#ummm...do i dare tag this.
valentinesdayy · 10 months
haiii!! Have you ever wanted a place to post art and other creations? Have you wanted to interact with other creatives in a collective place? look no further than my brand spankin new!! Doodle Arcade Discord Server!
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terras-domain · 5 months
Hey man good day 👍🏻
I read you take requests? I have something in mind since I read that Karina × Chaehyun lesbian fic I thought of requesting a lesbian smut but this time it's StayC's J & Isa where J is purely obsessed with Isa and she will be the dom one. Besides, we rarely see StayC smuts and them two are just perfect. ❤️
Anywayz that was it. Thanks very much 👌
Pushing Limits
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Lee Chaeyoung (Isa) x Jang Yeeun (J) - Stayc
Tags: Teasing, Lesbian sex, tribbing (scissoring idk what you guys call it), invasion of privacy
words: 3309
terra's note: helloo @unspoken-rage04 I know this took you quite a while. It's been like what, two weeks? I started this around Saturday March the 27th so yeah it is taking me quite some time. I hope you (and other people who's reading this enjoys. Love you all <33
"Unnie! What kind of question are you even asking?" J's oval face blushed, turning blush red as the game of truth or dare between the girls got heated up. It was mostly pure silliness and everything you would expect from the Stayc girls to do, but Sumin's question of truth was too hard to answer, especially with the whole group around the living room of the dorm. "What? It wasn't all that serious. It's just a simple question of who's your crush?" Well, it was kind of a lie. Sumin oversimplified J's truth question that she gave. She asked if she was given a chance to have sex with one idol, who would it be?
"Well why not? It's not like we're strangers. Felix from Straykids is known for being so kinky, there's guys like Joshua from Seventeen who's more softer and gentle. All rumours of course hahaha!" Yoon giggled, looking at her blushing maknae, who's now the spotlight of their little game. Her cute flustered expressions just radiates a wide smile in the room, enjoying the adorable sight of Stayc's babygirl. "Well it's not that I don't want to say it-" J flicks her hair back, the brunette trying to recover her cool by scrunching her lips to the side. "-I just so happen to not have anybody in mind yet. I'm not horny like you perverts" J pointed her nose to the ceiling, acting cocky and trying to cover up her messy and heart racing self, trying her best to run away from the question. "Oh, you sure J? Not even women? Not even your cute little unnie~?" Isa, the woman sitting next to her in the imaginary circle they made by sitting next to each other finally let out some words. She loved watching her little maknae looking so helpless and shy, it's so adorable.
Isa's face now inches closes to J, only a pinky finger away from each other. The girls laugh it off, having their little entertainment fulfilled by their maknae's reaction, filled with heat and oxytocin radiating through her face, showing how she's a bit turned on by Isa's little tease. "Unnie....are you drunk again?" J asked, her unnie does smell of booze. Must be related to the dozen of cans stashed in the dumpster just now, must be Isa's doing since she drinks a lot. "I'm not drunk~ *hic* this is totally me normally" despite being drunk, Isa's words weren't wrong. No matter what state she's in, she always finds away to flirt and tease the members, J being her prime target. Something about J just made her want to tease the cutie brunette everyday, whether it is by treating her like a baby and feed her food out in the open, or something like this; having her face as close to each other as possible. It works of course, evident by J's heart pounding hard, trying to control her emotions and not immediately just pounce on her unnie. After all, Isa has always been the one teasing her. Of course at some point J will slowly develop feelings for her cutesy unnie. How she occasionally teases her everyday, her friendly and teasy nature, and her curvy body to top it all off just drives J crazy.
"Ummm- I really don't have an answer for this guys.." J flusters, hiding her face behind the palm of her hands, cupping her flushed red face from her unnies. Her unnies, looking at their shy maknae, reacted with a teasing giggle. Although it answering the truth question is part of the game, they didn't wanna bully their maknae any further. "Okay okay okay let's just get to bed girls. We're all looking pretty dead tired." Sumin gives a beaming smile, ending their little game to calm down J. Her eyes shift to Isa, who chugged one too many beers that makes her look dead drunk at the living room. "You go to sleep Isa. You're getting too drunk haha." The leader looked at the intoxicated kitty, barely awake and thinking straight with the amount of alcohol in her body. "Whaaat? *hic* I'm completely fine!" She argued, but her breath reeks of booze. Sumin could only shake her head with a smirk on her face, and shifting her attention to J. "Can you help guide Isa to to her room J?" she asked, asking the maknae for a favour. Their rooms are next to each other so it was pretty convenient for J to carry Isa to her room.
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J tried to refuse, pushing the responsibility of taking care of her kitty unnie to someone else but Sumin didn't budge, this is her job now. With Isa's right arm around her shoulder, guiding Isa to her room. The intoxicated Isa was getting in heat, trying to get the maknae's reaction, her cherry red lips puckered up to kiss J's cheeks. "Unnie....you're so drunk" J grunted, trying to avoid to fall deeper in the rabbit hole, being indulged in Isa's teasing would just make her emotions run wild. Isa kept pulling the maknae's face, eventually her lips do reach J's smooth cheeks. "U-unnie! You really are drunk!" J exclaimed, her red as tomato face looks straight into Isa's eyes, her face looking half awake and seconds away from passing out. As soon they reached the teasy kitty's room, J helped Isa to lay down, resting on her bed. "Are you not gonna join me in bed, J-baby?" Isa asked, her adorable face pouting into J's soul, making her heart skips two beats. How is it possible for her to resist such a beauty that Isa is gifted with? J tried to shook off her thoughts of being in bed with her, turning away from her teasy unnie, running away from her teases. In an act of last resort, Isa grabbed her dongsaeng, causing J to turn back to Isa as Isa planted her lipson J's. The sudden kiss made J almost melt in Isa's arm, replying the kiss as they took a good 10 seconds enjoying each other's lips, making out before J pulled away, her shyness took over her mind and avoided the situation to get any more heated. "I'm sorry unnie, I can't-" the conflicted J could do nothing but run away, storming to her room as she leaves the half aware Chaeyoung in her room who right after getting rejected fell into her bed, passing out from the aftereffect of alcohol in her body.
It was a restless night for J, for the better or worse. Her mind was filled with thoughts of her unnie. Even as she rests asleep in her room, Isa still roams rent free in her mind, popping in her dream. Her curves, her teasy words, her body boldly inching closer to her. Despite being a figment of her imaginations, J's dream felt surreal. The heat from Isa felt like the same heat it radiates every time the two are close to each other. Her words were the same cheesy lines Isa throws to her, seducing the toyish maknae. As soon she woke up, J felt a little heavy, as if her mind had something to tell her, something to deal with. As she was massaging her scalp, looking to ease the pain from last night's roller coaster of emotions, she noticed a notification coming from her text messages. She wasn't in a rush to reply just yet, as her mind is still fixated on one thing. "I should go and apologised to Isa." She monologued, finally reaching her senses. She got up and got herself presentable, despite still in her pajamas, and head towards her neighbouring room, Isa's. "Unnie, are you in there?" J's voiced came followed with a few knocks on her door. No answer.
Curiosity filled the maknae's mind, so she opened the door to check on her senior. She was very drunk last night so she might be still asleep. But to her surprise, she was greeted with a room with no one inside. What was left was the clothes Isa wore last night left on the bed. Puzzled, she resorted in checking her phone to find some clues. And that's when the text message gave her answers.
"@ j (baby yeeun) we're out shopping for a while today. we wanted to bring you along but you were asleep. soz >.<" a text message came from Sumin, which made nod her head, grasping the situation a bit more.
So it turns out she was alone in the dorm, and it's only her at the moment. J looked around, the room flashing the incident of last night, but this time her feelings for Isa were too strong to make her too shy to run away again. She sat down and sat on Isa's bed, her eyes roaming around the nicely yet plain looking room before her eyes stared at the garments stashed on the bed. She was only catching a few glances, but her pupils were fixated on one thing for some reason, Isa's panties. She knows she wants to, and knows damn well she shouldn't. "I can't, but-" J's mind was all over the place. Her heart beating as if she ran a marathon, her mind contemplating the consequences of her actions that she may or may not do in the next seconds. Lust overcame logic, and so did J's heart overcoming her brain, her hand now grasp Isa's used panty, now in her possession. She was hesitant, but the more she overthinked it, the more she wants it. J lifted the underwear near her face, closing in the cloth towards her nose to take a sniff. "Oh gosh, fuck." J groaned, her mind knows this is wrong, especially in Isa's room, but at this point she can't turn back. All that teasing, all the built up emotion, all those sinful lust inside her, it has to be let out. J continued her pursuit on Isa's unintended panty, taking a deeper sniff while her fingers reach lower down her body and underneath her pants. Her fingers reaching her own cunt, touching it as her index finger ran fingers around her clitoris, fully submerged in her own lust for her unnie, until she was completely oblivious of the audience in front of her. "Well, well, well. Enjoying yourself J?" A giggled followed the question, a soft and familiar voice for J that made her body jolt from the shock.
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" Wait unnie- I, I can explain!" she definitely can't. Her mind races for an excuse, but before she can come up with a witty answer, Isa is already on top of her, pinning the panicking J to the soft mattress. "I-I thought you were out with the others." J finally had a her mouth speak a sensible sentence, which only replied with a sweet grin from Isa's face. "I didn't I was up when they were leaving so they didn't have to text me to let me know. I was just down stairs eating breakfast~" Isa explained, but her arms firmly grab hold onto J's wrists, forebiddening her from moving an inch. "And you seem to be having a lot of fun here, aren't you J-baby?" she snickered, her lips letting out a small laugh as J looked up, helpless. Her little sin caught red handed, and seems like Isa is here to punish her. "Don't worry cutie, I won't hurt you. We both know we wanted this, right?" Isa led the way this time, her words can only be responded by J's nodding head. Her mouth is sealed tight, unable to form a single word to reply. It wasn't really necessary for J to speak anyways since short after Isa got her face close to J again, giving her a deep kiss. This time J didn't run away, instead embracing her unnies soft lips on hers, taking each other while Isa rested her weight on top of J.
"nghh...unnie~" J's lips slipped out words, causing Isa to stop her barrages of kisses on her maknae's lips. She didn't say a word, instead her eyes stare deep into J's letting her know she can speak. "I'm sorry, for yesterday." It was all her mind could think of. It was her initial plan to come and apologize anyways so she got what she needed to do crossed. "Hehehe oh Yeeun~ it's okay. I loved teasing you anyways." The older Stayc member giggled before her lips got back on her maknae, she doesn't want to waste this chance. She wants all of her. "Although if you wanna apologize you gotta do it properly~" she grinned, adjusting herself so that her thick body is kneeling directly above J's gorgeous face. "I saw you enjoying my panties Yeeun~ why not have a taste at here?" She looked down, noticing J being a bit hesitant about it. Isa didn't want to force her any further, instead she just let her do her thing, she knows J wants it as much as she does. J, still staring at Isa's bare pussy after she slid her panties to the side, is still dumbfounded. Her heart debating with itself if she wants to or not, but she knows the answer deep down already. It was always gonna be a the same answer. Every, damn, time. The urges took over her, her tongue sticking out as she starts to lick up Isa's tight cunt, making Isa let out a satisfactory moan, feeling her maknae lick it slowly but passionately. Her hand moves towards her own two chests, groping them gently while J continues to give her unnie pleasure. Her tongue moving up and down, licking by the entrance of her pussy making Isa groan in pleasure, relieved to finally get her hands on her lovable maknae. "Oh fuuck yes baby, you're better than I thought you were~" Isa grunted, her hands holding on to the bedframe now as she grinded on J's ecstatic face, enjoying the pleasure of finally being free to do what she wants to, to finally be able to let out her lust for Isa.
With Isa taking the lead now, her hips grinding on the younger member's face, J got the freedom to plant her hands on her pussy. Sliding down her pants and panties off, she managed to let her tight cunt out for her to touch, rubbing the entrance of her private temple feel the fresh air in Isa's room. Rubbing it gently while her mouth pleasures Isa's, J was occupied. Her body is drugged in sex, loving it and needing even more. She wants Isa, she wants her unnie. With Isa keeping her hips moving front and back, her face is nothing more of a seat for J, letting her tongue be the point of pleasure to Isa's cravings. "Nghhhh- you're amazing Yeeun baby~" Isa grinned as she stops, letting J take her much needed breath. She helped her to sit up, taking a quick break while Isa helps her calm down and fixing her maknae's messy hair, probably from the amount of riding Isa did to her face. "Unnie...." J breathed out her call, getting herself a bit more clingy, the opposite of her usual reaction towards Isa's teasing. "I want more" J continued, her face reflecting a cute pout, almost as if she's begging for Isa to do more to her.
"Oh my little J baby~ Finally being honest huh?" She giggled, her lips planting kisses on both sides of J's cheeks, slowly kissing her before her hand rubs on J's pussy. "I'll give you lots of love baby~" She giggled before she spreads her fellow member's legs wide, showing off J's wet pussy. Loving the sight she smiles at J as they both go in for another kiss, making out deeply once more, this time with both of them being naked in Isa's bed. Isa leans her body closer, her cunt now touching J's as they start to rub their private parts together. J was sensitive, she arched her body away from Isa, shocked by the new sensation that Isa gave her from their clitorises touching each other. "It's okay Yeeun~ it'll feel good, trust me" Isa whispered into her ears after pulling out from their kiss, reassuring the anxiety maknae. The truth or dare game was already clear evidence of her virginity, and the fact Isa was her first, she has to go slow but also strong enough to please her. Her hips hump back and forth slowly, riding on J's lower half, making the maknae moan loudly from the ecstasy of pleasure Isa is giving her. "Nghhhh aaaah unnie...it feels so good" J voiced out her moans, lifting on of her legs up, making it easier for Isa to move. "Mmmmh oh yeah? I love it too baby. My little baby J feels so good." Isa replied, her body increasing the pace of her grinding, feeling the folds of their pussies clashing together as they scissor, grinding on each other. J made sue to move too, she doesn't want her unnie to do all the work. Their bodies now getting tensed up, edging towards their climax. Their hips couldn't stop moving, clashing their pussies together while Isa's bedroom turns into that of a moaning mess. "Aaaah~ fuck yeah J move your body just like that. Such a quick learner you are huh?" Isa made a quick remark on J's quick adaptability to Isa's pace, enjoying both of their bodies together as they hugged, making sure the other doesn't move away.
"unnie....I can't hold it much longer~" J whined, the tension on her lower end is piling up, she couldn't wait no further. She wants this. She wants to cum for her adorable unnie. "You wanna cum baby? You wanna cum with your unnie~?" Isa's voice starts to get breathy, her hands clenching into fists as she held her dongsaeng tight, her pussy almost at her limit. "Unnie... I-I can't hold it anymore-!" Their tension got louder, their moans escalate higher and higher as the movement from their hips progressively got faster too. "Mmmh~ cum with me Yeeun, cum with me baby." The two Stayc girls moaned out loud, finally giving in as they held each other, J digging her nails slightly into Isa's skin as she lets out her streams of cum, squirting together with her unnie as they both cum and yelp from the pleasure.
