#the geometry of belief
shytidalwavewerewolf · 6 months
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This is a little bit harder to explain and point out what this GIF is, but I'll try. It seems like one of those desert car rides where you're going to take a vacation in the Sahara. The giant red planet seems like a closer view of Mars. Which makes sense because Mars is pretty hot. That lava planet seems pretty intriguing and astonishing once glancing at it. If you look closely into the rear view mirror on the side of the car, you can see a city full of lights and infrastructure that's beautiful. I like life with meaning. The geometry of belief.
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jesuscenteredministry · 10 months
The Matrix of Love
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Sacred geometry ascribes symbolic and sacred meanings to certain geometric shapes and certain geometric proportions. They are symbols and shapes that make up this entire universe, and who created the universe?
The circle symbolizes the eternity of God.
The cross symbolizes you are one with Christ through grace.
The square symbolizes the frame of reason.
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stardust-sunset · 1 year
i love how i’m barely a month and a half into school and i’m already burnt out
(self harm tw in the tags)
#seriously i have so much shit going on#i have an essay and a debate coming up about opposing view points#i have to finish a geometry test that i know i did bad on because i’m shit at math#i have to prepare for a deal of biliteracy test and i have a state checkpoint exam coming up for spanish#ap world history is absolute dog water#the only thing in history i was good at was belief systems and religions#i have a test in this class tomorrow too#and i already have a bad grade by my standards in that class#and i know im falling behind but i just can’t seem to catch back up#and chemistry this year is so visually taxing that i literally feel sick whenever im in that class#and i know my parents are gonna kill me if i get bad grades because i ‘don’t study enough’#and the thought of being yelled at again over grades makes me literally feel like im gonna have a panic attack like#this happens every year. i fumble and then i get in trouble because apparently i didn’t study enough#and i hate school because i always end up relapsing like once a month#and im currently 3 or 4 months clean and im nervous it’s gonna happen again because i don’t know how to handle stress#tw self harm#and then there’s my brother who’s in the top five of his class and i can barely scrape by in geometry because i’m a fucking moron#and i literally can’t live up to his level#it’s been like this forever though#i legitimately feel sick#i could hardly get out of bed this morning#and if i don’t get into national honors society my parents are never going to let me live it down#school literally makes me miserable#the only thing i look forward to is art class and even that is losing my interest#im not good enough#im never going to be good enough for anyone#skipper speaks#vent#not south park
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vintage-tigre · 1 year
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toomanyfandomsstuff · 6 months
I thought I understood circles but then they put a triangle in the circle and I no longer understand circles
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diana-thyme · 2 years
The Ultimate Grimoire Guide
So! I have been seeing a ton of grimoire ideas and thought I’d stuff them all together. A lot of ideas are from @manifestationsofasort, @banebite, and @pigeonflavouredcake. Check them out! They have a ton of cool stuff there.
What Do I Use For My Grimoire?
You can use anything for a grimoire! For a physical one, journals, binders, and notebooks are good. For digital ones, Notion, Tumblr, Docs, and even just your file folder are great.
A Book Blessing
Table of Contents
About Me
Your Current Path
Your Personal Beliefs
Your Spiritual Journey
Past lives
Favorite Herbs/Crystals/Animals/Etc.
Natal Chart
Craft Name
How You Entered The Craft
Astrology Signs
Birthday Correspondences (birth tarot card, birth stone, etc.)
Fire Safety
What Not to Burn
Toxic Plants & Oils (to humans, plants, animals)
Crystals That Shouldn’t Be Put… (in sun, in water, etc.)
Things That Shouldn’t Be In Nature (glass, salt, etc.)
Potion Safety
How to Incorporate Blood in Spells
Smoke Safety
Wound Care
Core Concepts
Intention & How It Works
Directing Energy
What Makes A Spell Work
Basic Spell Structure
What Not To Do In Spells
Disposing Spell Ingredients
Revitalizing Long Term Spells
How To Cast Spells
What To Put In Spells
Spell Mediums (jars, spoken, candle, sigils)
Spell Timing
Potion Bases
Differentiating Between Magick and Mundane
Common Terms
Common Symbols
Basic Alchemy and Symbols
Ways To Break Spells
Laws and Philosophies
Herbs & Spices
Crystals & Rocks
Liquids & Drinks
Tarot Cards
Trees & Woods
Moon Phases
Essential Oils
Bone Correspondences
Different Types of Water
Common Plants
Deities You Worship
Pantheons & Deities Closed to You
Common Offerings
Worship vs Work
Prayers & Prayer Template
Deity Comms
Devotional Acts
Spirit Guides
House, Animal, Plant, Etc. Spirits
Folklore Entities
Spirit Etiquette
Graveyard Etiquette
Communication Guide & Etiquette
Spirit Work Safety Guide
How Entities Appear To You
Circle Casting
Common Offerings
Mythological Creatures (dragons, gorgons, etc.)
Utility Pages
Gazing Pages
Sigil Charging Station
Altar Pages
Intent Pages
Getaway Pages
Vision Boards
Dream Pages
Binding Page
Pendulum Board
Crystal Grid
Throwing Bones Page
Divination Pages
Mirror Gazing Page
Invocation Pages
Affirmation/Manifestation Pages
Spirit Board Page
Other Practices
Practices That Are Closed to You (Voodoo, Hoodoo, Santeria, Brujeria, Shamanism, Native Practices)
Wicca and Wiccan Paths
Satanism, Both Theistic and Non-Theistic
Deity Work
Religious Paths (Hellenism, Christianity, Kemeticism, etc.)
Types of Magic/Spells
Pop Culture Paganism/Magic
Tech Magic
Chaos Magic
Green Magic
Lunar Magic
Solar Magic
Sea Magic
Kitchen Magic
Ceremonial Magic
Hedge Magic
Death Magic
Gray Magic
Eclectic Magic
Elemental Magic
Fae Magic
Spirit Magic
Candle Magic
Crystal Magic
Weather Magic
Astral Magic
Shadow Work
Energy Work
Art Magic
Knot Magic
Music Magic
Blood Magic
Bath Magic
Tarot Cards
Oracle Cards
Playing Cards
Card Spreads
Psychic Abilities
Sacred Geometry
Angel Numbers
Crystal grid
Candle grid
Witches Ladder
Deity Specific Holidays
Religious Holidays (Christmas, Easter, Dionysia, etc.)
Celestial Events
Basics of Altars
Travel Altars
Deity Altars
Spirit Altars
Familiar Altars
Ancestor Altars
Self Altars
Working Altars
Burnout Prevention
Stress Management
Coping Mechanisms
Theories & History
Witchcraft history
New Age Spirituality
Cultural Appropriation
Conspiracy Theories
Satanic Panic
Witches in History
Cats in History
Transphobia in Witchcraft Circles
Queerness in Witchcraft Circles
How to Get Herbs
Drying Herbs and Flowers
Witches Alphabet
Runic Alphabet
Guide to Gardening
Your Witch Tips
Other Tips
List of Spells
Cryptids and Their Lore
What is a Liminal Space?
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Things to put in your book of shadows
Of course, only put in your book of shadows/grimoire what you want. If you don't want to put certain subjects in your book then that's fine. It's your book, utilize it how you want. This is just a masterlist of ideas that I've put together. Feel free to add anything else to the list that I may have missed, because there's absolutely no way I included everything.
And for the love of all the gods, if you come across a closed entity or practice, don't try to work with the entity or practice if you're not already part of that group or tradition. You can research it but don't practice it.
+ A blessing and/or protection
+ A table of contents
+ About you:
Your current path
Your personal beliefs
Your spiritual journey
Favorite crystals/herbs/animals
Natal chart
Craft name
How you got into the craft
Astrology signs
Birthday correspondences (birth tarot card, birth stone, etc)
Goals (if you have any)
Anything other relating to your personal practice
+ Safety
Fire safety
What NOT to burn
Plants and oils that can be toxic to your pets
What crystals shouldn't be in water, sunlight, etc
Things that shouldn't be put out in nature (salt, glass, etc)
Potion safety
How to incorporate blood safely
+ Core concepts:
Intention and how it works
Directing energy
Grounding and centering
+ Correspondence
Personal correspondence
Crystals and rocks
Herbs and spices
Food and drink
Tarot card
Elemental (fire, water, air, earth)
Trees and woods
Moon phases
Essential oils
Directions (north, south, east, west)
Local plants, animals, etc
Dream symbology
+ Different practices
Practices that are closed to you (some examples below)
Voodoo and Hoodoo **Closed**
Santeria and Brujeria **Closed**
Shamanism and native american practices **Closed**
Wicca and wiccan paths
Satanism, both theistic and non-theistic paths
+ Different types/practices of magick
Pop culture magick
Technology magick
Chaos magick
Green witchcraft
Lunar magick
Sea witchcraft
Kitchen magick
Ceremonial magick
Hedge witchcraft
Death witchcraft
Grey witchcraft
Eclectic witchcraft
Norse witchcraft
Hellenic witchcraft
+ Deities
The deity/deities you worship
Different pantheons (the main five are Celtic, Roman, Greek, Egyptian and Norse, all open)
Deities and pantheons that are closed to you
Common offerings
Their epithets
Their mythology
Their family
Deity worship vs deity work
Prayers and how to make your own
Deity communication guide
Devotional acts
Ways to get closer to them
+ Other spiritual entities
Ancestor work
Spirit guides
The fae
House spirits, animal spirits and plant spirits
Other various folklore entities
Spirit etiquette
Cemetery etiquette
Setting boundaries with the spirits
Communication guide and etiquette
Grounding, banishing, protection and cleansing, aka: "Spirit work safety guide"
How they appear to you
Common offerings
Circle casting
+ Divination
Tarot cards
Oracle cards
Tarot and oracle spreads
Palmistry/palm reading
Tasseography (Tea leaf reading)
Rune stones
Shufflemancy (Shuffling of a playlist)
Dice divination
Bibliomancy (Randomly picking a phrase from a book)
Carromancy (Melted wax)
Pyromancy (Reading flames)
Psychic abilities
Aura reading
Divination via playing cards
Sacred geometry
Angel numbers
+ Other types of magick
Candle magick
Crystal magick
Herbalism/herbal magick
Glamour magick
Weather magick
Astral work
Shadow work
Energy work
Art magick
Knot magick
Crystal grids
Color grids
Music magick
Charms, talismans and amulets
+ Spellwork
What makes a spell work
Basic spell structure
What NOT to do
Disposing of spell ingredients
Revitalizing long term spells
How to cast spells
What to put in spells (See correspondence)
Spell mediums- Jar spells, spoken spells, candle spells, sigils, etc
Spell timing
Setting up a ritual
Taglocks: What they are and how to use them
+ Holidays and Esbats
The 12 full moons (Esbats)
How to celebrate
Deity specific holidays
+ Altars and tools
What they are
The different types and their uses (travel altar, working altar, deity altar, ancestor altar, etc)
What you can put on your altar
What you use your altars for
Common tools in witchcraft
How to use the tools
Food and drink
Common herbs in recipes
Sabbat recipes
Moon water: What it is and how to use it
Potion bases
Tea magick
How to get your herbs
+ Mental health and self care
Bath magick
Burnout prevention
Stress management
Mental health coping mechanisms
+ History of witchcraft
+ Dream records
+ How to differentiate between the magickal and the mundane
+ Calendar of celestial events (Esbats, retrogrades, etc)
+ How to dry herbs and flowers
+ What chakras actually are and how they work within Hinduism
+ History and traditional uses of reiki
+ The witches' alphabet
+ The runic alphabet
+ Common witchcraft terms
+ Common symbols in witchcraft
+ Your own witch tips
+ Good witchcraft books and authors to avoid
+ Any online resources you utilize often
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bloop-bl00p · 8 days
Alastor could have been Native American
Before anyone screams racism, removal of representation, or whatever I redirect you to my post about the Voodoo representation of the show.
