#uncomplete update
just because i haven't made anything brand new that's public-facing as of recent doesn't mean the site is dead!
check out these new pages :D
mspa viewer (to be used later)
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sburb user guide
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VERY unfinished godot devlog page
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some homestuck characters (unfinished and updated thru my reread)
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or hey! you could just go checkout my whole website :3 made proudly with neocities <3
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nalivaa · 1 year
"i've been burned by reading unfinished and abandoned fics so i only read completed fics" and then you wonder why there's so many abandoned half-way fics lmao if writers aren't getting any support while they're writing their fic why should they feel motivated to keep sharing their works
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didouic · 1 year
Guys I need help
Everyone is talking about this one Thiam fic “inglorious Roomates”
And I really want to read it, but it seems that the fic wasn’t updated since a while.
And you know, I’m the “I only read completed work” traumatized kind of guy on ao3
Can I read it even though the fic is not finished ?
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punknerdmusings · 1 year
There is a strange grief to finding fanfictions that will never update.
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iknityounot · 6 months
(Long post, sorry y'all)
A little more than two years ago now, my grandmother passed away. She and my grandpa had moved down to my home town a few years before so we could take care of them. I brought them groceries once a week, helped them write checks, fixed tvs, and found lost things. I was really close with my grandma.
In addition to her hilarious personality and dry wit, one of my favorite things about her was that she was a painter and a crafter like me! She used to crochet, and I took her to the craft store a couple of times so she could get more yarn and books on crochet. But her arthritis and the shaking in her hands kept getting worse, so she eventually had to stop.
She kept her most recent project, a granny square blanket, safely packed away in a plastic bin. She told all of us she was going to finish it one day.
Her hands never got better, and when she got sick, and we found out it was cancer, she rapidly deteriorated.
After she passed, I went to work helping my mom clean out my grandparents apartment so we could move my grandpa in with her. In our frantic cleaning, I found that bin again:
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DOZENS of granny squares, dozens of half used skeins. I asked my mom what she wanted me to do with it, and she said she didn't care. I set it aside and later took it home.
Maybe a month later, that tumblr post about the Loose Ends Project was going around. It felt like a sign--I was never going to learn to crochet in order to finish my grandmother's blanket. But they might be able to help!
So I filled out the interest form. They got back to me SUPER quick. And maybe 2 weeks later, I was paired with volunteer in my state (only 2 hours away!) and the box of yarn, granny squares, and my grandmother's crochet hook were in the mail. That was at the end of January this year.
Over the next couple of months, my "finisher" emailed me regular updates on her progress, and asked me questions on my preferences for how she constructed the final blanket.
At the end of August, the blanket was done!
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I had always intended the blanket to be a gift for my mother. So I cleaned it up, put it in the only bag I had big enough to fit it, and drove to my mom's. I gave the blanket to her and she was gobsmacked. I explained to her all about Loose Ends, and how someone volunteered to finish the piece for us. She was speechless. (I was quite pleased with this, because I am not the best at giving gifts, so this was a pretty exciting reaction!)
She said that it was the most thoughtful gift she had ever been given. She said "your grandma would love this". To which I replied, "yeah, I know she really wanted to finish it a couple of years ago". But that was when my mom dropped the bomb of a century on me--she told me that my grandma had started making those granny squares OVER 30 YEARS AGO. She had started the blanket when my grandpa was staying in the hospital, but that was back when my mom was younger than I am now! My grandma had packed them all away, planning on finishing it, when my grandpa was sent home from the hospital. Then it went from house to house, from condo in Chicago to their apartment in my hometown. All that time and my grandma had wanted to finish it, but couldn't. First because she was busy, then because she forgot how to do it, then because of her arthritis, and then because of the cancer. My mom said she had given up on expecting my grandma to finish it. 
She said I brought a piece of her childhood with her mom out of the past.
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And really, all of this is to say, if you have seen or heard about the Loose Ends Project and have an uncompleted project or piece from a loved one who has passed away--these are your people. They were so kind and treated my project with such care. That box probably would have been found by my own grandkids one day if I hadn't heard about Loose Ends.
Five stars, absolutely worth it!
