reveseke · 5 months
This post is merely just unbrittled joy for self that I have to get out, don't mind it too much lol
But like... 👀 Alex (they/he/she/hir pronouns used bc fuck it up, they don't have a preferred set of pronouns listed anywhere anyways) from The A List, I have finally found genderqueer representation that I physically am keen on and I love them?? Like literally, they're so pretty and I love her character already?? (I'm projecting on his personality, gonna eat it at some point.)
Also hirs girlfriend, Petal?? She so fucking pretty, a flowery girl just so joyful looking, gentle and with an appreciation to the nature dydhbd, (honestly, Petal reminds me of my friend lol) but I love her character as well! Also I live for the multitude of accents in this show fjjfbfjdndb
I have never seen a genderqueer character before, like a character that *specifically* identifies as a genderqueer and not enby. I've seen plenty of enby characters by all means. But as a genderqueer being who does not associate the two to be synonyms I feel so fucking good seeing Alex & hirs character?? Like huh. And just aaaaaaAAAAAAAA. Do I wanna be her, do I wanna be with her or do a secret third option that even I don't know about. (Project)
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scr-ppup · 6 months
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[ID/A dark red line with gold lining and a repeating star and half moon pattern./end ID]
[PT/Destrurageic/end PT]
Day 4 prompt: The desolation / AAC
A gender related to ones potential being destroyed, the grief and pain that manifests afterwards and causes an episode of unbrittled rage in the victim where one may result into extreme destructive behavior towards an item, a person, or themselves.
This gender is based on the desolation entity from TMA.
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[ID/A rectangular flag of 12 even horizontal stripes. The colors go from top to bottom as dark magenta, orange, dark brown, dark teal, slime green, lime green, slime green, dark teal, dark brown, orange, and dark magenta. The center of the flag has symbols that consist of a vector of a fire and beneath it a magnifying glass with a star on the center of it, the symbol is colored with teal and varying shades of green with green and teal colored line art./end ID]
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[ID/A dark red line with gold lining and a repeating star and half moon pattern./end ID]
Etymology:Destruction + rage + ic
Requested by none, a coin for @radiomogai 's 1K coining event.
Taglist: @io-archival
[🪦]Please do not tag my neogenders as xenogenders they aren't xenogenders! Kiitos (thank you).
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Also tell us about more of your superhero OCs I want to know. I neeeed to know. Now. Not a request.
I've literally got wayyy too many lmaoo so I think I'll just tell you about each universe? Is that okay?
- UNBRITTLE: Gerry, an older woman with children all grown up, is slowly losing the strength in her bones. She's developing brittle bones and, as an athletic person, is devastated. But in this Earth, people can develop powers based on a characteristic of theirs. Whether the power helps or curses them is not in their control. Soon, Gerry finds out her bones are becoming unbreakable, gaining strength, and decides to help out her neighbourhood.
This one is filled with characters, all of which I adore. Currently my favourites are the young man who loved attention so much he became invisible, and the young blind man he befriends.
- OMNIS (not actual title, will think of something soon, I hope): In this version of Earth, the powers people are born with are closer to the capabilities of gods. Daffie, sarcastic teenager, was born with the capability known as Self Aware. She knows she's in a TV show and constantly breaks the fourth wall. She tries to live her life, making snarky comments along the way, but with sidekicks and enemies, and every person she meets falling head over heels for her deaf and dorky father, it will certainly be difficult.
This one is more comedy and coming of age. Daffie watches a lot television, so she is unimpressed with the directions the writers (me, but not really) are taking, which only makes the writers angry. So they make up more absurd storylines with each episode, like a cult of fangirls who kidnap her father, to an entire episode stuck in a dream so she can admit she actually likes the weird journalist in her class who wants to be her superhero manager.
- THE LOYAL DOGMAN: Already talked about this one and there's not much to add, so yeah?
- THE GARRISONS: Different superhero teams through the decades, all working under the same name, starting in 1999 and continuing through the years.
This one is pretty serious and I'm not sure what else to say about it? Each Garrison will have different members with different abilities, though some members will stay for more than one Garrison.
- MR. MACHETE: A young teenager who's just lost his mother is chosen by his art teacher to protect the city from the teacher's old best friend turned villain. How? The teacher herself has the power to give others superpowers, so she replaces his arms with machetes and makes it so a machete grows out his head.