→ HERE ←
First thing first, Alastor is not a Wendigo but his cannibalism aspect led to fans believing the contrary, a belief that was pushed further with him being a deer. Wendigoes aren’t related to deer at all, they mostly look like men who are visibly starved and all. The deer thing came from pop culture.
Now you’re gonna ask..
“You’re all for representing properly religion and culture why would you want him to be American Indian if he’s not a proper wendigo?”
He could be a skinwalker with small elements of wendigo.
Here’s a small rewrite
It’s not related to Hell’s Safe Haven, I’ll be doing something different, feel free to take the idea for your oc if you want. But remember, Always do research :)
Why a skinwalker? They are shamans who started as healers but broke taboos from the culture which involve using their ability for harm and curses. If you’re smart then you should see where I’m going with this.
Rather than being an “evil voodoo man” Alastor could have been a shaman who transgressed important rules and became a skinwalker, one of these taboos is murdering a close relative to align with darker powers which pretty much fits for Alastor. Obliviously, you don’t villainize the whole culture, you can still show that shamanism, when not perverted by skinwalkers, can do good. Alastor’s mother could have also been a shaman and went to Heaven.
He could still have been a serial killer, stalking and learning the routine of his victims before killing them. Then he could have died in the snow because hunters noticed his activities in the forest, thanks to their dogs smelling the putrid flesh of the bodies he was carrying around, and then he got shot. Or you can have it that he managed to escape but got lost and had to eat part of the corpse he managed to get with him, but he also had to use their skin to not try and protect himself from the cold in vain partially linking him to Wendigoes.
In Hell, he could have looked like a starved disturbing-looking deer, starved because of wendigos and deer because that’s the animals he favored the most to lure people. In terms of powers, he could have the ability to reproduce people's voices through electronics mainly using radios to do so. A cool detail could be that these voices sound slightly disturbing and fake.
He completely took a more charming and refined aesthetic once in Hell to appeal to and manipulate others more easily. Skinwalkers are described as carrying bones I guess that could help for a possible redesign. Since his appearance is quite scary he could wear a hat to hide his face.
The actual critic
This is really a surface-level thing, it's a first draft based on Wikipedia, but you can’t say that it’s not remotely much more cohesive than whatever Viv is doing with Alastor.
This is something that absolutely frustrates me with the Hellaverse, Viv has very surface-level concepts, and she doesn't do enough research to bring them to their potential. It happens with Voodoo, the Goetia, the Seven Deadly Sins, and the whole pantheon of biblical figures.
What she does is she takes these cool ideas and slaps them onto her oc without much thought.
Take an example with Andrealphus, he teaches math and geometry so one of my first thought is to give me space manipulation. This means he can basically change your location in an enclosed space, turn an entire room around, and twist it to his liking. With his knowledge of maths and geometry, he knows what to do specifically to make you land exactly where he wants which makes him extremely hard to fight inside a house, especially if it’s a big place.
He could also completely reshape the laws of geometry and physics, how funny would it be to see that he lives in a small house, not taking much place but then you go outside and discover it’s basically a whole castle? It’s generic but it makes sense and makes places for lots of interesting scenes for fights or just aesthetics.
Vivziepop chose to give him ice power, for some reason. I mean math isn’t really an attractive notion in terms of supernatural abilities but you can still do something interesting with it. Unless his castle is a geometrical wet dream, I don’t see a possible link between the two. It’s a matter of creativity and the willingness to do research to cultivate it, she doesn't have that.
If you just slap very specific labels (like voodoos) on a character without thinking about how it could work for them and affect the world around them (if voodoo works then the Lwas exists), then not only you are not doing your “job” as a writer but you are just doing it for the aesthetic. It’s not wrong to do if it’s mundane things like saying that one character knows how to speak Latin, but in some cases, you gonna have to be careful about what you write in your stories.
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Metatron's Astrology Cube by Camille Murgue
"We are born at a given moment in a given place and like vintage years of wine we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything else." - C.G.Jung
Metatron's Cube
Metatron in Spirituality and Mythology
Before we dive into the world of Metatron’s Cube, it is essential to understand the figure behind this sacred symbol – Archangel Metatron. This celestial being holds great significance in various spiritual traditions and has been mentioned in mythological and religious texts throughout history.
Archangel Metatron is often referred to as the “Chancellor of Heaven” or the “Angel of Life.” He is believed to be one of the highest-ranking angels in the celestial hierarchy, acting as a bridge between humanity and the divine. In Kabbalistic tradition, Metatron is associated with the topmost Sephirah on the Tree of Life, Keter (Crown), representing divine unity and infinite light.
Mythological references to Metatron can be found in Jewish mysticism, particularly within Merkabah (chariot) mysticism and Kabbalah. According to some interpretations, he was originally a human named Enoch who ascended to heaven and transformed into an angelic being. His transformation from mortal to angel signifies his role as a mediator between earthbound humans seeking a spiritual connection with higher realms.
Metatron’s roles and attributes vary across different belief systems. In some traditions, he is considered a scribe who records all actions taken by any soul throughout its existence. In others, he is a powerful guardian angel who protects individuals on their spiritual journey. Some even believe that Archangel Metatron helps souls transition from life to the afterlife.
Metatron’s Cube and the Merkaba
Metatron’s Cube and the Merkaba are two interrelated symbols in sacred geometry, each with unique spiritual significance.
Also known as a star tetrahedron or three-dimensional Star of David, the Merkaba consists of two interlocking tetrahedrons (one pointing upward and one pointing downward), creating an eight-pointed star when viewed from certain angles.
In Hebrew, “Mer” means light, “Ka” refers to spirit, and “Ba” signifies body; thus, the term “Merkaba” encapsulates the concept of a light vehicle that carries our soul and body between different realms or dimensions.
Hidden within Metatron’s Cube lies a three-dimensional representation of the Merkaba.
To uncover this connection, focus on specific intersecting lines within Metatron’s Cube that create equilateral triangles arranged in an upward- or downward-pointing orientation. Visualizing these triangles as part of interconnected tetrahedrons reveals a three-dimensional version of the Merkaba.
This connection between Metatron’s Cube and the Merkaba is another demonstration of how sacred geometry brings together different symbols through common patterns and themes. Metatron is known for connecting humans with spiritual realms, and the presence of the Merkaba in Metatron’s Cube emphasizes this link even further.
Metatron’s Cube and its Spiritual Significance
Metatron’s Cube is rich in symbolism and holds deep spiritual significance. It is believed to represent the divine energy that flows through all creation and acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. The interlocking lines and circles symbolize the interconnectedness of all life forms and the unity of the universe.
The cube itself is a symbol of stability, foundation, and structure. It represents the physical world and the four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. The triangles within the cube represent the divine trinity, the union of body, mind, and spirit, and the balance between the masculine and feminine energies.
As discussed, Metatron, the angel associated with this sacred symbol, is often referred to as the “scribe of God.” He is believed to transmit divine knowledge and wisdom to humanity, acting as a guide and mediator between the human and divine realms. Meditating on or working with Metatron’s Cube is said to invoke his presence and assistance in matters of spiritual growth, transformation, and understanding.
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geometrymatters · 3 months
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Sir Roger Penrose
To me, the world of perfect forms is primary (as was Plato’s own belief) — its existence being almost a logical necessity — and both the other two worlds are its shadows.
Sir Roger Penrose, born on August 8, 1931, in Colchester, Essex, England, is a luminary in the realm of mathematical physics. His journey began with a Ph.D. in algebraic geometry from the University of Cambridge in 1957, and his career has spanned numerous prestigious posts at universities in both England and the United States. His work in the 1960s on the fundamental features of black holes, celestial bodies of such immense gravity that nothing, not even light, can escape, earned him the 2020 Nobel Prize for Physics.
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Penrose’s work on black holes, in collaboration with Stephen Hawking, led to the ground-breaking discovery that all matter within a black hole collapses to a singularity, a point in space where mass is compressed to infinite density and zero volume. This revelation illuminated our understanding of these enigmatic cosmic entities.
His work did not stop at the theoretical; he also developed a method of mapping the regions of space-time surrounding a black hole, known as a Penrose diagram. This tool allows us to visualize the effects of gravitation upon an entity approaching a black hole, providing a window into the heart of these celestial mysteries.
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Within Penrose’s chapter, “The Godelian Case” (from “The Road to Reality”) the profound implications of Kurt Gödel’s incompleteness theorems are examined in relation to the connection between mathematics and geometry. Specifically, Penrose’s attention centers on the model depicted in Figure 2.1, which portrays a cubic array of spheres. Through this visual representation, Penrose explores the intricate relationship between geometry and mathematical understanding.