It all felt like a blank space after. Both Isa and J were left quiet. Laying down in bed, staring into each other, reality kicking into their minds for what just happened. "Hehe, how was it baby? It was pretty fun huh?" Isa squeezed closer towards her panting maknae, trying to gain her breathe, and also process the whole thing. Seeing her senior smiling again, a sincere angelic smile she always puts on, brings sparkles in J's heart. She was joyful. It was a crazy ride, and she was doing it fully scared of what might happen. J reached her arm to cuddle in with Isa, smiling with her as they both grinned and laughed at each other, both of them surprised to see the outcome of all of Isa's teasing actually lead to them having sex. "I love you unnie" J, now confident and thinks less of her decision, tightly wrap her unnie around her arms, hugging tight after planting a kiss on her unnie's lips. "Aww~ I love you too my little J-baby" Isa replied, resting with her, both cuddling up closely and resting with each other's heat present.
"The others won't get mad over this, right unnie?"
"Naaaah don't worry J, they probably knew we'd fuck sooner or later hehe~" Isa's words turn back to teasing mode, making J reset her mind to the usual shy and easily flustered self from the flirtatious Isa. "UNNIE!"
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jujutsubaby · 7 months
after hours (part 6)
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☆ pairing: satoru gojo x afab!reader ☆ summary: you go to the barcade with your friends, feeling dejected that toji hasn't messaged you back. not only that, you're horny as hell and the girl satoru brought with him doesn't like you one bit. ☆ warnings: 18+! MINORS DNI! sexting, slight dub-con (reader and gojo get to second base while drunk), grinding, kissing, slight exhibitionism, drinking, slight verbal harassment ☆ tags: modern au, academia au ☆ a/n: this one's a doozy (8k+ words sorry) 🤪 also the bob odenkirk uber thing actually happened to me in college ok i really thought it looked like him even tho there was no reason for it!! leave me alone!! 🖤🤍 series masterlist 🤍🖤
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"ngh~ m'gonna throw up," you complain, rubbing your temples, as you and your friends walk into the popping barcade.
"jesus, how much did you drink?" suguru asks concerned.
"not much but i saw satoru-" you fake a gagging noise. "i saw satoru shoving his tongue down that girl he's with right now."
"i heard that!" satoru yells, a couple yards behind you. you quickly turn around and see him walking beside her, his hand resting way lower on her back than it should be. you grimace at the sight.
your complaints are drowned out by the loud music the DJ was playing, the sound of coin machines, arcades, and people shouting over the music. it wasn't as crowded as usual (still crowded enough to have to wait in line for drinks and games). you're sure the thumping of the music will definitely have your ears ringing at the end of the night.
your eyes take a while adjust to the dim lighting, and you and your friends approach the bar, crowding around in a circle. the girl satoru is with is all over him, her hands never leaving his chest or his face. she’s always making it a point to kiss his cheek whenever she gets the chance. it makes you sick. there's no way fate is this cruel that even someone like satoru gets laid tonight and you don't?
god, what the hell is toji even doing that's making him too busy to answer your text?
"alright, me 'n satoru will grab drinks for everyone, you guys get coins for the arcade," suguru says and you’re grateful he’s taking control of the chaotic situation and bringing your thoughts back to the present.
“’toruuu~ can you get me a vodka tonic?” the girl asks in a grating high pitched voice that takes everything in you to not make another face at her. god, where’s all this animosity coming from anyway?
“yes, princess,” satoru replies, pulling her close and squeezing her tight. you don’t dare cast your eyes down in fear of catching him squeezing something else, too.
you shake it off, trying to ignore every single excruciating detail your brain is making you pay attention to at this place. and yes, you agree, maybe you should’ve taken it easy when you decided to down an entire can of white claw at the pregame, but it’s far too late to lament about that during this time of the night. things are practically getting started, so you snap out if it, and do your best to focus on grabbing coins and finding someone to play dance dance revolution with you for the rest of night.
you and riko decline to have any drinks, while shoko and utahime both decide to share a moscow mule (”i won’t be able to sleep if i have an entire drink!” utahime says, which prompts satoru to tease her about being old even though she's just three years older than all of you). reluctantly, you look at the girl satoru is with and ask if she wants to join you and the girls to grab coins for the arcade, and she looks at you like you just called her a slur.
“oh…ummm…no? i’ll be getting my drink with satoru?” she says, ending all of her responses with a question.
you’re not sure how to match her energy, so you just nod, and wave to the boys before catching up with your girls.
“jeez, what’s her problem?” riko turns back to you and gives you an apologetic look.
“satoru really knows how to fuckin’ pick ‘em,” shoko groans. unlike riko and utahime, you, shoko, and suguru have known satoru since high school and, as a result, unfortunately gotten used to the kind of girls satoru tends to sleep with: conventionally hot, a little bit not there, and kind of a bitch.
you all giggle as you exchange coins for the arcade games, ranting about miscellaneous parts of the barcade before heading back to the bar to meet up with the boys, who already have their drinks in hand, and are joined by nanami and haibara. suguru, nanami, and haibara are already halfway done with their bottles of sapporo, while satoru is whispering something in the girl’s ear as she giggles and sips her vodka tonic.
“okay!” satoru clasps his hands together. “who wants to watch me beat sugu’s ass in street fighter?!” he’s met with silence from the group and is about to say something before he’s interrupted by nanami.
“me and haibara are gonna go upstairs and get a pool table…” nanami says, sounding almost bored.
“it’ll be fun! i invited some girls from the line outside to join us!” haibara chirps.
“what? you just met random girls outside? and you invited them to play pool with you? and they said yes?!” satoru is bewildered by haibara’s game, unable to believe he could just simply ask girls to hang out with them and they’d say yes.
“it’s actually not that hard if you have a good personality, you know?” you say, handing haibara a couple of your coins for the pool table.
everyone erupts in laughter at this except for satoru and his girl of the night.
“toru~ i think you have a sexy personality.” she gives a quick kiss to satoru’s neck. for some reason, everything she says sounds like a long exaggerated moan, and you find yourself biting your lip, trying not to laugh.
“personalities can’t be sexy though, can they?” utahime ponders, her voice littered with a hint of sardonicism. you, riko, and utahime both lock eyes and suppress a giggle. okay, maybe you should stop. actually, you know you should stop because you don’t know this girl and for all you know, she probably is very nice and you both just got off on the wrong foot, but satoru? satoru is always fair (and easy) game.
“okay, c’mon what is this? the satoru hate club?” satoru pouts and sighs.
“i think i might join you guys for some pool. i used to love playing with kuroi when i was younger.” riko smiles and looks up at suguru, and he doesn’t even think twice before agreeing. satoru’s face drops at the betrayal of his best friend leaving their barcade tradition for a girl (even though satoru has done this to suguru multiple times before). suguru gives him a look that screams “shut up”, but satoru doesn’t care.
“wait, what nooo! sugu, you have to play like at least a couple rounds of street fighter and then mario kart and then -” satoru’s objections are interrupted by haibara.
“that’s fine. you guys all go and play, and i’ll shoot a text when a table is ready for us!” haibara offers, soothing satoru’s childlike temper tantrum.
“then it’s settled!” satoru leads the seven of you down to the arcade, which also happens to be closer to the dancefloor, so the music is getting progressively louder and louder, the lights are flashing more chaotically, and people are drunker and sloppier. your boots are sticking to the floor, which grosses you out and you make a mental note to wash the soles at some point this weekend. god knows what could be on the floor of this place.
satoru easily beats everyone (including you - especially you - because you are never good at fighting games and he beats you so embarrassingly easily) in the group in street fighter, earning him an obnoxious and sloppy kiss from his girl of night, which you realize now you actually don’t know the name of. as everyone shuffles to play mario kart, you tap satoru and ask for it in a low voice, hoping she can’t hear.
“uhh…i actually don’t know. maybe it’s…mia? let’s go with mia.” satoru makes a face, knowing this is low even for him, and that earns him a moderately painful jab in the rib cage from your elbow.
you also kind of suck at mario kart, but you enjoy playing it more than street fighter. lucky for everyone, suguru emerges as the winner of the grand prix, allowing everyone to have a break from satoru’s constant gloating. you all move from donkey kong to killer queen (your team wins but you think it’s because satoru carried for you) to pac-man to random capcom legacy games. you don’t care that you’re losing most of the games, you’re having too much fun shouting at satoru for cheating and getting assists from utahime and shoko. and just as you’re all about to head to the game you're looking forward to playing the most (the game you know you would smoke everyone at), haibara finally shoots a group text to all of you.
haibara: pool table’s ready in 5!!! and the girls actually made it wtf!!! :))
you think it’s cute how haibara never uses less than 3 exclamation marks in his texts.
“oh shoot, okay, let’s quickly play dance dance revolution and then go?” shoko says, walking faster to approach the game, only to be met with a significantly long line. her face drops as she turns to you, and your heart softens at how much she seems to care that you get play dance dance revolution. “shit, okay…”
“maybe we can play pool first and then come back?” utahime suggests. “the line might be shorter too…”
“guys, it’s fine.” you put your hands up jokingly as a sign of defeat and smile earnestly. you won’t lie to yourself: you do really want to play dance dance revolution, but it’s not a big deal - there’s always a long line for the really popular games. “i think i’m too drunk to properly beat your asses at it, anyway.” you lie. you could beat their asses at this game even if you were half asleep, but you don’t want your friends to worry you’re not having fun and you’ve always been a go with the flow type of girl, anyway.
as everyone descends up the stairs, you overhear mia whisper to satoru something out of pocket that really tests the threshold of your patience. “honestly, dance dance revolution is kinda stupid, anyway.”
you are willing to really overlook a lot of things that went awry tonight, but this bitch makes it really fucking hard to do that, and you suddenly do not want to play pool if she’s going to be there, even if makes you look difficult. thankfully for you, you’re not the only one who wants to skip out on pool.
“hey, uh, you guys go ahead. i think me and ‘hime are gonna check out the photo booth and we might order some bar snacks. someone has the munchies.” she teases, poking utahime’s cheek playfully and she blushes under the blacklight and swats her hand away.
“i might follow you guys, if that’s okay…” you shoot shoko and utahime an apologetic look for interrupting their alone time, but they don’t seem to care one bit.
mia turns to satoru. “i’ve got some girlfriends upstairs too waiting for me so i’ll come with.” her voice is sickeningly sweet, and you think to yourself that of course someone with a sickening sweet tooth like satoru gojo would gravitate towards her.
“alright, we’ll see you guys soon then!” riko waves, and you watch suguru, satoru, mia, and riko disappear up the staircase.
as soon as they disappear, you whip around almost immediately to the duo. “hey sorry, i just didn’t want to play pool and i needed an excuse to latch on to. you guys feel free to whatever you want!”
“we can wait in line while one of us orders some food or something?” utahime says, and you suppress a giggle, knowing full well all she wants right now are some mozzarella sticks (you can’t count the number of times the three of you made late night trips to the drive-thru for them).
you wave your hand, and give them an earnest look. “no, i’m being serious. the line is ridiculously long. i’ll probably go to the bar and grab a drink. you guys go, utahime already has some drool coming down her mouth.”
she immediately goes to touch her mouth, only to realize you were joking, and she scowls, causing both you and shoko to laugh. “ugh, you guys are sometimes worse than gojo!”
shoko feigns offense, before grasping her hand, bidding goodbye to you, and heading off to the bar food area and photo booth.
the music is still so loud and you feel the bass deep within your chest. you’re grateful the music that the DJ is playing tonight is not that bad. there’s quite a few people on the dance floor that’s kinda making you want to join in, but not before having a little bit of liquid courage. just a little bit, you tell yourself, not wanting to go overboard. you approach the bar and you somehow become very aware that you’re the only person at the here on your own, and you feel awfully lonely.
it’s probably because of a lot of things, but certainly the fact that you sent a vulnerable photo of yourself to toji and was met with zero response (you just checked so you know he still hasn’t seen your message) isn’t helping. you feel so small and a bit embarrassed at your past self, despite knowing that he might simply be busy on a friday night. you’re never one to feel forlorn like this, but you came into this night to find some company and now it seems like all your friends have company but you don’t. what’s more is that the insecurity of it all is manifesting in your damp hands, and you awkwardly don’t know what to do with them once you approach the table. the signature tells of anxiety settle in you, and your armpits are slowly getting more and more damp, until you can’t bare to have your shirt jacket on any longer and place it on your arm.
you haphazardly pat down your hair (you pray the humidity of this crowded place isn’t making it frizzy) as you look around, hoping to see someone you know, but all you’re met with is a sea of strangers. you want them to notice you, but at the same time, you’re absolutely terrified of making proper eye contact with any of them.
your thoughts are interrupted by the bartender, handing you a frosty pink…slushy?
“s’from that fella o’er there.”
you have to really listen to understand his thick irish accent, but you follow his hands to see the stranger a couple seats down from the bar nodding at you with a slight grin.
“oh, thanks, i guess. umm…what is this drink?” you ask, quizzically looking at the oddly colored drink and then back at the guy who bought it for you.
“drink o’ the day, ma’am. strawberry ‘n’ cream wid rum. quite grand.”
you thank him and take a small sip of the drink. you almost recoil and dry heave just by how strong it takes, and you wonder how it’s possible to have a drink this bad (or strong) on the menu. you quickly fake a pained smile and make eye contact with the stranger, as you quickly decide that maybe going upstairs and playing pool suddenly might not be such a bad idea after all. you’re trying to be swift and polite about taking your drink and leaving the bar, but you're not fast enough as you are met with the stranger blocking your way. oh god, does he have tattoos on his face? what a fucking boner kill.
you give him a polite smile. ugh, he’s not even that cute. “sorry, thanks for the drink but i have to go.”
“oh, shame. you’re really pretty, by the way. i’m sukuna.” he flashes a smile at you and if it weren’t for the dark lighting in the barcade, you could swear his teeth almost look like fangs.
“nice to meet ya. thanks for the drink.” you try side step around him, but he moves his body just in time to block you from leaving.
“whatcha doin’ here all alone? you’re way too pretty to be here all by your lonesome...” he coos, and it grates your skin.
maybe you’re being reckless, but you’re not that terrified of him; you’re frankly a bit annoyed and inconvenienced. you feel safe knowing your friends are nearby and it’s later in the night now so the barcade is way more crowded with plenty of people (read: witnesses) so you know this guy can’t do that many things out of pocket. the most he’ll probably do is say some stupid shit that makes you want to spill your drink on him.
“i’m not here all alone, i’m about to meet up with my boyfriend.” the lie comes so easily to you after living your entire 26 years of life as a woman.
“shame. your boobs are really nice, just FYI. i could just-” he doesn’t get to finish, as the ice cold slushy drink he bought for you collides with his face and the startling gasp he makes causes him to snort some of the (strong) alcoholic drink up his nose. you use his discomposure to finally escape him and beeline upstairs, but not before turning around, making eye contact with him and flipping him off.
okay, you know that was a bit rash of you, and perhaps a bit stupid and unsafe (you hear it all in suguru’s voice, too) but god, you are so fucking annoyed. what? a girl can’t even have her lana del rey, fleabag-esque moody melt down in peace without someone coming in to interrupt it? maybe you should stop drinking that god awful slushy, too. you defend yourself from inner monologue by deciding it’s already three quarters of the way gone, so it doesn’t even matter anymore.
you spot your friends and mia playing an intense game of pool down the dimly lit mezzanine and walk over to them. haibara and nanami greet you with smiles, and that’s how you infer it must be a close game. you stand next to riko and suguru, who update you that it’s them and haibara versus satoru, mia, and nanami. except mia wasn’t really playing more than she was just chatting with her friends next to suguru. currently, satoru’s team was losing.
“nanami said yes to being on a team with gojo?!” you loudly whisper incredulously. looking over at nanami, he looks like he wants to die, having been separated from his trusted partner, haibara.