Kinda silly tbh, but I like this idea! It's kinda like Chainsaw Man, but, unlike Denji, Mr. Machete can't get his arms back. It will have fight scenes, but it will also deal with the grief of losing his mother and having to change his life completely, since he doesn't have arms or hands anymore and can't do basic tasks without cutting himself or others.
- WORMTAIL: The least developed tbh, about a university student who grows a large talking worm as a tail and uses it to fight. That's all I know so far.
I think that's all of them? As you can see, quite a few lmao, but I like them!! What's your favourite??
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kaliwritesrandomly · 6 months
I am more scared at the sound of a gunshot than the bullet itself.
It's not the effect that I fear,
but the chaos it brings to my ears and mind.
Finding myself caring more to the irritating buzzes of bees,
than the prickling pain of its stingers.
A mother's unbrittled, thunderous rage
that bounces off of a confinement we call house,
casts more damage to me rather than
the flowering bruises that litters my skin with each impact of his calloused hand.
Perhaps I prefer the pain over noise,
because a father's fist can land punches and have enough,
all straightforward and swift,
then all my bruises will be healed after.
Yet a mother's voice, using her might to spout knives and bullets,
allowing the said voice to echo deep in my hollow mind as I daze away,
hoping that the voices in my mind will dissipate once she stops screaming,
like how a bruise will heal a few days after;
It's painful to realize it doesn't work that way.
-Kali writes randomly
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a1kalii · 2 years
I feel like people underestimate how much unbrittled power Bill Nye has with younger generations. He could literally tweet like anything in support of anything (within reason) and it would immidetly be like done. Like Ao3 when thier like, 👉👈 "can we have 5 bucks for icecream plz" and the internets like "FUCK YEA HERE GO BUY A HOUSE MOTHAFUCKA" ITS THE SAME WITH BILL NYE OKAY. we would literally all do anything for him.
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tryingmyluck · 7 months
looking at my reflection on the train window and thinking
“wow, what a woman”
“wow, i AM a woman”
i live on the east coast by my lonesome. i’m traveling to new york on my lonesome. when did i grow able enough to manage my entire mind, body, and life at large on my own? when did the necessary parent or guardian leave the picture? it all happened in such a blur, i can’t even remember. i remember spending my waiting for this day, and i don’t even know when it came. when did my life become completely and utterly mine, when did it leave the hands of my elders and become something that only i had control over?
the freedom is unbrittling. i can do whatever i want and be whomever. i could spend my time wherever and with whomever and sell my soul as i like. i could decay my body into drug use or alcoholism, i could
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iomontecillo · 2 years
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“She has such a Big head, @#*!” (You should hope she does. And unbrittle bones). Those machines weren’t made as a joke. https://www.instagram.com/p/CjXcFgHsbZM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cptcharisma · 3 years
I heard violence 👀
you heard correctly!
i wanna knock the good brothers out so fucking bad they're just a waste of air and space they were in the elite by ASSOCIATION you brought nothing to the table but 5th grade dick jokes
yk they were only good by association BCAUSE ALONE (as a tag) THOSE TWO ARE THE FUCKING WORST ACROSS THE BOARD
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thorraborinn · 2 years
An Icelandic rune poem
Text based primarily on AM 687 d 4to with reference to notes by R.I. Page (1999, The Icelandic Rune Poem, London: Viking Society for Northern Research).
The so-called "Icelandic Rune Poem" is a creation of modern editors. What there really is is a tradition of referring to runes by kennings, and a tradition of arranging these kennings into stanzas grouped by the rune they indicate. Thus different "Icelandic rune poems" vary wildly, because they are not witnesses to an original but rather different expressions of the same permutable concept. See the linked work by Page for more details.
The following is just one possible example, based primarily on a single damaged, difficult manuscript, with a minimum of innovation and guesswork where necessary to fulfill the requirements of the meter. Icelandic (to follow) and translation by myself.
