#ultra hot mars
shytidalwavewerewolf · 6 months
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This is a little bit harder to explain and point out what this GIF is, but I'll try. It seems like one of those desert car rides where you're going to take a vacation in the Sahara. The giant red planet seems like a closer view of Mars. Which makes sense because Mars is pretty hot. That lava planet seems pretty intriguing and astonishing once glancing at it. If you look closely into the rear view mirror on the side of the car, you can see a city full of lights and infrastructure that's beautiful. I like life with meaning. The geometry of belief.
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bartythebabygorljr · 5 months
I’m Barty Crouch JR [this is an RP blog]
tag me in any stuff u want me to react to rahhh
I got this weird muggle website bc idk I was bored lmaooooo
it’s kinda cool but the MLP stuff looks like my nightmares came to life, ate one another and threw up again 😇
he/they ❤️‍🔥
student at Hogwarts rahhhh ⛓️
my dad suckssss but unlike ur mother last night he doesn’t swallow 😉
prolly mentally ill but nah 🔥
ultra black monster is my best friend 😈
My friends r cool and also on here bc everyone finds it impossible to say not to me bc im the coolest:
@evanmp3 - Evan - my darling Rosieeeee❤️ MY BOYFRIEND IM SO IN LOVE WITH
@reg-can-swim - Reggie - says I ‘forced him on here’ 🙄🙄🙄 [I love tjat little depressed victorian boy]
@panda-is-pan - Dora💖 - cool ass witch and objectively one of the best people ever
@cas0meadows - Dorcas <333, she scares me but I love her
@prongsieb0y James. Ugh. Yawn. BORING. Hot. Not saying I like him but if it was a party and he asked to kiss me I’d probably fold like a deckchair 🧍
@remus-john-mo0ny-lupin - Remus. HOTTEST MARSAJFER BU FSR U GUYS
@siriuslyhotterthanyou - Sirius 😍😍😍 lowkey enemies 2 lovers - bitchkiller 4 life
@the-one-and-only-lily-evans - Lilyyyyy - I think she’s really cool :D
@mar-lean-into-me - MARLSSSS - chaotic platonic loml
@peterpeterthepumpkineater - Pete - chill chess boy
@maryhadalittlemaggic - MARY ! She seems rlly cool
@emmy-vance333 - Emmelineee - Mary’s best friend and seems chill :3
@alice-f0rtesc - Alice - I’ve heard rumours she’s actually a supernatural being made of never melting ice cream :3
(OOC: feel free to drop asks in my inbox and ill answer them in character :D also if u wanna join w a character we don’t have yet then DM me <3)
(OOC again: main blog is @thedvilsinthedetails my personality is…the exact same as on here LMAO)
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the-moon-devi · 1 year
🍨What flavor Cookie are you based on the BAKER ASTEROID? PT.1 🍡
🧁🧁BAKER ASTEROID◇◇ 《2549》🧁🧁
DESCRIPTION: The baker asteroid is said to be the bakers asteroid for things like cookies and baked goods and even bakers. However in this post I'll be focusing more so on cookies.
Baker in aries/1st house: a very fast baker, your baked food could taste hot/spicy or maybe very health yall are the type to bake ginger spiced cookies or something like that if that exists. Maybe even Nutritional baked foods. If in the 1st house this could actually be what your known for!
Cookie: spicy Chai molasses cookies / Gingerbread
https://pin.it/6K3b4Pd: gingerbread
Baker in Taurus/ 2nd house: your baking is very good and warming to the senses. I feel like people really feel comfort and secure with your baking. This placement wouldn't be the type to try anything too risky when it comes to baking. Baker in the 2nd could make you spend alot of money on baked goods/ maybe even earn $ through baking. Yall baking could be very beautiful and pleasing to the eyes as well. Yall like sweet and soft but flavorful
Cookie: rich&gooey Butter pecan chocolate chip cookies/ oatmeal cream pies 《 ik ik it's not a cookie well kindaaaaaa🤔🤭》
Baker in Gemini/ 3rd house: I feel like if you have this placement you have potential to be a great baker I think there's a lot of versatility in your baking. If your not a baker then you could have siblings who can bake. You could talk about baking or teach people how to bake even create baking recipes and stuff like that maybe even a baking blog. (ESPECIALLY 3rd house people) I feel like yall might might be a little picky or you just like a lot of different flavors or you don't mind putting in something different in your baked foods.
Cookie: Neapolitan Cookie/ lemon crinkle cookies
Baker in Cancer/4th house: baker here yall goodddddd. Like mama's famous poundcake type good. Of course depending on the aspects. But yall like cooking for your kids/ loved ones. You guys definitely would be the type to either make recipes for future generations or follow recipes from your ancestral lineage. You could also come from a line of women who bake really well. Yall baking is sweet,soft,moist. ***"It's like a reward 😇🤤" *** do yall know that tik tok sound that's going around saying that? Anyways if this is aspect by your 10th house ruler or by planets in the 10th house/Mc you could easily be a professional baker. Once you become a mother your baking could get better or you might bake more (ik wierd I just channeled that, take it or leave it)
Cookie: chocolate chips ofc this is the original/ biscoff cookie butter cookies
Baker in Leo/5th house: possibility of being famous for your baking. Your baking could look very appealing to the eye or it just stands out. Baking could be a way of expressing yourself it could even be a hobby. I feel like yall baking taste very flavorful that's all I can say but I know it's good. You may have learned how to bake at a young age. Cooking could be a creative outlet. Your child could be a great baker.
Cookie: lemon cheesecake cookie
Baker in virgo/ 6th: virgoss yall the type to cookie healthy cookies or raw vegan cookies stuff like that. I feel like y'all would do diary free/ cleaner options when baking <<This could even go for Pisces>> this could be your occupation or your co-workers may know how to bake very well. Since Virgo is mercury ruled you could be very analytical about what you cook. Baking may be a stress reliever or apart of your daily routine. Definitely gluten free sugar free diary free perservative free placement for baking. Yall Could bake for the homeless or less fortunate.
Cookie: matcha sugar cookie/date cookies
𝓓𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓓𝓮'𝓛𝓾𝔁𝔁𝓮 (masterlist)
©𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵
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whenmuldermetscully · 1 month
Astrology of David and Gillian
I’m pretty amateur-ish as a reader (maybe a little more than). Strap in folks because this is WOW. So UNDER THE CUT if you dare read on…
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Ok first thing’s first — the birth time is missing from David’s, and Gillian’s birth time isn’t a confirmed time. So ascendant signs and moon are ify…. But I’d buy that Gillian is a highly possible Leo Rising.
Their synastry chart:
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Let’s talk about THIS wow. What I see regardless of a birth time — placements that are 100% known.
Immediately noting: Her Leo Mars conj. His Leo Venus. It’s not close to each other (2° and 27°) but wow a Mars/Venus connection. Pure chemistry - intense, passionate, hot…. In a lot of areas not just sexually (although a sexual attraction is usually a pretty strong gravitation). Lots of symbiosis, flow, yin & yang. In non-sexual realms this can ebb and flow into things like really heated explosive arguments to really intimate and passionate agreements. In Leo too?? 😂 a fire sign??? This is a pendulum swing of burning hot, fast, and bright to ultra cuddly, kitten behavior. At their best, it’s instinctive, unbreakable, match-my-freak energy. At their worst, it’s impulsive, irrational, arrogant, screaming-down-the-I95 type..
His Virgo Pluto conj. Her Virgo Venus….. please. PLEASE! It’s giving karmic. It’s giving past life. It’s giving contract.
On a more basic read: a Pluto aspect to a planet in a synastry chart is going to be felt. Pluto amplifies/intensifies - makes its presence known. That is black hole energy. And it’s right next to her Venus (5° tight conjunction)???? Bay-BE! Believe them when they say they don’t have any other relationship that compares to what their’s is. It’s pure devotion (in whatever terms/category you want to place them). The Pluto person (David) sees the beauty in the ugly and dark and death of the Venus person (Gillian). And Venus loves Pluto in its dark complex entirety.
Have I mentioned this is a RARE aspect?
Venus/Pluto conj. is chemistry and attraction on a level that goes beyond explainable (the irony of MSR right? Haaaa). At its best: this is again an unbreakable and magnetic force. It’s mind body soul linking — will not, cannot forget each other. At its worst: Pluto is represented by death and the devil. It can be obsessive, possessive, territorial, toxic… This can manifest into things like jealousy, again heated fights, or also ways like: manipulation — because it’s such a consuming, intense, passionate aspect. In this sense: if Pluto is Hades, Venus is Persephone. In this case… David possibly has had issues with control when dealing with Gillian. While the love/connection is strong, there can be some irrational behavior on his end when it comes to Gillian especially if she exhibits behaviors of say breaking away from them being a unit - bc Pluto/Venus is such a “you’re my partner”.
Now you think that’s crazy… Her Lilith is conj. His Mars at an even tighter conjunction (2°). The closer the aspect, the stronger the effect.