By introducing the model of a cubic array of spheres, Penrose highlights the fundamental role of spatial arrangements in mathematical cognition. This geometrical structure serves as a metaphorical embodiment of mathematical concepts, illustrating how spatial configurations can stimulate cognitive processes and facilitate intuitive comprehension of mathematical truths. The intricate interplay between the arrangement of spheres within the model and the underlying principles of mathematics encourages contemplation on the deep-rooted connections between geometry, spatial reasoning, and abstract mathematical thought.
Penrose’s utilization of the cubic array of spheres underscores his broader philosophical framework, which challenges reductionist accounts of human cognition that rely solely on formal systems or computational models. Through this geometrical representation, he advocates for a more holistic understanding of mathematical insight, one that recognizes the essential role of geometric intuition in shaping human understanding.
By looking at the intricate connection between mathematics and geometry, Penrose prompts a re-evaluation of the mechanistic view of cognition, emphasizing the need to incorporate spatial reasoning and intuitive geometrical understanding into comprehensive models of human thought.
(E) Find a sum of successive hexagonal numbers, starting from 1 , that is not a cube. I am going to try to convince you that this computation will indeed continue for ever without stopping. First of all, a cube is called a cube because it is a number that can be represented as a cubic array of points as depicted in Fig. 2. 1 . I want you to try to think of such an array as built up successively, starting at one corner and then adding a succession of three-faced arrangements each consisting of a back wall, side wall, and ceiling, as depicted in Fig. 2.2. Now view this three-faced arrangement from a long way out, along the direction of the corner common to all three faces. What do we see? A hexagon as in Fig. 2.3. The marks that constitute these hexagons, successively increasing in size, when taken together, correspond to the marks that constitute the entire cube. This, then, establishes the fact that adding together successive hexagonal numbers, starting with 1 , will always give a cube. Accordingly, we have indeed ascertained that (E) will never stop.
Penrose’s work is characterized by a profound appreciation for geometry. His father, a biologist with a passion for mathematics, introduced him to the beauty of geometric shapes and patterns at a young age. This early exposure to geometry shaped Penrose’s unique approach to scientific problems, leading him to develop new mathematical notations and diagrams that have become indispensable tools in the field. His creation of the Penrose tiling, a method of covering a plane with a set of shapes without using a repeating pattern, is a testament to his innovative thinking and his deep understanding of geometric principles.
His fascination with geometry extended beyond the realm of mathematics and into the world of art. He was deeply influenced by the work of Dutch artist M.C. Escher, whose intricate drawings of impossible structures and infinite patterns captivated Penrose’s imagination. This encounter with Escher’s art led Penrose to explore the interplay between geometry and art, culminating in his own contributions to the field of mathematical art. His work in this area, like his scientific research, is characterized by a deep appreciation for the beauty and complexity of geometric forms.
In geometric cognition, Penrose’s work has the potential to make significant contributions. His unique perspective on the role of geometry in understanding the physical world, the mind, and even art, offers a fresh approach to this emerging field. His belief in the power of geometric thinking, as evidenced by his own ground-breaking work, suggests that a geometric approach to cognition could yield valuable insights into the nature of thought and consciousness.
Objective mathematical notions must be thought of as timeless entities and are not to be regarded as being conjured into existence at the moment that they are first humanly perceived.
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I argue that the phenomenon of consciousness cannot be accommodated within the framework of present-day physical theory.
His Orch OR theory posits that consciousness arises from quantum computations within the brain’s neurons. This bold hypothesis, bridging the gap between the physical and the mental, has sparked intense debate and research in the scientific community.
Penrose’s work on twistor theory, a geometric framework that seeks to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity, is a testament to his belief in the primacy of geometric structures. This theory, which represents particles and fields in a way that emphasizes their geometric and topological properties, can be seen as a metaphor for his views on cognition. Just as twistor theory seeks to represent complex physical phenomena in terms of simpler geometric structures, Penrose suggests that human cognition may also be understood in terms of fundamental geometric and topological structures.
This perspective has significant implications for the field of cognitive geometry, which studies how humans and other animals understand and navigate the geometric properties of their environment. If Penrose’s ideas are correct, our ability to understand and manipulate geometric structures may be a fundamental aspect of consciousness, rooted in the quantum geometry of the brain itself.
The final conclusion of all this is rather alarming. For it suggests that we must seek a non-computable physical theory that reaches beyond every computable level of oracle machines (and perhaps beyond). — Roger Penrose, Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness
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shini--chan · 6 months
Hey, could I request yandere Allies punishing dear reader, only to realize afterwards that the Allies themselves misplased the knife ect? And thank you for the amazing writing you do!
The pleasure is mine, dear. And please people, don’t read this during, or after eating - this especially refers to the France part of this post. Rated mature for reasons. 
Trigger warnings: Attempted murder, temporary death, body horror, gore, domestic violence, animal death
Yandere Allies - Oversight
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Now that had been unexpected, it occured to Alfred while he was in limbo. Limbo generally was a weird place, and it was best to focus on the internal going ons, than the external happenings. The alien geometries and starburst fractals and the unliving creatures haunting the semi-shadows would only make the aroma of his own death linger longer in his mouth should he inspect them. No need to pass over to the other side yet, either - he wasn't at the end of his life either. 
You were going to be in so much trouble when he got back. All that blood on his desk, it really wouldn't do. Perhaps he should force you to clean it up. Couldn't you have opted for a less bloody option, than slitting his throat? For all that you claimed to be kinder and fairer than him, with your modus operandi you had demonstrated that you were anything but that. And you called him a hypocrite. 
All of this because of your damn attitude problems and a misplaced knife. Hormone imbalance, mayhaps? He should have you take a blood test, just to make sure that a thyroid dysfunction wasn't on the table. 
Slowly the connection to his physical body started to reestablish itself and he felt the chill of death creep in his bones. Thankfully, due to his superpower status, his time in the limbo was relatively short and his body was therefore not too cold when he returned to it. Though, the dead time had been increasing as of late, and that was worrying all on its own. Something he would have to look at another time, though. 
Air entered his lungs and his heart gradually started pumping again. His throat felt like shit, but thankfully was closed. By the feel of it, you had covered it after you had murdered him. Speaking of you, he felt your hands rummaging in his jacket pockets. Rude. 
With some effort, he cracked his eyes open and observed you through his half-closed eyelids. He was on the floor, spread-eagle. Even through the postmortem blurr, he could recognise that you were pale beyond belief and you were shaking. The hands searching his person were frantic and your breathing was erratic. As his sense of smell kicked in, he caught the sharp sting of bile floating from his waste paper basket. 
Double Rude. If you had to kill someone, best not be a pussy about it and not vomit after doing the deed. Blazes, what was wrong with you that you couldn't even murder somebody probably? Maybe he'd have you kill one of those rats that once had vyed for your attention. Good riddance and a lesson all in one, that would be fantastic. 
Now, just to get your attention.
A hand wrapped around one of your ankles, and with his sight becoming clearer, he could see how your eyes went wide. Hands froze, and you turned your head to look down in that slow, comical fashion that was so typical of horror movie protagonists. When you screamed, he yanked your leg out from underneath you, causing the scream to morph into a yelp. 
Now this was funny
Given how distracted Alfred can get, he'll probably overlook where he placed the knife and will only realise what happened when it is too late. The best course of action would be to book it. If you want further time then you'd have to put Alfred even further out of commision, so that more time is spent healing.
When he does get you again, he'll be borderline manic and you can be assured that whatever punishment shall commence will be worse than the one that allowed you to obtain the knife in the first place.
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"I do hope you just have the knife 'cause you wanna cook something", he remarked. Matthew didn't even look up from where he was plucking his eyebrows, just kept staring intently in the small beautician mirror he had before him. There were more important things than you waving a knife around as if you knew how to use it. You couldn't even chop vegetables properly.
"And what if I don't?", you asked snidely. Slippers scraped against the floorboards as you approached him. Turning the mirror just so, he saw you over his shoulder, with a knife held high. Was your pallor and trembling due to the blood loss, fear, or both?
"You wouldn't dare to kill me. We both know that."
"How can you be so sure? After everything you've done to me, why shouldn't I?", you asked in return. Your voice wasn't even - it cracked and faltered at the end of some words and he had to strain his hearing to make out the others.
The personification turned around slowly, intent on being dramatic. He jad seen Alfred and his Lord Father do so often enough for him to be able to imitate them perfectly. 
There you were standing, holding the never some knife he had used to cut paper fine cuts in your back, a tally of all the spanks he had inflicted on you. You had been so upset, the humiliation and pain forcing tears from your eyes. Not surprising that you were having a tantrum, therefore.
Matthew was taller than you and therefore it was so easy to look down on you. 
"You've never hurt somebody. You wouldn't even dare cut a bunny's throat and then skin it, even if your life depends on it. Everytime somebody talks about organs and blood for more than five minutes, you become green. Do you really think it is believable when you say you want to injure me? Or even go further than that and kill me? 
So stop lying to yourself. You don't have the guts to kill me, 'cause that would mean staining your ledger with red", he explained, and with each other word, took a step closer to you. Eventually, you had to tilt your head back to look him in the eye.
 Trembling like a frightened rabbit, you clutched the blade even tighter to make sure it didn't fall out of your hand. No further words were said, but there was no need, for when he met no resistance when he pried the implement out of your grasp, he knew his words had hit home. 
It would come as no surprise to Canada should you approach him with a knife and malicious intent. Judging from your past reactions to punishments, it would be a given that you would act out more than usual, should you get your hands on a weapon
He would be willing to let it slide, as a way of showing just how inconsequential you arming yourself is to him. It is not like you can gain the upper hand over him or something of the sort, so why should he punish you for that? Besides, he is more angry with himself for making such a mistake. He is supposed to set a standard, to have a certain image in your mind. How can he have that if he is constantly slipping up?
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The steel felt cold against your skin. This whole thing was rather silly, even petty. It wasn't like that you didn't have unrestricted access to a whole assortment of knives. Heavens, it would take little convincing for Yao to let you take up fencing, and with historical swords for that. With a little work, you could then turn a blunted long sword into a sharp blade. This was more about the principal than the outcome.
Yao was enjoying a book on the couch, as was typical for a workday evening. There was even a cup of tea … no, herbal infusion on the table beside him and every now and then he would reach over and take a few sips. 
You just had to get your timing correct. 