(From what I understand, you can sign up to volunteer too! If you have time to share, it might be worth checking out!)
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wheucto · 9 months
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where is this person. where is she now
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ao3commentoftheday · 9 days
Hi, I don't suppose it's a reportable offense to mark a work as completed when it's not, is it? It's been popping up in my main fandom more and more, where people are marking a work as complete in order to get around the people who exclude uncompleted works, and it's getting quite annoying to never know whether or not I'm starting something that's actually finished.
Nope, that's not a situation that PAC will handle. That's a case of people being discourteous, not of them breaking the Terms of Service.
In a case like that, I recommend muting those authors. If seeing them annoys you, remove them from your search results.
When you find a fic where an author does that, click on the author's username to visit their profile page. You'll see their username at the top of the page with three buttons underneath it
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The subscribe button will send you an email any time the author posts a new chapter or a new work on the Archive.
The block button stops this user from commenting on your works or replying to your comments on other people's works.
The mute button hides this user's works from your search results and bookmarks (yours or anyone else's you're looking at). You can still get to their fics if someone gives you a direct link to them, but you can't see them by just browsing the Archive.
If this is an issue within your fandom, consider waiting for a moment when you're feeling calm enough not to yell about it (people don't tend to respond well to yelling) and write a post about how this kind of action is counterproductive for those authors.
If you're an author who is marking a story complete because you are abandoning it, I recommend adding something to your tags and/or your summary to indicate clearly that that's what you've done. I tend to add something like "no longer updating" or "on hiatus" to the start of my summary, in all caps so that it's hard to miss.
For more info on blocking and muting, see these news posts on AO3 [ muting | blocking]
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feelingthedisaster · 1 month
i love uncompleted fics
i love the hype for the new chapter, i love getting the notification of "x updated", i love the little chaos of finishing all my bussiness to make time to read it, i love the author telling us the readers little stuff about their lives in the notes (congratulations with graduation! a break up isnt the end of the world! what do you mean you went to jail????), i love theorizing about the future chapters, i love all the memes about the fic posted on parallel in author's tumblr while we wait for the next chapter, i love commenting theories or ideas and then the authors responds with that emoji or a "oh, you'll see" or "honestly, i have no idea what will happen", i love starting the freshly posted chapter, i love that bittersweet feeling of finishing it and realizing you dont know what will happen and wont know for a while but well, the author is probably suffering about that too
i love you wips, i love you writers of wips, dont allow all that hate to get to you, your fics are 100% worthy the time even if they arent finished, even if they are never finished
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imogenleewriter · 8 months
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson AO3 Works Stats
The other day, I was curious to see what the trajectory of uploads of Larry fanfic on Ao3 was and if it was increasing.Anyway, it was a pretty simple process, and here were the findings:
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Perfect right? Done. Time to go to bed? No, because ya girl got hyper-fixated. So grab a cup of tea and enjoy this absolutely ridiculous waste of time...
The Covid-19 pandemic profoundly affected various aspects of societal behaviour, including participation in online communities. The ‘Larry fan fiction community’ had a notable influx of new participants and emerging writers during this period. My antedotal observations suggested a significant number of authors have been publishing their first works as recently as this month. This study aims to quantify the trends in Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson fan fiction uploads on AO3 (Archive Of Our Own) over the past decade, with a particular focus on discerning any noticeable uptick in contributions corresponding to the pandemic’s timeline.
The data collection was executed over several days, starting from the 16th of October 2023. Due to this, the 16th of October was used as a reference point for all of the 12-month periods. The following parameters were employed for filtering:
Relationship Category: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson.
Inclusivity: All pieces that included this relationship, irrespective of the presence of other pairings. The result of this means there are likely some works included where they are a side pairing.
Language: All languages were included.
Work Status: Both individual pieces and those parts of a series were included, as were completed and incomplete works.
Accessibility: Being logged in allowed access to members-only works.
During the analysis, two works were excluded due to backdating, to ensure the timeframe remained consistent. Due to the dynamic nature of the fan fiction platform, some works underwent updates or were removed during the data collection process. While these fluctuations did cause some inconsistencies, they were negligible and did not significantly impact the overall dataset.