If you thought Gillian was off the hook on the last read — GEAR UP — because she’s far from being excused. Where the Pluto/Venus can be more of an emotional atmosphere, their Lilith/Mars can manifest in a more action-driven way.
‘Animalistic’ is more apt. This is yet ANOTHER indicator of that strong, passionate, intense attraction/chemistry. Not as “get a room!” as their Mars/Venus conj. but close (I feel like Mars/Venus “get a room” can visibly seen from space, but a Lilith/Mars may be more like a “we’re already in the room”). Here brings out their more impulsive side. There is high energy, excitement, comfort with this aspect. And in Gemini?!?!!! It’s giving “you jump I jump - fuck it let’s go!” Its live wire energy can bring a heightened desire to seek each other which can also again lead to obsession and toe the line of “too involved”. With this energy they also trigger each other — deep wounds and traumas emerge but it’s a welcomed sharing. And as a result a lot of mutual experiences are created that bond them together. Gillian being the Lilith person and David the Mars — the trust she puts in his hands is very high and intimate. How the Pluto/Venus works to consume, similarly this happens here as well. So basically Gillian has a tendency to do the same that David does - jealousy, assertion, manipulation, power struggles and dominance. It’s aggressive energy. It’s like “we went through fire together. Who dares to try and usurp where I stand with you?” kind of aggressiveness (possession?).
In unrelated mentions or not? Lilith/Mars conj. pushes forth a very strong sexual attraction coupled with the impulsive nature of this aspect, it’s an attraction that is difficult to not act upon in some way. Mars energy is masculine and Lilith is “dark feminine”, together it’s combustion. So whether the ramifications of acting on the energy or not, probably yields the same result..if not worse.
Then we have the moon. Gillian is an Aquarius moon (possibly Pisces?). David is also an Aquarius moon (smaller possibility of Pisces). But if I had to really guess - I’m almost certain they have the same and it’s Aquarius. I’m an Aquarius moon myself and rather than getting down to what it means, let’s just say they love a good detachment.
But to have the same moon as someone? Home. There’s a comfort, familiarity. You process emotions the same. You feel the same. Not to mention they both are Leo suns. Leo/Aquarius are sister signs and to have both their sun/moon matching AND sister signs? It’s opposites attract when necessary, and on-the-same-page more often than not. The yin/yang flow comes naturally. It’s “I know exactly how they’ll react”. It’s instinctive. If you flow with someone without having to try and don’t have to explain your feelings much because they just “know” and they just get you without much effort? You guys probably have the same moon. And no doubt that’s what Gillian and David have.
Anyway… this was a long post. But oh well. Did we really need to consult the stars? Does this add any more proof to the truths we already know? They’ve displayed iterations of these aspects in many ways over the years (*cough* 1998) so what is really new… Anyway someone more proficient can interpret this better probably but that’s just the big ones I got - thanks!
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mr-geargrinder · 2 months
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Today is apparently Goop Dice Defect Day!
I've got my new 3d printer up and running properly now, and while cleaning up to test some new prints, I discovered a leaky purple die. This one was already set to the side because of some clear coat issues, but I discovered it had been printed with some delamination pin-hole gaps along the numbering. This was probably from one of the last batches I printed when the Mars 2 Pro was already having a pretty rough time. I tried to toss all the ones with obvious lamination issues, and this is exactly why!
It only took the slightest bit of pressure with a hobby knife to split the whole thing into two pieces. When a print gets any sort of defect like that, its just trash. Not even worth salvaging because there's no way to fix it or restore any sort of strength to the print once that that happens.
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The second set was a hot car test. I've got a friend who lives in one of those terrible hellstates where it's normally over 100°F or worse. He feared that if he ordered a pair of goop dice from me that they would explode while sitting in the carrier's truck. So I took it upon myself to test that problem.
I do not live in a terrible hellstate, but today's temp readings say it's 93°F, but feels like 100. I threw a pair on my dashboard, in the direct sun, doors closed, windows up. An hour later, they had exploded. Not just cracked, but burst open. They were also extremely hot to the touch because they probably reached or got pretty close to boiling, I'd imagine.
This is obviously a more extreme circumstance, but one I would do need to consider, either way. I don't foresee too many people leaving their dice on the hot dash in the middle of an extremely hot summer day, but if they do get left in a bag in a car or in the back of an infamously hot delivery truck, this is still a possible problem that needs addressing. Plus I've gotta worry about what might happen in the opposite situation when it gets too cold!
Fortunately, the Mars 5 Ultra is up and running with a new build plate and that means I can run off test prints much more quickly and hopefully have a workable solution to the problem much sooner.
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natalchartnurtures · 11 months
Who Do You Become When You're Sleep Deprived?
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When we are deprived of sleep, our bodies, and therefore our minds, slip into survival mode, as most of us probably already know. There are some aspects of your natal chart that light up when you are in survival mode – your Moon being the most prominent of them. So here's how the Moon signs might behave when sleep deprived. Enjoy~
The Aries Moon/Moon in the First House/Mars aspecting Moon: Okay, picture this: you're a vulnerable, sleep-deprived stress monster with an Aries Moon. Yep, you might just throw punches metaphorically (or literally, if pushed too far). This lack of shut-eye can make you restless, impulsive, and prone to epic bad decisions. I mean, come on, we've all been there, right?
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The Taurus Moon/Moon in the Second House/Venus aspecting moon: Now, here's a weird one. Taurus moons pretend they're totally fine until they crash, and boy, do they crash hard! Suddenly, they transform into these adorable, moody babies craving creature comforts. Bring on the comfort food, blankets, and Netflix – it's the only way to survive the exhaustion.
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The Gemini Moon/Moon in the Third House/Mercury aspecting Moon: Gemini moons on no sleep? They're like they're on coke or something. Anxious, talkative, and mentally all over the place. Decision-making? Nope, not happening. Their minds are in overdrive, making them the kings and queens of confusion. They can find it very hard to calm down and relax, leading them to not be able to sleep, which in turn encourages more sleep deprivation. It's a cycle that keeps spinning until someone shouts, "Stop the madness!"
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The Cancer Moon/Moon in the Fourth House: Sleep-deprived Cancer moons go into full-on mom mode. They forget about themselves and become hyper-focused on nurturing others. But oh boy, their emotions go haywire. Their sensitivities break the scale (if there is one) and so they're prone to feeling emotions stronger than they usually do, which can cause them to appear like they are moody and what non-Cancerians call "an emotional mess," whatever that means. Rolling my eyes. Logic? Ha, it's out the window! Decisions are solely based on feelings, and they wear their hearts on their sleeves.
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The Leo Moon/Moon in the Fifth House/Sun aspecting moon: Sleep-deprived Leos? They crave validation and attention like never before. For these majestic beings, frustration levels peak, and their tolerance for nonsense hits rock bottom. Reassurance becomes their lifeline. Despite the exhaustion, they power through, fueled by pride. Impressive, right?
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The Virgo Moon/Moon in the Sixth House/Mercury aspecting Moon: Oh, Virgo moons, the overthinking perfectionists of the zodiac. With no sleep, they turn into anxiety-ridden hot messes, hyper-aware of every tiny detail. Relaxation? Nope, not happening. Their pursuit of perfection becomes a burden, and routines are their saving grace in this chaotic state.
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The Libra Moon/Moon in the Seventh House/Venus aspecting Moon: Sleep-deprived Libra moons? Brace yourselves. They lose their cool, becoming ultra-reactive to everything around them. Yet, strangely, they lean on their social circles to survive the sleep drought. Indecision skyrockets, and emotional limbo becomes their new normal. Avoiding conflict? You betcha.
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The Scorpio Moon/Moon in the 8th House/Pluto aspecting Moon: Oh boy, Scorpio moons, our intense, mysterious pals. When they're sleep-deprived, they morph into these paranoid baddies, getting stuck in a vortex of negativity and diving deep into the depression hole. Their emotions go haywire, and they become ultra-sensitive. Their emotions are heightened as well, making it harder for them to control their emotional reactions and come off as sensitive; even on a good day, they can take on a lot of intensity. Only solitude seems to soothe these dark souls.
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The Sagittarius Moon/Moon in the 9th House/Jupiter aspecting Moon: Now, Sagittarius moons are a different breed. Our optimistic, risk-loving besties turn into bundles of energy when sleep-deprived. They can't stand anything restricting their freedom, especially on their off-days from slumber. Confidence? Oh, they've got it in abundance, which sometimes leads to hilarious misadventures because of their impulsivity tendencies.
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The Capricorn Moon/Moon in the 10th House/Saturn aspecting Moon: Capricorn moons, our hardworking goats, handle sleep deprivation like badass bitches. Seriously, nothing, not even lack of sleep, can deter them from their goals. They keep their cool, make rational decisions, but when they hit their limit, they crave structure. Bedtime rituals, even if it's scrolling through Instagram, become their way of coping with stress.