“he didn’t really have a choice. satoru picked the teams and you know he loves nanami.” suguru explains, putting an ironic tone when he said the word “love”.
you notice it’s satoru’s turn, and his blue eyes are intensely focused, his body bent over with the cue sliding between his long slender fingers. the top two buttons of his shirt are unbuttoned and his sleeves are rolled up. you swallow hard as you notice the veins on his on hands and arms, suddenly overcome with a desire to have those arms be wrapped around you. you try hard not to think of it, but you think of how his fingers would feel inside you.
you sigh irritably at your horny thoughts. you hate the lack of closeness you and satoru had throughout the night, and not just because your horniness was once again ignited with the disgusting slushy drink.
a split second before satoru hits the cue ball, he catches your eyes and you grin supportively and mouth a quick “good luck”. satoru gets 3 balls in pockets. he raises his arms in victory and looks at you and winks and is about to say something to you until mia cheers out an obnoxious scream of victory and jumps on satoru to kiss him deeply. he returns the favor, albeit rather hastily.
“no kissing! no kissing until your turn is over!” suguru points and them, looking peeved. “she’s been literally tonguing him after every turn and-”
“it’s so fucking annoying like wait until his turn is over at least?” riko completes suguru’s sentence with ease. oh god, they must’ve been going through it this entire time. also, cute.
“i really am not trying to be mean but i don’t think i can even be near her…” suguru says apologetically, wiping the sweat off his forehead. you give a sympathetic pout and place yourself between suguru and mia and mia’s friends. it’s the least you can do for your favorite up and coming couple.
bad idea. you forget how mean girls can get sometimes.
“oh my god, y/n, right? come sit down next to us!” mia approaches you and sits down in the booth next to the pool table. she pats the seat next to her. you say hello and reluctantly take the seat, expecting the worst.
“wow, your hair…is it always so…poofy like that? i love what you’re doing with it, babe.”
you’re miffed and don’t even know how to answer what mia just asked. you don’t even get to because she just continues.
“so how do you know satoru? i just wanted to clear the air with you about some stuff. i feel like i got some, like, really jealous energy from you at the pregame when me and him were, like, making out? remember? when you threw your drink at me?”
“uhh…i threw my drink at satoru-”
“i’m sure you did but like, it could’ve hit me too. and honestly, i’ve been talking to satoru this whole week and, like, i just don’t think he finds, like, desperation hot, you know?”
you’re at a loss for words. desperation? you’ve heard enough. first sukuna hitting on you, and now this? you smile at her with spite and quiet patience, as you get up from the seat.
“i’m gonna leave.” you choose your next words carefully. “you’re kind of a bitch, also.” you leave your empty drink behind and in your peripheral, you see a confused satoru watching you leave and taking your seat next to mia.
you put on your jacket and you’re not exactly sure where you’re going. the barcade is huge, and if the feelings of loneliness weren’t conspicuous before, they are unmistakable on you now. your palms are slippery and you figure you maybe just need some water, but not before you slip away from your friends and find an isolated row of tables in front of the mezzanine. you figure you can maybe get some peace and quiet here as you try to sober up. according to your phone, it’s only 10:37pm, so you have plenty of time before you have to go to bed. alone.
staring at the DJ screen, you chuckle to yourself at the absurd anime edits they are playing on the screen that’s supposed to relate to some reference that’s been going viral on tiktok. you idly stare at the DJ screen, letting your train of thoughts take you far away from this place.
you’re not sure how long you sit here by yourself but you’re brazenly brought back to the barcade by a familiar voice and an ice cold glass cup touching your cheek, causing you to yelp in surprise.
“where’d ya go?” you look up to see satoru hovering over you, holding a glass of ice water. “move over.” he takes a seat next to you without even asking and hands you the cold glass of water.
you take a sip and coldness of the liquid jolts your mind awake and now, you’re really back at the barcade, mentally and physically. and also, has water always tasted this good? you take a sip, and another, until you’re half way done chugging the glass and your throat is in pain from the cold.
“good girl.” satoru murmurs, putting his arms around you and gently rubbing your back in circles. normally, this would make your stomach do cart wheels, but you’re just too tired for all that. “how are we feelin’?”
you’re trying to answer his question but…oh god? why does your throat hurt? is it the cold water you just drank? no. no, it’s because you want to cry. oh god, nope. you cannot make it one of those nights where you get too drunk and cry. you refuse.
“m’feelin’…sad…if m’being honest…” your words are slurred as you look up at satoru and take another sip of your water.
“damn. that sucks. wanna go downstairs?”
the constricting feeling in your throat immediately dissipates, and is replaced by annoyance. wow, he responds with that? maybe it’s a good idea you won’t fuck him tonight.
he doesn’t wait for an answer as he gets up and helps you out of your seat and guides you downstairs. you interlock your arms with his for support so you don’t trip, and you’re perceptive enough to feel the viselike grip satoru has on your arms as you both descend the stairs.
“what are we even doing here?” your throat hurts even more as you have shout even louder on the ground floor due to the higher levels of music.
satoru continues to lead you down the floor into the arcade and looks back at you confused. “dontcha wanna play dance dance revolution?”
this makes you open your eyes wide in anticipation and excitement. no way. “what, really? the line is still so fuckin’ long though…”
“i’ll deal with it.” satoru tells you wait while he goes to the front of the line. you can’t exactly hear what the hell he’s saying to the people up front, but you do see him flash his signature pearly whites and flutter his bright blue eyes. he meets your eyes and motions excitedly for you to come to the front, and you hurry there, thinking if you wasted any time, you might never get to play dance dance revolution for the rest of the night.
“still got coins?” he asks, as you nod and hand him whatever was left in your purse.
“did you just flirt with the people in front to let us cut them?”
that makes you uncharacteristically giggle. you want to pick a fight about how that’s so unethical to other people in line who have waited a long time to play, but you’re feeling a bit selfish tonight. satoru squeezes your hand tightly and you squeeze back as the game starts.
you’re not entirely sure how long you both play dance dance revolution, but you can’t remember a time where you’ve enjoyed playing this game more. satoru always says the funniest things in the middle of a game, and because you’re still a bit drunk, you laugh really hard at it and it just spurs him to continue making awful one-liners. by the end of however many rounds you’ve played, satoru is completely wiped. he’s sweaty, breathing heavy, and his lanky yet sturdy build is leaning against the railing.
“how the fuck are you this good at dance dance revolution?” he says in between deep breaths.
“it’s not made for people with long legs,” you tease.
“’kay, one more. this time i’ll really-”
“alright, you both need to leave this game station. immediately.” you both turn to find a club bouncer practically escorting the both of you off the platform.
“we weren’t even playing for long…” you start.
“you played long enough that several attendees complained about the both of you. please remove yourself from the station for the rest of the night. i’ll be watching so don’t try and go back.”
you and satoru stare at the bouncer in silence as he disappears in the back. soon as he’s out of satoru’s line of sight, the swears start rolling in.
“what the fuck? who the fuck was that? who does he think telling us what to do? honestly, y/n, give me the green light, i’m literally a foot taller than him. i’ll kick his-”
you don’t wait for him to finish his sentence and you don’t really care for him to either. you grab his hands and pull him to the dance floor, where coincidentally, a remix of “murder on the dance floor” starts to play. satoru doesn’t question it and matches your energy. he’s always good at matching your energy and being on the same wavelength as you. you clearly have more dancing energy left, and you want to dance with him. you let the music guide the both of you to the center of the floor.
the purple and blue dim lights illuminate both of your faces and both of you can’t really recall if there are other people around you. it’s just you and him.
you turn around and sway your hips and satoru takes a risk and puts his arms on them and pulls you closer to him. when you let him, he full sends it, and pulls your back (and coincidentally, your ass) flush against his front. you have some sense in you to not grind into one of your best friends, so you purposefully try to keep the movement to a minimum while still allowing your body to move freely to the beat.
satoru is trying hard to not get hard, and failing miserably. thankfully, you don’t notice anything, except in the back of your mind, you wish he would’ve kept his keys and wallet in his back pocket instead of his front. satoru can’t stand you on him anymore unless he wants to be stuck in a rock and (quite literally) a hard place, so he spins you back around so that you’re facing him.
you laugh and squeal at being spun. “do it again. spin me again.”
he spins you again and you laugh again. this time, he pulls the front of your body against him and sways his body with yours. you take note of his bashful smile and how his orbs have taken on a darker hue. the song melts into a slower, lo-fi city pop remix, and you feel like you can finally talk above the music now.
you try to open your mouth but you keep on giggling.
“what? what’s so funny?” satoru joins you, trying to hold back his giggles.
“i…i don’t know, i just love dancing, i think?”
“are you still sad?”
the question catches you off guard. “uh, no. i'm not. i’m glad we’re dancing and…i dunno why i said i was sad before.” you trail off, genuinely trying to remember. “i guess…maybe it was because of that pervy guy…”
immediately, satoru stops swaying and comes to a complete stop. his eyes try to make contact with yours, but your mind is still occupied with the euphoric feeling of grooving to rhythm so he has to steady your body and hold your jaw so that you’re looking directly into his now deeper blue eyes.
“what pervy guy?” you sense the genuine worry in his voice, and it snaps you out of the trance.
“wait, no sorry. it’s not a big deal, satoru. he just bought me a drink.” you hesitate to even continue, as satoru already looks upset. you swallow apprehensively, making sure to choose your next words carefully. “he just bought me a drink and, like, made weird comments about my boobs. it’s honestly kind of funny now because i dumped the drink he bought for me on him.”
satoru relaxes his grip on you upon hearing that you took care of the situation yourself, but only a little bit. his brows are still furrowed in irritation. “okay, i’m glad you’re okay…but promise me you’ll point him out if you see him, again?”
you nod, as you both let your body go back to comfortably swaying with the rhythm. “wait, where’s mia?”
satoru scoffs. “don’t bring her up, too fuckin’ clingy. also, she was being sooo bitchy to riko. and you know, suguru is finally getting some, so i can’t let a random hook up do something to fuck that up…”
you smile and shake your head. wow, so she was being a bitch to riko, too? red flag. “you know she was also being a bitch to me.”
satoru frowns. “yeah, i figured out kinda late. after you left from pool, i asked her what was up, and she was just-” satoru lifts his hands up in defeat. “she was a lot. sorry about her…”
“glad you also thought she was a bitch.”
he hums in response. the beat picks up a bit, and he spins again, and pulls your back against him for the second time that night. you both continue to sway to the beat, and you’re once again met with the uncomfortable, unshakeable, feeling down there.
it’s now or never, your body thinks before your brain has any time to process the ramifications of your actions. you’re significantly shorter than satoru, so you lift your head up and look at satoru’s face, and he smiles at you and leans closer to your face. your breath hitches at the back of your throat at the sheer lack of distance between both of your mouths. you almost chicken out. almost.
“m’horny,” you slur, pouting at satoru.
it’s satoru’s turn to choke on his words. he definitely did not hear that right. he definitely drank too much tonight, and he doesn’t know what he’s hearing or doing right now because there’s no way you said what he thinks you just said.
you ignore satoru’s fumble. you whip around and put your arms around his neck, pulling him down to your level, while standing on your tippy toes. “i’m horny, satoru. i’ve been so stupidly horny this entire night because i took a stupid edible that shoko gave me and then i took that stupid shot and then-”
satoru pulls you away from the dance floor, and he’s practically running to the exit of the barcade. he doesn’t care that he’s leaving both of your friends behind because he needs to hear it again. he needs to hear you outside, where there’s no loud music, and there’s a cool breeze to wake you up from your senses. he turns to see you giggling, and he fights the urge to smile.
“okay, what’s the problem? daddy’s here to help.”
normally, this would make you annoyed, but it just makes you laugh instead.
“i said, m'horny and i dunno what to do 'bout it.” you pout, finally feeling free that you’ve let someone else know about this…issue you’ve been dealing with the whole night.
satoru grins widely. “y'came to the right person.” he cups you cheeks softly. he’s also slurring his words. “wanna go home? i’ll call an uber?”
you nod, and you pull out your phone to check your messages, and satoru does the same. you both have the same messages from the group chat:
suguru: satoru do NOT fucking come home me n riko are hangin in the living room
suguru: satoru are u reading this do NOT step a foot inside or i s2g i’ll end u w my bare hands
shoko: LMAO i’m crying also y/n - staying the nite @ hime’s :)
“i guess…uh…not sure where i’ll go but i’ll figure it out…” satoru fumbles again.
“are you stupid? you’re obviously coming back to my place? what was the other option? sleeping out on the street?” you berate satoru, sounding more like your normal self.
“wow, jeez, okay, chill woman. i missed it when you were complaining about how horny you are.” satoru says, as he puts in your address on the uber.
“i’m less horny now because you keep saying stupid shit.” you cross your arms, consequently causing your boobs to lift and almost spill out of your bralette - something satoru notices in his peripheral. he’s trying to look anywhere but your chest, but the cold breeze is nipping at your skin, causing goosebumps to rise and your nipples to get hard. satoru swallows and takes a deep breath before turning to you and taking your leather shirt jacket from you.
“put this on, you’re cold.”
“i’m not.”
“yes, you are.”
“how do you know i’m cold? hm?” satoru is getting really tired of you constantly challenging him when you’re both drunk, so he decides to be blunt about it, the same way you were blunt before about letting him know you were horny.
“because…” he gestures to your titties flippantly. “your headlights are on.” he also grabs your wrist and crosses the crosswalk, heading to the meeting point across the street from the barcade.
you arch an eyebrow. what on earth is he talking about? “what does that mean?” you say, trying to keep up with his strides. he looks back at you, and has to hold back a groan as he sees your titties bouncing up and down to match his pace and thinks the universe is playing the sickest joke on him.
“your nipples are so hard, i can see them through your bra.”
you stare at him as you both finally reach the meeting point. your mouth slowly furls into a frown your eyes widen. “it’s not a bra. it’s a bralette.”
“sorry, baby. your bralette is doing a shit job at covering your nips.”
you sigh. guess he has a point. you put on the leather jacket, but not without deciding to be extra cheeky towards him.
“my titties are so cold. you were right. i wish…” you pretend to take a dramatic sigh. “i wish someone could, like, i don’t know. i wish someone could warm them up with their hands.”
satoru wastes no time in picking up what you put down, and his palms immediately go straight to your titties. his large hands easily engulfs them, and he moves the fingers that are touching your bare skin back and forth creating a fiction that does nothing to warm you up, but it feels good at least.
“better?” satoru teases. he has a raging hard on now, so he shifts slightly in his stance to adjust himself. you hum and give a cheeky grin in response. something in your head tell you what this looks like, optics-wise, but you both don’t care. ever since the word “horny” came out of your mouth, both you and satoru have been running on the bare bones autopilot, just trying to get back to your place.
satoru keeps his hands on your chest until he spots the uber driver coming from a couple yards away, and pulls his hands away to flag them down. you frown at your chest feeling untouched, but keep your needy thoughts to yourself. you’ll have plenty of time to have satoru warm you up at home.
the uber ride feels like forever. and what’s worse is that satoru has become the chattiest passenger on earth, and it’s annoying you so much that you can’t even focus on being horny and wanting his hands on your chest or anywhere on your body. you’re not even sure what they’re talking about but you hear bits and pieces of their conversation as you stare out the window.
“i think rigatoni is a good pasta shape.”
“nahh, you gotta try cannelloni, my dude.”
“aren’t they the same?”
a loud gasp is heard and you know it’s from satoru. “don’t say that!”
“you kinda look like bob odenkirk. has anyone told you that? are you bob odenkirk? i loved you in better call saul.” this one makes you want to die from second hand embarrassment.
