in this show because it is just phenomenal.
One thing I've noticed is just the amount of times they let Dong-sik cry. For a guy in a media franchise that is just pretty unheard of, at least from a Western audience's POV. We are so embroiled in toxic masculinity and the idea that men can't cry because that equates to weakness is just a pathetic and depressing part of our media culture.
I want to say we are doing better as a society in normalizing letting men express their emotions and actually do more than shed that one lonely tear whenever there is a punchy emotional scene but considering how low that bar is, it's not very hard to cross.
Meanwhile, you have Lee Dong-sik breaking down into tears multiple times over the course of this show for VERY VALID AND UNDERSTANDABLE REASONS and there's no implication of weakness or he's less of a man for doing so. I'll fully admit that my ignorance of Korean culture and East Asian cultures, in general, is pretty lacking so I don't know if that's the norm. From my limited exposure, it's definitely not. Or at least I don't recall seeing a male character who expressed himself as much as Lee Dong-sik does.
Of course, the fact everyone labels him that lunatic etc and LBR he definitely has his feral and unhinged moments so there's prolly some element of truth to that. Maybe he gets a pass for it because of that?
Ugh the fucking ending of the episode. The chief dying and Dong-sik just breaking down next to him. Fuck Han Ju-won practically in tears as well just fucking stab me in the heart and end my suffering already.
Though the laconic and snarky part of me was all 'Oh there's the random death of someone close to the protagonist I've come to expect from nearly every police/law k-drama I've seen' It always seems like they love to kill off the beloved older mentor figure or someone else who holds a similar station in the protagonists lives.
I knew someone was going to die. Pffft. Pretty sure I called that one from episode one.
I think next episode is going to be spicy AF and am looking forward to Lee Dong-sik reacting to the double whammy that his sister wasn't killed by Kang Jin-muk and her killer is most likely out there and he literally just lost prolly the closest thing he has to a father, a mentor and a protector. Cause Sang-bae was definitely holding the wolves at bay when it comes to him and without him being there to shield Lee Dong-sik it's gonna get very spicy.
I'm also interested to see where the fuck they are going with Park Jeong-je's apparent mental breakdown that my boy seems to be going through. Something is up with him and his random affinity for deer and drawing them. He did say he'd killed a deer, surely he didn't like fucking completely snap, kill Yu-yeon right? And like completely just repress that shit?
Surely the show wouldn't go THAT EVIL. I mean, they did hint she got like run over so him accidentally hitting her, freaking out and going coo-coo for cocoa puffs would just be the worst.
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misswoozi · 1 year
So… I might be very wrong with them but my gay gut tells me this lol
I’m not a huge fan of twice, I just listen to their music and watch music videos and some interviews here and there and when I tell you that everytime I see Sana my knees go weak and I wanna submit to that woman. Really. There is something about her demeanor that you do not expect her to be into bdsm or power play in general but between four walls she goes wild! (Also she reminds me of my ex, that was the cutest bean with other people and when it was just us… ugh) Also I think she is the type of mean dom, especially with men like Johnny, that like to play it cool and know they are hot. I’m talking about degrading, denying to orgasm
And Johnny, he’s more of a switch ngl, he likes going both ways and he is an absolute banger of a dom but again… my gay bdsm gut tells me that he loves being bossed around, especially if it’s a harder or meaner dom (hi Sana). And another hot take, he loves older people (especially women), people with more experience, he’s a milf hunter. I said what I said. But yeah, he has that fuckboy façade but if you tie him up it’s over
.................damn it. your Gay Gut may or may not be onto something here.
is there (and I ask this very cautiously) another female idol, possibly older like you mentioned, that you think would pair will with (and I STILL can't believe I'm typing this) sub!Johnny?
I ship him with Hyoyeon but DEFINITELY not as a sub. Irene? LE?? who fits? I'm all ears, you brilliant son of a bitch
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daisys-gard3n · 3 years
the daddy issues are loud tonight but please, sfw & nsfw for them sexy jojo dilfs 💅✨(feminine reader pls 💕)
I am reading this ask disrespectfully as my daddy issues activate 😔
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Jojo DILFs Headcanons (Female Reader)
Old Joseph
Now thats what i call a daddy
Ugh grizzly buff men with beards do make me weak
Ngl, you probably started the relationship off as a one-night fling from the bar: but that joestar cock got your running back
He's got this gentlemanly charm and suave to him you've never seen from guys your age, and he's certainly funnier than the men you've dated.
He doesn't have to do much to get you laughing, he loves that big grin on your face when he throws out cheesy jokes
Because he's a father and generally experienced life for more years, you come to him for adult problems: like how to do something on your taxes, how to put money in a 401k, insurances, how to finance, etc.
He's also very gentle with you, his strong muscular arms keep you feeling safe and how he softly dominates you for stupid things like reaching things for you and etc. makes butterflies appear in your stomach
"Here, let me get it. You're too little to reach that." 😩
Or when he teases you.
"What's wrong? Cat's got your tongue, little girl?" "I'm older than most guys, but I have no problem powering through tasks, doll. I’ll show ya." 😩😩
Smells like musky and spicy cologne and that tasty older man smell.
Ngl his kisses taste like whisky and cigars
His beard will tickle you every time he kisses you, and he would laugh when you would.
"My beard bother you that much, darling?" With a deep chuckle.
He'd take you out to high end parties he needs to attend or take you out shopping. He wont say no.
Sometimes gets insecure when you want him to meet your friends or family. "Don't you think they'll find it strange that their daughter is dating someone older than her dad?"
But then he somehow makes friends with your family instantly, singing merrily drunk with your dad and or friends.