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The Aquarius Moon/Moon in the 11th House/Uranus aspecting Moon: Ah, Aquarius moons, our Uranian crackpot buddies. Sleep-deprived, they detach from emotions faster than you can blink. "Emotions? Not today," they say, reaching for their coffee. But you know what? Their creative genius shines. They come up with the wildest solutions and can get pretty erratic, surprising everyone with their unpredictable antics. Hence. Crackpots. Lmao.
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The Pisces Moon/Moon in the 12th House/Neptune aspecting Moon: Lastly, our dreamy, sensitive Pisces moons. When sleep-deprived, they escape reality by daydreaming and drifting into their own world. They're empathetic to a fault, absorbing everyone's emotions until they hit a compassion overload. That's when they crawl back into their little caves and say "Fuck this, im too sleep deprived for this shitshow right now" Jake Peralta style lol. (Been there, done that :p)
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NOTE: Of course, if you've got aspects to your Moon, you're gonna want to check that energy apart from your moon sign and the house its in.
Thats about it for my take how you may act when sleep deprived. Hope you enjoyed this one :]
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Randy and Janet: a close bond
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Janet Jackson, famous for being the sister of legendary entertainer Michael Jackson, and Randy, her brother, have had a close bond. Well, it turns out that Randy is Janet's manager - as well as a huge Trump supporter. A source alleges that Randy is a "Trump supporter and conspiracy theorist," adding: Janet's bubble is small, and she listens to Randy. She does peddle in conspiracy theories."
In an October 2020 Instagram post, Randy shared a video in which a man argues on behalf of the former president's reelection campaign. "Please watch. We are living in a time where there is a war going on. Not blue vs red but good vs evil," Jackson's captain reads. His most recent grid post is a clip of Kanye West speaking with Tucker Carlson and before that he shared a selfie with noted conspiracy peddler Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
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"She's giving Randy control, and no one understands how he's managing her, when he's never had a career. She pays for everything." On top of that, Randy Jackson follows only 11 accounts on Instagram. Aside from his family members, the other boldfaced names include Trump, RFK Jr. and ultra-conservative pundit Candace Owens.
Randy and Janet also share another bond, but one borne from tragedy, and marred with violence. In 1975, the Jackson family patriarch, Joe Jackson, was having an affair with a younger girl who was only 19, named Gina Sprague. Or so Katherine Jackson, his wife, suspected. Katherine would round up two of her children - Randy and Janet - when she stormed into the office where Sprague was employed. According to court records, Katherine grabbed Sprague by her hair, as Janet held her by the wrist, allowing Randy Jackson to knock Sprague from her desk chair and leave her sprawled out on the carpeted floor. That's when Katherine began pummeling the girl's face with clenched fists, as the brother-sister duo restrained her. But Katherine Jackson, not content with merely letting the frantic 19-year-old feel the battering from her balled-up fists, Katherine also, in the white-hot heat of the moment, grabbed something sharp from her purse and began jabbing Sprague with it in a blind rage, adrenaline pounding as the teenager's screams echoed down the long hallway. The blood-curdling cries for help alerted the guards, who came rushing in. Randy, Janet, and Katherine fled the scene of the crime on foot.
Sprague would file assault charges, and the three would deny what took place, in direct contradiction to eyewitness testimony. This would have been a sensational trial, had Joe Jackson decided not to settle out of court. This experience seemed to bring Janet and her brother closer together, as a family memento locked within their memories. Randy, though, would continue on a path of violence throughout his life, with his partner-in-crime, matriarch Katherine Jackson, bailing him out.
It was news when Randy was charged with beating his pregnant wife, Eliza. He pleaded no contest and was sentenced to two-year probation. When he violated that probation, he was sentenced to one month in jail. Katherine got the judge to change his decision, bringing it down to 30 days in a mental hospital.
Eliza also needed financial support for their daughter, Steveanna, but Randy defied the court order to make payments for their child. In the midst of all this turmoil, Randy began a romance with a Playboy model famous for her relationship with OJ Simpson, named Paula Barbieri. Paula had broken it off with the infamous bronco fleeing football star the day Nicole was murdered. However, she would continue to stand by OJ's side during the trial and later write a confessional book about being the 'other woman,' while OJ went on to pen his own confessional book, entitled If I Did It.
Randy would dump her and begin a relationship with a Colombian woman named Alejandra Loaiza, who boasted a cocaine dealing mother. Alejandra, suffering quietly for years, would one day let her guard down and confide in Randy's brother Jermaine that she'd had several abortions at Randy's request. Her Catholic faith burdened her with the reminder of the souls she felt she had surrendered. And after divorcing Randy, Jermaine would claim her as his wife in a secret ceremony, a confusing saga in the story of America's most dysfunctional black family.
Tito Jackson would be arrested for a string of house burglaries. Jermaine's problems are arguably even more disturbing - ranging from attempted rape and infidelity, to getting two women pregnant at the same time. He would also corroborate the claims that his father molested the Jackson sisters, and divulge that superstar brother Michael displayed questionable around a young male nephew. Sister La Toya would claim their superstar brother Michael was molesting children, and that Katherine knew and also allowed Joe Jackson to sexually abuse her and sister Rebbie - confessing that Katherine liked to 'watch' her nightly suffering at the hands of Joe Jackson. And then there was Janet's alleged pregnancy back in the late 80s.
But even with all the eccentricities of the Jackson clan, Janet would remain bonded forever with Randy, her partner-in-crime way until adulthood, where it's alleged that as recent as last year, she and Randy were stiffing a company out of millions. Now with this recent Janet-Randy controversy, fans are questioning Randy's politics and his role as Janet's manager. Could this result in another layer of secrecy veiling the Jackson clan to possibly be lifted?
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str4wberrysh0rtc4k3 · 7 months
food log 14th mar
breakfast ★
⋆ monster ultra gold (10kcal)
lunch ★
⋆ can coke no sugar (1kcal)
⋆ mini dark chocolate coated rice cake (69kcal)
dinner ★
⋆ lobster salad maki (226 kcal)
⋆ crab stick nigiri (66kcal)
⋆ can coke no sugar (1kcal)
snack ★
⋆ whole gala apple (52kcal)
water ★
approx. 250ml
steps ★
approx. 3k.
today came to 425kcal.
not too bad. considering i was struggling today.
work drained me and made me more hungry. i also began feeling very faint at work. i didn't get to weigh in this morning because my boyfriends house doesn't have a scale but at least i'll be able to do it tomorrow morning.
i haven't been feeling cold but rather extremely hot the past couple of hours, i know the coldness starts to set in after a little while but still, its very overwhelming and making me feel worse.
also getting bad stomach cramps and mind fog + headaches.
i'm planning on giving myself a bit more leniancy tomorrow with my calories since i don't think i'll be able to keep up such a restrictive diet without binging, so giving myself a bit more wiggle room will likely keep me on track (from experience).
i'm hoping to be somewhere in the 57kg range tomorrow, that will be my lowest weight yet. i'm worried that if i don't achieve that tomorrow morning i might go a bit crazy ngl aaa.
hopefully tomorrow will be easier, my boyfriend and i are doing legs at the gym and im frightened the fatigue might make me injure myself so i won't go too hard on myself.
good night -_-
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calciumcryptid · 2 years
It is time for that bitch (derogatory).
Minetaverse | Rei Midoriya
Rei Midoriya, also known as Polarise, is an antagonist in the Minetaverse. She is a first year heroics student at Ultra Academy training to become a pro hero, and later chooses to become a Spotlight Hero.
She is the daughter of Izuku and Shoto Midoriya, and heiress to the Skyscraper of Symbols Agency.
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Rei is a moderately tall well built girl. She has long turquoise hair typically fashioned into goddess braids, usually without bangs. Her eyes are square but wide, with her irises being turquoise as well. She is always wearing gold jewelry, like rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets.
Rei's school uniform consists of the standard white long sleeve undershirt and red tie, but she does not typically wear the blazer. It instead rests on the back of her desk chair. She wears the assigned blue skirt with see-through black leggings. On her feet are low white heels.
Rei's casual clothes consist of a white dress with a gold studded belt cinching it at the waist. She has a light teal topcoat over her showers with gold buttons. She wears white kitten heels, and gold frame teal lens sunglasses on her head. She typically has a white bag on a gold chain as well.
Rei's hero uniform consists of a sleeveless white bodysuit as the base. She has an off the shoulder teal winter jacket with a hood, the entire inside is lined with white fur. The metallic zipper and ridges are made of gold. Underneath the jacket is a gold belt cinched at the waist with a monogramed 'P' in the center. On her head is a pair of white lined winter goggles with gold decal and teal lens. On her feet is a pair of teal boots with white fur, and gold plated tips with gritt underneath for traction.
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Rei Midoriya is a rich bitch, to put it simply.
