#unidentifiable flavourful object
very-uncorrect · 2 years
Nine Point Eight
Unidentifiable Flavourful Object (UFO)
Ocean Bby
A Turtle's Heart
Yubikiri-Genman: Original, Special Edit
Bathtub Mermaid
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tom-hossain-minis · 1 year
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Me when people ask why so many mili songs are about milk and I explain the complicated lore of twin islands milkery, who are a space corporation who turn humans into milk with miraculous effects, hence the album name miracle milk.
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third-arch · 6 months
So, I got Law's perfume.
I did one spray on my drawing pad glove and thought I'd say everything that comes to mind.
I also go nose blind really easily, so I'm posting this so I'll never forget :))!!
I chose to not use the image below and just go with it.
Here's what I was supposed to smell.
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My disorganized rambling interpretation of what I smelled.
Overall, Law just smells really nice. He just smells like a guy haha. There's no better way of putting it. It smells like a fresh wooded area with eucalyptus and subtle hints of rosemary. The lemon gives it a more natural and sunshine and morning dew feeling to it. It gives it this slight edge and almost tanginess.
Clean, professional, doctor/'s office, fresh, plants, morning dew, rosemary, some mint.
It doesn't irritate my nose. It makes me feel calm. Just relaxed and happy. There's nothing in particular that makes it pop or makes me feel like waaa >////<, it's just relaxing, soothing, mature. There's a gentleness that follows, too. Like if someone was smiling softly at you or gazing softly, or like a small gentle breeze. Or even patting your head.
No sweetness nor bitterness, just gentleness and softness.
It's nice, like a slight intensity of these mature ingredients and a gentle after feeling.
The best way I'd describe it is like if someone just came out of the shower and was getting ready for the day.
Incense, like a really nice and natural incense. Even like a cologne or something.
There's no sweetness or sugary scent to it. He just smells very natural.
The first thing that I thought of is just Law's back. Like he's wearing nice clothes.
Not like the smell of fresh clothes, but just like nature and plants, specifically eucalyptus. Followed by a soft rain or drizzle. The ground still dark and slightly damp.
Sort of but not really, like if someone had spent the day working with plants at their desk, with a mortar and pestle or just working with plants indoors, and collecting them outdoors.
I think of sunshine peeking through the canopies of trees,
If I had to give it a song, it would be a Hozier song or Daylight by David Kushner. The after smell is Lavender Haze by Taylor Swift, or a more acoustic version of the song and Unidentified Flavourful Object by Mili.
This song, too,
Vivaldi Variation (Arr. for Piano from Concerto for Strings in G Minor, RV 156)
Or maybe like a piano playlist, like something by oliviaalee. Sort of but not really dark academia. (Lemon what are you talking about)
It even smells a tad like very subtly like the ocean. Just like a fresh watery, natural breeze.
I can now smell the lavender and the lemon a bit better.
A bit like fresh lavender.
I feel relaxed when smelling it. It's very mature, attractive, professional, and clean.
A quiet morning. Going on a nice evening date with your boyfriend/partner, who dressed up nice. Like a nice, black suit.
Here are some visuals of what I imagined when smelling it. Literally Daylight-David Kushner MV.
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(Insert photo of law shirtless getting out of the shower/bed or wearing a suit or the back of his neck.)
Here’s a transcript of my live reaction to smelling the perfume!!
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Overall, just reading this all again makes the smell familiar again :))
In the end, Law just smells like a guy, just fresh and natural.
I hope this helps some writers out there!!
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ratethisalbum · 8 months
#24) Miracle Milk
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Suggested by: Anonymous
Spotify ~ Youtube
(Remember to listen first, then rate!)
1 Red Dahlia
2 Ga1ahad and Scientific Witchery
4 Unidentified Flavourful Object
5 Meatball Submarine
6 Vulnerability
7 与我共鸣 -NENTEN-
8 Bathtub Mermaid
9 Cerebrite
10 Space Colony
11 ​world.execute(me);
12 Utopiosphere -Platonism-
13 Painful Death for the Lactose Intolerant
14 YUBIKIRI-GENMAN -special edit-
15 Sl0t
16 Past the Stargazing Season
17 Colorful
18 Komm, süsser Tod
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marilysugarcoated · 11 months
I have no words to describe how I feel right now
All i can really make out of this huge messy ball of unidentifiable emotion, is my unwavering gratitude.