Definitely does classic 50s dates: roller skating rinks, drive thru movies and restaurants, share milkshakes together, etc.
Nicknames: Darling, Doll, Hun
Boomer, but he still laughs and plays along when you do younger generation stuff 
Hoo boy, it was award trying to explain to his 20+ year old grandson and 40+ year old daughter, that Joseph was in a relationship with someone significantly younger than him
You can’t see stands, but Joot definitely called out Star Platinum to choke out his grandfather while he tried to use Hermit Purple to get him off
He’ll be more than happy to show you old photos of him in his prime
He’s still hot younger wtf
He’ll show you baby pictures of Holly and Jotaro without a doubt while gushing over it.
You can see some hidden pain in his eyes when he sees an old photo of Caesar and Lisa Lisa, you ask if they were family and he said: “They weren’t the most perfect people and they got on my ass a lot...But they were still my family...I miss ‘em a lot.”
He hides his years of pain with goofy smiles and a snarky attitude, but you’ll crack through the shell where he’ll vulnerable to you.
Having daddy issues with Joseph around? It’s not a problem anymore - this man makes up for the years worth of daddy issues you’ve got with love and support
this man FUCKS
The way he puts you flat against the mattress and presses your legs to your chest in the mating press as he shoves his cock into you makes you go stupid
he fucks like he tryna put a baby in you
He likes it when you present all of the cute outfits you bought with the allowance he gives you, the lingerie being the finale as he picks which one he gets to fuck you in at the end.
He’s attracted to scents, so he’ll be crazy attracted and aroused by some fancy perfume you put on as he’ll put his nose to your neck or hair and inhale. 
he does this when in the missionary pose or doggystyle too
His favorite thing to do after a long day of work is take his shoes off, undo his tie, pour himself a glass of whiskey, and beckon you over to fuck yourself on his cock while he sits there and enjoys the show of your tits bouncing in his face and your lewd expression as you sink lower onto his cock.
He likes to tease you in bed just as much as he does out of it:
"Hah? What was that, Doll? My hearing isn't as good as it used to be, you're gonna have to speak louder. Tell me what you want again~"
"You're gonna be a brat with me, kid? How about I show you a lesson."
"The next thing you'll say is: 'Please fuck me harder, Daddy!'."
He still eats pussy like he’s 19 years old
And the way his beard tickles you for extra stimulation as his lips are wrapped around your swollen clit  😩
He’s old-fashion in a way where the man should do most of the work while the woman was the princess: he’ll lift you up and fuck you without you having to move and inch. 
“What kind of man would I be if I couldn’t get my doll off?"
He sometimes tells his secretary that you're coming in to drop off something private in his office, but the truth his he just wanted to press your body against the large glass window in his office and pound into you from behind
Open to kinks, he'll give it a shot so you can be happy - But he is quite the actor so he'll be able to play out your fantasies nicely
Have that metal hand smack ur ass gurl, it gonna hurt but he rubs your ass sweetly for comfort in between
He’s an overachiever, so he’s gonna make you cum the most - prepare to be overstimmed
The type of man to carry your fucked-out body to the tub to clean you up and tuck you into bed 😔
Jotaro (Part 6)
I blame all of my thirst on this man, the catalyst
Definately already divorced and hella stressed out when you first meet him
You were working as an assistant to one of his colleagues, he wasn't there one day but Joot was, things happen...
Long story short...He fucked you over his desk to get the stress out.
He felt bad that he treated you like an animal, so he offers to take you out to dinner to make it up and he turns out to be quiet the gentleman.
Not good with feelings what so ever, but he shows affection through physical contact and action. - He'll see your shoulders are hurting and he'll offer to rub them, he'll buy you a new thing if you mention your old one broke, he'll get you small trinkets that reminded him of you - very cute
He'll finally be vunerable with you and talk about his ex-wife, his teenaged daughter he never gets to see, and his past trauma in Egypt - you never thought a cool-demeanored man could have so much personal issues he bottled up
You have to pretty much reassure him that you'll be with him no matter what and that it's okay to be weak and to not push you away when he feels emotional.
He has nightmares sometimes, so you'll be there comforting him as he tries to calm down - you can hear him through his shaking breath about "Kakyoin", "Avdol", and "Iggy" through most of his nightmares but sometimes you hear "Polnareff" and "Why didn't you come back?"
Dates include: Park picnics, Aquariums visits (we all know he has an all-season pass), Movie nights, or just having hot drinks and enjoy each other's company with the accompaniment of jazz music.
Doesn't realize he acts like a dad with you sometimes:
"Don't do that, ask me for help next time.", "Don’t be picky, finish that or else.”, “Tired? C’mere, let’s get you to bed.”
ngl you kinda dig it sometimes when big cold buff joot is treating you like a baby but then again you bite back when you’re not in the mood.
Cuddle sessions are lit because you get to lay on top of his large body while he does something else, your human mattress
His kisses taste like cigarette smoke and peppermint.
If at some point you’re still in a relationship with Joot by reconciliation time with Jolyne comes afoot, there’s gonna be a lot of confusion when his daughter finds her dad dating a woman nearly the same age as her. 
Jolyne will deadass ask if her dad was paying her to pretend and that it’s okay to leave right now
Long story short, Jolyne proceeded to repeatedly punch her dad while calling him a creep while he just sort of took it
Not the Kujos/Cujohs literally at each other’s throats for their dating choices while you and Anasui have a pleasant conversation across the table
Daddy issues? He’s got them too, so you two are just a bigger mess of daddy issues.