ᚠ is hostility of family and beacon of flood-tide and grave-fish's [=snake's] path. ᚢ is clouds' tears and diminisher of hay and shepherd's hate. ᚦ is women's torment and crag-dweller and Valrún's husband. ᚮ is ancient Gautur and king of Ásgarður and Valhöll's ruler. ᚱ is sitting one's happiness and swift journey and horse's toil. ᚴ is children's affliction and battle and home of necrosis. ᚼ is cold grain and sleet-storm and snakes' illness. ᚿ is servant's grief and oppressive situation and cold, wet work. ᛁ is river-bark and wave's roof and misfortune of doomed men. ᛆ is goodness for men and good summer and blood of dales. ᛍ is clouds' shield and shining sun and ice's death-wound. ᛐ is a one-handed god and wolf's leftovers and ruler of temples. ᛒ is leafy branch and little tree and splendid wood. ᛘ is man's joy and increase of soil and ship's decorator. ᛚ is boiling Vimur (mythological river) and broad kettle and fish's meadow. ᛦ is a bent bow and unbrittle iron and arrow-thrower.
Icelandic behind the cut.
ᚠ er frænda róg ok flæðar viti ok grafseiðs gata.
ᚢ er skýja grátur ok skára þverrir ok hirðis hatur.
ᚦ er kvenna kvöl ok kletta íbúi ok Valrúnar ver.
ᚮ er aldingautur ok Ásgarðs jöfur ok Valhallar vísi.
ᚱ er sitjandi sæla ok snúðig (snúðug) ferð ok jórs erfiði.
ᚴ er barna böl ok bardagi ok holdfúa hús.
ᚼ er kaldakorn ok knappa drífa ok snáka sótt.
ᚿ er þýjar þrá ok þungur kostur ok vossamleg verk.
ᛁ er árbörkur ok unnar þekja ok feigra manna fár.
ᛆ er gumna gæði ok gott sumar ok dala dreyri.
ᛍ er skýja skjöldur ok skínandi röðull ok ísa aldurtregi.
ᛐ er einhendur ás ok úlfs leifar ok hofa hilmir.
ᛒ er laufgað lim ok lítið tré ok vegsamlegur viður.
ᛘ er manns gaman ok moldar auki ok skipa skreytir.
ᛚ er vellandi vimur ok víður ketill ok glömmunga grund.
ᛦ er bendur bogi ok óbrotgjarnt járn ok fífu fleytir.
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bigboozlejuice · 2 years
Hi i am using what little platform i have to advocate for pro-choice, by the means i know how, that will appeal to younger audiences
Security breach characters stance on abortion
Tw, mentions of r//pe, child sexual violence, incest, suicide, self harm, gun violence, school shootings
Glamrock freddy🎩
🎤 for sure a fierce pro-choice ally,
🎤 gets confused sometimes, thinking it's killing a child, but remembers, it is still healthcare, that people need, and frankly he understands it is none of his business what people do with their bodies.After awhile he'll learn from someone that the embryo is a single celled organisim at conseption, and cannot feel anything when aborted.
🎤he thinks since it is health care it should be federally protected, health care is a human right, and with the banning of abortion, you ban healthcare, thus calling afab people not human.
🎤he understands it should not be up to cis-het men.
🎤be like glamrock freddy.
Monty Gator 🐊
🎸doesnt understand.
🎸but that doesnt mean he doesnt support,
🎸its just that he is ignorant to human problems, and frankly doesnt care, its none of his business what goes on in peoples bodies.
🎸be a bit like monty
Glamrock Chica 🐔
🍳i know for a fact. She would not be down with the "pro-life" bullshittery.
🍳in fact she would, after finding out about roe v wade, use her influence to teach about safe sex, vesictomy, planned parent hood benefits, where it is safe to get an abortion, and how to peacefully contact representatives.I
🍳be like chica
Roxanne wolf 🎹
🏁the mother fucking angriest animatronic out of them all.I
🏁 the pure unbrittled rage she would unleash istg.
🏁 she would be the one teaching about safe at home abortion
🏁but mostly she'd speak out against the ruling.
🏁she'd teach how, it should be a choice, not up to cis men AT ALL. They dont have to carry the baby for forty weeks, they dont have to now, be forced to suffer birthing a stillborn, that they knew would be still born and still get prosecuted for it, raped children, teens, adults, seniors, being charged with a crime for wanting to abort not a child, but a reminder, children afab being forced to carry the ir fathers child, and people who they know cannot take care of a child.
🏁she'd teach how papaya induces miscarriage
🏁she'd teach how tear gas, can induce miscarriage, so you should go protest the ruling, with a water bottle with a squirt nozle that is covered and has untainted water to squirt in your eyes, with a lemon in your mouth so you dont vomit or dry heave.