For the 12-month periods under consideration, three main categories were analysed: total, completed, and unfinished.
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A comprehensive analysis of Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson fan fiction uploads spanning from 2011 to 2023 revealed the following insights:
2011: A total of sixteen works were documented, all of which were completed.
2012: The total number of uploads rose to 417. Among these, 409 were completed works, while eight remained unfinished.
2013: A significant surge was observed, with total uploads reaching 4,795. Completed works accounted for 4,251, whereas 544 were left incomplete.
2014: The growth trend continued, recording a total of 6,303 uploads. 5,296 were completed, and 1,007 were in-progress.
2015: The first decline was witnessed, although minor, with 6,105 total uploads. Completed works comprised 4,919, and unfinished ones stood at 1,186.
2016: A slight decline was noted, totalling 4,805 works. Completed pieces were 3,765, with 1,040 still in-progress.
2017: Uploads further decreased to 2,898. Of these, 2,297 were completed, and 601 remained unfinished.
2018: A modest rise was seen with 2,784 total works. Completed contributions were 2,275, while 509 were ongoing.
2019: The total dropped to 2,064. Completed pieces stood at 1,700, and 364 were still under development.
2020: A slight increment occurred, totalling 2,572 uploads. Of these, 2,071 were finished, and 501 were ongoing.
2021: The count increased to 3,195. Completed works reached 2,483, with 712 in-progress.
2022: A total of 3,767 works were uploaded. Completed works were 3,090, while 677 were yet to be finished.
2023: The most recent data showcases 4,018 total works, with 3,104 completed and 914 still ongoing.
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After collating the primary data on completed and uncompleted works, I wanted to look at the distribution based on word count. The intention behind this exploration was to discern if there were patterns or preferences within the writing community regarding the length of the stories. (Please note that on diagrams representing word count, the years are now in descending order)
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The categorisation of word count was structured. Works were segmented into word count brackets that started from the shortest stories, ranging from 0 to 1999 words, then progressively moved up in intervals: 2000-4999 words, 5000-9999 words, and so on due to the high prevalence in numbers in the shorter works. This structured approach allowed for a visual representation of how numerous works fell into each bracket for each year.
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If you click on it, you might be able to see the distribution.
Results: Word Count Analysis
The following overview encapsulates the distribution of word counts for fan fiction uploads from 2011 to 2023:
0-10,000 Words:
2023 observed the highest concentration within this frame with 2507 works. Over half of the total published works for the 12-month period were found within this bracket.
The trend experienced notable growth from the 14 entries in 2012.
2014 saw a peak with 4994 works in this category, followed by a fluctuating pattern in subsequent years.
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10,001-50,000 Words:
2023 recorded 1,031, a slight increase from 1,010 in 2022.
2015 led the chart with the most works in this range.
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50,001-100,000 Words:
The count in 2023 showcased the highest number in this category, with 293 works.
2016 and 2021 were equal second, with 219 works in this category.
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100,001-300,000 Words:
2023 had the most works in this segment, followed by 2022 and 2021.
Prior to this, the peak was in 2017.
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300,001 Words and above:
The numbers in this range are comparatively limited, with 2023 having the most works surpassing 300,000 words.
Most years witnessed very few works in this extensive word count bracket, with numbers often remaining in single or low double digits.
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I was also interested to find where most work stopped being completed. This is the percentage of completed works in each range.
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Limitations of the Analysis:
AO3 Filtering System Limitations: The AO3 filtering system does not readily display the initial posting date of a fic. A fic could have been started several years prior to its completion but only shows up in the filtering system in the year it was last updated. This poses a significant limitation as the actual duration taken for the completion of a work might not be accurately represented.
Human Fallacy: There's always a potential for human error in manual data collection and analysis. Overlooked details, misinterpretations, or unintended biases can inadvertently influence the results.
Deletion and Date Modification of Works: Authors may delete their works or modify posting dates. This becomes significant for older works with a higher likelihood of deletions or date changes. Such actions can skew the numbers, offering a misrepresented view of the works available during a particular year.
Variability in Word Count Reporting: While categorising based on word count is useful, it's possible that authors might update or expand their works after the initial posting, leading to changes in word count categories over time.