Doesn’t have terms of endearment for you, he just says your name and that’s the most you get out of him (in public at least)
This man has two modes: Break Ya Back or Soft and Gentle.
Most of the time he’s in Break Ya Back mode because the man doesn’t know how to take a break for the life of him, so he’s hella pent up
Were you complaining that he didn’t call you anything else other than your name? Well, here’s where he makes it up to you...But not in the way you think.
“You like it when I smack your ass as I pump my cock into your tight little hole, you slut?”, “C’mon, beg to cum, whore.”, “You like teasing me like that, you brat? I’ll return the favor.”
Oh yeah... d e g r a d a t i o n 
You’ve tried to tell him numerous times to manage his time so he wouldn’t be so stressed out or to ask for more vacation days before he blew his top...But you can’t deny how dominating and rougher he got was hot
This man has a lowkey exhibition kink - he might as well have it because of the many times he has pulled you aside into the restroom or into a janitor closet to have almost clothed sex because he couldn’t hold it in anymore
He wouldn’t be into being called Daddy...He’s more of a Sir type of man.
“Back that ass against Sir’s cock...Yeah, fuck yourself on his cock. Such a good little slut.”
He’d be into the positions where he can easily lift your body up and do whatever he wants with it: Full Nelson, against the wall, Cowgirl (but he’s the one controlling you), etc. He loves how small you feel in his grasp and how cute you look in these positions while you moan up a storm
Likes bathtub/swimming pool/hot tub sex too, a great way to unwind.
Has fucked you over his desk messy with papers with his fingers before and will do it again
If you’re being bratty, he’ll shove his cock down your throat to choke on: “Gotta give your mouth somethin’ t’do from all that shit you talk, brat.”
Enjoys a good rough throat fuck, but he won’t do it if you’re not into it.
On Soft and Gentle days, he’s very affectionate. You found it a little bit strange since he’s a bit aloof about PDA, but then his hands wander and you get the message
He kisses all over your face, neck, body, and loves to lead into a deep make out session. His stubble will tickle you and you’ll smell his fresh water-scented cologne + his musk more closely
Will eat you out for days - this man will lift your legs over his shoulders as he goes to down tongue fucking your hole and rubbing your clit, groaning against your sex, and looking up at you with adoring blue eyes as he watches you come undone. 
Tell him none of your boyfriends ever made you orgasm before and he’ll get to work right then and there. 
Will eat ass too fyi
Does more lazy positions on Soft and Gentle days, like spooning, plain ol’ missionary, the lazy version of cowgirl (where you’re doing the work), and etc.
Likes to play with your chest if you fuck yourself on his cock, pinching your nipples and groaning out how good you are for him. 
“Mmm, you’re so fuckin’ tight. I love it, baby.”, “You’re so perfect, fuck, makes me wanna cum in you all the time.”, “There you go, nice and gentle...Tell me if you can’t take it anymore, okay?”
All the praise and head pats when you give him head. 
“Hng, such a good girl...Fuck, right there.”, “You’re so good at this, keep going and I’ll give you a present.”
2 rounds and he’s done - he’ll do the bare minimum of cleaning you off with a towel and leave painkillers on the bedside for tomorrow before he cuddles up to you and sleeps
Soft dom joot and I will die on this hill
If only this man was a good father
But in a world where he actually knew he had children - he would do his best (araki confirmed he would be a banging dad to gio if he had known he existed)
Let’s be real, the four spawns of dio would be tired of his narcissism by the time they were grown ups and let him do whatever
In this world before that happens, you would be hired as a babysitter through an ad and you would be greeted by this large, extremely handsome, and very shirtless blonde man at his door. 
He’s very suave and you can’t help but feel attractive to such a charming man, the way his golden stare eyes you down like prey sends shiver down your spine. 
He’s a very well-regarded lawyer and he’s busy with cases, so he needed someone to watch over his sons while he’s gone - he’s thinking that you’ll probably be scared off in a week because of how troublesome his kids are (especially donatello and ungalo), but they’re just in love with you (especially gio and rykiel).
He’s not ashamed to flirt with you openly, such as complimenting you, offering you a glass of some of his vintage wine, offering to take you out to dinner as a kind ‘repayment’ for putting up with his kids, etc.
"My dear, won't you accompany me to the strip mall? I've been meaning to get new shoes, and I'd like to get things for the boys. I'll buy you something nice too for being such a good girl."
You end up tagging along to these small escapades because you strangely can’t say no to him, showing how easily he can win you over
You are falling v e r y hard for him but you're having a dilemma about being so nuch younger than Dio and potentially confusing his young children about you being their new 'mommy'
There is some melodrama, seeing Dio surrounded by much older and classier women than you are, those snide comments about how young you were and how you were just after his money, and so forth. While he sees you with these immature and gross young boys wanting to get in your pants made his blood boil. Good ol' angst and mutual pinning over here.
You catch yourself staring longingly into his eyes and having lingering touches that drove both you and him crazy.
Eventually you had to let it out that you liked him and he liked you in return.
Spoils the hell out of you because he had too much money to deal with. He'll buy you designer clothes, makeup, bags, shoes, even new computers and phones.
He almost thought about buying you a new apartment, but he held back because he knew he was going to move you in later.
Dio was used to being surrounded by uncouth women who were only after his fame and fortune, or just wanted him appearance-wise. But you felt like a real person he can talk to. You didn't blindly agree with him with everything, you had your own opiniond and your own set of ideals that made you fascinating.
He loves to argue with you, even its something stupid. He just loves seeing that passion in your eyes when you give out your reasons why he's wrong.