After a few minutes of waiting, he finally reached over again and that was the moment you chose to strike. Quickly, you lunged in order to cross the space in the blink of an eye and rammed the knife downward.
The ugly screech of metal being embedded in wood filled the room, and the steel glinted crimson with droplets of blood. Yao hadn't even let go of the tea cup, now lifted slightly off the table surface. What he had done was spill some tea. 
There wasn't even a change in expression when he fixed his eyes on you. The cup exchanged hands and your partner lifted his hand to his mouth and sucked the blood away that was seeping out of the shallow cut in his hand.
"That was planned?", he finally inquired, his hand falling down to the table. He pushed himself upright and set the cup back down. 
It was kind of strange, now. You were kneeling at his feet and he was sitting above you, like you were some child begging for leniency from the patriarch of the family. 
"Don't tell me you are still upset about me eating the last of your chocolates."
"That is what you think this is about. No, it is about the dress."
"Really? That is even worse than the chocolate argument."
"Excuse you, but not everybody takes it well when you cut a dress from their body and burn it in the fireplace. It was new!"
Thin eyebrows shot up and he gave you a nasty sneer as he recalled the incident that had occured last weekend. Oh, he had made it so apparent that he hated seeing that piece on you. 
"Why would you insist on clothing your body with that filth gifted to you by that mutt? He wasn't doing it to be a friend, he was doing it because he wanted you in his bed."
Scoffing, you rose to your feet and brushed the dirt of the trousers you were wearing. 
"Don't you think I noticed? He was being rather obvious about it. And before you accuse me of wanting to sleep with him - no, just no. But I wasn't going to say no to that expensive dress.
Since China wouldn't use the knife itself to directly harm you, he'll quickly brush this all off as an overreaction. Due to such an incident occurring rather early in the relationship, it would be easy to make you see your own actions as being unreasonable. Will do his best to make you feel guilty about the whole thing.
Would treat you like a brat afterwards. You better think of something good to make up to him. This treatment would go on for a while until you "prove" to him that you are mature. Yao will use this incident to his advantage in the future - such as making you turn two blind eyes to his red flags so that you can't be accused of overreacting. 
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Arthur had his features drawn together in a pinched expression. Muscles in his cheeks jumped as he visibly kept his anger in check. Stretch a hand out to you. 
"Now, now darling. Be good and give me the knife", he said, with that soft, light tone that was more fitting when talking to a child than with you. It made your skin crawl. It made you grip the knife in your hand ever tighter. 
"Don't draw this out longer than it has to be. Give me the knife, and then you can go curl up on the couch 'till I'm finished tending to the fire.”
He was trying so hard to reason with you, to persuade you into complying with his will. But you know, that if you do, he’ll be no more lenient with you, than if you hadn’t. That is the part of the inherent cruelty of Arthur Kirkland. He is a callous and selfish man, who parades his supposed virtues not out of the pureness of his heart, but because they are fashionable. With you, there are enough times when he forgoes keeping up appearances, because it is not like you can leave him. 
And so the sheathed blades are unsheathed, and if you step out of line, a world of pain awaits you, both in the metaphorical and the literal sense. Arthur has an ideal that he wants you to live up to, and he doesn’t take it well when you break the mould. 
He took a step forward, and you one back. This couldn’t go on. Constantly he goaded you on being weak-willed and therefore needing him to make major decisions in your life - this was the opportunity to make him eat his words. 
All factors weren’t considered when you charged forwards, blade thrusted forward and aimed at the heart. The next few seconds passed in a blur, but afterwards, looking back on it, you knew what happened: 
The fire poker was pointed downwards and used to push the kitchen knife to the side. With the momentum you had put in the move, you weren’t able to take a step back and redeploy. His right arm wound itself around your outstretched one, fastening you to his side. The poker moved swiftly, swinging over the outer side of your elbow and the tip found its home at your jugular. 
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you wanted to be subdued by me. You know how aroused I get when I get to tame you. So tell me, did you want this all along?”, he asked coyly. 
A wild spark danced in his eyes, not akin to one that you had ever seen before. A hunter that only went after the biggest, most dangerous quarry and delighted in the fight itself. The scent of blood and sweat, the screams of the dying - you had feared Arthur before, but this was a different story. There had been to much ease with how simply he turned the tables. Perhaps fears of him being a berserker at heart were well founded. 
You tried to wind out of the lock, and subsequently bent your arm. Thankfully, the poker was no longer a few milimetres from penetrating your neck, but now it was pressing you down by the elbow. The strength behind the move forced you to give in and follow the course that Arthur was directing you to. Being led around like that, you were forced to make an arc around him. The fire poker pressed your elbow towards him, giving you no choice but to flop down on your back. 
Hand and metal implement vanished and you breathed deeply. Arthur was still standing in front of the fireplace, the fire shining behind him. That, and with him standing over you, made him look like some angel about to punish you for your sins. 
“If you have to attack, then never do so half heartedly or when full of rage. I can tell you this, because either way, you never stand a chance of winning against me.”
Arthur would be very irritated in this whole matter. But if you are so insistent, then he’ll gladly play teacher to his new, so willing pupil and give you a lesson that you wouldn’t forget so fast. With all the years of combat experience and practice in swordsmanship under his belt, his victory would be a given. He would even go so far as to say he would be able to defeat you with a cooking spoon. 
Would make a whole game out of it. It has been so long since he has had a decent sparring partner that he might as well train you up to par. That way, he could easily demonstrate his superiority on a regular basis, he would have the perfect conditions to bully you, and you would get to release all those pesky emotions of yours that otherwise make you so disagreeable. Win-win, right?
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You glowered at France. The bastard was sitting across from you, arms crossed in front of him and with a disgustingly smug grin on his obnoxious face. It was sickening really, the whole thing was sickening, and he was acting as if justice had been served. 
So far, you had managed to avoid eating the meat part of the dish, and had wasted a lot of time pushing around the chips and carrots before consuming them. The piece of meat was covered with cheese, something that you had decided on so that you wouldn't have to see it, that you wouldn't have to smell it.
Cooking your beloved pet had been bad enough as it was. The scent of blood still lingered in your nose, and even now that last panicked scream echoed in your ears. 
Now it would be time to start eating it; there was nothing else left on your plate.
You wanted to puke. 
Grabbing sideways, you managed to get the knife in your grasp. You didn't even look as to where the offending thing went exactly. Eyes were just focused on his face, and the time went in that general direction. He even had to duck.
The next moments didn't register by you, as you buried your face in your hands and sobbed loudly. All of this just because of one man's jealousy. With a sweeping motion, you sent the plate crashing to the floor, not caring that the results of you resisting your punishment. 
You just wanted this whole nightmare to be over. 
France wouldn't really be the sort to resort to physical violence, except if very specific circumstances apply, like war, colonialism or dealing with treason to the nation. Since that can't really be expected, the knife would be an instrument in your psycological torture. In the case described above, that would take the form of forcing you to kill, process and eat a pet that he is jealous of. 
In his eyes, you should be his lover and not share your love with somebody or something that isn't him or his. If you would not let him bask in your love and attention, then drastic measures shall be needed. And what is more valuable than a life? 
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With a nauseating squelch, the knife buried itself in the meat of his shoulder. Blood sprayed upwards and some of it immediately seeped out of the wound. A loud grunt broke the silence as your victim was torn from his sleep through the violence. 
You wanted to wrench the blade out while you still had the chance, but it was harder to pull out than you thought. Perhaps the force behind the blow had been enough to lodge the knife in the bone. It apparently wasn't sharp enough to effortlessly slide out of it. 
On top of that, Ivan scooted out of the bed before you could dislodge the blade, fast despite the injury and the sleep weariness. Your captor stood a good few metres away, the twilight of the room making him look like some giant beast. The heavy panting and the knife handle sticking out of his shoulder only added to that image. 
"Are you insane?", he hissed. 
One large hand reached up and pulled. Now the blade came out in a fluid motion, and drops of blood sprayed forward. Due to the very loose nightshirt that he was wearing, you hadn't managed to emesh the fabric with the wound - the metal had only penetrated human tissue. 
Ivan hadn't even let out a single grunt of pain. Even now, when blood was running down his chest, then disappearing down the hemline of the shirt, staining it red, he seemed unfazed.
"You're one to talk", you snapped back. "Did it never occur to you that I might get fed up with the way you treat me and decide to retaliate?" 
He scoffed and stepped closer to you. The knife was tossed to the side, and he glowered. 
"And did it ever occur to you that I don't punish you because I find it fun, but because you need to learn that your actions have consequences? You are not some child, so you should know better than to think I'll simply let you do as you please. Though, from the stunt you've pulled now, I'm actually inclined to reassess my thoughts about your maturity", he stated. 
With each word, he took a step closer until his toes were touching yours. A strange crawling motion could be seen in the area of the wound, like it didn't want to accept the parting. 
"Oh, and weren't you of that same opinion when you put me over your knee and gave me a hiding with the flat side of that blade?", you challenged him. Oh the terror had quickly morphed into humiliation once you had realised what was going on. 
"Perhaps you should stop behaving like a sugar-addled brat then."
The skin and meat knitted itself together, a grotesk acceleration and bastardisation of the natural heal process. Ivan signed in relief and took his attention off of you and inspected the scarless skin, rolling his shoulder and flexing his muscles. 
Your heart dropped and your thoughts slowed to a standstill in shock. You had severely underestimated him.
"And also not turn to being a traitor. You know very well what I do with those."
Ivan would take your actions against him as treason and if there is something that he can't tolerate, it is a traitor. Gone are all the privileges and outings and affection. If you aren't quick to make up to him and express your remorse and see the error of your ways, you're going to have a long road ahead of you. You'll have to work hard to get back into his good graces; even just getting him to treat you with human decency would take a while. 
In his eyes, if you choose such disproportionate retaliation in response to his actions, then you either have an attitude problem or something went wrong in your upbringing. He'll be happy to correct that. It'll range from what you are allowed to eat, to the media you consume, to your bedtime. Imagine a strict headmistress or matron. 
A/N: The move I described is actually a real technique used with one handed sword. It was a cool day learning that one. 
France was hard to write, so I decided to keep it short. 
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arcane-abomination · 6 months
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There’s lots of Witchcraft within our modern times that can be done online. Especially mobile. Many people have a phone even if they don’t have a computer. This makes carrying a digital grimoire and/or secret craft a lot easier. Yet there are some, that still struggle with finding some good resources. So this post is made for just that.