Rei has a warped view of herself, seeing herself as the queen of wherever she goes due to her lineage and a lack of (permanent) consequences as a child. She can play nice with others, but only if they are of a significant status as well. The only individuals she isn't malicious or scheming to are her fathers and childhood friend Isao Ojiro-Shinsou-Rin.
Rei places herself as the ideal prodigy in her mind and not taking kindly to those who threaten her worldview. Particularly the ShunCrew, due to their unheroic backgrounds. This translates into passive aggressive and backhanded actions towards them, such as excluding them from class events and sabotaging them at points.
This eventually culminates in being pulled from Ultra Academy by her parents for bullying and making a comment where she suggests the ShunCrew should have committed suicide long ago along with completely losing every groupie she has ever had including her marring her reputation with her parents.
The rest of Rei Midoriya's future is currently up in the air, but she refused to end her story so soon.
Analytical Mind: Rei has a vast knowledge of fundamental hero skills and tactics. She studied major players in the industry for years and is able to quickly adapt and apply knowledge during crisis situations in a practical manner.
Half-Cold Half-Hot Breathe is Rei Midoriya's primary quirk, giving her the ability to generate ice and fire from her throat. Her quirk is immensely strong due to her parents physical and quirk strength, and she can use her quirk for hours straight without drawback.
Despite the strength of her quirk, it does have a major drawback. If anything happens to her throat, her quirk is immediately nullified. This can happen through overuse of one element causing frostbite or burns, or with a muzzle like mask.
Wall of Ice: Rei creates an enormous ice glacier, that can either encapsulate her opponent or block the immediate field of battle in ice.
Wall of Fire: Rei uses her fire to generate a burst of flames that covers a large area. This is both a defensive and offensive attack like her Wall of Ice technique.
Ice Skater: Rei uses her frost breath to create a line of ice for her to ride on.
Power: 5/5
Speed: 3/5
Technique: 5/5
Intellect: 4/5
Charisma: 5/5
Due to her lineage, Rei Midoriya grew up as Japan's golden child. Her position on a national pedestal was not good for her development, along with her fathers failure to apply or carry out repercussions, which caused her to start developing a warped view of herself.
She had difficulty making friends, which lead her fathers to introduce her to Isao Ojiro-Shinsou-Rin who was also having difficulties making friends. The two became close, and started to train together and ruminate on their futures.
One night, Rei attended a charity banquet where she met the most beautiful lady. Ahyma Shouji was tall, muscular, eloquent, and well spoken. Rei immediately fell head over heels in love. Though she must admit their first meeting was ruined by the backdrop of individuals in badly tailored clothes and from places she swore was made up just so they could mooch off her fathers.
Eventually she participates in the Ultra Academy entrance exam at the insistence of her fathers and gets in much to her pleasure.
Isao Ojiro-Shinsou-Rin is Rei's closest and longest friend. The two were introduced due to difficulty making friends their own age, and became quite close throughout the years even participating in the Ultra Academy entrance exam together.
Isao is seen as a part of Rei's groupies for the longest time, despite warming up to the ShunCrew early on. He mainly sticks with Rei due to their history, but is shown. Eventually he leaves when Rei starts targeting Ayu Koroka and Elaos Santos especially for their 'villainous' quirks, due to his father Shinsou facing the same discrimination even in the future.
Him leaving was a huge blow to Rei, which caused her to go further off the deep end.
Ahyma Shouji is Rei's long-term crush. Though they don't date, Rei gets angry when Ahyma becomes interested in Koroka Ayu instead. She tells Koroka about Ahyma's crush, making an emphasis on how obvious it is, causing Koroka to go into a mental spiral and stops being friends with Ahyma.
Jokes on Rei though, as the two become friends again later after a long talk. During the talk, Ahyma learns Rei was the one to leak her crush destroying any trust between the two and Ahyma breaking off her friendship with Rei.
Genkei Bakugou has had a crush on Rei for the longest time, not realizing she is lesbian. He spends a good chunk of the series doing anything for her with the hopes of a date, but in the end when he overstays his usefulness Rei reveals she never loved him. This sparks Genkei's own mental spiral which ends with him being disowned and then running away to the states. Rei shows very little remorse for her part.
Isis Ayad only hung around Rei to forge good relations between her family and the top hero in Japan. She was never a true member of Rei's groupies, and was never a fan of Rei. In fact, she was secretly collecting evidence of Rei's bullying and underhanded tactics from day one due to her family instilling in her a sense of justice.
Koroka Ayu is Rei's rival, though Koroka does not return this sentiment. Rei has a deep hatred of Koroka due to her unheroic heritages, jealousy over Ahyma's crush on her (and perceived reason why Ahyma leaves Rei), and eventual popularity. Koroka doesn't like Rei due to her bratty nature, and her attacks on the ShunCrew.
Iori Kano never made a particularly strong impression on Rei for most of their interactions until she comments on the ShunCrew should have taken their own lives. Fed up with her being a bitch to his found family, Iori finally makes his presence known and snacks a bitch.
SukeCrew is at the center of Rei's scorn, often being shunned and belittled by her. While at first the group doesn't perceive her as a particular threat, eventually Rei goes to more and more drastic measures. For instance she steals Eloas Santos and Koroka Ayu's meds, and places them in Shunsuke Mineta's room in an attempt to frame him and tear the group apart. Another moment is her attempting to report Santos and Yamamoto for being illegal immigrants, only to be blocked at the last moment by the student visa administered to them by her father. As previously stated, their last interaction with her is after she makes a comment where she suggests the ShunCrew should have committed suicide long ago along.
Immediate Family
Izuku Midoriya (Father)
Shoto Midoriya (Father)
Extended Family
Inko Midoriya (Grandmother)
Hisashi Midoriya (Grandfather)
Yagi Toshinori (Pseudo Grandfather)
Enji Todoroki (Grandfather; Deceased)
Rei Todoroki (Grandmother)
Touya Todoroki (Uncle; Deceased?)
Kiego Takami (Technical Uncle; Deceased?)
Fuyumi Usagiyama (Aunt)
Rumi Usagiyama (Aunt)
Unnamed Usagiyama (Cousin)
Natsuo Todoroki (Uncle)
[ Redacted ] (Technical Uncle)
[ Redacted ] (Technical Uncle)
[ Redacted ] (Technical Cousin)
Meaningful Name: Rei is named after Shoto Midoriya's mother Rei; however her name means "manners, social custom, honor" instead of "cold, ice".
Song Associations: Songs I associate with Rei include Pretty Girl Rock by Keri Hilson & Primadonna by MARINA.
Development: In the original drafts of her character, she was really nice and pleasant to everyone around her but this was changed so there would be in class tensions.
Taglist: @insomniac-jay @floof-ghostie @peachyblkdemonslayer
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strapskinkstories · 2 years
Mar 15 2023 - Punishment top + PROs Hiviz Stormjacket = Very punishing airlessness
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PVC Punishment top, check, heavy as fuck raincoat, check, fun times ahead, OH YES!
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I let it fill my mouth and enjoy the taste of the salty sweat
This session was a lot of fun, while there wasn't much time to relax let alone even watch TV with Mike I had a lot of fun struggling to breathe with the clingy hot wet PVC sticking to my face with every breath. My tracheostomy would have kept the session going without a single stop but I decided to make the MakeItKinky punishment top a bit more punishing by adding my heavy PRO's hiviz raincoat on top of it! In doing that I made the PVC stick to my chest and neck a lot easier, the weight of the raincoat made it much more intense. I might have to get a second punishment top some point so I can add a breathing hole to that one so I can have more relaxing sessions in it, but modifying this one I really don't want to do because it's so much fun! This devious little PVC shirt with no air holes has quickly become a go to item for having fun on vacbag off days. I'll have to think about doing a solo time trial in it on Friday since it is something that I can just pull off over my head and even easier than that if I really need air fast just pulling it away from my trach gets me air as long as I'm wearing it on its own with no added gear. Everyone remembers my breathplay hood time trials and those were in a hood with no air holes that sealed tightly to my trach too! I'm sure that the punishment top time trials will likely land in the 10-15 minute range before I need a break, maybe even longer considering I'll be wearing the punishment top on its own. Next Monday I'm going to try going in it with it inside out, why you might ask, that's because the inside is matte PVC and a totally different sensory experience and level of clinginess, the outside is shiny and super smooth and I bet it'll be way stickier faster. I tried it for a minute just to feel the shiny smooth PVC against my face and neck and oh did it feel good. One of these days I'll have to try it with no shirt on underneath, I'm pretty sure it will stick to my skin very fast and things will be ultra punishing hehe! For a $50 dollar item this thing sure is a freaking boat load of fun. Instead of buying AAA video games for $50 I get myself kinky gear to suffer inside of XD Because sufferin' airlessness is far more fun than dealing with the competitive toxic culture around video gamers.
22 photos are on Flickr HERE
Video is below via direct link and is in the general bondage & breathplay collection HERE
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crowdfundr · 2 years
Tabletop Nonstop
TTNS update: 12 campaigns launched so far and 4 out of 12 have already reached their goal!