🏁she'd sneak people into cargo trucks that go over state lines to get a safe abortion
🏁she understands that they didnt ban abortion, but safe abortion, now so many people afab will die because they were forced to give birth, forced to do an at home abortion, were kicked out by their parents and starved to death on the streets alone, forced to carry something didnt want so they felt the only way out was suicide
🏁she understands that the majority of people who will suffer due to this are poc, seeing as they dont have all the resources that white people do.
🏁she understands that this is the land of the free, for straight white cis men. Not for all women, all poc, all people in the lgbtqia+, all children, all immigrants, all people in the lower class, all asains, all people that are nerodivergant
🏁be like roxy
Daycare attendant (sun/moon)🌞🌜
🌑second biggest ally, closest to roxy
🌒they may be the one who interacts with children the most, but they know, damn well, a majority of them wouldnt be there without the choice of safe abortion
🌓they understand, why should the government force a person to carry a child, when the government cant protect them from gun violence in schools.
🌔they understand because now they will have to watch adults come in pregnant with a child they dont want, and drop of the child they did want. They understand that persons pain when being asked " how far along are you, have any names? " and then thwy breakdown sobbing because they know their child will be born stillborn.
🌕he would be the one having to tell people to delete period trackers because they can use those to prosecute people afab
🌖he would explain how now with this overturned, they can now overturn, samesex marriage, same sex relationships, any trans rights, inter-racial relationships, the right to birthcontrol, the protection of native americans, LITTERALLY ANYTHING FEDERALLY PROTECTED, yes even gun laws, womens right to vote, people of color saftey laws, jim crow laws, protection for religion.
🌗they would be so angry.
🌘he would know the names of everyone afab arrested for a miscarriage a still birth anything, Brittney poolaw, marashe jones, Anne bynum, the other four. Hundred. And. Thirteen people afab being arrested for miscarriage and stillborn, due to anti-abortion laws.
🌑be like the daycare attendant
okay now take the fanfic parts out and just read the facts.
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aneiria-writes · 3 years
Kaz wished he was a snowflake.
Cold, pure, unbroken and unbrittle.
He wished he was that snowflake, the one landing on Inej’s tongue, as she stuck it out to the sky. The one that kissed her with ice, then melted away to nothing.
The one that made her smile widen and her eyes sparkle and her gloved hand reach out to take Kaz’s, entranced by the cold and the snow.
Day 30 prompt: Catching snowflakes on tongue
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hnychn · 4 years
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⇀ spit fire [one || two || three ]
“your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing. you are deserving of a love so pure and gentle, yet you believe you are not worthy of it. let me show you”
young love
“even when the sun implodes and the moon and stars crumble and fade to dust, it will always be you and me. you and me.”
todoroki with a milf older sister headcanons
letters of summer past (series)
“august evenings are especially stricken with melancholy - as if the ghosts of all summers past came rushing to haunt my heart“ (from Listy Tamtego Lata) VI
maybe i don't hate you
“i'm supposed to hate you and everything you stand for - so why is my heart beating so fast?”
out of stock
young love
“even when the sun implodes and the moon and stars crumble and fade to dust, it will always be you and me. you and me.”
after all this time (coming soon)
“i will come back to you, no matter how long it takes or the obsitcals i have to push through, i will come back to you. always”
out of stock
out of stock
like a fuse
“i am so filled with rage—ugly, unbrittled rage—but god, isn’t it mine? it’s mine to harness and mine to abuse. for you.”
out of stock
out of stock
out of stock
out of stock
out of stock
out of stock
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aubins · 3 years
At the end of the day, there is but one flower remaining in Maria’s basket, but it is far from the least important. That much is plain from the way she carries it, that small, unbrittle thing— preciously, for how could it be anything but? It is supposed to keep them all safe!
“You’re hard to find, Yuri,” the little princess laughs, bright and merry, the blossom offered to him with care. “Here, look! I made good luck charms! This ones juuust for you!” A pause, and then a pout (how rare a sight upon her face!). “I wanted to give you a better surprise than this... I guess I’ll have to give it to you next time, huh? I promise I’ll find you even faster then! Hee hee.”
No matter how he runs, the road he's chosen to walk always seems to lead back to home — a poor town in Western Faerghus; a sad, rundown home; a name he's left behind. The goddess of Fódlan is a tricky one, it turns out, but he already knew this before the cloaked figure had asked for his help.