Keep in mind that everything is meant primarily for phones, since that’s the most common thread among digital Witchcraft.
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Free Apps
⚜️ TimePassages: An app for astrology lovers! It has a moon tracker as well as daily horoscope (if you’re into that) but one of the best features is its extensive and detailed birth chart information. It includes a birth chart wheel and all its aspects. It’s a great source for working with planetary energies within and without the self. It’s an all around great app.
⚜️ Rock Identifier - Stone ID: There are several apps that claim to identify stones and Crystals but this is the highest rated and the one I enjoy the most. It not only identifies the stone but can offer a bit of info on some of the beliefs around that stones energy.
⚜️ About Herbs: This is a wonderful app that doesn’t get enough love. It’s an app that discusses medicinal advantages and disadvantages of various plants. They are presented by the Memorial Sloan Kettering cancer center, and provide links to the research to back up their claims. They also make it clear that they are for informational purposes and not to self diagnose, or self medicate without proper treatments from your doctor. They are a wonderful app for those who prefer herbal medicine.
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Web Sites
⚜️ Divination:
Tarot: This website sells their decks but also gives free single card draws for all of them. What’s great about it is that while tarot does have basic meanings they all share, the artwork on each deck plays a significant role in each meaning, making the reading far more unique then the average deck
Runes: A fairly simple and easy to use rune generator. They offer several spreads as well as the history behind the practice and meanings on each rune.
⚜️ Sigil Generators: Each website offers a different style to the sigils they create. Each as well has a downloadable feature for those sigils you make.
Sigil Engine
Psychic Science
Sigil Scribe
⚜️ Digital Altars: Digital altars can play an important role for the TechnoPagan. So these are some makers that you can use to make your own.
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Text Symbols
These easily copy and pasted symbols are great for digital spell work and rituals.
⚜️ Gender:♂♀ ⚦ ⚨ ⚩ ⚤ ⚢ ⚣ ⚥ 🜢 ⚲ 
⚜️ Beliefs: ⛤ ⛧ 🜏 ☥ ࿊ ࿋ ࿌ ♱ ॐ ௐ † ☩ ۞
⚜️ Alchemy: 🜁 🜂 🜃 🜄 🜋 🜌 🜔 🜕 🜖 🜗 🜙 🜚 🜛 🜳 🝆 🝊 🝕 🝖 🝘 🝢 🝦 🝩 🝮 🜎 🜍 🜞 🜟 🜣 🜤 🜥 🜦 🜩 🜪 🜻 🜹 🜼 🜾 🝰 🝪 ྿ ☉ ☽
⚜️ Zodiac: ♈︎ ♉︎ ♊︎ ♋︎ ♌︎ ♍︎ ♎︎ ♏︎ ♐︎ ♑︎ ♒︎ ♓︎ 
⚜️ Aspects: ☊ ☋ ☌ ☍ ⚺ ∠ ⚹ □ △ ⚼ ⚻
⚜️ Planets: ☿ ♀ ♁ ♂ ♃ ♄ ♅ ♆ ♇
⚜️ Moons: ⚷ ⚸ ⚳ ⚴ ⚵ ⚶ ☾
⚜️ Stars: ☼ ✬ ✫ ★ ✯ ✧ ✪ ⚝ ✩ ✶ ✷ ✸ ✹ ⁂ ⁑ ✰
⚜️ Runic: ᚠ ᚡ ᚢ ᚣ ᚤ ᚥ ᚦ ᚧ ᚨ ᚩ ᚪ ᚫ ᚬ ᚭ ᚮ ᚯ ᚰ ᚱ ᚲ ᚳ ᚴ ᚵ ᚶ ᚷ ᚸ ᚹ ᚺ ᚻ ᚼ ᚽ ᚾ ᚿ ᛀ ᛁ ᛂ ᛃ ᛄ ᛅ ᛆ ᛇ ᛈ ᛉ ᛊ ᛋ ᛌ ᛍ ᛎ ᛏ ᛐ ᛑ ᛒ ᛓ ᛔ ᛕ ᛖ ᛗ ᛘ ᛙ ᛚ ᛛ ᛜ ᛝ ᛞ ᛟ ᛠ ᛡ ᛢ ᛣ ᛤ ᛥ ᛦ ᛧ ᛨ ᛩ ᛪ ᛫ ᛬ ᛭ ᛮ ᛯ ᛰ
⚜️ Ogham: ᚁ ᚂ ᚃ ᚄ ᚅ ᚆ ᚇ ᚈ ᚉ ᚊ ᚋ ᚌ ᚍ ᚎ ᚏ ᚐ ᚑ ᚒ ᚓ ᚔ ᚕ ᚖ ᚗᚘ ᚙ ᚚ ᚛ ᚜
⚜️ Trigram: ☰ ☱ ☲ ☳ ☴ ☵ ☶ ☷
⚜️ Nature: ❧ ❦ ♣ ♧ ꕥ 𑁍 ❁ ✻ ✽ ❃ ❈ ❊ ✿ ❆ ❅ ✱
⚜️ Geometry: ◆ ◇ ✧ ❖ ✦ ✧ ⬪ ⬫ ░ ▒ ▓ █ ▄ ▌▐ ▀ ■ □ ▢ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▧ ▨ ▩ ▫ ▬ ▭▮▯▰ ▱ ▲ △ ▴▵▶▸▹►▻▼ ▽▾▿◀◂◃◄ ◅ ◆ ◇ ◈ ◉ ◊ ○ ◌ ◍ ◎ ● ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◔ ◕ ◖◗ ◢ ◣ ◤ ◥ ◦ ◧ ◨ ◩ ◪ ◫ ◬ ◭ ◮ ◯ ◰ ◱ ◲ ◳ ◴ ◵ ◶ ◷ ❍ ❏ ❐ ❑ ❒ ❘ ❙ ❚ ⬒ ⬓ ⬔ ⬕ ⬖ ⬗ ⬘ ⬙ ⬚ ⬝ ⬞ ⬟ ⬠ ⬡ ⬢ ⬣ ⬤ ⬥⬦⬧ ⬨ ⬩ ⬬ ⬭ ⬮ ⬯ ⭓ ⭔
⚜️ Currency: £ € $ ¢ ¥ ƒ ₧ ¤
⚜️ Misc: ♡ ❥ ∞ ♤
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grey-sorcery · 1 year
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Title: Dimensions & Planes: A Comprehensive Look
Related Reading:
The Energetic Senses Visualization, Reiki, & Fascism Astral Projection Basics Conceptualization Vs. Visualization Bias in Witchcraft Basics of Warding Introduction to Gnosis
Important note: A lot of information in this post has its origins from Theosophy (The core of New Age ideology) and is an integral part of a fascist pipeline. All high-risk concepts will be highlighted in red. Please use discretion when researching further into these topics. Researching for this article myself was very difficult and time consuming. The last thing I want to do is misinform others or provide sources that will lead my readers into a fascist pipeline.
The exploration of dimensions and spiritual planes has captivated human curiosity for centuries. From scientific inquiries into the nature of space and time to metaphysical explorations of unseen realms, these topics invite us to contemplate the mysteries that lie beyond our ordinary perception. In this comprehensive study, we delve into the intricate concepts and implications of dimensions and spiritual planes, transcending the boundaries of conventional knowledge and venturing into the realm of the unknown.
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Understanding Dimensions
Dimensions, in scientific parlance, are fundamental parameters that define the structure and geometry of the universe. They serve as coordinates within the framework of space and time, facilitating the measurement and description of physical phenomena. Dimensions provide the framework through which the spatial and temporal extents of objects and events can be comprehended and quantified. It is important to distinguish between physical dimensions and their metaphysical, spiritual, & energetic counterparts. Physical dimensions relate to observable spatial and temporal extents that can be directly perceived and measured.  Beyond the dimensions that our senses can apprehend, there are postulated higher dimensions that transcend our perceptual limitations. These higher dimensions are hypothesized to exist based on various scientific theories. While we can't directly perceive these dimensions, their existence is inferred through mathematical models and theoretical frameworks such as string theory and M-theory. These dimensions can become intuitive with study and regular exposure to conceptualizations of their behavior and properties.
String theory postulates the existence of additional compactified dimensions that are curled up and imperceptible at macroscopic scales. These dimensions are believed to influence the behavior of subatomic particles and underlie the fundamental forces of nature. M-theory extends this notion by encompassing multiple possible geometries and allowing for a broader range of dimensions. Multidimensional models, built upon principles of topology, provide mathematical frameworks to explore the complex structures and dynamics of higher-dimensional realms.
It is important to note that String and M-theory has been mostly dismissed in the scientific community as a purely mathematical experiment rather than an operable model.
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Exploring Spiritual Planes
It is so important to discern genuine information from the influence of the Theosophical Society, which has at times distorted and popularized certain aspects. The society's appropriation and misrepresentation of spiritual concepts, such as the astral plane, have led to a bastardization of authentic beliefs. For example, the Theosophical Society popularized the notion of the astral plane as a realm inhabited by disembodied entities, deviating from its original context within esoteric traditions.
The concept of spiritual planes spans across diverse belief systems and religions, each offering unique perspectives and interpretations. For instance, in Hinduism, the concept of "lokas" refers to different realms or planes of existence, such as the physical realm (Bhuloka), the celestial realm (Svarloka), and the abode of the divine (Brahmaloka). Similarly, in Buddhism, the notion of "Buddhafields" represents different realms where enlightened beings reside, such as the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha. Throughout history, spiritual planes have played a significant role in the practices and rituals of various cultures. Ancient Egyptian civilization, for instance, held a strong belief in the existence of the Duat, an underworld realm where the souls of the deceased traversed. Indigenous cultures worldwide have embraced the concept of otherworldly realms, such as the Aboriginal Dreamtime in Australia, which encompasses the spiritual dimension of creation and ancestral connection.
While the specific characteristics of spiritual planes may vary, some common elements emerge across different belief systems. These include the presence of heightened consciousness, divine energies or entities, transformative experiences, and access to higher knowledge. Spiritual planes are often described as existing beyond the physical realm, serving as realms of expanded awareness and connection to the divine or transcendent forces.