Thank you. so much.
objectively, it sounds dumb and stupid that I’m getting so worked up over the ending of a “silly minecraft series”, but it is so much more than that. To me, this represents something so much bigger, -a hard truth i refused to confront.
Growth is inevitable, and childhood does not last forever. I knew that- I’ve always known that. and still, a part of me had always rejected the idea of change. I’d always described myself as an optimist who was open to change; someone who embraced and relished in it. I held a firm philosophy in not mulling over outcomes you couldn’t control, and i did whatever I could to keep myself in that ‘healthy’ positive mindset. I knew that if I’d done anything differently, the girl from my childhood would wander farther from my reach.
Eventually, the favourite foods id once adored as a kid began to lose its flavour, (I’d briefly wondered if they’d changed the recipe) I began to notice the slight changes in my behaviour and body language; more tentative- almost insecure. The results from personality quizzes did not match with those I’d taken in previous years, I never really realized exactly how withdrawn I’d become.
Reality was rearing it’s ugly head, and we couldn’t have that, could we? -so, I desperately clung to anything and everything that was reminiscent of the little girl I’d grown to know so well. Subconsciously, i started regressing- I found myself helplessly depending on others, unable to go out anywhere without a stuffed animal, frequently putting my hair in pigtails, and engaging in more child-like activities, (at least, more than usual.)
These past few years, I’d felt as though I had lost my sense of self. I would force myself to feel and act accordingly to this perceived version of me. ‘Turns out that this ‘version of myself’ was just the girl I was before. Before the pandemic, before high-school, before I’d learned that the world was not all cotton candy and sugar cookies.- before; where my worries consisted only of stardew and genshin- before; where being happy was my default.
Watching the final episode snapped me out of my delusional reverie, and it felt as though Stampy had allowed me a sense of closure. I was beguiled when his video popped up in my youtube recommendations, not to mention the fact that it was his FINAL episode.
In truth, I didn’t expect it to hit me as much as it did. I mean, I hadn’t exactly planned on spending my saturday night sobbing to a minecraft let’s play vid lmao. Sure, in retrospect this really isn’t as big of a deal as I’m making it seem. And to that I say; yea. lol im even cringing myself out a bit, but hey, i’ve always been one for theatrics. ;)
But really; as I scrolled through the comments (still crying btw), I’d finally allowed myself to mourn, and confront the fact that I have grown up. I could no longer consider myself a little kid,, and that’s okay. it will be okay.
This is the end of an era. further more, it is the start of something new. The real world awaits, and i have Stampy (and others) to thank for the person I am today:)
It has been such a privilege to be part of this community of others raised alongside me, and to have had the pleasure of little-me experiencing the elation she’d felt when Stampy posted a new video.
Sincerely, thank you. Thank you soso much Stampy, for bringing so much joy and laughter to us many young kids— turned young adults
It’s been an unforgettable ride:)
Now, all we can do is move forward.- Take life as it is, and carefully construct our own worlds so that maybe, (just maybe,) they can become as lovely as yours has. ❤️‍🩹🐈
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taduki · 1 year
M6 as Mili songs
Ik I’m just basically shitposting now, but I’m a huge Mili fan and they released a new single, so. ALSO, these are lore accurate, so have fun with Asra’s the most💀💀 Spoilers for the (GRAPHIC + DEPRESSING) Mili songs AND arcana characters below the cut.
A Chinese chef befriends a Jiang-shi (physical ghost) and teaches him to cook, but then a hunter comes along and shoots him right through the head. The chef attempts to rebuilt him. She stitches him up, makes him a new head, cooks him food, but all to no avail. She will never get him back.