Even now, the strange man occupies his thoughts as he starts for Abyss to ready himself for the journey. He's suspicious, no matter what way Yuri looks at it, though the knights don't appear skeptical — their opinions, he doesn't trust too much, but he wonders what it means for him to be familiar to them.
Still, his thoughts don't stop his wandering eyes from catching on a familiar shade of red, one that he has come to associate with a certain bright - eyed student of the academy.
"Maybe I'm not looking to be found, kiddo," he says, and it may be true, but he keeps the tone of his voice is lighthearted for her sake, despite the mess of a situation he's been pulled into. If nothing else, when he takes the offered charm, the smile that tugs at his lips is genuine, though he tucks his other hand just out of sight, remembering the black stain that had made its home there. He'd need to find gloves before they departed. "Little old me? I'm flattered."
"You've been busy," Yuri continues when her own smile turns to a pout. He notes the now - empty basket in her hands, the same one that had once held many blossoms similar to the one he holds know, he assumes. "Don't trouble yourself for my sake. Besides, how could anything be better than my Maria - certified good luck charm, hm?"
When he gets back from Faerghus and her from Sreng, Yuri'll have to pay her back somehow. Something handmade for something handmade in return — maybe one of those recipes he'd never got around to trying out?
"I wouldn't be so sure. Who knows?" he muses with a small, secret smile, amusement twinkling in the lilac of his eyes as thoughts of mysterious strangers and returning home fade from his mind for just a moment. "Next time, I might even find you first."
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thevaultturtle · 5 years
I got one for you: Companions react to Sole getting so caught up in helping others they forget to take care of themselves and get proper sleep and it ends up biting them in the ass
Companions React to an Exhausted Sole Survivor Falling into Danger
Notes: First request on this blog! It’s also my first companion react post, so let me know what you think about it! 
Warnings: None. It’s just under a cut because it got a little long. 
Exhaustion wasn't something thatSole was completely unfamiliar with. They had faced it many times intheir pre-War life, especially after Shaun had been born, and becauseof that, they didn't think anything about facing it again.
Thatwas a mistake.
Inmost cases, exhaustion wouldn't have got you killed in a pre-Warworld, but in the post-apocalyptic nuclear Wasteland, it would getyou killed in almost every scenario. Sole learned that the hard way.
Afterlearning the truth about Shaun and the Institute, helping people wasone of the few things that kept Sole going in the new, unforgivingworld that they found themselves in, and they dedicated their everywaking moment to it. If they had to go without food or sleep to doso, so be it, so long as they helped everyone that needed it. Soledidn't necessarily consider themselves a hero, but they knew that theworld would never get better if people didn't help each other, andthey would give anything to fix the world so people could livepeacefully again.
Thiswas Sole's obsession, and although it was born from good intentions,it was still dangerous, not so much for others, but for Sole.
Ithad been days since Sole had properly slept, and as much as theytried to deny it, they were running on fumes. They were so dead seton making it to the next settlement to offer them help, that theydidn't even notice the feral Ghoul wandering out of a nearby ruinedbuilding, but it sure as hell noticed them, and before Sole knew it,they were being pushed to the ground, the feral's decaying handspoised to tear at their face.
Therewas nothing that Sole could do, and they closed their eyes, bracingfor their impending death and the eternal slumber that they wouldfall victim to, sure that nothing could save them, but then a bulletrang through the air. The feral fell dead, and Sole looked aroundthem, only to see their companion rushing over to them…
She will quickly take the feral's place, kneeling over Sole and yanking them up by the front of their shirt so they have to look her in the eyes while she yells at them.
She's pretty pissed, needless to say.
There aren't many people that Cait trusts and cares about in the world, and seeing one of those precious few nearly torn to shreds because they refused to take care of themselves will set off a righteous fury in her like nothing else could.
She's tempted to punch them for their negligence, but by some miracle, she restrains herself.
She will make them rest before setting out again, and she won't take any objections to that. Sole will sleep whether they want to or not, even if she has to indulge herself in that punch to make it happen.
"Oh! Why did you not say something?"
It's actually a bit surprising that she let Sole get to this point, because with all of her medical knowledge, Curie is no stranger to the signs of exhaustion.
Maybe Sole just hid their symptoms a little too well, but whatever the case may be, she'll be putting Sole on a bit of a lockdown for a while at the nearest bit of shelter that she can find.