Spiritual planes encompass a range of realms beyond our immediate sensory perception. The astral plane, often discussed in esoteric traditions, is considered a realm of psychic and emotional energies. The ethereal plane is described as a realm of subtle energies and spiritual beings. Beyond these, the celestial planes are associated with realms of higher consciousness and divine presence. It is important to note that the categorization of these planes can vary across different belief systems.
The interactions between dimensions and spiritual planes are subjects of great interest and contemplation. While dimensions pertain to the structure of space and time, spiritual planes exist beyond these physical dimensions, yet are intricately connected to them. Spiritual planes are often described as existing in parallel or interpenetrating dimensions, coexisting alongside the physical realm. They are accessed through altered states of consciousness, deep meditation, prayer, mastery of energetic practices, or ritual practices. These interactions enable communication, guidance, and spiritual experiences, providing opportunities for personal growth, enlightenment, and union with the divine.
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The Astral Plane
The astral plane is believed to exist parallel to the physical realm. It is often described as an interconnected network of subtle energies and vibrational frequencies that permeate the universe. However, it is important to note that the astral plane does not occupy a specific location in physical space as we understand it. Rather, it is a realm of consciousness and energy that can be accessed through altered states of awareness.
The history of the astral Plane is closely intertwined with esoteric and mystical traditions from various cultures (*1a) throughout human history. However, it is crucial to distinguish between genuine esoteric teachings and the popularization of the astral plane in certain New Age and Christofascist movements. Some individuals and groups have appropriated and distorted the concept of the astral plane, aligning it with their own ideologies and personal narratives.
A prevalent misconception surrounding the astral plane is the belief that it is inhabited by spiritual entities or beings. However, it is important to note that the astral plane itself is not a dwelling place for independent entities. Rather, it is a realm of energy and consciousness that reflects the thoughts, emotions, and intentions of individuals who access it. The perception of entities in the astral plane often arises from personal narratives, personal beliefs, or symbolic representations rather than the existence of actual separate beings. These narratives often stem from individuals who do not genuinely access the astral plane.
Perception and interaction with the astral plane vary among individuals and spiritual practitioners. It is commonly experienced through altered states of consciousness, such as deep meditation or astral projection. (*2a) However, it is important to note that the astral plane is not accessed through visualizing or imagining specific entities or landscapes. In fact, relying heavily on visualization during astral experiences can be a sign of failing to enter the authentic astral plane, as it indicates a reliance on mental constructs rather than a true connection. In order to enter the astral plane, one must break away from their physical body and move into their subtle body (astral form). Visualization is a mental and physical process and will keep a practitioner locked in their body.
For witches, the astral plane can serve as a valuable tool for spiritual exploration (*3a), self-discovery, and magical practice. By accessing the astral plane, witches can tap into aspects of their own being, gain insights, and work with potent subtle energies that they normally have difficulty accessing. They may engage in astral travel to gain knowledge, receive guidance (*4a), or create complex and sprawling energetic constructs. The astral plane can also be a space for ritual work, spellcasting, and experimentation.
1a: When trying to research the history of the astral plane, nearly all the information originates from the Theosophy Society.
2a: Many of the altered states and meditations (often guided) that are online or are in texts are mostly, if not entirely, based in New Age practices. 3a: Spiritual exploration, if not done responsible can very easily lead to cognitive bias. 4a: Seeking knowledge or guidance from the astral plane without experience and critical thinking leads to logical fallacy.
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The Dream Plane
The dream plane is a fascinating realm of consciousness that exists parallel to our waking reality. It is a domain where dreams unfold and where the mind explores and experiences a multitude of scenarios and emotions. Unlike physical locations, the dream plane is not bound by conventional notions of space and time. It transcends the limitations of the physical realm, offering a platform for profound exploration of the subconscious mind.
Throughout history, dreams have held significant cultural and spiritual importance in various societies. Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Native Americans, recognized the profound insights and messages that dreams could convey. Dream interpretation was considered an art, with dreams being seen as portals to hidden truths, divine messages, or glimpses into the future. These cultural perspectives highlight the belief in the dream plane as a gateway to the mystical and the profound.
One common misconception regarding the dream plane involves the belief in the existence of entities or supernatural beings within dreams. However, it is important to understand that dreams primarily originate from the depths of the dreamer's own mind. The various characters, events, and environments encountered in dreams are often representations of personal experiences, emotions, and subconscious processes, rather than external entities or supernatural phenomena.
As far as science understands, the dream experience is a complex interplay of psychological and physiological processes. While dreams are commonly associated with the processing of subconscious thoughts and emotions, they offer more than mere symbolic representations. Dreams can provide profound insights, creative inspiration, and problem-solving abilities. They offer a unique window into the mind's inner workings, allowing for personal growth, self-reflection, and a deeper understanding of one's own psyche.
The dream plane is a realm of limitless possibilities, where the dreamer can navigate and interact with a rich tapestry of dream environments and experiences. Within this realm, the dreamer's thoughts, emotions, and beliefs shape the dream landscape, influencing the unfolding events and the overall dream experience. The dream plane becomes a canvas upon which the dreamer's subconscious and conscious mind converge, creating a personalized and dynamic dream narrative. During a dream, the dreamer becomes the space and is capable of experiencing any and every aspect of the space from any and every vantage point. While the dream plane is technically a zero dimensional space, the mind and subtle body generate as many dimensions as necessary in order to facilitate the dream. Small pocket spaces are generated that house aspects of the dreamer’s subconscious which are pulled from during the generation process. Time within the dream plane often behaves in a nonlinear and fluid manner, defying the constraints of our waking reality. Dreams can compress or expand time since they exist outside of time and space, enabling the dreamer to experience a significant passage of time within a brief dream episode or to condense extended periods into a fleeting moment. This time dilation and distortion within the dream plane add to the surreal and immersive nature of dream experiences. Furthermore, due to the method dreams are generated here, the dreamer moves through areas of the space that are dedicated to their subconscious. This is typically where the “vibe” of the dream is ingrained. Most of the dream is actually in these areas.
Dreamwalking is a unique phenomenon that involves consciously traversing the dream plane while in a state of lucidity. It differs from regular lucid dreaming as it encompasses the intentional exploration of other dreamers' dreams or venturing beyond the confines of the dream plane itself. Dreamwalkers possess an extraordinary ability to navigate and interact with dreams beyond their personal realm, connecting with other dreamers or accessing extradimensional realms within the dream space or beyond. This practice opens up a realm of possibilities for expanded consciousness, interconnectivity, and multidimensional perceptions. Think of the dream plane as a nexus where all planes and spatial dimensions connect. From this nexus, Dreamwalkers may leave and traverse anywhere. Due to the lack of time in the dream plane, a Dreamwalker may also traverse through any point in time when they leave the dream plane. 
It is important to note that Dreamwalking is not an easy or common practice. The improper practice of Dreamwalking (or the narrative that one is doing so when they aren’t) can lead to cognitive bias. Some of the best ways to identify Dreamwalking are: Waking not feeling rested at all, remembering 100% of the dream- even the subconscious areas, waking with bloodshot eyes, feelings of being disconnected from the body for several hours after waking.
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The Mental & Causal Planes
These planes originate 100% from Theosophy. Please use discretion when reading about or researching them. 
The mental plane represents a realm of consciousness that transcends the physical and material dimensions. It encompasses the vast landscape of thoughts, ideas, and cognitive processes (*1b) that shape human experience. Within the mental plane, the mind operates on a heightened level of awareness, exploring the depths of intellectual inquiry, analysis, and creativity. It is a realm where abstract concepts, mathematical principles, and philosophical musings come to life (*2b). Examples of the mental plane's characteristics can be found in the insights and intellectual breakthroughs experienced by scholars, scientists, and artists (*3b). It is a domain where the mind's potential is unleashed, offering glimpses of universal truths and the interconnectedness of knowledge.
The causal plane resides beyond the realm of thoughts and ideas, diving deeper into the essence of existence itself. It represents the underlying causes and fundamental principles that shape the physical reality (*4b). The causal plane is the realm of pure potentiality, where the seeds of manifestation are sown. It transcends linear time and holds the blueprint for the unfolding of events and experiences in the physical world. Understanding the significance of the causal plane allows for a deeper comprehension of the interplay between cause and effect, and the power of intention to shape reality.
Consciousness plays a pivotal role in accessing and navigating the mental and causal planes. It is through consciousness that individuals can transcend the limitations of the physical world and tap into the higher realms of existence. Higher awareness enables a deeper understanding of the workings of the mind and the interconnected nature of all things. It allows individuals to transcend the confines of ego and tap into the collective consciousness, accessing profound wisdom and insights that surpass individual intellect (*5b).
Various practices can facilitate the exploration of the mental and causal planes, enabling individuals to expand their consciousness and delve into the depths of their inner being. Meditation serves as a powerful tool for quieting the mind, enhancing focus, and cultivating a state of heightened awareness. Through meditation, individuals can access deeper levels of consciousness and explore the realms of thought and intuition. Additionally, practices such as mindfulness, self-reflection, and introspection provide opportunities for self-discovery and accessing the wisdom of the mental and causal planes.
The mental and causal planes hold immense potential for practitioners of witchcraft. By tapping into these realms of consciousness, witches can enhance their magical practices and expand their understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. The mental plane provides a platform for the formulation of spells, rituals, and intentions, allowing for the cultivation of focused and directed thought energy. The causal plane, on the other hand, holds the keys to the underlying causes and forces that shape magical manifestations. By aligning with the energies of the causal plane, witches can amplify their intentions and manifest desired outcomes in the physical world (*6b).
1b: I have found zero support for these concepts that can’t be explained by imagination or visualization. 2b: Nearly all descriptions I’ve come across are all misunderstandings or misinterpretations of concepts found in science and math. 3b: I found zero first hand testimonies from qualifying individuals. 4b: This can easily be used to justify biases and elitism. 5b: See cognitive and confirmation biases. 6b: While alone, this idea isn’t inherently an issue, in the context of the rest of the topic, could easily lead witches to ineffective practices.
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Intuitional Plane
This plane originates 100% from Theosophy. Please use discretion when reading about or researching it.