(This is the latest release, so my summary is scuffed). Two hitmen. One of them, a real annoyance to the other, is tasked to kill them. The other is not allowed to do anything about this because they’re not a hit, but they aim anyway and they manage to shoot each other at the same exact time.
(Another recent release) She encourages everyone to look within themselves to discover the wonders of the world. The road to self discovery is long and treacherous, but it is necessary to find beauty around them. It is necessary to acknowledge their pasts and be willing to change.
Someone teaches their lover how to cook all sorts of dishes, but eventually has to leave somewhere far. The other is sad, so they make them all sorts of new, amazing foods for them to smell from afar, but never taste.
A witch kills and revives a witch hunter several times, but only to give him a stronger body. They love each other, but the hunter is in denial, so he expresses his desire to kill and rebuild her again as well. She obliges and this becomes their relationship. They are tasked to kill each other, so they do, over and over again until the world deems peace between both parties. They must now look past their atrocities and work on a healthier relationship.
No matter what the doctors do, a patient is dying to an illness that is exhaustingly dying and coming back. The Red Dahlia represents perseverance, the will to see the whole thing through until the end, except the illness perseveres instead.
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cospinol · 10 months
6 & 92!
ty!! ❣️❣️
6 is unidentified flavourful object by mili (just Barely missed the top 5...)
and 92 is eva by ezra bell!
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embretheworld · 1 year
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third prompt @badthingshappenbingo
Warning: Food poisoning, nonconsensual drug use, and starvation.
Words: 439
Summary: He was so hungry.
Prompt: Tricked/Scamed
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mymarifae · 1 year
💙song? if you're still doing that :]
unidentified flavourful object - mili
the moon will sing - the crane wives
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this song is doing things to me
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very-uncorrect · 2 years
UFO has such a good vibe to it, it's genuinely one of the sweetest songs I've ever heard. It feels like getting a warm hug
The third verse especially is like an eargasn
That every moment I've spent with you is an everlasting view
I'll shape my thoughts into little cubes
And dip them in chocolate fondue
Across the sea and the land and the breeze
I bet that you're feeling lonely
You must be hungry waiting for me
Engine powered by bitter memories
Penetrate time and space
I'm flying across milky way
So don't be late
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Hey its Music Program and I just had the WORST morning but there was one good part when Unidentified Flavorful Object came on my Mili playlist (my favorite band) and made me think of Yoosung (I blame the line about the omlette). Its such a cute song and it kinda fits him well imo.
The flavours you taught me puts me at ease Love melts in my mouth Dissolves my doubt Paprika and parsley Dance with me now No matter how far you go I'll always let you know
Listen, his love language turns out to be sharing and making snacks and meals for the people he loves. He doesn't quite realize how much he enjoys it or how much fun it is to see the people he loves smiling at something he put his heart into, but it's a lot to him. It feels like he can do anything when you smile at his hard work.
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creepypastacryptidd · 6 months
Item #: SCP-013
Object Class: Safe
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Special Containment Procedures: SCP-013 are to be kept in a Secure Storage Vault at Site-66. Exposed subjects are to be monitored for differences between their symptoms. Exposed subjects are to be interviewed daily, and any changes in perception are to be logged.
Description: SCP-013 is the collective designation of 242 cigarettes which display similar anomalies. The most common external detail between instances is the presence of the words “Blue Lady” hand-written on each cigarette in blue ink.
Subjects who consume the contents of SCP-013 through inhalation will begin to perceive themselves as a specific unidentified woman. Subjects have described the woman to be aged between 25 and 35 years old, standing approximately 1.6 metres tall with an estimated weight of between 50 and 55 kg. Additional recurring details include cropped dark hair, blue eyes, and bright blue lipstick.
Immediately after consuming an instance of SCP-013, subjects will gradually begin to perceive reflections of themselves as having the features of the woman, and will gradually perceive their bodies changing to reflect her appearance over the course of the following weeks. All changes are entirely mental; the subject’s body does not change outwardly, only their perception of themselves. These alterations are permanent, and cannot be reversed.