Meanwhile, let's take a look at the campaigns that haven't launched yet. Don't forget to hit the "Subscribe" button on a campaign page to get notified when it goes live.
GOOD NATURE: The Complete Facilitator's Guide by Marco Torres, an educational storytelling game.
DISASTER/Double Feature by A Couple of Drakes, a set of tabletop RPG zines.
GRANDMOTHERSHIP by Armanda Haller, a sci-fi TTRPG about senior ladies in space.
Derelict Delvers by Cezar Capacle, scavenge the galaxy for survival and profit!
Project ECCO by Elliot Davis, a solo time travel game.
Reborn in Power: Chosen Creation by Arthadian Anthologies, an online science fantasy TTRPG.
Swamp Troll Witch(es) by Luke Simonds @catshavenolord, a gamemaster-less tabletop roleplaying game for solo journaling, epistolary play, or small group play based on the Motif framework.
NEXUS: Arena Combat System by D-Verse Publishing, LLC, a Beer'n'Peanuts arena-combat dice-chucker for 2-4 Friends!
Stay tuned for the updates and support your favorite campaigns when they launch!
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stonedfemmeblues · 1 year
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Mars’ Beautiful Meals #1 ☺️
Pre-Meal Pre-Appetizer: 40 mg prescription-grade Omeprazole antacid
Appetizer: Candy Clash Bomb Pop Popsicle
Main Course: Ham, Cheese, and Tangy Ketchup Doritos on Udi’s Gluten-Free White Sandwich Bread (with crushed Tangy Ketchup Doritos garnish) and a side of Cape Cod Salt & Vinegar Chips and Snyder’s Of Hanover Gluten-Free Hot Buffalo Wing Pretzel Pieces
Drink: half of a White Monster Energy Zero Ultra (a full one is too much) and Water
Dessert: Mott’s Fruit Snacks (Assorted Fruit Flavor)
Peace and Love Ringo ✌🏻☮️
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opedguy · 2 years
DOJ Clears Gates of Sex Trafficking
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Feb. 15, 2023.--Department of Justice announced today that they’re dropping any charges against 40-year-old Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fl.) for sex trafficking.  Many Democrats are disappointed hoping to destroy Gaetz politically, a big past supporter of 76-year-old former President Donald Trump.  Trump announced his third run for president Nov. 15, 2022, counting on loyalists like Gaetz to jump on the Trump bandwagon.  “The Department of Justice has confirmed to Congressman Gaets’s attorneys that their investigation has concluded and that he will not be charged with any crimes,” the DOJ tatement said.  Gaetz, a two-term Congressman, received national publicity for his vocal support of Trump, making him a pariah to the U.S. press.  How the U.S. press gets away with its extreme prejudice against Trump or any other candidate for public office is anyone’s guess.    
News in today’s America is tainted by Democrat political bias, with most members of the press strongly liberal.  Instead of reporting facts, the press skews the facts against Republicans, with Gaetz being one of its favorite targets.  Gaetz, a member of the ultra-right wing Freedom Caucus, unnerved fellow Republicans when he refused to back 58-year-old former House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) for House Speaker, taking the process an unprecedented 15 ballots.  Things got so bad on the House floor, Gaetz nearly came to blows with 58 year-old Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Al.), who lashed out in frustration against Gaetz.  But by far, Gaetz has been under the gun with the DOJ investigating whether he participated in sex-for-gifts with teenage girls, something that could have ended his career.  Gaetz was a close friend of former Seminole County tax collector Joel Greenberg, who was convicted of sex trafficking.
Greenberg, with whom Gaetz attended the same parties, was charged, convicted and sentenced to 11 years in federal prison for sex trafficking with under-aged minors.  DOJ officials investigated a party in the Bahamas where Gaetz took with his hand-surgeon donor Jason Pirozzolo where Greenberg was charge with sex crimes.  How Gaetz got off the hook is anyone’s guess but the DOJ dropped its investigation.  Apart from Gaetz’s scrutiny by the DOJ, he was by far persecuted for his support of Trump, something that could come back to haunt him in 2024.  Gaetz hasn’t announced any endorsement in the 2024 election, knowing that his 44-year-old friend Gov. Ron DeSantis might run in 2024.  DeSantis has a lot of GOP donors encouraging him to jump into the ring, believing that the party needs a fresh face in 2024.  President Joe Biden, 80, has not announced his intent yet.
Gaetz upped his political capital with the DOJ taking him out of the hot seat, dropping its investigation.  Federal prosecutors also looked into whether or not Gaetz improperly took money or granted favors to the medical marijuana industry in Florida.  On those grounds as well, federal prosecutors couldn’t find any credible evidence of wrongdoing by the 40-year-old Congressman.  House Ethics Committee announced in April 2021 that it was looking into any improper dealings in Florida with the medial marijuana lobby.  House ethics investigators aren’t likely to reach any conclusions about Gaetz’s ties to Florida’s medial marijuana lobby.  At age 40, Gaetz plays close to the edge but so far has eluded any serious charges.  If he plays his cards right, he could be a popular conservative in the GOP heading into 2014, possibly a kingmaker with DeSantis looking for support.
Gaetz’s had the media put a target on his back for his past support of Trump, especially in the wake of the FBI’s Aug. 8, 2022 Mar-a-Lago raid.  Gaetz gave Trump the benefit of the doubt all Democrats various charges, especially about the classified files and Jan. 6, 2020 Capitol riots.  Gaetz infuriated Democrats and the press not jumping on lets charge Trump bandwagon.  Now that the DOJ decided to not charge Gaetz, look for the high profile young congressman to rise steadily in GOP ranks.  If Gaetz presses DeSantis to keep the Trump agenda, including his opposition to the Ukraine War, he’ll find himself getting more traction for the GOP nominee.  There’s enough folks in the GOP looking or a new face in 2024.  DeSantis could benefit from the desire of voters to move one from geriatric politicians, whether Trump or Biden, and sneak into the White House in 2024.
Cleared from the DOJ for any wrongdoing in the sex trafficking scandal, the sky is the limit for Gaetz looking to move up in GOP ranks.  If he keeps his principles of limited government and America First, he’ll help DeSantis win over a lot of Trump voters who will eventually realize that DeSantis is more electable than Trump in 2024.  Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, 49, needs to work feverishly to confront pernicious Democrat and media propaganda about how Republicans would rob citizens on their Social Security and Medicare.  Democrats and the press did such an effective job of discrediting Trump in 2020, it handed the public Biden with all that’s gone wrong.  Cleared of wrongdoing, Gaetz looks to jump to the top of the GOP heap, pushing DeSantis in 2024 to carry on the Trump agenda, only giving the party a new look.
About the Author  
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.  
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multitudecontainer420 · 8 months
tierra whack, jeffrey - Young Thug, sza - ctrl, over it - Summer Walker, of love and fantasy - urbangarde, magdalene - fka twigs, the album - teyana taylor, weyes blood - Titanic rising, Fountain - Lyra Pramuk, Modus Vivendi - 070 shake, completement fou - yelle, the fame monster - lady gaga, born this way - lady gaga, chromatica - lady gaga, dawn of chromatica - lady gaga, impossible princess - kylie minogue, Mordecai - khruangbin, how to let go - Sigrid, a seat at the table - solange, true - solange, Love Me / Love Me Not - HONNE, nightmare vacation - rico nasty, anger management - rico nasty, Wide Awake - Parquet Courts, drunk - thundercat, lil yachty teenage emotions, Krupinské Ohne - Malokarpatan, psychedelic sound in japan - the mops, circus - chiaki kuriyama, Topia - Bastian Void, deep fantasy - surfing, emotion - surfing, buy now - eyeliner, neko shi corp, le cassette, groove district - starjunk 95, visuals - kunzite, caro, lola disco, night tempo, parader - hatena, nothing was the same - drake, lil uzi vert vs the world, graduation - kanye west, The Bones of What You Believe - Chvrches, swing slow - s/t, parallelisme - Miharu koshi
akiko wada, Trip At Knight - Trippie Redd, Punk - Young Thug, Odyssey - Vokonis, Hushed and Grim - Mastodon, Ultra Mono - IDLES, Heaven and Earth - Kamasi Washington, kinoko hotel, the lady spade, Space 1.8 - Nala Sinephro, The Land Beyond the Light - Claire George,
Fatima Al Qadiri: Genre-Specific Xperience, Iceage: Beyondless, margo guryan , cher, Paramore: After Laughter, noname, girlpool, Kaytranada: 99.9% , chromatics, four tet, king krule, The Knife: Shaking the Habitual, erykah, Fuzz – Fuzz, Natural Child – Okey Dokey, Metallica st anger, death cab for cute, beck, deerhunter cryptograms, b&s, lightning bolt, Helsinki , camera obscura, devendra, air, broadcast, hot chip, super furry, Geogaddi boards of Canada, Animal Collective Sung Tongs, Madvillain, Pink Floyd pulse, mazzy, cocteau, nin, A Tribe Called Quest, Metallica, Load, Meat Loaf, Bat Out of Hell II: Back into Hell, Peter Gabriel, Us, The Strokes, Room on Fire, Paramore, Riot, A Tribe Called Quest, Beats, Rhymes and Life, au revoir Simone, raffi Christine queens, dookie, tom tom, nomi, giger, yes, aesop, donovan, mars volta, andrew bird, kraftwerk, evol - sonic youth, final cut - pink Floyd, breeders, sex pistols, shi shonen, ali project, mimori yusa, syoko g schmitt, masumi hara, yura yura, p model, hikashu, minami yoshitaka, yuko kanai, takanaka, mioko, shishido, onna, maruo, control - janet jackson
0 notes
palvifze · 2 years
How is Sodium Carbonate manufactured in Industries?