The intuitional plane represents a realm of consciousness that taps into the depths of inner knowing and wisdom. It transcends the limitations of rational thought and linear logic, allowing individuals to access insights, truths, and guidance that arise from a deeper, intuitive understanding (*1c). The intuitional plane is a gateway to the realm of instinct, gut feelings, and subtle perceptions that reside within each individual (*2c). It is a realm where knowledge arises effortlessly, bypassing the need for conscious analysis or external validation. The intuitional plane invites individuals to trust their inner guidance and connect with the wisdom that lies beyond the realm of ordinary perception (*3c).
The intuitional plane operates beyond the realm of visualization, offering a profound experience of direct knowing. It is not dependent on mental imagery or pictorial representation but rather arises as a deep inner resonance and understanding. Perceiving the intuitional plane involves a heightened sensitivity to subtle energies, a receptivity to inner nudges and whispers, and an openness to the spontaneous flow of intuitive insights. It is a realm that can be accessed through stillness and quieting of the mind, allowing the intuitive faculty to arise naturally and effortlessly.
Within the intuitional plane, individuals can explore a wide range of uses and applications. It serves as a wellspring of creativity, enabling artists, writers, and innovators to tap into new ideas and inspirations. It offers guidance and insights for decision-making (*4c), helping individuals navigate life's challenges and make choices aligned with their deepest values and purpose. The intuitional plane also provides access to spiritual insights and transcendent experiences (*5c), offering glimpses into the interconnectedness of all things and the nature of the divine.
Cultivating a receptive and open mindset is key to expanding intuitive capacities. This involves letting go of preconceived notions, suspending judgment (*6c), and embracing a sense of curiosity and wonder. Engaging in practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and self-reflection can help quiet the chatter of the mind and create space for intuitive insights to emerge. Developing self-awareness and attuning to one's inner sensations and feelings can also enhance intuitive abilities, as it allows individuals to discern the subtle cues and signals that arise from the intuitional plane.
There are various techniques that can be employed to access and utilize intuitive guidance from the intuitional plane. Journaling and reflective writing can serve as powerful tools for tapping into intuitive insights. By engaging in free-flowing writing and allowing thoughts and impressions to emerge without judgment, individuals can access the intuitive wisdom that arises from within. Engaging in creative practices such as art, music, or dance can also facilitate the expression of intuitive insights and enhance the connection with the intuitional plane. Additionally, practicing active listening and deepening one's capacity for empathy can help individuals attune to the intuitive messages that arise through interpersonal interactions and subtle energetic cues.
1c: This mentality can very quickly lead to cognitive bias.
2c: I found no supporting arguments for this plane’s existence outside of personal narratives and visualization.
3c: Giving too much trust to spiritual means of acquiring information will lead to multiple logical fallacy.
4c: No one should ever rely on magical or mystical means when making life changing or major decisions.
5c: This concept can easily be used to enforce personal narratives.
6c: Letting go of judgement when dealing with concepts and practices within a new age practice is asking to fall into fascism. See new age conspiracy theories and fascist propaganda.
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Other Esoteric Planes
Beyond the realms of the astral, mental, causal, and intuitional planes, there exist a myriad of other esoteric planes waiting to be explored. While the exact number and nature of these planes may vary across different spiritual traditions and belief systems, they collectively contribute to a lot of esoteric knowledge and offer diverse avenues for spiritual exploration. Each of the following planes either originate from or were heavily influenced by Theosophy. Please use discretion.
The Ethereal Plane: a realm of subtle energies that underlie the physical universe. It is often described as a bridge between the physical and spiritual dimensions (*1d), serving as a conduit for the flow of life force energy. In this plane, one can explore the interconnectedness of all things and gain insights into the energetic dynamics that shape our reality. This plane is also inhabited by spiritual entities.
The Celestial Plane: The Celestial Plane represents realms of heightened spiritual consciousness and divine presence (*2d). It is often associated with celestial beings, transcendent states of bliss, and profound spiritual insights. Exploring the celestial plane offers seekers the opportunity to connect with divine wisdom (*3d), experience states of unity and oneness, and deepen their understanding of the cosmic order.
The Akashic Plane*: The Akashic Plane, also known as the Akashic Records, is described as a vast reservoir of collective knowledge and information. It is said to contain the records of all past, present, and future events, as well as the thoughts, emotions, and experiences of all beings. Accessing the Akashic Plane allows individuals to tap into this expansive library of wisdom and gain insights into their soul's journey and the interconnectedness of all life (*4d).
The Transcendent Plane: The Transcendent Plane represents the highest realms of spiritual realization and non-dual awareness. It transcends the limitations of form and duality, offering seekers a direct experience of the timeless and formless nature of existence. Exploring the Transcendent Plane involves surrendering the individual ego and merging with the infinite consciousness that underlies all creation (*5d).
1d: As far as I could find, the type of spiritual entities aren’t ever really specified beyond “angels”.
2d: Typically anything that heightens spiritual consciousness and connections with the divine or anything along those lines is a set up for bias and godphoning/manipulation.
3d: Given the context of this practice, “divine wisdom” is a means of spiritual elitism and gatekeeping.
4d: See cognitive bias. This practice can be used and manipulated to justify nearly any action, ideology, prejudice, or preference. Creates an environment perfect for elitism.
5d: A bastardization of the concept of enlightenment found in some Buddhist and Hindu practices.
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Navigating the Spiritual Planes
Embarking on a journey to explore the vast realms of the spiritual planes requires the utilization of various tools and practices. These tools serve as gateways to higher states of consciousness and facilitate the exploration of multidimensional realities. By engaging in specific practices, seekers can enhance their capacity to navigate the spiritual planes and connect with the profound wisdom and transformative experiences they offer. 
Meditation stands as one of the foundational practices for navigating the spiritual planes. Through focused attention and mindfulness, individuals can quiet the mind, transcend the limitations of the physical body, and tap into higher states of awareness. By cultivating a deep sense of presence and inner stillness, practitioners can access expanded states of consciousness and explore the depths of their being.
Lucid dreaming serves as another powerful avenue for multidimensional exploration. This practice involves becoming aware within the dream state, enabling individuals to consciously interact with and navigate the dream environment. By honing the skill of lucidity, seekers can harness the potential of the dream plane as a platform for spiritual growth, self-discovery, and even interaction with non-physical entities or aspects of their own psyche.
Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) offer yet another avenue for traversing the spiritual planes. During an OBE, individuals perceive themselves as existing outside their physical bodies, allowing them to explore different dimensions, realms, or even visit other states of existence. Through various techniques such as astral projection or remote viewing, seekers can expand their consciousness beyond the constraints of the physical body and venture into uncharted territories.
Gnosis is one of the most reliable methods for entering a spiritual plane. Through a state of gnosis, a practitioner may become so engulfed in the conceptualization of the plane that their physical body almost seems to melt away. 
Shamanic practices, deeply rooted in various indigenous traditions, provide profound methods for navigating the spiritual planes. Shamanic journeying involves entering an altered state of consciousness through rhythmic drumming or other techniques, enabling individuals to connect with spirit guides, ancestors, and the energetic realms beyond the ordinary perception. Through the use of sacred rituals, plant medicines, and spiritual ceremonies, practitioners can access profound states of consciousness and engage in transformative experiences within the spiritual planes. Be very conscious when trying shamanic practices as a lot of them are either closed or appropriations of closed cultures. Remember to be respectful and aware.
Seeking guidance from spiritual teachers and traditions can provide valuable insights and support in navigating the spiritual planes. These teachers, who have often dedicated their lives to spiritual exploration and practice, offer wisdom, techniques, and guidance based on their own experiences. By studying under the tutelage of these teachers, individuals can receive guidance on the practices, rituals, and approaches that facilitate safe and transformative journeys through the spiritual planes. However, please bear in mind that a lot of these concepts have their root in New Age practices and ideologies. Due to this, many “guides” and “teachers” actually commodify their services, which will likely not even be genuine. Many predatory capitalist practices exist within the New Age community. Reiki is an excellent example.
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Spatial Dimensions & Witchcraft
Spatial dimensions play a significant role in the practice of witchcraft, offering a framework through which magical energies can be understood and harnessed. By exploring the connection between spatial dimensions and witchcraft, practitioners can deepen their understanding of the metaphysical realms they work with and enhance their magical abilities.
Incorporating dimensional concepts into magical practices allows witches to tap into the vastness and complexity of the multiverse. It involves recognizing that the physical world we perceive is just a small subset of a larger reality encompassing multiple dimensions. This expanded awareness enables witches to navigate and interact with different energetic planes and dimensions, facilitating more profound connections with spiritual forces. Rituals and spells focused on exploring and harnessing spatial dimensions serve as gateways for witches to access properties of space that most typically do not consider. For example, by perceiving and working with higher dimensions of space, witches can expand their perception and influence beyond the limitations of three-dimensional reality. This expanded awareness can enable them to sense subtle energies, communicate with spirits, and navigate intricate energetic networks.
Incorporating higher dimensions into the creation and maintenance of wards significantly enhances their potency and effectiveness. Wards, which are protective barriers or enchantments, can be fortified by utilizing the spatial dimensions to create complex and multi-layered structures. By extending the wards into higher dimensions, witches create a more intricate and resilient defense against negative energies, malicious entities, or unwanted intrusions. The incorporation of higher dimensions allows for a broader scope of protection, encompassing not only the physical realm, but also the spiritual and energetic planes. Furthermore, the utilization of higher dimensions in spirit and energy work opens up new avenues for witches to connect with and channel divine forces. By aligning their energy with the higher-dimensional aspects of the spiritual realms, witches can access heightened states of consciousness and tap into the abundant energies present in these dimensions. This can enhance their ability to communicate with spirits and manifest their intentions with greater clarity and potency. A lot of spirits exist across a multitude of higher and lower dimensions. Becoming aware of and working within these dimensions can give a practitioner a better understanding of how these entities experience their realities, granting the practitioner a sense of empathy for the spirits they interact with.
It is essential to note that incorporating dimensional concepts into witchcraft requires a balanced approach, grounded in knowledge and discernment. While working with spatial dimensions can be empowering and transformative, it is crucial to maintain an awareness of cognitive bias due to the lack of methods of confirmation. Practitioners should be mindful of the interconnectedness of all dimensions and the potential consequences of their actions. This includes practicing consent and respect when working with spirits or other entities from different realms and being aware of the potential impact on workings.