“i don’t know who that individual is.”
“ziti is also pretty good.”
you think you’re about to go insane with all the talk about fucking pasta shapes. you never want to see or eat pasta in your fucking life ever again after this uber ride. you’re about to burst and tell satoru to shut the fuck up (he gets so annoying and talkative when he’s drunk) when the familiar apartment complex comes into view, and you almost open the car door while it’s moving to get out of it.
“thanks for the ride, hector. i’m giving you a 5 stars, and i’m sending you a recipe for chicken and ricotta cannelloni.” satoru waves the uber driver goodbye, and turns to see you half way back to your apartment. he quickly sprints to catch up with you so he doesn’t get locked out.
“jeez, you’re so eager to get back home. what? you excited about something,” he teases, as he closes the gate behind you. you can hear the smirk in his voice and you want to either slap it or kiss it off of him, but you don’t dare look back at him.
“i need to pee, okay?”
satoru shuts up until you both get to your apartment and lock the door. he sighs and flops down on the couch, manspreading his long slender legs and arms across the couch and carpet.
“you can put something on the tv, don’t care. i’ll be back.” you quickly run to the bathroom and freshen up, and come back to see satoru watching a random episode of better call saul, and you scoff knowing exactly where this is headed.
“before you say anything…he didn’t look bob odenkirk.”
immediately satoru gets defensive. “you didn’t even see him properly. i was the one talking to him and interacting with him and it was definitely him.”
“you’re drunk.”
“so are you!”
okay, he has a point, but still. you sit on the couch next to him and pull his face to face you. “why would bob odenkirk, star of better call saul, be driving ubers on his friday nights, satoru?”
this shuts satoru up. he shifts in his seat and exits out of better call saul to the home screen, and plays some random reality tv show. meanwhile, you know it’s late, but you can’t help but check your phone one last time. you’re absolutely deflated that it’s almost midnight and you haven’t heard from toji at all. you sigh agitatedly and chuck your phone to the other side of the sofa while you stretch out your legs.
“toji still hasn’t texted you back?” satoru asks, shifting his body to face you. you mimic his actions, inching closer to him while frowning about your predicament.
“yeah, i just…i just feel stupid okay! i wish he would at least say something! i was kind of vulnerable sending that text…”
satoru sighs. he knows what he’s about to say next is so wrong, so pervy, so inappropriate, but he’s a bit drunk right now, and to be quite honest, he really wants to see this picture of you.
“can i see the text?” he asks quietly, holding his breath. he hopes he’s reading your signs correctly from the barcade. he doesn’t fumble this time.
you reach to grab your phone and unlock it. you turn the brightness up and hand the phone to satoru with the photo of your soapy titties on full display.
satoru’s breath gets stuck in his throat, and he’s choked up on words to describe, what he thinks, are the sexiest pair of titties he’s ever seen in his life. sure, he’s seen the outline of your titties through sheer t-shirts, and today he’s felt them and seen your nipples hard, but none of it beats the way they look bare and wet. god, he feels like such a perv seeing this pic of his best friend and getting wildly turned on by it.
he swallows, his breath unintentionally shallow. “toji’s a fuckin’ idiot.”
“he’s a fucking idiot.” satoru says louder. and he believes it from the bottom of his fucked up horny heart. he looks up at you and meets your eyes. “if i got this from you, i would respond in a heartbeat. don’t give a fuck where i am or what i’m doin’.”
your breath starts getting heavy, and you feel your heart beating faster. why can’t you hear him properly? better get closer.
“what would you say?” your voice is barely a whisper now, your eyes are drilled into his. his once bright blue eyes are as dark as the murky sea now.
he scoffs lightly, and you smell the beer in his breath. “i’d fuckin’ beat off to it, that’s what i’d do. i’d fuckin’ paint my sheets white.”
you suck in a deep breath loudly. god, he sounds so vulgar. you’ve never heard him talk like this, and it feels like you’ve unlocked a new side to satoru you’ve never seen before. the adrenaline of the alcohol combined with the wetness between your legs makes your head spin and heart race.
satoru edges closer to you, ready to make a proposition you can’t refuse. “i have an idea.” he inches even closer and places his hands on your chin and bring it inches away from his wet lips. “let’s…let’s kiss. to make toji jealous. teach him a lesson. show him what he could’ve gotten tonight if he had the balls to message back.” sober satoru would’ve laughed after saying something this nonsensical and absurd, but drunk satoru can only think of shoving his tongue down your throat (and other places).
your answer doesn’t involve words. you close the pathetically small gap between your lips and his and it feels like you’ve locked on to something you can’t ever let go of.
satoru grabs your jaw and pulls you even closer to him, if that’s even possible. he leads the kiss and opens your mouth for his tongue to enter and explore uncharted territory. you let him, and your tongues fight against each other for dominance, and you lose every time. and it drives you fucking crazy.
you moan into his mouth as satoru straddles you on top of his lap. you feel his hard on, and you subconsciously start to grind your hips on him, moaning even more repetitively. your short skirt rides up, leaving nothing to imagination as your ass is on full display, which satoru takes full advantage of by kneading it and pulling you even closer to his hips. your moans get more shaky as he touches your ass and lightly slaps it, earning a squeal from you that gets drowned in satoru’s mouth.
“so fuckin’ needy.” satoru places open mouthed kisses on your neck and as your throaty gasps overpower the reality garbage playing in the background. he’s right - you’re so needy. you’ve been wanting this the whole night.
you miss the lack of contact of his lips on yours so you grab a fistful of his ivory hair and reconnect your mouths together. he pushes your back onto the sofa and you whine at the loss of friction on your clothed core. you immediately palm his raging hard on and satoru groans, his eyes closed and face flushed, which spurs you even more.
he grabs your hand away from his hard member, and places it above your head. he grabs the wrist of your other hand and hold them both with ease above your head while he continues to kiss you deeply. so this is what the other girls are getting when they kiss satoru, you think to yourself in the middle of all the ecstacy.
satoru uses his free hands to roughly pull your bralette down, and you hear a tear as continues to expose your titties. you break free from his lips and moan as he uses his hands to palm your titties.
“h-hey! you ripped my bralette!” you say between breathy sighs.
“i’ll buy you another one.” he doesn’t even bother to look up or sound apologetic about it, as he uses his long fingers to pinch and play with your hard and sensitive nub, causing your to moan wantonly.
“f-fuck~” you need him on your mouth again. you can’t get enough of his tongue inside you, and you pathetically beg for it. “please~ please kiss me again, satoru~”
who’s satoru to deny such a simple request? his mouth meets yours again and you playfully bite his lower lip and giggle. it doesn’t last long when he squeezes and starts to roughly play with your bare titties again, encapsulating your moans in his mouth.
you’re not sure how long you’re kissing satoru. you’re kissing so much your mouths are numb and swollen and red. satoru doesn’t dare go any further than just kissing you and playing with your titties.
you want him to fuck you. and you know he wants to fuck you, too. but your eyelids are getting so heavy from kissing him, and satoru’s fervor is also mellowing. you both are resorting to small pecks and quick kisses between soft giggles and playful bites.
eventually, satoru moves from your lips to your jawline, and leaves soft wet kisses ever inch of your neck down to the center of your chest. he wants to kiss your hard perky nipples and titties, but he sides with his better judgement to not take it further than just kisses — he’s already been so selfish playing with your soft titties with his hands.
you’re both too tired and quite frankly, on the last legs of your intoxication to get up and go to your bed. you also don’t want to leave satoru’s embrace even though it’s crowded and every joint is touching him.
similarly, satoru has no intention of letting your leave his side, your warmth more soothing than any blanket he could’ve used. you both lull yourselves into a slumber, the rising of both your chests being the rhythm you drift off to.
in between your heated makeout session with satoru and falling asleep, you don’t notice the texts that toji sends you in response to your picture from earlier today that you were obsessing about so much. you don’t hear the vibration of your phone when he calls you, demanding an answer for the tent in his pants right before he’s trying to fall asleep.
and you most definitely don’t notice you accidentally accepting the call while satoru was straddling you in his lap.
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joedirtymadre · 6 months
Hello 😊 I hope you are having a great day! I would like to request a fluffy Luffy x y/n story please!
The Potion
“Where is he?” You asked yourself as you continued exploring the new island. You were currently looking for your idiot captain, but adorable boyfriend. Nami thought it was a good idea to stop by an island to restock on some supplies. Nami only planned for a day stop, but Luffy still hasn’t returned… So a part of being his girlfriend is to find and drag him back to the ship. You groaned, “I can’t believe he just ditched me on the ship, why didn’t he ask if I wanted to tag along? Aren’t we dating?”
While walking down the main plaza, you turned and noticed a familiar dark haired man, with the very familiar straw hat on his head. “Luffy!” You called out as you ran over. He quickly turned and grinned once noticing you. “Yo (Y/N)! You found me!” He waved excitedly. “You idiot! I spent the last hour looking for you! How dare you ditch me?” You asked angrily as you smacked his head.
“I’m sorry…” he pouted. “It’s alright, I’m glad I finally found you. So, what have you been up to?” You asked as you rubbed the spot you hit. “Just running around, but I stopped to talk to this granny,” he said, motioning towards the older woman sitting at the stand.
“Oh hello,” you smiled, and the woman smiled back. “Hi sweetheart,” she said. You looked at her stand, and realized that it was simply a table with a crystal ball in the middle, with a small stand with different colored bottles. You noticed one particular bottle that caught your eye, it was a beautiful shade of deep purple. “Would you like one deary?” The woman asked. “Ummm… well what are they?” You asked. “Potions!” She smiled. “Potions? “Really?” You asked suspiciously. “Well of course, I spent years trying to perfect each potion. Which one would you like?” She asked.
“Hmm… Well, what does each one do?” You asked curiously, eyeing each bottle. “Can one of them make me super strong? Or shapeshift? Or fly?” Luffy asked excitedly. “No, my potions don’t do that. They’re small potions, but trust me… they work,” she said. “I see, but what does each potion do?” You asked again. “Ahh… that all depends on you. My potions create whatever you heart desires,” she explains.
“Whatever my heart desires?” You questioned. “So that means I can fly!” Luffy said with stars in his eyes. “Perhaps, if your heart truly desires to fly,” the woman sighed. “Oh wow! Now we have to get one (Y/an)! Just imagine me, like a superhero, or a bird,” he grinned. You laughed at his reaction, “I guess I’ll take two,” you said.
“Only 1 per each group,” the woman said. “Huh?” Luffy pouted. “Well, I can’t have everyone getting their deep desires granted. Plus there are potions that take decades to create, my inventory would disappear if I didn’t limit purchases,” she explained. “I guess that makes sense,” you said. “Well which one sweetheart, I saw that the purple one caught your eye,” she said. “Yeah, it’s a pretty color,” you said softly. “I’ll take this one then,” you said. “Good choice, and remember all potions last for 24 hours,” she said as she took the berries from my hand and placed the bottle in it.
“Wow, a potion! Let’s drink it!” Luffy said. “No sharing, the potion won’t work if two people drink it,” the woman quickly explained. “Awe man…” he pouted. “If you want it, you can have it,” you smiled. “Seriously? Tha-“ Luffy was cut off. “Only the person that I gave the bottle to can drink it, for others it won’t work,” the woman said as she winked at me. “O-Oh… well that sucks,” Luffy frowned. “Sorry Luffy,” you said. “It’s fine, just means I’ll have to keep an eye on you. See if anything changes,” he laughed. You nodded and you both headed back to the ship.
“Drink it, drink it!” Luffy chanted. “Alright, but if I do can we go walk around some of the shops? I really wanted-“ you were interrupted. “That sounds boring…” he whined. “O-Oh… uhh, well alright. I guess we can do something else after,” you sighed. “Oo let’s go find another witch, maybe then I can get a potion!” He said excitedly, as he headed back to the plaza. “You go ahead, I’ll meet you there,” you said softly. “K!” He shouted as he raced off.
You let out a deep sigh, and walked over to an empty bench. “When’s the last time we’ve done anything I wanted to do? Or the last time we’ve done regular couple stuff?” You asked yourself as you leaned back into the bench.
“Hey! The woman said that this’ll grant my deepest desires! Maybe it’ll help Luffy be romantic again, like when we first started dating!” You said excitedly, as you opened your bag and pulled out the bottle. You stared suspiciously at it before you opened the lid. It made a hissing sound as you slowly opened the lid.
You shrugged it off and chugged it in one swoop. “Ugh… it tastes terrible,” you said in disgust. “If anything, at least Chopper can cure food poisoning or… regular poisoning,” you said.
All of a sudden you felt a nauseous wave rush through you. “I think I’m gonna pass-“ you immediately knocked out.
“(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Wake up, please!” You felt yourself being shaken. You slowly opened your eyes, and saw Luffy cradling you. “Luffy?” You asked as your eyes adjusted to the light. “Yeah it’s me, are you ok? I found you passed out on the bench,” he said, worriedly. “I-I’m fine,” you said as you tried to get up but slowly fell back. “Be careful, here I’ll carry you,” he said as he picked you up bridal style.
You felt your cheeks heat up. “You’re carrying me?” Yo I asked, surprised. “Well, why wouldn’t I carry you? You’re my girl,” he smiled. You felt your face heat up even more, and nuzzled your head into his chest. Just enjoying the moment.
You were finally able to stand, so after a few words of trying to convince Luffy that you can walk he finally let you down. As you were walking, you realized you were back at the main plaza. You suddenly felt someone reach out for your hand, you looked over and saw Luffy holding your hand. “I wanted to hold hands,” he smiled. “Ok!” You grinned. “Look, isn’t that the store you want to go to earlier?” He asked, as he pointed at a jewelry store. “Yeah… but it’s fine you said it was boring, let’s do something else,” you suggested.
“What? No way! Come on, you said you wanted to go so let’s go!” He smiled and dragged me to the shop. My eyes widened, there’s no way that her potion actually worked! You both spent the day like a normal couple, walking around being lovey dovey. Going to eat, exploring some cute store you found, and just enjoying each other’s company.
Now you were both at the main plaza’s water fountain. Just enjoying the sunset. “Man, I had an awesome day Luffy,” you smiled. “Me too, I’m glad you desired this,” he said, strangely. “Desired? Why’d you say it like-“ you were interrupted.
“(Y/N)?” You heard a family voice call out. You quickly snapped your head towards the voice and saw, “Luffy?” You stared in shock as he walked up to you. “L-Luffy? B-But I don’t- how- why?” You grabbed your head, not sure what the hell is going on. “(Y/N) who is that guy?” Luffy asked. “I’m Luffy, the better Luffy,” the other one said.
“The better Luffy? You’re just an imposter!” He yelled. You stared in disbelief, unsure what to do or say. “Not in (Y/N)’s eyes. That’s why she wished for me,” the other said, getting close to the other Luffy's face. “Wished for you? I-Is that true (Y/N)? Did you wish for him?” Luffy asked as he turned towards you.
You were speechless, you tried to explain yourself but nothing would come out. “Of course she did, she wanted that old spark we used to have. She hated how you treated her like a regular crew mate, how you would ditch her, ignore her wants or feelings, and just take her love for granted,” the other one said. “T-That’s now true, I love (Y/N)! You don’t know anything about us,” Luffy shouted.
“But it is, why else would she wish to do regular couple stuff with you? Because you never took the time to do it, that’s probably why she thinks you don’t love her anymore,” the other one explained. “Is this true (Y/N)? Do you really think I don’t love you?” He asked softly. “No, I-I… all I think is that you don't treat me the way you used to when we first started dating. Why?” You asked tearfully.