The data spanning from 2011 to 2023 shows that over the 13-year period, there has been a marked increase in both completed and uncompleted works, with the total number of works increasing more than 250-fold from 16 in 2011 to 4018 in 2023.
From 2011 to 2015, there was a notable surge in the number of completed works, culminating in 2014 with a total of 6307 works. This could potentially reflect an increased growing interest or a pivotal shift in the community or broader fandom dynamics during this period.
From 2016 to 2019, a noticeable decrease in the total works emerged, with 2019 seeing the steepest drop. This decline aligns with the onset of One Direction's hiatus. While causation cannot be conclusively established, it does provide a reasonable explanation.
Beginning in 2020, a revitalisation is evident, with figures steadily climbing and nearing their zenith by 2023. While this remains speculative, anecdotal accounts suggest that the pandemic, affording individuals more leisure for social media coupled with the growing popularity of TikTok, may have reignited interest in the fandom, steering them towards both reading and potentially writing fanfiction.
In summary, the AO3 community showcases dynamic growth, decline, and resurgence patterns over the examined period. While completed works have seen fluctuating trends, the spirit of initiation remains unwavering, as observed by the consistent number of uncompleted works.
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Length of works
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In 2011, the publication of longer stories (10,000 words and above) was almost non-existent. The numbers began to rise steadily, with a significant jump in longer stories from 2015 to 2017.
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The number of stories with a word count between 10,000-14,999 went from 2 in 2011 to a peak of 458 in 2014. Similarly, the 15,000-19,999 range saw an increase from 0 stories in 2011 to its peak at 253 in 2015. As we progress through the word count brackets, there's a discernible growth trend, albeit with some fluctuations. For instance, the 80,000-89,999 bracket jumped from 0 stories in 2011 to a peak of 48 stories in 2023.
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While there have been fluctuations in the numbers for some years, the overall trend does show growth in the publication of longer stories over the past decade.
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The data shows that extremely long stories (those above 200,000 words) have always been a rarity. However, there's still a perceptible trend.
The 200,000-249,999 word count range sees the most action, with a peak of 27 stories in 2023. This is growth from the previous years 17, and then to 14, and so on. The numbers decrease as we progress to the right into the higher word counts, but occasional stories reach these impressive lengths.
The 250,000-299,999 word count range has peaked at 6, with numbers generally dropping with previous years. Higher word count ranges, such as 300,000-349,999 and 350,000-399,999, are sparser but maintain a presence.
Word counts of 450,000 and beyond are sparse, with very few recent entries.
In conclusion, while very lengthy stories remain uncommon, they exist and have seen publication in varying numbers. There's a trend towards fewer stories as the word count increases, which is expected given the monumental length of these works.
Upon examination of the data, there's a pronounced resurgence in the publication of longer narratives, particularly following a noticeable decline post-2016. The trajectory of this resurgence hints at an evolving literary landscape, with authors and perhaps readers veering towards more extensive works. Although the factors underpinning this shift remain speculative, the upward trend, especially in the realm of extended narratives, cannot be dismissed.
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Monitoring developments in this sphere to ascertain whether this resurgence signifies a phase or a deeper, more sustained transformation in literary predilections will be interesting.
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djsadbean · 5 months
okay im gonna read my draft tonight and see what i absolutely need for the return of miss power fic update LOL this needs to be uploaded THIS YEAR i cant have the fic uncompleted for two years djkjhfkjsd
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
First Princess Songzi to the Stone Matriarch to Guanyin:
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referencing my updated "Celestial Family Tree" + what the monkey doing there? and the Stone Monkeys lived on FFM theory.
>:3 huehue been cooking on this au/theory for a while now
First Princess Songzi had become so digusted by her father comparing humanity to little more than beasts, that when she reincarnated she was reborn as a Stone Monkey/Shí Bǎomǔ.
A Stone Monkey who would become the last Stone Matriarch of Flower Fruit Mountain. She ruled for many years, fair and merciful in a way unknown to demonkind at that time. Her orange-gold fur seemingly glowed in the sun as she watched over her troop, her eyes warm with the light of Heaven itself.
Until the Great Flood.