She'll monitor them herself for that entire time, and she won't medically clear them for travel until she is 100% sure that something like this won't happen again.
She will also insist on giving Sole more frequent checkups for that same reason.
"I expected better from you, Soldier."
He's mostly just disappointed in Sole.
He expected them to take better care of themselves, especially while they had such an important mission (taking down the Institute) that they were so close to finishing.
He expected more from them as a member of the Brotherhood, and he hoped for more from them as a friend.
His disappointment mainly stems from his concern for their well-being, and he will put a halt to everything that they were doing until Sole rests.
He will also make them get a checkup from Cade when they return to the Prydwen, and he'll make sure that they don't budge until Cade clears them for travel again, because he refuses to let another comrade and friend die on his watch.
He'll hide it well, but Deacon is actually really worried about Sole.
Before the feral incident, he tried to sneakily get Sole to take a break, complaining that he was tired and that he was the one who needed a break instead, but that obviously didn't work.
He was trying to spare their pride since he knew how important helping others was to them, but after the feral almost clawed their face off, the gloves will come off and he'll finally say something to them.
"Look buddy, you need a rest. You won't be able to help anyone as chewed up minced meat."
His tone will be completely serious, and that in and of itself is enough to make Sole rest for a bit.
He'll keep a close eye on them from then on out, and if Sole gets any worse, he'll bring them to Carrington, and he'd really like to avoid that, for several reasons.
"And I thought I was tripping pretty hard."
He'll keep things jovial because he doesn't want to make Sole feel any worse than they already do, but he's undeniably worried about them.
"You need an upper, buddy?"
He won't actually give them chems, but he sure as hell will take some himself, and those chems will definitely be downers so he has an excuse to make Sole stop traveling for awhile.
The chems will conveniently last until he thinks that Sole has had enough rest, and he will repeat this performance as often as necessary until Sole starts taking care of themselves again.
"Do you want to get ripped apart by ferals?!"
The situation hits him pretty hard at a deep level, for obvious reasons.
Mac feels like he can never truly repay Sole for what they did for Duncan, and in that split second before he took the feral out, he was afraid that he had truly and utterly failed the person who saved his son, in the exact same way that he failed Lucy.
It hit him hard, and it hurt.
He's relieved that he was able to save them in time, but he's pissed that the situation happened to begin with, so he'll berate Sole for a bit until he calms down.
He won't necessarily make Sole take a break, but he will take point on whatever it is that they're doing, regardless of any objections that Sole might have.
Nick Valentine
"Look, we can't have you sleepwalking your way through the Commonwealth."
His reaction is pretty calm, but that's not because he's any less concerned than any of the other companions.
He's worried about Sole, but he probably saw this coming a mile away.
He has strong memories of human Nick working himself to a similar point of exhaustion, so it wasn't hard for him to see this coming, and he was ready for it because of that.
He also knows how stubborn Sole can be when it comes to helping others, so he figured they'd need to learn the hard way why they had to keep taking care of themselves.
Needless to say, with his own personal lecture to go along with this hard-learned lesson, Sole will gladly take a rest before they move out again.
Old Longfellow
"You're not gonna survive out here for long if you don't rest some time, but if you want to keep goin’, I won't argue with you."
He also knows that Sole will have to learn the hard way, so he pushes them to keep going.
He thinks that this is the best time for them to learn this lesson, too, since they're already shaken up from the feral, and he also knows that they'll still be safe because he's watching their back.
He'll keep pushing them until they finally break down and can't keep going any longer.
He'll make them realize just how truly miserable they feel, and just how open they left themselves because their senses were dulled by their exhaustion, pointing out that if it hadn't been for him, the same thing would have happened again numerous times.
He'll be straight to the point with all of this, and it'll be more than enough to make Sole realize that he's right, and that they need to rest to help people to the best of their abilities.
"Take it easy, Blue! I know you're itching to help people, but you kind of have to stick around and, you know, stay alive to do that!"
She's a little exasperated that Sole put such little thought to their own wellbeing.
Like, it utterly baffles her that someone who focuses so much on every little problem that everyone else has could be so oblivious to their own ailments.
She'll tell them that, too, in a long, frustrated rant that Sole is bound to fall asleep during, and even if they don't, she'll still rant long enough that they'll have had plenty of time to unwind a little.