SCP-013 was discovered after the suicide of an Ian Miles, packed in a large cardboard crate in his apartment. A cursory search of the apartment uncovered several hundred sketches of a figure strongly resembling the one perceived while under 013's effect. Miles' body had been found sitting at a desk, dead of a massive overdose and draped over a handwritten note, transcribed below.
During the investigation of Miles' apartment, one civilian investigator became affected by 013's effect. An embedded Agent soon contacted the nearest Site; the subject, the artifact, and related evidence were extracted and contained.
Currently, two hundred seventeen instances of SCP-013 cigarettes are contained at Bio-Site 66; twenty-five SCP-013 cigarettes are contained at Research Sector-09, pending future research into similar anomalous effects.
Addendum: Below is the note which was acquired along with SCP-013.
I see her everywhere. That sad blue lady. I feel like I used to should know her but I can’t remember. I love her but I don’t know why. She’s so beautiful and sweet and clear but I don’t know any more. her favourite flavour where did you go i miss you
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moshi-roulette · 1 year
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It’s a real pleasure to meet you!
General Info
Gholam, Cakey
Jun 27
Personal Facts
He’s known to be a very sweet and polite boy, always making sure that everyone around him is as happy as can be. Sure he’s a bit of a people pleaser but he does know when he’s just being used. And sure, he may be the literal embodiment of gluttony itself, but surprisingly he isn’t seen constantly eating or indulging in random things. Instead, he’s the one that makes the food. He’s an incredible cook and loves learning new recipes to practice. He wishes to one day become an incredible chef and make his food known to the world. But for now, he just runs a little cafe with his twin, Temperance.
His food getting burnt
Cooking, Baking, Sewing
Living Cake
Fun Facts
He is actually edible and in the case that he loses a limb, he can just bake himself a new one
“Unidentified Flavourful Object” by Mili
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franstastic-ideas · 2 years
I was listening to Ga1ahad and Scientific Witchery again (as I do multiple times every few days, at this point, I've been obsessed with it for far longer than any other song I fixated on) and I remembered it was you who I discovered it through, back in 2020. Thanks to you I found Mili and still listen to their wonderful songs till date.
All this is to say thank you for being here, and I hope you have a wonderful day. I'd left for a while and was surprised at the fandom shift, but it's still been a wonderful time following your blog.
Now, back to relistening to Ga1ahad and Scientific Witchery for the next hour while I write.
I actually got someone interested in my bizarre choices of music? Wow, that almost never works out for me!
Even though I made a whole AU based off 'Ga1ahad and Scientific Witchery' and featured 'Past the Stargazing Season' in Outertale's dinner with Sans scene, 'Unidentified Flavourful Object' is actually my favorite song from Mili.
I can only imagine your bafflement at the shift in fandom this blog has gone through. I honestly feel sort of guilty about it sometimes, and I do still love Undertale (and Frans), but Pokémon has been an important part of my life since the beginning.
Thank you for the lovely message, as well as and staying and continuing to enjoy this blog.
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If you'd be interested in more of my music recommendations though, try listening to any of Vivienne's songs from FELT!
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tianasimstreehouse · 2 years
U.F.O. Jam Sandwiches
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The school semester approaches... Does your large Sim family have lots of hungry little Sims clamouring for their lunchboxes to take to school? Perhaps there is a party coming up which will require a tottering stack of jam-filled sandwiches!
The tangy, mysterious flavour of U.F.O Jam may be the perfect sandwich-solution... or at least, the alien Sims on Sixam seem to think so!
Category: Meals Ingredients: Any Bread, *U.F.O Jam (Unidentified Fruit Object Jam) Skill Level: 2 (Homestyle) Available sizes: Large Dietary: Vegetarian-Safe, Lactose Free
*If you'd like to use my U.F.O. Jam as an ingredient (Canning), it can be downloaded over here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/u-f-o-jam-68496521
Recipe is Base Game, but Jam ingredient requires Cottage Living
DOWNLOAD: https://www.patreon.com/posts/68672942 Milk & Cookies Tier: Now! Sugar Cookie Tier: 20th July Public: 27th July
If you would like to improve the translation, please send me a String file :)
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