He also likes it when you're bashful. You look away when you see him shirtless, those cute murmurs of trying to figure out what to say when he gives you gifts, how you wanted to repay him for them with a stutter. It makes him want to coddle and tease you more
Something in his chest rises when he sees his children getting along so well with you. Ungalo and Giorno unapologetically started calling you 'Mommy' with Donatello and Rykiel following suit. It makes him dazed at the thought of you being the new mommy in the family to take care of the children and welcome him home with dinner and a big kiss
Even though he's the one with the words that make you flustered - you can fluster him too by being so cute to him. Like kissing his hand or trying to ask convince him for you to lead. Even making him something homemade, he's trying so hard not to blush and acts stubborn when you call it out.
"I-I'm not blushing, fool! Here, let's get going. This place is filled with cretins."
Dates include fancy dinners, orchestra viewings, reading books together quietly, and being a pseudo fanily with the kids
Very open with showing you attention - he'll brush your hair out of your face and cup your cheek, wrap his strong arms around your body from behind, lean down suddenly to press a kiss on your lips, kissing the back of your hand, etc.
Doesn't care if his kids are watching.
"Daddy, there's no more apple sauce." "D-Dio, stop it, Giogio's watching!" "Hm? Alright, write it down in the shopping list for Daddy." As he continues his actions without a care
You definately had to be the one confronted when the spawns see something their father does.
"(Y/n), why were you wrestling naked with Daddy?" "Why do you have a boo boo (hickey) on your neck?" "I saw daddy spank (Y/n)'s butt!"
"What's your assignment, Dona?" "The sounds I hear at home. I put "Daddy and Mommy jumping on the bed upstairs" and "Mommy praying to god really loudly"."
His kisses taste like wine and he smells like sandalwood and bergamot
Will bite your lips during a kiss, no reason why he just likes doing it
If you two get into a fight, Dio is the one that crawls up to you and cuddles you as he apologizes while moping
Hates that you get along with his brother and his wife, but he's just bitter like that.
"Oh, I'm so happy you found someone to call your own, Dio! I thought you were going to be some old grouchy man in a house by yourself! I'm so proud of you, brother!" "TAKE THAT PRIDE AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS JOJO, AND PUT ME DOWN!"
Yes, he rants about Jonathan (and many others, but mostly Jonathan) to you
And giorno is the first one to stand up for his favorite Uncle Jojo.
You bet your sweet ass theres gonna be a wedding and its very lavish - but you picked out most of the decor and stuff because he let you
Oof, thats a spicy dad
Within the first month of meeting you: its screwing time
Dio is that nasty person who knew about your developing crush on him (it was kinda obvious tho) and used that to get into your pants
One evening, he had convinced you into watching a movie with him. He brought out wine and set a romantic mood for you to get comfortable.
The wine giving you a little bit of courage, how Dio would nonchalantly place his hand on your thigh or around your shoulder to pull you closer to his broad chest, how his teasing fingers left ghost-like touches on your skin. It was driving you crazy.
By the end of the movie, he acted like nothing happened and casually asked you if you wanted another film. As if you couldn't see the tent forming in his sweat pants.
Not even 3 minutes into the next film and you found your courage to bring Dio into a kiss when his face was close to yours.
In the private movie room, the kids asleep, and the sound-proof walls protecting the two of you: Dio had you melting in his touch, having you sit on his lap and pressing his groin into your sex and having a heavy makeout session with a lot of touching.
His voice groaning in your ear: "God, I've wanted to get my hands on you forever."
He'll press a kiss onto your nipple before sucking on it and eventually biting playfully
Extra teasing with the prep, you gotta take his meat somehow.
He'll lick and playful bite on your clit, moving down into your entrance and start tongue-fucking you as a start. His hands gripping on your waist so hard to keep you from squirming that it might leave bruises
He can go for hours and tediously slow, just eating you out to feel your walls clamp down on his thick tongue and to taste the syrupy liquid as you cum around his tongue.
He does the same with fingering. He'll stuff you up to three fingers, just so you wont die from taking his cock. Sitting you in his lap and whispering obscene things into your ear:
"What a naughty girl, getting her pussy wet for her employer. Do you like it when an older man knows how to make you cum? You're clenching around my fingers so tightly and you're sensitive everywhere else...I hope you're instore for what's to come, my naughty slut."
When you've came around his fingers, he'll make you taste them lovingly. But this also acts like a muffle for when he raises you up and slide you down into his erect cock until your bottomed out.
The way your eyes tear up and how much louder you've gotten just makes him harder as he starts pumping into you.
The way you scratch up his back and grab ahold of him for dear life while those doe eyes are crossed from pleasure makes you look so adorable, it makes him drill into you faster and aching to ruin that adorable innocence.
Lots of hickies everywhere, even in hard to reach places like the back of your legs and such
Of course, he asked you on a proper date after getting his dick wet
He initially just wanted something to do (metaphorically and literally), but he caught the feelings
Something about how dainty and innocent (appearing) you are compared to him just really gets him going. You could do simple things like hold his much larger hand or hug him and he'll probably have a boner
Likes to be serviced (because its Dio) and sits back for the show when you want to give him a blowjob
You can barely get your mouth around him and have to use two hands to pump whatever couldn't fit inside your mouth. He finds it so adorable and could cum at just the sight of it - he'll play with your hair or stroke your head while you service him as he coos praise.
"My sweet little girl, taking me so well with her mouth. If you keep it up, I'll give you a present."
Be wary, he likes the throat fuck. He'll shove his meat down your throat like no tomorrow and he won't hesitate as he grabs you by your head and enjoys your eyes tearing up and your muffled moans vibrating around him
One man bukkakke, just warning you.