Since sodium carbonate dissolves in water, it is sometimes found in the deposits of minerals that are left behind after seasonal lakes dry up. Since ancient times, when it was first utilised in the mummification process for the production of glass, natron has been mined from the bottoms of dry lakes in Egypt.
Rarely found in its anhydrous mineral state, natrite is the name for sodium carbonate. Sodium carbonate also erupts from Tanzania's distinctive volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai and is thought to have surfaced up from other volcanoes before, because of the instability of these minerals at the earth's surface, erosion is believed to have eroded them away. In addition to the three sodium carbonate minerals, ultra-alkaline pegmatitic rocks, like those found on the Kola Peninsula in Russia, are a known source of trona, trisodium hydrogendicarbonate dihydrate.
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Sodium carbonate is extremely rare on other planets. Ceres' brilliant spots have been traced back to deposits, which are thought to be material carried to the surface from deeper within the planet. While it is known that carbonates exist on Mars and it is highly likely to include sodium carbonate in that list, still this theory has not yet been proven. This is a mystery that has been explained by some as the result of low pH in previously watery Martian soil. Palvi FZE ranks among the leading Sodium Carbonate suppliers in Turkey that can fulfil all of your industrial chemical requirements.
How is Sodium Carbonate manufactured in Industries?
Trona, or trisodium hydrogendicarbonate dihydrate (Na3HCO3CO3·2H2O), is a mineral that accounts for virtually all of the United States' annual sodium carbonate usage. Mines in North America are now more cost-effective than factories because of the discovery of huge natural resources in 1938 near the Green River, Wyoming.
Turkey has substantial trona reserves and has already mined two million tonnes of soda ash from them near the capital city of Ankara. Some alkaline lakes, including Kenya's Lake Magadi, are mined for it through dredging. Since the salt in the lake is constantly being replenished by hot saline springs, the source is entirely sustainable so long as the rate of dredging does not exceed the replenishment rate.
Barilla and kelp:
Sources of impure sodium carbonate were primarily limited to plants and seaweeds known as "halophytes" (salt-tolerant plants) until they became the primary source in Europe and abroad. Harvested, dried, and burned plants from land or sea were used. Lixiviation, or washing with water, produced an alkaline solution from the ashes. The final product, referred to as "soda ash," was made by boiling this solution until it evaporated; this name came from “Soda” - an Arabic word, which was used for salsola soda, one of the several species of seashore plants used in the manufacturing process.
Soda ash had a wide range of sodium carbonate concentrations, from 2% in the seaweed-derived form (called "kelp") to 30% in the best barilla made from saltwort plants in Spain. By the end of the 18th century, plant and seaweed supplies for soda ash and the associated alkali "potash" had become increasingly inadequate, prompting a quest for commercially feasible techniques to synthesise soda ash from salt as well as various other chemicals.
Leblanc process:
Coal, limestone, sulfuric acid, as well as salt were used in Nicolas Leblanc's 1792 synthesis of sodium carbonate. To begin the Mannheim process, sodium chloride is exposed to sulfuric acid. It is sodium sulphate as well as hydrogen chloride that are the products of this process.
●   2NaCl + H2SO4
→ Na2SO4 + 2HCl
Coal was used to accelerate the reduction of the salt cake as well as crushed calcium carbonate. You'll need to do two things for this transformation to take effect. The first is a carbothermic process, in which carbon-containing coal converts sulphate to sulphide:
●   Na2SO4
   + 2C → Na2S + 2CO2
In the second phase, calcium sulphide, as well as sodium carbonate, are formed through the following reaction:
●   Na2S + CaCO3
→ Na2CO3 + CaS
Black ash is the name given to this compound. Black ash is processed into soda ash by adding water. When this extract is allowed to evaporate, solid sodium carbonate is produced. Lixiviating was the word for this kind of extraction. If you are looking for one of the most distinct Sodium Carbonate exporters in Turkey, Palvi FZE is the right place for you.
Leblanc process byproducts including hydrochloric acid and calcium sulphide posed disposal problems. Yet, until the late 1880s, this was still the primary means of producing sodium carbonate.
Solvay process:
By combining water, carbon dioxide, sodium chloride, as well as ammonia, Belgian industrial chemist Ernest Solvay discovered a way to produce sodium carbonate in 1861. This process also yields sodium bicarbonate and ammonium chloride.
●   NaCl + NH3 + CO2 + H2
O → NaHCO3 + NH4Cl
To get sodium carbonate, the extracted sodium bicarbonate was heated, which caused the release of water and carbon dioxide.
●   2NaHCO3
→ Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2
Meanwhile, ammonia was produced by reacting ammonium chloride with lime that had been produced in excess when making carbon dioxide.
●   2NH4
Cl + CaO → 2NH3 + CaCl2 + H2O
The ammonia used in the Solvay process is reused. It produces just calcium chloride as a byproduct and uses only limestone as well as brine as inputs. Compared to the Leblanc method, which produces two waste products, this method is much more cost-effective. Sodium carbonate production around the world was swiftly dominated by the Solvay technique. Solvay process plants accounted for 90% of sodium carbonate production by 1900, and by the early 1920s, it was shut down.
Home cooks and restaurants often use the second phase of the Solvay process to produce sodium carbonate for use in food preparation. Baking soda, a common name for sodium bicarbonate, is commonly available to these consumers, and the 250 °F (121 °C) to 300 °F (149 °C) temperatures needed to get sodium carbonate by converting baking soda are easily attained in standard home ovens. Palvi FZE is an excellent Sodium Carbonate distributor in Turkey, that can meet your chemical needs for various processes.
Hou's process:
During the 1930s, a chemist from China, named Hou Debang discovered Hou’s process. Sodium bicarbonate was manufactured by pumping the byproduct of steam reforming, CO2, via a saturated solution of ammonia as well as sodium chloride.
●   CH4 + 2H2
     O → CO2 + 4H2
●   3H2 + N2
     → 2NH3
●   NH3 + CO2 + H2
     O → NH4HCO3
●   NH4HCO3
    + NaCl → NH4Cl + NaHCO3
Due to its low solubility, sodium bicarbonate is collected in the form of a precipitate and it is then heated to around 80°C or 95°C, which is the same as the final step of the Solvay process, to produce pure sodium carbonate. The leftover 30–40°C sodium as well as ammonium chloride solution is supplemented with further sodium chloride and ammonia pumping. The temperature of the solution is then decreased to less than 10 degrees Celsius. When compared to sodium chloride, ammonium chloride has a greater solubility at 30 °C but a lesser solubility at 10 °C. Ammonium chloride precipitates out of a sodium chloride solution because of the difference in temperature-dependent solubility as well as the common ion effect.