“I-I don't know, I guess I didn't realize it… I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I promise!” he said as he reached out for me. However, you felt a different pair of arms wrap around you from behind. They pulled you into a close hug, you looked to see the other Luffy who was holding you. “What makes you think that she’ll still want to be with you? After the amazing day we had? I carried her, held her hand, followed her to some nice shops, and ate nice food. We both know you wouldn’t have done that,” he said as he tightened his grip.
“Shut up! (Y/N), please believe me! I’m sorry, I do want to be with you. I love whenever you smile, when you smack me around whenever I’m acting dumb, when you rub and take care of me whenever I’m feeling down. I see now that I should’ve done the same for you, but please… Please let me try again, I won’t make you wish for a better me again,” he pleaded. “Oh Luffy,” you said softly. You quickly pulled yourself out of the other Luffy’s arms and leapt onto your Luffy. “(Y/N)!” He said, holding onto you tight.
“I’m sorry, this will never happen again. I swear,” he said with a light tremble in his voice. “I know,” you said as you pulled him into a kiss. This kiss almost made your legs give out, but luckily Luffy was keeping you steady.
“Hmm… it’s not 24 hours, but I guess my job here is done,” the other Luffy said. “Huh?” You asked as you turned your head. “Yep! I granted your deepest desire, to have your Luffy treat you like before,” he smiled, and you noticed his body began glowing. “But before I go,” the other Luffy said and ran over to give you a kiss on the cheek. “Hey!” Your Luffy shouted, pulling you back into his arms. “Take care of her, she deserves it,” the other Luffy said before disappearing.
Once the other Luffy was gone, you were quickly turned around. You felt a million kisses placed on the cheek the other Luffy kissed. “L-Luffy?” You blushed. “Good, now that fake’s kiss is erased,” he huffed. You laughed and pulled him into another kiss, happy to have your boyfriend back. I guess that woman is a real witch after all.
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enkas-illusion · 8 months
Double Trouble
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Fandom / Pairing: Jujutsu Kaisen / Gojo Satoru x f!reader
Rating: SFW
Genre/Theme: Established relationship; non-sorcery au
Content warning: fluff, suggestive, no smut, language.
Summary: Boyfriend!Satoru with a twin and they're exact copies of each other, down to their mannerism so they often switch places just to test how long it takes for you to figure out you're talking to the other one.
Author's Note: The one where he isn’t the only Honoured one. I hope you enjoy this one shot. Thank you for reading! 
~ Eren’s Birdie
Song Dedication: Say Yes by Loco, Punch
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Satoru Gojo was everything you could've asked for in a partner. He was kind, funny, intelligent, sexy, and had better emotional maturity than most men despite being somewhat of a nihilist in his own way – perfect was the word to describe him.
The only problem was that he was a bit too much to handle at times, or dare one say, a bit *too many, – meaning his mother gave birth to him and thought ‘he's perfect!’ so she popped another xerox copy 2 minutes later.
And thus were born Satoru and Soichiro, the most identical twins in the history of twins. The two not only shared the same face but had gained quite some notoriety among friends and family for sharing the same brain cell as well. 
While you had no reason to complain about their flawless personalities, they'd taken a liking to mess with you each time they got together. One would think they'd go easy with the pranks if it's someone they love, right? Wrong! It meant the shit you had to endure was way worse than any other normal friend would have to.
On one such instance, Soichiro tagged along with Satoru after work and it wasn't until halfway through dinner that your instinct went off and you figured out it was the twin who was sitting next to you instead of your boyfriend as usual. Later that night, you'd warned Satoru about it, presenting a solid argument even he couldn't resist.
“You know I almost grabbed his thigh under the table tonight!”
“No, you didn't,” Satoru scoffed.
“Okay, maybe not. But it’s highly likely that I could've! Ummm… what if one day you return home and I greet you in some skimpy lingerie but instead of you, it’s your brother who sees me, all titties out???” You were grasping at straws really.
“Will you do that!?” His ears perked up.
“Not the point, Toru…”
“Hmm… okay fine, I won't let it get that far,” he assured you. 
“But you'll still continue to tease me?” You huffed and he nodded his head, smiling innocently. You rolled your eyes at him, complaining about how he was the ‘worst’ while he simply gave you a bear hug and a few kisses to make it up to you.
So, even after being with Satoru for more than a year, you still did not know how to distinguish between the two. The only people to do so in a split-second were his parents. You had once sat the twins down to compare their faces for any tiny details you might’ve missed but you came up short regardless. 
You could only tell the difference by instinct, after having a conversation with them – maybe you were more delusional than you'd like to admit but to you, Satoru's voice held a lot of love each time he called your name.
In an attempt to distinguish the two, you thought you'd successfully managed to get Satoru to dye his hair black with temporary colour last time you went to their family house, only to find out Soichiro had done the same and was waiting for you, waving his arm at you in the driveway with a victorious grin.
So when you don't find the twin greeting you like a devil inviting you to hell this time, you turn to your boyfriend who's undoing his seatbelt.
“Listen to me, Satoru,” you grab his collar to turn him to look at you as you speak in a serious tone, “Please don't fuck with me this time. One of these days, I might really embarrass myself due to your games.”
“I'm betting on it baby,” he grins as he gives you a quick peck before swiftly making his way out of the car to avoid your scolding. You were going to stay at his parents’ country house for a weekend and you could already tell it was going to be a long weekend.
You sigh as you grab your bag and he opens the door for you before pulling the bag out of your hand and holding his hand out for you. It's impossible to be annoyed at Satoru for long when he pulls shit like this.
When you enter the house, Satoru excuses himself to find his father and you make your way to the backyard garden where you guess his mother might be. You smile to yourself when your guess is right.
“How can I help?” You smile, making his mother turn to look at you. She gently puts the shovel down next to the plants she's depotting.
“Hello dear, you've arrived just in time… would you mind bringing the remaining pots? They’re near the window in the reading room,” she instructs and you nod as you make your way back inside.
You walk the long corridor before you reach your destination, making your way to the window where the pots were placed. You lift two in each hand, holding them with care, trying not to drop them or stain your t-shirt. 
“Need some help?” you hear a voice and turn around to see the other twin at the door. The only reason you can tell it's Soichiro is because he's wearing a grey t-shirt and black sweatpants as opposed to your boyfriend who was wearing a purple hoodie and coal grey pants. 
“Hey Sochi, could you pick the last one?” You motion your head in the direction of the last pot, “Gotta move it to the garden.”
He nods before picking up the pot and walking with you, back to the backyard garden. 
“Did you arrive before us? I didn't see your car in the driveway,” you make conversation along the way.
“My car's out for servicing. I arrived with the mothership yesterday when she was in town shopping,” he explains.
“Hmm…” you nod as you stop near the area where the soil has been rooted out of the ground, “here.” 
You motion to him to keep the pot down and he obeys as he leans down to place them there gently. You're busy looking around to find Mrs. Gojo when you hear him speak, “Anything else, princes–”
Your eyes widen as your head snaps back to look at him.
“SATORU!” you gasp at the nickname that accidentally slips out of your boyfriend's name, making you realise it's not his twin.
“Soichiro! Leave my poor girl alone,” the other blondie walks out wearing the exact same clothes. You look between the two as you stare in disbelief, not being able to tell who's who.
You're about to speak when you hear their mom's voice as she moves closer to you, pressing an arm gently around your shoulder, “Satoru… I'd expect you of all people to be nice to her,” shaking her head at the twin standing next to you.
You were right! The twin next to you is Satoru!
“No, it's okay! The best way to deal with them is to avoid both of them the entire weekend,” you give your boyfriend the fakest smile you can muster up as you walk hand in hand with his mother to fulfil your gardening duties.
As it's the only exact identical matching outfit the twins have, they don't mind wearing it all weekend. As the day progresses, you find yourself working your brain full time to notice any difference you can find, but the guys are relentless to the point where even their sleeves are rolled to the exact same length.
And of course, the whole day is spent the way you’d dreaded and almost predicted it’d be like. Later when you’re out on the porch having coffee and watching the sunset with your boyfriend, you notice Satoru has an insect bite on the side of his wrist.
“Toru?” you question, wanting to make sure you have the right twin next to you.
“Hmm?” he peels his eyes away from the pretty sunset to look at you. 
“Kiss me?” you ask softly.
“Wha– is this a test?” He raises an eyebrow.
“You know what, nevermind… I just felt like it cause this is the first time we’ve been alone all d–” your words are cut off by his lips capturing yours. You smile into the kiss as Satoru cups your face, caressing your cheek.
Satoru check completed! You make a mental note to observe his wrist for the mark each time you interact with the twins.
After dinner when everyone's lazing around in the living room and watching whatever reality tv show is playing in the background, you excuse yourself to go to the washroom. Roaming around, you end up in Satoru's old bedroom. It's endearing seeing how you can still find pieces of his current personality, likes, hobbies and interests in bits, plastered everywhere around his room.
You find yourself craving some alone time with your boyfriend all of a sudden so you pull your phone out to text him to come up to his room. You only have to wait a few minutes before you hear a knock on the door.
“It's open,” you say as you place the book that you were holding back on the shelf. With a big grin, you extend your arm out to him and he takes it.
“Hello, darling,” he says in a playful tone and your eyes briefly glance at his wrist. No mark. It's Soichiro. He pulls you into a hug and pats your head.
Fine. If your boyfriend still wants to mess with you even when you’re needy for him, he's gonna get his payback. You decide at that moment – this switcharoo bullshit stops today.
You smile innocently at Soichiro as you pull away, your hands travel up to his chest to push him back till he falls on the bed.
You hop on top of him to straddle him but are careful enough to not actually make any sort of inappropriate contact, hovering above without closing the gap between your bodies. You simply wanted to push him enough to get him uncomfortable and to confess.
You can see the nervousness on his face as he clears his throat to come up with an excuse to get out of this situation without making it awkward, “T-the door’s open, let me–”
“It’s just us Toru… I doubt anyone’s gonna bother coming up to find us anyway,” you purr as you lean your body forward, placing your palms on the sides of his head to support your weight. You start feeling anxious too, you need him to break soon or you’d have to abandon the act, so you persist and whisper in his ear, “You look so sexy, I’ve been wanting to feel you inside me all day, Satoru.”
You cringe internally at your own words. But in that moment, you can see his face get paler than it usually is and you want to laugh at how nervous he looks when he hits his limit at your lewd comments.
“Wait, I’m no–” Soichiro pushes you by the shoulders as he begins in panic, another voice interrupts, pushing the half-open door forcefully, “Baby, wait!”
You feel a large arm hook around your waist to pull you away. As you stumble to your feet, breaking free from his hold, you turn around to see an annoyed Satoru, knitting his eyebrows as he looks at you. He looks more annoyed at himself than at you.
“Satoru?” you question as you bring up a hand to his cheek.
“Yes, baby?” he asks in that loving tone you’re so used to as he wraps his arms around your waist tighter.
You smile as you caress his cheek, trying hard to hold in your laughter, “What… A… Dumbass!”
You burst out laughing as you break free from his embrace and he stares at you in disbelief. You look from him to Soichiro, who’s already stood up from the bed as you hold your stomach, hurting from laughing so much, “That should teach you both!”
“Well then, I’m gonna go watch tv with the only two sensible people in this house,” you wave the baffled twins goodbye and turn around to leave the room. The very next second, you’re taken by surprise when you feel a hand grab your wrist to keep you from moving.
You turn around to see that your boyfriend seems… mad at you?
“Sochi, do you mind? I wanna talk to her alone,” Satoru motions his brother to leave the room.
“Yikes, just keep it quiet,” the twin chuckles in embarrassment as he walks out hastily. You hear the door close behind you before footsteps recede down the hallway.
You look at Satoru, expecting him to speak up. But your boyfriend simply grabs both of your wrists before twisting them behind your back and closes the distance between your bodies.
“Waitttt… is this Toru or Sochi? It is impossible to tell!” your words are dry and sarcastic as you giggle at him.
“Baby, I don’t think you’re in a position to be laughing at me right now,” he towers over you, his grip on your waists tightening.
“But here we are! I told you not to mess with me,” you chuckle as you try to wriggle your wrists out of his grip.
“And I’ve warned you not to press my buttons… or do I need to remind you again?” he grunts as he flips you around, walking you to the bed till your knees hit the edge of the bed, making you stumble on the mattress with him behind you. He brings a hand to the back of your head to press your face down into the mattress and you take this opportunity to try to hold him. He tsks at your movement before moving away from your completely.
You flip your body around to lie on your back and see what’s going on, only to find him rummaging through his closet. When Satoru turns around to walk back towards the bed, you notice two ties in his hands. 
This isn’t how you’d expected your little prank to turn out but you definitely weren’t complaining. However, just as Satoru straddles you, grabbing your wrists, his phone buzzes in his pocket.
“What?” he groans into the speaker.
“Mum’s calling you both downstairs,” you hear Soichiro’s voice on the other end.
You press your lips together to keep yourself from laughing as Satoru groans once again before cutting the call with a ‘be right there’.
“I think god sent a guardian angel disguised as your mom for me,” you chuckle as you sit up, making your way out from under him.
“You’re lucky,” Satoru grabs your jaw, “but don’t get ahead of yourself, guardian angel can't save you past her bedtime.”
You poke your tongue out to tease him, breaking free and springing out of the bed, mumbling a ‘whatever’, walking out towards the living room. 
As you make your way back down the hall, you hear your boyfriend’s footsteps behind you. You smile to yourself as you begin to brew different ideas of riling him up further throughout the night.
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lightfeltmemories · 10 months
hello!! <333
(sorry for poor grammar or language mistakes, english is not my first language😭😭) (also this is my first time requesting something, AND I'M NOT A MINOR, i turned 19 a month ago <33)
your writing is AMAZINGGG AGHHHH
nah but srsly the way you write the characters is sooo realistic, i hate fanfiction where the characters are written totally different from how they actually are, but the way you write the characters IS SO CANONNN
i'm already in love with ur blog🆘
sooo ummm im requesting for non-con w feitan🙏
anyways ily pls be healthy
aww, thank you so much! i do get a bit insecure about how i potray characters and this just made my evening! and sadly, you didn't provide a storyline, you know, specifically what you wanted to happen aside from the non con (how they meet, whether the reader is apart of the troupe or not etc etc) so i decided to make my own storyline so i hope this is nice! also, because it's easier to write imo the reader is afab with she/her pronouns.
feitan x female!reader | nsfw
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tags: there is a bit of chrollo x reader however it's still mainly feitan x reader, reader insert goes by the name "bunny" to avoid using things such as y/n not to mention it's a lot easier to memorize,
tw's: heavy non-con (obviously), blood, slight gore, torture usual feitan shit, reader pisses herself (thought it would be interesting to add), dacryphilia, anal
notes: this took a lot longer than expected, i'm not the most proud of this piece so sorry if it's not ground breaking or the most descriptive literally ever, this will also be posted on my ao3
w; 4,227
minors, ageless or blank blogs do not interact
"let me go! let me the fuck go!"
she yelled as the restraints on her arms and legs were tightly bound to the seat beneath her, she tried biting at anyone who dared to touch her.
in front of her was the dead body of her last comrade, his face was unrecognizable due to how much blood covered it, cuts and bruises everywhere on his body and all 10 fingernails were peeled off, scattered on the floor.
it was something she was used to seeing, she had saw peoples guts spilled out of their stomach, she had seen peoples heads ripped off of their necks..
but what it's someone she had known for so long in the same fate.. she can't help but feel uneasy.
her captors didn't seem even the slightest bit fazed by her behavior, it's like they're used to people acting this way.
one of them was taller, he lacked eyebrows is a notable feature of his, and the shorter one was pale, with messy black hair, the bottom half of his face was covered by what appears to be some type of scarf.