Being creatures not meant for deep water, the Stone Monkey troop that had survived on Earth for so long had found themselves all but wiped out within a single tidal wave.
The Stone Matriarch wailed and cried for any of her lost troop to answer her for years. Her own mate among the missing and presumed dead.
There was not enough food to feed those who had survived the initial waves, and not enough clean water to sate the thirsty. From her grief, the Stone Matriarch and those who had survived began making preparations.
Preparations for the Matriarch to fling a light into the future.
The Stone Palace which had housed countless generations of families was left how it was on the day the flood took them all away. Signs left to tell the next generation or whomever found it that; "We were here. We lived and loved and died. Let the Earth remember us." They wrote upon the walls of the caverns and painted the rocks with their stories so that whomever found them would Know.
The Matriarch found the highest peak of the mountain, one which saved her from the flood waters, and began praying to Hòutǔ and Nüwa (as was customary) as she dug her final resting place. The goddesses of the deep earth and of creation were of great importance to their kind.
The Matriarch buried a peach seed beside her in case that if she failed, her body would at least feed the children of later generations with the fruit.
And she went into her deepest sleep.
The Boulder utop Flower Fruit Mountain had not been there since the "beginning of the Earth" as the tales said - but it might as well have to the yaoguai that settled on the island once the flood waters receeded. The young goddess Nüwa not only created a new Heavenly Pillar to repair the world, but also helped the displaced creatures of the earth find new homes to settle safe from Heaven's destruction. The Boulder greeted them to a paradise lush with fruit and flowers.
As a stroke of misfortune; a waterfall, formed in the aftermath of the flood, concealed the entrance to the Stone Palace. Meaning that those who had settled, did not discover it for some time. And the waters of the cavern eroded some of the many stories left on the cave walls.
One day the Boulder split open, revealing an egg-shaped stone. A young monkey falling out of it like a chick from a nest. The troop of monkey yao had no idea what to make of the little one. Only the bravest four cubs (Ma, Ba, Beng, and Liu) dared to approach this outsider and greet them as a new playmate.
The cub was nicknamed "Xiao-Shihou", their "little stone monkey". Later to be known as their King for his bravery and resourcefulness.
And even later renamed Sun Wukong as he had learned the ways of man and immortals.
Sun Wukong never met his mother. He never knew he had a parent to speak of. But he would learn from his time in Heaven that he was not the Only of his kind that existed once. That there was once strangers like him out on earth and in the stars. And that there might be a way to continue their work...
So he began researching ways to preserve his life and create his lone-parent child at the same time so that they would not be left alone as he was. The knowledge of Liu'er Mihou being a subspecies survivor was uncompletely unknown for millennia afterwards.
When The Bodhisattva of Mercy; Guanyin appeared in court on the day Sun Wukong lashed out at Heaven, her knowledge of her past lives rushed to her heart like an arrow. Before they were Miaoshan she were another human, and 30 so lives before that often a mortal animal or a plant. But her first ever reincarnation - the one which spearated them from their first life as First Princess Songzi - was that of a Stone Matriach preparing a safe place to bare her baby.
Guanyin could not inform Heaven of this fact - as it would put a target far greater than even now upon their past-self's child. The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother still found it difficult to separate Guanyin from their passed daughter. They simply would not be able to comprehend the stone monkey's connection to them.
So they pleaded for Sun Wukong to survive his punishment, even if it wasn't ideal for him or his people. Even all knowing - The Buddha simply could not let the Monkey King's destruction go unpunished or untested. Until he could become more patient, more wise, he must rest and mediatate upon his actions. Guanyin would approach the Monkey King many times throughout his Journey, always with the air of a worried mother. They even comforted and cried with him when he discovered the fate of the island after the war, and later when he lost his mate. Though at the time Sun Wukong he did not understand exactly why the Goddess cried with such sympathy alongside him.
And depending upon the story (AU), the Bodhisattva may have accidentally set the perfect conditions for their own spirtual grandchild to be formed.
The Goddess of Birth became a creature able to bare their young without a partner at the cost of their own life. And later in creating her child, the Stone Matriarch would enter the cycle of reincarnation to eventually become the Bodhsattva notorious for their Mercy and their skills in bringing life into the world.