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (October 14, 2022)
23:55 JEANETTE HARRIS - Thankful (feat. Joel Bowers) 23:49 CHRIS GODBER - Sophisticated 23:46 DAVE BRADSHAW JR. - Jumpstep 23:41 RHYTHM LOGIC - Logically Speaking 23:37 RANDY SCOTT - Tempo 23:33 ZOLBERT - Free 23:28 J. WHITE - Just Ride 23:24 JULIAN VAUGHN - I Wanna Love You 23:20 KIM WATERS - Shakedown 23:16 ESTYLE - Keep It Simple (feat. Magdalena Chovancova, Robert Fertl & Damon Dae) 23:12 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Who Knows 23:08 PETER HEROLD - Comfort Zone 23:04 NORMAN BROWN - Brighter My Light Shines 23:00 TIM BOWMAN - Sunset 22:57 TWENTYEIGHT - Monday Night 22:52 ADELE - Lovesong 22:49 SAGI REI - Rhythm Is A Dancer (Verano Chill Out Mix) 22:43 SMOOTH DELUXE - Boulevard Rouge 22:36 KITARO - Matsuri 22:33 SYLVERING - Strangelove 22:27 MICHAEL E - Close To You 22:23 ANDAIN - Promises 22:19 METAHARMONIKS - Confession 22:15 LEO ROJAS - Farewell 22:10 THE THRILLSEEKERS - Synaesthesia (Solarsoul Chilled Remix) 22:03 351 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Soiree Rouge (feat. Blueberry) 21:57 YANNI - One Man's Dream (Hi-Res Audio, 4K-Ultra-HD) Ledovskiy Valeriy Remix 21:53 JES - Imagination (Richard Robson Remix) 21:48 TRIANGLE SUN - White Song 21:44 BLANK & JONES - Risin' To The Top (Original Mix) 21:40 ATB - I Was Wrong To Let You Go (Lounge Version) 21:33 SUNLOUNGER - Heart Of The Sun (Chill Version) 21:29 MARGA SOL - Love Dust 21:24 PAROV STELAR - You Got Me There 21:20 SEVEN24 - Oasis (Original Mix) 21:16 LINKIN PARK - My December 21:11 SAGI REI - Fall Again 21:05 PROJECT BLUE SUN - Ibiza Zouk (Sunny Mix) 20:59 SMOOTH DELUXE - Wonderful Micronesia 20:54 SYNTHETICSAX - Beach (DJ Rostej Remix Chillout Dreams) 20:48 RUSLAN-SET, V.RAY - The Voice Of Star (Union Sense Remix) 20:44 PIANOCHOCOLATE - Les Souvenirs (Original Mix) 20:40 MENZI - Zug nach nirgendwo 20:31 EUPHONIC TRAVELLER - Crescent Bay (Original Mix) 20:28 SOUND BEHAVIOUR - Arena 20:24 THE UNDERDOG PROJECT - Summer Jam (Unplugged) 20:19 SHAUN ESCOFFERY - Into The Blue (Mark De Clive-Lowe Remix) 20:11 KITARO - A Passage Of Life 20:06 DINKA - Magnolia (Original Mix) 20:01 THOMAS LEMMER - Through My Father's Eyes 19:58 SYLVERING - Just An Illusion 19:52 VIVIAN LACOSTE - Clair Del Mar 19:47 REUNITED - Sing It Back (Shazz Man Chill Mix) 19:45 INNA - Hot (Chill Out Remix) 19:39 COASTLINE - Adriatic Sea (Lounge Cafe Chillout Del Mar Mix) 19:34 KENNY FONTANA - U R The Sun (Toni Rivera Mix) 19:28 MICHAEL E - Promise 19:24 ANDAIN - You Once Told Me 19:18 JOSEPHINE SINCLAR - Paradise Deluxe 19:13 ALBERT ST. BARTH - Sabor Do Lounge 19:10 METAHARMONIKS - Doors 19:06 LEO ROJAS - The last Of The Mohicans 19:01 MANDALAY - Beautiful (7'' Canny Mix) 18:56 MARTINIQUE LE SOUFFLEUR - El Guapo 18:52 JENS BUCHERT - Polaris (JB feat. Shine) 18:47 351 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Summernights 18:41 JES - Heaven (Orange Project Del Sol Interpretation) 18:36 BLANK & JONES - Coming Home (Afterlife Mix) 18:31 ATB - Still Here 18:25 LA CAINA - I Gotta Know Now 18:21 LAZY HAMMOCK - Star 18:16 GUENTER HAAS - Secret Diary 18:12 JAMES BUTLER - Coastline 18:07 CLAUDE CHAGALL - Sunset Buddha 18:01 ADELE - Skyfall (Skerdi M & Angelo DownTempo) 17:55 YOGEE, TWEET, MISSY ELLIOT - Thugman (Lounge Remix 2011) 17:52 VINTAGE - Eva (Roman B & Vova Baggage Slow Mix) 17:47 ZETANDEL - Glowing Spots (Original Mix) 17:43 WILLIAM FITZSIMMONS - Psychasthenia 17:37 VECHIGEN - No Fear (Summer Vibes Chill Mix) 17:31 VLAD ZHUKOV - Nothing (W&D Chill Out Vocal Mix) 17:24 AMBITUS - Answers 17:20 OCEAN DRIVE, DJ ORISKA - Without You (Acoustic Version) 17:17 KATO, JON - Turn The Lights Off (Bullytrax Campfire Mix) 17:13 KIRSTY HAWKSHAW, TENISHIA - Reason To Forgive (Piano Mix) 17:09 MATT DAREY, STAN KOLEV, AELYN - Follow You (Acoustic Version) 17:04 NUAGE, N4M3 - Sunday Morning (Original Mix) 17:00 NITIN SAWHNEY - Breathing Light 16:59 DARREN RAHN - Talk Of The Town 16:55 KIM SCOTT - Golden 16:51 JEANETTE HARRIS - Oh So Good 16:47 CHRIS GODBER - Starting Over 16:43 PAUL BROWN - 24 16:39 HANK BILAL - Glass Slipper 16:35 ZOLBERT - Find The Light 16:31 RANDY SCOTT - Cabo 16:27 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Look to the Sky 2020 16:23 NORMAN BROWN - Missin' You 16:18 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Enchantment 16:14 THREESTYLE - Smoothies (feat. Magdalena Chovancova & Robert Fertl) 16:08 DAVID PETROSYAN - By Happy 16:04 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Stand Together 16:00 MARCUS ANDERSON - Karsen's Song 15:56 JAREZ - Love Like This 15:51 JIM ADKINS - 49th & Broadway 15:45 JEANETTE HARRIS - Here & Now 15:40 CHRIS GODBER - Lifetime 15:36 JULIAN VAUGHN - Remember The Time 15:31 KIM WATERS - The Moment I See You 15:27 ZOLBERT - One Step Closer 15:23 RANDY SCOTT - Potion 15:19 PATRICK YANDALL - Always There 15:14 DREW DAVIDSEN - Alexander's Dream 15:09 KEITH MASON - Ascended 15:04 THREESTYLE - Beat (feat. Magdalena Chovancova & Robert Fertl) 15:00 KIM SCOTT - Block Party 15:00 RICK HABANA - I'll Be There (feat. Will Donato) 14:54 JONATHAN FRITZEN - A New Beginning 14:50 JOEL DEL ROSARIO - Delicious Vinyl Outro 14:46 JACKIEM JOYNER - Last Dance 14:43 JEANETTE HARRIS - 12 57 (feat. Marcus Anderson) 14:39 RICK BRAUN - Love Will Find a Way 14:34 AMANDUS - Chrome Improvement 14:30 CHRIS GODBER - Can't Help Believin 14:26 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Perseverance 14:21 ZOLBERT - Pacific Coast Highway 14:17 RANDY SCOTT - Serenity 14:12 DAVID PETROSYAN - Everytime You Go 14:08 ROB TARDIK - The Right Time 14:04 JULIAN VAUGHN - Bona Fide 14:00 No One Else Would Ever Do (feat. Magdalena Chovancova, Robert Fertl & Dw3) 13:58 TONY SAUNDERS - Speak to My Heart 13:54 RICK HABANA - Rum Factory 13:50 PHIL DENNY - Tryst 13:46 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Euphoria 13:39 KIM SCOTT - Bright Eyes 13:35 JEANETTE HARRIS - Just Keep Holding On 13:31 RICK BRAUN - Notorius 13:26 AMANDUS - Floating Cloud 13:22 CHRIS GODBER - Summer Solstice 13:18 ZOLBERT - Back Home 13:13 WARREN HILL - Oh Girl 13:09 RANDY SCOTT - Side Steppin' 13:04 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Overjoyed (feat. Doobie Powell) 13:00 JESSY J - Manhattan (Gregg Karukas feat. Jessy J) 12:58 EVERETTE HARP - Wait 4 U 12:54 NORMAN BROWN - West Coast Coolin' 12:49 DAVID PETROSYAN - Forgive Me 12:45 THREESTYLE - Giant (feat. Magdalena Chovancova & Robert Fertl) 12:41 BRIAN SIMPSON - Out of a Dream 12:35 WALTER BEASLEY - Hydra 12:30 KHARI, CABRAL, JIVA - Show Me The Way 12:26 RICK BRAUN - Missing in Venice 12:22 STEVE COLE - Living Out Loud 12:17 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Slomotion 12:13 ZOLBERT - Something 12:09 FOSTINA DIXON - More 12:04 AMANDUS - Love Will Be Our Strength (feat. Uli Brodersen) 12:00 JAZZ HOLDOUTS - Mary's Song 11:59 ROB TARDIK - No Limits (feat. Vincent Ingala) 11:55 JEANETTE HARRIS - Passing Time 11:51 BRIAN BROMBERG - Come To Me 11:47 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Celebration 11:43 CHRIS GODBER - Courageous 11:40 RANDY SCOTT - T.G.I.F. 11:34 JOYCE COOLING - Daddy 11:30 DR. DAVE FT. THE HOUSECALL BAND - Octane 11:26 DARRON COOKIE - 32 Days 11:22 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Get on the Floor 11:17 NILS - A Walk in the Park 11:14 RICK HABANA - Cocktails 11:10 THREESTYLE - Vision (feat. Magdalena Chovancova & Robert Fertl) 11:05 KIM SCOTT - Give Thanks 11:00 AMANDUS - Groove Infection (feat. Uli Brodersen) 10:56 DAVE KOZ - All The Love In The World 10:51 DANNY LERMAN - Gotcha! 