"she's a feisty one, how do you plan on breaking her?" the blonde said, who she later learned that his name was phinks, and the other's feitan.
"i have something new in mind." is all feitan said.
"alright, i'll leave it to you." phinks takes his leave, all she could do is wonder what he plans on doing to her, she heard that he tortures people, so, she expects to come out with scars.
but little did she know, she was in for something pretty different.
feitan steps closer to her, softly placing his rough, cold hands on her soft cheek, she flinches at the touch, making him pull his hand back at her action.
he stares at her, watches as she tries to break the restraints, only bruising her arms and legs.
"you're too weak." he said.
"either shut up or get me out of here!" she gathers enough saliva and ejects it to his face, spitting on him.
he goes to pull out something, a cloth, to wipe away the spit at his face.
"pathetic little girl.." he walks closer, bending down to her level to admire her features, but all it appears is him staring at her, blankly.
no wonder they call you bunny..
there were 15 people apart of a gang, dealing with drugs, getting into fights with other gangs, and other things of the sort, it was dangerous work.
it was all started less than 15 years ago by a man, a 19 year old boy named adrian, who had joined a gang in order to protect his sister from other gangs, the area they lived in was ridden with poverty and crime, murders, rapes and kidnappings happened what seemed like almost every day, anyone was at risk no matter the age or gender.
and throughout the course of these 15 years the crime started to drop, all because of this gang, but after the leader died due to unknown circumstances, most likely murdered, adrian became the leader, and things changed,
adrian became the thing he swore to protect his sister from.
but his sister, now an adult, had gone down her own path of crime, she became more ruthless than that of her brother, at first not wanting her to join, he thought that she would be useful in a way, so, she became the first female member.
because of her cute appearance, they referred to her as "bunny," she may be cute but she's anything but, her face and clothes covered in blood and guts, an arsenal of weapons at her disposal, and, a master manipulator, often times used to "seduce" men into gaining information, but she would never actually sleep with any of them.
things started to take a strange turn when another gang had gotten involved.
the phantom troupe.
how this all started was that the spiders leader, chrollo, had gotten himself involved with bunny, she had to admit, he was a fine, handsome man, he spoke in a way bunny had never even heard of.
for their first "date," he took her to a nice, upscale restaurant, the food was expensive, something bunny may not ever afford, however, it was delectable.
the two of them never actually suspected one another to be apart of any type of gang.. or did they?
things didn't turn out well for obvious reasons, chrollo was using her to get closer to their boss, because apparently, he had something valuable, the details were vague, not even bunny was aware of what the hell was going on, and now her and the rest of the gang were dragged into it, because her boss, no, her brother, had owed someone something.
and it may possibly lead to his death.
when bunny found out, she was pissed, her brother had stolen from the spiders, and now they were after them.
what the hell was bunny going to do against the spiders, she's smart enough to know that she is no match, and that it's sudden death for her if they ever manage to put their anger towards her.
or was it?
bunny was not weak, she was one of the few apart of the gang that used nen, she rarely used it unless it calls for desperate measures, but, her ability consisted of her being able to manipulate her opponents to see their fears.
and she might have to use it against a few members.
but it didn't work.
she was still defeated.
she was the one left standing after the gang, her family, all fell beneath her, at the hands of the phantom troupe.
her brother, adrian, holds his broken, bloodied arm as he limps over to her.
"b-bunny.... get out of here.. you're no match for them... just ru-"
he was cut off with a sword stabbing through his chest, blood staining the concrete floors as she succumbs to his death, the sword is pulled away and his lifeless body falls to the floor.
the one who killed him appears to be a samurai.
bunny felt what appears to be fear for the first time in her adult life, she couldn't move, she just froze..
she shakes at the sight of him, as he slowly moves forward.
she was going to die, there was no doubt about it.
she closes her eyes, preparing for the same fate, but that's not what happened, she's still alive.
"kill everyone else, except for bunny" were the orders given by chrollo according to one of the members; nobunaga, that same samurai that killed her brother.
but why? why was she spared? did chrollo see something in her? was she useful?
"feitan, do whatever you want with her, but don't hurt her too much, and don't spill too much blood."
and now were here, she stares into the dark purple eyes of her captor, he steps back from her face.
"what the hell are you doing to do to me?" she asked, she knew now that trying to fight back was useless, the restraints were on far to tightly.
he didn't answer, but goes on to pick up something on a nearby table; a small blade.
she was going to be tortured the same way he was.
he walks to her slowly, pointing the blade at the top of her shirt, slowly lowering the blade down, towards the end of her torso, making a clean slice, the shirt falls apart, revealing her breasts covered by her bra.
at the sight of the medium sized breasts, feitan feels his pants growing tighter, hidden cock twitching at the sight of not only her angered, yet scared expression, but how her breasts sit perfectly up.
but he wanted to drag this on further.
and with one quick slash, the bra is now cut in half, too, her breasts fall out from the now useless bra, revealing only a small bit of her areola whilst the rest is covered by the bra cusps.
now going down to her pants, with the same blade, it cuts smoothly away, slowly revealing her underwear, she didn't want to make any sudden movements, as he might cut her skin if he does.
the pants were now cut in half, her clothes were ripped in half to reveal the most intimate parts of her.
feitan goes on to untie the restraints.
"any sudden movements, and i'll kill you." he said lowly.
it was useless to fight back now, she got the hint on what he was planning on doing, he wanted to break her in another way, not in the usual torture way.
but by fucking her, whether she wanted it or not.
the restraints were removed, but before she could even think about moving, the blade was held to her neck, so close that it poked her, but not enough to draw blood.
"on your knees."
slowly dropping to the floor to get on her knees, she listens to every command he orders.
"remove your clothes."
she removes her shirt, bra, shoes, pants and underwear, she's naked, while he remains fully clothed, looking down at her pathetic frame, she could've sword a small chuckle was heard from him.
this guy was menacing.
he starts to shuffle with his pants, pulling them down only to reveal his leaking cock.
for his small size, it was just slightly above average, but enough to do something without causing any pain.
it was hard as a brick, was he turned on by her suffering.
he grabs the back of her head, and pushes her head towards his cock, forcing her lips to part around the head, he pushes himself down her throat, making her gag, pulling out with a single strip of saliva trailing it.
"a stupid bitch you are, can't even take my cock down your throat."
she wanted to punch his head off right then and there, clutching her fists as his cock re enters her mouth, but he didn't push all the way to her throat, going slow as he pulls and pushes in and out of her mouth.
she felt small drips of his precum touch her tongue, feitan pulled at her hair to remove her from his cock again, and pushes her face to his balls, forcing her to smell them, for a minute she realizes what he's trying to do, she pulls out her tongue out to lick the base of his cock.
"good girl." he tells her. "now you try on your own."
he officially removes his hand from her hair completely, he now expects her to suck his cock on her own.
she wraps her hand around his cock and begins to pump back and forth as her mouth follows behind, the pace gradually grows faster, the sounds of her soft moans and saliva begin to fill a part of the room.
his hand returns to the back of her head while his other goes to remove her hand that is pumping away at his cock, only wanting her mouth, helping her move at the pace he wants her, he moves his hips back and fourth a little faster than her, every time the tip touches the back of her throat she gags, rejecting him.
he wants to bypass her gag reflex, not caring at all for her gags.
"thats right, choke on it.." he says to himself, he sees the tears forming in the corner of her eyes, enjoying the sight of her wet eyes, because he's the one thats causing it.
a girl who came in oh so mighty and oh so tough, is now slowly but surly falling apart at his hands, he is slowly undoing her, and he loves it.
he can't help but go just a bit deeper, to her her lips touch the small amounts of pubic hair he has, she squeezes her eyes shut as she tries not to gag, a grin creeps up from behind his scarf, she's trying oh so hard.
"poor bunny, is my cock too much for you?" he mocks. "don't worry, it'll all be over soon.."
he pushes as far as he can, her cute, soft, delicate features will soon be covered in his semen, pulling away from her mouth to pump away at his cock, shooting out small amounts before more and more cover her face, shooing away at her hair, mouth and cheeks, and once he was done, he lets go of her now messy hair, viewing what he had done.
she uses her index finger to remove some of it from her face.
"taste it." he commands her.
looking down at the substance, the blade returns to her face, reminding her that he can and will kill her if she doesn't obey.
her tongue grazes the liquid, before sticking her whole finger in her mouth, tasting the salty, murky substance.
"not so bad, right?"
"i guess not." she responds.
"bend over on the table, over there." he commands again.
she stands up to walk over to the table, despite for how long she had been sitting on her legs making them a bit weak, she bends over on the table, sticking her ass forward for him to see.
viewing her ass, feitan grazes his hand over one of her cheeks, giving it a good hard slap, making her jump, and tighten her legs shut.
after seeing her reaction, he had gotten an idea.
feitan walks to a part of the room she couldn't see in her peripheral vision, before returning mere seconds later with something long and lanky in his hands.
was that.... a belt? or a whip? or maybe a mixture of the two.
after he managed to make it over to her, the leather piece of whatever-the-hell-it-was softly grazes the other cheek, before a hard, painful slap hits her, making her throw her head back, and borderline scream in pain.
"that was 1, out of 10."
just 10 more to go, hopefully he doesn't raise the number... hopefully.
another smack, this time on her left check.
and another on her right.
and another, on her left.
but he stopped, for a short moment, he see's her trembling, her legs especially, her cheeks were red, she gripped the end of the table, tears welling up in her eyes, she tried not to give him what he wanted, she tried not to sob.
but something else came out as well.
she feels herself let loose, as warm liquid falls to the floor.
feitan watched as she, quite frankly, pissed herself.
and we didn't even get to number 5.
feitan shakes his head in disappointment. "how old are you?"
"i said how old are you?"
"uh... 23?"
"i'll raise the number to 23."
"damnit." she said to herself, why did she have to piss herself? she couldn't have just held it in a little longer?
"but i'll be nice this time and start from 5.. you were good up until then... you count this time."
he resumes, this time again on her left, and waits for her response.
"if you don't respond, we'll have to start over."
"5..." she stutters out, through her tears, she couldn't help it, he was hitting her so hard, and it hurts.. so fucking bad.
on her right cheek.
she let out a few quiet sobs, not even close to the last 2 digits.
on her left cheek.
her tears started to stain the table, she wept, and screamed at each smack.
on her right cheek.
it kept going on, and on, and on, until she finally reached 23, she felt like she would almost pass out by the amount of pain she had to endure, not even period cramps were this bad, and that was saying a lot.
her pussy still moist from her piss, feitan had gotten an idea, but for him, it was still far too early for it.
he flips her on her back, getting a good view of her, her clit was peaking through the lips.
normally, he wouldn't care much for the pleasure of the person he's sleeping with, it was all to chase his own pleasure, however.. something came to him.
just fucking her senseless won't do for now, he wanted to see her completely undone, of course he was halfway there, she still looked at him with hatred and disgust.
but he wanted to hear her moan, to at least hear her beg for more of him.
and he knew exactly what to do.
using his middle and index finger, he pushes her lips apart, revealing her clitoris in all its glory, it sits unbothered and for now untouched.
for now.
he starts off with soft, teasing touches, in the most sensitive areas.
for her, it wasn't painful, no, it was pleasurable.
he wanted her to feel pleasure, all to boost his ego.
that he'll for sure break her.
she tries not to make any sound, its easy, but she can't lay here and lie by saying it didn't feel good, it did, in fact, it felt amazing.
especially when he goes on to remove his scarf, revealing his face entirely, she doesn't know if its because of what he's doing, but he isn't all that bad looking.
he pulls out his tongue to softly lap at her sensitive clit, her legs twitch at the sensation and she throws her head back, damn, it really did feel good.
she couldn't help but let out at least a couple cute soft moans, but, he heard them, continuing to lick away, he pressed his lips against it to suck, making her, unknowingly, slip out a groan, urging him to continue.
his plan was working, she was moaning for him to continue, just to take things to the next level, he sticks two fingers inside of her gaping, wet entrance, curling his fingers to find that spot.
and once he did, her reaction did not disappoint.
he didn't stop, but continued doing the thing that made her yell out his name.
music to his ears.
"f-fuck..." she gasped as she felt herself already nearing her orgasm.
but he felt her start to tense up, and he backed away, watching her, watching him.
she looked at him as if he was crazy, she could see the amused smile on his face as he watched her look up at him, her face once again showed those soft features of hers.
"... just like a bunny." he whispered to her.
she scoffs, looking away from him, getting a chuckle out of him, he could see how embarrassed she was, but he'll make sure to wipe that off her face again.
he debated on it, but, he decided to remove his cloak, revealing his fit body, he could tell by the way she looked at her, she was surprised he hid all of that underneath him.
she didn't know how or what to feel.. no.. she can't grow attracted to her captor, no... no...
quickly looking away from him, he starts to put his cock near her entrance.
"whats wrong?" he asks her.
she looks back up again.
"fuck.. he's so...." in her head, an eternal conflict, but for sure, her body would show it.
feitan looks down to see her producing the lube for him.. "it seems like your body is telling me what you think..." slowly pushing in his tip, then forwarding a little more, watching her reaction, she looks in anticipation as she teasingly enters her.
until he reaches it, making her tense up, curling her toes.
"don't be shy.. let me know how good it feels.." he starts to slowly back in, and back out, softly making contact with her sweet spot.
her breathing became manual, as she watches his thick, yet averagely long cock appears then disappear inside her, using his thumb to play with her swollen, needy clit once more.
she bites her lip to keep shut, she saw how he reacted when she moaned, she wanted to make him work for it.
"playing that game, are we?" he asks her.
"yeah, i guess we a-AH!"
he uses his index and middle finger to pinch her clit, making her yelp.
"there it is.." he said to himself, he thrusts faster, hitting her spot each second, her breathing started to get heavier, and vocal.
she couldn't help but let a few moans slip out as he played with her clit, while pounding away inside of her.
he hasn't even been in for less than 5 minutes and she already feels herself reaching her end, squeezing tight on his cock.
"f-fuck... fe-f-..."
"say it, my whole name.."
"f-f-fei...feitan... please..."
"please what?"
"please... make me cum..."
feitan lets out a short laugh, seeing her beg underneath him, seeing her spirit is fully broken.
the sight itself makes him want to cum.
he pulls out from her, making her whine for more, but he had gotten an idea, he observes her body, figuring out how this plan will go.
he wants to try something different.
flipping her over on her stomach, he parts her cheeks to view the second, more tighter yet often forbidden hole.
she looks back to view what he was trying to do, and realizes that he wanted to fuck her ass.
she wasn't ready.
"w-wait! i don't take it up there!"
feitan shoots a glare at her, making her relax.
he gathers some of her slick and coats it on both her ass and his cock, before pressing his tip against the hole, but she tightens it.
"relax." he tells her.
"i'm trying.. but.." she tries to unclench, but every time his tip presses it makes her tense up again.
feitan slowly sticks a finger inside to get her used to it, pushing it back and forth.
she tightly grips the table once again as even his finger was too big for her, she didn't want to clench since it would make it even more uncomfortable for her.
but, feitan was feitan, he didn't necessarily care, if anything he wanted to see how she would react to his cock pounding at her ass, he easily slides in with the help of lube; created by her.
she borderline screams out, as he was only halfway inside of her, the new, uncomfortable feeling was too much for her to handle.