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The Limitations and Challenges of Understanding Dimensions and Spiritual Planes
The study of dimensions and spiritual planes is not without its limitations and challenges. Skepticism and criticism from scientific and religious communities often arise when discussing these topics, as they may be perceived as esoteric or outside the realm of empirical observation. Scientific rigor demands empirical evidence and reproducibility, which can pose challenges when investigating phenomena associated with dimensions and spiritual planes that may transcend the physical world.
Subjectivity and interpretation also play a significant role in the understanding of spiritual experiences. Each individual's perception and interpretation of these experiences can vary, making it challenging to establish objective criteria for evaluating or measuring spiritual dimensions. Personal beliefs, cultural background, and individual experiences all contribute to the subjective nature of spiritual exploration.
Moreover, spiritual exploration is not without its potential dangers and pitfalls. It is essential for individuals to approach these realms with caution and discernment. Without proper guidance and understanding, one may become susceptible to misinformation, manipulation, or falling into the trap of self-deception. In the quest for spiritual enlightenment, individuals must exercise critical thinking and discernment to avoid being led astray by misleading ideologies or dogmas.
Furthermore, the quest for knowledge and further research is an ongoing process in the study of dimensions and spiritual planes. As our understanding of the universe and consciousness evolves, new insights and theories may emerge, challenging existing frameworks and expanding our understanding of these phenomena. The scientific community continues to explore and investigate these topics, utilizing diverse methodologies and interdisciplinary approaches to shed light on the nature of dimensions and spiritual planes.
However, it is crucial to be aware of the potential dangers of encountering fascist propaganda while researching spiritual planes. Theosophy, with its historical associations with white supremacy and fascist ideologies, has left a lasting impact on spiritual communities. Therefore, it is necessary to approach information originating from theosophical sources with caution, critically evaluating its content and context to avoid inadvertently perpetuating harmful ideologies or misinformation.
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Megan Kipp Jinsu Ing Mar Cosmicaquamarie
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ross-hollander · 24 days
The more I think of it...
...the more I believe that EI technology and its related problems slot perfectly into the Star Curse theory. The 'mech was built to house something; the EI implants make you a part of the 'mech, even more so than a mere neuro-helm would.
So what is known about EI implants is that they make the bearer a categorically better pilot- straight-up superior in combat reflexes, and even in time to readiness, as there would be no need for so much as donning a helmet. But, this increase in ability comes with a terrible price, as the mind slowly degrades, and the open channel between machine and meat can result in fatal electric shocks.
Now, look at it through the lens of a haunted galaxy. There you are, with arcane geometries or rune-like patterns indelibly printed on your flesh, mind slipping into a state where you believe less that you are simply within the vessel than that you are the vessel. The concept of possession is as old a belief as there being things to possess people.
It could be a fact that the interface between flesh and machine is what causes the mental damage, the unstable personalities, the dangerous eccentricities. But I believe there is a third party involved, invoked, invited by the implants, and it is this malign presence that does the heavy lifting- and the slow gnawing away of the pilot, or the sacrificial victim.
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tthatsonme · 27 days
Intellect, by molly.
— People often underestimate the seriousness of your sudden shift of motivation, in this day and age; it’s uncommon to see anyone (especially younger people) read a book or have any interest in having goals whatsoever, but you’re different, you’ve set the curve, you’re the centre of attention and everyone should be like you especially when it comes to academics, parents are constantly asking you to teach their kids your way because of how effortless your work ethic and dedication to school seems.
— Whenever the teacher needs an example on how to do a math equation or what a well written and worded essay SHOULD look like they always hold up your assignments as an example, you are 100% the best example of what a student should be like an any generation but especially this one, all of the parents and guardians with the “brain rotted iPad babies” or “wasting their lives away because of technology addiction teenagers” beg you to tell them what your “secret is” but maybe you’re not even fully aware of your greatness or level of discipline and success.
— You have a very distinct and important morning routine that you do every day, whether your routine has 4-steps or 40-steps it’s almost like it’s been burned into your DNA to follow it daily, your routine is not optional, you have the most perfect sleep schedule it’s almost as perfect as you, but in case you need a late study night you wake up everyday well rested regardless of whether you slept a full 8-hours or not, your memory to do things is amazing, you have a better memory than most people in your classes, you remember everything that you hear, read, and write in terms of school, you remember how to spell everything, your handwriting is always neat and legible, you could basically rewrite the dictionary at this point, fun fact: most people in this generation aren’t fluent in English because of the lack of spelling and vocabulary (my teacher said this so it’s probably true), while the other people in your class are crying over the phone ban if you have you you’re perfectly fine without your phone for 6-8 hours a day, you’ve never had any issues writing stories or having original thoughts, you have an extremely expanded vocabulary and are an amazing writer, “You don’t use brain rot?? Nerd alert!” It’s surprising to hear someone only use quote “brain rot terms” ironically, whilst the rest of the world is having unintelligent conversations about skibidi toilet and whatnot you’re the complete opposite.
— You have no issues in and are the best at all forms of mathematics, geometry, algebra, calculus, arithmetic, trigonometry, number theory, statistics, set theory, topology, discrete mathematics, probability, combinatorics, numbers, mathematics analysis, analytical geometry, differential equations, applied mathematics, game theory, pure mathematics, linear algebra, numerical analysis, and matrix algebra, natural sciences, engineering, medicine, finance, computer science and social sciences, biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, earth sciences, zoology, ecology, microbiology, astrophysics, neuroscience, logic, ethics, psychology, philosophy, mechanics, and social sciences, morphology, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, psycholinguistic, linguistics, phonetics, historical linguistics, stylistics, and computational linguistics plus whatever other courses and classes that you have. [If this last part seems random it’s because it is, it’s copy and pasted from a personal sub I made a year ago for 11th grade :p]
_Things to remember
You can and will only ever manifest what you desire from this subliminal
Make sure not to obsess over your results because they can lead to limiting beliefs
You don’t have to listen daily or 1-7 times or anything like that, one is always enough with any subliminal :)
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bioethicists · 11 months
hii! i saw your tags on the post about calculus and im really curious what you meant about calculus helping you better understand what it means to be a person, if you feel like elaborating!!
lmaooo ty for enabling me but please forgive me in advance this is by far my most meta theory + it's definitely a drug fueled one
basically, one of the foundational aspects of my view of the world + knowledge production (this is p standard anthropologist shit, to be clear, not something unique to me) is that our understanding of the 'real' is culturally constructed + the boundaries which separate one thing from another are illusions, not unquestionable facts. this isn't some insidious, horrible project we need to abandon- it's often necessary in order to communicate + function. for example, a hand- people designated what constitutes a hand because they had to in order to communicate effectively + accomplish important functions like healing, creating clothing, etc. (you can see how this becomes standard anthropology shit bcuz anthropologists look at how different groups of people construct these "truths" differently, entirely uninterested in the project of deciding which groups of people are "right")
but 1) "hands" as we understand them- the borders we draw around what is + is not one, for instance- are products of collective cultural understanding. the concept of the 'hand' does not exist as separate from the arm or more broad than the fingers until we designate it as such. 2) the "hand" is fundamentally inseparable from the arm, which is inseparable from the body, which is inseparable from the world etc. everything is a part of everything else + we are choosing to refer to it in isolation out of utility, not because it can truly be separated from everything else. obviously a hand is 'real' in that it impacts the world around us, but the idea of what it is has been created + now the fact that this idea was created (not obvious or innate) is forgotten, ignored, or obscured.
this might seem kind of obvious/pedantic because i picked a deliberately easy example (i think nietzsche used the example of a flower, which now that i think about it might have been a better choice on my part), but a lot of harm in science + the greater world is caused by the deliberate or unintentional ignoring that everything, even 'scientific fact', is produced via these pretend separations. this doesn't mean that the separations don't produce meaningful, useful things! it just means acknowledging that those things are a product of specific cultural understandings + relationships + not unquestionably superior or definitively settled. lefty ppl may be familiar with viewing some things through this lens, like race, gender, class, the state, but most ppl hold a belief that some things are Real + culture's influence on these things is supplementary + not defining of our understandings of what those things are.
euclid writes in "the elements", probably the most influential geometry text of all time, "a point is that which has no part". a point is meaningless until it comes into contact with other points. the paradox of geometry becomes, how does a constellation of nothingness (points) become something? how do we come to understand that something as having an identity + properties all its own, distinctive from other somethings? when euclid is writing this, he is absolutely reveling in this, as math was once a deeply philosophical pursuit intrinsically tied to metaphysics. calculus illustrates this particularly poignantly because calculus primarily deals in derivatives.
a derivative takes a series of points + turns them into one point (which can then be combined with other points + turned into another point again, ad infinitum). take a speeding car- "velocity" (you can just think of this as speed) is the first derivative of the position of an object with respect to time. it is a single point (60 mph, for example) which encapsulates a bunch of different points- the position of the car at 1sec, 2 sec, 3 sec, 4 sec etc. obviously, creating this point can be extremely useful, but all this number represents is a collection of observations or "points"- it is a 'real' thing which is comprised of a bunch of other 'real' things but it only holds meaning in the way that it captures the relationship between things. a derivative takes movement + renders it static, but its very identity as a derivative prevents us from looking away from the fact that it is a manufactured stasis + that underneath/within the derivative, a great deal of movement/change is occurring. the thousands of instances which created that derivative are not hidden by the derivative, they constitute it.
so, on a philosophical level, i see calculus as this act of moving between unstable, constructed relationships between things, treating them as still objects as far as that is necessary or useful, but never forgetting what lies beneath them. this goes hand in hand with my fondness for dialectics in knowledge production (please note that a lot of Hegelian scholars would vehemently disagree with me on this), actor-network theory, rhizomes/striation. it underlies my theological views, my academic work, my relationship to my body (rejection of cartesian dualism), my views on the spiritual/paranormal, basically everything in my life. everything is in constant relationship with everything else + only exists as far as it is defined by these relationships (which is a delightful paradox; that which has no part only becomes real through interfacing with other things which have no part) + naming these relations is identifying a temporary/narrow snapshot, not identifying or even creating a "truth". science/academic knowledge's insistence on maintaining a monopoly on the "real" (where science is a linear march towards increasing Truth + eventually we will "know" everything, towards the secular + modernity) is deeply destructive. looking at knowledge production/metaphysics as a practice of calculus allows me to move through the world understanding that everything is constructed without losing the ability to act or formulate thought + to generate academic work with this in mind.
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