10:47 DEON YATES - Quintastic 10:43 JEANETTE HARRIS - Summer Rain (feat. Joel Bowers) 10:38 MEKIEL REUBEN - Stop Stalling 10:35 NORMAN BROWN - Up 'N' At 'Em 10:30 RANDY SCOTT - Elevation 10:25 DAVID PETROSYAN - Talk to Me 10:21 CHRIS GODBER - Rain 10:16 ADAM HAWLEY - While You Were Dreaming (Feat. Michael Lington) 10:12 ROB TARDIK - Walk It Like You Talk It (feat. Roberto Vally) 10:08 BRAD ALEXANDER - Just Between Us (feat. Donald Hayes) 10:04 BONEY JAMES - Batucada (The Beat) 10:00 0to Nothin (feat. Magdalena Chovancova, Robert Fertl & Latonya Black Gilliard) 09:57 DARRON COOKIE - Dining In 09:52 AMANDUS - Quarter to Midnight 09:48 SERGEY CHIPENKO, DAVE KOZ - Kindness (Remastered 2021) 09:43 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Sensuality 09:38 AL DEGREGORIS - Sandbox 09:34 JEANETTE HARRIS - Ja'licious 09:30 3RD FORCE - Breakout 09:26 RICK HABANA - Journey 09:21 RANDY SCOTT - Mellow Flow 09:16 AVENUE BLUE - Nightingale (feat. Jeff Golub) 09:13 CHRIS GODBER - At Last 09:08 ALEXANDER ZONJIC - Motor City Sway 09:04 LARRY CARLTON, PAUL BROWN - Miles And Miles To Go 09:00 KIM SCOTT - Treetops 08:59 GREGG KARUKAS - Two Hearts Make One 08:54 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Sailing Away 08:50 SEAN U - Magic Hour (feat. Blake Aaron) 08:46 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Cut Loose 08:42 DEE LUCAS - Zimbabwe 08:38 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Shine (feat. Randy Scott) 08:34 ROB TARDIK - Perserverance (feat. Roberto Vally) 08:30 JEANETTE HARRIS - The Ride (feat. Darrell Crooks) 08:26 NORMAN BROWN - The King Is Here 08:22 DAVID PETROSYAN - Endless Love 08:17 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - When I See The Sunshine In You 08:12 RANDY SCOTT - Jade Mountain 08:09 CHRIS GODBER - Without You 08:05 DARRON COOKIE - Another Day at Work 08:00 EARNEST WALKER JR - Bourbon Chill 07:58 STEVE COLE - Life Is a Groove 07:54 EUGE GROOVE - Lay It Down 07:50 PEET PROJECT - Be Free 07:46 LARRY CARLTON, PAUL BROWN - Say What's On Your Mind 07:42 JACOB WEDD - Near the Amazon 07:39 NICHOLAS COLE - Soulmate (Feat. Chieli Minucci) 07:34 RICK HABANA - Round We Go 07:30 JONATHAN FRITZEN - A Funky Night 07:26 NICK COLIONNE - Let's Get Serious 07:22 LEBRON - Green Light 07:18 PAOLO RUSTICHELLI - Vagabond 07:12 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Black Milvus 07:08 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Sugar Love 07:04 SEAN U - Sunburst 07:00 KARLTON JONES - The Answer 06:58 RANDY SCOTT - You're My Joy 06:53 CRAIG SHARMAT - Nite Moves 06:48 CINDY BRADLEY - I'm All Ears 06:44 DARRON COOKIE - Calling on You 06:38 CHIELI MINUCCI - Leilani 06:34 LARRY CARLTON, PAUL BROWN - Soul Searchin' 06:29 ROB TARDIK - That's a Strut 06:25 DIRK K - It's On 06:21 MICHAEL HAGGINS - Gift To The World 06:17 JONATHAN FRITZEN - To the Top (feat. Vincent Ingala) 06:12 OLI SILK - Where I Left Off 06:08 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Hello Major Minor 06:04 ILYA SEROV - Ironic 06:00 THE SAX PACK - Sooner Or Later 05:57 PETER HEROLD - Still the One 05:54 SEAN U - Key West 05:50 NORMAN BROWN - Spirit Power 05:46 RICHARD ELLIOT - Breakin' It Down 05:41 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Montgomery Station 05:35 PETER WHITE - Romance Dance 05:31 RICK HABANA - White Sand 05:27 DARRON COOKIE - Other Places 05:23 PEET PROJECT - River Cruise 05:19 THREESTYLE - Reasons 2 Love 05:15 JAZZ IN PINK - Come For Me 05:10 OLI SILK - Bring Back Those Days 05:05 WARREN HILL - La Dolce Vita 05:00 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Sweet Spot (feat. Paul Brown) 04:59 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - His Love For You 04:56 MILES GILDERDALE - Remind Me (To Never Let You Slip Away) 04:52 ILYA SEROV - Heat (feat. DAVE KOZ) 04:48 SEAN U - Xlr8 04:44 HIROSHIMA - Lanai 04:40 ROB TARDIK - Two Much Fun 04:35 TERJE LIE - Crazy Groove 04:32 FRANK SUTTON - After The Storm 04:28 PETER WHITE - Moonlight Montreal 04:24 DARRON COOKIE - Pressure Point 04:21 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Dancing Galaxies 04:16 RICK HABANA - Loungin' (feat. Jackiem Joyner) 04:12 FREDDIE FOX - Forever 04:08 OLI SILK - All We Need 04:04 NORMAN BROWN - It Keeps Coming Back 04:00 DAVID PETROSYAN - In the Island 03:58 PETER HEROLD - Your Power 03:54 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Elfer Raus! 03:50 RICHARD ELLIOT - Sly 03:45 KIM WATERS - Stay Together 03:40 PEET PROJECT - Downtown Therapy 03:36 KENNEY POLSON - Blessed 03:32 CHRIS STANDRING - Love Street 03:29 ROB TARDIK - Walk It Like You Talk It (feat. Sandra Bouza) 03:24 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Electric 03:20 PIECES OF A DREAM - For Real 03:15 MARCHIO BOSSA, RYU ZEE SU - Somewhere 03:12 JESSY J - Sugar Fish (Paul Brown feat. Jessy J) 03:05 OLI SILK - Just an Allusion 03:00 JACK LEE - Amalfi (Feat. Nathan East & Steve Ferrone) 02:57 JOE MCBRIDE, THE TEXAS RHYTHM CLUB - Gentle Rain 02:54 RICK HABANA - 5th Ave 02:50 JAZMIN GHENT - Amends 02:47 JEANETTE HARRIS - Can't You Tell 02:43 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Happy Go Lucky 02:37 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Longing For The Bride 02:33 ROCCO VENTRELLA - See You Smile 02:29 RICHARD ELLIOT - Snapshot 02:24 NORMAN BROWN - The North Star (feat. Marion Meadows) 02:21 PETER HEROLD - Heartbeat 02:17 ROB TARDIK - Let's Get Together 02:13 DAVID PETROSYAN - This Is My Way 02:08 REGGIE CODRINGTON - Waterfalls 02:04 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Love Will Overcome (feat. Jackiem Joyner) 02:00 OLI SILK - Ahead of the Weather 01:57 PEET PROJECT - Rosy Cheeks 01:53 PHIL DENNY - Feel Alright (Feat. David P. Stevens) 01:48 JEFF KASHIWA - The Name Game 01:44 FOSTINA DIXON - Good Vibes 01:40 BRIAN SIMPSON - Saturday Cool 01:35 KIM WATERS - Stay with Me Tonight 01:31 JAZZ HOLDOUTS - Kisses 01:28 RICK HABANA - On My Way 01:23 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Too Much 01:17 BRIAN BROMBERG - Thicker Than Water 01:13 JOYCE COOLING - Global Cooling 01:09 ROB TARDIK - Synergy (feat. Vincent Ingala) 01:05 WAYMAN TISDALE - Front Runna 01:00 NAJEE - Rendezvous 00:58 OLI SILK - Latin Haze 00:54 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Domino Effect 00:50 MIKAEL - The Weather 00:46 RICHARD ELLIOT - Authentic Life 00:42 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Magical (feat. Boney James) 00:37 NORMAN BROWN - Don't Make Me Wait 00:33 DAVID PETROSYAN - Midnight Groove 00:29 DR. DAVE FT. THE HOUSECALL BAND - Cecil's Groove 00:25 MARCO ALBANI - Freedom (feat. Martino Onorato, Umberto Vitiello) 00:22 PEET PROJECT - Show You My City 00:17 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Dancing On Golden Streets 00:13 RICK HABANA - Lady Luck 00:08 NELSON RANGELL - Reasons 00:04 KIM WATERS - Running to Love 00:00 JAEE LOGAN - You Can't Love Her
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