"what happened to the bunny before?" feitan was at this point in all the way.
she couldn't answer, at this point, he got what he wanted, just by her being here, he already won.
because of how tight she was, he wasn't able to move as freely as he would if he was inside of her pussy, and even with the use of her slick it was still a bit dry.
grabbing her still bruised cheeks, the sensation still stung, but not as bad as before.
hell, now he was in the position of trying to keep his moans hidden, though not the easiest to move around in, the tightness was it's positive, without the wetness of her pussy.
her ass clapped against him as he thrusted in her, despite how red it is, he couldn't help but deliver a hard slap, making her yelp in pain, her head was thrown back, and feitan catched a few locks of her hair, and starts to pound away, seeing she starts to loosen up just a tiny bit, getting used to his size.
"so.... tight..." he says under his breath, to her it was only mumbles, they didn't even sound like moans.
he tried not to cum so quickly, especially since chrollo had told him not to cum inside of her.
"oh.. oh shit.." she moans softly as he holds on to her hips to keep her steady, noticing how fast he was thrusting; he was getting closer.
and closer.
and closer.
until he swiftly pulls out, and shoots ropes of his semen onto her ass, and lower back, hearing him groan as he pumps his cock.
she was worn out, laying on the table as if it was a bed, she didn't move, staring in the far distance of her long dead comrade.
"what happens now?" she manages to get out, tiredly.
feitan was too busy putting his clothes back on, as if he never even took them off, did he hear her question or was he ignoring her? who knows.
footsteps could be heard in the distance, and then the door opens.
that same blonde guy from earlier.
"so, how'd it go?" phinks asked.
"she gave in pretty easily." feitan replied.
"thought so, those types always do." phinks jokes, followed by a short laugh. "hope you didn't catch feelings or anything, you know what chrollo plans with her, right?"
"no, actually." feitan replied.
phinks looks back at her, still passed out on the table, he walks over to get a closer view. "damn, you sure you didn't kill her? or drug her?" he sounded a bit concerned.
"nope." feitans short response. "she's probably just tired."
"i guess so." phinks takes a look over at her ass, bruised.
the two men talk and converse, but she was too knocked out of it to really pay attention.
she didn't know what she had in store.
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lexawoah13 · 9 months
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How to Exit a Room preview
Here’s a little snippet from the fix I’ve been writing. It’s taken from the middle of it so don’t worry there’s a bit of intro coming. Anyways let me know what you think and if you wanna be added to a tag list when I actually start posting
The majority of people leave and as the life of this party is dying, Beomgyu jumps at the opportunity to start his favourite game. “7 MINUTES TIME!” He shouts out and the crowd cheers, everyone migrating to the central couches where Beomgyu is standing. Beomgyu names himself “game master” giving him full control of the entire game. Because this isn’t your basic game of 7 minutes in heaven. No no. This frat had their own version combining it with truth or dare.
“For the rules! I’ll pick a couple to enter the room, and then said couple will pick a truth or a dare” he wiggles his eyebrows as he says dare, hinting at the contents of those dares, “from this hat” shaking the TΡΦ crested ball hat, in from of him “said task to be completed during your 7 minutes together and require some proof” These can be anything from learning each others fantasies to straight up fucking.” That's both the fun and the risk of this mishmashed game.
Of course Beomgyu being the good Fraternity Brother he is, he knows that Soobin is dying for a chance to be with you and decides to make his current dream a reality.
"Soobin and y/n you'll be our first lucky pairing of the night. Now would one of you pick your dare and show it to me please?" he looks at you coyly, a giant smirk plastered in his face.
"oh yeah, not obvious at all Choi... your wing man can't even wait a couple rounds before throwing us in" you tease elbowing him in the ribs. Soobin however is death glaring Beomgyu and so is every other female in the room. You can feel the words thrown at and about you but honestly can't find a fuck to give. If anything it was hilarious just how desperate they all were for 7 minutes 1 minute of Soobin's attention. You walk up and pull out your dare. Surprise and smugness fills you as you read it. Passing it to Beomgyu to read, his jaw slightly drops open and then tells that proof will be required to say it was completed. "and what kind of proof is that?" Soobin asks, still clueless to the dare. "ummm, a photo, video...clothing....? you can figure it out! OFF YOU GO!" he pushes at your shoulders to guide you towards the room.
Of course this frat has a whole Bedroom dedicated to shit like this. No, not a closet for the sacred game of 7 minutes in heaven, but a fully equipped room, bed and all.
"oh wow.... romantic'' you remark sarcastically
"Sorry I know… but if it makes you feel any better those sheets are clean..."
"and how would you know they're clean? What if someones already been in here tonight."
Scratching the back of his neck, Soobin looks away from you and says "well because, this is my room..."
"oh... OH"
"sorry, it's not what you think but I'd rather bring you in here than that actual room.. plus we can just talk or whatever you feel like doing"
"oh no President Choi... you have a dare to complete. Can't let your frat bros know you failed can we?" you feign offense with sarcasm and a wink.
"What was the dare anyways?"
"To eat me out" you say flatly
"WHAT?! let me see" he slightly panics and holds his hand out for the paper.
“ is it really that unbelievable? it's your game after all..."
"god I'm sorry, seriously we don't have to do any-"
"Wait, so you're not even gonna try?” you taunt “really? what will you "brothers" say?"air quoting brothers.
"honestly it doesn't matter what they think I'm just enjoying my time with you" he says immediately and you can't help the little butterflies that sprout in your stomach
"You're not even gonna try?" you tease "I thought I was finally gonna get to see what all the hype was about. I mean all I hear about is how good your dick is but I've never heard anything about your head game... makes me wonder"
Licking his lower lip he chuckles at your taunt "I'm great at eating pussy to Y/n. Reaally goood" slowly drawing out the last words
"guess you'll have to prove it" you squint to emphasize it "but it won't be that easy... if you can get me all hot and bothered without getting between my legs for 7 minutes, maybe I'll let you have a taste.." biting your bottom lip you move in closer to grab his shirt "what'd ya say Choi? you gonna show me what you’ve really got?" pulling him down closer to your face
"What's the rules?" he breathes out the words heavily "what can and can't I do?"
"anything from the waist up is fair game, just nothing between my thighs"
"Can I stand between them though?"
"mmmhmmm just no rubbing your cock against me" looking up into his eyes, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth.
Soobin lets a grunt leave his chest from your words. Picking you up by your thighs, Soobin walks you over to his desk, wrapping your legs around his waist "starting now" he rushes the words before crashing his lips against yours. You open up to him immediately, wanting it just as much as he does. You do however have to play a little hard to get. His tongue fights yours for dominance. Winning rather quickly, and explores every crevice of your mouth.
The kiss is so fucking good, too good, you want to give in right away and he's not even touching you yet. Like not at all. His hands are planted on his desk next to your thighs and you want to whine from his lack of touch. You want him to ravish you, and give in, breaking the one rule you gave him. But god, he was good even without trying. He starts to drift his lips from yours and down your neck, kissing, sucking and leaving marks you know will be there tomorrow but you can't even care as he runs his tongue over each one to soothe the ache.
Unable to hold it back any longer a whine slips from your lips and you hate yourself for it.
chucking into your neck "ahhh needy already bunny? You want me to touch you?"
but being the stubborn bitch you are, you shook your head "nope, don't care...don't care if you touch meeEE-" your voice gets higher as his fingers lightly trace their way up your stomach to the hem of your shirt.
"oh, really... so if i-" removing his fingers from your rib cage and you whine again, not even caring anymore "liar" he laughs again, coming back to your lips. "you ready yet princess or you really gonna play it out?"
"donno what yer talkin' 'bout" you pant against his lips "'m fine"
"that so?" he pulls away from you looking straight into your eyes, knowing he's winning this game. "fine..." his finger traces back up your ribs under your shirt, your breath hitching in your throat as he rubs along the band of your bra. Sliding his fingers around until he reaches the clasps "so this is fine then? you're okay" not breaking eye contact once
'mmmhhhm 's fine" you whine in anticipation for him to snap it off you. you want it off so bad, want him all over you now.
tracing his fingers underneath the clasp and up your spine you instinctively arch your back into him, looking up into his eyes even more so now, no longer breathing as his lips graze yours as he coos “too bad, thought I was getting somewhere with you” he pulls away, fingers ghosting your spine as he pulls away.
“Nnnooo” you whine at the loss of his touch and pull him back in by the front of his shirt, locking your legs around his waist so he can’t escape again.
“Thought you were good Y/N?” He smirks into your kiss
“Fuck Soobin if you don’t take my shirt off right now I swear to god-”
“No problem bunny” pulling away and discarding your shirt in a split second before he’s back on your lips. Hands on your back, at the clasp of your bra. “This to or?” Your bra is snapped off before you can even finish nodding
“christ, You really are a fuckboy”
“Don’t say that” he pouts onto your lips, leaving a quick peck.
“Why it’s fucking true. You had my clothes off in two seconds”
He can’t help the chuckle that escapes his lips “I have some… experience..” he trails off attaching himself to your collarbone
“Yeah, yeah,,. “
Soobin pulls back to study you, looking over every part of your now exposed chest. “God you're beautiful…” massaging your breasts as he works his eyes down to your nipples. Noticing the flash of silver on them, muttering “fuck”under his breath, lowering to be eyelevel with your pierced nipples encased in a skeleton heart. He can feel his cock throb at the sight. Licking his lips before attaching himself to your breast flicking at the jewelry clad bud. Hissing at the sensitivity that shoots through it.
“You’re a boob guy I take it?” panting through his assault on your nipple.
“Mmhhmmm and yours are perfect baby. So so pretty” kitten licking at the bud
“Uughhaaa-you like the piercings then” raking your fingers through his hair, slightly pulling when he nips on the ring.
“So fucking sexy.. Love ‘em” switching to the other bud to share his infatuation with them.
Soobin loved feeling the cold metal against his tongue, contrasting to the heat from your aroused nipple. His cock growing harder by the second from the noises you release as he has his way with your chest. “Yer full of surprises y/n”
“Ahhaha- you think?”
He leaves your chest to return back to your neck. Gently asking against your skin “You gonna give in now or are you gonna keep up this hard act?”
Gripping the hem of his shirt you pull it up, where he finishes taking it off “what do you think?”
“Need to hear you say it bunny, say you want it.” he holds your chin to look up at him, pausing all the previous activities until you say it.
“You’re a dick you know that?”
“Am I? Or are you being a brat?” he smirks knowing he’s got you
“Fuck…I want you” you whisper “want you Soobin”
“What do you want Y/N? Ask nicely”
“Pleaseeee” you mewl “want you, want your tongue on me”
“Be specific bunny”
Groaning you finally say what he wants to hear as you do so “Eat. My. Pussy.” punctuating each word as you slowly guide his hand from your waist down to cup your throbbing mound.
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asexualmisconduct · 11 months
ok so I realized i didn’t have an intro post so heres my intro post
ok turns out i don’t know how to make an intro post..
ummmmm ok so i guess umm stuff about me???? Ummm oh ya! Dni criteria
DONT INTERACT WITH MY BLOG if you are / support
pro shipping
abuse of any kind
hate against religions
anti recovery
think a-spec people don’t belong in lgbt+
hate on furrys, cosplayers and other stuff like that
(just basic dni criteria)
Im apart of many different fandoms so ya. heres a few I’ll update it as i remember/join more:
🔱Percy Jackson and the Olympians🔱
🏛️Heroes of Olympus🏛️
🏃‍♂️the maze runner🏃‍♂️
🪄Harry Potter🪄
🔥the hunger games 🔥
🌿the graceling series🌿
⚙️the girl who dared series⚙️
✨alex rider
🌲gravity falls🌲 (kinda?)
🍬spicy mints🍬
🔮morgana and oz🔮
💜homesick 💜
⭐️the d!ckheads⭐️
‼️school bus graveyard‼️
🛸down to earth🛸
🎭our walk home🎭
📓jacksons diary📓
🧜‍♂️castle swimmer🧜‍♂️
💖maybe meant to be💖
🩸vampire husband🩸
🔆day break🔆
👻rooftops and roommates👻
*to be continued*
I’ve been reading these so if you have any recommendations or questions please send me them :3
ALSO im asexual ( if you didn’t get that from my username well….)
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I sometimes post/reblog triggering stuff.. so ya.. I normally tag those: tw [x] if I forget to tag something please tell me so nobody gets triggered by it please. Edit: i now have a vent sideblog @tir3d-and-confus3d so probably wont post anything triggering unless its on accident:3
also if you tag me in something or message me and i don’t reply back quickly i either didn’t see it or i got busy and will reply back as soon as possible
I also don’t know what or how to use the queue so if i like something im gonna reblog right then just fyi :3
Edit if i ever say anything imma tag it #the gremlin speaks
My Name: idk make something up you think would suit me
My Gender: Your Mother
My Pronouns: I honestly couldn’t give a shit go crazy
My Age: Fuck You
💥user box blast 💥
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m-y--p-a-s-s-i-o-n-s · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @saybiwithme :)
How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What fandoms do you write for?
Teen Wolf
James Bond
Star Trek
Harry Potter
House MD
The Old Guard
Detroit Become Human
The Witcher
Good Omens
Our Flag Means Death
Ted Lasso
Carnival Row
Doctor Who
The Umbrella Academy
True Blood
So, just a few XD
3. Top five fics by kudos:
1- Meant To Be (Star Trek AOS)
2- Making Love (Venom)
3- 5 Times Jim Forgot About Vulcan Hand Sensitivity & 1 Time He Didn't (Star Trek AOS)
4- Lunch Break (House M.D.)
5- Truth Or Dare (Supernatural)
4. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, unless it's hate or I have not a single thing to say in response
5. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Off the top of my head, I think its gotta be:
Whatever This Is Between Us (Endverse SPN)
Pheromones (Good Omens)
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Now this one is problematic, how am I supposed to chose just one??? I specialise in happy endings XD Ummm, lets see...possibly...
The Umbrella (Good Omens)
The One That Got Away (TOS Star Trek)
Good News (DBH)
7. Do you get hate on fics?
Not often, but yes, I just delete the comment cause they're not worth my time.
8. Do you write smut?
Soooo much smut
9. Craziest crossover?
Hahahahahaha XD I love this question, not only is it my craziest crossover, its just my craziest fic in general XD
Just imagine some crazy person (this bitch) decided to write a fic for all of their ships (up to that date), they all meet up and work together, and there's a lot of smut, and hot damn, there's even a plot.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Two that I'm aware of :D
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Fragments (Star Trek AOS) with @lizzy0305
Double Date (Star Trek AOS)
13. All time favourite ship?
Spirk <3
14. What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A Destiel AU with cook!Dean and office job!Cas
15. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue I think, and fluff. And I think I can usually get their voices pretty spot on fairly quickly usually.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Details, I have to really think about putting in details. And I write quite slow.
17. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Love it as long as a translation happens either within the fic, or in the author's notes so I know what it says. I use the Vulcan language a fair bit in my Trek fics.
18. First fandom you wrote in?
Technically it was Harry Potter before I knew what fanfiction even was. But it was Supernatural when I knew it was fanfiction I was writing, and it was the first fandom I posted fic for. My first fic: Acceptance (Supernatural)
19. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh boi this is a tough one...heres a couple of my favs...