If you let him cum down your throat or on your chest/face, he'll probably get instantly hard again.
Hot potent dad nut™️ (iykyk)
Breeding? Hell yeah. He's done it four times already, why not making it five?
Something about you acting like the perfect little house wife for him: greeting him after a long day of work with a kiss and a hot meal with either Rykiel or Ungalo on your hip makes him crazy
Early on into your relationship, he has seriously thought about trapping you with a baby so you couldn't leave him. - The thought of you swollen with his spawn and breasts leaking with milk makes his cock twitch.
You were the one who initially told him to forget about finding a condom and to fuck you, so it's on you technically - have you seen the four different children born from three different mothers already? (technically, two of them died, but whatever).
Affectionately calls you 'mommy':
"I want to fill you full of my cum until you get knocked up. Wouldn't you like that? To be full of my child and to become a mother? Doesn't that sound wonderful, Mommy~?"
Doesn't have prefered names in bed - but he'll play along if you call him Daddy with his Mommy stuff
If there were stands involved - Dio would most likely have you fucked by The World for jack off material (since he can still feel it)
Pregger sex on the way
Dio is a insatiable individual and he doesn't care, he'll raise that kid because he has plenty of money to take care of the both of you
if only he was a good father, part 2
In this hypothetical universe, Diavolo actually cares for Trish and was devastated when Donatella died
He buried himself in his work so he wouldn't think about his ex-wife, however he's usually away from Trish most of the time because of his refusal to grieve
So he hires you to take care of his daughter full time.
Trish warmed up to you and got excited when you came around, you always played with her and did things a mother would have done to her
Some sad moments where Trish would make off-hand comments about she wished you were her mommy so she can be like her friends or wished you could be her mommy so her dad wouldn't be so sad - so sad, you almost cried from a seven year old's comments
One day, coming in to collect your paycheck, you finally meet your boss face-to-face ( your interview to get the job was conducted by his secretary, so you've actually never seen him irl)
You are immediately intimidated and enamored by the taller man: The way his dark circles sunk underneath his jade green eyes he gave to Trish, his hot magenta and spotted hair done in a loose ponytail, the intricate floral motif tattoos running down his bare arms as he stood there dressed in a tank top and his work slacks, a cigarette dangling from his black-colored lips as he stubbornly tries to light it by a window.
Oh my god, your boss was hot, you're finally having one of those moments.
You were always into more mature men and more alternative men...This fucker hit all of the physical criteria so far.
His voice was gruff and tired, indicated that he either just woke up or just got off work. You hesitantly went over to his beckoning hand he gave you a firm handshake and muttered a half-proper greeting while apologizing for his appearance. "Sorry if I look like a mess...Just got off and needed a smoke.
Trish is excited that her Papa was home and she's running around to show him all the drawings and fun activities you and Trish did while he was at work, to which he just smiles and strokes her hair lovingly as he looks over everything.
He thanks you for doing everything with his daughter when he doesn't have the time and appreciates the effort you go through.
Then: "Papa, can (Y/n) stay over for dinner?"
Trish's puppy eyes and Diavolo's easy give-in into his daughter's demands with a questioning look to you...You were now sitting in their fancy dining room with some Italian dish and a glass of wine next to Trish and Diavolo adjacent.
Cue awkward small talk with an extremely socially awkward buff man
The wine did help ease the nerves and you managed to have a nice conversation with Diavolo, even after Trish excused herself after finishing her meal. Little did ya'll know, you gave her the wrong impression:
"If (Y/n) becomes Papa's new girlfriend, then he won't be sad anymore! And I can have a Mama! We can be a happy family!"
This seven-year-old little girl is trying her damndest to get you and her father together. Constantly demanding that you come along with them on trips to restaurants, shops, and come over often with Diavolo home. Anytime you three were in public, she would immediately run off to 'look at something' when in reality she wanted you and her father to have some alone time.
She was eventually called out by Diavolo and she confessed to her intentions while crying: "I-I'm sorry, Papa! I-I thought you wouldn't be so sad anymore if (Y/n) was your girlfriend! A-And I could have a mommy too!"
Long story short, after Trish was put to bed for a nap after wearing herself out with crying, Diavolo sat you down and apologized for Trish. To make it up to you, he brought out a bottle of wine for the two of you to share...
That liquid courage really did something to you, because once the buzz went through your veins and he was laughing about how silly his daughter was for thinking that you two could start dating after what she pulled...You told him: "I wouldn't mind...I think you're an attractive man."
Silence, suddenly: "You aren't joking, right?"
"No...To be honest, I've always thought you were handsome and had a small crush on you...But I knew we couldn't get together since...Y'know...You're my boss."
"...I feel the same way about you as well."
Over the time Diavolo got to know you, his heart felt like it was lifted from its dark cave. You gave him the butterflies and weightless feeling he thought he could only get from Donatella.
He's scared initially, it still felt to early to let go of Donatella and that you were much younger than he was. Both parties had something to shoulder going into this relationship
Lots of melodrama, it's great. Ends with Diavolo realizing that it wasn't selfish to move on and that he was truly in love with you
Acts like an awkward teenager because he's really only been with the maximum of 2 people before you
He's surprisingly cute, he likes to take you to build-a-bear claiming to get a toy for Trish but insists that he'll pay if you want to get something. Or suggesting going to cute couple-themed cafes.