As for Sun Luzhen?
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The Matriarch's Mate (Patriarch? Consort?) had not died in the flood waters as she had thought - but had been swept away into a cavern where they too presumed their love had been taken into Diyu. The Consort in turn buried themselves into the side of the mountain's base as opposed to the top - the Egg that formed only discovered over 2000 years after it's twin when the mountain itself was cracked open.
Sun Wukong meets this long-overdue cub in the clean-up effort, and discovers to his horror and sorrow the origins of them both.
Along the walls of The Consort's resting place lay a vast record of all the Stone Monkeys that came before them - the Matriarch having always adored her studious mate's rambling. The Consort even leaving aside names they and their mate had considered for their planned vast brood ("little heaven" and "walks reality" was among them), and wishes that whomever found their baby or any other stone egg take care to remember those who sacrificed to ensure their survival.
Sun Wukong drops to his knees upon reading the pre-chinese markings uncovered by Azure Lion's battle. The newly-hatched cub in his arms cooing with curiousity at his matching sun-orange fur.
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finished up all the caves for the awakening wood!!! this took a little longer than expected, but we're still on pace to get every cave done soon enough :D go to the awakening wood on jellyfloat pool - remember 2 clear your cache!
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starshineandbooks · 18 days
In honor of rvb here is a list of my favorite fics
(If any author is uncomfortable with their work on this list, let me know, and I'll take it off.)
Put my guns in the ground by slatsanford- I know this is a well known fic but I can't stop reading reading it. The author has a few other rvb stories and those are also amazing
Shake by @riathedreamer - a what if story where Grif and Simmons are split up on chorus. Captain Donut is my new favorite thing!
So this is home series byj okeristhethief - A North/york/Wash series that's a modern au but it's well done and I love it (it is technically uncompleted but hasn't been updated since 2017. It FEELS COMPLETEL though!!)
Of life guards and water polo by winterdreams -tuckington centric, but they explore a lot of character dynamics, and I adore the way they've written everything. Kai and Junior are present, too! (Background but more present than the show)
More to be added vie edits later
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thatslytherinqueen · 7 days
On behalf of the people that made drama last night I'd like to make an apology to the Hogwarts Legacy fandom! For those who can't seem to STOP causing drama in our fandom,
FYI people are allowed to share their opinions and disappointments no matter what! You shouldn't belittle people for it just because you THINK you're better than everyone else just because you have the equipment to mod your game! At the end of the day Portkey Games is at fault for giving us an uncompleted game in the first place, people like me didn't have our hopes too high either, we, just thought...maybe with the new summer update it'll be alot better! They hyped it up!!!! So much! Loyal fans of this game wanted what they initially asked for, okay photomode is a good start! I'm looking forward to using that.... but a new quest or just something would've been nice! For console players!!!
I love Hogwarts Legacy regardless, and also telling others to play other games isn't done either!!!! When you fall in love with a particular game and it's characters you cannot simple give up on it..... I will also say causing drama which isn't needed is very very childish!!!!! How old are you? You gotta be in your 20s or early 30s right? You should not be acting like a bunch of children!!!! Maybe just grow up??? And learn to understand not everyone can easily modify a game! Like you can or have that type of money to do so!!!!!!!! Show some bloody respect! And acknowledge not everyone is as well off as you, heck I'm in the UK and trust me this country is not only in a recession but a cost of living crisis, it's hard! Can barely pay bills and debts!!!! Or sometimes food etc!!! Just be a bit more understanding!!!! Times a tough the world is a rough place right now, as a fandom you should be kind to one and another!!! And respect each other, not cause so much beef between each other.
It's a game we all love, keep it that way! And let people have their opinions! And expressions! (I've actually blocked that individual since because she was just being snobby about the entire thing, feel as if she was basically laughing at us console players so blocked her)
I will stand up for this fandom until I fucking die (not that'll happen anytime soon I hope) lol but I have ya backs okay? Don't let anyone tell you guys otherwise that you can't have an opinion or anything.... I think this fandom is wonderful otherwise. We all love the same things just enjoy it. Much love to you all. Your Slytherin Queen! Lol 💚🐍💚🐍💚🐍💚🙂🥰
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kikiwritesfanfic · 10 months
The Lovebug Virus Chapters Masterlist (The Rewrite is Here!)