An Artist and His Muse (Good Omens)
Something Special (Staged)
The One That Got Away (Star Trek TOS)
The Update (DBH)
Under the Shape of Dessert (BBC Sherlock)
What No Man Has Done Before (HP/ST AOS)
In Search of the Sun (Star Trek AOS)
20. What’s your total ao3 word count? (I missed this one at the top and just added it to the bottom XD)
698,179 words
TAGGING: @lizzy0305 @doonarose @ineffable-ezra and my other followers who write fics!
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russett-pots · 2 years
Prom date
Kim Minju
Tags: Fluff, prom
Word: 0.7k
Part 1 of the trilogy
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With your most awkward smile and a black suit with a purple tie, you look at yourself in the mirror. The shower room is still steamy from your long, arduous, and scolding bath. Hair still wet, suit barely fits but booming with confidence. You have never thought such beauty will be going out to prom with you and there you are with two prom tickets in hand and a bouquet in the other. You make your way to the living room and there is your mom and dad looking proud at their young man.
Your mom looks at you with her eyes almost crying. “Oh my! My baby is now all grown up.” She gets the camera and quickly takes a snap of you.
“Oh come on, mom. You don’t have to be so emotional.” Your hand shrugs her off.
“What do you mean emtional?! My baby is going to prom. By the way, when should you pick up your date.”
“My date?” You look at your watch. “Oh sh—.” You cover your mouth to prevent yourself from cursing. “I mean I should get going. I’m going to be late.” 
“Say hi to the Kims for me. Say regards to Mrs. Kim. Make sure to send extra pics.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, mom.” You reply to your overbearing mother. But before you get your keys to your fifteen-year-old Toyota corolla that you got from your grandfather, your dad grabs your hand and puts something in it. You open your palm and it is the keys to his Porsche.
“Don’t you dare scratch it.” He grins in your face.
You get over the moon and hug him tightly. Never had he let you get near the car much less than drive it. “Thanks, dad!”
“No problem.” He jokes “Take care of both of them. Your date and my girl.”
You run to the garage as your parents wave at you. The doors open as your get inside the car. The intricate arrangement of flowers on the passenger seat is ready for your date. You grab on the steering wheel and feel the grippy leather, then shift to reverse and now on the road on your way to your date’s house then off to prom.
*Ding Dong*
The door opens. Out comes a cute 12-year-old girl.
“You here for my sister?”
“Uhhhh, hey, little Yujin.” You try to pat her hair. “Where is your sister?”
“Ya!” She moves your hand away. “No touchy. She is still preparing just wait inside.”
Still with your phone in hand and not minding you at all, she escorts you to the antique living room decorated with intricate ornaments, a red velvet couch, and china cabinets with small trinkets. A contrast to the modern technology Mr. Kim’s technology company is known for. Speaking of the devil.
Out comes Mr. Kim. He has his arms crossed and is still in his business suit like he just came home from work.
“So you must be my daughter’s date.”
You stand up and bow in front of him like what your date has told you to do once you meet her dad. “Yes sir.”
“Hmmm, there are certain rules about taking my daughter out.”
“Ummmm….. okay sir.”
“Yes sir. I’ll bring her home before midnight.”
“Second. One piece.”
“Uhhhh one piece?”
Soon you can see Mr. Kim trying to contain his laughter. He giggles and giggles until he cannot take it anymore. “Nah boy. I can see you’re a good person. I trust you with her.”
You nervously laugh with him. “Ummm my parents say hi.”
“Yeah Yeah. Tell them I say Hi too.” He continues to laugh.
Then a shout comes from upstairs. “Dad! Is Oppa here?!”
“He is, honey. Hurry up!”
“Yeah! Yeah! Five more minutes please.”
You go back to sitting and waiting. Five minutes pass by and as an expected girl wouldn’t be read and neither has she. But as your sit on your phone, you finally hear those words.
“I’m ready!”
Then each step from the top of the staircase inches down. At each moment you anticipate your date appearing. After what feels like forever, you can finally see her. Your date, the one you’ll take to prom. Maybe have a secret crush but one thing is for sure. You aren’t going to forget this night.
You take her hand and escort her with you.
“Oppa, are you ready?”
“Never have I been ever ready for anything.”
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kiennilove · 19 days
Weekly Tag Wednesday
Tag this with Gallavich Tag so everyone can read your response
thanks @badassfetish for tagging me!!
✦ Name: miah (or opal)!!
✦ Zodiac sign: smol aquarius
✦ Favorite Ian quote: i, ian, take you, mickey…
✦ Favorite Mickey quote: i, mikhailo, take you, ian…
✦ Shameless quote that currently defines your life: this is it. this is you breaking up with me (there was another quote by mickey originally, but the break-up happened as i was writing this)
✦ Write in one phrase a gallavich scene you wanted to see on TV: their first walk to the bleachers in s2. how did they decided to meet? what were the talking about when walking?? did they meet at some specific place or one went to pick up another???
oh, and also gotta be sleepover. ofc there was probably a lot of sex, but imagine mickey being a bit shy because he wanted to kiss ian so bad but was still unsure of how exactly it’s done… i need to see it!!!
✦ Your top 3 celebrity crushes: noel fisher, emma kenney and ummm uhhh emma kenney again <333
✦ What's your biggest dream? not be fucked for life :(
✦ What would you do to the last person that hurt you if it was free of any consequence? nothing. what they did was hurtful but revenge won’t help
✦ Tell something daring you did once: blocked me ex i guess… very daring for me
✦ Fiction character that defines you: ian in s6 before the emt happened and debbie (but without a kid lol)
✦ Your biggest red flag: love bombers… this is how all the hurt starts
✦ Your biggest green flag: accepting that even if you are a close person, you still need to pay for what i do for living
✦ What fanfic would you turn into a movie or tv show? i don’t really know, i don’t read that many, but i write stuff myself, so they might have been some good extra episodes for gallavich :3
✦ Most dripping hot gallavich fic you've ever read: then again, some of my own fics xD wish i could’ve share them :(
✦ What's your job / what do you study? logistics for music events, but have an unfinished art major :(
✦ What part of your body is your pleasure spot: don’t have it, body feels numb all the time :(
✦ What's the one thing you're less proud about yourself? giving up on things very easily
✦ What's the one thing you're most proud about yourself? i make pretty good jokes or puns in my native language lol
✦ Do you have or had any mental illness? depression/anxiety. thought got it under control but for the past few weeks it got worse
✦ Do you still plan on achieving a goal this year? If so, what is it? don’t have any goals as for now :( just to make it to next year
✦ Favorite movie/tv show scene of all time: sorry i’m late
tags below the line :3
@atthedugouts @spookygingerr @transsexual-dandelions @iheartmoons
and @ everybody else who wants to join :)
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idreamofticklehugs · 6 months
Hi there! 😁
2, 3, 15 and 16!! 😆
Well hello there! ☺️
2. Favorite Ler? (Tag them if you dare~)
He’s on hiatus so he won’t even see this but of course I have to answer my bf @laughterliberator 🫶🏼
3. Favorite Lee? (Tag them to call them out~)
Oooo ummm this is hard!! I’m gonna say @silly-posts-alert because she’s such a sweet friend who checks in on me all the time
15. What do you love about the lees you know?
Answered here!
16. What do you love about the lers you know?
My Ler friends are incredibly kind and respectful and supportive and thoughtful. They’re more than just lers, they’re real Friends
Thanks for asking!
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sweetnsour1 · 2 years
Fluff, Kaminari x female reader
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You huffed as you finally gripped the keys at the bottom of your bag. Today was not your fucking day. You had barely managed to not lose it at the agency. The nerve of whoever was behind this was un-fucking-believable. As soon as the key twisted, as soon as the lock clicked, as soon as you were met by the familiar scent of home and him…the stress weighing on your shoulders melted almost entirely. You nearly forgot what you were even supposed to be angry about.
"Hey, I’m home SparKi!"
You nudged the large boots tossed in the center of the entryway against the wall before you kicked your own off beside them. Calamari was munching away at her food, which was topped off and sprinkled with freshly shredded mozzarella. “Spoiled.” The fluffball didn’t disagree as you scratched her ear.
The rumble of the dishwasher sounded, confirming he was here somewhere. You moved quietly, straining to hear any human reply or snores, but you were still only welcomed in by the silence. You raised your voice and tried again as you continued through the apartment, heading for one closet in particular.
"Ki? Another close up shot of me is going viral." You moved through the hall, finally hearing quick and nimble clicks and clacks. The hero was too focused on the computer to turn. His white shirt was covered in spots from his still dripping hair. You picked up the towel from the floor as you moved to the door you needed, opening it to reveal his hero costume. "I think someone bugged you with a camera. I don’t know how you didn’t short it out with your volts." You pulled the support item you had requested from your pocket, scanning over the black and gold material. Your frown deepened as it remained silent. "Shit. I was sure that was it." You slammed the door closed with a huff, causing a small commotion behind you. You laughed, turning in time to catch the spark flicker across his wide eyes.
“Fuck, baby! You scared the shit out of me!" You closed the distance, tossing the towel around his neck but keeping hold of both ends. You tugged him and his chair toward you, giggling as his lips shocked you. You really had scared him. You flipped the towel over his head and ruffled his wet hair to a state of mostly dry.
"We need an alarm system then. I know I'm not as loud as Bakugou, but I wasn't quiet. How did you not-" Your eyes drifted over your laughing and towel covered boyfriend, landing on the screen behind him. "-uhhh, whatchya doin'?”
"Umm...nothing?" You pulled your gaze from the screen plastered with photos of you to raise an eyebrow at the one golden eye peeking out at you.
"Denki Kaminari...are you the one posting the fucking pictures?"
“Ummm...not all of them.” You groaned, rolling his chair out of the way as you scrolled through the images.
“It sure looks like all of them.” You froze when you reached the top. "Oh...my...god...are you running a fan account?”
You yelped as he tugged you to sit on his lap. His nimble fingers worked around you to resume their tagging of a draft he opened, revealing another photo from the rescue this morning.
“How dare you? I am running the official fan account.”
“I am going to officially murder you.”
“Mmm…okay. After I post this, you can do whatever you want to me, beautiful.” You pouted and kept your arms folded across your chest, only letting the smallest sigh escape your lips as he licked up your neck, gently crackling electricity along his tongue in that way you fucking loved.
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Join the tag list
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mallowstep · 3 months
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Romance that’s about getting together. I am too fucking aro for that.
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
I dunno if I have a favorite tag to use but my favorite tag I’ve ever used is “past marriage fraud.” At least that I can remember.
Other than “alternate universe — human” which I won’t count, my most commonly used tag is “canon compliant” and that feels right. I really like working within the confines of canon to add more depth to stories.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
I dunno?
There’s some kink stuff that’s a hard no from me, but I don’t think this is really what this is asking LOL.
Ummm I guess I’ll go with high school AU. I know I’ve technically written about characters in high school, but I don’t consider that a high school AU the same way I don’t consider collegestuck* a high school au. Like, having characters in high school IMO does not a high school AU make. High school AU means the high school choice came first, over having high school aged characters.
*“The Collegestuck ‘Verse,” a homestuck AU that both occupies a huge part of my heart and is the inspiration for how I executed my human AUs
But if you don’t want to count that, I really don’t know. I’m the guy who wrote a daddy kink fic for warriors (when they were cats) on half a dare and a can-do attitude. There’s very little I won’t do if I find an idea intriguing. Some of the most recent ideas in my notebook are
Gaucho (South American cowboy) AU
Call the midwife AU
Pacific Rim + soulmate AU (ESSENTIAL that you know I have not seen pacific rim and do not know what the fuck I’m talking about)
AU inspired by the song what do you do with a drunken sailor
Fic that exists purely because the title is a disguised pun for house on wheels
My point is I’ll try my hand at almost anything. Everything I can think of saying I wouldn’t write I’ve ended up writing, either because I like a challenge or because it was the logical conclusion of something that I was going to write anyway. I’m just like that.
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longeyelashedtragedy · 4 months
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by @tetrapod7 ...i did some of them already, but not all! so i might as well answer the ones i didn't already answer!
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 155! now that i have an anonymous fic these all will get more annoying to answer, looool
2. what's your total ao3 word count? 478,822
3. what fandoms do you write for? right now i just write for "men's football rpf." i'm occasionally tempted to write for the Old Fandom again.
4. top five fics by kudos: top 5 of all time are all from a song of ice and fire days:
drabbles of ice and fire
egg baby
arya saves the day
ends and beginnings
was i the best writer of aged-up arya/jaqen AUs in the fandom? uh, yes, since 4 of those are...that, lol.
if we're just talking footy though...
shakira ex machina
two hundred words to say i love you
ça c'est ma dope
oh ffs...removing the crossovers....
shakira ex machina
two hundred words to say i love you
the right kind of blue
desperate times
5. do you respond to comments? sometimes....when i don't lose track 😭 i need to be better...
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? i answered that here!
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? ummm...not sure. could it be 5.VII? that's a really satisfying ending. i'll go ahead and say that one.
8. do you get hate on fics? only once, and it was a very pathetic stab at armchair activism "how dare you write a fic on this problematic topic" shit. it could happen again at any time i guess.
9. do you write smut? unfortunately...i'm not very good at it and it stresses me out.
10. craziest crossover: i wrote hozier x jaqen h'ghar for my bestie long ago and posted it at like ass am in zurich airport :')
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? yes! answered here. it was this rakidric! published 3 days before we all locked down. i have not read this in a zillion years.
12. have you ever had a fic translated? also answered here!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? answered here but also i want to cowrite with someone so very much!
14. all time favorite ship? also answered here!
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? my ivantoine, "In The" :'( and others too...my post-WC modren for example. i'm wondering if Mare Liberum will ever be finished. we'll see...
16. what are your writing strengths? i think i am confident and experienced and that comes across (?) even things i wrote a while ago, that i think are "better" (more artistic, more daring) sound less experienced at the same time. my dialogue has improved so much. i think my fics have a good rhythm--varied sentence lengths, good use of repetition and parallelism, line breaks, etc. i like to think i can get people to empathize with/care about people they didn't expect. my writing helps me examine my own flaws. i am not sure what else? my bff said i describe love and loss really well <3
17. what are your writing weaknesses? i think i'm a weak writer, actually! i think my writing is shallow and always sounds the same. a lot of angsty endings, alienated characters, sounds more immature than it should. i don't know how to make porn hot (because i think strange things are hot, i guess?). truly, i've been grappling with how shallow it all sounds. i am a deep feeler (lol) but not a deep thinker at all and i think that shows.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language? answered here
19. first fandom you wrote in? answered here!
20. favorite fic you've written? honestly--my favorites are probably still trophy boyfriend and then "chief of the armed forces" because that's just an absolute crackfic masterpiece. in footy...i probably should pick some favorites, no? let's go with dangerous, i tore off the golden branch, possible red card - violent conduct, rojo y blanco/crvena bijela, and 5.VII. i feel like some franko fics belong here but i just chose 5!
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deathbecomesnerds · 6 months
🌻🎲🪐 please!
tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
Oh my...ummm...@darlingdekarios, they're great and awesome.
what stops you from writing more in your free time?
Emotional exhaustion? Procrastination? Honestly--I sit around and wonder if things are going to work out in my life in general and if I'm gonna be able to accomplish the things I want, and that fear and uncertainty makes me just not write. Which is so ironic, because all I want to do is write.
name three good things going on in your life right now
I have a three day weekend (hollaaaaa!!) I saw a literal life changing movie earlier this week and it's making me think about my own (screen)writing I bought a really cute dress online and I can't wait to get it and look fucking adorable
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