Ngl it takes like the 3rd date for him to actually kiss you on the lips
Lets be real, you'll probably move in with him and Trish
Once Dia gets comfortable, he'll be more shameless with his affection towards you. Kissing you suddenly, random backhugs, pulling you back into bed, pda in front of Trish (to which she sticks her tongue out in disgust)
Gets jealous pretty easy. If a guy tries to come up and flirt with you, he's right there sending glares in two seconds with an arm around your waist. Then he downplays when he gets jealous. "What? Don't be ridiculous. I just came up to ask you if you wanted something."
He wears alt clothing when he's out of work, so expect matching outfits with the whole fam
terms of endearment: mi Musa (my muse), bambina, bella (beautiful)
Dates include: fancy dinner dates, alt night clubs, shopping, going to the beach (half the time Trish is with you guys, so you cant do anything nasty)
He is the goth dad underneath the umbrella wearing all black and 100 spf sunblock on while Trish is running around in a colorful swimsuit and getting tanner by the second
He can get very worn out with social interaction and responsibilities, so he likes to hug you in complete silence. Recharging mode.
Trish had no problem when the two of you started dating, she immediately told her friends that you were her new mom and that you were gonna live with them. (Diavolo had to come in a lecture her)
Sometimes, his assistant Doppio (the one who originally interviewed you) would come over and you'd get along with him pretty well. Although Diavolo wasn't home most of the time Doppio came around.
"E-Eh?! You're the Boss's girlfriend?! I've been so disrespectfully casual this whole time! Please forgive me!"
His kisses are chaste at first, but they slowly become tender and drag on for a while. You can taste the wine and cigarette smoke on him.
He's terrible about showing affection at first, just let him warm up and he'll be more comfortable with his love language
He can experience doubt and nightmares about Donatella, thinking that you'll leave him like she did so you'll have to reassure him from time to time
Some of the lowest moments you've seen of him is when he's been drinking heavily and he refers you to Donatella. You couldn't help but feel bad, but you felt angry that he was still clinging onto his past for comfort and refusing to move from his dark hole when things got tough when you were right here to comfort him and pull him through.
Lots of arguments involving this ^
He can't stay upset with you, he ends up being the one crawling in bed and apologizing to you while seeking your warmth.
Smells like musky cologne, leather, and a bit like cigarette smoke
He has his dad tendencies with you sometimes: "If you don't stop throwing a fit, I'll have to punish you.", "Don't be picky, good girls get their rewards for finishing everything", "Wanna be in my lap? Here, sit down."
He immediately realizes what he said to you and apologizes...But it sparks something.
The first time you have sex with him, of course he's going to be more romantic towards you and making sure you have a good time with him. A nice romantic dinner, candles, roses, the whole extra ten miles
Extra caring with body worship, his kisses all over your body and leaving hickies as he praises you throughout the night
the next time won't be so gentle...
in fact, the next time you guys have sex is in the middle of a heated argument...To which you aggressively make out right after.
He'll get quite comfortable with sex pretty quickly, probably because he's walking tension and takes it all out on your pussy
Diavolo isn't stranger to having wild sex, because he'd occasionally stop by a brothel when he's too pent up before meeting you. He'll ask what you like and dislike before proceeding.
He likes choking, especially if you're wearing alt clothes and have a leather spiked collar or some choker with something he can grab and yank you forward with.
Diavolo is no stranger to quickies. When the two of you haven't seen each other and Trish is home, he'll drag you into his bathroom and move some of your clothes to relieve both of your guys' tension while keeping your mouth shut with his lips
He's sweet out of the bedroom and sometimes in when you want a slower night, but he's usually the biggest dirty talker in the world - and calls you a bunch of names for his own pleasure.
"Hm? Like that, you filthy slut? Like the feelin' of my finger shoved so deep in your pussy, filling you nice and full?" "Get on my lap, I won't stop you've counted to thirty." "Troia, tell Daddy how much you love his fat cock stuffing your little pussy full of cum." The fuck did you say, sborra troia? You want attention that bad? Lemme shove my cock down your throat, that'll shut your whining up."
He likes you wearing fishnets or tights because they make your legs and ass look good and he likes ripping them apart to get to it.
Sorta gets off on the fact you're younger than him, asking you if you wanted to fuck your teachers if you were so willing to spread your legs for him
Gets a lot of black lipstick everywhere, be warned.
^ get revenge by giving him a blowjob with black lipstick on, he won't be able to scrub it off
Somnophilia - he comes home pretty late into the night and snuggles up to your side...And now he's fingering you to get you wet enough to slide his erect cock inside
He knows how to pierce, so he'll pierce your nipples or your clit for free if you want him to. Although, don't expect to get it done in one session. He'll be way too distracted with feeling your nipples between his fingers or end up playing with your clit into full on fingering you.
Once you get it done, he'll go for them while pleasuring you. He'll pull on them gently and laugh as you squirm in his lap. "Just checking if they're infected...You've been taking good care of them, mi Musa. They look adorable on you."
Surprise him once in a while, after having a stressful day of work he'll come home to you dressed up in a nice set of lingerie (his preferred style is between black latex and lacey pink) and wait for him on the bed.
"Oh, Mi Musa...You're too kind to me." Rip to your pussy
Would probably eat you out to metal music
He is very horny, there were several times where Trish almost caught ya'll in the act in random places because Diavolo couldn't keep it in his pants
He also gets aroused at the thought of you becoming a mother, swollen with his child and greeting him home with dinner and Trish by your side.
With the breeding kink fueling him, Diavolo will pick up your waist, throw your legs over his shoulders, and start pounding into you s he starts mumbling.
"C'mon and take me, Gattina. I want you so full of my cum, there's no way you won't be knocked up. I want you so fucking pregnant, if you don't get pregnant I'll just fill you up again. I wanna see your belly so big with our kid in there, your tits leaking milk...Fuck, you'll be such a good mommy to Trish and our child, won't you?"