A Yandere! Sun and Moon x Reader
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Here is the Masterlist for The Lovebug Virus!! This story has been through sm!! And I love every single fan of it!! But it's time to update this masterlist!!
Remember, ASKS ARE OPEN for the main characters of this story! See the rules about it here.
I had started writing this story a while ago (it was my very first Sun and Moon x Reader) and I absolutely despised where the plot was heading, so I started a rewrite! And said rewrite is here!
AO3 Link || Wattpad Link
Chapter One (5.1k words)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Old Version Related Things Under the Cut!
Here is everything I have from the old version! I decided I wasn't going to delete it for the ones that had been enjoying it. So it's here for all of you to enjoy still (however uncompleted it may be)
AO3 Link to old version
Prologue > Chapter 1 - KitKat > Chapter 2 - Sun > Chapter 3 - Moon > Chapter 4 - Exhausted > Chapter 5 - Balance
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slarpg · 1 year
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SUPER LESBIAN ANIMAL RPG v1.1 IS HERE! This is the most substantial patch since launch. On top of the usual bug fixes, we have new area maps, the new Additional Guidance mode, and most importantly... Melody now has a pet cat!! Look at him
As always, Steam users should get the patch automatically, while itch users can redownload the game from the store page. Common technical questions are also addressed in our FAQ page.
To try and manage expectations here, while this update contains more than the usual bug fixes, I don't currently have any plans to add a huge amount of content to the game. Right now I think it's already long enough, and the game's structure (with a definitive ending and no postgame) isn't conducive to adding DLC. And also, you know, what's there already took almost eight years of my life to make, and that kinda takes a lot out of you. But these additions felt like they would meaningfully improve the experience of what's already there.
Full changelog below!
v1.1 Changelog
"New content":
Additional Guidance mode can now be toggled on or off from the start of the game or via the in-game Options menu! When enabled, this will occasionally offer more direct hints on what to do next in a few specific parts of the game for more story-focused players - particularly a few puzzle segments, as well as helping you find the side content late in the game.
Ultimately, the total number of hints added across the game is low. Exploration, dungeon puzzles, and returning to previously-visited areas with new tools are core pillars of SLARPG's design, and I don't want to hold the player's hand every step of the way. But these specific bits have been parts where some players just gave up and messaged me (usually at like 3am), or posted a cry for help in the #SLARPG tag on Twitter. Which isn't optimal! So now an extra nudge in the right direction exists in-game, should you ever need it.
New area maps have been added for the Amber Woods, Sapphire Coast, and Uncanny Valley! They can be acquired from Park Ranger Taylor, the beach souvenir shop (first accessible in Act III), and Rafael, respectively.
And finally, as was originally intended, Melody now has... a pet cat in her house!! He is truly the most important part of this patch, and the most important thing that will ever be patched into the game.
Other tweaks:
Unrevealed enemies should no longer have their health bars displayed when using multi-target attacks.
The menu (and, by extension, the options menu) can now be accessed during the Prologue.
Fixed the Bestiary entries for the Loot Scooter and Helper Jelly not properly unlocking in the Sapphire Coast.
The animation for Megalith from the Geomancer Spellbook now plays for each individual enemy that's caught in its area of effect. (A compatibility issue was found with the script that made AoE attacks only play one animation, and this was the only skill in the game that needed said script.)
Originally the columns in the last "puzzle" room of the Flurry Mountains had no collision because that room is just a joke and I didn't want people to get stuck in a maze that exists purely for a gag but they now have collision so that I stop receiving bug reports about it
Added new line when entering the Fortune Teller's shop late in Act IV (or Act V) saying that he can help locate uncompleted major side quests at that point in the story. (He will now also point you in the direction of Fawna's side quest if you haven't completed it.)
A backup method of acquiring the missable Spellbook in Act III has been added late in Act IV. (You can still only get it once.)
The Crypt boss can no longer be defeated in a way that makes a certain unique status ailment remain after the battle.
There's now an additional warning at save points past the point of no return.
Other minor fixes.
Enjoy the update, everyone!
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