It's certainly not a conventional method of getting Sole to take a break, but it's undeniably effective.
Porter Gage
"Why the hell are you lookin' so weak, boss?!"
He's pretty disappointed and pissed that Sole let themselves get into such a poor position.
Weakness has a very high price in the Wasteland, especially when you're running around with raiders, and Gage would rather Sole not have to pay that price, not just for their sake, but also because he would probably have to share in that expense, as well.
He knows that he can't let something like this happen again and that Sole needs to shape up, so he'll tell them that, and he won't leave any room for argument.
He will also tell Sole that they need to stop wasting their time on helping a bunch of weak nobodies, but he knows that's a bit of a long shot. He can still try, though.
Preston Garvey
"General! Are you alright?"
Just pure concern right here.
Preston knows what Sole is going through because he's been through it himself.
He understands that unbrittled need to help others because that same need haunts him every day.
He also knows what that need can lead to.
His failure at Quincy broke him, and he almost didn't make it through that. He doesn't want Sole to go through the same thing, especially when the Commonwealth depends on them so much.
He'll practically beg them to rest, telling them that they'd never forgive themselves if they failed to help someone because they neglected to take care of themselves, and that is bound to strike an emotional chord with Sole, especially once Preston makes the connection to Quincy and his own struggles.
"Unacceptable. We're leaving. Now."
X6 thinks that helping Wastelanders is a waste of time anyway, so he will have no issue relaying Sole back to the Institute at the first sign that there's something wrong with them.
Looking out for Sole is his priority, his mission, and he won't fail in that mission, no matter how much Sole argues against it.
"Hmph. Human weak. Never find Milk of Human Kindness like this."
Strong is on his own mission and he won't let a little bit of exhaustion get in the way of that.
If Sole can't keep going to do what they need to do and to help him with that mission, then he'll just carry them so they have to help him anyway.
Sole might as well just catch some sleep while he does that.
Ada & Codsworth
Ada: "Sir/Ma'am! I cannot advise that you go any further."
Codsworth: "Oh, Sir/Mum, I do wish that you would get some rest! I'm worried that you won't make it home at this rate!"
These two have pretty similar reactions, in that they will voice their concerns, but they won't actually do much to stop Sole if they want to keep going since they both have an inherent desire to serve and follow orders. 
However, with how often they voice this concern (especially Codsworth), Sole will probably rest just to get them to stop. 
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birchbritches · 4 years
Releases the Meeces
steels itself for what heels will be level with, adjunct something-or-other shuttered with temporal takeaway, the stakes breaking out, unshod on a stakeout, ye olde I-beams teeming with steams goneby, peace be to the pieces, mouses or mice or meeces making no headway, instead the long wait for your unbrittle building to collapse by happenstance
- B B Pine 
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coffeetablettowers · 4 years
Headcanon Meme: Cesaro- 14, 27, 32 and 42?
Cesaro believes that eyes can give away how a person really is. For Tyson it was determination. Eyes always locked on who he was wrestling, glancing at his partner to plan his next move, for Sheamus a mixture of fiery passion, unbrittled anger, and he could’ve sworn his eyes sparkled when he was having fun, and for Shinsuke he would look into his eyes and he’d see them scrunched from smiling or slowly blinking, like a cat, with a smile. With Shinsuke it wasn’t what you saw in his eyes, but what he was doing with them that spoke.
27: Sleep
Cesaro does not like to sleep alone. It’s not that he always HAS TO have somebody sleeping with him, but he has a cat (he posted him on twitter A LONG TIME AGO and he was seen in a video. I can’t find it). Cats like to sleep on beds. His cat happens to be a chunkster so he grew accustomed to having a fat cat’s weight on the bed.
32: Birth
Each shower is like he is being reborn. He doesn’t do quick showers, despite having no hair. He savors the warmth of the water, the scents of his products mixing with the humidity. He is cleansing himself of the past day and renewing himself anew.
42. Loss
Cesaro doesn’t dwell on losses. They happened for a reason and he must move on, but with each of his relationships he has something from the person to remember them by. From Tyson it’s his submission hold, from Sheamus their “The Bar” jacket and sunglasses, and from Shinsuke his impulsiveness rubbed off onto him as now he doesn’t think before going out to confront Seth and he didn’t think twice about spinning him.
Send me more if you want!
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