Think it's super hot if you do the naked apron gag, he'll bend you over the counter and fuck you right then and there if you welcome him back nude with just an apron and give him a big kiss like a perfect little housewife
Drunk sex™️ - he's more unhinged with his desires and overstims you to the max without a care as he gets off
His tongue is pierced, so when he eats you out you're gonna feel the extra texture.
He pays for any clothes he rips up, so don't worry about having nothing to wear
Hot goth dad who gets horny for you, hell yeah 10/10
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ghost-like-pale · 3 years
fuckin' perv
info: some gross guy thinks you're his, sapnap thinks otherwise. 》 female clothing/anatomy, they/them pronouns 》 irl + romantic 》 1.4k words
warnings: (sexual) harassment and assault, physical fighting, hurt/comfort, swearing
a/n: ty for the support on my last piece ♡ please enjoy
this blog it meant as a way of coping with trauma/mental issues, please don't report it. if you don't want to see what i write, please just block me.
the evening sun shone an orange glow over the city. the chatter of the citizens rang through the streets past all the tall buildings, the cars and taxis making their way to their patron's destinations and the smell of your favorite restaurants wafted past the pavement. you've grown up in the city, getting used to it, yet never getting bored.
all of these memories made you think about your boyfriend; he was a real country boy - born and raised in texas and everything. it never failed to bring a smile to your face whenever he pointed out a particularly tall office or a pretty neon 'open' sign.
something he's never been very fond of is the people. specifically older men. they always had a certain look on their face as you walked by, making him swing an arm around your hip or slipping a hand in your pocket. he's always been quite protective over his lover. you didn't mind, though.
there wasn't much time to reminisce on your loverboy right now - you were going to see him today! your car broke the day before, so with great displeasure you had to take the bus. you hated public transport. everyone was so close to each other, the air was stuffy and there was always someone to make you horribly uncomfortable.
you pulled your mask further over your nose when you reached the stop. the small space was bordered by plastic panels and a poster for some music event, nothing of interest. the sound coming from your earbuds made your foot tap the the rhythm until the bus finally emerged from the passing traffic.
the ride was peaceful, which made you strangely wary - like a calm moment before the storm. you didn't mind the busride being quiet, but the feeling never shook.
after waving at the busdriver and thanking him kindly, you hopped off the vehicle onto the concrete pavement. three other people walked out with you; and old couple, one holding a walker and a 20-something year old man. the clicking of his tongue grew impatient as he got stuck behind the couple. after a moment the two elders managed to get off the bus safely and the man could finally get to his stop.
you didn't pay them any mind, you wanted to see sapnap as soon as possible. you kept walking at a brisk pace, growing more exited with every step. after passing and crossing a few streets you started to feel uneasy. feeling eyes drilling right through your back, you rummaged in your bag and pulled out a small handheld mirror and lip gloss. as you were applying your gloss you glanced behind you, scanning the faces you could catch from within you peripheral vision.
you were surprised to see the impatient man from the bus stop a few feet behind you. now realizing the situation, you hastily stuff everything back into your bag and start walking again, this time quicker than before. the stabbing look didn't shake, however.
you were getting more anxious as it got darker and the crowds became scarce. the destination was on the edge of the city, where there was nothing other than small stores and the occasional crappy apartment building. the pavement was easy to see if you looked down; no polished dress shoes, no sneakers, no stilettos, nothing. just the occasional group of chatting teenagers passing by or an overworked retail worker walking home.
with every frantic step forward he seemed to get one step closer. the sound of your feet tapping on the floor came to a halt as you arrived at a crosswalk with a red light. the man hummed an unorganized tune and stood behind you and casually waited for the light to turn green. everytime you'd move, so would he. the brief moment waiting in front of the crosswalk felt like centuries.
ding. the pole emitted a bright green and you sighed in relief. you rushed over to the other side of the street, making sure not to hit someone on the way there. as you were moving along you suddenly felt a hand on your back, slowly gliding down over your-
"what are you doing?!"
the panic in your voice didn't phase the man, though he did take his hand off your lower half and placed it on your neck instead. he slowly backed you into a small alleyway while muttering a response.
"calm down, cutie. it's just a hand."
you slapped his hand off yourself, losing the hope you had when you realized you were the only one with him on this block.
"let me go, you creep!"
this response to his 'compliment' didn't please him; he harshly grabbed you by the roots of your hair and pushed you against the cold brick wall of a corner store.
"listen here, bitch. you're gonna listen to me real good, and you're gonna obey everything i tell you, understood?"
you whimpered in pain, shutting your eyes and tears dipping at your chin.
with another yank at your hair you mewled and nodded hastily. this seemed to satisfy him.
"good. now, let's have some fun, shall we?"
his hand rested on your thigh and gradually made its way up, under your skirt until it hit your underwear. the other was around your wrists, holding them both with his larger hands to the side of your head. his feet trapped yours, putting his weight on your toes so you wouldn't kick him.
"heh, can't handle stimulation, can you? guess this will be more fun than i imagined- ugh!"
the man was knocked back harshly, the hand that connected with his face quickly retreating to the body it belonged to. sapnap. the man felt his jaw, there was blood dripping off his lip.
sapnap boomed in anger at the man. before he could even think of an answer he was hit again by the same hand. sapnap was now right next to you, him seeing your trembling figure in his peripheral vision. once he was sure that gross excuse of a person was going to stay down he turned to you.
his entire body language changed; his arms turning from tense limbs into a welcoming place to rest in, his chest forming into a warm pillow to fall into, his eyes from a slaughtering rage into a kind and sympathetic expression. your tears were already flowing as you sank into his embrace. he engulfed you completely, shielding you from everything and anyone, soothing the intense fear and horror you just experienced.
"you're okay now, baby. i got you, i got you."
his tone was smooth like honey, the words pulling you further in his secure clutch. the screaming must've attracted a few people, because before you knew it your hug was interrupted by him gently loosening his grasp and lowering his voice.
"we should get home, we don't want this hellhole to become a exhibition. here-"
he unwrapped his arms and pulled his grey hoodie over his head and handed the clothing article to you.
"wear this, baby."
you accepted his hoodie and threw it over your upper body. when you were finished sapnap grabbed your hand and guided you out the alleyway and turning a corner. his car was parked a little further.
"i wanted to give you a nice ride through the outer city, but i think you'd rather be home, am i right?"
you nodded. your face was stung by the wet streaks on your face with the cooling air hitting your features. you eventually reached the car, sapnap sitting down into the driver's position and you plopping down onto the passenger seat.
the soft revving of the car's engine made for a nice background noise as you drove over to sapnap's house. you reached the destination quicker than expected. time didn't feel like it was passing at this point.
your legs refused to move, even when sapnap opened the door for you. sapnap, understanding the situation, picked you up bridal-style and carried you and your bag out the vehicle.
your body was weak, both from the late hours of the night and your vivid memory of what happened about half an hour ago. the mattress sank next to you as you snuggled further under the covers. sapnap radiated warmth, making you move your body towards him and latching onto him like a koala.
"rest, angel. we'll talk about it in the morning."
his voice reverberated in his chest, the vibrations bringing you comfort. his hand found a good spot on the top of your head, lightly pushing it into him.
"good night, (y/n)."
you hummed as a response before passing out. sapnapchuckled at your cute resting face.
"sleep well, baby. you deserve it."
thank you for reading. please don't be too harsh on me, heh
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museum-spaces · 2 years
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bah formatting. alt is in the images.
if you couldn't tell from the barrage of cases here photographed, the museum is the proud owner of 4 new pretty glass cases. 2 of them have 2 glass shelves, glass top, and 3 glass sides - one solid wood. and 2 of them have 1 solid shelf/floor space, glass top, and 3 glass sides. the other side of one is mirrored, the other is solid coloured, but i think that that is a vinyl sheeting i can peel off.
all four have storage spaces below the 'floor' of the case yippy, the space is even permeable so I can do some environmental controlling inside the cases without it being super obvious.
i am so excited, we took charge of four NEW – to us – cases yesterday. They are all glass and shiny and not – as – covered in tape and all of them are smaller than any single case in the museum – other than the two newest ones.
My employee asked her two sons to help us truck them across the street. We used a hand cart (4 wheels) from the lady we bought them from. So we took them across the street then the two strong men – as i am a weak person – hoisted them inside – 2 to the back ‘church’ area, one into our NEW basket gallery, and one to an isle where it fits.
2 of our beautiful glass cases fit exactly into a little gap that i want to fill. Well... one will fit in that space, but two are short enough to go into it. If that makes sense. Today I’ve been scratching tape off them – not half so bad as the cases that were already here though - and washing one out real well for the baskets.
One of the new ones is going to be filled with baskets that are small and delicate, one for geological things, and hopefully one for Japanese history. I am not sure yet if that fourth one will work out. If it doesn’t that’s okay.
All of these cases have storage space which is lovely. I can create small long boxes for two of the cases, and the other two have big voids below the shelf.
we now have about 2 cases too many for the space we are working with, however, as we dismantle more of the dioramas and change the floor plan up I am sure we will need them all again.
the only dark spot on our day was when one of the cases smashed into the corner of an older case and a big ol chunk of glass popped off. we covered it in card with a warning and I swept up the shards asap... but.. ugh. I had plans for the glass in that case lol.
However, that is not the fault of the volunteer movers who were paid in iced coffee, it is the fault of me for not ensuring they had enough space to get through.
I also had an iced coffee... and three other coffees... and was feeling a little bit... wired for the whole afternoon. It was a lotta fun, i gotta say. I can't wait to start planning things out for these new cases.
new cases mean that we can re-lay whats in a few of our more inaccessible cases and because of their dimensions, we can also ensure that our space is accessible for mobility tools... we don't have a ramp and i can't do anything about that yet. But I CAN make our floor space better.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
Thanks for putting my thought about acotor in actual words!! I always struggle to explain why I hated the character dynamics after the first book.
The total switch of Rhys and Tamlin was so infuriating. Like a coin turning or something.
Also I hated how Feyre's sisters are always the bad guys cause they were older but still poor, selfless Feyre had to take care of them. Because she is perfect. Like it is not that simple.
And like, even when Feyre ~deigns~ to acknowledge her own imperfections, she is the EPITOME of the "my only weakness is that I love TOO MUCH and work TOO HARD".
And her looking at her sisters like "Oh, poor them, they have no agency while I am Strong Female Character" and then Nesta's entire character arc is basically punishing her for not being Feyre and half the fandom LOATHES Nesta because she's ~mean~ to poor saintly Feyre who does EVERYTHING for her and cares SO MUCH and works SO HARD blah blah blah blah
It's mostly just a problem of Maas wanting to cram too many perfect happy endings into a story whose baseline plot insists it should not have them, necessarily? Like her choices about Azriel and Cassian destroy them. They just DESTROY the interesting layered characters they were and turn them into LOL MEN ONLY THINK ABOUT SEX AMIRITE which just-
Oh it makes me mad.
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